Obituary and Cemetery Index
For books located at Bay City Public Library and Matagorda County Museum

Special thanks to Henry Hanson and Ural Lee Donohoe for gathering obits from The Victoria Advocate and the El Campo Leader-News.

Laws - Riv

Editor Shrinks From This Task


I dislike writing the obituary of an old lady. It seems too futile trying to set down in writing the things she did. She was born, grew up, joined the church, was married, became a mother and passed to her reward. The dates of her birth, marriage and death are mentioned for they are high points of her existence. The story of her life is pitifully short.


The life story of her husband would record the facts of his existence and also of his business life. Perhaps, too, it would tell of political triumphs and of what he had done for the town. The stranger who might read it would understand that the town had lost a valuable citizen. We cannot tell, in writing, the obituary of a woman of all the triumphs and disasters of her life. They would sound too petty. When as a bride she and her husband set up a home she assumed responsibilities that she had never known before. She learned to spend hours doing toilsome work that was never finished. Day after day the same thing had to be done and she became an expert at doing them. But those things did not deserve mention in the final story of her life. They were not outstanding.


She risked her life each time a child was born. There was a family for her to care for. But we can't give credit for that. Mothers have been doing that since the dawn of time.


She brought her children into the world and she washed them and dressed them and loved them and kissed away their tears. She bandaged their injured fingers and toes. She nursed them through sickness and she smoothed their paths through life and all the while she was encouraging her husband and helping him to become successful.


She made his home cheerful and restful. She listened to the stories of his troubles and encouraged him to try again when disaster overtook him, and when success would come and his head began to rise among the clouds she would gently pull him back to earth and continue the process of making a man of him.


But she gets no credit for any of these things. It is what she was put on earth to do.


At last she comes to the end of the toilsome journey and she is laid to rest. Her funeral is attended by many who did not know her but who came out of respect to her husband or her children, who are their friends. The minister reads from a slip of paper the uninteresting facts of her birth, marriage and death, and names the members of her family who survive her, but he does not tell all the things she did partly because they are taken for granted.


You can't put all that into an obituary. People might laugh at you for writing it.


--Verlin S. Sweely, Editor, Lenox (Iowa), Times-Table


Reprinted in The Matagorda County Tribune, Thursday, February 8, 1934



Obituary Page 1 - Ab - Dy
Ab-Ac Ad-Ak Al-Am An-Ao Ap-Av Bab-Bal Ban-Bar Bas-Bay
Bea-Bel Ben-Bev Bi Blac Blan-Bom Bon-Boo Bos-Boy Bra-Brh
Bri-Brou Brown, A-J Brown, K-W Bru-Bry Buc-Bun Bur-Byr Cab-Cam Can-Car
Cas-Cav Ce-Cha Che-Clar Clax-Cle Cob-Col Com-Cop Corg-Corn Coro-Cox
Cra-Cro Cue-Cut Dac-Dava Davi-Day De Di-Dom Don-Dr Du-Dy
Obituary Page 2 - Ea - Law
Ea-Ei Ek-Er Es-Ew Fa-Fe Fi-Fl Fo-Fr Fr-Fu Gaa-Gao
Gar Gat-Gi Gl-Go Gra-Gre Gri-Guf Gui-Gw Had-Hal Ham-Harp
Harr-Has Hat-Hec Hee-Hej Hen-Hew Hi-Hl Hob-Holm Hols-How Hub-Hum
Hun-Hut I Jac Jag-Jas Je-Ji Joh-Joi Jones Jor-Jus
Ka-Kel Kem-Key Kid-Kin Kir-Koc Kop-Kru Kud-Kuy LaB-Lan Lan-Law
Obituary Page 3 - Laws - Riv
Laws-Leg Leh-Lez Li-Lom Lon-Lov Low-Ly McA-McE McG-McKe McKi-McW
Mac-Mal Man-Mars Mart Mas-May Me-Mid Mie-Mil Milt-Miz Mob-Moo
Mor Mos-Moz Mu-My Na-Nes Neu-Ng Ni-Ny Oa-Ol Oo-Ow
Pad-Park Parm-Pay Pea-Pen Peq-Per Pes-Pic Pierce Pi-Polk Poll-Pow
Pr-Py Q Raa-Raw Ray Reb-Rei Rem-Rh Rice-Rich Rick-Riv
Obituary Page 4 - Roa - Z
Roa-Rob Rob-Rodg Rodriguez Roe-Roo Rop-Run Rup-Ry Sab-Sam San
Sar-Sche Schi-Schr Schu-Sc Se Sha-Shel Shep-Shu Sid-Simo Simp-Slo
Smith, A-I Smith, J-V Sm-So Sp Sr-Stel Step-Ston Stor-Sun Sut-Sy
Ta Te-Thom Thom-Thu Ti-Ton Tor-Tre Tri-Ty U Vac-Vav
Ve-Vy Wae-Walk Wall-Warn Warr-Way Wea-Wei Wel-Wet Whe-Who Wic-Wilk
Williams, A-J Williams, L-W Williamson-Wil Win-Wit Wo Wr-Wy Y Z


Index of Obituaries on the Matagorda County TXGenWeb Site

Please note
The obits indexed on this page are scattered throughout the Matagorda County site.
If you click a link, don't expect to see all of the obits that start with that letter on the same page.

Laws-Leg Leh-Lez Li-Lom Lon-Lov

Georgia Laws
Horace Laws
Vera Laws
Augusta Turley Lawson
Dorothy E. Lawson
Esma C. Lawson
Everett "Ezz" Donald Lawson
Frances Edith Lawson
G. G. "Bub" Lawson, Jr.
Gayle Joan Lawson
Gladys Amy Lawson
Gordon Lawson
Grover Gem Lawson

Henry Jackson Lawson
Mildred Lawson

Richard Dean Lawson
Willie Lee Lawson
David Osa Laxson

J. B. “Scooter” Laxson
Jesse Edgar Laxson
Joyce Marie Laxson
Mildred A. Laxson
Ruby May Laxson
Sidney B. Laxson
Cephas Franklin Laxton
Willie Evelyn “Ebbie” Johnston Cook Layne
T. Byron Lay
Emory N. Layman
David Joseph Layton
Emma L. Layton

Helen Marie Layton

Bay Van Le

Cay Thi Le
Thanh Van Le

Beverley J. Leach
Albert Leadford
Jerry Wayne Leadford
Josephine Izorah Halliday Leadford

Mollie Elizabeth Leadford
Walter L. Leadford
Kenneth Alan Leaf
Rosie Leal
Earl J. LeBahn
Hazel LeBlanc
Henry Arthur LeBlanc
Robert Dale LeBlanc Sr.
Ruby Lechtenberg
Kenneth D. Leck
Mellie Sims Leckie
Albert Paul LeCompte
Annie LeCompte
John B. LeCompte
Joseph J. LeCompte
Katie Caroline LeCompte
Leo Paul LeCompte, Jr.
Nannie Alpha Harris LeCompte
Oreley Pierce LeCompte
Paul Miller LeCompte
Helen Matilda “Jan” Ledtje
Henry Ledtje
Wilhelmina Keppler Ledtje

Annie Kubena Ledwig
Dewayne "Miles" Ledwig
Dewayne Phillip Ledwig
Donald Ray Ledwig
Ignatz Joe Ledwig, Sr.

Julius Henry Ledwig, Sr.

Luella Bender Ledwig
Michael “Mikie” Leon Ledwig
Mike Phillip Ledwig
Vlasta Julia Ledwig
Willie “Milton” Ledwig
Albert S. Lee
Amos Abner Lee
Antonia “Toney” Lee
Austin Lee
Ben Jean Lee
Beulah Lee
Bunte Gayle Lee
C. W. Lee Jr.

Charles Burton "C.B." Lee
Clarence E. "Buzz" Lee
Cleophas W. Lee
Clifford J. Lee

Clinton C. Lee
Clyde V. Lee
Darlene Carol Lee
David Cleveland "Cleve" Lee Jr.
Edith Irene Lee
Edward Franklin Lee
Emily Annette Lee

Frances Elizabeth Lee
Gus Lee
Isabella B. Lee

James L. Lee
Jay Alvin Lee
Jeannette Helton Lee
Jennie Lee
Jerry Alvin Lee
Joe Douglas Lee
John Lee
John Edward Lee
John Henry Lee
Jonathan Delbert Lee
Joy Lucille Lee
Lillie Lee
Mary Ellen Lee
Mildred Colleen Lee
Mildred Kopecky Lee
Nantie Pier Lee
P. E. “Till” Lee
Pertillar Lee

Pier Edward "Bubba" Lee, Jr.

Pier Edward Lee Sr.
Robert E. Lee

Ruth Arlene Gredvig Lee
Terry Lewis Lee
Vera B. Lee
Virginia Lee
William Albert Lee
William Daniel Lee Jr.
William Patilla Lee
Lucy Leeming

Albert Lane Legg

Alma Leona Ray Crow Legg
Betty Jane Legg

Carrie Ethel Legg
Dorothy Estelle Legg

Early James Legg
Early Roy Legg
Henry Roger Legg, Jr.

Henry Roger Legg Sr.
James Daniel Legg
James Edwin Legg
Kathy Lynn Dial Legg

Lela Bernice Legg

Lettie Eastman Legg

Luster Vernon Legg
Ray W. Legg

Richard B. Legg

Richard Hubert Legg

Roger Kay Legg
Viola B. Legg
Johnny Leggett

Irene Ashcraft Lehmann
Karl Gregor Lehmann
Leon Eugene Lehmann
Richard Karl “Rick” Lehmann
Roland Lee Lehmann
Rosa Maria Lehmann

Michael J. Leibold
Guadalupe Leijha
Jose Angel Leijha
Marcella Leijha
Theodore Leijha

August "Gus" Leissner

Ruth May Schwabe Leissner
Vernon Allison Leissner Sr.
Lena Emma Leist
Adolph Lejsal
Janie Lejsal
Jim Lejsal
Velma Pauline LeJune
Elsie LeMaster

Jack Richard Le Master, Sr.
Linda Sue LeMaster
Pauline LeMaster
John William "Barney" Lemcke
Albert Tyron Lemon

Lloyd Lemon
Lillian Mitchell LeMonds
Laura Lemons
Aaron Wesley Lenhart
Burt Lenz
Elmere Dawdy Lenz
Ernest Anton Lenz
Irma Ortiz Lenz
Lynda Gail Lenz
Essie Temple Lenzy
Jose Garcia Leon
Frank Paine Leonard
Raymond Leonard
Aurelia N. Lerma
John Vance Lesikar
W. Howard Lester
Burton B. LeTulle
Carroll Prentice LeTulle
Clara Tennis LeTulle
Henry E. LeTulle

John James LeTulle
Sallie Bell LeTulle

Sam Victor LeTulle
Samuel Victor LeTulle

Tommy Norwood LeTulle
Victor L. LeTulle

Martin Levi

Reginauld Curtis Levi
Scherry Jean Levi
Flor Esmeralda Levitt
Andrew Lewis Sr.
Annie Mae Lewis
Arthur A. Lewis
Ashby William Lewis
Betty Rugeley Lewis
Carrie Faniel “Mama Carrie” Lewis
Curtis “Cookie” Lynn Lewis
Daisy Bryan Lewis
Doris Lewis
Eliza Lewis
Elmer Cleveland Lewis
Florence N. Lewis
Frances A. Lewis
Frank Hawkins Lewis Jr.
Frank Hawkins Lewis Sr.
Frankie Lee Lewis
Freddy Lee Lewis
George Washington Lewis
Guy Delmar Lewis
Harley C. Lewis
Hattie Sam Lewis
Helen Lewis
Henry Lewis, Jr.
Henry Lewis, Sr.

Hezekiah Lewis
Horace Lewis Jr.
Israel Lee "Sonny" Lewis, Sr.
James Lewis Sr. d 2023
James C. “Little Jim” Lewis
James Claire "Jim" Lewis

James Leroy “Lee” Lewis
Jesse Lewis
Jessie Ann Lewis

John E. Lewis
John Floyd Lewis
Lance Patrick Lewis

Larry Edward Lewis
Laverne Colvin Lewis
Lee Curtis Lewis

Lee Roy “Bubba” Lewis

Lloyd Lewis
Mark Alan Lewis
Mary Kathleen Lewis
Mattie E. Lewis
Meta Hawkins Lewis
Mildred Bankhead Lewis
Nettie Harris Lewis
Prince Lewis
Robert Best “Bobby” Lewis
Rodra Janney Lewis
Romont Lewis
Sam Lewis
Sandra Gayle Lewis
Sarah Ann Lewis

Sherry Lewis
Shirley Faye Martin Lewis
Sophie Dicey Mae “Mama Sophie” Lewis

T. J. Lewis
Theresa Mae Roberts Lewis
Thomas Harwood Lewis

Willie Robert Lewis

Annie Mae Lezak
Anthony Lezak
Christy Laurene Lezak
Claudia Della Lezak
David Lezak
Jerry P. Lezak
Mary Jane Junek Lezak

Linda Ann Libby
Agnes Liggett
Milford Austin Liggett
Roberta Mae Liggett

Charles C. Lightbourn
Bonita Carol Lightcap
Jacob A. Lind

Frances Canary Lindamood
Kelly Erin Lindamood

Ralph L. Lindamood
Dennis Ray Lindley Sr.
Beeler Lindemood
William Henry Linder
Mary Ellen Smart-Lindren
Bonnie Riggs Lindsay

Connie E. Lindsey
James A. “Jim” Lindsey

Paul Howard Lindsey
Joseph Andrew Lingo Jr.
Makesha Lynett Linley
John E. Linn
Shirley Jean Linner
Christine Erickson Linquist
Erick Albert Linquist
John August Linquist
Bill Lins
Addie J. Linton
Beverlay Morgan Linton
Clara Ester Linton
Edith Clapp Linton
Eliza Jane Linton
Emmitt H. Linton

Gladis Sylvia Linton
Jimmie Edith Linton
Marion Linton
Monroe Linton

Nathan D. Linton
William Ryling Linton
Willie L. Linton

Dorothy Irene Linville
Ida Lee Linville
Isaac M. Linville

John Worley Linville
Ronnie Lee Linville
Jerry B. Lipinski, Sr.
Katie Lipinski
Corinne Storey Lipscomb

Jack S. Lipscomb

John W. Lipscomb, Sr.
Millard Lipscomb
Bruce Elroy Lister
Jacob S. Litten
Rosie Litten

Clarence A. Little
Charles H. “Chuck” Little

Helen Margaret Little
Helen Marie Littlefield

Ralph Louie Littlejohn, Sr.
Quintin Littleton

John Anthony Litzau
Michael Talmadge Lively
Charldean Livers
James Joseph Livers
Roberta Marie Livers
Albert Llanes, Jr.
Ana M. Llanes
Cosme Llanes
David Garza Llanes
Demetrio M. Llanes, Sr.

Domingo “Mingo” Garza Llanes
Feliciana G. Llanes
George M. Llanes

Guadalupe Llanes
Jesus Llanes
Juanita Llanes
Justo Llanes
Marie Llanes
Matilde Llanes Sr.
Noel Llanes
Raquel Anna Llanes

Timothy “Tim” Marmolejo Llanes

Laura Della Lloyd

Russell Craig Lloyd
Elizabeth Lock
Donald D. Locke
James O. “Sonny Man” Lockett

Luis Loera
Andrew Loff
Arvid Leroy Loff
Carrie P. Loff
Christopher Arvid Loff
Clinton Arvid Loff
Etta Odessa Loff
Hulda Loff
Louise Hurta Loff
Martin M. Loff
Robert "Bob" Victor Loff
Walter R. Loff
Lottie Faye Loftin

Adelbert Minich Logan
Dana Logan
Evelyn Burgess Logan
James H. Logan
John L. Logan
Julius Burns Logan
Olla Mae Logan

Wylie E. Logan
John Loman
Mary Jane Loman

Frances Callison Lomax

Annette Long
Annie Mae Long
Dudley G. Long
Eugene "Trey" Long III
Eugene R. Long

Garland C. Long

Jacob Hayward Long
Jessie Murl Moses Long
John Franklin Long, Sr.

John George Long

Robbie Dee Long

Robert F. Long
Shirley Casey Long

Steven H. Long

William Frank "Billy" Long
Adan Cruz Longoria, Sr.
Alfred Longoria
Alicia Longoria
Angelita Longoria
Benito Longoria, Sr.
Carlos Longoria
Charlie Longoria III
Charlie Longoria, Jr.
Chona "Connie" Samora Longoria
Chris Longoria
David Longoria, Jr.
David C. Longoria
Diana Rose Longoria
Dolores Longoria

Dorotea "Thea" Longoria
Emilio Longoria
Faustina Rojas Longoria
Felipa Gomez Longoria
Felix R. Longoria
Francisco Longoria
Haleigh Mariah Longoria
Henry R. Longoria
Jesus Maria Longoria
Juan Cruz Longoria
Laura Elisabeth Rogers-Longoria
Laura S. Longoria
Lenora Longoria
Lionijes Anciso Longoria
Lupe Longoria

Lydia Guerra Longoria
Magdalena Pena Longoria
Manuel Cruz Longoria III
Manuel Longoria Jr.
Manuel “Meme” Longoria lll
Maria Rita Longoria
James Allen Copeland
Michael Longoria
Natividad Longoria
Natividad Longoria, Jr.
Natividad Longoria III
Natividad Delacruz Longoria
Petra Longoria
Reymundo C. Longoria
Reymundo C. Longoria, Jr.
Ricardo G. Longoria

Richard R. Longoria
Rudy R. Longoria
Victor “Hook” Longoria

Annie B. Longuet
Charles Longuet

Olan Ray Longuet
Argus Vaughn Looper
Henry Hofmann Loos
Margaret Alice Campbell Loos
Connie Loose
Henry Loose

Jo Ann M. Loose
Marcell Loose

Walter Leo Loose, Sr.
Calvin Roderick Loper
Charlotte Jan Loper
Alejandra Lopez
Alicia B. Lopez
Andrea Lopez
Angelina Valdez Lopez
Antonio Lopez, Jr.
Cayetana G. Lopez
Domingo R. “Mingo” Lopez, Sr.
Estela Cantu Lopez
Esther Zepeda Lopez
Eusebio Figueroa Lopez
Felicita Moreno Lopez

Felipe Lopez, Jr.
Gabriel Lopez
Gulvina Lopez
Jimmy Z. Lopez, Sr.
Juanita Sanchez Lopez
Julius Lopez
Leonardo Lopez

Martin M. Lopez, Sr.
Mary Ellen Samora Lopez
Mary Lisa Lopez
Matilde Lopez
Olivia Judith Hidalgo Lopez
Serafin Herrera Lopez
Tara Renea Lopez
Matthew Lee Loredo
Estanislao Losoya
Simon Estanislao Losoya
Agnes J. Lothridge
Fulton Lothridge

Fulton Lothridge
Infant Lothridge
Johnnie Mae Lothridge
A. J. Louderback

Jonita Joy Stewart Louderback
Matilda S. Louderback
Barbara Aileen Love
Evelyn Love
Hattie Fletcher Love
Joe M. Love
John D. Love, Jr.
Marian Arvilla Bennett Love

Mary Love
Pearl Love
Franklin Dennis Loveless

Virgie Mae Loveless
William H. Loverin
George G. Lovering
Lenz Adams “Pat” Lovering
M. H. Augusta Lovering
Audrey Carol Lovett
Jehu Nathanial “Nat” Lovett, Jr.

Ruth Lovett

Low-Ly McA-McE McG-McKe McKi-McW

Homer Lee Lowe
Lillie Mae Lowe
Clifton Neal Lowery
Clifford Ray Lowery
Gilbert Franklin Lowery
Grace Marie Lowery
James E. Lowery

Joe V. Lowery
Paul S. Lowery
William  “Bill” Lowman
Ruth Mallard Lowrey

W. W. “Bill” Lowrey, Jr.
Albert Edward Lowry
Edgar “Pat” Lowry

Ercell May Foster Lowry
Eva Lowry
Herbert S. Lowry
Lacey Byron Lowry
Raymond Dale Loyacano
Carmel A. Lozano

Elisia Rodriguez Lozano
Elsa J. Lozano

Joe Lozano
Joe Anthony Lozano

Paul Lozano, Sr.

Paul R. Lozano

Ramiro Ray Lozano
Christian D. Lubben
Lena Schumann Lubben
Margaret Dempsey Lubben
Richard "Dickie" Lubben
Laurie Lynn Lubbers

Anne N. Lucas
C. A. Lucas
Joe F. Lucas
Joe F. Lucas
Minnie E. Lucas
Abner B. Luce
Mattie Luce
Peggy Joyce Bundick Lucero
Concepcion Trevino Lucio
Juan Lucio, Sr.
Maria R. Lucio
Pablo Baltazar Lucio, Jr.
Sharon Kaye Lucio
Audrey Faye Lucky
Preston Luddington
Carmen Boney Luder
Louis B. Luder
Baines Ludington
Vera Luddington
Erie Luder
Leola Ann Ludwig
Louis Edvin Ludwig

Maura Rebecca Ludwig
Woodrow Louis "Woody" Ludwig
August Luedcke
Eva Lee Koch Luedecke
Paula McCullough Luedke

Santiago "Jimmy" Luera, Sr.
Donna Buchanan Luke
Bettylee Lane Lukefahr
Harold A. Lukefahr
Minnie Pauline "Polly" Lukefahr
Evelyn Howard Jalufka Luker
Lee Luker
Luis Eduardo Lule
Mario G. Lule, Jr.
Longina Mendoza Lumbreras
Abel B. Luna, Sr.
Abelina Luna
Alma Belle Luco Luna

Edward Luna
Elias Luna
Enemensia “Mencha” Luna
Floyd Luna

Freddie Atwell Luna Sr.
Irene Luna
James Walter Luna

Juanita Virginia Lowery Luna
Maria Sanchez Luna
Modesta "Molly" Luna
Soyna Luna
Susie Vega Luna
William E. “Bill” Luna, Sr.
C. G. Lundy
Helen Ottis Huston Lundin
Rickey Lunford Sr.
William Stanley Lupinski

Harold Robert Lusby

John David Lusk
David Leslie Lusty
Ivy McKissick Lusty
Charles Luther
Charles Monroe Luther
Claire Joy Luther Findley
Elsie Mae Callaway Luther
Homer L. Luther
Mary Annie Luther
Nellie Jane Luther
Thomas Monroe Luther
Joy Ruth Cox Lyle
Theresa Elizabeth Gassen Lyle
William A. Lyle, Jr.
William Alexander Lyle Sr.
Alma Louise Lynch
John Thomas Lynch
Lorraine Ann Holub Lynch
Nancy Svetlik Lynch
Clair William Lynn

Margaret Hill Lawson McElrath Lynn
Ronald Rene Lynn
Allan R. Lynnes

Jeffrey Paul McAdams
Terry Lynn McCabe
Cora Mae McClanahan
Bobby Allen McAfee
Harmon Jerome McAllister
Finis Macdowell
Bobby Allen McAfee, Sr.
Diana Lynn Gibbens McAuley
Jimmie Joe McBride Jr.
Lemmon Clarence McBride
 John Beaumont McCain
Frank J. McCall
John McCall
Sno Jo McCall

Ada Rugeley McCamly
Jennie McCandless
Barbara Clark McCarn
Marvin Hubert McCarter, Jr.
Glenn J. McCarthy
Barbara Harrison McCarty
Freda Yvonne Burger McCarty
Mrs. J. F. McCarty
Larry Ray McCarty
Mary J. McCaskill
Cathy Ann McCauley
Charles Henry McClanahan
Saluda Evans McClanahan

H. L McClary
Ola A. McClary
Robert R. McClary
Rose Marie Krell McClary
Felba Ruth McCloskey
Myron Douglas “Mike” McCloskey

Keith Edward McCombs
Robert Wayne McCombs

Ruth McCombs
Hal Grady McComic
Charlie D. McConnell
Henry D. McConnell
M. D. McConnell
Mattie McConnell

Mary A. McCord
Sherri L. Warren McCord
Nancy Chapman McCown
Julia Isabell McCoy
Laura Johnston McCoy
 Mollie Elizabeth McCoy
Melanie McCorkle
Jane Elizabeth Williamson McCormick
Daisy Lee Revis McCoy

Fred “Freddie C” McCoy
Don Jean McCray
Georgia Rosie McCray
Clay Buck McCreary
Michael Ellsworth McCrory
Robert L. McCrory
Robert William McCrory

Betty McLendon McCroskey
John Harrison McCroskey
John Voss McCrosky Jr.
Mattie Kuykendall McCroskey
Thomas Griggs McCroskey
Jeanette Holloway McCrosky
John Voss McCrosky Sr.
Louise Lloyd McCrosky
Rev. Edward B. McCulley
Barbara Nell McCulloch

Henry Lee McCullough

Richard “Dick” McCullough
Richard Earl McCullough
Robert Alan McCullough
Virginia Browning McCullough

Jean Ann McCurdy
Malcom McCurdy
Joseph Boyd McCurley
Harry Clifford “Billy” McDaniel
Keith Lynn McDaniel
W. A. McDaniel
Barbara Ann McDonald

Barbara Jean McDonald
Eli McDonald
Eli Franklin McDonald
Elmore McDonald

Elmore Hawkins McDonald
Eula Sims McDonald
George H. McDonald
Grover McDonald

J. N. McDonald Jr.
James "Hunter" McDonald
James N. McDonald, Sr.
James Sims McDonald
Jeffery Lynn McDonald Sr.
Jessie Mae McDonald
John William McDonald

Larkin Edward McDonald
Lonnie McDonald
Lucy McDonald
Mary Hasseltine McDonald
Nathan Neil McDonald, Jr.
Ruby “Carolyn” Graham McDonald
Ruth C. McDonald

Sara Ida Armour McDonald
Steven Craig McDonald
Thomas Leon McDonald
Vance Booth McDonald
Vivian Orell McDonald
Wayne Simon McDonald, Sr.
Wayne Simon McDonald, Jr.
William Eugene McDonald
William Graham McDonald

Sarah Jean McDonnel
Ethel A. McDonough
Lola M. McDougall
Martha Campbell McDowell

William C. "Billy" McDowell
Janie McElhenney

Thomas A. “Tommy” McElmurry, Jr.
Stella Lee Price McElrath

Victoria A. McElrath
Dana Lynn McElroy
Robert N. McEntire
Robert Neal McEntire, Jr.
Jane "MeMaw" McFarlain

Ethel McFarland
Leila Mae McFarland
Thomas A. McFarland
Violet Odile "Lettie" McFarlane

Larry Arnold McGalliard
Claude Leroy McGee
Cody Alan McGee
Doris McGee
Infant Girl McGehee
Mary Frances McGee

Mildred Kathleen McGee

Alfred Conrad McGehee
Doyle Oliver McGehee
Infant Girl McGehee
J. C. McGehee
Manley McGehee
Maria McGehee
Maria Theresa McGehee
Nona McGehee
Bettie Watkins McGill
Eugene Blair “Mack” McGill

Carrie Jane McGinnes

Lawrence Howell McGinnes

Lawrence P. McGinnes
Andrew James McGinnes Jr.

Andrew James “Pat” McGinnis
Tammy Lynn McGinnis
Andrew F. McGinty

Lucille McGlaun

William Edward McGlaun
Alfred McGlorie Jr.
Agnes McKissick McGlothlin
Annie McGlothlin

Belle McGlothlin
Elizabeth Reiterman McGlothlin
Mary Snow Jackson McGlothlin

Ralph J. McGlothlin
Patricia McGowan
Rebecca McGraw
Earle E. McGregor
Sandi McGriff

Dave McGrue Jr.
Janice Lea McGuire
George C. McHaney Jr.
Michael McHaney
Burta Louise McIntosh

David McIntosh
Ernest Hamilton McIntosh Sr.
Everett Lloyd McIntosh
Jacqueline Elaine “Jackie” McIntosh
James Jack “Mac” McIntosh
Lewis Hamilton McIntosh
Louis Hamilton McIntosh
Patricia "Pat" McIntosh
Shaun William Hamilton McIntosh
Trixie Isaac McIntosh
Glen David McIntyre
Munch McKamie
James A. "Bucky" McKaskle

Hadley Edgar McKay Jr.
Murlene McKay
C. V. McKelvy, Sr.
Diane Murray McKelvy

James Wesley McKelvy
John W. McKelvy, Jr.
John Wesley McKelvy

Letha Delk McKelvy
John W. McKelvy, Jr.
John Wesley McKelvy

Maggie McKelvy
Mary Edith Jeans McKelvy
Nola Stroud McKelvy

William M. McKelvy
Mary Ely McKenzie

Doris Ann “Doree” Myers McKinley
Douglas Lehman “Doug” McKinley
Alma Emma McKissick
Billie Mayfield McKissick
Debra McKissick
Eunice McKissick
Frances Vacek McKissick
George Boone “Pat” McKissick, Jr.
George Boone McKissick, Sr.
Gerald McKissick
Gyle David McKissick
Gyle T. McKissick
James Luther "Jake" McKissick
Martha McKissick

Merle Lynda Waldron McKissick
Michael Lee McKissick, Sr.
Reba “Junie” McKissick
Robert McKissick

Thomas Walter McKissick

Walter “Brother” McKissick
Charles M. McKlveen
Henry McLain
Juanita Montalbo McLain
Walter McLain
Sidney B. McLanahan

Katie Mae McLaughlin
Frank Barney McLauran

Annie Best McLauren

Oneita McLean
Billie Jane McLendon

Joanne Watson McLeod
Karl B. McLeod
Lucy Jean Collins McLeod
Minnie Lois Bennett McLeod
Karl B. McLeod
Scott Patrick McLeod
Emma Ruth McMahan

John Wesley McMahan
Maud Brady McMahan
Nealy McMahan
Frances McMahon
Frances Bernadette McMahon
Hugh Fintan McMahon
Mary Phyllis McMahon
Carol Sue McMain
Lee C. McMichiel

Borden Sidney "Sid" McMillan

Flora Isaacson McMillan
Jamie Brown McMillan
Jo Sidney McMillan
John C. McMillan, Sr. 
Lila Fay McMillan
Urban Stanley "Chuck" McMillan
Dudley Mark McMillin
Sidney Claude McMinn
Douglas Lynn McMullen

Nancy Katherine McMullen

Mary E. McMurrey
Maurine McMurrey
Alberta Wadsworth McNabb
John R. McNabb
William Edward McNabb
Everett James McNeil
Laura Opal Law McNeil
Jimmy Wayne McNeil
Addie L. Hayes McNiel
Gladys Sylvia McNiel
Anna Claradene McNett
Carolyn S. McNett 
Christy Lynn McNett
Daniel McNett

Fred McNish
Blanche E. McPeak
Isaac Shelby McPeak
Margaret McPeak
Samuel Johnson McPeak

Mary Ellen McQueen
Norman Doyle McRae
Sybil McRee
Kay Arnold McShan

Alice E. Pybus McSparran

Laura Etta McSparran
Nolan Keller McSparran
William E. McSparran
Mamie McTear
Jean Ann Svetlik-McWade
Gladys Leona Tucker McWhirter

Cecil Earl McWilliams

David Milton McWilliams

Gretchen Elizabeth Claudius McWilliams
La Verne Uher McWilliams
Reverend Milton E. McWilliams, Jr.

Nola Mae McWilliams

Mac-Mal Man-Mars Mart Mas-May

Adolph Macha
Alfred “Jack” Macha
Mary Witt Macha
Charles David Machart
Josephine "Sophie" Machart

Abe Mack Jr.
James Sidney Mack
Joe Alfred Mack
Mary Amanda Mack
Phillip "Pumkin" Mack, Sr.
Russell Mack
Thomas Harold Mack
Willie Griggs Mack
Alice Mackay

John D. MacQuiston
Melody Leigh Madden
Aaron Lee Maddox
Daniel L. Maddox
Irene Maddox
Kathleen Edith Maddox

Lorene A. Maddox

Morris Ray Maddox

Mark Maden
Yvonne Geffert Mader

Ethel Nivens Magee

J. S. Magee

John M. Magee, Sr.
Michael Emory Magee Sr.
Sam Anthony Maglitto
Guadalupe Magnia
Paul V. Magnia
A. D. Magruder
Mary Kathryn Hill Maguire
John Arthur Mahaffey
Albert Henry Mahavier
David Henry Mahavier
Earl Mahavier
Frances Cornelia "Nena" Mahavier
James Arthur Mahavier, Jr.
John Charles Mahavier
Martha Frances Mahavier
Michael Clyde Mahavier

Vallie Mahavier

Lois Blake Keller Maher

Larry Shane Mahon
Mary Jo Blackwell Mahon

Andrew L. Mahoney

Kay Frances Legg Mahurin
Benny Dick Mainka
Carole Lee Mainka

David H. Maitland

Patricia Ann Maitland
Gene E. Malina
Miguel Angel Maldonado
Nicholas Maldonado
Delores “Pinky” Ann Malek

William Louis Malek
David Malina

Edith Posey Mallard
James Harry Mallard

Jay Anderson “J-Bird” Mallard
Richard Anderson “Dick” Mallard
Thomas Jeffrey “Jeff” Mallard Sr.
Paul Mitchell Mallia, Jr.
Archie H. Malone
Garry E. & Gerry E. Malone
John P. Malone
Lillie Malone


A. W. Mangum
Annie J. Mangum
Arthur Mangum
C. W. Mangum
Cathy L. Mangum
Charles Edward Mangum
Dalton Sargent Mangum Jr.
Dalton Sargent Mangum, Sr.
Demis Esther Everline Fisher Mangum
Florence Hogan Mangum
Gladys Mangum
Grover Cleveland Mangum
Hallie A. Mangum
Harriet Ann “Hallie” Mangum
Harvey W. Mangum
Henry Mangum Jr.
Jeff Mangum, Sr.
Lola Roxanne Lee Mangum
Norma Jean Mangum
Pearl Mangum
Pearl Sauceda Mangum
Robert Mangum
Sarah Grice Mangum
Sterline Leonard Mangum
Virgil Glen Mangum
William Mangum
Jessica Sue (McMullin) Mankey
Joanne Gail Mankey
Alvena Cross Mann
Amy Ryman Mann
Diana Jean Mann
Erna A. Mann
Harold Edward Mann
Tina Marie Mann
William Henry Mann, Sr.
William Manning Mann
Donna Kaye Gruenewaldt Manna
Gregory Scott “Greg” Manna
Ludvik Martin Manna
Myrtle Mary Burke Manna

Paul Edward Manna
James Thomas Manning, Sr.
Mary (Mae) Magdalene Braswell Manning

Glenn Englebert Manofsky
Philip Levi Manning

Margaret Manofsky
Oscar L. Manofsky

Viola Manry
Lorena Boothe Mansell
Robert Q. Mansell
Ernest Richard Maples

Lloyd Byron Maples

Lloyd Neri Maples
Wilburn L. Maples

Ivan W. Marcaurele
Ruby Lee Marcaurele

Becky Hill Marceaux
Brent Paul Marceaux
Rodessa Ann “Ro” Marceaux
Annie Teer Mardis

Clayton Odell Mardis

Dolores Marek
John Marek

Johnnie Frank Marek
L. Franklin Marek
Mary Marek
Bertha Margerum
Emily Maria Margerum
Hattie Emma Crittendon Margerum
Robert W. Margerum
Samuel W. Margerum
Willard A. Margerum
Rebecca 'Becky' A. Margos

Brenda Marie Marin
Elias Marin Sr.

Gloria Ann Kreger Mariner
Grace Ann Brandes Mariner
Laurence Mariner

Lorin Frayne Markley
Macie Marie Ainsworth Marks
 Michael John Marks
Freddy Markwardt
Frederick W. Markwardt
Hesel Markwardt
Lena Markwardt
Will Markwardt
Steven Lee Marlin
Erma Jean “Tinkie” Maroney
Joe Pyke Marr
Cleofus R. Marroquin
Jesus P. Marroquin
Kathy Leigh Marroquin
Lazaro R. Marroquin
Santos R. Marroquin
Cassie Ann Craven Marsh
Jim R Marshall, Sr.
L. C. Marsh
Marguerite Hearn Marsh
Samuel Allen Marsh
Estrella Marshall
Hattie A. Law Marshall
James Curtis Marshall, Jr.
Jim Marshall
JoAnn Marshall
Mary LeCompte Marshall

Mary Rosie Marshall
W. C. H. Marshall

Dorothy Reynolds Marsters

Alice Mae Martin
Alton Martin
Anna Lee Cox Martin
Brance B. Martin
Bruce Rector Martin Jr.
Callie Ida Martin
Carol Renèe Broussard Martin

Clarence Leslie Martin
Floyd Martin
Gail Renee Martin
Harold W. Martin
J. A. Martin
James Meredith Martin
Jerry K. Martin
John Martin

Lenora Michna Hendricks Martin
Levi Martin
Louis Martin
Louis Martin Jr.

Margaret G. Treybig Martin
Mabel Martin
Mellanee “Puney” Martin
Merlin Dwight Martin
Mildred Scroggins Martin
Minnie Ruth Martin
Oliver Knox Martin
Rudolph Martin

Thelma Pauline Martin

Tony Martin Sr.
Walter B. Martin
William Martin
William Harper Martin
Amir A. Martinez
Andy D. Martinez, Jr.
Andy D. Martinez, Sr.
Andy D. Martinez III
Anita M. Martinez
Arturo Luna "Art" Martinez
Aurelio “Chico” Martinez, Jr.
Aurora R. Martinez
Belen Naranjo Martinez
Cecilio L. Martinez
Charles Martinez, Jr.
Charles P. Martinez, Sr.
Christina Garza Martinez-Lopez
Christopher Ryan Martinez
Crecenciana Martinez
David Perez Martinez
David Perez Martinez, Sr.
Deborah Matthews Martinez
Domingo Martinez - RL
Domingo Martinez - CV
Edward Lee Martinez, Sr.

Elestio Martinez

Eluterio Rangel Martinez Sr.
Eusebio Martinez
Frances O. Martinez
Francisca Perez Martinez
Genevieve Robles Martinez
Guadalupe Martinez
Guadalupe P. Martinez
Janie Innocent Martinez
Javier G. Martinez, Sr.
Joaquin Gutierrez Martinez

Joe Alvarez Martinez
John Martinez
Johnny M. Martinez
Jose Francisco Martinez
Jose O. Martinez
Jose Santiago “Jimmy” Martinez, Sr.
Josefina "Belia" Martinez
Julian L. Martinez
Laura Martinez
Mara Calderon Martinez
Marcelino Martinez
Margaret Delarosa Martinez
Maria Ana Martinez
Maria Guadalupe Martinez
Maria Guerrero Martinez
Mario A. Martinez
Mary G. Martinez
Mary Louise Martinez
Micah Traylenn Martinez
Michael "Lil Mike" Anthony Frausto Martinez

Michael Rodolfo Sato Martinez
Oralia “Marty” Martinez
Pete “Pedro” F. Martinez

Placido “Shorty” Martinez, Sr.
Ramona Martinez
Rene Martinez

Roberto Martinez
Rodolfo Martinez
Rodrigo Martinez Jr.
Rosemary Martinez
Ruben Martinez
Satero “Blackie” Perez Martinez, Jr.
Seferino Lozano Martinez
Stephanie Marie Martinez
Stephen “Esteban” Martinez
Telesforo C. Martinez
Teresa Martinez
Thomas Martinez
Tila Rodriguez Martinez
Tomasa Martinez
Trinidad Martinez
Bertha G. Martino
Elvira Martino
Gaetona Martino

John Martino, Jr.

John Ottino Martino
Louis "Whito" Martino
Louis O. Martino
Mary Martino
Tom Ottino Martino

Alexandria Renee Maseda
Billie Jean Mask
Barney Mason, Sr.
Claude C. Mason
Curtis Mason
Eva Kay Mason
Gloria M. Schmerber Mason

John Edward Mason

Lois Evelyn Mason
Laura Margaret Teller Mason
Patsy Hubbard Mason
Nicholas B. Massenburg
Emma Ollie Seely Massey
Jewell Mable Massey
Jimmie Wayne Massey
Ronald Lynn (Ronnie) Massey
Cone Johnson “C.J.” Massingill Jr.
Amado Mata, Jr.
Oscar Mata
Pedro Mata
Pete Mata, Jr.

C. E. Matchett
Carrie E. Matchett
Charles E. Matchett
Haleigh Marie Matchett
L. M. Matchett
Olga Grote Matchett
Stephen Wayne Matchett
Edward Matejceck
John Leonard Matejek, Sr.

Gordon Earl Mathis, Jr.
Josephine “Jo” Mathis
Louis Dexter, “Toby” Mathis
Marianne Serrill Mathis
Rufus Arndale Mathis

Sam J. Mathis, Jr.
Arthur L. Matteson
Mary Matteson
Arthur Raymond Matthes

Bertha. C. Matthes
Betty Jean Matthes
Clara Frances Matthes
Corabelle Matthes
Edna Leta Matthes
F. R. Matthes

Frank Edward Matthes Jr.

Fred Taylor Matthes
Howard Matthes

Ida Phern Matthes
Margaret Ruth Matthes
Mary E. “Liz” Matthews

Paula Kallina Matthes
Russell Arthur Matthes
Ruth Braden Matthes
Sylvia McCabe Matthews
Velma Juanita Matthes
Ashley Dannielle Martinez Matthews
Betty Sue Matthews

Charles Eugene Matthews
Frances Matthews

Frances Louise Matthews
Ganover Matthews
Gertrude Matthews

Harry Paul Matthews

Isabella Matthews
Jewel Kelly Matthews

John Matthews
Lewis Brandy, "L. B." Matthews
Linda Rogers Matthews

Madelyn Lee Matthews
Manie Viola Matthews
Mary Matthews

R. V. Matthews
Robert A. "Bobby" Matthews
Rodney Estel Matthews

Rodney Green Matthews

Samuel Matthews
Thomas Dewey Matthews
Vernice Matthews
Vernon Matthews Sr.
Wilbert Matthews
William "Bill" Jackson Matthews

Sherrie Sue Tomas Mattingly

Edna Matula
Dan Matura
Frances Applegate Matura

Glenda Kay Smith Matura
Orvel Matura
Orvel Matura, Jr.
Victor Ray Matura, Jr.
Wanda Matura
Bobby Lou Maupin
William F. Maurer
Michael Clay Maxey

Edward George Maxted
J. C. Maxwell
Maxwell, Lucille Zimmerman
Myrtle D. Maxwell-Wilkerson

Nora Lee Maxwell
Rebecca Hodges Maxwell
Robert Maxwell
Kenneth Weldon May
Norman Cantrell May
Clarence A. Mayberry

Daisy Lee Mayberry
Lola Mae Mayberry
Lottie Mayberry
Morris Mayberry
Oscar Lee Mayberry
Ruthelious Mayberry

Tony Lorenzo Mayberry
Elizabeth Mayer
Nancy Joyce Mayer
B. Mayes

Clara Florine Mayfield
Eli C. Mayfield
Louise Holt Mayfield
Wanda Fields Mayfield
Nettie Irene Mayhew

Ralph Martell Mayhew
Annie Louise Maynard
Annye Williams Maynard
Hilda Lee Maynard
Warren D. "Bud" Maynard
Donald R. Mayo
Edna May Reynolds Mayo
Jacob Mayo, Jr.
Lydia Elana Maza
Louise Hulda Mazel
Debora Joy Mazie
Gary Paul Mazoch

Me-Mid Mie-Mil Milt-Miz Mob-Moo

Kenneth Wayne Mead, Sr.
Scott Adam Mead
Betty Meaders
Margaret Helen Meador
Lorene “Mama Rene” Meador

Otha Chester “Sonny” Meador

Peggy Means
Hilmar William Mecklenburg
Mary Culver Mecklenburg
Dora Bennett Medford
Maria P. Mendieta
Cecilia Medina
Ellis Perez Medina 
Gabriel Burgos “G. B.” Medina
Pedro Medina, Jr. 
James Parker Medford, Jr.
Cecilia Garcia Medina
Ellis Perez Medina

Ernest Medina, Jr.
Estanislado Perez Medina
Gilbert Medina
Janie Garcia Medina
Juan Antonio Medina
Juanita Zarate Medina
Katherine Renee Medina
Librada “Lee” Medina
Lydia Medina
Margie Rodriguez Medina
Maria C. Medina
Martin G. Medina
Olivia Garcia Medina
Pedro “Pete” Perez Medina
Pete Medina
Rosie A. Medina
Sergio "Budda" Medina
Theodore Perez Medina Sr.
Tomas Medina
Fredda Sue Medlock
Guadalupe Medrano
Ben Mehrens

May Belle Meier
Michael John Mejares
Jose E. Mejia
Diana T. Mejias
Refugia “Maria” Mejias
Isabel “Sis” Melancon
Mary Meles
Sabina Medina Melendez

Martha J. Melton
Ruth Loretta Mendek
Dora Q. Mendez
Margarita Herrera Mendez
Maria Mendez
Richard Mendez Sr.
Thomas Mendieta, Jr.
Betty Jo Mendiola
Gudelia M. Mendiola
Pedro B. “Pete” Mendiola
David Mendoza
Gustavo “Lavo” Mendoza
Julian Mendoza

Manuel Mendoza, Sr.
Maria Hope C. Mendoza
Marissa Ann Mendoza

Mary Amparo Mendoza
Milton Mendoza, Sr.
Richard Mendoza
Robert Mendoza
San Juanita Mendoza
Thomas H. Menefee
Melvin Menking
Charlotte Merchant
Eliza Roberson Merchant
Hammie Merchant, Sr.
Marseen Merchant
Pearline Merchant
Philip Merchant
Willie Mae Merchant-Bright
Dean Franzen Merck

Dorothy Franzen Merck

Hazel M. Merck
Matthew Ethan Merck
Nelda Fay Wells Merck
Agnes Hanna Merritt
Larry A. Merritt

Melvin Forrest Merritt
Narita Ann Merritt
Robert F. Merta
Bradley Kenyon Merwin
Christine Marie Mesey
Diane Elizabeth Mesey
Richard James Mesey
Jimmy Dean Messer
Thelma Rhea Messer

Velma Maire DeWeese Crain Messer
Viva E. Metcalf
Alvin A. Meyer
Andrew Clayton Meyer
Betty Lou Benedict Hoot Meyer
Dorothy Nell Meyer
Greg Meyer

Lillie Mae Meyer
Mary Frances Meyer
Milton Edward Meyerdirk
Audrey Hale Meyers
Debra "Debbie" Rose Meyers
Martin D. Meyers
Leonard Aloys Mican
Janie Michael
Mark Wayne Michael
Eugene Michalec Sr.

George Wayne Michael
Jo Ann Michalec
Judy Kay Michalec
Aurelia Michalik
Eva Michalik
James “Jimmy” Michalik

John A. Michalik
Joseph Wayne Michalik

Infant Daughter Michna
Jim F. Michna

Earl A. Mickelson
Jean Mickelson
Annie Mary Katie Middendorpp
John J. Middendorpp
Minnie Frances Middlebrook
Barbara Evelyn Middleton
John Robert "J. R." "Jinks" Middleton
Johnnie V. Middleton
Nell Middleton
Rebecca Estelle Middleton

T. J. Middleton

Wendell Owen Middleton
Winnie Faye Lowery Middleton

Earsie May Hale Midgett
Edd Scott Midgett

Evelyn Maurine Sutton Mielsch
Fred Arthur Mielsch Jr.
John Paul Mielsch
Joseph Wayne Mielsch
Paul Lewis Mielsch
Mary Jewel Lane Mikels
Vernie E. Mikels

Charles Lee Mikeska

Edna Louise Day Mikus

Alma Frances Milam
Beatrice Milam
C. W. Milam
James 'Jimmy' Richard Milam, Sr.
Josephine Milam
Josie Milam
Minnie Milam
Walter Jackson Milam
Wylie R. Milam

Francis Joseph "F. J." Milberger
Lillian Cole Milberger

Infant of Willie Milburn
William "Bill" Philip Mildfeldt
Ada Pearl Plummer Miles
Albert Kelley Miles
Arthur Wayne Miles
Mary Louis Ottis Miles
Robert K. Miles
Sherry Lynn Miley
Frank Millard
Ruby Inez Barlow Millard

Agnes L. Miller
Alma C. Miller
Andrew Willie Miller, Sr.
Annie Mae Miller
Betty Lea Miller
Blanche Beatrice Miller
C. G. Miller Jr.
Chas. Paul Miller

Charles Paul Miller

Chester T. Miller
Corinne Miller
Corine Jones Miller
Donald Bruce Miller Sr.
Doris Tone Miller
Dorothy May Miller
Edward D. Miller
Eliza Jane Miller
Elroy Clayton Miller
Elvin Taylor “E. T.” Miller

Emma Bradford Miller
Emma Bradford Miller
Esther Louise Miller

Ezell Miller
Frances Bell Miller
Frances Johnston Miller
Franklin James Miller, Sr.
Gene Paul Miller
George Walter Miller, Jr.
George Walter Miller Sr.
Grant Wilburn Miller
H. A. Miller
Herman Miller Jr.
Herman Lee Miller
Isaac Terrell “Terry” Miller
Jackson Ormand “Jack” Miller Jr.
James William Huntington Miller
Joyce Marie Miller
Judith Diane Miller
Katie Wells Miller

Leon Eunice Miller
Linda Miller
Lizzie Miller
Lorena J. Freeman Miller
Lucetta Adams Miller
Lucy Miller
Lucy Faye Miller
M. T. Miller
Maria Ana Martinez
Mary Jane Miller
Michael Don Miller
Michael Dosson Miller
Minnie Lee Miller
Milo Melville Miller
Mollie Yeamans Miller

Myrtle Miller
John Patrick Miller
Paul Lee Miller
Preston Miller
Ronald J. Miller
Roy Anthony Miller
Ruth Miller
Ruth May Miller

Sadie Miller
Stewart Neal Miller
Vivian Delores Miller
W. D. Miller

Wilma Ruth “Teet” Miller
Andrew Horace Millican
Margaret Willis Millican
James Gerold Milliff

Katherine Ray Milliff
Bonnie Charlene Mills
Cordelia Alice Mills
Gus Mills
James Mills
Mary Elizabeth Still Mills
Nicholas Mills, Jr.
Ronnie Mills

Vicki Lynne Mills
Bernice Shine Milner
Harris Milner
J. Foster Milner
Janie Savage Milner
Joan Vincent McKenzie Milner
Joe Milner
John William Milner
Lela Ethel Milstead

Derrick Milton
Marietta Milton
George Mims
George P. Mims
Lizzie A. Marsh Mims
Ruby Hayes Mims
George William “Mike” Mineau
Ja La Nell T. Mineau
Michael “Mike” Dean Mineau

Abbie Baker Minich
Edith Minich
Ellen Lucille Cline Minkert
Pervis Kyyneth “Kyy” Minkert

William "Bill" Gardner Minkert
Roy L. Minshew
Sylvan Louis Miori
Arthur Garcia Miranda
Arthur Garcia Miranda, Jr. 2023
Debra Kay Miranda
Katherine Frangullie Miranda

Manuel Miranda
Orlando Miranda

Salome G. Miranda

William G. Miranda
Bertha Reyes Mireles
Joe Mireles
Joe L. Mireles Sr.
Kimberly Ann Mireles
Nicanora Samora Mireles
Reyes “Grace” Mireles

Frank Martin Miska
Jane Elizabeth Miska

John Albert Miska

Joseph Anton Miska

Mary Miska
A. Mitchell

Amalia "Molly" Mitchell
Bessie Mitchell
Brenda Marie Mitchell
Cheryl Ann Mitchell
Clifford Mitchell
Duane Lewis Mitchell
Edna Smart Mitchell
Frances Marie Mitchell

Frank Mitchell

James “Ed” Mitchell
Jeremy Mitchell
Joe Eddie Mitchell, Sr.
Karen Koch Mitchell

Larry Mitchell
Laura Mae Mitchell
Lawrence Crystal Mitchell II
Lee Andrew Mitchell
Marilyn Jeanette Mitchell
MaryCathrine Proskine Mitchell
Maudie Lee Curry Mitchell
Ray Mitchell
Raymond Allen Mitchell
Vicki Townsend Mitchell

W. J. “Lefty” Mitchell

Marie Abbott Mix
Eugene A. Mixon
Hoseya Anna Mixon
Kenneth A. Mixon
Othel O. Mixon
Floyd A. Mize
Otha C. Mize

Annie Wise Mizell
Howard Mizell



Jerry Wayne Moates
Connie Moberley
Doris Lee Bell Moberley

Elbert S. Moberley
James D. Moberley
James D. "Jim" Moberley
James Ratliff Moberley
Kathryn Moberley
Oscar Rucks Moberley
Oscar Rucks Moberley, Jr.
Alan Chris Mock
Patricia Autrey Moe
Charlotte Laverne Moeller
Edward Renfro Moffett

Jennie Bob Hays Bergstrom Moffett
U. E. Moffett
James Moffet
John G. Moffet

James Edward Mokry

Guadalupe Molano
Juana Molinar
Marenus "Marion" Moll
Willie Gordon Lawson Moll
Filomena Henrietta Mondrik
Joseph Charles Vasek
Dorothy Elaine Wendel Mondrik
Jerry Frank Mondrik
Lad Mondrik
Ada Monroe
Bessie Hudgins Monroe
Carl Cornelious Monroe
Kenneth Wayne Monroe
Levi Monroe Sr.
Louis T. Monroe
Wilbert Monroe

Betty Lou Montague
Broadus Montague
Carter Wootton Montague
Frank O. Montague

Lotus Ione Walker Montague
Mary Lou Martinez Montague
Robert Wayne Montague
Ruby Lee Montague
Sadie Montague
Guadalupe V. Montalbo

Jessie Montalbo
Joe Daniel Montalbo
Olivia Cervantes Montalbo
Rosa Quintanilla Montalbo

Carol Shepherd Montalvo

Christopher George Montalvo
Elisa Garcia Montalvo
Elvira Montalvo
Jimmy Montalvo, Jr.
Maria Ramos Montalvo
Mike Montalvo
Phillip S. Montalvo
Ramon Montalvo

Roy Cervantes Montalvo, Sr.
Roy Montalvo
Ruben Montalvo
Cathy Jo Monteau
Landon Michael Monteau
Malcolm “Scott” Monteith
Dario Montelongo
San Juanita Erlinda Montez

Billie Jean (Louchery) Montgomery
Hazel Houston Montgomery
John Adam Montgomery
Don A. Montoya Sr.
Fortino C. Montoya
Juana H. Montoya
Michael Montoya Sr.

Lana Jean Bickham Moody
Lee Ann Ashley Moon
Thomas H. Moon
Velma Ann Moon
Alta Mae Moore

Amon Orean Moore
Andrea Michelle Moore
Angelica “Angie” Moore
Annie Lou Moore
Ara Moore
Arthur Moore Sr.
Ben Moore II
Bertha Henderson Moore
Billy Moore
Byron T. Moore
Carolyn Moore

Cedric James Moore Sr.
Charlie M. “Red” Moore
Charlotte Moore
Christopher Moore
Cora Bell Moore

Cunnie Moore, Jr.
Cunnie Lee Moore Sr.
Dail Duke Moore
Demetra Gail Moore
Dolph Beadle Moore
Dolph Phineas Moore
Eleanor C. Moore
Elease Moore
Evelyn “Dolly” Mellard Moore
Florence D. Moore
Franklin Dunson Moore
G. A. Moore
Gene Moore
Gloria Moore
Gloria Moore
Grover Moore
Gwendolyn Annette Manning Moore
H. L. Moore
Harlem Moore
Henry Arthur Moore
Herman Moore

Inez Moore
J. B. Moore

Jacque Hardy Moore

Jane Frederick Sears Moore
Jim Moore
John Moore

John Rex Moore
Joseph Daniel Moore
Kate Augusta Seaman Moore
L. C. Moore Jr.
Lance Gene Moore
Lavinia Francis Morris
Lawrence Moore Jr.
Layton Moore
Leola Seastrunk Moore
Leon Elisha Moore
Lillian Mulhausen Moore
Louise Wendel Moore
Malvenia Andrews Moore
Marta Wolff Moore
Martha Moore
Mary C. Moore
Mattie A. Moore
Mavis Moore
Ollie Moore, Jr.
Oscar Ray Moore
Rev. Osce Ola Moore
Percy Moore Sr.

Roscoe Moore Jr.

Sandy Sam Moore
Steven Keith Moore

Susan D. Moore
Sylvia Ann Moore
W. A. “Ash” Moore
William Erastus Moore
William M. Moore
Willie Moore

Mor Mos-Moz Mu-My Na-Nes

Amalia Morales
Andrea “Andy” Morales
Antonio “Tony” Morales
Caesar Rodriguez Morales Sr.
Father Dan Morales
Dean Martin Morales
Delfino Perez Morales
Dinonicio Morales, Jr.
Dionicio Perez Morales
Dustin James Morales

Elisa Morales
Epifania Briseno Morales
Ezequiel Jose Morales
Frank Morales
Frank Morales
Frank Morales Sr.
Freddie Morales
Gregoria "Grace" Llanes Morales
Guadalupe Sanchez Morales
Hilbert Morales
Janie Morales
Joe Morales, Sr.
Johnny Morales
Juan R. Morales
Juanita R. Morales
Leon Salazar Morales
Marcello Morales
Mateo Morales

Mary Morales

Mary Cora Lee Morales
Mary Virginia Morales
Mercedes Alverez Morales
Phillip Damian Morales
Rafela Morales
Rosa Z. Morales

Salvador L. Morales
Soila Elizalde Morales
Susana Morales

Sylvester Mario Morales
Thomas Morales
Vicenta Morales
Lee R. Moran
Emma Celesta Morehead
Ida Varina Morehead
James David Morehead
Julia Inez Brewer Morehead
Mamie Louise Fisher Morehead
William Middleton Morehead
Agnes Broussard Moreida
Adela R. Moreno
Aida Yolanda Moreno
Analyah Moreno
Benito Moreno
Ester Moreno
Gabriel Moreno
Guadalupe Barrientos Moreno
Joe A. Moreno
Justino Moreno
Linda G. Moreno
Guadalupe Barrientos Moreno
Marselino Moreno
Mary "Diddy" Grice Moreno
Ramiro Moreno, Sr.
Sanitos Moreno
Victor Moreno
Clarence Morgan
Cora Morgan
Eddie Morgan
Gilbert M. Morgan
Hamp Morgan, Jr.
Hazel Baldridge Morgan

Hester Annie Beverly Morgan

Jack Morgan
Marilyn Sue Morgan
Mary Anne Billingsley Morgan
Mary S. Morgan
Miriam Ruth Turner Morgan
R. E. "Ed" Morgan
Delorian Morgan-Jones
Jane Eyre Clapp Wilson de la Moriniere
Benjamin F. Morish
Gladys Boyd Morish
Ida May Morish
Mary A. Morish
Amanda Morris

Amos B. Morris
Annie Morris
Ben Dawson Morris

Charles Morris
Cora Ann Morris

David Wayne Morris
Dorothy Hennessy Morris

Edward J. Morris
Emil J. Morris
Ethel May Morris
Eugene Morris
Frances Orsak Morris
Helen Morris
Homer G. Morris
James Morris

James F. Morris
John Albert Morris

John K. Morris
Kathy Ann Morris
Marie Kathryn Morris
Mary Alice Morris

Mary Vacek Morris
Smokey Edward Morris

Virginia Clapp Morris
Warren Madison Morris III
William Colby Morris
William Cordie Morris
William Luke Morris

James George Morrison
Elizabeth Ann Frost Morrow
Joel Eugene Morrow

Joel Wayne Morrow
Lawrence “Larry” Wayne Morrow
Margaret C. Morrow
Martha Sue Morrow
Nellie Mae Joines Morrow

Ralph H. Morrow
Ruth Morrow
William Bart Morrow, Sr
George Walter Morte, Sr.
George Walter Morte
Rosa Lee Morte

Albert Searce Morton
Billy Merle Morton

Delilah Wiley Morton
Florence A. Morton
Gaston Arthur Morton

Genevieve Sharpless Morton
Irene “Nanny” Mabel Morton
Lester Warren Morton
Madge Dorsey Morton
Pearl Morton
Thomas Jackson Morton

Charles E. Moser
Charles Ernest Moser
Ophelia Fowler Moser
Bob Scott Moses
Dorothy Orlena Stuart Moses
August Mosier
Edwin Leon Mosier
Elsie Freda Mosier
Mary Margerum Mosier
Rudolph Elwood Mosier, Jr.

Rudolph E. Mosier, Sr.

Stella Mae Rinks Mosier
Harry Mosley
Ruth May Mosley
James William Mote
Oscar E. “Papa” Mote
Peggy Lenora Schulz Mote
Rebecca "Nanny" Henry Mote

Inez Doyle Motes

Vonda S. Ringo Motes

William F. “Sonny” Motes
Betty Mott
Mollie Marie Vandiver Mott
Wayne "Sammy" Mott

Rodney Horace “Rocky” Mount
Rodney Robert Mount
Alfred Ramos Moya
Randy Alan Moya
Wilhelm Williams Moye
William "Bill" Hargis Moye

Cleve E. “Sonny” Mozley
Earl F. Mozley
Eliza Mozley
Elvera Lea Hawkins Mozley

Gordon Alfred Mozley
Henry C Mozley
Henry Fremont Mozley

Howard Fremont Mozley, Sr.
Lola G. Mozley

Richard Franklin Mozley


Barbara Ann Muegge
Jeanne Moore Muecke
Christina Janice Muhammad
Martha Muir
Charles R. Mulkey

Effie Mulkey
James Monroe Mulkey
P. M. Mulkey
C. W. “Mule” Mull
Ersel E. “Lit” Mull
Rosemary Goode Mullen
William Robert Mullens, Jr.

Edna "Eshie" Long Muller
Dale Wayne Mullenix
George Mulligan
James Anthony Mulligan, Sr.
Marie L. Mulligan
Sandra "Sandy" Mulligan

Janet Bankhead Mullins
Ernest Gene Munch

Patty Wilson Muncrief
Martina Rodriguez Muniez
Emelia Carrillo Muniz
Felipa Muniz
Alfredo Muniz
Benito "Ben" Muniz, III
Braulio R. Muniz
Daria Acosta Muniz
Federico “Fred” Muniz
Jesus Muniz
Joshua Anthony Muniz
Juana P. Muniz
Roberto C. Muniz
Albert L. Munn
Kathleen "Kathy" Marie Munn
Norma Jean Phillips Munn
Antonia Rivera Munoz
Hilario D. “Frank” Munoz
Juan Munoz
Raymond Paul Munoz
Nelda Ann Dutton Muns

Robert Daniel Munson

Sylvia Munson
Patricia Ann Murdock
Nathaniel Rudolph “Rudy” Murphey
Beatrice Murphree
Charles Y. Murphree
Charles Owen Murphree
Christopher Columbus Murphree
James J. Murphree
Ben Clayton Murphy
Benjamin F. Murphy
Calvin Murphy
Clark Murphy, Jr.
Clyde Murphy, Sr.
Donald C. Murphy
Etta E. Murphy

Glenda Kay Murphy
Helen S. Murphy
James L. Murphy

Joan Lynet Haskell Murphy
John Benjamin Murphy
Juanita Murphy
Judith Lea Murphy
Katherine Pearl Murphy

Kenneth Clayton Murphy
Kenneth Herbert Murphy
Lenard Murphy
Leonard Ray Murphy
Lucille Murphy
Mary Elizabeth Smith Murphy

Millie M. Murphy
Minnie Brousard Murphy
Naomi Murphy

Richard Murphy, Sr.
Rosie Deborah Murphy
S. P. Murphy
Sandy Murphy
Shirlee Ann Murphy
Steve Murphy

Winona Loos Murphy
Ernestine "Stine" James Murray
Gloria Wiginton Murray

Marilyn Joyce Murray
Marvin P. Murray
Ramona LaVerne Murray
William Douglas "Doug" Murray
Evans Murry
James Robert Murry, Jr.
Katie Norene Murry

Mark Paul Murry
Opal Jennett Muse
James Luther Music
Patricia Ann Music-Shoemaker

Ida Lee Vickers Muskiet
John E. Musselman
Ruth Musselman

Helen “Pat” Muszynski
Leroy Raymond Muzny

Charles C. Myers
Charlie Arthur Myers III

Forrest Joe Myers
Gary Bruce Myers
Jean Patricia Myers
Judy Myers

Laura Lee Myers
Nancy McCrory Myers

Samuel Jack Myers, Sr.
Ethel & Ray Myrick

Mavis L. Pointer Nailor
James Charles Naiser
Johnnie J. Naiser
Diane Lynn Nall
Gerald James Nalley
Deborah Kay Nance
Donald R. Nance
Henry David “Hank” Nance, Sr.

Jeffery Andrew Nance
Patsy Joyce Nance
Patty Walker Nance
Violet K. Nance
William Henson Nance
Zelma Napier
John W. Naplava
Maria G. Naranjo
Robert Naranjo

Ruby May Nard
Edna Nash
Frank Nash
Frankie Nash

Jiva Nash
Marion W. Nash
Minnie Nash
Oralia Torres Nash
Ray Nash
Thelma Nash
Willis Nash

Colleen Treacy McHaney Nataro
Louis “Lou” A. Nataro
Albert Verd Nation
Jessie P. Nation
Nalene Emma Rofena Pick Nauman
Benito Navarro, Jr.
Rosalinda Guia Navarro
Thomas Navarro
Boyd O. “Buster” Nave
Genevieve L. Nave
Addie Nealy
Deanna Spedale Nealy
Durell Nealy

Helen Cates "Boo" Neary

Angelina Kubecka Nedbalek
Anna Nedbalek
Eddie E. Nedbalek
Ethel Nedbalek
John Nedbalek
Johnnie Joe Nedbalek, Sr.
Douglas Earl Needham
Melba Louise Needham
Beulah L. Neeley
Mary Evelyn Neeley
Robert Neeley 2003
Robert Henry "Bob" Neeley

Betty Raeciel Neely
Ruth E. Neely
Candice Gay Smith Neese
Margaret Neff
Mary Lou Hicks Neff

William John Neff
Benjamin Arthur Neichoy

Herschell Edward Neimeyer
Kerima Darlene Neisig

Erie Lee Neisius
Frances F. Neitsch

Gladys Estell White Nell
Robert John Nelon
Alton Norman Nelsen
Caroline Sue Nelsen
Frieda Artner Nelsen

Harold M. “Jack” Nelsen

Mildred Nelsen
Alfred H. Nelson
Aleta B. Nelson
Annie “Grandma” Nelson
Carrie Belle Shuey Nelson
Carrie Spoor Baxter Nelson

Clifton Whitfield Nelson, Sr.
Dallas M. Nelson
Delores Ann Nelson
Edward Wayne Nelson
Eric Scott Nelson
F. L. "Squeak" Nelson
George K. Nelson
Herman P. Nelson
Ina Wagner Nelson
James Powell Nelson
Janice Renee Nelson
John Henry Nelson IV
John Wagner Nelson

Lois Beatrice Nelson
Loviner Nelson
Mary Helen Nelson
Maude Nelson
Nina June Nelson
Norene Nelson
Rose Nelson

Roy Nelson
Shirley Jane Nelson

Rev. William Hamilton Nelson
William Ralph Nelson

Agnes Marie Seviek Nemec
Anton Nemec
Charles Nemec Sr.

Charles Roman Nemec
Eufrasina Nemec
Joseph William "Joe" Nemec
Naomi Eileen Bauer Nemec
John Nensteil
Virginia Graham Tully Neptune
Charles Edward Nesbitt
John O. Nesbitt
Mildred Marie Nesbitt
Jacqueline Nettles
Luther Nettles
Peggy Nettleton

Neu-Ng Ni-Ny Oa-Ol Oo-Ow

Bobby W Neuman
Ella Tucker Neuman
George Stephen Neuman
Steven J. Neuman
Susan Chiles Watermann Neumann
Virginia Gail Neurohr
Frieda Herta Neus

Heinrich M. Neus
Catherine Neuszer
Connie Lynette Neuszer

John Neuszer

Leo P. Neuszer

Martha Eureka Neuszer
Nalona Harvey Neuszer
Cristina Nevarez
Geronimo Nevarez

Geronimo Nevarez Jr.
Guadalupe Nevarez, Sr.
Laureano "Wally" Nevarez
Leonardo Pena Nevarez
Matiana Nevarez
Olivia Nevarez

Rodolfo Nevarez
Harry M. Nevedomsky
A. F. “Jinx” Nevill

Charlene Marie Nevill
Florence Elva New

Jesse New
Maurice Calvin New
Arthur “Art” L. Newbould, Jr.
Charles Newman

Grace C. Newman
Jennie Newman

Margaret Rosamond "Rose" Langham Newman
Anita Carrol Newsom
Gene Newsom
Nannie Newsom
Nellie Mae Newsom
Norman Wayne Newsom
Ralph P. Newsom
Vivian Johnson Newsom
Lowell I. Newsom
LaVernia Joyce Harvey Newsome
Daisy Bell Newton
Margaret "Maggie" Elliott Newton
Sarah E. Newton
Verna Jane Ross Newton
Anh Thi Nguyen
Anthony "Tony" Toan Nguyen
Binh V. Nguyen
Cuc Thi Nguyen
Doan Duy Nguyen
Dominic Van Mai Nguyen

Don Thu Nguyen
Dong Duy Nguyen
Mrs. Hoa Thi Nguyen
Jimmy Nguyen
John Nguyen
Khang Van Nguyen
Khoa Van Nguyen
Kim Dung Thi Nguyen
Le Van Nguyen

Mai Thi Nguyen
Minh Quang Nguyen

Mun Thi Nguyen

Ngoc Dung Nguyen

Que Thi Nguyen
Thai Thi Nguyen

Thuyen Thi Nguyen
Tu Thi Nguyen
Tu Van Nguyen
Tuoi Thi Nguyen

Tuong V. Nguyen
Ty Thi Nguyen
Vuoc Van Nguyen
Xuan Thi Nguyen


Haig Pershing Nias
Margaret Emily Turpin Nias
Randolph L. Nicely
Annie Mae Strickland Nichols
Marie Nichols
Ora Mae Brown Nichols

Ronald William Nichols
William E. Nichols

Daniel Ernest Nicholson

Ella Grant Nicholson
James Collier "Jim" Nicholson

John Thomas Nicholson
Julius J. Nicholson
Maurine Bess Nicholson
Donald Eugene Nielsen
Robert Anthony Niemann
William Kirk Niemann
Wesley Peter Niemeyer
Margaret Kathleen (Magnus) Niemietz
Catherine Nieminen
Manuel Lopez Nieto
Audrey Dietrich Nini
Lela Nini
Robert "RJ" Nini
Wallace Edward Nini
Donald A. Nisich, Sr.
E. P. Noble, Sr.
Edmund M. Noble
Edna Noble
Ezekiel Pickens Noble

Frank G. Noble, Jr.

Geraldine Olivine Noble
Jefferson D. Noble
Marion Jesse Noble

Mary Jessie Noble
Sarah B. “Sadie” Noble
Zerline Noble
Harry Clifford Noel

James Leo Nohavitza

Jean Karen Nohavitza
Judy Lee Nohavitza
Ann Katherine Nolan
Ella V. Nolan
Maggie Ella Nolan
Robert Rieke Nolan

Juakana Nolen
Bennie B. Nolte
Carl A. Nolte
Charles Nolte
Frank Nolte
Hannah Elizabeth Nolte
Verona Freeman Nolte
Bertha Louise Norman
Mildred Armstead Norman

Paul Dean Norman, Sr.
Torsten Normann-Peterson
Judy Elaine Normand
Justin Lee Normand

Leon Normand
Edna Sledge Norrell
Arthur B. Norris
Charley J. Norris
Harry E. Norris
Harry Allen Norris
Harry E. Norris
Harry Edward Norris, Jr.
Johnna Ruth Norris

Lee Norris
Lekedra Norris
Maude Alice Norris

Kay Grubbs Northam
Everett Lee Northcutt
Anthony Norton

Barbara Ann Norton
Florence R. “Jimmy” Norton
William Lester Norton
Donald Ray Noska, Sr.
Adolph G. "Pop" Noster
Adolph Woodrow Noster
Annie H. "Ann" Noster
Annie Laura Freeman Noster
Laura E. Noster

Margery Noster
Ronny Jay Noster
Ben L. Nowak
Martha Caroline Nowak

Stella Nowak-Harrison
Benita Nunez
Guillermo “Willie” Nunez
Frances "Fannie" Schultz Nye
Helen Clara Nygard
Lewis C. Nygard

Karen E. Nyman


Maggie L. O’Bannon
Mary Caroline O’Bannon
Walter  Allen O’Briant
Hazel Keith O'Briant
Bridget Louise O’Brien
Denis O’Brien
Fay June Flower O’Brien
James E. O’Brien
Peggy O’Brien
Sharon Lee O’Brien
Wayne O'Brien
Joseph William O'Bryan, Sr.
Carol Wied Webb O’Bryant
Mabel Green O’Bryant
Jose DeLacruz Garza O’cañas Jr.
Burt O'Connell
Charlean O’Connell
Dan O’Connell
Daniel “Dan” B. O’Connell
Herbert O’Connell
Michael O’Connell
Mildred “Millie” Bickham O’Connell

Raymond O’Connell
Wanda O’Connel
Carl Jason “C.J.” O’Connor, Jr.

William Lee “Max” O’Day, Jr.
Cynthia G. O'Dazier
Fred James O'Dazier
James E. O'Dazier
Faye Jeanette Austin O’Dell
Tonita Learline O’Dell
Jennie O’Donnell
Terrence Ambrose O’Keefe
Samuel Ashley O’Mallan
Bluferd Edward “Bill” O’Neal
Dorothy Louise Duncan O’Neal
Elijah O'Neal
Frances O’Neal
James Robert O’Neal
John Henry O’Neal
Lloyd Lee “Junior” O’Neal
Richard O'Neal Sr.
Roland "Lightning" O'Neal
Roland Earl O'Neal
Ronald Stenson O’Neal
Ronnie Stenson O'Neal
Roxie O’Neal
Truvene Irene O'Neal
Tyree O'Neal
Virginia O’Neal
Willard L. O’Neal
Ida L. Fountain O’Neil
James M. O’Neil
David Daniel O'Rear
Harvey Daniel “Dan” O’Rear
Margaret O’Rear
B. H. Oakley
John H. Oates

Maggie Mae Oates
Opal Idella Walker Oates
Janie P. Ocanas

Beatrez Ochoa

Karen Ochoa
Katie Ochoa
Uriel Ochoa
Glenn Wade “Skipper” Odom
Herman W. Odom, Jr.
Marcelle Anne Odom
Robin Gerald Odom
Robbins P. Odom Rev.
Vivian Odom
Hugh Keary Ogden

Elnora A. Oglesby
Terry Oglesby
Carl Raymond Ogletree, Jr.
Carl Raymond Ogletree III
Guy Neal Ogletree
Ashley Anntonette Richardson-Ogunba
Jack B. Oldham
Marian "Pat" Henson Oldham
Ney Oldham Jr.

Virginia Nell Motes Oldham
Andres Olguin

Gregoria Martinez Olguin
Jose Andres Olguin
Margie Olguin
Lydia Rodriquez Olide

Gabriel J. Olivares
Amando Olivarez

Azilee (Lee Wood) Oliver
Clarence Andrew Oliver
Curtis Sterling Oliver
Della S. Oliver
Frieda Kettler Oliver

Glen Dale Oliver
Lula Mae Reeves Oliver
Waldine Alice "Deenie" Oliver
Elva Olivo
Jesus Olivo, Sr.
Juan Ollervidez
Alton Olivious Olson
Ellen Waters Olson

Elsie Olson
Lloyd Morris Olson
Marie Cleo Olson

Bruno Olvera Sr.
Walter Gerhard Oncken
Margie Ondreas

Lenora Alice Cummings Ooms
Jeanette Cecile Opella
Sophie Opsal
Alice S. Orchard
Amelia Zepeda Ordoñez
Maria Ordonez
Matthew E. Ordoñez Jr.

Matthew Vega Ordonez
Pedro Ordoñez
Xavier Lee Ordonez
Sheila Denise Ormand
Adela N. Oros
Anita C. Oros
Beatrice Suniga Oros
Beatriz Oros
Candelario Oros III
Candelario Oros Sr.
Eleno Oros
Eliza Vera Oros
Gloria Palomares Oros
Jessie Oros
Johnny Oros
Juan Oros Sr.
Maria Oros

Modesto Oros
Reynaldo Oros
Santiago Oros Sr.
Santiago G. Oros, Jr.
Sebastian Oros

Michael Orozco
Refugio S. Orozco
Deborah Ann “Debbie” Dodson
Franky DeWayne Ray Orr

Hubert Orr, Jr.
Hubert Dewayne Orr
James "Rodney" Orr Sr.
Lillie Mae Orr
Robin Douglas Orr
Gayle Falks Orsag
Anna Marek Orsak
C. C. Orsak
Charles Edward "Chuck" Orsak
Elizabeth “Betty” Orsak
Frank Victor Orsak
Gary Orsak
George Patrick Orsak
George William Orsak, Jr.
Georgia A. Orsak
Irene Agnes Cecelia Zielonka Orsak
Jerry George Orsak

John Orsak
John L. Orsak
Leo Edward Orsak

Leonard G. Orsak
Louise Ann Gurecky Orsak
Marie Ann Orsak

Marilyn Marie Dreher Orsak
Thelma Gloria Kutach Orsak

Aaron Gunner Ortiz
Alfred Quiroz Ortiz
Chloe’Anna Sheets-Ortiz
Enriqueta “Katie” Ortiz

Ezequiel Ortiz
Hortencia Ortiz

Isidro Ortiz
Joyce Ann Orsak
Manuel Nicolas Ortiz
Marei Bea Elizondo Ortiz

Margaret Ortiz
Yoni Daniel Ortiz-Chavez
James Lee Orton

William Jolly Orton, Sr.
Connie Jo Lankard Ory
Anne E. Osborne
Elsie Osborne
Frank James Osborne
John W. Osborne
Terry Lee Osborne
Violet Jean Osborne
Becky Brandon Bolling Osland
Alberta Trevino Osuna

Nicolas Osuna

Eva Dorothy Ottino
Henry V. Ottino

John "Jay'" V. Ottino
Mary Patricia "Choc" Ottino
Rebecca C. Ottino

Anna C. Ottis
Charles Stoermer Ottis
Clarice Ottis
Diane Lynn "Ruthie" Ottis

Edward Ottis
Ella M. Ottis

Evelyn “Lynn” Angeline Ottis
George Peter Ottis, Jr.
Joseph John Ottis
Matt Ottis
Matthias John Ottis Jr.
Robert R. Ottis
Thomas Michael “Mike” Ottis, Jr.
Tom M. Ottis
Ernestine Outley

Clarence L. Overman

Katherine Overman
Pamela Overstreet
Bennie Erven Owen
Bessie Mae Owen
David Wayne Owen
Donald S. Owen
Dorothy Joan Owen

Dusty Lane Owens
J. R. “Dad” Owens

Kendall Byron Owen

Leo "Skipper" Owen
Martha Owen

Myrtle A. Prukop Owen
Asma Sophie Badouh Owen
Najeb Kalil Owen
Ralph Douglas Owen
Shirley Ann Owen
Cheryl Roberts Owens

Dorothy W. Owens
Edward Smith Owens
Ethel Sisk Owens
Mark Owens
Susie Matthews Owens
Vernon Leslie Owsley

Pad-Park Parm-Pay Pea-Pen Peq-Per

Clarence Buell Padgett
Clarence “Sonny” Padgett
Elvira Moreno Padilla
Manuel Padia
Sofia T. Padia
Anastacio Padron
Maria Bernabe "Nina" Padron
Alarah Hinman Page
Deamus Cleveland Page

Hattie Lee Page
Hugh Mac Page
James L. Page

Nita Jean Page
Raymond Page
Earnest Paige
Dave Paine
Rev. Robert Paine
Danny Lee Painter
Ricarda Navarro Palacios
Antonio Palette

Andrew J. Palmer
Bess Sayers Palmer
Colton Michael Palmer
Effie Palmer
Elizabeth Palmer
Palmer Infant
R. G. Palmer
William Paul Palmer
Alfredo Zamora Paniagua
Helen Valdez Paniagua
Miguel Paniagua Jr.
Wilfrido Paniagua
Oma M. Pape
Jeanne Oler Pappas
Joe Junior Parada

Virginia Pardo
Mary "Mamie" Kerr Pardue
Yolanda Escamilla Paredes

Jessie Vernon Parent

Myrtle Lee Thurmond Parish

Robert L. Parish
Allie Hazle Parker
Almon B. “Billy” Parker
Ella Frances Vaughn Parker

Eugene Earl Parker
Glenith Marie Legg Parker

Herbert Hackley Parker
Howard Albert Parker
Jay Parker
Jeff Parker
John Parker
Joyce Elaine Parker
Keith Allen Parker
Lula A. Parker

Lula Strong Parker

Philip E. Parker

Philip Hackley Parker
Samuel Parker
Steven Bradley Parker
Tece Parker
Zirtie Mae Parker
Lillian Belle Parkins
Andrew Lee Parks Jr.
Clyde Parks
Cynthia Ann Parks
Dorothy Parks - Markham
Dorothy Parks - Shiloh
Esther Marie Wilson Parks
Harris “Shortie” Parks
Herman Lee Parks Jr.
Herman Lee Parks Sr.
Joe Parks
Johnny C. Parks
Josephine Mitchell Parks
Maresa Tone Parks
Marjorie Faye Sparks Parks
Rose Etta Holmes Putnam Day Parks

Theresa Nemec Parks
Van Parks
Violet Hope Davis Parks


Hubert Lang Parma
Thelma Jean "Jeanie" Parma
Eddie Raye Parr, Sr.
Irene Ann Parr
Jessie Lee Parr
Kenneth Ray Parr

Walter Parr III
Lula Parrish
R. L. Parrish

Austin John Parrott
George Lee Parsley
Anthony Parson
Christina Rodriguez Parson

Mansfield Parson, Jr.
Joyce Lucille Smith Parsutt
Steve William Parsutt
Tom Parsutt
Charles N. Partain
J. A. Partain
Jack Everett Partain
James E. "Jimmy" Partain

John Alfred Partain
Martha Frances Smith Partain

Melba Ruth Partain
Rayfield "Daddy Ray" Partain, Sr.
Robert A. Partain
Ruth F. Partain

Anna Fern Parten

John W. Parten
Marcus “Mark” Parten
Ernest Partida
E. C. J. Pasal
Sarah Emmaline Pasal

Jo-Ann Pask
Esther Pate
William T. Pate
Donna O. Patrick

Anita Collins Patterson
Arthur J. Patterson
Berry Andy Patterson
Bluford Patterson
Buna Wright Patterson
Charles Patterson
Eileen Ruth Moberley Patterson
Emma Patterson
Frances Patterson
George Willis Patterson
Grady Cecil Patterson Jr.
Herbert B. Patterson
Herbert N. Patterson
Howard C. Patterson

Ira James Patterson
James W. Patterson
Letty Arlene Patterson
Lillie Patterson
Mathew Patterson
Matthews Patterson

Oran Knox Patterson
Thomas Floyd Patterson
Winnie Mae Patterson

Viola Williams Pattinson
Lucy Watson Patton

Daniel D. Paulk
Elster Howard Paulk

James Knox Paulk
John Franklin Paulk
Joseph Montgomery Paulk
Lenora Blazier Paulk
Violet Evans Paulk

William A. Paulk, Jr.

Julia Lee Paulson
Liddie Zemanek Pavelka

Anthony Emil Pavlik
Barbara Sue Pavlik
Jaro August Pavlik
Robert Alan Pavlow

Alice Dixon Pavlu

Darcy Wayne Pawelka

Michele Ann Pawlosky

Clarence A. Paxton
Barbara Jean Morehead Robertson Payne
Carrol D. Payne
Ed Payne

Gerald Vernon Payne
Gertrude Payne

Martha Susan Flint Payne
Zack Payne
Louis Payton
Elias Paz

Emma Robbins Pea
Mrs. Melvin Odems Pea
Hugh D. Peabody
Johnye McGehee Peabody
Marion Katherine Peabody

Annie Julia Pearce

Francis Dorton Pearce

Harold Ben Pearce
Lillie Mae Green Pearce
Lilly Bell Pearce
Lois Elaine Pierce
Edward R. Pease
Marion Pease
Nettie Masters Pease
Henry Pecha
Robert F. Peden, Jr.
Virginia LeTulle Peden

William Louis Pedersen
Gene Olan Peebles
Kathleen E. Peerbolte

Robin Alice Davis Pekar

Abelardo Pena, Sr.

Antonio “Tony” Pena, Sr.
Blas Pena
Concepcion Benavides Pena
David Pena
Daniel Phillip Pena III
Eduviges Pena
Elibario Pena
Fred Pena, Jr.
Janie Pena
John Pena
Johnny Pena
Lawrence Robert Pena
Leocadia “Caya” Pena
Maria Garcia Pena
Mary Ann Pena

Manuel Pena
Marie Tomasita Ruiz Pena

Petra Palacios Pena

Ramona Pena
Teodula Pena
Carl Pendergrass
Alicia "Lisa" Alvarado Pendleton
Hilda Long Pendleton

Daniel M. Penick
Sara Alford “Bunny” Penick

A.A. Penland
Aaron Brown Penland Jr.

Aaron Brown Penland Sr.
Altha A. Penland II
Elisha "Gene" Penland
Grady Clyde Penland

James Earl Penland Sr.
James Leo Penland
Marguerite Irene Penland
Paul M. Penland

Paul Mitchell Penland

Ray Lee Penland

Ray Lee Penland, Jr.
Rhoda Lorene Cupps Penland

Ruby Sanders Penland

Vannie Huffhines Penland
James Allen Pennington
John Edward Pennington
John Maurice Pennington
Mamie Marie Pennington
Meta Pennington
Mildred Ward Pennington
Nerva Stubblefield Pennington

Paul S. Pennington
Ted Pennington, Jr.
Clay Penny

Coussie Faye McKenzie Penny
Gladys M. Penny

Lafayette David Penny
Lola Darby Penny
Mollie Belle Matthews Penny

Walter Penny
William Lee Penny
William Matthews Penny
Bobby Penrice Sr.
Eleanor "Momma Lena" Penrice
Paul Penrice, Jr.
Paul Penrice, Sr.

Will Guy Pentecost
A. A. Pepperman

Alicia A. Pequeno
Pauline Pequeno
Pedro G. Pequeno
Severiano Pequeno
Jimmy Perales
Tarah Marie Perales
Sharon LeMerle McKenzie Perdue
Ellen Rodriguez Peres
Jeanean C. Peres
John J. Peres
Abelardo Herrera Perez

Alexander G. Perez
Amalia Leigh Perez
Anastancia Perez
Anita Guzman Perez
Ascencion C. Perez
Ascencion Perez
Barbarita Acosta Perez
Constancia L. Perez
Cornelia Perez
Daniel Benavides Perez

Dolores Perez
Edith Weiss Perez
Fernando John Perez
Fidela Perez
Frances G. Perez

Francisco (Frank) Xavier Perez
Gabriel Perez
Geneva Perez
George Perez
Gloria Perez

Henry Perez, Jr.
Henry Lopez Perez

Henry Valdez Perez

Hilario Perez
Hipolito “Paul” Perez
Jesse Perez
Jesus G. Perez
Joe Perez
Joe Alvarez Perez
John Perez
John C. Perez
Johnny J. Peres, Jr.

Jose "Joe" Perez
Juan C. Perez
Larry Perez
Larry G. Perez

Lidia Perez
Lorenza Perez
Lorenzo Perez
Maclovia Gutierrez Perez
Manuel Perez
Manuel Perez, Jr. Palacios
Manuel Perez, Jr. RL
Manuel Odon Perez
Marcus Lee Perez
Margarita Perez
Margarita H. Perez
Maria Alvarez Perez
Maria Concepsion Perez

McArthur Valderaz Perez

Nicholas Perez
Nieves P. Perez
Olga Perez
Paul Lopez Perez
Pedro L. “Pete” Perez
Rafael “Ralph” Perez
Rosie Solis Perez
Sadie Nicole Perez
Santos Alvarez Perez
Stella Perez
Thomas Garcia Perez
Tomas R. “Chano” Perez
Tony Antonio Perez
Trinidad L. Perez

Trinidad Perez Jr.
Vickie Perez
Victor L. Perez
Olive S. Perham
Maxine Bates Perkins
Willie Mae McGinnes Perkins

Patrick “Captain” Perowski
Ed Perro

Charles Kenneth Perry
Cora Alice Bell Perry
Don Perry, III
Don Weldon Perry
Doyle Alexander Perry

Geneva Perry
Guy F. Perry
 Ida Lou Perry

Irene Amelia Perry
Khalesia A’leigh Ellis-Perry

Knoxye Fay "Pat" Wilbur Boulton Perry
Mordello Stephen Perry
Nelda Joyce Perry
S. F. Perry
Sharon Grace Perry
Tonia King Perry
James Wallace Perry
Janet Marie Hill Persick
Edith Sansel Persons

Pes-Pic Pierce Pi-Polk Poll-Pow

Adolph Joseph Pesak
Bohus “Bob” Frank Pesak
Edna Marie Pesak
Elizabeth Pesak
Emilie Pesak
Grant Keith Pesak
Edyth G. Head Peschel
Edward F. Pesek
Jerome Pesak
Marie Pesak
Edwin J. Peter
Texana Melinda Peter
Edwin Frank Petering
Earl Hartman Peters
Jack Vincent Peters
James “Shakey” Peters, Jr.
James Peters, Sr.
Odelia Faye Peters

Thomas McKinley Peters
Ann Lee Petersen
Axel Henry Petersen
Charles David Petersen
Irvin T. Petersen
Letha Yearwood Petersen
Pamela Rae Petersen
Signe K. Petersen
Curtis "Pete" Beaumont Peterson
Ella Gade Peterson
Emily Patterson
Frances Peterson
Kenneth Lee Peterson

Lenora Louisa Peterson
Lillian Estelle Peterson
N. A. Peterson
Rita Chamberlain Peterson
Robert A. Peterson, Jr.
Ernest Petitt Sr.
Millie Petitt

Emma Williams Petrosky

Kathleen June Petrosky
Barbara Petrucha
Conception Ramos Petrucha
Julia M. Petrucha
Ruby Pearl Landrum Petrucha
Tom J. Petrucha

Jerry James Peter
Tom Petrucha
Albert Petteway
Beverly Ann Petteway
Frank Henry Petteway Sr.
John Dane Petteway, Sr.
Lazarus Petteway
Otis James Petteway, Sr.
Ruby Lee Petteway
Wilmer Petteway Jr.
Wilmer Petteway, Sr.
Melvin “Kate” Pettie
Will Pettie
James T. "Jim" Pettis
Jaylynn Pettis
Earnest Pettit Jr.
Raymond Pettit
Roosevelt Pettit
Shirley Jean Pettit
Sanford N. Petty
Sharon Petty
Harvey Pevehouse
Maudie Jenkins Peveto

Otheo Norris "Pete" Peveto

Huy Ngoc Pham

Joseph Trinh Duc Pham
Vera Lillian Riddle Pharis
Suresh Philip
Ada Moore Phillips
Amelia Phillips
Booker T. Phillips
Cindy Phillips
Cynthia Ann Petter Phillips

E. H. Phillips
Edward Hugh Phillips
Ermond Thord Phillips
Frank Phillips
George B. Phillips
Grace Phillips

H. A. Phillips

J. B. Phillips
John A. Phillips

Joycelyn Rita Phillips

Kyle Carlton Phillips, Sr.
Lance Phillips
Lila Belle Warren Phillips
Mable Cook Phillips
Mack I. Phillips
Margaret Elaine Phillips
Mark Bradley Phillips
Mary Phillips
Mozelle S. Phillips
Naomi Phillips
Noel W. Phillips
Raymond T. Phillips
Ruby Phillips
Shirley Ann Williams Phillips
Simmie Mary Phillips
Stella Pearl Hauff Phillips

Stella Rickaway Phillips

Sue Margaret Phillips
Thelma F. Phillips
W. S. Phillips
Wheeler Piercy Phillips
Donna Lynn Sharp Pick

Loula Pickel
Margaret Pickel
Una Tine Pickel

Claud Edward Pickett

Laura Francis Pier
Norris Gault Pier
Abel "Bink" Pierce

Abel Brown Pierce, Sr.

Abel Head "Shanghai" Pierce

Adelaide Emily Hall Pierce
Allen Pierce
Annie Porter Pierce

Benjamin Bull Pierce
Clinton Lacy Pierce
Curtis D. Pierce

Donald Yeatts Pierce
Elsie Minnie Elizabeth Brokmeyer Pierce
Evelyn Pierce
Frances Lacy "Fannie" Pierce
Hall Edwards Pierce
Hattie Pierce
Helen Louise Pierce
Jack Lamar Pierce
Jedie Chiles “Pie” Pierce
John Phillips Pierce
John Roy Pierce
Johnathon Edward Pierce
Jonathan Edwards Pierce
Lee Edward Pierce
Lee Hall Pierce
Lee Mudge “Tick” Pierce
Mary Louise Keller Pierce
Michael Abel Pierce
Michael Edwards Pierce
Minnie Pierce

Nancy Deborah Lacy Pierce
Ona Lea Schroeder Pierce
Richard L. Pierce
Ruby Redkey Pierce
Ruth Harrison Pierce
Stella Y. Pierce

Terril Pierce
Francis Sylvester Pierson

J. D. Pike
Sarah Eliza Pile
Blanca Garza Pina
Adan Ortega Pina
Lydia Ann Pinchin
Richard J. Pinchin
Joe Pineda
Sofia Pineda
Helen Pinkston
Montray Pinkston Jr.
Annie Skopik Pinter

Terry L. Pitcock
Annette Marie Pittman
Charlie Dean Pittman
Peggy Lawson Pittman

Clarence “Red” Michael Piwonka, Sr.
Darrell Joe Piwonka
Emma Jean Piwonka
Gregory John Piwonka

Jean Ann “Mimi” Piwonka
J. L .Placencio
Josephine Placencio

W. H. "Billy" Plagermann
Joe Eugene Plant
Terri Jo Plant

Aletha Platt
Amir LeJuan Griggs Player
Ida Mae Pleasant
Jewel Pleasant
Hugo Pless
Leroy Pless
G. L. "Bud" Plummer
Isom Peter Plummer
Velma Jackson Plummer

Alma Lee Plunkett
Eddie A. Plunkett Sr.

Edna L. Plunkett
Jimmy Lee Plunkett

Sheila Plunkett
Emogene "Jean" M. Poe

Jurldean “Jerry” Poe
Albina Poessel
August Poessel
Louis August Poessel, Sr.
Ruby Mae Poessel

Castle Jack Pogue
Jack Junior Pogue
Adam Troy Pointer Sr.
Andrew Houston Pointer
Arlye Dean Pointer
Carl Wayne Pointer
George John Pointer
Korlan Johnson Pointer
Laverne Williams Pointer

Lawrence C. Pointer
Louis Eddie Pointer, Jr.

Louise Socha Pointer
Ola Mae Pointer

Marcel Ernest Poirrier, Jr.
Edwin Frank Polasek
Joe Ann Menefee Polasek
D’Janin Pollard

Ima Jene Wilson Polensky
Lawrence Polensky

Lillian Polensky
Mary Anne Luchak Polensky
Mary Esther Polensky
Russell Polensky

Stanley Polensky
Charlie W. Polifka
Billie Polk
Debbie Louise Polk
Dwight Polk
Earline Haynes Polk
Elnora Thompson Polk
Emma Reed Polk
Glen Edward Polk
Harry Lewis Polk
Leonard James Polk
Lester Charles Polk
Lillie B. Polk
Oscar Polk

Robert Lee Polk Sr.

Roy Alton Polk
Sylvester Polk III


Ann Lee Pollard
Bettye Jean Frida Richardson Pollard
Claire F. Pollard

Hudson D. Pollard
Hudson Donald Pollard
W. T. Pollard
Anne Dorothy Gritzman Poncik
Paulina Poncik
Jessie Mae Baker Ponder
Joseph Lee Ponder
Penni Reynolds Ponder
Myrna Virginia Pontiff
Patricia Jean Harris Pool
Hardy Poole

Donald Keller Poole
Joseph Preston Poole
Marguerite Huebner Poole
Mark Keller Poole Dr.
Martha Elizabeth Keller Poole
Ada Pope
Carl William Pope

John David Popek
Leona Popek
Louis Daniel Popek
Mary Frances Popek
Ralph John Popek

Glen Leroy Pore
Louis Porras
Ophilia Porras
Tebo Porras

Erma Lee Portee
Bonnie Faye Porter
Bonnie Jean Porter
Donald Eugene Porter
Laura Beatrice Porter
Mildred Hogan Richardson Porter
Oscar Porter
Pearl Inez Porter
Robert Alton 'Bob' Porter, Sr.
Tennie Mae Benge Porter
Vance Benge Porter
Vance C. Porter
Georgianna Posey
George N. Posey
Julia Austin Posey
Lora Edith Posey
Edna Ducros Pospisil
Charles Anthony “Tony” Poss
Burton "Burt" William Post

Debra Bodenburg Poston
Mary Poteet
Amanda Clarica Potter
Henry Grant Potter
Rev. Edmund A. Potts
Benjamin F. Potts

Chloe Rugeley Pounds

Benjamin Franklin Powell, II
Carrie Powell
Frances L. Loos Powell

Harry Lane Powell

Henry Edward Powell
James Austin Powell
James Warren Powell
Jessie Powell
Joe Powell
Joel Herman Powell
John Robert Powell

Lucy Bounelle Powell

Melanie Faye Powell
Minnie Louise Cohn Powell
Ola Merle Powell
Robert Merrill Powell
Sammy Lee Powell
Sarah Hartsfield Powell
Thelma Roberta Spiller Powell

Tommye Epperson Powell
Willie Mae Powell

Edward Doyle Powers

Eldon C. Powers
Jeanne Sanders Powers
Jimmy L. Powers, Sr.

Pr-Py Q Raa-Raw Ray

Dorothy Louise Hickl Pratka
Stella Pratt
W. E. Pratt

Sally Beth Bowie Pray
James Reynolds Preddy
James Thomas Preddy
Peter A. "Pete" Preddy
James Wesley Preslar
Mary Viola Preslar
Leisa Jean Powell-Presley
Audrey Gail Preston
Gloria Rivers Preston
Gwendolyn Preston
Iona Phillip Preston
Winnie Pearl Prevost
Alberta I. Price
Christine Mangum Price
Carol Bell Price
Dora Price
Eula Matthews Price
Eula Octavia Mathews Price
James Price Jr.
James Miller Price
James Robert Price
John T. Price

Mary Ann Price
Reba Corporon Price
Robert Charnic "Bob" Price
Mary Catherine Priestly

Helen I. Ackerman Prihoda
Steve Ray Prihoda

Joe Prince, Jr.

Lizzie Hill Primm

Samuel Gray Primm
Ann Luretta Prince
Bernice Prince
Ephern Prince, Jr.
Hannis J. Prince, Sr.
John L. Prince
Tessie B. Fletcher Prince
Andrew Princko
Cornell Prindle

Glen M. Prinzing
Syneva A. Prinzing
Charles W. Pritchett
Julia J. Pritchett
Johnnie Mae Henry-Proctor

Marycathrine Frances Proskine

Iva F. Pruett
Justin Ty Pruett

Goldia Mary Bowen Pruitt
Lynda Lee Pruitt

Washington O. Pruitt
Flemington E. "F.E." Pryor
Ella Julia Stassel Puckett
Hector S. Puente
Jesus Puentes
John Puentes
Lottie L. Pulley
Thomas O. Pulley

Gloria May Volkmer Pulsifer

Larry Ray Purkey

Mary Beatrice Purnell
Harry James Purser
Chloe Claire Conoly Pursley
Anton Adolph Pustejovsky
Leonard Andrew Pustejovsky

Chloe Pybus
Joseph Pybus

Joseph Eugene Pybus
Mabel Nelson Pybus
Mattie E. Pybus
Nannie Pybus
Sarah Jane Pybus

George Thomas Pyka
Raymond Keith Pyle, Sr.

Iva Evelee Pyles
Pete Hurley Pyles


C. W. Qua
Kacie Qualls

Charles Quartararo Jr.
Mary Nell Verser Quartararo
Alton Queen
John F. Queen

Joseph W. Queen
Mary Queen 1923
Mary Ann Queen

William Lloyd Queen

Elza Fairy Quick
Robert Raleigh Quick Jr.
Lawrence Quilimaco
Lynn Quillin

Mary Josephine Moore Quillin
Garry Lee Quin
Allan D. Quinn
Arty Mishie Quinn
Ben G. Quinn
Catherine “Martine” “Baird” Quinn

David R. Quinn
Evelyn Faye Quinn

Glen D. Quinn

Clyde Quinn, Jr.

Clyde S. Quinn, Sr.
L. V. Quinn
Margie “Mimi” Legg Quinn
Ovie Warner Quinn

Stanley Frank Quinn

Sybal Izora Quinn
Tommie Lee Quinn
Tressie M. Sutton Inscore Quinn
Wayne Rex Quinn
William David Quinn Sr.
William Henry Quinn
William Horace Quinn

Willie Mae Quinn
Anna Staggs Quinney

Douglas W. “Doug” Quinney
Edward Quinney, Sr.
Frank James Quinney

John Jasper Quinney, Jr.
John Jasper Quinney
Katherine Cecile Genzer Quinney

Lila Susan Quinney
Mary Morgan Quinney

Teddy Thurston Quinney

Mark Anthony Quintana

Florentino Quintania
Rosita "Rosie" Juarez Quintania
Antonio Quintanilla

Felix V. Quintanilla
Ignacio Quintanilla Sr.
Isabel Quintanilla
Joe L. Quintanilla
Jean Quintanilla
Jesus “Chuey” Quintanilla
Kimberley Hambrough Quintanilla
Lucia Horta Quintanilla
Manuel Garcia Quintanilla
Margarita Cervantes Quintanilla
Praxedes Quintanilla
Ramona A. Quintanilla
Refugia Quintanilla

Timotea Quintanilla
Ynocencio Quintanilla
Donna Jean Williamson Quirk
Scott Anthony Quirk
Angiolina L. Quiroga

Athlyn Raasch
John F. Raasch

Melody Rabke

Anthony Gary Rachunek
Thelma Lee Sowell Rackley
Geneva Agnes Dabelgott Rader
Nema Radford
Stanley C. Radford, Jr.
Christopher Joseph Radley

Agnes Rae
William Bennett Rae

Michael Thomas Rafter
Calvin Anthony Ragusin

John Terry Ragusin
Lucile Frankie Ragusin
Lydia Edith Ragusin
Martin Ragusin
Martin A. Ragusin
George James Rainey III
Jason Dean Rainey
Margaret Adele Drapela Rainey
George W. Rainwater
Connie K. Rajcevich
Pamela Sue Rakestraw

Lester Bert Ralph, Sr.
Mary M. Ralph
John Ralston
Alfredo M. Ramirez
Angelita Ramirez
Bianca Ann Ramirez
Bobby Ramirez

Christopher Ramirez
Curtis Ramirez, Jr.
Francisco Hernandez Ramirez Jr.
Gorje “Coco” Ramirez
Guadalupe “Lupe” Ramirez
Irene Ramirez
Janie A. Ramirez
Jose Ramirez, Sr.
Jose Antonio “Tony” Ramirez
Josephine Ramirez
Linda Ramirez
Lorenzo A. Ramirez
Lucia Ramirez
Maria S. Ramirez
Patricia Ann Duran Ramirez
Patsy Ramirez
Martha R. Ramirez
Patricia Ramirez
Ramon M. Ramirez, Jr.
Ramon Reyes Ramirez, Sr.
Ruben Ibo Ramirez, Sr.
Sabina H. Ramirez
Sara Zamora Ramirez
Steve Cruz Ramirez
Victoria Lynn Ramirez
Ysidro Ramirez
Yvonne A. Ramirez
Arnoldo Jonathan Ramos
Barbara Ramos
Beatrice Ramos

Benito Ramos
Cynthia Lois Ramos
Diana Lynn Ramos
Dolores L. Ramos Jr.
Edward Ramos, Sr.
Evangelia "Quela" Ramos
Evangelina V. Ramos
Gavino Camacho Ramos
Guadalupe Garza Ramos
Jesse Gilbert Ramos
Manuel Ramos, Sr.
Maria Ramos
Maria Rangel Ramos
Pete Ramos
Alvin George Rampmeier
Janice Carol Rampmeier
John Rampmeier
John Kenneth 'Ken' Rampmeier
Johanna Rampmeier
Rubye Neuszer Rampmeier

Barney Merle Ramsey

Bernice Ailene Ramsey
Betty Jean Callender Ramsey
C. C. “Pa” Ramsey, Sr.
Coy Chester Ramsey, Jr.
Dorothy Mae Ramsey
Edward “E. O.” Osbon Ramsey
Elizabeth Ann “Libby” Sells Ramsey
Isaac Ezekiel Ramsey
Joe Ramsey

Karen Jean Ramsey
Lana Denise Reed Ramsey
Lella Lee Ramsey
Lula May Ramsey
Mary M. Ramsey
Norma Jean Sherrer Ramsey
Wade Hampton Ramsey
Larry Darnell Randle
 Raymond Randle d 2023

Raymond Vidal Randle
Jim Henry Randles
John E. Randon
Christina N. Rangel
Irene Pena Rangel
Louis Rangel
Theresa M. Rangel
Priscilla Grace Haviland Raper
Albert Victor Raplee
Anne Murphy Thomas Raplee
Patricia Gaynor Raplee
Robert "Doc" Gaynor Raplee
Lacy Winston Rasberry

Wallace “Wally” Reid Rash
Betty Rashford

Steven Rask
Edith Viola Kirby Valigura Rasmussen
Otto V. Rasmussen

Elizabeth Ann McKee Ratliff
George E. Ratliff
George Ernest Ratliff Jr.
Martha Dowdell Ratliff

JoAnn June Ratterree
Shirley Cockrell Raughley
Frank Raulerson
Jeannine Rawlings
Ralph Edward Rawlings
Ralph Edward Rawlings Jr.
Rita Fraley Rawlings
Susan Treybig Rawlings
Charles 'Frank' Rawlins
Nancy Marie Rawlins
James Calvin Rawls
Gerald Clairn Rawstern

Allie Mae Ray
Barbara Ann Mayer Ray
Billy Lee Ray
Dorothy Marie Gregurek Ray
Edward Wesley Ray

Evelyn Ray
Frederick Clarence Ray, Sr.
Gladys Mae Ray
H. H. “Bully” Ray

Hazel Norwood Ray
Helen Louise Ray

Jimmie Don Ray

Katie Annie Ray

Lila Fitzgerald Ray
Louis L. Ray
Michael DeWayne Ray
Ovie Franklin Ray
Richard J. Ray, Jr.

Richard J. Ray, Sr.
Terry Lee Ray

Timothy Alan Ray

Vernon O. Ray

Willie C. "Chris" Jones Ray
Ricky Todd Rayburn
Wanda Sue Rayburn

Amanda Yeamans Raymond
George H. Raymond
Sam Raymond
Maria Oralia Razo
Ella Lillian Ready


Reb-Rei Rem-Rh Rice-Rich Rick-Riv

Mary Hebert Rebector

Barry Dale Reckaway
George Reckaway
A. M. Rector
Annie Bell Ware Rector
Sarah B. Rector
Sherman Redd
Leila May Redden
Billy Reddic
Isaac George Reddic
L. E. Reddic
William "Speedy" Reddic

Leila May Reddin
B. Lee Reddoch
Charline Reddoch
Donald Roy Reddoch
E. B. Reddock, Jr.
Evie Gustave Jenkins Reddoch
E. B. Reddoch Sr.
Jan Clifford Reddoch
Adam Oliver Redinger
Connie Lee Redinger
Sylvia Redinger
Ruby Redmon
Rufus J. Redmon
Gary Wayne Redus
Stanley James “Rico” Redus
Ellenore Redwine
Lewis Redwine
Pearl M. Redwine

Thomas Lewis Redwine
Tammie Renea Reece
Almarie Olson Reed
Anna Reed        
Charles Ray Reed
Danny “Joe” Reed
Edgar Gus Reed
Elmina Hillmon Reed

Emaline Rose Reed

Fannie Elizabeth Reed
Floyd G. Reed
Hattie Marie Reed

Holeis R. Reed
Ira Gene Reed
Jack Reed
James Thomas "J. T." Reed
Mary Elmina Hillmon Reed
Margaret H. Reed
Myrtle Faye Reed
Nola Reed
Orenell Eileen Reed 
Percy Hamilton Reed

Richard Reed
Robert Isaac Reed

Varie Reed
William Reed
William Walter Reed
Huldah Elder Rees
Charlie James Reese, Jr.

Charlotte Lee Reese
Nola Reed
Gwyn Reese

Ronnie Lynn Reese
Shirley Ann Reese
Tommy Ray Reese
Tony Calvin Reese
Vance “Gene” Reese
Edwina Reeves
Euta Faye Reeves
Helen Reeves

James Rodney Reeves
James T. Reeves

Milton Frank Reeves
Margaret Reeves
Marguerite Reeves
Ola Ree Simmons Reeves
P. J. Reeves, Jr.

R. A. “Jack” Reeves
R. Lee Reeves
Beatrice S. Register
Barbara Jean Kain Rehak
Chris Clifton “Mickey” Rehak

Fred Preston Rehak
Virginia Adair Barker Rehak
Todd Alan Reher
Jo Ann Reicks
Elsie Reid
L. F. Reid

Rose D. Reid
Elizabeth B. Reiman
Gifford L. Reiman
Velva L. Reiman

Harold William “Buck” Rein, Jr.
Annie T. Reingold
Jack Hollis Reinhardt

Jackie Tanner Reinhardt
Henry C. Reinke
John D. Reinke Jr.
John Dudley Reinke
John Dudley "J.D." Reinke III
Kathryn “Kay” Skipper Reinke
Opal Odell Reinke
Lee Reis

William Reisinger
Julie Lorene Reissig

Essie E. Reitz
Lois Elaine Reitz

Charles Joseph “Tinker” Remlinger, Jr.

Elizabeth Ann Remlinger
Albert Rendon Jr.
Annie Solis Rendon
Fred O. Rendon Jr.

Fred Ochoa Rendon, Sr.
Zulema G. Rendon
Joyce Reneau
Nelson Elmo Reneau

Peggy Ann Reneau

Iva Lorraine Renfro
Robert Herman "Bob" Renfro

Chad Renfroe
Charlene Faye Carr Renken
Joyce Rennoldson
Connie Hernandez Renteria
Billie C. C. Ressler
Dennis Earl Ressler
Hazel Ressler

Ira A. Ressler

James Herbert Ressler

Janice Louise Ressler
John Richard Ressler
John Richard Ressler Jr.
Joseph Ambrose Ressler

Justin Richard Ressler

Katherine Jean Ressler
Kerry James Ressler
Madelyn Marie Ressman
James William Reue, Sr.
Alphonse Revis, Sr
Betsy A. Revis
Jessie Lee Revis
Kirk Douglas Revis
Ellen Rexroad

Erasmo Garza Reyes
Evaristo S. “Rocky” Reyes, Jr.
Linsey Lynn Reyes
Luisa Reyes
Mary Benavides Reyes
Rebecca R. Reyes
Romula Reyes
Ruben “Bo James” Reyes
Frances Josephine Reyes-Matula
Julio L. “Polly” Reyes, Jr.
Rojelio Garza Reyes
Adam Reyna, Jr.
Adam V. Reyna, Sr.
Alejandro Reyna

Evangelina Reyna
Mary Jane Luna Reyna
Douglas Stewart Reynal
Edward W. Reynal, Jr.
Richard Reyna
Roy Reyna
Toribio Reyna, Sr.
Albert Sidney “Dutch” Reynolds
Avis June Hawes Reynolds
David H. Reynolds
Dean Reynolds
Fannie Ann “Kiddo” Jenkins Reynolds
John Richard Reynolds
John W. Reynolds
Kimberley Renee Kelley Reynolds
Loretta Jane Reynolds
Martha Frances Reynolds
Mary Ellen Reynolds
Mary L. Reynolds
Robert Campbell Reynolds
Thomas Orlan Reynolds
Rosalai Catherine Rhoades

Arthur W, Rhodes
Benjamin “B. B.” Rhodes

Bertha Irene "Jack" Rhodes
Martha Rhodes

Mary Rebecca Logan Rhodes

Mattie Loula Blair Rhodes

Robert Hamilton Rhodes

Robert O. Rhodes
Carl Wayne Rhymes


Addie Rible
Bessie Jane Rice
Clifford Rice
Darrell Alan Rice
George “Jake” Rice
Gladys Loraine & Virgil Rice
Ira Elton "Jack" Rice
Irene Rice
John Allen Rice
Margaret Rice
Mary Rena Ramzel Rice
Pearl P. Rice
Roy E. Rice
Ruby Rice
Sandra Larcom Rice
Tena Rice
Thomas Rice
VeeAnn J. Steen Rice
Waylon Lee Rice
Guy Pierre Richard

Hilery “Frenchie” Richard
Monique R. Richard
Addason Richards
Bernice LaNelle Richards
Burnette Baker Richards
Fanell Barrier Richards
Isaac Caleb Richards
Joe Edward Richards
John C. "Red" Richards
John William Richards
Mary Margaret Richard
Ja'Riyah Rae'Shaw Richards

Mary Eugenia Lawson Richards
Patsy Richards
Roberta Partain Richards
Thomas Powell Richards
Alla Locke Richardson
Alton W. Richardson
Alvin Travis "Bugger" Richardson
Anne Martin Richardson
Bessie "Nana" McLeod Richardson
C. W. “Kirk” Richardson
Carrie Richardson
Darrel Len Richardson
Eddie Alfred Richardson

Emma Richardson
Emmie Irene Richardson
Etta Richardson
Evelyn Annie Richardson
Garland Richardson
Gaylen Frank Richardson
Gilbert Lee Roberson
Gordon Eugene Richardson
Hardy A. Richardson
Hubert Calvin Richardson

Idalue Richardson
James Wilburn Richardson

Joseph Dewell Richardson

Joseph Samuel Richardson

Kenneth Joyce Richardson

Leah Johnson Richardson
Lena Hazel Richardson
Lolar Lee Richardson
Loydale Ilene Denny Richardson
Margaret Richardson
Martha Mican Richardson
Mildred Inez Richardson
Orville Richardson
Paul H. Richardson
Ramong Parex Richardson
Ruby Hahn Richardson
Samuel Scott Richardson
Samuel Reuben Richardson
Sarah Richardson
Sherry LaRue Williams Richardson
Teresa Anise Richardson
William Earl "Bill" Richardson
Ashley Anntonette Richardson-Ogunba
Sandra Kay Williams Richbourg
Essie M. Richers
Julia Richers

Elizabeth Joy Richey

Howard Owen Richey
Loyed Lee Richey
John Richie
John H. Richie Sr.
Victoria Richie
Irma May Blankenship Richman
John Patrick Richman
Lillian Phillips Richman
Mollie Richman
Patrick Alfred Richman Jr.
Patrick A. Richman Sr.
Sidney B. Richman
Helen Claire Pfeffer Richter

Pat Richter

Anita Sophie Rickaway
Betty Fitzgerald Rickaway
Clyde Wayne Rickaway
Elmer Ruth Hollar Rickaway
Esther Rickaway

Eugene Robert Rickaway

Frank Everett Rickaway
Frank Henry Rickaway

Fred Henry Rickaway
Glenna Jean “Ginger” Rickaway
James E. “Jim” Rickaway
James Durwood Rickaway
Joy Ann Rickaway
June Marie Rickaway
Paul Richard Rickaway
R. Vivian Rickaway
Rebecca Alice Rickaway
Robert Rickaway
Sandra Evans Rickaway

Steve M. Rickaway
Viola Clara Rickaway

Virgil August Rickaway
Wallace Lindsey Rickaway
Wanda June Rickaway
Bonnie Ricks
Amado Rico
Magdaleno J. “Neno” Rico Jr.
Magdaleno Juarez “Bugs” Rico III

Medardo Juarez Rico
Betty Jane Vega Rico-Greer
Earlene James Rideaux
Bennie Ridge Jr.
Ora Ridge
Mary Lee Riggins
Charles E. Riggs
Brian Ashley Riedel
Christopher James Riedel
Leslie Kay Korenek Riedel
John Jacob Riha
Albert Payter Riis-Due
Mary Genevieve Carter Riis-Due
Pauline Riley
Travis Riley
Donal M. Rimmer
Minnie C. Rimmer

Merejildo Rincon
Mattie Sue Ringgold

Calvin M. “Boodge” Ringo
Cecil Royce Ringo
William Earl Ringo
Bessie M. Rinks
Martin Hernandez Rios
Adolphus Rioux
Ernest Rioux
Matilda Rioux
Mildred Wallace Rioux
William Ernest Rioux
Clarence Ripke, Sr.

Clarence George Ripke, Jr.
Olivia F. Ripke
Roberta Kay Anthis Ripke
Bhema Yates Rising
Tommy Lee Risinger
D. D. Rittenhouse
Mary Ann Fludder Rittenhouse

George Thomas Ritter
Walter Edward Ritz
Adam G. Rivas
Anthony Phillip Rivas
Manuel F. Rivas
Telesforo Flores Rivas

David A. Rivera
Jesusa Rivera
Manuel Orozco Rivera, Jr.
Charlie Rivers
David E. Rivers

Emmitt Rivers
Faustino Rivera
Gregorio Sandival Rivera
Henry “Ricky” Rivera
Jimmie J. Rivera

Julia R. Rivera
Minnie Rivera
Richard Rivera
C. A. Rivers
Charlie Word Rivers
Emmitt Rivers
Hester “Dorothy” Rivers
Nettie Rivers
Hure Lee Rivers
Effie Rives
Joseph P. Rives



Copyright 2007 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Apr. 15, 2007
Apr. 30, 2019