“I like people, work and travel,” says Mrs. Pat Raplee, and a look back over her life proves this isn’t just a thought of the moment. She met her husband while working in Honolulu, and moved 53 times in 17 years. A license clerk for the Game and Fish Commission, agent for Western Union, reporter for the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and a bookkeeper, she’s operated her own offices here since September of 1947. Mrs. Raplee, who is president of the Women’s Division of the Chamber of Commerce, was born in Arcata, Humbold County, California, the third member of a family of four girls. Her father was an Irishman who made his living as a bookkeeper and auditor and also ran a dairy farm. He was married to an English woman who was the daughter of a pioneer family to Northern California. Going through the Fifth grade in country school, Mrs. Raplee moved to town and graduated from Arcata Grammar School and Arcata Union High School. After obtaining her high school diploma, she took a secretarial course at Munson School for Private Secretaries in San Francisco. Her first job was with the Hammond Lumber Company, Samoa, California, where she was secretary to the superintendent of the lumber mill. But Mrs. Raplee’s love of travel cropped up and she went to Honolulu, going to work the next morning after she landed. In the islands, she worked for the Army and Navy Y. M. C. A. and for a foundry that made sugar machinery and for the electrical engineer of the concern. She had been in Honolulu about 16 months when her mother and sister came over for a visit. It was then she met her husband—in 1919. He was her sister’s blind date, a corporal in the army. She returned to the mainland with her family and they moved to Berkeley, California. Her husband, calls Tescott, Kansas his home town. Mrs. Raplee worked in the legal department for the C. & H. Sugar Corporation for four and a half years. They were married in 1923. She quit her job at C. & H. and the young couple went to Oregon and started a truck line at LaGrande, driving to Enterprise. The company went broke when the railroad got a boycott on the Ralee’s business. They turned in their truck at Portland and came back to Berkeley. Their son was born in 1924 in San Francisco. Raplee worked on refineries from then on until 1937 in California, Texas and Kansas. Before the Raplees came to Palacios for the Red Head Mud Company in 1938, they moved 52 times in 17 years. After moving here, they bought a farm and raised rice for two years. In 1942, with World War II in progress, her husband, Bob, enlisted in the Sea Bees and Pat went to work at the Post Office at Camp Hulen. She was employed there for two and a half years. After the war, she went to work for Crawford Packing Company, staying on the job there for four and a half years before opening her own offices in 1948. The Raplees have one son, who is a graduate of Texas A. & M. College with a degree in Veterinary Medicine, now practicing in Nashville, Tennessee. They have three grandsons and one granddaughter. Aside from the hustle and bustle of her office duties, she still finds time to do a little sewing and carpentering, and succumbs to her love for travel when vacation time rolls around. On her yearly vacation, Mrs. Raplee has traveled to South America, Mexico, California and other distant places. She likes her work, but “you have to take a vacation, don’t you,” and there’s still many places the Palacios business woman hasn’t seen. Where’ll it be next vacation?
Palacios Beacon, October 4, 1956 |
A. V. Raplee, superintendent of the Red Head Mud Plant, P. O. Box 178, Palacios, was the recipient of the first Beacon-Granada Good Driver's Thank You tickets to be issued by John Taylor, City Marshal, through the co-operation of the City of Palacios. These tickets, which are good for one admission to the Granada Theatre, are being issued to drivers whom Mr. Taylor observed to be complying with all traffic regulations and operating their cars in a careful manner. It was instituted as a means of fostering safer and more careful driving. Mr. Raplee was observed by City Marshal Taylor about 3:30 p. m. Wednesday as he approached the intersection of Main and Fifth streets. As the signal light changed to red he came to a proper stop before reaching the pedestrian crosswalk. In addition to the admission to the Granada Theatre, Mr. Raplee will also receive a letter of commendation from J. L. Deutsch, Mayor, thanking him in the name of the City of Palacios for his careful driving...
Palacios Beacon, January 23, 1941 |
******** Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Raplee had as their guests the past week-end Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Roberts, of Pasadena, Calif. Mrs. Roberts is a sister of Mrs. Raplee, and this was her first visit with her since she has been in Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts had been on an extensive trip through the east, Mr. Roberts having a five-weeks vacation from duties with the Standard Oil Company with whom he has been employed for the past 25 years.
Palacios Beacon, November 6, 1941 |
Palacios Beacon, November 12, 1942 |
******** A. V. Raplee, who has been in the Naval Hospital at Oakland, Calif., recovering from a severe attack of malaria contracted while doing duty in the south Pacific, came in to spend Christmas with his family. After a stay here he will return to the hospital for further treatment.
Palacios Beacon, December 30, 1943 |
Palacios Beacon, November 9, 1944 |
Robert G. Raplee, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Raplee, was a member of the class to graduate from A. & M. College, Friday, Feb. 1, 1946. Robert received his degree as Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and will locate in Palacios. He took the State Board examination at College Station, and began his practicing here Tuesday, Feb. 5, with his office in the Burton Feed Store. We extend him our congratulations, which him unbounded success in his chosen profession and give a most cordial welcome to a home boy who decides to locate in his home town.
Palacios Beacon, February 7, 1946 |
Mr. and Mrs. Guy R. Claybourn announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Lura Nell, to Dr. Robert L. Raplee, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Raplee of Palacios.
Palacios Beacon, January 15, 1948 |
The marriage of Miss Lura Nell Claybourn to Dr. Robert G. Raplee is an event for Saturday, Feb. 14, at 7 p. m. in the Methodist Church. A reception will follow at the home of the brides' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Claybourn on South Bay. Friends are most cordially invited.
Palacios Beacon, February 5, 1948 |
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Claybourn entertained members of the Claybourn Raplee wedding party Friday evening Feb. 13, after the rehearsal. Gracing the refreshment board was a centerpiece of stock, surrounded by candle-lighted crystal. Present in addition to the bridal couple were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Claybourn, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Raplee, Rev. and Mrs. L. W. Greenhaw and daughter, Fern, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis, Mrs. J. G. Rives, Mrs. S. A. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dale Claybourn, Mrs. Carlton Crawford, Mrs. T. E. Friery, Mrs. Louis Durran, Misses Myra Danner, Claire Joy Luther, Nettie Lewis, Betty Butterfield, Joann Claybourn, Jimmy Claybourn, J. C. Dilworth and Freddy Burdick. ******** Lura Nell Claybourn Becomes Bride Of Dr. Robert G. Raplee In Valentine Day Vows At the First Methodist Church Saturday evening, February the 14th Miss Lura Nell Claybourn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Claybourn and Dr. Robert G. Raplee, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Raplee, were united in marriage. With the ever awesome admonition that "we are gathered here together in the sight of God," Rev. Lawrence M. Greenhaw gave the ceremony which joined the two in holy matrimony. Before a green archway of athol and white daisies, flanked by candelabra the wedding party stood. Tall lighted tapers caught the beauty of the stained glass windows and painted up the loveliness of the flower-decked altar. The altar candles were lighted by the bride's brothers, Marshall and Guy R. Claybourn, Jr. Miss Myra Danner sand "Because" accompanied at the organ by Mrs. Carlton Crawford who also played the traditional marches for the ceremony. The lovely bride give in marriage by her father, wore a blue moire taffeta gown. It featured a high neck, close fitting bodice with self covered buttons, and sashes that tied to give the bustle effect. The circular skirt was ballerina length. Her white halo and mitts were of lace and she carried a handkerchief used by the bridegroom's mother at her wedding. She wore the pearls which were the 30th anniversary present of her Aunt, Mrs. J G. Rivers, of Victoria. Her bouquet was while shasta daisies with satin streamers and lace hearts. Mrs. Louis Curran, sister of the bride, was matron of honor, and Miss Claire Joye Luther, maid of honor. Mrs. Curran chose a rose moire taffeta gown with peplum jacket and her circular skirt was ballerina length. Her halo and mitts were of matching tulle and she carried a nose gay of pink daisies. Miss Luther's gown was of yellow moire taffeta of identical style with yellow tulle halo and mitts. The bride's mother wore a light gray suit with soft white lace blouse and black straw hat. She chose for her corsage blue iris. The groom's mother wore a black and white pincheck suit with lingerie lace blouse and a natural straw off-the-face hat draped with back fish net veiling. She wore a corsage of white carnations. J. C. Dilworth III, served as best man and Dr. D. D Linam, of Austin, was groomsman. Glen Dale Claybourn and Robert Lewis were ushers. Following the ceremony a reception was held in the home of the bride's parents. The refreshment table was laid with a white linen cloth, centered with an arrangements of shasta daisies flanked by tapers in crystal candle holders. The four tiered wedding cake was at one end of the table and punch was served from a crystal bowl at the other end. Miss Nettie Lewis served the cake and Miss Anna Gerhard and Mrs. Glen Dale Claybourn served the punch. Miss Mary Carlton Crawford was in charge of the bride's guest book. The bride graduated from the Palacios High School last year and has been at the Bayview Hospital during the major portion of the time since as a student nurse. Dr. Raplee also graduated from the Palacios High and received his degree as D. V. M. from A. & M. College February 1, 1946. After a brief wedding trip to points in Texas the couple will occupy their new home in the Carancahua community on Highway 35. For traveling Mrs. Raplee wore a suit of pin striped wheat wool with black accessories and a corsage of Iris. The wedding house party included Mrs. S. M. Danner, Mrs. J. D. Munds, Mrs. Walter Milam, Mrs. E. I. Chiles. Mrs. J. B. Kimball, Mrs. S. A. Jones, Mrs. Guy C. Stovall and Miss Betty Jo Milam. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Louis E Curran, Corpus Christi; Miss Betty Butterfield, Corpus Christi; Miss Corinne Staerker, Edna; Mrs. Myrtle Staerker, Edna; Mrs. J. G. Rives, Victoria; Mrs. S. A. Jones, San Antonio; Miss Margaret Staerker, Houston; Miss Zelma Davis, Houston; Louis E Curran Jr., Corpus Christi; Kirk Curran, Corpus Christi; Marian Sunkel, Austin; Pete Hale, Kingsville; Mr. and Mrs. Grady Walker, Bay City; Norvell Sells, Olivia; Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Chiles, Midfield; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hale Jr., Bay City; Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Linam, Austin; Miss Mary Carlton Crawford, Austin; Irving Petersen, Houston.
Palacios Beacon, February 19, 1948 |
Palacios Beacon, August 18, 1949 |
Palacios Beacon, October 12, 1950 |
First Lt. Robert Raplee, Palacios veterinarian, has orders to report in Chicago November 8 for a 10-week course in meat inspection, after which he will report for active duty at Nashville, Tenn.
Palacios Beacon, October 19, 1950 |
Lieutenant Raplee received his DVM degree from Texas A. & M. in 1946 and recently completed training at the Chicago Quartermaster Depot. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Raplee of Palacios and is a member of the Palacios Lions Club. His wife, the former Miss Lura Nell Claybourn of Palacios, and their four-month-old, son, Robert C. Raplee, will join him in Nashville soon.
Palacios Beacon, January 25, 1951 |
Palacios is now one of five places on the Texas Gulf Coast where commercial fishing boat licenses are available, Mrs. Pat Raplee, license clerk for the Game, Fish and Oyster Commission, announced this week. Commercial fishermen formerly had to go all the way to Austin to obtain the license, Mrs. Raplee said. Now they can renew their license here or obtain one for a new boat. The only other place in the state where they are obtainable are Galveston, Corpus Christi, Port Isabel and Austin. Mrs. Raplee, whose office is in the Western Union building on Main Street, also has licenses for bait and oyster dealers, large and small trawls, fish boats, hunting and fishing, as well as skiff tags and seine tags. Those applying for license renewals must bring their old license, Mrs. Raplee said.
Palacios Beacon, August 30, 1951 |
Captain Robert G. Raplee, veterinarian at Tennessee Military District, has been transferred to Fort Benning, Ga. He will report there in mid-June. Captain Raplee received a degree in veterinary medicine from Texas A. & M. College in 1946. He attended the Army Veterinary School at the Chicago Quarter Master Depot after being called to active duty in November, 1950. He has been at TMD since January, 1951. Captain Raplee is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Raplee of Palacios. He and Mrs. Raplee, the former Lura Nell Claybourn of Palacios, live at 2212 Bransford Avenue in Nashville. They have a son, Robert C., two years old. Capt. Raplee just recently was promoted to the rank he now holds.
Palacios Beacon, June 19, 1952 |
Palacios Beacon, September 18, 1952 |
Palacios Beacon, September 25, 1952 |
Palacios Beacon, October 2, 1959 |
Capt. and Mrs. Robert Raplee announce the arrival Monday, at 5:20 a. m. of a 6 pound 8 ounce son at the hospital at Fort Benning, Ga., He has been named Rick Claybourn Raplee. He is being welcomed by his brother and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Raplee and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Claybourn.
Palacios Beacon, January 15, 1953 |
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Raplee and two sons are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Raplee, and Mr. and Mrs.. Guy Claybourn before moving to Tennessee. Robert, who has been stationed at Ft. Benning, Ga., recently received his discharge from the army.
Palacios Beacon, April 2, 1953 |
Rebecca Patricia Louise Raplee, six pound seven and one half ounce daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raplee arrived at 7:10 a. m. Saturday, in the Baptist Hospital in Nashville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Raplee are the proud paternal grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Claybourn, the baby's maternal grandparents, are in Nashville getting acquainted with their new grand daughter and helping to care for her two younger brothers.
Palacios Beacon, October 7, 1954 |
Military funeral services for Albert Victor Raplee, who died Monday evening at the Wagner General Hospital, were held at 2:30 p. m. Wednesday, March 29 at the Palacios Funeral Home. Burial was in the Palacios Cemetery. Born October 20, 1894, in Tescott, Kansas, the son of the late Robert H. and Rebecca Kinsel Raplee, he had been a resident of the Palacios area since 1938 when he came here for the Red Head Mud Company. After living here a few years, he and his wife bought a farm seven miles west of Palacios. He was a veteran of World War I and II, having served in the army and Seabees. He is survived by his wife, Patricia Raplee of Palacios and son, Dr. Robert G. Raplee and four grandchildren of Nashville, Tenn. Palacios Beacon, March 30, 1961
A memorial service for Mrs. Patricia Raplee, who died Monday, Sept. 3 in Wager General Hospital will be conducted by Rev. J. R. Gwin in the Palacios Funeral Home Chapel Wednesday, Sept. 5 (time pending at press time). Her body was taken to Memorial Crematory in Houston. Born in Arcata, California on October 15, 1898, Pat as she was known by her many friends, had been a resident of Palacios since 1938. During World War II she worked as a clerk in the post office, later she opened a bookkeeping service which she operated until a couple of years ago. She was a member of the Athena Club, had served as president of the Women's Division of the Chamber of Commerce and vice president of the Chamber of Commerce. She is survived by one son, Dr. Robert Raplee of Nashville, Tenn. and her grandchildren. Palacios Beacon, September 6, 1979
A memorial service for Dr. Robert "Doc" Gaynor Raplee, 84, Lebanon, TN, were held August 21, 2009 at Shop Springs Baptist Church in Lebanon with Dr. David O. Briscoe officiating. Dr. Raplee was born Oct. 31, 1924 in San Francisco to the late Patricia Gaynor and Albert Victor Raplee. He died Aug. 18, 2008 after a long battle with Alzheimer's. After graduating from Veterinary school at Texas A&M in 1946, he practiced large animal medicine in Texas. He was called up for the Korean War and served as a Captain in the US Army. Dr. Raplee relocated to Nashville in 1952 and established Franklin Road Veterinary Clinic, where he practiced until 1970. He then built Raplee Animal Clinic where he practiced from 1971 to 1984. In 1984 after being joined by his step-son Dr. Scott Thomas 1981, the two built and practiced at Airport Animal Clinic until his retirement in 1994. He was a founding member and past president of the Nashville Pet Emergency Clinic and past president of the Davidson County Academy of Veterinary Medicine. He had many hobbies and skills, including blacksmithing, welding, woodworking, art, construction and invention. He is survived by his wife of 38 years, Anne Murphy Raplee; daughter, Rebecca P. L. Raplee [of Illinois]; sons, Robert C., Rick C., and Randall C. Raplee, [all of Tennessee] and Ryan G. Raplee [of Illinois]; step-sons Lee Thomas, [of Tennessee] and Dr. Scott (Sue) Thomas [of Colorado]; and five grandchildren. He was predeceased by the mother of his children, Lura Nell Claybourn. In lieu of flowers, those who wish can make contributions to Alzheimer's Research in Doc Raplee's name. Send checks to Middle Tennessee Alzheimer's Association, 4205 Hillsboro Pike, Suite 216 Nashville, 37215.
Palacios Beacon, September 2, 2009 |
RAPLEE, Anne Murphy Passed away May 15,
2012. Born November 26, 1931 in Nashville, TN to the late
Harriet Olney and James Murphy. Anne's long and productive
life ended after protracted illness, during which she was
faithfully cared for by her physicians and medical staff in
the Lebanon community, and her son, Lee Thomas. She was
predeceased by her husband of 38 years, Dr. Robert G. Raplee
in 2009. Anne and Doc Raplee were married in 1970. She is
survived by her sons, Lee D. Thomas (TN) and Dr. Scott B.
Thomas and wife Sue (CO); her step-children, Rebecca P.L.
(IL), Robert C., Rick C., Randall C. (TN), Ryan G. Raplee
(TX), and 5 grandchildren. Anne graduated Cumberland High
School, Nashville, in 1949. She earned an Associate's degree
in business, and later worked as an executive secretary for
Avco Aerostructures. Later, she used these skills as an
office manager for Dr. Raplee, and her son Scott's growing
veterinary practice in Nashville. Anne and Doc retired to
their farm home in Wilson County after sale of the practice
in 1993. Anne had many skills and talents, including prize
winning needlepoint, crochet, sewing, art and embroidery.
She had a passion for travel with her family, gardening,
decorating, art in many forms, and being a wonderful
homemaker. Visitation with the family will be Thursday, June
14th at 10 a.m., followed by a Memorial Service at 11 a.m.,
1st Baptist Church of Lebanon, 227 East Main Street,
Lebanon, TN 37087. In lieu of flowers, those who wish can
contribute to the
Alzheimer's Association
Published in The Tennessean on May 24, 2012 - See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/tennessean/obituary.aspx?pid=157763785#sthash.v73KdiNQ.dpuf
RAPLEE, Anne Murphy Passed away May 15,
2012. Born November 26, 1931 in Nashville, TN to the late
Harriet Olney and James Murphy. Anne's long and productive
life ended after protracted illness, during which she was
faithfully cared for by her physicians and medical staff in
the Lebanon community, and her son, Lee Thomas. She was
predeceased by her husband of 38 years, Dr. Robert G. Raplee
in 2009. Anne and Doc Raplee were married in 1970. She is
survived by her sons, Lee D. Thomas (TN) and Dr. Scott B.
Thomas and wife Sue (CO); her step-children, Rebecca P.L.
(IL), Robert C., Rick C., Randall C. (TN), Ryan G. Raplee
(TX), and 5 grandchildren. Anne graduated Cumberland High
School, Nashville, in 1949. She earned an Associate's degree
in business, and later worked as an executive secretary for
Avco Aerostructures. Later, she used these skills as an
office manager for Dr. Raplee, and her son Scott's growing
veterinary practice in Nashville. Anne and Doc retired to
their farm home in Wilson County after sale of the practice
in 1993. Anne had many skills and talents, including prize
winning needlepoint, crochet, sewing, art and embroidery.
She had a passion for travel with her family, gardening,
decorating, art in many forms, and being a wonderful
homemaker. Visitation with the family will be Thursday, June
14th at 10 a.m., followed by a Memorial Service at 11 a.m.,
1st Baptist Church of Lebanon, 227 East Main Street,
Lebanon, TN 37087. In lieu of flowers, those who wish can
contribute to the
Alzheimer's Association
Published in The Tennessean on May 24, 2012 - See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/tennessean/obituary.aspx?pid=157763785#sthash.v73KdiNQ.dpuf |
Copyright 2016 -
Present by the Raplee Family & source newspaper |
Created Sep. 5, 2016 |
Updated Sep. 5, 2016 |