Families of
Abner B. & Mattie Robertson Luce
Oscar Vernon & Ora Luce Chapin







Abner B. Luce


Abner B. Luce, 5405 South Flores street, Native Texan and retired rancher. Services at 2 p. m. Thursday from the Porter Loring chapel, the Rev. D. B. South officiating. Interment in Mission Burial park. Survivors, widow, Mrs. Mattie Luce of San Antonio; son, R. N. Luce of Mesa, Ariz.; daughter, Mrs. O. V. Chapin of San Antonio; brother, DeWitt Luce of Robstown, and sisters, Mrs. Alta McDowell of Lockhart and Mrs. S. Ottman of Llano.



Old Trail Driver Dies in Hospital


Abner B. Luce, 83, native Texan and retired ranchman, died in a San Antonio hospital Tuesday night.

A member of the Old Trail Drivers’ Association, Luce had lived in San Antonio for the past three years. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon, with Rev. D. B. South officiating.

Luce is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mattie Luce; a son, R. N. Luce of Mesa, Ariz.; a daughter, Mrs. O. V. Chapin of San Antonio; a brother, DeWitt Luce of Robstown, and two sisters, Mrs. Alta McDowell of Lockhart and Mrs. S. Ottman of Llano.

San Antonio Express 1939


Mrs. Mattie Luce

Services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday for Mrs. Mattie Luce, 66, 831 Cincinnati Ave., who died Sunday in a hospital. The services will be held at the Porter Loring Chapel with the Rev. John D. Barbee officiating. Interment will take place in Mission Burial Park.

Mrs. Luce, a native of Lockhart, had lived in San Antonio 30 years. She is survived by two sons, W. K. Roberts, Sweetwater, and R. N. Luce, Carmichael, Calif.; a daughter, Mrs. O. V. Chapin, San Antonio; five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.


San Antonio newspaper, September 1952

Abner B. Luce

Born: September 24, 1855 in Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas
Died: March 28, 1939 San Antonio, Medical & Surgical Hospital
Son of
Mathew Rogers Luce 1820-1887
Rachel Harness Whitman Luce 1826-1917

Buried Mission Burial Park, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas March 30, 1939
Lived at 5405 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas

Married 1st December 2, 1884 Zavala County, Texas
Alice Bates
October 16, 1867 - March 23, 1896
Daughter of Robert Lee Bates & Mary Ellen Bennett Bates
One son Rexford Ned Luce
Edgar Family Cemetery, Edgar, DeWitt County, Texas

Married 2nd February 5, 1899 Caldwell County, Texas
Martha Lucinda "Mattie" Robertson
Born February 5, 1866 Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas
Died September 7, 1952 Morgan Nursing Home San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Daughter of
John McLaughlin Robertson 1827 - 1897
Mary Caroline Brown 1835 - 1913
Buried Mission Burial Park, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
One daughter Ora Luce





Ora Luce Chapin

March 17, 1901 Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas
September 26, 1982 Bexar County, Texas



Married May 5, 1921 in Collegeport, Matagorda County, Texas


Oscar Vernon Chapin

September 7, 1899 Newman, Douglas County, Illinois
March 29, 1983, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Son of
Jasper B. Chapin 1860-1901
Fannie H. Stephens 1864-1905

Ora Luce, Mary Alice Pfeiffer, Lizzie Will Morris & Cecil Morris

Ora Luce, Ovie Dixon, Lizzie Will Morris, Sadie Powers

Ora Luce & Lizzie Will Smith - Avenue Hotel in background

Teenagers - Mary Alice Pfeiffer, Lizzie Will Morris - waving, Ora Luce

King's Daughters Meeting
at the home of Mrs. Rena Wright (later the M. S. Holsworth home)

Seated on lower step: Arthur Liggett, Norman Carrick, Rosalie Nelson, Ora Luce, Mrs. Rena Wright

Photo courtesy of Margaret Ann Hodge

Lizzie Will Morris Smith, Mary Alice Pfeiffer Blanton, Ora Luce Chapin


Additional Information

1910 Census - Newman Township - Douglas County - Illinois
April 15, 1910

Chapin, Jasper B. head W M b Jun 1860 age 39 married at 16 IN MA OH farmer
Chapin, Fanny H. wife W F b Aug 1863 age 36 married at 16 KY KY KY 
Chapin, Inez daughter W F b May 1884 age 16 IL IN KY at school
Chapin, Fred son W M b Nov 1886 age 13 IL IN KY at school
Chapin, Walter son W M b Jun 1888 age 11 IL IN KY as school
Chapin, Oscar V son W M b Sep 1899 age 8 IL IN KY

1910 Census - Justice Precinct 8 - Matagorda County - Texas
April 15, 1910

Luce, Abner head M W age 54 second marriage, married 11 years TX IN IN  rice farmer
Luce, Mattie wife F W age 44 second marriage, married 11 years, 1 child-1 living TX SC TN
Luce, Ora daughter F W age 8 single TX TX TX
Luce, [Rexford] Neddie son M W age 18 single TX TX TX farm laborer



Mr. Luce and daughter Ora of Ashby were here shopping Wednesday.--The Matagorda County Tribune, October 14, 1910



Mr. Luce of Citrus Grove visited Buckeye last Sunday.--The Matagorda County Tribune, December 30, 1910


Mrs. H. M. Yeamans, who bought the Oneth store building and lots is building another store room adjoining the buildings on the east, which will be occupied as a meat market by Mr. A. B. Luce as soon as completed.-- Palacios Beacon, August 18, 1911

Collegeport New Era

A. B. Luce made a trip to Bay City Monday in an endeavor to locate the party who traded him stolen horses.


Mrs. A. B. Luce and daughter Ora, who have been at Robstown for a couple of weeks, returned home Saturday.

As a result of a horse trade made last September with a strange man Mr. Luce is without a horse at this time. The trade referred to was made by Mr. Luce in good faith, giving a horse he had for a span of ponies, and later traded these to David Sarchet. Last week parties came along and claimed the ponies stating that they had been stolen, and finally secured them from Mr. Sarchett, who then reclaimed the horse traded to Mr. Luce which left the latter without a horse. Mr. Luce believes he can regain the horse he traded for the stolen team, as well as apprehend the thief.

Collegeport New Era, Thursday, January 8, 1914

De Moss News

Mrs. Luce has spent several days with Mrs. Morris in Collegeport.

Miss Ora Luce has been visiting with Miss Lizzie Morris, of Collegeport, for some days. She also visited the Collegeport school, and reports a pleasant time all around.


Collegeport New Era, December 13, 1914.


E. E. Dawdy, of Blessing, came down Tuesday to assist Mr. Luce with the Ward cattle.

Mrs. A. B. Luce and daughter Ora spent part of last week visiting at the home of D. H. Morris and family.

Collegeport New Era, January 7, 1915

Woman’s Club

Minutes June 14, 1917

Members voted in: Mrs. Shuey, Miss Grace Shuey, Mrs. Braden, Mrs. Bonnett, Mrs. Luce.

1920 Census - Palacios - Matagorda County - Texas

Place, Charley A., head
Place, Inez M. (sister of Oscar Chapin)
Place, Pearl
Place, Everett
Place, Millie
Place, Ralph
Chapin, Oscar, brother-in-law, M W 20 Single, IL IL KY Farm laborer

1920 Census - Justice Precinct 7 - Matagorda County - Texas

Luce, Abner B. head M W age 64 married TX IN IN farmer and stockman
Luce, Mattie L. wife F W age 54 married TX MS TN
Luce, Ora K. daughter F W age 18 single TX TX TX country school teacher

Chapin – Luce

Miss Ora Loose [Luce] and Mr. Oscar Chapin were quietly married Saturday evening at the Methodist parsonage. Miss Loose was one of the popular teachers near Collegeport and Mr. Chapin lives near Newman, Ill., but has lived in Palacios long enough to be quite well know here, he is a brother of Mrs. C. E. Place of this city. The Beacon extends congratulations and wishes for these young people a happy and prosperous life in their Illinois home.--Palacios Beacon, May 13, 1921

Collegeport City Lots
Block 109 Lot 24
O. V. Chapin
Paid taxes 1924 - 1934

Mrs. Ora Chapin, Frank King and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Goff are recent additions to the church membership at Collegeport.--Matagorda County Tribune, February 20, 1925

Collegeport Activities

Mrs. Oscar Chapin, whose tonsils were removed recently, is home and in good health.--Matagorda County Tribune, October 23, 1925

Thoughts While Posing As A Muse

By Harry Austin Clapp


Oscar Chapin has put in scales and will begin taking cream. Hope that receipts will be generous.--Matagorda County Tribune, February 11, 1927

By Harry Austin Clapp

Oscar Chapin looking for a barber shop location.--Matagorda County Tribune, April 15, 1927

By Harry Austin Clapp

Oscar Chapin leaving for Markham to open a tonsorial parlor.--Matagorda County Tribune, April 22, 1927


By Harry Austin Clapp


Oscar and Ora Chapin leaving on a truck for Markham, the truck carrying their chickens, guinea pigs, cats, bed and other household goods.


Matagorda County Tribune, June 17, 1927


By Harry Austin Clapp


Oscar Chapin down from Markham getting ready to move back to God's town.--Matagorda County Tribune, July 15, 1927


By Harry Austin Clapp


Chapin making contract to operate school truck.--Matagorda County Tribune, July 22, 1927

American Legion


A Post of the American Legion has been organized at Collegeport, and meetings are held every two weeks. The Commander is Jack Holsworth, Post Adjutant, Oscar Chapin. The meeting last week was held at the home of the Post Commander, Mr. Holsworth. The Post invites all ex-service men to come and join with them to make a strong Post in this community.--Palacios Beacon, May 17, 1928

Tulare Man On Committee For Big Texas Picnic

Following a successful picnic at Reading Park in Fresno Sunday, members of the Texas Picnic association of the valley are laying plans for a renewal of the annual gathering next year. A. B. Luce of Tulare was appointed a member of the committee in charge of arrangements for the next event, which will be held on the first Sunday in June of 1929 at the same location. Several hundred former residents of the Lone Star state attended this year's gathering and a much larger crowd is expected next year.

Tulare Advance-Register, Tulare, California, June 7, 1928

Woman’s Club June 14, 1928

The regular meeting of the Woman’s Club met at the home of Mrs. Chapin. Mrs. Luce hostess, on the afternoon of June 14.  11 present & 2 visitors

American Legion was held Tuesday night at Oscar Chapin’s barber shop. Interest in the Legion is increasing in this part of Matagorda County. There are others who should affiliate with the local Post. See Oscar Chapin, Jack Holsworth, or any Service man.


Palacios Beacon, July 5, 1928


Thoughts About a Small Town
By Harry Austin Clapp


Opened another can of that sauerkraut put up by the Guinea Pig Queen [Ora Luce Chapin] and say boy, it brought back memories of the days the Queen was a daily visitor to us Homecrofters.--The Daily Tribune, February 2, 1930

1930 Census San Antonio - Bexar County - Texas - 2905 West Houston Street


Chapin, Oscar V., head, renting $30, M W age 30 married at 22, IL USA IL Barber, World War veteran
Chapin, Mrs. Ora, wife, F W age 29, married at 21, TX TX TX, Cashier in Department Store

By Harry Austin Clapp


Oscar and Ora Chapin, from San Antonio, here for the week end. Fine young people always coming back to the old home burg.--The Matagorda County Tribune, Thursday, July , 1936

1940 Census - San Antonio - Bexar County - Texas - 415 W Jones Avenue

Chapin, O. V., head, M W age 40, married, born IL, barber in private shop
Chapin, Ora, wife, F W age 39, married, born TX, saleslady in retail dry goods
Luce, Mattie, mother-in-law, F W age 73 widowed, born TX



The annual New Year’s dinner was held at the Community House Jan. 1. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Chapin of San Antonio, Mrs. Harbison and Ermine of Midfield, Mr. and Mrs. Crane of Wisconsin, Mrs. Della Braden, Russell and Freddie Matthes of Blessing, Mr. Gillespie and Ella Fields of Palacios.--The Daily Tribune, Thursday, January 8, 1942

Barber Shop

Oscar V. Chapin's barber shop was located at 843 N St. Mary's Street in San Antonio in 1946.

1950-San Antonio - Bexar County - Texas - 831 Cincinnati Street

Chapin, Oscar V. head W M 39 married born IL, barber, served in WWI
Chapin, Ora L. wife W F 49 married born TX, bookkeeper-wholesale equipment
Luce, Mattie, mother-in-law, W F 84 widowed born TX


Copyright 2024 - Present by the Luce & Chapin families and source contributors
All rights reserved