Source: 48th Virginia Infantry, John D. Chapla, H.E. Howard, Inc., Lynchburg, VA
48th Virginia Infantry Organization 48th Virginia Infantry Actions
Adams, George H. (Cindy Adams
Addis, Edmond R.
Agee, James, John S.M., William
Aker, Thomas H.
Akers, James S.
Alderman, F.H.
Alderson, Thomas C., William G.
Alfreds, Lawrence S.
Allen, John H., Peter Hanger, Samuel N.
Amburn, J.M.
Anderson, E.G., J.O., Thomas H.
Archer, William S., Jr.
Arden, Isaac B., R.W., William
Ashcroft, S.H.
Ashland, James H.
Ashworth, W.D.
Bailey, George W., Henry C., William D.
Baily, John
Baker, Abraham, Wilbourn B., William H.
Baldwin, Joseph P.
Balthis, John S.
Bannister, George
Bannor, Stephen G.
Barker, Edmond, Jr., L.A., Sampson
Barnett, G.W., J.R., Malon C.
Bartie, Robert H.
Bays, William A.
Bear, Larkin S.
Beasley, James H.
Beatie, Nelson J.M. (Joanne
Tortarolo, )
Begley, William J.
Belcher, Calvin S.
Bell, Archibald Randolph T.
Bellamy, James P., James R., T.M
Benham, John H.
Benton, Anderson L.
Berry, Adam J., Hugh
Bickley, John Fletcher
Bishop, Andrew P., Samuel W.
Black, John
Blackburn, William R.
Blackwell, Benjamin M., K.W.
Blaker, John W.
Blankenbeckler, James N.
Bledsoe, D.D., G.W., Shelby, T.L., Thomas W.
Blevins, Alexander, George W., Henry C.
Blizzard, Benjamin, James E., James G., James G.
Bloomer, Claibourne R., Nathaniel
Boardwine, Charles
Bocock, Micajah Lewis
Bolin, Andrew L.
Bond, Oliver Patton (Vernard
Bondurant, Fayette, John W., Pleasant L.
Bonham, John F., Oscar Love
Booker, Christopher S., George E., George L., Jacob, John
S., W.D.
Bowers, John R.
Bowlen, William R.
Bowlin, Harmon J., W.H.
Bowser, John B.
Boyers, Robert C.
Bradley, Burges
Branson, Absalom, William J.
Breeding, William W.
Brickey, William P.
Bridgeman, Daniel, John
Bright, James
Broadus, F.W.
Broadwater, Stephen (Vernard
Broady, David
Brown, Austin, George W., Robert
Brownlee, William H.
Bryan, Robertson Crusoe
Buchanan, David D., John, Joseph, Samuel T.
Buckels, Harvey G., James A.
Bumgardner, F.M., James A.
Bunch, Hilary C.
Burdine, Robert D.
Burgess, L.
Burk, M.L.
Burnett, B.H.
Burns, John
Burrus, Sam, T.N.
Burton, William
Butt, W.F.
Callihan, William
Calton, Elias, John, Samuel, William, Winfield
Cameron, John
Campbell, David A.P., Jacob, James Cummings, Joel James,
John Arthur, Otis Hopkins, Robert L.C., Thomas Jefferson, Willis
Camper, Samuel P.
Candler, John H., William R.
Carrico, W.G.
Carmack, Jacob S.
Carpenter, James
Carr, Alfred
Carroll, George
Carter, Andrew R., Charles Pinckney, Elbert S., Enoch H.,
Joel H., Joseph E., Milton Ladd, Monroe,
Robert W., Solomon F., Thomas D., Van Buren, William A., William
H., Winfield
Casey, James A.
Castle, George Hopkins
Cates, Wesley
Catron, William P.
Caudell, Jesse M.
Caywood, Berry
Chandler, J.W.
Chapman, David Glenn
Childers, John C., William H.
Childress, Willis A.
Choice, Pemberton P.
Church, Carter, John W.
Claiborne, H.
Clark, David N., James Y., Robert F., William, William
Clator, P.P.
Clayton, James D., John
Cleek, James David, Samuel L, William M.
Clendenen, Joseph S.
Clifton, Anthony, George Riley
Cocke, John A.
Coe, Frank, James, Marion, Thomas, William
Cole,James McDanold, Thomas, William F.
Coley, William E.
Colley, David S., John T., Samuel C., Thomas J., William
Collier, Jasper
Collins, Elijah C., Milton Jeremiah
Combs, Samuel A.
Cook, James H.
Copenhaver, William R.
Counts, James M.
Cox, David C., Isaac G., J.P., S.L.
Cress, Amos
Crigger, John D.
Cross, Isaac, Noah B., Robert
(Jackson Milton, Jr.,
Crouch, A.B.
Crowell, Robert N, William S.
Cuddy, John R.
Culbertson, James M., Jeremiah
Cunningham, Andrew
Dabney, Virginius
Dale, Hugh T.
Dalton, H.C.
Darnell, Abraham, Harrison E.,
James, John J. Morgan Van Buren, Raleigh, William A.
Davenport, David, John
Davidson, James Harvey
Davis, David, Thomas J., William J., William Meadows,
William P.
Dempsey, John A., Lewis (Both John and Lewis, Faye Elder, )
Denison, John, Richard M.
Denton, James D.
Dettor, Nicholas Marcellus - photo (Elaine Randall English, )(.
Dever, Jasper Newton
Dezarn, Hezekiah
Dickens, Thomas
Dickenson, Samuel H. (Bill
Dickerson, Charles O., David C., James M., John P., John
William, Robert C., William H.
Dickinson, Thomas, William N.
Dillion, Elisha P., Hiram R.
Dingus, James W.
Dinkins, William
Dixon, Charles B., William
Dollarhide, Henderson, John
Dooley, Aaron E.
Dorton, Colbert, Daniel F., William
Dotson, Andrew J.
Dougherty, Jesse M.
Dowell, James
Drake, George W., Samuel
Draper, Charles A., Isaac H.
Duggins, Martin V.
Dulaney, James L.,
John Q., Lewis V.
Duncan, Alfred G., W.W., William
Dunford, Ezra J, John S., Randel Marion
Dungan, James V., James W., John R.,
Robert H. - photo,
Thomas W., William
Thomas (Kathy Clifton,;
Gary Dungan, dungan@ameri-com)
Durham, Franklin H., Thomas H.
Dutton, Thomas J.
Dye, Hugh J., Thomas
Eads, Andrew K., Francis M.(Carlyn Henderson, )
Earls, A.G., A. Jack
Eastridge, John
Estridge, John W.
Edmiston, John H., Perry R.
Edwards, George W., Joseph
Efford, T.J.
Elam, George F., John F.
Elliott, Christopher
C., William (Jim
Epperson, John W.
Everly, W. Nailor
Faddis, Jesse R., John S., William
Falen, Elijah, Enoch
Fannin, Holton
Fanning, Joshua Soule, S.P.
Fansler, David
Faris, James Thomas, William A., William H.H., Wilson
Ferrell, Granville R., Henderson F.
Fields, James, James H., William, Jr.,
Finn, John
Fisher, Thomas J.
Flanary, J.S.
Fleenor, Abraham, Amos H., Arnold P., David C., Harvey G. (Bob Martin,, Isaac,
Isaac G., Jacob, James, Joel H., Joshua N., Marion G., Milton,
Robert H., Samuel E., Simon Peter, Thomas C., William H.(Bob Martin,, William
W., Wilson,
Fletcher, Jacob M., James F., William L.
Floyd, Hickman M.
Ford, Joshua, William Patton
Foster, William
Fraley, Granville R., Henderson F.
France, Morgan, Owen
Franklin, Owen, Peter
Frasier, William Wesley (Phil
Frazier, Andrew, Elisha, George L., James, Joshua Davidson (Phil Frazier, )
Freeman, Beverly J., James Hardaway (Cecilia
Hoff, ), Joshua G.
Fugate, Henry Clinton, R.B.
Fullen, Hyram, Jr.
Fuller, Abram
Fulton, John
Garber, Solomon
Garnett, Thomas Stuart (Bill
Garrison, Charles G.
Geer, Thomas M., William E.
Gibson, David A., Jeremiah, S.T.
Gill, Thomas
Gillenwaters, James Mitchell
Gillespie, John W. , W.F.
Gilliom, Thomas D.
Gillum, Richard
Glinn, David
Gobble, Emory A., J.B., Thomas M.
Godsey, Martin H.
Goff, Lafayette MC, Wilson F.
Goin, Daniel
Goldsborough, William Worthington
Gollehon, John L., Joseph H., Robert J., Robert M.,
William A.
Golliher, Hugh
Good, William Patton
Goode, Richard
Goodman, Frederick E., Henry Wat, John, William Frederick,
William Harrison, William T.
Goodram, Lewis W., Thomas
Grace, Caleb H., Frank M.
Graham, Samuel P.
Gray, Alfred D., William R.
Greear, William F.
Green, Addison, John M., Jonathan W., Lewis, Thomas,
Thomas, William T.
Greenway, William T.
Greever, Addison W., Hiram M., James Scott, William Snead
Griffin, William
Grigsby, Isaac
Grinstead, B. Frank
Grogan, Dilard C.
Grubb, Henry, Jacob H.
Guard, Charles B., John B. - photo (Leslie Graber, )
Guess, James W.P., John C., Nathan C.
Gunn, William N.
Hackney, George W., John W., Joseph
Haden, George W.
Hagan, Charles E.
Hagy, David C., James L. Harison, William F.
Haines, William
Hale, Samuel, Jr.
Hall, Alexander, Calvin D., D.N., Henry T., James D., John
J., Richard H.
Haller, R.J.
Hamilton, John B., John P., Thomas C., Thomas N., William
Hammonds, Isaac, James H., Thomas A., William Henry H.
Hancock, J.
Hanes, Vastine S.
Haney, John W.
Hankley, John H.
Hannum, William Y.C.
Harley, John M.C.
Harmon, William
Harris, Alexander, Charles W.S.,
David H., James
E., Martin L, Reece Thompson, Samuel L., Thomas C., William P.
Hart, John, Steven
Hartsock, Alexander M.(Barnett
McConnell, ),
Thomas, William D. (Barnett McConnell, )
Harvey, Andrew J.
Hawley, Henry H. (Gary Hawley, )
Hawthorn, Joseph C., Samuel J., William M.
Hawthorne, William R.
Haynes, J.V., Thomas C.
Hays, John M., William A.
Haywood, William Martin
Heatherly, Godfrey
Helton, Bryant A., Claiborne, George W., Henry, John W.,
Henderson, Hiram F., James A., John A., John L., Thomas
Hensley, Francis, James H., Kilburn, Lilburn H., Martin,
T.L., William P.
Hesse, Edward
Hickam, Francis M., Isaac, Joseph C.
Hickman, Joseph H.
Hill, Lewis D., Robert J.
Hilliard, William B.
Hillman, Robert A., Thomas, William G., William
Martin - photo (Vernard Bond,
Hilton, Enos B., James M., Jonathan W., William L.,
William T.
Hinkle, George Washington
Hobbs, Flanders C.
Holley, James M., John S.
Holmes, H.G.W.
Hood, Dutton (Cindy Tyson, )
Hooker, William
Hopkins, George, George W., Noah B.
Horn, William, William H.
Horne, John Edmundson
Horner, David B.
Horton, David H., Henry J., James
H., Jesse Lewis, William A., William Harvey
Houston, William J.
Howard, James
Howe, Jefferson
Howser, Joseph
Hudson, John L.
Hughes, Hyram B., James Edward, James H., Oliver F.
Humes, Andrew R.
Humphreys, Daniel, John
Hunneycutt, David, Esau, Peter, Valentine,William Riley- Honeycutt Civil War History by Dale C.L.
Honeycutt, Lt. Col., USAF Ret'd, (All Hunneycutts/Honeycutts,
Gene Kirk,
Hurt, William H.
Hutton, J.H.
Ingle, Anthony Horn, Joseph
Ingram, Moses, Samuel G.
Ireson, James Lawrence, William L.
Jackson, Alfred Preston, Andrew
J., Jacob J., John, William
Jefferson, Adam
Jessee, David A., Elihu, George L., Vincent
Jett, Stephen J.
Johnson, Andrew Jackson, Christopher Columbus, Ira, James,
John, John F. (Rees Chapman, ), John Wesley,
Nathan, Peter, William K.
Johnston, John William, William R.
Jolly, Thomas J.
Jones, Augustus, Burrell, David C., George W., James Mack,
Keer, James
Kegley, William H.
Kelly, Samuel F.
Kelsey, Kendrick
Kendrick, James
Kenedy, Andrew J.
Kern, John L.
Kernan, Edward D.
Kesner, John
Kestner, John, John A.
Ketchum, S.C.
Kidd, Demarquis L.
Kilgore, H., John D., Thomas M.
Kindric, James
King, Robert
Kingsolver, Anthony F., David J.
Kirk, Benjamin, Christopher C., Lewis C., Willis
Knott, P.
Lamarr, David Franklin
(Joanna Howard,
), Francis M.
Lambert, James Monroe
Lane, E.H., George W., Jackson, Thomas
Laney, John, Robert W., William
Larimer, Samuel P.
Lasley, Charles A.
Latham, Moses R.
Lawson, Amos, Eppson G., Jacob Stubblefield, Michael S.
Layne, James D.
Lee, Alexander M., Tivis P., William
Estelle (Sherry Pentecost,
Lemley, E. Ras., Jacob H., Wilmot E.
Lesesne, Charles
Lethcoe, Archibald, Henry, James Austin
Levacy, Claiborne
Lewis, George W., William
Limerick, Charles P.
Linneus, Martin V.
Linticum, William T.
Livingston, Benton H., Squire M.
Logan, Mirido C., Robert R.,
William E.
Love, James H., T.R.
Lucas, John, William M.
Lundy, John Britton (Tracie J.
Lundy, )
Luttrell, George H., Samuel, John H.
Lyon, Churchwell, Connally, David, James V., John A.,
Josiah, M., R.F., William
Mahaffey, Samuel C.
Maiden, A.L., George, George H., James Franklin, Morgan
N., Samuel L., William Franklin
Mainous, Isaac B.
Marcum, Burley
Marshall, Isaac H.
Martin, Daniel W., E.D., Elbert S., Elisha, Joseph,
Mason,Drewry, William
Matthews, William A.
Mayer, J.S.
McClelland, Benjamin H., Samuel, Samuel H.
McClure, David, Elias, Francis M., John F.
McConnell, Elisha Martin, Henry M., Milton
O.P., Nathan H., Samuel P., Sylvester
Patton, William S. (Vernard Bond,;Wayne
McCracken, Andrew J., John, John
Matthew (Sarah Anderson Boyle, )
McDaniel, William H.
McFarlan, James H., Samuel P.
McGee, Charles James
McGehee, John
McGoff, Lafayette
McHenry, L.
McIver, William Harvey
McMelon, George (Kathy Welder, and Cindy
McNew, Alexander E., John, John W., William H.
McPhatridge, Napoleon B.
McVey, Samuel
Mead, Charles, William W.
Meade, John E., Thomas Jefferson
Meador, John C.
Meadows, John C.
Melgram, John
Merrit, George, John C., John H.
Miles, J.W., Marcellus C.
Miller, William H.
Millner, John P.
Minick, John M., Joseph, Peter W., Thomas J.
Mink, David Wesley, Moses Colley, Wiley B., William J.
Minnick, John C., John Potts,
(David L. Hanna,
Mitchell, Henry Ribble, John W.
Mobley, William W.
Mongle, Abram F.
Montgomery, James, James L, John R., William H.
Moore, Benjamin, Dan Patrick, David, David Denton, Egbert, (Terry Holmes, ), George W., Green B., John A., John R.,
Jonas, Joseph E., O.H., Patterson,
(Terry Holmes,
), Robert Samuel, Theophilus C., William B.
Morrell, James V., John C.
Morgan, William
Morrison, _____, Zachariah F.
Mosely, John Baxter
Mosier, William W.
Moss, James H.
Mullins, Francis M., George W.,
James M., John S. (Dana Gifford (George W.),
Mumpower, A., Robert Richard
Muncey, James H.
Murdock, Joseph P.M.
Murphey, Michael
Murray, Drury
Musick, Archibald G., P.W., Thomas W.
Mussey, James Harvey
Myers, Andrew R., William, William H.
Nash, Wickliff H.
Necessary, William J.
Neel, Erastus Granger
Neely, David M., James H., William E., Jr.
Neil, John B., Seal McNeil
Nelson, David, Joseph F., Matthew
Nichols, Benjamin Franklin
Nolan, Michael
Odell, James H., Theophilus
Odum, Joseph
Oneal, Felix
Ornduff, J.
Osborn, David
Osborne, Henry W., Jesse, Jonathan,
Jr., William (Dianne Carr Peterson (Jonathan),
Osbourne, Freeling, John A., Solomon
Owen, Joseph C.
Owens, Henry, Nathan E., Robert, Samuel Bracken
Oxford, Jonathan G.
Pafford, James W., Samuel R.
Painter, Arthur R.
Palmer, David R., James H., John M.
Parker, Elisha, G.N.
Parks, Jesse W.
Parrott, Henry Clay
Patrick, Henry, John, Morgan, Wilbern, William Madison
Patterson, William H.
Payne, J.B., John M.
Pearcy, John A.
Pearson, Rufus
Peck, James Martin
Pendergrass, Alex
Pendergrast, George M., James A.
Perdue, Wiley H.
Perigan, D.
Perry, Samuel A., William Absalom (Dan Perry,
Peters, David J., George W., Jacob C., Wales
Wellington Wallace, Zacariah T.
Pettyjohn, George Washington, Jr., Seth W.
Philips, Henderson
Pickel, James
Pickle, James, John W., Joseph, Lemuel L., Peter
Pierce, Eli, Stephen Frank
Pippin, George William, Joseph H., Marion, Samuel P.,
William Brown
Pitzer, James M.
Plummer, Franklin
Poe, Harrison H.
Polk, James K.
Pool, Minitry
Poteet, James, Logan, William L.
Powers, John, Marcus Linsy, William, William H., William
Prater, William F.
Pratt, Richard
Preston, John Montgomery
Price, Daniel E., David Wesley -
photo (Darrell Stanley,
), Emory O., John Augustus, John M., Jr., John Matthew, Nathan,
Rufus, Thomas, William F.,
Pritchet, Isam
Pryer, ____
Pugh, H.
Quick, Milton
Quiesenberry, Alexander, Charles (Both Quiesenberrys, Chris Sepic,
Quillen, Ewel Henderson
Rachels, Elliott, George W., Jackson, Littleton
Ramey, Berry C., James R., Lewis A.,
Timothy Henry
Ramsey, Harvey, Henry, John, William H.
Ratliff, Campbell, German Jackson (Jim Hipkins,
Reynolds, Bernard, Thomas E.
Rhea, James W., Stephen
Rhoten, Henry, William
Rhoton, Henry
Rice, William C.
Rich, Hiram N.
Riffey, George W.
Riggle, Ezekiel, William, Zachariah W.
Righine, Edward
Riner, John H.
Robbinett, Ira Pendleton, Sr.
Roberts, David C., Henry B., James, John, Leander B.,
William W.
Robertson, Francis Smith, James, John W.
Robinett, Amos, James M.
Robins, John
Robinson, Andrew L, Fleming W., Thomas
Rodefer, Emanuel
Roe, William
Rogers, James, John K.
Roller, Hiram P.
Rose, George W., Ira P., Samuel B.
Rosenbalm, Parker S.
Ross, Alexander
Rouse, James, John Calvin (Larry
), Phil, William
Rumley, George W.
Rush, Robert Wallace
Russell, James B.
Rutherford, George W.
Ryan, Daniel C., James Madison(Phyllis Harvey, ), John M., John W.,
Joseph M.
Salley, William
Salling, Mitchell M.
Sallyer, Joseph, Isaiah C.
Salyer, Thomas
Sanders, Jonathan
Saul, George W.
Saunders, John W.
Saul, George W.
Saunders, John W.
Scates, Zebulon B.
Schoonover, John
Schultz, Samuel T.
Scott, C.Y., Francis E., James L., Levi Mitchell, William
Scyphers, W.G.
Seaver, John H.
Settle, Benjamin S.
Sexton, David, Robert B. (Dianne
Carr Peterson (Robert B.),
Shackelford, J.F.
Shaffer, John J., Michael D.
Shankel. George L.
Shannon, Charles H., William L.
Shaver, Martin
Sheets, David H.
Shelley, George W., James M., Joel (Jim
Shelton, David
Shepherd, Nelson
Sherwood, David J., Hiram, James, John, Salmon R.
Shoemaker, Russell R.
Shryock, Jacob, John M.
Shupe, William
Singleton, F.M.
Sirz, William G.
Skinker, Charles Robert
Sloas, Henry
Smith, David W., Francis M., Harrison, Harvey P., Henry H., Isaac A., J.R., James
J., James M., John A., Joseph A.,
Martin, Robert A., Thomas M., William
C., William Daniel, William F., William James
Smyth, Francis M.
Snavely, William F.
Snead, John S.
Snodgrass, Charles W., William Sam
Sorah, Francis C. Marion
South, Columbus, John M., Samuel D.
Southerds, D.
Spain, J.T.
Spangler, George
Spear, Adam
Speer, Andrew
Sproles, E.S.
Sprouls, Andrew J., Jacob B., Joseph, Marion
Spurier, John, Theophilus
Stair, Jacob F., John F.
Stanfield, Melvin B.C., Thomas
Stanley, James R.
Stapleton, John A., Thomas J.
Starnes, Andrew M.
Statzer, Charles W., Edward K., Thomas J.
(Roger Statzer,
Steele, Mager W.
Steffy, John W., Pleasant J.
Stewart, David Boston, James H.M., John Lee, Joseph S.,
William H., William H.
Stonnell, W.D.
Stout, James H., Samuel, W.W., William A., William L.
Strong, Abijah, George W., Hiram F.
Stroup, A.J.
Sullens, Andrew, William Preston
Sullivan, John D.
Suttle, James A., Richard Jourden, Sanford
Swan, Oliver H.
Sweeny, Andrew Jackson (Rodney
Sweeney, )
Sybert, William
Talbert, Austin, Oscar
Talley, Irvin
Tate, Joseph E.
Taylor, Bushrod, John, Jonathan, Samuel, Thomas C.
Terry, Samuel B.
Thomas, David, George Washington, John, John, John G., John W., William G.
Thompson, Andrew Gibson, Charles, H. Frank, James R., John
M., John W., McHenry H., Robert H., William, William H., William
Thurman, EB S.
Tibbs, John A.
Tiller, Evans F.
Tilson, William F.
Tomlinson, James, Thomas
Townsend, George Franklin (Dave Townsend,
Trammell, Nathan A.
Trent, Andrew C.
Turner, George W., James P.
Tyler, Samuel, William J.
Van Dyke, A.
Vance John Apperson
Vandeventer, Robert
Vaughan, E., Joseph W.
Vaughn, Fielden C., Jacob
Venable, Andrew, Burton, David, John, Joseph T.
Vermillion, James D., John
Vicars, John
Vineyard George W., William Isaac
Vipperman, Emanuel Jack, George W.
Walker, James C.
Wallace, J. Thomas, John, John W.
Wallen, Thomas
Wampler, Austin C., Peter W., William J.
Ward, Stephen, William (Mack Holliday,
Warf, Berry, James W.
Warren, William
Watson, Lemuel
Webb, David Jesse, Grandison T., Henry Harrison, James R.,
John M., Marlin D.
Wedtz, John L.
Wells, William T.
West, Beckwith
Wetstone, Charles
Wheatley, William (Dianne Carr
Whicker, George W., Marion, Willis J.
Whitaker, Anderson W., John T.
White, Campbell, Cornelius W., David, James M., John H.,
Milton, Oscar
Wilcox, Abraham F.
Willard, Hiram, Joseph
Williams, Andrew J., Charles G., Charles H., Gideon,
Harden B., J.G., John B., John F., John L., William,
William H.
Willis, Henry Francis
Wilson, Andrew Samuel, H., James P., John A., John H.,
William, William J., William J., _____
Wise, James D., James H., James L.
Wolf, William P.
Wolfe, John , John P., William P.
Wood, J.J., John, Jonathan A., William J.
Woodard, Abram, Hiram, Joseph
Woods, Henry
Woodward, Joseph A.
Worley, James
Worrell, Amos
Wynn, Jacob F., William James
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