Kilgore Fort House, Copper Creek, Scott Co. Va.
Sketch by Andrew Bond, August 1996
Rank: 1st Sgt.
1860 Census: Farmer, Russell Co., age 27
Enlistment: Russell Co., age 26, pvt., 6/25/61. Present thru
10/15/61. Detailed, obtaining clothing for unit in Russell Co., 11/7/61
thru 11/30/61. Promoted 1st Sgt. by 2/23/62 when furloughed thru
3/31/62. WIA Manassas 8/28/62-8/30/62. Conditionally appointed QM
Sgt. May's Ky. and Va. Mounted Rifles upon approval by 48th Va. Inf. Cdr.
Requested transfer to May's 10th Ky. Cav. Regt. 12/15/63. He had "a
horse and full equipment." Med. Board recommended approval because of
his "not being able to keep up on the march." Lee weighed 230
lbs. Unfit for duty, detailed enrolling duty, Richmond, 1/16/64.
Transferred to 10th Ky. Cav. 3/3/64, "provided no expense to the
Confederate States be thereby incurred." Took oath Charleston, W.
Va., age 33, 6/21/65. 5'11", fair complexion, blue eyes, amber hair,
red whiskers in 1865. Died 1/1/94.
48th Virginia Infantry Organization 48th Virginia Infantry Actions 48th Virginia Infantry Roster