Kilgore Fort House, Copper Creek, Scott Co. Va.
Sketch by Andrew Bond, August 1996
Rank: Colonel, F&S.
1860 Census: Born 9/18/34. Student, Emory & Henry College,
Smyth Co., age 25.
Enlistment: Seven Mile Ford, Smyth Co., age 26, pvt., Co.
D, 5/18/61.
Promoted 1st Lt. By 7/1/61. Detailed, arresting deserters
Smyth Co., 7/17/61 thru 7/18/61. Present 8/31/61 thru 10/31/61.
Absent, detailed, by 11/30/61. Detailed, company recruiting duty,
2/12/62 to 4/6/62 when he departed Smyth Co. for unit. Elected
Capt., Co. D 4/21/62. Present 4/30/62 thru 5/25/62. "Complimented
on the battlefield by Gen. Turner Ashby for the brave and gallant
manner in which he defended the retreat fo the Confederate troops"
5/31/62-6/6/62. Present until WIA Cedar Run 8/9/62. Absent thru
9/22/62. Present by 11/13/62 thru 1/2/63 when unanimously recommendded
by board for promotion to Lt. Col.; was "of steady moral
habits, obediant to orders, a very efficient officer." Present
thru 4/2/63 when promoted Lt. Col., w/DOR 10/16/62. WIA in the
evening, Chancellorsville, 5/2/63, "only slightly" when
"struck in the breast by a solid shot, but fortunately, so
far spent that it broke no bones." Absent thru 6/22/63. Present
comdg. regt., then bde. 7/2/62. Present comdg. regt. thru 10/6/63
when promoted col. W/DOR 5/3/63. Absent by 10/22/63. Present 10/28/63
thru 1/31/64 when furloughed 24-day leave. Present 2/20/64 thru
7/24/64 when WIA, foot, Kernstown. Present comdg. 2nd
Regimental Group 8/20/64. Detailed, "to collect absentees,"
9/15/64 to 10/15/64. Present 10/31/64 thru 2/12/65 when furloughed
on 18-day "leave of indulgence" to get married. Paroled
Appomattox C.H. 4/9/65. Postwar teacher Chilowie; founder, Jonesboro
(Tenn.) Male Institute; "a staunch Democrat" and member
Missionary Baptist Ch. Died Bristol 11/6/1903 and buried there.
In the list of good men and true who gave their best to the Southern Confederacy, the name of Col. R. H. Dungan of the 48th Virginia Regiment, may be fittingly enrolled, and the following is in deserved tribute to his memory.
Enlisting with the Smyth County Rifle Grays, at Seven Mile Ford, Va., in 1861, as 1st Sergeant fo his company, Robert H. Dungan was successively promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel of his regiment, the 48th Virginia Infantry, and through the four years of war he took part with his regiment in the battles of the Confederacy, surrendering with General Lee at Appomattox. He was wounded at the battle of Kernstown, in the foot. In another battle, not now recalled, he received a wound in the breast from a cannon ball, a spent ball or its concussion, which was at first thought to be mortal, but he finally recovered.
With him in the regiment were Colonel Dungan's venerable father and two brothers; one of the latter fell at Gettysburg, and the other died at Charlottesville, Va. After a service of one year and six months, his father was honorably discharged.
At the battle of Gettysburg, Col. T.S. Garnett was commanding the 48th Virginia, while Colonel Dungan commanded the 2nd Brigade of Johnson's Division, Ewell's Corps. On one occasion he was complimented on the battlefield by Gen. Turner Ashby for the brave and gallant manner in which he defended the retreat fo the Confederate troops.
Colonel Dungan died at Bristol, Va., November 6, 1903 and is buried there. He was the son of James V. and Sarah Gollehon Dungan, and was born September 18, 1834. His grandfather, John B. Dungan, was one of the pioneer settlers of this part of Virginia. Educated in the common schools of the country and at Emory and Henry College, before the war he was following the profession of teaching, and after those four tragic years, he, as did the great immortal Lee, turned his attention, time and talent to teaching the young men of the South. To this end, after teaching two years at Chilhowie, Va., he removed to Jonesboro, Tenn., and founded what was known for years as the Jonesboro Male Institute. It was established by his own labor and means and taught solely by himself. The school soon became popular and established a reputation as being one of first class for the education and training of young men. The young men who attended it, seeing and feeling the school's power for good, and for and inconsideration of the love and esteem for their great teacher, organized themselves inot a fraternal society known as the "Dungan Boys." Long after the days of their beloved teacher, they held annual reunion meetings in his honor and memory.
In discipline, colonel Dungan was stern and strict both in the schoolroom and in the camp, though by no means arrogant or tyrannical. He possessed the rare talent and ability to rule without harshness or unkindness.
It was said that Colonel Dungan was entitled to promotion to the rank of Brigadier General, and that his commission as such was already made out and would have been delivered to him within ten days but for the surrender, which put an end to the war.
In February, 1865, he was married to Miss Susan Virginia Baker, youngest daughter of Captain Eli J. Baker, a lady of profound thought and deep piety. She was a sister of the lamented Dr. C.H. Baker, senior surgeon in the brigades of Generals Jenkins, William E. Jones, and Payne during the war.
As a soldier, we may say of Colonel Dungan that none were more brave; as a teacher and instructor of young men, he had few equals and no superiors. In politics, he was a stanch Democrat and both he and his wife were members of the Missionary Baptist Church. No children were born to them.
48th Virginia Infantry Organization 48th Virginia Infantry Actions 48th Virginia Infantry Roster