Kilgore Fort House, Copper Creek, Scott Co. Va.
Sketch by Andrew Bond, August 1996
Rank: Sgt. Major, F&S
1860 Census: Clerk, Scott Co., age 17
Enlistment: Nickelsville, Scott Co., age 18, 7/2/61
Present thru 8/16/61 when promoted 1st Sgt. Present thru 10/15/61. Present 8/2/63. Promoted Sgt. Major by 5/12/64 when captured Spotsylvania C.H. POW Point Lookout 5/18/64 to 8/3/64. POW Elmira 8/6/64 to 3/2/65 when sent to James River for exchange.
48th Virginia Infantry Organization 48th Virginia Infantry Actions 48th Virginia Infantry Roster