Kilgore Fort House, Copper Creek, Scott Co. Va.
Sketch by Andrew Bond, August 1996
Final Rank: Colonel
1860 Census:
Enlistment: .
Born in Westmoreland County on April 19, 1825. Attended VMI 8/40 to 10/41 when he resigned. Graduated from UVa., medicine, 1845. Lawyer, Caroline Co., 1845-1846. 1st Lt., adjutant, surgeon 1st Va. Inf. Regt., Mexico, 1846. WIA twice and twice promoted for gallantry. Lawyer, Westmoreland and New Kent counties 1848. Captain, Westmoreland Cavalry (Co. C 9th Va. Cav. Regt.), 1861. Commissioned lt. col., 48th Va. Inf. Regt. 6/27/61. Detailed, "procuring arms, tents, and equpage" for regt., Richmond 6/7/61. Present, at times commanding regiment 8/1/61 thru 12/5/61. Hospital, sick, Richmond by 3/1/62 thru 3/31/62. Reelected lt. col. 4/21/62. Present commanding regiment 4/28/62 thru 5/5/62 when sent sick, severe rheumatism, to Staunton. Hospital there until 5/9/62. Present commanding regiment 5/11/62 to 5/13/62 when sent to Staunton, rheumatism. There and sick leave until 5/26/62 when rejoins unit. By 6/12/62 commanding 2nd Brigade until about 6/17/62 when sent to Staunton, rheumatism. Hospital there thru 7/18/62. WIA, left thigh, Cedar Run, commanding 2nd Brigade, 8/9/62. Hospital, Gordonsville, 8/10/62 to 9/10/62. Present in unit 9/12/62 thru 1/23/63 when brigade commander recommends promotion to col., "there being no doubt as to his competency." Present thru 4/2/63 when promoted col., w/DOR 4/2/63. MWIA, "a shot in the throat," Chancellorsville, 5/3/63 while commanding brigade. Died 5/4/63, age 38. Left widow and five children. Body laid in state 5/9/63 at Capitol, Richmond, "and every honor a heroic people could bestow was paid to him." Buried Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, 5/10/63.
48th Virginia Infantry Organization 48th Virginia Infantry Actions 48th Virginia Infantry Roster