Kilgore Fort House, Copper Creek, Scott Co. Va.
Sketch by Andrew Bond, August 1996
Rank: Pvt.
1860 Census Farm hand, Scott Co., age 17.
Enlistment: Nickelsville, Scott Co., age 20.
Present thru 8/31/61 when sick in camp. Present 10/15/61.
Hosp., sick, Warm Springs 10/24/61 thru 11/30/61. Hosp., sick,
2/21/62 to 3/6/62. Hosp., anemia, Richmond, 3/7/62 and "left
without the knowledge of the surgeon." AWOL thru 4/30/62.
Hosp., scrofula, Charlottesville 6/5/62 to 7/5/62 when he died,
pericarditis. 5'8", light complexion, blue eyes, light hair
in 1862.
48th Virginia Infantry Organization 48th Virginia Infantry Actions 48th Virginia Infantry Roster