Kilgore Fort House, Copper Creek, Scott Co. Va.
Sketch by Andrew Bond, August 1996
Rank: 1st Lieutenant
1860 Census: Born, Sullivan Co., Tennessee, blacksmith, Lee Co., age 30.
Enlistment: Lee Co, age 31, 7/15/61.
Present thru 11/30/61. Present commanding company 2/21/62. Detailed, company recruiting duty, 2/28/62 thru 3/31/62. Failed reelection 4/21/62.
Gary Hawley of Hot Springs, Arkansas has provided more information on Lt. Hawley.
"The service record I have on Henry consists of one muster report, 4 regimental return slips, a receipt for monies received as recruiting officer and a hand written account ledger detailing the pay he was due as he hadn't been paid in over three months. There was also a card saying see personal papers of Michael S. Lawson, Pvt Co G.
As I am sure you know, Henry enrolled for service on 7/15/1861 in Lee Co., Virginia and was mustered into service on 7/23/1861, at Abingdon, Va. The latest record I have on him was March 1862. By march 1863, he had returned to Sullivan Co., Tennessee, where he was born and where his family was at, and enlisted in Co. F, 63rd Regiment, Tennessee Infantry and served until June, 1865, when he was paroled at Knoxville, Tn.
Henry was a blacksmith in the 1860 Lee County Va census, with a wife, Nancy Buchanan and four children, William S., Elizabeth S., James B. and Harriett V. After the war he moved his family to Fayette Co., Tn where he stayed until the fall of 1880, when he moved to Prescott, Nevada Co, Ar. He died there on 11 Jan. 1881, and is buried in Moscow Cemetery in Nevada Co., Ar. He was the grandson of a Revolutionary War veteran. His descendants for the most part live in Arkansas and East Texas. He was described on his parole paper as 5'7" tall, light complexion and sandy hair."
48th Virginia Infantry Organization 48th Virginia Infantry Actions 48th Virginia Infantry Roster