Kilgore Fort House, Copper Creek, Scott Co. Va.
Sketch by Andrew Bond, August 1996
Rank: Cpl.
1860 Census:
Enlistment: Nickelsville, Scott Co., age 23 pvt., 7/2/61
Present thru 8/31/61. Hosp., sick, by 10/15/61 thru 10/31/61. Promoted cpl. By 9/17/62 when captured Antietam, Md. Paroled 9/27/62. Hosp., Richmond, 10/16/62 to 10/21/62 when furloughed, sick leave. WIA, knee, Gettysburg, Pa., 7/2/63-7/3/63. Captured there in hosp. 7/4/63. Captured Spotsylvania C.H. 5/12/64. OPW Point Lookout 5/18/64. POW Elmira 8/12/64 to 1/26/65 when he died, chronic diarrhea. Bd. there, Woodlawn Cemetery, grave 1612.
48th Virginia Infantry Organization 48th Virginia Infantry Actions 48th Virginia Infantry Roster