Kilgore Fort House, Copper Creek, Scott Co. Va.
Sketch by Andrew Bond, August 1996
Rank: Captain
1860 Census: Farmer, Scott Co., age 23
Enlistment: 1st Lt., age 24 by 8/10/61 when present
comdg. Company.
present, comdg. Company at various times thru 11/30/61 when sick in camp. Hosp., sick, by 2/28/62 thru 3/30/62. Elected Capt. 4/21/62. Present in unit 4/30/62. KIA, Gettysburg, Pa., 7/2/63 "while bravely urging (his) men onward in the struggle."
The Harris family say that Charles W.S. Harris was not
killed at Gettysburg. He survived the war, lived until
1915, and is buried in the Harris cemetery in Scott Co.,
Virginia. Read more by visiting this page.
48th Virginia Infantry Organization 48th Virginia Infantry Actions 48th Virginia Infantry Roster