Kilgore Fort House, Copper Creek, Scott Co. Va.
Sketch by Andrew Bond, August 1996
Rank: Private
1860 Census: Farm hand, Scott Co., age 24.
Enlistment: Scott County, 3/15/62.
Joined unit in field 4/2/62. Present 6/10/62. Hosp., debility, Richmond, age 26, 9/6/62 to 9/29/62 when released to duty. Detailed, teamster, 7/1/63 to 9/30/63 and 5/16/64 to 8/31/64. Present in unit 10/31/64 and 12/31/64. Captured High Bridge 4/6/65 and sent to City Point, POW Newport News 4/14/65 to 7/1/65 when released on oath. 5'6", dark complexion, grey eyes, dark hair in 1865.
Jeff at is reseaching Private Epperson, his "fourth great grandpa".
48th Virginia Infantry Organization 48th Virginia Infantry Actions 48th Virginia Infantry Roster