Company C
48th Virginia Regiment

Kilgore Fort House, Copper Creek, Scott Co. Va.
Sketch by Andrew Bond, August 1996

Robert Benjamin Sexton

Rank: 2nd Lt.

1860 Census:Farmer, Scott Co., age 29

Enlistment: Osborne Ford, Scott Co., age 30, pvt., 5/61

Present thru 10/15/61. Elected 2nd Lt. 4/21/62. Present 4/30/62. Absent 9/22/62. Present comdg. Company 3/18/63 to 3/24/63. MWIA, rt. lung, and captured Spotsylvania C.H. 5/10/64. Same day denied promotion to 1st Lt., examining board having found him not qualified for promotion. POW, 2nd Div., 2nd Corps hospital, 5/10/64-5/14/64.

Robert's widow, Nancy, obtained a pension on October 23, 1894 for $30 per annum.

For more information, please contact Dianne Carr Peterson,

48th Virginia Infantry Organization 48th Virginia Infantry Actions 48th Virginia Infantry Roster

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