Kilgore Fort House, Copper Creek, Scott Co. Va.
Sketch by Andrew Bond, August 1996
Final Rank: First Lieutenant
1860 Census: School teacher, Russell Co., age 21
Enlistment: Russell Co., age 21, private, 6/25/61
Present through 10/15/61. Elected 3rd Lt. 4/21/62. Present 4/30/62. WIA Cedar Run 8/9/62. Hospital, Charlottesville, 8/11/62 to 9/1/62 when sent to Lynchburg. Hispital there and "under medical treatment in private quarters" 9/13/62 through 9/22/62. Promoted 1st Lt. 2/14/63. WIA, in neck by shell explosion, Gettysburg, Pa., 7/2/63. Absent from unit through 10/1/63 when he tendered resignation. Absent through 1/1/64 when declared AWOL. Absent through 2/22/65 when droped from rolls and ceased to be an offcer "for prolonged absence from duty without leave." Resignation accepted 3/9/65 with effective date 2/22/65. Died (cancer of jaw, face, throat and nose), Russell Co., 6/23/1922.
48th Virginia Infantry Organization
Virginia Infantry Actions
48th Virginia Infantry Roster