Kilgore Fort House, Copper Creek, Scott Co. Va.
Sketch by Andrew Bond, August 1996
Rank: 4th Corporal.
1860 Census: Farmer, Washington Co. age 27.
Enlistment: Enlisted Washington Co., age 27, private.
Born near Charlottesville 3/33. Moved to Washington Co. 1858. Elected Captain 105 Regiment Virginia Militia 1859. Present in 48th Virginia Infantry thru 10/15/61. Hospital, chronic diarrhea, Charlottesville, 6/9/63 to 8/9/63 when released to duty. Promoted 4th Corporal by 2/25/64. WIA, right arm and elbow, Wilderness 5/5/64. Remained absent in hospital, Bristol, and "at home near North Garden," Albemarle Co., thru 12/31/64. WIA, lost right eye, during enemy bombardment near Petersburg 1865. Reduced to private by 4/9/65 when paroled Appomattox Court House. Died Washington Co.11/14/1899.
48th Virginia Infantry Organization
Virginia Infantry Actions
48th Virginia Infantry Roster