Cemetery & Obituary Index






Index of Cemetery Burials and Obituaries
on the Jackson County TXGenWeb Site

Please note

The obits indexed on this page are scattered throughout the Jackson County site. If you click a link above, don't expect to see all of the obits that start with that letter on the same page. The names are linked to obituaries if one is available.

This is also an index of cemetery burials. If the cemetery column is empty, the cemetery is either unknown or an out-of-county burial.

Brackenridge, George Washington Brackenridge
Brackenridge, Isabella Brackenridge
Breckenridge, James Madison  
Brackenridge, John Thomas  
Brackenridge, Robert John  
Braddock, Ada Brothers Memory Gardens
Braddock, Alpha Alene Nowlin Memory Gardens
Braddock, Keli Marie Memory Gardens
Braddock, Tom Henry Memory Gardens
Braddock, Walter Lewis Memory Gardens
Bradley, Betty Marie Memory Gardens
Bradley, Hubert Sayles
Bradley, Mack C. Lolita
Bradley, Tommie Robert Memory Gardens
Bradley, Ruby Vivian Memory Gardens
Bradley, Mildred Helander Ganado City
Bram, Randy Lee Ganado City
Bram, Shirley Inez  
Bram, Shirley Ruth Rimmer  
Branch, Calvin Memory Gardens
Branch, Catherine "Kate" Memory Gardens
Branch, Charlie Memory Gardens
Branch, Claudius 1935 Memory Gardens
Branch, Claudius Memory Gardens
Branch, Elizabeth Fleming Memory Gardens
Branch, Emma C. Memory Gardens
Brandes, Carl Robert Jr.  

Brandes, Charles E.

Ganado City

Brandes, Christine Chamrad

Ganado City

Brandes, Elise

Ganado City

Brandes, Woodrow W.

Ganado City
Branham, Edgar John Memory Gardens
Branham, John Strange Memory Gardens
Branham, Mabel Belschner Memory Gardens
Branham, Mildred Flournoy
Branham, Robert E. Flournoy
Branham, Susie Ella Fullilove Memory Gardens
Branstetter, George W. Memory Gardens
Branstetter, Hila Ellen Memory Gardens
Branstetter, Jewell U. Memory Gardens
Branstetter, Robert L. Memory Gardens
Branstetter, Thomas Henry Memory Gardens
Brantley, Jessie E. Memory Gardens
Brantley, Sarah G. Memory Gardens
Brantner, Lawan Porter  
Brast, Weldon Ganado City
Brasuell, Anna Marie Red Bluff
Brasuell, Truman Lee Red Bluff
Bratcher, Mildon Ganado City
Bratcher, Vada Lou Ganado City
Bratton, Betty Harper Baker Memory Gardens
Braune, William  
Braunholz, Arthur O. Memory Gardens
Braunholz, David Lee Memory Gardens
Braunholz, Ernst Memory Gardens
Braunholz, Freda Victoria Smith Memory Gardens
Braunholz, Selma C. Memory Gardens
Brazil, Charlotte J. Memory Gardens
Brazil, Richard D., Sr. Memory Gardens
Brazil, Richard D, Jr. Memory Gardens

Breech, Kathryn M.

Ganado City

Breech, Mabel L.

Ganado City

Breiten, Ida Goggans

Ganado City
Brem, John M. Memory Gardens
Brewer, Marion Agnes Ganado City
Brhlik, Myra Maurice  
Brickel, Clara Alice Memory Gardens
Brickel, James Wesley Memory Gardens
Bricker, Betty Lou Pendleton  
Bridges, Judy  
Brigham, Barbara Sue Memory Gardens
Brigham, Billie Lou Memory Gardens
Brigham, Clarence B. Memory Gardens
Brigham, Helen Frances Bolding Memory Gardens

Brigham, Willie John

Brigham, Willie Mark Memory Gardens
Brinkley, W. H. Ganado City
Briones, Francisco, Sr. Assumption
Brisbois, Elizabeth B. Memory Gardens
Brisbois, Lucille Callaway Memory Gardens
Briscoe, Hollie Lee  
Briseno, Jesus G. St. Theresa's
Briseno, Lorenza St. Theresa's
Britton, Charlie  
Brock, Ouida Marie  

Brod, Ben


Brod, Leander "Andy" Red Bluff

Brod, Mary


Brod, Virginia Lee Bland Red Bluff
Brogan, Mildred Traylor Memory Gardens
Brogan, William E. III Memory Gardens
Brogan, William E. Jr. Memory Gardens
Bronaugh, John Mitchell Dr. Memory Gardens
Bronaugh, John Mitchell Memory Gardens
Bronaugh, John Robert Memory Gardens
Bronaugh, Julia Dutart Memory Gardens
Bronaugh, Mary Loyless Memory Gardens
Bronaugh, Meade Davenport Memory Gardens
Bronaugh, Robert Lee Memory Gardens
Bronaugh, Susan Elizabeth Coleman Memory Gardens
Brook, Mary Jane Memory Gardens
Brook, William Gilbert  
Brooking, Josephine Traylor  
Brooking, Nellie Mae Joines  
Brooks, Almetta Foster Sayles
Brooks, Anthony Chase

Brooks, Bertha Mae Hines


Brooks, Blackwell

Brooks, Carrie Chase
Brooks, Charles Clinton  
Brooks, Christopher Allen "Big S." Mt. Olive
Brooks, Darlene Sayles
Brooks, Doris Howard  
Brooks, Eugenia Sayles

Brooks, Gerald Lee

Brooks, Harrison Sayles
Brooks, Jordan Kerr
Brooks, Kenneth Washington
Brooks, Kenneth Jr. Washington
Brooks, L. V. Hines

Brooks, Leon

Brooks, Leonard Ganado Community
Brooks, Marcella Butler Kerr
Brooks, Millie Davis Sayles

Brooks, Millie Mae

Brooks, Ned Sr.  
Brooks, Regina Laverne Washington

Brooks, Ruth Delores Barnes

Brooks, Sinclair Ganado Community?
Brooks, Troy L., Sr.  
Brooks, Vera L. Sayles

Brooks, William Bartlett


Brosh, Frank Memory Gardens
Brosh, Sophie Memory Gardens

Brothers, Frank W.

Ganado City

Brothers, James Milton

Ganado City

Brothers, Louise "Lucy"

Ganado City

Brothers, Sam Curtis

Ganado City
Broughton, Bessie Atkinson Memory Gardens
Broughton, Eldon Otho Memory Gardens
Broussard, Alzina B. Hebert Knopp
Broussard, Jessie Lee Knopp
Broussard, John Gilbert Knopp
Brown, Ada L. Mt. Olive
Brown, Allen Ethridge  
Brown, Allen H. Memory Gardens

Brown, Annett

Brown, Charles Nelson  
Brown, Cinderella E. Ganado City

Brown, Collin

Brown, Dallas Bowers Memory Gardens
Brown, Dorine Mt. Olive
Brown, Doris Chase
Brown, Edna Sayles
Brown, Dorothy G. Memory Gardens
Brown, Elmer James Ganado City
Brown, Ernestine Mt. Olive
Brown, Hattie Ganado City
Brown, Izealia Chase
Brown, Eleanor B. Memory Gardens
Brown, Jarrell Elwood Memory Gardens

Brown, John Robert

Ganado City

Brown, John W.

Ganado City

Brown, Joyce Williams

Ganado City

Brown, Laura Allie

Ganado City
Brown, LaVaughan Red Bluff

Brown, Leonia

Brown, Lizzie Ganado City
Brown, Louis Sayles
Brown, Harold Sayles
Brown, James Victor Monroe Memory Gardens
Brown, Kenneth Ray  
Brown, Leslie Jimmie  
Brown, M. Louise Memory Gardens
Brown, Mamie Chase
Brown, Manuel Samuel Memory Gardens

Brown, Marian Chamrad

Ganado City
Brown, Martha  

Brown, Mattie M.

Ganado City

Brown, Minnie Mae Marlow

Ganado City
Brown, Robert T., Sr. Red Bluff
Brown, Sinclair Chase

Brown, Sinclair


Brown, Vernon

Brown, Woodrow Wilson Ganado City
Browning, A. C. Memory Gardens
Browning, Alma L. Memory Gardens
Browning, Alvin Memory Gardens
Browning, Anna/Annie Belle Richardson Memory Gardens
Browning, Autrey Marie Raney Memory Gardens
Browning, Carrie M. Memory Gardens
Browning, Corrine E. C. Knoernschild Memory Gardens
Browning, Donald E.  
Browning, E. B. Memory Gardens
Browning, Edward R. "Bud" Memory Gardens
Browning, Ernest Clyde Red Bluff
Browning, Ervin Lee Memory Gardens
Browning, Esther Janie Memory Gardens
Browning, Fannie Wray Memory Gardens
Browning, Flora E. Memory Gardens
Browning, Freddie Ray Memory Gardens
Browning, George Leonard Memory Gardens
Browning, J. D. Memory Gardens
Browning, James Harvey Memory Gardens
Browning, John Thomas Red Bluff
Browning, Juanita Koop Memory Gardens
Browning, Lee Roy Memory Gardens

Browning, Louise Julia Cernota

Memory Gardens

Browning, Lugilla McCormick Memory Gardens
Browning, Mildred C. Memory Gardens
Browning, Minnie La Vern Memory Gardens
Browning, Moretta Red Bluff
Browning, Orville Ray Memory Gardens
Browning, Richard E.  
Browning, Robert Bane Memory Gardens
Browning, Robert Raymond  
Browning, Seidel Clinton Memory Gardens
Browning, Shane Lee Memory Gardens
Browning, Sylvia LaJuana Memory Gardens
Browning, Thomas Jerome "Jerry"  
Browning, Thomas Lowell Ganado City
Browning, Virgil Memory Gardens
Browning, Wayman Windham Memory Gardens
Browning, William Martin Memory Gardens
Browning, William Raymond Memory Gardens
Browning, William Richard Memory Gardens
Browning, Wilsie Julie Matak Memory Gardens
Browning, Zenora "Zee" Memory Gardens
Brubaker, Bessie Mae Memory Gardens
Brubaker, George E. Memory Gardens
Brugh, Addye M. Memory Gardens
Brugh, Annie Lee Memory Gardens
Brugh, Delina G. Memory Gardens
Brugh, Frank W. Memory Gardens
Brugh, George F. Memory Gardens
Brugh, William Heard Memory Gardens
Brundren, Arthur Eugene "Gene" Lolita Cemetery
Brunette, Alexander A. Memory Gardens
Brunette, Harvey Burns Memory Gardens
Brunette, Joe A. Memory Gardens
Brunette, Julia Memory Gardens
Brunette, Lewis Rowland George Memory Gardens
Brunette, Roy Adams Memory Gardens
Brush, George Davis Memory Gardens
Brush, Ruth Irene Ferry Memory Gardens

Bryan, Cledeth E.

Ganado City

Bryan, Ethlyn Lillian "Attie"

Ganado City

Bryan, James R.

Ganado City

Bryan, Jerry Lee

Ganado City

Bryan, Kathryn "Betty"

Ganado City

Bryan, Keith Warren "Skeeter"

Ganado City

Bryan, Robert J.

Ganado City

Bryant, Clifford

Bryant, Dean R. Ganado City
Bryant, Doris A. Memory Gardens
Bryant, Earl Alonzo Washington
Bryant, Eddie Hines
Bryant, Eddie F. Ganado City

Bryant, Hammon

Bryant, James K. Memory Gardens

Bryant, John. O. Jr.


Bryant, John O. Sr.

Bryant, Johnny A. Memory Gardens

Bryant, Linda

Bryant, Lula Sayles

Bryant, O. B.

Bryant, Patricia Ann Chase

Bryant, Porgie A.

Bryant, Wanda B. Sayles
Bryant, Wilbert "Jack" Washington

Bryant, Wilma

Bryant, Wilma Dathene Memory Gardens

Bryant, Z. M.


Brzozowski, Robert Bernard Memory Gardens
Buchanan, Larry J. Red Bluff
Buchanan, William Stewart  
Buckley, Lottie M. Thompson  

Budd, Anna Belle


Budd, Bertha Nell


Budd, Clyde


Budd, Floyd Eugene

Brzozowski, Mark Anthony Memory Gardens
Budd, James Kline "J. K." Memory Gardens
Budd, James Roy Memory Gardens
Budd, Jewell A. Memory Gardens

Budd, Rovilla May

Budd, Ruth Ann Kramer  
Budd, Susan Amanda Memory Gardens

Budd, Wesley


Budd, William

Buchanan, Rose Marie  
Buenger, Genevieve Matus  
Buffaloe, Leona C. Ganado City
Buhler, George Memory Gardens
Buhler, George Theodore Memory Gardens
Buhler, Lucille Elizabeth Memory Gardens
Buhler, Sarah "Sallie" Memory Gardens
Bullock, Sandra Ganado Community
Bundren, Arthur Eugene "Gene" Lolita
Bunting, Esther Cole Red Bluff
Burditt, Allen Lee Memory Gardens
Burditt, Allen Newton Red Bluff
Burditt, Bobbie Stene Red Bluff
Burditt, Christine Koenning Ganado City
Burditt, Hugh A. Ganado City
Burditt, Mackie Lorine Carvell Manning Memory Gardens
Burditt, Mary Irene Ganado City
Burditt, Ollie Elaine Memory Gardens
Burditt, Paul Lane Red Bluff
Burditt, Reuben Ganado City
Burditt, William Dale Ganado City

Bures, Lillie Mary Koudelka


Bures, Renee' Brisbois Memory Gardens
Burger, Irma Memory Gardens
Burgess, Joan Adair  
Burgess, Ralph W. Memory Gardens
Bures, Albert Leo Assumption
Bures, Alice J Macha  
Bures, Mark Edmond  
Burke, Imajene V. Ganado City
Burns, Flossie Lorene  
Burnett, China Kerr
Burnett, James Bowie Memory Gardens
Burnett, Mary Memory Gardens
Burnett, Mildred E. Memory Gardens
Burns, Fred Wyatt Memory Gardens
Burns, Lydia White Memory Gardens
Burns, Travis Edwin Memory Gardens
Burns, W. O, Memory Gardens
Burrhas, Paul Richard Memory Gardens
Burris, Emma Kathrine Valigura Davenport Memory Gardens
Burrows, Linda Kaye  

Burt, Charles "Sonny"


Burt, Don Gordon


Burt, Goldie Lucille Joines


Burt, Nathan Weldon  
Busch, _____ Flournoy
Busch, Bertha Abigail Memory Gardens

Busch, Cooper F.

Bush, David G. Red Bluff
Bush, James William  
Bush, James William Jr.  
Bush, James W. Sr. Memory Gardens
Bush, Pearl L. Memory Gardens
Buster, Noah W. Memory Gardens
Buster, Mrs. Noah W. Memory Gardens

Butler, Addie Lee

Butler, Alice Red Bluff
Butler, Alma Kerr

Butler, Alto Lavern Flagg

Butler, Annie Ganado Community
Butler, Arnold Sidney "Tex" Red Bluff
Butler, Danie W. Kerr
Butler, Claxton Mt. Olive
Butler, Curtis Wayne Mt. Olive
Butler, Darrin Douglas Mt. Olive
Butler, Erma Lee Sayles
Butler, Ervin Sayles

Butler, Henry

Butler, Henry Jr. Hines
Butler, Herman Mt. Olive
Butler, Hiljie Kerr

Butler, Joe E.

Butler, Lela Mt. Olive

Butler, Ora Mae

Butler, Plattie Kerr
Butler, Taylor Sayles
Butler, Tex Red Bluff
Butler, Williard Mt. Olive
Butler, Willie James Sr. Mt. Olive
Butters, Gerald Harry  
Buttle?, Purlie Mt. Olive

Byars, Alfred Lokey


Byler, Mary Catherine Southers

Memory Gardens

Byler, Willard E. Memory Gardens
Byrd, Owen Memory Gardens
Byrd, Pearl Memory Gardens


Copyright 2018- Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

May 8, 2018
Aug. 8, 2018