Cemetery & Obituary Index






Index of Cemetery Burials and Obituaries
on the Jackson County TXGenWeb Site

Please note

The obits indexed on this page are scattered throughout the Jackson County site. If you click a link above, don't expect to see all of the obits that start with that letter on the same page. The names are linked to obituaries if one is available.

This is also an index of cemetery burials. If the cemetery column is empty, the cemetery is either unknown or an out-of-county burial.


Miska, Ludwig F.

Memory Gardens

Miska, Theodore L. "Tater"

Memory Gardens

Mitchell, Alex B.


Mitchell, Alfred F.

Memory Gardens

Miska, Barbara J.

Memory Gardens

Miska, Billie Browning

Memory Gardens
Miska, Wilda Quarles Memory Gardens
Mitchell, Anna Egg  
Mitchell, Charles A.

Ganado City

Mitchell, Charles Alexander II Ganado City

Mitchell, Charles E.

Memory Gardens

Mitchell, Clara A.


Mitchell, David Bruce

Memory Gardens

Mitchell, Ethel P.

Memory Gardens
Mitchell, Fred H. Mt. Olive
Mitchell, Guy  

Mitchell, Guy Jr.

Memory Gardens

Mitchell, Hugh C.

Memory Gardens

Mitchell, John Tilden Jr.

Memory Gardens
Mitchell, John Wade Ganado City

Miska, Judith

Memory Gardens
Mitchell, Lee Arthur Mt. Olive
Mitchell, Mary Emily McNeill Lolita

Mitchell, Mary F.


Mitchell, John Wade Ganado City
Mitchell, Mary Fromme  

Mitchell, Michael Weldon

Memory Gardens

Mitchell, Nora Mae

Memory Gardens
Mitchell, Norma Kerr

Mitchell, Percy D.


Mitchell, Ruth A. Sayles
Mitchell, Sallie Ganado City
Mitchell, Sophia Agnes Mt. Olive
Mitchell, Sybil Louise Mt. Olive
Mitchon, Emil, Sr.  

Mize, Minnie Bonham


Molina, Augustina L. Edna Latin American
Modgling, Kenneth Glen Red Bluff
Moffett, D'Eva Ganado City
Moffett, Joe Ganado City
Moffett, Joe Hardy Ganado City
Moffett, R. H. "Bud" Ganado City
Moffett, Ronnie Mack "Rusty" Ganado City
Moffett, S. Ferrell Memory Gardens

Molina, Alfred Ray Sr.

Memory Gardens
Molina, Ester G. Edna Latin American

Molina, George Cecil

Memory Gardens

Molina, Jeronimo

Memory Gardens
Molina, Joe Jacinto Edna Latin American
Molina, Robert Sr. Edna Latin American
Molina, Victoria Edna Latin American
Molina, Zacarias G. Edna Latin American
Montalvo, Bacilia Edna Latin American
Montalvo, Danilynn Faith  
Montano, Frank Steve Sr. Edna Latin American
Montelongo, Clemencia S. Edna Latin American
Montelongo, Constantino Edna Latin American
Montelongo, Fred Edna Latin American
Montelongo, Glafiro Edna Latin American
Montelongo, Minnie G. Edna Latin American

Montgomery, Edith I.

Memory Gardens

Montgomery, F. L.

Memory Gardens

Montgomery, Maggie

Memory Gardens
Moody, Alvin L. Memory Gardens
Moody, Aubrey Lee Memory Gardens
Moody, Clint Red Bluff
Moody, Dale Red Bluff
Moody, Estelle M. Red Bluff
Moody, Howard Wayne Memory Gardens
Moody, Hubert Eugene "H. E." Memory Gardens
Moody, Ila P. Red Bluff
Moody, Jessie Mae Hensley Memory Gardens
Moody, Lee Clint Jr. Red Bluff
Moody, Mary E. Red Bluff
Moody, Nannie B. Memory Gardens
Moody, Nettie Memory Gardens
Moody, Ralph Aldridge Memory Gardens
Moody, Roy W. Red Bluff
Moody, Rozie I. Memory Gardens
Moody, Ruth E. Memory Gardens
Moody, William Chalmers Memory Gardens
Moody, William Joseph Memory Gardens
Moody, Yvonne M. Memory Gardens
Moon, Margaret Memory Gardens
Moon, Russell Creighton Memory Gardens
Moore, Alma Memory Gardens

Moore, Althea Vernon McKee


Moore, Alvie L. Ganado City
Moore Angeline Kerr

Moore, Anna Kate


Moore, Anne Sulak Assumption
Moore, Carl Memory Gardens
Moore, Christopher C. Memory Gardens

Moore, Christopher Columbus


Moore, Clara Mt. Olive
Moore, David Ray "Moby" Ganado City

Moore, Dewey


Moore, Doris Carolyn Hoffman  
Moore, Earl Cleveland Memory Gardens
Moore, Ethel Keith Memory Gardens
Moore, Flora Lee Memory Gardens
Moore, Floyd Robert Memory Gardens
Moore, George Pumphrey Memory Gardens
Moore, Gordon Thomas "Tooter" Assumption
Moore, Grace Memory Gardens
Moore, Herman Memory Gardens
Moore, John Carl Memory Gardens
Moore, John Marks  
Moore, Joseph Ward  
Moore, Joyce Pauline "Polly" Ganado City
Moore, L. C. Jr. Ganado City
Moore, Marla Kay Ganado City
Moore, Mark Matthew Assumption
Moore, Mary B. Memory Gardens
Moore, Mary Frances Ganado City
Moore, Mary Manson Memory Gardens
Moore, May Ruth Simpson Memory Gardens
Moore, Melba McNeil M. D. Memory Gardens
Moore, Minnie Memory Gardens
Moore, Myrle Taylor Memory Gardens
Moore, Noble Memory Gardens
Moore, Olga V. Ganado City

Moore, Oscar Ellis


Moore, Ottis Lee Memory Gardens
Moore, Raymond Thomas M. D. Memory Gardens

Moore, Robert Hamilton


Moore, Robert Hamilton II


Moore, Rosa Ellis Memory Gardens

Moore, Rosa Etta


Moore, Savilla Crozier Memory Gardens

Moore, Sterling Fisher


Moore, Triphene Elizabeth Memory Gardens
Moore, Vivian A. Memory Gardens
Moore, William Matthew Memory Gardens
Morales, Andrea "Andy"  
Morales, Gregoria C. "Georgia" Assumption
Morales, Janie Edna Latin American
Morales, Juanita Edna Latin American
Morales, Kelly Edna Latin American
Morales, Mary Virginia  
Morales, Pedro "Pete" Assumption
Morales, Serapio Edna Latin American
Moreno, Esequiel Edna Latin American
Moreno, Gregoria Edna Latin American
Moreno, Juan Edna Latin American
Moreno, Refugio Edna Latin American
Moreno, Thomas G. Memory Gardens
Morgan, Billy Paul Memory Gardens
Morgan, Madeana Memory Gardens
Morgan, Pat Herman Ganado City
Morphew, George A. Memory Gardens
Morphew, Maye S. Memory Gardens
Morrell, Minnie Lee Power Bandy Memory Gardens
Morris, Ivy Lee Memory Gardens
Morris, James Edward "J. R." Assumption
Morris, Patricia Jean Ganado City
Morrison, Agnes C. Memory Gardens
Morrow, Joseph Bealle Memory Gardens
Morrow, Marvin G. Ganado City
Morrow, Ruby Lucille Hicks Ganado City

Morton, Alice Susannah


Morton, Barbara Wynell  
Morton, Claudia J. Memory Gardens
Morton, Travis Memory Gardens
Moser, Rebecca Gail Memory Gardens
Moses, Samuel L. Sayles
Mosqueda, Camilo G. Edna Latin American
Moss, Edgar F. Memory Gardens
Moss, Ilene W. Memory Gardens
Moss, Velma Frenzel Memory Gardens
Motes, Vonda S.  
Mozisek, Dennis R.  
Mozisek, Dorothy Anne Memory Gardens
Mozisek, Otto Frank Memory Gardens
Mudd, Darrell Lee Red Bluff
Muegge, Barbara Ann  
Mueller, Karola Marie Gerhard  
Mueller, Mary Lea Young  
Mulholland, Andrew F. Memory Gardens
Mulholland, Ermatrude H. Memory Gardens
Mulkey, James Monroe  
Mullins, Gertrude Memory Gardens
Muncey, Percy P.  
Muncrief, Bobby D. Memory Gardens
Muncrief, Patty Nell Memory Gardens
Muncrief, Robert Memory Gardens
Munford, Anna Ruth Ganado City
Munford, Bobbie Anne Stanley Ganado City
Munford, Doris M. Ganado City
Munford, Gary Ganado City
Munn, Norma Jean Phillips  
Munro, Dora Marie Dunham Memory Gardens
Munselle, Lawrence B. Memory Gardens
Muzny, Leroy Raymond Assumption
Murff, Peggy Inez Frankum  
Murphy, Essie Mae Watson Memory Gardens
Murphy, Freddie Memory Gardens
Murphy, J. W. Memory Gardens
Murphy, Marion Memory Gardens
Murray, Phillip Charles II Memory Gardens
Murray, Velma Nava Memory Gardens
Murry, Bessie S. Memory Gardens
Murry, Estel L. Memory Gardens
Muschalek, Alexia "Lexie" Surovec Memory Gardens
Muschalek, Brandon Kyle Red Bluff
Muschalek, Caroline  
Muschalek, David Anthony Red Bluff
Muschalek, Dennis John Memory Gardens
Muschalek, Frank Joseph Memory Gardens
Muschalek, Ina Loudermilk [see Botard] Memory Gardens
Muschalek, Joseph Gerard "Jody" Memory Gardens
Muschalek, Louis John Memory Gardens
Muschalek, Martin J.  
Muschalek, Mildred Marie Holub Red Bluff
Muschalek, Paul Red Bluff
Muschalek, Stanley Ray Memory Gardens
Mutchler, Adele Gerhard  

Mutchler, Gordon Thomas


Mutchler, John Valentine


Mutina, Ernest J. Red Bluff
Mutina, Joyce Red Bluff
Myer, Otto Ganado City
Myers, Ernest Wayne Memory Gardens
Myers, Garth Cedric Memory Gardens
Myers, Martha Gene  



Copyright 2018- Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

May 8, 2018
Aug. 8, 2018