Cemetery & Obituary Index






Index of Cemetery Burials and Obituaries
on the Jackson County TXGenWeb Site

Please note

The obits indexed on this page are scattered throughout the Jackson County site. If you click a link above, don't expect to see all of the obits that start with that letter on the same page. The names are linked to obituaries if one is available.

This is also an index of cemetery burials. If the cemetery column is empty, the cemetery is either unknown or an out-of-county burial.


Wiede, Alfred

Memory Gardens

Wiede, Hettie L.

Memory Gardens

Wiede, Lillian Koop

Memory Gardens

Wiede, Marvin Herman

Memory Gardens

Wiede, William H

Memory Gardens

Wiegand, Beatrice m

Memory Gardens

Wiegand, Bertha B.

Memory Gardens
Wiegand, Burton Benedict "Dickey" Red Bluff

Wiegand, Burton C. Jr.

Memory Gardens

Wiegand, Burton C.

Memory Gardens
Wiegand, Catherine Mary Red Bluff

Wiegand, E. E. "Bo Bo"

Memory Gardens

Wiegand, F. E. "Dutch"

Memory Gardens

Wiegand, Karl D.

Memory Gardens

Wiegand, Mary Ann

Memory Gardens

Wiegand, Mattie C.

Memory Gardens

Wiegand, Shirley Jean

Memory Gardens

Wiegand, Theodore W.

Memory Gardens
Wiegand, Virgie Bowen  

Wiegand, Willie A.

Memory Gardens
Wiese, Agnes Ganado City
Wiese, Edwin H. Ganado City
Wiese, Harold Ganado City
Wiese, Henry Ganado City
Wiese, Louise Webel Ganado City
Wiese, Lucy Mercer Ganado City
Wiese, Michael Roy Ganado City
Wiese, Milton Ganado City
Wiese, Neddie Ganado City
Wiggins, Laura Van Dyke Ganado City
Wiggins, Lauren Elaine Memory Gardens
Wiggins, Michael Dean Yellow Rose
Wiggins, O. N. Ganado City
Wilburn, Emma May Ganado City
Wilburn, James Charles Ganado City
Wilburn, Mable Ruth Ganado City
Wilburn, Mammie Ganado City
Wilburn, Martha Ann Snodgrass Ganado City
Wilburn, Ollie Inez Ganado City
Wilburn, William M. Ganado City
Wilburn, William Warren Ganado City

Wileman, Lula B.

Memory Gardens

Wileman, William L.

Memory Gardens

Wiley, Lynda Simons

Memory Gardens
Wiley, Mitchell Ross  

Wilkerson, Agnes L.

Memory Gardens
Wilkerson, Amanda Abigail "Abbie" Collins Wilkerson
Wilkerson, Bernice Wilkerson

Wilkerson, Bettie A.


Wilkerson, Carl Willie Wilkerson

Wilkerson, Carmen Lucille


Wilkerson, Donald Lynn  

Wilkerson, Fannie J.


Wilkerson, George A.


Wilkerson, George W.


Wilkerson, Guydia Golden


Wilkerson, Henry Allen


Wilkerson, Henry Culpepper


Wilkerson, Infant Daughters


Wilkerson, James C.

Memory Gardens

Wilkerson, John H.


Wilkerson, Johnnie Clyde Wilkerson
Wilkerson, Julia Shindler Wilkerson
Wilkerson, Lillie Pearl Wilkerson
Wilkerson, Lorenia Lott  

Wilkerson, Mary Arminda "Minnie"


Wilkerson, Olga M.


Wilkerson, Oscar


Wikerson, R. G. Wilkerson
Wilkerson, Robert Wilkerson

Wilkerson, Sybil Mate


Wilkerson, Walker

Wilkerson, William Olin Wilkerson

Wilkerson, Willie A.


Wilkerson, Winona Mae


Wilkins, Mary E.

Memory Gardens

William, Celestia Elizabeth Flournoy Laughter

Williams, Abel Ganado Community

Williams, Abraham

Memory Gardens
Williams, Algeria (Tot) Ganado City

Williams, Alvin

Williams, Arlette Sue Ganado City

Williams, Baby Boy

Memory Gardens
Williams, Charles E.  
Williams, Charles E., Jr. Memory Gardens
Williams, Clara Drake Ganado City

Williams, Clara Flournoy


Williams, Connie

Memory Gardens
Williams, Corine Sayles
Williams, Dorothy Mae  

Williams, Edith Traylor

Memory Gardens
Williams, Gertrude Ann Sutton  
Williams, Horace Lee (Pop) Ganado City

Williams, J. B.


Williams, James L.


Williams, Jermaine T. Mt. Olive
Williams, Jerry Lee Ganado City
Williams, Joe Billy  

Williams, John


Williams, John Thomas

Memory Gardens
Williams, Kenneth Neil Memory Gardens
Williams, Kerry Rae Woodward Memory Gardens

Williams, Lee Roy "Cotton"

Memory Gardens

Williams, Leona Jane

Memory Gardens

Williams, Lillian White

Memory Gardens

Williams, Lonnie Lee

Memory Gardens
Williams, Lorenzo Ganado Community

Williams, Marie

Memory Gardens

Williams, Mary Ann

Williams, Mydella Ganado Community
Williams, Nell T. Ganado City
Williams, Norman Leldon Red Bluff
Williams, Ogna O. Ganado Community

Williams, Opal L.

Memory Gardens

Williams, Richard Andrew

Williams, Robert Woodrow  
Williams, Rose Marie Kerr

Williams, S. J. Mrs.

Memory Gardens

Williams, Sophronia

Memory Gardens

Williams, Toney

Ganado Community

Williams, Thomas Sidney


Williams, Troy

Memory Gardens
Williams, Vaughn E.  
Williams, William Elry Ganado City

Williams, Woodrow O.

Memory Gardens

Williamson, Bertie Ruth

Memory Gardens

Williamson, Carroll D.

Memory Gardens
Williamson, Judith Annette  

Williamson, Margie L.

Memory Gardens
Williamson, Margie Miller Red Bluff

Williamson, Mary Ann

Memory Gardens
Williamson, Ruxton O. Jr. Rusty Red Bluff

Williamson, W. O.

Memory Gardens
Willis, Betty Ann Volkmer  

Willis, Dorothy Hamilton McClure

Memory Gardens

Willis, Leslie Burke

Memory Gardens

Willis, Mattie Lucille

Memory Gardens

Willis, Roy Guss

Memory Gardens

Willis, Willa A.

Memory Gardens
Willoughby, Alton B. Red Bluff
Willoughby, Beatrice S Red Bluff
Willoughby, C. T. Red Bluff
Willoughby, Catherine E. Red Bluff
Willoughby, Fritz C. Red Bluff
Willoughby, Horace Littleton Red Bluff
Willoughby, Infant Daughter Red Bluff
Willoughby, Infant Daughter Red Bluff
Willoughby, Infant Son Red Bluff
Willoughby, Infant Son Red Bluff
Willoughby, J. F. Red Bluff
Willoughby, Keturah Red Bluff

Wilson, A. E. "Lige"

Memory Gardens

Wilson, Alice Vivian

Memory Gardens

Wilson, Alvin Eugene

Memory Gardens

Wilson, C. C. "Bus"

Memory Gardens

Wilson, Camilla

Memory Gardens
Wilson, Carl Herman  
Wilson, Celeste Rosa  
Wilson, Charles Herman  

Wilson, David J.

Memory Gardens
Wilson, David L. Ganado City

Wilson, E. V. "Vaughn"

Memory Gardens
Wilson, Elnora Ganado City

Wilson, Eva V.

Memory Gardens
Wilson, Harry Ganado City
Wilson, Ida Matilda  

Wilson, Ira Lovic

Memory Gardens

Wilson, James Sidney

Memory Gardens

Wilson, James Woodrow

Memory Gardens
Wilson, Johnnie Clarence  

Wilson, Leila M. Wilson "Nanny"

Memory Gardens

Wilson, Mary Eleanor

Memory Gardens

Wilson, Nina Marjorie Singleton

Memory Gardens
Wilson, Philip T. "Phil"  

Wilson, S. A. "Sally"

Memory Gardens

Wilson, Travis Rankin

Memory Gardens

Wilson, Wiley

Memory Gardens
Wilson, Wilford  
Wimberly, Evy Gail  
Wimberly, Jeramiah "Jim" Jr. Red Bluff

Wingenter, Mat

Memory Gardens
Wingert, Elnora Ganado City
Wingert, Harry Ganado City
Winkler, Margaret Bonnot  
Winstead, Charles D. Ganado City
Winstead, Louise Ganado City

Winston, Theodore Martin

Memory Gardens
Winter, Julius Andrew  

Wise, Anita Marie McDonald

Memory Gardens

Wise, Joseph W.

Memory Gardens

Wise, Margaret A.

Memory Gardens

Wise, Nathan Luke

Memory Gardens

Wiseman, William H. H.

Memory Gardens
Witte, Allan J.  
Witte, Annie Marie Hundsnurscher Red Bluff
Witte, Walter H. Red Bluff
Wittenburg, Hans Ross Memory Gardens
Wittenburg, Mary Ann Tisdale Memory Gardens

Wofford, Agnes Argo

Memory Gardens

Wofford, Ben Frank

Memory Gardens

Wofford, Betty Viken

Memory Gardens
Wofford, Blanton Ganado City
Wofford, Bobbie Nell Burkholder  

Wofford, Carson Wayne

Memory Gardens
Wofford, Collis J. Memory Gardens
Wofford, Eiland Curtiss Red Bluff
Wofford, Emma Ganado City

Wofford, Sallie Martha

Memory Gardens

Wofford, Sarah Rose

Memory Gardens

Wollam, Joe Dean

Memory Gardens

Wollam, Nelva Dean

Memory Gardens
Wollam, Perry Benson "Bennie" Jr.  

Womack, Anna R.

Memory Gardens

Womack, Exa C.

Memory Gardens

Womack, Jesse L. Dr.

Memory Gardens

Womack, Robert Mansel

Memory Gardens

Womack, Texana

Memory Gardens

Wood, J. A.

Memory Gardens

Wood, Janice

Memory Gardens

Wood, Junie V.

Memory Gardens

Wood, Margaret Lorraine

Memory Gardens
Wood, William Charles  

Woodall, Frances P.

Memory Gardens

Woodall, Isadore

Memory Gardens

Woodall, Auris Alton

Memory Gardens

Woodland, Fred H.

Memory Gardens

Woodland, Hiram S. "Cub"

Memory Gardens

Woodland, Lyndale Hensley

Memory Gardens

Woodland, Maggie S.

Memory Gardens

Woodring, Charles Patrick

Memory Gardens
Woodring, Elizabeth Hasdorff "Betty" Memory Gardens

Woodring, Gary

Memory Gardens

Woodring, Kenneth Fouts Memory Gardens
Woodring, Kenneth Michael Red Bluff
Margaret Woodring Red Bluff
Woodruff, A. P. Jr. Red Bluff
Woodruff, Annie Vera Red Bluff
Woodruff, Arthur P. Red Bluff

Woodruff, Dorothea Hermoine Chick Fuqua

Memory Gardens
Woodruff, Frank Sands Memory Gardens
Woodruff, Mary Lou Red Bluff
Woodruff, Tracy Maurice Red Bluff

Woods, Eddie

Woods, Eddie Mae Sayles

Woods, Jeffrey Brion

Memory Gardens

Woods, John Mark

Memory Gardens

Woods, Lillian Agnes Macha

Memory Gardens
Woods, Joshua Mt. Olive
Woods, Patrick Mark Memory Gardens
Woolridge, Jan Marie Sulak Assumption
Wooldridge, Samuel W. Ganado City
Woodward, Bradford Kimp Jr. Memory Gardens
Workman, Charlotte Elizabeth Simons  
Workman, Wesley H. Memory Gardens
Wratislaw, Clinton T. Red Bluff
Wratislaw, Virginia Pearl Red Bluff
Wright, Alice Sablatura Assumption

Wright, Bruce E.

Memory Gardens
Wright, Dorothy Chase

Wright, Gladys M.

Memory Gardens

Wright, Hugh John

Memory Gardens

Wright, Joseph M.

Memory Gardens

Wright, Joseph Rudolph

Memory Gardens

Wright, Marjorie Wells

Memory Gardens

Wright, Mattie Lu

Memory Gardens
Wyatt, Marjorie  
Wyer, Steven Lamar Memory Gardens
Wyne, Melvin Mt. Olive
Wyrick, Hope Daniette  

Wysong, Carolyn Beth

Mt. Olive

Wysong, Precious

Mt. Olive



Copyright 2018- Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

May 8, 2018
Aug. 8, 2018