Cemetery & Obituary Index






Index of Cemetery Burials and Obituaries
on the Jackson County TXGenWeb Site

Please note

The obits indexed on this page are scattered throughout the Jackson County site. If you click a link above, don't expect to see all of the obits that start with that letter on the same page. The names are linked to obituaries if one is available.

This is also an index of cemetery burials. If the cemetery column is empty, the cemetery is either unknown or an out-of-county burial.

Kildair, Delia Ann "De De" Memory Gardens
Kildair, Mary Elizabeth "Betty"  
Kilgore, Raymond Leon Memory Gardens
Killingsworth, Gideon Merchant Memory Gardens
Killingsworth, Matile M. LaBauve Memory Gardens
Killough, Agnes Young Memory Gardens
Killough, James Blackman Memory Gardens
Killough, James William Douglas Memory Gardens
Killough, S. B. Memory Gardens
Kimball, George William Memory Gardens
Kimball, Susie Noggle Memory Gardens
King, James E. Jr.  
King, John Sayles
King, Joyce Carol Knuppel Ganado City
Kinsfather, Arthur Memory Gardens
Kinsfather, Opal Revel Memory Gardens
Kinworthy, Dorothy Kramer Red Bluff
Kirby, Annie Memory Gardens
Kirby, Betty Grace Memory Gardens
Kirby, Billy Gene Sr. Memory Gardens
Kirby, Crayton Memory Gardens
Kirby, Edward R. Memory Gardens
Kirby, L. Lorene Calhoun Memory Gardens
Kirby, M. F. "Bill" Memory Gardens
Kirby, Mary Crenshaw Memory Gardens
Kirby, Paul  
Kirby, Sarah Margaret  
Kirby, Stanley Lee Memory Gardens
Kirk, Wendy Collette Smiga Memory Gardens
Kirkpatrick, Marian Elizabeth Woodland Memory Gardens
Kirkpatrick, Marjorie Callawy Memory Gardens
Kirkpatrick, Mitchell R. Memory Gardens
Kizer, Frankie L. Ganado City
Klaus, Arlene E. "Deenie" Red Bluff
Klaus, Avis L. "Babe" Red Bluff
Klaus, Carmenetta "Chicken" Red Bluff
Klaus, Charlie H. "Chili" Red Bluff
Klaus, Edward H. Red Bluff
Klaus, Edwin Sr.

Ganado City

Klaus, Frieda Red Bluff
Klaus, Grover T. Red Bluff
Klaus, Julius Red Bluff
Klaus, Julius W. Red Bluff
Klaus, Pearl J. Ganado City
Kleas, Eustus Memory Gardens
Kleas, Julia Memory Gardens
Kleas, Philip Memory Gardens
Kliem, Max E. Sr. Memory Gardens
Knapp, Martha Memory Gardens
Knight, Tony W. Sayles
Knipling, Fred H.

Ganado City

Knipling, Laura

Ganado City

Knipp, Lottie Dell Laxson Campbell


Knoblock, Bertie

Ganado City

Knoblock Glen Lester

Ganado City

Knoblock, Otis

Ganado City

Knoernschild, Ewald C. Rev. Memory Gardens
Knoerschild, Louise Koop Memory Gardens
Knopp, Alexander Hamilton Knopp
Knopp, Angie Memory Gardens
Knopp, Clara M. Knopp
Knopp, Edward L. Knopp
Knopp, Helen M. Knopp
Knopp, Jacob Knopp
Knopp, James, Sr. Knopp
Knopp, James Henry Memory Gardens
Knopp, James Milam Knopp
Knopp, Jennie Lee Clifton Knopp
Knopp, Jennifer Maureen Knopp
Knopp, Jesse LeRoy Knopp
Knopp, L. Isabella Farmer Knopp
Knopp, Lillie M. Ford Memory Gardens
Knopp, Lillian M. Knopp
Knopp, Lillie B. Knopp
Knopp, Lula Mae Knopp
Knopp, Olia Cathryn Knopp
Knopp, Ruth Cato Knopp
Knopp, Ruth Williams Knopp
Knopp, Vicena Knopp
Knopp, William (s/o V. V. & Pearl Knopp) Knopp
Knowles, George  
Knowlton, Dana Elizabeth Grimes Ganado City
Knowlton, Leona M. Memory Gardens
Knudsen, Carrie P.

Ganado City

Knudsen, Forrest M.

Ganado City

Knudsen, Grace L.

Ganado City

Knudsen, Hubert Lynn "Sandy" Ganado City
Knudsen, Maurice Shelby

Ganado City

Knuppel, Emma

Ganado City

Knuppel, Felix F.

Ganado City

Knuppel, Fritz Herman

Ganado City

Knuppel, Ivy

Ganado City

Knuppel, Lifford Fritz

Ganado City

Knuppel, Lois Bacak

Ganado City

Knuppel, Lydia W.

Ganado City

Knuppel, Otto

Ganado City

Koch, Charles V.

Ganado City

Koch, David Lee, Jr. Memory Gardens

Koch, Hazel Kelley


Koch, Herbert William Red Bluff
Koch, Joey Memory Gardens

Koch, Lydia

A. B. McDowell

Koch, Pearlie L.

Ganado City

Koch, Raymond William  

Koch, Robert W.


Kocian, Daniel Joe Assumption
Kocian, Dorothy Volek St. Theresa's
Kocian, Edward "Eddie" St. Theresa's
Koenig, Jessie C. Memory Gardens
Koenig, Julia V. Memory Gardens
Koenig, Mary Brown Ganado City

Koenig, Sammy George


Koenig, Walter Memory Gardens
Koenning, Emma Redman Ganado City
Koenning, John Goff Ganado City
Koenning, Mary Ganado City
Koenning, William J. Ganado City
Koenning, William N. Ganado City
Koester, Paulette Ida Ganado City
Kohleffel, Jack W.  
Kokes, Anna K. St. Theresa's
Kokes, Edward Jerry "Eddie" St. Theresa's
Kokes, Frank E. St. Theresa's
Kokes, John P. St. Theresa's
Kolar, Annie Memory Gardens
Kolar, Beulah St. Theresa's
Kolar, Clara May St. Theresa's
Kolar, Clarence Henry "Cotton"  
Kolar, Eugene A. Memory Gardens
Kolar, Filomena St. Theresa's
Kolar, Frank St. Theresa's
Kolar, Henry St. Theresa's
Kolar, J. B. LaSalle
Kolar, John Charlie Memory Gardens
Kolar, LaDelle K. St. Theresa's
Kolar, Robert St. Theresa's
Kolar, Wilma M. St. Theresa's
Kolb, Elizabeth Marie Pancherz  
Kolb, Michael Shane  
Kolle, Michael F.  
Konarik, Isidore J. Ganado City
Konarik, Patsy  
Koncaba, Louise Mae Ganado City
Konvicka, Anton A. Memory Gardens
Konvicka, Elo Memory Gardens
Konzen, Walter Ray MD  
Koonce, Arthur Lee Ganado City
Koonce, Carlos Lee Ganado City
Koonce, Edith Ganado City
Koonce, Johnie Cherry Ganado City
Koonce, Lee Ganado City
Koop, Anita Wiede Red Bluff
Koop, Arnold Fred Red Bluff
Koop, Billie Rae Red Bluff
Koop, Caroline Memory Gardens
Koop, Dietrich Memory Gardens
Koop, Dietrich William "Dickie" Red Bluff
Koop, Elizabeth Memory Gardens
Koop, Elizabeth Johns Memory Gardens
Koop, Ewald Memory Gardens
Koop, Francis Dietrich Memory Gardens
Koop, Frank John Memory Gardens
Koop, George "Dick" Memory Gardens
Koop, Gloria Jean Memory Gardens
Koop, Granger Anson  
Koop, James Sr.  
Koop, Kay Jayne  
Koop, Jewel Memory Gardens
Koop, John Sr. Red Bluff
Koop, John George, Jr. Red Bluff
Koop, Josephine Memory Gardens
Koop, Milvie Gregory Red Bluff
Koop, Robert B. Memory Gardens
Koop, Rose Marie Red Bluff
Koop, Ryan Anson Memory Gardens
Koop, Sibyl Alice Memory Gardens
Koop, Virgil Frank Red Bluff
Koop, Walter Dietrick Memory Gardens
Koop, William A. Memory Gardens
Koop, William D. Red Bluff
Koop, Zilpha Emily Putnam Memory Gardens

Kopnicky, John


Korenek, Louis D.  
Kornegay, Clarence Darwin Memory Gardens

Kopnicky, Pauline


Kotlar, Ann Filla Memory Gardens
Kotlar, Johnnie E. Memory Gardens
Kouns, Eunice O. Red Bluff
Kozelsky, Louis J. Memory Gardens
Kozelsky, Winifred H. Memory Gardens
Kollaja, Leonard Assumption
Korczynski, Robert "Bob" Assumption
Koudelka, Edwin Charles Assumption
Krajcik, Emily Ganado City
Krajcik, Joe Ganado City
Krajcik, Joe Sr. Memory Gardens
Krajcik, Liddie Millie Memory Gardens
Krajcik, Rosa Memory Gardens
Kramer, Dollie Ganado City
Kramer, Elsie

Ganado City

Kramer, Harold Gene Ganado City
Kramer, Jeanette Hahn

Ganado City

Kramer, John W. Ganado City
Kramer, Louise E.

Ganado City

Kramer, Oma Lee Ganado City
Kramer, Reuben A.

Ganado City

Kramr, Jerome Joe Assumption
Kraus, Edith G. Memory Gardens
Kraus, Frank Joseph Memory Gardens
Kraus, Louise Memory Gardens
Kraus, Mary Gayle Memory Gardens
Kraus, Raymond Memory Gardens
Kraus, Richard J. Memory Gardens
Krejci, Edward James Red Bluff
Krejci, Jeanette Red Bluff
Krenzler, Alma L. Memory Gardens
Krenzler, Fritz A. Memory Gardens
Krenzler, Harold Lee Memory Gardens
Kresta, Anthony Lawrence Red Bluff
Kresta, August John Memory Gardens
Kresta, James L. St. Theresa's
Kresta, Mary Agnes Memory Gardens
Kresta, Mary Jane Assumption

Kroll, Dorothy

Memory Gardens

Krueger, Lela Nora  
Krueger, Margaret Kirby Memory Gardens
Krueger, Wesley Eugene

Memory Gardens

Kreuzer, Clara Mae  

Kuba, Joseph "Joe"


Kubala, Helen Augusta  
Kubala, John B. "Butch" Ganado City
Kubala, Larry Leon  
Kubala, Leon Memory Gardens
Kubala, Lou Baker

Memory Gardens

Kubala, Patsy A.

Ganado City

Kuban, Lorene Josephine  

Kubecka, Bruce Erwin


Kubecka, Clarence Leslie Memory Gardens
Kubecka, Jennie M.

Memory Gardens

Kubecka, Kory Wayne St. Theresa's
Kubecka, Leo S. Memory Gardens
Kubecka, Lonnie Ray

Memory Gardens

Kubecka, Martha Marie Gerhard


Kubecka, Michael A. Memory Gardens

Kubecka, Oswald Richard, Sr.


Kubecka, Peter Frank Jr.  
Kubecka, William Henry "Bill"  
Kubena, Erwin J.  
Kubena, John Joe  
Kubena, Mary Lee  
Kubenka, Bruno Tony Memory Gardens
Kubenka, Carolyn Dean Wagstaff Memory Gardens
Kubicek, Marvin Jerome  
Kucera, Agnes Mary Memory Gardens
Kucera, Charles  
Kucera, Ellen  
Kucera, Frank E. Ganado City
Kucera, Jerry W.  
Kucera, Joe V. Memory Gardens
Kucera, John St. Theresa's
Kucera, Johnny E. Memory Gardens
Kucera, Larry Wayne Memory Gardens
Kucera, Leo Joe  
Kucera, Louis J. St. Theresa's
Kucera, Naomi Lee Ganado City
Kucera, Rosie St. Theresa's
Kucera, Sharron Memory Gardens
Kuchler, Nira LaNell Red Bluff
Kuchler, Paul Willie Jr. Red Bluff
Kudelka, Carl David Assumption
Kuehn, Yvonne Estelle  
Kuhlman, Berry W. Ganado City
Kuhlman, Emma D. Glass

Ganado City

Kuhlman, Gertrude Ganado City
Kuhlman, Lorine T.

Ganado City

Kuhlman, Louise Ganado City
Kuhlman, R. H.

Ganado City

Kuhlman, Shelton Ganado City
Kuhlman, Roy Wayne Ganado City
Kuhlman, Walter

Ganado City

Kulow, Albert Otto Memory Gardens

Kulow, David

Memory Gardens

Kulow, Elizabeth E. Memory Gardens
Kulow, Ella Hoyer Memory Gardens
Kulow, Emma T. Memory Gardens
Kulow, John Memory Gardens
Kulow, Leo Ernest Memory Gardens
Kulow, Nora W. O. Memory Gardens
Kunetka, Ignac "Ike" Alouise Assumption
Kunkel, Ella A.

Ganado City

Kunkel, Ernest A. Ganado City
Kunz, Marion Manly Memory Gardens
Kuretsch, Bernard G.

Ganado City

Kuretsch, Lena Ganado City
Kuretsch, Louis Ganado City
Kuretsch, Mildred S. Ganado City
Kuretsch, Raymond E. Ganado City
Kuretsch, Verlie M. Ganado City
Kurtz, Fay M. Memory Gardens
Kurtz, Florida M. Memory Gardens
Kurtz, Forrest A. Memory Gardens
Kurtz, Joseph Memory Gardens
Kurtz, Levi J. Memory Gardens
Kurtz, Paul H. Memory Gardens
Kusak, Emilie Annie Kokes St. Theresa's
Kusak, Joe F. St. Theresa's
Kusak, Johanna Memory Gardens
Kusenberger, Sallie Strauss Ganado City
Kutach, Annie Marie Heinrich  
Kutach, Benedict Ludwick  
Kuykendall, Viva Ramsey Memory Gardens


Copyright 2018- Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

May 8, 2018
Aug. 31, 2019