Cemetery & Obituary Index






Index of Cemetery Burials and Obituaries
on the Jackson County TXGenWeb Site

Please note

The obits indexed on this page are scattered throughout the Jackson County site. If you click a link above, don't expect to see all of the obits that start with that letter on the same page. The names are linked to obituaries if one is available.

This is also an index of cemetery burials. If the cemetery column is empty, the cemetery is either unknown or an out-of-county burial.

Rabas, Colin Wade Memory Gardens
Rabe, Friedrich A. Ganado City
Rabe, Gustav F. Ganado City
Rabe, Marie E. Ganado City
Rabe, William L. Red Bluff
Raby, Kenneth David "Bubba"  
Rainbolt, Betty Carrol Baker Memory Gardens
Raines, Roy F. Memory Gardens
Raines, Sallie Memory Gardens
Rainey, Lucile Kelton  
Rainey, Robert T. Sr. Memory Gardens
Rainwater, Bernard Memory Gardens
Rainwater Reba Estelle Cox Groesbeck (w/o Bernard Rainwater; Luther Campbell) Memory Gardens
Rakowitz, Alban Memory Gardens
Rakowitz, Anthony J. Memory Gardens
Rakowitz, Ray W. Ganado City
Rakowitz, Rosie Memory Gardens
Rakowitz, Theodosia Memory Gardens
Raleigh, Elizabeth Pearl "Lizzie" King Memory Gardens
Raleigh, Ella F. Memory Gardens
Raleigh, Lee Mack Ganado City
Raleigh, Robert I. Memory Gardens
Raleigh, Sanford Ganado City
Raley, C. W. Ganado City
Raley, E. T. Ganado City
Raley, Isaac P. Ganado City
Raley, James Ganado City
Raley, Josie Ganado City
Ramey, Carrie Sayles

Ramey, Fauceletti Hines

Ramey, Jewel Kerr
Ramey, Roy Lee Sayles
Ramey, Terrel S. Sayles
Ramirez, Andy Edna Latin American
Ramirez, Danella Derice  
Ramirez, Doroteo Edna Latin American
Ramirez, Francisco Hernandez Jr. Edna Latin American
Ramirez, Frank M. Edna Latin American
Ramirez, Higinio "Gino" Edna Latin American
Ramirez, Jacinto M. Edna Latin American
Ramirez, Jose "Joe" Edna Latin American
Ramirez, Juanita Cruz Red Bluff
Ramirez, Leonardo P. Edna Latin American
Ramirez, Manuel Edna Latin American
Ramirez, Maria B. Edna Latin American
Ramirez, Martina Edna Latin American
Ramirez, Ricky Molina Edna Latin American
Ramirez, Roy  
Ramirez, Thomas Red Bluff
Ramirez, Timotea G. Edna Latin American
Ramirez, Tony Edna Latin American
Ramirez, Wesley Edna Latin American
Ramos, Virginia Pena  

Rampmeier, Alvin George


Rampmeier, Betty Willis  

Rampmeier, Johanna Fritt


Rampmeier, John


Rampmeier, John Kenneth "Ken"  

Rampmeier, Rubye Neuszer


Ramsbacher, Marcella Ruth Feist Memory Gardens
Ramsbacher, Richard Joseph Sr. Memory Gardens
Ramsey, Carl David Lt. Col. (Retired)  
Ramsey, Helen F. Powers Memory Gardens
Ramsey, Ida Pearl Memory Gardens
Ramsey, Jack B. Memory Gardens
Ramsey, Joan H. Ganado City
Ramsey, Mary Elizabeth Dugger Nelson Memory Gardens
Ramsey, Richard Leroy Memory Gardens
Ramsey, Thomas B. Memory Gardens
Randall, Albert Charles  
Randall, Albert J. Memory Gardens
Randall, Bessie Lee Memory Gardens
Randle, Edith Kerr
Randall, Edna Lea Memory Gardens
Randle, I. G. Ganado Community
Randle, Jodie Ganado Community
Randle, Leroy Ganado Community

Randle, Luciel

Randle, Nonie Chase
Rangel, Frances Edna Latin American
Rangel, Hilario G. Assumption
Rangel, Ignacio T. Edna Latin American
Rangel, Lupe Figirova Edna Latin American
Rangel, Trinidad Edna Latin American
Rasberry, Brandon O'Quinn  
Rasmussen, Elizabeth Mae Memory Gardens
Ramussen, Hans Raymond "Big Boy" Memory Gardens
Ratliff, Anna Lee Laughter Memory Gardens
Ratliff, Fannie Stoner Ganado City
Ratliff, Frank A. Ganado City
Ratliff, Gene Allen Ganado City
Ratliff, Nell Ganado City
Ratliff, R. D. Ganado City
Ray, Betty L. Memory Gardens
Ray, Firman D. Memory Gardens
Ray, Dennis Edward Memory Gardens
Ray, James Hamilton Memory Gardens
Ray, Laura Mae Gray Memory Gardens
Ray, Margarita L. Memory Gardens
Ray, Roger Vaughn Memory Gardens
Raybon, Lawrence L. III Memory Gardens
Raybon, Lawrence LaVerre IV "Dusty" Memory Gardens
Raybon, Marjorie L. Memory Gardens
Raybon, Michelle Hamilton Memory Gardens
Reavis, H. R. Memory Gardens
Reckaway, Alfred L.  
Reckaway, Margaret Catherine  
Reckaway, Ruth Elizabeth Wiegand Memory Gardens
Rector, Casey Lee  
Redland, Alice Sayles
Redman, Christopher Ganado City
Redman, Jane Ganado City
Reece, Josephine T. Chase
Reed, Erna L. Ganado City
Reed, Hope F. Red Bluff
Reed, James Kerr
Reed, Merven Wesley Red Bluff
Reed, Myrtle Omega Sayles
Reed, Orenell Eileen  
Reed, Robert Jr. Sayles
Reeder, James E. Memory Gardens
Reeder, Leola Stover Memory Gardens
Rees, Pamela Gay Memory Gardens
Reese, Wynnon Mt. Olive

Reethy, Joshua

Reeves, Bertie Ethel Memory Gardens
Reeves, Forest Judson Memory Gardens
Reeves, Harold G. "Hal" Ganado City
Reeves, Isla Mae Memory Gardens
Reeves, J. Z. Memory Gardens
Register, Adela Rodriguez  
Rehak, Linda Ann Hamilton Memory Gardens
Rehak, Robert E. Memory Gardens
Reid, Geraldine Marie  
Reichart, Edith Trahan Ganado City
Reichart, Florence C. Ganado City
Reichardt, Henry C. Ganado City
Reinhart, Thelma L. Memory Gardens
Reinhart, Vincent P. Memory Gardens
Reichardt, William E. "Bill" Memory Gardens
Reid, Abraham Franklin Memory Gardens
Reid, Mary Virginia Jacobs Memory Gardens
Reid, Varie Mt. Olive
Reininger, Helen J. St. Theresa's
Reininger, Richard L., Sr. St. Theresa's
Reising, Connie Lillian Chial Memory Gardens
Renteria, Connie Hernandez  
Respondek, Frank R. Memory Gardens
Reue, James William "Bubba"  
Charlene Newport Revel Memory Gardens
Revel, Ira Preston Memory Gardens
Revel, Patricia C. LaBay Memory Gardens
Revel, Polly V. Memory Gardens
Revel, Ray Jr. Memory Gardens
Revel, Raymond Ira Memory Gardens
Revel, Samuel L. Memory Gardens
Revel, Trudie Mae Henry Memory Gardens
Revel, Wyatt Ray Memory Gardens
Rexroad, Mabel B. Memory Gardens
Rodriguez, Reyes C Assumption
Reynolds, Alice Memory Gardens
Reynolds, Betty Ganado City
Reynolds, Birtie Lee Memory Gardens
Reynolds, Evelyn Faye Memory Gardens
Reynolds, Germaine Magninat Memory Gardens
Reynolds, Jabe Isaac Memory Gardens
Reynolds, James Austin Memory Gardens
Reynolds, James "Harvey" Memory Gardens
Reynolds, Marilyn L. Memory Gardens
Reynolds, Merle D. Memory Gardens
Reynolds, Ola Mae Memory Gardens
Reynolds, William H. Memory Gardens
Reynolds, William H. Jr. Memory Gardens
Reynolds, Willie R. Memory Gardens
Rhoder, Mamie L. Mt. Olive
Rhoder, Nathaniel Jr. Mt. Olive
Rhoder, Pinkney Hines
Rhoder, Tolbert Sr. Mt. Olive
Rhodes, Aurtelia Callis Sayles

Rhodes, Benjamin Bartlett


Rhodes, Gwendolyn Washington

Rhodes, J. Lawson


Rhodes, Mary Rebecca Logan McFarlane LaBauve

Rice, Clifford


Rice, Connie C.


Rich, Londa Sue Memory Gardens
Richards, Allen Arthur Red Bluff
Richards, Ruth  
Richards, Vera B. Red Bluff
Richmond, Julia Memory Gardens
Richmond, Parolee Narcissus Memory Gardens
Rickard, Charles Ganado City
Rickard, William Ganado City
Rickaway, Dorothy Jean Memory Gardens
Rickaway, Larry Allen Memory Gardens
Rickerman, Melissa Lea "Sissy" Red Bluff
Ricks, Alice Ann Ganado City
Ricks, Etta Mae Ganado City
Ricks, Forrest W. Ganado City
Ricks, Forrest Wylie Ganado City
Ricks, James Mack Ganado City
Ricks, James M. Sr. Ganado City
Ricks, Johnnie Lou Ganado City
Ricks, Mary Ann Ganado City
Ricks, Robert Dudley Ganado City
Ricks, Rose Marie  
Ricks, Vaughnia Ganado City
Riddle, Bobbie J. Red Bluff
Riddle, Robert Ward "Bob" Red Bluff
Riek, Hanna M. Volkert Ganado City
Riggs, Johnie Terry Memory Gardens
Riggs, William P. Memory Gardens
Riley, Bernard J "Bud"  
Rimmer, Wayne Donald Knopp
Riojas, Arturo G. Assumption
Riojas, Chonita Assumption
Riojas, John Edna Latin American
Riojas, Maria Garcia Edna Latin American
Riojas, Sylvia Ann Assumption
Riojas, Victor Edna Latin American
Ripple, Albina Ganado City
Ripple, Calvin F. Ganado City
Ripple, Carl Ganado City
Ripple, Edward Ganado City
Ripple, Frank Ganado City
Ripple, Ruby G. Ganado City
Rivera, Cirila S. Edna Latin American
Rivera, Erasmo Edna Latin American
Rivera, Ventura Edna Latin American


Copyright 2018- Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

May 8, 2018
Aug. 8, 2018