Cemetery & Obituary Index






Index of Cemetery Burials and Obituaries
on the Jackson County TXGenWeb Site

Please note

The obits indexed on this page are scattered throughout the Jackson County site. If you click a link above, don't expect to see all of the obits that start with that letter on the same page. The names are linked to obituaries if one is available.

This is also an index of cemetery burials. If the cemetery column is empty, the cemetery is either unknown or an out-of-county burial.

Lawrence, Addie Davis Memory Gardens
Lawrence, Benjamin Lee Memory Gardens
Lawrence, Beverage Ottis Memory Gardens
Lawrence, Daniel Oliver Memory Gardens
Lawrence, David Otto Memory Gardens
Lawrence, Emma Ottie Lea Cherry Ganado City
Lawrence, Gina Lee Memory Gardens
Lawrence, James A. Ganado City
Lawrence, James A. Memory Gardens
Lawrence, Jearlene O. Memory Gardens
Lawrence, Johnny A. Memory Gardens
Lawrence, Julia Grace Memory Gardens
Lawrence, Junious Otto Memory Gardens
Lawrence, Maria Z. Memory Gardens
Lawrence, Mattie Woodall Memory Gardens
Lawrence, Virginia Gayle Memory Gardens
Lawson, Aaron Mt. Olive
Lawson, Ernest Mt. Olive
Lawson, Ethel Barnes Mt. Olive
Lawson, Inese Mt. Olive
Lawson, J. T. Mt. Olive
Lawson, LaTandra S. Mt. Olive
Lawson, Wesley Lee Mt. Olive

Laxson, David Alexander


Laxson, James B. "Scooter" 


Laxson, Jesse Edgar


Laxson, Mildred A. Koch Vyvial


Lea, E. Catharine Memory Gardens
Lea, Robert E. Memory Gardens
Leach, Donald Lewis Jr.  
Leake, Laura Ann Memory Gardens
Leal, Desiderio Edna Latin American
Leal, Juan E.  
Leath, Ruby Inez Memory Gardens
Ledbetter, Mary E. Memory Gardens
Ledkins, Joseph T. Memory Gardens
Ledkins, Martha Annie Memory Gardens
Ledkins, Raymond Daniel Memory Gardens
Ledkins, Viola Marie Memory Gardens
Lee, Betty Jean Red Bluff
Lee, Bonnie L. Memory Gardens
Lee, Donald L. Memory Gardens
Lee, Erchelia Vicole  
Lee, James Leslie Sr. Memory Gardens
Lee, James Washington Memory Gardens
Lee, Kathryn Skelton Memory Gardens
Lee, LaMarquis Scott  
Lee, Lela Ferguson Red Bluff
Lee, Mary Louise Memory Gardens
Lee, Maudie Mae Memory Gardens
Lee, Murvin C. Rev. Memory Gardens
Lee, R. E. "Bud" Jr. Memory Gardens
Lee, Robert Edward Memory Gardens
Lee, Wilton Dillard Red Bluff
Lefridge, Lena Jordan Sayles
LeFridge, Raymond Sayles
Legans, Virgie Mae Mt. Olive
Lege, Fred M. Memory Gardens
Lege, Matilda W. Kaape Memory Gardens
Legg, James Daniel  
Legro, Lydia Ross Ganado City
Legro, Monta Catherine Ganado City
Legro, Wayne Leo Ganado City
Leigh, Glen Vernon Memory Gardens
Leigh, Lula Grace Memory Gardens
Leissner, Annie L. Memory Gardens
Leissner, Jacob A. Memory Gardens
Leissner Ruth May  
Leissner, Vernon Allison Sr.  
Lemburg, Frederick William Jr. Memory Gardens
Lemburg, Imogene Gray Memory Gardens
Lemke, Jeremy Allen Memory Gardens
Lemoine, Lucille Anderson Ganado City
Lenamon, Myrtle Hack Memory Gardens
Lenz, Irma Ortiz  
Lesesne, Jennie Gayle Memory Gardens
Lesesne, Samuel M. Memory Gardens
Lewallen, Essie Mae Deyton Red Bluff
Lewellen, Ernest Memory Gardens
Lewellen, Jessie Memory Gardens
Lewis, Ashby William  

Lewis, Baby Girl


Lewis, Carl Rea Memory Gardens
Lewis, Dixie Kerr
Lewis, Elizabeth E. Memory Gardens
Lewis, Esther Irene Memory Gardens
Lewis, Harvey Burns Memory Gardens

Lewis, Marjorie

Lewis, Marjorie M. Memory Gardens
Lewis, Neal Arthur Memory Gardens
Lewis, Patsy Lewis  
Lewis, Roland George Memory Gardens
Lezak, Fred A. Red Bluff
Lezak, John F. Red Bluff
LiBerda, Curtis Assumption
Licona, Vicente Ganado City
Lidiak, Lillian Z. Memory Gardens
Lidiak, Louis G. Memory Gardens
Lincecum, Barnabas Gandy Red Bluff
Lind, Anna Marie Ganado City
Lind, Arthur F. Ganado City
Lind, Ellen Emelia Ganado City
Lind, John Ganado City
Lindberg, Amelia Anflia Brundien Memory Gardens
Lindberg, Betty Cotton  
Lindberg, Amelia Anflia Brundien Memory Gardens
Lindberg, Imogene Fana Memory Gardens
Lindberg, James A. Memory Gardens
Lindberg, Jean I. Paul Memory Gardens
Lindberg, John William Memory Gardens
Lindberg, Luna Lucille Memory Gardens
Lindsey, Sallie D. Ganado City
Ling, Elton Joseph Memory Gardens
Ling, Frances A. Memory Gardens
Linney, Earl Eugene Memory Gardens
Linney, Pershing Gay Memory Gardens
Linquist, Christine Erickson  
Linquist, Erick Albert  
Linquist, John August  
Linton, Addie Joines  
Linton, Clara  
Linton, Eliza Jane  
Linton, Emmitt Henderson  
Linton, Gladis Sylvia  

Linton, R. V.


Linton, Infant Daughter


Linton, Marion  
Linton, Monroe  
Linton, William Ryling  
Little, Harvey Wesley Memory Gardens
Little, Mary Elizabeth Memory Gardens
Littlefield, Enid Koop Memory Gardens
Littlefield, M. Y. "Roe" Memory Gardens
Littlejohn, Beatrice Kerr

Littlejohn, Charles Sr.

Littlejohn, Katie M. Chase
Littlejohn, Rudolph Otis Jr. Ganado Community
Littlejohn, Rudolph Otis Sayles
Livesay, Ella Memory Gardens
Livesay, John P. Memory Gardens
Llanes, Feliciana G.  
Llanes, Justo  
Lloyd, Betty Jo Hughes "Tex" Memory Gardens
Lochausen, Beulah Theresa Memory Gardens
Lochausen, Herman Otto Memory Gardens
Loescher, Theodore F. Memory Gardens
Loff, Andrew  
Loff, Arvid Leroy  
Loff, Christopher Arvid  
Loff, Clinton Arvid  
Loff, Etta Odessa  
Loff, Hulda  
Loff, Louise Hurta  
Loff, Martin M.  
Lofton, Mauderia Sayles

Logan Odelion


Logan, Elizabeth Marie LaBauve Stayton


Logan, Odile


Logan, Odile M. LaBauve


Logan, Victor D.


Logan, W. M.


Long, Annie Mae Francis


Logan, Margret E. Rose Memory Gardens
Long, Betty Anderson  
Long, Chester Knopp
Long, Clarence H. Memory Gardens
Long, Donald McAlister "Mac" Memory Gardens

Long, Garland C.


Long, Elizabeth Memory Gardens
Long, John H. Memory Gardens
Long, John Henry Jr. Memory Gardens
Long, Julia Memory Gardens
Long, Lora "Tink" Kyle Arnold Memory Gardens
Long, M. A. "Moss" Memory Gardens
Long, Mary E. Knopp
Long, Robert F.  
Longoria, Raymond Edna Latin American
Lookingbill, Elizabeth Ganado City
Loose, Jo Ann M.  
Lopez, Blas Memory Gardens
Lopez, Bessie D. Memory Gardens
Lopez, Blas F. Edna Latin American
Lopez, Blasito Edna Latin American
Lopez, Braulio Memory Gardens
Lopez, Carlos Luna Edna Latin American
Lopez, Charles Lucio  
Lopez, Efrain Jr. Edna Latin American

Lopez, Elizabeth

Memory Gardens

Lopez, Emigdio Avalos Edna Latin American
Lopez, Enedina "Nina" Edna Latin American
Lopez, Eusebio Figueroa  
Lopez, Fructuoso Jr. "Toto" Ganado City
Lopez, Frutoso Sr. Ganado City
Lopez, Gonzalo Edna Latin American
Lopez, Guadalupe Ganado City
Lopez, Guillermo "Willie" Edna Latin American
Lopez, Irene D. Memory Gardens
Lopez, J. D. Memory Gardens
Lopez, James D.  
Lopez. Jane Cruz Edna Latin American
Lopez, Jesus Edna Latin American
Lopez, Joe W. Memory Gardens
Lopez, Joseph W. Memory Gardens
Lopez, Josephine Memory Gardens
Lopez, Josephine Edna Latin American
Lopez, Minnie Memory Gardens
Lopez, Kathryn Jo Memory Gardens
Lopez, Olivia R. Nava Ganado City
Lopez, Pamela Bertram Memory Gardens
Lopez, Pete Edna Latin American
Lopez, Theresa Edna Latin American
Lorenzen, Andrew Memory Gardens
Lorenzen, Dorothy Marie Memory Gardens
Lorenzen, Fern Memory Gardens
Lorenzen, Gerald Andrew Memory Gardens
Lorenzen, Gregory A. Memory Gardens
Lott, Annie Ganado Community
Lott, Lillie Alice  
Lott, Loxie Lee Washington

Lott, Margarett


Lott, William E.

Louderback, John Jerome Memory Gardens
Louderback, Jonita Joy Stewart Memory Gardens
Louderback, Joy Stewart Memory Gardens
Loudermilk, Emma F. Enon
Loudermilk, Gladys L. Milby Enon
Loudermilk, Louis Creighton Enon
Loudermilk, Louis M. Ernon
Loudermilk, Urfa Enon
Lounsbury, Dorothy L. Memory Gardens
Love, James R. “Jimmy”  
Lovelace, Bernard Eugene "Gene" Red Bluff
Lovelace, Michael E. "Mike" Red Bluff
Lovely, Howard Memory Gardens
Lovett, Arthur E. Memory Gardens
Lowe, Alice Bell Memory Gardens
Lowe, John Barton Memory Gardens
Lowe, Lula May Amos Ganado City
Lowe, Martin Franklin Ganado City
Lowery, Ervin B. Wilkerson
Lowery, Georgie, Milby Wilkerson
Lowman, Faye Hudson Ganado City
Lozano, Eugenio Edna Latin American
Lozano, Evangeline Ganado City
Lozano, Jose C. Ganado City
Lubben, Christian D. Memory Gardens
Lubben, Lena Amelia Schumann Memory Gardens
Lubben, Reinke G. Memory Gardens
Lubben, Richard Memory Gardens

Ludwig, Ernest

Ganado City

Ludwig, Forest Ernest Ganado City
Lueckemeyer, Benhard "Ben" Ganado City
Lueckemeyer, Darwin Red Bluff
Lueckemeyer, Hulda Ganado City
Lueckemeyer, Patsy Red Bluff
Lueckemeyer, Rabon Red Bluff
Luedecke, Anna Hartmann "Geb " Ganado City
Luedecke, Calvin J. Ganado City
Luedecke, Ella R. Ganado City
Luedecke, Gus K. Ganado City
Luedecke, Johann Joachim Ganado City
Luedecke, Mary Ann Ganado City
Lugo, Clemencia Edna Latin American
Lugo, Concepcion Jr. Edna Latin American
Luker, Charles Thomas Memory Gardens
Luker, Clarence Ray Memory Gardens
Luker, Margaret Louise Memory Gardens
Lundgren, Marie L. Memory Gardens
Lundy, Peyton  
Lunsford, Theresa Carol Lolita
Lutheringer, Clifford Gus Ganado City
Lynch, James Michael Enon
Lynn, Ronald Rene  


Copyright 2018- Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

May 8, 2018
Sep. 1, 2019