Cemetery & Obituary Index






Index of Cemetery Burials and Obituaries
on the Jackson County TXGenWeb Site

Please note

The obits indexed on this page are scattered throughout the Jackson County site. If you click a link above, don't expect to see all of the obits that start with that letter on the same page. The names are linked to obituaries if one is available.

This is also an index of cemetery burials. If the cemetery column is empty, the cemetery is either unknown or an out-of-county burial.


Fairchild, Ronda Faye


Faires, Bell Sutherland Memory Gardens
Faires, Edward Lee Memory Gardens
Falks, Joyce W. Memory Gardens
Farber, J. M.  
Farber, Vicki Wade Memory Gardens
Farley, Virgil D.  
Farmer, Bonnie C. Memory Gardens
Farmer, Charles E. Memory Gardens
Franklin, James "Jim" Assumption
Farmer, William Roy  
Farquhar, Frances Elizabeth Simons Memory Gardens
Farquhar, Jesse C. Memory Gardens
Farquhar, Lea Dudley Memory Gardens
Farquhar, Wallace Lea Memory Gardens
Farquhar, William R. Memory Gardens
Farquhar, William R., Jr. Red Bluff
Farr, Jessie Lee Knopp
Farris, Alcie Elvira Ganado City
Farris, Samuel Elbert Ganado City
Farris, Samuel Jackson Ganado City
Farrow, Ella Louise Robinson Mt. Olive
Fassino, Michael Memory Gardens
Fassino, Michael Anthony  

Faught, Mary B.


Faulkner, Spencer F. Sayles
Fay, Betty E. Memory Gardens
Fay, Charles D. Memory Gardens
Fay, John Earl Memory Gardens
Fay, Joe Earl "Buddy" Memory Gardens
Fella, Nancy Louise  
Felts, July Ann Memory Gardens
Felts, Lila May Memory Gardens
Felts, Raymond A. Memory Gardens
Felts, Steven Eric Memory Gardens
Felts, William Fuller Memory Gardens
Fenner, Burma W. Memory Gardens
Fenner, Cecil Don "Donnie" Memory Gardens
Fenner, Charles B. Memory Gardens
Fenner, Charles Ivan Memory Gardens
Fenner, James E. Memory Gardens
Fenner, James Harvey Memory Gardens
Fenner, Joseph Dial Memory Gardens
Fenner, Joseph Dial Jr.  
Fenner, Katherine Creed Memory Gardens
Fenner, Leta Eugenia Brigham Memory Gardens
Fenner, Lula Ann Memory Gardens
Fenner, Mary Beulah Memory Gardens
Fenner, Nelda Fern Memory Gardens
Fenner, Oscar Brenherst Sr. Memory Gardens
Fenner, Patricia Ellen Memory Gardens
Fenner, William W. Memory Gardens
Fenner, Zou Urquhart Memory Gardens
Ferguson, Albert Joe Memory Gardens
Ferguson, Emmett, Jr. Memory Gardens
Ferguson, Estelle Memory Gardens
Ferguson, Eva Jean Memory Gardens
Ferguson, Larry Dean Memory Gardens
Ferguson, Robert W. Memory Gardens
Ferguson-Anderson, Carolyn Sue  
Fernandez, Guadalupe Edna Latin American
Ferrell, Ellen J. Memory Gardens
Fiedler, Jimmie Marie Woodward  
Fielder, Marshall Wesley Memory Gardens
Fielder, Norma Jean Memory Gardens
Fielder, Robert  
Fielder, Robert Nesbitt Memory Gardens
Fielder, Wells Thomas "Billy"  
Fields, Bessie Sayles
Fields, Henrietta Ganado Community
Fields, Jasper Ganado Community
Fields, Linda Ganado Community

Fields, Richard

Ficenz, Jeffrey R. St. Theresa's
Fiew, B. L "John" Jr. Memory Gardens
Fiew, Chester "CL" Memory Gardens
Fiew, Donald Ray Memory Gardens
Fiew, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Memory Gardens
Fiew, James R. Memory Gardens
Fiew, John T. Memory Gardens
Fiew, Margaret M. Memory Gardens
Fiew, Mary Frances Memory Gardens
Fiew, Norvell "Buddy" Memory Gardens
Fiew, Ruth Frances Johnson Memory Gardens
Fiew, Sharrilynn Memory Gardens
Figerova, Marcionilano Edna Latin American
Figirova, Guadalupe “Lupe” Edna Latin American
Figirova, Julie D.  
Figirova, Louis Edna Latin American
Figirova, Louisa C. Edna Latin American
Figirova, Lucy Edna Latin American
Figirova, Mary "China" Edna Latin American
Figirova, Moses Edna Latin American
Figirova, Pedro G. Edna Latin American
Figirova, Refugio Edna Latin American
Figirova, Thomas "Tom" C. Edna Latin American
Figirova, Willie Edna Latin American
Figorova, Halario Edna Latin American
Figueroa, Andrew Edna Latin American
Figueroa, Andrew R. Sr. Edna Latin American
Figueroa, Elizabeth Ann Edna Latin American
Figueroa, Emanuel Jr. Edna Latin American
Figueroa, Eusebio "Mike" Jr. Edna Latin American
Figueroa, Eusebio Edna Latin American
Figueroa, Manuel C. Edna Latin American
Figueroa, Pete Edna Latin American
Figueroa, Pete T. Edna Latin American
Figueroa, Tomasa Edna Latin American
Figueroa, Tony Trevino Edna Latin American
Figueroa, Victoria Edna Latin American
Fikes, Agnes Fojtik  
Fikes, Terri Lynn Ganado City
Filla, Beverly Marie Memory Gardens
Finch, Charles Henry Memory Gardens
Finch, Clyde E. Memory Gardens
Finch, Elizabeth May Memory Gardens
Finch, Valtie W. Memory Gardens
Findley, Theodosia Memory Gardens
Findley, Walter Abe, Sr. Memory Gardens
Findley, Walter Abe Memory Gardens
Finke, Arthur John Jr. Memory Gardens
Finke, Wanda L. Browning Memory Gardens
Finley, Jewel C. Memory Gardens
Finley, Octal Z. Memory Gardens
Finnell, Lola Mendez  
Fisher, Thomas Asbury  
Fisher, Barbara Ann Memory Gardens

Fisher, Corbit Edward


Fisher, Garfield Sayles
Fisher, James Presley Red Bluff
Fisher, Jrsse Woods  
Fisher, Leila T. Red Bluff
Fisher, Mary Lou Sheppard Enon
Fisher, Sterling Wesley Rev.  
Fisher, Thomas Asbury  
Fitch, Oscar  
Fitch, Rose Marie Siecko  
Fitch, Viola Memory Gardens
Fitch, William Bennett Memory Gardens
Fitzgerald, Coma I. Memory Gardens
Fitzgerald, John S. Memory Gardens
Fitzpatrick, Annie Iola Memory Gardens
Fitzpatrick, Bessie Lee Memory Gardens
Fitzpatrick, Carrie M. Memory Gardens
Fitzpatrick, Floy Ethleen Memory Gardens
Fitzpatrick, J. J. Memory Gardens
Fitzpatrick, James J. Red Bluff
Fitzpatrick, John H. Memory Gardens
Fitzpatrick, Johnny Devon Red Bluff
Fitzpatrick, Marguerite Memory Gardens
Fitzpatrick, Norris Red Bluff
Fitzpatrick, Stella L. Stayton Bowers Ramsey Red Bluff

Fivecoat, H. R. [Hattie Rebecca]


Flagg, Florence Sayles
Flanagan, James Memory Gardens
Flanagan, Virginia Enon
Fleeman, Willie "Bill" Mrs. Ganado City
Fleeman, William Davie Ganado City
Fleming, Walter Edward Ganado City
Fleniken, Bradley Ganado City
Fleniken, Dixie Howell Ganado City
Fleniken, Elizabeth Irene Ganado City
Fleniken, Warren "Buddy" Ganado City

Fleury, Adonia M. LaBauve


Fleury, Edgar A. Memory Gardens
Fleury, James Robert Memory Gardens

Fleury, John Robert


Flores, James Edna Latin American

Flores, Timothy Duane


Flores, Virginia Garcia  

Flourney, Mary F.


Flournoy, Archie S.


Flournoy, C. E.


Flournoy, Daisy Bell

Flournoy, Eva Mae Hunt (w/o 1 Guy Austin Flournoy; 2 J. L. McFarland) Memory Gardens
Flournoy, Guy Austin Memory Gardens
Flournoy, Lucy Dever Memory Gardens

Flournoy, Robert


Flournoy, Robert E.

Flournoy, Warren Wane Memory Gardens

Flournoy, Willie J.

Floyd, Gladys June Memory Gardens
Floyd, James William Memory Gardens
Fluker, Ida L. Memory Gardens
Fluker, Winfred W. Memory Gardens
Foerster, A. J. Jr.  
Foerster, Jewel Maurice Taylor  
Fojtik, Albert Memory Gardens
Fojtik, Anita M. St. Theresa's
Fojtik, Cheryl  
Fojtik, Joseph F. St. Theresa's
Fojtik, Mary St. Theresa's
Fojtik, Mary Lee  
Fojtik, Philomena St. Theresa's
Fojtik, Wesley Jerome Fojtik?
Foley, Bertha Mt. Olive
Foley, Eula Mae Sayles
Foley, Robert Foley  
Folmar, Patricia Ann  
Fondren, Earl R. Memory Gardens
Ford, Marian Esther  
Ford, Robert Jack  
Fordyce, Lou Shannon  
Foreman, Izalia Sayles
Forrest, Robert Kyle  
Foster, Jeanette B.  
Foulis, Robert Franklin Jr. Memory Gardens
Fouts, Ronald Dean Red Bluff
Fowler, Alpha F. Ganado City
Fowler, Betty Joyce Red Bluff
Fowler, Clarence S. Memory Gardens
Fowler, David Clark  
Fowler, Deborah Sue Hutson Assumption
Fowler, Ellen B. Spitdowski  
Fowler, Estha Louise  
Fowler, Hazel Jane. Ganado City
Fowler, Janey Bess Ganado City
Fowler, Jim Buck Red Bluff
Fowler, Marjorie McClelland Ganado City
Fowler, Mildred T. Memory Gardens
Fowler, Timothy Louis Assumption
Fowler, Vernie W. Ganado City
Fowler, William Bruce Ganado City
Fox, Charles E. Memory Gardens
Fox, Ruth Fitzpatrick Memory Gardens
Fox, Ruth O. Memory Gardens

Fox, Willis

Foxell, John Travis Memory Gardens
Foxell, Pauline Page Memory Gardens
Francis, Opal Adele  
Franek, Felix L. Memory Gardens
Franklin, Carl Sayles
Franklin, Freddie Sayles

Franklin, James M.

Franklin, Julia Ann Sayles
Franklin, Naomi Merdia Washington

Franklin, Rodger

Franklin, T. L. Sayles
Franklin, Wesley Clinton Ganado City
Franklin, Willard Roosevelt Sayles
Frankson, Albert  
Frankson, David  
Frankson, Donald Edmund  
Frankson, Edith R.  
Frankson, Emma Larson  
Frankson, Frank Maynard  
Frankson, Hilda Bengston  
Frankson, John Edward  
Frankson, Leta Lee  
Frankson, Lloyd Edward  
Frankson, Ora Mae  
Frankson, William H.  
Franzen, Ida Mae Margaret Wilson  
Frasher, Emily Ganado City
Frazier, George R. Memory Gardens
Frazier, Ida Mae "Nickie" Ganado City
Frazier, Nellie Memory Gardens
Frazier, Robert S. Memory Gardens
Freeborn, Eleanor Ward Ganado City
Freeman, Allene Ganado City
Freeman, Barbara D. Ganado City
Freeman, Carl Ganado City
Freeman, Claude Sr. Ganado City
Freeman, Clide Ganado City
Freeman, Ethel H. Memory Gardens
Freeman, Eva Ganado City
Freeman, Mary L. Ganado City
Freeman, Oran Wesley Ganado City
Frels, Aileen Lolita
Frels, Dick Bernard Memory Gardens
Frels, Don Brandon  
Frels, Leon A. Lolita
Frels, Walter Lolita
French, Cecilia Kaspar Memory Gardens
French, Cornell Lee Memory Gardens
French, James Edward Memory Gardens
French, N. B. Memory Gardens
French, Sally A. Memory Gardens
Frenzel, George McArthur Red Bluff
Frenzel, Jessie H. Memory Gardens
Frenzel, Peggy C. Red Bluff
Freund, Lula M. Memory Gardens
Freund, Sidney Memory Gardens
Friedrich, Allan Louis  
Frieze, Freddie Mae  
Fritz, Harold Gene Ganado City
Fritz, Lula Mae Ganado City
Froehlich, Terri Massey  

Fry, Glenn R.


Fry, Lois M.


Fry, Samuel Dean  
Fuentes, Lucia M. Edna Latin American
Fuentes, Luis Eduardo Garcia  
Fulk, Carl Wm. Ganado City
Fulk, Georgie S. Ganado City
Fulk, Infant Son of C. W. & Georgie Fulk Ganado City
Fulk, Lydia E. Ganado City
Fulk, W. E. Ganado City
Fuller, Willie Jr. Mt. Olive
Funderburgh, Lillian Edith Ganado City
Fuqua, Charles Kirk Memory Gardens
Fuqua, Marjorie Memory Gardens


Copyright 2018- Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

May 8, 2018
Aug. 8, 2018