Cemetery & Obituary Index






Index of Cemetery Burials and Obituaries
on the Jackson County TXGenWeb Site

Please note

The obits indexed on this page are scattered throughout the Jackson County site. If you click a link above, don't expect to see all of the obits that start with that letter on the same page. The names are linked to obituaries if one is available.

This is also an index of cemetery burials. If the cemetery column is empty, the cemetery is either unknown or an out-of-county burial.

Hibbs, Joe Alan  
Hicks, Billy Eugene Memory Gardens
Hicks, Christiana M. Memory Gardens
Hicks, Clara Anderson Memory Gardens
Hicks, Douglas Wayne Memory Gardens
Hicks, Eunice Mae Memory Gardens
Hicks, Gladys Kerr
Hicks, Ida B. Mt. Olive
Hicks, Jerrel Robert Ganado City
Hicks, John A. Ganado City
Hicks, Larry Chester  
Hicks, Lee Green Ganado City
Hicks, Mable Ganado City
Hicks, Martin "Pug" Ganado City
Hicks, Michael Gene  
Hicks, Myrtle Ganado City
Hicks, Theresa Marie Liberda Assumption
Hicks, Weldon Chester Memory Gardens
Highberg, Christine L. Memory Gardens
Highberg, James L. Memory Gardens
Highsmith, Sonja Ganado City

Hilgart, Alvin

Memory Gardens

Hill, Alma Ganado City
Hill, Elma Chase
Hill, Golda R. Ganado City
Hill, Henry P. Ganado City
Hill, Marilyn  
Hill, William "Dugan"  
Hill, Willie S. "Bill" Ganado City
Hillman, Mary L. Memory Gardens
Hillman, William L. Memory Gardens
Hillyer, Louis Devotie Memory Gardens
Hillyard, John M. Ganado City
Hillyard, Mary Jane  
Hillyard, Mary Esther Tennessee  
Hillyer, Odessa Bennett Memory Gardens
Hillyard, Thomas  
Hilton, Bradley Joe Ganado City
Hilton, Ima Clyde Ganado City
Hilton, Lawrence M. Ganado City
Hine, Virginia Caryl Parr Memory Gardens

Hines, Alice Marie


Hines, Angeline


Hines, Audrey


Hines, Chester


Hines, Claude Rev.


Hines, Clyde


Hines, Dale


Hines, Dorothy Bryant


Hines, Ella Mae

Hines, Estelle Mr. Olive

Hines, Eugene


Hines, Frances


Hines, Gertrude


Hines, Henry


Hines, Herman

Hines, Hugh Hines

Hines, Jimmy


Hines, Johnnie Robert


Hines, Kenneth


Hines, Leonard


Hines, Matilda


Hines, Maxie


Hines, Minnie Robinson


Hines, Rachel


Hines, Rena


Hines, Serelder


Hines, Sinclair


Hines, Sylvester


Hines, Tip


Hines, Tom


Hines, Velma Tones


Hines, Willie Jr.


Hines, Willie Sr.

Hinojosa, Severo Homero, Jr.  
Hitchcock, Eugene E. Memory Gardens
Hitt, James Richard Memory Gardens
Hlavaty, Anton R.  
Hlavaty, Baby Boy Red Bluff
Hlavaty, Jerome James  
Hlavaty, Larry W. Red Bluff
Hodde, Irene  
Hlavaty, Henrietta B. Memory Gardens
Hlavaty, Jerome J. Memory Gardens

Hlavaty, Larry W.

Hobson, Louis Horry Memory Gardens
Hobson, Mary Ellen Memory Gardens
Hobson, Thomas W. Memory Gardens
Hobson, Wilma Faye Memory Gardens
Hodges, Alfred Franklin Memory Gardens
Hodges, Allene, Jamison Memory Gardens
Hodges, Charles P. Memory Gardens
Hodges, Gifford Lloyd Memory Gardens
Hodges, Catherine Rodgers Memory Gardens
Hodges, Ettie Marilla  
Hodges, Harry Willard Ganado City
Hoffman, Bobbie R. Red Bluff
Hodges, Gifford Lloyd Memory Gardens
Hodges, Grace LaBaun Memory Gardens
Hodges, John Roy Memory Gardens
Hodges, John Turner Memory Gardens
Hodges, Judy K Memory Gardens
Hodges, Martha LaVirt Memory Gardens
Hoffer, Alice G. Memory Gardens
Hoffer, E. Clementine Memory Gardens
Hoffer, Francis A. Memory Gardens
Hoffer, Glenda L. Memory Gardens
Hoffer, Henry L. Memory Gardens
Hoffer, Roy L. Memory Gardens
Hoffman, Arbuth Albert Memory Gardens
Hoffman, Bobbie R. Red Bluff
Hoffman, Bonnie B. Memory Gardens
Hoffman, Davis A. Memory Gardens
Hoffman, Edward Rudolph Memory Gardens
Hoffman, Emma Hull Memory Gardens
Hoffman, Evelyn Ruth Slavik Red Bluff
Hoffman, Jesse C. Memory Gardens
Hoffman, Lewis C. Memory Gardens
Hoffman, Margarett Ruth Memory Gardens
Hoffman, Minnie Memory Gardens
Hoffman, Rudolph Memory Gardens
Hoffman, Ruth H. Memory Gardens
Hoffmann, Charles Memory Gardens
Hoffman, Mary Memory Gardens
Hoffmeyer, Annie Ganado City
Hoffmeyer, Carl H. Ganado City
Hoffmeyer, Sophie Ganado City
Hohensee, Allan L. Ganado City
Hohensee, Bessie Lee Ganado City
Hohensee, Della Dee Goff Ganado City
Hohensee, Edwin L. Ganado City
Hohensee, Raymond R. Ganado City
Hohensee, Richard E. Ganado City
Holcombe, Fred Jr. Kerr
Holcomb, Ivory Lee Sayles
Holder, Oscar H. Memory Gardens
Holder, Sarah Annie Memory Gardens
Holland, Howard "Hoot" Memory Gardens
Holland, Josie Smith Memory Gardens
Hollas, Sister M. Amata  
Holley, Melvin Edgar Memory Gardens
Hollingsworth, Alvora Sayles
Hollingsworth, James A. Memory Gardens
Hollingsworth, Sarah Munsell Memory Gardens
Hollingsworth, William Campbell "Bill" Memory Gardens
Hollis, Elsie Rae Westfahl Red Bluff
Hollis, James Aubrey Red Bluff
Holloway, Arthur Lee Memory Gardens
Holloway, Delores Jean Kinsfather  
Holloway, Geraldine O. Memory Gardens
Holloway, Ida-Mae Memory Gardens
Holloway, J. M. Memory Gardens
Holloway, Jewel Memory Gardens
Holloway, Joseph A. Memory Gardens
Holloway, Joseph Lee Memory Gardens
Holloway, Lloyd Morris LaBauve
Holloway, Mary Bronaugh Memory Gardens

Holloway, Mary Jane


Holloway, Myrtle Memory Gardens
Holloway, Oliver Daniel Memory Gardens
Holloway, Richard Edward Memory Gardens
Holloway, Roxie Memory Gardens
Holloway, Sallie L. Memory Gardens
Holloway, Samuel Lee Memory Gardens
Holmes, Alice Lillian Red Bluff
Holmes, Bessie Sayles
Holmes, Cleveland Kerr
Holmes, Ethel Kerr
Holmes, Jean Litton Red Bluff
Holmes, Paul F. Red Bluff
Holmes, Roena M. Ganado Community
Holmes, William Blanton Jr. Red Bluff
Holmes, Willie L. Ganado Community
Hollub, E. J. Memory Gardens
Hollub, Josephine M. Memory Gardens
Holllub,Mary Memory Gardens
Hollub, William L. Memory Gardens
Holmes, Clifton N. Memory Gardens
Holmes, Daphine Klock Memory Gardens
Holmes, Edward J. Memory Gardens
Holmes, Robert D. Memory Gardens
Holmes, Venice L. Memory Gardens
Holstein, Mildred Saunders Memory Gardens
Holstein, Tom Ganado City
Holstien, Vera K.  
Holt, Jack A. Memory Gardens
Holt, John Wesley St. Theresa's
Holt, M. A. Ganado City
Holt, Mary E. Memory Gardens
Holt, Pamela Jean St. Theresa's
Holub, Ted J. St. Theresa's
Honeycutt, Earl L. Ganado City
Honeycutt, Mertie L. Ganado City
Honeycutt, Tim Lee Ganado City
Hooker, Cassidy Jean Red Bluff
Hooker, Lonnie Memory Gardens
Hooker, Lucindy Ellen Memory Gardens
Hoover, Clara Memory Gardens
Hoover, James S. Memory Gardens
Hoover, Estelle C. Memory Gardens

Hope, James

Hopes, A. T. Sr. Kerr
Hopes, Albert Sr. Chase

Hopes, Edith

Hopes, Elizabeth Chase
Hopes, Erma Jean Kerr

Hopes, Frances

Hopes, Gracie Mae Mt. Olive
Hopes, Henry Jr. Chase
Hopes, Henry Sr. Chase

Hopes, James "Slick"

Hopes, Josephine Mt. Olive

Hopes, Kyron Jaleel

Memory Gardens

Hopes, Leola Mt. Olive
Hopes, Leonard Chase
Hopes, Lonnie Chase
Hopes, Newton Jr. Mt. Olive
Hopes, Newton Sr. Mt. Olive
Hopes, Oneal Sr. Sayles
Hopes, Owen Jr. Mt. Olive
Hopes, Pauline M. Sayles
Hopes, Romane Chase
Hopes, Shirley Sayles

Hopes, Susan

Horn, Harry K. Memory Gardens
Horn, Nora Emma Memory Gardens
Horn, Oline Elles Memory Gardens
Horn, Wilborn J. Memory Gardens
Horst, Charley Ganado City
Horst, Conrad Ganado City
Horton, Albertina Kaapke Memory Gardens
Horton, Armenta Chase
Horton, George Frederick Memory Gardens
Horton, Jessie Ganado City
Horton, L. S. Ganado City
Horton, Larry Wade  
Hoskins, Beulah Memory Gardens
Hoskins, Clyde L. Memory Gardens
Hoskins, Donald Ray  
Hoskins, Earline Memory Gardens
Hoskins, Emmett Douglas Memory Gardens
Hoskins, J. P. Memory Gardens
Hoskins, James E. Memory Gardens
Hoskins, Thomas Memory Gardens
House, Neoma G  

Housson, Georgia


Houston, Ameal

Houston, Joseph Ware Memory Gardens
Howard, Albert G. "Jack" Red Bluff
Howard, Annie B. Sayles
Howard Dorothy Marie Red Bluff
Howard, Ellen Mt. Olive
Howard, Henry Sr. Sayles

Howard, Johnny

Howard, Newton Sayles
Howard, Pauline Sayles
Howard, Wilmot Sayles
Howell, Aileen Ganado City
Howell, Carrie Mildred Memory Gardens
Howell, Earl Edward Ganado City
Howell, Helen Elizabeth Ganado City
Howell, James Preston, Sr.  
Howell, Kathryn Lois Yoas Ganado City
Howell, Lorraine E. Ganado City
Howell, Mary Pearce Memory Gardens
Howell, T. J. Ganado City
Howell, Thomas Jefferson Ganado City
Howell, Thomas Lee Ganado City
Howell, Walton L. Memory Gardens
Howle, Norma Egg Memory Gardens
Hrachovy, Vallie Mae Pomykal  
Hrchek, Louella Fitzpatrick Memory Gardens
Hubalek, Carrie J. Ganado City
Hubalek, Emil F. Ganado City
Hubalek, Jerome Ganado City
Hubbard, Benjamin F. Memory Gardens
Hubbard, Cordelia Ganado City
Hubbard, Dewitt A. Memory Gardens
Hubbard, Earl L. Memory Gardens
Hubbard, Ima I. Memory Gardens
Hubbard, Jewel Ganado City
Hubbard, Lillie M. Ganado City
Hubbard, Lula May Memory Gardens
Hubbard, Robert Memory Gardens
Hubbard, Tom E. Ganado City
Hubbard, Wiley Ganado City
Hubbard, William O. Ganado City
Hubenak, Charlene Lily Hubenak
Hubenak, Edwin  
Hubenak, Freddie Joe Hubenak
Hubenak, Ignac W. Sr. Assumption
Hubenak, Jimmie John  
Hubenak, Shirley Henrichsen Memory Gardens
Hubenak, Stanley P. Memory Gardens
Huble, Albert Jacob St. Theresa's
Huble, Filomena M. St. Theresa's
Huble, Troy Alan St. Theresa's
Hubler, Alleen Ganado City
Hubler, David Ganado City
Hubler, Fannie Laura Ganado City
Hubler, Raymond Oliver Ganado City
Hudgins, Walter  
Hudson, Allie Josephine Red Bluff
Hudson, Arthur James Memory Gardens
Hudson, Arthur S. Memory Gardens
Hudson, Cloyd D. Memory Gardens
Hudson, C. W. Dr. Memory Gardens
Hudson, Elva June Memory Gardens
Hudson, Marion C.


Hudson, Jessie G. Red Bluff

Hudson, Johnny B.
Hudson, Johnny B.


Hudson, Joyce LaVerne Koch


Hudson, Margaret Hassell Ganado City
Hudson, Michael Cole Red Bluff
Hudson, Ronald "Ronnie" Wayne Red Bluff
Hudson, William N. Red Bluff
Huerta, Faustino Assumption
Huff, E. Marie Memory Gardens
Huff, Helen Darlene  
Huff, Henry "Hank" Memory Gardens
Hufhstutler, Binnion DeLoss Memory Gardens
Huffstutler, Martha Wright Memory Gardens
Hughes, Annmarie Sayles
Hughes, Marcus G. Memory Gardens
Hughes, Minnie Memory Gardens
Hultquist, Albert Ganado City
Hultquist, Clifford H. Ganado City
Hultquist, Della M. Ganado City
Hultquist, Eddie D. Ganado City
Hultquiat, Gilbert A. Ganado City
Hultquist, John A. Ganado City
Hultquist, Josephene K. Ganado City
Hultquist, Lydia A. Ganado City
Hultquist, M. Katherine Ganado City
Hultquist, Martin L. Ganado City
Hultquist, Otto C. Ganado City
Hultquist, Raymond L. Ganado City
Hultquist, Robert D. Ganado City
Hultquist, Rose E. Ganado City
Hultquist, Sarah Jane Ganado City
Hultquist, Vernie Emil Ganado City
Hultquist, Willard Martin Ganado City
Hungerford, Charles Everett Memory Gardens
Hungerford, Ella Marie Memory Gardens

Hultquist, Gilbert Alvin

Ganado City

Hults, John Corbin  
Hundsnurcher, Adolph A. Red Bluff
Hunt, Alta I. "Blossom" Memory Gardens
Hunt, Alta R. Ganado City
Hunt, Anna Marie "Tiny" Ganado City
Hunt, Dan W. Memory Gardens
Hunt, Evelyn Alice Red Bluff
Hunt, Evelyn Naomi  
Hunt, Jesse Darrell Ganado City
Hunt, Jessie "Jimmie" Memory Gardens
Hunt, Jesse J. Ganado City
Hunt, Margaret Olivia Gohlke  
Hunt, Marie C. Ganado City
Hunt, Pamala Ganado City
Hunt, Sadie M. Memory Gardens
Hunt, William Wallace Sr. Red Bluff

Hunter, Ange Lee

Hunter, L. P. Dan Memory Gardens
Huntley, Patti Ann Srubar St. Theresa's
Hurd, Curtis Leonard Jr. Mt. Olive
Hurd, Deloris Marie Stovall  
Hurd, Mary E. "Grannie" Memory Gardens
Hurd, Norman H. Memory Gardens
Hurley, D. B. Memory Gardens
Hurley, Ulia Lee Memory Gardens
Hurt, Annie Lorene Ganado City
Hurt, Thomas Calvin Ganado City
Hurt, James Pershing, Sr. Ganado City
Hurt, Kenneth Roland Ganado City
Hurt, Lucille Socha Ganado City
Hurt, Matty Pearl Ganado City
Hurt, Terra Marie Ganado City
Hurt, Thomas Calvin Sr. Ganado City
Hurta, Edwin E. Jr. Memory Gardens
Hurta, Franklin Leroy Deutschburg

Hurta, Howard


Hurta, Kathryn  
Hurta, John Joseph "Joe"  
Hurta, Louis  
Husak, Augusta A. Ganado City
Husak, Jerry J. Ganado City
Huseman, Amanda Ganado City
Huseman, Annie E. Ganado City
Huseman, Ben Ganado City
Huseman, Donald Ganado City
Huseman, Henriette L. Ganado City
Huseman, Henry F. Ganado City
Huseman, Hertha Huseman Ganado City
Huseman, Hilda Ganado City
Huseman, Monroe William Ganado City
Huseman, Nolan Ganado City
Huseman, Otto F. Ganado City
Huseman, W. H. "Pete" Ganado City
Husman, J. B. Memory Gardens
Hutchens, Eloise Memory Gardens
Hutchens, George Memory Gardens
Hutchens, George H. Memory Gardens
Hutcheson, Chas. Memory Gardens
Hutcheson, Florence Memory Gardens
Hutcheson, John M. Jr. Memory Gardens
Hutcheson, Mack Memory Gardens
Hutcheson, Lila Memory Gardens
Hutcheson, Ruth B. Memory Gardens
Hutson, Mary E. Ganado City
Hutson, Ray E. Ganado City
Hyden, Bailey Bryan Memory Gardens
Hyden, Patty Snider Memory Gardens

Hynes, Clara H.



Copyright 2018- Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

May 8, 2018
Aug. 8, 2018