Cemetery & Obituary Index


P - Q




Index of Cemetery Burials and Obituaries
on the Jackson County TXGenWeb Site

Please note

The obits indexed on this page are scattered throughout the Jackson County site. If you click a link above, don't expect to see all of the obits that start with that letter on the same page. The names are linked to obituaries if one is available.

This is also an index of cemetery burials. If the cemetery column is empty, the cemetery is either unknown or an out-of-county burial.

Padilla, Cataleya Rae  

Padon, August F.


Page, Alice

Ganado City

Page, Deamus Cleveland


Page, Jack T. Sr. Page
Page, Jake T. Page
Page, Madine Page
Pagel, Albert A. Ganado City
Pagel, Alice Ganado City
Pagel, August Ganado City
Pagel, Bettie Ganado City
Pagel, Ernest Otto Ganado City
Pagel, Hattie Ganado City
Pagel, Leroy Ganado City
Pagel, Louis Dobbs Ganado City
Pagel, Maggie Ganado City
Pagel, Marlene Ganado City
Pagel, Martha Ganado City
Pagel, Maurine Ganado City
Pagel, William Ganado City
Pahmiyer, Bertha H.

Memory Gardens

Pahmiyer, Dalton Edward Memory Gardens
Pahmiyer, Dorothy "Jeanie" Red Bluff
Pahmiyer, Edward O.

Memory Gardens

Pahmiyer, Jimmy Lee

Memory Gardens

Pahmiyer, John Berthold

Memory Gardens

Pahmiyer, John E. Jr.

Memory Gardens

Pahmiyer, Mary E.

Memory Gardens

Pahmiyer, Nelda Jean Anderson Memory Gardens
Paine, Helen Elizabeth

Memory Gardens

Paine, Sophie J.

Memory Gardens

Paine, William Edward

Memory Gardens

Paiz, Domingo A. Edna Latin American
Palacios, Colin James

Memory Gardens

Palacios, Isabel Memory Gardens

Palacios, Jordan Elias

Memory Gardens
Palacios, Manuel Eligio

Memory Gardens

Palacios, Ricarda Navarro  
Palacios, Soledad Ganado City
Pannell, Addie T. Red Bluff
Pannell, Catherine Red Bluff
Pannell, Ernest E. Red Bluff
Panza, George Joseph  
Parfit, Cornelia Susan Ward Ganado City
Parfit, Edward Ganado City
Parish, Robert L.  
Parker, Calvin C.

Memory Gardens

Parker, Dorothy L.

Memory Gardens

Parker, Gene Nolen

Memory Gardens

Parker ,Georgia Lee Jurica Gabrysch Memory Gardens
Parker, Helen Marie

Memory Gardens

Parker, Jarrett Paul

Memory Gardens

Parker, Joe Thomas

Memory Gardens

Parker, Valerie Vance Zipp Memory Gardens
Parkins, Lillian Belle  
Parks, Carol Wayne Ganado City
Parks, Debbie Enon
Parks, Johnny Wayne Ganado City
Parks, Kevin Lee Memory Gardens
Parks, Larry Enon
Parks, Lawrence A.

Memory Gardens

Parks, Lawrence Aubrey Jr. Memory Gardens
Parks, Marjorie Faye  
Parks, Rose Etta Holmes Putnam Day

Memory Gardens

Parks, Viola Mae

Memory Gardens

Parks, Virginia Ray

Memory Gardens

Parks-James, Tiffany  

Parlor, Alfrada

Parlor, Robert Sayles

Parlor, Roshel H.

Parr, Emmie Sanders

Memory Gardens

Parr. J. P.

Memory Gardens

Parr, Jinnie M.

Memory Gardens

Parr, Johnie

Memory Gardens

Parr, Johnnie P.

Memory Gardens

Parr, Joyce Lee

Memory Gardens

Parr, Lathey W.

Memory Gardens

Parr, Linda Moore Memory Gardens
Parr, Melton

Memory Gardens

Parr, Ollie L.

Memory Gardens

Parr, Raymond  

Parr, Sharla A.


Parrack, Horace Ganado City
Parrack, John B. Ganado City
Parrack, Lula Ganado City
Parrack, Rebecca Ganado City
Parson, Jimmie Ganado Community
Parson, Roy Ganado Community
Partin, Margaret Lowery Ledwig  

Patridge, Herman T.


Partridge, Louise


Partridge, Mary Ellen Lassiter Memory Gardens

Partridge, Robert E.


Partridge, Wilton Dean "Dean" Memory Gardens
Patman, Carrin Mauritz  
Patrick, James William

Memory Gardens

Patrick, Veeda Marie

Memory Gardens

Patterson, Aubrey "Lloyd" (death notice)  
Patterson, Bertha Ganado City

Patterson, Emily


Patterson, Frederick "Zack" Sayles

Patterson, John G.


Patterson, Joycelyn Ramey Sayles

Patterson, Jocelyn Renay


Patterson, Leslie B. Ganado City
Patterson, Rosie L. Sayles

Patterson, Tummie

Patterson, Wesley R. Sayles

Paul, Elise Elaine

Memory Gardens

Pavlik, Anthony Emil  
Paxton, Bessie Mae Williams  
Paxton, Ernest Bryant  
Payne, Donna Kay Memory Gardens
Perry, George Ann  
Perry, George M.  
Perry, Jefferson Marshall  
Payne, Jenny Red Bluff
Payne, Mary Red Bluff
Payne, William Jr. Red Bluff
Payne, William III Red Bluff

Peacock, Seline Egg

Memory Gardens
Peacock, Tiffani Marie Memory Gardens
Peacock, Wesley  
Peagler, James E. Memory Gardens
Peagler, Lula Memory Gardens
Pearce, Ben Hill Memory Gardens
Pearce, Florence D. Memory Gardens
Pearce, Francis "Frank" Memory Gardens
Pearce, Irene S. Ganado City
Pearce, Lille M. Green Memory Gardens
Pearce, Lizzie Ann Joines Memory Gardens
Pearce, Mary Allman Memory Gardens
Pearce, M. L. Memory Gardens
Pearce, Z. Buren Ganado City
Pearson, John Arthur "John-John" Memory Gardens
Pearson, Johnnie T. "Pete" Memory Gardens
Pearson, Lonnie Gene Red Bluff
Pearson, Peggy J. Braunholz Memory Gardens
Pecha, Henry E. Assumption
Pecha, Nevadene W. Red Bluff
Peeples, Landon A. Lolita
Pecha, Sidney Ervin Red Bluff
Peerson, Carl David Sr. Red Bluff
Pena, Alberto S. Edna Latin American
Pena, Amador Amos Edna Latin American
Pena, Esther Edna Latin American
Pena, Eustorgio Edna Latin American
Pena, Eva Castro Edna Latin American
Pena, Guadalupe S. Edna Latin American
Pena, Janie Padilla  
Pena, Juanita Santellana Edna Latin American
Pena, Lorenzo C. Ganado City
Pena, Luciana Arroyos Memory Gardens
Pena, Mary Louise Ganado City
Pena, Miguel Edna Latin American
Pena, Sheila M. Ganado City
Pena, Simon Edna Latin American
Pendleton, Hilda Long  
Pennington, James F. "Highball Jim" Memory Gardens
Pennington, Marilyn Lindsey  
Peralez, Gregoria "Georgia" Ganado City
Peralez, Juan Ganado City
Perek, Nick M. Memory Gardens
Perez, Benjamin Red Bluff
Perez, Danny Ganado City
Perez, Elva Sue Ganado City
Perez, Estefana Edna Latin American
Perez, Geronimo Edna Latin American
Perez, Isabel Assumption
Perez, Isaac Olando  
Perez, Jorge Edna Latin American
Perez, Lillie Garza  
Perez, Manuel C. Ganado City
Perez, Maria Lopez de Edna Latin American
Perez, Panfilo Edna Latin American
Perez, Tracia Lee Ganado City
Perkins, Bertha L. Memory Gardens
Perkins, E. S. "Perk" Memory Gardens
Perkins, Jean Memory Gardens
Perkins, John U. Memory Gardens

Perkins, Mary Lee

Perkins, Urah P. Memory Gardens
Peterek, Raymond Assumption
Petering, Carol Ann  
Peters, AJ  
Peters, Beverly Anne Peck  
Peters, Carrie Power Memory Gardens
Peters, Gertrude C. Ganado City
Peters, Golda R. Ganado City
Peters, Jerome J. Ganado City
Peters, Mary E. Memory Gardens
Peters, Ronald “Ronnie” James Red Bluff
Peters, Terry John Memory Gardens
Peters, William F. 1985 Ganado City
Peters, William Frank "Bill" 2023  
Peterson, Cecelia Theresa Memory Gardens
Peterson, Charlie E.  
Peterson, James Anthony Memory Gardens
Petrash, Elaine Josephine Grieve  
Petrich, A. O'Bian Memory Gardens
Petrich, Baby Arnold Memory Gardens
Petrich, Dorothy Jane Memory Gardens
Petrich, Julian Memory Gardens
Petrich, Julius August Memory Gardens
Petrich, William Leo Memory Gardens
Petrich, Willie Easter Memory Gardens
Pfeffer, Edwin Ganado City
Pfeffer, Hilda Ganado City
Philips, Mary Frances White St. Theresa's
Philips, Thomas E. Jr. St. Theresa's
Phillips, Alice V. Memory Gardens
Phillips, Annie M. Memory Gardens
Phillips, Clyde L. Memory Gardens
Phillips, Edna Sayles
Phillips, Ermond T.  
Phillips, James W. Red Bluff
Phillips, Jesse C. Memory Gardens
Phillips, Louisa Alice Memory Gardens
Phillips, Marc Albert Memory Gardens
Phillips, Maggie Austin Memory Gardens
Phillips, Mary White St. Theresa's
Phillips, Paul Ray Memory Gardens
Phillips, Pearl Louise  
Phillips, Robert G. Memory Gardens
Phillips, Ruby Bracewell  
Phillips, Sallie R. Memory Gardens
Phillips, Thelma E. Memory Gardens
Phillips, Viola Ezzell Memory Gardens
Phillips, William H. Memory Gardens
Phillips, Willie Mae Memory Gardens
Pickens, Norma Kathleen  
Pilcik, Richard Allen  
Pilgrim, Ricky C. Red Bluff
Pitchford, Ann Elizabeth Stewart Red Bluff
Pitchford, Thomas Alvin, Sr. Red Bluff
Pittman, Ernest "Ernie" L. Red Bluff
Pitzer, Caroline Wehring  
Piwonka, Jimmie Lewis  
Plant, Raphael Leon Jr.  
Plant, Martha  
Plant, Mercedes Eloise Gann  
Pliva, Alois Memory Gardens
Pliva, Annie Memory Gardens
Pliva, Erma Memory Gardens
Pliva, Lena Scott Memory Gardens

Plummer, Dianne Letetia

Plummer, Thomas Houston Jr. "T" Red Bluff
Polasek, Alberta Memory Gardens
Polasek, Annie Ganado City
Polasek, Frank Julius Memory Gardens
Polasek, Paul Joe Memory Gardens
Polasek, William "Willie" Memory Gardens
Polk, Elva Jean Memory Gardens
Polk, Luviney Elizabeth Memory Gardens

Polk, Robin Parks


Pollard, Gertrude Inez Memory Gardens
Pollard, James William Memory Gardens
Pool, Frederick  
Poole, Anita M. Memory Gardens
Poole, Lawrence Memory Gardens
Poole, Roger Berl Memory Gardens
Pope, Kelva Lane Memory Gardens
Pope, James M. Memory Gardens
Pope, Mattie M. Memory Gardens
Porche, Agnes M. Memory Gardens
Porche, Chili Ray Memory Gardens
Porche, Dorothy Cleatrice Memory Gardens
Porche, Fred J. Memory Gardens
Porche, John Elrees Memory Gardens

Porche, Lamar Strane


Porche, Lillie L. Memory Gardens
Porche, Patsy Jean Memory Gardens
Porche, Patsy Thomasson Red Bluff
Porche, Ralph William Memory Gardens
Porche, Tyler Reed  
Porche, Velmer Josephine Memory Gardens
Porche, Wanda Louise Terry Memory Gardens
Porche, William Edward Sr. Memory Gardens
Porche, William  Ray "Chili" Red Bluff
Porter, Cleo Romine Memory Gardens
Porter, Elvira Chase
Porter, James Walton Memory Gardens
Porter, Julius Chase
Porter, Martha Ann Sayles
Posey, Sheila  
Potter, Lillie Caruth Memory Gardens
Potter, Roy Ellis Memory Gardens

Powell, Arthur


Powell, Ella Green

Powell, Ethel Marion  
Powell, Marianne L. Memory Gardens
Powell, Sam F. Memory Gardens
Power, Florine Memory Gardens
Power, James Memory Gardens
Power, John Memory Gardens
Power, Ralph D. Memory Gardens
Power, Robert W. Memory Gardens
Power, Susie Memory Gardens
Power, Willie F. Memory Gardens
Powers, Dennis  
Powers, Elaine Fay Red Bluff
Powers, George Clifton Memory Gardens
Powers, Lena O. Memory Gardens
Powers, Leona Minnie Mascheck Memory Gardens
Powers, Mary U. Gerdes Memory Gardens
Powers, Noah Lee Memory Gardens
Powers, Roger Alan Memory Gardens
Powers, Rufus C. Memory Gardens
Powers, Wilma Jean Memory Gardens
Pratka, Alfred L. St. Theresa's
Pratka, August St. Theresa's
Pratka, Janie Prochaska Memory Gardens
Pratka, John R. Jr.  
Pratka, John Richard Memory Gardens
Precise, Joan Kay  
Preston, Ray L. Memory Gardens
Preuss, Charles H. Ganado City
Preuss, Emma I. Ganado City
Preuss, Ervin Henry Ganado City
Preuss, Mamie Mae Schultz Ganado City
Preuss, Rosalie D. Ganado City
Price, Alberta I. Parr Memory Gardens
Price, Alice Kerr
Price, Claudia Ganado City
Price, Eddie F. Memory Gardens
Prove, Geraldine Ann "Jerry" Ganado City
Price, Johnny Roy Memory Gardens
Price, Maxine J. Memory Gardens
Price, Minnie Z. Memory Gardens
Prince, Don Wesley Memory Gardens
Prince, Lillian H. Kerr

Prior, Ida

Prochaska, Anton Joe Memory Gardens
Prochaska, Lillian Doguet Memory Gardens
Prochaska, Tim Eugene St. Theresa's
Prove, Blenda Seals Ganado City
Pruitt, Goldia Mary Bowen  
Pruitt, Evelyn Ganado City
Pruitt, JB Carroll  
Pruitt, J. O. Ganado City
Pruitt, Washington O.  
Prukop, Ana Viola White  
Prukop, Lottie Matejek  
Pryor, Epps Flemington Ganado City
Pryor, Flemington E. "F. E." Pryor  
Pryor, Julia Emma Martin Ganado City
Pryor, Ray Beth Ganado City
Psencik, Alfred Andrew "Fred" Memory Gardens
Psencik, Alma Schneider Memory Gardens
Psencik, Alvin Henry Memory Gardens
Psencik, Charlie Vince Memory Gardens
Psencik, Infant Daughter Memory Gardens
Puentes, Pascula "Pat"  
Pulido, Aristeo Edna Latin American
Pulido, Arnoldo Sr. Edna Latin American
Pulido, Mary Lou Edna Latin American

Pumphrey, Allen


Pumphrey, Blake


Pumphrey, E. M. Mrs. Memory Gardens

Pumphrey, Ellen Marvin Mathna?


Pumphrey, Infant


Pumphrey, Jesse N.


Pumphrey, Jessie Lee Memory Gardens
Pumphrey, Mattie D. Memory Gardens
Pumphrey, Meadie Memory Gardens
Pumphrey, Murus D. Memory Gardens

Pumphrey, Jesse N.


Pumphrey, Mary S.


Pumphrey, Ray


Purcell, Barbara Ann  
Purcell, Billie Jean McFeron Red Bluff
Purcell, Daniel  
Purrington, Henriette Cleveland  
Puryear, Gene Nelson  
Putnam, Abbie "Dolly"  

Putnam, Minnie


Putnam, P. P.


Putnam, Robert Leroy "Bobby" Memory Gardens
Putnam, Royal A.  
Putnam, Ruth W.  

Putnam, S. M.


Putnam, Tilly Thomas  
Putty, Mary K. Denard McFeron Memory Gardens
Pyle, Louise Spann  
Quarles, Beatrice Memory Gardens
Quarles, Claude Memory Gardens
Quarles, Darlene Roehe Memory Gardens
Quarles, Delores Ann Red Bluff
Quarles, Dempsey Wayne Memory Gardens
Quarles, Eunice A. Memory Gardens
Quarles, Eunice Byars Memory Gardens
Quarles, James S. Memory Gardens
Quarles, Martha Jane DeBord Memory Gardens
Qualrles, Mary Dittrich Memory Gardens
Quarles, Sammy Jr. Memory Gardens
Quarles, Samuel W. Memory Gardens
Quarles, William Dennis Red Bluff
Quarles, William H. W. Memory Gardens
Quebe, Alvin Ray Ganado City
Quebe, Edwin F. Ganado City
Quebe, Edwin F. Jr. Ganado City
Quebe, Fred Allen Ganado City
Quebe, Pauline Ann Ganado City
Quinn, Albert Monroe Memory Gardens
Quinn, C. Levi Memory Gardens

Quinn, Charles C.


Quinn, Charles Levi Memory Gardens
Quinn, Clara Mantha Memory Gardens

Quinn, D. M.


Quinn, David A. Memory Gardens
Quinn, Dee Witt, Jr. Memory Gardens
Quinn, Dee Witt Memory Gardens
Quinn, Elverter Rutledge Memory Gardens
Quinn, Emmie Memory Gardens
Quinn, Eunice I. Ganado City
Quinn, Frank James Ganado City

Quinn, Infant of C. C. & M. I. Quinn


Quinn, James Charles Memory Gardens
Quinn, Jerry W. Memory Gardens
Quinn, Jewel Grace Memory Gardens
Quinn, Joseph Memory Gardens
Quinn, Joseph Edward Ganado City
Quinn, Joseph L. Jr. "Poppa" Red Bluff
Quinn, Lillie S. Ganado City

Quinn, M. I.


Quinn, Manford M. Ganado City
Quinn, Martha N. Ganado City
Quinn, Mary Ella Ganado City
Quinn, Monroe Memory Gardens
Quinn, Robin Shawn Wilkerson
Quinn, Ruth M. Memory Gardens
Quinn, Ruth Viola Sherwood (w/o 1 S. B Sherwood; 2 Levi Quinn) Memory Gardens
Quinn, Troy G. A. Wilkerson
Quinn, Virgia M. Ganado City
Quinn, Weldon Larry Memory Gardens
Quinn, Weldon Larry, Jr. Memory Gardens
Quinn, William L. Ganado City
Quinn, William P. Ganado City
Quinn, Willie Isabell Ganado City
Quinn, Willie Lois Memory Gardens
Quinones, Antonio Edna Latin American
Quinones, Manuela Edna Latin American


Copyright 2018- Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

May 8, 2018
Aug. 8, 2018