Cemetery & Obituary Index






Index of Cemetery Burials and Obituaries
on the Jackson County TXGenWeb Site

Please note

The obits indexed on this page are scattered throughout the Jackson County site. If you click a link above, don't expect to see all of the obits that start with that letter on the same page. The names are linked to obituaries if one is available.

This is also an index of cemetery burials. If the cemetery column is empty, the cemetery is either unknown or an out-of-county burial.

Seale, C. Lucille Memory Gardens
Seale, George Lewis Red Bluff
Seale, Peggy Shults Memory Gardens
Seale, Ruby Caton Memory Gardens
Seale, Samuel Douglas Jr. Memory Gardens
Seale, Sam D. III Judge Memory Gardens
Sealock, Lillie Mae  
Sealock, Louis Edgar  
Searcy, Alma Keith Memory Gardens
Sebedra, Mary Louise  
Sebolt, Mary A. Ganado City
Sebolt, Raymond E. Ganado City
Secrest, Minnie Marie Memory Gardens
Secrest, Porter Lowery Memory Gardens
Sedlacek, Dorothy Jean  
Sedlacek, Frank J. Ganado City
Sedlacek, Lawrence Ganado City
Sedlacek, Violet Calaway Ganado City
Segura, Rosenda Ganado City
Seidel, Ben Memory Gardens
Seidel, Viola E. Memory Gardens
Seiler, Annie V. Memory Gardens
Seiler, Walter F. Memory Gardens
Selby, H. Joe Ganado City
Selby, Ollie R. Ganado City
Selby, William R. Ganado City
Self, Touten A. Memory Gardens
Self, Willie L. Memory Gardens
Seligman, David  
Sellers, J. M. Dr. Memory Gardens
Sellers, Minnie Dyson  

Sells, Anna Margaret Gerhard


Sells, Beatrice Moore Memory Gardens
Sells, Emmie A. Memory Gardens
Sells, Katherine M. Memory Gardens

Sells, Norval D., Sr.


Sells, Olive A. Memory Gardens
Sells, William Monroe Memory Gardens
Sells, William R. Memory Gardens
Sembera, Agnes Louise St. Theresa's
Sembera, Anastazie "Stazia" St. Theresa's
Sembera, Charlie B. St. Theresa's
Sembera, John C. St. Theresa's
Sembera, John V. St. Theresa's
Sembera, Marie/Mary Vinklarek St. Theresa's
Sembera, Theresa St. Theresa's
Sembera, Vincent Florian "Jim" St. Theresa's
Serna, Elizabeth R. Edna Latin American
Serna, Humberto R.  
Serna, Oscar Anthony Sr.  
Serna, Ramona R. Edna Latin American
Sertuche, Pete A., Sr. Edna Latin American
Servantes, Miquela Gonzales  
Settles, George Ganado City
Setzer, Effie "Jane" Memory Gardens
Setzer, Gordon Memory Gardens
Setzer, James P. Memory Gardens
Setzer, John W. "Jack" Memory Gardens
Setzer, John J. "Jack" Memory Gardens
Setzer, Sylvia E. Memory Gardens
Setzer, Gordon Memory Gardens
Setzer, John W. "Jack" Memory Gardens
Setzer, Sylvia E. Memory Gardens
Sewell, Billie Rae Memory Gardens
Sewell, Charlie A. Memory Gardens
Sewell, John Caleb Memory Gardens
Sewell, Lula S. Memory Gardens
Sexton, William Ray  
Seyller, Rosa M. Memory Gardens
Shafer, Lillie Mae  
Shannon, Edward Memory Gardens
Shannon, Juanita Memory Gardens
Shannon, Mattie Memory Gardens
Sharpes, B. T. Memory Gardens
Shaw, Betty Sue Bergstrom  
Sheblak, Annie H. Memory Gardens
Sheblak, Baby Girl Memory Gardens
Sheblak, Charles F. Memory Gardens
Sheblak, Elmer F. Memory Gardens
Sheblak, Frank M. Memory Gardens
Sheblak, Mary M. Memory Gardens
Sheblak, Mary Virginia, Sister  
Sheblak, Raymond A. Memory Gardens
Sheblak, Robert Lee "Bobby" Memory Gardens
Shekell, Charles E. Memory Gardens
Shekell, Charles Howard Memory Gardens
Shekell, Etta Mae Stevens Memory Gardens
Shekell, H. Eugene Memory Gardens
Shekell, William Edgar Memory Gardens
Shelby, Maurice Cotham "Possum" Edna Latin American
Shepard, Anita R. Memory Gardens
Shepard, Donald Kenneth Jr. Memory Gardens
Shepard, George Morison Memory Gardens
Shepard, James W. Memory Gardens
Sheppard, Eula V. Enon
Sheppard, Joseph L. Enon
Sheppard, Peggy Ann Memory Gardens
Sheppard, Robert G. Memory Gardens
Sheppard, Sam Sayles
Sherrer, Eula U. Memory Gardens
Sherrer, Fred A. Memory Gardens
Sherrill, Arthur B. Memory Gardens
Sherrill, Mellie E. Memory Gardens
Sherwood, Ruth Viola (w/o 1 S. B Sherwood; 2 Levi Quinn) see Quinn Memory Gardens
Sherwood, S. B. Memory Gardens
Shimek, Larry Gene St. Theresa's
Shimek, Louis William St. Theresa's
Shimek, Mae Damborsky Lolita
Shindler, Alma Lee Memory Gardens
Shindler, John Thomas Wilkerson
Shindler, Mamie Jane Memory Gardens
Shoberg, Lucy Eleanor Johnson  
Shoberg, Ralph Allison Memory Gardens
Shoemate, Catherine S. Memory Gardens
Shoemate, Charles Garvice Memory Gardens
Shoemate, Lula Hill Memory Gardens
Shofner, Sibyl Peters Ganado City
Sholars, Alice Memory Gardens
Sholars, Randal D. Memory Gardens
Shook, Anna E. Memory Gardens
Shook, Billie Jo Memory Gardens
Shook, Lewis A. Memory Gardens
Shook, Joseph Lawrence "Larry" Memory Gardens
Shows, Adell Memory Gardens
Shows, Adell Gates Memory Gardens
Shows, Berta Meador Memory Gardens
Shows, J. B. Memory Gardens

Shows, J. C.

Shows, Terry A. Memory Gardens
Shults, Faye Ann Hayes  
Shutt, Clara Gregurek Memory Gardens
Shutt, Emma Inez Moore Memory Gardens
Shutt, Ernestine  
Shutt, Harvey August Red Bluff
Shutt, John Powers Memory Gardens
Shutt, Leroy A. "Roy" Memory Gardens
Shutt, Leroy Alfred Memory Gardens
Shutt, Lydia Louise Memory Gardens
Shutt, Mary Elizabeth "Beth" Memory Gardens
Shutt, Mary Lanell Browning Red Bluff
Shutt, Richard Moore Memory Gardens
Shutt, Ruth Calhoun Memory Gardens
Shutt, Weldon Elmer  
Shutt, William Moore Memory Gardens
Siecko, Adele Irene Herman Memory Gardens
Siecko, Gary Wayne  
Siecko, Mary B. Memory Gardens
Siecko, Michael Roy Jr. Memory Gardens
Siller, Jesus Edna Latin American
Silliman, Charles "C. W." Ganado City
Silliman, F. Wayne Ganado City
Silliman, Jimmie Merle Short Ganado City
Silliman, Lillian Ann Ganado City
Silva, Roberto Arreguin  
Simek, Edward Red Bluff
Simek, Marie Red Bluff
Simicek, Emilia Assumption
Simicek, Mary Effie Assumption
Simicek, Ronnie Sylvester Assumption
Simicek, Timothy Wayne Assumption
Simmons, A. C. E. Ganado City
Simmons, Hattie A. Ganado City
Simmons, Robert E. Ganado City
Simmons, Samuel J. Ganado City
Simmons, Thelma J. Ganado Community
Simnacher, Shannon Ganado City
Simon, Katie H. Hines
Simons, Archie Gayle "Bill" Memory Gardens
Simons, Charles Milam Memory Gardens
Simons, Courtney S. "Doc" Memory Gardens
Simons, Courtney Stuart, Sr. Memory Gardens
Simons, Dorothy Koop Memory Gardens
Simons, Edwin L. Memory Gardens
Simons, Edwin Percy Memory Gardens
Simons, Earle L. Memory Gardens
Simons, Elizabeth Cooper Memory Gardens
Simons, Elizabeth Winston Memory Gardens
Simons, Eugene Herbert Memory Gardens
Simons, F. Wells Memory Gardens
Simons, Flora A. Memory Gardens
Simons, Florence F. Memory Gardens
Simons, Gena Memory Gardens
Simons, George Francis Jr. Memory Gardens
Simons, George Stuart Memory Gardens
Simons, George Wilton Memory Gardens

Simons, Little Harry

Kerr Family

Simons, Jimmie R. Memory Gardens
Simons, Kate Venner Memory Gardens
Simons, Leeanna W. Memory Gardens
Simons, Lillian Hensley Memory Gardens
Simons, Louis Lowe Memory Gardens
Simons, Marian Frances Callaway Memory Gardens
Simons, Maurice K. Memory Gardens
Simons, Maurice K. Memory Gardens
Simons, Maurice K. Jr. Memory Gardens
Simons, Milam G. Jr. "Bubba" Memory Gardens
Simons, Milam Gayle Memory Gardens
Simons, Milam T. Memory Gardens
Simons, Milam Travis Memory Gardens
Simons, Milam Travis Memory Gardens
Simons, Mary Rose Memory Gardens
Simons, Nannie Gayle Memory Gardens
Simons, Neil L. Memory Gardens
Simons, Regina G. Memory Gardens
Simons, Sarah G. Memory Gardens
Simons, Steele White Memory Gardens
Simons, Susie Jordan Memory Gardens
Simons, Susie Rose Memory Gardens
Simons, Thomas Kerr Memory Gardens
Simons, Volney Rose Memory Gardens
Simons, William Traylor Memory Gardens
Simons, Willie Clay Memory Gardens
Simpson, Annie Hamilton Memory Gardens
Simpson, Antis Paul Memory Gardens
Simpson, Earl Hamilton Memory Gardens
Simpson, Fannie Fisher Memory Gardens
Simpson, Faye Esther Memory Gardens
Simpson, John Harper Memory Gardens
Simpson, Josiah "Joe" Memory Gardens
Simpson, May Ruth Memory Gardens
Sims, Charles E. Sayles
Sims, Carl Rex Ganado City
Sims, Eddie A.  
Sims, Charlie Clark Ganado City
Sims, Elizabeth Martha Hahn Ganado City
Sims, Louise Memory Gardens
Sims, Marion Lorraine "M. L."  
Sims, Mamie Sayles
Sims, Mattie Ganado City
Sims, Melvin Jackson Ganado City
Sims, Raymond Lee Memory Gardens
Sims, Rex Ganado City
Sims, Rosie Hassett Ganado City
Singleton, Charles LaFon Memory Gardens
Singleton, Drusilla Lee Memory Gardens
Singleton, Effie Wilma Memory Gardens
Singleton, Ernest Henry Sr. Memory Gardens
Singleton, Helen M. Memory Gardens
Singleton, Ida Virginia Memory Gardens
Singleton, Leon Sayles
Singleton, Leon W. Memory Gardens
Singleton, Luchin Mt. Olive
Singleton, Mamie Lois Memory Gardens
Singleton, Mildred Airhart Memory Gardens
Singleton, Selena Sayles
Singleton, Thomas Lee Memory Gardens
Singleton, Thomas W. Memory Gardens
Sinor, Patsy Ann  
Siska, August St. Theresa's
Siska, Theresia St. Theresa's
Sitterle, Joe Memory Gardens
Sisco, Judy A. VanCleve  
Skalicky, Erwin Eugene Ganado City
Skalicky, Gary Wayne Ganado City
Skalicky, Lanita Buffaloe Ganado City
Skarpa, Annie F. Ganado City
Skarpa, Emil Ganado City
Skarpa, Emilie Ganado City
Skarpa, Ernest E. Ganado City
Skarpa, Herman Martin Ganado City
Skarpa, Jerry Edwin Ganado City
Skarpa, Mary Ganado City
Skarpa, Paul Ganado City
Skarpa, William M. Ganado City
Sklar, Alex Benjamin Memory Gardens
Sklar, Alexander B. "Alex" Memory Gardens
Sklar, Everett Wayne Memory Gardens
Sklar, Ira Charles Memory Gardens
Sklar, Margaret Migl Memory Gardens
Sklar, Selma R. Cleveland Memory Gardens
Sklar, Steffany Lynn Memory Gardens
Skorppa, Paul John Assumption
Skoruppa, Mary L.  
Skotnik, Danny Lee Ganado City
Skotnik, Joe Jr. Ganado City
Skotnik, Willie Mae Ganado City
Skrabanek, Louis Jr.  
Skrla, Augusta Ganado City
Skrla, Hulda Ganado City
Skrla, Rosina Ganado City
Skrla, Stephen Ganado City
Skrla, Weldon Ganado City
Skrehot, Helen Marie Memory Gardens
Slaikeu, Lionel J.  
Slaton, Linda Gail Holmes  
Slatter, Margarite Memory Gardens
Slatter, Paul Ray Memory Gardens
Slatter, Terry Gene Memory Gardens
Slaughter, Alice Viola Red Bluff
Slaughter, Ben Franklin "Ben" Red Bluff
Slaughter, Frank Red Bluff
Slaughter, Infant Son Red Bluff
Slaughter, Jane Arillia Red Bluff
Slaughter, Lee A. Red Bluff
Slaughter, Norman Lee Red Bluff
Slaughter, Ruby Mae Red Bluff
Slaughter, Sabine Rose Red Bluff
Slaughter, Vera Mae Memory Gardens
Slaughter, Viola Red Bluff
Slavik, Charles M., Sr. Memory Gardens
Slavik, Emma Florence Memory Gardens
Slay, Deloris Memory Gardens
Slay, John Allen Memory Gardens
Sless, Alvin E. Ganado City
Sless, Emil Ganado City
Sless, Georgia Ann Gebert Ganado City
Sless, Libbie Ganado City
Sless, Daniel Willis Assumption
Sliva, Elija Sr. Memory Gardens
Sloan, Joe M. Memory Gardens
Sloan, Wilma L. Memory Gardens
Slone, James Clay  
Slone, John Jones  
Slone, Lanford McKinley  
Slone, Theodore Wilson  
Slone, William Henry  
Slusher, Elvin F. Memory Gardens
Slusher, Etta Agnes Holden Memory Gardens
Slusher, Gary Memory Gardens
Slusher, Lula B. Memory Gardens
Slusher, Mary Landon Memory Gardens
Slusher, Melissa "Missy" Memory Gardens
Slusher, Robert Ray  
Slusher, Sadie Memory Gardens
Slusher, Wilburn S. Memory Gardens
Slusher, William Marion Memory Gardens

Smead, Elijah Oliver


Smiga, Sandra Louise Unger  
Smith, A. K. Dawson Chase
Smith, Annie Memory Gardens
Smith, Anthony Scott  
Smith, Baby Ganado City
Smith, Billy Ray  
Smith, Bosie Jr. Ganado Community
Smith, C. M. Ganado City
Smith, Charles Francis Ganado City
Smith, Charles L. Ganado City
Smith, Claford M. Memory Gardens
Smith, Deborah Olsovsky Assumption
Smith, Emma Chase
Smith, Eva O.  
Smith, Florence H. Memory Gardens
Smith, Floyd Ganado City
Smith, George Ganado City
Smith, Geraldine Ganado City
Smith, Grace L. Memory Gardens
Smith, Hernry G.  
Smith, Herbert Memory Gardens
Smith, Hunter Zane  
Smith, Ida Mae Ganado City
Smith, Jack Lee Red Bluff
Smith, James Martin Ganado City
Smith, Jerry Patrick Sr. Ganado City
Smith, Jo Ann Memory Gardens
Smith, Joalyn Sue Red Bluff
Smith, John Dewey Memory Gardens
Smith, John Joseph "Joe" Jr. Memory Gardens
Smith, John Reagan Red Bluff
Smith, Julia A. Ganado City
Smith, Katie Simcik Memory Gardens
Smith, Kay Coleman Red Bluff
Smith, Lillie Pearl Ganado City
Smith, Lindley Murray Memory Gardens
Smith, Marian Nadine Memory Gardens
Smith, Mary Bell Sayles
Smith, Patricia A. Memory Gardens
Smith, Pearl Ganado City
Smith, Robert Memory Gardens
Smith, Roxann Marcaurele  
Smith, Sandra Long Memory Gardens
Smith, Steven Lee  
Smith, Virginia Emma Memory Gardens
Smith, William O. Ganado City
Smithwick, Francisco  
Smithwick, Sally Marie Tristan  
Sneed, Roy Vaughn Sr. Red Bluff
Sneed, Shirley Ann Wilson Red Bluff
Snelling, Dave Memory Gardens
Snelling, Odeen Mildred Todd Memory Gardens
Snoddy, Leak Memory Gardens
Snoddy, Mary Crenshaw Memory Gardens
Snyder, Albert F. Memory Gardens
Snyder, Byron V. Red Bluff
Snyder, Clarence R. Memory Gardens
Snyder, Elise B. Memory Gardens
Snyder, Marvin Red Bluff
Snyder, Marvin D. Red Bluff
Snyder, Ruby Red Bluff
Sodia, Dorothy A. Sayles
Sodia, Horace Douglas  
Sodia, Marie P. Ganado Community
Sodia, Orlinza Ganado Community
Solis, Elvira Garcia Edna Latin American
Solis, Johnny G. Edna Latin American
Solomon, Clinton E. Red Bluff
Solomon, Vera "Laverne" Red Bluff
Sommerfeld, Carol  
Sommerfeld, Ervelin Ganado City
Sommerfeld, Leroy Ganado City
Sorensen, James Frederick Memory Gardens
Sorensen, Jamie Lynn Memory Gardens
Sorenson, Jean Anne Memory Gardens
Sosa, Francisca G. Edna Latin American
Soto, Jimmy  
Soto, Joe Edna Latin American
Soto, Loretta Garcia  
Soto, Marsela Edna Latin American
Southers, Avis Marie Ganado City
Southers, Leonard Albert Memory Gardens
Southers, Mamie Dell Memory Gardens
Southers, Mary Etta Memory Gardens
Southers, Robert Jennings Ganado City
Southers, William Albert Memory Gardens
Soto, Juanita Inez "Janie"  
Sowders, Andrew Jackson Memory Gardens
Sowders, Bobby Jack Memory Gardens
Sowders, Evelyn Marie Memory Gardens
Sowders, Olivia Cricket Memory Gardens
Sowders, Weldon Wayde Memory Gardens
Sowell, Barbara Elizabeth Bain
Sowell, Carol Snn Schwarz Memory Gardens
Sowell, Clara "Dell" Whittington (w/o Olan Sowell) Memory Gardens
Sowell, Francis Marion Memory Gardens
Sowell, Jennie E. Memory Gardens
Sowell, Joyce Andrus Memory Gardens
Sowell, Kacey Wayne  
Sowell, Larry Gene Bain
Sowell, Leon Milford Memory Gardens
Sowell, Maynard Lester Memory Gardens
Sowell, V. K. Memory Gardens
Sowell, Vernon Kenneth Memory Gardens
Sowell, Viola Arps Memory Gardens
Spacek, William Joseph Assumption
Spalek, August Assumption
Spalek, Frank  
Spalek, Mary Krc Assumption

Spalek, Robert


Spalek, Stanley Martin Assumption
Spaniel, Agnes Chamrad Ganado City
Sparks, Frederick  
Sparks, Frederick "Fred" Memory Gardens
Spaulding, Diana Lynn Ganado City
Speer, Debra Sue Gregory  
Spencer, Beatrice R. Ganado City
Spencer, Chester F. Ganado City
Spencer, Floyd Gibson Red Bluff
Spencer, Harley Kenneth Ganado City
Spencer, Isaiah F. Ganado City
Spencer, Lucille Frieda Martha Hackbarth Ganado City
Spencer, Stanley Martin Ganado City
Spencer, Viola M. Ganado City
Spinks, Aline Adkins Memory Gardens
Spinks, William Henry Memory Gardens
Splawn, George R. Memory Gardens
Splawn, Wilmont W. Memory Gardens
Sprague, Audrey Kay Siecke  
Spree, Agnes M. Memory Gardens
Spree, August Memory Gardens
Spree, Augusta S. Memory Gardens
Spree, Bessie Memory Gardens
Spree, Edward L. Memory Gardens
Spree, Elmer Memory Gardens
Spree, Francis G. Memory Gardens
Spree, Homer Walter Memory Gardens
Spree, Leonard Memory Gardens
Spree, Marsha Renee  
Spree, Martha A. Memory Gardens
Spree, Myron August Sr. Memory Gardens
Spring, Hugh Allan Red Bluff
Spring, Jessica Ann  
Spring, Mary Frances Elder Red Bluff
Sprinkle, William H. Memory Gardens
Sprung, Max  
Spurgers, Lloyd Earl Memory Gardens
Spurlock, Thomas Lawrence  
Sralla, Edward P. St. Theresa's
Sralla, Otile "Tillie" St. Theresa's
Srubar, Alvina Memory Gardens
Srubar, Brandon Jarratt Memory Gardens
Srubar, Charles Memory Gardens
Srubar, Don Lee "Donnie"  
Srubar, Annie M. St. Theresa's
Srubar, Eddie J. St. Theresa's
Srubar, Louis Memory Gardens
Srubar, Mary Kristof Memory Gardens

St. John, W. R.


Stacy, Ethel Ree Memory Gardens
Stacy, Freida Joy Memory Gardens
Staev, Staiko George Memory Gardens
Staff, Alice Zajicek Assumption
Staff, Betty Joyce Assumption
Staff, Darrell Daniel Assumption
Staff, Frances Marie  
Staff, Gary Anthony Assumption
Stafford, Alex Chase
Stafford, Annie  
Stafford, Annie S. Kerr
Stafford, Carl H. Chase
Stafford, Carrie Chase
Stafford, Cecil Kerr
Stafford, Eldridge Ganado Community
Stafford, Evelyn Memory Gardens
Stafford, Leon Jr.  
Stafford, Nolan D. Red Bluff
Stafford, Ruth Ester Ganado Community
Stafford, Willie Chase
Staggs, Edith B. Memory Gardens
Staggs, J. G. "Cotton" Memory Gardens
Staggs, Mary U. Gerdes Powers Memory Gardens
Staggs, Wayne "Tips" Memory Gardens
Staggs, William E. Memory Gardens
Stahala, Kathryn Ganado City
Stallings, Dorothy Marie Memory Gardens
Stallings, Jimmy Allen Memory Gardens
Stallings, Joan Griffin  
Stallworth, Mary Elizabeth Ganado City
Stanaland, Nolia Marie Memory Gardens
Stanaland, Thomas Memory Gardens
Stancik, Dorothy  
Stancik, Wayne Morris  
Stancliff, Mary Francis Purvis  
Stancliff, Mary Virginia Harrel Memory Gardens
Stanford, Edna Ganado City
Stanford, Fred Sharpe Jr.  
Stanford, Marshall L. Ganado City
Stanley, Eva Carol Ganado City
Stanley, Lon Franklin  
Stanley, Wanda Sue Rowell Memory Gardens
Staples, Allie Memory Gardens
Staples, Archer McAmy Memory Gardens
Staples, Carrie Edna Memory Gardens
Staples, Cornelia Memory Gardens
Staples, Dennis Memory Gardens
Staples, Eva Memory Gardens
Staples, George Anthony Memory Gardens
Staples, Georgia Adeline Memory Gardens
Staples, Hardeman Memory Gardens
Staples, Henry "Cap" Memory Gardens
Staples, Margaret Memory Gardens
Staples, Pearl Memory Gardens
Staples, Sallie Peavy Memory Gardens
Stark, Alvro Memory Gardens
Stark, Estelle Memory Gardens
Stark, William O'Daniel  
Stary, Dan  
Starry, Ronald A. Memory Gardens
Strarup, Carol Ann Memory Gardens
Staton, Mamie L. Chase
Stayton, Arthur Gordon Ganado City
Stayton, Arthur Joseph Ganado City
Stayton, Mary Ethel Ganado City

Stayton, William D.


Stechmann, Anton  
Steed, Myrtle Hillyard Ganado City
Steel, Kathy Jean Damborsky  

Steen, Morris

Steffek, Louis J. Memory Gardens
Stegall, Florine Kerr
Steinke, Emma Ganado City
Steinke, Otto Ganado City
Stell, Barbara Savage  
Stell, Geneva Hess Memory Gardens
Stell, Harley P. Jr. Memory Gardens
Stell, Harley Walton Memory Gardens
Stell_Howard Walton  
Stell, James Cleveland Memory Gardens
Stell, James Edwin Memory Gardens
Stell, Regina S. Memory Gardens
Stell, Sadie Viola Enon
Stepan, John J. St. Theresa's
Stepan, Mary St. Theresa's
Stephens, Durven Dale "Big Boy" Memory Gardens
Stephens, Laura Mae Mrs. Memory Gardens
Stephens, Ruth Vonderau  
Stephenson, Billie M. Memory Gardens
Stephenson, L. M. Memory Gardens
Stephenson, Lewis Neal Ganado City
Stephenson, Ola Whiddon Memory Gardens
Stephenson, Troy Allen Memory Gardens
Stern, Frances Elizabeth Deyton Red Bluff
Sternadel, Kenneth Johnnie  
Stevens, Darlene Stewart  
Stevens, Henry Clifton Memory Gardens
Stevens, Pearl Memory Gardens
Stevenson, Allen M. "Scotty" Memory Gardens
Steward, Donald Gene  

Stewart, Arlene Barrett


Stewart, Bertha Augusta


Stewart, Charles William  Jr.


Stewart, Dorothy Ethene  

Stewart, Frank James


Stewart, Jack L. Ganado City
Stewart, Margie "Nana" Ganado City
Stewart, W. A. Ganado City
Stieber, Elizabeth  
Stierling, Cornelius Victor Memory Gardens
Stierling, Ellene L. Memory Gardens
Stierling, Homoiselle Memory Gardens
Stierling, Homoiselle Davenport Memory Gardens
Stierling, Hubert F. Memory Gardens
Stinebower, Mildred M. Ganado City



Copyright 2018- Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

May 8, 2018
Aug. 8, 2018