Married November 21, 1893 Chicago, Cook
County, Illinois Dr. Herman Gerhard Dr. Herman Gerhard, for years a contributor to German publications in this country, died yesterday at his home, 2926 Burling street. He was 51 years old.--Chicago Tribune, September 8, 1920 Mrs. Marie Gerhard Funeral services will be held at 3:30 p. m. tomorrow at Graceland cemetery chapel for Mrs. Marie Gerhard, 71 years old, who died Tuesday at her home, 5048 Marine drive. She was the widow of Dr. Herman Gerhard, who died in 1920. She is survived by three sons and three daughters.--Chicago Tribune, January 20, 1944 |
RESIDENCE OF I gave up my
literary work at
Across the river from Francitas is Deutschburg, the home of a German colony as satisfied and contented as it is thrifty and prosperous. Of this colony Dr. Herman Gerhard is the father. He planned it and he laid the foundation for it when he built his home on his 120 acre farm there. Dr. Gerhard while editor of a national German newspaper published at Lincoln came here with Colonel Maher on a hunting trip and so delighted was he with the climate and soil that he requested Schwind and Maher to reserve 3,000 acres upon which he desired to locate a German colony. He showed his faith in the country by building a home there and installing his family. He selected for his building site a most beautiful spot which overlooks the river and commands a view of the country for many miles around. There he has built a residence which he hopes in time will become the gathering place of the many friends that he is now assembling in our suburbs. Dr. Gerhard is one of the best… He has been the head of the German-American alliance, and has as editor of one of the most influential German papers published, been a leader among his people. Educated in the best schools of the fatherland and inspired with a love of his adopted country, he is one of our best citizens. He is thoroughly in love with his Deutschburg and the days never grow too long for him to sing its praises. It is his ambition, and his ambition will surely be attained, to build up a Deutschburg a thoroughly German colony of contented, happy people. Recently the census showed 33 person[s] who have homes there solely upon the recommendations of the doctor. Among them is Dr. Eichmann, a German physician and surgeon, who for many years was the head of the department of a hospital in Berlin, who with his interesting family located adjacent to the father of Deutschburg. Dr. Eichmann, who formerly lived in Minnesota, had for some years sought a home where the climate would be agreeable. He selected Deutschburg and there is no better booster or more contented man in all Texas. He has demonstrated that he is a physician and surgeon of more than ordinary ability. Deutschburg is only a few miles from Francitas and across the river connecting the two has been constructed a substantial steel bridge. So Deutschburg will always be a part of this town and if the settlers continue to raise bountiful crops as they did this year, it is going to be a mighty big part of us. The Francitas
Bee, Francitas, Jackson County, Texas, November 23, 1911, Vol. 1 No.
51 |
Dr. Herman Gerhard editor of the German Frie Presse of Lincoln, Nebraska, one of the most widely circulated newspapers in the United States spent several days in the Francitas district recently and before leaving bought 120 acres of land and left the plans for the erection of a large residence. Dr. Gerhard expects to remove his family here some time in the spring, just as soon as his home is completed. In company with Colonel John G. Maher president of the Valley Fruit Farm and Garden Company, G. J. Phelps local manager of the company, August Krause, Will Clark, J. M. Young, Captain Alman, Ed Long and others, Dr. Gerhard went hunting for a few days on the Carancahua. The party succeeded in getting many geese, duck, quail, squirrel and other game. "I have visited the gulf coast and I believe I have made a pretty thorough inspection of the country" said Dr. Gerhard. "The entire gulf coast pleases me immensely, but the Francitas district to my mind is better than the other country which I visited. I think that or I would not have bought my farm here. "Within a few years this entire Francitas district will be so closely settled that it will be impossible in my opinion to buy any of the land. It will be the orange orchard of the of the United States. There will be much farming done here. It is the ideal place for a home. "The town of Francitas to me was a great surprise. I had heard that it was growing rapidly, but had no idea that so many houses had been built or so much land broken and so much business was being done here. It is a beautiful place. I like the ideal of all the houses and the stores being painted white. And the depot, that is white also. It is a white city in every way and it will be a credit to the men who founded it. "I have decided to cast my lot with the people of Francitas because I have faith in the country and its future. The soil is good. The climate is unsurpassed anywhere in the United States. I have been here a week and I have enjoyed life to the utmost. And the hunting? It is a paradise for the sportsman. "The orange grove which is now being set out along the railroad right of way will make this city one of the most beautiful in the entire state and I predict that it will be a show place within a year or two and land men will be bringing their prospective purchasers to Francitas to show them what Texas soil and climate will do." Dr. Gerhard proved himself a good mixer while in Francitas and left behind him many warm friends who will be on hand to extend to him and his family a warm welcome upon their return in the spring. The residence which Dr. Gerhard will build is to contain 11 rooms. It will be two stories and have wide galleries, screened for sleeping rooms. It commands a view of the beautiful Carancahua to the east and to the west.
Francitas Bee, January 26, 1911 |
Francitas is preparing to welcome in regal style a large number of Germans who will reach here either Thursday night or Friday to inspect lands around Francitas with a view of joining the colony across the river, in the Schwind-Maher addition. At "Deutschburg" the home of Dr. Eichmen, a special program has been arranged which includes the raising of the American and German flags, speeches both in English and German and music by the famous Riccally String Quartet of Berlin. The flag poles have already been put up on the Eichman place and all preparations have been made for a glorious good time and outing. Francitas welcomes the Germans. It believes in German people and is anxious to have them for permanent citizens. It believes in turning its valuable lands over to the colony of Germans it is giving its acres into the keeping of natural farmers of the highest intelligence and for that reason it thrice welcomes the visitors. The party will be accompanied by Col. Maher and W. F. Schwind president and general manager respectively of the Valley Fruit Farm and Garden company and by Dr. Gerhard, one of the best representatives of the splendid German empire in this great country.
Francitas Bee, March 23, 1911 |
Special to The News. Brownsville, Tex. March 24.--Two carloads of German homeseekers, comprising fifty persons, arrived in this city today from Nebraska. The party was in charge of Dr. Herman Gerhard of Lincoln, Neb., and their destination is Kolonie Deutschburg, Tex., a new German settlement near Francitas. The party will stop in Houston and Galveston for a number of days on their way home. A land company brought in two cars with thirty-four people from Lincoln, another land company one car with twenty and a third one car with nineteen on board. All these will go to various points on the Fordyce branch tomorrow.
Galveston Daily News, March 24, 1911 |
Werner Gerhard aged 14 years was accidentally shot by Fritz Nagle at the home of Dr. Herman Gerhard in Lincoln, Saturday morning. Nagle was staying at the Gerhard home during the absence of Dr. and Mrs. Gerhard and he allowed young Gerhard to examine his revolver. After the boy had played with it for some time, Nagle took the revolver to see if it was loaded and in some way it was discharged, the ball striking the boy in the stomach. The wounded boy was rushed to a hospital and the bullet extracted. He has a fighting chance for his life the doctors said. Werner Gerhard is a brother of Mr. Gerhard who is living in Deutschburg, which was founded by his father. Nagle was recently in Francitas and spent several days across the river with Mr. Gerhard. Dr. and Mrs. Gerhard were located by wire in Wisconsin visiting relatives and returned to Lincoln at once.
Francitas Bee, April 20, 1911 |
Dr. Herman Gerhard will this week begin the construction of a home at Deutschburg at which place his three daughters and two sons are now living. The contract for the building has been let to George Papineau who will at once begin work. Dr. Gerhard has plans for a magnificent home which when completed will be one of the most comfortable residences in the gulf coast country. He will have in the center a large room, forming a court and he will build to each side of that, with galleries running the entire length of the building. Of course the building will be modern. Mr. Papineau has orders to rush the construction of the first four rooms, so the family can get into them as soon as possible.--Francitas Bee, June 29, 1911
Except about Dr. Herman Gerhard in the portion concerning letters written by German Americans One of the few writers who could be identified proved quite revealing. A Dr. Hermann Gerhard of “Deutschburg, Texas,” reportedly wrote to the German consul in Galveston that his little daughter Adele rode her pony to Francitas to pick up the mail, where they learned of the war's outbreak. Gerhard offered his services to the consul, not once but twice, although he was already over age forty-five. The account initially aroused skepticism, since there was no entry for Deutschburg in the Handbook of Texas Online, which normally lists even the most obscure towns past and present. The Handbook did list a Francitas in Jackson County, but no Gerhards showed up among the ninety Germans in the whole county in 1910 or 1920. However, Gerhard did show up elsewhere: in a congressional investigation of “Brewing and Liquor Interests and German Propaganda.” It reported on a German-financed effort to achieve an American arms embargo: “a staff of German-American speakers, under the direction of Dr. Herman Gerhard, has been at work among the German-American organizations” of five Midwestern states. It goes on to say that “Dr. Gerhard, an excellent speaker and a most successful organizer, was brought to Chicago from Texas, and … was placed in charge of the speakers of our German-American Bureau.” Who was this Dr. Gerhard? For one thing, he was well traveled. Immigrating in 1893, he initially located in Wisconsin where his first three children were born, moving by 1898 to Minnesota where he was serving as a minister near Winona in 1900. He was back in Germany for at least six years, returning to Nebraska in October 1909 to become editor-in-chief of the Lincoln Freie Presse, where he appears in the 1910 census as a salaried employee. The next year he founded Deutschburg, Texas, which never escaped from obscurity enough to rate an entry even in the exhaustive Roads of Texas atlas. Gerhard remained in Chicago in 1920, when the census listed him as the manager of the American Relief Company, though when he died later that year he was listed as a newspaper editor. Footnote for above information While in Germany, Gerhard served as one of the collaborators on the second edition of the nationalistic Handbuch des Deutschthums im Ausland (Berlin, 1906). See Monantsschrift für höheren Schulen 6 (1907): 49. Other information was obtained from U.S. Census entries from 1900, 1910, and 1920, and U.S. Passenger List data, accessed via Ancestry. com. German nationalists though the Gerhards may have been, it appears that Hitler was too much even for them. Gerhard's widow, Maria/Mary, left the United States for Europe in March of 1923 and may have remained for more than a decade (or perhaps traveled twice). But she returned to the United States with her daughter in January 1934, only a few months after Hitler took power, though she made a later visit to Germany with a different daughter, returning to the Unites States in July 1939.
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY-NC-ND. |
Married November 20,
1915 Deutschburg, Jackson County, Texas Married April 1925
Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota Married A message received by Paul J. Gerhard last week informed him of the death of his brother, Erwin Gerhard, in St. Louis, February 17, 1949. Erwin was the oldest son of Dr. Herman Gerhard who founded the Deutschburg settlement in 1911. His marriage to Miss Emma Schmidt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schmidt in November 1915, was the first wedding in that community and to them on October 19, 1916, was born a son, Herman, who is one of the survivors. Mrs. Gerhard passed away January 30, 1920.
Palacios Beacon,
February 24, 1949 |
Paul John Gerhard
Married November 17, 1919 Deutschburg,
Matagorda County, Texas Both buried Deutschburg Cemetery, Deutschburg, Jackson County, Texas
Children Family of Paul John Gernard
Paul John Gerhard was born at Winchester, Winnebago County, Wisconsin, March 9, 1895. His mother, Marie Schmidt was the daughter of Heinrich Schmidt and Augusta Seifert whose mother was from a family of nobility of France, named De Bastide; Baron De Bastide and his family, who were Huguenots, left France during the religious persecutions in the seventeenth century and went to Germany. Paul's father, Dr. Herman Gerhard, was a son of Carl Gerhard and Fraulein Steiger. There were six children born to Dr. and Mrs. Herman Gerhard,--three boys, Erwin, Paul and Werner and three girls, Karola, Adela and Minnie.
In 1903, Paul went with his father and mother and family to Wiesbaden, Germany, a health resort, to spend the summer. Here in July of the same year, Paul's youngest sister was born. All the other children of Dr. and Mrs. Gerhard were born in the United States. From Wiesbaden, the family moved to Berlin, where Dr. Gerhard filled the responsible position of foreign correspondent for an American newspaper syndicate. In 1903, Dr. Gerhard, specializing in journalism and national economics, took his Ph. D Degree at Heidelberg. During the time Paul's mother studied art under the renowned artist, Huffman.
Happy memories of Paul's childhood belong to the time between his ninth and fourteenth year when he went to the Royal Prince Henry Gymnasium. While he was in this school, he learned the fundamental processes of education, did historical research work and studied French and Latin. However, it was his mother who taught him to appreciate art, literature and opera and his father who taught him philosophy and the high ideals of Christianity. In school and social life, Paul was a leader, to the admiration of his many friends. But a desire for freedom stirred within him, and in 1909, he returned alone to the United States by way of Hamburg, Baltimore, Chicago and Winonia, Minnesota. For a short time he made his home with Dr. and Mrs. Hans Leichtenstein of Winonia. He attended the Winonia High School for the special purpose of studying English grammar, rhetoric and literature. In the meantime, Dr. Gerhard with his family returned to the United States to accept the editorship of the Lincoln Free Press of Nebraska. At the Nebraska State Fair in 1910, Paul was responsible for his mother's art work having been exhibited at the Fair.
In 1911, Dr. Herman Gerhard came to Jackson County, made a settlement and named it Deutschburg. He influenced many of his friends to make their homes in this part of Texas. Among those who came, we find such famous names as Dr. Eichman, Count Naglo, Lindoff, Pohlenz, Fisher, Koenig, Wendt, Tschersich, John Rampmeier, Frederich Schmidt, Henry Schutte, Herman Rhoda, Dick Schmidt, E. Johs, F. W. Schmidt and Charles Egger.
The first site for the Gerhard home was located near the east Caranchua River. Several homes were built on the tracts of land laid out by the Valley Fruit Farm and Garden Company. Bath houses and diving boards were built along the river; boats were made for fishing. For the first few years, crops were good. Development took place rapidly.
In 1913, Paul, then a boy of eighteen years, left Deutschburg to take a position with the McCade and Steen Company of Victoria. In 1919 he enlisted in the United States Army to fight in the World War. After one month of training, he was sent to France. There he served for eleven months. After the Armistice, Paul returned to the United States by way of New York, Canada and Chicago where his family then resided. He was honorably discharged from the army at Camp Grant, Illinois, June 24, 1919. Paul returned to Deutschburg in July, 1919, and on November 7 of the same year he married Anna Eloge.
Anna Eloge, born December 5, 1895, near Syracuse, Nebraska, was the youngest child of the family of three girls and three boys. When she was eleven months old, her mother, Marie Eloge died. From that time, she made her home with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schutte. Anna attended the Twin Oak School near Elk Creek, Nebraska. On April 4, 1909 she received a diploma of confirmation. On October 10, 1913, with her uncle and aunt, she arrived in Deutschburg where she has made her home ever since. On January 29, 1920, Anna's father died in Deutschburg.
On February 16, of the same year, Mr. Henry Schutte died. The third loved one to be lost to the family within the year was Dr. Herman Gerhard who died September 5, in Chicago; his body was cremated, and his ashes were buried in Deutschburg Cemetery. At present Mrs. Herman Gerhard is residing in Berlin, Germany.
After the death of Mr. Henry Schutte, the farm was left in charge of Mrs. Henry Schutte and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerhard.
Mrs. Henry Schutte was born November 11, 1857, at Booknop, Germany; came to the United States in 1892; settled in Talmadge, Nebraska; bore one son who died at the age of nineteen in Nebraska; came to Jackson County, October 10, 1913, with her husband and the two children, Anna Eloge and Louise Schmidt, whom she had taken to rear; bought land at her present home; and became a permanent resident of Deutschburg.
Louise Schmidt was born January 13, 1910 in Auburn, Nebraska; went to live with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schutte after the death of her mother; at the age of three, accompanied the Schutte family to Deutschburg; lived in the home with Paul and Anna Gerhard after the death of Mr. Schutte; was graduated from the Palacios High School in May, 1928; attended the Texas Business institute of Houston in 1928; returned to Deutschburg, in August 1933, where she became an ardent supporter of the church, school and 4-H Club.
To Paul and Anna Gerhard seven children have been born, Martha, born August 10, 1920; Emma, Adele, Bertha, Anna, Paul, Jr., and Irene.
Martha, a beautiful and talented girl, has brought many honors to the Deutschburg School. Several times she has won first place in declamation at County Meets. In 1935, she wrote a perfect spelling paper in the senior contest at the Interscholastic Meet in Edna. She is now a senior in the Palacios High School.
Emma, who is artistically inclined, is able to give many interpretations of classical dances. In 1934, at the Interscholastic Meet, she led the Rhythm Band and won first honors in the contest. In 1935 she won the junior spelling contest at the county meet. She is now a sophomore in the Palacios High School.
Adele, who is characterized by her quiet and gentle manner, took the leading part as Goddess of Music in the musical concert at the Edna Centennial Fair. She is now in her last year of the grammar grades.
Bertha, who is talented in all the lines of learning, is characterized by her untiring efforts which have always led to success. In 1935 and 1936 she directed the Rhythm Band which won first honors. At the Edna Centennial Fair, she gave a beautiful interpretation of a Spanish dance. Her grades are always high. Her beauty and intelligence point the way to future success.
Anna entered her first term of school in 1935. Her ability in learning to write was remarkable. She did her other school work equally well. She gave an interpretation of the Minuet Dance at the Edna Centennial Fair which was admired by everyone.
Paul, Jr., will enter the first term of school this year. He is a healthy and strong child. At his early age, he shows tendencies of being like his father.
Irene, the youngest child, is strong, healthy and beautiful.
From 1924 to 1925, Paul Gerhard worked in Hood River, Oregon, where he made contracts with fruit ranchers. Since that time he has resided permanently in Deutschburg. At present, due to the requests of his friends, he is running for Commissioner of Precinct Number four.
Throughout the years, has been a steady supporter of the community, the church and the school. With his broad experience and background, he is able to exercise unerring judgment in many problems that may arise. He is noted for his good will and kindness and may be written "as one who loves his fellow men."
Deutschburg History, 1911 – 1936, by Mary Elizabeth Reid Bell
Funeral services for Paul John Gerhard
were held at 10 a. m. Friday, September 15, at the Palacios
Funeral Home with the Rev. Clinton R. Harris officiating.
Burial was in the Deutschburg Community Cemetery with
graveside services conducted by the V. F. W. Storm Delayed Services Held Friday, Sept. 15 For Paul John Gerhard Funeral services for Paul John Gerhard were held at 10 a. m. Friday, September 15, at the Palacios Funeral Home with the Rev. Clinton R. Harris officiating. Burial was in the Deutschburg Community Cemetery with graveside services conducted by the V. F. W. Paul Gerhard, a son of the late Dr. Herman Gerhard and Marie Schmidt Gerhard, was born at Winchester, Wisconsin, on March 9, 1895. He died at the VA Hospital in Houston, Friday, September 8. A resident of the Deutschburg community since 1911, which was settled and named by his father, he was a loyal supporter of the community, the church and the school. He is survived by his wife, Anna Gerhard; six daughters, Martha Kubecka of Palacios; Emma Williams, Houston; Adele Mutchler, Fort Worth; Bertha Stewart, Palacios; Anna Sells, Cypress and Irene Thompson, Los Angeles, Calif. and one son, Paul Jr. of Tampa, Fla., also two sisters, Mrs. Adele McCarrick, Chicago and Mrs. Vilma Lacka, Civil Service, Germany. Palacios Beacon, September 21, 1961 Funeral services for Anna Marie Gerhard, 91, of Palacios were scheduled for 10:30 a. m. today at First United Methodist Church of Palacios with the Rev. Bernard Richea officiating. Burial will be in Deutschburg Cemetery, Deutschburg. Mrs. Gerhard was born Dec. 5, 1895, in Otoe County, Neb., to Henry and Marie Schmidt Eloge and died Sept. 26, 1987, in Palacios. Survivors include six daughters, Martha Kubecka of Palacios, Emma Williams of Spring, Adele Mutchler of Alvin, Bertha Stewart of Palacios, Anna Sells of Olivia, and Irene Gordon of Los Angeles, Calif., a son, Paul Gerhard of Houston; 29 grandchildren; 50 great-grandchildren; and four great-great-grandchildren. Pallbearers include Dick Kubecka, Don Tardy, Allen Mutchler, Scott Stewart, Norval Sells Jr. and Larry Dillard. Honorary pallbearers will be her grandsons. She was preceded in death by her husband, Paul Gerhard, in 1961. In lieu of the usual contributions, donations may be made to the First United Methodist Church of Palacios Memorial Fund, Deutschburg Community Cemetery or the charity of your choice. Arrangements are with Taylor Brothers Funeral Home, Palacios.
Daily Tribune, September, 1987 |
Werner Herman Gerhard May 27, 1896 Winchester, Wisconsin December 26, 1956 Miami, Florida
Married 1928 Both buried Deutschburg Cemetery, Deutschburg, Jackson County, Texas
Werner Gerhard Shot Werner Gerhard aged 14 years was accidentally shot by Fritz Nagle at the home of Dr. Herman Gerhard in Lincoln, Saturday morning. Nagle was staying at the Gerhard home during the absence of Dr. and Mrs. Gerhard and he allowed young Gerhard to examine his revolver. After the boy had played with it for some time, Nagle took the revolver to see if it was loaded and in some way it was discharged, the ball striking the boy in the stomach. The wounded boy was rushed to a hospital and the bullet extracted. He has a fighting chance for his life the doctors said. Werner Gerhard is a brother of Mr. Gerhard who is living in Deutschburg, which was founded by his father. Nagle was recently in Francitas and spent several days across the river with Mr. Gerhard. Dr. and Mrs. Gerhard were located by wire in Wisconsin visiting relatives and returned to Lincoln at once. Francitas Bee, April 20, 1911 West Hollywood—Werner H. Gerhard, 60, died yesterday at his home, 18935 NW 11th Court. He was born in Chicago, and came to this city only three days ago. He was a member of the Protestant Church and the recreational director for the City of Chicago. Mr. Gerhard is survived by his wife, Minnett, and two daughters, Mrs. Jean Stohl, Hollywood, and Miss Joan Gerhard, Chicago. The body will be shipped today to Chicago for services and interment. Local arrangements under the direction of the West Hollywood Alan Wright Funeral Home. Fort Lauderdale News, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, December 27, 1956 Werner H. Gerhard The body of Werner H. Gerhard, 60, who died last night at 18935 NW 11th Court, Miami Gardens, was shipped today by Alan Wright West Hollywood chapel to Chicago, Ill., for services and burial. Gerhard came here three days ago from Chicago, where he was director of a swimming pool for the city recreation department. He is survived by his wife, Minnette, Chicago; and two daughters, Mrs. Jean Stohl, Miami Gardens, and Miss Joan Gerhard, Chicago. Sun-Tattler, Hollywood, Florida, December 27, 1956 Werner Gerhard Werner Gerhard, beloved husband of Minnette; dear father of Jean Stohl and Joan; brother of Paul J., Adele McCarrick, and Wilma Lacka. Service Saturday, Dec., 29, 2:30 p. m., at funeral home, 2440 N. Central avenue, to Acacia Park. Chicago Tribune, Chicago, Illinois, December 29, 1956 Minnette Gerhard, beloved wife of the late Werner; dear mother of Jean Stohl and Joan; loving daughter of Hubert Peigh; fond sister of Frances Beerthuis, Hazel Vugteveen, Jean Otteni, Ruth Whitaker, Marie McGee, Lillian Donat, Dorothy Hackett, Henry, John and Carl Peigh; grandmother of three. Services Saturday, April 13, 2 p. m., at funeral home, 2440 N. Central avenue, to Acacia Park.
Chicago Tribune,
April 13, 1957 |
Karola Marie Gerhard Mueller March 27, 1898 Lewiston, Minnesota June 22, 1952 Chicago, Cook County, Illinois Buried Rosehill Cemetery and Mausoleum, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois Married October
14, 1924
Karola Mueller Services for Mrs. Karola Mueller, 54, of 5048 Marine dr., were held yesterday in the chapel at 5501 N. Ashland av. She was the wife of Ewald Mueller, a member of Ogden, Sheldon & Co., real estate firm. Mrs. Mueller, who died Sunday in Grant hospital, also leaves two brothers, Paul and Werner Gerhardt, and two sisters, Mrs. Adele McCarrick and Mrs. Vilma Locka.
Chicago Tribune,
June 25, 1952 |
Adela Erna Marie Gerhard McCarrick September 18, 1899 Lewiston, Winona County, Minnesota May 21, 1980 Chicago, Cook County, Illinois Buried Memorial Park Cemetery, Skokie, Cook County, Illinois? Married Married Child
Adele E. McCarrick of Evanston, May 21, beloved mother of Lorna (John Jr.) Poulos; dear grandmother of Michael and Andrea; Service and interment private. 251-8200 Chicago Tribune, Chicago, Illinois, May 23, 1980 Howard McCarrick Is Found Dead in His Lake Home Howard McCarrick, 1416 Lake Ave., died of a gunshot wound in the head at his home Sunday. He was 62. City police reported it was self-inflicted, however, an investigation is continuing. The body was found at 9 p. m. by Mrs. Mary Meckler, 127 Clinton St., a business partner with McCarrick in the operation of the Sandbar restaurant downtown. Mrs. Meckler told Officer Aubrey Goldman that it was McCarrick’s custom to stop in at the restaurant Sunday noon and have supper there Sunday night. When he failed to stop in for either meal Sunday, she became alarmed. She went to the home in the evening and found the body in the living room near a table where the insurance agent did his work. McCarrick was dressed in a bath robe and was shot in the right temple with a .32 caliber revolver. The body was found on the floor. There was no note found. Dr. William Heard was called as medical examiner and estimated McCarrick had been dead at least eight hours before the body was found. The bullet was found hear the right eye in an autopsy performed this morning. The body was removed to Kammeraad Funeral Home where burial arrangements are being completed. A wife and daughter of the local man have been contacted in Chicago and Mrs. McCarrick is expected to arrive here today. Insurance Agent An agent of the Combined Insurance Co. of America, McCarrick formerly operated a small furniture factory in the former Basket Factory here and later in Grand Rapids. He formerly was a member of the Spring Lake Country Club and was a native of Grand Rapids. McCarrick built a home on Spring Lake in 1922 that is now owned by H. D. Burnside and is located at 309 Barber St. He had resided at the Lake avenue home, adjacent to the Highland Park Hotel, for many years. He had worked at his home Saturday as was customary. Mrs. Meckler told police. She was a partner with him in the operation of the Sandbar for half a year. Surviving is the wife, Adele, and daughter, Lorna, who reside in Chicago. Grand Haven Tribune, Grand Haven, Michigan, March 26, 1956 McCarrick Rites To Be Held Today The funeral service for Howard L. McCarrick, 1417 Lake Ave., who was found dead at his home Sunday, was to be held at the Kammeraad Funeral Home at 3 p. m. today. The Rev. Carl B. Strange officiated with interment in the Olive Township Cemetery. He was born at West Olive, Dec., 27, 1894 and was married to Adele Gerhart, Feb. 6, 1925, in New York. A resident of the Tri-Cities since 1922, he formerly was a member of the Eagles Lodge and the Spring Lake Country Club. Besides his wife, Adele, of Skokie, Ill., he also leaves a daughter, Mrs. John Paulos Jr., of the same city, and the mother, Mrs. Grace Carrick of Grand Rapids.
Grand Haven Tribune,
Grand Haven, Michigan, March 27, 1956 |
Vilma Frederika "Billie" Gerhard Lacka July 1, 1903 Wiesbaden, Hessen, Germany June 17, 1972 Birmingham, Jefferson County, Alabama Buried Montevallo Cemetery, Montevallo, Shelby County, Alabama Married December 2, 1922
Cook County, Illinois Married 1931 |
Martha Marie Gerhard Kubecka, 84, of
Palacios died Friday, October 8, 2004.
Oswald Richard Kubecka, Sr.
Oswald Richard Kubecka, Sr. was born on May 25, 1920, in Breslau, near Hallettsville, to the late Pete F. and Frances Kubecka. He passed away on Wednesday, December 20, 2006, at the age of 86, in his home near Palacios. Oswald was an avid outdoorsman, a steward of the land and a generous volunteer in his community. He had great pride in his family and was a devout supporter of all of their activities and endeavors. After attending Edna High School Oswald was helping on his family's farm near Cordele when he met Martha Marie Gerhard. Many dances and horseback rides later they married and moved to the Deutschburg area to begin farming, ranching and raising their twelve sons. He and Martha were active members of the Deutschburg Community Club their entire lives and helped found the Deutschburg March of Dimes Seafood Supper. They were also among the originators of the Round-up 4-H Club and were later recognized as Outstanding 4-H Adult Leaders in Matagorda County and received the Friend of 4-H Award. The FFA chapter in Palacios also honored Oswald as an Honorary Chapter Farmer. He attended the International Farm Forum in Chicago in 1975 and was featured in their magazine as well as Successful Farming. These articles highlighted Oswald's firm belief in his family and the importance of his work ethic. In 1979, Texas A&M University recognized the Kubeckas as "Aggie Parents of the Year." In Palacios, Oswald served on the school board and was honored as the "1983 Farmer of the Year" by the Palacios Chamber of Commerce. He also served as a director for the Farmer's Home Administration. Oswald and Martha were regular supporters of the Matagorda County Fair Association. He was a long time member of Matagorda County Cattleman's Association and was recognized as the county's "Outstanding Cattleman in 2000." In 2001, he received an award for Recognition of Leadership and Service to the Rice Industry of Jackson County. The Kubeckas danced many miles both socially and as members of Mustang Squares. Oswald is survived by his eleven sons, O.R. "Dick" Kubecka, Jr. and wife Shirley of Palacios, Don Kubecka and wife Shirley of Seminole, Dan Kubecka and wife Wanda of Edna, Douglas Kubecka and wife Jody of Palacios, Bill Kubecka and wife Maxine of Palacios, Ronnie Kubecka and wife Carolyn of Palacios, Gerald Kubecka and wife Jackie of Edna, Gene Kubecka and wife Nancy of Bay City, Dean Kubecka of Palacios, Erwin Kubecka and wife Cathy of Bay City, and James Kubecka and wife Debbie of Palacios, as well as 31 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren. He is also survived by his sisters, Florence Braden of San Diego, California, Sybil Ruyle of Fort Worth, Dagmar Filip of Houston, Erlene Zavadil of Gonzales, and his brother Pete Kubecka of Edna. Oswald was preceded in death by his wife of 63 years, Martha Marie Gerhard Kubecka, his son Bruce Erwin Kubecka, his sister Iola Tylich, brother Leo Kubecka, and his parents Pete F. and Frances Kubecka. Visitation will be held on Thursday, December 21st at Palacios Funeral Home from 6 to 8pm. Oswald's funeral will be held on Friday, December 22nd at the First United Methodist Church in Palacios at 2 pm. Interment will immediately follow the funeral at the Deutschburg Community Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Deutschburg Community Center, Hospice Support Care, the First United Methodist Church of Palacios, or a charity of the donor's choice
Taylor Bros. Funeral Home |
Garland Akers |
Adele Louise Gerhard Mutchler passed from this life on May 8, 2017
in Houston, Harris County Texas. John V. Mutchler, 74, of Alvin, died Nov. 20 in Memorial City Hospital in Houston. Mr. Mutchler was born June 29, 1920 in Buffalo, NY and had been a resident of Alvin for 30 years. He was a member of the Alvin Lutheran Church. He is survived by wife Adele G. Mutchler of Alvin; sons Allen John Mutchler of Stafford, Ralph G. Mutchler and wife Sheri; Gary M. Mutchler and wife Adana, all of Alvin; Glenn E. Mutchler and wife Laura of Edna; sister Margaret Martin of South Lincoln, Ma.; brother Bruce Mayer of Cooper Canyon; eight grandchildren. Funeral services were held 10 a. m. Nov. 22 at Alvin Lutheran Church with pastor Richard Kling officiating. Graveside services and burial was at 2 p. m. in Deutschburg Cemetery, Deutschburg Community under the direction of Oak Park Funeral Home. Pallbearers were: O. R. Kubecka Jr., Robbie Sells, James Lange, Don Tardy, Allen Holth, and John Robert Mutchler. Honorary pallbearers were Oswald Kubecka, Frank Stewart, Paul Gerhard, Murel Dillard, Matthew Mutchler, Paul Mutchler, Paul Mutchler, Gordon D. Mutchler, Bruce Mayer, Scott Stewart, Durand Tardy, Norvall Sells Jr., Tracy A. Mutcher, Mary L. Mutchler, Heather J. Mutchler and Lauren E. Mutchler. If friends so desire, family suggests memorials be made to Alvin Lutheran Church Building Fund or Deutschburg Community Cemetery Fund. Alvin Sun, Alvin, Texas, December 5, 1994 Funeral services for Philip T. “Phil” Wilson, 77, were held at 2 pm Wednesday, April 28, 1999 First Presbyterian Church Rev Sam Steele officiating. Interment followed at Roselawn Memorial Park Cemetery in Van Vleck. Philip T. “Phil” Wilson, well-known businessman of Bay City, died April 25, 1999 at Matagorda General Hospital. Mr. Wilson was born December 29, 1921 in Olivia, Texas to the late Servin T. and Emma Wilson Swenson. He was a member, Elder and Deacon of the First Presbyterian Church. He was also owner and operator of Wilson Outdoor Equipment and Wilson Lock and Key Service. He was a resident of Bay City since 1945. A veteran of WWII, he served in the U. S. Army. He also was a 30-year member of the Bay City Volunteer Fire Department, where he served as Vice President and President. Mr. Wilson was a 12-year member of the Bay City Diamond Squares Danced Club, the last four of which he was the President. He also was past-President of the Golden Coast Council of Square Dance Clubs. Mr. Wilson was a Life Member of the Bay City Lions Club with 37 years perfect attendance, and was the club’s Secretary for 28 years before stepping down in 1997. He was awarded the Melvin Jones Fellow Award, which is the highest and most distinguished award in Lionism. Survivors include: wife Adele Gerhard Wilson of Bay City; daughters and sons-in-law Pam and Gene Klepec of Bay City, Tricha and Chris Steinmann of Van Vleck, and Phyllis and Mark Adkins of Sargent; son and daughter-in-law Dave and Anita Wilson of Bridge City, Texas; sister Ethel Abraham of Palacios; brother Ralph T. Swenson of Haughton, La; brother-in-law G. G. “Bub” Lawson of Palacios; step sons Ralph Mutchler of Alvin, Allen Mutchler of Alvin, Allen Mutchler of Sugarland Glenn Mutchler of Cuero, and Gary Mutchler of Alvin; 13 grandchildren; eight step grandchildren and one great grandchild. Mr. Wilson was preceded in death by his first wife Dorothea on March 13, 1997. Pallbearers included Tom Quick, Ottmar Schimek, Frank Walker, Bill Huebner, Jim Ottinger, Dennis Abraham, Allen Mutchler and Ralph Mutchler. Honorary pallbearers included members of the Bay City Lions Club, Bay Volunteer Fire Department, and Diamond Square Dance Club. Arrangements are with Taylor Bros. Funeral Home in Bay City.
The Daily Tribune,
April 29, 1999 Obituary courtesy of Faye Cunningham |
Bertha Augusta Stewart, 80 of Palacios died Wednesday, November 15,2006 in Bay City. She was born July 29, 1926 in Palacios, Texas to the late Paul J. Gerhard, Sr. And Anna Marie Eloge Gerhard. She was a chartered member of the Alapha Club, member of the Lioness Club, President of the PTA, member of Home Demonstration Club, and a member of the United Methodist Church of Palacios. She is survived by her husband Frank Stewart of Palacios, Son Scott Stewart and his wife Mona Stewart of El Maton. Daughter Brenda Sliva and her husband John of Blessing. Sisters, Emma Williams of Spring, TX, Adele Mutchler of Alvin, TX., Anna Sells of Tomball, TX., Irene LeCroix of Gardena, CA. Brother, Paul J. Gerhard. Jr. of Edna, TX. Grandchildren, Jamie Sliva, Lisa Sliva, John A. Sliva, Jeff and his wife Terry Stewart, Mandi Stewart, and Brandon Sliva. Great grandchildren, Jenna Langhorne, Sterling Sliva, Lauren Jones, Mason Taylor, and Kendal Greene. She is preceded in death by her parents and one sister, Martha Kubecka. Funeral services will be held at 10:00 AM Friday, November 17, 2006 at Palacios Funeral Home with Dr. Darel Robertson officiating. Interment will follow at Deutschburg Cemetery. Pallbearers include Dicky Kubecka, Tommy Beard, Charles Peterson, Johnny Thompson, and grandson, Jeff Stewart and Brandon Sliva. The family will receive visitors at Palacios Funeral Home, Thursday, November 16, 2006 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Words of comfort may be shared with the family at www.taylorbros.net. Taylor Bros. Funeral Home
Frank James Stewart Frank J. Stewart, 90, of Palacios passed away August 28, 2014. He was born September 8, 1923 to David Harold “Bud” Stewart and Mary Gillespie Stewart. Frank was married to Bertha Gerhard Stewart for 68 years until her death in 2006. Frank is survived by daughter Brenda Sliva and husband John of Blessing, Texas, son Scott Stewart and wife Mona of El Maton, Texas; grandchildren and great grandchildren. Frank is preceded in death by his parents; wife, brother Robert Stewart and sister Nancy Robertson. The family will receive visitors from Noon to 2:00 PM Tuesday at the Palacios Funeral Home. Graveside services will follow at 3:00 PM at the Deutschburg Cemetery in the Deutschburg Community, at 330 CR 464. In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to the Deutschburg Cemetery.
Taylor Bros. Funeral Home |
PALACIOS [Matagorda County, Texas] -
Anna Margaret Gerhard Sells was born May 29, 1929 to Paul and Anna
Gerhard. She married Norval D. Sells on March 27, 1948. Until the
summer of 2006, Anna lived in the Palacios area. In August 2006,
Anna moved to Tomball and was a resident at The Heritage. Anna
passed away on Monday, Jan. 1, 2007. Funeral services for Norval D. Sells Sr., 68, of Olivia, are scheduled for 2 p. m. today at First United Methodist Church in Palacios with the Rev. Ralph Smith and Dr. Rodney Bowman officiating. Burial will follow in Deutschburg Community Cemetery in Deutschburg. Mr. Sells was born Feb. 10, 1926, to Monroe and Beatrice Sells of Olivia and died June 8, 1994, in San Antonio. A graduate of Palacios High School, he was a World War II veteran of the U. S. Air Force. He was a former member, lay leader and choir director of First United Methodist Church of Hempstead. He was a member of First United Methodist Church in Palacios, a member of Masonic Lodge #767 of Edna, a member and past director of Santa Gertrudis Breeders International, a member, past director and officer of Mid-Coast Santa Gertrudis Association, the past president and director of Calhoun County Cattleman's Association, director of the Calhoun Fair Association. He was a recipient of State FFA Honorary Degree and recipient of outstanding leadership and devoted service to Calhoun Soil and Conservation District. He was named honorary member of the National Junior Santa Gertrudis Association and worked extensively with youth and agriculture. Survivors include his wife of 46 years, Anna Gerhard Sells of Olivia; two sons and daughters-in-law, Norval Jr. and Sandy Sells of Bryan and Robbie and Deborah Sells of College Station; two daughters and sons-in-law, Theresa and Mike Miller of Waller and Marilyn and Gary Rollings of Waller; eight grandchildren, Jamie and Jason Sells, Kerri, James and David Sells, Krista Miller, Brian and Brett Rollings; three sisters, and brothers-in-law, Olive Wrenn of Port Lavaca, Libby and Merle Ramsey of Palacios, Katie Gene and Emmott Chiles of Bayou La Batre, Ala.; a brother an sister-in-law, Harold and Patsy Sells of Palacios and Grace Sells of Port Lavaca. He was preceded in death by his parents, Monroe and Beatrice Sells and a brother, Monroe Sells Jr. Pallbearers include his nephews, Dick, Bill, Ronnie and Gene Kubecka, Ronnie Sells and Glenn Mutchler. Honorary pallbearers will be his nephews, John Carleston, Carl Critendon and Mike Pfeifer. Memorials may be made to Santa Gertrudis Breeders International Youth Endowment Fund in Kingsville; First United Methodist Church in Palacios or the Deutschburg Community Cemetery Association in Deutschburg. Arrangements are with Taylor Brothers Funeral Home in Palacios.
Daily Tribune, June 9, 1994 |
Paul J. Gerhard, Jr., 92, of Edna, Texas passed on to his rest and reward on Saturday, March 25, 2023. Paul was a loving husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, brother, uncle, and friend. Paul was born in Deutschburg, Texas to Paul J. Gerhard, Sr. and Anna Marie Eloge Gerhard on December 24, 1930. He was the only son with six sisters. Paul often told stories of growing up in the country milking cows, cutting and baling hay with his dad, and fishing from his jon boat. After graduating from Palacios High School, Paul was employed by Alcoa Aluminum. With the outbreak of the Korean War, Paul made the decision to serve his country and enlisted in the US Air Force, where he was assigned to a B52 Squadron traveling as far as North Africa. When he finally made it home from his tour, Paul said he "got off the plane and kissed the ground." After his discharge from the Air Force, Paul attended Texas A&I in Kingsville and the University of Houston. He frequently hitch-hiked back home to Deutschburg to visit family. Paul was blessed with three children; Laura and her husband Kenneth, Karen and her husband Bob, son Gary, and his daughter-in-law, Julie. He enjoyed spending time with his five grand children; Nicholas, Marissa, Miranda, Kenny, and Felicia. He had five great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. Paul married Frankie Jones on December 26, 1967. Together, they opened a successful real estate office while living in Houston. Paul and Frankie were licensed real estate brokers and appraisers. In 1983, Paul and Frankie built a beautiful home in Vienna, Texas. they enjoyed many years of raising cattle, feeding birds and deer, and living the best country life. they had a faithful dog, DG and several spoiled cats. Paul and Frankie retired from the real estate business in 1995. Several years later in 2005, Paul and Frankie made the decision to move and built a home in Edna. Paul was a faithful member of the Robison Street Church of Christ in Edna. Paul was kind, caring, helpful, and fun to be around. He was always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. Paul always enjoyed a homemade meal. He especially loved it when that meal was followed with dessert. Paul was vibrant and full of life. He had a joyful spirit and will be greatly missed. There will be a visitation on Tuesday, March 28th, 2023 at Slavik Funeral Home Chapel beginning at 1:00 pm, followed by a Funeral Service at 2:00 pm. Interment will be at Deutschburg Community Cemetery. Services have been entrusted to Russell Todish of Slavik Funeral Home, 209 N. Allen Street, Edna, Texas 77957, 361-782-2152.
Slavik Funeral Home |
Copyright 2024
Present by Gerhard Family & source contributors |