Court Records 

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Contributed By: Sondra Foley


BOOK O PAGES 430-431
                 9TH OF NOVEMBER 1762                 

In Name of God Amen I John Foley of the Parish of Overwharton in the County of Stafford being in low state of health, but of a sound and prefect memory, do make and ordain this my last will and Testament. IMPRIMIS I recommend my soul to almighty GOD that gave it, and my body to the grave...As to my Worldly estate.. I give and bequeath as follows.
ITEM..I give and bequeath to Abraham Pool, Son of my wife Sarah four hundred aces of land lying in Prince William County and upon the run commonly known by the name of Persimon Run, being half of eight hundred acres bought of Elizabeth White.. and my desire that the said Abraham shall make his choise of the whole part for his four hundred acres provided he takes it in one place... and if Abraham shall die before he comes to the years of  Maturity then the said four hundred of land shall be equally divided between my two Grandsons John Foley, son of my son John Foley and James Foley son of my son James Foley.
ITEM  I give and bequeath to my Grandson John Foley, son of my son James Foley the remainder part of the above mention land.
ITEM I give and  bequeath to my son James Foley all my land belonging to me on the Pignut Ridge, to him and his heirs.
ITEM I give and bequeath all the rest of my Estate to my dear and loving wife Sarah and her son Abraham Pool and my dear and loving Children John Foley, and my son James Foley and my Daughter Katherine Stuart to be equally divided amongst. But, if Abraham Poole should die without issue, then his part of the division shall fall to the heirs of William McCarty, and I appoint my dear and loving Wife Sarah Foley,  and my son John Foley  and my son James Foley Executors of my last Will and Testament. .. First day September 1755.

Tests                                                                                                                                            John Foley
Benja Sellman
David S. Sharp, Jos.Suthard

 At a Court held for Stafford County, 9Th November 1762

The will was present into court by Sarah Foley and James Foley. Two of the Executors, who make oath, therefore according to the law and being first by oaths of Benja Sellman and David Sharp wittiness and therefore is admitted to record and therefore certificate to granted for obtaining Probate.


                                                                                                                                                    Test. Henry Taylor ?

Update added 7/10/06 by Sondra Foley

23 Oct. 1746 John Foley bought eight hundred acres tract from Elizabeth White [spinster] of Stafford County. Land adjoin Ludwell and Johnn Foley on branch of Persimmon Run near Fields Path. Wittnesses Thomas Monteith, John McCarty, Ann McCarty,Joas. Macke, Thomas Foley.

[ Margin = Delivered James Foley, 8 September 1772 ]







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