Court Records 

Deeds: Morias Hansbrough | Gray/Barbee | Trammell/Young | Gray to Greaves | Garrott Gray, Sr. | Bradshaw vs, Bradshaw | Cockshutt & Bland/Swetnam, MacIntosh, Reveley, Briggs | Fox-Sterne | Sterne, Sterne-Purvis | 1802 Appraisal Marshal Wesley Heflin | Public Meeting Notice for Bridge, Treasure on Shacklette Place, | Stafford Delegates: 1837, 1881, 1899 | Wills: John Grigsby, John Foley, Sr, Thomas Folio (Foley), Benjamin Sullivan, John Combs, John Cooke  Clarrissa Million Harding | Embrey Index to Deeds & Wills 1727-1920  | Taylor Chapman Will | William Chapman Guardian Bond |  Instructions For Ordering Photocopies of Vital Records from Fredericksburg | Fredricksburg Court Records Online | Court Records: Historic Court Records, 1805 Court Records, Thomas Folio (Foley), Surname: Embrey | Probate Records: William Withers  | Home



Contributed By: Sondra Foley


PAGE 169
This Condicon made ye Second yeare of their Majties Reige KINGE WILLIAM & QUEEN MARY between MARTHA FOLIO Widow and Administratrix of her Husband THOMAS FOLIO of ye one party and WILLIAM BURTON of ye other party both of Stafford County Wittnesseth that the said WILLIAM BURTON doth grant & promise with ye said MARTHA before Matrimony to pay to her Children as they come of age as follweth.  To my Sonne BRIAN FOLIO one gun sent to his Father out of Englande, one younge Mare, one Cow & Calfe or with Calfe betweene three yeares old & Six, and to be delivered him at Sixteene yeare of age that is to say that if hee lives with us till he is one & twenty to Run on from Sixteen to one & twenty,to my Sonne JOHN one gunne one Mare one Cow & Calfe in ye like manner as his Brother BRIAN too my Sonne THOMAS one Mare, one Cow and Calfe to my sonne RICHARD one Mare one Cow & Calfe and these my Sonnes to have thier porcons like in my Sonne BRIAN att Sixteen if they live with us if not till the yeare one & twenty to my Daughter ANNE one Mare one Cow & Calfe to be delivered all ye years of Sixteen or married and I ye said WILLIAM BURTON doe binde my self my heirs to ye pformance off all ye premises abovedsaid as Wittness or handes and Seales ye Fifth day of November 1690.
In presence of us

 RICHARD BRIAN                                                                  WILLIAM BURTON
     ANNE BRIAN                                                                       MARTHA FOLIO

Recorded in ye County Court of Stafford November 8th 1690



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Suzanne Shephard, County Coordinator Stafford Co., VAGenWeb