Court Records 

Deeds: Morias Hansbrough | Gray/Barbee | Trammell/Young | Gray to Greaves | Garrott Gray, Sr. | Bradshaw vs, Bradshaw | Cockshutt & Bland/Swetnam, MacIntosh, Reveley, Briggs | Fox-Sterne | Sterne, Sterne-Purvis | 1802 Appraisal Marshal Wesley Heflin | Public Meeting Notice for Bridge, Treasure on Shacklette Place, | Stafford Delegates: 1837, 1881, 1899 | Wills: John Grigsby, John Foley, Sr, Thomas Folio (Foley), Benjamin Sullivan, John Combs, John Cooke  Clarrissa Million Harding | Embrey Index to Deeds & Wills 1727-1920  | Taylor Chapman Will | William Chapman Guardian Bond |  Instructions For Ordering Photocopies of Vital Records from Fredericksburg | Fredricksburg Court Records Online | Court Records: Historic Court Records, 1805 Court Records, Thomas Folio (Foley), Surname: Embrey | Probate Records: William Withers  | Home



Submitted By: Anne Bradshaw Musser

CHANCERY SUIT, Stafford County, Virginia Courthouse


Bill Filed at October Rules 1868

To the worshipful Justices of the County Court of Stafford - In Chancery

Your Orator Rodney B. BRADSHAW, shows to the Court that his father, the late
Harberson BRADSHAW, died having made a will by which he left a certain tract
of land, lying in Stafford County, containing about 1 hundred & 16 acres to
his single daughters until their decease or marriage whichever should first
occur & after their decease or marriage the said land was to be divided
among his children - who were Walter N., Uriah H., William, John F., Maria,
Jane, Eliza, Priscilla, Susan, Emily, Ann, Mary, Ellen, Frances & your
orator, that the said Walter has departed this life leaving Courtney Ann,
Margaret Priscilla, & George BRADSHAW, his children & heirs in law that the
said Uriah H. in Sept. 1865 departed this life leaving the following
children his heirs at law, Alexander C., Fannie Ann who has intermarried
with Wm. L. LEAGUE, Lucy Ellen who has intermarried with John T. LEAGUE,
Murray Hugh, Walter, Philip & Thatcher, the two last named being infants
under the age of 21 yrs. - that Wm. in Dec. 18, 1865 departed this life
intestate unmarried and without issue, that Maria has intermarried with
Edward BRIDGES, that Jane has intermarried with Robert PATTON, that Mary has
intermarried with Wm. BRIDGES, that Frances has intermarried with Thomas
STRATTON, that Susan has married with John COAKLEY, that Uriah, Ann, Ellen &
John F. have each sold their original interests to the plaintiff that Eliza
has departed this life leaving a will by which she devised all her interest
to the plaintiff; that she died on the _____day of _________.

Your orator further shows that said parties are entitled to partition of
said real estate, but it cannot be conveniently made, that no ones share
amounts to the sum of 3 hundred dollars in value, & your orator believes &
charge that the interests of all entitled will be promoted by a sale of the
entire subject.

In under consideration whereof & your orator being without relief in the
premises, except by the interpretation of a Court of Equity prays that the
said land may be sold & the proceeds of sale distributed among the parties
entitled according to the respective rights & that the said John F.
BRADSHAW, Edward BRIDGES & Maria his wife, John COAKLEY & Susan his wife,
Emily BRADSHAW, Ann STONE, formerly Ann BRADSHAW, Ellen BRADSHAW, Wm.
BRIDGES & Mary his wife, ________ WHITE & Frances his wife, Courtney Ann
BRADSHAW, Margaret Priscilla BRADSHAW, George BRADSHAW, Alexander C.
BRADSHAW, Wm. T. LEAGUE & Fannie Ann, his wife, John T. LEAGUE & Lucy
Ellis(sic) his wife, Murray Hugh BRADSHAW, Walter BRADSHAW, Philip BRADSHAW,
& Thatcher BRADSHAW be made defendants to this bill & answer the same that a
Guardian ad litem be assigned to said infant defendants & that full &
general relief be given & that the Commonwealth writ of subpoena issue
(Note: this is exactly the way my copy ends)
1868 filed

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Suzanne Shephard, County Coordinator Stafford Co., VAGenWeb