Court Records 

Deeds: Morias Hansbrough | Gray/Barbee | Trammell/Young | Gray to Greaves | Garrott Gray, Sr. | Bradshaw vs, Bradshaw | Cockshutt & Bland/Swetnam, MacIntosh, Reveley, Briggs | Fox-Sterne | Sterne, Sterne-Purvis | 1802 Appraisal Marshal Wesley Heflin | Public Meeting Notice for Bridge, Treasure on Shacklette Place, | Stafford Delegates: 1837, 1881, 1899 | Wills: John Grigsby, John Foley, Sr, Thomas Folio (Foley), Benjamin Sullivan, John Combs, John Cooke  Clarrissa Million Harding | Embrey Index to Deeds & Wills 1727-1920  | Taylor Chapman Will | William Chapman Guardian Bond |  Instructions For Ordering Photocopies of Vital Records from Fredericksburg | Fredricksburg Court Records Online | Court Records: Historic Court Records, 1805 Court Records, Thomas Folio (Foley), Surname: Embrey | Probate Records: William Withers  | Home



Contributed By: Sondra Foley


Trammell - Young Deed

Stafford County, Virginia

10 July 1700 in county Stafford Planter of one part and JOHN TRAMMILL of parish
Cople in county Westmoreland Planter Witnesseth for sum Four thousandfive hundred pounds good sound Merchantable Tobo. & cask .. sold parcel of land containing by estimation 969 acres lying on main run of Potomack Creek in county Stafford bounded .. beginning at a Spanish oak standing on brink of Potomack Creek at the upper end of the low grounds .. along the line of a tract of land of Mr. THEODERICK BLAND to Potomack Run .. the said land was surveyed for Mr. RICHARD PASKER Janry. 4th 1692 and by him sold to JOHN PIKE and by him sold to THOMAS WALLIS who pattented the same and conveyed it to William Downing ..
Presence Thomas Garner, Wm. Downing Thomas x Brooks
Know all men .. I DIANA DOWNING by these presents doth relinquish all my right of dower .. day and year above written.
Know all men .. I JOHN TRAMMILL of county Stafford Planter and MARY my wife make over all our right of this within mentioned land to Mr. BRYANT YOUNG of county Lancaster Planter .. 22nd May 1700.
Test. John Mountjoy, John Trammill
Edward Mountjoy Mary x Trammill
June 10th 1700 .. John Trammill acknowledged deed to Bryant Young accordingly is recorded in county court records of Stafford.
Know all men .. I MARY TRAMMILL imploy Mr. EDWD. MOUNTJOY and make him my lawful attorney to acknowledge parcel of land unto Bryant Young .. 10th July 1700.
Presence Andrew Salsbury, Mary x Trammill John Trammill



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Suzanne Shephard, County Coordinator Stafford Co., VAGenWeb