Court Records 

Deeds: Morias Hansbrough | Gray/Barbee | Trammell/Young | Gray to Greaves | Garrott Gray, Sr. | Bradshaw vs, Bradshaw | Cockshutt & Bland/Swetnam, MacIntosh, Reveley, Briggs | Fox-Sterne | Sterne, Sterne-Purvis | 1802 Appraisal Marshal Wesley Heflin | Public Meeting Notice for Bridge, Treasure on Shacklette Place, | Stafford Delegates: 1837, 1881, 1899 | Wills: John Grigsby, John Foley, Sr, Thomas Folio (Foley), Benjamin Sullivan, John Combs, John Cooke  Clarrissa Million Harding | Embrey Index to Deeds & Wills 1727-1920  | Taylor Chapman Will | William Chapman Guardian Bond |  Instructions For Ordering Photocopies of Vital Records from Fredericksburg | Fredricksburg Court Records Online | Court Records: Historic Court Records, 1805 Court Records, Thomas Folio (Foley), Surname: Embrey | Probate Records: William Withers  | Home




Appraisal of the effects of Marshal Wesley Heflin, b. ca. 1820, d. August 10, 1892; married Susan Frances Corbin, January 1852.

Stafford Co. Deed Book 5, pages 272 - 273

In Stafford County Court Sept. Term 1892

The Court doth appoint S. R. Cooper, Willie T. Green and K. Combs Apparisers of the Personal Estate of Marshall Heflin deceased, with direction to appriase the same and make report to the Court.

A Copy teste:

C. A. Bryan, Clerk

State of Virginia, Stafford County to-wit:

Personally appeared before me Ro. F. Lunsford a justice of the peace in and for the County and State aforesaid Seth R. Cooper, B. Combs, W. T. Green the foregoing appraisers, who made oath in due form of law, that they would, will and truly appraise said personal estate in accordance with law.

Give under my hand this 27th day of September 1892.

Ro. F. Lunsford, J.P.

List of The Personal Property of Marshall Heflin (name omitted in court document)

appraised by us this 27th day of Sept. 1892

One yoke of oxen $50.00

One Cow 10.00

One heifer 7.00

Twelve hogs 20.00

One stack straw .75

One grind stone .50

Fodder & shucks 6.00


Supposed to be 16 Barrels corn $32.00

@$2.00 per Bbl.

Supposed to be 24 Bush. wheat $13.20

@55 cts. per Bush.

One half Bush. measure and lot Boxes .50

and Barrels

Six Sacks .50

One Wagon 5.00

Two plows & other farm implements 8.00

One Bed & bedstead No. 1 9.00

Nine chairs @ 25 cts. each 2.25

One bureau No. 1 2.00

One table 1.50

One bed & bedstead No. 2 7.00

One bed & bedstead No. 3 5.00

7 chairs @ 50 cts. each 3.50

One bureau No. 2 2.00

One clock 1.50

Wash bowl & wash stand .30

One cook stove 5.00

One kitchen table .30

One doz. plates; eight cups &

saucers;1/2 doz. cups & saucers;

4 dishes; 1 glass pitcher; 1 doz.

tumblers; 1 doz. tea spoons 2.00

And other ware 1.00


One safe .50

One pine table .25

35 head of fowls 7.00

One Mowing sythe .25

$ 8.00




K. B. Combs

Willie T. Green

Seth R. Cooper

Commissioners Office September 29/92

I certify that I have examined the within appraisment & find the same to be in due form of the Law & correct & report the same for record.

R. H. Bryan Coms. of Acts.

In Stafford County Court Sept. 29, 1892

The foregoing inventory and appraisment, with the certificate annexed was this day received in the Clerks office as admitted to record. Teste

C. A. Bryan, Clerk

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Suzanne Shephard, County Coordinator Stafford Co., VAGenWeb