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Last Will & Testament of John Grigsby

Contributed By: Sondra Foley via the Stafford County Mailing List


Book M, Pages 17-18, Stafford County, Virginia Records

      In the name of God Amen I John Grigsby of the Parish of St. Paul in
the County of Stafford being in good health of body, sound, perfect and
disposing mind and memory, thanks be returned to God for same, yet being
sensible of the uncertainty of this mortal life, do make, publish, and
ordain this my last will and testament in manner & form following (that is
to say) first and principally I recommend my soul into hands of Almighty
God, hopeing through the meritorius death & passion of my blessed Saviour
and Redeemer Jesus Christ to receive full & free pardon and remition of my
sins and to inherit everlasting salvation, and my body I commit to the earth
to be decently interred at the discretion of my executors hereafter
mentioned as touching the disposition of such temporall estate as it hath
pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me, I give and dispose thereof as

Item  I give unto my son John Grigsby & his heirs part of tract of
land I bought of Nicholas Battain from his spring branch to uper corner tree
by Wm. Smith's old field and likewise I give him three Negros, named Sambo,
, & Dick.
      Item  I give unto my son Charles Grigsby all that parcell of land from
the swamp to Mr. Chandler Fowke's line whereon he now lives, it being in the
pattain I bought of Nick Battain and likewise I give unto him two Negros,
Robin & James, and to him & his heirs the land & Negros.
      Item  I give unto my daughter Mary Anne four Negros, Jemmy, Will,
Joney & Bess, to her and her heirs.
      Item  I gave unto my son James Grigsby and his heirs all that parsall
of land whereon he now lives from Jones Branch up his own spring branch and
to across to his brother John' spring branch, and likewise I give him three
Negros, Jack, Ben, Dall and her increase forever to him & his heirs.
      Item  I give unto my son Wm. Grigsby, and his heirs all that parcell
of land whereon he now lives, it being part of that patten I bought of
Nicholas Battain from James' spring branch up Jones Branch to my head line
and so along the line to his brother John's land, and likewise I give him
three Negros, Allow, Jane & Grace, their increase to him and his heirs
      Item  I give unto my son Thomas Grigsby all the remainer part of that
      I bought of Battain from the end of Wolf Pit Point up Jones Branch to
my head line on the east side of branch; also I give him the said tract of
land whereon now I live to him and his heirs and likewise I give him three
Negros, Nan, Genny, Mary, and their increase to him & his heirs forever and
likewise I give unto my son Thomas Grigsby all my hoggs belonging to me and
likewise I give him half my cattle and the other half of cattle to be
divided between my other four sons and daughter and likewise all my other
part of my moveable estate to be equally divided between my six children and
further I doe desire that my estate may not be brought to an appraisment,
and further I doe appoint my two sons John and Thomas Grigsby to be my
executors of this my last will & testament to see that everything equally
divided between themselves revoking all former wills as witness my hand and
seale this 17th March, 1728/9.

Signed & Sealed in the Present
of us & Delivered:
Jn.Grigsby      (Seal)

      Hen. Lopdell
      Eliz. Q. Eaton

      At a Court held for Stafford County the 11th day of November 1730 this
Will was presented into Court by John Grigsby and Thomas Grigsby, executors
therein named, who made oath thereto and the same being further proved by
the oath of Elizabeth Eaton, one of the witnesses thereto, who also made
oath that she saw Henry Lopdell, another witness, subscribed, sign the same
it is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in due form.
                                               Test: Catesby Cooke, Clerk
                                                A Copy Teste:
S.L.Alexander,  Clerk
                                                Recorded in Will Book M,


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Suzanne Shephard, County Coordinator Stafford Co., VAGenWeb