Butler County Obituary Index
Aa-Al | Am-Az | Ba-Bl | Bm-Bz | Ca-Cl |
Cm-Cz | Da-Dl | Dm-Dz | E | F |
G | Ha-Hl | Hm-Hz | I | Ja-Jl |
Jm-Jz | Ka-Kl | Km-Kz | La-Ll | Lm-Lz |
Mc | Ma-Ml | Mm-Mz | N | Oa-Ol |
Om-Oz | Pa-Pl | Pm-Pz | Q | Ra-Rl |
Rm-Rz | Sa-Sl | Sm-Sz | Ta-Tl | Tm-Tz |
U | V | W | Y | Z |
Obituaries are listed alphabetically by the last name.
Explanation: Most (but not all) of these obituaries were submitted to the Butler Co. NE message board in
2/2001 by Ken Schmit. Due to a "raid disk drive array" failure, on a RootsWeb host
computer, they were lost from that board. They were archived in NEBUTLER List and have been
copied from there to this page.