Whatcom County Obituaries

Surnames Beginning with "J"

JACKMAN, Martin L. (d. 1916)

In the presence of a great gathering of friends, funeral services were held Tuesday at the M. E. Church for M. L. Jackman, who passed away Saturday. The Rev. Paul H. Ashby officiated. Mr. Jackman's death came as a relief from an illness that had lasted several months. Martin Luther Jackman was born in Franklin County, New York, on Dec. 20, 1830. In his youth he moved with his parents to Illinois. On October 25, 1854, he was married to Ellen L. Townsend. The celebration of the fiftieth and later the sixtieth anniversary of this occasion will long be remembered by those who were fortunate enough to be neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Jackman. In 1857 Mr. and Mrs. Jackman moved to Iowa where for 31 years they labored to help lay the foundation for that great state. In 1888 they came to Lynden. He is survived by his widow, three daughters, Mrs. Emma Arnold of Santelle, Cal., Mrs. Grace Smith of Seattle, Wash., and Mrs. Effie Kelly of Lynden; two sons, S. T. Jackman and W. H. Jackman of Lynden, 10 grand children and 6 great grand children.

Mr. Jackman was a pioneer of three great sections, each of which at the time of his coming to it, was the frontier of the day. A man of small stature, but of great strength, and of yet greater strength of character, he was always a leader. One would find him not in the rear ranks following, but with the advance - the attacking force, in every battle for reform that his community knew. Yet even those whom he opposed could cast no slur on his integrity as a citizen. For sixty-eight years he had been a member of the Methodist Church and will be missed in the service which he so regularly attended. The community has lost one who as one of its early citizens helped to make the present development possible.
(From The Lynden Tribune, June 22, 1916) Submitted by site coordinator.

JACKSON, James (d. 1898)

JACKSON, Robert G. (d. 1919)

Robert George Jackson, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Jackson, of Vernon, B. C., and for several years a resident of Blaine, died at Raymond, Wash., Jan. 19th of pneumonia following the flu and was buried here Saturday, Jan. 25th, at 2 p.m., from Potter's undertaking parlors, Rev. Geo. F. Pollock officiating. Deceased was born in Nepawa, Manitoba, Oct. 11, 1894, and came to Blaine with his parents in April 1912. May 8, 1916, he was married to Ida Violette Clarine of this city, and then moved to Raymond, Wash., where they resided until last August. While living in Portland, Ore., he again accepted work at Raymond, where he was taken sick. Besides the wife and parents, he leaves five sisters as follows: Mrs. Walter Gibbs, Seattle; Mrs. Wm. Poltruff, Victoria, B. C.; Mrs. Howard Crain, Tacoma; Mrs. Oscar Carl, Tacoma and Miss Irene Jackson, of Vernon, B. C.
(From The Blaine Journal, January 31, 1919) Submitted by site coordinator.

JACKSON, St. Clair (d. 1909)

St. Clair Jackson, Sr., aged 75 years, an historical argonaut of California and a pioneer character of Bellingham Bay, expired at the home of his son, St. Clair, Jr., 509 Potter Street, at 1 o'clock yesterday morning, death being due to pneumonia. Few men have had the thrilling life experience than did this old pathfinder. He was among a party of 400 men, women and children who left the State of Illinois in 1852 with an oxteam train to dig gold in California and establish a new home in the West. At the age of 18 years he heard the tales of the West and he faced the dangers of wild Indians on the long tedious journey across the plains. The new El Dorado was reached in about six months and Jackson began to lay the foundation for his career. Fate was good to him and he soon amassed a big store of the golden riches. In due time he relinquished the work of panning gold and engaged in the general mercantile, hotel and stage line business. A methodical business man, he was chosen as one of a commission authorized to establish an interstate trunk line known as the Oregon-California trunk line road, the first thoroughfare leading northward from the gold diggings in California.

Graphic reports of new gold fields on the Fraser River were received in California and Jackson was one of the first to join the stampede, arriving on the shores of Bellingham Bay, at the former town of Whatcom in 1858. Prospectors flocked here from all directions until a city of tents, ranging from 8,000 to 12,000 inhabitants, sprang up almost in a day along the waterfront in the vicinity of the lower Whatcom Falls, beyond the Dupont Street Bridge. The Fraser River excitement quickly waned, and it was discovered that only a few "pockets" of gold had been found. Jackson was one of the first to realize the fact that the Fraser River diggings was a hoax and he returned to his home in California. Although he did not maintain a permanent residence in Bellingham from the date of his arrival here in 1858, yet he always claimed Bellingham as him home, for he said from the time he first landed here he always had a yearning to establish a home here, which he did later. He had resided here many years and always had an abiding faith in the future of the city.

St. Clair Jackson was born in Ohio in *1834. At the age of 4 years he was taken to Jackson County, Illinois, by his parents, the county being named after intrepid pathfinders of his father's family. He was the bosom "chum" and playmate of the late General John A. Logan. He leaves a widow, nine children and seven grandchildren. They are: Widow, Elizabeth; children: J. P., St. Clair, Jr., Mrs. H. H. Graham, all of Bellingham; P. R. of Aberdeen, William H., S. B., C. S., all of Macon City, Mo., George, of Macona, Tex., and seven grandchildren, three in Bellingham; two in Texas and two in Missouri. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Another account says born January 9, 1835. Resided in Bellingham since 1900. Children by former wife were: Wm. H., S. B. and C. S. Jackson of Macon City, Texas, and George Jackson of Noewa, Texas. Interment Bay View.
(From The Morning Reveille, May 21, 1909) Submitted by site coordinator.

JACOBS, Anna (d. 1890)

Saturday evening, October 25th, 1890, at the residence of D. S. Miller in Blaine, Washington, Miss Anna Jacobs, daughter of John and Mary Jacobs, of Lynden, aged nineteen years and four months. Funeral services will be held at the M. E. church at 11 a.m. Funeral at the house at 2 p.m. Miss Jacobs was born in New York city June 26, 1871. She came to Washington with her parents six years ago last July and lived at Lynden. She was the eldest of eight children, who are all living today but her. She attended the Lynden Normal school, and has taught school in Blaine for three years. Miss Anna Jacobs was one of the most promising pupils of the Normal, and an excellent primary teacher, beloved by all her pupils. Her charge of the school in Blaine has been most successful, and she will be truly mourned by her pupils, and by the parents of the pupils, who appreciated her good qualities and had hoped to see her long guiding their little ones aright, but God willed otherwise, and she is gone from earth.
(From The Morning Journal, October 26, 1890) Submitted by site coordinator.

JACOBS, Charles (d. 1930)

Funeral services will we held at the Knapp & Knapp funeral parlors in Lynden Friday at 2 p.m. for Charles Jacobs, for twenty-five years a a Lynden resident, who died at a Bellingham hospital Monday evening (November 24, 1930). He was a member of the Odd Fellows. Born in Wisconsin April 27, 1845, Mr. Jacobs came West about 1901 and settled in Seattle. About two years later he moved to Lynden. When taken ill he was spending the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Azubah Bixby, of Bellingham. He is survived by Mrs. Bixby; one son Ernest Jacobs, of Shore Acres, Birch Bay; one brother Horace, of Hammond, Wis.; five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 26, 1930) Submitted by site coordinator.

JACOBSON, Charles (d. 1919)

Funeral services were held this afternoon at 1:30 at Knapp's Funeral Parlors for the late Charles Jacobson, who passed away Monday noon at St. Luke's hospital in Bellingham. A large gathering of friends and relatives were in attendance. Jacobson was born in Minnesota in 1883. Besides his widow, he is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Jacobson, one son, four brothers, Nels, Arthur, Dave and George, and three sisters, Miss Edith Jacobson, Mrs. Lynn Barton, and Mrs. Levi Axlund.
(From The Lynden Tribune, November 6, 1919) Submitted by site coordinator.

JACOBSON, Edward (d. 1892)

JACOBSON, Jacob N. (d. 1914)

Jacob N. Jacobson, age 59 years, whose home was 1000 Fourteenth street, passed away suddenly, July 9, near Lake Padden, where the family was camping, cause of death being heart disease. Mr. Jacobson has resided in Bellingham for 15 years, coming here with his family from Wisconsin. He is survived by his wife, four daughters, Mrs. O. A. Sandwick, Mrs. Geo. Ringstad, Mrs. J. A. Moen and Miss Abbie Jacobson; three sons, Oscar, Garfield and William; also five sisters in Wisconsin. Funeral service will be conducted Sunday afternoon, July 12th, at 2 o'clock, from the United Lutheran church, corner Mill avenue and Nineteenth street, of which church the deceased was a member, Rev. Hans H. Holle, the pastor officiating. Interment will be made in the family plot in Bay View cemetery, under the direction of A. G. Wickman.
(From The Bellingham Herald, July 10, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.

JACOBSON, John A. (d. 1936)

JACOBSON, Martha E. (d. 1908)

Martha Elizabeth Jacobson, aged 71 years, wife of Tolog Jacobson, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Scarseth, Fourth Street and Julia Avenue, yesterday forenoon at 11 o'clock, death being due to athomatous degeneration of the arteries. Mrs. Jacobson is survived by her husband and one daughter, residents of this city, a daughter, Mrs. M. Mikelson, of Kirkhaven, Minnesota, and one son; Ole Jacobson, of St. Paul, Minnesota, also two daughters, Mrs. N. Olson and Mrs. John Franklin, residents of Tacoma. There are sixteen grandchildren surviving Mrs. Jacobson. The body lies at the private receiving room of W. H. Mock & Sons in the Maple block. The funeral arrangements will be announced later.
(From The Morning Reveille, April 21, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.

JACOBSON, Pete F. (d. 1921)

Pete F. Jacobson, for twenty years a resident of Bellingham, died this morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. G. Adolph Miller, 514 Magnolia street, at the age of 77 years. Mr. Jacobson was born in Norway, April 14, 1842, and came to America with his parents when 16 years of age. He lived for a time in Fayette county, Iowa, and then removed to Lac Qui Parie, Ia., of which he was practically the founder. In that community he was the first justice of the peace and served as a member of the state legislature, as county treasurer and a probate judge. His wife died September 10, 1915. For the last three years he had lived with Mrs. Miller. He was a member of the Norwegian Lutheran church. The survivors are three daughters, Mrs. G. Adolph Miller, Mrs. T. A. Thompson, of Seattle; Jacob, of Madison, Minn.; Madford, of Saskatchewan, and Olaf, of Bellingham; four brothers, Jake, John, Nels and Louis, of Madison, Minn. Private funeral services will be held at the home of Mrs. Miller Sunday at 3 p.m. with the Rev. C. B. Sears officiating. Arthur C. Harlow will have charge of the interment.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 14, 1921) Submitted by site coordinator.

JACOBY, Nettie (d. 1919)

Funeral services were held on Monday afternoon for the late Mrs. J. H. Jacoby, who passed away Saturday after a brief illness. The Rev. W. O. Benadom conducted the services at the Lynden cemetery in the presence of many friends. Mrs. Nettie Austin Jacoby was born in Ohio in 1876, and was 42 years, 8 months and 8 days old. She was married to J. H. Jacoby in 1898, and moved to Lynden nine years ago. She was a member of the Christian Church, and worked in the M. E. Sunday School. She was a member of the W. C. T. U. and the Pythian Sisters, and was an active worker in the Red Cross and other charities. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, her father, John W. Austin, five sisters and two brothers.
(From The Lynden Tribune, January 2, 1919) Submitted by site coordinator.

JAEGER, Mary R. (d. 1904)

JAMES, Anna (d. 1896)

Died - On October 6th, Mrs. Anna Hope James, wife of Albert James, and daughter of John Hope; also granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Slater. She was 19 years of age, and died of diphtheria. She leaves a husband and a little daughter about two years old, besides a host of friends. Mrs. Egbert of Mountain View took the little girl home with her and reports are that she was not expected to live. Some of Mrs. Egbert's neighbors are highly indignant on account of her bringing that disease in their neighborhood. The health officer of Whatcom was telephoned regarding the matter.
(From The Daily Reveille, October 9, 1896) Submitted by site coordinator.

JAMES, Mary A. (d. 1927)

Mrs. Mary Adeline James, a resident of Lummi reservation all her life, died at a local hospital Monday, aged 35 years. She was the youngest daughter of the late chief of the Lummis, Henry Kwina, and was the wife of William James. She had been ill three weeks. Aside from the husband, the surviving relatives are one daughter, Frances Rita; three sons, Robert Henry, William Haskell and Ernest Anthony, all at home; one brother, Peter Kwina, and two sisters, Mrs. Peter Victor and Mrs. August Martin, Lummi reservation. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 9 a. m. at the St. Joachim church with the Rev. Father Robert Dillon officiating. Interment will be made in Lummi cemetery under Homer Mark's direction.
(From The Bellingham Herald, August 2, 1927) Submitted by site coordinator.

JAMIESON, David H. (d. 1919)

Funeral services were held at the Lynden cemetery Sunday for the late David H. Jamieson, who passed away after a brief illness Thursday afternoon at his home in Bellingham. Services at Lynden were in charge of Everson lodge I. O. O. F. of which Mr. Jamieson was a member. Mr. Jamieson had been in business in Whatcom County for thirteen years, and had many friends in the Lynden district. Surviving him are his widow, Mrs. Kathryn Jamieson, and one daughter, Sara; two sisters, Mrs. E. H. Keith of Rhinelander, Wis., and Mrs. A. R. Hay of Riverside, Cal.; and seven brothers, Andrew of Seattle, James and Fred of Warner, Alberta; Charles E. of Stillwater, Minn.; William G. of Riverside, Cal.; Clarence of Ferndale, and Hugh H. of Lynden.
(From The Lynden Tribune, May 22, 1919) Submitted by site coordinator.

JAMIESON, John F. (d. 1927)

Funeral services for John F. Jamieson, 74, whose death occurred at Wickersham on Saturday of last week, were held at the Acme M. E. church on Monday. Interment was made in Saxon cemetery under direction of the O. R. Hollingsworth Funeral Home. Mr. Jamieson was the father of Mrs. Viola S. Richardson, Mrs. Bessie Painter, Mrs. Minnie Bowman, Walter W. Jamieson, Wickersham; Mrs. Letha Onley, Berrien Springs, Mich.; and Alpha L. Jamison, Tacoma.
(From The Deming Prospector, October 21, 1927) Submitted by site coordinator.

JAMIESON, Martha (d. 1930)

Mrs. Martha Gillott Jamieson, aged 73 years, passed away at a local hospital at an early hour Friday evening, July 29. Mrs. Jamieson had been a resident of this city for the past fifteen years and leaves to survive her two sons, George G. Jamieson, of Oakland, Cal., and James A. Jamieson, of this city; four daughters, Mrs. Agnes McCullough, of Everett, Wash.; Mrs. William J. Farrell, of Seattle; Mrs. Ivalue Proelss, of Seattle, and Mrs. Nellie Teller, of San Francisco; one sister, Mrs. Sadie Heslop, of Phoenix, Ariz., and one brother, Joseph Gillott, of Washington, D.C., and seven grandchildren. At the time of her death Mrs. Jamieson was a member of the Christian Advent church, of this city, and a member of the Ladies of the G.A.R. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 o'clock, at the Harlow undertaking parlors.
(From The Bellingham Herald, July 30, 1930) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

JAMIESON, Mary (d. 1938)

Death claimed Mrs. Mary Jamison on Monday evening at her home in Saxon after a few days illness. She would of been eighty years old this coming Sunday. Mrs. Jamison is survived by two sons, Al of Tacoma and Walter of Saxon; four daughters, Mrs. Viola Richardson, Mrs. Peggie Painter and Mrs. Minnie Bowman all of Saxon and a daughter residing in the East. Funeral services will be held at the Harlow-Hollingsworth funeral home on Thursday at 1 p.m. Interment will follow in Saxon Cemetery.
(From The Deming Prospector, January 28, 1938) Submitted by site coordinator.

JAMIESON, William (d. 1920)

William Jamieson, civil war veteran and proprietor of the Jamieson & Son grocery at 2431 Meridian street, died about midnight last night at the age of 79 years. He had lived here sixteen years. Mr. Jamieson was a member of the Advent Christian church, J. B. Steadman Post, No. 24, G.A.R., Knights and Ladies of Security, Seattle, and of the A.O.U.W., of Topeka, Kan. Mr. Jamieson was a native of Scotland. He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Martha Jamieson, four daughters and two sons; Mrs. J. McColloch, Everett; Mrs. J. W. Farrell, Seattle; Mrs. William Tellar, San Francisco; Mrs. A. R. Proeless, Seattle; James A., San Francisco, and G. G., of Oakland, Cal.; also by two sisters and one brother in Glasgow, Scotland, Mr. Jamieson's birthplace. Funeral announcements will be made by Harry O. Bingham.
(From The Bellingham Herald, June 18, 1920) Submitted by Merrily Lawson

JAMISON, Mary (d. 1938)

Death claimed Mrs. Mary Jamison on Monday evening at her home in Saxon after a few days illness. She would have been eighty years old this coming Sunday. Mrs. Jamison is survived by two sons, Al of Tacoma and Walter of Saxon; four daughters, Mrs. Viola Richardson, Mrs. Peggie Painter and Mrs. Minnie Bowman all of Saxon and a daughter residing in the East. Funeral services will be held at the Harlow Hollingsworth funeral home on Thursday at 1 p. m. Interment will follow in Saxon Cemetery.
(From The Deming Prospector, January 28, 1938) Submitted by site coordinator.

JANIG, Gotthold (d. 1913)

Gotthold Janig, aged 70 years, passed away last night at 5 o'clock at the home of his nephew, A. C. Filler, 1921 Humboldt street. Mr. Janig was a pioneer. He came to Fairhaven with his family from Oakland, Cal., in 1883, and located at Ninth street and Harris avenue, where he resided most of the time till July, 1898, when his wife passed away. He was a member of the Twenty-sixth Wisconsin regiment and served three years in the war. He is survived by three daughters, Ida, Louise and Mary, one son, Ernest Janig, of Seattle, and one sister, Mrs. Elnora Filler, of Milwaukee, Wis. Funeral service will be conducted Monday. August 4, at 1 o'clock, from the parlors of A. G. Wickman, 1146, Elk street, under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic. Interment will be made in the family plot in Bay View cemetery. The funeral car will leave from Humboldt and Elk streets at 9:45 a. m. for the convenience of relatives and friends.
Another account says he was born in Saxony, Germany; he accumulated extensive property holdings, gradually disposing of them in recent years.
(From The Bellingham Herald, August 2, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.

JANSEN, Gerrit (d. 1921)

Gerrit Jansen passed away at an early hour Saturday morning at a local hospital after an illness of three weeks. He leaves to mourn his loss, the widow, a daughter, Clara, 9 years of age; a son, William, 3 years of age; three brother, Dave Jansen, William Jansen and Henry Jansen, all of Bellingham; one sister, Mrs. Blanugsme, residing in Holland, and his father, Herman Jansen. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Knapp funeral parlors, Lynden. Burial in Lynden cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, February 7, 1921) Submitted by site coordinator.

JAQUES, Edward N. (d. 1901)

JEFFRIES, Isabel (d. 1912)

Mrs. Isabel Jeffries, one of Whatcom county's pioneers, died at her home on Front street at Sumas last Monday. She was 72 years of age at the time of her death. Mrs. Jeffries, accompanied by her husband, Nathan Jeffries, came to Whatcom county twenty-three years ago. Her husband died twelve years ago. She was the mother of seven children, four of whom survive her. These are Miss Bertha Jeffries and Mrs. Harvey Giles, of Sumas, and Harry and George Jeffries, of Anglia, Wash.
(From The Bellingham Herald, June 15, 1912) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

JENKINS, Elvira A. (d. 1890)

DIED. - At her residence in this city, January 25, 1890, Mrs. Elvira A. Jenkins, aged 33 years and 4 days.
Mrs. Jenkins was born January 21, 1857, and was married to her husband, Will D. Jenkins, July 22, 1875, and departed this life January 25, 1890, at 1 o'clock a. m. Although her sickness had been for some time of a very serious nature all hoped for her recovery, and anxiously waited for each favorable bulletin issued by the physicians in attendance. But it was hoping against hope and the dread messenger at last claimed her for his own. It is hard to look upon the face of death in any form and doubly hard when near and dear friends are carried away by the dread summons, while the voices of weeping friends at the beside ascend to the Most High for their recovery. Mrs. Jenkins was just in the prime of life, and the world was bright, parents, husband, children and friends around her to make life pleasant, but she could not remain, her pilgrimage was finished, her labor done. She was a noble woman, an affectionate wife and a loving mother. She was indeed a rare flower swept from among us by an untimely frost and her large circle of friends can offer but poor consolation to the bereaved relatives, who must feel a load of grief almost unbearable. Mrs. Jenkins leaves three children to mourn her death, D. C. Jenkins, aged 14 years, Zula Jenkins, 12 years, age Will D. Jenkins, aged 10 years, besides her husband, parents, brothers and sisters. The funeral will probably take place, Monday afternoon, of which due notice will be given.
(From The Evening Bulletin, January 25, 1890) Submitted by site coordinator.

JENKINS, J. R. (d. 1903)

One of the oldest settlers in Whatcom county, J. R. Jenkins, died Tuesday morning at 6 o'clock at his home on E and Fourteenth streets, Whatcom. Mr. Jenkins is well known in and around Ferndale, having at one time lived on his farm near this place. The cause of his death was asthma and heart trouble of which he had been ailing for some time. The deceased was 73 years of age. He was born in Wales, but came to America when but a youth and settled in Pennsylvania where he lived until 1868. He then came west with his family, consisting of six children, and spent three years in California. He then came to Washington, which was then a wild, undeveloped wilderness. Settling in Whatcom, which was composed of about thirty houses in both Sehome and Whatcom, the chief industry being the B. B. I. coal mines in which Mr. Jenkins worked for two years, he purchased the Whatcom House which was then the only hotel in the place. After a few years he moved onto his farm near this place which he worked for a number of years. He also owned a farm on Lake Whatcom and was the first white settler on the lake. Mr. Jenkins was well and favorably known throughout the entire county. For the past few years he was commonly known as Judge Jenkins, which comes from his being justice of the peace of Whatcom for about eight years. He leaves six grown children to mourn his death.
(From The Ferndale Record, December 4, 1903) Submitted by site coordinator.


J. R. Jenkins, one of the oldest pioneers of Whatcom county, died yesterday morning at 6 o'clock at the family residence on Fourteenth and E streets, after a month's illness from asthma and heart trouble. Deceased was born in Wales seventy-three years ago and at an early age he came to America and settled in Pennsylvania. In 1854 he married, in Pottsfield, Pa., and in 1868 he started on his trip to the west. Instead of coming across the country he went by boat from New York to the isthmus of Panama which they crossed in wagons, and then took a boat for San Francisco. The family, consisting of the father and six children, spent three years in California and then decided to come up into this then new country. The trip was made in the old bark Germania, and they came direct to this city. Whatcom was then in its infancy, and only about twenty-five or thirty houses could be seen in what was then known as Sehome, while "Old Whatcom" consisted of about six houses. The father and his sons worked in the old B. B. I. coal mines, which made up the only industry in the place, for a number of years, and lived in Sehome for two years, after which they bought the old Whatcom House, which was then situated on the beach and was the only house in the neighborhood. In about 1890 the father moved to a ranch near Ferndale, where he farmed for about three years. He also owned a ranch on Lake Whatcom, where the old pavilion now stands, and the family were the first white settlers on the lake. The deceased was justice of the peace for eight years in this town and was commonly known as Judge Jenkins.

Mr. Jenkins brought from Seattle the first organ ever seen in this country and for many years was the leader in all the social events of the day. The organ is an antique one, and the family intends to keep it as a memento of those days. Six children out of eleven, are left to mourn the loss of a father, and are all grown up and living in different parts of the country. They are Mrs. Margaret Chilberg, of Laconner, Mrs. Rebecca Smart of Whatcom, Mrs. Susie Dickinson of Whatcom, Mrs. Mary Kildall of Minneapolis, Lewis Jenkins of Whatcom and Thomas Jenkins of Olympia. Funeral arrangements have not yet been announced.
(From The Daily Reveille, December 1, 1903) Submitted by site coordinator.

JENKINS, Jacob (d. 1916)

David (sic) Jenkins, aged 77 years, passed away at an early hour Monday, December 18, 1916, at his residence, 1015 Eleventh street. Mr. Jenkins was born in Champlain county, O., in 1839, and came to Bellingham twelve years ago. He was a member of Coleman R. Apperson post No. 59, G. A. R. and the Fairhaven M. E. church. He leaves to survive him his widow, Mrs. Margaret Jenkins; one daughter, Mrs. Mary Jenkins-Boys, and five sons, Alfred L., Edward, Frazer, Henry C., all of Bellingham, and Ben W., of Ohio; also one brother and one sister living in Ohio. Funeral services will be conducted by Rev. H. L. Townsend, of the Fairhaven M. E. church, at the family residence, 1015 Eleventh street, at 1:30 o'clock p. m. Tuesday, December 19. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery, under the direction of Arthur C. Harlow, 1055 Elk street.
(From The Bellingham Herald, December 18, 1916) Submitted by site coordinator.

JENKINS, Will D. (d. 1902)

Will D. JENKINS Breathes His Last This Morning
He Was A Pioneer of Whatcom, Locating Here Over Twenty Years Ago - Founder Of Whatcom Reveille - Credit Due Him For Laying The Foundation Of The City Of Whatcom.
Will D. Jenkins, ex-Secretary of the State of Washington, died at San Francisco this morning at 7 o'clock; the news was conveyed to this city by a telegram from Mrs. Jenkins to D.C. Jenkins. The receipt of this news is a shock to the many friends of Mr. Jenkins on Bellingham Bay, Whatcom county and the state in general.
He was a pioneer of Whatcom, having located here over 20 years ago, and no man on Bellingham Bay has done more for the locality or Whatcom county than Will D. Jenkins. He was the founder of the Whatcom Reveille, and in partnership with T. G. Nicklin edited and published the weekly Reveille until the plant was sold to Adams & Evans. Mr. Jenkins has been identified with the history of Whatcom ever since he arrived here, over a score of years ago. In fact, through the medium of his paper, he worked early and late and the up-building of our city on the Bay, and to him is due the credit of laying the foundation for the present city of Whatcom, by attracting home seekers who came to subdue the virgin forest, utilize the many natural resources, which he so often portrayed with his pen.
He has held many responsible positions of trust since his residence here. He served the city of Whatcom as mayor, was supervisor of the census bureau of the state in 1890, and was elected secretary of state in 1896. Mr. Jenkins leaves a widow and five children to mourn his loss - D. C. Jenkins, city editor of the Blade, Will D., Zulu, and two younger daughters. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Jenkins, Sr., and several brothers, reside in this city. Interment will be made in the cemetery at San Francisco. The body will not be brought to the Bay on account of the illness of the two daughters, Buda and Doris, who are seriously ill with scarlet fever and diphtheria.

The following biographical sketch is found in the legislative record, printed in 1899: Will D. Jenkins, secretary of state, and ex-officio insurance commissioner of the State of Washington, was born at Perkin, Tasewell county, Ill., April 21, 1852. He had a common school education, and his first vocation was that of a compositor in a printing office. From this his transformation into an editor and publisher was natural. He had been engaged in the newspaper business over a quarter of a century. Mr. Jenkins moved to the West in boyhood and saw two years' service in the Indian wars in Nebraska, Colorado, and the Far West, serving three terms as mayor of New Whatcom, the principal city of Northwest Washington. He was appointed supervisor of census for the state of Washington in 1890 by President Harrison, and filed the first completed report that year. Politically he was a Republican until 1892, when he became an earnest and prominent champion of the principles of the Omaha platform. He was elected secretary of the state of Washington on the People's Party ticket in 1896 for a term of four years. The funeral services will be held Wednesday.
(From The Fairhaven Evening Herald, February 15, 1902) Submitted by Linda Lawson

JENSEN, Beret (d. 1932)

Funeral services for Mrs. Beret Jensen, aged 85 years, who passed away at the family home near Lynden Sunday, June 26, will be held Wednesday, June 29, at the family home at 1 p.m. with Rev. C. Moon, pastor of the Lutheran Free Church officiating, and interment will be made in the family plot in Bay View cemetery under the direction of the Bingham-Dahlquist Funeral Home. Mrs. Jensen had been a resident of Bellingham for many years and aside from the many friends who will mourn her passing she leaves to survive her two daughter, Mrs. Minnie Stamnes, of this city; Mrs. J. A. Olsen, of Viblin, S. D., and two sons, T. C. Jensen, of Seattle, and J. A. Jensen, of North Dakota.
(From The Bellingham Herald, June 27, 1932) Submitted by site coordinator.

JENSEN, Edna (d. 1917)

Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the family residence for little Edna Jensen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Jensen, who was accidentally killed Friday afternoon under the Heider Brothers' automobile truck. Interment was in the Greenwood cemetery. The little girl was on her way home from school about four o'clock and was about to get on the truck to ride home with a number of other children. The driver was given the signal to start up, while the little girl was standing unobserved between the wheels. She died shortly after being hurried to the doctor's office at Lynden.
(From The Lynden Tribune, October 11, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.

JENSEN, Emma J. (d. 1911)

Mrs. Jensen Buried
The funeral services of Mrs. James L. Jensen, who passed away last Wednesday in the Swedish hospital in Seattle, were held in the Congregational church Saturday afternoon Rev. O. P. Avery the pastor officiating. The body was brought home Tuesday, accompanied by Mr. Jensen and Miss Anna Jenkins, her daughter.
Mrs. Jensen was born in Cambridge county, Ohio, April 1st, 1858. May 4, 1880, she was married to Evan Jenkins, who was drowned four years later. To this union two children were born, Miss Anna and Parry, both of whom make their home here. May 15, 1887, the deceased was married to James L. Jensen, who is left to mourn the loss of a loving wife. Lambert Jensen of this city is the only child.
Mrs. Jensen was a member of the Presbyterian church at Ilwaco, this state, a member of the Ladies' Aid society of the Congregational church here, and a member of the Rebekah lodge here. She was known as a woman of a very loving disposition and particularly endeared to all who came in touch with her.
The deceased leaves a mother, Mrs. Williams, of Astoria, Oregon, and a brother, Thos. C. Priestley, residing in Nebraska.
(From The Blaine Journal, March 10, 1911) Submitted by site coordinator.

JENSEN, Fred (d. 1911)

Fred Jensen, aged 33 years, a native of Denmark, and a well known resident of this city, died at a local hospital Saturday night at 9:40 o'clock as a result of injuries received while loading lumber on the English steamer Earl Forfare at the Bellingham Lumber company's wharf Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Jensen was president of the local Longshoremen's union at the time of his death; also being prominently connected with the Danish Brotherhood, of this city. He is survived by his father, a resident of Lynden, this county; two sisters, one of whom lives in Denmark, the other, Miss Christina Jensen, being a resident of British Columbia; also two brothers, Peter and John Jensen, who live at Lynden. Funeral services will be conducted at the chapel of Mock & Hill, 1055 Elk street, Wednesday forenoon, March 1, at 11 o'clock, the Rev. George Lane, pastor of Zion's Evangelical Norwegian Lutheran church, officiating. Mrs. David Ireland will have charge of the music. The body of Mr. Jensen will be shipped to Lynden Wednesday afternoon, interment to be made at that place. All longshoremen and members of the Danish Brotherhood have been requested to attend the funeral.
(From The Bellingham Herald, February 27, 1911) Submitted by site coordinator.

JENSEN, Pauline (d. 1915)

Pauline Jensen, aged 36 years, passed away at Seattle, February 1. She is survived by her husband, Mr. E. Jensen, and one daughter, Minnie, who is residing at Potter and James streets; also her mother, three sisters, Caroline, Amanda and Hartvig; two brothers, Paul and Carl, of Serket, Norway. Funeral service will be conducted Friday afternoon, February 5, at 2:30 o'clock, from the Free Lutheran church on Franklin street. Rev. Tobias J. Moen, the pastor, officiating. Interment to be made in Bay View cemetery under the direction of A. G. Wickman.
(From The Bellingham Herald, February 3, 1915) Submitted by site coordinator.

JERN, Anna (d. 1909)

Anna Jern, a widow, about 40 years of age committed suicide by taking carbolic acid at her home near the Modern mill, six miles west of Lynden last Saturday afternoon. The body is being held in Lynden at the request of a brother, living near the Model mill. He insists that it shall not be buried until another brother whose whereabouts today are unknown is heard from. It was the request of the dead woman that no funeral services be held, it is said. Mrs. Jern was, it is said a strange woman. Her act was undoubtedly premeditated and was the result of at least temporary insanity brought on possibly by worry over her property. Her husband died a year ago, February 18. Mr. Jern had been married twice. A wife and children lived in the old country. About the time he died - one of his boys came out to this country. There was a misunderstanding about the division of the property which is now in the courts. Mrs. Jerns has two brothers. She had no children and was living alone. One of the brothers visited her last week and notified the other brother who lives near the Jern farm to watch the woman, it is said. The brother went over to the house and his sister remarked, "Oh I'm alive yet, you see." He took away with him a revolver it is said for fear she might shoot herself and took other precautions to save any calamity. Later he again went over and found that his sister had taken poison. A doctor was summoned and the woman lived until Sunday, though suffering terrible agony. She was a free thinker it is said, as was her husband, and believed not in any church or religion it is said. An effort will be made to get the consent for burial tomorrow. If it is not given the authorities may order burial without the consent of the family.
(From The Lynden Tribune, May 6, 1909) Submitted by site coordinator.

JESS, Frances (d. 1920)

A large gathering of friends attended the funeral services Thursday at Knapp's Parlors for the late Mrs. Frances Jess, who passed away at her home Wednesday, July 28. The Rev. W. O. Benadom conducted the services. Mrs. Jess was born in Bohemia on Sept. 24, 1866. She was married to the late John Jess in Nebraska thirty-four years ago, and came West with her husband in 1901. She leaves to mourn her loss one sister, Mrs. A. Petrak at Millagen, one son, Lee, and six daughters - Mrs. Leonard Martin, Billings, Neb., Mrs. Paul Henderson, Lynden, Mrs. Charles Follis, Seattle, and Edith, Antonette and Lottie of Lynden; and four step-children, Amel Jess of Coulee City, Wash., Val Jess, Hartline, Wash., Mrs. Joseph Jess, Bluff City, Kansas; Mrs. Joe Barto, Concrete, Wash.
(From The Lynden Tribune, August 5, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.

JESS, John (d. 1920)

Friends gathered Sunday afternoon at the funeral services for the late John Jess at Knapp's Parlors. The Rev. W. O. Benadom conducted the services. Mr. Jess, who passed away Friday, was born in Prague, Bohemia, June 22, 1850. He came to American at the age of 20. He moved to Lynden 18 years ago from Nebraska. Besides his widow, Mrs. Frances Jess, he leaves to mourn his loss eight daughters, Mrs. Joseph Jess of Bluff City, Kansas, Mrs. Joe Barta, Concrete, Wash., Mrs. Leonard Martin, Bellingham, Mrs. Paul Henderson, Lena, Edith, Antoinette and Lottie Jess of Lynden, and three sons, Emil and Val Jess of Coulee City, Wash., and Leo Jess of Lynden.
(From The Lynden Tribune, February 5, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.

JIZNER, Joseph (d. 1927)

Joseph Jizner, Hall's Prairie Pioneer, Dies In Hospital.
Joseph Jizner, a pioneer of Hall's Prairie, B. C., for the past forty years died last Thursday evening at St. Joseph's hospital in Bellingham where he had been confined since undergoing a surgical operation last July. Funeral arrangements were in charge of H. B. Potter and services held here Monday morning at 10:00 in St. Anne's Roman Catholic church with Father Dillon of Ferndale officiating. Burial was made in the Blaine cemetery. Mr. Jizner who was born in Switzerland May 5th, 1840, had no living relatives at the time of his death, his wife having preceded him ten years ago. After his wife's death, he went back east for five years and for the past two years had made his home with Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Peschke on Boundary Hill east of Blaine.
(From The Blaine Journal, March 10, 1927) Submitted by site coordinator.

JOHNSON, Avis (d. 1909)

Mrs. Avis Johnson, aged 46 years, wife of Willis Johnson died yesterday at her home three and a half miles southeast of Lynden on the Everson road. The funeral is being held today. Burial will be in the Greenwood cemetery, Rev. Case is officiating. Mrs. Johnson had been sick two weeks. First with heart trouble and then with typhoid pneumonia. For 10-days she had been unconscious and death was expected by the family, all of whom were at her bedside. She leaves a husband and five children: Mrs. George J. Erz jr., Mrs. Chester Scott, a grown son and daughter at home and one little girl eight years old. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson came to Whatcom county from Marion, Michigan, nine years ago. Mr. Johnson is quite well known. Besides running his farm he has been hauling milk and cream to the Lynden factory for seven years.
(From The Lynden Tribune, May 13, 1909) Submitted by site coordinator.

JOHNSON, Cleora (d. 1924)

Mrs. Cleora Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Briggs, passed away at an early hour Friday morning, at the home of her parents, after an illness of about one week, death being caused from pneumonia. Mr. Johnson was 25 years and nearly two months of age at the time of her death. She had been a resident of Maple Falls practically all her life, coming with her parents from Blaine when a small girl. Mrs. Johnson was born at Sheldon, Missouri, May 15, 1899. She leaves a husband, Guy, two small daughters, Virginia and Mapine; parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Briggs; three sisters, Mrs. Jess Elzia, of Hoquiam; Mrs. Le Duc and Mrs. Earl Heffernan, of Raymond, Wash. Everything possible was done to save the life of the sufferer, four Bellingham doctors being in attendance on Wednesday. Mr. Gillies of Sumas will have charge of the funeral which will be held on Sunday, at the Maple Falls church at 1 o'clock. Interment will be in Bay View cemetery, Bellingham. [Extensive details of the funeral were published in the paper of July 18, 1924]
(From The Deming Prospector, July 11, 1924) Submitted by site coordinator.

JOHNSON, Freda (d. 1924)

After a little more than a week's illness Mrs. August Johnson, for more than twenty years a resident of Nooksack, passed away at the family home early Thursday morning, September 11. On September 2nd Mrs. Johnson was stricken with paralysis, at noon as she sat at the dinner table with her family. For a few days it seemed that she might recover but Tuesday there came a change in her condition and her daughter Miss Esther, who was teaching at East Stanwood was called home. The husband, two daughters, Esther and Norma, two sons, Cecil and Raymond survive her. The body is resting at the Gillies undertaking parlors at Sumas. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon, from the M. E. church, the pastor, the Rev. G. C. Squire will come from Bremerton, where he is attending the annual conference, for the services. The body will be laid in the Nooksack cemetery beside that of her son, Walter who passed away several years ago.
(From the Nooksack Sentinel, September 11, 1924) Submitted by site coordinator.

JOHNSON, George B. (d. 1894)

JOHNSON, Gustava (d. 1903)

Mrs. Olof Johnson died here Saturday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Kildall, of stomach trouble. She had been ailing for the past six months but failed very rapidly the last week. Her maiden name was Miss Gustava Strand and she was born in Sweden Aug. 23, 1845. She was married to Olof Johnson in 1875. They came to this country in 1887 and settled on the ranch near this city which has been their home ever since. To them six children were born, four daughters and two sons. All the children with the husband are left to mourn her loss. The oldest daughter, Johana, still resides in Sweden. The other children are, Mrs. John Kildall, the Misses Ellen and Mary, and Carl and Fritz, all of whom live here. The funeral was held from the M. E. church Monday afternoon. Mrs. Johnson's death is the first one in the family circle. Her place in the home can never be filled. She was a devout Christian woman. Much sympathy is extended the bereaved family by the entire community.
(From The Pacific Pilot, October 8, 1903) Submitted by site coordinator.

JOHNSON, Henry L. (d. 1912)

Henry L. Johnson, aged 78 years, died on August 25 at the home of his son, W. H. Johnson, in Prosser, Wash. Mr. Johnson was a veteran of the Civil war, and served in the Twenty-third Michigan infantry. He brought his family to Bellingham in 1900 and resided at Silver Beach until a short time before his death. He was born at Lockport, N. Y., March 15, 1834. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife, Mary Ellen Johnson and four sons - Albert G., of Milwaukee, Wis.; Will H., Vern E. and Osee E., all residing in this state; also three daughters - Hattie Klingebler, of Iowa; Inez E. Pellett and Maude E. Burgess, of Washington; a sister, Almyra Fox, of Michigan, and a brother, John H. Johnson, of Oregon.

Funeral services will be conducted from the parlors of Mock & Hill, 1051-1055 Elk street, on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, the Rev. Gilbert C. Squire, of the Silver Beach M. E. church, officiating. Interment will take place in Bay View cemetery, where the funeral rites of the Grand Army of the Republic will be conducted by J. B. Steadman post No. 24, G. A. R. All members of the G. A. R. and W. R. C. have been requested to attend the services. The electric funeral car will leave Silver Beach at 9:30 a. m. to convey the funeral party to the parlors.
(From The Bellingham Herald, August 27, 1912) Submitted by site coordinator.

JOHNSON, Henry S. (d. 1913)

Henry S. Johnson, aged 72 years, passed away at his home, 2106 I street, Thursday, May 1, after a few weeks' illness. Mr. Johnson has been a resident of Whatcom county for the past fourteen years and of the city of Bellingham for eight years. He was a member of the First Congregational church, Bellingham Bay lodge No. 31, I. O. O. F., and of the J. B. Steedman post No. 24 Grand Army of the Republic, all of Bellingham. Those who survive are: Mrs. Johnson, of Bellingham; one sister and two brothers, residing in Wisconsin. The remains are being cared for at the funeral parlors of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street. Funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 1, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.

JOHNSON, John P. (d. 1933)

John Peter Johnson, aged 71 years, and a resident of this city for the past forty years, passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Katherine Cassell, 929 Twentieth street, at an early hour Wednesday evening, January 11. He leaves to survive him besides Mrs. Cassel (sic) one brother, August Johnson, of Tacoma, Wash. and two grandchildren. For many years Mr. Johnson was a tallyman at the local lumber mills of this city, and at the time of his death he was a member of the local W. O. W. lodge. The remains are resting at the Harlow-Hollingsworth funeral home, Holly at Forest street, and funeral services will be held at 10:30 Saturday morning, January 14, with the Rev. O. J. Ordal officiating. Interment will take place in the family plot in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 12, 1933)

JOHNSON, John S. (d. 1932)

John S. Johnson, who was born in Sweden 65 years ago and had lived in Whatcom county forty-five years, passed away at his home in Acme early Wednesday morning. Mr. Johnson was widely known in the county. He operated boats on Lake Whatcom for a number of years and shingle mills in Whatcom and Skagit counties. Funeral services are to be held today (Friday) at the Acme M. E. church at 1:30 p.m., Rev. A. O. Quall officiating. Interment will be in Saxon cemetery. Mr. Johnson is survived by his widow, Mrs. Florence Johnson; two sons, Dr. R. A. Johnson, Everson and E. L. Johnson, Acme; one daughter, Mrs. L. E. Branchflower, Seattle; one brother, Ernest Johnson, Moscow, Idaho; four sisters, Mrs. Lena Moody, Minnesota; Mrs. Ann Jamenson, Mrs. Minnie Bloomquist, Everett, and Mrs. May Yure_, Tacoma, with one grandchild.
(From The Deming Prospector, September 2, 1932) Submitted by site coordinator.
Another account.

JOHNSON, Louis P. (d. 1925)

Louis Peter Johnson, who had been ill five months, died this morning at a local hospital, aged 77 years. He had lived here thirty-five years and was a member of the Danish Brotherhood, Bellingham Bay lodge No. 155. Funeral services will be held at the Homer Mark mortuary at 2:30 p.m. Friday, with the Rev. James Bamford, officiating. Burial will occur in Bay View cemetery. Surviving relatives are the widow, Mrs. Sarah E. Johnson; one son, Ray Thistle, city; four step-daughters, Mrs. Grace Cnburn (sic) and Mrs. Ethel Williams, city; Mrs. Nettie Gommerson, Aberdeen, and Mrs. Mary Monahan, Monterey, California, and two sisters in Minneapolis.
(From The Bellingham Herald, June 27, 1925) Submitted by site coordinator.

JOHNSON, Louisa (d. 1913)

Louisa, wife of Mr. W. J. Johnson, died at her home near Booth's corners on Wednesday, April 9th after an illness of four months. Her funeral was held on Friday last from the Methodist church in Lynden, Rev. Herbert Jones officiating at the service. Mrs. Johnson had resided at the farm home two and a half miles southwest of Booth's Corners for the past eight years, and by her lovable and kindly disposition had endeared herself to a large circle of friends, who extend to the bereaved family their sincere sympathy in their hour of sorrow. Besides the husband and three grown children, Mrs. Johnson is survived by a brother, Mr. O. F. Stier, who resides near Spokane, and two brothers and two sisters and an aged mother in Michigan. The funeral was attended by a large number of friends of the deceased, who followed the remains to their last resting place in Lynden cemetery.
(From The Lynden Tribune, April 17, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.

JOHNSON, Lulu (d. 1892)

JOHNSON, Mary A. (d. 1916)

Miss Mary A. Johnson, daughter of Mrs. Ira F. Y. Johnson, and sister of Miss Feronia Y. Johnson, principal of the Washington school, died today at the home of her mother in Geneva, after several years' illness, at the age of 47 years. The funeral, which will be private, will be held at the parlors of Harlow & Livingston Friday at 2:30 p.m. Miss Johnson is survived by her mother and Miss Feronia Y. Johnson and by the following other sisters: Mrs. Edith Van Zandt, of Van Zandt; Mrs. Nellie W. Jones, of Everson; Mrs. W. F. Holmes, of Geneva, and Mrs. Florence V. Woollett, of Iowa. Miss Johnson had lived in Bellingham for twenty-seven years.
(From The Bellingham Herald, February 17, 1916).

JOHNSON, Mary H. (d. 1915)

Mary H. Johnson, aged 66 years, passed away at her home, 2106 I street Monday, May 10, after an illness of a few days. Mrs. Johnson had resided in Bellingham for the past sixteen years and at the time of her death was a member of the First Congregational church and J. H. Steedman Woman's Relief corps, No. 2?. She is survived by five sisters two residing in Butte Mont., one in Salt Lake City, Utah, one in Powell, Kan., and one, Mrs. J. B. Ramage, of North Yakima, who was at the bedside of her sister at the time of her death. There are also two brothers residing at Watertown, S.D. Funeral services will be held Thursday, May 13, at 2:15 o'clock p.m. from the funeral parlors of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 1219 Dock street, with Rev. Warren Morse, pastor of the First Congregational church, officiating. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery, according to the ritualistic burial services of the Woman's Relief corps, Grand Army of the Republic. The funeral car will leave from the corner of Ellsworth and E streets at 2:05 p.m. for the convenience of her relatives and friends.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 12, 1915) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

JOHNSON, Mathea H. (d. 1921)

Mrs. Mathea Henriette Johnson, aged 65 years, passed away at the family home, 710 Twenty-first street, at an early hour Thursday morning, January 13, after an illness of several months' duration. Mrs. Johnson had been a resident of this city for twelve years. She leaves to survive her husband Charlie Johnson, and her aged mother, residing in Canada. Mrs. Johnson was born in Norway and came to America in 1880, making her home in Chicago, Ill., where she was married to Mr. Johnson June 5, 1880. Funeral arrangements are in charge of Arthur C. Harlow, 1055 Elk street, who will announce the funeral later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 13, 1921) Submitted by site coordinator.

JOHNSON, Nancy A. (d. 1919)

Mrs. George Johnson is Called By Death
After a lingering illness, Nancy Anne Johnson, wife of George Johnson, of this place, passed away last Sunday morning. Nancy Anne Matson was born in Belmont County, Ohio, May 22, 1850. She was united in marriage to George Johnson, in Warren County, Iowa, Feb. 5, 1871. They removed to Nebraska in July 1874 and came to Washington in April 1903. Mrs. Johnson was the mother of nine children, of whom six are living: Enoch G. Johnson, Oletha M. Voris, Olive E. McGraw, Inga V. Banta, Chas. V. Johnson and Georgenia Christensen. There are nineteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held from the Baptist Church on Monday, Rev. Chas. A. Nethery officiating, assisted by Dr. Elwood P. Lyon, and F. C. Wewetzer. The body was shipped to Nebraska for burial. Their many friends here join in extending heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved.
(From The Ferndale Record, July 18, 1919) Submitted by site coordinator.

JOHNSON, Presley A. (d. 1922)

Presley A. Johnson, aged 81 years, passed away November 1 at Fillmore, Cal., after an illness of several months' duration. Mr. Johnson had been a resident of Bellingham for more than thirty years, making his home at 2311 Iron street. He leaves to survive him his widow, Mrs. Isabelle Johnson, of this city. At the time of his death Mr. Johnson was a member of the Garden Street Methodist Episcopal church of this city, and Bellingham Bay lodge No. 44, F & A.M. Funeral services will be held Sunday, November 12, at 2 p.m. from the parlors of Arthur C. Harlow, 1055 Elk street, with the Rev. J. C. Harrison officiating, after which interment will be made in the family plot at Bay View cemetery, under the direction of the officers and member of Bellingham Bay lodge No. 44, F. & A.M.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 8, 1922) Submitted by site coordinator.

JOHNSON, Ragnild (d. 1921)

Mrs. Ragnild Johnson, widow of the late H. M. Johnson, passed away at Tacoma on Friday, Feb. 25, at St. Joseph's hospital, after an operation. She was 56 years of age and had lived in the United States since 1889, since 1909 having made her home in the Alder Grove district. Mrs. Johnson was born in Norway, Sept. 21, 1864 and came to La Crosse, Wis., in 1889. Shortly thereafter she moved to Tacoma, where, in 1892, she was married to Helmar M. Johnson. In 1909 they came to this district from Tacoma. One son, Harold Johnson, and one brother, L. J. Vogter, of Tacoma survive. There are also a brother and sister living in Norway. The funeral was held from Monroe's undertaking parlors on Tuesday, Rev. H. B. Worgter, of Seattle,a relative, officiating. Interment was made in Enterprise cemetery.
(From The Ferndale Record, March 4, 1921) Submitted by site coordinator.

JOHNSON, Sue C. (d. 1934)

Mrs. Sue C. (Hatton) Johnson passed away at a hospital in Bellingham Tuesday morning, February 13, 1934, after a short illness, at the age of 38 years, having come to Deming a couple of weeks ago to visit her father and mother and other relatives. Becoming ill she was taken to the hospital, where she passed away.

Mrs. Sue C. (Hatton) Johnson was born at Welcome, Wash. in 1895 and was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hatton, who still reside in that neighborhood. She attended school at Welcome and at Deming and in 1912 went to Seattle where she was employed in the telephone office. Here in 1913 she married S. E. Johnson and both were employed at the Troy laundry until 1915 when they moved to San Francisco, Cal., residing there for about six months and working with their former employer. They moved from there to Eureka, Cal, where Mr. Johnson entered into business, in which he had a partner. Mrs. Johnson also took an active part in the business. In 1924 they purchased a half interest in the Arcata laundry, a town adjacent to Eureka, where she and partner operated very successfully up until her death.

Mrs. Johnson was the youngest of a family of 10 children of the C. E. Hatton family. She was a great comfort to her parents, visiting them yearly for the past 20 years. She was of a very cheerful disposition and loved by all with whom she came in contact. She came north at this time to help care for her mother who was seriously ill in the hospital and her last thoughts were for her mother's comfort and her father's happiness. She was very active in civic work and in the Business and Professional Women's club, and was a member of Camilia Chapter, Easter Star, of Eureka, Cal. She leaves many warm friends to mourn her in this community.

Surviving Mrs. Johnson are her husband, S. E. Johnson, father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hatton, six brothers, J. A. Hatton, Vancouver, B.C.; E. C., W. T. Hatton, Duvall, Wash.; Lee Hatton, Deming; J. T. Manley and Webb Hatton of Bellingham; two sisters, Mrs. Ida Bailey, Mountain View and Mrs. Pearl Gilliland, Deming and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held at the Homer Mark mortuary in Bellingham Thursday afternoon at 3:30 and the remains were shipped to Eureka, California for interment.
(From The Deming Prospector, February 16, 1924) Submitted by site coordinator.

JOHNSON, Swan [Swen] E. (d. 1933)

Funeral services were held Sunday at the Lutheran Church at Clearbrook for Swan (sic) E. Johnson, who passed away at a Bellingham hospital Thursday night after an illness of five months. Mr. Johnson had lived in Whatcom County for the last forty-two years. He was a member of the Swedish Lutheran church at Clearbrook, of the Whatcom County Dairymen's Association and the Washington Co-Operative Egg and Poultry Association. He was born in Sweden on January 6, 1858, and came to the United States in 1889. At the time of his death, he was 75 years old. Surviving relatives include the widow, Mrs. Amanda Johnson, four sons, Walter and Charles A. of Bellingham; Harry J. and Arthur R., both of the Clearbrook district; four daughters, Mrs. Rudolph Erickson and Miss Amy Johnson, both of Bellingham; Miss Edith Johnson, Clearbrook, and Mrs. John Oakland, Harmony, and three grandchildren. The Rev. Harry W. Lundblad officiated at the funeral services on Sunday. Burial was made in the Lakeside Cemetery at Clearbrook.
(From The Lynden Tribune, September 7, 1933) Submitted by site coordinator.

JOHNSON, Victor (d. 1920)

Funeral services for Victor Johnson, who passed away at the Sumas hospital February 17, were held Friday afternoon at the home of his brother, F. A. Johnson, with whom he had lived. Rev. Thomas, of Everson, officiated. On account of the critical illness of the brother and family since the passing of Uncle Victor, as he was lovingly and familiarly called, the funeral services had been postponed. Victor Johnson was born in Sweden June 5, 1865. He came to America when a young man, locating in Minnesota. The last six years of his life had been spent with his brother and family here. During that time he made many friends. He is survived by two brothers, F. A., of Clearbrook, and one in Minnesota, and one sister in Sweden. Interment was made in the Lakeside cemetery. Undertaker Gillies of Sumas, had charge.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 9, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.

JOHNSTON, Harry (d. 1930)

The tragedy of death stalked into one of Ferndale's highly respected families and removed from its midst a son, Tuesday afternoon. Harry Johnston , 42 years of age, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston of Fertile Meadows, who passed away at a Bellingham hospital after a lingering illness. Funeral services have been set for Friday afternoon at two o'clock at the Monroe chapel, Rev. Floyd Green of the Congregational church officiating. Interment will take place in the Woodlawn cemetery. The deceased is survived by three sisters, Mrs. C. R. Spearin, Bellingham; Mrs. Bryan Jordal and Mrs. Victor Ritter, Ferndale; four brothers, Jack, Alex, William and Earl.
(From the Ferndale Record, September 25, 1930) Submitted by site coordinator.

JOHNSTON, Joseph F. (d. 1922)

Joseph F. Johnston, aged 82 years, passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wilber Gibbs, 208 1/2 East Holly street, at 8:30 o'clock last evening, March 13. Mr. Johnston is survived by one son, Joseph H. Johnston, of Oakland, Cal.; four daughters, Mrs. Wilber Gibbs, Mrs. R. B. Stewart, Mrs. Frank N. York, all of this city, and Mrs. F. W. McCarl, of San Francisco, and five grandchildren. Mr. Johnston had lived in Bellingham for the past eighteen years and was at the time of his death a member of the First Baptist church. The body is being cared for by Arthur C. Harlow, who will make funeral announcements at a later date.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 14, 1922) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

JOHNSTON, Mary I. (d. 1909)

Mary Izora Johnston, aged 64 years, died Saturday at her residence in the White House hotel after a brief illness. Mrs. Johnston came to this city four years ago from Evanston, Wyo. She is survived by her husband, F. J. Johnston, five daughters, Mrs. Wilbur Gibbs, Mrs. M. E. Ohlenkamp, Mrs. Frank York, of this city, and Mrs. W. H. Williams and Mrs. J. W. McCarl, of California, who are now on their way to attend the funeral, also one son, J. H. Johnston, of this city. The funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. from the chapel of E. H. Stokes, 1146 Elk street. The Rev. Thomas R. Cornish, pastor of the First Baptist church, of which Mrs. Johnston was a member, will be the officiating clergyman. Interment will take place in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, February 23, 1909) Submitted by Merrily Lawson

JONES, Annie (d. 1927)

Beloved Pioneer Was First Sehome White Child.
    One of Whatcom county's most beloved pioneers, Mrs. Annie Slater Jones, 66, widow of the late John X. Jones and the first white child born in old Sehome, now a part of Bellingham, died Saturday evening at her home near Marietta, after several months' illness. She had lived at that place practically all the time since 1884. Mrs. Jones was the fourth white child born in Whatcom county.
    Mrs. Jones was a life member of the Old Settlers' Association of Whatcom county and held one of its loving cups.
    Funeral services will be held at the Arthur C. Harlow mortuary Wednesday at 2 p. m., with the Rev. James M. Wilson, minister of St. James Presbyterian church, officiating. Interment will follow in Bay View cemetery.
    The honorary pallbearers, all Whatcom pioneers, will be William Tarte, Victor Roeder, Hugh Eldridge, E. W. Purdy, Jenkins Morgan, and Robert W. Battersby.
    Surviving relatives are two sons, Sidney Jones and Bert Jones; four daughters, Mrs. Nellie Curtis, Mrs. Carl Ridderbjelke, Mrs. Theodore Hovde, and Mrs. Walter Swanson; three brothers, Councilman Henry Slater, Bellingham; John Slater, Ferndale, vice president of the Old Settlers' association, and Thomas Slater, Los Angeles, former street superintendent and water superintendent of Bellingham, and nine grandchildren.
Parents From England
    Mrs. Jones was the daughter of George and Elizabeth (Metcalf) Slater, who came here from England on a sailing vessel via Cape Horn, a six months' voyage. Landing in Chile, because they were tired of the long trip, the lived there for a few years and then sailed for San Francisco, where they resided two years.
    In 1858 the family came to Bellingham bay. Mr. Slater was interested in mining and superintended drilling for coal in Whatcom county, locating a number of coal deposits. He was much interested in education and was the first school superintendent in this county.
Sympathetic Neighbor
    Elizabeth Slater will long be cherished by all who knew her for the loving sympathy and care she gave those who were ill or who had been injured in mine accidents.
     Mrs. Jones was born on February 7, 1861. She attended the little school on the bay, Postmaster Hugh Eldridge and President Victor A. Roeder, of the Bellingham National bank, being among her schoolmates. When she was 12 years old, her parents preempted a quarter section of river bottom land near Ferndale and here she finished her education. Among the teachers she loved to remember were Belle (Eldridge) Edens and W. H. Fouts.
    Although fitted for teaching, Mrs. Jones decided for a home career, and on May 24, 1879, she became the bride of John X. Jones, moving then to Wellington, B. C., where her first child was born. Later the family removed to New Castle, where Mr. Jones was a mine foreman.
    In 1884, Mr. and Mrs. Jones bought the ranch near Marietta and except for a few trips to California and Eastern states and one year's residence in Bellingham, they lived on the farm during the remainder of their lives.
Lived Cheerful Life
    In what was then a wilderness, Mrs. Jones found happiness in her home, her seven children, books and flowers, and watched the sparsely settled county develop into thriving communities. Always standing for principles of honesty and uprightness, loving all little children, adored by her grandchildren and other little ones of the neighborhood, she passed her life cheerfully and contentedly. And here, at the last, flowers sent by loving friends brought her much pleasure during her illness. Mrs. Jones always showed a deep interest in the growth and progress of Bellingham.
    After the death of her mother in August, 1897, Mrs. Jones' father made his home with her at Marietta and at his death the old Slater home, which she loved so dearly, came to her, and she kept it in a fine state of preservation. It is now being operated by her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Hovde.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 14, 1927) Submitted by site coordinator.

JONES, Benjamin D. (d. 1894)

JONES, Durward B. (d. 1903)

JONES, Edward B. (d. 1926)

Funeral services were held at Knapp's Parlors Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock for the late E. B. Jones who passed away at his home Thursday. Rev. T. M. Marshall officiated. Edward Benjamin Jones was born in New York City Oct. 29, 1843, and departed this life at his home in Lynden, Thursday, Sept. 30, 1926 at the age of 82 years, 11 months and 1 day. He was a son of William and Ann Davis Jones, both of whom were natives of Wales. He attended public school in New York, leaving however, at the age of ten years to become the support of his mother.

When seventeen years of age he attempted to enlist in the army, the Civil War being in progress. He was rejected for a time on account of his age, but finally was enlisted as a private in the 20th Regiment Company A Connecticut Volunteers with which he served two years and ten months. He was with Sherman in the march from Atlanta to the Sea, and took part in battle of Gettysburg, Chancellorsville and the balance of the 14 major engagements of his company.

After receiving an honorable discharge at the end of the war, he returned to New York for a time, but in 1871 decided to go West, and located at Onarga, Ill. where on Oct. 2, 1873, he was joined in wedlock to Miss Emma T. Hall, daughter of Bishop and Maria Pangborn Hall of Onarga Township. To this union were born four children, William Hall Jones, of Thawville, Ill., Lillian M. Sprague of Lynden, and Edward B. Jones, Jr., of Chicago, Ill. In 1883 Mr. Jones moved to Thawville, where he engaged in the hardware business for many years. In 1908 he moved to Lynden where he and Mrs. Jones have lived a quiet, retired life. Mr. Jones was a man highly respected by all who knew him for his high ideals and fair dealings with his fellow men, and was always ready to lend his voice in any way which might help others. Three years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Jones celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. Mr. Jones took an active part in all the affairs of the G. A. R. and was ever ready to lend his voice in defense of his country. His life in the community was above reproach.
(From The Lynden Tribune, October 7, 1926) Submitted by site coordinator.

JONES, Elizabeth (d. 1899)

At Semiahmoo on Tuesday noon, Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, in her 86th year. Mrs. Jones was a native of Saybrook, Conn., where she first saw the light of day in 1814. In 1836 she was married to Z. Jones, at the same place who survives her. Deceased, in company with her husband immigrated to Whatcom county in 1827 (1872), having resided at Semiahmoo for the past 22 years. She was the mother of six children, but one of whom now survives her, Mr. W. E. Jones of Portland, Ore., and father of J. Paul Jones of our city. Thus, after a married life of 63 years, blessed with a full cup of happiness, has passed away one who was endeared to a large circle of friends and acquaintances, who will long mourn her loss. One remarkable thing about the interment, which occurred from the Congregational church on Thursday, was that the pallbearers, B. N. Kingsley, S. P. Hughes, E. A. Boblett and M. A. Upson, had each known the deceased for the past 27 years.
(From The Blaine Journal, October 20, 1899) Submitted by site coordinator.

JONES, Ettie (d. 1901)

Mrs. Ettie Jones, who recently dropped dead on the streets of Blaine, from heart trouble, was at one time a resident of Mountain View. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stevens who took up a claim a mile north of Ferndale about twenty-five years ago. Some two years ago, her husband who was known as Capt. Jones, died in the insane asylum. Since Capt. Jones' death, Mrs. Jones has been living in Blaine and caring for the children of her son, Newton Jones, who lost his *wife a year and a half ago. Her sudden death was a great shock to her family and the community. She leaves six children, four sons and two daughters, Mrs. Carl Stewart of Blaine being one. Mrs. Jones will be greatly missed by her children and grand children who so much needed her care. Her remains were taken to Shaw's Island to be laid beside her husband.
*Etta (Glasscock) Jones, daughter of Alexander Newman Glasscock and Rachel Hoag, died June 6, 1899 at Friday Harbor.
(From The Daily Reveille, May 18, 1901) Submitted by site coordinator.

JONES, Jacob (d. 1903)

Jacob Jones died Saturday, February 28, 1903, aged 60. He was born in Morgan county, Ohio, June 25, 1844. While still a small boy [he] immigrated with his parents to Vernon county, Wis. where he lived until about 18 years old. At that age enlisted in Co. D 35 Wisconsin regulars, serving two years and two months until the end of the war. Returning to his father's home which then was in Martin county, Minn., he lived until August, 1889. At that date he moved to Blaine and resided here after that time until his death. He leaves a wife and one child to mourn his loss. The funeral was held at the residence on Sunday at 2:30 Rev. C. W. Gregory assisted by Rev. O. H. McGill officiating. The interment was at Blaine cemetery.
(From The Blaine Journal, March 6, 1903) Submitted by site coordinator.

JONES, John Thomas (d. 1931)

John Thomas Jones, aged 64 years and a resident of Bellingham for forty-three years, passed away at the family home 2010 Mill avenue, this morning, February 10, after an eighteen months' illness. Mr. Jones was a member of the Pentecostal church, Nineteenth street and Mill avenue, and leaves to survive him his widow, Mrs. Mary Ellen Jones, and two daughters, Laura and Gwendolyn Jones, at home; a daughter, Mrs. William Uchman, Great Falls, Mont.; two sons, Owen R., Seattle, and Lawrence H., city; one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Rowlands, Wales; a brother Griffith Jones, San Francisco, Cal., and two grandchildren. The body rests at the Harlow-Hollingsworth Funeral Home, Holly at Forest street, and funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, February 10, 1931) Submitted by site coordinator.

JONES, John W. (d. 1923)

JONES, Lyman C. (d. 1908)

The body of Lyman C. Jones, who died at the Keyes Hospital Friday afternoon, will be shipped by W. H. Mock & Sons this afternoon to Ferndale. The funeral services will be conducted at the Congregational Church in Ferndale at 2 p. m., under the auspices of J. B. Stedman Post No. 24, Grand Army of the Republic, to which the deceased belonged. The interment is to be made in the Enterprise cemetery. The members of the local G. A. R. post are to meet at the chapel of W. H. Mock & Sons, 1055 Elk Street, at 12:30 p. m. to escort the body to the train. The deceased was born in Boston, Mass., in 1837, and moved with his family to this county in 1892. His death was due to typhoid fever. He leaves a widow and a number of prominent sons and daughters, including S. L. Jones, of Seattle; R. D. Jones, of Ferndale; ;Mrs. M. J. Klock, of Ferndale; Mrs. J. J. Paich, of Bremerton, and Mrs. E. R. McKean, of Ferndale.
(From The American Reveille, April 12, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.
Another account of his life

JONES, Mary M. (d. 1920)

Funeral services were held at the Knapp Parlors Monday afternoon for the late Mrs. Mary M. Jones, widow of Calvin W. Jones, who passed away in Bellingham Friday morning after a long illness. Rev. N. Addison Baker conducted the services, and a large gathering of friends was in attendance. Mrs. Jones was born in Pennsylvania April 1, 1852. She came to Whatcom County twenty years ago, and resided in Lynden with her son, Wilder R. Jones, until two years ago, when she moved with him to Bellingham. She was a member of the W. R. C. of Lynden, and had many warm friends here. Wilder Jones, who now resides at Wenatchee, was with his mother at the end.
(From The Lynden Tribune, September 23, 1920)

JONES, Nellie (d. 1912)

Mrs. Nellie Jones, wife of the Rev. Herbert Jones, passed from physical life at 7:30 o'clock on the morning of April 7th, at her home in Lynden. Although a partial invalid since she was afflicted with paralysis about a year ago, Mrs. Jones showed no unusual or alarming symptoms until she was fatally stricken at the dinner hour Friday evening. She soon passed into unconsciousness and remained in that condition until her death Sunday morning. Always mindful of the happiness of those about her, her last moments of consciousness were spent in planning an evening of pleasure for her little son.

Nellie Victoria Jones was born in Clifford, Ontario, Canada, April 20, 1869. At the age of fourteen she went with her parents to Manitoba, where she resided till January 4, 1892, when she was united in marriage with Herbert Jones. Three children blessed this union. Eunice, the oldest, died when about four years of age. Edith aged thirteen, and Harold, aged eight, with their father, are the remaining members of the family, whose home is saddened by the death of the gentle, loving wife and mother, and who have the sympathy of the entire community. Of a joyous, hopeful nature, capable and kind, Mrs. Jones was a real home-maker, and a source of inspiration to her husband, entering with great devotion and zeal into the work of the churches they served. This work has been principally in North Dakota, Minnesota, Idaho and Washington, their last charge previous to coming here being at Monroe, in this state. In the latter part of September, 1911, Mr. Jones assumed the duties of pastor of the Methodist church of Lynden, and although ill health limited her activities to some extent, Mrs. Jones had ever a deep and abiding interest in the work of the church, and won the sincere regard and appreciation of the members.

The funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock at the church, the Rev. G. A. Landen, District Superintendent of the Bellingham Division of the Methodist Episcopal Church, assisted by Rev. G. C. Squire and Rev. W. E. Thompson, of Bellingham, Rev. J. C. Harrison and Rev. O. R. Anderson, of Nooksack, and Rev. Brouwer, of Lynden, officiating. The church altar was decorated with ferns and spring flowers, and the casket held many beautiful floral tributes. The remarks of Mr. Landen, inspired by a deep and sincere regard for the noble character and truly Christian spirit of Mrs. Jones, whom he knew well, were beautiful and impressive. As a part of the service, a choir composed of Mrs. Norman, Mrs. Mulder, Mrs. Vail, Miss Fenton, Messrs. Steffe, Norman, W. R. Jones and Frank Bostwick, sang "Peace Be With You," "Lead, Kindly Light," and "Asleep in Jesus," Mrs. Norman singing the solo, "Crossing The Bar." Mr. H. E. Hall presided at the organ. The pall bearers were Messrs. H. H. Jamieson, D. L. Steffe, Robert Heaton, Frank Bostwick, T. R. Price, and C. K. Smith. Interment was in Lynden cemetery.
(From The Lynden Tribune, April 11, 1912) Submitted by site coordinator.

Mrs. Nettie Jones, wife of Rev. Herbert Jones, died at her home at 7:30 o'clock on the morning of April 7, of paralysis.
Nellie Victoria Jones was born in Clifford, Ontario, Canada, April 20, 1869. At the age of 14 she went with her parents to Manitoba, where she resided until January 4, 1892, when she was united in marriage with Herbert Jones. Three children have blessed this union - Eunice, the oldest died when about 4 years of age. Edith, aged 13, and Harold, aged 8, with their father, are the remaining members of the family. The funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. G. A. Landen, district superintendent of the Bellingham division of the Methodist Episcopal church, assisted by Rev. G. C. Squire and Rev. J. C. Harrison, of Bellingham; Rev. J. C. Harrison and R. O. Anderson of Nooksack and Rev. Browner of Lynden officiating. Interment was made in the Lynden cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 13, 1912) Submitted by site coordinator.

JONES, Nettie F. (d. 1914)

The funeral services over the remains of Mrs. John C. Jones were held at the Bainter home at Drayton Sunday by Rev. Hartley, of the M. E. church here. Interment was made in the Enterprise cemetery. Nettie Flora Bainter was born in Nebraska, August 10, 1893, and was married to John C. Jones, October 23, 1912. An aged father and mother, husband, six sisters, four half brothers, and three half sisters, are left to mourn her tragic end. Just a week before a brother, John, aged 19, was buried, and the double sorrow in the family, made a heavy burden.

The deceased lived with her husband on a claim about 100 miles east and 40 miles north of Vancouver, B. C. While out hunting Monday of last week the young wife was accidentally shot in the leg when her husband stumbled and fell, the gun being thrown some distance and discharged. The wound was very serious, the bullet ranging upward into the thigh. The husband carried the wife five miles over a rough trail and then drove 40 miles to a doctor. The limb was amputated but the young woman could not stand the terrible shock. The body arrived here last Thursday night. The sorrowing husband and family have the sympathy of every one in their great sorrow.
(From The Blaine Journal, October 16, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.

JONES, Olive M. (d. 1912)

Mrs. Olive M. Jones, a pioneer of the Ferndale district, died Wednesday at the family home, after an illness of several weeks. Mrs. Jones was a native of Crawford county, Pennsylvania, and came to the State of Washington in 1889. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. M. J. Klock, of Ferndale; Mrs. Josephine Portch, of Wickersham, and Mrs. E. R. McLean, of Bellingham, and by two sons, S. L. Jones, of Seattle, and R. D. Jones, of Bellingham.
(From The Bellingham Herald, February 26, 1912) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

JONES, William B. (d. 1920)

Wm. B. Jones, for 18 years an honored resident of Blaine, passed away at his home here early Monday morning. Bright's disease was the cause of his death and he had been confined to his bed for many weeks past. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Baptist church, Rev. Cofer officiating, the services being in charge of the Masonic lodge of which the deceased was a member. Besides the wife, he leaves six children as follows: Mrs. Dona Lee, Mrs. Clark Worthington, Burl, Ralph, Charles and Montrey, all residing here except Ralph. He also leaves a step-daughter, Mrs. Geo. Mackie and a sister, Mrs. Elmer Gotchy.
(From The Blaine Journal February 13, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.

JONES, William B. (d. 1929)

William B. Jones, 76, of Everson, president of the Everson school district board of supervisors, and prominent in Whatcom county school activities since 1896, died yesterday at his home. He was clerk of the Everson school district during most of the past twenty years and was president of the board of supervisors the past three years.

Mr. Jones was born March 1, 1852, at Galena, Wis., a famous and historical lead-mining district during the Indian wars and the Civil war. He taught school mostly from 1874 to 1882, when he became county auditor of Ida county, Iowa, and was married May 23, 1882, to Nellie M. Jones, of Ida Grove. They came to Washington in the summer of 1896 and he taught in the Ten Mile and Timon schools until 1902. Besides his widow, he is survived by four daughters, Edith E. Jones, of San Francisco; Mrs. W. W. Miner, of Tacoma; Mrs. M. L. Scott, of Sumas, and Mrs. Harry Moberg, of Nooksack; three sons, Edwin J. and Kenneth M., at home, and Wilson R. Jones, of New Rochelle, N. Y.; two sisters, Mrs. S. E. Frankenhoff, of Richland Center, Wis., and May Munn, of Boscobel, Wis.; and one brother John W. Jones, of Boscobel, Wis. Funeral services will be held from the Presbyterian church of Everson at 1:30 Sunday afternoon, the Rev. J. M. Wilson officiating. Burial will be at Nooksack cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 25, 1929) Submitted by site coordinator.

JONES, William H. (d. 1909)

William Henry Jones, aged 60 years, died Sunday at 12:30 at his home in Maple Falls, where he has resided since March, after a lingering illness of two years. William Jones was born in Lutters, Ontario, Canada. He moved to Wisconsin in 1856 with his parents and on May 20, 1880 he married Miss Ernestine Frederika Kast, at Shawano, Wis. There were born to this union six children - Cora Elizabeth, Charles David, Maud Mary, Edith May, Lee Howard and Ernest. With his family he moved to Bemidji, Minn., where he resided five years. He then removed to Blaine, Wash., with his family and in the spring of 1904 he moved his family to Lake Whatcom and mad his home there until last March, when he moved to Maple Falls for the benefit of his health. He is survived by his wife and a son and daughter, Chas. D. Jones and Edith Jones, of Bellingham. Funeral services were held Tuesday from the chapel of Stokes & Wickman. Interment took place in the Bay View cemetery. Chas. D. Jones was a former editor of this paper and many will be grieved to hear of his father's death.
(From The Lynden Tribune, May 27, 1909) Submitted by site coordinator.

JONES, William W. (d. 1922)

Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Sumas Baptist church for the late W. W. Jones, father of L. A. Jones of Lynden. Rev. Charles Baker conducted the services. A large gathering of friends was in attendance, as Mr. Jones was held in the highest esteem in all circles.

Mr. Jones had been a resident of Whatcom County for 33 years. He was born June 9, 1849 in Ash County, North Carolina. He people descended from the original Jones family in Wales and came to this country during the Revolution. His mother, Nancy Weaver, descended from an old southern family. At the age of 5, his parents moved from North Carolina to Miami Valley in Ohio. After residing there for 6 years they settled in Mercer County, Missouri. It was here that Mr. Jones married. Thirty-three years ago, he came to Washington with his family, and shortly afterwards moved to Sumas which had been his home until the last two years when he had to give up hard work on the farm. He died in Bellingham March 3, at the age of 72 years, 8 months and 23 days.

He leaves to mourn his loss, his widow, one daughter, Mrs. W. D. Jones, North Vancouver, B. C.; and six sons, L. A. Jones, Lynden, Charles D. Jones, Point Richards, Cal., Homer E. Jones and Roy F. Jones of Seattle, Glen L. and Edward Jones of Bellingham.
(From The Lynden Tribune, March 9, 1922) Submitted by site coordinator.

JORDAN, Adelaide (d. 1925)

Adelaide Jordan, Former Resident of California, Called
Mrs. Adelaide Jordan, 69, who arrived here four years ago from California, died at her home, 606 East Holly street, Sunday evening. She was a member of the First Presbyterian church at Sacramento, Calif. Private funeral services will be held at the Harlow mortuary home Wednesday at 2:45 p.m., with the Rev. E. H. Gelvin officiating. Interment will follow in Bay View cemetery. Mrs. Jordan is survived by her husband, Henry C. Jordan; five sons, W. Pope, Stockton, Calif.; James G. and Milton L., of Seattle; O. F., of Portland, Ord.; and Alonzo, of Bellingham; four daughters, Miss Addie May Jordan, city; Mrs. John J. Loyacon and Mrs. R. P. Kelly, of Sacramento, Calif., and Mrs. C. N. Towash, San Francisco;p one sister, Mrs. Frank Fowler, of Spencer, Ind., and eight grandchildren.
(From The Bellingham Herald, December 21, 1925) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

JORDAN, Henry C. (d. 1926)

Henry C. Jordan, 81, Civil War Veteran, Answers Roll Call
Henry C. Jordon, 81, former Indiana attorney, and a member of the G.A.R. at Sacramento, Calif, died at his home, 60? East Holly street; Monday evening, after a residence of four years in Bellingham. Mr. Jordon served in the Fifth Indiana cavalry in the Civil war. He was a member of the First Presbyterian church at Sacramento. He leaves to survived him five sons and four daughters, O. F. Jordon, Portland, Ore.; James G. and M. L. Jordon, Seattle; W. Pope Jordon, Stockton, Calif., and Alonzo Jordon, this city; Miss Addie May Jordon, this city; Mrs. John J. Loyacon, and Mrs. R. P. Kelly, Sacramento, Calif., and Mrs. C. M. Sowash, San Francisco, Calif.; also a half brother, A. F. Potts, Indianapolis, Ind. Funeral announcements will be made by A. C. Harlow.
(From The Bellingham Herald, February 2, 1926) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

JORGENSEN, Koren (d. 1933)

Mrs. Koren Jorgensen, aged 89 years, passed away at her home, Deming Star route, Mosquito Lake district, this morning, Tuesday, December 19, after an illness of a few days. Mrs. Jorgensen was a member of the Danish Lutheran church and had resided in the Mosquito Lake district for the past forty-two years. Surviving relatives are one son, Nels E. Jorgensen, Deming Star route; three daughters, Mrs. Lettie Stephens, Acme; Mrs. Margaret Seleniski, Fayette, Idaho, and Mrs. Martha Duncan, Mosquito Lake; sixteen grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. The body rests at the Homer Mark Mortuary and funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, December 19, 1933) Submitted by site coordinator.

JOSEPHSON, Alfred W. (d. 1912)

Alfred William Josephson, aged 20 years, passed away July 16, at the home of J. D. Linnell, near Van Zandt, death being due to injury received in a fall from a load of hay. Mr. Josephson was born in South Bellingham and has lived here ever since. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. J. D. Linnell, residing at Van Zandt; four sisters, Mrs. M. W. Parker, Mrs. Frank Weber, Lilian Ester; and five brothers, John, Charles, Bennett, Philip and Elmer, all residents of this city. Funeral service will be conducted Sunday, July 21, at 10 a. m., from the undertaking parlors of A. G. Wickman, 1146 Elk Street, Rev. W. E. Cox, pastor of Fairhaven Methodist Church, officiating. Private funeral car will leave Harris and Eleventh Street at 9:30 for the convenience of family and friends. Interment will be made in the family plot in Bay View Cemetery.
(From The American Reveille, July 19, 1912) Submitted by site coordinator.

JOYCE, John L. (d. 1922)

John L. Joyce, a resident of Bellingham for the past fourteen years, passed away this morning, March 13, at his home, No. 2808 Patton street, after an illness of about seven months. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Joyce; one son, William S.; a niece, Miss Mary Cassidy, of Tacoma; one brother, Andrew J. Joyce, of Washington, D. C., and one sister, Mrs. Mary A. Cassidy, of New York. John L. Joyce was born in Washington, D. C., November 22, 1872, and at the age of 21 he came West and located at Clovis, Cal., where he was married later to Miss Mary E. Trother. They moved to Bellingham in 1908. For the past few years the deceased was head of the commissary department of the Bellingham cement plant, until he became ill last September. He was a member of the Loyal Order of Moose and the Moose Legion. Mr. Joyce was a man of sterling qualities and loved by all who knew him. The remains are being cared for by James W. Whitfield, funeral director, who will announce funeral arrangements later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 13, 1922) Submitted by site coordinator.

JOYCE, Thomas (d. 1904)

JUDGE, William (d. 1893)

JUDSON, Charles P. (d. 1888)

JUDSON, George (d. 1891)

JUDSON, Gertrude (d. 1905)

Mrs. Charles L. Judson died at her home in this city Sunday morning, March 5th, of cancer, after a long illness. The funeral was held from the Mission Church Monday afternoon, the pastor, the Rev. Mrs. Pearl Storrey, officiating. Interment was made in the cemetery west of town.

Mrs. Judson, whose maiden name was Gertrude Moore, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 10, 1851. Her parents moved to Baltimore, Md., when she was quite young, and later to York, Pa., where her aged parents still reside. In the year 1880 she came to the Pacific Coast to visit her sister, Mrs. Coupe, who lived in this city. She crossed the continent by the Southern Pacific route to San Francisco, then by steamer to Bellingham, completing the long journey to Lynden in an Indian canoe. She was married to Chas. L. Judson, March 15, 1882, and they have made this their home ever since with the exception of eight years while she was undergoing treatment for cancer at Oakland, Cal. Four years ago this month they returned to Lynden, medical help proving to be of no avail to her. Her husband, father, mother, five sisters and Mother Judson are the members of the family left to mourn her death.

Throughout all of her suffering Mrs. Judson was ever cheerful and did what she could to help others. Although suffering from a fatal disease and fully realizing that she could never be well again, she had a happy expression of countenance, and never uttered a murmur or complaint. Her highest quality was her charity and this never wavered. She was always finding some good to praise in even the most degenerate persons. Early in life she was a member of the Methodist Church but about twelve years ago she became a follower of the Seventh Day Adventist creed. Her many deeds of love and kindness will be remembered by all her friends and she will be greatly missed. The memory of her life will inspire her friends to heroically bear the trials and burdens of this life as she did.
(From The Pacific Pilot, March 9, 1905) Submitted by site coordinator.

JULIEN, Edwin (d. 1930)

Edwin P. Julien, one of the early settlers of this section, passed away last Thursday morning at the home of Mrs. S. S. Richardson at the age of 79 years. Death was due to apoplexy. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Purdy's and interment was made in the Enterprise cemetery in the family plot. The pallbearers were old friends, Messrs, Kwistad and Will Tarte of Bellingham, Ed Brown of Custer, Tom Quirt of Blaine, R. P. Roberts and Mike Sheedy of Birch Bay. Deceased was born at Goshen, Elkhart county, Indiana, Aug. 13, 1851. He came west to New Westminster, B. C., in the early 70's. He was united in marriage to Minnie Bruns of Birch Bay in November 1883, who died in May, 1923. They settled at Birch Bay in 1892 and in 1902 moved to Bellingham, later moving back to their farm at Birch Bay. Three sons survive, Ray of Los Angeles, Harry of Alameda, and Lester of Seattle. Mr. Julien was highly respected by those who knew him and had a wide acquaintance among the older residents of the county.
(From The Blaine Journal-Press, October 30, 1930) Submitted by site coordinator.

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