Whatcom - New Whatcom, WA

Extractions by Sally Smith
Saturday, July 2, 1892

Silver Wedding -- Mr. and Mrs. T. J. PARR celebrated their silver wedding, yesterday, and the boarders, among whom are Mr. and Mrs. C. I. CANFIELD, Mr. and Mrs. John COSGROVE, Mr. and Mrs. ESTABROOK, Miss SHOWERS, Messrs. WOESTENBERG, CRYDERMAN, HINCKS, NELSON, HUTCHINSON and HURLBUT, presented the lady with a handsome silver tea set and the gentleman with a gold headed cane.

Wm. PERRY has donated land for a cemetery at Clearbrook.

Mrs. Mary HARRMAN, living on the corner of Twenty-fifth and F streets, is very low with heart disease. As she is 62 years of age, it is feared she cannot recover.

Mrs. Dr. [sic] RAWSON and Mrs. Rolph MILLER, of Des Moines, Iowa, mother and sister of Attorney RAWSON, are expected to arrive in New Whatcom, today. Mrs. RAWSON will remain about a month, while Mrs. MILLER will join her husband soon in Portland, Or.

Sunday, July 3, 1892

Guin D. GREER was buried, yesterday, from the undertaking rooms of George BRACKETT. Rev. Anselm BROWN officiated and the funeral was attended by the city attorney, other officials and fifteen of his fellow workmen. He was interred decently and reverently in Bay View cemetery. A letter came for him, yesterday morning, which was opened by the city attorney. It was from his wife and enclosed a note from one of his little children. The poor woman was awaiting money from him to join him with the four children at an early day. The letter indicated a loving and happy household, and doubtless the $20 which he had just given to his landlord to keep for him was intended to aid in bringing his people here. Some household goods had already been shipped. They will, when they arrive, be shipped back, freight paid.

The Coroner's Jury -- The coroner's jury in the case of Guin D. GREER, deceased, . . . found last night that the "cause of death was a sliding in of the wall of the trench in which he, the said Guin D. GREER, was working at the time specified, etc., and after a careful inquiry of all the persons as witnesses who could give any information in the case, it is our opinion that the accident was entirely unavoidable, and that no blame attaches to the foreman of the work or any other person, . . .11 The witnessed [sic] examined were C. B. COLE, Charles MUERLING, P. G. GASSLAND, A. MILLHOLAND, A. E. WOOLARD, W. F. LOCKE, Mike GANNON, M. GOODING. . . .

A license to wed was issued, yesterday, by the county auditor to Miss Mary A. BOVELLE and C. E. SELBY. Both parties are residents of Tacoma.

Last evening, at 8 o'clock, in the First Presbyterian church, Sehome, Mr. C. E. SELBY, of Tacoma, and Miss Mary A. BOVELLE, of Oscaloosa, Iowa, were united in marriage in the presence of a few friends, the pastor of the church, Rev. Anselm BROWN, officiating.

Wednesday, July 6, 1892

Zeno DOTY moves to Cottonwood Island with his family in a few days.

Inspector SNYDAR has been assigned to the district of Corpus Christi and ordered to report to Tacoma.

A license to marry was issued yesterday by the county auditor to Patrick SOREN and Miss Lizzie LEROY, residents of Montana, Skagit county.

Thursday, July 7, 1892

Col. John DeTIERE is expecting a visit from his parents and sister. They reside in Albany, and will be here in about a week.

Mr. E. C. PORTER was in the city yesterday. He expects shortly to make a three months visit with his brother in Springfield, Massachusetts, after an absence of ten years.

Ferndale Items -- Born, in Snohomish, June 13, unto the wife of C. M. HEISER, a son, weight eleven pounds. This is Harry COWDEN's fourth grandchild.

Friday, July 8, 1892

In the superior court yesterday [t]he case of James M. PAINE vs. Jirlean M. PAINE was dismissed on motion of plaintiff's attorney. . .

Peter C. KILDALL was admitted to final citizenship.

Mrs. CONN, of Sacramento, sister of Mrs. Wm. POWELL, is visiting her relatives.

A license to wed was issued on Tuesday afternoon, by the county auditor, to George C. BENTLEY, of Iowa, and Miss Mary E. JOHNSON, of Fairhaven.

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. BUSWELL, of Whatcom, are visiting her father, Mr. UNDERWOOD.

Saturday, July 9, 1892

Court Notes -- James M. PAINE vs. Jerlain PAINE; decree of divorce granted on the ground of desertion.

Sunday, July 10, 1892

Sudden Departure -- The genial and popular Frank AFFLECK was reported, yesterday, to have . . . gone away unceremoniously, but there seems to be no reason for skipping. . . . He had . . . a good job with Mr. COWGILL. . . . He was in town a week ago yesterday, and took the train for Blaine, since which nothing has been seen of him. He telegraphed his brother-in-law, Will ELLIOT, from Agassiz station, on the Canadian Pacific, about some business, and said he would write; but he has not written. Mr. COWGILL was much surprised by his departure, and does not understand it. Mr. AFFLECK's wife and child are at her parents in Nova Scotia, and his mother is in England. . . .

Moses SCOTT, who returned to Olympia after an absence of twenty years, to find his estate probated and his property sold, finds himself dead as far as Judge ROBINSON is concerned. The judge intimates that the estate is "settled", and that if Moses is not dead it is his own fault.

The post office has just been changed from Whatcom to New Whatcom. It is about time to change it back again. Just why anybody should object to the name "Whatcom", and prefer a longer name, with the common prefix "new'' it is difficult to see.

Tuesday, July 12, 1892

John L. LUGELDER and Elizabeth CASEY, both of Fairhaven, have taken out the necessary license for matrimonial purposes.

Wednesday, July 13, 1892

Wm. SAUNDERS is visiting his parents at Vancouver, B.C.

Mrs. BURG, who resides on H and Seventeenth streets, is the mother of a ten-pound baby girl.

Mrs. S. C. CROFT and son, of New York, mother and brother of Mrs. S. B. IRISH, arrived yesterday and will spend the balance of the summer on the Bay.

Thursday, July 14, 1892

Col. BRIDGEMAN, of Little Falls, Minnesota, who has been looking over the Sound for a place to locate, is in the city. The colonel is an old friend of City Attorney FARNHAM and has been engaged in the lumber business for a number of years.

Friday, July 15, 1892

Matrimonial Event -- In Seattle on Wednesday last the Rev. Elliott M. BROWN united in marriage Richard FENTON and Mrs. Helen K. CRAMER, both of New Whatcom. Mr. FENTON is a prominent real estate man, while the bride is a sister of H. O'CONNOR, city agent of the C.P.R.

D. N. DELLINGER, brother of Geo. DELLINGER, who has been here on a visit left for his home in St. Paul over the C.P.R., yesterday.

Ferndale Items -- Grandpa EDDY has gone to his old home in Rutland county, Vermont.

Ferndale Items -- Mrs. G. G. STONE, of Pipestone, Minnesota, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. B. SMITH.

Custer Notes -- Willie and Maggie BEATTY returned home from school at Seattle last week. They will spend the summer with their father James R. BEATTY.

Custer Notes -- Sidney GEE spent a few days with his father M. T. GEE, and returned to Seattle where he is learning the stair builders trade with his uncle, John WHEELER.

Saturday, July 16, 1892

A telegram to the secretary of Whatcom lodge I.O.O.F. announces the death of John HODGES. in California. HODGES was formerly in the soda water business here.

Sunday, July 17, 1892

Florence A. HEMSTOCK formerly a resident of New Whatcom has commenced an action for divorce in King county court. She alleges that her husband was in the habit of slapping her and using her pretty mean generally.

Tuesday, July 19, 1892

Bert SEWELL leaves today on a trip to his home near Chicago.

Henry KIRKPATRICK and Sophia WOTTON, both of Woodlawn, have decided to make a match of it. They have secured the necessary license.

Colonel BRIDGE, of Company F, 31st Massachusetts infantry, who cleared the way for BUTLER when he entered New Orleans, and an old friend of M. CLOTHIER, is looking over the city with a view of permanently locating.

Wednesday, July 20, 1892

John STANGROOM is the happy father of a bouncing baby boy, weight twelve and a half pounds. It arrived yesterday.

E. C. WARD, the Fairhaven shoemaker, formerly of Boston, was in the city, yesterday, taking orders from people who are particular about their footwear.

Capt. C. J. VAN LANINGHAM died at his residence on Elk street, yesterday morning. The funeral will take place under the auspices of the G.A.R. this morning at 10 o'clock.

Telegrams to Dr. VAN ZANDT and J. M. VAN ZANDT announce the death of W. D. VAN ZANDT, a prominent mining man, of the Black Hills, Dakota. The deceased was a nephew of Dr. VAN ZANDT's and a brother of J. M. VAN ZANDT of the North Fork of the Nooksack.

Two Sisters Married in a Day -- Robert L. GORE, of Seattle, and Miss Mabel RANSON, of New Whatcom, were married at the Russ hotel, yesterday evening, Rev. John F. DIMON officiating. In the morning a sister of the bride, Miss Gertrude RANSON, was made the bride of Charles E. DAW, of New Whatcom, Judge MOART performing the ceremony. -- Post Intelligencer.

Thursday, July 21, 1892

Death on the Tide Flat - Billy HICKS, While Bathing, is Seized with Cramps and Drowns. --- A sad drowning accident occurred in the Bay at the Globe saw mill, last evening. William HICKS, an oiler at the B.B.I. company's mill, and Jack WEBSTER, one of the engineers of the same institution, started out after the mill closed to take a bath. They entered the Globe mill, which is shut down at the present time, and undressing, at once jumped into the water. Both were excellent swimmers. After swimming around for a few minutes, HICKS climbed up on a log to take a rest. While sitting there he was seized with cramps, and tumbled off the log into the water. WEBSTER was swimming around near by, but thought HICKS was swimming on his back, and did not pay any attention till he noticed that he was sinking. He was too far off to reach the unfortunate man before he sank.
  WEBSTER at once gave the alarm, and the men from COOPER's mill rushed to the spot, and diving for the body at once commenced. The water at the spot is about twelve feet deep, and it was ten minutes before HICKS was found and brought to the surface. By this time life was extinct, and though medical assistance was summoned and every possible means used to bring about resuscitation, it was of no avail.
  The deceased was familiarly known as Billy HICKS, and appears to have been a general favorite among his associates. He is a brother of Master Mechanic HICKS, of the mill in which he worked, and came to the city about thirteen months ago. Since that time he has worked as oiler in the mill. His mother and two sisters live in Tacoma. A telegram was sent apprising them of the sad event, and the body was taken to the rooms of Undertaker BRACKETT to await the arrival of his mother and sisters in the city, when it will be decided where the remains will be interred.

C. H. ALLERTON, the Fairhaven engineer, has settled in Mt. Vernon for the practice of his profession.

Custer Notes -- Born -- To the wife of John EVELEIGH, July 18th, a bouncing girl baby.

Friday, July 22, 1892

The Queen of the Pacific cleared for Alaska from this port, last evening. Ben HARTUP struck a job as waiter on the Queen, last night, and is off on the trip.

M. E. DOWNS and family went to Alaska on the Queen. Their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. DOWNS, of Connecticut, were members of the RAYMOND-WHITCOMB party.

W. P. AYERS and family have been in the city several days, and departed for Alaska on the Queen. Mr. AYERS is the oldest banker in Illinois and an old friend of J. P. DeMATTOS.

The body of Billy HICKS, who was drowned on Wednesday evening, was taken to Tacoma on the noon train, yesterday. His mother, two sisters and brother reside in that city.

McNORTON Dead -- Alick McNORTON, the man who was struck by a falling tree at REMBOLDT's camp about seven miles south of Fairhaven on Wednesday, died at St. Joseph hospital, yesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock. He never recovered consciousness after the accident. McNORTON for some time kept the Terminus saloon on Elk street and is well and favorably known on the Bay. He was a single man and his only relative here is a cousin, Mrs. REMBOLDT, wife of the proprietor of the camp at which the accident occurred.

Saturday, July 23, 1892

A quiet little wedding took place in Judge WILLIAMS' office, yesterday afternoon. The contracting parties were Harry ETTNER and Rosie SEIBERT

New case filed with the clerk of the superior court, yesterday: Nanny E. J. GIBBS vs. Morris H. GIBBS. A suit for divorce, in which the plaintiff claims that she was married to the defendant in Colorado in 1883, and that one child, a boy 8 years of age, is the issue of the marriage; , * * that in May last he left her in New Whatcom and went on one of his prospecting trips, and has since made no provision whatsoever for her support. Therefore the plaintiff asks that a decree of divorce be granted and the custody of the child given to her.

The mother of Dr. HENDERSON will arrive from Mount Vernon, Iowa, today.

Sunday, July 24, 1892

Robert Max Guston WEIKE and Marie BORMAN are about to commit matrimony. They have been furnished with a license.

Ferndale Items -- J. L. CRAWFORD died this morning after a long illness. Funeral Saturday at 3 o'clock. -- July 23, 1892.

Tuesday, July 26, 1892

Mrs. Lew STENGER is visiting her old home in Oregon.

E. W. PURDY is the happy father of a baby girl, a present from Mrs. PURDY, yesterday.

Mrs. Dr. LAWRENCE has gone to Red Bluff, California, for a six week's visit with her people.

A. H. HARRINGTON works for the street commissioner. Yesterday he took a day off and when asked why, he blushed and said, "a boy, 13 lbs."

Mrs. P. J. HALBERG, yesterday, presented her husband with a son. The youngster weighs twelve pounds for a starter and promises to make a man of himself.

Attorney John HART has removed to Ellensburg. Mr. HART is a well-read, bright young lawyer, and will undoubtedly do well.

Wednesday, July 27, 1892

Attorney Jerry NETERER is the happy father of a baby girl. The little stranger arrived Sunday.

John CRYDERMAN left, Monday, for his old home in Kansas, to see his father, who is dangerously ill.

Judge GALLAHER went to Woodlawn, on Sunday, and married Henry KIPHART and Sophie WOTTON.

Silas W. JACOBS, of Beatrice, Neb., has purchased the BENTON farm, three miles from Lynden, and will stock it with thoroughbred cattle.

Ferndale Items -- Mrs. E. B. SMITH's mother and sister, who have been her guests for some time, have returned to their home in Pipestone, Minn.

Ferndale Items -- Died, June 21st, in his home in West Ferndale, Mr. John L. CRAWFORD, a native of Ballantree, Ayrshire, Scotland. Mr. CRAWFORD was born in the year 1822, had he lived until the 15th of August, he would have been seventy years old. He nearly lived out his threescore years and ten. He had been a deacon of the Baptist church here for years, was highly respected by all who knew him; he was ever termed a just and good man. Although he had been ailing fro the past two months, for a few days before his death his family thought him much better. At the first symptoms of his old attack a physician was sent for, but about fifteen minutes before his arrival death came to his relief. He left a wife and four children, two sons and two daughters, who deeply feel their bereavement. The many friends of Mrs. CRAWFORD and children condole with them in their sad affliction.

Thursday, July 28, 1892

Tom PAINE, formerly of Skagit county, now of Blaine, who is a candidate for the state senate, is in the city.

Chas. SMITH, who has been with the THOMSON-HUSTON company in Tacoma, has returned to the city to locate.

Frank WOODS has returned from a visit to Tacoma where he went to meet his sister-in-law, Miss BARNARD, of Bloomington, Ill.

Friday, July 29, 1892

Joe GRIBBLE, who lately left this city for Ellensburg, shot a man in a dispute over a crap game, Tuesday.

Nooksack Notes -- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Al WELCH, a son; last Sunday morning.

Saturday, July 30, 1892

B. BAUM has sold out the well known grocery to his son, Philip BAUM.

Sunday, July 31, 1892

William Thomas BURTON and Clara BRINKMAN took out a marriage license yesterday.

Miss Mary WORLEY, who has been visiting Miss STENGER, has gone to Tacoma, and, in a few days, will be led to the altar by Captain BACHMAN of the Premier.

V. WELDON and wife, of Cuero, Texas, are at the Bellingham. They will probably remain in the city a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. WELDON are making a summer Pacific coast tour.

Tuesday, August 2, 1892

Mrs. Harry MURRAY on Saturday night presented her husband with a baby girl.

Wednesday, August 3, 1892

The new cases filed in the superior court yesterday were as follows: . . . Blanche FREEMAN vs. Walter FREEMAN. This is a suit for a decree of divorce. The couple were married at Marysville, Cal., in April 1890, but for more than a year past Walter has deserted and abandoned Blanche.

T. G. NICKLIN was happy last evening. His wife made him a presentation of a little baby girl.

C. A. HORST, who resides on Chestnut street, is the father of a 10 pound girl. She arrived Monday night.

Lucy CORFEE has made application to the probate court for letters of administration in the estate of Alfred CORFEE, deceased.

Mrs. J. GRAHAM returned yesterday from Kalamazoo, Mich., where she has been visiting with her mother the past year. Her youngest son accompanied her and intends making this his future home.

Ferndale Items -- Mrs. ROBINS and her daughters, Edith and Lucy, of Mountain View, were guests at the Glenbrook farm last Saturday.

Thursday, August 4, 1892

In the Probate Court. Three documents were filed in the probate court yesterday. They were an application from Mary J. KELLOGG for letters of administration in the estate of M. KELLOGG, deceased; a similar application from John HOPE in the estate of Margaret HOPE, deceased; and an affidavit by John HOPE that Margaret HOPE's estate amounted to $2,500.

Friday, August 5, 1892

Will T. BURTON and Miss Clara BRINKMAN, both residents of the city were married at John CADE's at Nooksack on Sunday. They have returned to the city to live.

The funeral of Brother BRADLEY will take place from Fairhaven at 2 o'clock p.m., today. Members of Bay City Encampment No. 23 are requested to meet at their hall, New Whatcom, August 5, at 12 o'clock m.

Saturday, August 6, 1892

H. J. HEWETT was presented by his wife with a twelve-pound son, yesterday -- so Dr. LAWRENCE says.

Ole OLSON's wife presented him with a ten-pound little Miss OLSON, yesterday. Ole is one of the sawyers at the big mill.

The I.O.O.F. encampment of the city attended the funeral of Brother BRADLEY, of Fairhaven, in a body, yesterday.

Sunday, August 7, 1892

First Fatal Accident. A Careless Boy Killed at Fairhaven By a Street Car---
  The first fatal accident on the electric street railways of the day, occurred yesterday morning. At twenty minutes past ten the reqular car ran down Harris street, Fairhaven. At the corner, the regular motorman, WOODARD, had been compelled to leave on business, and KAGEY a man whom he had been "breaking in" was in charge. As KAGEY neared the Great Northern railway crossinq he stopped. Then just on the other side he noticed some boys playing ball. Knowing the spirit of bravado of the boys whom he had seen before, he aqain slowed up. Just as the car got opposite the boys, the ball went across the track and one of them named Matt JOHNSON went in pursuit of it. The boy was quick, but just between the rails he slipped and fell. The motorman tried to stop the car but it was too late, and the wheels struck the boy's legs above the knee, cutting one off altogether and bruising the other terribly. The car was stopped and the boy extricated. He was a brave little fellow, and as he was carried into Jack FAY's saloon scarcely made a whimper. From there he was taken to the hospital where every attention was given him but all to no purpose; he died at 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon. Little Matt JOHNSON was only 11 years old and was the son of Martin JOHNSON, a Fairhaven dairyman. The little fellow was playing with Harry SIMPSON, Mart JOHNSON and Irwin SIMPSON at the time. He and the other lads had been repeatedly warned by different motormen that some day they would be killed.

Van Wyck Jottings -- Mrs. Charles BRADLEY, of Seattle, who has been visiting her brother, D. E. FELMLEY, the past week, returned to Seattle, Friday.

Joe GRAYSON, who with his bride has just returned from Seattle, received a tin pan serenade on Friday night. Joe squared matters by treating the crowd.

Tuesday, August 9, 1892

August 8 was Clarence WALLING's sixth birthday, and the little folks say they want a birthday to come often so they can receive presents and enjoy good cakes, fruits, ice cream and candy served under shady trees. Mrs. WALLING [was] assisted by Mrs. J. BARDWELL, and Mrs. J. C. BARDWELL, Mrs. GALLAHER and Mrs. CHRISTIE . . .

Mrs. Mattie GOODING died at her home near Maple street on Friday, August 5, and was buried Saturday at the city cemetery. She leaves a husband and five children to mourn her loss.

Wednesday, August 10, 1892

Attorney A. L. BLACK has gone to New York on a visit to his mother. His two children accompany him.

Geo. F. BEAMIS left yesterday for San Francisco, where he has accepted a position with a wholesale jewelry firm. His wife and family follow him in a few days.

Dr. McPHERSON, who has been looking for more experience in the hospitals of London, England; Vienna, Austria; and Berlin, Germany, has returned to resume his practice in this city.

Thursday, August 11, 1892

H. GLENN and Annie MISSINER, both of Blaine, have procured a marriage license from the county auditor.

Miss RICE gave a birthday party at Park last niqht that attracted a number of young men from the city.

Mrs. J. R. MASON's sister, Mrs. E. L. McCLURE and niece, Mrs. Fanny PALMER, of California, have arrived, and are visiting her at her home.

. . . Yesterday . . . Matt McGLADE took out a license to wed . . . Margaret McLEAN . . .

Ferndale Items -- About three weeks ago Mr. NEALSON, a farmer living about three miles north of Woodland schoolhouse, had his oldest boy, about three years old, drowned in a well. The weIl was in the barnyard and had a crib around it. The mother was in bed with a child, only a few days old, when the little boy was missed and looked for. They tracked him to the barn and to the edge of the well. He had been dead about half an hour when found. It is thought he had followed his father to the barn. The mother is nearly wild with grief.

Friday, August 12, 1892

Miss Grace FOUTS, who has been teaching on St. Clair island, has returned to the city.

Saturday, August 13, 1892

Laurel -- Mr. and Mrs. C. HOLLSTEIN and family returned to their home at Waukegan, Illinois, Tuesday.

Sunday, August 14, 1892

Christ CHRISTENSON and Lena ISAACSON of Florence, Snohomish county, took a run up to the city, yesterday, and procured a marriage license.

John BUCKLEY, of Fairhaven, and Lottie MONTGOMERY, of Seattle, have taken out a marriage license.

Died. HERRMANN -- At New Whatcom, corner of Twenty-fifth and F streets, Saturday, August 13, Carolina HERRMANN, of palpitation of the heart, in the 60th year of her age. Funeral today at 3 p .m. at the above residence. Friends invited.

Tuesday, August 16, 1892

H. S. BRAUCHT and wife will leave today for a few months visit at her old home in Nebraska.

The wife of Henry ___ RICH, of Puget Lane, heretofore known as Pig alley, presented her husband with quite a family, Sunday morning. . . . twins, boy and girl, and the pair weigh 14 pounds.

Thomas H. CANFIELD, first director of the Northern Pacific, a cousin of the late Hon. Eugene CANFIELD, was in the city, yesterday. He is a Vermonter, but has lived many years at Lake Park, Minn.

Thursday, August 18, 1892

A. L. MOORE and Katie McDERMOTT, both of Fairhaven, have been furnished a marriage license by the county auditor.

Dr. R. N. MAYFIELD is in the city, after an absence of several years. He is located at Ouray, Colo. The doctor is the son of Dr. MAYFIELD who was murdered near Ferndale in 1885, and whose murderer was shot in the woods, near the evergreen city, by a party of New Whatcom citizens.

Misses Elizabeth and Edith LONG came in on the Alaskan steamer and are much pleased with their hyperborean trip. . . . The Misses LONG are daughters of A. E. S. LONG.

Friday, August 19, 1892

That Killing -- A. D. ROGERS, of Ferndale, who was one of the posse that killed GUILDY, was in the city, yesterday, and furnishes an interesting account of the killing. He says that GUILDY shot Mr. MAYFIELD as he came down stairs from his residence in Ferndale. The assassin then asked Miss MAYFIELD where WEST was. She pointed to him and WEST was shot through the lung. GUILDY then took to the woods and a posse consisting of W. J. MALLOY, J. W. HARDAN, Jr., E. HOLCOMB, Henry CARL, A. D. ROGERS and others killed him. They found him where he had been sleeping with a rifle on his knees. When discovered he fired two shots, and was immediately riddled with bullets and buckshot. He was a young man who had slandered Miss MAYFIELD and who had been threshed by her brother. The assassination was through [sic] revenge.

Ferndale Items:
Born - To Mr. and Mrs. D. WELCH a son. Mr. and Mrs. John BEAVER a daughter.

Mrs. Charles ELWELL, of Snohomish, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry ROESSELL.

Mrs. Frank COWDEN is entertaining her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. SISSON from Tacoma.

Mrs. FOLLET and her son Elver of North Fork, are visiting their old neighbors in Ferndale and Mountain View.

Saturday, August 20, 1892

Napoleon RANGER yesterday, filed suit in the superior court for a divorce from his wife Margaret RANGER. The complaint sets forth that they were married in Duluth, Minn., in 1884. He claims to be a true husband, but that his wife who is a half-breed Indian has frequently got drunk, has threatened his life and has purchased a revolver which he thinks she intends to use to kill him.

Chas. MONTGOMERY, of Seattle, and Miss Tillie LEROY, of the F. & S. Junction were granted a marriage license by the county auditor, yesterday.

Sunday, August 21, 1892

Mrs. Heter FRITZ presented her husband with a bouncinq baby boy a few days ago. Mother and child doing well.

Grace SMITH, only child of J. P. SMITH living four miles beyond the plank road, is very sick with inflammatory rheumatism.

Tuesday, August 23, 1892

Blaine, Aug. 22 -- [Special to the Reveille] -- At 1:30 today the International hotel, the largest in the city, caught fire from a flue in the third story, and was soon totally destroyed. . . . A man named Ed. JACOBSON who had a room on the third floor was burned to death while attempting to save his trunk and other effects. JACOBSON was working in CAIN BROS. mill at the time the fire broke out and ran to the hotel and up stairs to get his trunk which had already been taken from the building. It was some time before he was missed, and then it became known that when last seen he was entering the room. The body was removed from the ruins at 5 o'clock.

Wednesday, August 24, 1892

Lou DE CHAMPLAIN and wife celebrated their tin wedding at their residence on Front street, Monday night. About fifteen couples were present, and a pleasant time spent.

Fred HUGHES has received from his father in Peterboro, Canada, a picture of his old home and the pleasing information that the home, itself, has been deeded to himself and Mrs. HUGHES.

Friday, August 26, 1892

Mrs. C. E. HENDERSON, mother of Dr. HENDERSON, has returned to her home in Iowa. The doctor accompanied her as far as Tacoma.

Saturday, August 27, 1892

Boy Killed.  Deming, Aug. 25, 1892. Quite a serious accident occurred yesterday, on the Middle Fork, whereby Mr. CARLSON's boy lost his life. They were burning their slashing. His two boys stood watching a tree burn down, when it gave way unexpectedly, falling in the contrary direction from the way it leaned and a limb struck the oldest boy on the head, fracturing his skull. He died in about two hours.

Mrs. A. C. MACK, of Portland, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. M. FORTIER, returns home this morning.

A. J. HOLTON, of New Whatcom, and Miss L. M. McEWAN, of Astoria, were married in Seattle, Tuesday. The young couple have started housekeeping on Garden street.

New Cases. Malan BARTLETT vs. Judia D. BARTLETT, is a suit for divorce. The plaintiff married the defendant in May 1891, but he claims she deserted him in January of the present year and has acted in such a manner as would cause reproach to be brought to his name.

R. S. LUTZ and Miss Ella Maud WEBSTER, were provided with a marriage license, yesterday.

Judge PALMER married J. W. HARTLEY and Miss Prudence T. NUTT on Sundav. The groom is a gay young fellow of seventy years and his bride is about fifteen years his junior.

Wednesday, August 31, 1892

Two suits for divorce were filed in superior court, yesterday. In the first, Josie WILSON vs. Albert WILSON, the plaintiff charges that the defendant has made life a burden to her by his cruelty, and has failed entirely to provide for her support. Four children have been born to the unhappy couple, and of these, the plaintiff asks for the custody of the youngest. She also asks that Albert be required to make provision for the maintenance of herself and child.

In the second, Michael T. GEE vs. Tabitha GEE, the plaintiff claims that Tabitha abandoned him . . . He wishes the bonds of matrimony to be annulled, and to be allowed full possession of his property in Blaine.

Mr. GIPSON and family, and Miss Lizzie and Maggie EVERETT, friends of Mr. H.'B. McCORMICK, arrived from Cincinnati, 0., Tuesday and intend locating in this county.

The birthday party given Miss Hattie STARRY, Wednesday evening, was attended by several from Van Wyck . . .

Zula JENKINS left, yesterday, to attend the Ravenna Park school at Seattle.

Frank B. COLE left on Monday for San Francisco, where he will complete his course of studies in civil engineering.

Mrs. Nellie R. MILLER, of Portland, is expected to arrive today, and will remain in the city a few days as the guest of her brother, Attorney RAWSON.

Ferndale Items:
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George MONROE, a daughter.

Born, to the wife of John REEVES, a daughter.

Dr. R. N. MAYFIELD has returned to his home in Colorado.

Mr. A. M. COLLINS is entertaining his mother and sister, of Anacortes.

Mrs. Jas. CISSNA is visiting relatives and friends in San Francisco, California.

Mrs. and Mrs. Leonard HICKS came down from Custer this morning, ate a Sunday dinner with his sister, Mrs. WHEELER, and returned home on the afternoon train.

Mr. and Mrs. John SLATER are $1,000 better off than they were yesterday. A son and heir came to their residence this morning.

Thursday, September 1, 1892

Fred A. SLADE and Miss Anna WRIGHT, both residents of Lynden, are contemplating matrimony. The auditor has furnished them with the necessary license.

Custer Notes -- Mrs. C. H. STOLTENBERG's brothers Ed. STEWART, is visiting her for a few days, with his family.

Mrs. Col. HATFIELD, who is visiting Mrs. Eugene CANFIELD, is a granddaughter of Gen. E. D. BAKER, who was killed at Ball's Bluff. Gen. BAKER was the most distinguished orator of California and a heroic soldier. He was, by birth, an Englishman.

SAVAGE, an Indian, at Licking, got overheated, drank cold water enough to founder himself, and died. He was a very progressive Indian, but never studied physiology in the public schools.

Saturday, September 3, 1892

     Death. Mrs. Laura Belle DORR, wife of the well known attorney, C. W. DORR, of this city, died yesterday, Friday, Sept. 3, at 6:30 p.m., after a lingering illness of some months, the result of an attack of la grippe in the winter of 1891. She spent last winter in southern California, and received some benefit from the climate of that region; but the dread disease had too well begun its work, and after her return to New Whatcom early in June, she continued to decline until her death, last evening.
     Mrs. DORR was born at Winterset, Iowa, December 14, 1857, where her parents, W. W. McKNIGHT and Mrs. Hannah McKNIGHT, still live. She was married to C. W. DORR at her home in Winterset, Iowa, November 25, 1880, and thereafter she and her husband resided at Des Moines, Iowa, until the year 1888 when they moved to Washington and settled in Sehome, where they have since resided.
     Mrs. DORR is the mother of four children, three of whom are living, Alice, Fred, and Eugene, aged respectively 8, 6, and 4 years. She has been a member of the Presbyterian church for some years, and united with the Sehome Presbyterian church immediately upon settling in that place. She was a most devoted wife and mother, and a lady possessed of all the virtues of true womanhood. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to Mr. DORR and his children in this their great affliction. The funeral will take place Sunday, Sept. 4, at 4:30 p.m. at the family residence, on Garden street, in this city.

The Post-Intelligencer says of Capt. BASS: "Samuel BASS, candidate for auditor, was born in New Jersey in 1832, moved in childhood to Schuylkill county, Pa., emigrated to California in 1853, and for several years worked in the gold diggings in various camps along the Feather river or in the vicinity, moved to Marion county, Or., and in 1857 built the first sash and door factory in that county, where he resided until 1885, when he removed to Whatcom; was deputy collector of customs for the Puqet Sound district for three years during CLEVELAND's administration. He was a member of the legislature . . .

Jesse DELASCALLY, a native of Germany, yesterday, declared his intention of becoming a son of Uncle Sam.

Sunday, September 4, 1892

Mrs. H. D. WOODS leaves, tomorrow, on a trip to her old home in Walla Walla.

Wm. ELLING and Emma M. MERSER, both of Fairhaven, took out a marriage license, yesterday.

Judge GALLAHER got a pleasant surprise, yesterday morning, when his father dropped in on him from Ellensworth, Kansas. The GALLAHERs are likely to stay with New Whatcom.

By mistake, yesterday's Reveille stated the hour of Mrs. C. W. DORR's funeral to be 4:30 p.m., today, whereas, it should have been stated to be 4 p.m. The services will begin sharp at that hour at the residence on Garden street.

Attention Knights. All members of Sehome Lodge No. 62, K. of P., are requested and a cordial invitation is extended to the members of sister lodges on the Bay, and all other knights to meet at K. of P. hall at 3 o'clock p.m. this day, for the purpose of attending in a body, the funeral of Mrs. C. W. DORR, wife of our esteemed brother.

Killed at Ferndale.
Lulu JOHNSON Dies From Injuries Received in a Runaway Accident.

A fatal accident occurred near Ferndale, yesterday morning. Lulu, the 12-year-old daughter of F. W. JOHNSON, was thrown from a wagon drawn by a team of runaway horses and almost instantly killed.Lula [sic] and her sister Lena left the lumber camp owned by their father early in the morning and went over to the residence of Mr. MILLER who owns a ranch nearby. At about 9 o'clock they were ready to go back home, and as one of Mr. MILLER's sons was driving to Ferndale, they were given a seat in the lumber wagon. The horses became frightened, the boy lost control of them, and a run away was the consequence. The boy jumped from the wagon and escaped unhurt, but the girls were thrown out, and Lulu the eldest, so badly injured that she died by the roadside before anyone reached her. Lena, who is 9 years old, was picked up and carried to her father's came and medical assistance secured from Ferndale. She appeared to be suffering a great deal, and a message was soon dispatched to Whatcom for doctors. At the latest accounts she was still alive and her recovery was expected. The team that ran away is a bad one. Mr. MILLER himself is still limping from a broken leg received in a similar accident some time ago. The JOHNSONs are well known in the neighborhood, and little Lulu was a bright little girl, and a general favorite in the camp.

Tuesday, September 6, 1892

Death. T. J. SMITH received a telegram yesterday morning, informing him of the death of his father, Marshall SMITH, at Portland. Mr. Marshall SMITH was born in Virginia, August 2, 1798. He removed to Illinois in 1832, and went to Oregon in 1862, where he was engaged in business until about eight years ago. Mr. SMITH was probably the oldest Mason in the United States, having joined that society in 1832. Two children, T. J. SMITH and Mrs. Maggie SNELSON, of this city, survive him. T. J. SMITH goes to Portland to attend the funeral of his father, which takes place this afternoon.

Funeral of Mrs. DORR. The funeral of Mrs. C. W. DORR was held at the family residence, Sunday, and was attended by nearly five hundred people. Rev. Anselm B. BROWN delivered a touching eulogy on the deceased, and a quartette choir sang "Nearer My God to Thee" with sweetness and pathos. The pal I bearers were Major A. S. COLE, C. A. COOPER, Dr. GOODHEART, H. H. PIERCE, H. E. HADLEY, and S. M. BRUCE. The grave was reached over the Lake Whatcom electric cars.

A. E. MYER, of Sutton, Neb., brother of Mrs. O. S. TORREY, is visiting in the city.

Mrs. E. H. MARCY has started for her old home in Steuben county, New York, and will be gone three months.

Wednesday, September 7, 1892

Mrs. E. H. MARCY is on her way to visit friends in Bath, New York.

Peter MOFFAT and Martha BATES, both of Lynden, took out a marriage license, yesterday.

E. H. LOVERING and wife left, yesterday, via the C.P.R., for Kingston, New York.

Zeno DOTY and family have left their island home for the winter, and are now at home at the DOTY mansion on F Street.

Lena JOHNSON, the little girl who was so badly injured in the runaway in which her sister was killed, near Ferndale, Saturday, is still so low her recovery is doubtful.

Superior Court. Wilhelm BEEK, a native of Germany, was admitted to final citizenship.

Thursday, September 8, 1892

Geo. MARTENSON and Lena GOLDEN, both of New Whatcom, are candidates for matrimony. The auditor furnished them with the necessary license.

Howard LEE, of Norway, was admitted to citizenship.

Friday, September 9, 1892

Mrs. Sam BELFORD returned Wednesday from a visit to relatives in Nebraska and Missouri.

County Treasurer ROGERS leaves this morning on a short visit to his old home in Oregon.

Oscar HOLM, a native of Sweden, was admitted to final citizenship by Judge WINN, yesterday.

Van Wyck Jottings.- Mrs. SMITH of Seattle, sister of S. STUBBS, who was visiting the latter last week, returned to Seattle Monday evening.

Ferndale Items:

Mr. N. S. BARR, New Whatcom, visited his sister, Mrs. Harry COWDEN, Tuesday and Wednesday at Glenbrook farm.

Mrs. D. ROGERS and daughter May returned from New Whatcom where they had been visiting for two weeks past.

Died -- At Mt. Clemens, Michigan, August 22, Mr. Jacob ROESSELL, a brother of Henry and George ROESSELL, of this place.

Mr. JOHNSON's little daughter, that was killed by a runaway team last Saturday morning, was buried at Marietta last Monday.

Custer Notes:

George PEEL and his sister leave for their old home where their father is in Old Missouri. We hope to see them all back in a few years.

A. BEHME is running his saw mill steady now, and he thinks that he can make out of 1,000 feet of good, clear cedar, by cutting into moulding and finishing lumber, more than the shingle makers will pay, and Mr. BEHME certainly knows, as he has had considerable experience in Whatcom county, Oregon, Wisconsin and Michigan.

Saturday, September 10, 1892

Superior Court. Anton KOEKE and Adolph KLEUTER, natives of Germany, were admitted to final citizenship.

Chas. MUNN and wife moved to Ferndale from Snohomish the first of the week.

Grace, daughter of J. S. SMITH on the Lynden road, who has been seriously ill the past month with inflammatory rheumatism, and heart and lung complications, is slowly recovering.

Mrs. A. SHINNER, of K street, died Thursday morning, of peritonitis. She leaves three small children and a husband to mourn her untimely death.

Sunday, September 11, 1892

Superior Court. - Yesterday's Proceedings. Knud O. LANSET, a native of Norway, was admitted to citizenship.

Larry and Charley CONNELL leave this morning on a visit to their old home in Newcastle, N.B.

Elsie MORGAN and Shermon JONES, both of New Whatcom, have taken out a marriage license.

W. L. GRITMAN has resigned his position as warehouseman at the B.B.I. company's dock, and will go to Seattle. . . .

The many friends of Amos B. FAIRHURST assembled at his home on Friday evening to celebrate his fifteenth birthday. Those present were Miss Blanche SHAHAN, Minnie BRAND, Hattie MILES, Nellie ALSOP, Gussie LOBE, Katie BARNETTE, Freda CHRISTMAN, Will D. JENKINS, Albert LOBE, Claude ROGERS, Stanley MURCHIE, Georgie MURCHIE and Carl CHRISTMAN.

Among those liable to be quarantined in Canada [because of the cholera epidemic] are Mrs. C.T.C. KEITH, who sailed for America, Thursday, and Mrs. WARWICK, mother of Mrs. Geo. MERRIAM, who is now seventeen days out from England.

Tuesday, September 13, 1892

Superior Court. Blanche FREEMAN vs. W. F. FREEMAN. Default entered.

Richard and Martin SCHERER, natives of Austria, and N. H. JEPSEN, a native of Germany, and Theo. W. VALENTA, a native of England, were admitted to final citizenship, yesterday.

O. A. BROWN and Mrs. BROWN, of Wichita, Kansas, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. WOOLARD.

Albert V. HOWEN, of Tacoma, is in town. His business is to Day taxes on his Whatcom County property.

Mrs. WARWICK, mother of Mrs. George MERRIAM, and five members of her family, arrived from Cumberland county, England, yesterday.

Katherine KIDS and Bernard O'BOYNE have entered into a life partnership. The county auditor furnished the necessary papers yesterday.

Wednesday, September 14, 1892

Superior Court. Michael McDONNELL, a native of Ireland, was admitted to citizenship. Olaf JOHNSON, a native of Norway, was admitted to citizenship.

John MELSON was, yesterday, presented with a ten-pound girl by his wife. Everybody pleased.

George JEFF is the happy father of a bouncing baby boy, weighing thirteen pounds; but the number, in this case, is not supposed to be unlucky.

Advertised Letters
Miss Alice BROWN
Margaret CULBERT
Chas. DAY

Mrs. T. LUSK
Albert MARCH

Thursday, September 15, 1892

Superior Court -- John W. SHOWERS, a native of Canada, was admitted to citizenship.

Jas. P. SMITH and Maud AIKENS, both of Goshen, took out a marriage license.

Mrs. Geo. WALL who lives on K street, yesterday, presented her husband with a pair of bright little baby girls. The babies weighed ten pounds each, and are the pride of their father.

Ferndale Items:

Mr. and Mrs. W. M. SISSON, Sundayed with their daughter, Mrs. Frank COWDEN.

It was Mrs. Jacob ROESELL, of Michigan, who died on August 22d --  not Mr. as the Reveille had it last week.

Cards are out for a double wedding next Wednesday morning. Mr. A. M. SNEATH to Miss Alice ZAHANIZER, and Mr. BUTLER to Miss Lizzie PEW.

Mr. Charles MUNN and family moved here last week from Snohomish. Mr. MUNN is a brother of Mrs. A. J. EDDY, and has bought an interest in Mr. EDDY's meat market.

Friday, September 16, 1892

Superior Court -- New Cases - Maud L. SPEER vs. Chas. A. SPEER, a suit for divorce on the ground of desertion.

Wedding Bells -- Yesterday, at 11 a.m. at the home of the bride's parents, Inspector Chas. McLENNAN was united in marriage to Miss Ella McARTHUR, daughter of D. J. McARTHUR. The ceremony was performed by Rev. WRIGHT, of Fairhaven. The young couple . . . [will] be at home in Blaine after October 1st.

Mrs. C.T.C. KEITH is expected to arrive in New York, from Liverpool, Saturday.

Ex-Mayor WILSON, of Fairhaven, was married to Miss Katherine NORTH of Milwaukee, Wednesday evening.

Mrs. Carrie L. BROWN, sister of Mr. F. N. and Miss Ella BARNEY, who has pleasantly spent a couple of months visiting relations and friends, departed yesterday, for her eastern home. Mr. and Miss BARNEY accompanied her as far as Portland.

Hon. George RICE has been given the republican nomination for superior judge for a district embracing several counties in the State of Washington. Our information comes through the Blaine Tribune . . . As a boy, and in manhood, George was well known here. He entered the practice of law in Spirit Lake [Iowa], but soon went to Flandrau, Dakota . . . Locating at Fairhaven [Washington], he has been successful in his profession . . .-- Spirit Lake (Ia.) Beacon

Saturday, September 17, 1892

Superior Court -- A. M. GRAVE and C. G. PETERSON, natives of Sweden, were admitted to final citizenship.

O. H. CULVER, editor of the Herald, accompanied by his brother Fred, is at Harrison Hot Springs.

Mrs. RAWSON, mother of Attorney A. RAWSON, leaves today via the C.P.R. for her home in Des Moines, Iowa.

Sunday, September 18, 1892

Superior Court -- W. A. BELL, a native of Canada, was admitted to final citizenship.

Miss Anna FARR, who has been on a visit to her old home in Indiana, has returned to the city.

Dr. CORNWALL, of Oakland, proprietor of the Oakland block, and brother to P. B. CORNWALL, is in the city.

Miss Josie DODD, of Victoria, a former resident of New Whatcom, is back on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Lou JENKINS.

Mrs. D. B. CAMPBELL and daughters, of Eau Claire, Wis., joined Mr. CAMPBELL yesterday, and will make this city their home in the future.

It is reported that Mr. M. A. DELANEY, late of New Whatcom, but now of Portland, will, October 1st, lead to the altar one of New Whatcom's most charming young ladies.

Mr. FORBES, of Lynden, and Harry OSIER [OESER], of Fairhaven, indulged in a friendly dispute as to who had brought the first wagon into Whatcom county. They had both brought one in in '77. The decision was given in favor of Mr. OSIER.

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil PERRINGER, of Clearbrook, who are recent additions to the matrimonial ranks, were visitors in town, yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. M. WILSON, whose wedding announcement was announced in the Reveille some days since, will be at home in Fairhaven after September 22d.

Tuesday, September 20, 1892

Birthday Party -- Beulah GANNON's fifth birthday was celebrated, yesterday . . . The choicest fruits and confectionary were served by Mrs. GANNON, assisted by Mrs. BARRON, Miss DICKMAN, Mrs. MERRIAM, Mrs. FAZON and Mrs. POORE. The following children were present: Nellie LEE, Nellie PRATT, Pearl PRATT, Ella SHRADER, Clarence SHRADER, Hazel WOOD, Peyche and Arros TORREY, Nellie APPLEBY, Gretchen HESS, Alice JACKSON, Maude, Fred and Arthur BAGLEY, Lydia KELLAR, Laura OWEN, Richie GLOSTER, Grace CUSTER, Cecil LONG, Rosa MERRIAM, Lizzie WARWICK, Hannah and Kittie SPEDDING and Effie SPIERS.

Philip DOLLINS, of Tampico, Fla. , uncle of John Y. COLLINS, and his wife are in the city.

Wednesday, September 21, 1892

Superior Court -- Ludley KEMPH, of Germany, Martin PETERSEN, of Germany, G. S. WESTMAN, of Denmark, and J. THORSTEINSON, of Denmark, were admitted to final citizenship.

Peter GILLIN [GILLIES], Jr., and Annie SWANSON, both of Nooksack, took out a marriage license at the auditor's office, yesterday.

Mrs. SMITH, wife of Officer SMITH, left yesterday on a visit to her old home in Dakota. She will be gone about two months.

Frank AFFLECK has gone to Paris, France, to see his mother. The genial colonel will return and again engage in business in the city.

The late Frank LAWRENCE, aged 34, was buried at the city cemetery yesterday afternoon. Mr. LAWRENCE was prominently identified with the Y.M.C.A., and many of the members were present at the funeral.

L. C. COUNTRYMAN, of this city, has been united in marriage to Miss B. Ella BURBRIDGE, of Eugene, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. COUNTRYMAN will be at home to their New Whatcom friends at their residence, 3517 Front street, on Sept. 17th.

Thursday, September 22, 1892

The community was startled this morning by the intelligence that Col. M. C. THUM, the electric road promoter, had died suddenly of rheumatism of the heart. He died at 6 a.m. . . . The deceased was 44 years of age, and a native of New York. He came to Washington from the Black Hills, and was an old friend of C. X. LARRABEE. . . . He leaves a wife and little daughter, who were with him in Fairhaven when he died. . . . His brother has been telegraphed for and will be here Friday, until which time the funeral will probably be delayed.

Born, to the wife of D. LOWERY, on Wednesday, at 10 o'clock, a son.

Miss Matie JONES, who has been visiting her sister, returns to her home this morning in Holton, Kansas.

Mme. Charlottee Thonet HARRELL, late of New York, and the granddaughter of La Duke de HOPRAE, will arrive tomorrow, to join her husband, Prof. J. H. HARRELL.

Friday, September 23, 1892

Rev. DIMON performed a marriage ceremony on Wednesday night that was a trifle peculiar from the fact that both the contracting parties were deaf mutes. The bride was Miss Jessie B. SARGEANT, of New Whatcom, and the groom was Harry W. ROCK, of Laconner. How to perform the ceremony without asking questions puzzled the reverend gentleman for a moment, but he soon struck an idea. Both parties were furnished with a written copy of the ceremony, and he pointed out the questions and they answered by signs. The happy couple were both educated at the institute for deaf at Jacksonville, Illinois. They will go to Laconner to live.

Custer Notes [dateline Sept. 21, 1892] -- George and Hattie PEEL and their three little sisters will leave for Galena, Kansas, tomorrow, to live with their father. They came to the Sound over a year ago with their mother, in the hope that she would regain her health, but she died at Seattle, leaving seven children. The youngest died last spring, but the rest are healthy. Mrs. PEEL was a sister of P. R. PRATT.

Bernard SCHRAM is the happy father of a nine-pound boy. It arrived yesterday.

City Editor EARLE, of the Fairhaven Herald, leaves Monday, on a visit to his old home in the East.

F. D. MUSE, of New Whatcom, and Anna A. FAIR, of Martinsville, Indiana, were granted a marriage license at the auditor's office, yesterday.

George W. SHECKLER, of Burlington, Skagit county, and Florence FENLEY, of Sterling, visited the city yesterday. After looking up the auditor's office and transacting some business, they adjourned to the office of Justice PALMER, and were made man and wife.

Rev. Joseph WOLF has accepted the pastorate of the Brooklyn Congregational church at Seattle, and will at once move to that city.

Saturday, September 24, 1892

Superior Court. Nicholas OLT, a native of Germany, was admitted to final citizenship.

Theo. BACON and Mrs. BACON have gone to Mount Vernon to reside. Mr. BACON takes charge of a shingle mill, in which he has purchased an interest, at that place.

Sunday, September 25, 1892

Superior Court. New Cases. E. D. BANNISTER vs. Carrie BANNISTER, a suit for divorce. The plaintiff and defendant were married at Banfield, Wisconsin, in 1887, and have resided in Washington two years. The defendant has deserted Mr. BANNISTER, and he wants the bonds of matrimony dissolved.

The funeral of the late Mrs. Laura GATES took place from the family residence, on Henry street, yesterday afternoon.

C. McLENNAN and bride returned, yesterday, from their trip to Seattle and other up-Sound cities. Mr. and Mrs. McLENNAN will go to Blaine to reside.

Mr. C. E. THUM, brother to the late Col. THUM, is here from the Black Hills. The funeral will be held Monday, and the body will be interred in Bay View.

The funeral of the late M. C. THUM will be held at the family residence, in Fairhaven, at 10:30 a.m., Monday, September 26. The friends of the family are invited to be present. The cars will leave Fourteenth and Harrison streets for the cemetery at 11:30 a.m.

Tuesday, September 27, 1892

Mrs. John ELWOOD, on her return from Seattle yesterday, received a telegram announcing the death of her brother-in-law, Mr. KIBBEY.

Ephraim DELL, of Warner, B.C., and Mrs. Rosella TOLLOUSE, of Sumas, were provided with a marriage license by the county auditor, yesterday.

W. N. NASH, of Starkville, Miss., is in the city, after attending the grand lodge of Odd Fellows at Seattle. He has property in New Whatcom, and may locate here.

Funeral of M. C. THUM. The funeral of the late M. C. THUM took place from his residence yesterday morning. A large concourse of friends gathered to pay a last tribute of respect to his memory, and many accompanied the body out over the street car line, which is one of the monuments of Mr. THUM's enterprise, to its last resting place in the cemetery. The services at the house and at the grave, conducted by Rev. APPLEGATE, were most impressive.

E. D. BEATTIE, formerly of New Whatcom, who has been in the job rooms of the H. S. CROCKER Company, of San Francisco, for two years, will today take charge of the Reveille job printing rooms.

Ferndale Items:

J. D. WHEELER and his daughter, Bell, attended the New Westminster exposition last week.

Mrs. Nellie BOYD and two children, of Slaughter, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. SISSON, and her twin sister, Mrs. Frank COWDEN, of this place.

As last week Monday was Miss Julia BARRETT's seventeenth birthday, it was duly celebrated by twenty-four of her young friends at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. B. HATCH.

It is with heartfelt regret that we learn of the death of our old friend and neighbor, Mrs. HARDIN, wife of our fellow townsman, John HARDIN, sr. . . . Her husband took her, at her request to the home of her sons, at North Fork, where she passed peacefully over the divide. We have not learned the particulars of her death, and do not know her exact age. She was ever a kind neighbor. She leaves a husband and two sons, who have our heartfelt sympathy.

Wednesday, September 28, 1892

Wedding Bells. An informal wedding took place in Judge WILLIAMS' office on Monday evening, when Ephriam DELL, of Warner, B.C., and Mrs. Rosella TOLLOUSE, of Sumas, were married. The happy couple had been out in the rain, and when the groom took his coat off to get married, the bride remarked: "you must excuse his appearance judge. He didn't know he was going to be married till he came to town."

Chris SEMON is entertaining his brother and nephew, who arrived yesterday from Minneapolis.

County Commissioners . . . The bill in the sum of $42.00 for burial of Joseph HAWLEY, deceased, referred from the city of Blaine for payment was rejected.

Thursday, September 29, 1892

Nooksack City Notes -- Married - On Sept. 21, by Rev. Mr. MARSH, of Sumas, Mr. P. GILLIES, jr., of the milling firm of P. GILLIES & Sons, to Miss Annie SWANSON of this place. The bridal couple left for Seattle on the Lake Shore, returning last Saturday evening, and are now comfortably settled at the home of the bridegroom, near the mill.

Custer Notes:

Mr. and Mrs. Fred WEISERMAN are proud of their new boy which arrived about a week ago.

J. H. EVERETT, of Missouri, expects to arrive at Custer soon, he having sold his farm, stock and crops there. He is a brother to B. W. and J. T. EVERETT, of Custer.

Friday, September 30, 1892

Yesterday, at 5 p.m., at Rome, the second son of Mr. Jeff STEWART, aged 7 years, shot and killed himself with his father's rifle. Dr. VAN ZANDT was sent for as soon as the shooting occurred, but the lad died before he could get started. It seems that Mr. STEWART had been in the city and had his rifle in the wagon box. In taking it out the accident occurred. Mrs. STEWART is prostrated with grief.

Mrs. A. E. WOOLARD left on the Premier yesterday to visit relatives in Kansas.

Sunday, October 9, 1892

H. C. BRECKENRIDGE, who was drowned Friday evening, as heretofore reported, was taken to Lynden on the May Queen by Messrs. LOCKE and HARRIS of the Sons of Veterans, to which order the deceased belonged. His father and mother live at Lynden, and Bert was their only son, and on whom they relied. The father is a miller. The dead man was only 24 years of age, and captain of the Lynden Sons of Veterans.

H. J. HEWITT, who was injured at Silver Beach, as chronicled in the Reveille, yesterday, died early yesterday morning without having regained consciousness. He leaves a wife and four children, who should be looked after.

Superior Court. G. SENNES, a native of Norway, admitted to citizenship.

The matrimonial market was brisk, yesterday. The auditor issued licenses to Herbert Ray PASSAGE and Jessie SMITH, of Blaine; Jacob BINKERD and Sara SCHROYER, of Goshen, and Daniel D. LEWIS and Harriet NORTON, of Ferndale.

Our Picture Gallery. George RICE, the republican nominee for superior judge, is an Iowan by birth, having been born in 1854. His education was in the common schools and his father's law office. He was admitted to the bar in 1876 and practiced his profession with the elder RICE until 1878, when he removed to Flandreau, South Dakota. For twelve years his firm was the leading law firm in Moody county . . . He was honored at home by local offices and in 1882 was elected to the legislature without opposition. He was re-elected in 1884/5 (the only South Dakota member who was returned), and was made speaker of the House . . . In 1885 he became attorney general, and after serving two years, resigned to attend to his business affairs.

Tuesday, October 11, 1892

John SHENKLE, who kept a fruit stand on Elk street, died Sunday. A tumor on the brain caused his death.

Dan D. LEWIS and Mrs. Harriet NORTON, both of New Whatcom, obtained a marriage license from the county auditor, yesterday.

Mrs. L. T. DODSON, who has been absent from home about two weeks, returned, yesterday, by steamer North Pacific. During her absence she visited in Seattle and Portland, and spent several days at the home of her parents in Hepner, Oregon. She was accompanied by her sister Miss Etta MINOR, who resides at Hepner.

Mrs. F. G. UNDERWOOD will leave for Milwaukee by the Northern Pacific railway, for an extended visit.

Ferndale Items:

A. J. COWDEN, of Everett, is visiting his brother at the Glenbrook farm.

Mrs. Emma ELWELL returned to her home in Snohomish, last Thursday.

Wednesday, October 12, 1892

Wedding Bells. A quiet marriage ceremony was performed in St. Joseph's church, yesterday morning, at 9 o'clock, when Michael CONNELL, of Goshen, and Miss Ida MITCHELL, of this city, were married, Rev. Father BOULET officiating. The happy couple, after a short honeymoon, will take up their residence at Goshen.

F. D. MUSE and bride have returned from their wedding trip and will start housekeeping in the city.

C. M. ATKINS leaves this morning on a visit to Hastings, Michigan. He expects to be gone about three weeks.

The funeral of John SHENKLE takes place this afternoon. Funeral cars for those wishing to attend will leave the Forest street firehall at 2:30 o'clock.

Jos. DONNELLY and Dora DOOSE, both of Fairhaven, and Michael CONNELL and Ida MITCHELL, of New Whatcom, were granted marriage licenses by the county auditor, yesterday.

Superior Court. Andrew PETERSON, native of Sweden; Christopher MEYER, of Germany; Fred GESCHKE, of Germany; Carl and August LANGE, of Germany; and Ed. PROESTLER, of Germany, were admitted to final citizenship.

H. E. WEYMOUTH, of Tacoma, and O. E. WEYMOUTH, his brother, from Seattle, were registered at the Fairhaven, yesterday. They are well known traveling men.

Mrs. NOLTBY's Funeral. The funeral of Mrs. James NOLTBY, of Florence, Wis., took place, yesterday afternoon, Rev. WOESTENBERG of the Lutheran church performing the services.

Mrs. NOLTBY in company with her husband was passing through the city last Wednesday on her way to Port Townsend, when she was taken sick with heart disease, and died at the Eureka house on Sunday. Mr. NOLTBY, and Mrs. NICHOLS and C. A. MILLER, son and daughter of the deceased, leave this morning for Port Townsend, where the latter two reside.

Thursday, October 13, 1892

Death Of A Pioneer. Captain Edward ELDRIDGE Passes Away. The Early Life and Struggles of One of the Leading Men of Washington -- Sailor, Soldier, Farmer, Statesman and Banker -- Forty Years on the Shores of Puget Sound. The Last Sad Rites ?

     Hon. Edward ELDRIDGE died at his residence in this city, yesterday afternoon, at 3 p.m., of paresis, aged 63 years.
     Edward ELDRIDGE was born at St. Andrews, Scotland, in 1828. When but a lad of 13 he went to sea and followed the life of a sailor, until the discovery of gold in California in 1849. Landing in San Francisco in October of that year from the ship Tonquin, he caught the gold fever and started for Yuba, where he dug for the shining metal for twelve months. He next found employment for a year and a half on the Pacific mail steamer Tennessee. At the end of that time, determining to settle down, he married and went to Yreka. He was not, however, satisfied there, nor at San Francisco, where he subsequently returned, and in May, 1853, he removed to Puget Sound. He came with Captain ROEDER, who was bringing up machinery to establish a sawmill at Bellingham Bay. He located at Whatcom, whose entire population at that ,time consisted of twelve men working the mill. He also found employment there for a short time, his wife, who was the first white female that settled in Whatcom county, doing the cooking for the party. He took up a donation claim of half a section of land adjoining that of Captain ROEDER, on the front of Bellingham Bay. He arrived on the Sound in time to take part in the Indian war, and served in Company H under Captain PEABODY and in the battalion commanded by Major VAN BOKELLEN. He was also, himself, in command of a company that guarded Whatcom and the newly opened coal mines there. In a public capacity he has served almost continuously in different county and state offices. After being in the legislature for some time he was speaker of the house in 1866/67, and presided over the conventions that nominated DENNY, FLANDERS and GARFIELD to congress. In 1878 he was one of the delegates at large in the territorial constitutional convention held at Walla Walla, and was also a member of the constitutional convention of 1889 at Olympia. Mr. ELDRIDGE was a democrat in politics up to the time that Fort Sumpter was fired on, and since then has been a stalwart Republican. . . . He was married in 1852 at San Francisco to Miss Teresa LAPPIN, a native of Ireland.
     Captain ELDRIDGE, as he was called at home, came to Whatcom a very young man, without money, and when each pioneer was struggling to existence, and in no condition to render much aid to others. He died, forty years later, rich and full of years and honors. In the early days he worked for the coal company, then operating on Bellingham bay, and cleared his farm, doing the greater part of the manual labor himself. He filled several of the county offices, and was considered the leading citizen of Whatcom county. The last honor given him was by the republicans of the state in making him one of the eight delegates to the national republican convention at Minneapolis, which nominated Benjamin HARRISON for president. Upon the revival of business upon Bellingham bay, and the growth of New Whatcom and Fairhaven, he fell easily into the new order of things, and was at the front in every public enterprise. He was, at the time of death, president of the Bellingham Bay National Bank, president of the water company, of the gas company, and of the Bellingham Bay & Eastern Railroad company. He leaves a wife; a son, Hugh, a daughter, Mrs. J. J. EDENS, of Guemes island; and three grandchildren by his eldest daughter, deceased. . . . He was among the foremost advocates of female suffrage on the Pacific coast, and delivered a memorable speech upon that subject in the constitutional convention, but realizing the futility of having female suffrage recognized, did not press his views. He was the author of a brief, but graphic history of Whatcom county, published in the Reveille and of many important papers.

A fashionable wedding occurred at the residence of M. L. STANGROOM, yesterday, at noon. Miss Mable STANGROOM, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. STANGROOM, and D. Daun EGAN, were the contracting parties, and Rev. S. R. GRAY, of East Sound, the tier of the nuptial knot. Miss WARNER, of Fairhaven, Miss Gussie COLE, of San Francisco, and Miss Zoe STANGROOM, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaids, while Mr. Harry EGAN assisted his brother on the important occasion.

The ceremony took place at noon, and was most impressive. At its conclusion the guests sat down to a wedding breakfast, when the future happiness of the bride and groom was toasted and a happy time had.

At the conclusion of the banquet the entire company accompanied the newly married pair to the B.B.& B.C. depot, where they took the afternoon train to Vancouver. From there they will proceed to Banff Springs, to spend their honeymoon.

Fairhaven Notes:

C. C. DAVENPORT, of Elkhart, Ind., is at the Fairhaven.

E. H. MERRILL is registered at the Fairhaven, from San Francisco.

Culver GORDON, of Lowell, Mass., is in the city. He is stopping at the Fairhaven.

Mrs. J. P. HAYDEN returned, yesterday, from an extended visit to Portland and Klatsop Beach.

Mr. and Mrs. P. W. STRADER arrived today, from Cincinnati and Ashtabula, Ohio, via Chicago. They dined at the Fairhaven.

P. B. CORNWALL accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. FISCHER, left for San Francisco, yesterday.

Jos. DONNELLY and Dora DOOSE were united in marriage, Tuesday evening, Judge GALLAHER's services being utilized.

Friday, October 14, 1892

Wedding Bells. A quiet wedding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Lew JENKINS, on Fifteenth and G streets, last evening. Charles ROBINSON and Miss Minnie REID, of New Westminster, were the happy people, and Rev. MOFFAT of the Episcopal church, performed the ceremony. The newly married pair go back to New Westminster to live.

Superior Court. Olaf BLOMQUIST, native of Sweden, was admitted to final citizenship.

Wedding Breakfast. At the wedding breakfast given by Mr. and Mrs. M. L. STANGROOM, Wednesday, the following were among the guests: Mr. and Mrs. D. D. EAGAN, Mr. and Mrs. INLIE, Mrs. WARDNER, Mrs. UNDERWOOD, Mr. and Mrs. FISCHER, Miss WARDNER, Miss Kate WARDNER, Mr. and Mrs. John STANGROOM, Mr. and Mrs. H. CLARK, Miss ROBERTS, Hon. P. B. CORNWALL, Mr. C. ROBERTS, H. EGAN, E. F. G. CARLYON, Mr. GODSILL, Reginald JONES and wife, Mr. McKINLEY, Rev. MOFFAT, Mr. and Mrs. MEANS, Miss Zoe STANGROOM. Upon their return to the city Mr. and Mrs. EAGAN will reside at the corner of Alder and Elk streets.

Funeral of Captain Eldridge. The funeral of the late Captain ELDRIDGE, will be held at the [ ?? I at 2:30 p.m., today. Rev. DIMON will officiate. The cortege will move from the house to the end of the Lake road in Keeslingville, thence by the electric road to Bay View cemetery.

Charles Isaac ROBINSON and Winnie REID, both of New Westminster, B.C., obtained a marriage license from the county auditor yesterday.

Capt. ROEDER, accompanied by his relatives, Mrs. STURGIS, Mrs. HOWE, and Mrs. ENOS, left by steamer for the east, yesterday. The captain will be at the World's Fair dedication, October 21.

Fairhaven Happenings. Mrs. H. L. DICKENSON is expected to return from Rose Hill, New York, in a few days. She has been absent several weeks.

Wickersham Whiffs:

Mr. J. E. BRAINARD, who was cook at McKAY's camp, left with his family, for San Diego, California, last week.

P. J. LYNCH has removed his family from Whatcom, taking one of the houses on shingle-mill hill -- "Hillhurst ... . . . He will assist his brother, B. E. LYNCH, in his timber business.

Deming Notes -- Wilber RELL and family intend to move to New Whatcom for the winter in order to enjoy better school facilities.

Adertised Letters
BONIE, Walter
COLBY, Warren
DAVIS, David Z.
LEAR, Aug.
LIND, Annie
McCOY, Isaac
MURPHY, Charles B.
OAKER, Walter
McKNIGHT, Mr. James W.

Saturday, October 15, 1892

Superior Court:

M. T. GEE vs. T. GEE. Decree of divorce granted on the grounds of desertion.

Agnes RAMSEY vs. R. D. RAMSEY. In this divorce suit the defendant interposed a demurrer, which was overruled by the court, and the defendant given five days to answer.

Fred BLOMQUIST, son of the councilman, has returned from Victoria, and will make New Whatcom his home.

D. R. MEYERS, before his return from Oregon, will be united in marriage to Miss Emma HOUSER, sister of Mrs. Lewis STENGER.

J. B. PIERCE has accepted a position in the Tacoma hotel, at the request of Nelson BENNETT. Mr. PIERCE is an old and respected citizen of Fairhaven; in fact, almost commenced with its inception. Mrs. PIERCE will accompany her husband, and Tacoma will be their home this winter.

Mrs. D. W. WALDRON, her daughter Grace, and Miss Francis WALDRON leave for Vancouver, today, to take the Empress of India for Yokohama, Japan.

Sunday, October 16, 1892

Superior Court. Lena HASKETT vs. James HASKETT, Decree of divorce granted on the grounds of desertion.

Ferndale Items -- Charles T. COWDEN and wife, of Seattle, are visiting his brother, Harry COWDEN.

James C. MORRISON and Maren K. OLSEN, both of Ferndale, have provided themselves with a marriage license.

Peter A. KLABO, of Everett, and Martha OLSON of Fairhaven, are candidates for matrimony. They have passed the auditor's examination.

Mrs. H. SHEPARD, yesterday, presented her husband with a lad that weighs eleven pounds.

Mr. O. P. HILTON is the father of a new boy. The young gentleman was a present from his wife yesterday.

Tuesday, October 18, 1892

Social Event. Frank FLINT, manager of the R. I. MORSE hardware store, and Miss Blanche HOFFMAN will be married at an early hour this morning, and will leave on the noon train on a trip to Victoria. On their return Mr. and Mrs. FLINT will occupy the new house Mr. FLINT has just built on Garden street.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. O. J. MILTON, on Saturday, October 15, a bouncing boy, who tips the beam at nine pounds.

Miss Gertie PIERCE celebrated her sixteenth birthday yesterday, and her young friends called on her in a body last evening in honor of the occasion. Ice cream, cake and games helped the young people to spend a very happy evening.

Wednesday, October 19, 1892

Cold Blooded Murder.
A Former Fairhaven Man Shot Through the Heart.

News of the killing of a former Fairhaven man, James L. WARNER, was received here, yesterday, with a shock to his many old friends and acquaintances. He was shot through the heart by Dave MOODY, a night watchman at the electric light powerhouse, at Hamilton. It was a cold-blooded cowardly deed, and found by the coronor's jury to be murder in the first degree. Lynching is freely talked of. Mr. WARNER was here eighteen months ago in the real estate business and was one time part owner of the HUGHES-WARNER block on the corner of McKenzie and Eleventh streets. He was a good, peaceable citizen, full of enterprise, and highly respected. He leaves a wife, to whom he had been married several years, to mourn his untimely death.

Fredrick W. KELLOGG, an old soldier who was in an inmate of Libby prison at one time during the war, has secured a pension through the efforts of E. M. DAY, pension attorney, who yesterday received official notification of the allowance, from the commissioner of pensions.

Mrs. L. M. HOFFMAN left yesterday on a trip to Baltimore, Md. Her son, Win HOFFMAN, accompanied her as far as Sumas.

Thomas M. LAMKIN and Eliza B. McRODER, both of this city, have taken out a marriage license and evidently mean to get married.

Frank FLINT and Miss Blanche HOFFMAN were married, yesterday morning, at 7 o'clock. Only a few of the most intimate friends of the contracting parties were present, and Mr. and Mrs. FLINT took the evening boat for. Victoria, to spend their honeymoon.

Our Picture Gallery. W. J. MALLOY, the subject of the above sketch, was born in Connecticut, of Irish parents, in 1853, and has had to work out his own salvation. His parents were poor, but he has succeeded in getting a good common school education, and aiding the old people when they needed help. He is now in the prime of life, and lives with his estimable wife on one of the best fruit farms in the county, which he has converted from wilderness to garden by the work of his own hands, except as to clearing. He has twelve acres in fruit, the balance of his farm in grain and meadow, and says he feels prouder of his little oasis than of all else he ever owned. The early years of his manhood he spent in the silver mines of Nevada, and, without getting rich, worked hard and saved his earnings. He is now a candidate for county commissioner, the running for office is new business for him, but he is getting along very well.

Custer Notes:

Mr. McCAUSLAND, who lives on P. R. PRATT's place, near Custer, received a letter from his wife, who is in Seattle, last Saturday, stating that she was not quite so well, and he expects to go there to wait on her soon.

Henry EVERETT, from Northern Missouri, and brother of B. W. and J. T. EVERETT, arrived at Custer last Saturday with all his family except his two oldest daughters, and expects to remain the rest of his days. He was out here in 1891 for four or five months on a visit. Then he went back to Missouri and sold his farm and stock on the first opportunity and came to Custer.

Thursday, October 20, 1892

Two licenses were issued by the county auditor yesterday, as follows: Chas. E. MERRITT, of Woodland, and Miss Etta STEARNS, of Lynden, and Alvin A. GRIGG, of Port Angeles, and Miss Julia A. HESS, of Delta.

Fairhaven Notes -- T. W. GILLETTE, candidate for county commissioner, will come to that office well qualified for the position. Wherever he has lived, he has been a public spirited citizen, and held many important positions. In Waverly, Iowa, he was treasurer of that city. In Alturas county, Idaho, he was county commissioner for four years. . . .

Our Picture Gallery. Charles Independence Roth was born of German parentage in Illinois, July 4, 1860. Mr. Roth was educated in the public schools and at the Wesleyan university at Bloomington, so that he is somewhat of a Bloomingtonian. He was admitted to the Illinois bar in 1881. He came to Washington in 1883 and opened a law office. In 1884 he was elected probate judge and served two years. He practiced his profession successfully until 1890 when he abandoned it to the take management of the famous Chuckanut sandstone quarry, having acquired an interest in the same. Last year he built the most substantial building in the city, the Lottie ROTH block. Mr. Roth was married in 1885 to Miss Lottie T. ROEDER, daughter of Captain ROEDER, and has two beautiful children.

Friday, October 21, 1892

Superior Court. S. S. BUCK, a native of Denmark, was admitted to final citizenship

Sunday, October 23, 1892

Court Notes. George BOSWITCH, a native of Austria; Wm. COX, Thomas PEPPER and R. WILKINSON, natives of England; Andrew LOFGREEN, a native of Sweden and L. P. JOHNSON, a native of Denmark, were admitted to final citizenship.

The little four-year-old daughter of Thomas BRATT, took a teaspoonfull [sic] of carbolic acid Friday, by mistake. As soon as discovered, Dr. C. P. THOMAS was summoned, who administered the proper emetics, and last evening the child was thought to be out of danger.

H. F. QUANT has moved to Sumas.

Peter COUTTS and family will move to Okanogan county, Monday.

Zeno DOTY goes to Nebraska next week, to look after his farms.

Mr. Wm. KINSMAN, of Fairhaven, an old Vermonter, is importing from the Green Mountain state maple sugar, and it is the genuine article to judge by the samples left at this office.

Rev. H. L. WELLS, D.D., of Tacoma, a brother of Mrs. George E. ATKINSON, will preach at St. Paul's church today.

The county auditor yesterday issued a marriage license to H. J. ROBINETT and Miss Cornelia LOVEALL. The contracting parties are residents of Goshen.

Tuesday, October 25, 1892

Superior Court. A. L. STENVIG, O.M.C. HEINNUG, T. O. SKATES, Ole SWENSON and Henry OLESON, natives of Norway; E. C. WARD, a native [of] Newfoundland; Albert HENKE, a native of Germany; Ole ANDERSON, a native of Denmark and Thomas CARTER, a native of Ireland, were admitted to final citizenship.

New Cases Filed. Margaret Irene HELM brought suit against her husband, Cornelius A. HELM, for a decree of divorce. The complaint alleges that the parties hereto were married in the state of Iowa, on the 19th of May, 1881, and have since lived together as man and wife. The ground for divorce alleged in the complaint is cruelty and jealousy.

Messrs. Tom SCATBO and E. C. WARD, old Dakotians, both of Fairhaven, became full fledged citizens, yesterday.

The Reveille was mistaken in its announcement for the Episcopal church, Sunday: The gentleman mentioned [Rev. H. L. WELLS, D.D. ? see Sunday, October 23, 1892, preached here a few Sundays since, and has lately been made bishop of Eastern Washington.

Mrs. J. W. WARE returned yesterday from San Francisco, where she has been visiting relatives for the past six weeks.

Ferndale Items:

Married -- On October 9, Mr. Daniel D. LEWIS to Mrs. Harriet NORTON.

Miss Edith LAMPHERE, of Custer, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. D. WHEELER.

Mr. Thomas PIE had a sister arrive here last Friday from Kansas. She will make her home with him.

Mrs. Fred WHITING and son left here last Friday, to join her husband in Florida. Her mother, Mrs. MONROE, accompanied her. Mr. WHITNEY is settling up his deceased father's estate, and will be gone two years or more.

Mr. C. G. COWDEN and wife left for their home in Seattle, last Saturday. H. COWDEN and wife took them by team over the plank road to New Whatcom, that they might see the changes that have taken place since they left here eight years ago.

Wednesday, October 26, 1892

Alfred KEOHAN, of Lynden, is in the city. Mr. K. is from Humboldt county, California, and if Lynden gets its motor line, will start a creamery.

Fairhaven Notes:

P. F. WESCOTT, father of jeweler, W. D. WESCOTT, of this city, has just arrived from Denver. Mr. WESCOTT, Sr., resides in Hopkinton, Iowa, and is visiting his son while he looks over the country.

Mr. J. K. ROLL and daughter, Miss Cora, started for Anacortes on the City of Seattle this morning. Mr. ROLL goes to Everett, while Miss ROLL will attend the Chautauqua at Anacortes.

Court Notes. Josie WILSON vs. Albert WILSON. Decree of divorce granted on the grounds of cruelty and inhuman treatment and failure to provide.

New Cases. J. B. ROGERS brought suit against Eva ROGERS for a divorce. The complaint alleges that the defendant at the time of the marriage of the parties hereto, had a former husband living, and that as soon as the plaintiff discovered the same he refused to further live with her.

Henry D. MARSHALL brought suit against his wife Carrie V. A. H. MARSHALL for a divorce. Desertion is the cause of action alleged in the complaint.

Thursday, October 27, 1892

Admitted to Citizenship. The following aliens were admitted to citizenship, yesterday:

J. I. BROWN, Martin ANDERSON, Norway, H. P. HANSON, Denmark, Henry HORN, Germany, Floren ROSSBERGER, Austria, Alvis PFISTER, Germany, Wm. MANN, Scotland, George ROTHFUSS, John ROTHFUSS, Germany, John McDONALD, Scotland, J. G. FRANKLAND, England, Donald McARTHUR, Canada, N. BERMAN, Germany, John MATSON, Ole OLSON, Nils ANDERSON, Chas. SWANSON, Peter WALLIN, Nils PERSON, C. O. GRANLUND, Nils SWENSON, John SWENSON, Sweden, E. ORA, Norway, John LIND, Sweden, R. ANDERSON, Denmark, J. P. HANSON, Denmark, J. A. BORGH, Sweden, Carl SCHULTZ, Carl SCHMIDT, Germany, Sam'l FRARSZKE, Prussia, N. LANSBERG, Russia, Julius UTHKE, Germany, F. PETERSEN, Denmark.

S. M. WOODARD is about to remove permanently to Olympia.

Killed at the Mine. Richard GOODHEAD was probably fatally injured at the Blue Canyon mine, Tuesday, by getting between a running car and the timbers. The car was on the down grade. It is thought that he is injured internally.

Fairhaven Notes. Mrs. FENTON, wife of Prof. FENTON, arrived on Friday from Seattle where she has been visiting her sister for some time past. Mr. and Mrs. FENTON will board for the present with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. BALDY.

Friday, October 28, 1892

Judge and Mrs. FARNHAM are rejoiced over the arrival of a blooming boy.

The county auditor issued a marriage license yesterday to Richard FYSH, of Ontario, and Sarah A. WATSON, of Littleton, Maine.

Fairhaven Notes:

Mrs. S. P. TAPPING just received a message that her mother was dying in Idaho. Mrs. REECE, sister of Mrs. TAPPING, started at once for the bedside of their afflicted mother.

Dr. GILL, formerly of Sedro, accompanied by Mrs. GILL and baby Gracie, arrived in Fairhaven on Sunday from the East. The doctor thinks he will locate on the bay, possibly at New Whatcom.

The startling news of the sudden death of Dr. James ROSS at Lincoln, Nebraska, on Friday last was received by Mr. and Mrs. M. E. DOWNS at Seattle, while on their way to San Francisco shortly after the occurrence. The Doctor was on his way to New York after a protracted and pleasant visit here with his daughter, Mrs. DOWNS. He was on the train east bound and on approaching the capital [sic] city of Nebraska was taken dangerously ill. He was taken to a hospital in Lincoln and died there. Mr. and Mrs. DOWNES of this place and Reuben ROSS of New York City, a son of the deceased, were immediately wired and the son arrived first at Lincoln and took charge of his father's remains. Mr. and Mrs. DOWNS went on to New York where the funeral will take place. They expect to return here in about two weeks. Dr. ROSS was a retired physician ...

Wickersham Whiffs:

Mr. Noah WICKERSHAM, of Seattle, was here several days last week, visiting his brother.

Saturday, October 29, 1892

Superior Court. The following were admitted to final citizenship: John BLOSCOVICH, Austria?, Harold HELGERSON, Norway; Jas. BREEN, Ireland; A. W. LAHLBOM, Sweden; Ernest FIEBELL, Germany; Burt LINDSTROM, Sweden.

Sheridan JENKINS has a situation as scenic artist in a Philadelphia theatre, and will soon go east.

County Commissioners, Official Proceedings of the Whatcom County Board, September Term. . . . Bills and claims were allowed as follows: Contingent Fund: Mrs. WEAVER, for support of WEAVER family and two of Mrs. RIDDLEBYJELKE's children ? $25.00.

J. H. SARGENT, republican candidate for justice of the peace, was a pleasant caller at the Reveille office, yesterday. Mr. SARGENT is a young lawyer of good ability who is thought highly of by his clients. He was educated at Wesleyan University at Bloomington, Ill., is 26 years of age, married and has resided here two years.

Sunday, October 30, 1892

Victor ROEDER says the first wagon in Whatcom county was brought in by W. LAWRENCE, of Lynden, in 1872. It is now a wreck lying in D. RICE's yard.

A petition for letters of administration was at the request of Mrs. Katharine M. THUM, filed with the county clerk, yesterday, praying for the appointment of H. L. DICKINSON as administrator of the estate of M. C. THUM, deceased.

Angelos, a son of Thomas JEFFERSON of Lummi, was accidentally shot by the discharge of an old muzzle-loading shotgun while climbing a fence near his father's farm on the reservation, Friday. The boy is nearly grown and possibly 16 years old. ... A doctor was summoned from Ferndale, and at last accounts the boy was alive, with a chance of recovery. Thomas JEFFERSON, the father of the boy, is a Lummi Indian and chief of police on the reservation.

Mrs. HENDERSON, grandmother of little Roy BLAKELY, arrived, yesterday from Arlington, Oregon, bringing Roy with her for a visit to his father, Marshal BLAKELY.

Frank WILKESON, an old Fairhavenite, accompanied by Mrs. WILKESON, will arrive here in a few days, from Chelan, Okanogan county.

Court Notes: N. J. EVERSON and Anton NELSON, natives of Denmark; Joseph GOODFELLOW, of Canada; James BREEN, of Ireland; and August HUTTER and Alpert MAASS, of Germany, were admitted to final citizenship.

Our Picture Gallery. Mr. Spero SMOTO . . . has been honored by the great democratic party with a nomination for wreckmaster. He is captain of the sloop Great Alexander and is an oysterman of great ability. He was born in Athens, Greece, about 45 years ago ...

Tuesday, November 1, 1892

E. G. EARLE, the smiling and energetic scribe, is back from his old Iowa home to stay. While East he visited the World's Fair grounds in Chicago.

Dr. HOPKINS, of Hamilton, and wife, are stopping at the Byron House for some days. They came to the Bay to meet Mrs. TODD, of Iowa, mother of Mrs. HOPKINS, who will spend the winter with her daughter at Hamilton.

A petition for the appointment of Hugh ELDRIDGE as administrator of the estate of Edward ELDRIDGE, deceased, was filed yesterday.

Wednesday, November 2, 1892

Brook-Nook Stock Ranch is the name of Mr. C. X. LARRABEE's fine stock farm at Home Park, Madison county, Montana. Mr. and Mrs. LARRABEE will visit this place during their fortnight stay in Montana, and inspect the stock which is at this time coming in from the fairs and horse shows of the country. . . .

H. A. STRONG, of Rochester, N.Y., is registered at the Fairhaven. He is accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. H. L. CHILLES, of Seattle. Mr. STRONG is the president of the Fairhaven Foundry and Machine company, and his daughter is the wife of a prominent Seattle banker. It may not be generally known, but it is a fact, nevertheless, that Mr. STRONG is the president of the Kodak Camera Company, of Rochester ...

H. H. PEIRCE, it is pleasing to note, is at last moving in the campaign, after attending to his duties of deputy clerk, conscientiously, while others have been electioneering. He is 37 years old, was born in Pennsylvania, raised at Winona, Minnesota, and came here from Salem, S.D., early in 1891. In Salem he was clerk of the district court, and has been the reliable deputy in the county clerk's office here for over a year. He resided in South Dakota for over 12 years, and farmed it a portion of the time. He has a wife and two children.

Mr. MONAHAN and Miss Maggie CONNELLY, daughter of Edward CONNELLY, of Happy Valley, were married yesterday morning, in the Catholic church.

The county auditor issued marriage licenses to John F. W. VANDERVORT and Miss Rosalinda GREENFIELD, of New Whatcom, and George SLATER and Agnes [?] RAMSEY of Ferndale.

Capt. George VAUTIER returned from Lower Canada with his bride, and her sister, Miss Maggie JESSUP, yesterday. He was married at Bay de Chaleure, his old home, to Miss Ellen JESSUP on the 23d of October. The young couple will reside in the city, although he will devote considerable time to his mining interest at Siwash creek.

Thursday, November 3, 1892

A license to wed was issued, yesterday, by the county auditor to John C. MONAHAN and Miss Margaret F. CONNELLY, of Fairhaven.

Court proceedings relative to the adoption of Lulu CRANDALL, infant daughter of James CRANDALL, by James SMITH and wife, were filed with the clerk of the court yesterday.

Mr. George FELKER and Miss Kate PENCE will be married at Seattle tomorrow.

Custer Notes:

Nels NELSON has very poor health, and he has sold out to J. H. EVERETT, lately of Missouri, and Mr. NELSON intends to leave for Minnesota, his old home. He and W. H. GILBERT are brothers-in-law. The two men married sisters.

The people near Custer have found out why Ed. GALER has had an addition built to his house. He has two of his partner's little children living with him ...

Fairhaven's Council. . . . Report of health officer showed two births and no deaths for the month of October.

Fairhaven Notes:

The republican meeting at Thistle's opera house was well attended, notwithstanding the fact that the announcement of the death of Thos. G. NEWMAN's father prevented Tom from speaking as announced.

L. D. REYNOLDS, of Wickersham ... has just returned from Nebraska. [H]e says he sold a farm there two or three years ago ...

Mr. Thomas G. NEWMAN received a message from Burlington, Iowa, yesterday, on his arrival from Lynden, bearing the sad news of the death of his father, Judge Thomas W. NEWMAN. The deceased had been troubled with heart disease for some time . . .

O. B. WILLIAMS, formerly of this place, but now in business in Everett, is in the city on a brief business trip.

Friday, November 4, 1892

Advertised Letters
BEGGS, Sam'l
COOK, M. C. P.
DINKERD, Mr. Jacob
DIXON, Miss Lizzie
GUNDRUM, Mrs. Mary
JONES, Lewis D.
KROHN, Christ O.
LEAVITT, Herbert
NELSON, Mrs. Julia
SEIBERT, Miss Ollie
UTZ, Thos.

A license to wed was issued by the county auditor to Robert R. BRAND and Miss Carrie FREEMAN.

Mrs. BISHOP, late of New Whatcom, who was a year ago released by the court from her bonds to Mr. BISHOP, has been married at Port Angeles to Mr. E. B. GRIFFITHS, and the happy couple will reside at that angelic point.

The wedding of John C. MONAHAN and Miss Maggie CONNELLY was celebrated at 10:30 a.m., yesterday, at the Church of The Assumption, by Father BOULETTE. . . . The groom is an old Bellingham boy, having come here in 1883. He is the oldest son of Ex-Councilman Thomas E. MONOHAN, and to start life with has a hundred and sixty acre ranch adjoining Fairhaven. The bride is . . . the daughter of Edward CONNELLY, of Happy Valley ...

Fairhaven Notes.

On the 15th of October, Mrs. C. W. WALDRON and daughter Grace, and Miss Frances WALDRON, took passage on the steamer Empress of India at Vancouver, B.C., bound for Yokohama, Japan. Yesterday, Mr. WALDRON received the welcome news of their arrival at their destination on the 30th ult. . . . The party will probably spend the winter . . . if the climate and their surroundings are agreeable.

Miss Emma REECE, sister of Mrs. S. P. TAPPING, of this place, arrived in Ketchum in due time after leaving here, and from there took the stage to Challis, Idaho. At Ketchum she heard that her mother's health was worse.

W. R. SULLIVAN, accompanied by Mrs. SULLIVAN, came over from Olga, Orcas Island, on the steamer Dispatch, yesterday. Mrs. SULLIVAN will go on up to Seattle to visit their children, Willie and Zetta, who are attending school at that place.

Saturday, November 5, 1892

Ferndale Items:

Miss Alice EDDY's ninth birthday was celebrated last Tuesday.

Married -- On Nov. 2, Mr. George SLATER and Miss Agnes RAMSEY, both of Ferndale.

Sunday, November 6, 1892

Mrs. MUNSON, of Olympia, is at Mrs. BRENNERMAN's caring for her daughter, Mrs. Josie FERRY, who is ill.

Born to the wife of J. M. EDSON, November 2, a boy.

Mrs. Lew JENKINS has presented her husband with a son.

Mrs. J. A. BORIE for the past two years a resident and prominent in Fairhaven's social circles, will start today for Pendleton, Oregon, to join her husband, who now holds the position of local agent of the Union Pacific Railway company.

The father and mother of Mr. V. S. BRUNNER, have just got settled down on Mill street to make a permanent residence in Fairhaven. They are somewhat advanced in age, and becoming tired of the bitter cold winters of Sioux Falls, Dakota, concluded to try a milder climate.

Dr. HATHAWAY, formerly of this city, but now of Everett, is in the city, calling on his old friends.

Tuesday, November 8, 1892

The county auditor issued a license to wed, yesterday, to Orange HOPKINS, of Sumas, and Miss Mertie PUARIEA, of Lynden.

Fairhaven Notes.

Mr. W. H. COLE, of this place, received the sad intelligence, Saturday, of a serious injury to his fourteen-year-old son, who resides with his uncle in Detroit, Michigan. The boy had one of his arms broken in one place and badly lacerated in another. The relatives in Detroit becoming alarmed, after a consultation of eminent physicians, have written to Mr. COLE that his son will probably lose his arm.

Wednesday, November 9, 1892

E. STURGEON received, on Sunday last, the sad intelligence of his mother's death at Columbiana, Ohio, on the 6th inst. She was seventy-five years of age.

Thursday, November 10, 1891

Rev. C. C. COOK and wife became the grandparents of a pair of twins early yesterday morning, a boy and a girl, weighing six pounds each. Mother and children doing well.

Friday, November 11, 1892

The county auditor issued a marriage license yesterday to T. THORSTEINSON and Miss Gudrun BERGSTEINTOTTER.

Advertised Letters
CLARK, Mrs. M. G.
DAHL, Anthony
ENOS, Mrs. A. H.
GARVIN, Miss Delia
GRAY, Rev. S. R. S.
HICKS, Mrs. Alice
HILL, Mrs. Ella
McDOUGALL, Margaret
PERDUE, Mrs. M. J.

Saturday, November 12, 1892

Dr. D. L. STEELE, of San Francisco, brother to Mrs. WORDEN, is visiting the doctor and wife.

Mrs. M. S. FITE, of Emerson [Everson], aunt of F. W. de LORIMIER, was buried yesterday. She leaves ten children.

Mrs. M. C. HAWLEY is dead at Lynden, of dropsy. Mr. and Mrs. HAWLEY were among the early settlers of the county.

Sunday, November 13, 1892

Leonard MILLER, a young son of W. L., received an injury to his right hand, yesterday, which will lay him up for some time, He was at work in the shingle mill when a cross-cut saw broke, nearly severing one finger and mangling the rest.

Death of Mrs. M. E. HAWLEY. Mrs. M. E. HAWLEY died peacefully at her home in Lynden, Tuesday evening, at about 10 o'clock p.m. from an internal injury received November 1st while attempting to lift a box of eggs into a wagon. . . . Mrs. HAWLEY is an old resident of Whatcom county, having come to Lynden in the fall of 1872, and was the third white lady to settle in the Nooksack valley; Mrs. Phoebe N. JUDSON and Mrs. Nellie COUPE being the only white ladies here at the time of her arrival. . . . She and her husband, Enoch HAWLEY, who died in March 1890, established a general store here in the early days when all goods were brought up the river in Indian canoes, and since her husband's death she has continued the store. She was buried by the Eastern Star lodge of this place. [Pioneer Press]

L. G. BAGLEY and family are moving to Hueneme, California.

J. M. MILHOLLEN died at Blaine Thursday morning.

A license to wed was issued by Auditor COLLIER to Geo. CHAPPLE, jr. and Miss Catherine T. HIGGINS.

A. E. WOOLARD leaves today for St. Joseph, Missouri, to join his wife. Mr. and Mrs. WOOLARD will return in about a month.

Dr. and Mrs. WERDEN will leave today for a two month's visit to their old home in Montreal. Dr. STEELE of San Francisco, brother of Mrs. WERDEN, will accompany them.

A. H. MORRISON and family will remove to Everett on the 15th inst. Mr. MORRISON's business has taken him away from home so much lately that he will not be missed as much as his estimable wife.

Monday, November 14, 1892

Fairhaven Notes:

Yesterday, the two-year-old daughter of Mrs. E. LEONARD, of Happy Valley, died, and Dr. THOMAS, city health officer, examined it and pronounced the case malignant diphtheria. The place was at once quarantined and a yellow flag hung out. On information the health officer ordered another child, which had died in the HERMAN family on Friday, buried at once; but a later certificate was signed by Dr. THOMAS and McKINNON giving the disease as something else than diphtheria.

At 11 a.m. yesterday, Mr. George CHAPPEL was united in marriage to Miss Kittie HIGGINS at the reisdence of the groom's parents on Holly street near Railroad avenue, New Whatcom, the Rev. MOFFAT, rector of St. Paul's, officiating. The bridal pair departed by the Great Northern for Everett, where they will make their future home.

Mr. and Mrs. M. E. DOWNS arrived yesterday from New York where they had been called suddenly upon the sad errand of the funeral of the late Dr. ROSS, father of Mrs. DOWNS.

Tuesday, November 15, 1892

Mr. and Mrs. FELKER have returned from their bridal tour.

Marriage licenses were issued yesterday by Auditor COLLIER to Rufus L. BARR and Bessie Viola KNOX and John C. ALLEN and Minnie A. HALLERSCHIRDT.

George JESSUP, brother to Mrs. George VAUTIER, has arrived from the East, and is visiting his relatives at their residence on Utter street, lately purchased of John CHAMBERLAIN.

This morning, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Robert KNOX, Miss Bessie [KNOX] will be united in marriage to Mr. R. L. BARR, who is engaged in business with Mr. Philip BAUM. Rev. COOK will perform the ceremony, after which the young couple will spend a week in the up sound cities.

Wednesday, November 16, 1892

Auditor Collier issued a license to wed yesterday to Robert SANDBERG, of Fairhaven, and Miss Lena LARSEN, of Whatcom.

Thursday, November 17, 1892

Hurled From a Trestle.
A Blue Canyon Carpenter Meets with a Violent Death.

Nanaimo Coal Mines. Messrs. E. L. EMMONS and Tom DOWELL, of Blue Canyon, were in the city last night, and report the tragic death of Mr. H. PIKE at the mine, yesterday. At 9:45 a.m. PIKE, who is a carpenter, was observed on the high trestle between the old and new bunkers, which rises forty-eight feet from the jagged rocks below. The spectators were horrified to see a coal car swiftly descending and the man apparently "rattled." In an instant the car struck him, and, with a loud cry, he was hurled into the abyss. A number of men immediately rushed to the rocks where he had fallen and found him apparently dead. He was taken to the boarding house and Dr. ROBERTS sent for. He found the man's back broken and his skull fractured. He died at 3:30. The man was an industrious carpenter, thirty-eight years of age, and leaves a wife and three children in Seattle. He leaves his family some property at Port Orchard. . . . [The body] will be shipped to Seattle. His wife has been informed of the accident by telegraph.

Superior Court. New Cases. Isaac N. ORCHARD vs. Rosa F. ORCHARD. Suit for divorce. Desertion is the cause of action alleged in the complaint.

Fairhaven Notes:

Civil Engineer H. B. LEWIS arrived, yesterday, from Monte Cristo. He has been engaged in his profession on the Monte Cristo road ...

There are no new cases of diphtheria, and it is now hoped there will be no new developments. The case in the LEONARD family exposed one other member of the family, who is a member of the primary department of the Larrabee school little Harry STEVENSON. This child had not been attending school for about two weeks before the death of his little sister, therefore could not have exposed the school.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank WILKESON returned from Chelan, Eastern Washington, yesterday, via the Great Northern. They have a son in business in Chelan where they have been for several months. Mrs. WILKESON will spend the winter here, but Mr. WILKESON will leave for New York City, today. These worthy people claim Fairhaven as their home....

Friday, November 18, 1892

Elmer M. SLOAN, recently from Melbourne, Australia, is visiting his cousin Frederick HUGHES, and with a view of locating.

H. B. HOWARD, husband of May HOWARD, the great medium who delighted people at Purdy's hall two years ago, is in the city, preparing for a grand seance.

H. J. ROBINETT has sold his place at Goshen, and, with his wife, gone away very suddenly. They embarked for San Francisco, but their ultimate destination is unknown.

The body of M. H. PIKE, the man killed at the Blue Canyon coal bunkers on Wednesday, was brought over in the B. B. & E. railroad, yesterday afternoon. He will be sent to Seattle for burial.

Saturday, November 19, 1892

John H. WILLIAMS will leave for Chicago Wednesday to enter the Chicago College of Dental Surgery.

The body of M. H. PYKE [PIKE], the carpenter who was killed at the Blue Canyon mine, will be brought in from Whatcom today on the steamer City of Seattle for interment here. PYKE was a member of Lake Washington Lodge No. 84, I.O.O.F., and Queen City Lodge No. 82, A.O.U.W. These societies will take charge of the remains, but no arrangements have yet been made for the funeral. PYKE was an intimate friend of Auditor TWITCHELL. He formerly worked in the Columbia & Puget Sound car shops, and had a large circle of friends here. - Post Intelligencer.

Sunday, November 20, 1892

Auditor COLLIER, yesterday, issued marriage licenses to James WALLACE and Miss Elizabeth VANDEVER, of Ferndale, and Henry B. POTTER and Mary C. BROWN of Blaine.

Simon McLEOD is the proud father of a twelve-pound boy. Mother and child are doing well.

Fairhaven News Item. A fearful collision between a street car on the Fairhaven and New Whatcom electric line and an express team occurred yesterday at 12:15 p.m. . . . Jack BLUNK, the victim of the wreck, is a Russian Jew, and engaged in the second hand goods business at New Whatcom with a branch in Fairhaven. He claims to have a wife and child in the old country, and a brother here whose sir-name is PECKIR. BLUNK is about thirty years of age.

Wednesday, November 23, 1892

John V. SMITH will leave today for an extended trip to Bellair, Illinois.

Born - Monday, Nov. 21st, unto the wife of Will D. JENKINS, a daughter. Usual weight and quality.

Marriage licenses were issued by Auditor COLLIER yesterday to George ROESSEL, jr., and Miss Johan MURRAY, of Ferndale; and William N. PRINDLE and Miss L. J. REDDICK, of Newhall, San Juan county.

Thursday, November 24, 1892

The Columbia school inaugurated what promises to be a valuable feature in the history of the public schools of the city. The occasion was the closing exercises for the Thanksgiving vacation.

Address - Henry BLANKENSHIP
Recitation - A Boy's Opinion, John NEHER
Recitation - John White's Thanksgiving, Gertie BIGGER
Recitation - Better Than Going to Grandpa's, Clara BAKER
Recitation - The Little Bird's Thanksgiving Song, Edna BAKER
Recitation - To Daisy, Edna ROTH

Saturday, November 26, 1892

Mr. Ferdinand CHRISTMAN has received an advantageous offer to become teller of a new Indianapolis bank.

Captain LANGDON has, under the persuasion of George E. ATKINSON, concluded to make Bellingham Bay his home.

Sunday, November 27, 1892

Superior Court. The following cases were disposed of yesterday in superior court. M. 1. HELM vs. C. A. HELM. Decree of divorce granted to plaintiff,

Ferndale Items:

At 11 o'clock a.m. on the 24th of November, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. MURREY, one mile and a half north of town, was the scene of joy and mirth. The following guests assembled to witness the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. MURREY's eldest daughter, Johan MURREY, to George ROSSELL, jr., Rev. Mr. HOWELLS officiating: Mr. and Mrs. Charles BUCHANAN, Mr. and Mrs. Harry COWDEN, Mr. and Mrs. Henry ROSSEL, sr., Mr. and Mrs. J. MURREY, George, Henry and Lena, cousins of the groom, Wm? and John BANNERMAN, cousins of the bride, Mr. A. DONO, Henry ROSSEL, jr., Albert ROSSEL, Eppa MURREY, Neal and Blair MURREY, Effie COLLINS, James WILSON, and Maggie ROSSEL. The last named couple were best man and bridesmaid.

Married, Nov. 21st, Mr. WALLACE, of Mountain View, to Mrs. VAN DEVER, of Ferndale.

Tuesday, November 29, 1892

Mrs. F. C. LAWRENCE and daughter Helen go to Chicago over the Northern Pacific today. Mrs. LAWRENCE will visit relatives, and Helen will go to school.

John BRUNS, of Saxon, accompanied by his brother-in-law, R. D. COMBS, is in the city. Mr. COMBS is from Adairsville, Georgia, and expects, after going back, to return here in the summer with an excursion party of his friends and neighbors, who have an eye to settlement in Washington. Mr. COMBS is agent for the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis at Adairsville, and has determined to settle upon the coast. His wife accompanies to Washington.

Fairhaven Notes -- Mrs. C. W. WALDRON, her daughter Gracie and Miss WALDRON, arrived in Japan the middle of October and are enjoying themselves in Tokyo.

Wednesday, November 30, 1892

Auditor COLLIER issued a marriage license to H. A. CRAMER and Miss Marietta SMITH, residents of Blaine.

Mrs. Dr. LaPLAIN, of Tacoma, passed through the city for her home in Tacoma, yesterday. She is an old friend of Dr. Geo. F. NEWELL and wife formerly of North Dakota ...

Van Wyck Jottings -- Mrs. G. B. DEWEY and daughter, Miss Mabel, spent Thanksgiving at Ten Mile ...

Fairhaven -- Yesterday afternoon the funeral of James QUIGLEY took place from St. Joseph's hospital. The deceased was the father of Thomas QUIGLEY, pressman of the Herald office. He came to this coast some years ago for his health, and a short time ago he was taken to the hospital for treatment, but his illness was chronic and finally terminated fatally, on Monday morning.

Mr. Nelson BENNETT, accompanied by his little daughter Ceta BENNETT, and Miss Lottie YAPLE, arrived from Tacoma yesterday morning on the steamer City of Seattle. After breakfast at the Fairhaven, Miss YAPLE and Miss Ceta BENNETT were driven in a carriage to the residence of Alexander McKENZIE, where the young ladies are visiting during their stay in the city.

Thursday, December 1, 1892

A license to wed was issued yesterday by the county auditor to Fred C. LEE and Miss Georgie A. LANE.

A petition was presented to Judge WINN yesterday praying that letters testamentary be issued to Anna HONRATH in the estate of F. D. HONRATH, deceased.

A petition was presented to Judge WINN yesterday praying that letters of administration be issued to H. E. WAITY in the estate of Harlan J. HEWITT, deceased.

Fairhaven Notes -- P. J. HENNELLY desires to have his name withdrawn from this list of candidates for the Fairhaven post office. He says he will return to California in a few days to remain for the winter.

Friday, December 2, 1892

Yager -- Mrs. COWDERY, of New Whatcom, is visiting friends and her daughter, Mrs. BLISS.

Saturday, December 3, 1892

Superior Court Notes -- Robert COLLING, a native of England, was admitted to final citizenship.

Park Notes -- Chas. C. RICE, of Utsalady, came up on a business trip yesterday. He starts next Monday for Lockport, N.Y., to visit his parents.

Fairhaven Notes:

P. J. HENNELLY leaves this morning for San Francisco ... He says he will spend the winter in California and return with Mrs. HENNELLY in the spring.

Charley FISHER and family will go to Montana to spend the winter. When asked it if wasn't a pretty cold place to go to spend the winter, he replied that sixteen years of residence there made him used to it.

Sunday, December 4, 1892

New Cases Filed.

Hugh ELDRIDGE, administrator for the estate of Christian H. ALLISON, deceased vs. Blue Canyon Coal Mining Co. Suit to recover $500, for injury sustained by deceased from the failing of a boiler hoisted by the defendant, which injury caused his death.

Hugh ELDRIDGE, administrator of the estate of W. F. L. SOUTER, deceased vs. Blue Canyon Coal Mining Co. Suit for the same cause of action and like amount as in the ALLISON suit.

Tuesday, December 6, 1892

A marriage license was issued yesterday by Auditor Collier to J. M. HARKLEROAD of Whatcom county, and Mrs. L. E. BLACKWOOD of Portland, Oregon.

Mr. and Mrs. E. M. DAY celebrate their silver wedding today.

Wednesday, December 7, 1892

Fairhaven Notes:

Mr. and Mrs. D. L. HOPKINS leave Thursday for Kansas for a visit during the winter. Mr. HOPKINS' mother is over 80 years old and quite poorly in health. Her home will be the objective point, and they may be expected home in the early spring.

Mr. and Mrs. W. B. DAVEY left here last Saturday for Seattle, where Mrs. DAVEY took the steamer City of Puebla for Alameda, Cal., to visit her sister who is quite sick. Mr. DAVEY returned Monday.

C. S. RICE leaves today for Niagara Falls. He will probably visit his old home at Lockport, N.Y., before returning to Fairhaven.

Custer Notes (Dec. 6, 1892):

Wm. PRATT, from north of Lynden, will move on to his brother's (P. R. PRATT) place one mile south of Custer, and attend to the stock, etc., for a while.

Nels NELSON died at midnight, last night, of throat disease, aged 34 years. The funeral services will take place today at 10 a.m., at the Custer schoolhouse, and he will be buried in the SHIELDS cemetery, about 2 p.m. Mr. NELSON and W. H. GILBERT married sisters.

Thursday, December 8, 1892

Mr. P. BAKER returned this morning from an extensive trip in the West. [T]hey went to New Whatcom, a beautiful city in a fine fruit and grain country. While there they had a pleasant visit with their former townsman, Mr. Joseph GREEN, his sister Nellie, father and mother.... who are enjoying the Sound and doing well. Mrs. BAKER's address will be 1053 Forest street, New Whatcom, Washington. [Danville, III, Daily News, Nov. 8, 1892]

Mrs. BOUGHMAN (nee Miss Mary WORLEY) is visiting Miss Clara STINGER [STENGER].

Mr. J. W. ROMAINE has gone to the Palouse country, on a visit the [sic] old folks. He has been in ill health for several weeks and a little farm life and home care will bring him around.

Mrs. SCRIMSHER, of Yager, was in town doing some fall trading yesterday. She was accompanied by her father, Gen. McPHERSON, who was taking a veteran's view of local political affairs.

Birch Bay -- Mrs. LEE is the mother of two twin babies, weighing eight pounds apiece.

Friday, December 9, 1892

Advertised Letters
ANDREWS, Charles
FAY, M rs.
LOVE, Mrs. S.
McGUIRE, Mrs. Eliza
SMITH, Mrs. Ray.
WILLIAMS, Mrs. Fannie

It was reported here that Gypsy ASHTON and Thomas BOYD, instead of being married at Portland, were married at Vancouver, Wash.

Laurel Items - Mr. S. M. WOODWARD and his son Frank are making a business trip to Olympia, and other Sound points, this week.

Fairhaven Notes - J. C. THORNTON, of Erie, Pa., was here about ten months ago and returned to his home, where he has resided since that time. He came back here recently with a view to making some investments in a permanent way.

Saturday, December 10, 1892

Benjamin F. HARRIS, nephew of Old Dan HARRIS, was here Wednesday, redeeming some lots sold at tax sale last year.

Sunday, December 11, 1892

Mrs. A. W. SMITH, of Ellensburg, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J.W. MELROSE.

Tuesday, December 13, 1892

W. G. RONALD, brother of Mayor RONALD, of Seattle, is in the city.

I. M. GALBRAITH went to Acme last evening with a coffin for MORAN who recently died.

The following marriage licenses were issued by the county auditor, yesterday:
Geo. S. TRIGG and Miss Ida JACKSON, of West Ferndale; Wm. A. SCOTT and Miss Cornelia F. MUTCHER, of Lynden; E. W. DEVOE, of Port Townsend, and Miss Hattie MITZGALL, of Napoleon, Ohio.

Wednesday, December 14,1892

The coffin sent to Acme, yesterday, was for the little eight-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs John MORAN, who died Saturday night of inflammatory rheumatism.

Mr. Joe ALSOP, of this city, and Miss May E. CUNNINGHAM, of Tacoma, were married, Monday, at Seattle, by the Rev. Dr. PREFONTAINE. Dr. RYAN acted as groomsman, and Miss RYAN as bridesmaid, while Miss Kate CUNNINGHAM was maid of honor. The wedded pair are announced, in the Tacoma Ledger, as having taken a bridal tour through British Columbia. Mr. ALSOP is a prosperous wholesale butcher of the Bay Cities, while the bride is a well-known lady of Tacoma, who has been quite successful in the millinery business at that place, and is the possessor of some valuable property. . . .

Lynden Fatality.

A Lad of Eleven Shoots and Kills His Grandsire.
Lynden, Wash., Dec. 13
-Reveille Special.

Mr. BOERONGER was shot and killed by his grandson, a boy about eleven years old, last night, the boy taking him for a tramp. The accident occurred about 8 p.m., BOERONGER died about 12 p.m. It seems that Christ BOERONGER, the father of the boy, was in Whatcom, while his father, (the boy's grandfather) went to the house at 8 p.m. The family being afraid of tramps, inquired who it was that wanted to get in. The old man not answering, the boy fired through the door. The woman hearing the fall went to the door and found her husband's father shot in the arm and abdomen. He died at about midnight. He was seventy-one years of age, and had a ranch at the head of Lake Whatcom; but generally lived with his son. The boy had been accosted in the afternoon by two men (probably hunters), who said they would call at the house and stop there all night. This frightened the boy, and he was loaded for tramps, bears.... or anything else.

Thursday, December 15, 1892

Ferndale Items - A young Prohibitionist at the home of the Rev. Mr. WELLS and wife, mother and son doing well, and father as well as can be expected.

Enterprise Items - Bonny PIERCEY, the newly married man, has settled down to housekeeping at his new residence near town.

Custer Notes - J. B. PIERCY and bride have moved into his brother's (Jay) place near Enterprise.

Friday, December 16, 1892

Fairhaven Notes

George F. KEINSTRA is quite ill at his son's residence on McKenzie avenue. He was brought up on his sloop from his ranch below Chuckanut Bay, by his sons, Ed and Walter, on Wednesday. He is suffering from an attack of pneumonia.

Elliott STEWART of the Independent starts for his home in Pennsylvania next week, for a holiday visit to his invalid mother, who resides on the old STEWART homestead, which has been in possession of the family for two hundred years.

Geo. SHINAKER and wife have gone to Missouri to make their home.

J. K. CHAMBERS, of Sumas, will remove to New Whatcom, and practice law at the county seat.

The funeral of Amy, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. SOLVEY, residing on Elk street, took place at 2 p.m., yesterday. The services were at the residence, and a car conveyed the friends to the city cemetery, where the remains were interred.

Advertised Letters
BARR, Lewis
CODE, Frank
DIX, H. A.
DAVIES, Mrs. Geo.
DUNN, Jas.
GILES, Kittie
McLEAN, Jno.
MILLER, Sidney E.
MOORE, Frank
SMITH, Mrs. Geo. E.
SOUDER, Jerome M.
TURNER, Sarah Ann
WJOTE, Ed. F. & Go.

Superior Court:

Clara E. YOUNG vs. Geo. W. YOUNG; decree of divorce granted on the grounds of desertion. Gussie HEGG vs. Eric HEGG; decree of divorce granted to the plaintiff.

Van Wyck Jottings:

Mr. E. STUBBS, of Denver, Colorado, visited his brother Samuel last week.

Mr. [sic] Daniel STEWART, of New Westminster, B.C., is visiting her brother William, this week.

Saturday, December 17, 1892

Mrs. Annie MURPHY, the female forger, whose remarkable success in swindling banks is now attracting so much attention, formerly lived on North Elk street in this city, and her former husband, Charles MURPHY, still owns the property. He is now living in Tacoma. . . Mrs. Annie M. obtained a divorce in Whatcom county in October 1890, from her husband . . . Her original home was at Perham, Minnesota. She came here in 1888 with her husband, The Senator McCAE alluded to in the PA as her father, now resides near Spokane Falls, but he is not her father; he is her step-father. She attended the normal school at St. Cloud [Minn.]...

Robert KRATZIG, of New Whatcom, and Miss Lizzie EBLING, of Fairhaven, have taken out a license to wed.

W. D. MOORE, formerly electrician of the Fairhaven-New Whatcom road, left on a visit to his parents in New York, via the Northern Pacific.

Ferndale Dec. 14 -- Mr. Charles STRANGE, of New Whatcom, and Mrs. Rosa ROBINSON, daughter of Mrs. A. GREEN, of Ferndale were united in marriage this evening at the residence of the latter. The happy pair leave for a tour of the Sound cities and Victoria, and will afterwards be at home in their cozy little residence on Garden street, New Whatcom.

Sunday, December 18, 1892

Court Notes - E. D. BANISTER vs. Carrie BANISTER. Decree of divorce granted to plaintiff on the grounds of desertion.

Mrs. MOORE died, yesterday, of bronchitis, aged 50 years. Funeral today at residence, corner of Monroe and Utter streets.

Robert KRATZIG and Miss Lizzie EBLING were married at the Catholic church, yesterday, by Father BOULET.

Tuesday, December 20, 1892

Auditor COLLIER yesterday, granted a license to wed to Robert E. RAMSEY and Miss Agnes RAMSEY, both of West Ferndale

Mr. Elliott STEWART left this morning for his old home in Pennsylvania. He will return after the holidays.

Killed at Jarman Prairie
Mt. Vernon, Dec. 19 -- Hank DONNEY was fatally and George FRAZER seriously stabbed by Indians at Jarman Prairie early this morning. They say three ... men met them and demanded whiskey and, upon being refused, drew knives; but in all probability DONNEY and FRAZER took possession of the Indian camp doling the absence of the owners and the stabbing was the result.

Wednesday, December 21, 1892

Mr. L. ROCKMAN of Seattle, brother-in-law to the LIKENS boys, is in the city.

Auditor COLLINS issued a license to wed to Henry HENSPETER and Miss Eliza Jane SCOTT both of Birch Bay.

Robert RAMSEY considers himself fortunate in being blown up at the Blue Canyon [coal mine -- Dec. 13, 1892]. As soon as his divorced wife heard of it she went to him, and they have since been remarried.

Ferndale Items:

Born -- On the 13th, to the wife of Thomas OXFORD, a daughter.

At the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. A. GREEN, on the evening of Dec. 14, by Rev. J. W. WELLS, Mrs. Rosa ROBINSON to Mr. Charles E. STRANGE, all of Ferndale.

Married - At the residence of the bride's parents in Evergreen district, Dec. 14, by the Rev. L. E. WARNOM, Miss Ada JACKSON to Mr. George S. TRIGG both of Evergreen district.

Wickersham Whiffs:

Mrs. HONRATH has been appointed administrator of the late Fred HONRATH.

Thursday, December 22, 1892

The Blaine Suicide
A Young Man Takes His Own Life at Blaine, Without Adequate Cause
A Trifling Gambling Loss Caps the Climax of His Despondency.
Martin WARE, Martin , who has been a resident of Blaine for the past one and one-half years, committed suicide Tuesday night by shooting himself through the heart with a target rifle. WARE was in the feed and grain business, and it is supposed, was in financial straits. Tuesday night he attended a meeting of the Knights of Pythias. In apparent good spirits he left the lodge room at 10:30 p.m., and went to O. D. McDONALD's club, where he lost $35 or $40 playing cards. McDONALD has a shooting gallery in connection with his club, and from this WARE, unknown to anybody, took a target rifle. He then started for his place of business with a friend, to whom he remarked as they parted, that he thought he would shoot himself. His friend, jokingly replied, "I would, if I were in your place." At 8 a.m., a customer drove to the store with a load of hay, and on entering found WARE's body lying on the floor. He had unbuttoned his coat and vest and shot himself through the heart. A slight wound was found on his head, probably caused by a bullet. His hands still grasped the rifle. WARE was twenty-five years of age and unmarried and has relatives residing in Ohio. He was one of the most popular young men in Blaine.

Court Notes -- New suits filed. Ellen A. ROBERTSON vs. Andrew G. ROBERTSON. Suit for divorce, grounds desertion. Oval PIRKEY is attorney for plaintiff, who resides at Point Roberts.

Valentine V. LOWE has gone to Brooklyn, N.Y., his old home.

Hon. P. B. CORNWALL took the train for San Francisco to spend Christmas with his family...

Friday, December 23, 1892

Murder or Suicide.
The Killing of Martin WARE Now Thought to Have Been Murder.
The Blaine wires were down last night and the report of the coroner's jury in the supposed case of suicide of Martin WARE could not be obtained. It was learned, however, that at 1 o'clock yesterday, the jury were unable to arrive at a decision. A bad bruise was found over the left eye, and a ball had also entered the head, with the appearance of having taken a downward course, and no powder marks were visible. The physicians testifying are generally of the opinion that the rifle which did the deadly work was not in the hands of the deceased at the time of the shooting, and foul play is suspected.

Saturday, December 24, 1892

Allen McINTIRE, of Sumas, is dead of cancer of the stomach, aged 45 years.

Miss S. SUTHERLAND will spend the holidays with her parents at East Sound.

An infant child of S. S. SILLMAN is dead, and will be buried from the house on South Elk, at 1 p.m.

Wm. SMITH, who has been several months at his old home in southern Oregon, is home looking as fresh as a daisy.

Auditor COLLIEF, yesterday, issued a license to wed to Quincy TAWES and Miss Mattie CISSNA, and to R. E. L. SEARS and Miss Anna SEANOR, all of West Ferndale.

Sunday, December 25, 1892

The Blaine Tragedy.
The Particulars of the Suicide of Martin WARE
No Adequate Cause Shown For The Deed, But The Idea of Murder Dismissed
Two Shots Necessary To Complete The Work.
Martin WARE, the young Blaine merchant, was buried at Blaine by the Knights of Pythias yesterday at 1 p.m. The Blaine Journal says of the tragedy:
Wednesday morning, sometime near 8 o'clock, the dead body of Martin WARE, the flour and feed merchant on Washington avenue, was discovered in his office by A. H. ABERS, who had gone to his place of business for the purpose of delivering a car load of hay which had come in the evening previously. Mr. ABERS found the doors locked and on looking in the window saw a light burning on the table and the body of the deceased lying on the floor, with a 32-calibre gun which had been taken from the shooting gallery, lying between the limbs, with the muzzle resting upon the breast. A cocked revolver was lying upon the table and a quantity of shells were about it. There was a wound in the left breast, and also one squarely in the centre of the forehead, which the probe showed to have taken a straight line to the base of the brain. The arms were outstretched, and close to the left hand lay a one-foot rule. An examination of the body was made by Dr. KING. ... [Mr. WARE] was about 25 years of age, and came to Blaine about one year ago last March from Enterprise, Ohio, where he has an aunt and uncle residing. His parents are both dead, and Martin spent his boyhood days on the farm with these relatives....

Major M. M. CLOTHIER is back from Pullman. His son Arthur is rapidly recovering from his fever.

Auditor COLLIER yesterday granted license to wed to John M. KILUP, of New Whatcom, and Miss Lizzie BELL, of Lynden; also, Stuart M. GAGE, of Seattle, and Miss Stella I. BEACH, of New Whatcom.

Ferndale Items:

Mrs. A. GRIFFIN is entertaining her brother, Mr. W. PIPER, who arrived last Sunday from Pennsylvania.

Among the holiday citizens in the Evergreen city, we notice the following: ... Mrs. HICKS and her son Sammie, who are being entertained by Mrs. F. WHEELER, who is a daughter of Mrs. HICKS.

Tuesday, December 27, 1892

The friends of Mrs. D. C. JENKINS gave her an agreeable surprise on the night of her 61st birthday, Sunday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. JENKINS, Mrs. BRENNERMAN, Miss Gertie JENKINS, Miss Minnie GEBHART, Mr. VANCE and the Quintette club, John LEEDY and Thos. MILLER.

E. H. BRAGDON, mate of the Rapid Transit, fell through a hatchway on that steamer at Fairhaven, yesterday morning, fracturing his left hip bone just below the joint. ... He has a wife and four children residing at Seattle.

L. A. PETTIBONE leaves today for his old home in Wisconsin where he will reside.

B. A. WELBON, of Yager, is about to go to Ballard for the winter. His brother conducts a large lumber mill at that point.

John C. EVANS, the business manager of the Reveille, left on the City of Seattle this morning for a month's visit to his people at West Superior, Wis.

Isaac WILSON, father of Mrs. GREEN, is spending the holidays in the city. Mr. WILSON has lived on the coast forty-six years, having arrived in San Francisco when there were only fourteen buildings in that city. He built the second house in New Tacoma, and is now residing in Seattle.

On Christmas day Frank SCHNEIDER!s wife presented him with a young SCHNEIDER of the male persuasion; while Peter SCHNEIDER!s wife did him a similar kindness, although the accession to Peter's family is a girl -- an eleven pound girl. Dr. PURDY assisted at the "bornin."

Fairhaven Notes -- Miss Lottie WILLIAMS, sister of Mr. O. B. WILLIAMS, is visiting at Rev. W. A. MACKEY's during the holidays. [She is a student] in the Annie Wright seminary.

Ferndale Items: Married -- At the residence of the bride's sister, Miss Ella SISINA [CISSNA], on Alder street, Christmas day at 3 o'clock p.m., Miss Mattie SISINA [CISSNA] to Mr. Quincy TAWES, the Rev. Mr. HOWELS officiating.

Wednesday, December 28, 1892

Auditor COLLIER, yesterday, granted license to wed to Frank JENNINGS and Miss Clara SCHNORBUSS, both of Van Zandt.

D. B. FELMLEY and wife together with J. D. FELMLEY, father of Mr. FELMLEY, were pleasant callers at the Reveille office yesterday.

Wilfred SPEAR, brother of Mrs. J. WYLIE, is here visiting during the holidays. He has been attending a military academy in California and will return after the holidays.

Thursday, December 29, 1892

Frank JENNINGS and Miss Clara SHNORBUSS of Van Zandt were united in the bonds of matrimony, by Justice GALLAHER, Tuesday at 8 p.m.

Sheridan JENKINS returned from Seattle, yesterday, and is visiting his home preparatory to leaving for Chicago, Monday, where he will study with Walter BERIDGE, the great scenic artist.

Friday, December 30, 1892

Advertised Letters
Mrs. Jennie ANDERSON
Patrick COWLEY
Mrs. Samuel B. ELDRIDGE
Miss Josephine Agusta HORTON
Charlie McMINN
Kenneth A. McMINN
Miss Berth MERELL
Mrs. Jennie MOORE
Cornelia A. NOBLE
Samuel REED
Miss Rebecca STANSBERG
Thomas UTZ
Packages -- Mrs. E. T. MILLARD, I. S. PETERS, 2

Fairhaven Notes:

Mr. and L. VON GOHREN, of Greeley, Colorado, are in the city ... They are parents of Earnest VON GOHREN, of East Sound, one of the World's fair commissioners. The elder VON GOHREN is an old resident of Vandalia, Illinois, and during the war was an enrolling officer for the government during a draft.

T. G. NEWMAN county attorney elect, returned, yesterday, from Iowa, where he has been visiting and attending to business matters growing out of the recent death of his father.

Saturday, December 31, 1892

Fairhaven Notes:

W. F. DILLON, brother of Aschel DILLON, of this city, is visiting here during the holidays. He is a prominent insurance man of Portland, Oregon.

Auditor COLLIER, yesterday, granted licenses to wed to J. W. LEGGETT and Miss Mary E. GREENFIELD, both of West Ferndale; and to James H. HAZELTON, of Blaine, and Mary Ann FRANKLIN, of New Whatcom.

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