Thursday, January 5,
Blaine-Semiahmoo Constructed More Substantial Buildings During 1887 Than any Other Town in Whatcom County. More than twenty-five good buildings have been erected here during the past twelve months, besides two good wharves and other smaller improvements. The following named persons have builded (sic) in 1887: IN BLAINE
James MILHOLLIN, a large two-story frame residence on the corner of C and
first streets. William MILLOW, the City hotel building on E street. Jas. BERTRAND, a store house at the foot of E street. CAIN Brothers, a warehouse and office at the corner of Washington avenue and H street. A. W. STEEN, a fine story-and-a-half frame residence on Fourth street. James BERTRAND, a store building on Fourth street. William WEST, a story-and-a-half residence on Fourth street. B. F. HURD, a story-and-a-half residence, and store building. John R. MILLER, residence. Chas. BENNET, residence. R. A. WILSON, a residence at the corner of Second and B streets. Henry WEST, residence. John ECKFORD, residence. Jabe WEST, story-and-a-half cottage in the eastern suburbs. M. ROSBROUGH, residence on Fourth street. D. S. MILLER, storehouse and workshop. LINDSEY & CO., four substantial frame buildings for their logging camp in the southern suburbs. SEMIAHMOO
The people of Semiahmoo have constructed a fine two story public building
24x40 feet in size at the corner of Fifth and Commercial streets.John ELWOOD, shingle mill 40x60 feet in size. F. EDWARDS, story-and-a-half residence. J. A. MARTIN, wharf and warehouse. John ELWOOD, wharf and warehouse. SURROUNDING COUNTRY
We also feel like mentioning a few of the improvements which have been completed
outside Blaine, but in its immediate neighborhood. For instance, Mr. TRACY's
fine wharf and store at Birch bay.Mr. A. DEXTER's storehouse near the mouth of California creek. W. H. BROOK's improvements on California creek. Ed. HOLTZHEIMER's new residence at the head of navigation on California creek. Dakota creek wharf. I. M. SCOTT, residence. David BROWN, large barn at Hall's prairie. Henry STENDER, storehouse. Campbell river bridge. And there are undoubtedly others, which do not come to our mind just now. All the above mentioned are frame buildings, built between January first, 1887, and January first, 1888. No mention is made of numerous additions constructed during the year, save in one case, and there are several new buildings under way not included.
-Mr. BENSON, of King county, has lately finished the contract of plastering
the ROGERS hotel in Ferndale.-A bridge sixty feet long covered with three-inch sawed lumber, has just been built over McDOUGAL 's creek on the road to Ferndale. -Mr. LOPAS has sold his threshing machine to Mr. STOLTENBERG, of Custer. -Mr. GRIFFITH has gone to attend the institute at Lynden, so there will be no school this week. -The annual prayer meeting held at the close of each year, was well attended at the residence of Mrs. CLAYTON on Thursday afternoon. Excelsior school will close to-morrow. We hear that the Indians at the mouth of Campbell creek have the measles. The Birch bay logging camp expects to commence hauling in logs this week. A little eight-pound boy came to Mr. LAMPHIER's house at Hall's prairie last Monday evening. Albert MILLER, of Custer, was in to see the Journal office Friday. He says Clarence WHITCOM raised his new house Thursday. Ben. WELCHER didn't want to be smashed in his new cabin on his farm at Hall's prairie, so he came in and spent last night at the Blaine hotel. Mr. J. M. KING, father-in-law of Mr. Chas. STILWELL, from Grant's Pass, Oregon arrived Tuesday. He will buy a farm near Blaine we believe. His family is with him. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John TARTE, of Pleasant Valley, on Thursday, December 29th, a daughter. Also to Mr. and Mrs. Whit. TARTE, on the same day, a daughter. The Evangel runs like lightning now, with three new babies in the crew. LINDSEY & CO. are building a new warehouse for their logging camp at the mouth of Dakota creek. Abel FORBES, of Lynden, we understand, has sold his farm to a man by the name of SHOWERS, and will go to Oregon. George DEWITT, of Ferndale, was married Tuesday evening to Maggie THOMAS, of Lynden, Justice J. B. HATCH officiating. The Reveille says the Western Union telegraph offices in this county will be discontinued from this date. We still have the Postal Telegraph, however, which answers all purposes. The Democrat says Silas F. COLLINGSWORTH, of Nooksack, returned from the Granite creek placer mines last week. Mr. COLLINGSWORTH and his two partners own a valuable claim on the creek which they have worked to the last year or two which is just now paying well. Chinese miners have offered them $6,000 for their claim. It is reported that Alex VANWYCK of this city, will be appointed to succeed the late Dr. KALLOCH as superintendent of the affairs of the B. B. & B. C. Railroad company at Sehome. It is reported that G. H. SINGLETON and others will soon put in another sawmill at Ten Mile. Married, in Seattle, at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage, December 20th, by Rev. A. J. HANSON, Rev. George R. OSBORN, of Whatcom, and Miss Anna M. TAPPAN, of Colby, Kitsap county. Charley STOOPS was re-elected road supervisor for this district. C. H. CRABB, of Hillsdale, went home from the logging camp sick yesterday. Quite a number of our people signed a petition for a twice a week mail service on the steamer from Sehome to Blaine and Semiahmoo. Thursday, January 12, 1888: J. B. LANPHIER has bought forty acres of land at Custer. Not an empty house in Whatcom, and a young couple in Seattle who were to have been married some time ago had to postpone their wedding, not being able to procure a house to live in. In Blaine three families live in one house in some cases, and only Tuesday we heard newcomers trying to induce some of our citizens to divide house room with them. J. M. KING, of Grant's Pass, Oregon, has purchased eighty acres of land of Mr. BARKER, at the head of California creek. In the late road election Charles MOORE was elected supervisor in district 13, Uncle Bob SHIELDS in No. 11, George CREASY in No. 12, and John MILLER in 14. A grizzly bear was killed on the north fork of the Nooksack, near the foot hills in this county, a few days ago by Lewis DARROW. So far as we are able to learn this is the first grizzly bear killed by a white man in Whatcom county, although they are reported to be quite numerous in the mountain vastness of the Baker range. Thursday, January 19, 1888: Mr. KING is now occupying the CLARK residence on the spit. Wm. REY (or RAY) has gone to Los Angeles to perform some contracts in plastering. Fourteen new wagons have been brought into this neighborhood during 1887. VOGHT's logging camp commenced putting logs in the south side of Drayton harbor on Monday. We understand that Messrs. MILLOW & THOMPSON will enter suit at next term of court for an amount excess of mortgage against Mr. ELWOOD. We see by the Democrat that E. E. MARSHAL who lived on the spit some time ago and who recently took a forty acre claim adjoining M. B. HEYWOOD north of Ferndale, says he has five acres nearly ready for cultivation. The settlers in the northern part of Ferndale settlement have opened their road through to the Custer neighborhood. They can haul their spare produce out that way to Semiahmoo, and find a good market for all they raise.That is and always has been the best "spud" market on the sound. Mr. Edward STILWELL, of Grinnell, Iowa, brother of Chas. STILWELL, of this place, has just arrived. He is a first class wagon blacksmith and wheelwright, and we believe, contemplates opening a shop in Blaine in a short time. We are glad to see that our representative, Mr. BAKER, truly represents the sentiment of his constituents on the woman suffrage question. His vote is with the majority in favor of the move. The bill has already passed the council with an exemption clause on jury service, and the house stands fifteen in favor to eight against it, and it will undoubtedly pass to-day or to-morrow. The mail was nearly a day behind time, and did not arrive until yesterday noon, owing to the breaking down of Mr. BUCHANAN's wagon between Whatcom and Ferndale. The hind axletree broke and he was obliged to raise it upon a pole in order to reach Ferndale. No cause for the break is known, except that Mr. G. E. DORR, and wife, of Iowa, were sitting over that axle. Mr. DORR is a brother of the editor of the Journal, and has just arrived from Clinton county, Iowa. He is going to Wiser Lake. The literary last evening decided that money was more desirable for a young man than education. The Journal wishes particularly to congratulate Irving HARVEY and Alex RUNGE on their first appearance, which we hope will not be their last, and we also hope to see the other boys come out hereafter. The programme was very good. Miss BUTLER gave a reading, Miss Dora WEST a recitation, Warren LAMPHIER a recitation, Mr. Albert WALWORTH a song and the Journal man a story. Messrs. James BUCHANAN, Ed. BENNET and Albert ROGERS acted a judges of debate. J. B. LANGTREE and Miss Hattie COOPER, formerly of Sehome were recently married in Oakland, California. Thursday, January 26, 1888: Mr. and Mrs. Byron KINGSLEY celebrated their wooden wedding yesterday. They have been married five years, but the anniversary cake was just as good as the wedding cake, as we can testify from experience. Mr. PORTER was in Blaine to-day; he reports some activity in his neighborhood. Chas. STILWELL has built a house, Mr. McDONALD is preparing to build, and Antone FELISANO has just finished hauling lumber to build in the spring. Mr. STEEN is at home and has been confined to the house for several days with an injury received in the logging camp, which might have been serious. They were pulling at a log with five yoke of cattle attached to a double fall. Mr. STEEN stepped inside the rope, which was a new one and very springy, to urge up the hind cattle. The chain, which was attached to the log broke, and the rope jerked it over with great force against him just below the small of his back and a little to one side. A few inches higher and the blow might have been fatal. The debate last night resolved itself into a temperance sociable, and when it concluded the judges Messrs. MARR, KINGSLEY and WALWORTH decided that a first class saloon would not be a benefit to Blaine. Then Miss Dora WEST gave a recitation, Mr. PRIVETTE an oration, Harry SAVINGS a recitation, Alva BROCKWAY an essay, Ed. BENNET reading, Mrs. KINGSLEY and Mr. MARR instrumental music, and George HARVEY a song, and the Journal man wants it distinctly understood that his was also a song. Woman suffrage is again a law in Washington territory. It became such when Governor SEMPLE signed the bill, last Wednesday, which bill passed the lower house of the legislature by a vote of fourteen to nine. Our members both voted for the measure. It is a plain woman suffrage bill with a provision exempting them from serving on juries. The report reaches us that Mrs. REY is lying dangerously ill in Port Townsend. Mr. Fred ALBERTS arrived by the Evangel Tuesday and went out to his California creek farm. Charley and Will BERTRAN [BERTRAND] are now on their British Columbia claims just across the boundary line north of Lynden. Hiram LEE, the hunter who was so badly frozen on Lummi Island two weeks ago to-day, died of his injuries the latter part of last week. J. C. McLENNAN, the enterprising Elgin teacher, has purchased the ADAMS place at Hall's prairie. The consideration was $1300, and the investment is as good as gold at that figure. Tuesday arrived in Blaine Mr. Albert JOHNSON, a brother of the Rev. L. JOHNSON, who went from here as a missionary to Africa a few years ago. Mr. JOHNSON says he expects to remain in Blaine for some time. His brother is now preaching in Minnesota. Mrs. M. A. UPSON and Maudie and Russell returned from Seattle on the Evangel Tuesday. They report a very pleasant visit both in Sumner and Seattle, meeting old friends and relatives. Mrs. R. C. GRAVES, Mrs. UPSON's sister in Seattle, has gone to Southern California to spend the winter. William REED has started a shoe shop in ROGER's store in Ferndale. Mr. KAGER has just finished a small building for Mr. ELWOOD to be used as a blacksmith shop. Mr. BAKER's memorial, asking the appropriation of $10,000 for the improvement of the Nooksack river, has been adopted. Blaine now has a customs office and a signal station, and will soon be an international postal distributing office. Then the railroad. The name of the man who was lost and died on Lummi island two weeks ago was Frank A. WELLS. Quite a party was out to the HARVEY place Tuesday raising the first of the three houses which they will build there. This one is of hewn timber, but we believe the next two will be framed. Mr. BARRACKLAW has invested in a new sign for his shoe shop. Mr. Wm. WEST was the artist who turned out the work, and we have no hesitancy in pronouncing it the best sign in that end of town. Our attention has been called to the fact that the term of school recently closed by A. T. ROBINSON in Excelsior district has been one of the most satisfactory ever conducted there. The patrons of the school are highly pleased with his methods of management. The Hon. Chas. P. JUDSON, of Lynden, father of H. A. JUDSON and grandfather of George H. and C. L. JUDSON, Mrs. McTAGGART and Mrs. EBEY, died in Lynden on Saturday morning, the 14th inst., at the extreme old age of eighty-seven years, having been born in Connecticut in 1800. He came to Washington territory in 1854, and settled near Olympia, where he buried his wife, but for a number of years he has resided at Lynden with his son, H. A. He has served a number of terms in the territorial legislature and we believe was at one time a member of congress. However, we remember him as we saw him last going about the beautiful townsite of Lynden and taking a deep interest in everything that was being done there. His remains were taken to Olympia for burial beside his wife. On Tuesday closed the winter term of the Blaine school under the efficient management of Miss Day BUTLER. At the opening of the school there were in attendance only about twenty pupils, but the number steadily increased until at the close there were present thirty-four. Under the tutelage of Miss BUTLER the children have made fair advancement, and with a good summer term of school, which is likely to open in a month or two, they will be well on their way into the books, and many of them have good foundation laid for an education. Following is the roll of honor for deportment during the term: Henry BERTRAND, Josie BERTRAND, Tillie RUNGE, Mary ECKFORD, Belle ECKFORD, Nelly McELMON, Ethel McELMON, Robert ECKFORD, Winnie McELMON. The two highest averages in the examination were those of Miss Ethel McELMON and Robert ECKFORD. We were in attendance at the closing exercises, as were also several others, among whom we noticed Mrs. HUGHES, Mrs. STEEN, Mrs. EVANS, Mrs. STENDER, Mrs. KINGSLEY, Mrs. ECKFORD, Mrs. McELMON, and Misses Cynthia BENNET, Dora WEST and Callie HON. Also the venerable John CAIN, Mr. WARREN, Dr. BEAUPRE, Geo. CAIN and one or two others. All were highly pleased with the exercises, which showed how completely Miss BUTLER has gained the confidence of all her pupils. Thursday, February 2, 1888: We see that Jasper N. LINDSEY, of Whatcom county, has been appointed a notary public. Twenty-eight marriage licenses were issued by the county auditor during the year 1887. Nicholas FREDERICK has built him a large poultry yard on the Guide Meridian road north of Whatcom. A large party of young people gathered at the residence of Thomas SAVINGS, near Excelsior Monday evening, and pleasantly celebrated the birthday anniversary of Miss Alice. The high water on the Nooksack at Lynden washed out a bridge 180 feet long across an arm of the river. The bridge was a private one and belonged to R. E. HAWLEY and Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. J. A. BARKER, of Custer, was in the city Tuesday seeking the services of Dr. VANZANDT for his brother-in-law, J. L. JAIRIS, recently arrived from the east suffering from rheumatism. -Democrat. Last Saturday the ice gorged in the Nooksack river below Ferndale and raised the water so high that it surrounded East Ferndale and washed out many of the farmers' fences below town. Before the last snow the Nooksack river furnished the best skating ever known since the settlement of the county. The thaw sent a stream of water over the then rough surface of the river which freezing during the night made a perfectly glass smooth surface from Lynden to the mouth of the river. -Democrat. The Whatcom hotel was sad and gloomy Monday, for the kind land-lady, Mrs. J. R. JENKINS had closed her eyes on this world for the last time the night before, and the house was peopled with only sad and sympathetic faces. We believe Mrs. JENKINS was originally from Wales, and she has lived in Whatcom county seventeen or eighteen years. She leaves a husband and several grown children. Elmer MISSIMER has taken a claim on the British side near Bertrand's Prairie, and yesterday he went out there to make some improvements on his house prepatory to moving out. The Rev. B. K. McELMON, of Nooksack came over to Blaine Saturday to call on his brother D. R., and on Sunday he preached two sermons to our people, with which they were much pleased. Thursday, February 9, 1888: The Hon. Eugene CANFIELD is having all the work, including a fine banister and hand rail for the stairs for his Eliza island residence, constructed in this city.-Democrat. Superintendent GRIFFIN has organized Lummi island into a school district, and the settlers are building a school house eighteen by twenty feet in size. There are also other improvements being made on the island.
District court convenes in Whatcom March 12 with the following list of grand
and petit jurors:
GRAND JURORS A new little girl came to Mr. and Mrs. John GEISCHER's Birch bay home last week. We see by the Reveille that Judge C. M. KELLOGG and family have moved into Whatcom. Professor SWIM, of this county, has been appointed by the governor a member of the territorial board of education. Notices are posted for the construction of a new school house in district No. 5, on California creek, the building to be 20x30 feet in size and bids to be opened February 18th, at the residence of Mr. UPSON. The building is to be finished April 1st. Captain TARTE advertises the steamer Evangel for sale. It is his intention if the sale is made to put on the newly outfitted steamer Brick in her place. The Brick has been doubled in size, and very much improved in other respects, and the Captain says she is a safe and cosy boat abundantly able to do the business required of her. Mr. KAGER had a bad fall from a ladder over at Semiahmoo Monday. He was about ten feet from the ground when the ladder slipped, letting him fall with great force across a timber. He has suffered considerable pain and lameness from the fall in the past few days, but it is hopeful the accident may not result more seriously.
----Reveille 3d (Whatcom)----
-Mr. Geo. FULLER and wife and Mr. HIGBY, from Alma, Neb., arrived this week
and will locate in Whatcom.-We are pleased to hear that Mrs. WILLIAMS, formerly of Mountain View, who went to England for her health, is slowly improving. -Mr. SNEIDER has his new home completed; it is one of the finest dwelling houses in the county. The SNEIDER boys and others in their district have cut a good wagon road from their place to Lynden, so you see we have a good wagon road from Ferndale to Lynden. -Born, January 7th, unto the wife of James SPENCER, a son. Also January 1st to Mr. and Mrs. HEARTER, a son. The newcomers belong to the new settlement up north, which by the way, is settling fast. They are now trying to form a school district and we trust they will succeed. -Ferndale Cor. -Married, at the residence of Harvey SLADE, Lynden, January 26th, 1888, Judge PANGBORN officiating, Mr. Henry SLADE and Miss Mary RUNYON. Thursday, February 16, 1888: Lewis DARROW killed a grizzly bear weighing 1,000 pounds on the north fork of the Nooksack river, W. T. Frank BRUNSON and Peter GROSS, of Custer played the tragedy of the lost children in the woods Sunday night, but did not wait for the little birds to come and cover them up with leaves. They managed to get out to daylight and breakfast Monday morning. Next time they will take along more rations with them. The ladies in the vicinity of Excelsior wish to express their very earnest appreciation of a nice foot bridge with a good safe hand rail, which Mr. William PATTERSON has built across a creek tributary to Dakota creek, in that neighborhood. By the way, there is a story of distress connected with that creek which some of the Journal folks have not heard about. Mr. PATTERSON was crossing there a few weeks ago when he slipped in. He said he did not know he was in the water until he felt a stream of it running down his back, and then when he was made aware that he was in up to his chin by the chilliness of the water. He had quite a time crawling out, and when that feat was accomplished he made a firm resolve to have a bridge there. J. F. RUSSELL, of Grant's Pass, Oregon, is now engineer at the sawmill, having arrived last week. The TARTE brothers, Whit. and Alf., brought up a yoke of cattle Tuesday on the Evangel to put out on their farms. While driving up flooring in their new house last Friday a hatchet in the hands of George HARVEY glanced and struck his brother Matt. in such a way as to nearly scalp him, cutting a disagreeable gash in his forehead. The wound is not a dangerous one but came very near being. One of the best pieces of road in this part of the county is that running east from California creek upon which are the places of W. G. SIVYER, Henry LOOMIS, Mr. C. H. BANNISTER and several other Journal folks. Mrs. Charles LONG, of Birch bay is very sick. Charley ROSBROUGH left the first of the week for Tacoma to go into his old business, railroading. Mr. UPSON is building a large addition to his California creek residence. Mr. Frederick ALBERTS is doing the carpenter work. Jimmie CAIN and Josh HUGHES followed the hounds into the woods back of Mr. HUGHES' place yesterday, and when they came out they had three wild cats which they had shot with a double barrel shot gun in a few minutes. From the appearance of the Journal to strangers in the east, to many of whom it is sent, it would indicate that there was but one store in Blaine, but there are four well equipped general stores, and two in Semiahmoo. The fourth one has just been opened at the mouth of Dakota creek by Mr. J. N. LINDSEY. Thursday, February 23, 1888:
---Democrat, 15th (Sehome)---
-Mr. Angus McDONALD, who has conducted the Whatcom house saloon for the last
three months closed up yesterday and will go to Seattle. Cause - insufficient
business.-Mr. NOHR, lately from Kansas, has selected about a section of land near Birch bay for himself and friends. -Mrs. JENNI and son of Ferndale have sold their 320 acres of land with the substantial improvements thereon to Lewis STENGER, son of L. STENGER, of this city. Mr. STENGER will move on to the place as soon as his family arrives from Dakota.
---Reveille, 17th (Whatcom)---
-Wm. DALEY, of Lynden, came down this week and closed the bargain for the
thoroughbred Berkshire hogs owned by Mrs. I. S. KALLOCH, of Sehome. He will
take this stock to his farm near Delta.-On Friday last John CADE, of Tuxedo mills, was filling a journal with babbit metal, when it exploded throwing the melted metal into his face and eyes. It is feared he will lose one eye, and the other was dangerously injured.
Work Already Done in the First Two Months of 1888
The weather for the past four weeks has not been very favorable
for logging operations, but during January considerable was done in that
direction. Saturday we visited five of the six camps within a radius of six
miles of Blaine, and found things very quiet in all of them owing to the
soft condition of the roads. Work will be better pushed in a few weeks when
the roads become firmer and the sap begins running.We found Mr. RUCKER's men, building new roads at HUGHES' place where they have now taken up their quarters for the purpose of logging off his timber. They are also boarding at Mr. HUGHES'. Since the first of January Mr. RUCKER, with the aid of nine men, and a team of five yoke of cattle, has put in the water about 300,000 feet of logs, and has a boom now ready for towing. LINDSEY & MILHOLLIN's camp is running with a force of fifteen men and a team of five yoke cattle. The also have put in about 300,000 feet since the year began. Mr. UPSON, on California creek, has put in 140,000 feet with the aid of five men and a team of four yoke of cattle. He also has a large quantity of timber ready in the woods. Mr. Chas. VOGHT, who has only recently commenced logging operations on the south side of this harbor, has not put in any logs yet, but has probably a hundred thousand feet down in the woods. He has a force of six men employed, and a team of four yoke of cattle. Mr. Henry HENSPETER on Birch bay, four miles south of Blaine, we found building some first class logging roads. He has been putting in some fine logs, but is working only four men now, though he has six yoke of cattle in his team. They have just put in the water 100,000 feet since January first. In about a month Mr. HENSPETER expects to have a large force of men at work, as he is about to extend his roads to the large body of timber just west of his place. At Drayton Heights, just across the harbor from Blaine, Mr. Chas. MOORE is working with eight men to help him, and has hauled with his team of five yoke cattle 140,000 feet of logs, over half of them in the past two weeks, and all since the first of January. Mr. MOORE says he will have one section in his boom when he makes it up which will be the biggest lot of logs ever towed out of this harbor. He got one log down however, which will not be so big when it goes away as it is now. It is seven feet in diameter and he has split it from end to end of the two cuts with giant powder, to make it small enough for the sawmills to handle. Now, if you have added up these figures you will see that in the first two months of 1888 the six Blaine logging camps will have put in the water not less than 1,200,000 feet of timber, and employ fifty men, besides twelve lady cooks, two at each camp, and use 58 head of cattle in the work, and if they keep on as they have begun the year will see as much as 7,200,000 feet of timber in the water. This timber should most of it be sawed up here and sent away in ships as lumber instead of being towed a hundred miles at great risk of loss by the sea, and certain loss to Blaine in profits on the lumber, etc. If we had one or two good sawmills here we would soon have rail connection with tracts of timber and coal beds in the interior and the logging industry would not need to slack up, and we hope to see such establishments located here within another twelve months.
-Mr. RATCLIFF is making a fireplace in D. McDOUGAL's new house. -Mr. McCOMB has rented his place to Mr. ROESSELL for five years, and will soon make his residence in Seattle. -The neighbors spent the greater part of last week clearing up an acre of ground given by H. A. SMITH for a cemetery. -Mr. VAN AUSTRAN , who has been spending the winter with Mr. POTTER, and in the mean time looking for land suitable for a home, has made arrangements to purchase the DUNCAN place. -Born, February 13th, to the wife of John HARDAN, of Ferndale, a son. -It is rumored that John TENNANT has sold his ranch near Ferndale. Eb. SMITH is building a livery stable in Lynden. Thursday, March 1, 1888: S. P. HUGHES has built an addition on to his house for the accommodation of RUCKER's logging camp. John R. MILLER's house is on Fifth street instead of Fourth street, as the Journal had it last week. Messrs. PALMER and KREMER are each building picket fences in front of their places in Union school district. Jas. BUCHANAN has bought a horse of Mr. JOHNSON who was formerly telegraph repairer along the Postal lines. The hands at the shingle mill went out on a strike Monday and consequently there was nothing done over there for two-days and a half. Mr. and Mrs. ABBOTT, evangelists, are expected in Blaine next Tuesday to hold a series of meetings here and in Excelsior. Blaine has never taken a backward step since it has been a town. Mr. LAMPHIER has rented Mr. ELWOOD's farm at Mud bay, and moves out there this week. Mr. BOBBLETT has received a letter from a sister in Panora, Iowa, which states that a large number of people are coming out here from that place in the spring, among them being a daughter of Mr. M. ROSBROUGH. Mr. W. H. UPSON is underdraining his orchard lot on California creek. He has about finished the large addition to his house, which nearly doubles its size besides a wide porch to extend along the west side of the addition, which is about thirty feet in length. Ed. GAYLOR says the road from Ferndale to Birch Bay will be put in good condition for travel this year, as there are four overseers living on it in a distance of eleven miles, namely Henry ROESSELLE, Robert SHIELDS, Frank BRONSON and George CREASEY. They are all rustlers too, which means that the road from Ferndale to Blaine will still be the best road in Whatcom county. With the California creek bridge finished there will undoubtedly be two stage lines running between Whatcom and Blaine via Birch bay regularly. With two between here and New Westminster we will be pretty well served in that respect. A man named REED has bought the Beach place on Lummi island at the landing also known as Beach. He is preparing to build a good wharf there, and will also erect a large sawmill and start a store. We are pleased to inform the readers of the Journal that the fares on the steamer Evangel have been reduced. Captain TARTE says he will now carry passengers to Sehome for one dollar and to Seattle for two dollars. Returning same rates. H. B. KIRBY launched a fine new boat which he had just finished for VOGHT & WHITE, on Tuesday.
----Democrat 22d (Sehome)----
-Married, at the residence of Manly ROGERS, on Tuesday evening, February
16, 1888, L. G. VAN VALKENBURG and Mary J. POST, Justice NIMS officiating.-Measles are prevalent at Nooksack. Two of the HARKNESS children, two of Mr. ELDER's and Miss Nettie WALKER are now undergoing a siege.
----Reveille 24th (Whatcom)----
-Mr. Fred WHITNEY has bought the PERRITT place, ten acres, at Ferndale.
Thursday, March 8, 1888: According to the Reveille of the 2d there were four new cases of measles at Nooksack -- Miss McELMON, Jimmy ELDER, Minnie WALKER and Effie MOULTRAY. George NOLTE of Whatcom was up to John GEISHER's Birch bay place after fat stock this week. Mr. KREMER, senior, and George KREMER started away to Yakima, on the Evangel Tuesday, to be gone several months working at bricklaying. The California creek school house is well under way. No place in the county can make a better show of new buildings than the California creek neighborhood. Blaine has the only G. A. R. post in Whatcom county. Messrs. STENDER and BERTRAND have been at work to-day grading down and clearing out the foot of E street. The steamer Edith is lying at Ferndale waiting for water to go up to Lynden on. The Nooksack is very low. Mr. A. BEHEM and family, from Oregon, arrived on the Evangel Tuesday and went up California creek where we believe they intend to take up their residence. Henry THRIFT is preparing to open a brick yard at Hall's prairie. The ground has been cleared off and the work of putting in a kiln will be commenced as soon as possible. CAIN Brothers are trying to make arrangements with an expert to clear all the stumps from Washington avenue. It is the intention to have that street cleared and graded this summer along its whole length. Wm. SEWARD, a cousin of Charley STOOPS, came to Blaine Tuesday from Vancouver, Washington territory, to visit a short time. Arthur BARRACKLAW came home on the Evangel Tuesday for a short visit with his father and mother. He will return to Seattle the first of next week.
Following is a list of letters uncalled for lying in the Semiahmoo
postoffice: Thursday, March 15, 1888: MILHOLLIN Bros. commenced driving piles Saturday for the bridge at the mouth of California creek.
-Rev. G. BAKER of Ferndale is making preparations to move into a house belonging to Mr. HATCH at the south end of town. -The Edith is laid up at Ferndale with a load of freight for Lynden on account of low water. Captain RANDOLPH was accompanied by his two daughters this trip. -On the 8th Carrie SMITH (the first child born in this section) entertained a few of her school mates on the celebration of her twelfth birthday. -Mr. CLAYTON sold a yoke of steers to John HILTREN, of Enterprise. Breaking steers seems to be the order of the day, five yoke were seen on our roads last week. Mr. JOHNSON, Mate on the Evangel, has gone to his ranch near Ferndale for a months recreation. Thursday, March 22, 1888: Mr. J. C. McLENNAN, school teacher at Mud Bay, B. C. was in town a few days ago. Mr. J. R. THOMAS is setting out quite a large orchard this spring on his place three miles east of here. Mrs. B. K. McELMON of Nooksack is visiting relatives in Blaine this week. Thursday, March 29, 1888:
About Christmas we were over the road between Blaine and Lynden, and again
the first of the present week. Since the former trip John BIRTSCH has built
a tool house and wagon shed on his place at Excelsior. The people in the California creek school district are highly pleased with their new building just finished by J. T. LLEWELLYN. Mrs. B. K. McELMON came over last Tuesday from Nooksack to be with her sister-in-law, Mrs. D. R. McELMON, who is still quite sick. At the meeting this afternoon the Free Methodists decided to build a church at once 28 by 40 feet in size at the corner of Fourth and G streets. The people at Excelsior were pained and surprised on Sunday to learn of the sudden death one day last week of A. T. ROBINSON, who taught their school last fall. He coughed some while here, but no one thought the trouble was so serious. However, quick consumption developed itself a few weeks ago, and he passed away at the Nooksack hotel at six o'clock last Thursday morning. Like all consumptives he was hopeful to the last, but was ready when the time came to go. He was buried on Sunday, and his relatives, who are all in the east telegraphed. P. FOSTER, from Michigan, took the position of filer in ELWOOD's mills Tuesday. Mrs. STENDER and her son Carl went to Seattle Tuesday. We understand that she will sue for a divorce. D. ANDERSON, from Michigan, came to Semiahmoo Tuesday to take the position of sawyer in ELWOOD's shingle mill. D. E. HOFFMAN and E. D. HIX were passengers on the Evangel Tuesday on their way to East Sound to start a lime kiln. F. BOWMAN and J. P. OLSON returned to Blaine Tuesday, and we believe will hereafter reside on their places east of here. If you would like to procure a thoroughbred Collie puppy cheap write to Mrs. C. R. CAMPBELL, of Ferndale, who has several for sale. Pedigree furnished. The typhoid fever seems to be running its course through Mr. BERTRAND's family. Tommie was brought home very sick with it last Friday, and now Sam is also down with it. Mr. and Mrs. Albert ROBIE's baby girl who was born at their home near Ferndale last Wednesday, the 21st of March, weighs two pounds more than ours, or ten pounds. The measles have been raging generally about Yager, Nooksack and Lynden, and nearly every one who has not had them has been down. Among others we notice that four children of Rev. GRIGGS were all down at once, but are now convalescing. The road running parallel with the Nooksack between the upper crossing and Ferndale, nearest the river on the south side, is called Pleasant Ridge road. It is open now along the whole length, the piece between Wiser Lake and Ferndale having lately been finished, and of the whole fifteen miles there is probably not two miles which will ever be muddy. The Evangel was detained over eight hours in Port Townsend on her last trip down owing to the taking of Capt. TARTE's evidence in the case of the man named VASHON who loaded a cargo of opium on to the Evangel last week at Whatcom and was arrested with it in Seattle. VASHON is a British Columbian fisherman and says he smuggled the opium to raise money to buy a fishing outfit. Poor fellow he will now see his fishing outfit as well as his original capital vanish, and undoubtedly have a penalty to pay besides. W. H. DORR is getting out timbers for a large barn on his Wiser Lake farm. B. W. EVERETT and several of his family of Custer, are down with the measles. Mrs. BOND is preparing to build a residence on her lots in the northern part of the town. The plans have already been completed. Last evening in Lynden Kenward ROBINSON and Hettie EBIE were married in the presence of a large company of invited guests. The Lynden brass band made music on the occasion. Little Nettie KAGER ran up behind her brother Eddie, who was chopping, just as the axe came back when the head of it struck her on the upper lip cutting an ugly gash and knocking out two teeth. Rev. WARREN was home Tuesday and reports a very successful revival meeting at Enterprise. About a dozen have already professed conversion, and the meetings are still in progress. Mr. and Mrs. ORGAN are conducting the meetings. Mr. A. GILFILLIN, from Ashland, Wisconsin, a son-in-law of Mr. Charles BENNETT, came to Blaine last Friday, and has since been looking up the prospects for starting a sawmill on this harbor. The mill, should they conclude to locate one, will have a capacity of 50,000 feet per day and be the best of its class. Mr. GILFILLIN is accompanied by his family. Thursday, April 5, 1888: W. L. ROGERS has leased the Blaine hotel for a year, and Henry STENDER has gone out on to his Hall's prairie farm. Grandpa WHITCOM has had a very bad spell of hiccoughing and choking, so bad, in fact that it was thought that in his old age (86) that he could not withstand it, but we believe he is some better to-day. Mr. C. Hartwell SCHOFF has contracted for the iron work and machinery for the new steamer which he is building at Lynden, at the Tacoma foundry and machine shop. We believe the steamer is to run on the Nooksack and around Bellingham bay. Blaine has the most convenient postoffice in Whatcom county now since it has been refitted. The work was done by Wm. WEST and Postmaster CAIN, and makes the office more satisfactory both to patrons and postmaster. Now if you get considerable mail you will find it very much to your advantage to secure a box. The call boxes are only fifteen cents per quarter and the lock boxes twenty-five. Oly OHLSON is very sick at his home on Dakota creek. His sister has been spending several weeks nursing him. The disease is consumption, and his friends fear that he will never get well. As we said before, E. M. ADAMS went up sound, but he didn't come down sound by a good deal, for while working on a scaffold sixty feet from the ground a falling plank struck the side of the platform and flew up and made an ugly gash in his chin. He feels thankful that it did not knock him off, as it came very near doing, which if it had done he would not have come down sound at all. Mr. GEE has been hauling the lumber for a new barn this week. Mr. C. C. SMITH left Tuesday for a six weeks visit in Welcome, Minnesota. J. P. OHLSON has a good yoke of work oxen for sale on his Dakota creek farm. Robert NEWBERN, from Jersey City, New Jersey, arrived in Blaine the first of the week and is stopping at C. C. SMITH's while Mr. SMITH is east, and will make this country his home. Last Thursday afternoon the Free Methodists held an enthusiastic meeting for the purpose of making arrangements to build a church. E. A. BOBBLETT offered a lot 50x150 feet just east of Mr. ECKFORD's house. CAIN Brothers offered three lots in block 35 or two lots in block 32. The latter lots were accepted, and it was decided to at once erect a building thereon 28x40 fourteen feet walls with four windows on each side, also double doors. A building committee of three was appointed consisting of A. W. STEEN, J. R. MILLER and J. W. KAGER. Three solicitors, namely, J. C. BERTRAND, C. C. PAUL and J. W. KAGER, were also appointed. A. W. STEEN was appointed trustee to hold property until the society can incorporate. Mr. and Mrs. ABBOTT were appointed solicitors at large to solicit subscriptions. H. S. ABBOTT acted as chairman and J. W. KAGER as clerk of the meeting. J. D. WHEELER, of Ferndale has just secured a set of stock scales, we believe the first in the county. Mr. A. LEWIS will hereafter hold religious services the third Sunday in each month at his residence at Lewis Center. Mrs. Cristine JOHNSON, nee OHLSON, returned home to Whatcom by the Evangel Tuesday after spending several weeks with her sick brother. James BUCHANAN has been making the stumps and logs suffer on his farm at Custer the past week. He has one of the prettiest places on the Blaine-Ferndale road, and we prophesy that before 1889 he will have a nice new residence on it. By last week's Reveille we see that Prof. GRIFFIN is teaching singing school at Nooksack. That J. D. ROGERS, of Ferndale, killed a porker that weighed 442 pounds. That there are some eight or ten new buildings going up in Lynden. That a G. A. R. post has been organized in Lynden, and a Masonic lodge is about to be. C. E. CLINE, of Lynden, sends word over to Blaine that they have a base ball club in Lynden that can wax anything in the county. Yes? We've no doubt, however, that Blaine could get up a club that would make Lynden tired in about two games, but our young men are too busy at work and haven't got time for such nonsense, except on Sundays, and they have too much self respect to unhallow that day with such games. We heard a gentleman say the other day that A. D. ROGERS, of Ferndale, kept the best hotel on Puget sound, and we feel half inclined to believe he was right. The Ferndale hotel is not quite so stylish, may be, as some of the big ones, but we honestly believe it sets the best table, for the price charged for entertainment, of any hotel, at least on the lower sound, and its beds are in keeping with the dining room, so we don't blame our friend for getting a little enthusiastic. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. ABBOTT left on the steamer Evangel Tuesday to go to Snohomish where they will hold a series of revival meetings. We understand that they will return to Blaine in about six weeks and make it their permanent home. A little son of David BROWN, of Hall's prairie, was pulling at a strip of birch bark while holding an open knife in his hand the other day, when the bark suddenly slipped and the knife flew back and struck him in the eye, nearly - and it may possibly quite - destroying the organ. Thursday, April 12, 1888: Blaine will have two new sawmills and another shingle mill before 1888 closes. Mr. RUSSELL, who has been engineer at the sawmill, left for Grant's Pass, Oregon, the first of the week. Miss THORNTON, from Ferndale was in Blaine the first of the week on her way to Delta where she will teach the school this summer.
Friday afternoon the Journal man took a walk out near the head waters of
Dakota creek, and as usual saw a good many changes which have been made out
there in the past few months. Captain TARTE's steamer Brick will be launched in Seattle on his return this trip. J. P. DEMATTOS last week sold two lots in Semiahmoo to Mrs. EGAN and J. A. MARTIN. The market for hand made shingles is better at present than it has been for several years. Our dealers are now paying $1.75 per thousand, and the demand for them is very active. One day not long since Mr. George PENNINGTON went away from home, but before going gave his little boy, Jimmie, eight years old, permission to make shingles. When he returned at night, the boy, with the aid of his sister, Anna PENNINGTON, had made and bunched one thousand shingles. The Reveille says that Postmaster ELDER and Allen HARKNESS, of Nooksack, report that Mr. PENCE and another gentleman will start a logging camp at the Crossing. Did you know that we are soon to have another shingle mill here? Well, we are, that is, it will be just east of here. Chas. STILLWELL, of Blaine and Chas. ST. MYRE, of Tacoma, have sent for machinery, and it is now on the road here, for a 25,000 steam mill to be located at STILLWELL's place, which mill will probably be running in a few weeks. By last week's Democrat we learn that James WILSON has just opened a general store in Ferndale. That Mr. Joseph KING, of Ten Mile has lost two head of cattle this spring by eating wild parsnip. B. F. LASHMET returned to his Dakota creek place Tuesday. William HAMLEY is doing a nice job of ditching and clearing on his place at Excelsior. Misses H. and E. MILLER, of California creek, returned home from Tacoma by the Evangel Tuesday. Mr. J. PATTERSON, a boiler maker from Seattle came up on the Evangel Tuesday to overhaul the boiler in ELWOOD's shingle mill. Mr. Ed. BOBBLETT has been looking for his sister, Mrs. A. M. BLUE, and he was much pleased at her arrival by the Evangel Tuesday. She made a quick trip, coming from Panora, Iowa, in just one week. Work will be commenced early next week on a first class sawmill to be located six hundred feet from high water mark near the foot of E street. Now that is a little bit of an item, but it means a good deal for Blaine. It means a finished wharf; it means a vessel in our harbor for lumber once in a while; it means boat building, residence building and many other improvements which would not be done without it. Monday Mr. A. W. STEEN came into the Journal office looking so happy that we knew something had pleased him more than usual before he spoke. "Just got word from Westminster that two sisters and brother-in-law, whom I haven't seen for twelve years, are over there, and I'm going over to meet them," said he, and in about an hour we saw him starting out with D. S. MILLER for the royal city. When he came back Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Elias WILSON and little son, from Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and Miss Addie STEEN, from Boston, accompanied him. They have come to Blaine to make it their home. Mr. WILSON is a lumberman of experience and we hope soon to hear a good report from him.
-Mr. McCOMB and family left for Seattle last Friday. Mr. RESSELLE, who has rented the place, has commenced improvements and will put it all in grass. -Mr. SHIELDS, of Enterprise, was the purchaser of Mr. McCOMB's team of horses. -Rev. OSBORN gave us a very appropriate sermon Easter Sunday. -Rev. ORGAN and wife came into the neighborhood on Tuesday to hold revival meetings. Revs. OSBORN and BAKER are also assisting in this good work. -Mrs. RATCLIFF has been confined to her house several weeks on account of sickness. -County Assessor CUSTER came into the neighborhood yesterday to begin his rounds. -The school district have bought a pump for the school well. -Miss Alice SMITH, who has been attending school in Seattle, returned home Saturday. -Orsy NORTON is down from Lynden academy to spend vacation week. -Mr. DEEDS has been plowing the past week for friends near Lynden who have no teams. -Mr. BATSTONE has bought J. GERBER's ranch next [to] him. He is now in possession of one of the best pieces of land to be found. -Mr. D. McDOUGAL has moved into his new house. The old settlers are gradually giving up their log cabins for better houses. The lawsuit which has recently been indulged in by Messrs. THRIFT and McMILLAN, of Hall's Prairie, is to be settled by arbitration, with Mr. A. A. HART as arbitrator. Cheaper than law. Thursday, April 19, 1888: J. N. LINDSEY is attending the G. A. R. encampment at Seattle. Grandpa CAIN has been suffering with eresipelas for several days. Sixteen people put up at the Blaine hotel two nights the past week. Miss Effie COWDEN, of Ferndale, and C. W. ROWLY, of Slaughter, King county, were married Saturday evening at the residence of the bride's uncle in Seattle.
The townsite is owned by Messrs. HAWLEY, JUDSON and LAWRENCE, and is a very pretty location, barring the above-mentioned disadvantages, and the people there have got all the moss if they ever had any, scratched off their back long ago. Not less than six or eight new buildings are under way, and also the hull of a new steamboat, and both sawmills are running all the time. Among the new buildings are a new drug store, a church and a photograph gallery. As many as six of these structures are located in East Lynden near HAWLEY's old Pioneer store. Charley HUNT has been catching a good many halibut lately off Point Roberts. A Sunday school was organized at Wiser Lake last week with W. H. DORR as superintendent. We believe Mr. E. C. JOHNSON commenced work on David BROWN's Hall's Prairie residence this week. We see by the Snohomish Opinion that C. A. MISSMER, brother of Elmer, has purchased one-fourth interest in the Snohomish water works. A family by the name of HEARTWELL, from Kansas, relatives of Mr. TRACY, of Birch bay, arrived on the Evangel Tuesday, and expect to make their home there. Mr. A. A. HART returned by the Evangel Tuesday with some more furniture stock for his Blaine store. He already has several orders for mattresses which he manufactures in first class style in his shop. We met Mr. E. HAWLEY while in Lynden Friday with his right arm in a sling. The cause of which was his getting the hand in his shingle mill saw, by which he lost several fingers and had his thumb lacerated. Last week's Democrat says that L. C. EWELL, of Custer, has rented his farm and will spend the summer in Seattle or Tacoma. That Gus BRUNS and Mr. KIRK have put in an extensive salmon weir at Birch bay. That Clear Brook is the name of the new postoffice in Whatcom county located on Barnes or Hogg prairie, with Mrs. J. J. FULLER as postmaster. We notice in the Reveille that the Bellingham hotel has again been reopened. That the steamer Edith was stranded on the beach at Lummi and injured and is now being repaired at Fairhaven. That Will D. JENKINS has let the contract for slashing, clearing and fencing forty acres on his farm near Ten Mile. That a colony from California are about to buy and settle upon 1900 acres of land owned by W. P. JONES, around Lake Terrill. This and other fine land in the Birch Bay neighborhood is selling at $5 per acre. And that eighteen men are now employed in the GANNON logging camp at Lynden, and ten at the WOODIN camp, Bellingham. W. G. YOUNG, of Ottawa, Kansas, was registered at the Blaine hotel last Friday. Lumber was brought over on last night's tide for Mrs. BOND's new residence, which will be built by John R. MILLER. Donald McLEAN, M. D., late surgeon U. S. army, will be in Blaine for a few days, and those desiring to consult him may do so. J. H. KARNES, from Dake, Colorado, a lumberman, has been looking about among our logging camps to-day. We believe he intends to remain in Blaine permanently. We learn that a shingle mill is soon to be started at the head of California creek. We will have enough shingle mills here before the summer is over to load three steamers per week. We had a pleasant call this morning from Mr. Lewis SHAFFNER, who has just arrived in Blaine from Dundy county, Nebraska. Mr. SHAFFNER is a brother-in-law of Mr. John H. KANE, and may locate permanently here.
On Monday, April 16, at 11 o'clock a. m., in Blaine, at the home of his parents,
of typhoid fever, Samuel BERTRAND, aged 22 years and 8 months.Samuel BERTRANN (sic) was born in Chilliwhack, British Columbia, August 22, 1865. He was the third son of J. C. and M. A. BERTRAND. At the age of six years he removed to the fine section of country twelve miles east of here known as Bertrand prairie. After residing there for fifteen years he came to Blaine, where he has since lived, until called away last Monday. Many people in Blaine and Lynden will be sad when they hear of the cutting down of the happy dispositioned young man just as he was entering upon the field of life, but still many will feel a satisfaction in knowing that if there is any comfort to the human soul in the religion of Christ he had it. He was buried on Tuesday, at 2 p. m. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. B. H. GRIGGS, of Lynden, from First Corinthians, xv, 19. Just after the Journal had been issued last Thursday word came that Beecher EVANS had been killed in the logging camp of LYNDSEY (sic) & MILHOLLIN on Dakota creek. It seems that about the middle of the afternoon he was riding a log behind the team as it approached the turn near the landing, expecting to jump off before the log reached the turn. By some means he delayed too long and it gave a sudden twist hurling him off against another log in such a way as to crush him instantly to death. Beecher EVANS was an orphan boy about seventeen years of age, and has lived about Blaine for the past five years. He has lived in the family of R. D. HARRINTON on California creek since coming here, but for several months has been in the logging camp. His father and mother died within a few weeks of each other. He had several sisters, Miss Roxy EVANS, one of them came in response to a telegram, from Seattle, but arrived too late to be at the funeral, which occurred on Friday, Rev. A WARREN preaching the funeral sermon. Beecher was a cheerful little fellow and his death cast a gloom over the camp which will not wear off for some time. Thursday, April 26, 1888: Sherman HOOVER and family, from Kansas, arrived in Blaine yesterday and are stopping at the Blaine hotel. C. C. SHOHONEY and family, of Puyallup, also came on the Evangel and are registered at the same place. The Journal was three years old last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. ORGAN, in their evangelistic work in Mountain View succeeded in inducting eighteen, we understand to accept the better way. Mr. S. P. HUGHES is fencing J. A. MARTIN's Fourth street property. We understand that Mr. MARTIN will build a good residence there this summer. On the 10th of May Father THOMA will hold Catholic services at the residence of Mr. FREESE on Dakota creek, and at Mrs. ELWOOD's on the spit on the 11th. W. H. VIANEN shipped 600 pounds of fresh salmon to Blaine to-day. This is the first time on record that salmon have been know to take the Semiahmoo trail. -Columbian, 19th. Mr. UPSON has one of the most convenient farm residences in Whatcom county since the large addition to his California creek house has been finished. It is most comfortably arranged, neatly painted and fitted up with dining room, pantry and kitchen, a large wood house at the back and plank walks to out buildings. Customs Inspector BASS captured 120 pounds of contraband opium on Wednesday while a smuggler named Edward GROVE was putting the same on board the steamer Washington at the Whatcom wharf for Seattle. The opium was neatly packed in six twenty-pound cans, stored in a trunk, which crossed the British boundary near Lynden and came to Whatcom in a private conveyance. The smuggler, who gave his name as Edward GROVE, is said to have made many trips across the boundary on similar business. Mr. BASS took his prisoner to Seattle on the steamer Wednesday. -Reveille. An Ottawa telegram of the 17th says that the dominion government has received the resolution passed by the British Columbia legislature asking the former to acquire Point Roberts, W. T., by purchase or otherwise. The place is described as a veritable "no-man's-land;" it is a hot bed of smugglers and toughs, and no laws are observed, greatly to the detriment of settlers. Point Roberts wouldn't be very much missed if the British were to acquire it, but it is positively stated that according to the observations of an eminent engineer the 49th parallel is a mile and a half further north than the boundary commission located it, and no doubt the United States government would be glad to exchange Point Roberts for a strip of country a mile and a half wide and reaching from Mud bay to the Lake of the Woods. Mr. BARRICKLAW feels pretty good these days. He received a letter from Washington Tuesday notifying him that he had been granted a pension of $8 per month with arearages of $124. This is a very pleasant reminder to a veteran of the war with Mexico of five painful wounds received during the SCOTT campaign from Vera Cruz to the city of Mexico. One of those wounds deserves more than a passing mention. Mr. BARRICKLAW was then a young man of nineteen, and beat the drum while they marched up from the gulf to the city of the Montazumas. In one of the fights (he was wounded in about every battle with more or less severity) a shot came along, cut one of his drumsticks in two, passed through his arm and shoulder and came out the back of his neck. He still retains the splintered drumstick as a memento of the occasion and he carries scars on nearly every other part of his body to remember the rest of the campaign by. B. N. KINGSLEY has been appointed school director to fill the vacancy occasioned by the absence of Mr. George McPHERSON. Mr. JARVIS and family, lately from the east, a brother-in-law of Mr. J. BARKER, is no residing on the WALDO place on California creek. Whatcom has reorganized the Steadman G. A. R. post and Joseph WOLFE and M. YOUNKIN represented it at the grand encampment at Seattle last week. Supervisor STOOPS is working on the piece of road, between Messrs. THOMAS and FREESES' places, with work will complete a good road between Blaine and Lynden. Messrs. MOORE and SYSSON, of Ferndale, have just returned from California with quite a number of cattle and horses, among with was some valuable blooded stock. Mr. McCALL, the Blaine telegraph operator has had quite a comfortable time lately with the wires. He has only had to make three repairing trips since the first of March. A. D. MORDIS has bought eighty acres of land of Mr. LLEWELLYN on California creek. He has sent for his family which is in the east, and will take up his residence there. Sufficient funds have been subscribed to construct a M. E. church building in Blaine, and before the frosts of another autumn blight the leaves we hope to see a church steeple pointing heavenward. While Mr. John THOMAS, of Delta, was at Lynden last Thursday an incendiary set his large barn on fire and it was entirely consumed with the considerable feed, etc., and farm implements. Mrs. THOMAS was at home sick in bed at the time. If some enterprising man on California creek or in Blaine or Custer wants to get two or three months' employment let him prepare a subscription paper for work on the Blaine-Custer road, and we believe he will have no trouble, if he is the right kind of a man, in raising from $100 to $150 to expend between the mouth of California creek and Custer. Mr. Daniel ANDERSON had the ill fortune yesterday to get one of his hands badly lascerated in the saws of ELWOOD's shingle mill. He says this is the third accident, and he hopes the last for him, in the past few months. One of the other accidents was a blowup and the other was a cut by a saw which destroyed a thumb. He will probably be laid up a week or two with this last wound. Mr. Ed. BROWN informs us that a subscription paper is circulating in Ferndale and Custer for work on the Diagonal road. One hundred and fifty dollars has been subscribed, and one man alone gave $50. We hope they will make a good road of it, and then we hope some one will take hold and fix the road between here and Custer so a man can walk over it without being obliged to wear one of Paul BOYNTON's life preserving suits. The Journal's logging reporter went out to LINDSEY & MILHOLLIN's camp Monday to find out about a big tree they were putting in the water. Well, he came back with the dimensions all right, so we are able to lay them before our readers. The butt was six inches bigger across than the length of the driver's ox goad, and the log was forty and two-thirds steps long, cut into five pieces, and worth $140. The fact of the business is, that was a pretty good tree, seven feet at the butt, four twenty-four foot and one twenty-six foot cuts, and scaled 20,000 feet. They put in 30,000 feet Monday. Mr. BICE, of California creek, lost a cow last week. Yesterday Andrew WEST went to go under a pulley when the end of the belt came along and struck him on the head knocking him nearly senseless and tearing open the scalp in an ugly manner. He was able to be at work, however in the afternoon. Thursday, May 3, 1888: Mrs. DUNN came up on the Evangel Tuesday and went over with her husband to PRESTON's logging camp. Custer seems a good place for boys. Jake FOX reports the arrival of a new one at his home last Friday evening. Mr. Will WILZINSKI, who represents the great house of SCHWABACHER Bros. & Co., has been visiting Blaine and vicinity this week. Yesterday Mrs. STANLEY met with a distressing accident, which may prove to be a dangerous one. She, with her little boy it seems were working together, when by some means the boy brought the axe, with which he was working, down full force on the back of the hand, laying the bones bare and we believe shattering them considerably. This is a very unfortunate accident to Mrs. STANLEY, as she is depending on her own labor to get her spring work done.
-BROWN Bros. bought sixteen mutton sheep of C. C. HOSKINS. -J. B. HATCH, our enterprising merchant at West Ferndale, will soon erect a business house on Front street. -There is a large quantity of produce in the hands of the farmers, which cannot be sent to market on account of poor transportation facilities. -We are informed that Mr. WHEELER, of Ferndale, will start for Seattle Monday to be treated at the hospital. -The Congregational church will be dedicated on the third Sunday in May. Rev. Dr. ATKINSON, of Oregon, and several other ministers will assist. [Itemizer, May 1st] Allen HARVEY went to Whatcom on Tuesday to file on a homestead. Cousin Bob SHIELDS, of Custer, has been willing, ever since April 2d, to rock the cradle, because it has had a new boy in it since then. Chas. STOOPS went to Whatcom on Tuesday to prove up on his homestead. Messrs. William HAMLEY and Joseph R. THOMAS accompanied him as witnesses. The Reveille says that last year there were fifty-five buildings erected in Lynden. Also that Nate HARKNESS, of Nooksack, was chased by a cougar one evening not long since. And that a new sawmill is soon to be started at Nooksack. We see by the Democrat that E. E. HUNT, who has been acting receiver in HARDAN's old store in Ferndale, has gone to eastern Washington gold hunting, and that George W. LYLE, of Lynden, has relinquished his homestead claim for $1700 and left this county. Mr. ELWOOD has opened a brick yard on California creek. Messrs. CARTER and BUNBURY, two practical brick makers, are conducting the work, and will burn a trial kiln of 150,000 as soon as possible. If those turn out to be of good quality a much larger kiln will be prepared. The clay is declared by experts to be the best, and there is no reason why it should not produce the most satisfactory results. We believe every one of those bricks will find a market in Blaine, but what can be spared from them we believe Mr. ELWOOD will ship to Seattle to build a house on his property there. He informs us that experiments will be made will be made here with sewer pipe, and if it can be successfully made a factory for its manufacture will also be put in operation. Several men who wished to go from Blaine south Monday morning grumbled very much because they were obliged to walk out to Custer to take the stage. This is one of the drawbacks Blaine has to contend against in its efforts to secure its proportion of the home seekers from the south. If the California creek bridge had been finished HICKS & BUCHANAN's stage would have been making regular semi-weekly trips between Whatcom and Blaine for the past six weeks. They say that from two to five passengers enquire of them the means of getting to Blaine each trip, but when they learn that they must walk eight miles refuse to come. They also say they will put on their stage as soon as the bridge is finished. The bridge will probably be completed soon, as the money for its construction was appropriated a year ago. Last Sunday Captain TARTE's new steamer, the Brick, was launched in Seattle. She rode the water like a duck and promises to be a good sea boat. People who knew the old Brick need not expect to recognize her in the new one, for she has grown some and has got on a new suit of clothes. Now she will look some like the Evangel, only the lower deck in front will be open. She will be sixty feet long, sixteen feet beam and will draw six feet of water. The best we heard about her was that she will commence running to Blaine regular hours in a few weeks, leaving Sehome in the morning on a given day and reaching Blaine about noon. This will be an accommodation to many people who desire to come to Blaine, but are now prevented by the irregularity of the hours of leaving Sehome. The new steamer will have comfortable passenger accommodations.
Rev. W. G. JONES, of Whatcom, will preach in Blaine Monday evening May 14th. Herman PETRASCH went over into British Columbia yesterday in search of employment. J. M. PRIVETTE started for Jefferson, Oregon, Tuesday to be gone about a week. He will probably bring his little daughter with him when he returns. Mr. RICHARDS, the ferryman, is having his Washington avenue lots entirely cleared of stumps and roots, and will, we believe, enclose them with a neat picket fence. Mr. BERTRAND has received a letter from Rev. ABBOTT stating that they are in Seattle resting, as Mrs. ABBOTT is suffering with a severe cold. They expect to return to Blaine some time in July. Mr. R. A. WILSON is making one of the cosyest places in Blaine out of his B street property. This spring he has graded and cleaned up the grounds, fenced them with a neat picket fence and also set out a new orchard. BROWN Brother's stage went over to New Westminster yesterday. Hereafter they will make regular trips, passing through Blaine going north at ten o'clock Wednesday mornings, and going south at five thirty Thursday evenings. Albert ROGERS has gone to Lynden to attend the Normal Academy. Chas. VOGHT was getting lumber around from the Blaine mill Tuesday to build barns on his Birch bay farm. Mr. DYER, the photographer, took a view of the Evangel with colors flying, just as she pulled out from the wharf Tuesday. Mr. M. SCHLOSSER, who has been employed in ELWOOD's shingle mill for a few months took his departure from the spit last week. Mr. LINDSEY has purchased the machinery for a fine sawmill, we believe in Minneapolis, and it is expected to have it in operation in about six or eight weeks. Mr. BARRACKLAW received a lot of new stock for his boot and shoe shop and store by the Evangel Tuesday. Patronage has increased so much with him that he will soon build a new shop and store building with a fancy glass front on Fourth street, which will furnish him with accommodations which he very much needs. Thursday, May 10, 1888: Messrs. HOOVER and SHOHONY and their families went over to Lynden the first of the week. We understand that they have purchased property over there, and will reside there permanently. Charles FRANCIS, a railroad contractor from Seattle, came to Blaine Tuesday, and after taking a look around invested in seven lots on the corner of Third and E streets, on which we believe he will build this summer. Mr. BLOWERS, who was in Blaine last Saturday, went to Ferndale and bought out Mr. J. D. WHEELER's store, residence, barns, etc. He is a merchant of experience and we believe of some capital, and Ferndale will undoubtedly find in him a valuable acquisition to their community. Mr. Edgar SMITH, representing the Polk Directory company, which is at present getting up a directory of the Puget sound country, has been gathering up the names of people in Blaine and Semiahmoo yesterday and to-day. He finds that are about 330 people in Blaine and 120 in Semiahmoo, making a population of 450 here, which is a gain of at least 150 in the last year. The increase promises to be much greater this year. Miss Carrie HENSPETER, of Birch bay, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Anna KINGSLEY, this week. Mr. UPSON's little boy, Russel UPSON, has been very sick the past few days, but we understand is now convalescing. D. S. MILLER went to Westminster yesterday to place himself under the doctor's care for two weeks. His stage will run to that place Friday, however, driven by Will McCALLUM. No less than five buildings were put up in Lynden in the past three weeks, among which we noticed a drug store, a meat shop and a very fine large barn, the latter belonging to the Hon. H. A. JUDSON. BROWN Brothers' stage had five passengers for New Westminster yesterday. Among them we noticed Miss Hattie MILLER, of California creek, Miss Emma BRUNS, of Birch Bay, and Mr. COSGROVE, of Sehome. Last week's Democrat says that Capt. James O'NEIL, of Lynden has been granted a pension with over one thousand dollars of arrearages. Also that Henry GRAHAM, of Ten-Mile raised three tons of Alsace clover per acre on red loam upland. And that it is now a settled fact that Whatcom county will not get one of the militia companies. Last Friday Mr. PALMER, of Lynden, was bringing some Polled Aangus (sic) and other cattle, twenty-two heads in all, from Whatcom to his farm on the Nooksack. The stock came from Minnesota, and among it was a thoroughbred Durham bull worth $500. Just before the Guide Meridean (sic) road reaches the ferry it turns at the river bank and runs up the stream for a few rods. Well, when his bullship came out on the bank he thought he knew a better way than to walk up the river like a gentleman, so he gave a grand leap and a glorious plunge off into the water, splashing it high in the air and sinking out of sight. He was up in a moment, however, and struck out for the other side, but finding the water from Mount Baker a little too frosty for comfortable bathing, he turned and tried to get back. The current swept him down until when he struck the shore he was against a perpendicular bank which he could not climb. But he hung there bravely shivering until the men had dug a grade down to him, when he managed to crawl out, greatly to the relief of himself as well as his owner. It will be a long time before he voluntarily attempts to swim the Nooksack again. Mr. GILFILLIN and family have moved into the old STEWART residence on California creek. Ed. THOMAS went to Whatcom on the steamer Tuesday to attend the teachers' examination. The Reveille says that the Lynden people propose to erect a great tabernacle in which to hold public meetings and religious services. HICKS & BUCHANAN's stage will start from Blaine on Monday morning, the 21st, and will thereafter make regular tri-weekly trips, connecting at Blaine with D. S. MILLER's which will run between here and Westminster. We notice that Lant FERGUSON is fixing up his house on the Blaine-Ferndale road, and there is doubtless need for a little improvement, as we understand that there is soon to move into it a representative of the gentler sex, to keep house for him. Mr. BERTRAND is having his store building painted. Mr. J. R. THOMAS is doing the work. Thursday, May 17, 1888: We notice Tommy BERTRAND walking about down stairs this morning by the aid of a stick. That new sign over the store of Mr. J. C. BERTRAND was painted by Elmer MISSIMER and is a very neat piece of work. HICKS & BUCHANAN brought a family named GREENWOOD to Custer on Tuesday, where they have purchased a quarter section on which they will hereafter reside. The town plat of Wesley has been cancelled at the request of the townsite proprietors, Messrs. HAWLEY and LAWRENCE, and hereafter the whole place will be known as Lynden. Mr. and Mrs. GRIMETTE, who live at Birch Bay, were in Blaine Tuesday. They report that fine country over there as settling up rapidly. Among the latest arrivals is a rich farmer from Tacoma. Captain TARTE reports seeing the U. S. coast survey party camped at Beach on Lummi Island. He says they have a steamer, a flat boat and tents enough for a small army along with them, and their camp presents a lively appearance. They are sounding the waters and marking the shores among the islands and along the mainland, and it will probably be some time before they reach Semiahmoo bay. Mr. STOLTENBERG was in Blaine this morning. He says the county commissioners have appropriated $80 to be expended on the Blaine-Ferndale road between California creek and Mr. PARR's place, and to open it through his place. The settlers have also subscribed $80, and expect to increase it. This ought to be sufficient to make a pretty fair road between Blaine and Custer, though there are some pretty bad places along California creek which need repairing. We see by last week's Reveille that our friend E. W. ADAMS, the Whatcom photographer, has bought twenty acres of Sheriff DELORIMIER's farm at Yager, and will set out fruit trees upon it. That SHANK & ROBINSON will build a new sawmill a short distance west of Lynden. That H. J. JUDSON will shortly build a new town hall at Lynden to be 48x80, two stories high. That A. C. FERGUSON and Emma GARRIS, both of Ferndale, were married on the 7th, Rev. G. R. OSBORN officiating. Thos. WINN will build a new residence at Ferndale, and Mr. STENGER will put in a new feed mill to run by water power on the JENNI farm. Mr. BERTRAND is preparing to build a small business building on the corner of Washington avenue and E streets. Willie CONNOLLY, of Ferndale, who was working on the steamer Lily on the Skagit river, fell overboard a mile below Mt. Vernon last week Monday and was drowned. Excelsior school commenced Monday with twenty-two pupils in attendance and Mr. E. H. THOMAS occupying the pedagogical chair. Joe JORDAN, of Custer, is going about telling people that he has got a new pair of twin boys who came to his house Tuesday morning. They weigh ten pounds each. Mr. A. A. HART, our enterprising furniture dealer, has purchased all the stock of the Blaine furniture factory, consisting of chairs, bureaus, bedsteads, tables, etc., a large lot, and removed it to his shop on Washington avenue. Mr. Joseph JIZNER has been making extensive improvements on his fine Hall's Prairie farm in the past few months, among which may be mentioned a long string of post-and-rail and a neat picket fence. He has also made large additions to his orchards and enlarged his clearing greatly. Thursday, May 24, 1888: Dick, the ferryman, has swung his hammock and is now at home in the old cooper shop on the spit. He will commence the construction of a new house, we believe, in a few days. Rev. L. JOHNSON who used to live in Blaine four years ago, and occupied the M. E. pulpit at that time, returned here via Westminster yesterday. Since leaving here, four years next August, Mr. JOHNSON has spent several months as a missionary in Lower Guinea, South Africa, three hundred miles south of the equator. He found that country very likely to end his days in a few months so he returned to America, and has since resided in the western states. He comes here now from Beaver Falls, Minnesota, and will remain permanently on the sound. Mr. JOHNSON has traveled over the world considerably, in torrid, temperate and frigid climates, but he likes the temperate and equitable climate of Puget sound best. He will spend several days for the present shaking hands with his many old friends about Blaine, and visiting with his brother, Mr. Albert JOHNSON. He says many of his Minnesota friends are likely to come to the sound before long. Jas. MILHOLLIN has taken the lumber for California creek bridge up to the mouth of the creek. Quite a squad of Indians rode thro' Blaine on horseback yesterday on their way to the Mud bay celebration. Elmer MISSIMER has taken a general agency for Hill & Harvey, publisher of historical and economical works, Baltimore, Md. Wm. H. PETER, a Seattle insurance man, also proprietor of the Harrington place on California creek, was in Blaine yesterday. Mr. F. H. SCHAFER, from Beaver Falls, Minnesota, arrived in Blaine yesterday. He will take a look around for a few days and possibly locate permanently here. Mr. ROHART has been making extensive improvements on his farm just northeast from Blaine, and his clearing is now about twice as large as it was last year. Mr. C. STAHL, a geologist, chemist and assayer, spent Tuesday night in Blaine, ostensibly to locate a home for his family. He went to New Westminster yesterday. CAIN Brothers have received the photographs taken of the harbor and of their store. They have a few of them for sale, and those who wish them can procure them at 50 cents each, two for 80 cents or the three for $1. Yesterday the tug Holyoke came to Blaine and took away LINDSEY & MILHOLLIN's boom of logs, containing twelve sections, or about 850,000 feet. The departure of that boom means a great deal to Blaine. Jno. H. MILHOLLIN accompanied it to the mill.
We see by the Post-Intelligencer that Cap. G. W. GOVE is soon to put a new steamer on the Nooksack river. Mr. Henry HENSPETER will soon commence fishing operations at Point Roberts. Miss Laura LEWIS, from New Westminster, is visiting with Mrs. FREESE on Dakota creek. The Reveille says that Fred ZIERS lost his barn and Wm. REID his house, both by fire, last week near Ferndale. Excelsior school district will hold a special election for a ten-mill tax on Saturday the 26th. Polls open at two o'clock. While over at Birch bay Saturday we noticed that B. H. BRUNS has commenced to build a neat picket fence all round the grounds on which stands his new residence. Mr. LAMPHIER, from Boundary bay, was in Blaine this week. He has done a pretty good spring's work, putting in a hundred and thirty acres of crop, one hundred acres of which was oats. That means at least 10,000 bushels of oats next fall. While in Seattle last week Mr. WARREN settled with the men who were threatening to contest his homestead claim, and then abandoned said claim to Matt. HARVEY, who has filed a homestead entry on the same and will go on and improve it. HENSPETER, at Birch bay, has 500,000 feet of logs in the water. There are twelve men working in his camp, and he has now seven yokes of the finest looking cattle we have seen for a long time in his team. He says they intend to push things and do some of the finest logging that has ever been done in this section between now and the first of October. A young man came along to the home of Capt. S. P. HUGHES just south of Blaine at six o'clock Saturday morning. He didn't have any baggage with him to speak of, but seemed inclined to take up his boarding place there. He has remained there ever since, not offering to pay any board, but as he only weighs ten pounds and doesn't eat at the table with the other men, they think they will let him stay. Ferndale is talking up the cannery and driery business. Mr. OTLEY is clearing land and getting ready to build a new house on his place near Appleton. Peter LARSON chopped his foot in a shocking manner Friday, while working in LINDSEY's logging camp. Three stages left Blaine yesterday morning and three came in this evening. Hereafter Blaine will have a stage coming or going north or south every day in the week except Sunday. We see by the Democrat that Chas. NOYES, of Seattle, is soon to start a cigar factory in Whatcom. Also, that D. E. FOLLETT and John HARDAN, of Ferndale, have located claims on the upper Nooksack. The Evangel brought several bee hives for Mr. STOLTENBERG Tuesday. They were made by Mr. STEWART, of Sumner. About noon Tuesday fire was discovered in ELWOOD's shingle mill underneath the furnace among the dust which had accumulated there. The small hose of the mill was turned upon it but the water only scattered the fire, and in less than two minutes the whole mill was a furnace of fire from one end to the other, and in half an hour there was nothing left of the building but a few red coals. The two shingle machines, with the coupling machinery, lay a mass of twisted and shapeless red hot iron among the ashes on the beach. The engine and boiler do not seem to be injured much, and can probably be repaired for further service. The house of the ferryman, D. S. RICHARDS, stood close up against the west side of the mill, and of course was destroyed with the rest. He was on the Blaine side of the harbor at the time, but the men at the mill, seeing how things were going, broke open his door and removed much valuable property, including stove furniture, etc., to a place of safety. His loss will reach $200, not including many little things which cannot be replaced, but which will be greatly missed. The shingle mill loss in money will amount to about $4,300, including building and machinery $3,500; shingles $750, 500,000 of them; bolts, fourteen cords, $56. To this little community the loss to the twelve or fifteen men employed in connection with the mill, cannot be computed. J. W. KAGER, who was employed at millright work about the two mills, lost all of his kit of tools, which he valued at $150, and some of the men lost different articles of clothing, but the most distressing incident of the fire was the burning of Mr. W. McMILLAN. For some reason or other after the fire had got under dangerous headway he ran into the mill. Finding that he was going to be smothered he threw both hands over his face and groped his way to a back door and stumbled out into the water, but he was in there long enough to get both hands burned all over to a blister and his face so badly burned that on Tuesday morning it was swollen so badly that his eyes were nearly closed. He is receiving kind nursing at the hands of Mrs. TARTE, and will probably pull through all right. That stumble from the door to the water was a fortunate one for him, had he fell in the mill or missed the door he would surely have perished. We believe he had all his means invested in the mill, and of course looses all, as there was no insurance. Mr. ELWOOD is in San Francisco, but from what we hear we believe the mill will be rebuilt, probably at the mouth of one of the creeks, as there are over four hundred cords of bolts, mostly paid for, already out for it. The condition of the shingle market, however, may have something to do with it. Taking everything into consideration the accident is not nearly so bad as it might have been. Had the wind been blowing from the southeast, as it had been a few hours before, instead of from the west, Semiahmoo spit would have been swept nearly clean, and the people are congratulating themselves that the wind had changed. At the entrance of Birch bay KIRBY & BRUNS have their large fish trap set. The Journal man happened along Sunday morning on his way home just as they were getting ready to raise the nets, so he stopped and saw the performance. The catch was a light one, but there were four or five hundred pounds of salmon, as many flounder, five or six hundred dog fish, half a dozen skate and two or three cod. They usually have a hallibut (sic) or two, but there were none this time, and for several days a lively sturgeon has torn his way out. They have had their trap running for a month or more, and they say they have caught every kind of salt water salmon. The dog fish livers are removed for oil, but the carcas (sic) is thrown away. The salmon are marketed in Seattle at six cents per pound, and the flounder are thrown back in the water. Mr. M. SCHLOSSER is preparing to start a wagon in connection with this trap to furnish fresh fish at different points in the country. Thursday, May 31, 1888: Lynden has a money order system. Steps have been taken to secure a postal money order system in the Blaine postoffice, and it is expected that the system will be working by the first of July. Mr. Fred RUNGE is very sick and requires the doctor's close attention. Geo. W. DIMMING died in Nooksack last Friday of consumption. Grandpa WHITCOM passed a very miserable night last night, and consequently is lower than ever to-day. B. H. BROOKS has received a thoroughbred Jersey bull for his California creek farm. Rev. B. K. McELMON and wife, of Nooksack, came over to Blaine yesterday to visit Mrs. D. R. McELMON, who is still very low with rheumatic troubles. Mr. W. G. SIVYER has gone to Seattle to spend the summer. The abrupt hills on the south end of the Guide Meridean road are being leveled down. Capt. James O'NEIL is building a neat residence on his farm on the Blaine-Lynden road. Miss Winnie GRIMETTE is teaching the Birch Bay school, with an attendance at present of fifteen pupils. Excelsior refused to vote a special school tax of ten mills last Saturday by a majority of almost two to one. D. N. McMILLEN, of Tacoma, came up Tuesday to be with his brother who was so badly burned in the shingle mill last week. We found R. I MORSE Monday evening packing two stoves for settlers who have burned out during the past week, Mr. STOLTENBERG and a family on the upper Nooksack. Democrat - Conrad BECK, brother of Jacob BECK, of this place, will build a shingle mill on Birch Bay if he can procure a suitable location. Mr. H. B. STRAND has bought an undivided half of the Williamson Stewart place on California creek. He will commence extensive improvements on the place soon, and will stock it with first class animals. He will also engage a manager to run the place and make a first class stock farm of it. Saturday the residence of Mr. Henry STOLTENBERG, on the Blaine-Ferndale road caught fire, it is supposed from the stovepipe, and burned entirely up. Much of the household effects were destroyed, though Mrs. STOLTENBERG and Miss Nellie SMITH got out many valuable things. Mr. STOLTENBERG managed to save his fine barns, though they were on fire four times while the house was burning. His loss must be close to $1000, as we understand he had no insurance. Bruce RANDOLPH, engineer of the steamer Edith R. was fishing on the banks of the Nooksack near Lynden, where the steamer was tied up, when he noticed the infant son of his cousin, Mr. BRECHENRIDGE, floating down the river past the steamer. He immediately jumped into a small boat and pulled after the sinking child. He overtook it just as it sank the last time beneath the water. He plunged his arm down into the water and fortunately caught the child just as it was nearly out of reach. The child was apparently dead, but after considerable effort its mother succeeded in reviving it, but for several days it was very weak from the effects of its cold bath. James CAIN has been reappointed a notary public by the governor. Mr. LUTZI and daughter arrived in Blaine Tuesday and will remain here and make it their home. Mrs. BERTRAND and Charley and Josie BERTRAND went over to Westminster Tuesday evening by D. S. MILLER's stage on their way to Chilliwhack (sic) to attend camp meeting. Miss Nellie SMITH, who is teaching the California creek school arrived at Mr. STOLTENBERG's just before the fire, but fortunately, we understand, had not yet got her trunks into the house. Auntie ELWOOD had the misfortune the other day to get a dangerous fall down stairs she was helped up in an almost senseless condition and since has been lying bruised and suffering on her bed. We believe no bones were broken, and we hear that she is now recovering from her injuries. Monday morning about 7 o'clock Miss Lessie DEMENT, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. BLACK, at Hillsdale, started through a blind trail to go to a clearing where Mr. BLACK was working a short distance from the house. She missed her way and wandered off. Some time after she was seen by Mrs. CLIFTON running by their house, evidently frightened, towards home. Mrs. CLIFTON called to her, but the child paid no attention, and Mrs. CLIFTON followed her. When the lady arrived at Mrs. BLACK's no Lessie was there. Mr. BLACK was notified and a search was at once commenced. The loggers at UPSON's camp and several others turned out to search. People scattered out through the woods in all directions, agreeing to fire signal guns on the discovery of the lost one. The search went on until about 2:30 o'clock p. m., when some of the searcher returned to the house to get a new start. While they were there Miss Lessie came out of the woods all bedraggled and worn out from running over the logs. The guns were fired, and the searchers returned. It was a distressing experience to both Lessie and Mrs. BLACK, but they are happy that it was no worse than it was. Mr. and Mrs. W. HAMM and child, of Yager, are visiting at Mr. EVANS' east of Blaine. On Tuesday evening the citizens of Blaine met at the postoffice to take action in regard to a Fourth of July celebration. The meeting was called to order by Mr. V. D. BARRACKLAW, who nominated E. M. ADAMS for chairman of the meeting. It was decided that arrangements be made for a celebration, and committees were appointed. The committee of arrangements consisted of Messrs. George HARVEY, E. M. ADAMS, Wm. McCALLUM, E. H. THOMAS and M. T. GEE. Committee on finance - B. F. HURD, J. C. BERTRAND, S. P. HUGHES, Jno. ELWOOD and J. A. MARTIN. Committee on Music - Geo. W. CAIN, W. H. WEST and Cynthia BENNET. Table committee - Mrs. John H. MILHOLLIN, Miss Ada STEEN and Miss Laura LINDSEY, with authority to choose as many more as they deem necessary. A programme for the day will be arranged and published in due season. W. H. WEST acted as secretary of the meeting. The Blaine martial band was in attendance. A meeting of the citizens of Ferndale for the purpose of making arrangements for the celebration of the Fourth of July at Ferndale, was called to order by W. J. REID on Saturday, May 26th, 1888, and the following officers and committees were elected. M. T. TAWES acted as president and A. D. ROGERS as secretary: President of the day - J. B. HATCH. Marshall - Harry COWDEN. Committee on Finance - A. CHARLES, J. L. FOX, Fred. SNYDER, C. T. TAWES, J. J. WELCH, W. J. REID. Committee on Oratory and Music - Thos. OXFORD, M. C. COLLINS, J. S. NORTON, H. SOWDEN, D. ROGERS, D. C. ROBINSON. Committee on Grounds - Henry CARL, H. COWDEN, W. J. REID, J. H. PLASTER. Committee on Sports - W. J. REID, T. B. WYNN, Ed. HINTZ, Wm. RAY, Geo. SLATER, Jr., M. C. COLLINS. Committee on Decoration - Mrs. H. COWDEN, Miss Nellie SISSON, Miss Maggie ROESSELL, Mrs. Geo. BAKER, Miss Alice SMITH, Mrs. Annie RAY, Miss Lizzie SLATER, Miss Ethel THORNTON, Miss Alice ROGERS, Miss Edith WHEELER. Committee on Programme - A. CHARLES, Thos. OXFORD, W. J. REID, Mrs. H. COWDEN, Rev. Geo. BAKER, C. T. TAWES, H. COWDEN, Wm. RAY, Annie RAY, Henry CARL. Chaplain of the day - Rev. Geo. BAKER. Thursday, June 7, 1888: Mrs. BERTRAND and children returned from the Chilliwhack (sic) camp meeting yesterday. District No. 24 has voted a special school tax almost unanimously. Very good for the bachelors. Mr. George ELLIOT, of Blaine owns a farm close beside the site of the great Kirk iron works on Lake Washington. Elmer MISSIMER has been nailing up a new sign for HART, the Furniture man, which sign can be read by the people on the spit almost as well as in Blaine. The letters on it are three feet long and spell the one word "Furniture." Mr. John EVANS has been quite ill for some time, from billiousness and general debility. Saturday evening he was taken violently, and his family feared for his life, but he took a turn for the better early this week, and is now out of danger. Tuesday morning about 7 o'clock Mr. Frederick RUNGE of this place died of a combination of liver troubles and eresipelas. His funeral occurred yesterday, and was largely attended by our people. Mr. RUNGE was born in Lutenburg, Holstein, in 1841, and was therefore about forty-seven years old when he died. He came to America some time during the sixties, and lived in several eastern cities. Sixteen years ago he was married in Davenport, Iowa, to Margaret C. PETERS, of that place. About five years ago he came to Washington territory for his health., and has lived in Blaine since. He leaves a widow and five children here, a sister in New York and a brother and sister in Lutenberg. Mr. RUNGE was a first class musician. He played with THOMAS at the great Boston peace jubilee and about twenty years ago, and in Davenport he belonged to at least two musical organizations, to be a member of which he must be an artist of the first ability. At that time STRASSER's band and STRASSER's orchestra were considered among the best of their class in America, and we believe Mr. RUNGE was leader of both at one time. He claimed to have been converted to the Christian hope about two months ago, and those nearest him will never forget the beautiful experience he related to them after they thought he was dead Tuesday morning, and told by Mr. WARREN, who preached the funeral sermon yesterday. Parties desiring photographs of the steamer Evangel can procure the same by leaving their name and 50 cents at CAIN Brothers' store. Mrs. Charles LONG, of Custer, died at 1 o'clock p. m. Tuesday. She leaves a husband and a large family of orphaned children to mourn her loss. VOGHT & WHITE have finished their new logging camp buildings on Birch Bay, and are now running with a force of thirteen men. They expect to put in at least 500,000 feet during the summer. Mr. Henry STOLTENBERG, of Custer, was in Blaine Tuesday to engage lumber with which to rebuild his burned residence. He carried a burned hand as a reminder of his efforts to save his barns, which he succeeded in doing. Nothing preventing, the steamer Brick will be here next week in place of the Evangel, and we understand that she will be run for the convenience of people desiring to come to this part of the world. The Evangel will be repaired and painted and used for an excursion boat unless sold. LINDSEY & MILHOLLIN sent a boom of logs to Port Hadlock mills, said boom, according to the estimates of experienced loggers, containing at least 840,000 feet. In fact, four sections of it were carefully scaled, and the mill company calculated the boom at only 656,550 feet, a loss of $1284.15 to the loggers on the scale, besides, when the mill men had the logs where they wanted them they cut down on the price of them 25 cents per thousand, which incurred another loss of $210. A loss of $1500 to the loggers, and a gain of just that much to the mill company. When the Evangel went away Tuesday it was pretty generally known in Semiahmoo that it would be her last trip. Quite a number of people occupied convenient positions to see her off, and as she drew away from the wharf many of the ladies waved her a last farewell, the people on board returned the salutes and the steamer spoke her farewell with several quick toots in succession, repeated until she rounded the buoy on her way up sound. She has served the people well for the past six years under Commanders LOTT, BEECHER and TARTE, and it seems like the loss of an old friend to have the staunch little ship leave us, it may be for always. J. B. HATCH and Lizzie BARRETT, of Ferndale, were married Sunday at that place. A Congregational church is to be organized at Enterprise next Sunday at that place. At 12 o'clock Saturday June 2d a little girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. STEEN. It weighed nine and one half pounds. Mother and baby are doing well. The long bridge on the Ferndale diagonal road just this side of Whatcom, burned last Wednesday, and on Saturday sixteen men turned out, headed by J. B. HATCH, of Ferndale, and rebuilt it. At Chilliwhack (sic), B. C., on June 4th on the grounds at the camp meeting, Charles BERTRAND, of Blaine, and Miss Lucy WARD, of Chilliwhack were married, the Rev. Mr. TATE officiating. The young couple came to Blaine yesterday where they are receiving the congratulations of their friends, among whom the Journal offers its best wishes for future happiness. The Blaine school building has been insured for $200, which will probably be increased when the new furniture is added. Thursday, June 14, 1888: Mr. KIRBY is putting in two fish traps at Point Roberts. Frank ROGERS was hauling lumber for a new house in Bobblett's addition yesterday. Rev. John FLINN, of Nooksack passed through Blaine yesterday by BROWN Brothers' stage, on his way home from Westminster. Miss Serena McELMON, from Nooksack, came up on the Brick Tuesday, and will spend a season with the family of her brother, D. R. McELMON. Elija M. ADAMS and Wm. EVANS have been in Whatcom this week proving up on their claims. Those desiring washing done can get nice work by calling upon Mrs. Mahala EVANS in Blaine. Prices reasonable. William SMITH, of Clover Valley, was in Blaine Friday transferring certain property at Samish to his son John, who accompanied him. Mr. L. H. FRANK was taken to Steilacoom insane asylum Tuesday. For some time he has been acting in a strange manner until his wife had become afraid of him, and it was thought best to remove him to a place of confinement. The eldest child of Geo. MONROE, of Ferndale, aged four years, died Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. PORTER have a new son at their place. He came there last Thursday and will add one to the population of Appleton. J. R. BEATY has been plastering Mrs. BOND's house this week. Mrs. BOND will build the main part of her house this fall. That part which is just now being finished is only intended for kitchen, dining room and wood house. Mr. Chas. STILWELL, of Appleton, last week while slashing for Mr. OTLEY, had the terrible misfortune to chop his foot in a terrible manner across the instep. The wound was deep and dangerous, the loss of blood being very great, but Mr. OTLEY, who is something of a surgeon, managed to stop the flow, and Mr. STILWELL was carried home, where he was doing very well the last information we received. Nearly all the old settlers around Blaine, and in fact all along the shores of Puget sound, knew Captain W. F. MUNROE, who used to run the steamer Dispatch here six or eight years ago. For some months past his health has been very poor, and not long since he injured himself internally lifting a heavy load. About six weeks ago he went to California for his health, but failing to get any relief, started on his return to the sound on the steamship Umatilla. On the way up he died. Capt. MUNROE was one of the successful young steamboat men of the sound, we believe owning the steamer J. B. Libby and one or two other boats. The steamer W. F. Monroe was named after him. He leaves a wife and one child. Mr. PALMER, of Lynden had the misfortune to have a team of mules and wagon get in the river off the Guide Meridean ferry last week. By cutting the harness the team was got out, but the wagon and harness still remain in the river. Thursday, June 21, 1888:
The partnership heretofore existing between J. N. LINDSEY, James H. MILHOLLIN
and John H. MILHOLLIN, under the name and style Lindsey & Co., is this
day dissolved by mutual consent. The said J. N. LINDSEY will collect all
debts and assume all liabilities of the late firm.J. N. LINDSEY, James H. MILHOLLIN, John H. MILHOLLIN Dated at Blaine, Wash. Ter., June 20th, A. D., 1888. M. T. GEE has been grading Third street by his premises. D. W. BROWN was elected school trustee at Hall's Prairie Monday. There will be an oyster supper at the City hotel on the night of July 4th after the dance. Mrs. W. L. ROGERS and daughter Ida went to Renton to visit relatives the first of the week. Mrs. Lettie STEWART and little one, from Sumner, are visiting with Mrs. M. A. UPSON, on California creek. Mr. BURQUE on the Township line road seven miles east of Blaine is doing some much needed road work.
-Rev. Joseph WOLF, of Whatcom, assisted in organizing the new Congregational church in Enterprise last Sunday. -Mrs. CLAYTON very pleasantly entertained her Sabbath school class on Monday. -Mountain View has decided to celebrate the Fourth of July on the beach of the gulf just above Sandy Point. -Mr. FOX, who has been in Seattle receiving medical treatment, returned home on Monday bringing with him his grand daughter, Miss Lizzie BUSHNELL. -W. RAY, of Ferndale, goes through the country with his meat wagon once a week. Mr. SISSON, merchant, of Ferndale also passes through once a week, and BROWN Bros. once in two weeks. -Itemizer, June 18th. William BROWN is building a new house on his Hall's Prairie farm. A strawberry festival was held in Lynden Saturday evening for the purpose of raising money to pay for the chandeliers in the new M. E. church. Fifty dollars was cleared from the entertainment. Miss Mary J. FREESE, daughter of J. E. FREESE, of this place, graduated at the Academy of the Holy Name, in Seattle, last Friday. Lynden is grading its main street and clearing out all stumps and obstructions from it. The contract has also been let to Eb. SMITH to clear out and grade Grove street, then Lynden will have two fine thoroughfares running the whole length of the town. Supervisors BRUNSON, SHIELDS and ROESSELLE are doing some good work on the Blaine-Ferndale road. It is being opened, graded and corduroyed between PARR and STOLTENBERG's places. Along between Enterprise and FERGUSON's place many bad chuck holes have been filled and much good grading done, while between Mr. ROESSELL's and Ferndale two or three bad hills have been nicely graded, and more is to be done in the way of bridging, etc., in a few days. Mr. Lutzi LUTZI has rented Mr. BAMFORD's place at Hall's Prairie. Considerable work is being done on the Enterprise cemetery. The ground has all been cleared off and will be leveled and fenced. Mr. F. LANE took a stock of goods over to Beach, this week, where he will start a store. John THOMAS, at Bertrand's Prairie, has a fine large barn about ready for the roof. Mrs. Anna KINGSLEY received a new Cornish organ on the steamer Brick Tuesday, direct from the factory. She is well pleased with the instrument. James MULKERN, of Seattle, was in Blaine last week, and we understand that he has purchased J. E. FREESE's place on Dakota creek. We have not learned the price paid. In the past two weeks Henry BERTRAND has killed two black bears on Campbell river Indian reserve within a mile of Blaine. The last one, a large one about four years old, was killed Saturday. Pretty good for a boy seventeen years old. John R. MILLER is building a substantial building 18x26 feet in size and two stories high for Mr. BERTRAND on the corner of Washington avenue and E street. It will be finished up for a dwelling and business place. The first story will be divided into two apartments, one for a living room and and the other for business, and the upper story will be used for household purposes. The outside of the building will be covered with siding and rustic and painted. Thursday, June 28, 1888: The Journal is glad to credit Mr. J. BIRTSCH with some very necessary road work which he has been doing on the road between Blaine and Excelsior. Mr. BARRACKLAW has received a letter from his son Marion, of Idaho, stating that he will start for Blaine on the first of July. Rev. WOLFE informs the Reveille that in ditching to drain Silver Lake near Yager, Messrs. PIPER and GEER struck a vein of bog iron ore nearly two feet in thickness. G. W. FLEMING, from Vancouver, B. C. has been spending several days with his daughter, Mrs. D. R. McELMON. He returned home the first of the week. Arthur BARRACKLAW and his sister, Mrs. Sarah RYAN, of Pendleton, Oregon, came up and surprised their parents Mr. and Mrs. V. D. BARRACKLAW Tuesday. Mrs. RYAN will remain over the Fourth with them. D. S. RICHARDS dug a twelve-pound cannon ball out of the sand on the spit Monday. It was covered with rust, and must have been there for the past thirty years, or since the boundary commission. Dr. DEMENT has been having his residence painted white. B. F. HURD has been doing the same, and D. S. MILLER has lately had his shop and storehouses painted. J. R. THOMAS did the work. With a little more paint Blaine would look considerably more like a town.
At the residence of Mr. E. A. BOBLETTE, in Blaine, at 3 a. m. Monday, June
25th, 1888, Aretas WHITCOMB, aged 86 years 6 months
and 29 days.Grandpa WHITCOMB belonged to one of the oldest New England families. He was born in Lisbon, Grafton county, New Hampshire, December 26th, 1801. He was married to Miss Lydia PRIEST, with whom he has lived over 63 years, at about twenty-five years of age, and soon after removed to Pennsylvania. Since then he has lived in Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, Arizona and Washington Territory. He has lived here eighteen years. He leaves an aged widow and three daughters, Mrs. E. A. BOBLETTE and Mrs. A. DEXTER, of this place, and Mrs. P. HODGKISS, who resides in Colorado. His only son, Josiah WHITCOMB, was killed by the Apache Indians in Arizona about twenty years ago. Mrs. E. HOLTZHEIMER, Clarence WHITCOMB and Mrs. BYCE are children of Josiah WHITCOMB. Grandpa WHITCOMB was a Free Will Baptist, and was a consistent Christian during his life. Death took him early Monday morning after having consumed his strong body by nearly half a year of confinement to his bed. He knew he was going when the last moments came, and was glad. He died without a struggle, just falling quietly away, his breath gradually ceasing. The world has moved since this aged man was born. Thomas Jefferson was just entering upon his first term as president. There have been twenty-two presidents since. Napoleon I rose and fell. The United States has passed through three wars. Four million slaves have been freed. The locomotive, telegraph, telephone, reaping machine, sewing machine and steamboat have come since he first saw the light of day. The funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. A. WARREN.
In Whatcom Friday evening, June 22d, 1888, at the Congregational parsonage,
James VARET and Cynthia BENNET, both of Blaine, W. T., Rev. Joseph WOLFE
conducting the ceremony. Mr. James KEMP acted as best man for the groom and
Miss Jennie WEST as bridesmaid. The Journal extends its best wishes for the
future happiness of the new couple.
We desire to give our sincere thanks to our many friends who were so kind
towards us in helping us during the sickness and burial of Grandpa
WHITCOMB. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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