The Weekly World
Fairhaven, Washington

Friday, November 6, 1891:

      On the gently sloping hillside a little more than a mile south of the business portion of the city a fresh mound of earth marks the spot where lie the mortal remains of the late Colonel W. H. HAKES, whose funeral yesterday was one of the most solemn and imposing pageants ever witnessed in Fairhaven, the large attendance attesting the high estimation in which the deceased was held. Before his late residence on Fourteenth street, at 10 o'clock, the members of Hesperus Commandery No. 8, Knights Templar, and of Fairhaven Lodge No. 73, F. & A. M. were drawn up in line, waiting to escort the remains to St. James Parish house, where a portion of the services were held, and thence to the place of burial. The funeral was entirely under the direction of the commandery. It being understood to be the wish of the deceased that in the event of his death no other services than those of the Knights Templar order be held. The casket was trimmed with Masonic emblems, and upon its lid were laid the sword of the dead knight and the beautiful floral tributes of the commandery, the Masons of the blue lodge and the Cascade Club. The pall bearers were Sir Knights SLY, PARKER, ROLL, FRASER, ZINN and McCLELLAN. The Parish house was much too small to admit all who desired to attend the services within and scores waited in the street until the end and then followed the remains to the grave. The services were impressively conducted by Sir Knights, Dr. WEST, eminent commander, and Rev. J. V. DIMON, chaplain. Music was rendered by a choir composed of Mrs. A. C. GIFFORD, Mrs. W. W. SLY, Mr. John BLACK and Mr. C.F. HOENIG, Miss EGGELSTON officiating at the organ. At the conclusion of the exercises the funeral procession formed in the street, headed by the Fairhaven cornet band; followed by the hearse, the carriage containing the widow and children, accompanied by Major DARLING, the Knights and Masons, members of the Cascade club and chamber of commerce and many ladies and gentlemen in carriages. The band played a solemn dirge on the slow march to the grave, and with the beautiful burial ceremonies of the knights the body was lowered to its rest, the choir sweetly singing the burial hymn, as one by one of the knights reverently dropped the cold earth into the fern-lined grave. And there were tears in many eyes when the last sad rights (sic) were ended.
     The following resolutions were passed by Hesperus Commandery:
Again it has pleased the Supreme Ruler, of the universe to sever our mystic circle and to summon to his eternal presence our Standard Bearer, Sir Knight William Henry Harrison HAKES, ....
      Sir Knight HAKES was born in New York on October 1, 1840, and after having graduated with high honors at Madison university in his native state, left the halls of learning and enlisted for the war of the rebellion. At the head of his regiment as colonel commanding he made an honorable record in many of the battles in which it was engaged. After the war his ambition to carve out for himself fame and fortune, led him to engage in many large undertakings in foreign countries as well as in the United states, on railroad construction and public works, as a contractor, and, finally having traversed the country from north to south and east to west, he, but a few short months since, with his family chose Fairhaven, the "Imperial City," as his home and abiding place.
      As a citizen he was universally respected and in his daily contact with men of all classes and opinions he exhibited a disposition as remarkable as it was pleasing; he was open-hearted and generous to a fault.
     As a politician, having selected his candidate, he did not trade or barter, but "stayed with him," as witness his devotion to his former commanding general as one of the immortal minority of "306" at the National Republican convention in 1885.
      As a Sir Knight, our commandery has lost one of its brightest ornaments, one of its strongest advocates and one of its most warm-hearted and exemplary members.
      As a husband and father who dare approach and uncover the sanctity of his home! there he was especially tender and considerate of those so near and dear to him. To the bereaved widow and fatherless children, we extend our heartfelt sympathy in this their hour of deepest woe and express to them our highest appreciation of the character and virtues of the husband and father, and commend them too the care of Him who doeth all things well. ...

The Port Townsend Leader of Wednesday morning contains the following:
     There is no longer any doubt in the minds of the authorities that Colonel William H. HAKES came to his death by accidental drowning, and had more pains been taken to search the body when it was first found, the theory of foul play would probably not have been advanced at all. The missing watch and other valuables were yesterday found in one of the rear pantaloon pockets, leading to the opinion that the drowned man, thinking that he might be relieved of his property, placed it where he thought it would be safe. On the other hand, if Colonel HAKES did meet with foul play, his assailant after taking his watch and other trinket away, had replaced them under the impression that an attempt at their disposal might lead to detection. This is the only suspicious link in the whole matter and it is so slight as element of guilt as to be almost worthless.
     Special Officer John MOORE and several other persons say they heard cries of distress about 12 o'clock Sunday night. MOORE says he was in the rear of the Belmont restaurant when two yells reached his ears. He hastened in the direction of the Union wharf, from where the sounds seemed to eminate, but owing to the darkness of the night and fierceness of the storm, the origin of the cries could not be discovered. There is no doubt but what the doomed man wandered to the end of one of the docks on the water front and stepped overboard. The fall probably stunned him, and the tide carried him out to the bay. His yells for assistance when he awoke to a realization of his plight is what was heard by MOORE.
      Officers MOORE and BROPHY, in searching the vicinity where the body was floated ashore, discovered one of the dead man's cuffs. What appeared to be a diamond button was fastened on the cuff. Coroner WYCKOFF yesterday decided not to hold an inquest.

An Indian Finds His Lifeless Body Floating in Port Townsend Bay
      Monday afternoon about 4:30 a telegram conveying the startling news of the finding of the dead body of Colonel HAKES, of this city, at Port Townsend, was received by Mr. H. L. DICKINSON. It was signed "KLINGER" and was addressed to Mayor WILSON, but on account of his illness it was not delivered to him, Mr. DICKINSON, the colonel's intimate friend and business associate, being at once appraised of its contents. Soon the sad news became noised about the city and on the street corners and in stores and offices little groups of men congregated, discussing the sad event in low tones and hoping against hope that their might be some mistake. All doubt was dispelled in a little while by the receipt of a message by the Herald, from the Leader, of Port Townsend, stating that the circumstances pointed to foul play and asking information as to the amount of money deceased had with him when he left this city. The messages were answered and particulars were asked for. The colonel attended the meeting of the city council Saturday, and endeavored to secure some definite action in the matter of the Twenty-first street contract, the settlement of which has been long deferred. Sunday forenoon he spent in company with friends, among them Col. HAINES, of Seattle, to whom he had letters of introduction when he first came to the Sound. With him he left on the Eastern Oregon at 1:30 for Port Townsend, intending to go from there to Seattle, after attending to some business matters in connection with road contracts in which he was interested in Jefferson county. He had but little money with him, it is thought not more than ten or fifteen dollars. What he did after landing at Port Townsend, where he must have arrived about 6 o'clock, is now know here.
      Following is a special dispatch to the Herald, received from Port Townsend at 1 o'clock this morning, giving all that is known there of his death:
      An Indian paddling a canoe in the bay, off Union wharf, this afternoon say a body floating about in the water. After getting it to the foot of Adams street he notified Officer William FURLONG of the discovery and he hastened to the scene, and after the remains had been floated to the beach under the dock in the rear of the Casino saloon, Coroner WYCKOFF was sent for and the remains were identified as those of Colonel W. H. HAKES, late of this city, but now residing at Fairhaven. When found the body presented a horrible sight, the features being swollen and distorted. Over the right eye there is an abrasion, while on the back of the head there is a lump which looks as if it had been inflicted with some heavy instrument. The right temple is also swollen. The colonel may have strayed to the water's edge and accidentally fallen off and the marks on his person may have been caused by coming in contact with piling, as there was a storm sunday night and the tide was very strong. On the other hand, his watch is gone and his collar and tie were not on the body when found. One dollar and seventy-five cents was all the money on his person. He usually wears considerable valuable jewelry, and sometimes carried a considerable amount of ready money on his person. Some are suspicious of foul play, but that theory is not supported by a great deal of evidence. Certainly, his watch may have dropped out of his pocket, and been wrenched off by the force of the tide. The absence of his collar and tie is of course suspicious, but unless the robber, if there was foul play, was after the diamonds which the colonel usually wore on his neck scarf, which it is not certain that he had on when he got into the water, death would seem to have been the result of accidental drowning. A dispatch from Fairhaven states Colonel HAKES had but a small sum of money when he left home, and a considerable portion of this is known to have been spent during the trip to this city. A valuable ring was on one finger when the body was found, and Frank JAGO, from whom the outfit was purchased, says that the chain and charm attached, which was left, are almost as valuable as the watch which is missing. Though somewhat pressed lately, Colonel HAKES is believed to have been thoroughly solvent. This would remove all doubt that the case might have been suicidal. An inquest, and possibly an autopsy, will be held at 10 o'clock tomorrow. Colonel HAKES was a member of Hesperus Commandery, Knights Templar of Fairhaven, and last year was a member of the Jefferson county Republican convention.
Colonel W. H. HAKES was born in New York about 50 years ago, and was educated at Madison university in that state. Soon after graduating he entered the war, and while still a youth he led the 125th regiment through many of the famous victories of the rebellion. After the war he had a varied and interesting career in his own and in foreign countries. He was a banker in Texas, and a member of the Chicago board of trade, where he lost $40,000 in a day. For some time he resided at Aguascalientes, Mexico, where he was a heavy contractor on the Mexican Central Railroad. It was there that he became acquainted with Captain WASSON, the new collector of the Puget Sound customs district, and they were warm friends until the colonel's death. The colonel was one of the immortal "306" who voted first, last and all the time for GRANT at the Chicago convention in 1880, and received one of the medals distributed among the members of this band of Spartans. Colonel HAKES had resided in Fairhaven a little over a year, and had performed several heavy contracts on street work. He was a member of the Hesperus Commandery K. T., the Cascade club, and the chamber of commerce. He carried into all these organizations a zeal and enthusiasm that made his presence a host. He was a jovial, good natured, great-hearted man, who made friends everywhere, and his presence was the life and inspiration of every social occasion. His genial warm-heartedness will long be missed in the various fraternities to which he belonged. His pre-eminent social qualities made him one of the best known men on the Pacific coast. He probably enjoyed a wider acquaintance, from the East to the West, than any other man in private life in the Northwest.

Council News:
- Councilman CHRISTOPHER moved that permission of the council be granted for the burial of the remains of the late W. H. HAKES on the unplatted ground south of the platted portion of the city, permission having been granted by the owners of the property. The motion was unanimously adopted.
- Petition of J. B. HOGAN for liquor license was granted.

John PIPER, aged about 26 years, died of typhoid fever Wednesday morning at 6 o'clock, at the residence of J. C. WRIGHT, of the Congregational church, on Thirteenth street. Mr. PIPER came to this city about ten months ago from Ontario, and was a bridge carpenter by trade. He was taken ill about six weeks ago. As he was then living where he could not receive proper care, he called upon Mr. WRIGHT to get him to go with him to Seattle, where he wished to enter the hospital. He was taken in at Mr. WRIGHT's and cared for until his death. Although far from kindred, everything that Christian kindness and medical skill could do was done for him during his last illness. He was a young man of excellent character and well liked by all who knew him. He was engaged to Miss May SCOTT, of San Jose, Cal., a most estimable young lady, who was at his bedside when he died. The funeral will occur at the Congregational church at 2 o'clock today, and the remains will be interred in the New Whatcom cemetery.

Accident to a Mill Hand
An employe of the Bellingham Bay Improvement Company's mill named Norman HUME met with an accident Monday afternoon which will lay him up for several days, but fortunately no serious results were suffered. The chain which is used to turn logs for the saw slipped off a log and hit him on the forehead with sufficient force to render him senseless for a short time. Dr. LAWRENCE was called, and upon arrival found the man in the office with a severe contusion of the skin on the head, which was dressed and the man sent home in a carriage. No bones were broken, and a week's time will put the man in a position to resume his work in the mill, if no fever results.

Superior Court:
- On testimony of Drs. KELLY and BIGGS, William CROOKS was adjudged insane and ordered committed to the asylum.
- Margaret KESTNER vs. Fritz KESTNER, a suit for divorce, the support of a minor child, a division of the property and permission to resume her maiden name.
- August SANDELL was granted final citizenship papers.
- Mary Ellen PADDEN vs. David GLASS, a suit to define ownership of lot 5, in the Padden Tract addition.
- Will J. WALLACE was brought into court accompanied by Lee MARCY, who signified his intention to become bondsman for him. The charge was made of assault and battery, and the prisoner released on $500 bail to appear for trial at a date not yet decided upon.

Police Court:
- Luis SHULTZ, who was arrested on suspicion of having started the fire in his saloon, the Terminus, some weeks ago, was brought before Judge GALLAHER Monday for trial. R. L. REID appeared for the defense, and no prosecuting officer being present the case was dropped, notwithstanding the evidence at the preliminary hearing all pointed toward the prisoner as the party who prepared the building to burn and set the fire, which was so fortunately discovered before it did any damage.

Mr. M. V. SMITH, of Portland, brother-in-law of H. Y. THOMPSON and a cousin of Mr. Clarence CARTER, of New Whatcom, is at the Fairhaven.

O. B. WILLIAMS is in Port Gardner, where he is arranging for opening a branch of his sash, door and blind business.

Charles LOVERING, the owner of Matia island in the Straits of Georgia, is in the city today, the guest of Messrs. HUNTER and GAMWELL.

Hattie, 6 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William BERNARD, died Tuesday night of a complication of diseases superinduced by a severe attack of diphtheria. The remains were taken to Seattle last evening on the State of Washington for interment in the Jewish cemetery.

     A terrible accident resulting in the loss of two lives and the serious injury of a third, occurred at the Blue Canyon mine about 10 o'clock last Sunday morning. The accident was occasioned by the straightening of a three-fourth inch iron hook in the tackle block while the men were engaged in raising a three ton boiler up an incline of thirty degrees, from the steamer landing to the tramway, a distance of about ninety feet. The boiler had just been received by the Blue Canyon Company. About 9 o'clock Sunday morning a force of fifteen men began the work of raising it with a block and tackle. A sailor, who was assisting in the work, examined the rope and pulleys, and pronounced the tackle strong enough to raise the boiler. It was attempted to raise the boiler up over an old skid logging road, running down the mountain side to the lake at the landing. Planks were laid over the old skids and the boiler was started up endwise on rollers. The boiler was constructed for mounting on wheels, and the four axles projected out on the sides. The force of men were pulling on the rope, standing on either side of the plank track up which the boiler was bing pulled. When it was about half way up the incline, or about fifty feet above the lake, the hook in the block, which was made fast to the boiler, suddenly straightened out, and the huge boiler darted down the incline. The resisting force of the boiler giving suddenly away, the men who were pulling down hill on the rope fell to the ground, and were therefore unable to get out of the way of the descending mass. The projecting axles on either side mowed down through the men, all but three of whom miraculously escaped without serious injury.
     W. L. F. SOUTER was caught between the plank trucks and the boiler came down and lodged upon him and his lifeless body was afterward removed from under it. ALLISON was struck by an axle and instantly killed. Chris. CHRISTIANSEN was picked up insensible with several ugly scalp wounds, but not dangerously injured. He was brought to this city and taken to the office of Dr. THOMAS, the company's physician. The other men who were injured were cared for at the camp.
      Coroner J. Mr. WARINNER accompanied by J. A. KIRKPATRICK, J. K. ROLL and W. S. PARKER started for the scene of the accident immediately after the receipt of the intelligence of the occurrence, about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. A careful examination of the place was made by the coroner. The remains of ALLISON were taken across the lake in a boat and carried to his home on the opposite shore, where he lived with his young wife. The remains of SOUTER were brought to this city and placed on Coroner WARINNER's morgue.
      Mr. SOUTER came here about one year ago from Sturgis city, S. D., where he was sheriff of Meade county. Until recently he was on the police force here and was very highly esteemed by his brother officers and all who knew him. He had been working at the Blue Canyon mine about three weeks, was about 36 years old, and leaves a wife and four children here, the oldest being about 8 years. He was a member of the Deadwood Masonic lodge, No. 7, and was also a member of the Order of Foresters and Knights of Pythias. He was insured in the Masonic Insurance Company of Yankton, s. D., for $2,000.
      ALLISON was about 25 years of age, and a distressing feature of his death is that he was only married about six weeks ago, and had been at work at the mine only fourteen days. One brother, Joe ALLISON, was formerly a conductor on the Fairhaven & Southern, and another has a ranch near Chuckanut.
      The remains of SOUTER are being embalmed by WARRINNER, and were shipped to Sturgis City, accompanied by his wife and children, Thursday morning. ALLISON's remains were shipped to Tacoma for interment Wednesday.
      The block and hook was brought to this city by the coroner. Mechanics say that manufacturers of blocks are supposed to make the hook stronger than the combined strength of the ropes of the size the pulleys are made to receive. In other words, when the hook and tackle are made properly, the rope will break first.

A Sad Journey
Mrs. W. L. F. SOUTER and her four fatherless children started yesterday morning on their journey to Sturgis, S. D., with the remains of the husband and father. The Masons and the Knights of Pythias met at their respective headquarters at 6:30 in the morning, and marched to WARINER's undertaking establishment, whence they escorted the remains to Ocean dock, where they were place aboard the City of Seattle. Mr. J. D. LEEDY will accompany Mrs. SOUTER on her sad journey. She will make her future home in Sturgis.

      Fire was discovered in one of the small frame buildings on the corner of Mill avenue and Seventeenth street shortly after 12 o'clock last night, and an alarm was soon turned in. the fire companies turned out, but before they arrived at the fire, Dr. WEST and D. Daun EGAN had quenched the flames with buckets of water.
      The building is owned by Mr. Frank LESLIE, a sign painter who formerly resided here, but who is now in California. An examination of the premises after the fire disclosed that the blaze was of incendiary origin. An odor of coal oil pervaded the apartment in which the flames originated. The torch had evidently been applied at the base board at one side of the room. A streak was charred over the wall paper up to the paper ceiling, which was burning when the fire was discovered. The entire ceiling was burned, and the flames had burned through the roof in several places before they were quenched. Where the flames had turned up the wall there was a strong odor of coal oil. The building was unoccupied. A door to the woodshed was open, giving access to the house without a key.

Mrs. D. R. HUNTOON Institutes Proceedings for Divorce
      Mrs. Nellie HUNTOON, of this city, has instituted proceedings for divorce against her husband, Daniel R. HUNTOON, against whom she alleges cruelty and desertion.
      Mr. HUNTOON left this city on the 17th of September, stating that he was going to California. He told persons with whom he had business that he would return in about four weeks, but no word has been received from him by his family since his departure. He was seen going East after he left here.
      Those who are familiar with the home life of Mrs. HUNTOON for the past few years, will not be surprised to hear of her petition for a divorce. The defendant's cruelty to herself and children has made her life a sorrowful one.
      The complaint alleges that the husband has not only frequently abused her with the use of profanity and vile epithets, but sets forth particular instances of his cruelty in beating and striking her. While they were residing in Sehome, in 1889, he beat her about the head and face until her face and eyes were black from the bruises for weeks afterward. At the same time he terrified the children and neighbors by breaking out the windows of the room in his rage.
      The complaint alleges that on the night of the 6th of June last, in this city, the defendant beat and choked the plaintiff until she fainted from exhaustion and fright, and on the 11th of july he knocked her down and kicked her. It is also alleged that in 1885 the defendant knocked down his son, Richard Waldron HUNTOON, then a child of 5 years of age, and beat him so that he did not get over his injuries for years.
      The plaintiff, as Laura WALDRON, was married to the defendant in 1867, at Lowell, Mass. The issue of the marriage is six children, now with their mother in this city, as follows: Burton Waldron HUNTOON, age 22 years; Raymond Daniel HUNTOON, age 16 years; Mary Nellie HUNTOON, age 13 years; Richard Waldron HUNTOON, age 11 years; Carrie Grace HUNTOON, age 9 years. The family has resided in Sehome and Fairhaven since July 6, 1888. Prior to this they resided in Seattle for six years, and prior to that in Utah, where Mr. HUNTOON was interested in mines.
      This case involves property to the value of $127,000. All of this is community property with the exception of about $12,000, which is held in her own right by the plaintiff, it being property acquired by judicious investment of which she has inherited or received by gift from her relatives. ....

New Whatcom Notes
-Dr. BIGGS leaves today for New York, where he is to attend a course of medical lectures.
-Marriage licenses were issued from the office of the county auditor yesterday to Charles E. FLINT and H. Amanda ELLIOT, both of Blaine, and Edward D. COOK and Mamie CHADLER, both of Lynden.
-The county auditor Tuesday granted a license to wed to Will L. GILLIES, of Nooksack, and Mattie AMBROSE, of Sumas.
-J. W. ALTON returned yesterday from the East, where he has been arranging for the manufacture and sale of his recently patented envelope.
-In the county auditor's office Monday marriage licenses were issued to J. J. TROUGHTON and Lizzie WAGGONER, of New Whatcom, and Allen SCOTT and Maud STOWELL, of Fairhaven.
-In Judge GALLAHER's court Tuesday a judgment of $19.65, with costs, was obtained against Gurney Cab Company, in favor of Wm. SANDERSON, on a suit for wages.


Friday, December 4, 1891:

      At 8 o'clock Wednesday night the residents in the vicinity of Forest street in New Whatcom were startled by five pistol shots fired in rapid succession. Deputy Sheriff CHARLOT and Officer SEVIER hastened to 1055 Forest street, the scene of the shooting, and found that David LONG had shot and instantly killed his wife, Susan E. LONG and his son-in-law, Norman HUMES, both of whom were found lying in a pool of blood at the back door of the house, out of which the murderer had escaped. Officer SEVIER, who was the first to arrive at the scene of the shooting, tried to force open the front door and finding it securely fastened on the inside, ran around to the rear door and heard the murderer as he beat a hasty retreat through the yard at the rear of the house, but was unable to locate him in the darkness.
      The story of the shooting originates with the courtship and marriage of the daughter, Ida LONG to Norman HUMES on the 15th of October last. The father objected to the marriage and the mother approved of it. Bitter feeling has existed between LONG and his wife for years, owing to his intense jealously. The trouble between them was intensified by the wife's elopement with HUMES, a short time prior to his marrying the daughter when the adulterous pair were gone eight days. Furious family disturbances have since been frequent in the household.
      The son-in-law HUMES was employed in the Cornwall mill and resided for a time after his marriage with the parents of his wife at their in Keeslingville, but finding it too far from his work, he rented the house on Forest street where he was killed and moved his wife over there, and some eight days ago the wife of LONG came there to live, giving as a reason that she wished to escape the cruelty of her husband, but those who know the circumstances say she wished to be with her paramour, the husband of her daughter. LONG had often threatened to do bodily harm to both his wife and son-in-law. Yesterday morning he went to HUMES' house and begged his wife to return and live with him, threatening in case of her continued refusal to shoot them all. No thought was entertained at the time that he would carry his desperate threat into execution, as in anger he had often made similar threats which he had afterward forgotten.
      The shooting last evening took place in the small three-room cottage while HUMES and his wife and her mother were seated in the kitchen at supper. The house was very scantily furnished, the front room containing only a bed, two chairs, a trunk and a sewing machine; the second a bed, a wardrobe, a trunk and a small table, while the third room in which the shooting occurred, contained a stove, a table and four chairs. While Mrs. LONG was seated at the table and Mrs. HUMES seated in her husband's lap at the supper table, LONG entered the rear door with a revolver in his hand, exclaiming, "I'll settle this," fired five shots in rapid succession, one of which passed through his wife, entering at the left breast, passing through the heart and coming out below the right shoulder blade, causing instant death. Another struck HUMES, entering the top of the head and coming out at the neck, slightly to the right of center.
      HUMES' wife stepped over the body of her husband and ran out the back door, screaming, "You have killed my mother." Her father said to her, "Don't tell anybody, Baby," and disappeared into the darkness. It is thought that he ran toward Fairhaven. A man was seen running through the yard of one of the cottages on the hillside, between Front street and the railroad track, shortly afterward. It is thought that it was the murderer in his flight.
      HUMES' acquaintance with the child whom he married began about a year ago at the meetings of the Salvation Army, and through his attentions to her he became acquainted with the mother, and began the intimacy which resulted in the double murder of last night. The daughter is a simple child of 16 years, very small for her age. It is generally supposed by those acquainted with the LONGs, that the marriage was a plan of Mrs. LONG's to allow her to continue her intimacy with the murdered man.
      LONG came here from Dallas, Texas, four years ago, where he had been employed as a cowboy, and bought a small place in Keeslingsville. He worked for a time as a teamster and farmer, and has since worked as a laborer on the new roads in this city, where he was employed in the blasting of rocks. He is a carpenter by trade and is described as being a man very handy with a gun, and as he is known to be armed and able to shoot, he will doubtless make a good fight before he is captured.
      Mrs. LONG was a comely woman of perhaps 35 years of age. She was possessed of an ugly disposition, which greatly exasperated her husband.
      The daughter, Mrs. HUMES, is apparently a child of little intellect, with small round face, black hair and eyes and a dark olive complexion. She would not be taken to be over 13 years old, and is small for that age. She appeared but slightly affected by the terrible tragedy she had witnesses. She told the story of the shooting with an entire lack of emotion, and went away with the officer, who volunteered to find her a place to sleep, without a sign of regret at parting with her dead mother and husband.
      The history of HUMES was not to be obtained above that he was a Canadian and has a brother in California and another in Maine. He has been in the state about two years, and worked on the pile-driver while building the G street wharf, and more recently has worked at the Cornwall mill. He was about 21 years old and was said to be a sober and industrious young man. ... HUMES and the girl, Ida LONG were married at Keeslingsville by Justice PALMER on the 15th of October last, and the father has since had a talk with Justice PALMER in which he threatened to shoot his wife and HUMES, but nothing was thought of his threat at the time.

Further developments in the double tragedy of Wednesday evening show that after the shooting LONG returned to his house in Keeslingville and prepared for permanent departure. ... A telegram signed by the daughter was dispatched to James RUSSELL, the father of the murdered woman, at Dallas, Texas, requesting him to come here at once. ...

J. G. EDRINGTON, postmaster of Beach, report that the remains of Thomas KANE, the mail carrier, who was drowned in the Bay a week ago Saturday, have been found on the beach between the mouth of the Nooksack river and Captain ELDREDGE's place. ...

Bound Over.
Captain ROSNER was bound over to superior court by Judge WILLIAMS at New Whatcom Monday for stabbing James BOWMAN at the Silver Beach hotel Saturday night. BOWMAN has an ugly gash in the thigh. He alleges that ROSNER has had it in for him for some time on account of jealousy because of his favoring the steamer Geneva.

Thomas DUNN, a rancher at Mountain View, was brought into town, Tuesday morning, on the regular train, with a broken leg. The accident was the result of a piece of bark falling on him at work in the woods, and will doubtless cost him the injured limb. He was conveyed to the Sister's hospital where Dr. COMPTON attended him. DUNN had recently arrived here from the east and has been more than usually unfortunate since his arrival, having lost his wife and several children previous to receiving this last injury.

The dwelling owned by I. J. FRANKENBERGER, at the corner of Fifteenth and Knox streets, was totally destroyed by fire, unquestionable of incendiary origin, about 3 o'clock Friday morning. The flames were first discovered by Mr. BARBER, J. F. WARDNER's coachman, who immediately turned in the alarm at the headquarters of Wardner Hose Co. The hose teams responded promptly, but the fire engine, owing to the escape of the team early the preceding evening, was delayed several minutes until a team could be procured from ROBINS Bros. ... The building has been unoccupied since vacated by Albert SHERMAN. ...

-J. E. SMITH, 73 years of age, died in Sumas Tuesday and is to be brought here for burial.
-Officer FIELDS has returned from his thirty-day leave. He visited his family in Missouri during his absence.
-Deputy Collector REILLY's wife is to leave next Sunday for a three months' visit with relatives and friends in London, Ontario.
-Superintendent ATKINSON, of the Cornwall mill, is confined at his house as a result of a very painful operation performed on him for the extraction of a tumor. Drs. ANGUS and BRODNEAUX of Tacoma, cut the tumor out and Mr. ATKINSON is rapidly recovering from the effects of the operation.

Marriage licenses were issued by the county auditor Monday, to Merriam C. GREY, of Fairhaven, and Lucy SEANOR, of Laurel.

C. F. HOLMBERG, of Fairhaven, was granted final citizenship papers.

-A weekly paper is soon to be started in town.
-Mr. BRUCE is building a new house just out of town.
-S. E. BARRET has a corner in the post office nicely arranged for his telegraph office.
-Mr. Thomas DUNN, of Mt. View, while slipping bark off a tree, was caught under the bark and received a fracture of the left leg. He was taken to the hospital in Seattle on Tuesday.
-Mrs. NORTON, formerly a resident of Mt. View, but now of Lynden, is visiting friends here.
-Mrs. HOPE has gone to spend several weeks with her mother, Mrs. SLATER, who lives a mile below Ferndale.


Friday, February 12, 1892:

City Treasurer Thomas HENDERSON started yesterday for a visit at his old home in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and also in Michigan, and will be absent several weeks. It is said that Mr. HENDERSON will not return alone. His many friends in this city will wish him joy.

W. R. SULLIVAN left yesterday for a combined business and pleasure trip to his old home at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and several places in Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.

Officer CAMERON, who has lately been on duty as night officer on the lower beat, was removed yesterday by Marshal BLAKELY and was succeeded by L. W. SLOAN. Mr. SLOAN was formerly chief of police of Bismark, N. D. Mr. CAMERON had been on the force for nearly two years.

George F. ABBOTT and Minerva CAVENDER, both of Lynden, were granted a license to wed Wednesday.

Harry KING, who has been confined in the county jail for insanity, was Wednesday released by order of Judge WINN.

Louis JOHNS and James GANNON were fined $5 and costs each for drunkenness by Police Judge GALLAHER yesterday.

Mr. Edmond COSGROVE will start for San Diego, California in a short time to attend to litigation involving lands which he owns there. He will be absent several weeks.

J. R. MASON, the grocer, was painfully burned about the hands Wednesday night by overturning a Rochester lamp. Dr. BRAGG was called to the relief of his sufferings.

Alfred HAZELTON, the Blaine man who claims a third of the reward offered for the capture of the murderer of Moses YOUNKINS [YOUNKIN], Friday filed affidavits with the sheriff, the clerk of the board of county commissioners and the clerk of the city. ...

W. C. AUSTIN, New Whatcom; George AMES, Fairhaven; M. C. AXTON, Yager; J. W. ALEXANDER, Lummi; Fred AMERLING, Delta; John BOWLER, New Whatcom; George W. BOYD, New Whatcom; Jacob BECK, New Whatcom; A. S. BALCH, Fairhaven; John W. BUNT, Lummi; C. E. BARNES, Fairhaven; A. W. CUSTER, New Whatcom; O. CORDWAY, New Whatcom; E. P. CHASE, New Whatcom; O. DURANGO, New Whatcom, F. E. DOWNEY, New Whatcom; J. V. DIMON, New Whatcom; H. A. DIX, New Whatcom; John D. DeFRIES, Fairhaven; J. M. DARLING, Fairhaven; W. H. DOBBS, Lynden; M. DERMODY, Lynden; J. B. EDWARDS, Fairhaven; W. H. EAGAR, Fairhaven; Richard FENTON, New Whatcom; John FEIGH, Fairhaven; John FRASER, Fairhaven; D. W. FELT, Fairhaven; A. T. FAZON, Yager; John T. FLOWER, Acme; Edward GEORGE, Fairhaven; A. H. GERISH, Blaine; George GOODWIN, Nooksack City; H. M. GILES, Sumas; H. HOFERCAMP, New Whatcom; A. B. HART, Fairhaven; W. D. HURLBURT, Fairhaven; John HEGLER, West Ferndale; Albert HAGIN, Clearbrook; Henry HENSPETER, Birch Bay; S. D. HUMPHRIES, Fairhaven; James HOGUE, Yeager; F. W. JOHNSON, New Whatcom; Simon KILLDALL, Lynden; William LEGOE, New Whatcom; Frank LITTLEFIELD, New Whatcom; A. J. LOOMIS, Semiahmoo; Joseph LOPAS, West Ferndale; J. M. LINDSAY, Birch Bay; Morris McCARTY, New Whatcom; Peter MILLS, New Whatcom; H. L. MERRILL, Fairhaven; E. A. McFARLAND, Fairhaven; John MATSON, Fairhaven; G. W. MEAD, West Ferndale; E. E. MARSHALL, Deming; Fred McKINLEY, Acme; James MORRISON, Everson; J. H. MILLHOLLEN, Blaine; R. H. MOSLANDER, Blaine; F. M. PACKER, New Whatcom; J. H. PLASTER, West Ferndale; Wilson PLUMMER, Lynden; E. C. PORTER, jr., Haynie; C. G. REQUA, New Whatcom; R. ROSS, Fairhaven; D. E. RICE, Roeder; Charles ROSBROUGH, Blaine; D. ROGERS, West Ferndale; Thomas SLADE, New Whatcom; W. R. SYBERT, New Whatcom; G. A. SCHENECKER, New Whatcom; William SPEARS, New Whatcom; C. J. SHEFFLER, Fairhaven; Peter SLEASMAN, Licking; J. SWINEHART, Nooksack City; Jeff STEWART, Wahl; Thomas STANCLIFF, West Ferndale; Robert SHIELDS, West Ferndale; E. STRACHE, West Ferndale; J. F. SEFTON, Keyes; C. T. SNELL, Geneva; A. M. SJORGEN, Lynden; A. M. SMITH, Fairhaven; D. SEARIGHT, Sumas; W. E. TAIT, New Whatcom; E. T. TRIMBLE, New Whatcom; J. L. THATCHER, Fairhaven; Robert TRUMAN, Park; Herman THEILMAN, Lynden; John THOMAS, Lynden; Charles VINNUP, Lynden; G. A. WATSON, New Whatcom; David WEHEL, Fairhaven; George H. WATROUS, Fairhaven; W. H. WILLIAMS, New Whatcom; G. H. WESTCOTT, Blaine; J. W. WIFFLER, Blaine.

D. D. ALEXANDER, Lynden; Henry BARNETT, New Whtcom; Arthur BURNS, New Whatcom; Wm. BROWN, New Whatcom; T. H. BACON, New Whatcom; D. C. BRUNER, New Whatcom; H. M. BUTLER, New Whatcom; D. J. BUTLER, Fairhaven; Geo. A. BLACK, Fairhaven; H. B. BATEMAN, Fairhaven; Henry BARTENHAGEN, Lynden; Lyman BABCOCK, Clearbrook; E. A. BOBLETT, Blaine; M. BIRDWELL, Keys; W. H. BURDETTE, Lynden; F. M. BLOOM, Lynden; P. J. COWLEY, New Whatcom; R. F. CANFIELD, New Whatcom; A. P. CONE, Fairhaven; T. A. CREIGHTON, Fairhaven; S. P. CONNER, Sumas; E. B. COLLINS, Yager; T. J. CURTIS, Acme; Geo. W. CAIN, Blaine; W. W. CARTER, Haynie; Harry COWDEN, West Ferndale; Henry CARLE, West Ferndale; D. G. CORNELL, West Ferndale; W. P. CLINGMAN, Park; Z. W. CHRISTOPHER, Fairhaven; L. D. DRAKE, New Whatcom; K. C. DESAUTELS, New Whatcom; Geo. A. DANIELD, Fairhaven; H. J. DAKIN, West Ferndale; D. H. DeCAN, New Whatcom; Stephen A. DOUGLASS, Geneva; S. J. EGBERT, Fairhaven; E. EVERSON, Nooksack City; W. A. ECKHART, Sumas; W. H. FOUTS, New Whatcom; W. A. FRANK, Yager, W. T. FOLLIS, Lynden; E. L. FRANKLIN, Lynden; Frank GREEN, New Whatcom; W. J. GRAHAM, Fairhaven; P. B. GWINNUP, Fairhaven; M. T. GEE, Blaine; Jacob GARRIS, West Ferndale; R. L. HEAD, Fairhaven; E. L. HOPKINS, Fairhaven; F. J. HAMILTON, Fairhaven; Barney HUGHES, Sumas; R. D. HUGHES, Lynden; Will D. JENKINS, New Whatcom; R. JENNINGS, Fairhaven; Wm. P. JOHNSON, Licking; P. C. JAMES, Birch Bay; Robert KNOX, New Whatcom; R. B. KEELER, New Whatcom; O. D. LEMREAUX, Yager; P. J. Logan, New Whatcom; T. A. MARMONT, New Whatcom; W. M. MITCHELL, Fairhaven; T. E. MONOHAN, Fairhaven; E. McGINNIS, Fairhaven; C. T. MOORE, Semiahmoo; R. T. MILLSAP, West Ferndale; O. D. McDONALD, Blaine; G. W. MILLLER, Fairhaven; Christ MATSON, Lynden; C. W. MATTHEWS, East Ferndale; C. C. McCARTY, Deming; W. D. MATHIAS, Lynden; John ORCHARD, New Whatcom; W. H. OSTERMAN, Nooksack City; A. PANCOAST, New Whatcom; A. W. PETTIBONE, New Whatcom; W. H. PENFIELD, New Whatcom; O. E. PLUMB, Yager; C. M. PARK, Acme; C. P. PERLEY, Blaine; S. L. PALMER, Lynden; J. T. ROBINSON, Roeder; J. P. REID, Fairhaven; J. E. SOLVEY, New Whatcom; H. B. STRAND, New Whatcom; L. M. SONDERS, New Whatcom; K. SONSTEBY, Fairhaven; R. B. STORMS, Fairhaven; Richard SHARPLESS, Fairhaven; J. T. SHOWERS, Lummi; L. U. STENGER, New Whatcom; W. B. TABOR, Fairhaven; I. C. TEMPLIN, Fairhaven; J. R. THOMAS, Blaine; H. A. THOMPSON, Lummi; John WOODS, Fairhaven; Henry WORTH, Fairhaven; F. L. WHITENY, West Ferndale.

George ROHRBACHER, who was killed in Lynden Thursday morning was well known in New Whatcom, and will be mourned by many friends. The Lynden Pioneer Press of Thursday says:
      We stop the press to announce the death of George ROHRBACHER, who was killed by the falling of a tree on the MALTBY place, east of town, about 10:30 this morning. At this writing we are unable to learn the full particulars. He was working with his brother Edward, and they had chopped down a cottonwood, which lodged between two others in falling, and, bounding, went over the stump, striking the unfortunate young man in the breast killing him instantly. As the tree rebounded the second time it struck him in the lower part of the body, crushing his hips and legs. George was a little past 22 years of age, a hard working and industrious young man, and well known in this county.
      His aged father and mother, as well as his brothers and friends, have the sympathy of this community in their affliction. His body was brought to town and taken to the home of his parents. We learn that hardly a whole bone was left in his body, and his flesh terribly mangled. He was a native of Oil City, Penn. The unfortunate young man was buried yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock, under the auspices of the local lodge [next line cut off]

-A surprise was given Mr. and Mrs. Henry SLATER in their new home Friday evening.
-J. BASTONE and his sister Lizzie have bought the Home Restaurant, and are now ready to serve their customers with the best the market affords.
-Married, Monday, Feb. 8th, at home, near Ferndale, by Rev. WELLS, Miss Mary UNDERWOOD and Mr. A. C. BUSWELL, of Whatcom. The happy couple took their departure on the noon train for Whatcom, where they will reside.


Friday, March 25, 1892:

Mrs. W. R. ALBEE gave a farewell afternoon reception at the residence of her brother, Hon. E. M. WILSON, on Fifteenth street, Wednesday afternoon prior to her departure for California. All of the many friends of the hostess who were present classed it with the most charming and enjoyable ladies' receptions ever given here. Mrs. ALBEE was assisted by Mrs. M. A. WILSON, Miss E. WILSON, Mrs. DARLING, Mrs. George A. BLACK, Mrs. E. L. COWGILL, Mrs. J. B. PEARCE, Mrs. P. W. STRADER, Mrs. J. J. DONOVAN, Mrs. T. F. BEVANS and Mrs. W. H. WELBON. Among those present were Mrs. McLEAN, Miss McLEAN, Miss Rose McLEAN, Mrs. I. N. MAXWELL, Mrs. John BLACK, Mrs. DODSON, Mrs. E. M. DAY, Mrs. T. W. GILLETTE, Mrs. C. W. WALDRON, Mrs. HATHAWAY, Mrs. C. P. THOMAS, Mrs. G. F. MAYER, Mrs. DOWNIE, Mrs. BORIE, Mrs. DUDLEY, Mrs. W. W. SLY, Mrs. LLOYD, Mrs. J. R. WYLIE, Mrs. CARSON, Mrs. SHERMAN, Mrs. LANGDON, Mrs. S. W. MEANS, Mrs. MUNDY, Mrs. McKENZIE, Miss Jennie E. ALEXANDER, Miss McGREGOR, Mrs. FRANCIS, Miss EGGLESTON, Mrs. BATEMAN, Mrs. McKAY, Mrs. INSLEE, Mrs. J. A. KERR, Mrs. CHRISTOPHER, Mrs. HARVEY, Mrs. DICKENSON, Mrs. KELLOGG, Mrs. AMES, Mrs. Frederick PETTIBONE, Mrs. D. D. FAGAN, Mrs. HAKES, Mrs. L. W. APPLEGATE, Mrs. A. REIDEL, Mrs. HOLBROOK, Mrs. A. H. TYSON, and Mrs. HAYDEN of Fairhaven, and Mrs. J. R. CRITES, Mrs. PETTIBONE, Mrs. BACON, Mrs. Ella HIGGINSON and Mrs. MORRISON, of New Whatcom.

Mr. and Mrs. ALBEE departed Saturday on their journey for Santa Barbara, Cal., where Mr. ALBEE has embarked in the commission business. They will stop for a brief visit at Eugene, Oregon, where they will meet Mr. E. M. WILSON, who is there now visiting a sister.

Mr. and Mrs. M. E. DOWNS have moved from The Fairhaven, where they have resided for the past year, and are now at home in the residence of Mr. P. J. HENNELLY. This is one of the fine residences of the Bay.

The engagement of Mr. D. Daun EGAN and Miss Mabel STANGROOM was announced during the past week.

Local and Personal
--Fairhaven's first mayor, E. A. TURDER, has opened an office as an insurance and loan broker in Seattle, rooms 101 and 102, Butler block.
--Mr. and Mrs. B. B. SEYMOUR have rented the HOLBROOK residence, furnished, for six months, during Mrs. HOLBROOKs absence in the east.
--Henry WILLIAMS, the state's witness in the Swiloos trial, who returned to his home in Samish, upon his release this week, is reported dangerously ill.
--A deed was recorded Saturday showing a purchase by P. W. STRADER from E. CONNELLY of blocks 3 and 5, in the Black's addition to Fairhaven for $4,500.
--The funeral of the late Sidney FOSTER occurred at 12:15 o'clock Saturday at the Congregational church, under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity. The remains were shipped for Ontario on the afternoon train.
--Arthur GAMWELL was taken suddenly ill Saturday evening in New Whatcom. He started for Fairhaven but fearing that his strength would not hold out he went to St. Luke's hospital where he is now receiving care and treatment. It is thought that he has an attack of Typhoid fever.


Friday, September 30, 1892:

-W. B. RAFFERTY, of Blaine, transacted business in the city Saturday.
-C. E. OWENS, of Goshen, was among the visitors to the city Saturday.
-J. S. NASS, former manager of the Byron house, was in the city Saturday.
-Mrs. HOOKER, of Brainard, Minn., is visiting Mrs. C. H. STOCKS, on C street.
-Mr. and Mrs. H. H. BABCOCK left over the C.P.R. Saturday for Memphis, Tenn.
-G. W. EATON, S. BRADLEY and Mayor WILBUR, all of Lynden, were in town Saturday.
-J. K. CHAMBERS, an attorney from Sumas, was in the city Saturday on official business.
-Master Clyde HADLEY, who has been visiting his grandparents back East, has returned home.
-Captain T. W. SIMONS, chief government engineer of this district, is registered at the Bellingham.
-Architect COX, who has been at Ferndale looking after the erection of the school house, returned to the city Saturday.
-H. J. ROBINET, of Goshen, was in the city Saturday and reports the four shingle mills of that locality in full operation with a fifth being rapidly put up.
-J. WILLIAMS has gone East to attend a dental college.
-Banker HUFTY, of Sumas, was going the Bay cities yesterday.
-Mrs. YOUNKIN was in the city from Fort Bellingham yesterday.
-A. E. DOBBS, of Mexico, is visiting his relatives in this city.
-C. M. ATKINS contemplates putting some additions to his residence.
-Geo. PRICE leaves the city today to open a logging camp on the Skagit.
-E. STURGEON, city school clerk, has returned from his camping expedition.
-BRIGGS & CLARY have bought out the Iron Bolt bath house on Holly street.
-S. L. JONES' two-story house on High street is completed and ready for occupancy.
-Fred MUNTINKA is putting up a new residence on Madison street, near Williams.
-Marshal McINTOSH received the second degree in Free Masonry last evening.
-Miss Annie STORY, of Victoria, is in the city as a guest of her sister, Mrs. E. W. PURDY.
-The stone work of the court house wall is ready for the iron work which is expected daily.
-H. W. COX, the architect, is adding extensive improvements to his residence on North Elk street.
-Collector RIELLY has commenced collecting a head tax from foreign emigrants over the C. P. road.

Rev. F. D. MUSE, the popular pastor of the First Christian Church of New Whatcom, and Miss Anna A. FARR, of the same city, were united in the bonds of holy matrimony Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. and Mrs. J. A. BLANKENSHIP, corner of West and Munro streets. The Rev. J. L. McCULLUM, of Olympia, performed the ceremony according to the rites of the Christian church. Miss FARR has been a teacher in the New Whatcom schools for the past two years, where she won a large number of friends, among whom she was deservedly popular. The young couple have decided not to take a wedding trip in view of Mr. MUSE's church duties, and hence ready to receive their friends in their new home on the corner of Twenty-third and D streets.

Miss Hattie KELLOGG have a pleasant party in honor of her guest, Miss Kate WOOLEY, at the residence of Judge G. A. KELLOGG last Monday evening. The invitations were limited to a small number of unmarried friends. ... Following are the names of whose present:
Miss Hattie KELLOGG, Miss Kate WOOLEY, Miss Elbry WILSON, Miss Gertrude HAKES, Miss Rita CHRISTOPHER, Miss WALDRON, John A. KELLOGG, C. W. HOWARD, E. S. McCORD, C. E. TAYLOR, Chas. F. WARNER and J. W. EASTON.

-W. M. CREED, a teacher from Laurel, was in town Monday.
-George BUCHANAN, of Olympia, transacted business in town Monday.
-Mrs. LYSLE and daughter, Hallie, returned from Tacoma Monday morning.
-Julius SIEGEL, of San Francisco, was among the guests at the Bellingham Monday.
-Lars LARSON, of Columbia valley, was among the visitors at the court house Monday.
-DeCAN's shingle mill started up again Monday morning, having been closed for repairs.
-Rev. D. L. V. MOFFATT has returned from Everett where he filled the pulpit Sunday.
-Mrs. C. C. GARRETT, niece of Mrs. PARISH, left Monday for her home in Walla Walla.
-Mrs. Geo. DELLINGER returned yesterday from Tacoma, after an absence of several weeks.
-Wiley M. NASH and son, of Starkville, Miss., are in the city looking after their property interests.
-R. C. SIMPSON arrived from Tacoma Monday where he has been attending the Y.M.C.A. convention.
-A. S. CLARK has removed his cigar store into the rooms formerly occupied by the PRATT Hardware Company.
-Ephraim DELL, of Warner, B. C., and Mrs. Rosella TOULOUSE received a marriage license from the auditor Monday.
-The brick yard on the corner of Thirteenth and Walnut streets has been closed owing to an ordinance declaring against brick yards in the city limits.
-Mr. John ELWOOD, who returned to the city from Tacoma Monday, received a telegram announcing the sudden death of her (sic) brother-in-law, Mr. KIBLING, of Virginia.
-Ed BEATTIE, formerly a resident of this city, has returned to New Whatcom from San Francisco and has accepted a position in the job department of the Reveille office.
-George TURNER, who recently came to the city on a visit from Eureka, Kansas, had never met one of his father's relatives previous to his arrival in this city. While here he met his cousin, Mrs. George CURTIS, who by a strange co-incidence had also not met one of her father's relatives until Mr. TURNER's arrival.

-Mayor and Mrs. A. McKENZIE returned Monday from Tacoma.
-Charles HILL, of Seattle, agent of the Hall Safe & Lock Co., is at The Fairhaven.
-George E. BRAND started on a trip to Everett, Seattle and Tacoma Monday.
-R. J. TURNBULL, master mechanic of the Great Northern, returned from Seattle Monday.
-Warner J. DUHRING, of Everett, arrived in town Sunday to attend the funeral of the late Col. THUM.
-Miss Etta MINOR, who has been spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. L. T. DODSON, returned to her home in Hepner, Oregon, Monday.
-The marriage of Miss Lena WILSON, of Tacoma, and Mr. R. Dent WOOD, of Fairhaven, at Edison last evening was one of the social events of the week. Miss DARLING, of Edison, gave the newly-married couple and elegant supper, at which some thirty couples were present. The wedding presents of silverware were very elegant. After the banquet Mr. and Mrs. WOOD left for their future home in Fairhaven. -Seattle P.I. Sept. 25.
-Fairhaven has been made the transfer point for all Great Northern express for island points and Victoria, which will be carried on the Island Belle.
-Ex-Mayor TURNER was in town a few hours Wednesday for the first time for nearly a year. He is now living in Seattle ...
-Theodore PLUMMER, a capitalist of Nashville, Tenn., arrived in town Tuesday and is stopping at the Fairhaven. Mr. PLUMMER is interested in the shingle mill project now being promoted by Mr. J. S. MUNDY.
-E. G. EARLE, of the Herald, left Wednesday for a visit of several weeks at the home of his parents at Maquoketa, Iowa. He will probably attend the Columbus celebration at Chicago, on the 21st of October.
-Georgie, the little 6-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. FULLER, of the firm of KINSEY & FULLER, died Tuesday evening as a result of injuries received by falling from a wagon Sunday. The burial took place Wednesday at the Whatcom cemetery.

-Planking is finished on south Elk street.
-The new fountain at Eighteenth and Broadway has been neatly painted.
-Dr. and Mrs. M. F. CHESTNUT have returned from a brief visit to Custer.
-B. W. LORING is in the city soliciting subsidies for the motor line to Lynden.
-Mr. LENHART's two-story house on Eighteenth street is nearing completion.
-Iowa street is being graded by the Bellingham Bay Improvement Company.
-Canoe street has been brought to a proper grade and planking was begun Friday.
-Victor BRADWAY has left the city to work in one of the shingle mills of the county.
-J. H. MADDEN, one of Clearbrook's merchants, was in the city Friday purchasing goods.
-The shingle cutting attachment to MILLER & BRIDENSTINE's mill will soon be ready for operation.
-F. I. SEARS, formerly assistant editor of the Victoria Times, has accepted a position on the Bellingham Bay Express.
-S. S. GORDON, one of the early settlers of the county, but now a resident of San Francisco, is visiting his friends in the city.
-F. G. UNDERWOOD reports orders for shingles coming in rapidly from Illinois and Iowa. He intends establishing an office in Fairhaven by the 1st of October.
-Mr. and Mrs. TRIMBLE have taken charge of the choir at the Sehome Presbyterian church, with Miss Nellie LEE as organist.
-P. HALBERG, of the Mount Baker shingle mill, near Deming, was in town Friday. He says the mill will be in operation within a few days.
-H. D. WOOD is adding an extra room to his cigar store.
-The public library reading room has been furnished with a stove for the comfort of its readers.
-Engineer FRENCH's dwelling at Silver Beach was destroyed by fire Friday evening, with a loss of about $400.

-C. C. WILSON, editor of the Blaine Tribune, was in town Friday.
-W. S. VAIL, of Sumas, was among the visitors at the court house Friday.
-Sam PALMER, a Lynden ditch contractor, was in the city Friday for supplies.
-F. P. DOWN has been appointed customs agent for the Canadian Pacific railroad at New Whatcom.
-Mr. and Mrs. BAIRD, from North Yamhill, Or., are in the city as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. ROGERS.
-Miss Carrie E. KALLOCK, who has been on a trip to Europe, escaped quarantine by the steamer in which she was a passenger entering Boston instead of at New York. She intends coming to the city shortly.

Pretty little Beulah GANNON, who reached the fifth mile stone in her journey towards womanhood last Monday, gave a delightful party and reception to her young playmates in honor of the occasion, ... Ample refreshments were served, Mrs. GANNON being assisted by Mrs. BARRON, Mrs. DYKMAN, Mrs. MERRIAM, Mrs. FAZON and Mrs. POOR. Among the children present were: Nellie LEE, Nellie PRATT, Pearl PRATT, Ella SHRADER, Clarence SHRADER, Hazel WOOD, Peyche and Arros TORREY, Nellie APPLEBY, Gretchen HESS, Alice JACKSON, Maude, Fred and Arthur BAGLEY, Lydia KELLAR, Laura OWEN, Ritchie GLOSTER, Grace CUSTER, Cecil LONG, Rosa MERRIAM, Lizzie WARWICK, Hanna and Kittie SPEDDING and Effie SPIERS.


Thursday, July 5, 1894:

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. SWEET and three children have arrived from Ohio and settled at Custer on the GALER ranch.

G. B. TAYLOR is building a large barn at Lynden. Mr. WOODWARD is also building one on his farm at Laurel.

-Henry HENSPETER got his leg caught between two piles at Point Roberts and both bones were broken above the ankle.
-Claude BRENTS, in getting on a pony, was thrown to the ground and, his foot hanging in the stirup, he was dragged some distance, when the leather broke thus saving his life.
-The marriage of Orin LEWIS to the beautiful and highly accomplished Miss Winnie GRIMMETTE has been the theme of gossip for several days.
-Mrs. Wm. DAVIDSON, of New Westminster, came over to her father's near Custer, on a visit and her little daughter Helena, a most beautiful and winsome child, took diphtheria and died June 29, and was buried at Enterprise.

-Rev. O. B. STREYFFELER, of New Whatcom, preached for Rev. CANNEY Sunday evening last.
-W. A. TELFER has gone to Oregon where he may locate. His family will follow his soon. Clearbrook loses some excellent citizens in Mr. TELFER and family.
-The firm of NATTRASS & TELFER has dissolved partnership and sold the business here to Mr. POOKE, of Seattle, who will carry a full line of goods and continue the business.
-The Y. P. S. C. E. elected officers Sunday evening as follows: President, Willie HINTON; vice-presient, V. PERINGER; secretary, Augusta SMITH; treasurer, Alize JOHNSON.
-The school board held their regular quarterly meeting last Saturday evening. Among other business transacted was the adoption of the plan of graduating classes from the eighth grade and granting diplomas. It was also decided to have the ninth year course taught hereafter, and encourage pupils to complete it and take diplomas as provided for by the state board of education.
-The closing exercises of the public school occurred Friday evening Fred OSTERMAN, Arthur KIRKMAN, Millie MORRIS and Bertha TILTON were granted diplomas for completing the eighth grade. J. Hannum JONES addressed the class and gave them some excellent advice for completing their education.
-The following pupils of the public school were neither absent nor tardy during the last month of school that has just closed:
Maud BOYER, Minnie HINTON, Mamie DUNCAN, Carrie KELLEY, Maud SMITH, Mabel ELDER, Ethel CORBIN, Eleanor ELDER, Charlie ALEX, Franklin ALEX, James ELDER, Joseph CORBIN, Eddie HAGIN, Charlie HARKNESS, Archie HEATHERS, Harry HEATHERS, Homer HEATHERS, Albert KELLEY, Tommy KELLEY, Johnnie NATTRASS, Fred OSTERMAN and Warren SMITH.

Public Installation.
The local lodge of A. O. U. W. gave one of its enjoyable entertainments this evening, the occasion being the public installation of the following officers, F. J. BARLOW acting as Grand Master and A. H. TATMAN as Grand Guide:
George BUTLER, P. M. W.; F. L. OLSLAGER, M. W.; J. H. McMILLAN, Foreman; Henry SCHLOSS, Overseer; Wm. HANNA, Recorder; W. H. EAGER, Financier; Herbert SHAW, Receiver; Chas. ROBINSON, Guide; R. G. MARSHALL, I. W.; Paul TIERNAN, O. W.
At the conclusion of the installation ceremonies dancing was enjoyed by a large number of guests, who had been invited by the members to witness the imposing event.

New Shingle Mill.
The shingle mill at Yager, being built by Messrs. A. P. PHILLEY, H. GARRISON and T. H. McCORTNEY, will be in operation by the first of July. It will have a capacity of from 40,000 to 60,000 shingles per day of ten hours and will employ eight men. The mill building is 26x44 feet, with an engine house 22x25 feet, built in a substantial manner and equipped with new and first-class machinery throughout. If the Blaine and Eastern railroad is built Lynden will be the natural shipping point for the product of this mill. -Lynden Pioneer Press.

William H. CAMPBELL and Miss Hallie Wigham LYSLE were married at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. LYSLE, on Walnut street, Saturday at 10 a. m. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. P. HYLAND, of Ballard, who read the beautiful marriage service of the Protestant Episcopal church. The contracting parties stood under a marriage bell of roses, and the parlors were tastily decorated with flowers. The bride was attired in white silk with pearl trimmings and orange blossoms. After the ceremony, the happy couple and a few intimate friends of the family sat down to an elegant wedding breakfast. They left on the 1:30 p. m. train for Seattle for a thirty-day bridal trip. On their return they will reside with Mrs. LYSLE on Walnut street. Those present at the wedding were Mrs. LYSLE, Miss Carrie LYSLE, Miss Eliza McELVAIN, Miss Marian MOORE, Miss Mabel BYRNE, Miss W. BLOMQUIST, Mr. John LYSLE and Mr. Larry BYRNE. -Reveille.

-Dr. J. O. COBB, of Port Townsend, was in the city Friday.
-Dr. VAN ZANDT has been enjoying a visit among friends in Spokane.
-The S. FRIEDMAN Company is taking city and county warrants at par.
-Mrs. BOWERS, of Spokane, is in the city as the guest of her mother, Mrs. O'CONNOR.
-D. C. JENKINS is home for the vacation from the Bishop Scott academy at Portland.
-J. D. HANNEGAN has opened a commission house in the Hannegan block on Holly street.
-Mr. and Mrs. Andrew LARSON and son arrived in the city Friday from Chicago and will remain permanently.
-A telegram has been received from California announcing the death of Mrs. Charles ROEHL, formerly of this city.
-The completed school census of the city shows 1,405 children between the ages of 5 and 21 years, an increase of 62 over last year. There are 575 children under 5 years of age.

Miss Laura CALHOUN and brother, Scott CALHOUN, of LaConner, are in the city as the guests of Miss HUNTOON.

Captain GREGG and family have purchased the farm known as WRIGHT ranch at East Sound, where they will hereafter reside.

The completed school census of the city shows 1,405 children between the ages of 5 and 21 years, an increase of 62 over last year. There are 575 children under 5 years of age.

Mr. and Mrs. Isaac TEMPLIN are spending the summer on their ranch at East Sound.

W. H. WELBON, of Seattle, is visiting at the residence of his father-in-law, Judge KELLOGG.

Warrants and time checks bought by J. S. EMERSON, Railroad avenue, New Whatcom.

Mrs. M. R. GOULD, mother of Mrs. B. W. BENSON, is on her way from the East to Fairhaven.

Frank SCHNEIDER, who has been clerking for D. W. FELT during the past two years, leaves for New York shortly. Joe SIMINEO has donned the apron and cleaver, and will fill Frank's position.

July 19, 1894:

The funeral of Mrs. Jennie HAYES, who died early Wednesday morning of last week, occurred from her late residence in New Whatcom Thursday afternoon, July 12. A large number of the friends of the deceased were present to pay the last sad tribute of respect to her memory. ... The services were conducted by J. H. SCHIVELY, of Fairhaven, impressive music being rendered both at the resident and cemetery under the leadership of Mrs. THORALDSON. Deceased was the wife of Mr. John HAYES and sister of Mr. George MERRIAM, and has resided in New Whatcom during the past twelve years where she was well known and highly respected for her kindly disposition and womanly virtues. Mrs. HAYES was 35 years old at the time of her death, and leaves a husband and two children to mourn her loss.

Thursday, September 27, 1894:

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. BRATT, of this city, died of membranous croup Saturday evening and was buried on Monday afternoon, the Rev. Mr. JUKES, of the Episcopal church, officiating. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. They take this opportunity of expressing their sincerest gratitude to their friends and neighbors who so kindly offered their sympathy and aid in the sickness and death of their precious baby.

Thursday, October 18, 1894:

An Untimely Death
Edwin F. BEVANS, a young man of considerable promise and ability, died in this city early on Friday morning of last week, and was buried the following day from the residence of his parents on Fifteenth street. The funeral services were conducted [by] the Rev. Mr. MACKEY, of the Presbyterian church, and were attended by a large circle of the friends and acquaintances of the deceased, C. W. HOWARD, S. J. KNIGHT, R. E. HELMS, L. P. BYRNE, F. D. ALEXANDER and Jno. A. KELLOGG acting as pall bearers. ... The deceased moved to Fairhaven from Springfield, Ill., several years ago and entered into business with his father, T. F. BEVANS. He had received a thorough business education, and was a fine accountant, having acted for a time as teller in the Bennett National bank. Mr. and Mrs. BEVANS take this opportunity of expressing their sincerest gratitude to the many friends who so kindly tendered their sympathetic aid in performing the last sad rites to the memory of the departed. In the death of their son, the bereaved parents have buried their only child, in whom their every hope was centered, and will receive in their affliction the earnest sympathy of a large host of friends.

Thursday, October 25, 1894:

There died on Monday morning, at his residence on Harris street, one of Fairhaven's most respected citizens, D. B. JONES, who has been a familiar figure on our streets since the inception of the town. Mr. JONES came to Fairhaven from Los Angeles in 1889, and opened up the Oneida meat market, which he conducted up to a short time before his death. He was born in Wales, fifty-four years ago and was raised in Oneida county, N. Y., but early emigrated to the West. In Fairhaven he was recognized as one of the city's most solid, progressive and respected citizens, and had a large circle of warm personal friends, who were attracted to him by a genial nature and many admirable traits of character. Mr. JONES had mining interests in Eastern Washington, and in visiting these he contracted a severe cold, which developed into malarial fever and caused his death. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon from the family residence, and was attended by a large gathering of sorrowing neighbors and friends. The Rev. W. A. MACKAY and Rev. C. McDERMOTH conducted the services at the house, and the Rev. Mr. MACKAY officiated at the grave, the pall bearers being T. A. CREIGHTON, D. ALVERSON, S. J. KNIGHT, J. P. CUMMISKY, H. OESER and J. BEADLE. The deceased leaves a wife and two sons to mourn his loss, and these have the sympathy of the community in their irreparable loss.
Listed as Benjamin D. JONES in 1890 directory.

Thursday, November 15, 1894:

-Mr. POOKE's hand, which he cut severely while splitting wood some time since, is improving as rapidly as could be expected.
-Miss Myrtle BAILEY, of this neighborhood, was united last Sunday to Edward HOLCOMB, of Lynden. The wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents.
-Grandma HAMMELL, mother of C. L. and J. W. HAMMELL, of this place, quietly passed away on Thursday last at the residence of her son, C. L. HAMMELL. The funeral services were held on Friday in the school house and the remains laid to rest in the Perry cemetery.

Thursday, December 13, 1894:

Sarah Isabel ROBINSON, the five months old daughter of Charles ROBINSON, died on Sunday, the 9th inst., of inflammation of the bowels. The funeral occurred on Tuesday. Rev. C. McDERMOTH officiating.

Thursday, December 20, 1894:

The wife of John WASHINGTON, on of the employes of the Hotel Fairhaven, on Sunday morning last. The funeral occurred on Tuesday afternoon, the services being conducted by the Rev. Mr. WRIGHT, of the Congregational church. Deceased leaves a husband, two children and a number of friends to mourn her loss.


Thursday, February 27, 1896:

Mrs. H. PAUS was buried, from her late residence on Elk street, last Sunday, Rev. H. ALLING officiating.

Captain and Mrs. McKAY mourn the loss of their three-month-old babe, which passed away last Monday.

Mrs. and Miss CHRISTOPHER and Mrs. HARVEY and children have returned from an extended visit to California.

A valuable cow of C. H. GRIFFITH died Monday night. The cow got control of the chop feed sack and then drank water.

By decision of the state supreme court Mrs. Martha FOUTS is owner of a part of E street in the city of New Whatcom.

Frank SNYDER and A. S. McDONALD left yesterday for the Colville reservation, where they expect to engage in mining.

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. GODFREY died, of scarlet fever, on the 26th inst. Deceased was two years and three months old.

April 2, 1896:

George PENNINGTON has leased the STOOPS shingle mill at Excelsior.

A little two-year-old child of James KENYON was drowned Friday afternoon in Lake Whatcom.

Last Saturday two sons of Joseph GOODFELLOW, of Point Roberts, and two other men attempted to go out in a rowboat to a pile driver that had grounded near the Point Saturday. The boat capsized and one of the GOODFELLOW boys was drowned. The steamer Eclipse dragged for the body until late Saturday night, but without success.

All of the available trap grounds off the shore of Whatcom county are now crowded by parties putting in traps.

August 12, 1896:

Lew DeHAVEN, the mail carrier, is the proud father of a baby boy, which arrived Sunday morning. The nightly trips across the floor will not bother Lew, and he is accustomed to heavy loads in wet or dry weather.

Dr. and Mrs. C. C. SMITH and Miss Leda SMITH, parents and sister of Mrs. O. H. CULVER, arrived Saturday from Vermont for an indefinite visit. Dr. SMITH is a prominent republican of the Green Mountain state, having been a member of both branches of the legislature and held other important offices there.

Mrs. L. L. WORK of this city and Mrs. L. A. PUFFER of Colorado Springs returned last evening from a ten days' outing at East Sound to meet their sister, Mrs. T. M. HUNTINGTON, who arrived yesterday from Gordon, Neb. The three sisters are having a most enjoyable reunion.

W. L. TAYLOR and B. D. WINKLER have bought the Sedro lumber and shingle mill which was burned down a short time ago at Sedro. They will rebuild and equip with new machinery and expect to be in running shape by next spring.

S. ALTSHULER returned from San Francisco today, where he has been for the past month on a business and pleasure trip.

F. N. CULVER was over from Friday Harbor yesterday. He reports large catches of salmon in the traps of the Island Packing company on the salmon banks, and says the pack of that company this season promises to considerably exceed that of last year. Rather small hauls are reported from most of the other traps.


Friday, March 1, 1901:

Rachel Regina GRIFFEN aged 11 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. GRIFFEN of Deming, died at 2 o'clock this morning at the Sisters' hospital, after an illness of blood poison for the past two weeks. Her death is a great shock to all the many friends of the GRIFFEN family. "Tootsie," as she was familiarly called, was an exceedingly bright little girl and was loved by all who knew her. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the people of Whatcom as well as Deming. The remains will be at the B. B. Undertaking parlors Thursday, where they may be viewed by those who desire. The funeral will occur at 3 o'clock at Deming, Friday.

Friday, March 21, 1902:

It Was Build by Soldiers Many Years Ago.


Citizens of Whatcom are vigorously protesting against the destruction of the old historical bridge above the Whatcom creek bridge on Prospect street.
It is reported that the bridge will be torn down by the street railway company in making the proposed extension from Prospect street across the creek to Eighteenth street. The citizens of the city have just reasons to object to the destruction of this old bridge as it is one of the most valuable historical objects in the state of Washington. This old military bridge was built in 1858 by General PICKETT, who was in charge of the United States soldiers stationed here at that time. Its value as a sacred historical landmark is enhanced by the fact that it has been crossed by such illustrious soldiers and statesmen as General U. S. GRANT, Gen. Phil. SHERIDAN and Gen. George B. McCLELLAN.
It has been suggested that a splendid city park could be established along the creek between Sylvan street and the Whatcom falls bridge. Would not the preservation of the old military bridge make it one of the most historical parks in the state?
Save the bridge by all means.

Judge KELLOGG Raises A Question In Local Pioneer History - Says Old Whatcom Creek Bridge Was Not Built By Leader Of The Famous Charge.

Editor Herald: It would seem to be too bad to spoil a good thing, especially if that good thing had taken a strong hold on the people of Bellingham Bay, and even if it should be the old bridge supposed to have been built in the days of General PICKETT's sojourn here.
If my memory serves me the bridge all are so anxious to preserve for its age, is not the one built by that rebel who afterwards became a general in the Confederate army. The old bridge was rebuilt by one Samuel CALDWELL, for the county in the year 1873-4, and I think this statement will be confirmed by T. C. COUPE, W. H. FOUTS, J. R. JENKINS and others.
The present bridge stands on the site of the old one, which was on the national military road from Ft. Steilacoom to Ft. Bellingham. White it is desirable to preserve the early history of the county, it is equally desirable that the facts be correctly stated.
Might it not be a good time for the "old settlers" or some other organize bodies to take some action looking toward the gathering of the early history of Whatcom county for preservation?

Friday, June 6, 1902:

The funeral of John A. BRUER, aged 83 years, who died at St. Luke's hospital Sunday was held at NOICE's funeral parlor yesterday morning.

Friday August 15, 1902:

--Mrs. C. S. KALE has been suffering severely with sciatic rheumatism lately.
--Mr. HAVERSTICK, who purchased the STORY mill is now in possession. Mr. CRAIG of Seattle, purchased all the timber in the yard and has been shipping it to Seattle.
--Some boy or other person, accidentally, or purposely, put a match to J. SIMPSON's slashing Friday morning. The fire burned all Friday, and Saturday morning the wind arose and started it raging. The house belonging to Mr. WARRINER was burned, but the contents of the lower floor was saved by heroic efforts, also the barn and granary. It is a serious loss to Mr. WARRINER, who is a hard working man and a good neighbor, who deserves the help and encouragement of the community.
--George HARVY (sic) met with a fatal accident Thursday afternoon, while driving to Whatcom. Part of the harness became misplaced and Mr. HARVEY stood up in the buggy and reached over the dashboard to arrange it. While in this position he was kicked in the abdomen by the horse. He was taken to the hospital where he remained in a very critical condition until death relieved his suffering yesterday afternoon. He leaves a boy and girl aged 12 and 10 years, respectively, his wife dying several years ago, a widowed mother, four brothers and one sister, together with many friends to mourn his loss. He was very highly resected by all who knew him.

Copied by Susan Nahas


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