Friday, July 1, 1892:
Mrs. KNUPPENBURG, of the South ward school, gave a very pleasant reception to her pupils at her residence on Tuesday evening. Refreshments and games served to give all a pleasant evening. Mr. Clark NELSON has recently established a logging camp on Dakota creek, and now has it in full operation. He proposes to take cedar from the land of Mr. D. R. THOMAS and others in his vicinity. Last Friday night an insipient fire caused slight damage to the residence of Mrs. M. J. GRIFFIN, two and a half miles east of the city. The prompt action of Miss Dora WEST did much to prevent what might have been a serious conflagration. The following are the officers of the Rod and Gun club recently organized in our city: J. S. JOHNSTON, president; E. C. SEELY, vice-president; Frank McCALL, secretary; E. R. WHEELER, treasurer; A. L. JOHNSON, field captain. The necessary paraphenalia for a pigeon shoot is now on the way here, and it is the wish of the members to give an exhibition on the Fourth if it can be arranged. A pleasant surprise reception was tendered Miss Nellie CORNISH, at the residence of her parents on E street, last Monday evening. None but young ladies were invited, among which were the following: Nellie CORNISH, Ella CROY, Stella POWERS, Lottie THOMAS, Gertrude CHENEY, Flora DAVIES, Mabel SHAW, Minnie SHAW, Birdie SHAW, Willetta CROY, Nellie MCELMON, Esther MERRITT, Blanche GETCHELL, Cora POWERS, Mrs. N. A. CORNISH, and son Willie. Refreshments in the shape of ice cream, strawberries, etc., were served. By a posted notice we see that the property of the Blaine Electric Power and Light company will be offered for sale on July 9th, by virtue of an execution for $240 issued in favor of James McLAUGHLIN of Seattle. It is highly probable that a settlement of the claim will be made without a sale. Monday the little daughter of Marshal OVERMAN fell from a box on which she was standing to the walk, and received injuries about the head, but not of a serious nature. We learn that Tommy WHITE, a former resident of Blaine, but now of Birch Bay, met with quite a serious accident Saturday last. He was engaged in exercising some of his horses, when one of them became unmanageable and he received severe contusions about the head and body. He is in a fair way of recovery now though, we are informed. James MONTGOMERY, recently employed at the Royal City logging camp, seems to have disappeared and left some to mourn his hasty departure. It seems that MONTGOMERY was sent to Westminster Saturday from the camp to get the monthly wages for some of the loggers and also a gold watch, but failed to return with either. The value of the cash and watch his is reported as disappearing with is something like $600. Messrs. BROWN Bros. of Custer, have their creamery in operation now, and utilize 150 gallons of milk daily. A quantity of their product has been received by some of our local dealers, and it is pronounced of a good quality. Frank HESS of Samish is at Point Roberts with his trading schooner, Maggie. Mr. HESS has been at Near Bay for the past three months with his vessel. Mrs. WALKER of Tacoma, a sister-in-law of Mr. J. D. WALKER, is at present sojourning in Blaine. We were favored with a call by Mr. John McMILLAN, postmaster at Cloverdale, B. C., this week. Miss Estelle BARNES, who has been teaching school at Seattle, came home Monday to spend her summer vacation. Miss CRYDERMAN and Miss Nellie PHILIPS of Vancouver, B. C., are the guests of Miss EGAN and Mrs. J. A. MARTIN. Mr. and Mrs. P. CHANDLER of Nebraska arrived in this city Thursday. They intend spending the remainder of the summer here, visiting their daughter Mrs. L. B. JOSEPH. I. M. GALBRAITH, of Whatcom, mourns the loss of his father who died at Knoxville, Tenn., last week. The deceased was 80 years old and had for a number of years been engaged in the business of marble quarrying in his native state. A portion of the marble used in the Bellingham Bay National bank came from his quarry. The Catholic church at Ferndale has upward of 90 families among its membership. They are soon to erect a new church. The new Methodist Episcopal church at Ferndale was dedicated on June 19th. The Great Northern has established an express office at Enterprise. Last week the Whatcom county jail was tenantless for the first time in three years. Friday, July 8, 1892: There are four smallpox cases bunched together in the York addition, Whatcom - Mrs. LLEWELLYN's two daughters and grandson in one house, and Mrs. VAN IDERSTEIN, next door. Mrs. Hannah GRIFFEN of Whatcom recovered her wayward daughter, Fay, at Tacoma Sunday through the aid of the police. The girl tells a shocking story of the depravity of her stepfather. Mable HEALY, said to be from Fairhaven, attempted suicide by morphine at the Oakland house, Tacoma, last week. The prompt aid of physicians saved her life. Despondency is supposed to have been the cause. In the hurry of other matters last week we neglected to mention the marriage of Capt. D. P. GREELY to Mrs. E. J. WHITE, which happy event occurred on the 29th ult. at the residence of the bride's father in Semiahmoo. The family of Mr. Thomas QUIRT has recently moved in from the Spit and domiciled themselves in the old WHIFFLER residence. Thursday afternoon the 7 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. COLE, residing at Stillwell, near Blaine, met with an accident which will probably cause the little fellow some trouble for a time. He appears to have caught his left arm upon a fence picket in some manner, and the wood seems to have been force through the fleshy portion of the arm to the elbow, the end coming out at that point. So far as we can learn it is a flesh wound, but even that will require some time to heal. Ira GOODELL, a lad of some 12 years, received quite a bruise on the shoulder Fourth of July at Miller's grove. He and some more lads were playing about the structure erected for the tight rope exhibition, when one of the ends fell and knocked the lad over. It is perhaps fortunate he sustained no more serious injury. G. HOLLIDGE and wife have sold too J. R. HOLBROOK lots 1 to 8 in block 17 for $880; lots 1 to 12 in block 7 to R. C. HOWARD for $1230; both parcels being in the Oak Park addition to Blaine. Miss Maude KENNEDY of Vancouver, B. C. spent the Fourth at Blaine. Pete HARKNESS, of the Postal Union Telegraph company, spent the Fourth at his home in Everson. Miss Alice SAVINGS has returned from Seattle, where she has been sojourning for some time past. Geo. E. YOULE, representing the firm of MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER of Seattle, has been spending a few days in the city. Chas. A. McLENNAN, the deputy collector of customs for this port, was a visitor at Whatcom the first of the week. Rev. Mr. JOHNSON, pastor of the Congregational church, went to Whatcom Tuesday, where his family is at present sojourning. W. H. BARNES, of the firm of BARNES & Co., Seattle druggists, is spending a few days in the city visiting his father, Postmaster BARNES. L. A. P. PETTIBONE returned Wednesday, from a Fourth of July trip down the bay. It is stated that he brought a blooded canine back with him. Mrs. Dr. REEVES has returned to the city from Lopez Island where she has been visiting her parents. She spent several weeks with relatives in Seattle and Anacortes. Just as we go to press Ted THOMAS, an employee in this office, caught the index finger of his left hand in the cog wheels on the large steam cylinder press. The end of the finger was removed by Dr. KING. Ted showed considerable grit and he was back to the office inside of an hour. Friday, July 15, 1892: Jefferie DONNELLY, a telegraph operator at Sumas, had his left leg broken Wednesday, while crossing the ferry at Westminster. The covering of the hatchway of the boat which he was crossing on was raised and blew over in such a way as to cause the accident. The Journal acknowledges favors shown by T. F. BERRY, the efficient Postal Telegraph operator at Whatcom.
On Thursday evening, July 14th, was given a grand ball by Blaine Lodge No.
80, I.O.O.F., at Cain's hall. To say that the affair was a success in all
respects is but putting it mildly. Something like 125 couples sat down to
supper, and they many smiling faces betokened the pleasure they felt in
participating. The decorations of the hall were a main feature, and were
the admiration of all present. More than average credit is due to No. 80
and those who had the arrangements in charge, for they have every reason
to be proud of their success. Below we give a list of some of those
Old subscribers of the Journal who are in arears for subscription are requested
to settle same at the office with the publisher, Mr. Geo. D. C. PRUNER, as
he now has the books [torn] accounts, and I now have no connection whatever
with the paper. Workmen are now busily engaged in putting in hydrants throughout the city, and hope to have the work completed the first of next week. There are to be some 20 of them placed, and when the large reservoir is filled we will be in good shape to fight fire so far as fire plugs are concerned. If we could have a volunteer hose company now we might feel comparatively safe in case of a conflagration. The city's supply of water will be shut off more or less while the connections are being made, which may temporarily inconvenience some in their supply of aqua pura. Friday last Lewis A. VANLEVEN, at Hall's Prairie, B. C., killed a large bear and two cubs on the premises of H. T. THRIFTS. Stray bear seem to be quite common in this neighborhood, and a number have been captured.
The following officers were installed Tuesday evening by the Blaine lodge,
Knights of Pythias, to serve until Dec. 31st, 1892; The Blaine national bank has declared a dividend of 7 per cent on its capital stock, payable August 1st. Lynden is having a barn boom. No less than six large structures are in process of building within half a mile of that place. T. G. NEWMAN, a promising attorney of Fairhaven, visited Blaine Monday. Mrs. MASON, the mother of Mrs. PETTIBONE, has been visiting her daughter here during the past week. O. D. McDONALD, at one time a resident of our city, but at the present engaged in the hotel business in Seattle came up on Wednesday. J. D. GARDNER of Delta, who was at one time connected with some of the street grading contracts of Blaine, dropped in to see us Wednesday. Tuesday Mrs. E. H. BATTY, who has been visiting her sisters, Mrs. C. A. OSTROM and Mrs. Geo. DAVIES of this city for some three months, took her departure for her home in Minneapolis, Minn. Her mother, Mrs. E. D. DAVIES, is also a resident of Blaine. Last Sunday morning the little 2-year-old son, of Peter NELSON, living at Delta, fell into a pool of water near the house and was drowned. The tender age of the lad prevented him from helping himself, and he was past recovery when found, though life was not quite extinct. His death is a sad blow to the parents, as he was an exceptionally bright child. T. J. SMITH of Whatcom, a well known hardware dealer, has been sued for divorce. The wife asks for $25 per month and an equitable division of $7000 worth of property. Guinn GREER, 32 years of age, lately from Nebraska, was squeezed to death in a sewer trench at Whatcom. His wife and children are on their way to join him. The city will probably be compelled to defend an action for damages. Friday, July 22, 1892: On Wednesday last a party left Whatcom bound for the eternal snows which roost serenely on old Mount Baker's peak. The party was headed by J. M. EDSON, who successfully climbed Twin Sisters last year. The supreme court decided that common law marriages are not valid in this state, and that a marriage to be lawful must be entered into in accordance with the statute, as the simple agreement of a man and woman to live together as husband and wife without any ceremony is held to be no marriage. A new logging camp has been put in on Cottonwood Island, near Whatcom, by John Watson. A half interest in the Gilfillian-Rutledge building has been purchased by Geo. H. WESTCOTT. DAVIES & LAMAR have received a portion of the machinery for their new shingle mill. The engine, boiler and shingle machine has not yet arrived. William HICKS, aged 21 years, while bathing from the boom at the Globe mill, Whatcom, on the tide flats at high tide, was drowned Wednesday evening, being seized with cramps. The A. B. Elby, passing by, brought the body to surface after ten minutes, but was unable to resuscitate it. He was a single man, and an employee of the Cornwall mill. His mother and two sisters reside at Tacoma. He was a brother of the master mechanic at the Globe mill. Deceased was a very popular young man, and his sad death has cast a gloom over numerous acquaintances. Wm. B. HATCH and Rev. J. W. WELLS, both of Ferndale, were seated as delegates from Washington at the recent National Prohibition convention at Cincinnati. W. H. GILBERT of Custer and W. R. MOULTRY [MOULTRAY] of Nooksack are running neck and neck in the race, for the republican senatorial nomination. Tom QUIRT reports a great boom in his business. He is now engaged in turning out 600 drift bolts for the PERLEY shingle mill outfit, which has compelled him to increase his force. This, with the other work he had in hand, makes Tom's place look lively now. It is pleasant to chronicle these evidences of increased business, for it is a forerunner of what will soon follow for others. Tuesday afternoon a pleasant gathering in the nature of a bounteous spread, otherwise known as a "clam bake," was given by Mrs. J. W. TANNER at Semiahmoo, in honor of her friend, Mrs. H. B. DAY of Dayton. Some 30 couples sat down, and all testify that they had a most enjoyable time. Bert OSTROM has resigned his position in the postoffice, the same to take effect Aug. 1st. He can be found at his father's store after that date. Mr. MILLOW was engaged in moving a large desk Wednesday, which is a credit to his workmanship. It was made for his son-in-law, Frank McCALL, the city clerk. The fronts are of solid burly maple, which is dressed so fine that it takes a polish like glass. Frank has the desk at his office, and it will well repay inspection by those who admire a fine cabinet job. Last week a suit was filed by John G. MILLER vs. A. W. STEEN et. al., to foreclose a mortgage for $306.95 on lots 8. 9, 10, 11, 12 and 15 in block 2 of Steen's second addition to Blaine. Archie McKAY of Blaine is spending a few days in West Ferndale. George BROWN, of Whatcom, a school principal, was in the city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George TERRY have returned to make Blaine their abiding place. Frank HURLBURT, formerly cashier of the First National bank of Blaine, came up from Portland Monday to visit acquaintances. Prof. D. S. TERWILLIGER of Whatcom has been rusticating here a part of the week. He is a candidate for county superintendent of schools. Mrs. Kate WALKER [WALLER?] returned from Seattle Thursday, where she has been in connection with proving up on her claim at Point Roberts, where she has resided for the past 16 years. Dr. S. BOND, who has been visiting the family of E. M. ADAMS, for some time past, left for his home at Anoka, Minn., Monday. Friday, July 29, 1892: The city of Sumas has been sued for $3000 by the First National bank of Sumas. The sum is alleged to be due on a warrant signed by the town clerk and mayor. The complaint was filed in the United States district court Monday. Thomas RUNNELS, an old logger, died in Seattle a couple of weeks ago. He was 70 years of age and well known throughout the state. The fact that four Whatcom county farmers have recently mortgaged their farms to erect shingle mills, is a very large straw which shows the direction of the wind at the present time in Washington. Logs 100 feet long and 30 inches square are being turned out at JAMIESON's camp, near Sumas, for a special order for bridge timbers to go to England, now being sawed at the Bellingham Bay mill. The Mount Baker shingle manufacturing company placed an order for $2200 worth of machinery with Mr. YOULE, agent for MITCHELL-LEWIS STAVER company, Tuesday night. The mill is one mile south of Licking on W. E. McDANIEL's land. The capacity will be 45,000 shingles per day, and will commence cutting September 1st. W. R. MOULTRY [MOULTRAY] of Nooksack was among his friends of Blaine Wednesday. They do say he is a political aspirant. Mrs. W. A. SUNDERBRUCH received intelligence Wednesday of the death of her sister, Mrs. ALBERTSHANTS, at Newport, Ky. "Dick, the ferryman," and Capt. D. S. GREELY of Semiahmoo called at the Journal Monday, and had quite a pleasant chat. Messrs. E. M. DAY and William HERD of Fairhaven called on us Tuesday. They came up for a little recreation, and visited the cannery and various other places of interest about Blaine. Frank HURLBUT, a former cashier of the defunct First National Bank of Blaine, departed for Arlington, Wash., Monday, having spent a most agreeable vacation here among old friends and acquaintances. Hugh ELDRIDGE, ex-county auditor, and former resident of Blaine, was in town shaking hands with old friends Wednesday. It is four years since Mr. ELDRIDGE last visited Blaine, and he expressed surprise at the progress of the city. Friday last, while the 15-year old son of J. B. SMITH was driving across the railroad track with a load of shingle bolts, the jostling dislodged one of them and threw the young man forward upon his face under the feet of the horses. The animals stepped over him, and the front wheels forced him forward for a time, but eventually passed diagonally over the shoulders. He sustained some severe bruises but no bones were broke, and no internal injury done. The lad showed rare presence of mind in hanging on to the horses, and it seems a miracle that the body was not completely severed. Dr. KING informs us that the boy is now getting along nicely, and in a few weeks will again be about. Harry THOMAS was assisting in moving a large boiler at the depot Monday, when the end fell and struck him across the lower limbs, inflicting some ugly bruises, and compelling him to limp about. Perhaps it was good fortune which prevented his being made a cripple. N. A. CORNISH lost a law library, valued at some $2500, in the recent fire at Oakdale, Wash. Oval PIRKEY was using the books, and when the fire came it progress was so rapid that it was impossible to save anything. The Teachers' Institute for Whatcom county will be held in Whatcom from August 22d to 26th, inclusive. Prof. Chas. E. WHITING of Boston, G. B. JOHNSON of Whatcom, O. S. JONES of Seattle and J. C. BRYANT of Aberdeen are on the program. We have been shown a specimen of the product of the Pioneer creamery in operation at Enterprise, in the shape of butter. It is a fine article and will compare favorably with any on the market. Robert SHIELDS, the manager, says he is now making something like 400 pounds per week, for which he finds a ready sale. Postmaster BARNES has so far recovered from his recent illness as to be about, and has taken a trip to Seattle to recuperate. He has a son in business there, and a change of surroundings cannot help but prove of benefit. J. P. RAMAGE is assisting in the office during his absence. The county examination for graded teachers' certificates will occur at Whatcom on Aug. 13th, lasting three days. The board of examination is composed of J. M. HITT and Harvey PATERSON of Whatcom and J. W. TANNER of Blaine. Applicants will be examined in three grades, and the certificates will be good to teach for two, three, and five years, classed according to the grade in which one shows a proficiency. The regular county institute will occur Aug. 2nd. The pile driver of Mr. DRYSDALE has been employed a portion of the week in driving piles for a new warehouse for the PETTIBONE Bros. mill on CAIN's wharf. The building will be used as a storehouse for shingles, and is something which the mill is sadly in need of at present. Tuesday was a great day for the salmon takers, the Puritan bringing in something over 4000 pounds in the evening as a result of the catch. This makes those interested in salmon fishing feel jubilant, as the haul thus far has been very small, and some had began to fear there would be no summer run at all. Business is somewhat affected by our smallpox quarantine, and many of our merchants are enjoying a well earned vac(in)ation [sic]. The new boiler and engine of the CAIN Brothers mill is now being placed in position, but it will be something like a week before it will be in shape for use. They are moving as rapidly as possible in the matter, and when once they have the added capacity of their mill in working order will run night and day to keep pace with the demand on them for shingles. They have arranged with the Northern Pacific to ship all shingles they may produce. The family of J. B. SLOAN have been busily engaged during the past week in moving their furniture into the residence of B. D. CORNISH on H street. The return of George TERRY and wife from Texas has compelled Mr. SLOAN to seek other quarters, hence the change. The National Bank of Blaine has commenced a suit against Geo. HOYT for the collection of a promissory note for $556.94. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the postoffice at Blaine, Wash., July 26th, 1892:
Mrs. J. W. TANNER is making arrangements to open a store for the sale of millinery, ladies' furnishings and such like goods, in the building corner of H and Third streets. The stock will be limited, but everything will be new and in style. Thus, one by one, our vacant business places are filling up, and we trust that ere long there will not be an empty store in Blaine. Master Jay THOMAS has been suffering during the past week from the effects of vacination. Some of the youngsters appear to have thrown him over, and striking the arm which was innoculated, received such injuries as compelled him to go to his bed. He is now coming along nicely, though. Friday, August 5, 1892: The G. A. R. hall at West Ferndale is about completed. The fall term of the Puget Sound academy at Coupeville begins Sept. 26th. Alexander McNORTON was fatally injured by a falling tree at REMBOLT's logging camp, near Fairhaven, a few days ago. An effort is on foot to compel the closing of the barber shops at Whatcom on Sunday. The plans for the new draw bridge at Ferndale over the Nooksack river have been returned to the county commissioners, approved by the secretary of war. Friday afternoon M. A. HAMILTON of Whatcom had a narrow escape from death. He was engaged in hauling hay with a team from Anderson creek when the horses became unmanageable and threw his violently to the ground, cutting open the scalp and mangling one of his ears. Mr. HAMILTON has lived in Whatcom several years, and his friends will read with regret of his mishap. There are a large number of thistles scattered about the town which should be cut and the sooner the better, as they are going to seed. The whole community should take an interest in preventing the growth of noxious weeds. An effort is being made, which we sincerely hope may be successful, to induce the electric light company to put their plant in operation. Certain of our shingle mills have agreed to use burners, and with the additional service which can be secured for the company, it is thought the matter can be arranged. Mrs. E. B. SMITH of Ferndale is visiting in Blaine. J. W. TANNER and daughter Merle were on a visit to Whatcom this week. Postmaster BARNES and wife are still in Seattle, and Mr. BARNES is convalescing from his recent illness. Mrs. J. B. SLOAN is expected home next week from Texas, where she has been sojourning for some time. Miss May DAVID of Chicago, a sister of Lester W. DAVID, is expected to arrive the last of this week. W. H. BARNES came up from Seattle Tuesday and will have charge of the store until his father's return. G. A. CORNISH, a former resident of Ainsworth, Neb., and a son of A. CORNISH of this city, has cast his lot among us. L. B. JOSEPH and S. COLE have returned from a three-months' prospecting tour in the Okonogan mining district. They are pleased to return to Blaine. E. F. McQUEEN and family arrived from Seattle Tuesday. Mr. McQUEEN is to assume a position in the drug store Barnes & Co. It is presumed that he will also be deputy postmaster. Lester W. DAVID took a party of friends over to Point Roberts Tuesday in his yacht Pilgrim. The Pilgrim is a smooth sailer, and since being repainted and refitted is "strictly in it." Fred LEE of the Puget Sound Hardware company at Tacoma, has been in Blaine during the week, and was a visitor at the Pythian reception given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. George TERRY Monday evening. W. H. GILBERT of Custer, the republican nominee for senator from the thirty-third district, called on us Wednesday. He reports everything moving nicely in his interest. Mr. GILBERT has been stopping with G. D. ROOT on Washington avenue.
Among those who were in the city Monday to institute the Rebecca lodge we
noticed the following from Lynden:
W. M. - J. B. RAMAGE; S. W. - W. J. GILLISPIE; J. W. - E. A. BOBLETT; Treas. - J. B. WEBSTER; Sec. - J. W. TANNER; S. D. - G. A. HOYT; J. D. - John WAGNER. The balance of the officers are to be installed later on. After the installation ceremonies were over lunch was served, consisting of ice cream and cake, with lemonade. A pleasant time was spent and all enjoyed themselves. Union evangelistic meetings are being held nightly at the hall on Martin street under the supervision of Jas. A. ROBERTS. The attendance is quite large, and we believe much good is being done by those who take part. Tuesday the RADCLIFF house, near Fourth street and Rue International, was sold at public auction to satisfy an execution in favor of the Blaine National bank. Petitions are now in circulation asking the county commissioners to grade and put in order the road between California and Dakota creeks, so residents in that neighborhood can have a better highway into Blaine. The run of salmon the present week is something phenomenal. The first of the week more fish were taken up than it was possible for the fishermen to handle. This is a source of gratification to those engaged in canning, as the outlook last week was far from encouraging. Charley MERRILL met with an accident at the International shingle mill last Friday, which injured the thumb of his left hand. He was operating as a knot sawyer, and in some manner the injured member came in contact with the saw. He is being treated by Dr. KING, who hopes to have him in shape to work in a couple of weeks. The family of Mr. SCAMON have been blessed with a bouncing baby boy.
Monday evening a subordinate lodge of Rebecaites was instituted in Steaubli's
hall. The grand district deputy and quite a crowd of co-workers came over
from Lynden, and a most agreeable evening was spent by those who participated.
Following is a list of the officers of the new lodge: Our city fathers have recently placed a large watering trough opposite the Blaine National bank, at the intersection of Martin street and Washington avenue. This is a much needed improvement and cannot fail to be appreciated by those of the farming community who have occasion to visit the city with their stock. A drinking fountain is also connected with it where a cold drink of water can be had by those passing by. The alderman are entitled to a vote of thanks from the thirsty community. As O. P. STEVENS was returning to Lynden Wednesday from the Rebecca Lodge institution Tuesday evening his horse became frightened and threw him violently to the ground. He was dragged some distance, and received a wound upon the lower lip which cut the flesh completely through. He is getting along nicely, but will probably have a disfigured face. The Gospel Temperance Union service is to be held at the Congregational church next Sunday evening. Friday, August 12, 1892: T. A. KENNEDY, of the firm of KENNEDY & MILLER, has been commissioned a constable for Blaine. Miss Esther MERRITT left for Minnesota Thursday. The wife of G. H. ABERS has gone east to visit friends. Oval PIRKEY has returned to locate permanently at Blaine. Jos. GOODFELLOW of Point Roberts went down to Seattle Wednesday. Pierce BUTLER has returned to Cincinnati, O., his former home, we are informed. J. M. PRIVETT, who has been sojourning on the Nooksack for the past two months, has returned home. Miss Annie WALLER of Point Roberts, who has been teaching in British Columbia, is home for the vacation. Rev. B. B. EVANS, who has been officiating at Everett, Wash., for some time, came up on the train Monday. J. McCLELLAN, an attorney at Fairhaven, was up this week visiting his friend, C. A. McLENNAN, of the customs service. Frank ALLISON, a former resident of Blaine, returned Monday on a visit from Hamilton, where he has been located for some little time. S. P. DAY, a special treasury agent located at Port Townsend, has been spending a part of the week here on business connected with his department. Peter HARKNESS, one of the delegates to the republican state convention at Olympia, left Tuesday morning for that place. He expects to return Saturday or Sunday. Mrs. A. B. BARRETT and daughter returned Monday from Indiana, where they have been visiting for some time. She was much pleased to again get back to the Sound. S. B. SKINNER et al. vs. F. A. RUTLEDGE et al. A suit for the foreclosure of mechanic's lien on a Blaine building. A party of three young men, consisting of Ed. THOMAS, Bert OSTROM and Chas. MERRITT, will leave here Monday on a hunting trip the Bertran Prairie. They have every prospect of a successful hunt. A farewell party was given the Misses EVANS on Fourth street Tuesday. A bevy of young people were present, and a pleasant evening passed. Another gas explosion occurred at Blue Canyon coal mine on Saturday evening, by which two men were severely burned. Teams and workmen are now engaged in grading Washington avenue from Clark street to the railroad. The gravel is being brought from the British Columbia side, and will make a good and substantial road bed. P. W. BROWN of Sedro has been appointed agent for the Great Northern at this point. He occupies the position formerly held by Frank HERMAN. CAIN Bros. expect to have their entire mill in operation Monday morning. Some minor details will remain to be perfected, but that will not interfere with the cutting of lumber and shingles. They will give employment to upward of 50 men in and out of the mill, which will be so much addition to our population. The Whatcom county board of school examiners is now in session at Whatcom for the purpose of granting certificates for the coming year. There are only 33 applicants for certificates, among whom are the following from Blaine: Mrs. BIGGS, Mrs. KNUPPENBURG, Miss MILHOLLEN and Miss EVANS. E. F. McQUEEN, a graduate of the school of pharmacy at Ann Arbor, Mich. is now located in Blaine, where he has taken a position with the firm of Barnes & Co., on Martin street. Mr. McQUEEN comes in our midst well recommended, and is withal a pleasant gentleman to meet, and we bespeak for him and his family many acquaintances. A portion of the Hollingshead building on Washington avenue has been secured by the band boys, and it will be fitted up and used as a hall for entertainments, dances, meetings and such like affairs. The North Star Band is deserving of encouragement in trying to provide some place for amusement. Thursday evening Mrs. Annie MESSIMER, the daughter of J. C. BERTRAND, was married at the residence of her parents to A. H. GLEN of this city. The affair was private and only relatives and a select few invited guests were in attendance. The affair was a pleasant social gathering. The contracting parties are well known in and about Blaine. A marriage license was issued in Seattle on Saturday last to Arthur E. BARRICKLOW, a brother of M. A. BARRICKLOW of Blaine, and Miss Lulu A. BAKER. Both the parties are residents of Seattle. We have not learned as to whether the happy event has taken place. Oval PIRKEY, a former attorney of Blaine, has returned, and will resume the practice of law here. Mr PIRKEY lost everything in the recent fire at Oaksdale, Wash., and returns to Blaine firmly impressed with the fact that it is about as good an abiding place as he has come across. Mr. PIRKEY says there were several former citizens of Blaine in Oaksdale and the surrounding towns, who will return here as soon as they can arrange their affairs to do so to advantage. Mr. PIRKEY will be welcomed back by many old friends, who wish him an abundance of success in his return. The first kiln of shingles at HARKNESS new shingle mill at Everson caught fire Monday and the result was a serious conflagration. The mill was burned to the ground, and is a total loss. The fire caught the trestle of the B. B. & B. C. bridge and seven of the trestles were destroyed before cutting away more of the structure stopped the flames. -Reveille. The family of Rev. B. B. EVANS, consisting of himself, wife and Addie, Eddie, Gertrude and Nellie, left on the train Thursday morning for their former home in Saulisbury, West Virginia. The reverend gentleman has been a resident of Washington since March last, but a greater part of the time has had a charge at Everett, Snohomish county. He leaves many warm friends here, who will regret his departure, and he and his family go with the wish that health, happiness and prosperity will attend them.
Friday, August 19, 1892: A communication received by the city clerk states that the recent purchase of hose made by the city of Messrs. J. W. GIRVIN & Co, of Portland, has been shipped from the factory and is now on its way here. The hose carts are in process of construction, and will ere many days arrive at Blaine. Now for the volunteer hose company to man the hose. The friends of A. H. GERRISH gave him a pleasant surprise at his residence on Industry hill, Thursday, the occasion being his 35th birthday. Wednesday the Misses WALLER came over from Point Roberts to spend a day in Blaine. Dick and Justin DORR went to the mountains of the North Fork Monday to spend a few days. Miss Fannie GIBSON, of Gilman, Wash. cousin of Mrs. W. L. FOX, arrived Tuesday for a few week's visit. Fred WENTZ, a former resident of Blaine, with his wife, was among old friends the early part of the week. Peter HARKNESS has returned from Olympia, where he was in attendance on the republican state convention. Monday morning George PERLEY left on the train for a business trip to Portland. He is expected back sometime next week. Mr. Tommie CAMPBELL, a nephew of Mrs. W. L. FOX, is expected to arrive Friday or Saturday from Campbell, Iowa, for a month's visit with friends in Blaine. James M. HOLLAND, a former resident of Blaine, was in the city Wednesday. Mr. HOLLAND is at present a resident of Vancouver, B. C. Miss May DAVID of Chicago arrived in Blaine Monday on a visit to the family of her brother, Lester W. DAVID. She had a most agreeable journey westward, and is much impressed with the natural scenery in and about Blaine.
The democratic primary was held at the club room Thursday afternoon with
the following results, 71 voters casting ballots: Mrs. Alice M. BIGGS, while in attendance at the examination for teachers certificates last week at Whatcom, was taken ill and was compelled to return home. Her examination papers ranked high so far as she had completed them. H. W. WHEELER of Seattle has been doing duty in the Blaine National bank during the past week, taking the place of E. R. WHEEHER the cashier, who is absent on a jaunt to Mount Baker. Mr. WHEELER occupies the position of president of the institution. Dr. W. A. McPHERSON has returned to Whatcom from Europe, and can be found in the Bellingham Bay National Bank block The doctor has been abroad for some time, and while in Europe took three courses of lectures in one of the leading medical schools of Germany, so that he is conversant with all the more modern treatments. L. H. WHEELER has commenced suit against the First National Bank of Blaine to compel the surrender of certain deeds held in escrow.
The following were the successful candidates for teachers' certificates at
the recent examinations. We are informed by Mr. BROWN, the Great Northern agent at Blaine, that no more cars can be furnished by the Canadian Pacific railroad for the shipment of shingles until after the first of next month. The immense crops of wheat to be moved over the Canadian Pacific line necessitates this. The inconvenience will be but of short duration, though, when a full supply will again be had. Friday, August 26, 1892: William RAY of Ferndale is in the city, negotiating the sale of a large lot of timber he has on Dakota creek, to D. S. MILLER. Maj. D. J. LOVELL, deputy United States marshal of this district, was up from Tacoma Tuesday on business connected with his department. J. H. ROBERTS of Panora, Iowa, is visiting the family of W. L. FOX. He will remain until some time in September, and is much pleased with Blaine. Monday morning Miss Jessie DAVIES left for Tacoma, to attend the high school at that place. She intends taking the regular course of instruction, including music. The following among other residents of Blaine, are in attendance on the teachers' institute at Whatcom: Mrs. A. M. BRIGGS, Mrs. G. KNUPPENBURG, Mrs. C. FLINT, Miss Flora DAVIES and Ed. THOMAS.
A coroners jury was impaneled. Witnesses were: John STUART, Joseph ROWELL, Jay THOMAS, C. E. COLE, Edith COLE, J. M. GORE, William MOGGY and J. T. HARLING. Jurors were: R. W. WILSON, L. LIVINGSTONE, Fred E. BROWN, James VERATT, J. G. MERRILL, A. E. MEAD. One of the findings: "We find the means now adopted by the city authorities for the protection of property against fire to be grossly and inexcusably inefficient; that the city of Blaine is not provided with any ladders, and that the force of the water from the city hydrants in inadequate for fire protection, and unless some means are prosecuted for fire protection at once the people of Blaine will be powerless to prevent loss of life and destruction to property in the event of fire." "We further find that stringent regulations should be adopted by the city of Blaine for the regulation and inspection of flues and chimneys in all buildings in the city limits of Blaine, and that an ordinance should be adopted compelling additional stairways and exits in all large buildings in said city." Every effort was made to save the building, but the nature of its construction was such that it burned like tinder. The buildings in the vicinity were only saved by a vigorous effort. There was but one stream of water on the fire, and owing to the extreme heat that had but little effect. DAVIES & LAMAR are now busily engaged in placing in position the mechanism of their new shingle mill on Cain Bros. wharf. They have a fine plant, and expect to operate it to its utmost capacity. This, with the Dakota creek mill, will make quite an addition to our operating shingle industry during the past week. Messrs. PERLEY Bros. are pushing their new mill forward with all speed consistent with the making of a good and substantial building, and expect to be in operation the later part of September. The mill will cut some 200,000 shingles per day, and will be as finely an appointed mill as can be found on the Sound. They are laying in a large stock of bolts, so that when once in operation there will be no lying idle. Tuesday, while Oliver PAUL was engaged in removing the earth from beneath the old WALKER house on Washington avenue, a large mass of the earth caved in and he sustained an accident in the breaking of his left limb just above the ankle. The bone seems to be splintered in bad shape, and he will undoubtedly be up with the injury for some time. He is being treated by Dr. REEVES, and is doing very nicely considering his injury. He was taken to the residence of his brother, C. C. PAUL, on Fourth street. D. A. GOTT has been engaged during the past week in moving the heavy machinery of the DAVIES & LAMAR shingle mill from the Great Northern depot to the mill. Some of the parts were quite large and heavy, and it was no small job, but Mr. GOTT proved himself equal to the emergency. Jessie MERRILL, employed in the Drayton mill, met with an accident Tuesday which will deprive him of the use of his right hand for a time at least. He was engaged in cleaning the chute under the saw, when in some manner his hand was thrown against the teeth of the saw and quite a piece cut from the back of it. He stood the ordeal manfully, and it is hoped he will soon again have the use of the injured member. The machinery for the new Dakota creek shingle mill has arrived, and is now being put in position. This mill will give employment to 10 men and cut 50,000 shingles daily. Their machine is of the Perkins make, said to be one of the finest manufactured. Thursday morning Constable KENNEDY took Henry HAZELTON and Lou CASTOR to Whatcom. They have been committed by Justice DUNN to answer to the charge of larceny. They were in company with GRAVES, who is now in jail awaiting trial on the same charge. The boys were arrested at Everett. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the postoffice at Blaine, Wash., July 26th, 1892:
A. WARREN of Blaine has received the nomination on the prohibition ticket for clerk of the superior court. The Free Methodists of Blaine will hold their second quarterly meeting at the church commencing Thursday, Sept. 1st, and continuing over the Sabbath. Rev. J. W. WHITING, chairman of the Puget Sound district, will be present and conduct the services. John R. MILLER was selected for committeeman by the democratic county convention for Blaine and John R. LITTLE for Semiahmoo precinct. Dr. C. E. MUNN of Tacoma, Chinese inspector for the customs department, has been ordered to Blaine to assist Mr. McLENNAN in the customs department here. The Rev. F. W. LOY has been assigned to the pastorage of the M. E. church of Blaine for the current year. Mr. LOY has filled the pulpit here temporarily before, and is known to many. He comes here from Fairhaven and previous to officiating there was for three years pastor of Battery Street M. E. church, Seattle. He is said to be an eloquent, forcible speaker, and one who carries much weight with his work. We welcome him and his family to our city, and bespeak for him the doing of much good. Friday, September 2, 1892:
Mrs. A. M. BRIGGS, principal. Miss Stella BARNES has returned to her school at Seattle. E. L. COWGELL was in Blaine Monday looking after his mill interests here. J. D. GARDENER of Delta, a contractor, was among old friends Saturday. F. W. STEVENS a resident of Everett and an old Blainite, was among old friends Tuesday. Henry KENNEDY, a brother of genial Constable Tom KENNEDY, is here on a visit to his brother. Miss Hattie PASSAGE of Westminster has been sojourning in the city during the past week. James McNAIR, superintendent of Royal City logging camp, was in the city early in the week. William FERIS and wife of Victoria, B. C., have been visiting the family of E. A. BOBLETT during the week. Rev. W. R. WARREN was in Blaine Monday, on his way to take charge of his recent assignment at Tacoma. Henry PATTISON, democratic candidate for county superintendent of schools, was in the city Wednesday. W. B. BROWN, representing the Northwestern Jewelry Supply company of Portland, was in the city Thursday. The family of William MILLOW are sojourning at Tacoma. The daughters, Bethel and Gertie, go to attend school. Jos. GOODFELLOW of Point Roberts was in town Tuesday from a visit to Fairhaven. He intends starting for San Francisco to-day on a business mission. M. R. STAIGHT of Lynden, nominee for county auditor, was in Blaine looking over the situation the first of the week. He seemed well pleased with his prospects. C. E. MUNN, Chinese customs inspector, at present located here, was down to Seattle Thursday to attend drill of the uniformed rank, K. P. He returned Wednesday. Manuel SALVADOR, of the firm of TRAVISS & SALVADOR, returned Wednesday from Alaska. Mr. SALVADOR was one of the MERRITT party who have been making a tour of the Alaskan peninsular. He has the appearance of having endured hardships, and is no doubt glad to return to a more congenial clime. A change has taken place in the ownership of the former DAVIES & LAMAR shingle mill, T. A. HUNTER purchasing a half interest in the same. They have a fine plant and will very soon be in operation. The public schools of Blaine will open for the fall term on Monday next. Saturday a surprise party was given at the residence of E. A. BOBLETT, to commemorate the 88th birthday of Mrs. BOBLETT's mother, Mrs. WHITCOMB. The old lady was completely taken back when the relatives and friends came in to offer their good wishes and gifts.
Among the recent Blaine real estate transfers, we find the following: The new water trough on Washington avenue and Martin street is well patronized. Lester W. DAVID, the jeweler, has recently secured an assistant in the person of A. S. PROPER of Des Moines, Ia. Mr. PROPER comes to us well recommended, and is a superior workman in his line of business. He is quite impressed with the Sound country, and will make his home permanently with us. Frank ROGERS, who has been a sufferer from consumption for a long time, breathed his last Wednesday morning. He was interred from the Free Methodist church Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. Mr. KNOWLES officiating. Oliver PAUL, who sustained a fracture of the leg last week while engaged in removing the earth beneath the old MERRITT house on Washington avenue, is doing very nicely, and Dr. REEVES is more than pleased with the condition of his patient. The family of J. B. SLOAN have taken the old Emma hotel on H street, fitted it up, and will conduct it as a boarding house. H. B. POTTER has taken possession of the old Blaine laundry building on H street, and fitted it up as an undertaking establishment. Friday, September 9, 1892: Peter D. HARKNESS, of the Postal Telegraph company, is visiting at Everson. N. B. BECK, representing D. APPLETON & Co., San Francisco, was in town Saturday. Mrs. M. J. GRIFFIN is quite ill at her residence, near the city. She is attended by Dr. REEVES. The family of Rev. B. B. EVANS, formerly of this city, are located at Kingsbury, W. Va. Joe ALLEN has taken his departure from Blaine. He intends locating in Wisconsin, we are told. H. CHANTRELL British customs representative at Blaine, is on a vacation to the Kootney county (sic). R. A. EVANS is officiating at the customs office during the absence of Deputy Collector McLENNAN. William PIERCE, of the customs service located at Tacoma, has been ordered to Blaine to take charge of the sloop Emma, recently seized for violation. Mr. PIERCE came up Saturday. J. F. ROBERTSON of the Bellingham Bay National bank, Whatcom, was in the city Monday looking after the bank's Blaine City bond transfer. His bank was quite a large holder of city warrants.
SCHOOL BOARD MEETING Workmen are busily engaged in grading Third street from H to Martin. This is a needed improvement, as this portion of the street will be much used by those going from this part of the city to the postoffice. Painters are engaged in putting a coat of paint of the residence of Geo. TERRY. Mr. TERRY has a fine mansion, which is an ornament to Fourth street. A sad accident occurred near Ferndale Saturday morning last, resulting in the death of the 12-year-old daughter, Lulu, of F. W. JOHNSON. She and a younger sister had driven two horses over to the residence of Mr. MILLER and on the return the horses became frightened and ran away, throwing both the girls out. Lulu, the elder, was so badly injured that she died by the roadside before assistance could reach her, and the younger, Lena, is so badly injured that her life is despaired of. The dead girl was unusually bright, and leaves a large number of friends to mourn her demise. Saturday morning last fire destroyed the large barn of James M. SCOTT, living near Millerton. The barn, valued at $1500, is a total loss. There were 60 tons of hay in the barn when it burned. No insurance. The Blaine friends of C. W. DORR of Whatcom will regret to hear of the demise of his wife. The remains were interred at Whatcom Sunday last, at 4 p. m. Peter McPHERSON was appointed attorney for the City of Blaine at the council meeting Monday evening. An arrangement has been made whereby the Great Northern railroad agent at Blaine, P. W. BROWN, will be able to receive a limited amount of British coin, for the accommodation of his patrons. D. R. McELMAN [McELMON] has been suffering from inflammatory rheumatism for the past few days. He is missed by his many friends, who will wish to see Mac about once more. J. B. BOULET, priest in charge at Whatcom, is out in a letter warning catholics to beware of an imposing tramp nun, who is abroad in the land. Judge CALLVERT and son have purchased the Lynden Free Press from B. P. DOBBS. It will be run as a democratic paper we presume. Rev. Mr. LOY, the new pastor of the M. E. church, has arrived with his family and taken possession of the parsonage. We welcome Mr. LOY to our midst, and trust much good may result from his labors. Messrs. PERLEY Bros. have Mr. WINTER busily rushing forward plans for a new double dry kiln, which they will construct at once for the use of their new mill. Each section is to be 17 by 70 feet, and will have a capacity of 250,000 daily. The will be constructed a somewhat new plan, and from the plans and description will no doubt make a very serviceable and simple affair. George PERLEY has made the subject of drying quite a study, realizing the fact that a well seasoned shingle is far more serviceable and salable than one half dried. They expect to have the mill ready for operation by Oct. 1st. The school board election last Saturday resulted in the choice of J. B. SLOAN as director and John DAHL clerk of the school board. One hundred and ninety-one votes were cast. J. T. SHAW is busily engaged in completing his new residence on the Miller addition. The house is to be two story, 24x32, with a kitchen addition 16x20 feet. This will be an addition to this part of Blaine, and is in a fine location. G. D. ROOT has a restaurant on Washington avenue, near Martin street, where meals or luncheon can be had at any hour. The new fire hose for the city are now on the way, the city clerk having received notice of shipment the first of the week.
Primary grade, North side - 33 Intermediate grade, North side - 35 Primary grade, South side - 32 Intermediate grade, South side - 26 Seventh Grammar and High school - 17 Total - 143 Workmen are fitting up the upper part of the Hollinghead building, so that it can be used as a hotel, for which purpose it is said to be finely adapted. The canvass of the state flower vote shows a total of 14,449, of which rhododendron has 7704, clover 5720, gaillardia 730, Washington holly 227, marguerit 84, dogwood 34. The fall term of the State Agricultural College and School of Science at Pullman, Wash., opens Oct. 19th. Free tuition, free rooms, lights and fires. Board and books at cost. Paid labor offered to those desiring to help pay their expenses. Catalogues will be sent on application, and any further information will be gladly given by addressing George LILLEY, Prest. Friday, September 16, 1892: Two shingle mills at West Ferndale give employment to 75 men. A smuggler, named John COLLINS, was arrested at Whatcom with 24 half-pound tins of opium. Robert SHIELDS has secured the location of a new shingle mill at Enterprise station. The shingle weavers of Whatcom have organized an association and are holding regular weekly meetings. There are about 30 members. Mrs. LIVINGSTON of Seattle is visiting Grandma MILHOLLIN. J. R. DUNN of Westminster is filling the customs position of Mr. CHANTRELL during his absence. Stephen F. SMITH, an old Blainite, who has been for some time past prospecting near Mount Baker, has returned to Blaine. E. S. PROPER has been absent from Blaine since Sunday at Seattle, attending the wedding of his sister, who was married on Wednesday last. Mr. PROPER came up on the train Thursday. We are informed that John ELWOOD has perfected his arrangements to erect a fine three story brick building on the corner of Washington avenue and Martin street, and that the same will be at once put under way. The building is to be 50x85 feet, will be occupied by Mr. ELWOOD for his own business, and will be an ornament to the city. Tuesday afternoon the safe of A. MANSFIELD of Whatcom was robbed, while he was absent at dinner. Checks and money to the amount of $450 were taken and $1500 in Blaine city warrants, besides a quantity of mortgages. Thus far no clue has been obtained to the burglars.
It had then been learned that there had been four tough looking fellows seen on the street during the forenoon, of which those arrested were a part. Guards were then stationed to guard the wooded portion about WEBSTER's logging camp. About 4 o'clock one of them approached Peter McPHERSON, who was on guard at the end of the Campbell creek bridge, and commanded him not to stir for his life. McPHERSON jumped behind a stump, and at the same time the larger of the two fellows, who had both then appeared on the scene, fired at McPHERSON, who returned the fire from a shot gun he carried, and the smaller of the two dropped, but quickly jumped up and ran. Three shots were fired at McPHERSON, but not one of them were effective. A guard has been kept up continuously since yesterday on all roads and bridges surrounding the strip of wood in which they took shelter, and their capture is hourly expected. The larger of the two now in the forest has been identified as a notorious outlaw named DEVINE, who has served terms in the prisons of Minnesota and Wisconsin. He is a desperate man and does not scruple much at shooting people down if necessary. They are in all probability the same parties who committed the Whatcom robbery Tuesday. It is sincerely hoped that they will soon be apprehended and justice meted to them. The wife of Joe KAGEY was delivered of a fine boy Wednesday evening, Dr. W. A. KING acting as accoucher. Friday last was the birthday of both R. D. and A. CORNISH, and the event was celebrated by an informal gathering at the residence of N. A. CORNISH on the corner of Washington avenue and E street. Only a few of the immediate friends were present, but a pleasant evening was spent. Refreshments helped to the enjoyment of the meeting. Gifts were passed in commemoration of the event, which served to remind all that time is on the wing. A. L. JOHNSON is now engaged in making a large chest of galvanized iron, 20x30 feet, for the use in conducting hot air to the dry kiln of CAIN Bros. shingle mill. It is quite a piece of workmanship, and is a specimen of strong work. CAIN Bros. formerly had a wooden affair to convey the hot air, but it was not found to answer the purpose. Mr. JOHNSON has a finely equipped shop, and is prepared to turn out almost any sort of work in his line.
The operetta Cinderilla will be rendered for the benefit of the Blue Ribbon
club Saturday evening with the following characters: Mrs. DOUGLAS, a widowed daughter of A. L. SMITH, died Monday evening of typhoid fever at the residence of her father. She has been ailing for some time, and was aged 22. Mrs. DOUGLAS has been a resident of Everett for some time, but, as we understand made her home in Blaine. Many friends will mourn her early demise. The remains were interred from the Baptist church Wednesday morning. Thursday morning Chas. A. McLENNAN, deputy customs inspector of Blaine was married at Whatcom to Miss Ella McARTHUR, daughter of D. J. McARTHUR, a prominent real estate dealer and insurance agent of the county seat. They were married at the residence of the bride's parents, and immediately started on a short trip to Victoria, Tacoma and Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. McLENNAN will reside on Cherry street on their return, and will be an acquisition to our society element. The bride is something of an artist, a fine musician and has many ennobling qualities to give her an enviable social position. We wish Mac all the joy imaginable, and are glad he has realized the fact that "it is not good for man to live alone." The county commissioners have signed the contract and approved the bonds of the contractors for the construction of the bridges across the Nooksack. The bridges must be completed before January 1st. A water test was given Monday morning by the Northwest Water company, which demonstrated that a stream of water could be thrown from the fire plugs at least 75 feet in the air. The test was made from the hydrant on the Blaine National bank corner, and no difficulty was experienced in getting a stream to the height of the flag staff. It must be a source of comfort to our property owners to know that we have now at hand a supply of water which can be put to instant use in case of fire. The new fire hose are now in use and in the event of fire all we will need will be those to man the hose. As will be seen by reference to our advertising department, a change has taken place in the proprietorship of the blacksmith shop on Boblett street, formerly conducted by Tom QUIRT. Tom has taken to himself a partner in the person of Charles B. MORGAN of Birch Bay, a gentleman who is in every was a competent workman, and the establishment is now better equipped than ever to do all branches of blacksmithing, horse shoeing and general carriage and wagon repairing. Friday last a camping party composed of Art SEELY, Martin WARE, Chas. MOORE and wife, Miss Stella POWER and Miss Nell THOMPSON went out to Terrill lake, near Ferndale. They put in the time hunting, fishing and such like sports, and from their accounts must have had their fill of enjoyment. Messrs. WARE and SEELY returned Monday morning, and the party remaining have since been joined by Ed. SEELY and Gus. GEIGER. They party have tents pitched and are certainly having a most enjoyable outing. We desire to call attention to the advertisement of Gus. GEIGER, our fashionable merchant tailor, who is turning out some fine work. We recently saw a suit made by him which it would be hard to duplicate.
An informal meeting was held at the office of the city clerk on Wednesday
evening to organize a couple of hose companies. A large number of our citizens
were in attendance, and the meeting was organized by electing Ed. ROBERTS
as chairman and Bert OSTROM as secretary. F. McCALL, J. CRILLY, C. C. McDONALD,
A. L. JOHNSON and F. HUNTER were made a committee to adopt rules, get what
might be lacking in the way of fire apparatus, select a suitable hose house
location, and make such other arrangements as may appear for the good of
the fire brigade. Frank McCALL was made chief of the department pending the
carrying out of the preliminaries of perfecting the organization of the two
companies. It was understood that a succession of quick, sharp rings from
the bells of either the M. E. or Congregational church should serve as a
signal to assemble at the office of the city clerk, where the hose are at
present stored. Following are the names of those who have signified a willingness
to serve:
We understand that Gus BRUNS of Birch Bay is about to engage in the flour and feed business on Washington avenue, in the Reilly building. Judge DUNN has been busy a part of the week in examining the case of the state vs. Ed. MONROE. Defendant is charged with the malicious killing of two hogs, the property of J. M. RUCKER of Drayton. There were eight witnesses examined, whose testimony was much at variance. MONROE was represented by Oval PERKY while the interest of the public prosecution were looked after by Peter McPHERSON. MONROE was held in $300 to the superior court, which were furnished. DAVIES & HUNTER turned out their first shingles Wednesday afternoon, everything working to a nicety. They intend to immediately put their force at work. Monday morning our citizens were awakened by the cry of fire at about 2 o'clock. It proved to be the dry room of the Messrs. NORRIS Bros. & ENGLE shingle mill, which had taken fire from a spark floating in at the exposed gable end of the roof. Every effort was made to save the shingles, but the fire burned rapidly. By the heroic aid of those present, aided by the water supply, the fire was confined to the immediate vicinity of the kiln, and the machinery and a greater part of the mill proper was saved. The firms loss was something like $2000. They were insured in the National of Hartford, represented here by E. R. WHEELER, and within 24 hours after the fire loss had been adjusted to the satisfaction of all parties and a draft is now on its way to reimburse the firm. The mill will be immediately rebuilt, and on a somewhat larger scale. They had 600,000 shingles in the dry kiln at the time of the conflagration. The prompt action of Councilman LOOMIS, Marshal OVERMAN, Treasurer DAVID and other who assisted in getting hose to the fire so quickly, probably had much to do with holding it in check. The service furnished by the Northwest Water company was put to a severe test, and found to be in all ways all that the company claimed for it.
Monday evening last an informal reception was tendered Miss May DAVID at
Kingsley hall by Mr. and Mrs. L. W. DAVID. Miss May is a sister of Mr. DAVID,
and had but recently arrived from Chicago. Dancing, card parties and refreshments
all served for the enjoyment of the invited guests. Among those present were
the following:
Mrs. J. B. SLOAN would respectfully announce to the public that she has opened a first class eating house on H street at the Elma hotel, where she be pleased to accommodate all who will give her a call. The children of the public schools are soliciting money for the purpose of purchasing flags for the school-houses. When giving, please state name and amount donated. Friday, September 23, 1892: MCKEE & SHAY, Lynden saw mill men, are putting in a shingle mill plant near that place.
North side hose company:
Council Proceedings, Sept. 19th, 1892.
W. H. DOBBS, formerly of the Lynden Pioneer Press, is in Blaine on a visit. Mrs. E. W. OVERMAN has gone to Iowa on a visit. Charley MOORE and wife have returned from their recent camping trip. C. E. MUNN was among the visitors at New Westminster Wednesday. Customs Inspector McLENNAN and wife were at the Arlington, Seattle, early in the week. We are informed that Mrs. Kate WALLER and family intend moving into the city from Point Roberts for the winter. L. M. LAPOINTE, a former resident of Blaine but now interested in Ellensburg realty, was among old friends Monday. H. HYLAND, a former resident of Blaine and a son of Rev. H. P. HYLAND, at one time of Christ church, is in town on a visit. Gus GEIGER returned from Ferndale Sunday night, having been absent a week. They do say Gus is something of a fisherman. Joseph GOODFELLOW of Point Roberts has returned from San Francisco, where he has been for the past fortnight on a business trip. A. MANSFIELD a sufferer by the recent robbery at Whatcom was in town Sunday and Monday looking for some clue to his property. John BEATON of South Westminster, came down Sunday to assist Constable KENNEDY in bringing the alleged DAVID burglars. Mr. BEATON is a constable at Surry (sic) B. C. Mr. P. CHANDLER and wife of Nebraska, who are at present visiting the family of L. B. JOSEPH, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen CHENEY, visited the Royal Industrial exhibition at New Westminster Tuesday. Homer C. MOORE of Snohomish was in town early in the week visiting his old friend, Mr. McQUEEN, of Barnes & Co. Mr. MOORE was at one time connected with the Snohomish Sun, but at present is traveling for a propretory (sic) medicine house. The revenue cutter Walcott came into port Monday evening, bringing a small boat for the use of the revenue service here. J. BURNLEY now has the Blaine-Semiahmoo, Blaine-Lynden and Blaine-Birch Bay star mail routes.
Graders are now engaged in widening the road leading to CAIN's wharf. This will leave most of our roads with a good bottom when winter sets in. We are told that the NORRIS Bros. & ENGLE shingle mill will commence cutting shingles next week. This is the establishment which recently suffered from fire.
Friday, September 30, 1892: The Blue Canyon Coal company is said to have just completed the most elaborate and complete system of coal screening appliances on the Pacific coast. The Horton and two Passmore buildings at New Whatcom were destroyed by fire Saturday morning. Adjoining property was somewhat damaged. The loss is about $4000, with but $500 insurance. Miss Maude KENNEDY returned from Westminster Tuesday. J. PENDERGAST of New Westminster came in on the train Monday. Rev. Mr. SAUNDERS, the Baptist clergyman of Ferndale, was in Blaine Sunday. William SUNDERBRUCH and wife, accompanied by the little one, went down to Seattle Monday. Frederick LYMANS of Port Townsend was in town Tuesday, looking up some real estate investments. Capt. BASS, democratic candidate for auditor, left Whatcom on Monday for a trip east of the mountains. D. N. HOLDEN of the tug Rip Van Winkle, Seattle, was here in conference with shingle mill owners Tuesday. Capt. D. P. GREELY has moved into the city from Semiahmoo, and taken up quarters on Washington avenue. Lester W. DAVID is busily engaged in erecting a new barn on the rear of his premises on Washington avenue. Mrs. John ELWOOD of Whatcom has been called upon to mourn the death of her brother-in-law, Mr. KIBBEY. P. CHANDLER and wife left on Wednesday for Nebraska, where Mr. CHANDLER is engaged in the baking business. The family of W. L. FOX, the druggist, left for the east last week on a six months visit to friends and relatives. Mrs. HOTCHKISS departed on Tuesday for Seattle, where she has purchased a restaurant and will go into business there. Deputy Customs Inspector McLENNAN and bride have returned to Blaine, and will be at home at their residence on Cherry street. Mr. STAGE of Port Angeles has been engaged by Messrs. DAVIES & HUNTER as a sawyer in the mill, and arrived with his wife Wednesday. Geo. E. YOULE and E. B. BALL of Seattle, representing the Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Machinery company, were in the city Monday on business connected with the new shingle mills. Alex. FILMORE of Vancouver, B.C., has come to Blaine to reside. His family are also here, and Mr. FILMORE will make this his abiding place in the future. W. R. PETTIBONE and wife returned home Wednesday, having been absent in Seattle and Tacoma for the past week looking up transportation for our shingle mills. Frank WILLIAMS is on a vacation for a few days, taking in Whatcom, Seattle, and other Sound towns. John KEAN will have charge of Frank's place of business during his absence. C. E. DUNN, who has had charge of the British customs affairs here since Mr. CHANTRELL's absence, left on Thursday for New Westminster. Mr. CHANTRELL having returned to duty. W. L. AMES, ex-city treasurer of Seattle, spent a few days in our city attending to his interests here. Mr. AMES is a member of the firm of ROCKWELL & AMES wholesale dealers in notions, Seattle, Wash. C. E. MUNN, Chinese inspector of the customs service, who has been located here for the past month, left Wednesday for Seattle. Mr. MUNN is a genial, whole souled fellow and leaves many warm friends behind. D. R. McELMON, the jeweler, is slowly recovering from his rheumatic attack, and it is to be hoped he will soon be about again attending to business. Mac has had quite a siege of it, and has the sympathy of many friends. Victor PAUL, who left the schooner Lizzie Colby with John MERRITT, Manuel SALVADOR and others, who recently shipped at Anacortes for cod fishing on Behring sea, returned Sunday last to Blaine. He shipped at Sand Point, 1000 miles north of Sitka on a sailing vessel and was 21 days making the trip down. He says he is glad to get back to Blaine once more, and is gratified at the progress our city has made since his departure. NORRIS Bros. & ENGLE have been engaged in fitting up the sash and door factory near their recently burned premises and will be cutting shingles by the end of the week. This move will increase their facilities, and with their new dry rooms will turn out a superior quality of shingle. The contract for building the draw bridge over the Nooksack at Ferndale was let on Monday to the San Francisco Bridge company. The bridge is to be steel, and the contract price is $14,275. The contract calls for the completion of the bridge in four months. The same company have the contracts for the other three bridges now being constructed over the same river. The International shingle mill has been shut down a part of the week owing to a dearth of timber. Their logging camp is opening up a new claim and putting in skid roads, which accounts for the shortage of logs. At the regular weekly meeting of the Epworth League held at the M. E. church Monday evening, the following persons were selected as delegates to represent this branch at the annual state convention to be held at Anacortes Oct. 25th and 26th: Miss Etta ROBERTS, Miss Lottie THOMAS, Mrs. C. H. BURNETT, A. WARREN and Rev. Mr. LOY. Papers on kindred topics will be read. WANTED - Solicitors: energetic ladies or gentlemen; salary $65. Apply at Arlington hotel. Messrs. HORTEN & GLEN are arranging to open a branch market on Martin street, west of the postoffice. It is to be a branch of their Washington avenue establishment, and a full and complete stock of fresh and salt meats, fish in their season, etc., will be kept on hand. Friday last C. W. HOMOYER caught 120 trout at Campbell creek. They were a fine lot of fish, and the number showed that the angler must have been an expert. Negotiations are pending, we are told, to secure the location of 300 families in our vicinity. DAVIES & HUNTER have been forced to close down their mill a couple of days on account of defects in their new machinery. The city has perfected arrangements for the use of a portion of the REILLY building on Washington avenue as a hose house. Wednesday morning D. N. HOLDEN, owner of the tug Rip Van Winkle of Seattle, met with the shingle producers of Blaine to make an arrangement to transport shingles from here to Seattle or Tacoma on scows. A proposition was made by him to transport them at a rate of something like 10 cents per 1000 the present rail rate being 12 1/2 cents. The matter was taken under advisement by our manufacturers, but it is highly probable some like arrangement will be made, though some think it can be done for a less rate. There is every indication though, that inside of the next three months the Great Northern will be in a position to give through rates over their own line to eastern points. In the case of the state of Washington vs. IRVIN, DEVINE, DONNELLY and John Doe, the defendants have been arraigned, and the case set for trial in the superior court at Whatcom, to follow the Ward case. It will be remembered that these are the parties recently arrested here for the DAVID jewelry robbery. Messrs. LEWIS Bros. have recently opened a market in the Reily block on Washington avenue, where will be found at all times a good supply of fresh and salt meats, vegetables, fruit and goods pertaining to their line. Give them a call.
STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE-- G. D. ROOT has a restaurant on Washington avenue, near Martin street, where meals or luncheon can be had at any hour. The shingle manufacturers of the county cannot get cars enough to ship their product east. The tea now being unloaded in Vancouver requires over 500 cars to move it east. Thomas SAVINGS is engaged in erecting a brick house on his premises in the Excelsior district. D. DRYSDALE shipped five sturgeon to Seattle Tuesday, one of which weighed 205 pounds. Martin WARE is making some needed improvements to his place of business on Washington avenue. The city has ordered a hook and ladder outfit, and it will probably be here for use inside of a month. S. F. SMITH has returned to the city, and can be found at his place of business in the Arlington block, where all in need of a clean, smooth shave will do well to call. Peter FOSTER has returned to Blaine and gone into business in the old democratic club room on Martin street. He has a large general assortment of dry goods, boots and shoes, furnishing goods, etc., and will sell the same at prices in keeping with the times. Friday, October 7, 1892: The loyal organization known as the Grand Army of the Republic was formed 26 years ago with B. F. STEPHENSON of Illinois as the first commander. Mrs. JONES, the music teacher, has removed to Walla Walla. Rev. Levin JOHNSON, formerly of Blaine, is now located at San Maguel, Cal. Mrs. MORRISON has gone to Chihuahua, Mexico where she has a son residing. The family of Rev. B. B. EVANS are at present sojourning at Clarksburg, W. Va. Mrs. G. H. ABERS returned Thursday from her eastern visit. She brought back her mother. The family of W. L. FOX, which recently left here for Panora, Iowa, have arrived safely at their destination. Miss Alma CRYDERMAN of Port Townsend, who has been visiting the family J. A. MARTIN for the past week, has returned. Mrs. J. R. MASON of Whatcom, mother of Mrs. Will PETTIBONE, is a guest of her daughter. She will return to Whatcom on Saturday. Albert HOLLISTER of Cherokee, Ia., a large building material dealer, was in Blaine Friday last, and purchased all the available shingles that could be had. He would have taken several more cars if they could have been had. J. W. TANNER was elected president of the Blue Ribbon club Saturday evening, Byron KINGSLEY first vice president, E. W. OVERMAN second vice president, Robt. STEVENSON third vice president, Thomas KING fourth vice president, Nellie CORNISH secretary, and Mrs. D. R. GOTT treasurer. Robert SHIELDS of Enterprise offers to give three acres of land on the line of the railroad track and a guarantee of shingle bolts at a nominal figure to any one who will put in a shingle mill at that station. D. R. GOTT has been busily engaged during the past week in building moving. Friday he carried the old telegraph office on H street over on Martin street for the use of Messrs. HORTON & GLEN as a meat market. Tuesday he moved a barn from the Blaine Land company's addition to Charley BLACK's premises on Washington avenue. Mr. GOTT has also two or three more buildings on hand to move. Alex. VARRETT met with an accident at Cain's mill Monday, where he was engaged in running a shingle blocker. In some manner his hand came in contact with the block saws, and the four fingers of his right hand were severed at the first joint. He is doing nicely, but it nevertheless is a sad mishap. A. D. BONNEY now has his gallery on Harrison street, near the corner of Boblett in operation, and solicits a call. He will remain in Blaine but eight days, so those who contemplate having pictures made should arrange for sittings at once. F. L. GRAVES, who was recently arrested near here and sent to the county jail, plead guilty Friday before Judge WINN of the superior court and was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary. Tuesday he was taken to Walla Walla to serve the sentence, which many think he richly deserved. The county jail at Whatcom is in charge of Neil BLUE, and he makes a capable and efficient official. It is not the most pleasant position in the world, and his appointment by Sheriff deLORIMIER can but give satisfaction. Genial E. M. DAY has been placed in charge of the Fairhaven branch of the Whatcom Reveille. A wise selection. Search for a desirable vacant house in Blaine shows that everything available for a medium sized family is occupied. This speaks well for our city, and should be an incentive to our capitalists to erect more medium priced dwellings of say five to eight rooms each. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. McLENNAN were given a reception Monday evening by their friends. The North Star band were among the participants. An enthusiastic democratic gathering was held at Sumas Monday evening, which was addressed by E. J. HILL, Col. M. J. MALONEY, D. S. JOHNSON, Lester W. DAVID and others. The people's party held a meeting last Saturday night and placed in nomination W. J. GILLESPIE and J. B. SMITH for justices of the peace, and Herman KING and Charles PAUL for constables. Wednesday evening a farewell gathering was held at Kingsley's hall in honor of the departure of Miss Stella POWERS for Seattle. Dancing and social games were indulged in. Among those present were:
James GILFILLIN, a lad of some 14 years, met with an accident Monday forenoon, by falling from a load of lumber which he was engaged in hauling from Cain's mill to his father's home, just over the line. When a short distance above the St. Lonard hotel he appears to have fallen from the load and fractured the left leg just below the knee. He will be laid up for some time, but many kind friends wish him well. The democratic club meeting held in the opera house Monday evening placed in nomination J. B. SHAW and C. H. BURNETT as justices of the peace, and T. A. KENNEDY and E. M. GORE as constables. Colonel James Hamilton LEWIS will speak at Light house hall, Whatcom, next Saturday night. Quite a number of our citizens, irrespective of party, intend going down to hear the colonel orate. The Dakota creek shingle mill is now in operation, the first product being turned out on Tuesday last. This mill is a fine piece of property, and gives every promise of proving a remunerative investment for the owners. A Lemon squeeze social will be given by the Epworth League at the M. E. parsonage Friday evening, Oct. 7th. Everyone is requested to come and bring a lemon. Admission 15 cents. Ed. DELON, an employee of the CAIN Bros. shingle mill met with a mishap about 8 o'clock Wednesday morning, which resulted in the amputation of the first and second fingers of the right hand below the first joint. He had just been put to work on the double blocker, and a piece of wood being lodged between the clamps, he reached under the machine to release it with the result above stated. He had been a former employee of the DAVIES & HUNTER mill, and had just gone to work on the blocker at Cain Bros. He is attended by Dr. REEVES.
MARRIED - At the residence of Mr. J. A. MARTIN, Oct. 5th, 1892, at 4 p. m.
Rev. F. W. LOY officiating, Mr. Peter FOSTER and Miss Eliza J. EAGAN, both
of Blaine. The International shingle mill is now in full operation, and bids fair to continue so. F. K. NICHOLS, the gentlemanly clerk in charge of the Bellingham at Whatcom, is an accommodating sort of person to make the acquaintance of. Messrs. HORTON & GLEN will have their new branch market on Martin street in operation the last of the week. They will keep a good fresh stock of meats and articles in their line of trade, and ask a share of patronage. Lester W. DAVID has been treating his premises on Washington avenue to a coat of paint, and the appearance is much improved thereby. The work is being done by L. E. LAMAR, the painter and decorator. Our townsman, R. J. GLEN, was made the happy father of a daughter at Newport, R. I. where Mrs. GLEN is visiting on Sep. 26th. The republican primary on Wednesday evening nominated W. B. DUNN and E. M. ADAMS, the present incumbents, for justices of the peace, and E. W. OVERMAN and Victor PAUL for constables. Friday, October 14, 1892: Frank E. BYLES, formerly assistant chief of the Fairhaven fire department, has been arrested, charged with the authorship of various incendiary fires occurring there recently. W. J. RANDALL of Custer was in Blaine on business Saturday. Mrs. Geo. P. PERLEY was a guest of Mrs. E. J. COUSE at Fairhaven Saturday. L. E. LAMAR has been called to Troy, N. Y., by the serious illness of his mother. Ward PASSAGE of New Westminster was down Monday to be present at the marriage of his son, Ray. Mrs. MASON of Whatcom, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Will PETTIBONE, returned home Saturday. Chas. COLE, proprietor of the recently burned International hotel, has returned to Blaine from his eastern trip. Editor SMITH of the Ferndale Clipper, came up to visit the International city Friday last, returning home Saturday. Wallace ROOT, employed as a sawyer at the DAVIES & HUNTER shingle mill, had the misfortune to lose a portion of the first finger of the right hand last Friday morning. He was engaged in running the blocker and in some manner, in releasing the remnant of a sawed bolt, the clamps came together and caused the mishap. This is the third who met with like injury during the past week in some one of the mills. Wm MILOW, the furniture maker, has recently turned out a chamber suit in light maple for a party in town, which was a model beauty and durability. Mr. MILOW says he believes this to be the first chamber suit ever made in Whatcom county in its entirety, and it most certainly does reflect credit upon his workmanship. His prices will compare with those at Whatcom or Seattle, and he solicits a call from those in need of any goods in his line. Revival meetings are now being held nightly in the M. E. church, under the supervision of Rev. Mr. LOY. Street Commissioner OVERMAN has been engaged during the past week in placing railings on Martin street between Harrison and Blaine avenues over the gulch. This is a much needed improvement, as it was an absolutely dangerous place after nightfall. Mr. OVERMAN has also been engaged in putting in cross walks in the same neighborhood, so that in the rainy season those who live in that vicinity will be provided with a better highway. The various cross walks throughout the city have also been arranged, under his supervision, so that the new hose carts can be drawn over them. All this foresight is commendable, and will no doubt be appreciated. A marriage license was issued Monday to Dan. D. LEWIS and Mrs. Harriet NORTON of Ferndale. Mr. LEWIS is the senior partner of the market firm of LEWIS & BARBER. D. R. McELMON is once more able to be about, but shows the effects of his recent attack of rheumatism. He has many warm friends who will be more than pleased to know of his recovery. Columbus Day exercises will be held at the South side building Friday, Oct. 21st. At 9 a. m., the different schools will take part in a Columbus knowledge contest. The flag will be raised at 10 o'clock, with appropriate exercises. The pledge songs, declamations, etc., will come next. Columbian exercises will follow, consisting of songs, the council chamber, and bisque figures of the 15th century. The exercised will close with remarks from a number of the board members of the G. A. R., who have been invited to join with the schools in celebrating the day. A mass prohibition meeting will be held at the opera house, Blaine, on Thursday, Oct. 20th, at which the prohibition party and platform will be ably discussed by C. F. BROWNLEY, F. D. MUSE and others. There should be a good turn out to listen to the speakers. Sheriff DELORIMER came up Monday to sell the STOOPS mill on KINGSLEY wharf and some reality, to satisfy an execution in favor of KNAPP, BURRELL & Co., Portland, Ore. The attorneys not being fully prepared the sale was postponed for one week. Another of our popular young men has taken a plunge into the blissful sea of matrimony. This time it is Ray PASSAGE, an attache of the firm of Messrs. PERLEY Bros. The happy event occurred last Monday evening at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. SMITH on Martin street, the fortunate lady being Miss Jessie SMITH. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. SLAYTON of Everett, Joe HALL and Albert PASSAGE, brother of the groom, acting as best men and Maggie and Janie, sisters of the bride, acting as bridesmaids. The immediate friends and relatives of the two families only were present. The parties are both well and favorably known in the city, and have a host of friends, who wish for them all the happiness and prosperity imaginable. They have gone to housekeeping in the house formerly occupied by the family of Joe HALL on Third street. George DAVIES, of the firm of DAVIES & HUNTER, met with an accident Monday at his mill. He was engaged in pulling some timbers away from the schute (sic) which passes them from the upper part of the mill, when one of the sticks was thrown against the pulley and flew back, striking him on the hand. He was thrown into the water, and had he been knocked insensible would have been drowned, as the water was quite deep and no one happened to be near him at the time. As it was he received a severe scalp wound, which Dr. KING found it necessary to stitch up. Mr. DAVIES lost a wallet from the inside pocket of his coat, containing some $300 worth of valuable papers, which floated away and has not been found. Payment on a portion of the papers has been stopped. Perhaps it is fortunate he fared no worse. Voters should not forget to go before City Clerk McCALL and register at once. J. B. SMITH, under the direction of Overseer OVERMAN, has been engaged during the past week in rolling the gravel recently placed on the streets. A great improvement has resulted thereby. The Congregational Sunday school spent a very pleasant evening last Thursday, and every one of the scholars seemed bent on having a good time. A fine supper was served and managed by Mrs. ELLIS, Mrs. BARNETT, Mrs. HAZELTINE, Mrs. DENNIE, Mrs. FLINT and Mrs. TAYLOR, to which several of the good "house wives" of the city had contributed their cake. Mrs. FLINT exhibited considerable talent in instructing the young folks in their evening exercises, which were duly appreciated. At a little after 8 o'clock the smaller ones were dismissed and the larger ones remained nearly an hour longer. At half past 9 every one had gone home to rest. A season (sic) of singing from the Gospel Hymns, was also appreciated. Let all who were present remember the Sunday school. Among those in attendance were the following:
List of letters remaining uncalled for in the postoffice at Blaine, Wash., Oct. 12th, 1892:
Instructions on piano or organ. Terms 75 cents per hour with use of instrument to practice, or 50 cents per hour without use of instrument. Nellie CORNISH, Washington avenue and E street. Ben NORRIS has purchased the Drayton shingle mill, and will at once commence the operation of the saw mill attached, and so soon as a new 125 horse power engine, now on the way, can be placed in position, shingle cutting will be commenced. The saw mill will cut 18,000 feet of lumber daily and the shingle mill will have a capacity of 100,000 daily. E. L. COWGELL was the former owner of the mill. We are pleased to chronicle this new enterprise of the NORRIS Bros., and can but feel that with their business ability and push they will make a great success of their new purchase. The Messrs. NORRIS Bros. have disposed of their interest in the mill recently injured by fire to a Mr. SMITH of Ferndale, who, in company with Mr. ENGLE, will at once resume operations at the reconstructed mill, in the sash and door factory. Friday, October 21, 1892: There are 300 Indian voters in Washington and 50 in Oregon. Percy W. SMITH of Fairhaven is putting up a shingle mill at West Ferndale that will have a daily capacity of 100,000 shingles. This will make the fourth shingle mill for this place, their combined daily capacity being 250,000 shingles. Samuel BASS, who was the first democrats representative from the nineteenth district of Whatcom county, was born in New Jersey in 1832, moved in childhood, to Schuylkill county, Penn., emigrated to California in 1853, and worked in the gold diggings in various camps along the Feather rivers and vicinity. He moved to Marion county, Ore., in 1857, built the first circular sawmill and sash and door factory in said county, where he resided until 1885, when he moved to Whatcom county, and was in the customs service in the Puget land districts during three years of CLEVELAND's administration. Mr. BASS is now the candidate for state auditor, and should be elected. Among the many enterprising citizens of the town of Blaine, none is better known than J. S. JOHNSTON, the democratic candidate for county commissioner for the third district. Mr. JOHNSTON is in the prime of life, having been born in Lucerne county, Pa. in 1842. At the age of eleven years he removed to Illinois, and after ten years' residence in that state he went to Dickinson county, Iowa, where he engaged in business and lived until coming to Washington. Nearly three years ago he cast in his fortunes with the town of Blaine. Mr. JOHNSTON is a gentleman of more than ordinary ability. He has had a large and varied experience in all the business relations of life. He has been successful in all that he has undertaken. He has the ability to plan and the courage to execute and Whatcom county will have in him, if elected, a painstaking, efficient and economical commissioner. -Independent.
A brief sketch of the life of John R. WINN, the democratic candidate for
superior judge, for the judicial district embracing Whatcom and San Juan
counties, though he is so well known, may not prove uninteresting as it shows
what well directed energy, intelligence and ability will accomplish in a
comparatively short time. There are few men of Judge WINN's age who have
attained the judicial honors which he has, nor upon whom have they more lightly
set, and whose judicial career has been such as to inspire the confidence
of the people, and to compel the respect and admiration of many older
judges. B. W. EVERETT of Custer was a Journal visitor Tuesday last. Prof. Harry PATTISON has been visiting friends at West Ferndale. Miss Myrtle MARTIN has returned to Minneapolis, the home of her parents. Mrs. Kate WALLER and family have taken up quarters on B street, in the city. Mr. T. TAW(E)S, nominee for representative from the 8th district, was seen on our streets Tuesday. William STAYT, a son of Rev. Mr. STAYT of the Presbyterian church, has returned to Blaine from San Francisco. Rev. Mr. LE SOURD of Whatcom, presiding elder for this district of the M. E. church, was in town Sunday delivering a fine sermon at the house of worship here. Fred FISHER, an attache of the firm of REID, MURDOCK & FISHER, grocers, Seattle, was in Blaine Monday. He reports business in their line as improving throughout the Sound country. Sunday last at about noon the residence of H. HENSPETER at Birch Bay was totally destroyed by fire. Mr. HENSPETER was away at the time, but some of the members of the family were at home. The fire is supposed to have caught from the fire-place. Nothing of any account was saved, as the fire burned rapidly and the lack of fire apparatus rendered those present powerless to extinguish it. There was a small amount of insurance, we are told, but the loss will reach at least $2000. The Annual Convention of the British Columbia W.C. T. U. meet at New Westminster. Mrs. C. KINGSLEY has been elected to represent western Washington. J. M. PRIVETT an attache of the WEBSTER logging camp, just over the line, had the misfortune to fall from a pile of logs Wednesday and cut his right limb just below the knee. It is an unfortunate accident and it is hoped he may soon be about. The recently constructed shingle mill on Dakota creek has filed articles of incorporation with the secretary of state under the corporate name of the Blaine Shingle company, to engage in the business of manufacturing and marketing shingles, with a capital of $8000. Lester W. DAVID, W. W. CARTER and J. D. WALKER are the incorporators. The mill has now a on hand a goodly supply of bolts, and will soon be in active operation. The few shingles they have thus far sawed has been of good quality, and cannot help but find a ready market. The dedication of the G.A.R. hall at West Ferndale Friday night was a grand success and the attendance was large. Among those who went down from Blaine was Lester W. DAVID and others. A social dance was indulged in, which gave all an opportunity for terpescorian enjoyment. The circuit court at Whatcom on Saturday last granted a divorce to M. T. GEE, on the ground of desertion. The Pacific Clothing company of Thirteenth and C street, Whatcom, solicit a share of patronage, as will be seen by the advertisement at the head of this page. P. A. THARALDSON, formerly of this city, is the manager. James L. WARNER, manager of the Light & Power company at Hamilton in Skagit county, was shot and killed Sunday night by his night watchman, Dave MOODY, at EDWARD's shingle mill at Hamilton. WARNER had taken MOODY to task for being lazy. Mr. WARNER was a resident of Blaine some two years ago, and was the proprietor of the International hotel. He was quite well known about here, and had many warm friends. His murderer is a worthless young scapgrace and seems to have no sense of the enormity of the crime he has committed. He was asked how he felt, to which he replied: "Pretty good; only I'm getting tired," at the same time twitching nervously at the bracelet on his wrists. He is small and boyish in appearance, with light blue eyes, long, slim Roman nose and defective chin. He bears the reputation among his associates of being quarrelsome, and on several occasions has threatened drawing a knife on an adversary. WARNER was about 42 years old, and leaves a wife, to whom he has been married 12 years. He has been a hotel keeper in Milwaukee and San Francisco and a real estate speculator on the Sound. Miss KENNEDY has opened a dressmaking parlor with Mrs. GEERY on Martin street. The old NORRIS Bros. & ENGLE mill will hereafter be operated under the firm hand of SMITH & Co. They will begin operations Saturday in their new and enlarged mill. Friday, October 28, 1892: The Washington hotel is for rent. CAIN Bros. shingle mill is now in operation and is having a steady run. The Blaine shingle mill company will commence cutting Monday and hope to continue without cessation. The International shingle mill is now running full line, and has orders far in advance. An incipient fire at the residence of D. R. GOTT on Saturday evening showed the proficiency of our fire department, who made the distance from the hose house in very quick time. Credit is due the boys for their promptness. Percy SMITH of Ferndale was in the city Saturday. M. W. RUSSELL of Hebron was a caller at the Journal office Monday. J. D. CAMERON of New Westminster came down on the train Sunday. M. L. HITCHCOCK of Roslyn was on a land investing visit to Blaine this week. John MANYON, of the Tacoma Grocery company, was among our grocers early in the week. Rev. Mr. LOY of the M. E. church, Etta ROBERTS and Lottie THOMAS took the train Tuesday for Anacortes, as delegates to the Epworth League annual convention, which meets this week. William R. HARRIS, of the American insurance company of Philadelphia, is in the city visiting company agent here, W. J. GILLESPIE. He has been engaged in adjusting the recent HENSPETER loss at Birch Bay. We are glad to know that James MILLER, who was ill the first of the week, has recovered and is once more about. Al. HUNTER took his first lesson in log scaling Tuesday, and it was rather a damp affair for him. He assisted in the scaling of 26 logs, and then loosing his equilibrium was dumped into the water. He says the degree in log scaling was all right, but the mildness of the mildness of the water was several degrees too cold. Saturday evening about 7 o'clock a man named McCLOUD, about 43 years of age, who had come to the city the day previous for the purpose of working at the shingle mill, fell on Third street near Mr. BURNLEY's laundry and broke his leg. He was first discovered by Mrs. BURNLEY, who had stepped from the door for an armful of firewood. He was picked up and taken into the house where the extent of his injury was made known. Later he was taken to the North Star hotel on D street, and put under treatment. He is unfortunate, to say the least. Owing to the dedication of the Congregational church at Ferndale, there will be no preaching in the Congregational church at this place. D. R. GOTT has this week moved the SMITH house from near the line to Garfield avenue. This will be remembered as the piece of property in controversy between the Blaine National bank and SMITH.
Those who intend visiting the World's Fair should be advised as to the situation
and prospects for accommodation. Our druggists have been notified, under the new ordinance, to sell no liquor save on a physician's prescription. The committee appointed by the council to equate the DAVID jewelry robbery reward, have ordered an equal distribution of the amount ($200) between T. A. KENNEDY, W. BERTRAND and C. W. HOMOYER. The South school building was the scene of the Columbus school celebration on Friday last, which was in all respects a grand success, and reflects more than average credit on the principal, Mrs. A. M. BIGGS, and her assistants. .... Color bearers -- Willie COLE, Nellie CRILLY, Iola LOOMIS, Blanche RAMAGE, Loyd GORE, Nellie CORNISH, Willie RUNGE, Ethel STEEN, Roy McELMON and Bethel MILLOW. In the Columbian test, Roy McELMON led the primaries. Lottie THOMAS and Maude KNUPPENBURG were at the head in the high school, and at 10 o'clock, there were standing in the intermediate grades Mary HAZELTINE, Statira BIGGS, Willie DAHL, Ida CRONISTER, C. C. OSTROM, Antonia RUNGE, Nelson PAUL, Robbie HUGHES, Emma DAHL, Edith COLE, Harlie SLOAN, Blanche RAMAGE, Iola LOOMIS and Vaughn TANNER.
-Mr. VANWINKLE of Custer delivers groceries and anything in that line twice a week to farmers, thereby saving them trips over the muddy roads, which are very common this season of the year. -Our school is progressing under the management of Miss SMITH of Mountain View. Twenty pupils are in attendance. Columbus day was duly observed, a large flag being unfurled above the school house. Among the exercises were recitations by Misses Mable YOUNG, Josie BERGER, Sarah JOHNSON and others. Several of our national songs were sung. -Born, Oct. 9th, to the wife of Oscar FOSS, a daughter. -A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. HESS on Thursday evening, Oct. 20th, it being the marriage of their daughter Julia to Alvin A. GRIGGS of Port Angeles. Only a few friends of the family were present. Mr. and Mrs. GRIGGS left on the south bound train Friday morning. May good luck attend them. -Miss Mary OLSON of Seattle, is visiting at the home of her parents. -Mr. PALMER, who has the contract for the LEWIS ditch, has discharged some of his men, on account of bad weather. -Miss Carrie PALMER of Lynden visited her father last week. ---dated Oct. 22, 1892.
To the Editor of the Journal: Friday, November 4, 1892: The Bellingham Bay Improvement company has struck the same 15 foot vein of coal recently discovered at Fairhaven, about a half mile from the former location. The new strike is even larger than the first, 60 feet nearer the surface and of a better quality for domestic purposes. Thomas BELL, the San Francisco millionaire, who was accidently killed in that city, October 15th, was one of the heaviest stockholders in the Bellingham Bay and British Columbia Railroad company and the Bellingham Bay Improvement company. His property in Whatcom county was valued at $2,000,000. E. H. THOMAS, of the North ward school, has been suffering from some trouble with the glands in the neck. Tuesday he was forced to leave school and seek medical assistance. A substitute teacher was provided, though so no cessation occurred in carrying on the school. Mrs. C. B. MORGAN went to New Westminster Saturday on a visit to her sister. W. H. BEARDSLEY and wife were Great Northern south bound passengers Monday. C. W. HOMOYER has purchased the lot on which his store stands, and is engaged in excavating for the purpose of moving the building a few feet further back and putting in a new front. Jonathan M. MILHOLLIN, brother of John and James MILHOLLIN, is quite ill. He is suffering from some specie of malaria, superinduced by lung troubles. It is to be hoped he may soon recover, though at the present time his condition is said to be precarious. It is unlawful to kill any game for market except during the month of December. C. H. STOLTENBURG of Dakota creek is engaged in building a 20x30 foot addition to his residence. The customs department has been moved to the Arlington hotel block, and has very convenient quarters. S. H. HORTEN, of the firm of HORTEN & GLEN, mourns the loss of his pet bear. It was taken ill last week and died suddenly. Herman WICKHORST an attache of DAVIES & HUNTER, met with a painful accident at the mill Monday. He was engaged in knot sawing when in some way the thumb of the left hand came in contact with the saw and the end of the member was severed. Mr. WICKHORST is doing very nicely under the care of Dr. REEVES. Geo. A. McDONALD and Frank MCKENSIE contributed $30.43 to Justice ADAMS for fines and costs in a disorderly case Thursday. The case, of Wm. MOGGY, growing out of the same affair, was dismissed. Friday, November 11, 1892: The fine large steamer being built by the Blue Canyon Coal company on Lake Whatcom is being pushed to rapid completion. It is to be named Ella, as a compliment to the infant daughter of the president of the company. When finished it will be the largest steamer on the lake. Mr. CORNELL, a rancher of Lynden, left on the train Monday. George PERLEY, who has been suffering from an attack of rheumatism, is once more upon the street. Rev. Levin JOHNSON, formerly of the Blaine M. E. church, is at present a resident of Paso Robles, California. T. B. SHANNON, the hardware merchant, left on the train Tuesday for Toronto, Kan. It is said that there is a likelihood of his returning a benedict. Peter FOSTER has the only telephone in the city, and he tells many an amusing tale in connection with this instrument.
Married: In Seattle, Nov. 3rd, 1892. Mr. George WORRALL of the Alaska hotel
to Miss Mattie BELLINGER. E. W. OVERMAN and J. M. GORE were elected constables and W. J. GILLESPIE and E. M. ADAMS justices of the peace Tuesday. All are capable, efficient men and will no doubt fill their several positions acceptably. A force of men in the employ of the Great Northern Railway company is now engaged in tearing down the old coal bunkers of the old Bellingham Bay coal mine near the big white mill. This will remove from the landscape of the bay a venerable and familiar landmark. This is the first coal bunker ever constructed on the Pacific coast. It was erected in 1858 by the Bellingham Bay Coal company, the same year that witnessed the construction of the Mount Diablo bunker in California. The bunkers which span the Great Northern track have for some time been regarded with apprehension by the engineers on account of the decay of the timbers. It was with reluctance that President CORNWALL of the Bellingham Bay Improvement company gave his consent to the removal of this venerable relic of the beginning of the coal mining industry of the Pacific coast. The timbers are being carefully saved. The roof affords a fine illustration of the durability of the Washington red cedar shingle. The shingles, which have been exposed to the weather for 34 years, are still sound, and shows no evidences of decay. Samples of them will probably be sent to the world's fair. -Fairhaven World. Messrs. LEWIS & BARBER have purchased the old FOX building at the north end of Washington avenue, and will remove it to the premises adjoining the corner of Third and Martin streets, where it will be arranged into a market for the use of the firm. It is understood that Mr. LEWIS will occupy the upper part as a residence. Mrs. Mary C. HOWLEY [HAWLEY] of Lynden is dead, after an illness of only one week. She was one of the old settlers and was in business in Lynden. She was well know all over the county for her kindness and generosity. Friday, November 18, 1892: SCOTT's shingle mill, which was recently destroyed by fire at Everson, is being rapidly rebuilt and will soon be ready for operations again. Dr. FOWLER, the dentist, has migrated to Sedro. A. W. BURLEY is troubled with a throat affliction. John FOWLER and Frank PRENCE of Point Roberts were at Whatcom Saturday. C. C. HIXSON, county clerk, is reported quite ill at his residence in Whatcom. Rev. Mr. KINDRED, formerly connected with the M. E. church of this city, is in town on a visit. J. McGANN and family left on Tuesday to take up a permanent abode in Fairhaven. Dan accompanied them. Edward N. GREY, the new Postal Telegraph operator from Edison has arrived and entered upon the duties of his office. Louis R. FLOWERS, of the Port Angeles Democrat, at one time an attache of the Blaine Journal, has been spending the past week here shaking hands with old acquaintances. Tom PAYNE, P. MCPHERSON, J. B. WEBSTER, L. W. DAIVE, T. A. KENNEDY, Chas. PERLEY, D. R. GOTT, Wm. SIVYER, Wm. BERTRAND and O. D. McDONALD were called to the county seat Monday as witnesses in the case of the state vs. Tom DEVINE et al. This is the DAVID jewelry robbery case. Jessie STOOPS has recently put in operation his shingle mill on Dakota creek. It is a single blocker, propelled by water power. J. B. SMITH has recently purchased the Charley MOORE logging camp, increased its equipments and is now fairly immersed in the shingle bolt and timber business. Mr. SMITH is possessed of the vim and activity necessary to make it a success. He has, we understand, associated Mr. STEEN with him in the enterprise. A special session of the council was held Thursday night. No business was transacted except the appointment of W. J. GILLESPIE and W. B. DUNN as police justices.
DIED - In this city on Thursday, Nov. 10th, Jonathan McClintic MILHOLLIN,
in his 58th year. This week Peter D. HARKNESS, who for the past three years has been the Postal telegraph operator at Blaine, will leave for his home in Everson, Wash., where he has property interests requiring his attention. Pete leaves a host of friends here who wish him success in all his undertakings. He will be succeeded by Edward N. GREY of Samish Lake, but who has more recently been connected with the telegraph company at Edison, Wash., Mr. GREY comes in our midst well recommended. It is reported that a shooting gallery is soon to be opened in the store recently vacated by Messrs. PERLEY Bros., on Washington avenue. Messrs. DAVIES & HUNTER are about to enlarge the capacity of their mill, and will add an additional hand machine, knee bolter and knot saw to the facilities they now have. About 25 persons met at the M. E. parsonage last Tuesday evening to perfect the organization of a reading circle. It was decided that the organization should be known as the "Whittier Circle," in honor of our great and good poet. The purpose of the circle is "self improvement and literary enjoyment." By-laws were adopted. All present enrolled their names as charter members. The following are the officers: President, Rev. F. W. LOY; vice president, Mrs. FLINT; secretary Bert OSTROM; executive committee, Mrs. BIGGS, Mrs. KNUPPENBURG and Miss Etta ROBERTS, membership committee, Miss Nellie CRILLY, Mr. KNUPPENBURG and Miss Lottie THOMAS. An hour was spent in the study of the life and works of WHITTIER. Twenty minutes were given to pronouncing words usually mispronounced. This proved one of the most interesting features of the occasion. The first evening of the circle was pronounced by all an unqualified success. The circle will meet every Tuesday evening at the M. E. parsonage. Don't fail to hear Prof. LAFFY, the violinist, at the opera house to-night. The family of E. R. WHEELER, cashier of the Blaine National bank, have been blessed with an heir in the person of a seven pound girl. C. C. COLE has taken the boarding house on Cain's wharf, recently occupied by J. MCGAHN. The steamer Rapid Transit was in port Thursday taking on a cargo of salmon from the DRYSDALE cannery. Constable OVERMAN, who recently returned from an official trip to Point Roberts, brought back with him a 12 pound cannon ball, such as was used by the British men of war for target practice a few years since on this coast. It is quite a relic, and can be seen at DAVID's jewelry store. Sunday services will be held as usual at the Congregational church next Sunday. Should the evening be very dark or stormy the evening sermon will be omitted. The Alaska hotel, corner of Main street and Railroad avenue, Seattle, has recently made a change in proprietorship, George WORRALL assuming the entire ownership. George is a first rate fellow and will no doubt make a success of the affair. He has also recently taken a partner to assist him in life's battles. When you are in Seattle drop in and see him. He has a clean and pleasant place in the heart of the business district, and the rates are reasonable. FROM DELTA
-Mrs. ELLIOTT, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. O. L. FOSS, returned
to her home at Excelsior last week.-Mr. Wm. CRAWFORD made a trip to Lynden on Tuesday with a load of grain. -All the voters of this precinct gathered at Mr. THYBERGS, where the election was held, on the 8th inst. There was no excitement and everything went off smoothly. -James SMITH came out with the delivery wagon from Custer Wednesday. On account of bad roads and so much rain only one trip a week is to be made after this. -Born Nov. 5th, 1892, to the wife of Alex LEWIS, a son. -Miss Pauline JACOBS, who is teaching at Delta, spent Sunday in Blaine. -Mr. Frank MABRY is in Whatcom this week attending the Teachers examination.
-Miss Hannah BERKMAN of Whatcom has been spending the past week with her
parents in Lynden.-Mrs. O. P. STEVENS returned Sunday from Whatcom, where she has been spending a few days. -Aunt Rachel SMITH, who sprained her ankle two weeks ago, was able to let her foot rest upon the floor Tuesday for the first time since it was hurt. -The bridge across the Fishtrap creek, between Lynden and the cemetery, will be completed this week. -Frank VANDERFORD has reason to be proud of the deer he shot near Lynden. It was a large buck, and the first deer he ever killed. -Messrs. SUMNER, GRASHONG and James BAILEY have moved their families from Lynden to MCKEE & SHEA's saw mill, near Nooksack. -Arthur L. SWIM took the teachers' examination at Seattle last week and secured a first grade certificate. -On Saturday evening the democratic party was represented by Messrs. EVERETT, TAWES and Judge MAXWELL, who delivered an eloquent speech in JUDSON's opera house. -Monday evening the republican speakers, Major WILKIN and S. A. CALLVERT, addressed an attentive audience in JUDSON's opera house; while at the same time Mr. BELDEN, of the peoples' party, was addressing a large crowd at the Commercial hall. -Married -- On Tuesday, Nov. 8th, 1892, at the house of the bride's mother in Lynden, Mr. Orange HOPKINS and Miss Myrtie PUARIEA were united in holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. M. A. COVINGTON. After the marriage ceremony the bride and groom departed for Sumas, where they will make their future home. May peace and happiness be with them always. -Messrs. ORR and A. R. DAVIS of Lawrence were in town Sunday. -S. L. PALMER has been laid up on account of sickness the past week. -DIED -- On Tuesday, Nov. 8th, 1892, Mrs. M. C. HAWLEY, one of the pioneers, passed away after only a weeks' illness. Funeral services at the M. E. church on Thursday at 11 o'clock. -Miss Mary WILSON of Lynden began school on Monday in the Emmet HAWLEY district. -G. P. LINDLEY left on Thursday for his old home in Iowa. -Andrew SMITH and wife of Tuxedo are visiting friends and relatives in Lynden. Friday, November 25, 1892: Specimens of Blue Canyon coal, of Fairhaven, have been used with satisfaction by a number of railroads, and a good market is expected for all that can be produced. The coal vein recently struck in Fairhaven has been found to be fourteen feet nine inches in thickness. The lower six inches of the vein was impregnated with oil. The dyking on the upper Sumas, which seemed likely to fall through for a time on account of the large amount of money required to complete the enterprise, has been given new life by the return of Mr. LUMSDEN from Ottawa. The engineer estimated the cost at $350,000, which would be an expense of between $11 and $12 per acre for land to be reclaimed from the Fraser river overflow. Work has commenced, and will be pushed as rapidly as possible. The action of the city council Monday night in ordering a cash payment to the Northwest Water company, when those of our own people are compelled to accept warrants for services rendered would hardly seem to be the proper thing. It appears to many that the company could as well afford to receive warrants as the employee of the city or the laborer who works upon the streets. If any preference be shown it should be to those in our midst and not to a foreign corporation. There are those in Blaine to whom the city is indebted who are much in need of their due which fact we fancy should be taken into consideration by our city fathers. It is hoped the day may soon come when Blaine will be able to meet all its obligations in cash, but until that time arrives it is far from just to show a preference of this sort. The civil suit of Robert DEAN vs. Horace BREWSTER, which was to have been called before Justice DUNN Tuesday was amicably settled outside of court. The claim was for alleged services rendered. Marshal OVERMAN Monday received a dispatch from Chief of Police HUSTON of Westminster requesting him to look out for the sloop R. M. Bell, supposed to have a cargo of brandy on board which was surupticiously obtained. W. B. DUNN met with an accident in the DAVIES & HUNTER mill Monday, which will lay him up for some time. He was engaged in shifting a belt when the glove on the left hand caught and carried his arm up with such force as to break the arm just above the wrist. It made an ugly wound but was soon dressed and placed in position. The left side of the face was also badly lacerated and one of the arteries severed. It was an unfortunate accident, and Mr. DUNN has a host of friends who wish him a speedy recovery. At last accounts he was progressing nicely on the way to recovery. Messrs. O. D. McDONALD and Sam ANDERSON have fitted up the old PERLEY store on Washington avenue, as a gallery for target practice. Their patronage has been good. A large part of the material for the new blacksmith shop which Messrs. QUIRT & MORGAN propose putting up on Martin street opposite the Postal telegraph office is now upon the ground and they will soon begin building. Their business is steadily increasing and larger and more central quarters are required. The J. B. SMITH logging camp is now about ready to commence operations. This force have been occupied during the past two weeks in putting in new goods and preparing to transport logs. The force at present consists of 12 men, but will be further augmented as the needs may require. This is the logging camp formerly operated by Charlie MOORE. The wife of Chas. VOGT of Birch Bay is quite ill. W. B. DUNN, E. C. WILLSON and George CAIN are reported to have traveled on a tie pass from Whatcom to Blaine Sunday last. Dr. DRYSDALE of Vancouver, brother of D. DRYSDALE, has been spending a few days in the city. It is understood that he will locate for practice in Seattle. H. BREWSTER of Point Roberts is engaged in erecting a new frame residence on his place at that settlement. It is to be quite an ornament to that part of our environs, and reflect credit upon the enterprise of its builder. Mr. CHANTRELL, the Canadian customs inspector, has been called to Kamiloop, B. C., on account of the serious illness of his wife. C. W. CLUTE, of New Westminster, B. C., is officiating in his stead during the absence. Mr. CHANTRELL has the wishes of a host of friends that his wife may soon be restored to health. D. R. GOTT was engaged the first of the week in moving the old Fox building from the north end of Washington avenue to Martin street, near the corner of Third street, for the Messrs. LEWIS & BARBER, who will use the same as a market, Mr. LEWIS occupying the upper portion as a residence. The building is a two story frame, 20x40, and will make most desirable quarters for their business. Peter FOSTER & Co. are excavating for the erection of a brick store building on the lot recently purchased on Washington avenue, adjacent to the City Bakery. The building is to be 22x60, making a ground floor of 1320, square feet. This with the new front C. W. HOMOYER is to put on his place adjacent, will add much to the appearance of the street.
The examination of teachers for county certificates concluded last week.
Of the nineteen applicants, five failed to obtain a certificate at all, while
those who obtained certificates were: The bridge over the Nooksack at Lynden is to be completed by Jan. 1st. Ed. THOMAS is once more able to assume his duties at the North ward school, having recovered from his throat affliction. George PERLEY, we regret to learn, has another attack of rheumatism, which confined him to the house the first of the week. He hopes soon to be out again, though. Dr. D. HERALD of Langtry, one of the health officers of British Columbia, has been spending a few days in the city. A. B. TAYLOR is at work moving the sidewalk on Fourth street, between Martin and Boblett, some six feet nearer the lot line. Messrs. Will PETTIBONE, Lou PETTIBONE and Deputy Collector McLENNAN came up from Whatcom Tuesday on a speeder over the railroad track. Two hours and twenty minutes were necessary to make the trip.
MARRIED - In this city at the residence of Judge DUNN on December 20th, 1892,
Mr. Henry B. POTTER and Miss Mary C. BROWN, Rev. STAYT officiating. Geo. CORNISH is engaged in putting a coat of paint on the Methodist parsonage on Fourth street. This is a needed improvement, and will add much to the appearance of the house. Tom PAINE is arranging to open an office for the practice of law in the premises on H street, near Washington avenue, at one time occupied by POWER & HUGHES as a real estate headquarters. The place is receiving some needed alterations, but the senator hopes to be ready for business the first of the week. A marriage license has been issued to George RUSSELL, Jr. and Miss Johan MURRY of Ferndale. Free mail delivery is to be established at Whatcom Dec. 1st. A new plank walk is being laid from H to Boblett street for the accommodation of those visiting the postoffice. The work is in charge of Street Superintendent OVERMAN, and is a much needed improvement. Mrs. J. A. MARTIN has been confined to the house for the past fortnight by a complication of illness. She is perhaps slowly recovering, but is still quite sick. J. B. SLOAN has been engaged in clearing away the refuse from his two lots on Fourth street between F and G, where he hopes soon to erect a residence. Edward LAMAR returned on Friday last from the bedside of his invalid mother, who resides at Troy, N. Y. Edward N. GRAY, the new Postal operator, has moved his family into the house on Fourth street formerly occupied by Mrs. WELCOME. Rev. A. R. JOHNSTON, of the Congregational church, has taken a part of the HAMLIN residence on Blaine avenue, and expects to occupy it the first of the week with his family. H. CHANTREL has returned from Kamiloop, where he was called by the illness of his wife. Mrs. C. is now slowly recovering, and will in time undoubtedly return to Blaine. When in Whatcom you can find pleasant, clean and well kept rooms in the new stone Roth block, corner of G and Thirteenth streets. Mrs. O. P. JACKSON has the place in charge, and those who have occasion to remain over night at the county seat will consult their interests by calling on her. Friday, December 2, 1892: Emmet McDONALD returned from Colorado Thursday. J. D. GARDINER of Delta was in town early in the week. Byron KINGSLEY has been suffering from an attack of rheumatism. James MANYON, representing the Tacoma Grocery company, was in Blaine Monday. Geo. BROWN of Birch Bay connected with the school there, was a Blaine visitor Sunday. J. P. BURDICK salesman for the A. E. McCLUSKY grocery house of Seattle was among our dealers Monday. E. RICE of Ellmore, Ohio, is a visitor in the city. He is making a tour of the Sound, having come here from Seattle. Mr. RICE expresses himself as more than pleased with Blaine and its prospects. L. W. DAIVD, William BERTRAND, T. A. KENNEDY, O. D. McDONALD, Chas. O. PERLEY, Geo. D. ROOT, and James WALKER went to Whatcom Monday in response to subpoenai in the case of the state vs. of Wm. IRVNE. Auditor COLLIER has issued a marriage license to H. A. CRAMER and Miss Marietta SMITH of this city. The DAVIES & HUNTER mill was forced to lay idle a short time early in the week, on account of scarcity of timber. The dominion government now requires that all passengers over the Great Northern submit to vaccination at Douglass. This is done as a precaution, owing to the prevalence of small pox at various stations on its line.
-Orange HOPKINS and wife came down from Sumas on Saturday, returning Monday. -Born -- On Saturday, Nov. 19th, to the wife of Alvah HILTON, a boy. -W. F. CALVERTL went to Whatcom Wednesday. -The wife of Henry SMITH has been suffering with hemorrhage of the lungs the past few days, but is improving. -J. S. AUSTIN, Harvey SLADE and others have been visiting the Islands with a view of locating there. -Mr. and Mrs. McGEE of Snohomish are visiting with the family of Prof. WILSON. -On account of bad weather, S. L. PALMER dismissed the men who were working on the LEWIS ditch, and will finish the work in the spring.
-Miss Mary ECKFORD is spending a few days in Westminster. -Westminster seems to have some attraction for the young folks, for Mr. John KAMERON has not yet returned from that city, where he went two weeks ago. -Henry SETZER ? and John KULP attended the box social at Woodland. -Mr. John LOWRY purchased a pair of ponies of S. P. HUGHES of Blaine the other day. -Rev. CRADLE of Seattle preached in the school house on Sunday at 11 a.m. -Robert ECKFORD and Miss Bella ECKFORD attended quarterly meeting. -Miss Pauline JACOBS was in Blaine over Saturday. -About 75 people gathered at the residence of Mr. S. P. THOMSON on Monday evening and had a house warming. All report having a good time. A large portion of our space is occupied this week by the delinquent tax list for the city of Blaine. There are something over 2000 delinquent lots listed, and the total tax and penalties assessed amount to over $4000. An additional 10 per cent for attorney's fees will be added, and if the same is sold 50 cents more will be charged for a tax title certificate for each lot. Friday, December 9, 1892:
Tuesday last the annual municipal election of the city of Blaine was held in the school house on H street. W. B. DUNN acted as inspector, and E. M. ADAMS and J. A. MARTIN as judges. A. B. TAYLOR and Capt. D. P. GREELY were the clerks. A fair day brought out a large number to witness the result, but the vote was somewhat lighter than that cast at the general election. A total of 217 votes were cast, and everything passed off smoothly. There were four tickets in the field, viz: A citizens' ticket, people's ticket, independent ticket and still another styled independent. The count showed the following result, the citizens' ticket being elected in its entirety: Charley MERRITT has opened a roller skating rink in the Flowers' building on E street. The attendance has been good, and to those who enjoy sport of this sort, a rink will be most acceptable. The Blaine opera house has been placed in charge of Prof. Harry THOMAS, who will hereafter have exclusive control of this affair.
Program of the Blue Ribbon club for Saturday evening Dec. 10th:
Tom DEVINE and John Doe, who were recently convicted of robbing the jewelry store of Lester W. DAVID of this city, were on Monday last sentenced to seven years each in the penitentiary. The case against IRWIN et al. was dismissed, in the opinion of the prosecution there not being sufficient evidence to convict. A meeting to organize a club to make weekly contributions for the purpose of defraying the expense of a trip to the world's fair, was held at the opera house Monday evening. A plan was formulated, officers elected, and an adjournment had to the office of A. E. MEAD on Sunday next. Those who intend going to Chicago next year would do well to investigate. The Congregational society held a social at the church Wednesday evening, at which time 70 persons were present. A male sewing contest was engaged in, the prizes for which were carried off by E. A. BROWN, Clarence JOHNSTON and Weston JONES. An enjoyable time was spent. Refreshments were served.
The usual Monday night gathering of the Epworth League at the M. E. church
was something out of the regular order, and was well attended. Below will
be found the program as rendered:
Following are the officers elected by International City Lodge No. 79 A. F. U. A. M. Tuesday night Dec. 6, 1892. W. J. GILLESPIE, W. M., P. FOSTER, J. S. JOHNSTON, J. W.; J. B. WEBSTER, treasurer, J. W. TANNER, secretary.
Transfers of real estate made for Blaine and vicinity:
List of letters remaining uncalled for in the postoffice at Blaine, Wash.,
Dec. 9th, 1892.
Dr. DRYSDALE left on Friday last for Seattle, where he intends practicing his profession. Herman EKERT of Nanaimo, B. C., has been in town, and has some intention of locating here. Soapy WADSWORTH, connected with the WEBB Grocery company of Seattle, was in town part of the week. E. WYMON of the Drysdale cannery, has gone to Seattle to spend the winter, but will return to Blaine in February. P. D. HARKNESS has left for his home at Everson. Pete left many friends here who wish for him abundant success in his new venture.
-Mrs. BEAVERS has been very sick the past two weeks. -Mrs. RUSCO is now convalescing, after a long illness. -Mr. and Mrs. Will STEVENS left Lynden Saturday for their new home in Edison. -Capt. MALTBY has moved his family to Seattle where they will reside in the future. Mr. FOX and family have moved into his house. -James BACUS of Whatcom spent Sunday with friends in Lynden. -Work on the new bridge in progressing rapidly. Friday, December 16, 1892: T. B. SHANNON returned home with his bride Tuesday. Oval PIRKEY has returned to the city, and will engage in his practice here. Mrs. M. L. PECK, of Missoula, Mont. has been visiting friends here the past week. Frank HYMEN representing FISCHER & MacDONALD of Seattle, was in town Tuesday. H. W. WHEELER of Seattle, brother of the cashier of the Blaine National bank, has been visiting Blaine for the past few days. E. L. ALEXANDER, representing the American Type Foundry association, called on us Tuesday.
T. B. SHANNON, of the firm of G. W. SHANNON & Co., hardware merchants,
was married on the 30th ult. at Quincy, Kan., to Miss Lulu E. BREWER of the
city. Mr. SHANNON and his bride returned to Blaine Tuesday, where they will
make their future home. Mr. SHANNON is one of our enterprising young business
men, and with the life partner he has taken will prove a valued acquisition
to the social circle of Blaine. They have the wishes of the Journal for their
happiness and prosperity in their new state. Mrs. A. R. JOHNSON, wife of the pastor of the Congregational church, was the recipient of a fine lamp last Monday evening, from her numerous friends, the event being her 38th birthday. A social dance in honor of Miss May DAVID was held at Kingsley's hall Thursday evening, at which a large number of our young people enjoyed themselves. L. H. GRIFFIN of our Electric Light company, was in town Thursday making arrangements to a resumption of operation of the electric light plant. Tuesday, as J. GORE was engaged in hauling shingles from the International mill, his horses turned suddenly and lunged into the bay, a distance of some 18 feet. A boat was put out after them and they swam rapidly to the shore, which they made in good season, much to the surprise of the spectators, as the water was quite deep where they went over. They came to the beach minus of injury and were soon again in the traces. The Blaine shingle mill is beginning to do some work in cutting shingles. What they cut are of good quality, and under the management of Mr. BEARDSLEY, will in a very short time be in good shape and running on full time. The Great Northern is pushing matters along rapidly and by the first of the year will have a through line to St. Paul. A fact which will be appreciated by the citizens of this neighborhood. The matter of the tide land spur will be taken in hand so soon as the track of the main line is completed, we are informed. S. N. BOLLES representing the St. Charles creamery company, was in Blaine Thursday and Friday in the interest of his firm. He is a pleasant, affable gentleman, and strictly business. Married -- Dec. 10th, 1892, at the residence of the bride's parents on B street, by Rev. J. A. STAYT, Herman A. CRAMIER to Miss Marietta L. SMITH. The Lyceum of the Presbyterian church of this city completed its organization last Wednesday evening with the following officers: President J. A. STAYT; Vice Presidents, J. S. CRILLY and P. McPHERESON; Secretary, Thomas PAYNE; Treasurer, J. S. MORRISON, Editor, John SLOAN; Chorister, J. S. CRILLEY; Organist, Henry HORTON; Assistant organist, Nellie CRILLEY; Program committee, J. A. STAYT, Tom PAYNE, Cora POWER, Anna WALLER, Mrs. C. A. McLENNAN, P. McPHERESON. The lyceum has a membership of forty-four. Others will be welcome on recommendation of committee on membership. Members may invite their friends to the meeting of the lyceum which will be held each Wednesday evening at 7:30 at the Presbyterian church. The object of the lyceum is mutual self-improvement - mental, moral and social. Its exercises will be devotional, literary, musical and social. SUTTON's Uncle Tom Cabin company are to give an entertainment at the opera house on Monday evening, Jan. 9th. The combination is well spoken of, and should have a liberal patronage. An alarm of fire at noon on Monday brought the fire ladies out in short order. The alarm came from the North Ward school house on D street. Fire came through the bottom of a broken stove, setting fire to the floor. The firemen under the direction of Chief McCALL, promptly cut a small hole in the floor, turned the hose on and in a short time the fire was extinguished. The blaze caught in Mrs. FLINT's room. Friday, December 23, 1892: In 1870 the state of Washington contained 56 saw mills and cut 190,000,000 feet of lumber. So the old records have it. William G. FLETCHER, a young Scotchman who recently worked in logging camps on Puget Sound, has fallen heir to an estate in Scotland, which is worth $125,000. The shingle manufacturers of Whatcom county met at New Whatcom last Saturday and organized the Whatcom County Shingle Men's Association. George COOPER was made president, D. H. DELON secretary and F. G. UNDERWOOD traveling agent. There are 41 mills in the county of which 25 were represented at the meeting. It was proposed to make the headquarters at Whatcom, and to act in concert with the Northwest association. From the reports made it appears that this county has 41 mills with a total of 110 blocks, when the number of blocks in both Washington and Oregon is but 253, showing Whatcom to be the banner county by long odds. MARRIED - Dec. 21st, 1892 at the residence of the bride's parents in Semiahmoo, Henry HENSPETER and Miss Eliza Jane SCOTT both of Birch Bay, Rev. J. A. STAYT officiating. From Dec. 26th, to 29th, inclusive, the Great Northern railroad will sell tickets to parties desiring to attend the annual meeting of the Washington state teachers association, to be held at Tacoma Dec. 27, at one and one-fifth regular fare, and to return up to Jan. 7th when application is signed by H. B. DEWY secretary. Tuesday morning at 5 o'clock the shingle mill of H. BEHM at Custer was entirely destroyed by fire. The fire caught from the refuse pile and burned rapidly. There was no insurance on the property and it was valued at upward of $3000. An effort was made to confine the fire to the mill but the high wind blowing at the time carried the sparks to various frame sheds about the premises and a large quantity of lumber was in this manner burned. The glare of the flames were plainly seen from Blaine. J. D. GARDINER of Delta was in the city this week. Parker LEE of Tacoma is stopping in the city with friends. P. W. BROWN, the popular Great Northern station agent, was on a vacation to Seattle the first of the week, Frank McCALL officiating in his stead. Henry LOZIER, who belongs in the Kootney country, was in Blaine Saturday. He says that mining booms are taking on a great impetus up in that section.
MARRIED George WAGGONER, a brother-in-law of Henry LOOMIS, was found dead in his bed on the morning of December 6th, at his residence in Rochester, N. Y. Deceased was 58 years of age, and had served a term of service in the civil war of 1861. He was a man of more than average ability, and left an enviable record for honor and valor, which might well be emulated.
Wednesday morning, sometime near 8 o'clock, the dead body of Martin WARE,
the flour and feed merchant on Washington avenue, was in his office by A.
H. ABERS, who had gone to his place of business for the purpose of delivering
a car load of hay which had come in the evening previous. Mr. ABERS found
the doors locked and on looking in the window saw a light burning on the
office table and the body of deceased lying on the floor, with a 22 calibre
gun which had been taken from the shooting gallery, lying between the limbs
with the muzzle resting upon the breast. A cocked revolver was lying upon
the table and a quantity of shells were about it. There was a wound in the
left breast, and also one squarely in the centre of the forehead, which the
probe showed to have taken a straight line to the base of the brain. The
arms of the body were outstretched and close to the left hand lay a one foot
rule. An examination of the body was made by Dr. KING. A jury consisting
of F. POWER, Thos. PAYNE, W. J. GILLESPIE, George TERRY, J. H. HALL and H.
B. POTTER was impanneled by Justice ADAMS ex-official coroner which, after
viewing the body met at the school house on H street at 2 o'clock to listen
to evidence. A large number of witnesses were examined and an adjournment
at 5 p.m., taken to 9 o'clock of Thursday morning, for a continuance of
testimony. An electric light franchise has been asked from the city council. It is proposed to place a plant in proximity to some of the shingle mills, and operate the same at a minimum cost, the same to be in operation by Sept. 1st next. On the authority of M. R. STAIGHT of Lynden, we learn that a vein of coal some 16 feet in thickness, has been found just north of Lynden, and it is to be rapidly developed. The Northern Pacific are to build a line so it will touch this coal supply, and from remarks among the knowing ones, it is not unprobable that the line may be extended to Blaine. The auditor has issued a marriage license to Robert F. RAMSEY and Miss Agnes RAMSEY, both of West Ferndale. The contractors of both the Lynden and West Ferndale bridges have asked for an extension of time, owing to delay in getting material on account of the Homestead strike. E. A. WADHAMS of Ladner's Landing has leased from Mrs. Kate WALLER a part of the frontage portion of her property at Point Roberts and intends erecting there at once a large salmon cannery. The building of the plant will commence immediately after Christmas. The concern will be quite an extensive affair, and will add materially to the canned fish output of this part of the Sound. We are unable to state the capacity of the new enterprise at this writing, but understand it will be quite large. John BURNLY the laundryman, is about to remove his building to the corner of H and Fourth streets. A growing business neccissitate more commodious quarters. Donald ROSS has suspended [torn] tions in his bathhouse, owing t [torn] to his heating apparatus. Friday, December 31, 1892: August WAGNER the only brother of Mrs. A. LOOMIS and brother-in-law of Henry LOOMIS, died of heart disease, Dec. 8th, 1892, at his residence in Rochester, N. Y. He served four years in the civil war and belonged to the Pioneer Post of Rochester, N. Y. Aged 49 years. J. BURNLEY, the laundryman, is busily engaged in re-building his new quarters at H and Fourth streets. He is moving the building which was at one time occupied by him a few feet back in the lot. A new front is to be put in and a residence constructed apart from the laundry, and when completed will form an L shaped affair with an entrance both on Fourth and H streets. It will make much superior quarters to those he will vacate. Blaine has been very much bothered during the past week for mail and train service. Landslides south of us on the track of the Great Northern have been the cause.
Tuesday evening International City No. 79, A. F. & A. M., held a public
installation at their hall, in the Staeubli building. The installation was
public by invitation, and the lodge room was filled to its utmost capacity
by as fine and intelligent an audience of ladies and gentlemen as one could
see in many days' travel. After the ceremonies, which were interesting and
impressive, were concluded, remarks were made by Messrs. HOYT, GILLESPIE,
RAMAGE, SLOAN, RICE and Rev. Mr. STAYT. G. H. HOTY acted installing officer
and Frank HERMAN as grand marshal. The officers installed were as
follows: Tuesday night some vandal broke the lock from the warehouse on Miller's wharf and stole therefrom two sacks of flour and two bags of corn. The position of the warehouse made it an easy place to loot. There is no clue to the robbers.
-Mrs. BITTERMAN is on the sick list. -Mr. George WORTHEN was visiting friends in this vicinity on Thursday. -On Christmas eve there was a tree and dance at Mr. WEIDCAMPS. -Mr. OLSON lost part of the roof off from his barn during the wind on Wednesday. -Will CRAWFORD was in Blaine the first of the week. -Robert ECKFORD, who is working at Drayton, visited his sisters a few days ago. -Mr. BROE's folks had a Christmas tree on the 24th at the Hop house, and we have learned that a good many of the neighbors joined with them. -School closed Friday with appropriate exercises. -Miss SMITH returned to her home at Mountain View on Saturday. Louie PETTIBONE left on Monday for the east and will remain for some time at Chicago and take in the sights. Ed. PROPER, the genial attache of the DAVID jewelry store, has been at Seattle during the past week spending Christmas with his relatives and friends. W. C. HAMMOND, who was an attache of CAIN Bros. large store when it was in operation here, and who has been for some time past located at Pullman, Wash., is, we are pleased to know, soon to locate again among us. Pete HARKNESS, who was formerly connected with the Postal Telegraph service here, but now a citizen of Everson, was in town during the past week. Pete is a whole souled generous fellow and left many friends in Blaine when he departed, who wish him all manner of success in whatever he may undertake.
Copied by Susan Nahas 2001-2002
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