The Weekly Blade
New Whatcom, Washington

Wednesday, April 20, 1898:

John H. PLASTER, a Whatcom county pioneer, died at his home near Ferndale at 12 o'clock Saturday and was buried Sunday at 2 o'clock p. m. Funeral services were conducted at the family residence by Rev. WHITFIELD of the First M. E. church, Ferndale. Deceased met his death very suddenly, passing away with only moments warning. His death is attributed to heart failure. Mr. PLASTER was about 70 years of age, and was one of the first settlers at Ferndale. He, like all the early settlers, went through the vicissitudes incident to pioneer life, but finally succeeded in building one of the finest homes in Whatcom county. He was elected and served as probate judge of this county in the early days. He leaves a widow and a large family.

C. A. DAY of Sumas, whose shingle mill and dry kiln were destroyed by fire Friday, was in the city yesterday. The fire originated in the dry kiln, it spread instantaneously and soon the entire mill was aflame, and in about ten minutes was a smouldering heap of burnt timbers, ashes and twisted machinery. The dry kiln contained 600,000 shingles. Mr. DAY states that he had 600 cords of bolts in the river ready to be cut into shingles at the time of the fire. The mill had a daily capacity of 125,000 shingles and employed 45 men in the mill and woods. Mr. Day says the loss was partly covered by insurance. He hasn't decided whether he will rebuild or not. He has a couple of locations in view. The mill had only been running about three months.

A. N. DRAIN's house on Hill and Gladstone streets was burglarized Saturday night at about 12 o'clock, and a purse containing five $20 gold pieces was stolen. The thief gained entrance by unlocking the front door, presumably with a skeleton key, which such gentry usually carry. The family were sleeping in an adjoining room and Mrs. F. L. WILSON, daughter of Mr. DRAIN, who is living with him, was awakened by the slamming of the door. She aroused Mr. WILSON who immediately struck a light; this frightened the thief and he skipped, leaving the doors open as he ran. No clue can be found as to who the guilty parties are. Mr. DRAIN notified Marshal McKNIGHT Sunday morning.

James JACKSON, a veteran of the civil war, died at his home at Sunnyside on Lake Whatcom, Saturday at 9 o'clock a. m. Death was caused by chronic effects of exposure in the army, old age and heart troubles. Mr. JACKSON was a native of England, born July 30, 1817. He emigrated to America and became a citizen of this country in 1848. He enlisted in the army August 2, 1862, and was a member of the Fifty-third Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, Second battalion, organized at Philadelphia. Mr. JACKSON was honorably discharged July 7, 1865, after having served his country faithfully and bravely for three years. He was a member of the Congregational church in Franklin, Nebraska. Deceased was nearly 81 years of age at the time of his death. Funeral services were held at the residence and were conducted by Rev. D. L. FORDNEY of Anacortes. Remains were interred at Bay View cemetery at 1 o'clock, Sunday, on the lot owned by the L. P. Plummer post, G. A. R. The G. A. R., J. B. Steadman and L. P. Plummer posts conducted the burial service with their beautiful and impressive ritual ceremony. The deepest sympathy is extended to the bereaved widow who survives him.

Ed. JACOBS, an employe at HENRY & Sons' shingle mill at Hollingsworth, lost the tips of the first three fingers of his left hand this morning on a cut-off saw. Dr. AXTELL dressed the injured fingers.

Nicholas JERNS and Miss Alice MONTAGUE were united in marriage at the Church of the Assumption this morning at 8 o'clock, Rev. Father BOULET officiating. Only relatives and a few friends were present at the marriage ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. JERNS will go east on a wedding tour, after which they will return and take up their residence at Silver Beach, where Mr. JERNS is engaged in the manufacture of shingles. The bride is well and favorably known both in this city and Fairhaven. Mr. JERNS is a well-known shingle manufacturer of this county, doing business at Silver Beach.

Mrs. A. BOWMAN of Sumas, B. C., this morning swore out a warrant before Judge R. J. ANDERSON charging John McDONALD of Sumas with shooting at her son, M. BOWMAN, with intent to kill while he was loading a harrow into his wagon on charge of duck shot went clattering through his legs. Some of the shot lodged in the ankles and could not be taken out without fear of making amputation necessary. The trouble grew out of partnership in farming implements.

A warrant was sworn out in Judge R. J. ANDERSON's court this morning by Mr. HORAT charging Henry KESTNER with grand larceny. Mr. HORAT accuses KESTNER with entering his barn at night and stealing a horse. Mr. KESTNER is out in the county and Constable WELLS left shortly after the warrant was issued to apprehend him.

Thomas ROWLAND was brought in from Ruby creek this morning by Sheriff ESTABROOK and will be tried before Judge HADLEY for insanity.

Roy WILSON, a 10-year-old boy, lost the middle finger of his right hand last Sunday morning. He was standing beside a piling at the wharf watching the landing of the steamer City of Puebla. His hand was resting over the end of the piling, when the big steamer was landed with a bump, striking the little fellow's finger, smashing it to a jelly. The boy was so badly frightened that he did not utter a whimper and struck off on the run like a deer. A bystander caught the boy, placed him in a cab and hurried him to a doctor's office where the injured finger was amputated. The boy narrowly escaped having his whole arm smashed.

A. J. BLETHEN, jr., managing editor of the Seattle Times, and his sisters, Misses Florence and Marion BLETHEN, arrived from Seattle this afternoon and will be guests of Mrs. SWADLEY, Mrs. FULLER and Miss SWADLEY until after the production of "Manzanita" Thursday evening. Mrs. A. J. BLETHEN will be the guest of Mrs. C. L. HOLT, an old schoolmate.

James E. RIDDLE, aged 25 years, died at his home at Welcome last Wednesday. Deceased was a son of J. W. RIDDLE, postmaster at Welcome. His death was caused by lung trouble which he had been suffering with for nearly a year. He leaves a widow and one child to mourn his loss. Interment was made in the Welcome cemetery yesterday.

In connection with the bureau of information, the board of trade and the Ladies' Co-operative society have decided to open an employment bureau. A fee of 50 cents will be charged to both the employer and the employe for information furnished.

T. T. HANSEN and Miss Muriel PERKINS of Vancouver, B. C., were married last Wednesday at 2 o'clock, Judge R. J. ANDERSON, officiating. The happy couple left yesterday for their home in Vancouver.

Mr. CHAPMAN and family have moved into a neat cottage on Garden street opposite the Methodist parsonage.

Miss Anna GRAHAM, superintendent of St. Luke's hospital, returned yesterday from a trip to Olympia.

C. H. ADIST is in the city from Seattle looking after his property interests on the Bay.

W. W. LANGDON and family of Pasadena, Cal., arrived in the city yesterday.

E. M. DOUGALL of Anacortes was doing business in the city yesterday.

Pleasant Valley News.
-George MARKWOOD, wife and family moved on to the UPSON place on Tuesday.
-Charles MARTINSON has been suffering with cramps lately to such an extent that he can hardly get around to attend to his work.
-Mrs. M. J. McHEFFEY of Birch Bay was very badly bruised on Saturday morning by a kick from a young horse which she was trying to drive away from the team which was hitched to the wagon.
-Ed. JULIAN, deputy assessor, was around here Wednesday assessing the personal property.

Mountain View.
-George ROESSEL and Charles SMITH went to Lummi island the first of the week.
-Charles DEEDS and Mr. WOOD have given up the contract of getting out logs for MORRISON Bros.' mill at Ferndale. Mr. WOOD has gone to Woolley.
-The Misses Alice, Laura and Carrie SMITH and Hattie CARTWRIGHT and Messrs. Clifford MILLER, George DEEDS, Robert SMITH, Bert SMITH and Mr. and Mrs. Charles DEEDS of this neighborhood attended the social and entertainment given by the Woodmen of Ferndale Friday evening.
-Mr. CROSBY of the Seattle Marble Works and his agent, Mr. THAYER, arrived in Ferndale Friday with tombstones for T. WYNN, B. HEYWOOD, Mrs. NELSON, Mr. LONG and one for the reservation. Mr. CROSBY's work in this locality has given the best satisfaction. H. A. SMITH is agent in Ferndale and Mountain View country.
-John PLASTER, one of the pioneers on the west side of the river, died very suddenly at his home below Ferndale, Saturday. Many of the old settlers are fast passing away.

Blaine Brevities.
-E. G. J. McDONALD of the Northwest Packing Co. has rented rooms above Mrs. GEERY's millinery store and his sister will keep house for him during the summer.
-J. W. DORR left on Wednesday's train to attend the funeral of his mother who resided at Wiser Lake.
-Charles GOTCHY and Miss Anna NASH were united in wedlock last Sunday evening at the home of the bride's parents. After the ceremony all present partook of a bounteous repast and went away wishing the happy couple all joy and happiness.
-The Foster building on Washington avenue is being cleaned and got ready for the Clark Clothing Co.
-Willie WOLTEN, who has been quite sick with la grippe, is once more seen on our streets.
-Jack CONKLIN has been a sufferer of la grippe during the past two weeks.
-Mrs. A. GEERY suffered a relapse last Tuesday and has been quite sick again.
April 18, 1898.

Enterprise Items.
-Mr. and Mrs. M. J. KLOCK and family spent Sunday with E. R. McKEAN.
-R. JONES and Will CROOKER improved Crooker avenue the fore part of the week.
-Miss Belle WAITE is spending a few weeks with R. JONES and family.
-G. L. JACKSON and son are working on their ranch this week.
-Miss Effie AITKIN is at home, spending her vacation by having the measles.
-Mr. WALBECK is building a road on the south side of Mr. HODGSON's farm out to the plank road.
-Mrs. HODGSON's sister and family arrived last Sunday from Michigan; they came to make Whatcom county their home.
-E. R. McKEAN has rented the NEWKIRK place for this season.

Evergreen Tales.
-Jack BRYS and Mamie COLEMAN received their new bicycles this week.
-Henry DEWITT was plowing for Capt. JOHNSON Friday.
-Mike GEE, Will SHIELDS, Vert GARRIS and Will CROOKER played ball in Evergreen Sunday.
-George MEAD of Woodlawn was in Evergreen Saturday.
April 18, 1898.

Sumas Items.
-Mr. ROSS and wife, formerly of Sumas, arrived last Monday from North Dakota, where they have lived for the past three years or more.
-L. J. FLANAGAN's little daughter, by a fall, had her arm broken last Monday.
-The business and working people of Sumas, as well as the owners, have met with a great loss in the burning of the C. A. DAY shingle mill Friday. Fire started in the center of the dry kiln at the noon hour. The mill will be rebuilt in the near future.
-Mr. RHODES, owner of the Seawright place, with his son came up to Sumas Saturday afternoon on the S. & I. The son will stay and look after the place until the first of September.
-S. MARSH has rented the plow land on T. G. THOMAS' place for the season.
April 18, 1898

Nooksack Notes.
-M. COLE, the Nooksack cash merchant, made a business visit down sound last week in company with his brother, who has been visiting here from White River.
-Mrs. R. M. STITES leaves for the East Wednesday.
-Mrs. S. L. CARTER is going east on a visit this week.
-Edward McGRATH has finished his work at the Glen Echo mine and will go to work at the Blue Canyon mine.
-Peter GILLIES has sold his interest in the mill to the remainder of the company and will ranch this year.
-Peter GILLIES and Frank SWANSON have purchased the Steve STITES property.

W. STEWART of Seattle, father of Harry STEWART who was sentenced to serve a five-years' term in the Walla Walla penitentiary for shooting Jasper NESSELROAD, is in the city diligently working for influence to have his son pardoned.

F. L. OLSLAGER writes from Fort Wrangel, Alaska, that Duncan McKINNON, Harry Wellman, George M. SORELLE and A. L. BARR have left that point for the headwaters of the Yukon.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. HURLEY of Fairhaven are parents of a new daughter. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. CHARROIN ditto.

YOUNG & WILLIAMS of Blaine have leased the plant of the Bellingham Bay Canning Co. at Chuckanut.

James SHIELDS of Fairhaven is quite ill with la grippe, which threatens to merge into pneumonia.

Mrs. M. ARONSON is confined to her home with a severe attack of measles.

J. H. LEASIA of Ashland, Wis., is looking over the prospects of the city.

Police officer E. E. WILSON has resigned his position on the police force on account of ill health. Lorenz NEHER has been appointed to fill the vacancy.

C. M. VAIDEN sold his residence lot on High street to W. R. MOULTRAY Thursday. Mr. VAIDEN and family will soon leave for Vaiden, Mississippi.

D. H. EVANS of the Labor Exchange says the Lynden cheese factory will be doing business about May 1.

Frank O'NEIL and family of Lynden have moved into the city.

Edward KENOYER is sick with measles at St. Luke's hospital.

W. B. LEITCH of Timon was in the metropolis Thursday to hear the latest from Washington.

J. A. JOHNSON, proprietor of the California house on D street, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth, bought that excellent property this week from J. C. EVANS, Mr. JOHNSON having already made improvements on the lot valued at $1,500.

C. B. LUTZ, who has charge of the Zeno DOTY farm on Cottonwood island, is in the city. He says the prospects for fruit and other crops on the islands are o.k. Strawberries are in bloom, and early garden truck is up and growing nicely.

Alex NEWMAN, who has been working on the Blaine-Ferndale road, was taken to St. Joseph's hospital Thursday by Marshal McKNIGHT. Mr. NEWMAN has a severe case of rheumatism.

The steamer Bay City, Captain W. H. ELLIS, will soon be thoroughly overhauled and practically transformed into a new boat. Both fore and aft cabins will be extended, and all the state rooms torn down and rebuilt, the number being increased by the change of the cabins. The cabins and rooms will be fitted out with new carpets and furniture. A new pilot house will be built. She will be equipped with a new boiler, new pumps and condensers. The boat will be lighted with electricity. An Edson five killo-watte, 100-light machine will be placed in the boat. It will be an incandescent 1,600-candle light with a searchlight equal to 3,000 candle power. The searchlight will be placed on the pilot house and will make Deception pass as light as day. The Bay City is a New Whatcom boat, and Captain ELLIS says he wishes the name were "New Whatcom." The Bay City is listed here, all the wood, hardware and groceries that are used on the boat are purchased in this city. ....

W. H. FRASER, formerly a resident of New Whatcom, was in the city yesterday on business. Mr. FRASER was formerly of the B. B. Lumber and Manufacturing Co., which operated a large mill and factory in the old mill buildings on Dock street. The property is now owned by McLEOD & FRASER. Some manufacturing parties are negotiating for the mill site and Mr. FRASER is here to confer with them. Mr. FRASER is a contractor and builder in Vancouver, B. C. ...

State Senator S. D. REINHART spent a pleasant hour at the BLADE office yesterday. The senator came to Puget Sound in 1852, to Whatcom county in 1862 and has maintained a continuous residence here since 1876. ...

Advertised letters at New Whatcom postoffice April 15, 1898:
Louis BUSSIERE, E. MARRON, Geo. M. CLOVER - 3, Mrs. Elvine FOSMARK, Mrs. Loucida FRANCER, J. M. GARDNER - 2, Bishop S. GARRISON, Peter JENSEN, W. H. JUDD - 2, Harry B. KEELER - 2, Edward MARSHALL, O. F. PARKER, E. H. RICE, C. K. ROBERTS, D. T. STANLEY - 2, R. A. SPRAGUE, The North Wood Cedar company.
George W. BOYD, postmaster.

P. M. GERMAN is fixing up the gymnasiun in tip top shape. The bath room has been put in good order, while the reading room in 100 per cent better than it was two weeks ago. Strangers who desire a good, hospitable place to rest for an hour or two should remember that the latch string of the Y. M. C. A. is out.

Sheriff A. B. ESTABROOK went to Chehalis Thursday with John HUPPERT, the 11 year old Fairhaven lad who has been sentenced to a term in the reform school.

H. W. NEGLEY of Marysville is in the city for the purpose of establishing an employment bureau here. The local bureau of information, operated by the Ladies' Co-operative society and board of trade, has been acting as a free employment bureau and the experiment has been quite satisfactory.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. CAMPBELL are receiving the congratulations of everybody in town over the arrival at their home on Walnut street Thursday evening of a wee daughter to divide popularity with 3-year old Lysle, he of the eloquent eyes and winning ways.

Mrs. Zeno DOTY and daughter, Ruth, have gone to spend the summer with relatives in Nebraska. Mr. DOTY accompanied them as far as Seattle.

Little Joe and Violet SEMON are suffering from attacks of the measles, Alvin having just recovered from a severe tussle with the epidemic.

Rev. M. C. COLE of the First Baptist church, has been granted a pension of $6 a month by the government.

John L. DURDIN, the 70,000 per-day shingle sawyer, was in the city from Lawrence yesterday.

G. M. JOHNSON, the Acme shingle mill man, was in the city yesterday.

John AGAN and family have arrived from Puyallup, Wash., and will make New Whatcom their home. Mr. Agan will engage in the meat business with his brother, Tom AGAN.

L. H. BOOKER, millwright at the Whatcom Falls mill, received the sad intelligence of the near approach of the death of his father, aged 80 years, Carbon, Iowa.

William HARRISON, an employee at MOULTRAY's mill, Nooksack, met with an accident Tuesday morning which will probably cost him the loss of one of his eyes. A sharp piece of an iron wedge struck his eye, entering the eyeball near the pupil. An operation was performed Wednesday afternoon, and it was found that the small particle had penetrated to such a depth as to cause loss of sight.

J. Y. COLLINS, J. M. EDSON and Mrs. W. T. COUPE are three of New Whatcom's foremost taxidermists and curio collectors. Each has a fine collection of native birds and animals, mounted in life-like form. The collections of shells, agates, etc., found on Bellingham Bay and among the islands of the Sound, are very interesting to everybody, especially visitors from the interior states.

Miss Evangeline BOOTH, accompanied by six staff officers, will be in the city May 5, and will hold a meeting in the opera house on the evening of that date. The officers will proceed to Dawson City, Alaska, where they open Salvation army headquarters.

Mrs. O. P. BROWN received a telegram yesterday containing the sad intelligence of the death of her father, John VAUGHAN, aged 60 years, a resident of Fort Smith, Arkansas. He died at 5 o'clock p. m., yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. BROWN will leave tomorrow afternoon to be present at the funeral.

John FRAZER of Rat Portage, Manitoba, arrived in the city over the C. P. R. Tuesday. He is visiting his brother, Allen FRAZER, who is employed in the Graves & Backus bank.

T. F. KANE of the Seattle Mining Journal is in city gathering information and data for an illustrated write-up of the Mount Baker gold fields.

J. B. HOLMES of New Haven, New Hampshire, E. R. TAYLOR of Clifton, Kansas, old time friends of O. P. WOODY, are late arrivals and will locate here.

John B. ATKINSON, charged with shooting Billy PATTERSON, appeared and furnished $1,500 bail at Blaine yesterday and was released.

Miss Alwina KORTHAUER has been in Seattle attending the Teachers' association meeting in that city.

Bert WOODY reports all the logging camps on Lake Whatcom as doing a brisk business.

M. DYVER of Minneapolis arrived in the city Tuesday. He intends to locate here.

Capt. L. JENSEN of Goshen was in the city on business yesterday.

L. C. DURR has closed a six months' term of school at Silver Lake.

S. A. POST of Weston, Virginia, is visiting the family of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. WHITE.

E. F. SANBORN of Omaha, Neb., is doing business in the city.

C. H. DORITY of Springfield, Or., is a late arrival in the city.

Mrs. and Miss Carrie PHINNEY leave next week for California, where they will reside. The Woman's Relief Corps, of which Mrs. PHINNEY is a member, gave them a farewell ovation Monday evening in the nature of a surprise party.

Louis EDERER returned yesterday from Skagway and Dyea where he has been sojourning for the last two months. He says the bottom has fallen out of the Alaska towns and many people are returning to Puget Sound.

The KERSHAW, THOMAS & SIMPSON brick building, corner of Holly and Bay streets, is rapidly nearing completion. It will have one large office room on the corner and seven small office rooms on Bay street.

J. E. FISHER and son, Clifford, and Harry F. FELL, brother of W. H. FELL of this city, arrived yesterday from Fellsburg, Edwards county, Kansas, and will make Whatcom county their future home.

J. H. FOSTER writes for the Blade from St. James City, Florida, and adds that he expects soon to come to Whatcom county for permanent residence.

A. L DAUPHIN, the D street grocer, has presented his daughter, May, with a new piano.

Maggie GRIGGS commenced a term of school in district No. 46, near Goshen, Monday.

Addis GALLAGHER, a Portland commercial man, is doing business in the city.

The California Creek school commenced Monday, Lester SWEET, teacher.

Rev. Wilmot WHITFIELD of Ferndale spent Monday in the city.

J. L. FOREPAUGH is a recent arrival in the city from St. Paul.

Lew H. BURTIN of St. Paul is in the city.

Nels SIGNOR's six-year-old daughter, Lulu, while playing with a brush fire on the J. A. RANKIN farm near Laurel Monday, was quite severely burned about the lower limbs, her clothes catching fire and only the prompt and heroic efforts of Mr. Signor, who was at work near by, saved the child from cremation. One of her limbs was badly burned, but nothing serious will result. Mr. SIGNOR's hands were so severely burned that he will be laid up for a week or two.

S. J. WHITE's handsome new residence on Sylvan street is nearing completion.

Beatrice BELL is down with an attack of measles.

John WILLIAMS, a Siwash who had imbibed too much fire-water, was before Police Judge WHITING yesterday, and fined to the extent of $7.75.

Masons are at work laying brick for the Waldron brick hotel and store building on the corner of Holly street and Railroad avenue.

There are five evaporating and fruit drying establishments in operation in Whatcom county.

W. S. MCGUIRE of HOLLINGSWORTH was doing business in the city yesterday.

Harvey J. GREEN of Fairhaven has been granted a pension of $8 a month.

It is reported that 200 Chinamen arrived at Fairhaven Sunday to work in the canneries.

C. M. GAY, a prominent ice manufacturer of Kansas, is looking into the matter of establishing a plant in this city.

Robert HALL, who attempted to commit suicide in the county jail Friday, is alive but threatens to kill himself at the first opportunity.

Mr. HALLIDAY of Columbia Valley was in the city yesterday. He says everybody in the valley has the Mount Baker gold fever.

C. Alfred PALMER of Lynden has been appointed a railway mail clerk.

G. ROELL, the well known Everson farmer, was taking in the sights in the city yesterday.

Thomas DAILEY, track forman of the street railway, has established a general merchandise store at Silver Beach.

J. M. LARSON, formerly clerk in the B. B. Grocery store in this city, has gone to Snohomish where he has secured a good position as salesman in the mercantile establishment of BRUHN & HENRY of that city.

John WELSH of Portland, Ore., spent last week looking over Whatcom county with a view to locating here. He returned to Portland yesterday and will return here with his family in a few weeks.

James K. REED of Ten Mile was in the city Saturday and returned home with a brand new wagon. Mr. REED is listed among the successful farmers of Whatcom county. He came to Bellingham Bay in 1873 and resided here for two or three years and then settled upon his present farm, where he has hewn out a model Whatcom county home.

Rollan M. PORTER took some fine pictures of Whatcom creek falls and vicinity with his camera Sunday.

Miss Mamie MILLS is now a clerk in the D. D. FAGAN store.

George M. BOWMAN of Acme was sizing up the city Saturday.

Thomas CAIN, a prominent business man of Edison, is in the city today on business.

Gilbert MILLER of Olympia was in the city Sunday on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. MILLER.

Yesterday morning Dr. APPLEBY's little daughter, Mary, while playing, fell from a box and accidentally bit her tongue nearly through. Drs. AXTELL and HENDERSON attended the little one.

E. T. TRIMBLE received a telegram from his wife Saturday stating that the train on which she was a passenger was delayed at Essex, Montana, by a burned bridge and an immense snowslide near that city. The train ran into the slide but no damage was done, save throwing the engine off the track.

Copied by Susan Nahas 2004


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