The Blaine Journal

Thursday, January 1, 1891:

Mr. J. F. HARLING will hold no more services at either the Union or the Excelsior school houses until further notice.

Mr. KAMMERER shot a large seal from the Blaine wharf yesterday. It was hit in the head, and weighed about 150 pounds.

Samuel TATE, attorney for the St. Paul Savings & Investment Society, is in the city transacting business for the society.

The wife of Mr. F. WILLIAMS presented her husband with a very unusual Christmas gift in the shape of a very fine baby boy. Both mother and child are doing well.

The bridge over the Nooksack river is now completed. It is an iron swing bridge and is said to be the finest one of this class on the Pacific coast. The wooden piles and other parts of the old wooden bridge are now being removed.

A fire was discovered yesterday in the bakery of Mr. REES on Washington avenue. It originated in a log used as a foundation for the oven but did not extend far before it was extinguished. The damage done is slight.

Alf. HAZELTON, who has been wanted on this side for some time, was arrested on Christmas night and was yesterday arraigned before Judge WEST for breaking jail here last summer. His father urged strong argument in his favor which decided the Judge to set him at liberty.

Judge WEST yesterday acquitted two breakers of the law who were before him for trial. One was acquitted because so many people had been guilty of a like infringement of the law and had not been punished. Most supient reason! The Judge's heart was melted toward the other prisoner, despite the clearest evidence.

We notice Mr. KELLOGG's return to Blaine with pleasure. He left some time ago under peculiarly painful circumstances, but twelve of his countrymen decided without any hesitation, after hearing purely circumstantial evidence, that he was in no way to blame for the disappearance of some U. S. mail which passed through his hands. We congratulate him on returning to Blaine without a stain on his character.

Miss BOWERS, who taught school in this city last summer, is visiting Mrs. KINGSLEY.

Mr. Geo. MERRYMAN has given up the management of the Washington House and Mr. GEERY has rented it from Mr. A. WARREN.

Ch. BURNETT, a relative of Mr. COLLINS, with his wife and three children, are at present visiting Mr. COLLINS, and they will very probably make Blaine their home in future.

We were informed yesterday by a member of the company that preparations will be made for a grand international spike driving at Blaine soon after the connection is made. Our citizens will be glad to entertain them.

Postmaster BARNES informs us that he has been notified that Blaine will soon be made a distributing office for a daily mail to Semiahmoo and Haynie. He says if Blaine keeps on for the next quarter as it has the past this will entitle it to be made a presidential office.

The Northwest Water Co. is having a tank built of 2000 gallons capacity.

A. P. BORIE, assistant superintendent of the Fairhaven railway, was in town yesterday.

Ten men are now working on the Birch Bay hotel, and the work is progressing favorably on the building.

Mr. MERRIMAN has received the contract for carrying the mail to and fro between the depot and the postoffice.

Mr. Chas. DORR, cousin of our editor, is in town.

Blaine is well lighted. The council have contracted for more lights and three new arc lights were in working order for the first time last night.

Mr. Peter FOSTER, who arrived in Blaine yesterday, is the first passenger booked through by rail all the way from the East. He reports business improving in the East.

We notice in the Vancouver World of the 25th, that Miss Ethel McELMON has been promoted to the high school of that city. Her many warm friends in Blaine will be glad to learn of the good work which Miss McELMON has been doing in school.

J. A. MARTIN is adding to his store.

The carpenters are now finishing the office of the Blaine National Bank in the Lindsey block.

The Arlington is now under the management of Mr. Nate BAIRD and he will use every endeavor to give satisfaction to its patrons.

The clothing house of A. W. CUSTER, of Sehome, has assigned to Mr. C. DONOVAN.

Presbyterians and Baptists worship together in the opera house. Rev. J. A. STAYT preaches in the morning, Rev. A. A. WATSON in the evening.

We are pleased to learn Teddie, son of J. H. THOMAS, who has been quite sick the past few days with typhoid fever, is much improved.

The AMES & BARNS brick block is now nearly completed and is an ornament to the town. The bank is expected to be open for business some time next week.

The Masquerade Ball, given at the Opera House last night, by the Blaine Cornet Band, proved a great success. It was largely attended by both dancers and onlookers and we hope it has proved a financial success for the Band. Both gallerys were crowded with spectators who thoroughly enjoyed the antics of the revellers.

The International golden spike will be driven between the 12, and 20th, of January. The governor of British Columbia and the governor of Washington will be present on the occasion with a company of guests, from each side, numbering fifty and including correspondents of all the principal newspapers. Several citizens are organizing a fitting reception of which fuller particulars will be published later on.

At the annual election of the W. R. C. the following officers were elected:
Mrs. Laura WILSON, President; Mrs. Sarah DAVIES, Senior Vice; Mrs. F. W IFFLER, Junior Vice; Mrs. McDONALD, Conductor; Mrs. Jennie KING, Assistant Conductor; Mrs. ABERS, Chaplain; Mrs. W. J. GILLESPIE, Guard; Mrs. MILHOLLIN, Secretary; Miss Flora DAVIES, Treasurer.
Next Saturday January 34, the installation of officers will take place, and all members will be present at 2 o'clock p. m.

-Presbyterian - At the opera house morning and evening services. Rev. J.A. STAYT, pastor.
-Methodist Episcopal - Meets at the chapel, corner of Fourth and H streets, each Sabbath, morning and evening.
-Free Methodists - Services regularly at the chapel, Boblett street, near Blaine. H. A. MOORE, pastor.
-Episcopal - Services every Sabbath at the vestry, corner of Fourth and D streets.
-Congregational - Religious services are held every Sabbath at 11 a. m. in the Wagner building on Harrison avenue, between Cedar and Alder. Sabbath school immediately after. A cordial invitation extended to all. Rev. S. DAILEY, pastor.
-W.C.T.U. - Meets alternate Tuesdays at the M. E. church, at 2 p. m. Mrs. J. T. RADCLIFFE, President.
-Baptist - A. A. WATSON, pastor. Services at the opera house morning and evening until further notice. Everybody invited.

Whatcom, Dec. 31 -- New and old Whatcom were consolidated today by nearly unanimous vote. New Whatcom gave consolidation over 200, and Whatcom gave it 300 majority. Bands are playing tonight and the citizens are jubilating.

Thursday, January 8, 1891:

Custer is the first station on the Great Northern railroad southeast of Blaine. It is one of the most industrious neighborhoods in the state, and therefore has accomplished as much as any other. Many comfortable homes appear there now, and the roads are being rapidly improved. Farmers are selling portions of their places to parties who understand that a small farm here is better than a large one in some other places. Custer is shipping considerable produce now, and the business will grow. A nice village will be built up at Custer.

   The interest in steamboat racing on the Sound is daily increasing, and the addition of boats like the Potter, Gatzert and Greyhound to the fleet is the cause of it; says the Seattle Press.
   The broad, smooth sheet of water, extending for so many miles without a turn offers many temptations for a trial of speed between two boats.
The number of boats in the fleet give an opportunity for a race, almost whenever desired.
   Ever since boats of any size began running regularly between Sound ports the practice of racing them has been in existence.
   About 1868 the steamer Eliza Anderson, commanded by the veteran navigator, Captain Tom WRIGHT, was the crack boat of the northwest; opposed to her was the side wheeler, New World, and commanded by Captain CROSBY.
   Many and exciting were the contests between these boats on the tri-weekly trips between Olympia, Seattle and Victoria, for Tacoma then was a mere milling port.
   As far as can be learned from pioneers, Captain WRIGHT was in many cases victorious, but the boats were about evenly matched.
   Often Captain WRIGHT would have his boat laid off and get in a fine condition for a race; in fact this veteran sport would take as good care of the running condition of his boat as a jockey would of his horse.
These races were the inauguration of the sport on Puget Sound.
   The lowest time ever made then between Tacoma and Seattle was two hours and ten minutes.
   When the North Pacific was brought up from San Francisco the New World was sold to Victoria parties, and for a time ran between Victoria and New Westminster.
   The fleet at this time commenced to increase, and about the 70's steam boat races were even frequent between the Seattle-Olympia and the Seattle-Victoria boats. Captains HUBERT and Gil PARKER had the family love for a steamboat race, and their steamer, the Messenger, came out victorious in many brushes between the stern wheelers then running on the sound. The Messenger had a double whistle, and when passing an opponent Capt. PARKER had a trick of making a most unearthly din with it.
   About 1883 the Eliza Anderson was brought forward again. For several years she had been laid up, but Capt. WRIGHT concluded to run opposition to the Geo. E. Starr, then on the Seattle-Port Townsend route. A calliope was placed on the Anderson, and the races were enlivened by music. Running opposition, however, did not pay, and after a few months of service the Anderson was again drawn off.
   Between 1882 and 1887 few races of any importance took place. In March of the latter year the Fleetwood was brought around from Portland and lowered the record between Seattle and Tacoma.
   The Hayward was put on by the O. R. & N. company to run against the Fleetwood.
   The two boats were about evenly matched, and the races were most exciting. For a year or more they continued, each winning a race in turn. Nearly every day the wharves were crowded with people on the arrival of the boats to see which would win. Money, by thousands of dollars, every week changed hands on the results.
   Captain Jim WOOLERY, the recently elected sheriff, commanded the Fleetwood for a time. He was renowned for his daring in handling the little flyer.
   Often the Hayward would crowd the smaller boat close to the beach in rounding Alki point, and Captain WOOLERY would cooly take his boat closer to the beach than any other captain would venture.
   The arrival of the T. J. Potter in 1888 placed the Fleetwood second best on the Sound. The former boat soon returned to Portland, leaving the Fleetwood to try her mettle with the Olympian. It was about nip and tuck between them.
   The arrival of the Greyhound during the past summer put the record down another notch.
   The race between the Greyhound and the Fleetwood was a remarkable one. It was on Sunday, September 7.
   The run to Tacoma was made in one hour and 35 minutes. The Fleetwood was passed a short distance south of Alki point.
   Strange as it many seem, there never has been an accident on the Sound, the result of a race.
   The large companies, while no entirely approving of races, rather wink at the practice for the reason that the fast boat captures the trade.

   The Northwest Water Co. has made good progress in the construction of its works. The reservoir is now practically completed, and the dam is built. This is a very solid structure, and a good piece of work.
   A large quantity of pipe is already made, and the pile is continually increasing. Pipe laying will be commenced shortly, and the works pushed rapidly to completion.
   Mr. E. A. CURTIS, secretary of the company informed a Journal representative that the natural features of the country have been very favorable to the construction of the system, and that when completed we shall have as fine a system as any in the country, and one capable of being enlarged to meet the demands of a city of many thousands of inhabitants.

Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between E. W. ACHILLES, C. SLAYTON, M. HARVEY, and W. E. COLLINS, under the firm name Harvey, Achilles & Co. and the Blaine Brick and Tile Co., has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The books of the firm are placed in the hands of B. H. BRIGGS who will attend to all settlement,
Dated Dec. 31, 1890.

To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts incurred by my wife, Magdaline JOHNSON, after this date.
Signed, Ole JOHNSON.
Dated January 6th, 1891.

   One of the most striking features indicative of the progress of our city during the past year, is the rapidity with which society has resolved itself, and its present elevated state, compared with other communities under like circumstances. The most marked and effective work has been in the organization and growth of the secret orders, which has been substantially as follows:
   The Independent Order of Odd Fellows Lodge, No. 80, was instituted on July 14th., with a membership of fifteen and has since reorganized with thirty-five members, and a constantly increasing roll.
   Reynolds Post G. A. R., while one of the oldest Grand Army Posts in the state, is also considered one of the most active, and is to-day recognized as the banner Post north of Seattle. To an organization of this kind a more conceding and courteous community than Blaine cannot be found.
   The McPherson Camp Sons of Veterans, was mustered in August, last, with about fifteen members and has since been increased to about twenty-five. The Camp is now fully uniformed and thoroughly drilled, presenting an imposing appearance.
   The Star of the Northwest Lodge I. O. G. T. was organized last April, with a membership of twenty-three, which has since been increased to an enrollment of 150 and is now increasing at a more rapid rate than at a time during its history. The progress and effective work accomplished by the Good Templars of Blaine is quite commendable.
   The Knights of Pythias have a flourishing lodge of twenty-eight members, and its growth during the short time it has been in operation in quite encouraging.
   As is invariably the case in all well established communities, the Masonic Order has effected a strong organization under the name of International Lodge which is now on a good working basis, and immediate steps will be taken for the construction of a magnificent Mason Hall, which is to be a credit to the city.
   The Women's Relief Corps have a very strong organization, and have accomplished some very effective work, being possessed of that enthusiasm and patriotism characteristic of organizations of this kind.
   Though not a chartered secret society it is well to state that the Carpenters and Joiners have affected the organization of a Union with a strong membership, the object of which is to guard the interests of their avocation and the observances of all appropriate labor demonstrations. The Union holds open meetings, monthly, at which all the questions of interest to the order are discussed.
   In addition to the secret societies and church organizations, of which there are six in number, we have a number of very essential societies, such as the Y. M. C. A., W. C. T. U. and like organizations of an elevating nature, that make a community a desirable one in which to live.

The Arlington, under the management of N. BAIRD has improved wonderfully and proves the truth of the old adage that hotel men are born not made. The Arlington having the finest rooms and furniture of any hotel in the city, only required a first-class management to be a complete success. This it now has and we bespeak for it success.

The Blaine National Bank will open its doors for business next Monday morning, January 12th, at 9 o'clock.
E. R. WHEELER, Cashier; James BARNES, Vice President.

   One year ago there were 600 people residing in Blaine alone, not enumerating those of the other portions of the International City. Now, there are 1,600 people in Blaine, and probably 500 inside the suburban portions, making 2,100 in all, now within the limits of what will compose the future city.
   A year ago there was one wharf and one dock. Now there are five.
   A year ago there were no graded streets. Now there are ten miles of with ten miles of sidewalk, none of which is less than eight feet in width.
   A year ago there were no secret societies. Now nearly all the principle orders are represented in Blaine.
   A year ago there was only one church building. Now there are five.
   A year ago we had no railroad. Now we are connected north and south with trans-continental lines.
   Blaine now, as it always has, stands on the handsomest city site on the northwest coast. Every street can be graded for less money that the streets of any other city.
   Property is lower in Blaine than any other city. It will be the pleasantest as well as the handsomest city within the next twelve months.
   It is now the best lighted city on the sound, and within five months will have the best water, furnished by a complete system.

   The resources of Blaine's surrounding country have never been fully developed nor investigated. While there is evidence of valuable coal deposits reaching to within a mile of the city, and while bog iron is known to exist in considerable quantity, still those resources have been left dormant and really nothing is known of what there is in them. Even the lumber business of which everyone knows what is in sight, has never been properly worked. Millions of feet of logs have annually been shipped out of Blaine to be sawed elsewhere, and millions yet remain round our shores and near at hand, especially are there large quantities of cedar which should be worked up at home, either into shingles or into lumber.
   But enough has been done in the agricultural way to show what the country can do in that line, and it is well known that we can raise the best fruit grown anywhere in this great fruit country.
   The writer was once riding past a field of oats, six miles north of Blaine, the grain was green but was in the head and he remarked that it was the heaviest field he had ever seen. He afterward learned that the field contained exactly eleven acres of ground, and when the oats were threshed the yield was 136 bushels 6 and a fraction pounds per acre. This was only a good average yield for several thousand acres of ground owned by our British friends next door, and for large tracts on our own side, close at hand.
   Some people growl at the disadvantage people at Blaine have, living on the international boundary. Let me tell you, friend, that we can buy hay in Blaine and pay $4 per ton duty upon it, and save two or three dollars a ton, just because of the good roads and rich fields of our British neighbors. We can pay duty on oats and then get them cheaper.
   The Fraser river delta flats, a county in area, the Mud Bay and Clover Valley country watered by the Nicomekl and Serpentine rivers, forty square miles in area, the Hall's Prairie and Langley Prairie countries, each containing thousands of acres of the richest land, all fine their natural deep water outlet at the International City.
   This will all be an advantage to Blaine, and the fact that Blaine is here will also be a great advantage to our British neighbors when they raise a surplus.
   Then we have the beautiful Point Roberts reserve, which has been declared vacated, and will shortly be sold to settlers, and contains over three thousand acres of rich land which will find an outlet for its products at Blaine, whether it supports a large fishing population, which is likely, or is devoted entirely to agriculture.
   Just east of Blaine along the boundary lies the famous Boundary ridge which covers deposits of coal more or less rich, and is the finest of fruit land, both for apples, cherries, prunes and plums and also small fruit, especially strawberries. That ridge will some day be the scene of the most extensive fruit drying operations on the coast. A little further south one strikes the Dakota creek and California creek bottoms and large tracts of the richest marsh lands, interspersed with fruit lands, and the same may be said of all the land tributary to Blaine, clear around to the gulf again at the southwest.
   All this country is practically a level, so much in fact, that the railroad coming into Blaine runs a bee line for seven miles. Speaking of tributary country to Blaine, however, the best agriculturally developed portion of the county, almost due east from Blaine, for a distance of twenty to twenty-five miles is just as much tributary to the International City as it is to any other point, and much handier to reach in road building from Blaine than any other point.
   A Blaine man owns an island only eighteen miles from this city upon which are located excellent stone quarries, and in fact all the northern portion of the larger islands of the gulf and all the smaller islands will find it convenient to come to Blaine to do business at no distant day.
   There is not much more to say about the surrounding country and its resources, save that it is mostly occupied by actual settlers who will sell portions of their holdings at reasonable figures. Twenty acres of this land is as good for cultivation as 160 in the east, and it is only a question of a few years until good roads and railroads will offer any easy communication with Blaine, which will afford a good market, as our fishermen, our packers and manufacturers will consume more than can be raised within a wide radius of our city.
   We have a better lay-out of surrounding country than any other city within a long distance, and the easiest country through which to build railroads there is west of the Cascade mountains.

The International City will celebrate more holidays than any other city on the Pacific coast. A list of them will comprise that we know of: New Years, Washington's birthday, Queen Victoria's birthday, Decoration Day, Dominion Day, Fourth of July, two Thanksgiving days, and Christmas, which are general holidays, besides some other days characteristic of the Anglo-Saxon race either in one country or the other. So you see there will be less working days in Blaine than any other place.

   In a few days there will occur at Blaine, one of the most interesting ceremonies ever performed on the American continent. A railway has just been completed connecting the Pacific slope of the United States with the Canadian Pacific slope.
   The International boundary, which is only an imaginary line, runs through Blaine east and west. The Fairhaven & Southern (now the Great Northern) railroad crosses the International boundary line, north and south, at Rue International, a street between Blaine, Washington, and Blaine, B. C., thus connecting the state of Washington with the province of British Columbia, the United States with Canada. Here will congregate, in a few days, a number of prominent business and other public men and officially connect the two nations by rail, by driving at the center of Rue International, an international spike prepared for the occasion.
   If the day is fine most of the ceremonies will be conducted in the open air. If it is not, the distinguished party will drive the spike and then adjourn to the beautiful little opera house in Blaine, where the speech-making and handshaking will be carried through, after which a characteristic Blaine lunch will be served the whole party.
   It is expected that not less that two hundred people from neighboring cities including the governors of British Columbia and Washington, will be present, and if the ceremonies are carried out as now proposed they will be most interesting and impressive. There will be music and plenty of bunting, and it will be an occasion long to be remembered in the in the International City.

Over $600,000 Worth of Improvements

   The last year has been one of wonderful advancement in the way of improvements in the International City, but the record of 1890 will be distanced by that of 1891. Over 160 good buildings have been constructed in Blaine during 1890 and some of them would be an ornament to any city.
   Among the latter may be mentioned the Arlington block, built by N. A. CORNISH at a cost of $13,000, the Hillingshead block, $20,000; Cain block, $11,000; Lindsey block (brick) $20,000, the Barnes & Ames building, (brick) $10,000; the Rutledge building, $8,000; the Conrad Opera House, $10,000; besides many other business buildings of lesser cost, which are substantial and well made. Six brick buildings have been completed, including two fine churches, and two others are under way but not mentioned in this list.
   There are probably half a dozen small buildings, the names of whose owners we have been unable to get, but the total at the head includes them.
   We take pride in calling the attention of the reading world to the great amount of wharfage which has been put in the International City this year, constituting for more than double that built by any two other cities on Puget sound.
   Street work, electric light works and water works are included in the list, but not the railroad work which has been done within the city limits, which would add another $50,000 to the total, which would run it up over $600,000.
   Following is the list, so far as we are able to give it, of buildings and other improvements, during 1890:

ACKLES, N. L., residence, --- $300
ALLEN & ALEXANDER, store,-- 1,000
AMES & BARNES, brick block, --10,000
BOBLETT, E. A., store bldg. --- 2,000
BOBLETT, E. A., printing office, -- 2,000
BUNBURY, T., cottage and barn, -- 1,000
BERTRAND, J. C., addition, --- 600
BUCHANAN, J., hotel, --- 2,000
BENNET, Wm., house, --- 600
BEHME, A., shop, --- 500
BOBLETT, E. A., meat shop, --- 100
Baptist church, ---- 3,500
Brick yard, ---- 4,000
CORNISH, N. A., restaurant, ---- 1,500
CAIN Bros., big store, ---- 10,000
CAMPBELL, A. B., cottage, ---- 500
CONRAD & CRANDAL, ---- 10,000
CARNICLE Bros., office, --- 100
CLARKE Dr., residence, --- 600
COHOON, W. R. cottage, --- 1,500
CORNISH & CAIN, Arlington, --- 13,000
CORNISH, R. D., residence, --- 2,000
CROCKEN, H. M., residence, --- 1,000
CUSTER, F., residence, --- 300
CLOUGH, Wm., house, --- 200
CARPENTER & RILEY, stable, --- 4,000
CAIN's wharf and dock bldgs., --- 6,000
CUSTER, F., bakery, --- 500
Congregational church, --- 3,500
DUNN & DAVIES, store, --- 2,000
DORWARD & CENTER, laundry, --- 1,000
DARCEY, H., bath house, --- 300
DAY, H. B., house, --- 300
DAHL, C. H., cottage, --- 200
DAVID & REESE, brick yard, --- 10,000
DEMENT, F., cottage, --- 200
ERICKSON, M. W., cottage, --- 400
EVANS, Ed., house, --- 400
Episcopal rectory, --- 1,200
ECKFORD, J., residence, --- 1,000
Electric light works, --- 50,000
FAGRE & SHROEDER, store bldg. --- 2,000
FLOWERS, L. R., store building, --- 2,500
FISHER & BERRY, office, --- 200
FOSTER, F. F., house, --- 600
FOSTER, F. F., shop, --- 300
FRAZIER, W. M., store, --- 400
FOX & CLARKE, store, --- 1,000
GLENN, W. S., house, --- 300
GILLESPIE, W. J., barn, --- 200
GILLESPIE, W. J., store on H, --- 500
GILLESPIE, W. J., office on 7th, --- 200
GILLESPIE, W. J., residence, --- 200
GRESHAM & WORRELL, store, --- 600
GILFILLAN, A., residence, --- 800
GANGLER, J., residence, --- 400
HERRING, A. P., barn, --- 500
HAWLEY, lodging house, --- 800
HARVEY, T., photograph gallery, --- 800
HOLLAND & McFARLAND, office, --- 100
HOLLINGSHEAD, J. W., hotel, --- 20,000
HUNT, G. W., residence, --- 300
HARVEY, J. M., residence, --- 800
HOLLAND, J., house, --- 300
HAWLEY, Will, residence, --- 600
HUGHES, S. P., residence, --- 500
HANNAMAN, C., residence, --- 300
HORN, H. W., store, --- 2,000
JOHNSON, A. L., shop, --- 800
JOHNSON, J. S., store, --- 500
JENKINS & FAGRE, store, --- 1,000
KRATZERT, J., bakery, --- 100
KING, Jas., restaurant, --- 500
KENYON, L. J., house, --- 400
KINGSLEY, Byron, office, --- 500
KINGSLEY, B., residence, --- 2,000
KING, Dr., residence, --- 1,500
KEENE Bros., house, --- 300
KINGSLEY wharf, --- 12,000
KAUDY, J. G., cottage, --- 400
LOOMIS, H., cottage, --- 100
LINDSEY brick block, --- 20,000
LINDSEY business buildings, --- 3,000
LINDSTRUM, A. L., residence, --- 500
McDONALD & Co., office, --- 100
McDONALD Bros., saloon, --- 300
MILLLER, D. S., office, --- 500
McKINNON & STOCKWELL, hotel, --- 1,000
MOUNCE Bros., store, --- 1,000
MERRITT & BIRD, cottage, --- 300
MILLER, J. R., livery stable, --- 1,000
MILLER, J. R., residence, --- 400
MARTIN, J. A., office, --- 100
MILLER & LEWIS, feed stable, --- 300
McCALL, F., cottage, --- 800
MARTIN, J. A., bakery, --- 300
MILLER, W. W., business bldg., --- 3,000
MILLER, D. S., wharf, --- 12,000
McDONALD, O. D., residence, --- 1,000
McDONALD, addition to store, --- 300
NEILSON, P., cottage, --- 200
NESTER, store, --- 500
NEILSON, cottage, --- 400
OHLSON, J. P., store, --- 1,000
OSIER, C. C., residence, --- 2,500
PERLEY, C. O., residence, --- 1,000
POTTER & LAMAR, store, --- 1,200
PINCKNEY & Co., office, --- 100
PLASTER, J. and W., residence, --- 300
PETERSON, J. F., store, --- 1,500
PASSAGE & WOOD, laundry, --- 500
PINCKNEY, W. H., house, --- 200
POWER, F., residence, --- 1,000
RADCLIFFE, W. H., residence, --- 200
RUTLEDGE, J. J., corner block, --- 8,000
ROBERTS Bros., store, --- 1,000
ROBERTSON, F., residence, --- 500
REEVES, Dr., residence, --- 800
RANDALL, C., residence, --- 300
STILLWELL, E. C., shop, --- 500
SARGENT, E., cottage, --- 500
SHROEDER & FAGRE, store, --- 3,000
SIVYER, G. W., store, --- 1,200
SMITH, Elmer, house, --- 350
SHROEDER, J., store, --- 1,200
STEVENS, J. F., residence, --- 300
SMITH, W. H., store, --- 1,000
STAYT, J. A., residence, --- 1,000
SPOT, J. L., residence, --- 500
SCOTT, F. W., residence, --- 500
STAINTON, J. F., shop, --- 500
SIMPSON, J. H., residence, --- 500
STOOPS, Chas., sawmill, bl'dgs., --- 1,000
STEEN, A. W., brick storehs'e, --- 200
STEEN, A. W., add. to store, --- 500
TANNER, J. W., store, --- 2,000
THOMAS, J. R., store, --- 2,000
UPSON, store, --- 2,000
WARREN, A., addition to hotel, --- 1,000
WIFFLER, J. F., store, --- 1,500
WEST, A., cottage, --- 200
WAGNER, J., store, --- 1,500
WINGER, J. W., store, --- 1,000
WALKER, J. D., barn, --- 300
WASH'TON. TRANS. CO., stable, --- 500
WOOD, J., house, --- 200
WATERWORKS building, --- 1,000
WATERWORKS, --- 100,000
In addition to the above, in speaking of the International City's improvements we may mention those of Birch Bay, Drayton, and also of White Rock City, B. C., which may be given in detail as follows:
Birch Bay wharf, 10,000; Birch Bay hotel, 5,000; Drayton hotel, 2,000; Drayton, two residences, 1,300; Drayton office building, 500; White Rock wharf, 10,000; White Rock hotel, 3,000; White Rock residence, 300.

One year ago there was some complaint that there was a lack of improvement on the streets of our city, and not without cause, but the people hastened to correct that fault, and within the past year $110,000 has been spent upon streets and walks, giving us more miles of graded streets and broad plank walks than any other city of its size in this state. During the present year the streets will be planked, and then we can boast of as comfortable city to live in as any in the country.

During the fall just past the Northwest Water Co. commenced operations here, putting in a first-class water system for the city of Blaine. By investigation they had learned that within a distance of four miles east of town there was ample supply for a city of 50,000 people, springing in no less than six streams from the abrupt southern side of Boundary ridge, and plans were formed for the construction of a pipe line and reservoir from which to furnish our city with pure spring water. The reservoir is about finished on the largest stream near where it gushes from the hill, and 150 feet higher than the ground one which the city stands. The company is manufacturing pipe at their large factory in Blaine, and by April first, of the present year, they will be supplying the city with the purest spring water, their reservoir being so constructed as to prevent vegetable impurities from accumulating. Hydrants will be put in on all the principal streets, and supply furnished all parties who desire it.

This was another institution added to our city during the past year. A large corrugated iron power house was built and the latest machinery adequate for furnishing light to a city of 25,000 people was put in. Street lights were put in to the number of about a dozen first, but they have since been added to, and more are now arranged for, until there are now about twenty hanging from the centers of cross streets, furnishing the best lighting of any city, large or small, on the sound. The system is first-class in every respect, and a credit to the management of the L. H. GRIFFITH Realty & Banking Co., and to the management of Governor SEMPLE, who put them in.

Mr. Thomas THOMPSON of Seattle, is visiting Inspector BUCHANAN. A few old settlers remember Mr. THOMPSON, as quite a boy in Blaine.

Prof. G. B. JOHNSON, county superintendent of schools, was a caller at the Journal office yesterday. He has been visiting the Blaine public schools.

On Tuesday, Mr. V. PAUL's residence on D street, was broken into and ransacked. The burglars removed everything of value, including Mr. PAUL's clothes and some blankets.

-Miss Ella LOGAN, who was thrown from a horse some weeks ago, sustaining a broken leg and dislocation of the ankle of the same limb, is still confined to her bed.
-Louis KLEY is the happiest man in these woods, all because it's a boy.
-H. STOLTENBERG and family have returned from a holiday visit to Sumner.
-Little Walter LONG, son of David LONG of Custer, got his thigh broken several days ago by falling out of a bust at the school house in Pleasant Valley, is getting along nicely.
-The road from Birch Bay to Drayton is almost impassible for wagons.

Mrs. G. P. PERLEY has returned home to Blaine after spending several months visiting in Maine. She was quite fatigued with her long journey, having visited Boston, Chicago, Winnipeg and several other large eastern cities on her homeward trip. She will soon be herself, however, after inhaling a little of Blaine's healthy air.

Thursday, January 15, 1891:

Mr. J. R. JENKINS, of this city, can lay claim to as much if not more patriotism than any other man on the Pacific coast. He served a term of one year in the army during the rebellion, was through the terrible fight of Gettysburg and other battles, was honorably discharged, and refused to take a cent from the government for his services. There are few men living under the stars and stripes, who can say as much as Mr. JENKINS. -Reveille.

Miss Carrie McLELLAN has been appointed teacher in a school near Elgin, B. C., where she has gone to take charge.

Mr. Robert STEVENSON contemplates erecting a hotel on Harrison avenue, 25x60 feet and three stories high, at a cost of $1,500.

Sunday evening while securing some logs Curtis MARR slipped and fell with full force striking his right cheek upon the log upon which he had been standing, crushing the bones of his face and nearly blinding his right eye. The wound is very painful and Mr. MARR has the sympathy of all.

Before Justice DUNN, J. CLINE obtained a judgment against the Blaine Brick & Tile Co., for $99 arrears of wages due to him for work.

A. GILFILLAN summoned J. LINDSEY for the sum of $75, and obtained a judgment and a garnishee order for that amount on money from LIVINGSTON to LINDSEY.

We notice that S. H. PILES, of Seattle, has been employed to reorganize the town, and question whether this was a wise step. Without wishing to detract from Mr. PILES' abilities, have we no local attorneys as capable and trustworthy to whom the charge of affairs might have been given?

Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between H. M. CROCKEN and W. J. CROCKEN, known as the firm of CROCKEN Bros., is this day dissolved by mutual consent, W. J. CROCKEN retiring from the firm and H. M. CROCKEN continuing the business.
Blaine, Wash., Jan. 8, 1891.

To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts incurred by my wife, Magdaline JOHNSON, after this date.
Dated January 6th, 1891.

The shares of the Blaine Chamber of Commerce were all taken yesterday, and it will be necessary to increase the number to supply all applicants, which will probably be done after the incorporation. Following is a list of the names.
George F. SMITH
Donald ROSS
Oscar GARD
H. Alexander SCAIFE
Joseph W. DORR
Dr. W. A. KING
Lester W. DAVID

The meeting of the above stockholders will be held at the opera house on Wednesday next at 8 o'clock p. m. sharp, for the purpose of electing an executive board, when all are earnestly requested to attend.
J. V. CHOWN, H. Alexander SCAIFE, P. FOSTER, Canvassing Committee.

Most of the members of the Blaine Chamber of Commerce met at the opera house last evening for the purpose of adopting by-laws and articles of incorporation. Those were adopted with slight amendments.
The question of electing officers was then taken up, and after a warm and interesting discussion on the manner of voting the following officers were elected:
President - J. V. CHOWN; Secretary - H. Alexander SCAIFE; Treasurer - Dr. E. S. CLARK; Trustees - Oscar GARD, J. A. MARTIN, N. A. CORNISH, F. T. HURLBURT, B. N. KINGSLEY.

Several young men are yet required to join the hook and ladder brigade; it will not cost a cent. All desirous of becoming members should go round to ROBERTS Bros.' drugstore soon, as the boys wish to organize as soon as possible.
We cannot have a fire brigade yet, but why not have a substitute for one? Fires occur when they are least expected, and precautions are wise.

January 1st, 1892, Blaine will have direct rail connection with Lynden, the queen of the Nooksack valley.

Mr. Joseph HERMANN, the advance agent of the DeFORREST & POLLARD Dramatic Co., is in Blaine in the interest of the company, which will produce a play entitled "Sentenced to Death," here in about ten days.

J. V. CHOWN has the honor of constructing the first building in Blaine for 1891. It is his residence and will cost $3000, and if it is a forecast of the class of buildings which are to be constructed this season, Blaine will keep abreast of any of her sister cities in the quality of its architecture.

Just now Blaine has the cosiest little theater building in Whatcom county. It was built by CONRAD & CRANDLE, is provided with a large audience floor and two balconies, and will seat 500. The stage and scenery are pretty and complete, and the building is engaged for many evenings ahead by the appreciative public.

The grammar department of the Blaine school was suspended, owing to the sickness of little Ted. THOMAS, who is very ill in another part of the building. He was some better last evening.

Blaine now has two good banks, the First National, and the Blaine National, each with $50,000 capital stock, and if the financial situation in the city is not looked after it will not be their fault.

Mr. George MOFIT of REIDELL & MOFIT, of Fairhaven is in Blaine looking after his interests.

George SNELL was charged before Justice DUNN yesterday afternoon with stealing blankets, but the case against him was dismissed.

The bell of the Congregational church may now be heard. It was hoisted into place on Thursday and sent forth a merry peal. Its tone is very sweet and musical. Its weight is about 400 pounds.

A ladies' auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. was organized last evening. The following officers were elected: President, Miss ROBERTS; first vice president, Miss GERRY; second vice president, Miss BALL; secretary, Miss JOHNSTON; treasurer, Lottie THOMAS. It was decided to adopt the constitution of the ladies' auxiliary of the New Westminster Y. M. C. A.

Mr. THURLOW, an old time resident of Semiahmoo is on a visit to Blaine.

Those innocent lanterns on the flats at night might possibly prove to be smugglers.

H. M. CROCKEN has been confined to his home lately, by an attack of failure of the hearts action. He is recovering slowly.

The Blaine National Bank which will open its doors for business tomorrow, is very handsomely furnished and is a credit to the city.

Mr. B. LORING, of Lynden, an old Blainite came to town to-day. We are sorry to see Mr. LORING is troubled with rheumatism. Come to Blaine again, where the sun always shines, and get well.

Yesterday Mr. J. F. WARD received notice of his appointment as U. S. Commissioner for this point. As Blaine now has a deputy U. S. Marshal in the person of W. H. RADCLIFFE, U. S. cases should be pretty well attended to here.

Mr. MEGQUIER has the contract for moving STEEN's store.

Mr. GEERY and family are moving into the Washington house.

Mr. M. F. HACKLEY of Arlington is a guest of Mr. Geo. A. HOYT in this city.

Representative ANDERSON has introduced a bill for legalizing the incorporation of the town of Blaine.

Mr. STETLER is going out to supervise the work on the HAMLEY tract. He has purchased part of it.

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. SMITH who have been on a visit to Idaho, returned to Blaine on the boat yesterday.

Mr. J. H. AYERS has purchased the state rights for California of a patent boot blacking which was exhibited in town a few days ago. He will shortly go south.

H. A. JUDSON has been made chairman of the new board of county commissioners.

Things financial look a good deal better in the city during the last few days, and money seems more plentiful.

At the M. E. parsonage on Tuesday evening, John BENNETT to Mary HAVERCROFT. The bride and bridegroom were attended by very few friends, and the ceremony was conducted without any display.

January 22, 1891:

Senator FUNK, of Iowa, is in Blaine. The senator is editor of the Spirit Lake Beacon.

Messrs. G. J. FARNSWORTH and Geo. A. HOYT left by the boat yesterday to attend a directors meeting of the Chicago & Skagit Valley railroad at Port Townsend.

Yesterday Mr. C. C. OSIER was fined $5 and costs by Justice DUNN for an assault on Mr. F. W. STEVENS.

Mr. BARNHISEL was taken seriously ill last night with an affection (sic) of the kidneys. He has been moved to the Metropolitan hotel by the Oddfellows society of which he is a member. Dr. BURKE reports that he is improved yesterday, but is in a serious state.

Mrs. D. GRIFFIN has purchased the millinery stock of Mrs. N. A. CORNISH.

Olympia, Jan. 16. -- The governor appointed F. N. BARNEY, W. L. VISCHER and B. W. LORING, of Lynden, tide land appraisers, today, although he had stated that said appointment would not be made until after the 25th. LORING is said to be a relative of Governor BLACK. The members of the legislature were not consulted in the appointment. -Special to Reveille.

Messrs. MARTIN & PALMER are shipping several stoves to Fairhaven. Blaine is in the wholesale line now.

Wm. STEWART was on Saturday fined $5 and costs for driving a four-horse team on the sidewalk on Washington avenue.

Mr. P. PASSAGE yesterday completed the purchase of the Troy steam laundry, which will be operated under his management in future. He hopes to be able to open his bath department on Friday or Saturday. Mr. PASSAGE has for some time owned the Blaine Laundry, and we hope to see him succeed in his new venture.

J. A. MARTIN is putting up a real estate office near his store on Harrison avenue.

Near Ferndale Monday evening a foolish young man named Geo. MADDEN attempted to frighten his friend Phillip BENTZ by firing a revolver towards him in the dark. The bullet struck BENTZ in the back, and he died a few moments afterward. The state legislature ought to pass a law for the severe punishment of this class of murderers.

Mr. CAPS who has been visiting his sister Mrs. Dr. CLARKE, left Blaine yesterday.

Miss Hattie HAMMOND started from Tacoma yesterday, on an extended visit to friends in New York.

Mr. Isaiah LIVINGSTON has about completed the erection of a hennery on C street. The building is 16x24 and has every convenience necessary for the raising of chickens. The enclosure about the building is spacious, while through it runs a stream of pure water. Mr. LIVINGSTON will start out on his enterprise with between two and three hundred birds.

January 29, 1891:

MCKINLEY, STAIGHT & BUTLER, the Bellingham bay real estate firm, have dissolved.

At 9 a.m., Wednesday, January 28, 1891, Little Adelia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. WOLTEN, of Blaine. Her age was five years and six months.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. DAHL on Monday morning.

Little Ted THOMAS has about recovered from his late severe illness.

Donald ROSS now owns the salt water hot bath rooms on the Cain wharf.

Mr. C. C. DONOVAN yesterday informed us that the lumber and material for the erection of the Blaine depot had been ordered by the company and would be on the ground shortly.

Dr. DEMENT met with a very serious accident yesterday morning. While walking on B street he slipped and fell breaking his thigh bone and dislocating his hip. He was seen to fall by Mrs. H. LOOMIS, who immediately procured assistance, and the doctor was conveyed to his dwelling. Drs. CLARK, REEVES and BURKE were called and succeeded in setting the injured limb. Dr. DEMENT is as well as could be expected under the painful circumstances.

The prospect of a large fishery being established here is considerably brighter to-day. It is proposed to organize a complete fishing outfit, consisting of boats, nets and other apparatus required, and to erect ice houses, etc. Fishermen will be hired to work the boats and nets, and besides shipping fresh fish to promoters intend to go largely into drying and salting. Messrs. COHOON & SEELEY are the organizers and shipping agents, and the storehouses and headquarters will be at South Blaine. This will only be a small beginning, and one capable of considerable development, and a large fleet of boats will be kept up if the industry is found to by a paying one, as it no doubt will be.

The clerk of the superior court and his assistants were kept quite busy in their office yesterday. Four new cases were filed for the coming term. The first filed was the case of W. C. JONES, attorney-general of the state of Washington, vs. The town of Blaine et. al. The complaint sets out all the facts in connection with the incorporation of the town of Blaine, the manner in which it was accomplished, etc., and then denies that any such a corporation exists, by reason of the fact that all the steps taken in connection with said incorporation were illegal. That the office of mayor had been usurped by James CAIN, which position he still pretends to occupy, and the offices of councilman were usurped by S. P. HUGHES, Albert WARREN, A. GILFILLAN, F. W. POWERS and O. D. McDONALD, all of which was done on the 23rd of May 1890. That this self constituted council proceeded to enact laws for the government of the said city of Blaine improved streets and granted franchises. The complaint further states that the supposed council are now attempting to issue bonds on the said illegally incorporated city of Blaine, in the sum of $1,000,000. The prayer of the complaint is that the said defendants, James CAIN, S. P. HUGHES, Albert WARREN, A. GILFILLAN, F. W. POWERS and O. D. McDONALD be ousted from the said positions, and that the said town of Blaine be excluded from all rights and privileges conferred upon municipal corporations by the laws of the state of Washington, and that the plaintiff recover the costs of the action. -Reveille.
   The above is not such a bad case as it might appear on the face of the report to the casual observer. There are also several errors in it which might be corrected.
   First, it is a simple petition to the court to annul the former incorporation of the town of Blaine, because in forming such incorporation too much territory was taken in, thus making the whole procedure illegal.
   Second, Blaine never tried to issue bonds to the amount of $1,000,000, but to only one-tenth of the sum.
   Third, The old council has retired some time since, and the law will hold that while in they were a defacto council, and their acts will be legalized.
   After disintegration shall have been completed there will immediately be a re-incorporation.
   That report looks like a direct attempt to make the case look worse that it is.
   It is hinted to us that the dirty appearance of the above petition is owing to the employment of an Italian attorney.

George Terry is preparing to build him a residence at the corner of G and Fourth streets.

Mr. A. McLEAN and family went to New Westminster yesterday. Blaine had no better citizens than they, and we dislike very much to see them go.

The fourteen-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Capt. MALTBY had a leg amputated at Whatcom last week.

W. MOORE, A. C. RICE, Mr. KENYON and R. HOTCHKISS are each putting up cottages in the east part of town.

MARTIN & PALMER, the hardware merchants on H street, have sold their stock and business to E. M. ADAMS.

The steamer Idaho, Capt. GREEN, is now placed on the Blaine route, and will visit this port once a week, on Sunday.

We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to be present at the first conversazione of the Lynden Salon at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. SWIM in that place. We are sorry not to be able to attend, as we believe this superior to all other methods of pastime and social culture. Some time we hope to be able to be at one of those gatherings in the refined town of Lynden.

February 5, 1891:

Earnest THURLOW one of Seattle's bright young business men is transacting business in the International city.

Mayor CORNISH and H. A. SCAIFE are visiting some of the B. C. cities this week, on business relative to the Canadian Pacific building into Blaine.

The GILLESPIE building on Washington Avenue which was blown down during the heavy winds of a few weeks ago, is to be rebuilt. It will be constructed and owned by Messrs. TANNER & GILFILLAN, and the work of getting the grounds and material in readiness was commenced this morning. The building will possess the same proportions as formerly with the exception that it will be but two stories in height. This will be quite an improvement as the building, when completed, will be one of the most commodious and substantial business blocks in the city.

-Mrs. NORTON returned from Whatcom on Tuesday, where she has been the past month receiving medical aid.
-Mr. ROBINS took his daughter Edith to Seattle, this week. She has been in poor health for several months.
-Miss Lizzie SLATER, the twenty-two-year-old daughter of G. SLATER living near Ferndale, died last Sunday and was buried in Enterprise on Tuesday.
-The Misses SMITH and C. PUEREA spent Saturday and Sunday in Mountain View.
-Mr. HOSKINS spent two or three days in Fairhaven this week, negotiating an exchange of his farm for Fairhaven property.
-The medal contest in Mountain View proved a pleasant occasion. The contestants were Ella BOSTON, Kate COSO, Edith ROBINS, Lizzie ANDERSON, Carrie SMITH, George DEED, George COSS and Harry LOPAS. George DEED receiving the medal. Mr. CAGEY, who is teaching in Custer, was one of the judges at the contest, also George BROWN of Ferndale and Mr. NELSON of Lummi.
-A goodly number of member men met at Mr. WELLS on Friday, to saw logs, and straighten up his lot ready to fence.
-The wife of A. HANDSOME is lying very ill, at her mother's, Mrs. WILSON, in Mountain View.

Mr. R. REES had the misfortune to fall and fracture his thumb yesterday morning.

Mrs. N. E. BROOKS, with her family, has gone on a visit to her relatives at Fort Vancouver.

Mr. J. S. RICHARDS, treasurer of Fairhaven, is in Blaine. He reports business improving on the bay.

The bill legalizing the incorporation of Blaine passed the house of representatives at Olympia Wednesday.

Fire yesterday morning destroyed Leo DESUP's saloon on Washington avenue. Billy, the bear, was liberated in time to save his life.

Messrs. E. C. STILWELL, E. S. CLARK, G. M. ROBERTS, J. BUCHANAN and W. VOGT, members of the International lodge No. 57, K. of P., went down to the Bay yesterday to install a new lodge at Sehome.

Mr. G. SPENCER, collector of customs at Roche Harbor, was in Blaine yesterday on a visit to Inspector BUCHANAN. We shall probably see Mr. SPENCER added to the Blaine office as soon as we get our port of entry.

P. A. C. ARMFELT is away on a trip to New Westminster.

A. L. SMITH, from Idaho, a brother of A. L. and C. C. SMITH, of Blaine, arrived in this city Wednesday. We are not informed whether or not he will make his permanent home here.

Mr. James HARKNESS, father of our operator, is in Blaine on a visit to Pete HARKNESS.

Yesterday Hale SMITH managed to hook a fifty-pound halibut in front of the Blaine dock. There have been several of this king of table fish caught near the same locality.

The trustees of the Chamber of Commerce met Thursday afternoon and adopted by-laws and appointed the following officers:
President - J. V. CHOWN;
First Vice President - J. A. MARTIN;
Second Vice President - O. S. GARD;
Third Vice President - B. N. KINGSLEY.
The following standing committees were also appointed:
Property and Finance - E. S. CLARK, F. T. HURLBURT, G. P. PERLEY, J. A. MARTIN, B. N. KINGSLEY.
Statistics and Correspondence - C. C. WILSON, E. M. ADAMS, J. W. DORR.
Advertising - J. W. DORR, C. C. WILSON, P. FOSTER, H. A. SCAIFE, J. V. CHOWN.
Reception - O. S. GARD, H. A. SCAIFE, G. W. CONRAD, G. P. GERLEY, N. A. CORNISH.
Mercantile - J. A. MARTIN, Geo. TERRY, E. C. SEELEY.
Manufacturies - J. V. CHOWN, J. A. MARTIN, F. W. STEVENS.
Legislation - Oval PIRKEY, C. LOOMIS.
Transportation - N. A. CORNISH, Jas. BUCHANAN, J. V. CHOWN.
Streets, Roads and Parks - W. B. DUNN, E. A. CURTIS, E. A. BOBLETT.
Health and Sanitation - E. S. CLARK, C. C. WILSON.
Building and Fire - L. L. MOUNCE, B. N. KINGSLEY, J. BAIRD.
Taxation - J. WALKER, G. SIVYER.
General Municipal Affairs - W. D. SOULES, G. DILLON, G. W. SMITH.

February 12, 1891:

Mrs. J. N. BAYARD returned yesterday, from a week's visit with friends at Seattle.

A very pleasant private dance was given at the home of Miss Etta MERRITT last Friday evening, and a very enjoyable time it was to those in attendance.

The proprietor of our job department brings to us the sad intelligence of the illness of Miss June GEERY, but we hope to soon be able to chronicle her recovery.

Mr. Geo. YAGER, who lives a short distance east of Blaine, has been making some successful experiments lately, with syrup making from sugar beets.

A boy was born to the wife of T. M. MOUNCE last Friday morning. Father and son both doing well.

Wm. SUNDERBRUCH has just received a fine double-header, self-binding, boy-controller peanut roaster.

W. J. GILLESPIE is moving his household goods into the rooms over his office, recently occupied by Mr. CHURCH.

H. POTTMEYER, traveling agent for the Seattle Tribunea, a weekly publication in the German language, was in the city the first of the week, in the interests of his paper.

February 19, 1891:

J. D. WALKER and W. M. JOHNSON occupied posts of honor on the U.S. locomotive at the spike driving Saturday.

James MILHOLLIN officiated as spike holder at the driving of the silver spike Saturday.

Mr. George KEELER, of Blaine, took several photographs of scenes at the spike-driving.

Chas. M. BRADSHAW, collector of customs, was a visitor to Blaine Saturday.

Capt. O'BRIEN, of the steamer Premier, was one of the prominent visitors Saturday.

T. J. TRAPP and John HENDRY, two of New Westminster's most prominent citizens were participants in Saturday's exercises.

Mr. J. C. McLAGAN, publisher of the Vancouver World, dined with the press club Saturday.

F. R. CLOVER, city editor of the New Westminster Columbian, was one of the pleasant visitors at the International City Saturday.

Mr. Orville ESPY and Mrs. ESPY, of Seattle, were among the excursionits to Blaine Saturday. Mr. ESPY used to be editor of the Journal, but has not been in Blaine for four years, and when he got off the boat he could hardly find himself. He needed a guide after he did discover himself.

J. C. STEELE, manager of the Pacific Magazine, is in Blaine.

Geo. F. ROBERTSON, representing the wholesale paper house of BLAKE, McFALL & Co., of Portland, visited Blaine this week.

The Baptist church and congregation will worship in their new church edifice on the corner of Fifth and G streets on Sunday morning and evening at the usual hours. All are invited.

BROWN - Sunday, February 15, 1891, at Hall's Prairie, B. C., at the home of her parents, D. W. and Isabel BROWN, Miss Jessie S. BROWN, aged 23 years. The fatal disease was lung fever.
  Tuesday a large company of friends and neighbors assembled at the late home of the deceased to attend the funeral. Rev. J. A. STAYT preached a touching funeral address, taking as his text 1 Thes. iv 18, and his tender words of counsel and comfort, while awakening memories of the deceased which caused the tear of sympathy to start, still engendered a spirit of resignation among the hearers.
  Jessie was well known to a large number of residents of Blaine, and with her rosy health, her sudden death - as she was only ill a few days - was a shock to all. Her family has the warm sympathy of all. The Journal family will always remember that Jessie was kind to the babies and they loved her, and her memory will ever be sweet to them. Her death is the first break in a large family circle.

-Rev. BREETS and wife returned from Blaine Saturday evening, Mrs. BREETS is in poor health.
-The logging bee, at Mr. WELLS' on Thursday did a good days work, Mrs. WELLS and other ladies provided a good dinner and supper.
-Mr. HOLCOMB of Ferndale has been very ill with measles, he contracted the disease in Whatcom.
-Doe MAYFIELD of Idaho, one of Ferndale's early settlers, is expected to visit his mother next month.
-George HOPE, the only son of John HOPE, aged sixteen years, died of quick consumption in Mountain View on the 9th, and was buried in Enterprise, by the side of his aunt Lizzie SLATER who was buried two weeks ago, this is a rare occurrence, two deaths in a family in so short a time, and the friends of the family sympathize deeply with the bereaved.
-The life of the two-year-old son of John BYERS, been dispaired of for several days, but is now improving, inflammation of the lungs was the trouble.
-Mr. HAUKINS attended the medal contest at Pleasant Valley on Friday evening.
-Mr. BATSTONE has an addition to his family, a son, nothing like raising sons in this country, to help get rid of the big trees and stumps.
-Miss Emma HOSKINS is expected home from Portland, soon where she has been attending school, close application to study has affected her eyes.
-Mr. HOSKINS' family will soon move to Fairhaven.
-Miss CISSNA of Ferndale has been staying with her sister, Mrs. BYERS, during the illness of her child.
-A large number of the old Indians on the reserve were on their way to "Fort Laughly," Thursday, to attend the funeral of one of their "Tyee" old friends.
-Mr. COLLINS has moved into his new house in Mountain View.
-Our roads are in a terrible condition, caused by hauling sawlogs, they will soon be impossible if kept up.
-The directors have hired the present teacher, Mr. HAWKINS, for the summer term, we are fortunate in getting so able a teacher.

General Missionary SUNDERLIN, when he had inspected the new Baptist church in Blaine declared it the finest Baptist church on Puget sound.

Rev. Dr. MALLORY on Monday evening commenced revival meetings in the M. E. church, which series of meetings is expected to continue for several weeks.

The draft for the amount of the Blaine school bonds has been received by Clerk THOMAS, and work will at once be commenced on the new school buildings, which will be a great benefit to the city just at the present time. A large quantity of brick has been hauled to the Central building in the past few days, and it will be pushed to completion.

The railroad company is erecting in Blaine a depot about the same size of the passenger depot of the Northern Pacific in Tacoma. It is a very good building and of course will do for the present, but within five years the Great Northern company will discover that a depot which is now large enough for Tacoma will not do for Blaine, but then of course they will enlarge it when it becomes necessary to do.

Museum and Doll Show at Kingsley hall Monday afternoon Feb. 23. War relics, fifty to one hundred and fifty years old. Shells and specimens from all parts of the United States. Admission 10 cents. Children 5 cents.
Mrs. Laura B. WISON, President. Mrs. Minnie MILHOLLIN, Secretary.

February 26, 1891:

The Y. M. C. A. Debating and Literary Society will hold their regular meeting next Monday evening, at which the following program will be rendered:
Question for Debate - Resolved, That Foreign Immigration is Detrimental to the Best Interests of the United States. Affirmative, Wm. STAYT and C. F. MEGQUIER. Negative, H. O. WARD and J. H. SIMPSON.
Select reading - Bert OSTROM.
Instrumental Music - Miss Nella CORNISH.
Recitation - J. H. SIMPSON.
Select Reading - Miss Etta ROBERTS.
Solo - Miss Anna KEANE.
Recitation - Miss Mabel BALL.
Song - L. L. MOUNCE.
Extemporaneous Speeches.

The new Baptist church, at the corner of G and Fifth streets, was used last Sunday for the first time. The building is worthy of more than passing notice, both the interior and the exterior presenting a handsome appearance. The whole building is of wood, and is lathed and plastered making it comfortable. It is surmounted by a taper spire over a hundred feet high, which is supplied with a belfry and on the ground floor affords a vestibule nine feet square. The church is provided with two large audience rooms. The larger one is 30x40 in size, and will seat two hundred people, while the side room, which is 17x32 in size is connected with the main room by folding doors and will seat a hundred. The smaller room is seated with movable chairs, while the larger contains two hundred folding opera chairs. The walls of the large room are calsamined a delicate ecru with a broad stencilled brown band around the top. The arch is a sky blue, as are the walls of the small room. Leading off from the pulpit platform are doors opening into the robing room and enquiry room, and underneath the platform is the baptistry. All the wood work in natural finished in oil. The whole building has been under the supervision of Mr. C. F. MEGQUIER, assisted by an able corps of volunteers and hired helpers. Chas. WATSON has done the painting. The untiring labors of the pastor, Rev. A. A. WATSON, have been mainly instrumental in securing the completion of this elegant structure, and he has been warmly seconded by many members of his congregation.

-Work on the hotel is suspended just at present, but will go ahead as soon as good weather returns.
-Our schools closed yesterday by a very interesting program consisting of recitations, declamations, songs, dialogues, and last but not least amusing to the little ones was a magic lantern show, submitted by Master Artwell TRACY. Mr. BULLA has proven himself a number one instructor, and our directors have shown their good judgment in securing his services for another six months to begin March 1.
-Miss Ella LOGAN is able to walk a little after so long. May she soon be well.
-BROWN Bros. have lately baled about fifty tons of hay for GISCHER & MARTINSON, two of our progressive ranchers.
-Professor PARKINS will commence school in California creek school house early in March, to continue six months. This will be Mr. PARKINS' third term in that district, which is a good recommendation to him.
-Mr. CHAMBERS will build a residence in the near future on his land two miles east of our bay.
-Peter SNYDER is building an addition to his house, on his fine farm in Pleasant Valley.
-The silver medal which was contested for by pupils of the Happy Valley school was awarded to Miss Winnie GRIMMETE.
---Frank JAMES.

W. H. SNYDER, who used to set type in Blaine, has been visiting friends in this city for several days.

Miss Carrie HAMMOND, who has been at home during the past week, returned to Tacoma yesterday.

FOR SALE - Paint shop in Blaine. Doing a thriving business. This is a fine opportunity for some energetic man with cash to invest. Good reasons given for selling. L. E. LAMAR.

The superior court has granted the dissolution of the incorporation of the town of Blaine, which incorporation was destroyed in effect by a flaw in the description of boundaries, and Tuesday afternoon a public meeting was held in the opera house for the purpose of discussing the matter, as well as re-organization. Mr. CORNISH occupied the chair and gave a somewhat extended expose of the steps taken and to be taken, some remarks were made by others, and a recess was taken, and petition for reincorporation was presented for signatures and signed by a large number of citizens.
Oval PIRKEY, A. E. MEAD and C. A. LOOMIS were appointed a committee to attend to the preparation and publication of the petition for re-incorporation.
After recess the following resolution was presented by Mr. G. P. PERLEY and adopted unanimously:
Resolved, that a vote of thanks be extended to the Honorable Mayor and council for the efficient and effective manner in which the reorganization of the town of Blaine has been conducted, and the same be printed in the Blaine Tribune and the Blaine Journal. ..... The election will take place about the middle of April.

March 5, 1891:

Postmaster BARNES is able to attend to his duties once more after confinement to his home by a severe sickness for two weeks.

Wm. STAYT now measures his strides with a pair of crutches, owing to a misunderstanding with an axe, which alighted on his foot in an ungentlemanly way.

Paul A. C. ARMFELT yesterday made a sale of his White Rock property, consisting of fifteen acres on the waterfront. Blaine parties were the buyers who will at once commence improvements there.

For stylish dressmaking call on Miss Ella THOMPSON and Mrs. O. D. McDONALD, corner of Harrison avenue and Boblett street. Satisfaction guaranteed.

J. G. KAUDY is fitting up undertaking parlors on Martin street near the corner of Washington avenue. He has secured the membership for Blaine in the undertaker's association and will now fit up in elegant style, and be prepared to attend properly to all work in that line.

Mr. Paul A. C. ARMFELT leaves to-morrow morning for New Westminster and Vancouver, and from the latter place will embark for San Francisco, where he will probably assume a position in a prominent corporation of that city. Mr. ARMFELT has been connected with the Journal for several months, and has proven himself a pains-taking business assistant, and a good reporter. The Journal wishes him success in his new field.

Fred DIX, a foreman of construction, was killed on the Fairhaven & Southern railroad Tuesday afternoon. He was riding on a flat car in front of the engine and while attempting to drive some cattle from the track the air brakes were put on and the sudden jar threw him off and under the wheels of the train. One car ran over him, killing him instantly. He was 35 years old and leaves a wife and family in Dakota. He was a faithful and trusted man and his loss will be felt by his employers. The accident occurred near Ferndale.

C. G. SLAYTON is out after a severe illness of several weeks.

The brick work on the new school house is now going forward. It is expected that it will be finished in about two weeks.

The water works company yesterday put fifteen men to work digging a trench from the factory eastward. Pipe making is going forward with good speed now, and the works will be put in running order as soon as the weather will permit.

Mr. S. WADE, a large property holder on the south side of our harbor, is now in Colorado on business in connection with his realty interests in that state. The people in that country will know considerable more about Blaine than they do now when he has been there a while.

The missing fishermen who were mentioned last week, GERARD and BISHOP, have returned to Blaine. The cause of their delay was an accident by which their boat was disabled near Point Roberts. They had anchored near the point, leaving their sloop and going ashore. The wind arose and tore the anchor loose from the boat, which then drifted among the rocks, tearing a hole in her bottom. One of the men walked home coming around by the beach, and the other remained to repair the boat, which he did and sailed across.

The railroad company is putting up near the depot a section house about 20x30 in size two stories high with a lean-to. The depot is being painted and rapidly finished up. The lumber is on the ground for the Blaine, B. C. depot, which will be about the same size as the Blaine depot, and will have in addition a covered passenger platform, making it additionally comfortable. It is expected there will be a Y put in on the boundary line, and possibly extending down to deep water, thus permitting engines to turn here. We have reason to feel considerable satisfaction at the substantial buildings which the railroad is constructing here.

The railroad company is preparing to put in a telegraph line from Sedro to Blaine.

E. W. STEVENS is on the sick roll and has been in a serious condition for several days.

Mr. I. V. HOWARD, lately from Edgar, Neb., was a called at the Journal office to-day.

A Roman Catholic priest has arrived at the reserve on the B. C. side to take spiritual charge of the Indians there.

The pulpit in the new Baptist church is the work of J. H. MARTIN and J. H. HUFF. It is hand made of native cedar and is a handsome and elegant gift by the two gentlemen to the church.

HENZEL - Friday morning, February 27th, 1891, in Blaine, Washington, Thos. HENZEL, aged 66 years.

WOODARD-SHAW - March 3d, 1891, at the residence of W. H. DORR, Wiser Lake, near Lynden, by Rev. S. HILTON, Harry F. WOODARD, and Hattie M. SHAW, daughter of D. C. SHAW.
Miss SHAW is somewhat acquainted in Blaine, having spent some time here last summer, and Mr. WOODARD is a young business man of Whatcom. Bon voyage.

This society after a somewhat discouraging experience expect to hold services for the first time in their new chapel, next Sunday, March 8th.
This society having one of the best locations in the city have, they think, wisely concluded not to build a permanent church till they can build a good one of stone or brick with stone trimmings, hence they concluded to put up what they now call a chapel, to be transformed into a manse or parsonage when the permanent church is built. The present building is so planned that it can be arranged into cellar, kitchen, and storeroom below a large parlor and sitting-room, each 15x18; study or bedroom 9x15, and a hall of same size, while the upper story will afford ample space from halls and five rooms each 9x15.
All who are disposed to think and worship as they do - all who have no regular place of worship, and all who do not understand Presbyterians and their doctrines are cordially invited to attend and get acquainted, and receive a cordial welcome as permanent members of the congregation.
Remember the location, north side of H street, just east of the north end of Harrison avenue.

Blaine, Wash., Feb. 27, 1891
I now give warning to certain individuals who have annoyed me, that having been informed that there is no law in Blaine to protect me from abuse and threats, I shall protect myself with a weapon both day and night.
Mrs. L. LEON.

March 12, 1891:

Geo. DILLON returned Saturday from a visit at St. Paul.

Mrs. E. R. WHEELER went to Seattle this morning, where she will spend about a week visiting friends.

M. G. LOUGHLEN, a prominent educator recently from Kansas, arrived in Blaine Saturday. He is much pleased with the International City and its surroundings and will probably settle here permanently and be followed by a large number of friends.

The Postal Telegraph office now occupies comfortable and commodious quarters in the Lindsey block. The large room occupied has been partitioned off so as to separate the reception room from the operating room, and Mr. HARKNESS also has a private recess off the operating room. All this will be much more convenient that the cramped quarters formerly occupied.

Chas. W. LAUTERBACH wholesale cigar importer of Seattle, was transacting business in the city last Friday.

The county commissioners will consider Blaine's re-incorporation to-morrow. A number of citizens will be in attendance.

H. C. GORDON special agent from the U.S. land office at Seattle, was in Blaine the first of the week, investigating land contests from this vicinity.

A. W. RUSS of this city, will open a night school in penmanship and bookkeeping, in the Thomas building next Monday night. Mr. RUSS is an expert penman as will be proven to the satisfaction of anyone examining his specimens.

Mr. L. R. FREEMAN, publisher of the Washington Farmer, was a caller at the Journal office Monday. He spent a whole day and two nights in Blaine, and expressed astonishment at what he saw.

CAIN's sawmill commenced operation Tuesday with T. J. HARLING at the wheel. It will probably saw the lumber for the First ward school building.

Custer, Blaine's nearest suburban town is making rapid progress these times. The saw mill of A. BEHM [BEHME] is rushing to its fullest capacity in furnishing lumber for new buildings which are going up. Among those we noticed was a fine residence by James MILLER, also one by G. W. WHITE, and a large fine barn by W. H. GILBERT. Mr. GILBERT also has six men piling up logs and clearing land. He is preparing to make him one of the finest homes in Whatcom county. At the station Mr. Ed BROWN is slashing down a large tract of land, and will put up a store and postoffice building. Custer will yet be Blaine's most desirable neighbor.

Nelson H. M. WHITTAKER, of Tacoma, has been in Blaine several days lately with a proposition to put in at this point a match factory, in which to manufacture his own patent parlor matches. In behalf of his company he asks that the people of Blaine donate either $5000 cash and one acre of ground, or $2500 cash, $2500 in lots and one acre of ground, or $7500 in lots and one acre. The acre of ground must be within one and one-half miles of the international boundary line and adjoining the Great Northern railroad.
The company agrees, on condition that either of the above propositions are carried out, to give bonds to run the factory five years, to employ not less than fifty hands constantly, and to commence running the same within three months.
At the Chamber of Commerce meeting Monday evening nearly $5000 in land was raised and on Tuesday the balance was easily secured.
The factory will be located on Martin street adjoining the railroad.

F. S.CAHILL, was in Blaine Friday, and informs us that capitalists have joined with him to develop the Coal Creek mine, the product of which we hope to see shipped at Blaine.

-Mrs. BREETS is slowly improving, her father arrived from up-sound this week.
-The measles are prevalent in town.
-George BROWN, of Ferndale is acting as deputy sheriff.
-Mrs. Eminly WALLACE, three years a resident of Mountain View, died March 3rd, of la grippe, she leaves a husband and three small children, beside other near relatives to mourn her loss.
-Mr. HOSKINS' family moved to Fairhaven on the 2nd. Mr. HOSKINS was one of our first settlers, and his removal from us is much regretted.
-Mr. ABBOT who bought Mr. HOSKINS place, has moved his family in.
-Mr. and Mrs. AITKEN, of Enterprise, visited friends in Mountain View last week.
-A Mountain View cemetery association was organized on March 7th. E. LOPAS, H. W. POTTER, and H. A. SMITH were elected trustees, W. T. RADCLIFFE secretary and S. BURGESS treasurer.

   Last Sunday the bell of the new Congregational church rang for the first regular service held there.
   The building is located on Alder street near Fourth, and is an ornament to that part of the city. It is built of brick, and is surmounted with a lofty bell tower. The vestibule is directly beneath the tower. The auditorium is 70x38 feet in size, is seated with high back pews, and will accommodate 350 people.
   The pulpit and choir are located in the north end of the church, with the latter immediately back. Leading off this platform on either side doors open into the pastor's study and a Sabbath school room.
The finish of the building, both exterior and interior is neat and tasty. The arch of the ceiling is high and the natural wood, finished in oil, gives the interior a pleasing appearance.
   Another congregation of workers, together with their pastor, Rev. S. DAILY, have done this, and their church building will be an ornament to Blaine when we have 25,000 people here.

C. C. OSTRUM is putting up a fine business building on Harrison avenue.

J. WOLTEN is building him a residence and shop on Harrison avenue.

Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing under the name of RILEY & CARPENTER, and also as RIELY, CARPENTER & Company is this day mutually dissolved. W. D. SOULES and T. R. CARPENTER will complete the contract for building the school house and pay all indebtedness of the firm.
Dated, Blaine, Washington, February 25th, A. D., 1891.

March 19, 1891:

Elwood KEAN, who lately broke his arm, is progressing quite favorably.

It only takes three minutes to open the draw of the Nooksack bridge at Ferndale.

Elmer MISSIMER, who has been suffering terribly with inflammation of the bowels, was reported better this morning.

P. D. HARKNESS is visiting with his parents in Nooksack, and during the absence, Mr. McCALL has charge of the key board in the Postal Telegraph office.

A. W. RUSS opened his school in penmanship and book-keeping last Monday night with about twenty-five scholars. Mr. RUSS is a deserving young man and we are confident a competent teacher.

Owing to a rate war between the boat lines which ply on the sound, the fare from Whatcom to Seattle has been reduced to one dollar. This is the old price and it will probably never be restored to the late exorbitant rates.

Friends of Miss Ethel McELMON will be pained to hear that she has been suffering with several weeks' illness brought on by too close application to her studies in Vancouver. She is now better, we understand, though still not out of danger.

S. T. JENNINGS, a cousin of the CAIN brothers, visited this city during the past week, and spent a few days at the CAIN residence. He is recently from Forest, Ill., but is now temporarily located at Slaughter [now Auburn] this state. He was very much pleased with Blaine.

McCOY & O'BRIEN have gathered their implements together and are preparing to commence work on the main line of the Great Northern eight miles southeast of Blaine, which line will run through Lynden. They say that thirty days after they commence operations the road will be ready for the ties.

Mrs. L. A. CAMPBELL, from the upper North Fork of the Nooksack, is in Blaine visiting with her daughter, Mrs. J. W. DORR. Mrs. CAMPBELL informs us that within the past month a railroad survey has been made past their place going eastward toward boundary pass, by which it evidently intends to go through the mountains. It is not known what company is doing the work, but is supposed to be the Great Northern. If it is that company the "pass" question will probably be solved to the satisfaction of everybody in Whatcom county.

The public school will enjoy a vacation the coming week.

John SPOONER is preparing to put a sawmill in operation on his place two miles east of Blaine.

J. F. MOUNT, formerly one of Blaine's attorneys, but now located at Whatcom, was in the city yesterday.

CAIN Brothers are doubling their yard room at the sawmill, and now have ample space for lumber piles and for teams to turn.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. CROCKEN Saturday, March 7th, at their home in Coupeville, a nine pound boy. Mother and boy are doing well.

Miss Elsie BENNETT returned from Whatcom Tuesday evening, where she had been visiting the past two weeks at her brother's of that place.

C. H. BARNHEISEL returned Saturday from a three weeks trip to San Francisco. Mr. BARNHEISEL brought with him a large invoice of new goods which he adds to his present stock.

G. J. KAUDY's undertaking rooms on Martin street are as completely furnished as any on the sound. He has just received a first-class stock of undertakers goods, with everything requisite for funerals at short notice.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McKNIGHT, of Whatcom, on Monday, March 16, 1891, a daughter weighing twelve pounds. A large number of Blaine people will congratulate the genial landlord of the Hotel Byron on their next trip to the bay.

We bespeak for Mr. H. O. WARD the courtesy of the public, as he will hereafter occupy the position of city reporter on the Journal. Any items of news presented to him will receive considerate attention, and all favors to him will be appreciated by the Journal.

F. T. HURLBURT is having his sail-boat refitted and fully equipped, ready to be launched at the opening of the season. The Nellie C. was considered one of the best boats that graced the waters of the bay last year, and as she has been remodeled and much improved will doubtless bear the banner the coming season.

Grandma WHITCOM [WHITCOMB], 87 years of age, was a caller at the Journal office yesterday. Grandma can remember when there were only fifteen states in the Union, when Ohio, Illinois and all the other great Mississippi valley states were in a wilderness, when Chicago had but one house and Minneapolis and St. Paul had no white people. She can remember the rise and fall of the great Napoleon, and she saw what is now the city of Blaine when there were not a dozen people here, but she never happened before to go into a printing office. She promises to call again soon when the big steam press [is] running, and we can assure her that she will be welcomed.

A. F. GRANT, recently from Edgar, Nebraska, was a caller at the Journal office yesterday.

We are pleased to state that F. W. STEVENS, who has been quite ill the past few weeks, is convalescent.

Miner GRISWOLD, the funny man of Texas Siftings, died at Sheboygan Falls, Wis., of appoplexy on the 14th, inst.

Satisfactory arrangements have been effected, by which active work in being done on the new school house, and it will be pushed rapidly to completion.

Mr. CARPENTER informs us that the brick work on the new central school building was finished last evening. The lumber for the woodwork is being furnished by PARKER & WOODIN, of Fairhaven, and the carpenter work will be pushed forward as rapidly as possible. The building will be roofed with galvanized iron, and will be heated with a furnace. Mr. CARPENTER says the building will be completed within thirty days. When finished and furnished this will be one of the fine school buildings of the county.

The new Baptist church will be dedicated on the 29th.

-Mr. BULLA commenced his second six months term of school in our district on the 9th inst.
-Mrs. Maggie McHEFFEY has received the appointment as post mistress, vice S. C. TRACY resigned.
-O. H. LEE is suffering from rheumatism.
-Mr. KAGAY closed a six months term of school in Pleasant Valley on the 13th with an interesting programme in the evening consisting of recitations, declamations, dialogues and a very successful negro minstrel show, which was enjoyed by one hundred people present.
-Mr. NEWMAN of Salina, Kansas, is visiting Mrs. T. E. SELIN.
-The personal property of I. L. HAWKSWORTH, deceased, was sold on the 14th, by Wm. PARR, administrator.
-Prof. W. R. PARKINS commences school in California Creek district Monday.
-Professor KIRKPATRICK will teach the summer term for the Enterprise people. Kirk. is a successful teacher.
---Frank JAMES

The new Baptist church will be dedicated on the 29th.

March 26, 1891:

The new railroad telegraph line will soon be built through Blaine. The contract has been let for poles, and the work of running the line will be commenced immediately.

We are sorry to state that G. J. KAUDY, the undertaker, is lying quite ill at the Washington House, but well founded hopes are entertained for his recovery.

The second annual convention of District No. 2 of the State of Washington, of the Y. M. C. A., will be held at Sehome on Saturday and Sunday, March 28th and 29th.

P. D. HARKNESS returned Monday from his visit to Nooksack City. We might as well add that Mr. H. is still in the employ of the Pacific Postal Telegraph company.

The I. O. G. T. will give a basket and clothes-pin social at their hall on Martin street, Wednesday evening, April 1st. Everyone invited to attend, ladies will be expected to bring a basket filled with eatables.

W. W. CANON, superintendent of the Griffith electric light plant at this place, returned Tuesday evening from a business trip to Seattle. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Canon is soon to sever his connection with the company.

P. NIELSON arrived home from Southern California Friday evening, after a stay of several months. He reports in much better health that when he departed, and says he will stay with Blaine this summer. After leaving the springs at Paso Robles he took the steamer for his trip up the coast, and found the change from the warm interior of California to the cold sea breeze quite severe on him, and caught a large-sized cold from which he is now busy recovering.

Captains KIRBY and AMY each took a sloop over to the islands this week to fish for halibut and cod.

Geo. TERRY has begun the construction of what is to be a neat stable on his residence property on 4th street.

The G. A. R. will celebrate the 25th anniversary of its organization Monday evening, April 6th. All other societies have been specially invited to attend, and a big time is anticipated.

Mr. Joseph GRAYSON, of Whatcom, was a visitor to Blaine last Saturday. He was at this point in '83, and was greatly astonished at the change that had taken place on the face of nature since then.

COLLINS & SLAYTON have secured the contract for building the two ward schoolhouses, and will immediately commence getting building material on the ground for the same. The work of construction must be commenced before the 15th of April.

Mrs. N. A CORNISH, her daughter Nellie and son Willie, started Friday morning on an extended visit to relatives and friends at Portland. They will visit their old home in Arlington, Ore., and will be absent about a month.

April 2, 1891:

Over 3,000 worth of goods consigned to Blaine people was lost in the accident to the Eliza Anderson in Deception pass Saturday morning. The steamer was on its regular weekly run to this city with a heavy cargo. She came through the pass with a very strong tide, and about 6 o'clock soon after getting through, was carried into a reef within forty feet of the rocky shores of Fidelgo island. The captain feared that the steamer would break in two when the tide went out, and ordered the cargo thrown overboard. Fifteen head of cattle belonging to L. M. LAPOINTE, were driven overboard. Two valuable horses were drowned and another was ruined by injuries received on the rocks. Instead of swimming to Fidalgo island the horses in their fright swam around the steamer and struck out into the straits, some swimming out as far a six miles. A fine piano belonging to W. H. PICKNEY [PINCKNEY], late of Seattle, was thrown overboard and sunk like a stone. Other valuable articles of household furniture belonging to Mr. PICKNEY [PINCKNEY] were also lost. A large amount of merchandise and meats, consigned to local dealers, was also lost.
The tide left the steamer high and dry, but fortunately her keel was supported the whole length and no serious damage was done to the hull, which was held upright by cables from the shore and by the rocks.

    Last Monday at 10 a.m. the county commissioners re-incorporated the city of Blaine, as a city of the third-class with limits as described in the petition wit: the exception of a strip of school land two blocks in length and a few hundred feet wide laying just south of the international boundary line and fronting on the bay, and also a strip known as the GOODNOW land the title of which was being contested and one of the contestants protested against its being included.
    Under the new incorporation which makes the city one of the third-class, there will be six councilmen and a mayor with greater municipal powers. The day set for the election of the municipal officers is Saturday, May 2nd, and they will immediately enter upon the discharge of their duties.

Zenas MARTIN, whose smiling countenance had become so familiar behind the counters of the grocery department in CAIN Bros. store, has severed his connection with that institution, and started Sunday morning for eastern Colorado where he will make his future home.

April 9, 1891:

    Mr. J. ELWOOD, of Blaine, is stopping at the Occidental. Some nineteen years ago, Mr. ELWOOD, then a boy of 16, settled at Semiahmoo, and ever since then by "stayed by it," as he expressed it. At present he is the owner of that part of Blaine lying just across the border. "When I first came," said Mr. ELWOOD last evening, "Semiahmoo was quite a trading point. Mail was brought in twice a week by steamer, and the day the boat arrived was a sort of holiday. Then every rancher came in in his boat. No roads existed in those days, and the settlers had boats just as they now have wagons. They lived mostly near the Sound and the three streams which run in near that point. So to use a boat was the natural thing.
    "At that time the customs officers were not so strict as they are now, but there was comparatively little smuggling. The Canadian officers were particularly lax, for the Canadians about there could get no supplies nearer than New Westminster, fifteen miles away, unless they came to Semiahmoo, as a trip that distance worked hardship. Nothing was said if they made Semiahmoo their trading point. But now a Canadian must pay duty even if he comes to get nothing more than a sack of flour.
    "Any number of Chinamen used to come through there, and nothing was said to them. They would go up to the Fraser river for the salmon packing and then come down across the country to Whatcom, where they would take the boat for Seattle and then go to Portland. Chinamen just landed could, of course, get into the country with these fellows.
    "But the American officers are now very vigilant and few Chinamen come down that way. Then, too, the people of Whatcom county are strongly anti Chinese, and the tendency is to run the Chinamen out. The only Celestial in the county works for me. He has been in this country for thirty-five years, has cut off his pig-tail and is thoroughly Americanized. You would be surprised to learn that he is very popular." --P.I.

Dan McKELLAR is now a street-car conductor on Bellingham bay. He says Blaine ought to be buried.

G. S. HOPKINS of Olympia, brother of W. W. HOPKINS of this place was visiting in the city the first of the week, returning home Tuesday morning.

Last Sunday evening Constable RADCLIFFE arrested one Jno. A. JOHNSON and Jasper CAIN, charging them with assault and battery. The accused were arraigned before Judge DUNN, Monday evening, and JOHNSON plead guilty, receiving as penalty $5 and costs, while CAIN was discharged. It appears that Mr. CAIN was not desirous of participating in the altercation, but simply acted in the defensive, and should be exonerated from being implicated in the disturbance.

W. W. CANON who has been acting as superintendent for the Electric Light Company at this place ever since it began operation, has severed his connection with that institution and will soon cast his lot in other regions. Mr. CANON's friends, who consist of all who have known or had business with him, much regret that he has decided to leave as the impression all have of him as a business man and one familiar with his profession is decidedly favorable. May success attend him.

The new railway depot on D street has been completed and the train unloaded on its platform for the first time, last Tuesday evening. This fine and elegantly furnished building with a large ware-room, a large and commodious waiting-room, and two desirable rooms which are probably intended for the use of the agent as living rooms. Blaine has the privilege of boasting of the best depot on the line, and from the other expensive and permanent improvements which are being made on the depot site, it is evident that the company fully appreciate the coming commercial importance of the International City.

Prof. R. H. BYERS, of Sacramento, has been a visitor to Blaine during the past week.

A walk has been made to the Baptist church from H street on the side of the manse to accommodate all who wish to attend church from the southeast part of the city.

Citizens will please bear in mind that it is their duty to vacate the sidewalks for the teams which are using them as streets, and the property owners are bound to keep them free from obstructions as the impudent drivers will not be found so condescending as to even remove a baby carriage.

Last Saturday P. G. HEGNER while fishing off the Blaine wharf captured a hallibut weighing seventy-five pounds. It is said that two of Blaine's prominent citizens paid him for the privilege of carrying the big fish up town on a pole, and the sight of the monster caused quite an excitement among the gentlemen of leisure in the city. Hale SMITH and Jerry MERRELL soon after caught a fifty-pound hallibut near the same place, and now the wharf is the scene of great activity sprinkled with those who desire to try their luck. The people of Blaine do not have to go a thousand miles for fish.

L. D. ROSS, vice president of the L. H. GRIFFITH Realty & Banking Co., of Seattle, came up Tuesday to look after the company's extensive interests at this place.

Last Saturday as the boys of Mr. CUSTER who had the contract of carrying the mail between this place and Lynden, were bringing over a horse for John KEEN of this place, the animal became mired in the mud and in his frantic efforts to extricate himself broke one of his legs, and the boys came on to town for assistance, but no one went to recuse the animal until the next day, and in the meantime another leg had been broken. The neglect of those whose duty it was to have attended to the crippled horse was extreme cruelty, and such conduct should not be tolerated in the slightest degree.

J. B. LAMPHIER, who used to drive stage between Blaine and Whatcom, was in Blaine during the week. He will go east of the mountains shortly we believe to take charge of a stage line there.

-Peter SNYDER and M. DUKES are each building commodious hen houses.
-Miss May PARR has returned home from B. C., where she has been sojourning for six or eight months past.
-Mrs. CLIFTON of Seattle, is visiting our new postmistress, Maggie McHEFFEY.

April 16, 1891:

Work has commenced on the foundation of the D street school house.

C. A. LOOMIS has bough out the Arlington restaurant, and Mr. SLOAN has moved into the Flowers building.

We forgot last week to mention the "Ora," the new sloop belonging to DEMENT and PALMENTEER, which was added to the Blaine fishing fleet. The Ora is named for Mr. Wallace DEMENT's eldest daughter.

The new custom house at this point has been completed.

Business has been lively in the grocery department in CAIN's store this week. C. C. McDONALD, the genial superintendent, has been rejoicing with his friends over the arrival at his house of an eleven pound girl baby, on Tuesday morning.

J. W. BLAKE, of Condon, Oregon, has been visiting Blaine this week.

Geo. McCAULEY, who has been running the Garfield house, will move to his homestead in British Columbia.

Those who persist in driving on the sidewalks may be interested in knowing that they may be prosecuted under state law, and only good nature prevents it.

F. S. FULLERTON, the able lieutenant at the Journal office, will during the coming week, visit some of our old subscribers, and we hope many new ones, and we bespeak for him the courtesy of the public as he makes his rounds.

April 23, 1891:

L. R. FLOWERS, of Port Townsend, is visiting Blaine this week.

O. S. GARD has purchased the feed store formerly owned by MILLER & LEWIS.

Fred KOHN, living near Ferndale, accidently shot the side of his head off Tuesday. He cannot live.

Messrs. SCAIFE and PIRKEY are fitting up offices in the First National Bank building, into which they are moving to-day.

E. C. STILLWELL will occupy the GILFILIN & TANNER building in a few days with a large stock of implements, mill machinery, etc.

Rev. C. R. THOBURN, recently missionary to India, on Tuesday evening delivered a splendid lecture in the M. E. church to a small but very appreciative audience.

Last week the Journal neglected to mention the arrival of a bouncing baby girl at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. LAMAR. Mr. LAMAR says it is the nicest baby is the state.

W. H. DORR, of Lynden, has been appointed instructor for subordinate alliances for Whatcom county by the Farmers' Alliance. Those desiring to organize such a body will save time and trouble by addressing him.

The business man who will use a rubber stamp in place of proper printing is a slouch, and the first sign that a man's business is running down and that he had better be doing something fitting his size is when he commences to daub up good stationery and cardboard with a rubber stamp.

Mr. John KELLY, a leading Columbia river canneryman, is expected to arrive in Blaine this evening. He informs the Seattle Telegraph that his company will at once build two large canneries, one at Seattle and one at Blaine. They will be fully ready for operation so as to take advantage of the whole season's catch. He makes this statement without qualification, so that we may expect to see things humming in the cannery line within a few weeks.

J. MERRILL and W. A. SMITH are preparing a fishing tackle 500 feet long and expect to reap their share of the harvest.

While we in Blaine are busy watching the many developments going forward around us we are overlooking a substantial improvement which is going in only a few miles east of us. On Dakota creek, only three miles above its mouth Mr. Jesse STOOP has constructed a saw and shingle mill, which will be run by water. The shingle mill will be of good capacity. He has finished his dam and building and will have the shingle mill running by the first of July.

J. A. MORF, formerly of Sioux City, Iowa, but now residing at Seattle, was a caller at the Journal office yesterday. He has been on a visit to W. H. PINCKNEY, of this place. While here Mr. MORF called in and surprised his old comrade James CAIN, who recognized him without an introduction as the sergeant of his old company during the Indian wars of the '60s. Mr. MORF was also acquainted with the HUGHES, PINCKENY and KINGSLEY families back in the Corn City. He seemed to enjoy his visit to Blaine very much, and will probably return here for a permanent home before long.

In Blaine at the residence of A. E. MEAD, in Blaine, April 22d, 1891, by Rev. A. A. WATSON, Mr. James N. MOUNT and Miss Lottie P. BROWN, both of New Whatcom.

Miss Nellie SMITH of Mountain View, has been obliged to give up her school at Lynden, owing to an attack of inflammatory rheumatism.

April 30, 1891:

   Ettie, wife of Rev. BREETS, aged twenty-five, died April 18th, at the parsonage near Ferndale. Mrs. BREETS had been with us only a few months, but during her short stay we had learned to love her, who possessed a gentle and self sacrificing spirit, pure in heart, longing for the knowledge of eternal things.
   Though the happy face is missed the encouraging words are silent, we realize that as the warm spring days appear, the buds swell and burst, soon to develop into a beautiful flower, so the loved one arises, developing into the eternal life.
   Mrs. BREETS leaves a husband, whose consolation is only in the thought of meeting at the resurrection, also a sad father, who resides in Marysville, near Snohomish river, where the remains were taken for burial. Rev. MUSSER conducted a short funeral service at the house Sunday afternoon, the community sympathize deeply with the bereaved ones. (poem follows)

Mrs. DUNN and her little daughter Maggie, are visiting on the bay this week.

The coast survey steamer Fuca came in Tuesday night in charge of Ensign MOALE, who, accompanied by Draughtsman ALLEN have come to Blaine to take a few levels, etc. Lieut. JORDAN and family are still on the schooner Farnest, which is now located at Port Discovery.

W. L. ROGERS has leased a 400-acre farm near Ladner's Landing for five years.

Contractor C. F. MEGQUIER is not (now?) out after a severe illness of several days.

The little girl baby, seven months old, of Mr. and Mrs. Gore, who recently came to Blaine from Ellensburg, died Sunday afternoon, and was buried Monday.

Stages leave Blaine each morning now for New Westminster. Mr. G. H. GITZPATRICK drives one stage and Mr. H. VOGT the other. One leaves Westminster and one Blaine each morning.

The store of O. D. McDONALD was broken into Sunday night and among other things stolen was a fine Parker breech loading shot gun. Mr. McDONALD will be very much obliged to the burglar if he will return the gun, as he wants it to shoot ducks with.

Mr. and Mrs. MORSLANDER have left the Metropolitan hotel and will go to Hamilton to run a hotel there. It is expected that a Seattle gentleman will take charge of the Metropolitan. The MORSLANDERS have conducted an excellent house in Blaine, and when they get settled in their new place many of the old customers will search them out. They will be missed in Blaine.

Tuesday Rev. A. A. WATSON was pleasantly surprised Tuesday by the arrival in the city of his nephew, Mr. J. A. WATSON, who has just crossed the continent from New Brunswick, his former home having been River De Chute, Carlton county, in that province. They had not met for twelve years until they shook hands in Blaine Tuesday. Mr. WATSON will probably locate in this part of the country.

A. WAITE is having lumber placed on the ground for a cottage for himself on G street near Fifth.

Saturday Allen STANLEY caught out on the tide flats in front of Blaine, a young octopas or devil fish, which was about the size of a pigeon's egg with arms each about an inch long, with suckers and all, making the fish look every inch the little devil he is.

May 7, 1891:

Mr. F. W. STEVENS informs us that the sash and door factory is making rapid headway, the bonus has been procured, and the manager of the company is now in Seattle buying machinery. A Minneapolis firm will be the founders of the factory with a capital of $20,000, and will put up substantial buildings and employ a large force of men. This is an industry that will be of great benefit to the city as a large amount of shipping will be done both by rail and steamer. The factory will be located on Martin street, near the brickyard, and will get their water supply from the water company.

Saturday was a beautiful day for the city election, but the fine weather and interest did not seem to bring out a very full vote. Nearly 350 were registered, and only 275 ballots were dropped in the box. Of course, incorporation carried, and the last council was elected by a good big majority. Following is the vote:
For Mayor - N. A. CORNISH, 153; E. S. CLARKE, 117.
For council - E. A. BOBLETT, 227; G. W. CONRAD, 229; E. F. FISHER, 117; Peter FOSTER, 177; A. L. JOHNSON, 214, Byron KINGSLEY, 214; C. A. LOOMIS, 129; C. F. MEGQUIER, 119; C. A. OSTROM, 121, George TERRY, 174. The seven highest being elected.
For Treasurer - Lester W. DAVID received 208 votes.
For Assessor - D. P. GREELEY received 212.
For Health Officer - W. A. KING received 133 votes and E. W. BURKE 127 votes.
The county commissioners have passed on the re-incorporation, and Blaine is now a city of the third class, which we hope will result in giving new life to the business affairs of the International City.
Following is the personal of the new city officers:
Mayor-elect N. A. CORNISH is the president of the First National Bank. He is an attorney by profession, having formerly been attorney for the Union Pacific railroad. He is 39 years of age, and was born in Crown Point, Ind. He has made his home in Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, and for several years in Arlington, Ore., from which place he came to Blaine in the fall of 1889.
E. A. BOBLETT, the oldest member of the city council, was born in Bedford county, Virginia Nov. 24, 1828. He has since lived in Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Colorado, Arizona, and Idaho. He came to Seattle in November of '66, and about a year later to Blaine, where his principal interests have since been. He was one of the pioneers at this place, and his standing among the people is shown by the final vote he received on election day. He was a member of the late town council.
Byron KINGSLEY was also one of the first settlers in Blaine. He was born in Spring Valley, Fillmore county, Minnesota, on February 8, 1856; removed to Dakota with his parents while quite young, and came to Blaine February, 1871, having lived since where now stands his elegant residence. He has seen the forest give way to the farm, and the farm to the city, and has earned the good fortune he possesses. Mr. KINGSLEY was also a member of the old council.
Peter FOSTER, though a child of citizens of the United States, was born, while they were spending a time in Ontario, in 1851, soon after moving with his parents back to Buffalo, New York. While still quite young he went to Michigan, where he lived until he came to Blaine, March 28th, 1888, since which time he has lived here, having been engaged in sawmilling and merchandising.
G. W. CONRAD was born in Oswego county, New York, in 1840. He has since lived in Illinois, Iowa and Kansas, having served in the legislature of the latter state, and came to Blaine in August, 1888. He was a member of the former town council of Blaine, and heads the poll this time with 229 votes. He is the owner of the opera house and a member of the G. A. R.
C. A. LOOMIS, the youngest member, was born in Peoria, Illinois, in August 1856. In '64 moved to Omaha, Neb., and in '74 to California. His father, A. J. LOOMIS, has lived in and near Blaine for eight years. C. A. came here a little over a year ago. He is now keeping the Arlington restaurant and takes an active interest in the affairs of our city.
George TERRY was born in Portsmouth, Ohio, in 1847. He enlisted in the army and served two years from that place. He afterwards lived in Missouri for eight years, and then is California, and came to Blaine about two years ago. He was a member of the first town board of trustees of Blaine.
A. L. JOHNSON was born in Knox county, Ohio, Feb. 25, 1851, moved to Minnesota in '54 with his parents, and lived in that state thirty-five years, moving from there to Blaine in 1889. Mr. JOHNSON is one of our leading merchants, and was a member of the late town council.
The oddity of the election last Saturday was the fact that those who voted against incorporation voted for the full list of city officers. To carry out the principal they should have left the whole lower part of their ticket blank.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer SMITH welcomed a twelve pound girl to their home Tuesday morning.

Charlie BERTRAND had a serious accident last Tuesday. He was carrying an axe on his shoulder, and in some way fell from a log and cut his wrist severely.

John WYRICK and family have arrived in Blaine, and are stopping at Dr. DEMENT's. Mr. WYRICK is a son of Mrs. Dr. DEMENT, and comes from Barton county, Mo. He has come prepared to stay, and intends to settle on a farm.

Contractor Chas. COLE and family who went east to spend the winter returned to Blaine, from St. Paul Wednesday evening, after a long and tiresome trip of nearly two weeks, we are glad to welcome them back. Mrs. COLE is enjoying much better health than when she left.

    Elmer Ellsworth MESSIMER was born at Williamsport, Penn. twenty-five years ago. His father, John MESSIMER, is still living at Antisfort, Penn., and his brother, C. A. MESSIMER, lives at Snohomish, Wash. Elmer came to Blaine four years ago last March, and he was the first regular telegraph operator here. His first office was in the old BERTRAND building at the end of CAIN's wharf.
    He was married to Miss Annie BERTRAND in September, 1887, when he gave up his position as telegraph operator and worked in Seattle in the furniture factory. He worked on the Lindsey mill, when it was being build, and after its completion ran the planer for some time, when he left the mill he built two houses, one on D street near W. M. JOHNSON's building, and one on F street near the CHOWN residence. He worked for A. A. HART several months whose stock of furniture he afterward bought, and moved into the building he built on the Blaine wharf in the fall of 1889.
    Elmer was always cheerful and was a favorite with his acquaintances. He belonged to the Blaine band being one of the movers in its organization.
His last sickness was long and very painful, he was sick two months and fifteen days, when the final summons came Tuesday morning, May 5. In him the community has lost an energetic young man.
    He did not die without hope of salvation, for several weeks before his death he had felt a change of heart, and was looking forward to the day when he could be baptised and join a church and let the world know that he meant to live up to his professions, up to the last he retained his hopeful cheerful thoughts and his main trouble was the thought of leaving his young wife alone.
    The funeral was deferred from 2 p.m. Wednesday, to 10 a.m. Thursday awaiting the arrival of his brother from Snohomish.

May 14, 1891:


Mr. D. DRISDALE [DRYSDALE?], of New Westminster, was in Blaine last evening, and has made arrangements to at once fit up a salmon cannery on the spit. The work of preparation will be at once commenced, and will be pushed until ready to commence packing operations, which will be in a very short time. Mr. ELWOOD informs us that the company has unlimited capital, that they have purchased property of him, and to-morrow will let contracts for a large amount of piling, and next week will set fifty men to work.
The capacity of the cannery will be 1500 cases per day, will employ 150 men and probably as many more on the fishing grounds. The promoters of the enterprise are practical canners, and though leaving large interests on the Fraser river, will by locating at Blaine secure the first chance at the best fishing grounds. They only expect this year to pack the sockeye run, for which they will be fully prepared.
Last Monday evening a meeting was held to raise a bonus for a large shingle mill, which when in operation will cut 170,000 shingles per day. There was no trouble then and there in raising a $10,000 land bonus, and Mr. J. V. CHOWN, the instituter of the proposition is happy. He will send to the machinery at once, and it will be shipped for Blaine about June 1st. It will take fifty men to run this mill.
Last evening arrived in Blaine Messrs. M. GROPPER and W. J. WALLACE, who came to finish drawing up the papers for the match factory bonus, and to prepare for commencing building operations. Work will commence on construction the moment the last papers are completed, which is expected to be to-morrow, and this will also add fifty workers to Blaine's population.
The EARLY Bros., late of Sehome, yesterday purchased of MOUNCE Bros., one block of land adjoining the railroad upon which they will at once commence work in preparing for the extensive manufacture of brick. For the present they will run by horse power, though in the near future steam will be substituted. A spur will be built from the main line of the railroad into the yards, and a force of fourteen men will be kept constantly employed. The EARLY Bros. are well known for their enterprise and business judgment, and there is not a doubt but that their brick will find a ready sale. A force of men are now at work clearing the land.

   After a brief illness of only a few days, Miss Martha CONKLING passed away at the home of her sister, Mrs. T. A. KENNEDY, Friday, May 8th, at 1 o'clock p.m. Funeral services were held by Rev. S. DAILY, on Saturday at 1 p.m., and the remains were interred in the Blaine cemetery at 3 p.m.
   The cause of the sad occurrence was blood poisoning and the illness very brief, the young lady having been enjoying apparently good health but a week previous to the performance of the last sad rites, and the announcement of her death was a shocking surprise to the community.
Miss CONKLING was born in Petrolia, Cal., December 25th, 1871, where she has resided until two years ago, when she changed her place of residence to Eureka, Cal, and coming from there to Blaine, in August 1890.
   During her few months residence at this place Miss CONKLING made many friends who held her in the highest esteem, and the effect of the sad intelligence of her death was noticeable on every hand, and the degree of solemnity which hung over the entire community was impressive in the extreme, and in extending our most sincere and heart felt sympathy to the bereaved relations and friends, were but voice and expression of all who realize the great loss.

Ella HIGGINSON, formerly of West Shore, has assumed the associate editorship of The Pacific Magazine, published at Seattle, of which Lee FAIRCHILD is the editor. This combination assures the Northwest a magazine of great worth, as these two writers are able of themselves to make a first-class publication. The prices of the Pacific Magazine is only $2.00 per year.

Water pipes are being strung along E street where the line will soon be laid.

The Central School building was finished today, and before the fall term of school begins it will be needed for the pupils of the city.

Tuesday the Cornwall road made connection at Mission with the C. P. R., thus affording Whatcom county another artery of wealth.

News comes from LEWIS Center that on Sunday, May 10th, 1891, a little son was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. LEWIS. The little fellow weighed 10 3/4 pounds, and was named Perley. Mother and son are doing well.

Blaine is Now a Sub-Port
Yesterday Inspector BUCHANAN received from Deputy Collector RILEY, of Bellingham, a telegram stating: "Received telegram from Washington. Blaine made a sub-port yesterday."
   Yesterday morning's daily papers contained the following telegram:
   Washington, May 12. - The secretary of the treasury has designated the town of Blaine, Wash., as a sub-port of entry of the Puget Sound collection district.
   It will probably take some days to get the sub-port completely established in working order, but the fact that Blaine has at last secured to opening of the door, which it has long had control though barred out, means much to our city. Steamers and vessels of which we do not now think, will soon be touching here, and the C. P. N. Co. will be petitioned to-morrow to make Blaine the clearing port for their steamer, the Premier, which they have long since expressed a desire to do.

E. C. STILLWELL has moved his office and implement stock to the GILFILIAN (sic) & TANNER building on Washington avenue.

G. W. SHANNON & Co. have commenced to grade of Washington avenue near G street where they will shortly erect a good two-story store building.

May 21, 1891:

McCRACKEN - GEERY, -- At the residence of the bride's parents, Thursday, May 21, 1891, by the Rev. A. A. WATSON, Mr. Wm. R. McCRACKEN and Miss Eugenia GERRY, both of Blaine, Wash.
   The wedding was a quiet affair, only the relatives and a few of the more intimate friends of the bride and groom were present.
   The bride is held in high esteem in the community, is a most estimable young woman, who is warmly admired by a large circle of friends. She is a prominent member of the Good Templar's lodge, having filled the worthy chief's chair. Of a warm, generous nature, refined and possessed of true Christian graces, the groom has won a priceless jewel.
The groom has won the respect and the confidence of citizens by his uniform courtesy, high respectability and prominence in business and social circles.
   The Journal with the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. McCRACKEN extend congratulation, wishing them a long life of continued happiness, prosperity and success.

Baker River, May 21. - (Special), "Verily in the midst of life we are in death." George JUDSON was accidently killed Tuesday morning while hunting near the mouth of the Baker river, by falling upon a projecting stick which penetrated his groin. Death resulted in one hour after the accident. The deceased was the youngest son of H. A. JUDSON of Lynden, and a native of Olympia. He was a member of the first legislature of the state of Washington, representing Whatcom county. He was superintendent of the mine on Baker river in which he and E. B. EBEY were interested. He leaves a wife and family at Lynden. He being a member of the K. of P. lodge to Whatcom and Seattle division took charge of the remains at Fairhaven.

A movement is on the tapis to open Harrison avenue to the boundary line. The opening of that thoroughfare as contemplated would indeed be of incalculable benefit to that section of the town. No reasonable person will for a moment content that that street should not be extended. If the council adopts a policy which comprehends the material welfare of the entire town, irrespective of any particular locality, all will be well. These sectional feelings should be overcome. Contending that any particular section possesses all of the merits while other localities as favorably situated have all of the drawbacks, is narrow and selfish and the view of men who admit their inability to administer the affairs of the city, their incompetency to comprehend the needs of the municipality. We can understand how one street could accommodate the business of a little country village, but utterly fail to see how any one street will comm___ the entire business of a large commercial city. Be men and unite in the material advancement of the whole town, east and west north and south.

Blaine will soon become a presidential post-office.

The Fourth street ward school is rapidly reaching completion.

A few days since Grandpa RUCKER trapped a bear and two cubs near his home at Custer.

Blaine will be privileged to enjoy two circuses this year - McMAHON's and McMANNUS'. The former exhibits Monday and the latter Friday. The desire of the most enthusiastic youth will certainly be gratified in that direction.

L. E. LAMAR has just completed painting the interior of the central school building. The work is indeed first-class in every particular. Mr. LAMAR is a finished workman, competent to perform artistic as well as plain work in a thorough, workmanlike manner.

Mr. Wm. R. McCRACKEN and bride left on the morning train for a trip to Victoria.

Mr. Levin JOHNSON of Seattle, is visiting with friends in Blaine. Mr. JOHNSON will leave next week for an extended visit with his parents who reside in Beaver Falls, Minn.

Mr. S. WADE has returned to the International City from Colorado. He reports hearing many good words of Blaine on his way here. He is accompanied this time by his son, G. W. WADE and Arthur HOTCHKISS.

May 28, 1891:

-The Rev. Mr. BREETS has rented the M. E. parsonage to the Baptist minister.
-Mr. TINGLY passed through town with logging outfit, on the way to his new camp, west of Mountain View.
-The Rev. Mr. WELLS returned from Snohomish on Thursday, the 19th inst., where he had been attending the Ministerial Association. Mr. WELLS and others are earnestly working for a public library in Ferndale.
-Mrs. WELLS went to Lynden on Saturday, where she will organize a juvenile templars' lodge.
-Elsie KINDRED, of Blaine, who was visiting here, was telegraphed for, on account of the illness of her little brother.
-The late James CLAYTON, whose death occurred on the 20th inst., was born in England 90 years ago. He emigrated to this country about 40 years ago, settling in Illinois, where he buried his wife soon after his arrival. Eight years ago he came to Mountain View with his daughter, Mrs. ANDERSON, where he lived until his death. He led a very active life, until within three months of the time he was taken down with the sickness which ended his life. He lived to a good old age - more than is allotted to man, and died in the Faith. He leaves three daughters in Missouri and two sons and a daughter on the Sound, besides many friends to mourn his death.
-The infant son of Mr. KOSS was buried on Friday, the 20th inst.
-The Misses Alice and Laura SMITH went to Lynden recently to assist in a musical given by the Normal students, under the management of Mrs. Statts KELLOG.

   Agreeable to announcement the young men interested in perfecting the organization of a base ball club met last Tuesday evening at Roberts Bros.' drug store.
   The meeting was called to order by Ed. ROBERTS, who was unanimously chosen chairman.
   The object of the meeting was expressed in a few well-chosen words. Blaine has reached that period in her progress when she must have an organized base ball club. There certainly was enough talent here among the lovers of the national game out of which to select the material for a first-class nine. Proficiency on the diamond comes from practice, and the way to make a strong, formidable team, is to organize, select the best players, and then practice in good earnest.
   The election of officers resulted as follows:
President - J. V. CHOWN
Captain - Ed. ROBERTS
Asst. Captain - F. S. FULLERTON
Secretary - Louis DAHL
Treasurer - Harry FOX
The roll of membership was then presented, a fee of 25 cents being charged, which received quite a number of signatures.
   The boys are taking hold of the matter with enthusiasm, and with a determination which if persisted in will result in signal success and crowning victory.
   The club will practice on the grounds, in Miller's Park addition every Monday, Thursday and Friday evenings. The first match game will be played with an amateur nine from New Westminster on the Fourth. It takes money to equip a base ball club, and citizens should respond liberally when appealed to for assistance.

The little cottage of Mr. George GEERISH was removed from Washington avenue to boundary ridge, where this gentleman has a very desirable and sightly residence plot.

The Fourth street ward school will soon be ready for the plasterers.

McMAHON's circus played to a crowded house last Monday. Blaine is establishing quite a record as a show town.

The infant child of the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. KINDRED who has been seriously ill, is recovering.

The cupola surmounting the Fourth street ward school building gives that structure a truly educational aspect.

Mr. Chas. COLE has leased the Metropolitan hotel on Martin Street, and will open it to the general public next week. Mr. COLE is an old experienced hotel keeper, and will doubtless conduct a popular resort.

The Lynden Press: The people along the Lynden, Blaine and Birch Bay road are now building a bridge across Bertrand creek; so that travel to Blaine will soon be shortened about 3 miles. The bridge will be 550 feet long.

Mr. DRYSDALE arrived in town last Tuesday leaving Wednesday for New Westminster. He has purchased the CLARK house and lots on the spit. He will have the house thoroughly repaired prepatory to removing his family from New Westminster.

Mr. J. V. CHOWN has placed an order at CAIN's mill for the lumber for the shingle mill. It is understood that the ill will be built on the flat in front of the MILLER property. The piles for the foundation will be driven in a few days, after which the superstructure will be erected as rapidly as possible, so as it will be completed to receive the machinery when it arrives from the East.

A fire company should be organized at once, and begin drilling. Two hose carts at least with a sufficient quantity of hose should be purchased by the city. Within a few weeks at least, the water mains will be laid and the hydrants established, after which effectual means will be afforded to suppress a fire with the equipment of a fire company.

The water company will supply water to the city for $7, per hydrant per month. To private consumers the rate established is $1.85 per month for a family, not to exceed, doubtless four persons. The rates while not excessive are quite high enough. The rate in Portland is 75 cents per month for each family of four persons, while it is if anything higher in the different Sound cities. Blaine will have a first-class water system, the supply of which will be sufficient to provide the needs of a city of 25,000 inhabitants for both public and domestic use.

Mr. Gus GEIGER accompanied the New Westminster excursion to Fairhaven last Monday.

Mr. R. S. JACKSON of this place, has gone to Ladner's Landing where he will be employed for a few months.

Herman KING left Blaine last week to fill a position on one of the P. C. S. S. Co.'s steamers plying on the Alaska route.

Miss PETTIJOHN of Whatcom who has been in charge of the branch millinery store for the past few weeks returned home Monday morning.

Mr. W. W. ROBERTSON, representing the R. L. POLK & Co., publishers of State Gazetteers, was in town Monday in the interest of his firm.

Mrs. A. L. GOSS, of Fairhaven, temporarily filled the position in the Great Northern telegraph office at this place. She has been succeeded by Mr. GLASSFORD.

Depot Agent MARTIN has resigned his position to accept the position of conductor of one of the Great Northern passenger trains. His successor, Mr. GLASSFORD, came Monday and has assumed the duties of the office. Mr. MARTIN has been in charge of the depot here ever since it was established, is universally popular, and his departure will be greatly regretted.

The Rev. Mr. HYLAND of Port Townsend, formerly of Whatcom, was in Blaine Monday. He will remove here with his family in a few days, and assume the pastorate of the Episcopal rectory. Mr. HYLAND is an old resident of the coast, having resided on the sound for the past twenty years. The Journal welcomes the reverend gentleman to the International City.

It is reported that what will doubtless prove to be a valuable discovery has been made on the UPSON place on California creek. It is a deposit of petroleum. Evidences of the oil were discovered about a year ago in a well. Recently the well was sunk deeper for the purpose of making a more thorough examination. The result was far more gratifying than was expected. The hole had not been sunk many feet when an oily substance oozed to the surface, which upon examination proved to be of an inflammable nature. When ignited it burned freely and in composition seemed to be purely bituminous oil. The discovery is certainly worthy of the most rigid and thorough inspection, and if oil is found in paying quantities, the owner has a veritable bonanza, and Blaine another element of wealth that had not been enumerated with its many natural advantages.

June 4, 1891:

The annual election of officers of the Young Men's Christian Association was held in the association rooms last Tuesday evening. The election resulted in the unanimous re-election of Geo. W. CAIN as president, and the following officers: S. S. SEBERT, Vice-President; J. H. SIMPSON, Secretary and Treasurer.

Last Monday night the Knights of Pythias held their regular semi-annual election, which resulted in the selection of the following members to serve for the ensuing term:
V. C. - W. R. CAHOON
M at A - G. GEIGER
Prelate - E. C. STILLWELL
K. of R. & S. - J. B. WEBSTER

Mr. Wm. R. McCRACKEN and bride returned from their bridal trip Saturday.

Recently Mr. Geo. H. WESTCOTT disposed of $10,000 worth of property in South Blaine to Kansas capitalists.

Mr. Peter NEILSON has nearly completed a neat cottage on his property next to the Blaine church. It will be occupied by Mr. WAITE, with CAIN Bros.

Mrs. W. V. DUNN and little daughter Miss Mattie, left last Sunday on the steamer Idaho en route to Minneapolis, via the Northern Pacific, on a three months' visit to relatives and friends. She was accompanied by Mr. DUNN as far as Tacoma.

Last Sunday five Japanese women were permitted to cross the boundary line from New Westminster, after presenting certificates properly issued by the proper authorities and assuring Inspector BUCHANAN that they were not being brought into the country for immoral purposes. They were bound for Whatcom where some of them have husbands, while the others were to be married as soon as they arrived at their destination.

Mr. C. W. HOMOYER will remove his bakery to Washington avenue, having purchased the building recently occupied by FISCHER & BERRY, architects and builders.

Mr. F. A. WOOD, right of way agent for the F. & S. R. R., was in town Wednesday.

A large force of workmen were busily engaged excavating for the water mains on Washington avenue and E street this week.

Messrs. Jas. WOOD and Jno. PRINGLE, arrived from Port Townsend Wednesday. Mr. WOOD will have temporary charge of the sub-port of entry here.

The following citizens of Whatcom county have been summoned as jurors to the United States court at Seattle next week:
Grand Jurors: John EVANS, Ferndale; John DeTIERE, Whatcom; Carmi DIBBLE, Whatcom; James ELDER, Nooksack.
Petit Jurors: J. M. DARLING, Fairhaven; W. G. GILLESPIE, Blaine; C. E. CLINE, Lynden and T. G. NICKLIN, Whatcom.

If you have buildings to insure be patriotic enough to take out a policy with some local agent. Some of the very best insurance companies have local representatives here. Messrs. Wm. R. McCRACKEN, H. Alexander SCAIFE, George A. HOYT, W. J. GILLESPIE and Oscar GARD, represent first-class companies. The Journal is entirely out of patience with citizens patronizing outside firms when they can be accommodated just as well at home.

The steamer Brick, which plied on the Blaine-Whatcom route has been sold by Capt. TARTE to Capt. H. F. BEECHER, of Port Townsend.

June 11, 1891:

-The summer term of school will close two weeks hence.
-Mrs. RIVERS of Portland, Oregon, is visiting her mother Mrs. DUKES, of Pleasant Valley.
--- Frank JAMES.

The sad death of Mrs. Mary LOPAS occurred in Mountain View, June 3, 1891. Mrs. LOPAS, aged 70 years, was a native of England, but had lived many years in Quincy, Ill. Eight years ago she came to Mountain View, where she lived till the time of her death. For many years Mrs. LOPAS patiently endured the severest suffering that flesh is heir to, and longed for the time of her departure, her heart reposed in the Gospel of redemption, and grace and the pathway out was unclouded by a doubt. Mrs. LOPAS was an unusually kind and affectionate wife and mother. Her gentle manner, her mild speech, the eager tenderness with which she attended the wants of others, made one forget the partialities of kindred blood and feel; she was indeed a sister. There is an aged husband and three children left to mourn the loss of the dear one Mr. E. LOPAS, of this place, Mrs. E. BROWN of Enterprise, and Mr. H. LOPAS of Eagle Rock. The funeral services were held Thursday at the church, conducted by Rev's. WELLS and BRETTS.

Mr. P. FOSTER recently purchased two lots on G street, near P. NEILSON, where he will soon begin the erection of a handsome brick residence.

The following delegates from the local I. O. G. T. lodge left this morning to attend the district lodge which is in session in Lynden: Mrs. Wm. R. McCRACKEN, Mrs. DAVIES, Miss Flo DAVIES, Mr. A. WARREN and Miss HAVERCROFT.

Mr. S. H. BARNHISEL, the Washington avenue merchant, has rented a cottage of Inspector BUCHANAN, where he will go to housekeeping. Mrs. BARNHISEL, who is visiting with relatives in San Francisco, will soon join her husband.

Two marriage licenses were issued by the county auditor at Whatcom, Wednesday, as follows: Ditley ANDERSON, of Blaine, and Miss Amelia MARTENSON, of Birch Bay; Josiah WHITE, of Blaine, and Miss Lena HARRIS of Custer.

Mr. W. P. HALL of this city was admitted last Monday by Judge WINN, to practice the law at the Whatcom county bar.

Mr. J. R. THOMAS has completed the school census of this district. The enumeration shows 285 children of school age in the district. The census of last year gave 228 children, and increase of 57.

Workmen are laying the water pipes along Washington avenue.

The CROCKIN dwelling on Clark street will be occupied by C. C. WILSON.

Workmen have been employed during the week leveling the Fourth street sidewalks.

Mrs. E. C. STILLWELL and children went east for an extended visit this week. They will be gone several months.

Mr. D. DRYSDALE, will soon have a $1200 cottage erected on the property he recently purchased from Wm. CLARK, on Semiahmoo spit.

Mrs. N. A. CORNISH arrived home from Portland last evening, accompanied by her son, Willie, who has been attending school in that city.

Mr. Nate BAIRD returned from Arlington, Oregon, last Saturday. He rejoices to get back to a land where the cyclone "toils not neither does it spin."

I. V. HOWARD, went to Tacoma the first of the week to meet his family who were coming from Nebraska. He arrived in Blaine with them last evening.

June 18, 1891:

Mrs. B. H. CURTIS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. MERRETT, of this city, is here from Fairmount, Minnesota, to spend the summer with her parents.

Mr. L. L. MOUNCE accompanied the Rev. A. A. WATSON to Nanaimo where he will assist the latter in his evangelical work.

Deputy Collector WOOD who has been in charge of the sub-port of entry here for several weeks past, leaves to-day for Port Townsend. He will be succeeded by Deputy Collector McCLINTON.

Mr. KIRBY, the fisherman, met with a serious accident yesterday, while in the waters of Gulf Georgia. A sudden squall came up, capsizing his boat. Fortunately, he caught on the boat which slowly drifted into the harbor. He was in the water fully twenty-two hours, and was nearly exhausted when the sloop reached land. He is now confined to his room, in a weak, strained condition, and will require several weeks' of careful nursing to overcome the ill effects of his thrilling experience.

Mr. H. B. KIRBY returned from up Sound last Saturday, where he employed sixty siwash women to work in the DRYSDALE cannery.

The wedding of Mr. William A. O'BAR, formerly of Blaine, and Miss Ethel COUGILL, of Port Townsend, has been announced and will be solemnized next Tuesday, the 23d inst.

A temperance lecture was delivered by Jonas BUSHELL in the M. E. church last Tuesday. Mr. BUSHELL is grand worthy chief templar of the state of Washington and British Columbia. He is an enthusiastic worker, a forcible speaker, and an earnest advocate of the cause of temperance. He found the local temperance organization in excellent condition.

June 25, 1891:

The ward school buildings will soon be ready for the painters. The work will probably be done by Mr. LAMAR. It could scarcely be done by a more competent man.

Mr. and Mrs. John LEBERRY have removed to New Westminster. Last monday evening a large circle of friends met at the M. E. church to extend a farewell and well wishes for their future prosperity and welfare.

H. SANFORD and family have lately taken up their abode near Haynie.

Miss Jessie McMILLAN, of St. Paul, Minn., a niece of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. BUTLER, is a guest at Drayton.

Mrs. Frank COREY, of Lehi, Iowa, accompanied by her children, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. R. A. WILSON, of this city.

H. F. SWEET, brother of Mrs. Wm. EVANS, of Excelsior, has recently taken up his residence in that neighborhood. He is lately from Wisconsin.

J. C. BAIRD, who is now a customs inspector at Seattle, last week Friday on the train between Sedro and Seattle captured thirty-six pounds of opium which was in the hands of two men who gave their names as Charles BURK and John CLARK. The men had their valises in another seat, and denied owning it, but when cornered one of them broke and ran and was only captured by being frightened by several revolver shots.

Water mains were laid along Harrison avenue this week.

At the annual conference of the Free Methodist church, which was in session in Seattle last week, the Rev. Mr. McREYNOLDS was assigned to the Blaine appointment.

-John GISCHER is building a fine root house.
-Chas. VOGHT and family visited at Mr. GERRIS' of Enterprise Sunday.
-Wm. J. LOCHABY and May E. MILNE of Seattle, spent Sunday at Geo. McHEFFEY's and have gone to Whatcom where they will be married Monday and return to Seattle. May joy go with them all along their path in life.
-H. STOLTENBERG is building a large hay barn which will hold 100 tons of hay.
-Mr. BULLA closed his summer term of school the evening of the 19th, inst. with a very interesting program, which was enjoyed by a crowded house. Mr. BULLA stands at the head of the first-class instructors.

Copied by Susan Nahas 2002-2003


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