Bellingham  Bay Express

Saturday, April 1, 1893, Vol. 5. No. 1:

The train wreck at Agassiz Thursday morning killed Engineer WHITE and Brakeman PURSLEY.

GATES & FRAZER, the Fairhaven hardware dealers, have moved to Everett.

A saloon is being fitted up in the corner store of the Roth block. Nicholas AULT is the proprietor.

MARRIED - March 30th, at the parsonage, by Rev. J. V. DIMON, Mr. James BACUS to Mrs. Sadie WRAY, both of Everson this county.

In today's issue appears the adv. of E. N. HASKELL, plumber and gas fitter. Mr. HASKELL's long experience in sanitary plumbing especially fits him for this class of work. He carries a good stock of fixtures of all kinds.

J. A. ARNOLD, of the Eureka addition, has created more work for the census taker. It's a boy.

Monday, April 3, 1893:

Mr. GRIFFITH, who has purchased the O. B. IVERSON property near Johnson's Ferry on the Nooksack, is clearing the land, repairing and adding to the buildings and will start an extensive orchard on the property this spring. Mr. GRIFFITH is from Seattle and has a wide experience in fruit raising. He thinks fruit will become the most valuable source of revenue in this county in the near future.

The little 4-month old son of Mr. and Mrs. J Milton LOWE died Sunday forenoon of capillary bronchitis of which he suffered only a short time. The funeral was held this afternoon from the residence on Forest street, between Holly and Chestnut.

The Mount Baker shingle mill at Licking has been sold to G. L. MERRILL, of Seattle. Mr. MERRILL had previously purchased a large tract of timber land surrounding the location. This mill was built last fall by P. J. HALBERG, Harry ABBOTT and others, and it has proved a good investment from the start. It has a daily capacity of 60,000 on an average.

E. B. BRANIN is having the Custer creamery fitted up ready for operation. Mr. BRANIN expects to make a large amount of butter and cheese the coming summer. -Ferndale Clipper.

P. B. ANDERSON expects to go to Goshen this afternoon to attend to the construction of the new shingle mill.

Miss Musette COLE is home on a visit to her parents. She is attending the Annie wright Seminary at Seattle.

Miss M. E. JONES leaves today for Kirkland to visit her friend, Mrs. LOGIE.

Mrs. Eugene CANFIELD has moved to the LYSLE residence, on Walnut street.

George BRAND is very ill, pneumonia being the cause of his indisposition.

Miss Grace FOUTS goes to Seattle to-morrow to spend a few months.

P. J. HALBERG, mayor of Licking, was in the city yesterday.

Mrs. LAPLAINE left yesterday over the C. P. R. for Richmond, Maine.

Mrs. Edmund COSGROVE has almost recovered from her recent serious illness.

Carpenters will finish work on the Ferndale school house tomorrow.

RAE & ISENSEE's logging camp is doing quite well considering the weather. It has a capacity of 35,000 feet per day.

Wm COX the architect, walked in from Ferndale this morning. He had been inspecting the new school building there.

E. T. VERNON is clearing five acres on his farm between the Electric power house and the lake, which he will plant in fruit.

What is known as the Ravenwood coal mine is located on the south shore of Samish lake, on the line of the Great Northern railroad and about seven miles southeast of Fairhaven. The mine was discovered over two years ago, since which time it has been thoroughly and systematically prospected at a very heavy expense. Last year a diamond drill was used at the location and the vicinity was thoroughly investigated. In going down 23 feet the drill passed through two large veins of excellent coal. The shaft has been sunk to a depth of 100 feet and those interested, H. J. MANHART, J. D. LEEDY and others, are entirely satisfied with the prospects, which they deem exceeding bright. Arrangements have now been made to open the mine and work it for profit. Heavy hoisting machinery will be put in and the property will be developed and improved. The coal is of the finest bituminous quality, without showing any traces of slate or any foreign substance, and will undoubtedly command the highest market prices.

Tuesday, April 4, 1893:

John ZETTLER was the next lowest bidder on the arrear walls around the city hall and got the contract. The No. 1 man had cried quits.

The License committee recommended liquor license be granted to Nicholas AULT, Jacob BECK, T. W. SHIPLEY and FORTIER & LEEDY. Adopted.

The following gentlemen were elected vestrymen of St. Paul's church for the ensuing year, F. C. PETTIBONE, Geo. E. ATKINSON, J. S. WALTON, J. M. HITT, C. T. C. KEITH, A. W. LANE, J. W. MORGAN, J. W. RAYBURN, H. H. PIERCE. Prof. HITT was also elected chorister.

Mr. E. G. EARL, city editor of the Fairhaven Herald, leaves today for Walla Walla, to accept a similar position at the Union-Journal.

Charles C. JENSEN, formerly cook at the Great Northern, has opened a restaurant at the Tivoli, on Elk street.

B. R. WARMOTH, of Silver Beach, has sold his place to J. A. COOK and will move into town tomorrow.

COOK & CLARK's shingle mill at Silver Beach has closed down for a few days.

Miss Gussie LOBE was agreeably surprised at the residence of her parents last evening by a large concourse of her youthful companions and intimate friends. It was the occasion of her 16th birthday anniversary and everything had been prepared on the sly to surprise the young lady in the most approved style. Dancing, cards, many presents, a merry party of young folks and a delicious lunch characterized the evening.

Wednesday, April 5, 1893:

P. D. McKELLAR is at Glencoe, Ontario, on a visit.

Albert MOHRMAN, of West Ferndale, is in the city today.

W. H. DOBBS, editor of the Lynden Pioneer Press, is in the city today.

T. S. HAMILTON, manager of the B. B. Furniture store, goes to California Friday on a visit.

Solomon ALLEN and wife, of Lummi, were in the city yesterday making spring purchases.

Another carload of shingles goes from SIEMONS & SON's mill, at mouth of Squalicum, tomorrow.

W. J. HENRY & SONS, of Lummi, yesterday made another shipment of shingles to eastern markets.

Ellery ROGERS has had the PENCE mill, at Lummi, fitted out with new machinery for the manufacture of shingles.

After the 15th of April, English money will be at a discount. No serious inconveniences will be caused on the bay. Money can be sent to Blaine or Sumas and exchanged. It is a spasmodic, monetary shudder that comes occasionally and will soon wear away.

Thursday, April 6, 1893:

County Assessor KLINE has made the appointment of deputies as follows:
E. E. MARSHALL, of North Fork, for North Fork and Columbia valley district
Chas. GREEN for the South Fork country
E. C. GRAY, of Lake Samish, for the Lake Samish and Lake Whatcom country
D. C. MCKEE for Lynden and vicinity
E. R. HOPKINS for the Sumas country
Zach ROBBINS for Ferndale and vicinity
B. E. STAUBL for Blaine, Semiahmoo and Point Roberts
Rufus STEARNES for township 39 in ranges 2 and 3 east lying east of the Nooksack river
S. J. KNIGHT for Fairhaven.

O. N. MORSE, formerly proprietor of the Bellingham hotel, but for the past year a bonniface at Snohomish, arrived in the city this morning accompanied by his wife and daughter. They intend to remain here a week or more. Mr. MORSE has sold his hotel interests at Snohomish for $10,000, realizing a good thing on his investment. He may go into business and locate here permanently.

Superior Court Today
-The only new case filed today was that of Ripley J. RICHARDS vs. James W. TARTE and others for foreclosure of mortgage on lot 2, section 33, township 38, range 1 east, for $1,000.
-The sealed verdict given last night in the case of Fred LEE vs. John ELWOOD was announced this morning, in favor of defendant. Plaintiff will appeal.
-The case of Mrs. E. A. BURK against Mrs. Mary F. GRAHAM occupied the attention of the court and twelve jurymen during the forenoon. Mrs. BURK sued Mrs. GRAHAM for $50 for board and care of herself and children. Case now with jury.
-J. H. STENGER vs. O. N. MORSE is now on trial.

Miss Dot STURGEON is still in Providence hospital, Seattle.

Mrs. Allen CAMPBELL, Miss McARTHUR and Mr. McARTHUR left this afternoon for Lamar, Iowa.

Mrs. CRANDALL, who has been visiting her brother, A. B. ESTABROOK and family, returned to her home at Laconner today.

At a meeting of the board of delegates of the New Whatcom fire department tonight, Chief Conrad MAYER will present his resignation as chief of the department. He has opened a hotel and saloon at Sumas and moved there with his family. Mr. MAYER has served as chief of the department since its organization in 1890 and the record of fires proves the efficiency of the department during his regime. Assistant Chief J. C. ALLEN will succeed to the position and the board of delegates will this evening choose his successor as assistant-chief. Wm. BRISBIN, president of the board of delegates, and E. E. SHERWOOD, of Hose Co. No. 1, of Whatcom, are candidates for the position.

Mrs. BORNSTEIN, who was so badly burned by lamp explosion several months ago, has recovered sufficiently to leave the hospital and resume house hold duties.

Jailor HOPKINS and family have taken up their residence in the court house basement.

Jailor HOPKINS reports six prisoners still lingering in the county bastile. Longshoreman Tom BROWN served his time and was released yesterday. Of those remaining, Willis WILLIAMS, a Vancouver kid, has yet three months of his one year's sentence to serve. Frank BILES, the Fairhaven fire-bug, convicted and sentenced to the state pen for 18 months, is awaiting the result of an appeal to the supreme court. Ed. WILLIAMS, convicted of vagrancy, is serving sentence of ninety days. J. H. CURRY, ditto. James McCURRY, for stealing saddles at Ferndale, is in for forty-four days. Joseph BLACK, of Wickersham, charged with at attempt to perforate Barney LYNCH, recently convicted, is awaiting sentence.

Charley CUDWORTH is doing duty as janitor and fireman, and earns every cent of his salary.

Teddy HINCKS, the draughtsman, is now officiating as clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, and discharges the duties in an eminently satisfactory manner.

Yesterday Mrs. Lizzie C. VANDERVEEN filed a complaint against her husband, the Rev. Henry VANDERVEEN, of Blaine, alleging cruel treatment and asking that a divorce be granted and she be allowed to assume her maiden name, Lizzie C. HARVEY. She states that on one occasion he struck her with an axe; on another he charged her with adultery with J. C. NORTON, and now she is supporting their little daughter and herself by hard labor and the charity of relatives.

W. WICKERSHAM made a trip to Seattle for the purpose of purchasing groceries to fill up his old stand with. Many of his old patrons will rejoice to hear this.

Geo. VAUTIER had men working all last night on his new boathouse.

The P. J LAIR tenement cottages at the corner of H and Seventeenth street will make very pretty houses.

A big cold storage warehouse is being built on the HILL-WELBON wharf for the use of the new fish company.

Charlie HILDEBRAND, a 10-year old youngster, was run over by a wood wagon yesterday near the White school houses. No serious injury.

Dr. PURDY's cottage at the corner of Eighteenth and H street is being adorned with lattice work, porticos, bay windows, etc., giving the premise a very cozy and home-like appearance.

The C. P. ROBERTS store and the White House stock, now under one management, in the ROBERT's store. Both stocks are being slaughtered by S. FRIEDMAN & Co.

Genuine Mocha and Java is on draught at the Tivoli restaurant. All callers are entitled to a sample free of charge.    Chas. JENSEN, proprietor.

Finishing touches are now being placed on the interior work of the new city hall. The electric light and gas fixtures have not yet been placed in position. The grand opening reception will not take place until the building is ready for lighting. The furniture ordered from Chicago, will not arrive until the latter part of May.

Friday, April 7, 1893:

Lyman J. GRIFFIN and Miss Alice E. CONDON have a right to get married if they want to, and they did it at Rev. MOFFETT's house today.

W. J. HENRY, of Marietta is in the city today.

Miss Annie MILLER is visiting friends at Goshen.

Mrs. Susie ALLISON is visiting friends in Tacoma.

Jonathan LOVEALL, the Goshen shingle manufacturer, is in the city.

C. L. BLANKENSHIP, of Lawrence, was in the city on business yesterday.

R. J. BALDING, the popular clothier, returned from a visit to Everett yesterday.

P. C. L. HARRIS arrived today from Roche Harbor to sing at the Oratorio club concert tonight.

The MILLER & BRIDENSTINE shingle mill will start again tomorrow. Steam escaping from the boiler caused the delay.

Charles W. GLOVER, of Ypsilanti, Mich., is in the city to stay till fall. He is a large shareholder in the Globe Mill company.

C. L. BURLINGHAM, the Champion street tunnel contractor, has turned over the completion of the work to his bondsmen, J. E. BAKER and W. Finley HALL, who will continue the work under the supervision of a superintendent.

C. O. *BORJESON is having one of the best arranged residences in the city built on Government street, in York addition. Mr. TRUELSON is the contractor, and Mrs. BORJESON designed the plans. The building in a two-story, with eleven rooms, besides bath rooms, closets and pantries, and will be fitted out with all the modern improvements and conveniences. It will be 50x32 feet, provided with ample verandas, bay windows, etc. In the interior arrangement of the building convenience and comfort have been given first consideration, while its exterior will present an attractive and cheerful appearance.
*also spelled BORGESON

C. V. JOHNSON met with a very painful if not serious accident at Goshen Wednesday evening. He was walking along the platform, which serves as a depot, and being in considerable of a hurry and it being a dark night, he missed his footing and went off the platform like a sack of shot. His back was badly hurt and his condition at present is such that he cannot lie down to rest. Dr. MARKLEY has attended him and thinks he will entirely recover from the injury.

Assistant Fire Chief
   Last evening there was a very lively meeting of the delegates of the fire department at the Dock street fire hall. As a legislative body, with unusually close attention to rules of order, the board looms up in pre-eminent style. Sam ALTSHULER, who has been serving a secretary pro tem, was elected permanent secretary of the board. It was reported by ex-Chief MAYER that Sumas wished to buy the small hook and ladder truck now housed in the Thirteenth street hall. They offer $300 for it.
   Conrad MAYER presented his resignation as chief of the department; it was accepted, and by virtue of ordinance No. 71, the fire department ordinance, the assistant chief, J. C. ALLEN, becomes chief during the unexpired term. An election was held for the election of a successor to ALLEN as assistant chief. It was a hot election and considerable eloquence was cast upon the ripples. Elmer E. SHERWOOD and Wm. BRISBIN were candidates for the position, and Mr. BRISBIN was chosen by a vote of 9 to 4. The election is undoubtedly satisfactory to all concerned.

Endeavoring to Perfect Title Under the Homestead Act

   Point Roberts, barring Alaska, is the extreme northwestern point of land in the United States. It is Whatcom county, distant about seven miles from Blaine, and until within the past few years has been distinguished as the rendezvous of smugglers, dago fishermen and fugitives from justice. The point of land extending from the British boundary jutting out into the waters of Semiahmoo bay and Gulf of Georgia covers an area of 2,170 acres, and was set apart as a government reserve in 1859. In 1890, by order of the interior department, the government reserve, with the exception of 264 acres set apart for lighthouse purposes, was vacated, and an order made that the land should be sold in 40 acre tracts, squatters being given the prior right of purchase. This order resulted in a stampede of adventurers from the British side who flocked to the point for the purpose of securing a forty on which to speculate. The order of vacation, however, provided that settlers who had located there prior to January 1, 1884, should be permitted to perfect title under the homestead laws. Mrs. WALLER and Horace BREWSTER, having been actual settlers on the point at and prior to the date mentioned, have perfected title to their lands under the conditions mentioned. For good and sufficient reasons, as above suggested, the department refused to carry out the original plans of selling in forty-acre tracts, which resulted in an abandonment of the point by the adventurers and speculators sent in for that purpose, and in their stead there are now at the point seventeen actual bona fide settlers, all but four of whom are heads of families. As an evidence of their honest intention to make permanent homes at that place, it may be cited that they have already organized a school district with an enrollment of twenty seven, and one month's school has been maintained - Mr. T. J. FOLEY, formerly of this city, now one of the actual settlers at the point, having conducted the school without remuneration in order that the district might regularly organize. The settlers, besides building a school house and public roads, are making improvements on their claims, putting out orchards, erecting buildings, etc., and are now anxiously awaiting an order from the land department at Washington permitting them to file homesteads upon their respective locations. There is no contest as between individuals - all settlers having recently met at Mr. FOLEY's place and agreed upon boundary lines and sub-divisions. The land in question is of an excellent quality for fruit growing and agricultural purposes, and will make pleasant homes for the occupants. A petition has been forwarded to the department asking the establishment of a mail route from Blaine to Point Roberts. At present the settlers receive their mail by private carriers from Blaine. That there is opposition to the opening of the reservation to settlers under the homestead act has recently become apparent, and has given the settlers no small amount of anxiety.

Court Notes
-The jury returned a verdict today in favor of J. H. STENGER against O. N. MORSE in the sum of $671.34 for rent of Bellingham hotel. Jury also found plaintiff entitled to peaceable possession of the premises.
-Case of Samuel WILLIAMSON vs. J. H. STENGER, for $509.05 for liquors taken at time STENGER took possession of Bellingham hotel, is now on trial.
-Joseph BLACK, convicted some time ago for assaulting Barney LYNCH with a deadly weapon, came into court at 2:30 this afternoon and was sentenced by Judge WINN to pay a fine of $75 and costs. Attorney BONESTELLE, in a neat little plea, asked for judicial leniency. The jury also recommended a minimum sentence. BLACK is only 21 years of age, and the sentence of the court is met with popular favor by all who were conversant with the circumstances. The court in passing sentence gave young BLACK a lecture touching the gravity of the crime of which he had been convicted.

Silver Beach Shingle Mills
-The cylinder head blew out of the HODGE shingle mill engine at Silver Beach Wednesday afternoon, and the mill is laid up for repairs in consequence.
-The COOK & CLARK shingle mill resumed operation Wednesday, having been idle since last Thursday.
-It is understood the Great Northern will allow no more cars to go to the lake over the electric line, for the reason that they fear the risk of a wreck. This will prove an inconvenience to the shingle manufacturers at Silver Beach.

Nooksack City, Wn., April 7 - OSTERMAN & ELDER's dry goods store and the postoffice in the same building was burglarized last night. The thieves got all the cash and small change in the drawers. The stock of goods was scattered promiscuously around in their search for the best and most valuable articles. The show cases were stripped of goods that cannot be readily identified. Canned good and groceries were also taken. The thieves burst the postoffice cash drawer and stole a six-shooter, but overlooked WANAMAKER's big postage stamps. The cash value of the goods stolen is not yet known.

--Indemnifying Bondsmen Settling With the Blue Canyon Coal Company--
   Twelve of the signers to the so-called Blue Canyon right-of-way indemnifying bond have settled with the company. Of these, Will D. JENKINS, W. L. MILLER, Geo. E. ATKINSON and J. E. BAKER each put up for $653.52, aggregation $2514.06; BLACK & LEAMING, D. C. JENKINS, C. B. COLE, E. L. COLLIER, A. J. LAWRENCE and P. M. ISENSEE each $163.38, aggregating $980.28; UNDERWOOD & MINTURN, $81.69; C. G. COLE, $32.68, making the entire total of $3708.73. As the entire deficiency amounted to $7489.34, it will be observed that only about one-half the amount has been made up. It is believed however that nearly all of the bondsmen will effect a settlement with the company. While it has indeed been a hardship for the bondsmen to assume their obligations, yet it must be admitted that the company have complied faithfully with their part of the contract. By reason of the public spirit and liberality of the above subscribers, together with those who paid their original subscriptions, New Whatcom instead of Anacortes became the shipping point for the Blue Canyon coal; deep water ships came here for cargoes that otherwise would never have graced the waters of Bellingham Bay; one hundred and fifty men are carried upon pay rolls disbursed in this city, which, together with supplies have caused an expenditure aggregating over $200,00 that would have been diverted elsewhere. The Blue Canyon Coal company came here and commenced operations at a time when the city was in sore distress and needing just such an enterprise to tide us over the prevailing stringency that played havoc with Blaine, Port Townsend, Anacortes and some nearer neighbors whom we do not care to mention. Without the Blue Canyon company at that particular time New Whatcom would today have been in the condition of many another town who have failed to grasp and avail themselves of an opportunity which would be distressing to say the least. Hand the non-progressive, moss-back element prevailed at the particular time, bats would be flying in and out of the buildings that are now made to hum with the busy tides of trade and commerce. The Blue Canyon company is an established enterprise and when the long trains laden with coal come swinging in from the lake, the subscribers to the right-of-way fund are made to feel that the community, at least, are getting the worth of their money.

Saturday, April 8, 1893:

Oratorio Concert
Lighthouse theater was well filled by an appreciative audience last evening to listen to the entertainment given by the Oratorio club, composed of the musical talent of this city who have been under the able tuition of Prof. Carlo A. Sperati, one of the best musical directors on the coast.  The following singers composed the chorus:
ALTO - Mrs. A. L. BLACK, Mrs. A. S. COLE, Mrs. M. L. STANGROOM, Mrs. T. DAHLQUIST, Misses Belle ANDERSON, A. H. BARBO, S. A. BARBO, Jessie CALLVERT, Katie E. JACKSON and Jennie STRAND.

A Fatal Sawmill Mishap
Last night, about 8 o'clock, William JUDGE, a Canadian, about 30 years of age, while at work in the B. B. I. Co's sawmill as helper on the gang edger, was instantly killed by being struck by a plank kicking back. He was knocked down with terrible force onto the iron rollers and stanchions. His jaw was broken and it is thought his neck was disjointed. The base of his skull was also badly fractured and death ensued almost instantly. The body, after an examination by Dr. MACPHERSON, was taken to Coroner BRACKETT's undertaking rooms where an inquest is being held as we go to press, for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not death was caused by criminal negligence. JUDGE was an unmarried man, has a twin brother, James, at present in the city, and he had resided here for the past two years. The funeral takes place tomorrow afternoon.

Jack DWYER and Jerry SULLIVAN were fined $1 and costs last evening before Judge BROYLES for disturbing the peace.

One hundred and nine carloads of shingles were billed during the month of March from Sumas over the Northern Pacific road.

J. A. COOK and family have moved to Silver Beach.

Station agent J. E. PARKER, of Millerton, is in the city today.

Armines GEER and J. L. HEMSTOCK return to the Mount Doty camp tomorrow.

Capt. S. D. WYMAN, of the North Fork Shingle company, is in the city, and says his mill at Hollingsworth is nearly completed. It will cut cedar siding.

Rev. J. W. SAVAGE, of Red Jacket, Mich., has been caled to the Congregational church pulpit, vacated by Dr. J. V. DIMON. He will be here in June.

Monday, April 10, 1893:

Mr. Gwin HICKS of Tacoma, and Miss Mabel BARRETT, of this city, were married in Victoria, B. C., March 14th. After their return it dawned upon them that they were bloomin' Britishers by this over the water operation, so they concluded to Americanize themselves again by being re-married last Saturday afternoon in this city by Rev. Father BOULET, in the parsonage connected with the Catholic church. Their many friends in this city and Tacoma, where both parties are well known, feel pleased to see them again under Uncle Sam's folds.

GOODALL, PERKINS & Co. have purchased an interest in the Oregon Coal & Navigation company's line of steamers.

John L. LIKINS is seriously ill and confined to his room.

P. B. ANDERSON moved to Goshen today with his family.

T. S. HAMILTON left this morning for California on an extended visit.

Miss Anna KILDALL of Lynden, is visiting friends and relatives in the city.

Mrs. Geo. W. FAIRHURST is suffering from blood poisoning in her feet, at her home on Prospect.

James. M. HOLLAND, a well known Vancouver real estate man, is in the city.

Clam and oyster beds have suffered more than ever before from frost during the past winter. Some of the oyster beds on Samish flats are entirely annihilated.

News From Blue Canyon
-Mr. RAMBEAU, a logger from the Fairhaven & Southern, has his logging camp at South bay ready for operations as soon as the weather settles.
-T. C. AUSTIN last Friday shipped a yoke of oxen from the AUSTIN ranch to New Whatcom via. steamer Shamrock and the plank road.
-Mrs. M. M. WHITLEY has again started her hotel at Park.
-Photographer E. A. HEGG, accompanied by C. H. SEVENING, of New Whatcom, was up Friday taking views of the Blue Canyon mine and surrounding territory.

Tuesday, April 11, 1893:

Thos. COYLE formerly a resident of the Bay city, died in Iowa.

The Washington cedar mill has started up again after a few days idleness owing to a breakdown.

E. G. LOCKE and wife of Blue Canyon are in the city.

Hon. M. ANDERSON of Park, is taking in the sights of the Tyee city today.

Miss Emma CAMPBELL, principal of the Central school, who has been on the sick list for some-time, resumed her duties again this morning.

Auditor COLLIER furnished documents of privilege to get spliced to M. O. TIBBITS and Miss Dora L. SCAMAN.

Interest in the GILBERT & SULLIVAN opera, "Pirates of Penzance," by local singers, has been revived. A rehearsal was held at the PURDY opera house.

Wednesday, April 12, 1893:

At the County Court House
-In the superior court Henry McCUE and Katherine McCUE vs. John H. THOMAS; to recover $15,000 on land contract, was filed with the court this morning.
-In the case of E. W. PURDY vs. D. WURTENBURG, a verdict for the defendant was brought in by the jury this morning.
-The case of Mary HAYDEN vs. RIDSON, COHN & Co. is now on trial.
-E. M. WOOD, contractor, is the successful bidder on contract work building approaches to Nugent's Ferry bridge.

Bernard MULVINE, well known here, was arrested in Seattle for passing a worthless check.

F. FRENCH has gone to Everson to build the bridge.

W. I. ELLIS, of Ferndale, lost two of his fingers by the shingle machine route.

Mrs. Jerry NETERER left yesterday on a visit to Michigan accompanied by her two children.

Councilman Edmund COSGROVE returned yesterday from the Harrison Hot Springs.

Gus CORDWAY has been suffering from la grippe and consumption for the past three months at his home on D and Fourteenth streets. He is now recovering.

R. CHILDS, of Enterprise, is doing the city.

J. R. ROLLINS is in the Kalso mining district.

Joe WRIGHT a well known populist, took Frank BILES, the fire bug, to the pen at Walla Walla.

C. L. PARKER is fixing up the grounds around his Gladstone street residence, in a very neat style.

C. F. ROEHL, wife and baby, leave next week for Huston, Texas, on a visit; thence they go to Chicago.

Agent C. W. HENDERSON, of the Sehome dock, sprained his ankle at the B. B. athletic rooms Monday evening, and is laid up for repairs.

Prof. LEVINGE was arrested this morning by Officer DURGIN, on Holly street, for beating Wm. BELFORD, a 10-year old lad. It is reported the boy was playing hookey from school and met Prof. LEVINGE, who formerly taught him, and used language that aroused the ire of the schoolmaster.

Thursday, April 13, 1893:

This morning about 3 o'clock the family of Simon KILDALL, who reside on the corner of G and Seventeenth streets, were aroused by a racket in the lower part of the house. Mr. KILDALL arose and went down stairs. As he stepped into the kitchen he heard the window slam down and the retreating intruder running along the porch. Investigation showed that his bicycle, which was usually placed in front of the window, had been moved in front of the door, the burglar then raised the window and entered, but upset a water bucket and sack of potatoes, the noise arousing the inmates. Nothing was taken. Footprints, where he stepped on the window sill, are plainly visible.

-Charles EARL sold a part of his ranch for $1,000, reserving five acres for a home.
-At last the mail route from Whatcom to Park has been extended to Wickersham. This enables us to get a daily mail from the Bay, which by the old route used to take about a week to get a reply from there.

Yesterday afternoon John BARWICK and Mrs. Julia A. ARGO were married by Judge GALLAHER in IRELAND & PANCOAST's grocery store.

John R. BARTRUFF, who has been in Eastern Washington the past year in the Equitable Life Assurance Society, has succeeded in getting a general agency established in New Whatcom, composed of the following counties: Whatcom, Skagit, Island, San Juan, Clallam and Jefferson, of which he will have the management, under W. J. MORPHY, manager for Washington and Idaho. Mr. DARWIN still continues as special agent and with combined work good results are hoped for.

Michael COSGROVE is at Harrison Hot Springs.

P. G. COOK, the Goshen hotel proprietor, is in the city.

Mrs. J. R. McKINLEY has returned from an extended visit east.

John W. BARBER, the stalwart hunter of Blaine, is in the city attending court.

Mrs. Captain WOODMAN, of Seattle, is in the city as the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. F. ALLEN. Captain WOODMAN was also here, but returned to Seattle yesterday morning.

A force of men are preparing the buildings for the Bellingham Bay fish cannery.

Myron COOPER has been appointed master mechanic of the Great Northern railroad coast lines, with headquarters at Fairhaven.

A sash and door factory is being erected on the HILL & WELBON wharf. The company will manufacture, clear dressed cedar for the eastern market.

Friday, April 14, 1893:

A. COHEN, a traveling salesman for a Tacoma candy house met with a serious accident at Fairhaven last evening. He is a very heavy man and while going up the steps to a business house, he slipped and fell forcibly to the sidewalk, fracturing his left leg at the ankle. Sam ALTSHULER, of this city, went over and attended to the wants of this unfortunate friend. the limb was put in a plaster mold by Dr. COMPTON and Mr. COHEN will be taken to Tacoma tomorrow morning.

Matt R. VAUGHN and Harrison BACUS today signed a co-partnership agreement in the logging business in Whatcom county. The scene of their operations will be Lummi island.

C. W. VAN HORN, of Blue Canyon, came in this morning.

A. D. ROGERS, the Ferndale rustler, was in town last evening.

Editor C. C. WILSON of the Blaine Tribune, is doing the city today.

Wm. LOGAN, an old pioneer of Blaine, is in the county seat attending court.

Col. H. A. MOORE, of the Rocky Ridge coal mine, Lake Whatcom, is in the city today.

Chas. LAUBE, of Broadhead, Dakota, is in the city looking after his property interests here.

Miss Kate JACKSON, the well known musician, goes to Chicago next Tuesday to reside, her mother accompanying her.

F. H. REID came in from RAE's logging camp on Lake Whatcom, this morning. He says the camps on the lake are very busy.

Capt. McDOUGAL, inventor of the whaleback style of steamer is on the Sound.

M. W. McLEOD yesterday purchased the Svea saloon liquor license and Oscar HOLM is again out of business. The Svea is located near the corner of D and thirteenth streets and closed yesterday.

I. F. STORRS will build a hotel at Wickersham.

Nugent's Ferry bridge has been completed, and the county commissioners went out to inspect it today.

The proprietor of the viaduct candy store became the smiling daddy of a male taffy-puller this morning.

Saturday, April 15, 1893:

Mrs. J. C. ALLEN and children, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. S. GARRETT, left today for Minneapolis, where they will visit with relatives all summer. Mrs. GARRETT has been visiting here the past three months and will return to reside permanently. Mr. GARRETT being a man of means will prove a desirable acquisition to our population.

Peter SCHNEIDER, the proprietor of the New Whatcom grocery store on Thirteenth street, is building up a splendid trade. His stock is fresh, first-class and extensive. New good are arriving every day. Call and see them. He has a choice stock of fine cigars.

J. H. PARKER, the Lawrence shingle manufacturer, is in town today.

J. C. CLINTON, editor of the San Juan Islander, was in New Whatcom yesterday on business.

Joseph P. HUNTER, of Ithaca, New York, a florist and fruit grower, was in the city today.

Geo. MARYOTT, of San Juan island, has sold his ranch and contemplates locating in this county.

Mr. Milton CAMPBELL, from Madison, Neb., arrived last evening and is being shown around by ex-Mayor W. L. MILLER. Mr. CAMPBELL is a man of means and contemplates making this city his future home.

----Land Patents----
The following Whatcom county settlers can now find their patents in the district land office: Mary ANDERSON, Chas. G. NICHOLS, John SHAW, Edward CONNELLY.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. PRATT are the happy parents of a nine-pound male prattler, thirty-six hours old.

The contract for the stone foundation to Captain ROEDER's new residence has been let to Borgen BENSON.

At Trinity Methodist church, on Garden street, Rev. McMILLAN will preach at the morning service and J. H. SCHIVELY in the evening.

Will D. JENKINS, G. A. JENKINS, D. C. JENKINS, M. E. JENKINS and M. B. JENKINS have pooled their property and formed a corporation known as the B. B. Syndicate with a capital of $250,000, papers being filed with the county auditor yesterday.

----Court Notes----
New Cases: Frank L. LESLIE vs. Wm. McDONALD; foreclosure of $500 mortgage. Anna BOTHEN vs. John A. BORGH and Anna HOLM; suit to recover $130 on a promissory note.

Miss Selma, daughter of Wm. SWANSON, of Everson, had a finger amputated this morning by Dr. BIRNEY on account of a felon which had decayed the bone and caused great suffering.

-Mr. RALLSON, of Woodlawn, has been land-scaping for Mrs. JENKINS.
-Mrs. George HEWITT spent Thursday in Woodlawn visiting her parents.
-Miss Nettie JENKINS and her brother Lennie have been on the sick-list for the past week, so they could not attend school.
-Miss MARCHAND, of Silver Beach, and Miss PENFIELD, of Geneva, spent Saturday in Blue Canyon.
-The people of Geneva are anxious to have a woolen mill located on the shores of the lake.

-J. C. CUSTER, the junior half of Blue Canyon's mercantile firm, was transacting business in town yesterday.
-M. ANDERSON, C. A. WYATT, E. L. GUIDETTE, A. M. ROBY and John JOHNSON were in town Wednesday, inhaling the freshness of the balmy bay breezes.
-The steamer Ella yesterday brought up a scow load of hay, feed and provisions for RAMBEAU's logging camp.
-Hon. M. ANDERSON is intending running a logging camp on his place this summer. He is in town now looking for men and teams. He expects to being rolling logs about the 1st of May.
-E. L. GUIDETTE is up near Lynden looking for two more yoke of oxen for his camp. He has received an order for a large bill of logs, which has to be filled at once.
-Mr. B. LANGTREE intends moving onto a ranch near Custer some time next week.
-Geo. DOUGLASS, of South Bay, traded 150 acres of Lake property to A. BRUNNER, the jeweler, for a house and two blocks in Eureka addition.
-Hon. M. ANDERSON is erecting a general merchandise store at Park, on the lot adjoining Mrs. WHITLEY's hotel.

Monday, April 17, 1893:

There were twenty-eight persons confirmed yesterday by the Rev. C. L. MOFFETT at St. Paul's church. The engagement of Miss Sadie SEVIER to Capt. J. L. FISHER, of the ship Ophir, now loading at the Cornwall mill, was announced.

The book bindery of C. B. DARNELL on Railroad avenue is turning out some good work and is being well patronized. If you have any magazines or papers you want bound, don't forget or overlook the fact that we have a local institution that can do the work as good as the best and at most reasonable rates.

Articles of incorporation of the Fairhaven Lumber company, of Fairhaven, Wash., with a capital stock of $40,000, were filed with the county auditor Saturday, signed by W. A. WOODIN and Wm. HEDGES as trustees and incorporators. This involves the destinies of the WOODIN saw and shingle mills at Fairhaven, which it is understood will be enlarged and operated on a more extensive scale.

Otto MULLENBURG, a miner at the Blue Canyon, was burned Saturday by a gas explosion. It is reported that he was warned of danger, but entered without a safety lamp. He is being treated at the company's hospital at the mine.

Councilman M. M. ARNOLD returned from Patos island last evening. He will be employed at Lighthouse building there about two weeks more.

George SCHMIDT Kills His Partner Henry HORN and Then Kills himself.
   Saturday afternoon on a chicken ranch just south of the mouth of Chuckanut creek, about a mile and a half from Fairhaven, a horrible tragedy was enacted. Last fall George SCHMIDT and Henry HORN, two old batchelors started into the chicken raising business there, HORN putting up about $350 and SCHMIDT about $50. The division of the profits occasioned much discontent and strife between them. Last week HORN decided to leave the ranch and go to cutting shingle bolts on the Guide Meridian. They settled up with much dissatisfaction and HORN took the wagon and horses and come to town Saturday morning. A calf was in dispute both claiming it. HORN decided to return and take the calf. In the meantime SCHMIDT heard of it and threw all of HORN's baggage and clothes out of the shanty. When HORN arrived with the team SCHMIDT came out with HORN's double barreled shot gun and asked HORN if he came to get the calf. HORN replied in the affirmative and thereupon SCHMIDT immediately shot him through the bowels, the charge of buckshot passing through the body, wads and all. SCHMIDT then clubbed the gun and broke the stock in three pieces over HORN's head. Then he went into the shanty, came out with his own shot gun, removed his shirt so the muzzle touched the bare skin and shot himself through the bowels and stomach, dying in a few moments. J. W. WESTFALL's two daughters witnessed the sanguinary tragedy and called their father, who helped take the suffering murdered man into the house, where he died at about 7:30 o'clock that evening. Both were illiterate men, SCHMIDT having no education whatever. Dr. COMPTON attended HORN and put him under the influence of opiates.
   SCHMIDT's body was at once taken to Coroner BRACKETT's undertaking rooms and HORN's body was also brought over Saturday night.
   Neither of the men were married and had no relatives here. SCHMIDT owned some property in Anacortes, but was a poor man. Both were German-Americans and members of the Verein of Fairhaven.
   Coroner BRACKETT has decided that an inquest in the case is unnecessary and the bodies of the men will be buried tomorrow.

About fifty people attended J. H. SCHIVELY's lecture on India at the public library on Dock street Saturday evening. Mr. SCHIVELY was preceded by Mrs. H. M. HUG and Miss ROBERTS, who rendered a piano duet. Mrs. CARSON, the contralto singer, sang a solo in a very rich, melodious voice. Olaf UDNESS sang a baritone solo, which was well received. Mr. SCHIVELY was a little late and he did not have time to finish the lecture which held the audience like a charm. He is well posted on India and can sing in the language of the natives, though he does not sing very often. His singing was encored at his own request.

Gus BETTMAN arrived last evening with a load of potatoes from Orcas island.

R. G. DESAUTELS and wife charged with smuggling arrived this morning, from Port Townsend.

C. W. WORTHEN, the hardware merchant of Lynden, was in the city today on business.

W. R. SMITH returned this morning from Huntington, B. C., where he had been on a business trip.

Spero SMOTO is at Samish after oysters.

P. J. HALBERG, mayor of Licking, is in the city today.

A. E. DOBBS, the electrician, is in Vancouver, B. C., on business.

Will R. PETTIBONE, the Blaine shingle prince, is in town on business.

Iver OLSEN, a prosperous Delta farmer, who has been in the city the past week, returned to Delta today.

Walter FOUTS expects to leave for Chicago next Friday. He will ramble around in the World's fair city a couple of weeks and then go to Ottumwa, Iowa, where he has accepted a position in a large packing house.

Tuesday, April 18, 1893:

Minor E. McLAIN is the father of a bouncing boy.

Judge LEAMING's new forty foot yacht "Myth," will be launched about May 1st. She is a beauty.

City Council
-Transfer of liquor license from C. CHRISTIANSEN to Malcom W. McLEOD was allowed.
-A. R. POTTS was allowed to enlarge a shanty back of the Byron House.

H. D. WOOD, the Thirteenth street confectioner, is moving into his new quarters adjoining the Stenger house saloon today.

Mrs. C. G. HOPKINS who has been suffering with a reversed tooth, is rapidly recovering under the care of Dr. LAWRENCE.

County Auditor COLLIER issued a marriage license today to Harry B. CHICHESTER and Miss Delia HARNDEN, both of Mountain View. Mr. CHICHESTER is quite well known in this city.

T. H. MULLEN of Deming, is in town.

Harry LOWENTHALL has a severe case of la grippe.

T. J. DOOLEY is very ill with pneumonia at Snohomish.

J. B. COPELAND, superintendent of the Great Northern, is in the city.

Mrs. J. W. RAYBURN and child leave for Illinois tomorrow on a visit to relations.

Mr. and Mrs. C. F. ROEHL have gone to Houston, Texas, on a visit to relatives.

E. P. Y. DAY returned yesterday from a rustic ramble throughout the country.

Miss Selma MOFFETT, sister of Mrs. M. K. ALEXANDER, accompanied her from the east and will stop here for a year.

S. H. HUTCHCRAFT of Seattle, member of the shingle manufacturing firm of HUTCHCRAFT & SMITH, Ferndale, is in town.

Philip MORGAN of Portland, was in the city yesterday after a three months' trip back east, visiting relatives in Pennsylvania.

Mrs. L. L. LOCKE, mother of W. F. LOCKE, the local U. S. mail shifter, who has been visiting her son and family since October, leaves friday for Seattle and Tacoma to visit relatives, thence returning home at Minneapolis.

Superior Court
New cases filed with the clerk:
-Thomas DAHLQUIST vs. John ALMETER et. al. To recover $62.65 on a promissory note.
-S. M. WINCHESTER vs. Oscar HOLM et. al. A suit to recover $229.15 for rent of real estate.

   The rotary valve patented by Perry DELLINGER of this city has been applied to a beautiful little brass engine manufactured by the B. B. Iron works, and will be taken to the World's fair by Wm. A. UTTER, who is interested in the introduction and sale of the machine. The model is about one and a half horse power and shows the working parts of the valve. The advantages claimed are cheapness in construction of engines, economy in fuel and steam, simplicity, no liability to get out of order, steam can be shut off instantly, the engine can be run forward or backward. The mechanical construction is unique and a radical change from anything ever placed on the market. Mr. DELLINGER has been offered $50,000 for his patent and refused it.
   The little engine will run a new style of electric dynamo which is also said to be a great novelty, at the World's fair. Mr. DELLINGER is now working on some other very important inventions.

Wednesday, April 19, 1893:

Mrs. D. M. BEARD is seriously ill.

Leon LOBE is in Seattle on business.

Larry J. FLANNEGAN of Nooksack City, is in town.

Jno. ROTHWELL, the Everett contractor, is in town.

Miss Mattie WILSON left for a trip to Marysville today.

James BUCHANAN, of Ferndale, was in the city yesterday.

P. B. GWINUP and family will move to their ranch in a few days to pass the summer.

Mrs. Kate I. BACON and Miss BACON intend to start for the east on a visit in a few days.

Mrs. Grant R. WELLS who went to Chicago for special medical treatment, is recovering.

F. H. REID has returned from his Lake Whatcom ranch.

Sam ALLEN, of Lummi, who has been very ill, is slowly recovering.

W. O. NICHOLSEN the butcher on Elk street, is in receipt of a hog this morning from Whidbey island, weighing 400 pounds.

Prof. FORSHERG is organizing a bicycle club. He proposes to get up races and contests in all kinds of athletic sports this summer.

The steamer Minnie M has been sold to David BUNN by P. C. WILLIAMS, administrator of the estate of its late captain and owner, H. C. BRECKENRIDGE.

Thursday, April 20, 1893:

SUMAS, April 20 - This morning at 5:30 I. AIRHART, a trapper, went to the cabin of John MARSHALL, who resides on a claim about one and a half miles north of this city, on the British Columbia side, to purchase some milk and found MARSHALL lying dead outside of his cabin door, shot in the forehead. The door of his cabin was open and a lamp was burning brightly. ROAIRHEART (sic) came at once to this city, gave the alarm and summoned the coroner from Vancouver, B. C. MARSHALL has resided on the claim five years, was about 38 years old, a bachelor, and had the reputation of keeping money in his cabin. An examination of the premises show the table to have been set for two persons, but nothing had been eaten. MARSHALL had a pipe in his mouth when found and an empty pocketbook lay on the ground about five feet from the body. A number of tough cases around Sumas are being closely watched, but no arrests have yet been made. Officials on both sides of the line are tracing up every clue as a murder was evidently committed.

The hull of the old steamer Mike Anderson, which has been sunk in Lake Whatcom for the past year, was turned over yesterday afternoon, and will be reconstructed into a barge to be used for freighting.

Dr. DANEL left this morning for an extended trip to Europe.

R. K. ROBB, of East Sound, is in the city on a shopping visit.

Miss Annie STURGEON left this morning for a trip to Seattle.

Chas. GREENBERG returned last evening from San Francisco.

F. G. UNDERWOOD took a running trip up to Goshen this morning.

Morris McCARTY, of Acme, is in the city looking after his interests here.

Rev. FYSH and family will leave in a few days for Canyon City, Oregon.

Simon KILDALL has been confined to his bed for the past two days with la grippe.

Dr. APPLEBY visited Sam ALLEN at Lummi last night and says the patient is in a dangerous condition.

Assistant Commissioner of Indian Schools Daniel DORCHESTER has returned from Lynden where he visited the school.

Fred ZOBRIST, the Schwitzer cheese monger of Acme, is in town. He states that he will have to enlarge his plant, as the demand for his schmear kase is increasing.

Charles BRANIN, son of A. BRANIN, assistant superintendent B. B. & B. C. railroad, arrived today from Lawrence, Kansas, to accept a position as operator and stenographer for the company.

The state supreme court has sustained the verdict of the injury, granting Mrs. Annie SEARS, of New Whatcom, $15,000 damages for injuries sustained while riding a street car at Seattle, September 16, 1891. Mrs. SEARS is the wife of editor Frank SEARS, late of the Daily Times. She is crippled for life and can use crutches with difficulty, never leaving the house.

O. S. TORREY and Dave BROWN have purchased the City Meat Market of Samuel BELFORD. They are now working up a good trade with their coats off.

Louis H. KRUGER can make you a pair of boots or shoes that fit like a kid glove. He knows his business, being a first-class mechanic. If you have an unshapely foot he will make you a shapely shoe. He can be found on the corner of Thirteenth and F streets.

From The Weekly Bellingham Bay Express, April 29, 1893:

St. Luke's Hospital - Holly and Forest streets, New Whatcom, Wash.; commanding an imposing view of the bay.  Medical staff - Drs. R. S. BRAGG, D. E. BIGGS, C. P. THOMAS, S. N. KELLY, E. VANZANDT, L. R. MALARKEY, J. F. CROSS, W. APPELBY, M. R. STREETER, M. L. JAMESON, G. F. MILES, H. J. BIRNEY, J. M. LAWRENCE, J. W. GOODHEART, W. A. MACPHERSON.  For admissions and terms apply to the  SUPERINTENDENT. 

Land Patents Waiting
Following patents to land for Whatcom county settlers await claimants in Seattle:  Victor CHARROIN, Harry TARNOW, Martin GALLAGHER, Helen R. GLEASON, Will M. GAMBLE, Joseph HUNT, Albert M. LANE, Thomas J. MCVEY, Thomas W. MOORE, John K. RAE, Frank THALE, and Charles A. WYATT.

Captain J. L. FISHER, of the bark Ophir, and Miss Sadie E. SEVIER will be united in marriage at St. Paul's Episcopal church tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock. Invitations have been sent out.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, May 1, 1893:

Baseball At The Lake
A large number of people visited Lake Whatcom yesterday to witness the first match game of baseball of the season and see the gun club cracks knock the stuffing out of clay pigeons at the Silver Beach grounds. The baseball game was not very exciting, being a little one-sided. The score stood 11 to nothing at the close of the five inning game in favor of the Bellingham Bays. The players were: Bellingham Bays - C. H. LEEDY, pitcher; C. B. DARNELL, catcher; W. F. MILLER, J. D. LEEDY, C. P. ROBERTS, E. B. LAWRENCE, R. O. MARCY, H. O'CONNER and Harry PATTISON. The Tyees - Bob ALSOP, pitcher; H. SIEMONS, catcher; HUGUENIN, Larson, S. ALSOP, BURROWS, FAIRHURST, MCCANN and WHEELER.

New Whatcom Gun Club shot twenty-five singles, inanimate birds. The club was divided, sides were chosen, Del COOPER, C. E. ROOS, J. C. INKS, and L. U. STENGER; E. B. LEAMING, S. B. VANZANT, J. C. EVANS and L. W. MARCY. The general shoot at twenty-five birds was won by LEAMING, who killed twenty-two birds. The losers paid for the birds.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, May 2, 1893:

A marriage license was issued today to Horace G. MCCLANAHAN, of Lynden and Etta MATTHEWS, of Laurel, by Auditor COLLIER.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, May 6, 1893:

Auditor COLLIER issued a marriage license to Frederick H. JAMESON and Lottie V. HAGIN, both of Clearbrook, today.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, May 18, 1893:

The third annual convention of the W. C. T. U. met in the Baptist church, New Whatcom, May 16 and 17. The following delegates and members of the convention were present:
Sehome Union - Mrs. E. C. GRAVES, Mrs. Jesse EDWARDS, Mrs. Mary E. BOND, Mrs. J. R. BARTRUFF, Mrs. H. B. STRAND.
Fairhaven - Mrs. Nellie MCGINNIS, Mrs. Clara DARLING, Mrs. Emily BEADLE.
Whatcom - Mrs. S. E. PIERCE, Mrs. Wm. HAMILTON, Mrs. Belle DELLINGER, Mrs. PHELPS, Mrs. F. E. GUILE.
Sumas - Mrs. R. S. LAMBERT, Mrs. L. G. Van VALKENBURGH, Mrs. Laura BOWEN.
Blaine - Mrs. C. KINGSLEY.
Lynden - Mrs. J. M. HILTON, Mrs. Flora JUDSON, Mrs. M. F. BEAVERS.
Election of officers for the ensuing year, resulted as follows: President, Mrs. E. C. GRAVES, New Whatcom; corresponding secretary, Mrs. J. S. SHOCKEY, New Whatcom; recording secretary, Mrs. R. S. LAMBERT, Sumas; treasurer, Mrs. S. E. PIERCE, New Whatcom; superintendent Sabbath school work, Mrs. MCGINNIS, Fairhaven; superintendent of literature, Mrs. Emily BEADLE, Fairhaven; press work, Mrs. Flora JUDSON, Lynden; superintendent mining and lumbermen department, Mrs. H. B. STRAND, New Whatcom; evangelistic, Mrs. BEAVERS, Lynden; social purity, Mrs. DARLING, Fairhaven; medal contest and organizer, Mrs. Laura BOWEN, Sumas; temperance temple, Mrs. UPSON, Blaine; superintendent narcotics, Mrs. Dr. GILLETE, New Whatcom; jail work, Mrs. DELLINGER, New Whatcom; suffrage, Mrs. HILTON, Lynden; unfermented wine, Mrs. KINGSLEY, Blaine.
Memorial service in honor of Jennie CASSIDY and Mary Allan WEST, was conducted by Mrs. BOWEN.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, May 22, 1893:

A marriage license was issued to Oliver OSBORNE and Stella STILES, both of Nooksack city, Saturday.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, May 24, 1893:

Notice is hereby given that my wife, Annie ZETLER, has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation and that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her.   ANTON ZETLER
Blue Canyon City, May 18, 1893

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, May 29, 1893:

Old Landmark Gone
The Laurel street improvement has been the cause of the destruction of one of the oldest landmarks in this section of the state. The little one-story white frame school house -- the first in Whatcom county. It was erected in 1867. The shingles are hand made and appear as good as new, save for the wear of the weather. There is no sign of rot on them.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, May 26, 1893:

Blue Canyon, Wash., May 25.
Wm. BUCHANAN, a young man working at E. L. GUIDETTE's logging camp, was drowned today, about 2 o'clock. No one knows exactly how it happened, as he was working alone on the boom when it occurred. The men had gone out to work after dinner and were running logs down a chute to the landing. BUCHANAN was working on the landing, rolling the logs into the water, and would go out on the boom when a log got stuck and place it around into position. They had sent two logs down the chute after they went to work in the afternoon and had started the third down, but in going down in some way got stuck in the chute, and the driver was sent to bring a log jack and some grease. He went down the road intending to get BUCHANAN to help him carry the things up, but could not find him. He did not think of anything being wrong, as he supposed that he had gone up the road for something, so he called him by name, but could get no answer. He then called to two men who were grinding their axes a short distance from where he was, and asked if Will was there. They replied that he was not, that the last they had seen of him was when the second log came down the chute, which was nearly an hour before that. He was then out on the boom about fifty feet from shore. Just at this time another of the crew came up and saw the pike-pole that he had been using floating on the water near the shore. He thought something had happened, and said to the other men: "Where's Billy? He must be drowned." They then went out on the boom and discovered his body lying in about twelve feet of water. They recovered the body and tried every means to revive him, but life was extinct. He was carried to the house to await the arrival of the coroner. There were no marks on the body to indicate violence or that he died in any way other than drowning. The two men who were grinding their axes claim they did not hear any out-cry or any unusual sound, and did not imagine anything being wrong until the driver called to them, asking where he was. A message was at once dispatched to his parents to inform them of the sad accident. His father came up on the evening boat to make arrangements for the removal of the body to his home, from whence the funeral will probably take place. Will was well known on the lake, having resided with his parents at Woodlawn for the past seven years. He had been in the employ of Mr. GUIDETTE for several months and was well liked by all who knew him.

Alexander CORDWAY, aged 42 years, married, father of four children, died of consumption at his home, near corner of D and Fourteenth streets, at 2 o'clock, this afternoon. La grippe was the original cause of the dread disease. He has been ill since last fall.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, May 31, 1893:

Silver Wedding
Last night Mr. & Mrs. D. M. BINGMAN celebrated their silver wedding at 344 Gladstone street. They were assisted by many friends who did their best to pass the evening pleasantly. About twenty-five people spent the evening. Light refreshments were served, game of all kinds indulged in and a good time was had generally. Among the numerous presents received are the following: Silver tea set, from Steadman Post and W. R. C.; berry set from Mesdames FARNHAM, St. JOHN, SCOTT, WEAVER, HUGHES and PARKER; berry spoon from Mr. & Mrs. COMSTOCK; souvenir spoon from Mrs. MANDALL; napkin ring from Guy BINGMAN; salt spoon from Mrs. Guy BINGMAN; sugar spoon from Miss I. BINGMAN.

A marriage license was issued to John B. RODGERS and Alice WOODS, both of Lake Whatcom today.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, June 7, 1893:

Happiness Be With Them
Miss Clara STENGER and Will GAMBLE were quietly married this morning at 10 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, on D street. Rev. BOULET performed the marriage ceremony under the rites of the Catholic Church. A wedding lunch was served at high noon, and the newly married couple left on the afternoon train for their new home in Everett, amid the congratulations and best wishes of their legions of friends in this city.

Examinations at the High School
The senior class in the High school completed their final examinations yesterday. The class consists of nine pupils, three boys and six girls. The highest average made was by May ATKINS 94 11-30. The required per cent to pass being 75. The graduating exercises will be held at the First Methodist Episcopal church, on I and sixteenth streets, Friday June 16. The various studies in which this class took examination were geometry, botany, astronomy, chemistry, English literature and Latin. The graduating class consists of Misses May ATKINS, Hattie UNDERWOOD, Kittie DUFFNER, Nettie COLEMAN, Jennie STRAND, Pearl COLEMAN; and Richard BURROWS, Burwell ATKINS and Ross CHESTNUT.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, June 8, 1893:

New Hose Company Officers
At the annual election of officers of Sehome Hose Co., No. 1, the following were chosen for the ensuing year: Ed SMITH, foreman; J. Milton LOWE, first assistant foreman; William STOREY, second assistant foreman; John KASTNER, treasurer; J. D. FREEMAN, secretary; F. H. ALEXANDER, fire policeman.
Tuesday evening at the annual election in Cosgrove Hose Co., No. 2, the following were selected: T. L. RICHARDSON, president; E. E. WHITMORE, vice president; F. H. DRAKE, secretary; Sam ALTSHULER, treasurer; Daniel HALL, foreman; George POUNTAIN, first assistant foreman; A. L. HERSKE, second assistant foreman; J. D. THOMAS and W. H. CASSELS, fire policemen.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, June 10, 1893:

Joseph HOLLINGSWORTH and Miss Frankie BELMONT, both of Hollingsworth, will be married.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, June 13, 1893:

An 8-pound girl to Mr. & Mrs. TRIMBLE last evening. Ed didn't tremble either.

The little daughter of Mr. & Mrs. T. G. NICKLIN died at 1 o'clock yesterday morning, aged 11 months. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, June 14, 1893:

Mr. & Mrs TRIMBLE are the parents of a new boy, instead of a girl as at first reported.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, June 17, 1893:

Lester W. DAVID was appointed postmaster at Blaine yesterday.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, June 20, 1893:

Mrs. W. O. NICHOLSEN, accompanied by her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. E. JOHNSON, and her daughter, Mrs. A. C. BLAKE, and daughter, Helen, arrived from Baxter Springs, Kansas this morning. They will make this place their permanent home.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, June 21, 1893:

BLUE CANYON -- June 18, School will commence at Blue Canyon on the 26th inst. with Mr. KEGGE of Whatcom as teacher.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, June 23, 1893:

WICKERSHAM -- Born to Mr. & Mrs. L. DYKEMAN, a boy, on Saturday.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, June 27, 1893:

W. H. KING and Anna DAHL have decided that marriage is not a failure, and will try some of it. The auditor has furnished them with a license.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, June 28, 1893:

The funeral of Alexander GRANT, the man who was killed at the mine last Thursday, was well attended. About 90 people attended from this vicinity. The company's steamer Ella, took the funeral party from this place to Silver Beach from where they were transferred by rail to the cemetery.

LYNCH's general store at Wickersham was burned this morning. B. E. LYNCH, the proprietor, was in New Whatcom on business when the fire occurred and a telegram from Mrs. LYNCH brought him the news. ... The cause of the fire is not known but Mr. LYNCH is not slow to express his opinion that some of his enemies had a hand in it. He says they have boasted that they would make him leave the place and that this is the means they are using.
Postmaster WICKERSHAM, of Wickersham, came in today. He says that the fire was first noticed at 3 a.m. and the roof fell in at 3:30 a.m. What started it is unknown, though the school teacher says she thinks a lamp left burning in the store exploded.

Miss Mattie BIRD closed a very successful term in the public school last Friday.   [This may be a Lynden item]

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, June 29, 1893:

Normal School Site Commission Appointed
Gov. John H. MCGRAW arrived on the Sehome this morning to attend to the normal school matter. He appointed Geo. E. ATKINSON one of the commissioners, but some difficulty was found in getting a second one. H. H. PEIRCE and J. H. SCHIVELY were offered the job, but neither wanted to act and H. B. BATEMAN of Fairhaven, was decided upon provided he would act. The governor left at noon for Fairhaven, where the commissioners will meet and organize. Governor MCGRAW leaves for Seattle on the boat this afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. George MARTINSON are the happy parents of a brand new, full blown American boy who will celebrate the Fourth at the age of 5 -- days.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, July 1, 1893:

Henry A. JONES and Agnes KILCUP, both of New Whatcom, are booked to travel a part at least of life's pathway together. They have a license.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, July 3, 1893:

F. J. RYDER, age 24 years, died at St. Luke's hospital at 3 o'clock this morning. His body will be embalmed and taken to East Sound, the funeral leaving the hospital between 8 and 9 o'clock. The deceased was a member of Mount Constitution lodge of Odd Fellows.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, July 6, 1893:

Emil ULRICH of Saxon, and Annie GETZ, of Wickersham, have taken out a marriage license.

I. M. GALBRAITH of Saxon, very nearly lost his house by fire a few days ago; only prompt action saved it.

Fred OSTERMAN, a Sumas lad, about 10 years of age, had his finger taken off by the car door closing on it while on his way to this city to celebrate the Fourth of July.

Mayor Thos. SLADE very properly vetoed the cow ordinance; as it was passed it would be practically a dead letter on the books. If a cow is a nuisance on the streets in the night it is equally so in the day time. Mr. SLADE recommends the passage of an ordinance allowing cows to be herded out of the business portion of the city and off of the improved streets of the city. It is time this subject be taken by the horns. The EXPRESS has many friends among the ladies and as times are hard we don't propose they shall be compelled to purchase high boots to walk the sidewalks with comfort. While we may offend some citizens who owns a cow, we believe the majority is with Mayor SLADE. The cowmen, under the leadership of Attorney GALVERT, say they will politically kill every champion of the ordinance that compels owners of cows to keep them off the sidewalks. If this city is a cow pasture let us know it. We respect the rights of cow owners but we insist they respect the rights of citizens who believe in clean sidewalks.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, July 8, 1893:

Among the latest matrimonial candidates are J. H. FOSS and Miss Jeanette WHITLOCK, of Fairhaven, and Odene D. LAMAREAU and Miss Francis O. PARKER, of Yager.

The logging firm of VAUGHN & BACUS of Lummi island is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Matt VAUGHN will pay all debts and liabilities of the firm and is hereby authorized to collect all debts due said firm.
July 7, 1893.  H. BACUS, Matt VAUGHN

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, July 10, 1893:

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. WATSON have added to the population to the extent of the prettiest baby girl in town, a Sunday girl, who lives on Harrison Street and already gives evidence of the future prima donna.

Thomas D. FOSTER and Alice L. ADAMS both of Vancouver, B. C., took out a marriage license this morning.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, July 13, 1893:

J. M. McCORMICK has entered action for a bill of divorce from his wife, Emma, on the grounds of desertion. They were married in Austin, Texas in 1887 and came to Whatcom county in February, 1892. A year ago last May, he avers, she deserted him and has since continued to stay away from him. The couple have no children.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, July 14, 1893:

J. M. HITT returned from Clearbrook yesterday. He examined two pupils for diplomas. The examination for county teacher's certificates takes place here on August 10th, 11th and 12th. The examining board will consist of Prof. HITT, J. W. TANNER, Blaine, and Miss Dora WELLMAN, Fairhaven. It is understood that the number wishing to instruct the youth of the county is unusually large.

G. W. RAMEY, of Yager, who is making a fine ranch out of his claim, was in town this morning with a load of extra fine vegetables.

John LYSLE came up from Seattle this morning to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Geo. A. JENKINS.

Harry GODEFF has bought out John M. SAAR's logging camp at Goshen.

Bob FOSTER is the smiling father of a bouncing baby boy. The youngster arrived last night and at once proceeded to tip the scales at eleven pounds.

W. N. MILLS is the father, owner and proprietor of a boy that filed its initial appearance on Wednesday morning. The youth is of manly proportions weighing fourteen pounds.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, July 17, 1893:

W. J. GILLILAND Drowned -- East Sound Merchant ......

The little daughter of S. F. DARWIN died this morning, aged 7 years. The funeral will leave the family residence, on G and Twenty-fifth streets, this evening at 5 o'clock.

The following new cases were filed with the clerk of the superior court this morning:
J. S. JOHNSON vs J. B. WEBSTER and B. F. HURD; to collect a promissory note of $150.
Chas. R. CAMPBELL et al, vs M. ANDERSON; foreclosure of a logger's lien.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, July 18, 1893:

Mrs. Henry SMITH, wife of the former proprietor of the New Whatcom steam laundry, died at St. Luke's hospital at 5 o'clock last evening, having been a victim of consumption the past thirteen months. She was 26 years old, born in Norway, and leaves no children. Funeral tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Services at the cemetery conducted by Rev. C. C. COOK.

During the coming term of the Blaine schools, T. J. FOLEY will be principal and Misses Matilda BENCHNER of Nebraska and Cora TANNER of Fairhaven assistants.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, July 19, 1893:

Miss Inger ANDERSON has accepted a position in City Attorney DIETRICH's office in Fairhaven, as stenographer.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, July 22, 1893:

Mr. and Mrs. Harry GEORGE are parents of an 8 1/2 pound daughter who arrived at 8 o'clock this morning, by George.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, July 25, 1893:

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. SANFORD are entertaining a diminutive daughter, age one day. All well.

Sam FORTEITH, of Silver Beach, is the father of a little Scotch lassie. The young lady arrived last week and weighed twelve pounds.

Charles CAMEN, Will SNELL, T. WILSON, B. THOMPSON, J. H. MARTEN, C. A. STILLWELL and J. W. INGLE have incorporated the Blaine Operative Shingle company with a capital stock of $2,500.

John L PIXLEY and Bertha May SMITH have been supplied with a marriage license by the auditor.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, July 26, 1893:

This morning the auditor issued no less than three licenses. The happy people are:
J. H. MORROW, New Whatcom, and Mrs. Harriet BUSHBY, Everett
John H. MERRITT and Mrs. Verdie PAYNE, Fairhaven
Chas. W. LACK and Eve HOLEMAN, Mountain View.

The news has been received that Mrs. Isabella MILLS, mother of George T. MILLS of this city, died in Plainville, Mich., at the age of 77. Mr. MILLS reached his mother's side before her death.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, July 27, 1893:

Judge WINN ceased troubling his brain about demurrer, etc., this morning long enough to bind in matrimonial bond John MORROW, of New Whatcom, and Mrs. Harriet BUSHBY, of Everson.

Councilman M. M. ARNOLD has other attractions besides lawmaking. It is a sweet little girl baby.

Sumas now boasts four saloons, some brainy individual having started a brand new one.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, July 28, 1893:

Peter SAAR, of Sumas, was in the city on business this morning. Mr. SAAR is a pioneer of the Pacific coast, having crossed the plains in 1853. He has lived on a ranch two miles east of Sumas the past seven years, and the property is a monument to his industry and judicious management. He has about fifty acres of land cleared and is now one of the principal dairymen of the county. He is in favor of roads, free silver and the coinage of all bulk silver purchased by the government. He is aware of the hard-times, but thinks we will all come up smiling after awhile without any serious ducking.

Meeting tonight in K. P. Hall to organize a chamber of commerce.

George MERTS shot a wildcat out on the Guide Meridian road last night.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, July 29, 1893:

J. Hannum JONES, the prominent journalist of Nooksack city, came in this morning on business.

Advertised Letters
--C. G. COLE, postmaster--

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, August 1, 1893:

Mr. & Mrs. J. C. CUSTER, of Blue Canyon have a nine pound girl born Monday, July 24.

Gus BOSTION and Nellie BECK will enter the matrimonial ranks; they are licensed.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, August 3, 1893:

J. H. JOHNSON is the new postmaster at Hollingsworth.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, August 5, 1893:

Mrs. A. W. PETTIBONE and daughters Jessie and Lucy, leave on a visit to friends at Ripon, Wis., Milwaukee and Chicago tomorrow.

Miss Addie MOFFATT, sister of Mrs. M. K. ALEXANDER arrived in the city yesterday from Washington, D. C., on a visit.

Miss Gertie JENKINS will go to Cottonwood island next week on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Al. LOT.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, August 7, 1893:

Mrs. T. H. BRYAN, of Conyers, Ga., mother of S. L. BUTLER, is in the city on a visit.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, August 8, 1893:

Sehome Hose Co. No. 1 elected Dan MCKINNON, foreman and C. W. ARMSTRONG delegates at a lively meeting last night. Foreman E. A. SMITH will be a candidate for chief.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. WELCH, of Worcester, Mass., are here visiting their daughter, Mrs. W. L. PATCH. They intend to spend the summer here.

Mr. SULLIVAN of Olga, on Orcas island, had a narrow escape from death last evening. He went out in his naptha launch to put some passengers aboard the steamer Evangel. The passengers got aboard o.k., but the launch was struck by the big steamer when leaving, throwing Mr. SULLIVAN overboard, fortunately a rope went out with him, which he caught and saved himself.

J. W. KEIDEL at 4 o'clock last evening became the exuberant dad of a great big, blue-eyed baby boy and at the same time, his friends say, he looked proudly down from his towering height as the happiest man in the burg.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, August 9, 1893:

Mrs. LOGAN and Miss Jessie BASS of Seattle, are visiting their father, Captain BASS.

Judge E. B. LEAMING is confined to his bed. It is feared he is suffering from a severe attack of typhoid fever.

Gus MILLER and family have gone to Col. Harry MOORE's ranch on Lake Whatcom to rusticate for a couple of weeks.

-The following were installed as officers of Rising Sun Lodge, I. O. G. T., for the ensuing quarter: T. A. PROUTY, C. T.; J. W. MCLEOD, V. T.; Christie MCLEOD, secretary; H. MYERS, F. S.; Homer PROUTY, treasurer; E. J. KENOYER, M.; May PROUTY, D. M.; F. ARONES, G.; F. E. PROUTY, C.; Jennie MCLEOD, P. C. T.; N. BENTLEY, S.; T. H. GRAHAM was recommended as lodge deputy for the ensuing year.
-An Epworth League was organized last Sunday with the following corps of officers elected: President, O. L. DOANE; vice-presidents, Rev. T. W. WRIGHT, Mrs. T. W. WRIGHT, Mrs. O. L. DOANE and Mrs. S. F. GRIFFITH; secretary, F. E. PROUTY; treasurer, Miss May PROUTY. The league organized with a membership of thirty-one. The prospects of the newly organized league are very encouraging, and it is hoped that all will lend their aid in making it what it is designed to be.

Bob KRATZIG will open a butcher shop adjoining the Cow Butter store.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, August 10, 1893:

Frank NORTHRUP, who has been in Samoa since 1885, is in the city. He returned from a visit to the World's fair Tuesday.

Miss Lillie ODELL of Lynden, is visiting friends in the city.

F. C. CHAMBERS, wife and two children, of Steubenville, Ohio, are visiting the family of W. MCKEE. Mrs. CHAMBERS is a sister of Mr. MCKEE.

TAYLOR & ZOBRIST's new shingle mill at Acme has been finished and started running regularly on Monday last.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, August 11, 1893:

Mr. and Mrs. Henry REYNOLDS, of Sinclairville, N. Y., and their daughter, Mrs. C. J. LORD, of Olympia, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. M. EDSON. It is a reunion of old friends.

Deputy Inspector L. U. STENGER has made his maiden capture of opium - three five tael cans captured in the Chinese department of DRYSDALE's Point Roberts cannery.

Alexander H. WILLCOCK and W. J. MANUEL returned yesterday from a cruise on the Gulf of Georgia in the royal yacht Ethel. They went up as far a Point Roberts and visited Blaine and its canneries. They had some exciting experiences with heavy seas, but enjoyed the trip immensely.

Mr. and Mrs. Freeman FRENCH, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. CUSTER, Misses Nettie and Polly COLEMAN, S. COLEMAN, and Wallace and James COLEMAN returned yesterday afternoon from a cruising and camping expedition in the yacht Nymph. They camped on Lummi, Orcas, Eliza and other gulf islands.

C. R. CAMPHILL has been appointed road supervisor of road district No. 44.

Miss Flora and Lillian SUTHERLAND are over from East Sound paying a visit to Mrs. D. D. FAGAN and their many Bay friends.

From the Bellingham Bay Evening Express, August 12, 1893:

R. H. CANFIELD, Ed. CASSELS, and STANBRA are three of a kind, just alike, only different; all dads of brand new youngsters. A girl, a girl, a boy respectively, the joy is local and general; the cigars all of the same kind, but the reporter is yet unable to herald the brand.

Solomon ALLEN's big barn burned to the ground at Marietta Thursday night. The barn was very old and the loss not very heavy, there being nothing in it at the time of the fire.

Newton BEERS, the celebrated actor who will appear at Lighthouse theater this evening, is an old friend of the PETTIBONE family of this city.

D. H. DECAN says he will resume work in his shingle mill Monday. He has lots of bolts on hand.

The total assessment of Whatcom county for the year 1893 amounts to $13,007,759.

Miss PENFIELD took charge of the Mountain View school which opened Monday.

C. W. VANHORN is now living at Marietta.

From the Bellingham Bay Express, August 14, 1893:

At the residence of G. H. SINGLETON on Sunday, Judge GALLAHER performed the interesting ceremony of hitching in matrimonial harness Mark C. MOLTON, of Ferndale, and Mrs. E. F. MORGAN of New Whatcom.

Mrs. D. H. B. EVANS, who has been under treatment at St. Joseph's hospital the past month, returned with her husband to Lummi.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas YOUNG are the parents of a very young YOUNG, whose rippling music gives promise of a manly voice in the future.

John F. FULLER, the abstractor, was married to a young girl at Colfax the other day, so Gilbert MILLER writes.

J. E. PARKER of Millerton, is in town. He is station agent there and has also a pretty good sized garden.

The North Fork Shingle Co. has suspended work for the present.

W. L. MILLER's shingle mill resumed operation this morning.

From the Bellingham Bay Express, September 9, 1893:

Robert REED went out hunting Sunday morning and failing to return several searching parties scanned the mountain Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. About noon Mr. MARTIN ran onto him. He found him lying on his face on a little elevation in an open place in the woods about a mile northeast of Elmer SMITH's ranch. There was a bullet hole through his head, the bullet entered the right side under and in front of ear and came out on top of head on left side. He seemed to have been sitting down when the gun went out and fell over on his side, and kind of rolled onto his face and died without a struggle. The gun laid down the hill a little ways, the muzzle away from and the butt about at his feet. It was no doubt a case of accidental shooting as there was no known cause for suicide, probably the gun went off by accident some how. He was about 22 years old. His folks live in Han Valley, Manitoba. The coroner of Skagit county was notified by telegraph also his folks. He will probably be buried here.

A delegation, who want Geo. W. FILHOUER for postmaster at Sumas, were in the city yesterday looking up endorsers of their candidate.

Mr. FEENEY, the village blacksmith at Fairhaven, announces his intention of manufacturing horseshoes out of aluminum.

Miss Jessie CALLVERT, daughter of Judge CALLVERT, will return this evening from a visit to her old home in the east.

Copied by Susan Nahas 2002-2003


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