Friday, January 1, 1904:
An autopsy was held yesterday afternoon at GIFFORD's undertaking parlors over the remains of Mrs. Norman WILLIAMS, of Fairhaven, who died very suddenly on Wednesday night, and although no direct conclusions were arrived at, there are strong indications that her death was due to strychnine poisoning. Dr. BIGGS and Dr. COMPTON made the examination under the direction of Coroner NOICE, who investigated the affair yesterday, and from the information which he gathered ordered the autopsy. These parties would make no precise statements in the matter until a more complete analysis had been made, but the evidence goes to show that poison was taken, whether with suicidal intent or otherwise is not fully known. The deceased, Mrs. WILLIAMS, was the wife of Norman WILLIAMS, who was implicated in a serious case of supposed robbery and murder in Oregon; and up to the time of her sudden death she appeared to be strong and in good health. She died too soon to receive the news that the case against her husband had been dismissed.
Sunday, January 3, 1904: The body of Fred BENTLICH [BEUTLICH], who was drowned in the bay near the foot of Harris street, still lies in the funeral parlors of A. R. MAULSBY. The brother and sister of the deceased have been notified of his death, and funeral arrangements will be made on their arrival. Mrs. H. E. DRAKE of Fort Bellingham, died yesterday morning at 3 o'clock, heart trouble being the cause of her death. Deceased was 71 years old and has a son working for the Pioneer meat market. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock and interment will be made in Bay View cemetery.
The funeral services of John La POINTE, who died in Fairhaven on New Year's Day, will be held at the Catholic church this afternoon at 1:30, Father BOULET officiating. Interment will be made at Bay View cemetery. Deceased was of French-Canadian parentage, born in St. Andre, Quebec, and was a bricklayer and building contractor, connected with La POINTE Brick Company. A wife and daughter are the only remaining ones of the family. The A. O. U. W. camp will attend in a body.
The funeral services of Mrs. Norman WILLIAMS, whose death occurred in Fairhaven during the early part of the week, will be held this afternoon from GIFFORD's undertaking parlors. The Foresters, Degree of Honor and A. O. U. W. will be in charge.
Tuesday, January 5, 1904:
Tuesday, January 26, 1904: A building permit was issued yesterday by the city clerk to S. HOVICK for a $1150 residence on Maple street. Marriage licenses were issued yesterday to Fred AMAE and Miss Lillie M. BIRD, both of Wickersham; and to Amos DUBUQUE and Miss Ruby MOORE, both of Bellingham. Wednesday, January 27, 1904: A building permit was issued yesterday by the city clerk to John W. WICKLUND for the erection of $700 residence on Iron street. Swan J. WALEN and Miss Hannah ANDERSON, a young couple from Ferndale, were married yesterday by Justice of the Peace WILLIAMS in his office at the court house. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. DELLINGER received on Sunday a cablegram from Chas. MUSGRAVE of Honolulu, their son-in-law telling of the arrival at his home of a baby girl. J. L. McTAGGERT of McTAGGERT & MOSCROP, Vancouver, B. C. and Arthur McARTHUR of the same city, relatives of D. J. McARTHUR and family, arrived in the city yesterday to attend the funeral of Mrs. McARTHUR. A warrant was issued yesterday for the arrest of John WALQUIST, who resides in the south end, on a charge of being a menace to the public. He is thought to be insane and will be examined in the superior court. D. W. RIEDLE has had a hat pin made by A. E. COLBURN of this city which he will send to his daughter-in-law, Mrs. A. W. RIEDLE of Winnipeg. The head of the pin is made of marble taken from the marble deposit on Mr. RIEDLE's property near Kendall. A case was docketed yesterday in which W. H. BEACH sues for a divorce from Mary BEACH on the grounds of insanity. The couple were married in San Juan county in 1886 and have five children. In 1890 the defendant was confined in the insane asylum at Westminster, B. C., was afterward dismissed, and was again confined in the asylum at Steilacoom, Washington in 1897. She is sane at times but is still kept in confinement, and the husband feels justified in asking for a divorce and the custody of the children. Thursday, January 28, 1904:
-Dasey WEEKLY, the 17-year-old daughter of W. L. WEEKLY, of this city, was adjudged insane yesterday afternoon and committed to the state asylum. The girl has been insane about three months and was confined in the hospital for four weeks but continued to grow worse, and it was found necessary to place her in the institution where she can receive special treatment. Saturday, January 30, 1904:
J. L. REES, who at one time conducted a furniture store in the south end of this town and is well known among out business people, arrived on the Great Northern train yesterday noon bringing with him the dead body of his twelve-year-old daughter Margaret. The trip was a sad one to the father, who has within the last few years lost a wife and son.
Mr. REES has been residing in Spokane for some time while the deceased daughter has been attending school at Toeka [Tekoa], a short distance from Spokane, and it was here she was attacked by the fatal disease, diphtheria, which caused her death after a short illness. The mother is buried here and it was for this reason that the remains of the daughter was brought here for interment. The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at Bay View cemetery.
Sunday, January 31, 1904:
A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. John SEBRING on Friday morning, Jan. 29. Harry CARLSON, who for over two years has been a clerk in the Whatcom postoffice has secured a position in the railway mail service. He has been given temporarily the run on the Northern Pacific between Chehalis and South Bend and has already taken up the duties of his new position. Captain H. M. PARKER, who has been a steamboat captain on the sound for many years, was visiting friends in the city yesterday. Captain PARKER was master of the steamer Fairhaven when she first arrived in Fairhaven in 1889.
-Mrs. Eva V. ELSPERMAN of Tacoma, state president of the Rebeckah assembly, called a special meeting of the Mt. Baker lodge on Friday evening. ... Mrs. ELSPERMAN then went the day following to Everson to assist in instituting a lodge at that place. The Bellingham lodge will assist in the work of institution as well as Mrs. ELLIS, who accompanies Mrs. ELSPERMAN. March 23, 1904: The funeral of Joseph CYRIER was held yesterday at 2 p.m. at the undertaking parlors of W. H. MOCK & Son, Rev. Father BOULET officiating. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery. The death of Mrs. G. A. FREDERICK occurred at her home in Deming on Monday. The cause of death was hemorrhage of the lungs. She was thirty years of age. Funeral arrangements have not yet been arranged. Sunday, March 27, 1904:
A. P. DUNTON died yesterday morning at the home of his son on Elk street. Death was caused by a general breakdown of health and a complication of diseases. Mr. DUNTON was 76 years of age and had only arrived in this city about a week ago from Michigan with his wife to reside with their son, W. P. DUNTON, of the printing firm of DUNTON & MESSERLY. The funeral arrangements have not yet been made. Ruby C. JACKSON, wife of Gus JACKSON, died yesterday of consumption, at her residence, in the Spokane house, on the south side of town. Deceased was a native of Norway. the funeral will be held Monday at 3 o'clock at the funeral parlors of W. H. Mock & Son on Elk street. April 10, 1904: The infant child of F. TILLBERG died of inflammation of the stomach at the family home in Everson, yesterday at 2 o'clock a.m. Funeral arrangements to announced later. Friday, April 22, 1904: Mr. E. STURGEON, time-keeper at the B. B. I. mill, expects, in company with his wife, to spend his short vacation in pursuit of the finny tribe, at Lake Whatcom and streams near by.
J. A. McINTYRE for residence on lot 8, block 316, No. 2331 Henry street, to cost $900; Ivor JOHNSON, residence on lot 10, block 319, No. 2400 Jaeger street, to cost $1,200.
A decree of divorce was yesterday granted to Emma H. RANDRUP against her husband John C. RANDRUP. Saturday, April 23, 1904:
Miss OSGOOD is the daughter of Geo. and Nina OSGOOD. She had been ill for more than a year and in hope of benefiting her health she spent part of the winter in Colorado, and failing to improve returned about six weeks ago. The family for a long time were residents of Bellingham, and, her many friends will regret to learn of her early death. Besides her parents she leaves two brothers and one sister. Sunday, April 24, 1904:
Tuesday, April 26, 1904:
Hinsdale Hardware Company for a corrugated iron building at No. 1317 Canoe street, to cost $75; W. H. MEHARRY for a residence at No. 2008 B street, to cost $1500; T. H. DeHAVEN, an addition to residence at No. 2306 Lynn street, to cost $300; DONLEY & FARLEY for a warehouse on lot 6, block 252, B. B. I. addition east Elk street, to cost $1200; J. D. SIMONS, for a residence at corner Peabody and North streets, to cost $400. Suit was yesterday filed by Walter H. WILLIAMS, a minor, by W. D. L. WILLIAMS, his guardian ad litem, against the E. K. WOOD Lumber Company for damages in the sum of $10,000 for injury received while at work in the company's mill.
Wednesday, April 27, 1904:
Yesterday in the superior court suit was filed by and decree giving care and custody of two minor children granted to Louise G. AUSTIN against her husband Thos. C. AUSTIN, on the ground of non-support. Suit for divorce was filed yesterday by Willie A. SHAW against her husband, Grant SHAW. Desertion is alleged as cause of bringing action. A warrant was issued in the police court yesterday charging Bob CLARK with assault and battery. The complaint was sworn out by James HEFFERON, who was a witness of the assault, which, it is alleged, was made upon Chris STICKNOTH. STICKNOTH received such a severe drubbing that he was laid up in bed and unable to appear in court. The encounter occurred on the south side. The case will be tried at three o'clock this afternoon, CLARK having given a bond for his appearance. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. FORD of 2331 Elizabeth street died yesterday afternoon. The funeral will be held this morning at 10 o'clock from the family residence, Rev. W. H. MOCK will conduct the services. The funeral of Frank CORN, who died at St. Joseph's hospital, will be held at the funeral parlors of W. H. MOCK & Son at 10 o'clock today. Interment will be in Bay View cemetery. Saturday, April 30, 1904: Mrs. Mary CONRAD, aged 70 years, who had been suffering from cancer for a long time at St. Joseph's hospital, was removed to the home of her son, Guelf CONRAD, near Weiser Lake where she died on Thursday. Interment was made in Greenwood cemetery yesterday. Sunday, May 1, 1904:
Thursday, May 5, 1904:
Paul DIMPEL and Miss Vida I. SPAULDING, both of this city; Homer PIERCE and Miss Grace Lenora SEAL, both of Lawrence, Wash.; Charles KOFFMAN and Miss Annie DARDAR, both of this city; Fred STALLINGS and Miss Judith Luvicie BARTLETT, both of this city.
Man Killed by the Train Tuesday Was Charles MATSON.
The remains of the man who was killed Tuesday by the Great Northern train were identified yesterday by Gus BETTMAN as those of Chas. MATSON, generally known as "Oyster Charlie". He formerly lived at Port Townsend, where he was in business for about fifteen years. He came here several months ago and has been making his living by digging clams. He was going fishing in Squalicum creek when he was killed by the train. The deceased was a single man, and nothing is known of his relatives except that they are supposed to lived in Minnesota. Coroner GIFFORD wired to Port Townsend last night to see if anything further could be ascertained. It is stated, by those who know him, that MATSON was not hard of hearing and had not been drinking the morning of the accident.
Saturday, May 7, 1904:
Mr. and Mrs. JAHR were at Blind Point in charge of the property of the Blind Point Fishing Company, of which he was the secretary and Mr. KILDALL the manager. They have been there since the close of the last fishing season and were the only white people in that locality. Blind Point is only a short distance from Tanka, on Wrangell Narrows. Mr. KILDALL left at noon yesterday for Vancouver, from which place he will take the steamer City of Seattle, which sails today for the north. Mr. JAHR came to the coast from Minneapolis, where he has a number of relatives. His mother lives in Norway, and he has a brother in the congressional library at Washington. He was married to Miss Marion KILDALL of this city on the 1st day of May, 1903, and they left for Alaska immediately and have been there ever since. It is believed by the relatives of the deceased here that the shooting must have been accidental, as Mr. JAHR was on the best of terms with the surrounding Indians.
Mrs. F. W. SCHUSMAN of Wahl brought her little boy to Bellingham yesterday for treatment by Dr. VAN KIRK.
W. HUGHES, blacksmith shop on lot 8, block 73, No. 1400 Elk street, to cost $350; S. C. WILSON, residence on lot 14, block 77, No. 1321 Garden street, to cost $1700; A. L. PEARSON, addition to residence No. 912 Maple street, to cost $500. S. A. COATES is a recent arrival in the city from St. Louis, Mich. Mr. COATES is a building contractor and will locate in Bellingham. He is a brother-in-law of A. E. JONES. J. L. BOVEE, who has been employed on the LARSON Lumber Company's road as engineer, has located in Bellingham. Sunday, May 8, 1904:
R. L. LIDDY, a son of Philip M. LIDDY, who recently located in this city and opened a law office in the Lighthouse block, arrived here Friday night from Alaska, Indian Territory, where he is engaged in the general merchandise business. Mr. LIDDY was accompanied by his two sisters, the Misses Lillian and may, and a younger brother, Philip, who will remain here. Mr. LIDDY, Jr., will visit here about a week but expects to sell out his business and come here to locate next fall.
Tuesday, May 10, 1904:
Len STENGER, who is in the government service in Alaska, arrived in the city yesterday for a short visit.
C. M. BURDICK, an old resident of Sumas, has mysterious disappeared, and the circumstances tend to indicate that he has committed suicide. A week ago yesterday BURDICK paid for a room at the Albany hotel. He stayed there one night, and since that time has not seen either here or at Sumas. Yesterday the same room was rented to another party, who discovered a note and several soiled letters lying on the wash stand. The note was addressed to the proprietor of the Albany and read as follows: "Please mail these letters and don't look for me. The bay makes a better bed. It is one life nearly finished by one woman and finished by another.
"C. M. BURDICK, "Sumas." Mr. ANDERSON mailed the letters, one of which was addressed to the superintendent of the children's home in Helena, Mont., and another to some person in Sumas, and turned the note over to the chief of police. Inquiry at Sumas elicited the information that Burdick was an old resident of that place, having lived there for ten years. He was said to be a sober and industrious man and termed by everybody who knew him as peculiar. His wife secured a divorce from him several years ago, and since that time he has lived alone in an old shack in the outskirts of the town. He left there a week ago Saturday, owing to some trouble that arose between him and the parents of the young woman to whom he was engaged to be married. Wednesday, May 11, 1904:
Harry MOSIER is lodged in the city jail charged with robbing his mother, who lives on J street, of $10. The lad is only 14 years of age and when he was arrested admitted taking the money but said he had given it to two men, named STARM and KEITH, who were at Chuckanut. An officer went down yesterday afternoon and arrested the two men as accomplices, and all three are now in the city jail. Thursday, May 12, 1904:
Fourteen Finish the Various Courses This Year - Commencement, June 18.
Following are the names of the members of the classes which graduate from the Everson schools this year:
Eighth grade class - Misses Sophia LARSON, Effie HERRICK, Pearl McDONALD, Mabel KING, Edith JONES and John THOMPSON and Lafayette BISHOP. High school commercial class - Misses Mable BANGLE, Hattie WARRINER, Annie BRECKINRIDGE and Earl DOW and Harrison EGGERT. High school Latin class - Misses Jessie SIMPSON and Lottie PERRY will finish the ninth grade work in this course. Friday, May 13, 1904:
The deceased was a single man about twenty-eight years of age and his father and mother reside in Dellwood, Ill. The remains will be buried at Birch Bay unless word is received from his parents to ship the body east. A message from Rev. E. A. ERICKSON, who was last week called to Reynolds, S. D., where his family is visiting, state that his little boy died on May 11th. Miss L. M. SCOFIELD of San Francisco has leased the lodging house in the Waldron block, corner of Railroad avenue and Holly street and is having the house thoroughly cleaned, renovated and newly furnished through out and will open it on June 1, as a first-class rooming-house. Saturday, May 14, 1904: Earnest HOWELL, the five-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry HOWELL of Donovan and Eleventh streets, died at the family home Thursday of bronchos pneumonia. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family residence, Rev. W. H. MOCK conducting the services. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery. The funeral of Miss Francis COYLE was held at the Catholic church at 9 o'clock yesterday morning. Interment was made in Calvary cemetery. The 18-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe KELLY of Deming died at the family home at that place last Thursday. The funeral will occur today, and the burial will be at La Common, B. C. Sunday, May 15, 1904: Ira JONES, aged 19 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. William JONES of Everson, died at the family home of heart disease last Friday night. Deceased was a nephew of Miss Feronie Y. JOHNSON, principal of the Washington school of this city. The funeral will occur at 10:30 o'clock this morning and Rev. MURRAY of the Presbyterian church will officiate. The remains of Karl O. JAHR, who was accidentally killed by an Indian at Blind Point, Alaska, a short time ago, will arrive this morning on the Utopia and will be taken to the funeral parlors of W. H. MOCK & Son. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. Deceased was a son-in-law of M. KILDALL of this city. Tuesday, May 17, 1904: Miss May HILMES returned yesterday from months' visit with friends in Seattle. She will take charge of the Maple block. The schoolhouse in district 76, North Bellingham, has been closed on account of an epidemic of scarlet fever. Ten children are now reported to be suffering from this disease. C. M. HUNTER leaves today for New York to visit his parents. Mr. HUNTER has lived in Bellingham for fourteen years, and this will be his first visit during that time. On his return he will visit at St. Louis a short time. Mr. M. KILDALL and daughter, Mrs. Karl O. JAHR, arrived Sunday with the remains of Mr. JAHR, who was killed in Alaska recently. The body lies at the parlors of W. H. MOCK & Son. Funeral arrangements are not yet fully completed. Mrs. Laura DENT, wife of John DENT, who resides near Marietta, died yesterday morning at 4 o'clock, of blood-poisoning. Besides her husband, deceased leaves a family of small children. The funeral arrangements have not yet been announced. Friday, May 20, 1904:
Mr. and Mrs. JAEGER left their home in Portage last fall and spent the winter in Deming, New Mexico. This spring they traveled through California and came north to Mrs. JAEGER's old home, arriving here about a month ago. A week ago last Tuesday the now deceased lady was stricken with pneumonia. Her eldest son, responding to a telegram, arrived at her bedside last Tuesday and remained with her to the end. The body now lies at MOCK's funeral parlors and will be sent back to Portage for interment. Mary R. PEABODY was born in Middlebury, Vt., June 30, 1836, and would therefore soon have reached her 68th birthday. She was a sister of Russell B. PEABODY, who, with Captain Henry ROEDER, first settled, in 1853, where Bellingham now stands. She was married to E. L. JAEGER, who with three sons, is left to mourn her loss. Her death removes the last of the pioneer family of PEABODY, her sister, Mrs. H. B. WILLIAMS, having died last year. W. T. LAPP of Ferndale has leased his farm near there, and will leave in a few days for Alaska, where he has been appointed superintendent of forest rangers for the Nome district. The body of Wm. E. AUSTIN, who died in Seattle August 21, 1903, and who was buried in Bay View cemetery in this city under the auspices of the Foresters of America, was yesterday disinterred and shipped to Washington D. C. Bob ROYALTY and wife left yesterday for Hadley, Alaska. They will take the steamer Dirigo at Seattle. Misses Edna B. and M. Genevieve WILSON, daughters of Professor WILSON of the Normal School, arrived from San Francisco this morning. They are students in the University of California. H. S. DAVIS, an old Montana friend of Barney ESTABROOK, is visiting in the city. Mr. DAVIS is treasurer of Dawson county, Montana. It has been fifteen years since he last visited this city, which was then a town with practically but one street. He expected to see a place of five or six thousand inhabitants on this visit and confessed to considerable surprise at the size of the city which confronted him. Mrs. David A. EDGAR of New York City and Mrs. Byron Z. HOLMES of Portland, Or., are visiting in the city at the home of Herman HOFERCAMP on Forest street. Mrs. EDGAR and Mrs. HOLMES are sisters of the late Mrs. HOFERCAMP. Thirty-four years ago Mrs. EDGAR visited the Bay, when what is now the prosperous and active city of Bellingham could boast of but two or three houses. The transformation from a thickly-wooded townsite to a city of 30,000 people is hard for her to comprehend, and appears an Aladdin story. Miss Florece COX, daughter of Architect William COX, is visiting friends in Seattle.
A. B. CHAPMAN for a residence on lot 5, block 3, No. 1915 Eleventh street, to cost $1000.
Mr. LAMPSON was in the city yesterday and swore out a warrant for BURDICK's arrest on the charge of arson. Nothing has been heard of BURDICK since he left the Albany, and it is believed that the note was left for the purpose of throwing the authorities off his track. Saturday, May 21, 1904:
Dr. BIRNEY had charge of the cases and when he notified County Health Officer VAN ZANDT an investigation was made which resulted in five houses in that locality being quarantined. Sunday, May 22, 1904:
Mrs. BATTERSBY came to Washington thirteen years ago and has lived in Enumclaw, in King county, ever since. Her husband died six years ago, and since that time she has lived with her brother B. B. SEVILLE. She left last Monday for St. Louis and her youngest daughter, Nina, came to Bellingham to remain with her brothers during the mother's absence. In addition to the two sons here, one son, Frank, lives in Seattle, and a daughter, Mrs. HARRIGAN, resides at Arlington. A suit for divorce was yesterday filed by Carrie STOWELL against her husband, George W. STOWELL. Non-support is one of the charges alleged as cause for bringing action. Marriage licenses were issued yesterday by the county auditor to Robert B. WALKER and Miss Nellie ERWIN both of Lynden; to Ira ROHRBACHER and Miss Mabel HOLEMAN both of Mountain View; to W. A. WYANT of Portland, Or., and Miss Helen ARMSTRONG of this city. Tuesday, May 24, 1904: The mother of Mrs. A. C. HAGENBUCH, wife of the station agent at Wahl, died last Sunday morning. Deceased was 71 years of age. The funeral was held yesterday. Mrs. Elizabeth S. HENNING, wife of O_e M. C. HENNING, died of pneumonia at the family residence on Twentieth street and Douglas avenue, last Sunday morning. Besides her husband she leaves two daughter, Mrs. M. O. STENVIG and Mrs. Francis M. RICHARD, teacher in the public schools of this city, and one son, Olaf M. HENNING. The funeral will be held at the United Lutheran church, on the corner of Twentieth street and Douglas avenue this afternoon at two o'clock. Rev. T. J. MOEN and Rev. D. E. ROSS will officiate. Cars will be in waiting at Harris and Twenty-first streets to take the funeral party to Bay View cemetery, where the interment will take place. Wednesday, May 25, 1904: Cora M., wife of Thomas G. VAN NOSTRAN [VAN OSTRAND], died at her residence, 391 Virginia street, yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Death was due to pneumonia. Deceased leaves to mourn her death a husband and four small children. The funeral will occur at 10 a. m. Thursday, Rev. J. N. SMITH of the Christian church will officiate, and the ceremonies will be under the auspices of the Fraternal Aid Society of which deceased was a member. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery. Thursday, May 26, 1904: J. Wayland CLARK, who will represent Whatcom county at the world's fair at St. Louis this summer, left for there today, accompanied by his wife. Immediately on his arrival he will take up the work of placing the county exhibit in shape and will remain throughout the fair.
LYNDEN, Wash., May 25. - A distressing accident occurred here yesterday resulting in the death of Postmaster Robert O'NEIL's three-year-old son, James. The little fellow was playing with matches which he had in some manner obtained when his clothing caught fire, causing injuries from which he died this morning. The injuries were sustained at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The funeral will occur at 1 o'clock tomorrow, Thursday.
James La BOUNTY also was born on a farm near Nelson, Nuckolls county, Neb., June 22, 1895; died at the family residence, Thursday, May 19, 1904, at 7 p. m. Scarlet fever was the cause of both deaths. Mr. La BOUNTY came to Washington in February, 1902, and his wife and family the following April. Just when life was sweet and the flowers of beauty were blooming, the reaper, death, came and took away the loved ones from their earthly home into the portals of th eternal bliss, while the sting of death remains with the sorrowing family. Ocie and James were loved by all who knew them, and it seems sad, indeed, that they who had brought joy and gladness into their home and scattered sunshine wherever they went should be called away so early, but when the death messenger knocks at our door and bids us, we must go. The tiny buds are plucked away with the roses that were blooming, and now bloom beyond the skies, and the sorrowing parents and little brothers with many relatives and friends are mourning the early departure of the loved ones. Besides their parents they leave two little brothers, Georgie and Willie, George being a twin brother to the departed James. The remains were laid to rest in one casket at Woodlawn cemetery May 20, 1904. Saturday, May 28, 1904: Henry JASCHINIAK, youngest child of John JASCHINIAK, died yesterday afternoon at one o'clock of bronchial pneumonia. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the residence 1313 1/2 King street, conducted by the German-Lutheran minister. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery. Sunday, May 29, 1904: A suit for divorce was yesterday filed by Kate STOCKDER against her husband George A. STOCKDER. Desertion and cruel treatment are among the charges alleged as causes for action. John WIKBERG and Magnus WIKBERG, natives of Sweden, were yesterday granted final citizenship papers by Judge NETERER. Thursday, June 2, 1904: Oscar EITSAAS, a native of Norway, died at St. Luke's hospital yesterday afternoon from consumption. The deceased was 25 years of age and had only been in this country a short time. The remains were removed to the undertaking parlors of W. H. Mock & Son, to await orders for shipment or burial.
Ernest LAMKIN, the ten-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. LAMKIN, who conduct the Irving house, on Dock street, was run over and killed by a street car in from of LARSON's livery barn on Elk street about 8? o'clock last night. Ernest and Joe HILL, the ten-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. HILL, were playing together on Magnolia street and were coasting down the hill by the side of the Larson Block in a little express wagon when the terrible accident occurred. The LAMKIN boy was in front steering the wagon, and young HILL was sitting in the rear. The car was coming in from the lake and struck the wagon as it started across the track. Ernest LAMKIN went under the trucks and was dragged about 100 feet when the car was stopped. The HILL lad was caught by the fender and thrown off the track. His thigh was broken and his foot so badly crushed that it may be necessary to amputate it, but no other injuries were sustained.
Dr. GILBERT and Oscar COOK witnesses the accident and pulled the LAMKIN boy from under the car and carried him into the house of Martin SIERSDORFER, near by. He was still alive but unconscious and remained in that condition, gasping for breath, for about fifteen minutes. Several doctors were summoned, but nothing could be done except wait for death, which came in the course of a few minutes. A large crowd had collected by this time, but no one was able to identify the boy until the mother arrived about twenty minutes later. The HILL boy did not know him, as he had simply accepted an invitation to coast down the hill in the wagon. Mr. COOK, one of the eyewitnesses, stated to the Reveille that the accident was unavoidable. He said the car was not running very fast and that the boys apparently became frightened when they saw the danger they were in. Someone on the front end of the car called to them to look out when he saw the wagon coming down the ill, but the boy either became paralyzed with fright or lost control of the tongue, with which he was steering. One of the trucks evidently went over the LAMKIN boy's head, as it was badly crushed. Mr. LAMKIN was in Deming at the time and was notified of the accident by telephone.
Building permits were issued yesterday by the city clerk to B. R. SUTHERLAND for a residence on lot 18, block 19, No. 1005 Mason street, to cost $1,800; Friday, June 3, 1904: The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom FISCHER, of Laurel, died yesterday morning of pneumonia at the family home. The funeral services were held at the family residence yesterday afternoon, and interment was made in the Laurel cemetery. The funeral of Oscar EITSAAS, who died at St. Luke's hospital Wednesday afternoon will occur at two o'clock this afternoon from the Free Lutheran church on Franklin street. Rev. T. J. MOEN will conduct the services. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery. [Note: He is listed as ERTSAAS in Bay View records.] Saturday, June 4, 1904: Ernest KORTHAUER left Thursday night for Seattle, where he will take the Victoria tonight for Nome. He expects to return in the fall. Judge NETERER performed a marriage ceremony yesterday afternoon uniting Esten HAKLAN and Miss Hannah EDWARDS, both of this city. Laura GARDNER, aged nine years, oldest child of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. GARDNER, who reside on the Ferndale road near DE CAN's mill, died at St. Luke's hospital Thursday night of inflammation of the brain. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at half-past two o'clock from the funeral parlors of Undertaker MAULSBY. Interment will be in Bay View cemetery. [Note: burial was in Woodlawn]
Tuesday, June 7, 1904:
Mr. MILLER was an old resident of this city, and has for several years conducted a shoe shop at 1009 Elk street. He was a native of Denmark, 42 years of age, and leaves a widow and six young children. He was a member of Olalla Camp No. 383, W. O. W., and of the Danish Brotherhood in both of which orders he carried insurance policies. Funeral arrangements have not yet been announced.
Wednesday, June 8, 1904:
Mr. P. BERGEN, marble cutter, who has been in Seattle for the past two months, has returned to accept a position with the Bellingham marble and granite works. The many friends of Mrs. COWDERY will be pleased to learn that she is improving nicely at St. Luke's hospital, where she underwent an operation for cancer. Mrs. W. T. HARRIS and Miss Nellie M. BARNETT left today for a short visit with friends in Johnstown, N. D., from there they will go to spend a few months with their mother. Funeral of A. V. MILLER. The funeral of A. V. MILLER will occur tomorrow afternoon, under the direction of the Danish Brotherhood, of which deceased was a member. Services will be held at the late residence, No. 503 Gladstone street, at 1 o'clock, and will be conducted in Scandinavian language, Rev. O. J. ORDAL officiating. English services will follow at the Zion's Evangelical Lutheran church of the Norwegian synod, on Grant street, at 2 o'clock. Thursday, June 9, 1904:
It is proposed that members not owning yachts will build their boats on the same plan and with the same sailing apparatus so that it will depend upon the seamanship of the one handling the craft, rather than the boat itself, who shall win in the regatta. A clubhouse and float is to be established at some point on the waterfront, where all of the boats may be properly moored and cared for. A club cruise will be held next Sunday, and it is proposed to hold a local regatta some time during the month of September. As the result of an attempt to commit suicide by hanging himself, A. HOLM died early yesterday morning at the home of his son, Gunder HOLM, at Marietta. The deceased was a native of Iceland and was over 80 years of age. He and his wife have been living with their son at Marietta for some time past. Tuesday afternoon the old gentleman, without any apparent cause, attempted to take his own life. He went to the barn and hanged himself to a rafter. One of his son's children followed him to the barn and, seeing the body dangling at the end of the rope, screamed for help. A neighbor was passing and came to her (sic) assistance, cutting the old man down before life was extinct. Medical aid was summoned and an attempt made to save the old man's live, but it was without avail, and he died early yesterday morning.
to Alexander Merle CUNNINGHAM of this city and Miss Fannie Seward JARVIS of Mount Vernon.
THORNER had worked for the mill company for some time and was said to be a very steady, reliable man. All that is known of his relatives is that he has a brother who lives on Orcas island. The body was taken to Lynden and it will be held until the brother is heard from as to the disposition to be made of the remains.
Friday, June 10, 1904: Henry TELLER of the GEORGE & BARKER cannery at Point Roberts was registered at the Laube yesterday. A building permit was issued yesterday by the city clerk to A. L. DAUPHING for a store building on lot 24, block 12, No. 300 Prospect street, to cost $3,000. Mr. and Mrs. John Blair WRIGHT of Seattle arrived in the city Wednesday and are guests of Mrs. WRIGHT's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. SMART.
A marriage license was issued yesterday by the county auditor to W. K. PIXLEY and Miss Bessie J. SMITH, both of this city. A decree of divorce was yesterday granted to Maude E. AUSTIN against her husband, William L. AUSTIN, on the ground of non-support. Plaintiff re-assumes her maiden name, Maude E. MAFFETT. Final citizenship papers were granted yesterday by Judge NETERER to Wm. C. HEBERDEN, a native of Canada, and David McLEOD, a native of Scotland. Frank MILLER, aged 36 years, died of cancer at St. Luke's hospital yesterday afternoon. Deceased is without friends or relatives residing here. He will be buried from the funeral parlors of Coroner GIFFORD this afternoon. The funeral of A. V. MILLER will be held this afternoon at the late residence on Gladstone street at one o'clock and will be conducted in the Scandinavian language by Rev. O. J. ORDAL. This will be followed by English services one hour later at Zion's Evangelical Lutheran church on Grant street. June 17, 1904:
Dead Body Found Lashed to an Upturned Boat.
Fisherman Finds the Remains - Identified as George NETTISON, Well Known Among the Japanese of Bellingham - The Skagit County Coroner Will Investigate the Case.
Special to the Reveille.
ANACORTES, July 16 - Lashed to an upturned sailboat, the body of a Japanese was found this morning in the gulf, between Hat and Samish islands. The discovery was made by Gilbert OLSEN, a fisherman. OLSEN says the sails of the boat were set and, from appearances, the boat had been capsized but a short time before. In further proof of this, the body when found was still warm. The remains were identified by a Japanese of this city as those of George NETTISON of Bellingham. The same Jap is authority for the statement that NETTISON had held a position as interpreter for the immigration inspector at Bellingham for some time, and that the deceased owned property there. Coroner SUMNER will investigate the case. Investigation among local Japanese brings the information that NETTISON was a man above fifty and had grown despondent, presumably over financial trouble. It is not known here that he possessed any property whatever or that he had saved any money. He had often expressed his desire for a sufficiency in age which at his death, as far as is known, was nowhere near realization. He said to a friend on leaving that continual disappointment had been his lot and appeared very much disheartened. So far as known, NETTISON has not been employed as interpreter here since last fall. He had gone down to the gulf to fish. A collection among the local Japanese was raised yesterday to defray the expense of the burial rites and pay for the erection of a monument. The remains will be brought to the city on Monday. At noon on that day a meeting of the dead man's countrymen will be held to pass on the disposition of the remains. Coral WHITE is home for the summer after completing the sophomore year at the state university. The Fairhaven Public Library building, now under construction, is rapidly taking shape. The walls of the first story are about completed. June 18, 1904:
F. S. MACKINTOSH Succumbs to Bright's Disease.
Had Recently Come From Minneapolis for the Benefit of His Health - Well Known All Over the Northwest - Founder of Elks' Lodge on Bellingham Bay - Successful Business Man.
Frank S. MACKINTOSH died Friday night at Harrison hot springs, B. C. This news was conveyed here by a telegram to A. B. MARTIN yesterday morning. Death was due to right's disease.
Some three weeks ago Mr. MACKINTOSH arrived on the Sound for treatment, leaving his family and business interests in Minneapolis, hoping to recover quickly and return. Health did not return as had been hoped, but until the last Mr. MACKINTOSH wrote cheerful letters home and was thought by family and friends to be convalescing and to them the dispatch announcing his death came as a great shock.
Yesterday afternoon Messrs. A. B. MARTIN, J. H. BLOEDEL and R. N. GIFFORD left for Harrison springs and are expected to return by today's B. B. & B. C. train from Sumas with the body. What disposition will be made of the remains has not yet been announced.
Frank S. MACKINTOSH was one of the best-known lumbermen in the west. Even before coming to Puget sound he had been interested in the lumber business. His connection with that industry here commenced with his accepting a position as bookkeeper in the Michael EARLES plant with the starting of that concern in 1897. From that time on he was rapidly promoted, serving for some time as traveling salesman for the Puget Sound Saw Mill & Shingle Company, making a most enviable record in that capacity. With the formation of the EARLES-MACKINTOSH Company, of which Mr. MACKINTOSH was secretary, he made his headquarters at the offices of that concern in Minneapolis.
One year ago he married a Minneapolis lady, who at the time of his death, was preparing to come to him at the springs, fearing all was not so well as he believed. Mr. MACKINTOSH was thirty-nine years old last week. His relatives live in New York, of which state he was a native. Before coming to Bellingham Mr. MACKINTOSH lived a number of years in Clallam county. There he served one term as county clerk and was prominent in politics and business. Mr. MACKINTOSH was the only honorary member of the Elks of this city, of which order he was the founder on the Bay. He was also a Mason. His personal traits and magnetism were such that he enjoyed the warmest regard of all his associates, and even as the message announcing his death was coming over the wire there were about twenty-five of his friends in this city planning to go to Harrison springs to visit him today. [Editor's note: burial was in Bayview Cemetery]
Boom Man Slips From Logs and Is Lost
Accident Happened First Day He Had Worked-Lawrence WILLETT The Victim-Was Sole Support of Large Family-Took Boom Work to Enable Him Better to Help Them.
Thursday night about 12, Lawrence WILLETT a boom man for the Larson Lumber Co., while at work at Lake Whatcom, slipped into twelve feet of water and was drowned. The case is, in all of its details, a very sad one.
The young man only Wednesday quit working at the Byron store at Silver Beach and went to work for the Larson Lumber Co. on Thursday night as boom man. At about a quarter of twelve, the other men, having several logs ahead went into the mill to eat their lunch. Young WILLETT, making the remark that he would "bring up another bunch of logs, so that he would not have to go to work so soon," parted with his fellows. After a reasonable length of time, the young man, failing to appear, a search was instituted. The men dragged the waters near the boom, and after two and a half hours' work the body was brought to the surface near the boomstick, he evidently having fallen in from one of the loose logs.
His relatives, consisting of his parents and a large family, lived out on the Northeast Diagonal road, Lawrence having been for some time their only support. The father was taken sick a short time ago, and the young man, being an experienced boom-man, having worked for the Larson Lumber Co. for two years immediately before his work in the Byron store, quit his position in the grocery to receive the larger pay on the boom, and his untimely death occurred on his first day at the new work. The body was first taken to Gifford's undertaking parlors in the city and was from there sent to the family home. Interment will take place at Greenwood cemetery tomorrow.
Hans Peter HANSON [HANSEN] . Funeral services over the remains of Hans Peter HANSON, who died last Monday, were held yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Mission church on Harris street, Rev. John CLOS officiating. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery.
J. C. JOHNSON, a brother of Mrs. HANSON, arrived from West Lake yesterday morning.
Saturday, June 25, 1904: The ten-days-old infant of Mr. and Mrs. Martin ANDERSON, died at 8 o'clock last night, at the home of the parents, 1241 Franklin street. The funeral will be held from the residence at 2 o'clock today, Rev. E. HORNSBACH, officiating. Interment will take place in Bay View cemetery. Sunday, June 26, 1904:
Died, at the residence of his son, O. C. HOLLENBECK, on C street, at 6 o'clock last evening, N. HOLLENBECK aged 76 years. Bright's disease was the cause of death. The body lies at MAULSBY's funeral parlors, on West Holly street, where funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. The remains will be shipped to Mount Vernon on the 12:30 train, to be interred there by the side of those of his wife. Tuesday, June 28, 1904:
The remains of N. HOLLENBECK , who died last Saturday at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. BIRCH, at 2407 C street, were shipped for interment at 6 o'clock yesterday morning to Mount Vernon. The funeral services were held there at 10 o'clock yesterday forenoon. Saturday, July 2, 1904:
Harry CARLSON, railway postal clerk on the Portland-Seattle run, arrived in the city yesterday on a short visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles CARLSON. He leaves again this morning to resume his duties. Sunday, July 3, 1904:
-Mr. George HUMPHREYS has built a new blacksmith shop on the corner of Harrison and Cherry streets.
July 6, 1895:
The following named parties were granted marriage licenses by Auditor DILLON yesterday:
Mrs. LOPAS, of Mountain View, who is very sick at her mother's, Mrs. HODGSON, is no better. Carl BIJELKE fell off his horse and received a terrible injury by the horse's hoof. An infant girl of Charles TAWES was hit on the head by a base ball, hot from the bat, and it was thought killed. Dr. KELLY took care of the patient and thinks it will recover. July 12, 1904: George W. FOSTER, aged 74 years, died at his residence in Eureka addition at 3 o'clock yesterday morning. An invalid daughter who made her home with him is the only relative residing in this state. He was a veteran of the civil war. The funeral will be held at the funeral parlors of W. H. MOCK & Son this afternoon at 2 o'clock under the auspices of J. B. Steedman Post No. 24 G. A. R. All members of the G. A. R. and the W. R. C. are requested to be present. Interment will be in Bay View cemetery. Mrs. W. R. MILLER, aged 47 years, died at the family home 6 miles out on the Ferndale road last Saturday at 11 o'clock p. m., of dropsy. A husband and daughter survive her. The funeral was held yesterday forenoon from the family home, and interment was made in Bay View cemetery. David B. HATFIELD, aged 65 years, died at his residence, 1140 Elk street, yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Death was due to a complication of diseases. Deceased leaves a wife and two sons here and one daughter and a son living in Ohio. The body lies at the funeral parlors of W. H. MOCK & Son, and the funeral arrangements will be announced later. July 13, 1904:
Funeral of David HATFIELD. The funeral of David B. HATFIELD will occur at the First Christian church this afternoon at two o'clock and will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. N. SMITH.
Mr. HATFIELD was born in Brown county, Ohio, in 1838. He resided there until three years ago, when he came to Bellingham Bay. He was married in 1858. He had five children, four of whom survive him. Two sons and his wife are here.
Mr. HATFIELD became a member of the Christian church when young and was ever a faithful and devoted disciple of his Lord. He was for many years a teacher in the public schools and an elder in the church where he resided. He so lived that death had no terrors for him.
[Editor's note: burial was in Bayview Cemetery]
Death of William SCHAAB.
William SCHAAB died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. BOOKER, at Columbia Valley, at 11 o'clock Monday morning. Death was due to paralysis; one shock came on Saturday, and the second one, on Monday, resulted in his death. Deceased was 65 years old and leaves three sons and two daughters. Coroner GIFFORD brought the body to his funeral parlors on Monday afternoon, and the funeral will be held this (Wednesday) afternoon at 1 o'clock, Father BOULET officiating. Interment will be made in Calvary cemetery.
[Editor's note: remains were transferred to Bayview Cemetery]
July 16, 1904: Mrs. Augusta JENSEN, aged 43 years, wife of Joe JENSEN, died yesterday morning at the family home in the McDaniels building, corner Railroad avenue and Holly street, of heart disease. The funeral will be held tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the parlors of R. N. GIFFORD on Elk street. Deceased was a member of the Ladies of the Macabees, and members of that order are invited to be present. [Editor's note: burial was in Bayview Cemetery] The funeral of Mrs. Maude MCAFEE, wife of W. J. MCAFEE who died last Tuesday of blood poisoning, will be held at the family residence on Twenty-fourth street, near Douglas, at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Rev. E. W. ERICKSON of the M. E. church of the south side will officiate. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery. Mrs. Helen NICHOLLS, mother of the deceased, and a sister, arrived from Spokane on Wednesday. July 19, 1904:
Lower Floor of Building Fitted in Modern Style It will be remembered that up to last summer the library building was a one story structure. With the gift of the site to the association by Mr. CORNWALL, the building was moved a few feet to the west and the work of raising it one story and fitting up the lower floor for the library room was undertaken. The building was raised, but the preparation of the lower floor for library purposes was delayed for lack of funds. Since the city acquired control of the library, the work was resumed, and now that it is completed no library on the sound has better appointed or neater appearing quarters. The finishing is plain but shows good taste and gives the place an attractive appearance in keeping with its purpose. The front part of the main room is furnished with tables bearing the latest periodicals, including the magazines and daily papers. Here probably fifty people can comfortably read at the same time. In the rear of the room behind a screened partition are the shelves bearing the books. The 4,000 volumes are arranged conveniently and catalogued according to the Dewey system. A card catalogue system is being installed which will prove of great assistance to patrons. When this system is put in working order - which will be a matter of but a few days - it will be possible for one to get hold of a book whose title he has forgotten, or whose author he does not know. By a reference to the cards one having in mind but one point concerning a book or its authorship can conveniently secure the other information necessary and find the book without trouble. A small room to the left of the main library is filled with reference works conveniently arranged. The whole building, in short, has been fitted up for the convenience and comfort and general benefit of the reading public. Not only is the reading room open to all, but anyone has the privilege of of taking out books, subject, of course, to the reasonable regulations provided by the library board. There are now, according to the librarian, Mrs. RYAN, twelve hundred regular patrons of the institution, and the board are desirous of increasing the number as rapidly as possible. No fees are charged and the people are urged to avail themselves of the excellent educational opportunities afforded. July 30, 1904:
Councilman E. J. CLEARY, elected from the Sixth ward, was born in Marquette county, Wisconsin, July 17, 1866. In 1886 Mr. CLEARY came west to Missoula, Montana, where he remained three years. He then came to this city, taking up his residence in what was formerly Fairhaven, entering actively into the lumber business, with which he has ever since been identified. In 1902 and 1903 he was elected councilman-at-large for Fairhaven. When the city of Bellingham was formed he was elected to represent his ward in the council and was re-elected to serve in the council of the new administration. For the past seven years Mr. CLEARY has been employed as log-buyer and scaler for the Puget Sound Mills & Timber Company. August 3, 1904:
Tuesday, August 9, 1904: Gage PENCE, publisher of the Ferndale Record, was in Bellingham Sunday. W. J. FORRESTER, of Portland, cousin of J. F. WOOD, is in the city for a short time. A. E. LEACH, a switchman on the B. B. & B. C., fell from a train of freight cars being moved by a switch engine in the B. B. I. mill yard yesterday at 11:15 and painfully injured his ankle. He was taken home, where he is under the care of a physician. Morris BENSON and Oxie PETERSON, sailors, were arrested by Officer De FRIES Sunday for drunkenness and disorder in a joint below the deadline. They were tried yesterday before Police Judge WILLIAMS and convicted and each fined $15 and costs, to amounting to $18.35.
Mrs. D. E. BROWN, of Glacier, was a visitor in Bellingham Monday. Captain J. L. QUACKENBUSH returned yesterday from Everett, where he visited his daughter, Mrs. Dr. HARRIS, for a few days. Medill CONNELL, who was appointed deputy sheriff to succeed Jack PARBERRY, assumed his new duties yesterday. A suit for divorce was filed yesterday by Inez M. WAMPLER against her husband Henry O. WAMPLER. Non-support and drunkenness are alleged as the causes for bringing the action. Elmer EGGLESTON and W. B. GREEN were arrested Sunday by Officer MILLER for fighting on Harris avenue. They were tried before Police Judge WILLIAMS yesterday and each fined $8.35.
Thursday, August 11, 1904: The funeral of Ernest STEWART, the ten-month-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Carl STEWART, of Lummi island, occurred at the home of Mrs. HALSTEAD yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. W. H. MOCK officiating. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery. Mr. STEWART arrived from Port Townsend yesterday morning. Mrs. O. NASLAND died at 11:15 yesterday morning, at her home, corner Maple and Ellis streets. Death was due to consumption, form which Mrs. NASLAND had suffered for several months. She leaves a husband and two little daughters. The funeral will be held at GIFFORD's funeral parlors tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, under the directions of the local Tribe of Ben Hur, of which the deceased was a member. J. L. SNAPP, right-of-way commissioner for the Great Northern, was in the city yesterday on one of his periodical visits. Mr. WELLMAN, Sr., of the Oyster Creek Oyster Company, left yesterday for the company's beds at Samish Flats. W. F. LOCKE and James BRAND, who have been camping in the Mt. Baker district for a week, returned to the city yesterday. Fred GRAHAM, representing the American Soda Fountain Company, of Boston, was transacting business in Bellingham yesterday. Harry CARLSON left yesterday to take temporarily the position of railway mail clerk on the Northern Pacific between Tacoma and Spokane.
Following is the list of petit jurors chosen yesterday for the September term of court:
August 13, 1904:
Sumas - At 8 o'clock Wednesday at the home of the parents of the groom, the ceremony which united in marriage Linus Raymond THALLHEIMER and May Myrtle BULLOCK, both of Sumas, was performed by Rev. H. G. WARD, of this town. A wedding dinner awaited the guests in attendance and after a pleasant evening was spent the happy couple departed for their own neat home not far distant. Mr. and Mrs. THALLHEIMER are well-known young people here, and have a host of friends who wish them success and happiness in their wedded life. Sumas - Tuesday morning, August 9th, 1904, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur REXFORD, Andrew NESTE, of Alberta, was wedded to Martha FOREGARD, of Sumas, both formerly of North Dakota. August 17, 1904:
The car, which cost $5,200, is forty two feet long and has a seating capacity of forty. The interior is finished very beautifully with hemlock. It is a model of mechanical construction. The seats are of the Hale & Kilburn coach type. In the front of the car is the casket department, with glass front, which can be entered by two side doors. Every portion of the car is made of standard material. August 27, 1904:
Mr. BARDENHAGEN was a native of Germany, 56 years of age, and had lived in Whatcom county for twenty years. He owned a large farm north of Lynden. He was unmarried, and all his known relatives are in Germany.
August 30, 1904: The funeral services of Ole ERICKSON who died at the residence of Martin OLSEN on Mason street, Sunday morning was held yesterday at the Lutheran Free church on Franklin street. Deceased was born in Norway in 1818.
Captain A. M. ROBY had both bones in his right forearm broken over his own head Saturday afternoon at Everson. Mr. ROBY was operating his threshing machine near Everson when he met with the peculiar accident. The machine became clogged, and while he was attempting to throw a pulley belt tighter his hand was caught, throwing his arm with such force against his forehead as to break both bones off short just below the elbow. September 7, 1904: Mrs. A. B. ESTABROOK and her niece, Miss Minnie BROWN, left by the Canadian Pacific yesterday for St. Louis and Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Otto J. STERLING, of 1116 1/2 Indian street are the proud parents of a baby boy, who arrived Monday. Mrs. E. W. PURDY is in Victoria, B. c., having left for there Monday evening in response to a telegram announcing the serious illness of her father, Thomas STOREY, at that place. John PADDEN and Bartlett DRAKE, who came down from the Nooksack falls to attend the funeral of Ed. J. GILLIGAN, returned to the falls yesterday. They were accompanied by Pat CONNELLY, foreman in charge of the work there. October 12, 1904:
-Ed MARSHAL (sic), Jr., met with quite a serious accident last Friday which resulted in the loss of one of his toes. He was sawing shingles at the Blue Front mill and in some way the machine became clogged with splints and Ed went to kick them out when the saw caught his foot severing the large toe. Jas. HOAG took him to Bellingham for treatment.
-Mrs. C. WHITE and son, Furman, of Laurel, were visitors at the CARTWRIGHT home a few days last week. -Miss Faye SIVITS and E. E. MARSHALL went to Everson on Friday evening's train to attend the Rebekah banquet. -Mr. and Mrs. Frank MERRY of the LOEB-CUTTER mill were in town Sunday. Mr. MERRY says the re-building of the mill is rapidly progressing. -Mrs. Gale PIERCE who has been under the care of a physician for some time, was removed to Bellingham Tuesday in order that she may receive better medicinal attendance. -Miss May STODDARD who has been visiting relatives in Oregon the past month returned home Friday. -Mesdames MARSHALL, KLINE and BALDWIN attended the district Rebekah meeting held in Everson Friday. -Mrs. Grace HATTON was called to Nooksack Wednesday by the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Alonzo GAY of that place. -Clyde COOK and Gid OWEN went to Seattle Thursday to attend the launching of the battleship Nebraska. -Rev. F. J. EDMUNDS left Wednesday for Seattle from whence he will go to Wenatchee to attend the Presbytery of Puget Sound, also the Synod of Washington at Davenport.
October 18, 1904:
Last Sunday evening the marriage of Torge JENSEN and Miss Olga SANGAUNET was solemnized at the residence of Rev. T. J. MOEN. Miss SANGAUNET, known as Sister Olga, is a graduate from the Deaconess institute at Minneapolis, Minn., and has for the last six years been engaged at the Orphan home at Paulsbo, Wash. Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock Peder CARLSON and Sofia STORVOLD were united in marriage at L. O. STRAND's residence, 1336 Lincoln street, Rev. E. A. ERICKSON, of the United Lutheran church officiating. November 22, 1904: Thomas J. ROCKEY, aged 63 years, died last night at the family residence, Silver Beach, at 9:15. For three months past he had been complaining. At 6:30 in the evening he was attacked by a stroke of paralysis and remained unconscious to the end. He came to this city in February, 1902, from Charleston, West Virginia. Surviving him are a wife and five children, two sons, J. D. and R. J. ROCKEY and three daughters, Mrs. C. B. Bay, Misses M. E. and E. R. ROCKEY. Mr. ROCKEY was a member of the G. A. R. and of the Masonic order. In business he was a lumberman, owning much valuable timber properties, which he sold on coming to Bellingham.
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