Friday, May 3, 1903:      Volume 1, Number 1

Charlie HILTON has lately purchased a span of fine bay horses and is now engaged hauling shingle bolts.

Ernest ROWE came home this week with a crippled foot which he had injured while working in a shingle mill at Lake Whatcom.

Subscribe for the Weekly Record, only $1.00. A representative of this paper will call upon you. Remember that it takes money to run a newspaper.

The RITHER & CROSS shingle mill resumed operations this week, after a shut down of a few days on account of the river being too low to run bolts.

Thomas ELLIS, one of Enterprise's prosperous farmers, was in Ferndale this week and reports that his boy, who had the misfortune to cut his foot a short time ago [w]as getting along very nicely and will soon be out again. It seems that Master ELLIS, while helping his father grubbing stumps, made a miss lick with the ax, striking his foot just above the big toe, cutting through the bone and almost severing the toe entirely.

Alfred CRISTOLVERSON is busy these days hauling the posts, lumber and other material to be used in the construction of the new building to be occupied by the new hardware firm of RUSSELL & WALLINE.

John AITKINS, one of Enterprise leading farmers, was transacting business in Ferndale Saturday.

Jack BIZER has been carrying his hand in a sling for the last few days from the effects of a severe bruise in which he lost the first joint of his second finger of his right hand. It seems that Jack, while loading some heavy logs, unfortunately got his hand between the log and the wagon hub.

Mr. LONG, who had the misfortune to let his hand come in contact with the band saw while working in the Nooksack River shingle mill a few days ago, says that his wound is doing very nicely and healing as well as could be expected, and with the exception of the loss of his second finger of his left hand he will soon be as good a man as ever. Mr. LONG came to Ferndale a few weeks ago from St. John, Kansas, the land where buss saws are scarce, and had only been working in the mill a few days when the accident occurred.

Alexander CHARLES of Paradise was hauling hay through our town Monday.

Ott HUDLOW left this week for Vancouver where he expects to remain for the summer.

Ira ROBINSON has opened his confectionery and ice cream parlor on the east side of the river.

Ernest PETERSON made a business trip to Seattle last week. He returned with a fine logging team.

F. P. KEYES, a former resident of Ferndale, now engaged in the shingle business at Pleasant Valley, passed through town Monday.

Abraham GREEN, who has a fine farm a short distance from Ferndale, was in town Monday looking after business in connection with his farm and getting ready for his spring work.

We notice that our genial Postmaster Minor McLAIN has donned the apron, and with a pencil behind his ear, looking as much like a skilled workman as possible, is busy these days laying the foundation for the new addition he intends building to the G. A. R. hall.

Jacob COSS of Mountain View was one of Ferndale's visitors Thursday.

Mr. NORGREN is building a new home for his family. They will move from Whatcom to Ferndale next week.

Dr. HOOD reports the birth of a 10 lbs boy, on Sunday April 26, to the wife of Mr. Charlie TURNER, Mother and child getting along nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. F. C. WEWETZER, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. P. H. HOVERSON, left Minneota, Minn., a few days ago for Ferndale. On their way here they will stop off at Marshall, Minn., on a few days visit to friends. Mrs. WEWETZER is a daughter of John O. KAAS.

Frank ELLIS has resigned his position in the DAVIS & Sons shingle mill and has purchased a span of horses and in the future will endeavor to manipulate the ribbons. He is at present engaged in hauling the lumber and other material for the new addition being built to the G. A. R. hall.

--The CRAWFORD Bros. mill changed hands and is now owned by F. LOPAS, E. LOPAS and Mrs. Mary GARLIC. The plant will continue the business as before.
--Miss Laura SMITH has returned from Guemas where she has taught the winter term of school.
--Miss Pearl SMITH who has been teaching the Mountain View school closed on Friday and returned to her home in Whatcom.
--Mrs. GIBBS of Clearbrook is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. H. HARRISON, of Mountain View.
--Mr. A. GRANGER and H. BRIDGE of Lummi Island was (sic) in Mountain View Sunday.
--Mr. and Mrs. George DEEDS have taken up their residence in Seattle.

--Still the new settlers come to this part of the country, two more of them having bought places at Birch Bay.
--Uncle Nat BEHME was out showing his folks around the country the first of the week. They are new arrivals here.
--The Pleasant Valley Euchre club gave Mrs. BEHME of Custer a surprise birthday party Saturday night, it being her fiftieth birthday anniversary.

Friday May 8, 1903:

Horses Get Frightened and Run, Throwing the Drivers Out.
Ruthford CLEVISH of Mountain View had a very exciting runaway in our town Saturday. He was driving near the depot when his horses became frightened and started to run, at the same time making a short turn, upsetting the wagon and throwing Ruthford and his sister, May, violently to the ground, but fortunately no one was hurt, except for slight bruises. ...

The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. PRATT of Pleasant Valley, was brought to town Monday in a very serious condition, having his leg broken in two places, above and below the knee, also his arm broken above the elbow, and other bruises about his limbs and body. As near as can be learned the boy was attempting to get on a wagon heavily loaded with lumber, and in some manner his foot slipped and he fell, landing underneath the wheels which passed over him, crushing their way as they went. It was only a mere accident that they did not pass over his body, in which case it would have been certain death. As it is, the boy is getting along as well as could be expected. At last reports he was resting easily under the care of Dr. KEYES.

Ed. ELLIOTT, who has been engaged as shingle sawyer in the Pleasant Valley mill, came into town Friday with a very severe cut on his arm. It seems that while working near the revolving saw he had the misfortune to stumble, throwing his arm into the saw, cutting through the first bone just above the elbow and almost entirely severing [the] limb. At first it was thought that it would be impossible to save the arm, but with a great deal of pluck and good attention of Dr. KEYES, he managed to save it, and is getting along nicely.

J. G. RANDRUP sold his shop and complete line of barber supplies this week to Charlie EARHART of Blaine. Although we are sorry to lose our tonsorial artist, the boys are glad to know that they are to have a competent and experienced man to take his place.

Ernest PETERSON will at once erect a cottage on his tract of land north of Ferndale.

Mrs. H. ELLIS of Seattle is at present visiting her mother, Mrs. McCORMICK of this place.

Mrs. F. FARNSWORTH of San Antonio, Texas, arrived Saturday and will remain for some time visiting her mother, Mrs. McCORMICK.

John PIERSON, sawyer at the Ferndale mill, has bought the ranch of Peter WALLINE and will move his family to Ferndale this week.

C. H. CARLSON of the Ferndale Leader is busy these days superintending the clearing of his lots he has purchased on the corner of Alder and Third streets. Mr. CARLSON will erect a fine cottage as soon as the lots are in condition.

Mrs. E. HALLECK of this place is spending a week in Whatcom, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. L. QUACKENBUSH.

--Ernest ROWE of Ferndale is engaged in the Gulf shingle mill, packing shingles.
--A. W. NEWKIRK went to Ferndale this week to rent a home where he expects to move his family soon.
--Charles R. SMITH and Miss Mamie HATHAWAY were married at the Presbyterian parsonage on Wednesday, Rev. COX officiating.

--H. L. RICHARDSON, a late arrival from Ichica (Ithica?), New York, has gone on a trip to Seattle for some time.
--Mrs. Horace MARTIN and Miss Jennie MATTHEWS of Deming were visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. MATTHEWS, Saturday.

PLEASANT VALLEY -- Mrs. M. J. McHEFFEY, who has been in Nova Scotia for some time, arrived home last Thursday and now lives at Birch Bay.

Letters remaining unclaimed during the month of April at the Ferndale post office:
Mrs. H. B. BUTTON, Mr. Ole BUSH, Prof. L. R. BENNETT, Adolph Matrosen GUTHLUKE, Mr. A. GERARD, Mr. Elmer GUPTEL, Mrs. Chas. W. HENRY, Mr. Willie MALYER, C. SUSSMAN, Mr. E. N. THURSTON, Miss Viola VAIL, Mr. John VIDDAHL, Mr. Henry WILSON.

Friday, May 15, 1903:

The Ferndale Hardware Co.'s building is nearing completion. The large glass front is being placed, which will add much to the appearance of our street. The sound of the hammer and saw used by the carpenters, eager to get the place ready for business, is the music that greets the ears of all passers by.

Miles BEARSE of Mt. View drove into town Thursday behind his new team which he has lately purchased.

Miss Elizabeth CHARLES, who has been staying in Ferndale for the past few weeks, returned to her home in Paradise Tuesday.

C. E. PERRY and L. W. SHIMM and their families arrived in Ferndale yesterday via the Great Northern Ry. from Mt. Pleasant, Mich. These people come to our town with a view of purchasing property and making their homes with us.

S. B. VAN ZANDT of the Washington Meat Market was in town on business.

Wm. MANNING had a peice of hard luck this week, one of his fine Clydesdale horses took sick and died Sunday night.

Mrs. Wm. MANNING and daughter, Lottie, left Wednesday on an extended visit to London to visit friends and relatives.

Geo. VAN ALLEN will leave this week for a short trip to Montana.

Mr. and Mrs. HOFFMAN of Montana are visiting Mrs. E. BOSTON.

Peter CARLSON will soon erect a building on his property north of Ferndale.

Thos. OWINGS of the Mt. View Saw Mill Co., passed through our town with a load of lumber Thursday.

Miss L. WHITTAKER of White Bear Lake arrived this week andd will remain during the summer, the guest of Mrs. Geo. TIFFANY.

Miss Thelda WEDEEN of Tacoma is visiting her sister, Mrs. Peter CARLSON. She will leave soon for Wilmore, Minn., where she will reside.

Paul HOVERSON and family, late arrivals from the east, have decided to remain with us. They will reside in the house lately vacated by Mr. Nier in the Griffin additon near the O.  K. & NELSON grocery.

Chas. EARHART, the popular barber, has moved to his new quarters next door to the postoffice, installed a new chair and fixtures and is now prepared to dispense first-class tonsorial goods to the public.

Friday, May 22, 1903:

Will COSBY, driver on one of the Gulf Shingle Co.'s wagons, met with a very serious accident yesterday morning about 11 o'clock, while on his way to the Ferndale depot. As near as can be learned he was coming down the hill just out of town when the front wheel dropped into a hole thus throwing him off his seat and landing in front of the wagon between the wheels. In falling struck the ground in a sitting posture and the wagon passed over him in such a manner as to twist his body in such a position as to injure his back; being low it doubled him into very close quarters with a projecting piece of iron striking him in the small of the back, crushing several bones and injuring his spine, leaving  him in an unconscious condition, but he had not lain long until Thos. OWEN came along and met the driverless team and stopped them, at the same time discovered Mr. CROSBY in his helpless condition. He immediately summoned help and the injured man was placed in Geo. A. MONROE's wagon and conveyed to the office of Dr. HOOD where his injuries were dressed. It has not yet been ascertained as to how serious his injuries are. He will probably not be able to be out again for some time.

The 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. HILTON passed away Tuesday. The host of friends join with the bereaved family in mourning the loss of their infant daughter. The end came rather suddenly although the child had been an invalid for some time with spinal trouble. The funeral services were held in the Methodist church Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The remains were interred in the Enterprise cemetery.

Miss BURKHART of Everett is spending a few weeks visiting with her sister, Mrs. LOVEALL, of this place.

Mrs. ROGERS of Seattle arrived Wednesday and will remain for some time visiting with her sister, Mrs. OSWALT, of this place.

Again has the need of being incorporated been brought before the citizens of Ferndale. Last Monday afternoon Paul TIFFANY, the nine-year-old son of D. M. TIFFANY, fell from the raised sidewalk on Alder street and narrowly escaped serious injury. Moral - become incorporated, build sidewalks that are not a menace to life and limb, and these accidents will be done away with.

Edward PARR of Cloverdale, B. C., was visiting his brother, Wm. PARR of this place last Tuesday and Wednesday, returning to his home Thursday.

Archie McENTYRE  and Ben WILSON are busy these days pruning trees for the farmers of this community. They expect to be around later to spray the scabs on the apple and pear trees.

Beryl PRATT, the oby who was run over is doing very well. The doctor says that at the present rate of improvement he thinks he will be able to save both the lower limbs and the arm for which his parents and numerous friends are very thankful.

Jesse BEARSE drove to town Wednesday morning and came back sporting a bran-new buggy. 

--A bridge carpenter by the name of Frank HARRISON met sudden death Saturday afternoon while at work on the Northern Pacific coal bunkers. He was walking on the trestle when in some manner made a miss step and fell, the distance of about 40 feet. As he fell he struck some projecting timbers, instantly breaking his neck.

--Charles WELLS, a well known resident of this city had the misfortune to step off the side walk on G st., between 13 and 12 last week, falling the distance of about 25 feet and lying exposed to the dampness for several hours. He was finally picked up by the proprietors of the Thistle restaurant and is now lying in the St. Luke hospital in a serious condition.

--W. H. EATON of Lynden and Miss WARMOUTH of this city were united in marriage Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. WAWRMOUTH. Rev. S. ABBOTT of Tacoma officiating. The bride's sister, Miss Blanche WARMOUTH, was the bridesmaid and Fred LEBOLD of Lynden was best man. The bride is a popular young lady of this place, and Mr. Eaton is an enterprising business man of Lynden. They left the same day on their wedding trip to up-sound points. They will be at home to their many friends in  Lynden in a short time.

E. H. BOSTON, a former resident of Ferndale, but now of Whatcom, spent Sunday visiting friends and relatives in this place.

Claude CADWELL, who has been rusticating in Mountain View while recovering from his recent illness, is again occupying his usual place behind the counter, dealing out wares to the patrons of J. B. WILSON's general merchandise store.

Claude ROWE of Wickersham spent Saturday and Sunday in our town visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John ROWE. Claude used to be one of the Ferndale boys, but has been away for some time and his smiling countenance was a pleasant sight to see in our midst again.

Rev. E. OLSON of Millica, Minnesota, is holding meetings at the Swedish Baptist church.

Frank LOPAS of the Gulf Shingle Mill Co., was transacting business trip to Whatcom this week.

Nelsl NELSON of the O.  K. & NELSON grocery, who has been sick for some time is up and around again.

Thomas JOHNSON of Enterprise will leave in a few days on an extended visit to his old home in Flekkefjord, Norway.

Miss Minnie CHARLES of Spokane arrived via G. N. railway Tuesday and will remain a few days visiting her sister, Mrs. J. MOSIER.

The people of this city and surrounding community will be grieved to learn of the death of their old-time friend, Mrs. C. M. WILLIAMS, wife of Judge H. B. WILLIAMS, who passed away Saturday morning, May 16, at her home in Whatcom. Her death was a shock, not only to the bereaved family and friends in Whatcom, but to her numerous friends of the entire surrounding country. She had resided in this county for the past 15 years.

Mr. BYLES, manager of the Morrison Mill Co.'s logging camp at the Gulf of Georgia, was in town this week making arrangements to start logging. They will employ a crew of about 40 men.

John LIKINS, a contractor of Whatcom was in our town Wednesday.

Friday, May 29, 1903:

The East Ferndale school closed on May 22d after a very successful term. The majority of the children in each class passed their grades with a good average, having been taught by Miss Haddie SCHWABE, a teacher of inestimable ability and judgment, one who was universally loved and appreciated by her pupils and friends.

--Barney RILEY had the misfortune to cut the end of his thumb off knotsawing Tuesday.
--Mr. and Mrs. Al MOREHEAD are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl, the first in 11 years of married life.

--The contract for carrying the mail between Blaine and Point Roberts was awarded to E. E. BEARD of Blaine.
--John STRAND has been appointed postmaster at this place to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of Mrs. George McHEFFEY.
--Fred MATTESON and Mrs. Maggie McHEFFEY of this place were united in marriage in Whatcom last Thursday. Rev. W. R. COX officiating. Mr. and Mrs. MATTESON are both old residents of this place.

--John INGLIS and Martha E. PATTEN, both of this city, were married last Tuesday.
--Almon M. CLARKE, a resident of this city since 1889, died of apoplexy last Tuesday.

Mr. FARIER of Seattle is moving his family into the house lately vacated by Phil ROESSEL. Mr. FARIER expects to take up his residence with us. We are glad to welcome them to our town and hope that the balmy breezes of the Nooksack valley will please them.

Joe MATZ is sick at home with the measles.

Postmaster McLAIN is putting the finishing touches on his new building on Alder street just east of his store.

The Ferndale Hardware Co. opened its doors this week and will launch out into the sea of mercantile business with C. L. CADWELL at the helm. ... Mr. CADWELL was formerly a clerk in J. B. WILSON's general merchandise store, but has lately tendered his resignation and will, in the future, devote his time and talent to the interest of the Ferndale Hardware Co.

Dennis GETCHEL, the town drayman, made a trip to Custer this week.

Henry SIEGEL has returned to Ferndale after an absence of about six months.

W. J. MALLOY sold 120 acres of his rich bottom land on the Mountain View road this week.

Rev. Andrew JOHNSON of Whatcom occupied the pulpit at the Swedish Baptist church last Sunday.

George TITCOMB of Whatcom is spending a few days in the city as a guest of H. M. TEW, proprietor of the Ferndale Hotel.

Pearl C. SMITH will give instruction in piano, organ and vocal music. All those wishing to take lessons, call at or address 1507, G st., Whatcom.

The new residence of C. H. CARLSON on Alder street is nearing completion, The lathers are now at work getting ready for the plasters. The building will be ready for occupancy in a few weeks.

Ernest ROWE is carrying his hand in a sling as a result of his allowing it to come in contact with a "buzz saw," while working in the Gulf shingle mill. Mr. ROWE was sawing on an upright machine, doing his own knot sawing with a spring board carriage, when the schute became clogged with splints and he was endeavoring to shove them out when his hand slipped, striking the saw and splitting his little finger.

Friday, June 5, 1903:

Was a Resident of Our City for the Past Nine Years.
Chas. W. Whitman, a resident of this town for the past nine years, died of consumption at his home in this town last Saturday morning at 8:30 o'clock, aged 50 years. He was born in Springville, Wis., in 1853. During his residence here he has been employed in the different shingle mills in this locality. Funeral services were held in the M. E. church Sunday at 2 o'clock, Rev. Kallgren officiating. Interment took place in the Enterprise cemetery. He is survived by numerous friends and relatives, who deeply mourn his loss.

The people of Ferndale will be grieved to learn of the death of Mrs. S. H. ROGERS, who died at her home near the poor farm, Monday, June 1. Mrs. ROGERS had been sick for some time, although her death came rather sudden, and was a severe shock to the bereaved family and friends. The remains were interred in the Paradise cemetery.

Antone SLOBBY [SLABY], a well known resident of Paradise died at the home of Mr. RITTERs on Monday, June 1, at the age of 58. Mr. SLOBBY was a single man and was not known to have been sick, except that he had complained of not feeling well a few minutes before he died, and wanted to lie down a short time. A few minutes afterwards Mr. RITTER went to his room to see how he was feeling and found him dead. The remains were interred in the Paradise cemetery Wednesday.

Geo. MONROE is moving his stock of furniture into his new quarters on Alder street. Mr. MONROE has been temporarily located in the G. A. R. building, but owing to the increase in business, he found it necessary to carry a larger stock in order to meet the demands of the people.

--H. G. McCART has resigned his position as local circulator for the Seattle Times and has accepted a similar position with the Tacoma Ledger.
--G. EKLUND of the firm EKLUND & MARTIN has sold his interest in the sash and door factory, operated on Dock street, to J. H. DOWD, the well-known Whatcom printer. The consideration being $2,200.
--Word was received here of the death of Urband S. GRIGGS, a young man who was well known in Whatcom county and Seattle. Mr. GRIGGS died last week of fever, in Manila, P.I., where he had been in the civil service for about a year. He was a son of Rev. P. H. GRIGGS of Blaine; where his mother died only a short time ago. He was a graduate of the Whatcom high school and the U. of W. His many friends join with the bereaved relatives in mourning his loss.

--Chris SWINSON is having an addition built onto his fine house.
--Mr.and Mrs. PICKETT have moved into the WALBECK house near the bay.
--Chris FREDERICKSON, Joel STEINSON and Ed PICKETT have placed new "Home Comfort" ranges in their homes.

--Arthur GRANGER and Harry BRIDGES were over from Lummi island last Saturday.
--Miss Carrie SMITH has gone to Seattle to spend a few days with friends and attend the wedding of Miss Mabel LONGFELLOW.
--Morris KELLEY, the Mt. View lumber manufacturer, is laying water pipes to his mill and making preparation for a steady run this summer.
--Ben FRACK, our road overseer, has begun work. Mr. FRACK is the man that Mt. View has been in need of. He is doing good work wherever he goes.

--A. BEHME took charge of the postoffice June 1st, with Miss Bessie BEHME as assistant.
--Mr. BENNETT and Miss PHILLIPS closed a very successful term of school last Tuesday. Custer has been very fortunate in securing such efficient teachers.

Mr. TOWNSEND and family are late arrivals from the East. He is looking over the country with a view of purchasing property.

O. F. RAY of Pleasant Valley was in town this week, looking after business in connection with the rural telephone line, which he is building.

Mrs. Elizabeth LANNING, a well known resident of Puget sound, died at her home in Lynden Monday. She was 35 years of age and had been a resident of the sound country for the past 35 years, having located in Skagit county in 1869. She had been a resident of Whatcom county for some time and was known and loved by many. She was the mother of Mrs. C. E. CLINE of Lynden. Funeral was held at the family residence on Tuesday at 2 o'clock.

Mrs. RENSHAW of Vancouver, B. C., a former resident of Ferndale, visited her mother, Mrs. Julia HARDEN, and friends here. She returned home on the 1:15 train Tuesday.

John CARLSON, a resident of this place for a number of years, left this week for California. He goes to take charge of an estate of 400 acres of land and other valuable property, to which he has fallen heir. The property was left to him by the death of his brother.

The Ferndale Hotel has changed hands since our last issue. H. M. TEW, the former proprietor, gave up possession last Monday morning. The business will be continued under the management of Wm. KEENER & Co.

E. J. KEITH is sporting a brand new double-seated buggy.

Mrs. Walter KEYES and Miss Eunice GUPTILE were visiting friends in Whatcom last week.

Chas. RUSSELL who has been working in Seattle for some time was visiting his parents Sunday.

Work has been commenced on Alvin ROWE's new residence, corner of Alder and Third streets.

Miss Nettie RAY is now living in Whatcom, having accepted a position in the Leader dry goods store of that place.

Mrs. E. J. PENCE visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Cowden, from Friday until Monday. Mr. PENCE was here over Sunday.

The Baptist church has extended a call to Rev. S. A. BEARD of Wallace, Idaho. He will probably occupy the pulpit in that church in the future. They expect him to arrive this week.

Horace BATSTONE and Alonzo HUDLOW, formerly of this place, but now of Vancouver, B. C., are in the city.

Friday, June 12, 1903:

Elmer ROBINSON has moved his family to Lynden.

W. B. NELSON of Pittsburgh, Penn., is visiting J. B. WILSON and family.

Miss Maie HILMES of Whatcom spent several days in Ferndale this week, the guest of Mrs. J. W. MARTIN.

Ernest PETERSON is erecting a new residence on his place north of town and expects to be able to moved in soon.

C. F. PERRY is erecting a new building in the north end of town. When completed it will be occupied by Al ROESSEL.

Mr. and Mrs. K. FLOE of Minneota, Minn., arrived Tuesday and moved on their farm that they recently purchased of Mrs. J. WILLIAMS.

Messrs. McGUIRE and HALLECK, recent arrivals of the east, bought the Harrison COWDEN farm just out side of town and will take possession of it next week. Mr. COWDEN and family expects to move to Whatcom soon. They have been a resident of this place for the past 20 years and their many friends will be sorry to see them leave.

The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miles PARKER, living near Laurel, met with a very painful accident Sunday, while playing in the woods near their home. In some way she stumbled and fell striking the ground in such a manner as to break her arm Dr. HOOD of this place dressed the wound. The injury was extremely painful, but will not leave the arm crippled in any manner. At last reports the child was resting easily.

S. E. BARRET, a former resident of Ferndale but now of Blaine, was in town this week looking after business.

A. H. WAMPLER is reported ill at his home in Lynden.

Claud CADWELL and C. W. RAY went to town to take pointers on how to play ball.

Al MOON, of the Whatcom Marble works, was in our town this week transacting business.

I. O. LOFGREN, H. P. JOHNSON and Mr. KLANG with families, attended the Swedish Baptist tent meeting at Badger Sunday.

Chas. TOWNSENT of Nebraska, a recent arrival of this place, bought the fine ranch of C. E. FITZGERALD at Mountain View.

Miss Nettie BROWN has purchased the A. J. EDDIE's place about one-half mile out of town and will make her home there in the future.

A. C. BAKER of Whatcom was in our town Wednesday looking after business in connection with the North Western Mutual Fire association.

W. B. SCIDMORE of Laurel has moved his family into the house on Second and Alder streets and intends making his home with us in the future.

Mrs. C. H. CARLSON and children arrived home Tuesday after a visit of eleven weeks with her parents at Isanti, Minn. She was accompanied by her  brother, Chester ENGQUIST, who will make his home with us in the future.

Mrs. Walter KEYES and James McCORMICK returned this week from Walla Walla, where they have been attending the convention of the Rebekahs and the I. O. O. F.

Friday, June 19, 1903:

Born -- To Mr. and Mrs. O. KAAS, a son, on Wednesday.

Morris WILLIAMS, one of the Ferndale boys, who has been working in Blaine for the past few months is in town again. He says the fire that destroyed the dry kilns of the Monarch Shingle mill put him out of business, as he was working in that mill.

John and Steve HOLMAN are busy these days, clearing off the logs and blowing out the stumps, on several lots belonging to Peter WALLIN who, as soon as the ground is in shape, intends building five modern cottages which will add greatly to the appearance of the town.

--Miss Alice SMITH went to Blaine on Tuesday to remain a week and take charge of the musical department for Children's Day exercises in the Congregational church.
--Mr. and Mrs. Charles HUGHES of Casper, Wyoming, are visiting at Mr. and Mrs. W. HARRISON. Mrs. HUGHES is a sister of Mrs. HARRISON and this is their first meeting in twenty years. Mrs. HUGHES is postmistress at Casper.

--Mr. and Mrs. McKEEN of Point Roberts are again with us. Mr. McKEEN works at the B. B. mill.
--Mrs. A. F. CASEY and daughters, Elaise and Wenona, of Minneapolis, Minn., arrived here Thursday to join her husband, who is filer at the B. B. mill.

John PAULSON is building a barn for Thomas CARTER.

Miss Bell ASHER of Whatcom was visiting her grandmother, Mrs. J. M. BEARSE, Sunday.

T. S. DAWSON, the Prospect street grocer of Whatcom, was one of Ferndale's visitors this week.

Miss Pearl Van OSTRAND, who has been in Whatcom for some time, attending school, returned Monday.

Harrison COWDEN has bought the BARDWELL place in York Addition, Whatcom, and is now living there.

W. H. TUCKER, who has been making his headquarters at Wiser Lake of late, was home on a visit Sunday.

J. W. HORNER, of Puget Sound Machinery Depot, spent a few days in Ferndale this week looking after business interests.

Wm. KEENER, proprietor of the Ferndale Hotel, is having some repairing done on his buildings, which will add much to the appearance and convenience of the place.

John WARD of Maine has been spending a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. GETCHEL. Mr. WARD is looking over our country with a view to purchasing property.

Mell COLLINS, a former resident of Ferndale but now of Clear Lake, has been striding around our streets this week shaking hands with old friends and his hearty "howdy doo, how is your wife and how are you," can be heard on every hand.

J. B. WILSON has carpenters at work these days building an addition to his store, which will be used as a ware house.

Charley RUSSELL, who has been in Ballard for the past few months, has been spending the week visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. RUSSELL. He has accepted a position in the office of the Morse Hardware Co. and will take charge of his work Monday morning.

Quincy TAWES and CRASTENBURG Bros. were out hunting in the vicinity of Woodlawn and had the good luck to land three bears.

Friday, June 26, 1903:

D. B. JONES Meets His Death
While Working on the Boom
D. B. JONES, a young man aged about 25 years, met his death Monday, June 26, by drowning in the waters of the Gulf of Georgia. Just how he came to fall into the water is not definitely known, but it is supposed that the accident happened while attempting to cross the boom on which he, with two other men, were working. His companions did not see him fall and was not missed for about an hour after he had started across the boom. As he did not make his appearance at the supper table some inquiries were made as to his whereabouts which resulted in a search for the missing man. His body was found floating in about four feet of water and in his hands he firmly grasped a "pevy" which had been sticking in a boom stick, only a few feet away. This led his companions to believe he had been walking the stick, and on coming to the "pevy," lost his balance in his attempt to get around it. His body was taken ashore and everything was done to revive him but life was found to be extinct. It is supposed he met his death shortly before 6 o'clock as his watch stopped at 5:45.
  Coroner H. S. NOICE of Whatcom was telephoned for and arrived early Tuesday morning. The body of the unfortunate young man was taken to Whatcom.
   Mr. JONES came to this county about two years ago,, but had only been working at the Gulf about two weeks. He was not an experienced boom man and was only working at that job for a few days, after which he intended to take charge of a donkey engine.
   The address of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. JONES, 81 Freemont street, Portland, Ore., was found on his clothing and they immediately wired them of their son's sad misfortune. Coroner NOICE received orders to embalm the body and hold it until further instructions. The body will probably be taken to his old home in Wisconsin.

--J. DEEDS  and G. WOODS spent Sunday at the bedside of George MEAD who is very sick.
--Miss Effie MURRAY of Ferndale was visiting her sister, Mrs. ROESSEL in Mountain View, last week.
--Mrs. Charlie HUGHES of Casper, WV., who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. HARRISON, went to Clearbrook on Wednesday to visit her mother, Mrs. GIBBS, before returning to her home.

--Fire destroyed at the residence of Sylvester HORN at Fairhaven, Saturday.
--A three story 55 x 100 brick building will be the next adornment to Elk street. The work is to be done by Martin SIERSDORFER.
--The Great Northern train ran over a man by the name of John FREEZ last Saturday night, about one mile south of Fairhaven. The man was lying across the track and the train was going at such a terrific speed that it was impossible to stop in time to save him.

John B. AGAN, the creamery man of Whatcom, was in the city Tuesday looking after business interests.

Miss Louise FILSINGER arrived Saturday via Great Northern from Buffalo, N. Y. She will remain for some time as a guest of her sister, Mrs. KEYES.

Mrs. A. W. TIFFANY left Monday for Fergus Falls, Minnesota, where she will remain for the summer visiting her relatives and friends. She was accompanied as far as Everett by her son, George TIFFANY.

Mrs. M. A. SMITH of Bay City, Michigan, mother of Mrs. M. McLAIN, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. T. E. SMITH, arrived in the city Monday via Great Northern. Mrs. SMITH celebrated her 80th birthday on the day of her arrival, and did not show of effects of the trip other than the ordinary fatigue of travel.

Jesse BEARSE of the Gem Pharmacy made a trip to the Bay city Tuesday.

Dr. HOOD reports a 10 pound girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al CRATSENBERG.

Miss Effie AITKEN of Whatcom was visiting with her sister, Mrs. A. A. BAKER , Sunday.

Friday, July 3, 1903

      News was received here of the drowning of the two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. HARNDEN, formerly of Mountain View, but now engaged in a fish trap camp on Lopez island, where the accident occurred.
      Mrs. HARNDEN was cooking at the camp, and being busy, did not notice the little fellow playing around the well. Hearing a scream from that direction she ran to see what was the matter. When arriving at the edge of the well she beheld her little son making frantic efforts to keep on top of the water. Being powerless to go to its aid herself she screamed loudly for help. Her calls soon attracted the attention of a man who was working near by who came to her aid with all possible speed and immediately lowered himself into the cold water of the well and rescued the child. The mother at the same time aiding him by drawing it up with a rope. Although all possible speed was made in getting it out, and every effort was made to revive it, death had come before the child had reached its mothers arms. The body was interred in the Mountain View cemetery Saturday at 2 p.m.
      The parents are well and favorably known in Mountain View and Ferndale and have a number of relatives residing in our midst. The many friends join with them in mourning the loss of their little son.   {died on Stewart Island}

(card of thanks signed by m/m Wm. HARNDEN; m/m Milton HARNDEN; m/m Miles BEARSE; m/m W. M. ROWE; m/m Bert CHICHESTER; m/m John LOPAS)

--Ed GREYELL is head upright sawyer at the B. B. mill while Otto KALL is taking a lay off.
--We now have a stage running between here and Ferndale under the supervision of Morris WILLIAMS.
--John and Rudolph ERGLER of Mountain View, who cut bolts at the B. B. mill, went home on a visit last Sunday.

Miss Roxana ALLEN and Charles HESS were united in marriage on June 14th. Miss ALLEN is one of Laurel's ladies and Mr. HESS is a pleasant and hard working young man who enjoys the confidence of the community.

Mr. STRAHAN of Mountain View has sold his farm and returned to Arizona, their former home.

Millie EARLEY has gone to Whatcom to visit her sister, Mrs. Ella MARSH, where she intends to stay  until after the Fourth.

Mrs. A. E. ROWE arrived Sunday from Oakland, California, and will remain for some time visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. DAVIS.

Morris WILLIAMS has purchased a span of horses. He intends to conduct a passenger stage line between Ferndale and Birch Bay during the summer.

C. H. CARLSON moved his family into their new home on Alder street this week.

John and Olaf ANDERSON arrived in town Monday. They will immediately move out on their place on the Mountain View road, which they recently purchased of W. J. MALLOY.

Thos. WILLIAMS was seriously injured Saturday while working in the woods near Enterprise. He was falling timber for the Red Cedar Shingle Co. and in some manner a falling tree struck him, injuring his chest and back. However, he has hopes of being out again soon.

Friday, July 10, 1903:

Frank SEVIER, one of Custer's leading farmers, received a kick from one of his horses last Saturday evening.  As near as can be learned Mr. SEVIER had put his horses away for the night, together with strange ones. During the evening on hearing a commotion returned to the barn and found that they were quarreling. He then commenced to straighten them out. It being dar one of them mistook him for one of the horses and kicked him striking him in the pit of the stomach with such terrific force as to render him in a helpless condition. He was taken to the house and medical aid was immediately summoned. At last reports he was fairly on the road to recovery, but still weak from the effects of the blow.

Frank ANDERSON and Miss May CLEVISH were married in Whatcom Saturday.

Florence, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George BOONE, died at her home Sunday morning of consumption.

August HAMPLE, a late arrival from San Francisco, has purchased a farm in the North Star district where he will erect a fine residence.

Mrs. Mary GARLIC, while in Whatcom last Saturday evening, had the misfortune to break her ankle in an attempt to jump from a street car while in motion. It seems her foot became entangled  in her skirt, causing her to fall in such a manner as to fracture her ankle very badly.

--P. S. TOWLE, aged 37 years, died at his home on E street, after an illness of about five months.
--A barn on the corner of I and Seventeenth streets, containing the bar fixtures of L. NEHER, was destroyed by fire early Sunday morning.
--C. W. CHRISTENSEN, an employe at the Chuckanut cannery dropped dead very suddenly at about 10 o'clock Monday evening. Hemorrhage of the lungs was the cause of his death.The deceased was 45 years of age.
--Leota LOCKE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. LOCKE of this place, died in Tacoma Tuesday morning. The little girl had been ailing for some time of heart trouble, but the end came rather unexpectedly. Mrs. LOCKE and children were visiting in Tacoma at the time.

Mr. and Mrs. BOATMAN moved into the Henry ROESSEL house on Alder street this week.

Frank BERGER arrived yesterday via Great Northern and will spend a few days visiting with his wife's father, John HOPE.

Miss Grace DAVIS returned Sunday from Whatcom, where she has been spending a few days visiting with her sister, Mrs. Wm. FELL.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. RUSSELL drove to Lummi Tuesday to attend the funeral of Miss Florence BOONE.

Mrs. Effie HIZER was in Whatcom last week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. HARRISONE

Mrs. Lou SORENSON of San Francisco arrived in Ferndale this week on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry ROESSEL, and her sister, Mrs. J. B. WILSON, and other relatives and  friends.

Miss Florence BOONE died of consumption Sunday morning, July 5, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.  George BOONE, near the Gulf of Georgia. The funeral services were held at Lummi. Father BOULETTE officiating. The remains were interred in the Lummi cemetery.

Miss DALHEEN, late arrival from Minnesota, is visiting her sister, Mrs. MORTINSON of Ferndale.

Peter WALLIN commenced the building of a modern cottage on one of his lots on Fourth street this week.

The little 7-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John KING died at their home near Enterprise last week. The remains were interred in the Enterprise cemetery. The funeral services were conducted at the grave by Miss Ruth FERGUSON.

Mr. and Mrs. LISTMANN of Whatcom spent Saturday and Sunday at Custer visiting Mrs. LISTMANN's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank SEVIER.

Friday, July 17, 1903:

J. L. JOHNSON, Miss May LINDERMAN and Miss Iva BROWN, while out riding yesterday afternoon in Mr. JOHNSON's automobile, met with an accident at 2 o'clock which caused the death of Miss LINDERMAN of Whatcom and seriously injuring Iva BROWN of Custer. Mr. JOHNSON escaped uninjured with the exception of a few scratches and bruises. The accident happened directly in front of the Enterprise school house. The party was coming down a steep grade on side road and was just approaching the Ferndale-Blaine plank road when the steering gears of the machine got out of order and refused to work. Instead of making the turn went straight on and plunged over an embankment of about 30 feet over logs and stumps, turning completely over and landing on end in the ravine below. The unfortunate girl was about 13 years of age. Her home is in Whatcom, but was visiting Mr. and  Mrs. Ed BROWN of Custer at the time of the accident.

The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank MOSIER met with a painful accident Tuesday while endeavoring to ride a horse without the aid of a saddle or bridle. It seems that the unfortunate little fellow, while playing with companions near where some horses were running at large, became possessed of a desire to take a ride and in spirit of playfulness climbed on the back of one of the horses. It not being in the habit of being ridden about in that manner without the restraining influence of the bridle immediately began to show his utter disregard for his careless rider. After making several artistic curves and a few plunges in the air succeeded in unseating the rider, throwing his violently to the ground. He fell in such a manner as to break his left arm. Although the injury is very painful it is not thought that is will leave the arm crippled in any manner.

--Mrs. Carrie LEWIS died at her home on 1910 Indiana street at 10 o'clock Friday morning.
--It has been learned that the report of the death of Leota LOCKE, was a mistake.
--Little Frank HASKELL, son of Ed HASKELL, met with an accident Monday morning. While riding down West Holly street hill, he fell from his wheel and was badly bruised.
--A Jap by the name of T. HIRAI, employed by the Great Northern, lost his life by drowning Monday evening while endeavoring to secure his hat that had blown into the bay. The accident happened near the old Globe mill about 6 o'clock.
--An old prospector by the name of LEONARD was brought down from Maple Falls under arrest by Deputy Sheriff PARBERRY Tuesday. The crime of which Mr. LEONARD is accused of is drawing a gun of President SAUNDERS of the Excelsior mines. The trouble between the two was a dispute as to the possession of some mining property in the neighborhood of Nooksack falls.

A. C. GOERING commenced work this week on one of the most important contracts that has ever been negotiated on Bellingham Bay for a number of years. The contract consists of the removal of 10,000 yards of dirt per month from Deadman's point. This movement has been under consideration with the Fairhaven Land Co. for some time but it has only recently been decided that the work shall be commenced immediately.

L. P. WHITE, manager of the Bank of Whatcom, passed away at his old home at Terra Alta, West Virginia, where he has been visiting for some time. Although he has been in poor health since last January, his death came rather sudden and was a severe blow to his relatives and friends. Mr. WHITE was about 47 years of age at the time of his death. He is well and favorably known in both business and social elements of this place, having been closely connected with the interest of Whatcom and surrounding country since his arrival here.

Homer HOBART, an old pioneer of Whatcom, died last Thursday, July 9, at his home on the corner of Iowa and James streets. The cause of his death was progressive paralysis, from which he had suffered for past few weeks. He was born in Indianapolis, Ind., May 24, 1843. His mother and Nancy HANCKS, mother of Abraham LINCOLN, were first cousins and were raised by Mr. HOBART's grandmother. He was also related to the late Vice-President, Garret A. HOBART. Mr. HOBART came from his old home in Indianapolis to Whatcom, in 1890, where he had resided up to the time of his death. He leaves a widow and two children, Eugene I. and Amy L., wife of Fred E. PROUTY, and three sisters and one brother, residing in Indianapolis. Funeral services were held at NOICE's funeral parlors at three o'clock Saturday afternoon. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery.

Dell ROWE is erecting a new dwelling on his lots in the GRIFFIN addition.

Thomas FARNSWORTH of San Antonio, Texas, arrived via Great Northern Monday and will remain for some time as a guest of Mrs. J. R. McCORMICK.

The report that Miss May CLEVISH was married, which appeared in last week's issue, was a mistake.

Ole A. CHRISTENSON left this morning for his old home in Hemming, Minnesota.

Lee MATHEWS left this week for Wickersham where he has accepted a position as knot sawer.

ENTERPRISE -- The R. F. D. service starts this morning (Wednesday) and the road is lined with bright new mail boxes. This service will be greatly appreciated by the patrons.

S. T. HOLLAND has bought 40 acres of land near Custer.

Harry RICHARDSON is endeavoring to organize a class in vocal and instrumental music.

Mrs. J. E. McDANIELS, who has been visiting at the Home bakery for the past few weeks, returned to her home in Weston, Oregon, this week. She was accompanied as far as Seattle by her sister, Mrs. FENTON, where she remained a few days visiting with friends.

J. A. ANDERSON has moved into the house recently erected by Alvin ROWE on Alder street.

Mrs. W. B. SCIDMORE presented her husband with a pouncing boy Thursday, July 16. He tipped the scales at 10 pounds.

Mrs. W. C. FOSTER of Seattle and Mrs. Adam HICKS of Dawson are spending a few days as guests of their brothers, Jake and Fred WATTERS.

Friday, July 24, 1903:

Mrs. R. BAARSTAD died at her home near Custer Friday, July 17, of heat prostration. She was engaged in picking berries at her home when at about 5:30 felt a pain in the back of her head, which gradually grew worse and at about 9 p.m. passed away. The deceased was well known in the vicinity and was loved and respected by all. The many friends join with the family in mourning the loss of their loved one. The remains were interred in the Enterprise cemetery.

--Will EVANS of Whatcom is enjoying an outing at the country home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W.W. HARRISON.
--Mrs. Geo. MEAD, whose husband lately died, got her hay put in the barn in good shape through the kindness of Mr. BAULCH and son, John HOLEMAN and son, Geo. WOODS, Marion and Geo. PENNINGTON. Mrs. MEAD was very thankful to them all for their kindness.

--Born - On July 15, to the wife of Edward HINTZ, a girl.
--Miss Elsie DAKIN has returned home to enjoy a well-earned vacation, having taught for over a year in the schools of Mason county without a vacation.

--A. C. GOERIG, the contractor who has charge of the cutting down of Deadman's point, has made arrangements to be supplied with steam from the Washington cannery boilers. The work will commence this week, also the planking and piling of the shipyard, belonging to the Fairhaven Land Co., between the gas works and the Red mill, will be torn up and used in the construction of the bulkhead at the point.

Claude CADWELL is dealing out groceries over the counters of J. B. WILSON's general merchandise store.

Mrs. M. McLAIN and mother, Mrs. M. A. F. SMITH, left Tuesday for Everett where they will remain a few days visiting with Minor McLAIN and family.

Levi ELLIS is limping around these days with a very sore foot, caused by allowing a wagon loaded with bolts to pass over his toes. The injury is very painful but it was fortunate that the accident happened where the ground was soft. Had it been on harder ground Mr. ELLIS would have probably lost his toes.

Robert HODGSON, one of Enterprise's leading farmers, was doing business in our town Monday.

Ed ZWASCHKA met with a very painful accident Tuesday while knot sawing in the Davis & Son's mill. Mr. ZWASHKA, while endeavoring to grab a shingle that had fallen, allowed his hand to come in contact with the saw, cutting the middle and third fingers of his left hand, but luckily he willl not lose either of his fingers.

A paint shop will be the next adornment to our town. The painters, SWARTZ & FENTON, informs us that it is their intention to put up a building on Alder street in which they will operate an up-to-date paint shop. The construction of the building will be commenced next week and the proprietors hope to be doing business in their new quarters in the near future.

Friday, July 31, 1903:

Lou CHICHESTER met with a sad accident last Wednesday, while working in the LOPAS shingle mill at Mountain View, in which he came very near losing his hand. He was working at the knee-bolter and at the time was endeavoring to split a block when it suddenly gave a jerk, taking his hand with it, striking the saw just above the hand and almost severing it from the arm. The saw just above the hand and almost severing it from the arm. The saw buried its teeth in the flesh and cut the bone to such an extent that had it went a particle father it would have been impossible to save the hand. The injured limb will be useless for perhaps months although it is not thought that the cut will leave the arm crippled in any manner. Mr. CHICHESTER was not the regular knee-bolter but he was only working in his brother's place who had fared with a similar accident a few days before. He had escaped with only lacerating two of his fingers in such a manner as to lay him off for a few days.

John PAULSON had an accident last Saturday evening which came very near ending seriously. Had it not been for the timely aid of his friends Mr. PAULSON would now be occupying a watery grave in the bottom of the Nooksack. For the past few weeks John has been acting as nightwatch for the confectionery stand, situate on the edge of he river. Friday night the atmosphere became a little too warm for comfort inside of the tent and wishing to find a cooler and more pleasant place to rest, he went outside and in the darkness stepped over the bank, which at that place is very steep and much to his surprise and consternation he soon found himself floundering in the cold waters of the river. He made heroic efforts to make his way out, but it being very dark and in the suddenness of his descent, he got somewhat turned around and instead of getting to the bank he got further away. After swimming around for sometime he found that it was useless to struggle alone and began to call loudly for help. His cries were heard by Wm KEENER of the Ferndale Bar, who immediately went to his assistance. A fishing party was soon formed and a life line was thrown out which John lost no time in getting hold of. After some struggling on his part and hard pulling on the part of his rescuers he was safely landed. John says that the waters of the Nooksack are wet and cold and is very thankful for his escape. He is now as well as ever with the exception of a slight cold from the effects of the bath.

--Minnie EARLY went to Blaine on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Emma MOORE.
--Mountain View is gradually coming to the front. Harry LOPAS, we understand, is going to erect a hall to accommodate the Woodmen of the World lodge.

--N. L. KIRKPATRICK has gone to Maple Falls to work.
--Harry LIVINGSTON is working at Ed BROWN's mill.
--While Mrs. P. C. JAMES and Mrs. W. R. PARKINS were returning from Birch Bay Friday the horse backed down the hill. Both ladies jumped down the hill. Both ladies jumped and Mrs. JAMES had the misfortune to sprain her ankle and wrist.

--The work on Deadman's point has advanced sufficiently to allow the building to be commenced. The plans are now completed and the bids for the construction will be received in a few days.
--Wm. B. RUMBOUGH came very nearly losing his hand while working in the JERN's shingle mill at Lake Whatcom. Mr. RUMBOUGH was doing general work around the mill and had taken the cut-off man's place for a short time and in some manner lost his balance and fell against the saw, cutting the muscular part of the fore-arm and making a fearful wound. Fortunately amputation was found unnecessary.

Julius GOODLUCK, who has been in the employ of the RITHER & CROSS shingle mill for some time, had the misfortune to allow his hand to become entangled with the cut-off saw Wednesday morning, which resulted in the loss of part of the thumb on his left hand.

The smiling countenance of Wallace SISSON is a welcome sight on our streets these days. Wallace is one of the pioneer boys of the place and is kept busy shaking hands with old friends, after an absence of about six years. During this time he has lived at Granite Falls, Wash.

Ashlund DROWNS, the 15-year-old son of Mrs. Margaret DROWNS, met with a very painful accident on Wednesday afternoon in which he lost the third finger of his left hand. He was helping put up hay for Joe JACKSON and had just driven into the barn with a load and had arranged to unload it with a large hay fork. He had fastened it into the hay and before he had time to get out of the way the derrick horse started and to save himself from falling to the ground grabbed the rope which carried his hand through a pulley, crushing his third finger and some flesh from another. But fortunately he only lost one of them.

Frank BIDLER of Paradise was among the Ferndale callers Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. FARNSWORTH, who have been spending a few weeks as guests of Mrs. FARNSWORTH's mother, Mrs. J. R. McCORMICK, left for their home in San Antonio, Texas, Wednesday. On their way back they will spend a few days visiting in California.

Mrs. Charlie ELWELL is spending a few days visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. B. WILSON.

Miss Effie AITKEN of Enterprise spent Sunday visiting with her sister, Mrs. A. A. BAKER.

Mrs. George TIFFANY and niece, Miss E. L. WHITAKER, left Monday for a short visit to Vancouver, B. C.

Mrs. Morris WILLIAMS left Wednesday for Los Angeles, California, where she expects to remain for some visiting with her sister, Mrs. Bessie GORDON.

A new Swedish Baptist church was organized at Badger last Sunday. Quite a number of people being present from Delta and Ferndale. Revs. G. A. OSBRINK of Everett, Chas. ASPLUND of Whatcom and C. G. GRANQUIST of Ferndale, were the ministers present. Three persons were baptized on Sunday afternoon and welcomed to the new church which now has eighteen members.

Friday, August 7, 1903:

Christopher E. IRELAND died of old age at he home of his son on the former STRAHAN place, two miles west of Ferndale on the Mountain View road. He was 77 years of age; was born in Canada, January 20, 1826, and departed this life July 31, 1903. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife, four sons and a daughter. Two of the sons are in Florida, one son and the daughter in Dubuque, Iowa, and one son in Mountain View, with whom he lived at the time of his death. The family has the sympathy of the entire community.

--Mrs. Morris KELLEY went to Whatcom last Sunday to visit her mother, Mrs. GERWICK.
--Mrs. BAULCH was up last Tuesday on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Anda PERRY.
--George PENNINGTON has his new barn nearly completed.

--Messrs. SLACK and ARMSTRONG are grubbing and grading the Bonita school grounds. As the school house stands in a timber belt this improvement will enhance the property greatly.
--Miles PARKER has a new horse and we may expect him to draw anything that is loose from this time forth.
--Harry RICHARDSON sang at the First Baptist church in Whatcom last Sunday. His solos were well received.

--W. D. WALLACE is clearing off the site for a new barn.
--Mr. IRELAND, father of C. C. IRELAND of Mountain View, was interred in Enterprise cemetery Sunday.
--Mr. TRUAX of Custer, while returning from Ferndale Sunday, collided with a buggy in front of Mr. BAINTER's home, throwing him out, cutting a gash in his face and otherwise hurting him. His horse, taking fright, ran away and when in front of R. HODGSON's ran into a carriage loaded with women and children. The horse here broke loose from the buggy but was soon caught by Mr. HODGSON. There is a moral in this but the Ferndale Bar, and back of them the county commissioners who licensed it, contrary to the wishes of a majority of the people in Ferndale, should be held partly responsible for this and what might have been a much worse accident.

Clarence KEYES has gone to Whatcom to live.

N. P. PETERSON is building a new house on his ranch.

Miss Pearl McDONALD of Everson has been spending a few days visiting with her sister, Mrs. Wm. KEENER.

Lewis SEANOR, aged 76 years, died last Friday at his home near Marietta. Interment was made in the Paradise cemetery.

James AUSTIN met with a sad accident at Laurel last Friday in which he lost all of the fingers of his left hand. Mr. AUSTIN was engaged in the JENSON & AXTON mill and was operating the planer when some chips got piled up near the knives. He reached out his left hand to brush them away when his foot slipped throwing his hand into the knives and severing all of this fingers.

Frank RYTHER, of the RYTHER & CROSS shingle mill, met with an accident last Friday, while working at the cut-off saw, in which he came very near losing a part of his hand. As it was he escaped with lacerating three of his fingers in such a manner as to leave a painful wound. He will probably be deprived of the use of his hand for some time. It seems that the saw is Mr. RYTHER's unrelenting enemy as it has, on several different occasions, attacked him. This time, however, he came off more lucky than on previous encounters.

Miss Alma PETERSON of San Francisco, California, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. P. PETERSON.

Wm. DEWIT of Onaway, Michigan, is spending a few days visiting with his sister, Mrs. C. F. PERRY, of this place.

The Misses Hattie HUGHES and Maggie McALISTER were spending a few days this week visiting with Miss McALISTER's sister, Mrs. Wm. GIBSON.

Ora DECKER of Whatcom can be seen among the Ferndale laborers this week as he has bid farewell to that city and in the future will manipulate the saw and hammer in the employ of Peter WALLIN.

Paul HOVERSON, who has been conducting a harness and repair shop in the upper part of the McCall building moved this week. His new quarters are next door to the butcher shop.

Mrs. A. E. ROE, who has been visiting for some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. DAVIS, left Wednesday for her home in Oakland, California.. She was accompanied as far as Seattle by her sister, Nellie.

James GIFFORD, who has been in the employ of the Nooksack Mill Co. for some time, has tendered his resignation and will hereafter be employed at Big Lake. Mr. GIFFORD will move his family to his new home in the near future.

Friday, August 14, 1903:

        The town of Ferndale this week has the honor of entertaining the members of the Whatcom County Pioneer association, their friends, as well as the Old Soldiers. To Ferndale, also, is due the honor of having as a resident the oldest living settler of this country. His name is William JARMAN, to whom has been applied the sobriquet "Blanket Bill," due to an episode with the Northern Indians in early days.
        Mr. JARMAN is participating in the festivities of the old settlers at their annual picnic, which closes tomorrow. At the age of 84 he is hale and hearty and as active as the average man of sixty. In 1846 he landed at Nootka Sound, Vancouver Island, having shipped as a sailor in Australia on the English brig Platipus. Shortly after landing on the island in 1846 he was taken prisoner by the Indians while going ashore after water. He remained in captivity until 1848 when he was ransomed by Governor DOUGLASS of Vancouver Island for 32 blankets. In consequence of this act he was given the nick name of "Blanket Bill." He came to Bellingham Bay in 1848 on a hunting expedition, there being thousands of swans, trouts, ducks and geese in those waters at that time. In 1849 he went to California to dig gold, the new El Dorado having been discovered in that state a year previous. A year later, 1850, he returned and located a donation claim at Samish flats on which now stands the town of Edison. He subsequently neglected the claim and lost it.
        He helped to raise the first flag pole at Fort Bellingham. At the flag pole raising in the city park of Whatcom a short time ago, when the Ladies Co-operative society secured the old flag pole, he was given the honor of officiating in the raising of the flag and unfurling "Old Glory" to the breezes.

-Miss Lena HANSON from Whatcom is visiting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. OLSON, this week.
-Mr. and Mrs. J. P. FELMLEY attended the wedding Sunday of their brother, L. N. FELMLEY and Miss Mary LeMASTER at Van Wyck.
-Lawrence and Mildred STARK is visiting his aunt and uncle in Mountain View this week.
-Mr. HENDRICKS and family of Dakota arrived in Mountain View on Saturday and are stopping at F. MOREHEADs. They will probably make their home here.

-Lew CHICHESTER, who got his wrist cut on the saw, will not lose the use of his thumb as was expected at first.
-Steve HOLEMAN has built a new grainery (sic) and expects to extend his improvements as far as a new chicken house and wagon shed.

-Albert and Oscar BACKSTROM have gone to Edison to visit their grandmother.
-Allen SMITH, formerly of this place but now of Quillisene (sic), Wash., is visiting his brother, F. R. SMITH.

-Miss Doretha R. WALLACE will teach the Alder Grove school next term.
-Esther HINTZ went to Blaine Monday to spend several days with her cousins, Otto and Joy PALMER.
-Thomas WALLALCE of Ft. Dodge, Iowa, arrived Monday for an extended visit with his sister, Mrs. Henry SHIELDS, and his sister-in-law, Miss Rosa WALLACE.

-Mrs. Eliza BURNS died last Friday died last Friday noon at her home on G street, at the age of 85 years. Funeral services were conducted Sunday by Rev. A. W. CHEATAM, of the Episcopal church.

-Irvine MORSE, the 16-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. I. MORSE, died of heart disease Friday morning at the home of his parents on 1014 Garden street. Although he had had trouble with his heart for some time it was not thought serious until about a month ago when he was taken sick. Everything possible was done to help him but he was unable to rally. Irvine was born in Whatcom, May 27, 1887, and had resided here ever since. He had a wide circle of friends and was universally admired. Funeral services were held at the First Baptist church on Sylvan street aat 11 o'clock and was attended by many sympathizing friends. The floral tributes were varied and beautiful. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery.

-Mrs. Mary COX, wife of Alex COX, died last week at her home on G street, after an illness of about two months. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. N. SMITH, pastor of the First Christian church. Interment was made in the Lynden cemetery.

-Elmer MEE met his death very suddenly Saturday evening by being run over by a street car. The body was crushed and bruised by the force of the collision and dragged for some distance, leaving it in a mangled condition. The accident occurred on Front street, Fairhaven. Just how the young man happened to be in front of the car is not known, but it is supposed that he had been riding on his wheel and was thrown off, striking the iron rails in such a manner as to stun him so he was apparently in an unconscious condition when the car struck him. Mr. MEE was 21 years of age and for some time had been employed as brakeman on the B.B. & B. C. railway. He was a sober industrious young man and steady in his habits, therefore no thought of his being intoxicated has been entertained. He leaves a father, George A., two sisters, Mrs. A. H. PENCE, Alice and one brother, Willis, to mourn his loss.

Mrs. M. A. F. SMITH and Mrs. T. E. SMITH, who for the past few weeks have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Minor McLAIN, left this week for their home in Bay City, Michigan.

Frank McPARLAND, who recently sold his farm near Ferndale, has purchased the E. E. WHITE's residence on A street in Whatcom.

The Ferndale hotel opened up under a new management last week with W. B. WILSON at the helm who will endeavor to feed hungry wayfarers from the old stand in the future.

Martin LARSON had the misfortune to lose a part of the middle finger of his left hand while operating a sausage machine in the rear end of BATSON & AVILA's butcher shop Tuesday.

Mrs. T. L. HODGE of Elba, Michigan, and Mrs. John STEPHENS of Seattle, are spending a few days as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira PORTER of Custer. They are taking advantage of the opportunity to attend the camp meeting at this place. Mrs. STEPHENS is a sister and Mrs. HODGE is a sister-in-law of Mrs. PORTER.

Ralph SISSON, who for the past few months has been working at various down sound points, is back again to mingle with his friends of this place. He hails from Sedro-Woolley and will remain a few days as a guest of his sister, Mrs. Frank COWDEN.

Friday, August 21, 1903:

F. L. KING and Miss Irma WHITMAN, both of this place, were united in marriage at noon Wednesday in the chambers of the superior court. Judge NETERER officiating. Only a few of the relatives of the bride were present at the ceremony.

At about 3:45 this morning fire destroyed the CLARKSON Bros', dry kiln, located about one mile south of this place on the Ferndale-Whatcom road. Very little insurance carried and the loss will be about $1,500.

-George PENNINGTON is busy these days hauling bolts with his new horse.
-Steve HOLEMAN lost a fine cow last week which foundered by eating too much green clover.
-Charlie LACK began to cut his grain this week and is wishing for the good weather to continue.
-Mr. and Mrs. George CRAIG had a pleasant surprise last Saturday in the form of a fine baby boy.
-M. KELLY is getting along fine with his well drill and expects to strike water soon.
-Jack DUNLAP isn't going to be out-done in the well business by his neighbors as he is having a well dug at his barn.
-The North Star school district is making preparations for the new school house. Miss Alice JENKINS of Fairhaven will teach the school.

Fred MEURER died at his home in Lynden Sunday night at 8 o'clock. His death was caused from injuries received some time ago by being kicked by a horse. The injury was at first not thought to be of a fatal nature although the animal struck him a severe blow in the pit of the stomach, but after lingering three weeks, during which time he endured much pain, he finally passed away. The funeral services were held at that place Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock.

(to be continued - volunteer needed)


Copied by Susan Nahas


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