Nellie Tilson Webb

1936 Diary

January - June

Nellie's Biography

1929   1930   1931   1932   1933
1934   1935   1936   1937    1938

Courtesy of
Palacios Area Historical Association
City By the Sea Museum




A. B. Pierce & Co.
Blessing, Texas




Wednesday, January 1
Cold. Mostly cloudy. - We slept rather late. – Put the house in order this forenoon. - Mrs. Pierce did a general putting away of papers which had accumulated in the living room. – We were Mrs. Smith’s dinner guests at the hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Farwell also. We spent a couple of hours there. Then came up the house and finished making the egg nog. Mr. Pierce’s guests began arriving before five o’clock – Three tables of cards amused some of them until 11 o’clock. – Lee went out with the boys, but John Henry was a home guest. – Mrs. Smith is spending the night in Pierce.

Thursday, January 2
Cold day. – Mrs. Pierce away to work early. – The boys at school an hour in the forenoon and another in the afternoon. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent since lunch, but came back early. – I put in the forenoon picking up things and putting away the laundry. Did a little washing for myself. – This afternoon did some of the mending and wrote a note to the city marshal at Palacios about my fire hazards. – Tonight a meeting was called here to prepare a program for the Federation meeting. Three new teachers responded to the call.

Friday, January 3
Bright sunshine this morning. – A pretty day. Warmer. General house cleaning most of the day. – Word was received this evening that a granddaughter of Mrs. Kuykendall’s had died while her throat was being operated on to remove a chicken bone. A sad New Years beginning for her people and friends. – Mrs. Pierce in Bay City all day. – Lee in Palacios tonight on a date. – John Henry asleep on the couch. – Mr. Pierce attending the nightly club meeting in the hotel lobby. – Mrs. Pierce writing letters. – I am jumping into bed.

Saturday, January 4
A most beautiful day. – General housework all forenoon. – This afternoon I received a card from Mrs. Bell saying John Mullins had passed away last Saturday after a long illness. Dear Marguerite and her boys. My sincere sympathy goes to them. – I wrote her at once and mailed the letter. – Mrs. Pierce and John Henry in Bay City at pictures show. – Lee in San Antonio with Mr. and Mrs. Ivo. Horse races. – Invitation from Mrs. Borden for turkey dinner tomorrow evening.

Sunday, January 5
Some cloudy. Not cold. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith drove to Buda today to be present at the funeral of Mrs. Kuykendall’s granddaughter, a child about nine years old. – I was the sole representative from the Pierce household at Sunday School this forenoon. – Mr. Pierce, who has a very severe cold, worked in his office most of the day. – The boys went to Bay City since dinner to see Will Rogers in “In Old Kentucky.” – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce were late getting home. A heavy fog made driving hazardous and slow. – We had to decline Mrs. Borden’s invitation.

Monday, January 6
A beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce away to Bay City early. – Mrs. Smith came up a moment (for her repaired skirt). – Old Aunt Bettie was buried this P. M. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent this P. M. – The AAA received its Waterloo today. I hope it is the beginning of a good ending. – Mrs. Pierce had a hard day. Tired out tonight. – The boys are out at the school building working on their school paper, the Beam. – Mrs. Dunn and brother came in this afternoon.

Tuesday, January 7
Dreary day. East wind. Drizzly rain. – Mrs. Pierce in Bay City all day. – Went to P. O. this P. M. and received the first check ($15.00) from the Studemans for house rent. They moved in last Friday. – Mr. Pierce brought a fish, red fish, from Sargent last night. – Mrs. Smith came up for dinner tonight. – The fish was fine. – Miss Coaley and Miss Truitt came up tonight to help plan the Federation meeting program for next Saturday. – The boys are out at the high school finishing the paper tonight. – Cold wind blowing, but not raining as I go to bed.

Wednesday, January 8
Cloudy until afternoon. – Today I spent in Mrs. Pierce’s car. – Went to Palacios early this forenoon. Called on the Studemans. He has the flu, but is better. Stopped at Nester’s and bought a bottle of Listerine. – Waited at the plant for Mrs. Pierce. – Then we drove to Bay City where I had the Studemans check cashed and finished paying my taxes. – Then to Sargent where Mrs. Pierce paid off the [canning kitchen] workers, as she did in Blessing. Palacios and Bay City. – We arrived at home in time to eat dinner with the family.  – Lee’s new Terraplane was delivered to him tonight. – Mr. Lucas was a passenger today.

Thursday, January 9
Grand day. – Mrs. Pierce off to work early. – After lunch, Lee drove me out to Live Oak Farm in his new car, to see Mrs. Smith’s Hereford calves—30 of them. She has a number of men working on her ravine. Cutting out the underbrush and the dead limbs and trees. We drove out in the pasture to find the calves, but got stuck instead. – Robert came with a team and pulled us out. Then we drove to the west field where there is much grubbing being done and a fine field will be the result. The calves are fine. All about the same size. – Mrs. Pierce, some of the teachers and I went to Bay City to see the Marx Brothers.

Friday, January 10
Sunshine and clouds. – Mrs. Pierce away early. – Odeal washed sweaters today. – Lee drove a car load of basketball playing boys to Galena Park this afternoon. Will come back some time tonight. – Have felt quite busy today. Took a pill last night and have a cold. – John Henry on a date. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce helping out at the school building. Getting ready for the Federation tomorrow.

Saturday, January 11
A perfect day. Calm. Sunshine. – Mrs. Pierce and her helpers were at work early preparing for the entertainment of the representatives of the different clubs. – About 50 guests ate at the hotel. I did not go off the place today. Have worked hard. Trying to make the house look attractive to the guests Mrs. Pierce brought for dinner, which were Mr. and Mrs. White and son, Mrs. Reed. After dinner we visited awhile and the guests were preparing to retire as they had been up since 2:30 A. M. and driven from Port Arthur, when Mr. and Mrs. Matthes came. They did not know when to go home, so Mrs. Reed and I are going to bed and leaving them visiting. – Lee and Ivo went to San Antonio. Horse races.

Sunday, January 12 – Mr. Farwell’s 81st Birthday
Did not sleep much last night. Dreadful cold. – Willie Jones failed to appear this morning, so Pearl did her best to prepare breakfast for the family and four guests. – Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Smith drove to Wharton to see Mr. McCrosky, but too late. They went back to attend his burial services in the afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce and her guests drove out to Hawley this forenoon and ate 12 o’clock dinner at the hotel. – They all came back to the house and about 4 o’clock started for Port Arthur. – Mrs. Smith came up and ate cold turkey in the kitchen, then drove down to see Miss Nannie. – The Pierces heard Rev. Engle preach tonight.

Monday, January 13
Norther blew up about 2 this morning. – Sick almost today. – Willie brought my breakfast up and I ate in my room, but was almost dressed. Such a terrible cold. Perhaps it is flu. Have not been out of the house all day. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent today. Brought back fish, sausage and greens. – Mrs. Pierce is staying over in Bay City to attend the Historical Society meeting tonight. – The boys went to Markham to play in a basketball game. – Did some mending and darning today. – Feel bum as I go to bed.

Tuesday, January 14
Very good day. – Wrote to Mrs. Bell this forenoon and did the really necessary house work. – Stamped a few napkins this P. M. and rested. Have felt quite miserable. – John Henry has a head cold, too, and Mr. Pierce is far from well. – Mrs. Pierce spent the day in Bay City and Palacios. Then she, Mr. Black, Mr. Cana [Kana?], Mr. Matthes, drove to Victoria about 6:30.

Wednesday, January 15 – Mrs. Van Bergen’s Birthday
Gorgeous day. – Have felt better today. – Put the house in order this forenoon, but did not do much since lunch. – Mrs. Pierce away to work early. – Lee painted some on the water tower and spilled his paint. – John Henry painting porch roofs at home. – Mrs. Pierce down at the hotel tonight getting data for the Historical Book. – Lee at Mary Dean’s studying for tomorrow’s exams. John Henry on a Midfield date.

Thursday, January 16
Windy day. – Think the wind about put me to bed today. I could not force myself to do much of anything. – Mrs. Pierce away early with the pay checks for the different projects. – She came home early (for her) and we went to see “A Tale of Two Cities,” Ronald Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, John Henry and myself. Mr. Pierce was our host. – We drank coffee before coming home. – Hope I did not do wrong by going before my cold is well.

Friday, January 17
Pretty day, but windy. – Don’t think I took extra cold last night. Have felt real well all day. – The boys had a typing test this afternoon – Lee in Palacios tonight. – John Henry has a cold. – Odeal did some more washing today. Age stained linen. – Mrs. Pierce came home tired tonight. – Mrs. Sides came just as she sat down to eat her dinner. She never knows when it is time for her to leave. – Mrs. Pierce and John Henry expect to go to Houston tomorrow. – A norther is reported on the way.

Saturday, January 18 – Clinton 1934-1936
Very cold windy day. A norther was on when we awoke. – Lee left early going to San Antonio with “Ivo.” – Mrs. Pierce and John Henry drove to Houston. – Mr. Pierce to Sargent. – I plugged the north door this P. M. to keep some of the wind out. – They drained all of the car radiators tonight as freezing weather is reported.

Sunday, January 19 – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce’s 27th Anniversary
Lee came home last night. Did not have “luck” at the races. – Shallow water was frozen over this morning. – Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Dunn and brother ate turkey dinner here today, but left immediately to see the picture “Captain Blood” in Bay City. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Miss Warrington and I also went to see it. A very fine production. – John Henry was almost sick with a cold so stayed at home. – Lee and Pie came to the house and ate toasted sandwiches. Then they drove Miss Warrington to the hotel. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell called while we were away.

Monday, January 20
Wrote to Marguerite today and sent for a picture for Mrs. Smith. – Most beautiful day. – Mrs. Smith had two pigs killed today. Gave one to the Pierces and the other she gave to different families where it was most needed. – This afternoon she took me to Palacios with her. She had spareribs for Miss Nannie. – Mrs. Lothridge seems very much improved in health. – We drove out to Live Oak and I saw the 11 baby pigs. A nest full of them. – Mrs. Pierce in Palacios and Bay City today. – The boys out of school working on paper, “Beam.”

Tuesday, January 21 – Mother-8 Years Ago
Very, very unpleasant day. Cold, rainy, cloudy. – John Henry wisely kept to his bed all day on account of his cold. – Mrs. Pierce at work. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent. They both came to a cold dried up dinner about 7:30 P.M. – Tonight the weather seems much warmer, but the furnace is still on to the tune of $30.00 or more for the past month.

Wednesday, January 22
Perfect morning. All sunshine which continues all day. – Mrs. Pierce away all day, but came back tonight in time for dinner with her family. – John Henry in bed yet. His cold does not seem to leave very rapidly. – Mrs. Smith came to see him this afternoon. – Willie Jones fried the sausage meat and will pack it in jars tomorrow. – I did house cleaning all forenoon. – Set a hen this P. M. and mended. – Washed my hair.

Thursday, January 23
Willie Jones and his clerk? took their offended dignities and departed before breakfast. – Mr. Pierce locked the kitchen door so they could not get in to the kitchen. He (Mr. Pierce) cooked breakfast. – Mrs. Pierce went to work and the men folks ate toasted sandwiches for lunch. – We all went to the Community House to an oyster supper tonight. – The day has been a beautiful one. – Jack worked here all day. – I put up the sausage.

Friday, January 24
Grand day. – Mrs. Pierce away early. I struggled through an abominable day. – Tried to do some roasting in this oven about which I know nothing. Spent a hectic day. – Mrs. Pierce came home early and helped finish the poorest dinner I ever sat down to. – At 12 o’clock, I fed the males canned soup. That was easy, but I am so tired tonight I could cry.

Saturday, January 25 – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell’s 54th Wedding Anniversary
Got along better today. – Am not such a fool as I thought I was yesterday. However, I am not a success in the kitchen, thank goodness. – Lee off to the San Antonio races early. – Mrs. Pierce and John Henry to Bay City. – Mr. Pierce to Sargent. – Cleaned the house, changed the beds and had dinner ready when Mrs. Pierce came xcept broiling a steak. – Jack helped in a good many ways. – Am not so tired tonight. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have gone to a ball game.

Sunday, January 26
Cold windy day. – Mrs. Pierce sick last night. Too much of my cooking, I guess. – We struggled through breakfast and were Mrs. Smith’s guests at the hotel. – She and Mr. Pierce attended Mr. Bob [Robert Duncan] Murry’s funeral service this P. M. – I wrote two letters this P.M. – Lee came home this P. M. Seems to have had almost enough “playing the ponies.” – He and Pie ate lunch, then John Henry and they picked up another date and went to a picture show. – Willie came back tonight ready to cook breakfast in the morning.

Monday, January 27
The atmosphere looked as the snow might be falling soon, but not so cold until later in the day. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent this afternoon. Not intending to come home tonight. – Odeal did not come to do the washing. Sensible. – The boys both at home tonight, but as we go to bed at 11 o’clock,  Mrs. Pierce has not come. She is attending the Historical Meeting in Bay City. – A drizzly rain is freezing now. – Jack put the barnyard chickens in the cow shed house tonight. – Letter from Feather and Son.

Tuesday, January 28
Mrs. Pierce slept on the couch in the living room last night. She went to the movie last night after the meeting. Came home in the sleet. – Had a time starting her car this morning. – Everything covered with sleet this morning, tho it did not seem to be freezing and by mid afternoon all sleet except on the north side had melted. – Mr. Pierce came from Sargent this P. M. – The cattle are cold. Some liable to die. – Mrs. Pierce came home in time for dinner and is working on her reports, etc. tonight. – The boys at home tonight.

Wednesday, January 29
Cold, drizzly, windy day. – Mrs. Pierce had trouble starting her car this morning. Tonight she left it in Billie’s garage, so she will not have to plow thru the mud in the morning. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent and back since lunch. Cattle cold. – Mrs. Pierce came home early and is working at home tonight. – Lee has taken Pie and some boys to Bay City to basketball. – Not sleeting, nor freezing tonight. – Letter from Mrs. Bell.

Thursday, January 30 – President’s 54th Birthday
Much welcome sunshine today. North wind and a fine prospect for a white frost tonight. – Gave the house a thoro cleaning today. – No washing this week. Odeal sick. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Sargent this forenoon. Taking checks to the canning kitchen workers. – Both boys at home tonight. – We listened to the President’s birthday speech and to the ball programs until eleven o’clock. – Now going to bed.

Friday, January 31
A most beautiful day all day. – Mrs. Pierce away at her work. – Mrs. Smith came this P. M. and brought a loaf of nut bread. – The waiter at the hotel moved out of Willie’s room this morning, so Willie house cleaned this forenoon and is again living “at home.” – We all went to see a basketball game at the school auditorium tonight. Blessing and Gulf carried off the honors. – Cold, cloudy tonight.


Saturday, February 1
Rainy drizzle all day. – House cleaning and bed changing kept me employed until 3 P. M. then I did a little mending which caught up the pile thanks to no washing being done this week. – Ripped and rebasted a dress for Mrs. Smith to make it longer. – She and Mrs. Dunn drove to Houston today. – Mr. Pierce is at Sargent tonight. – The boys at the dance in Palacios. – Mrs. Pierce sorting papers. – I, going to bed.

Sunday, February 2 – Leap Year
The boys came in early and slept late. – Mrs. Pierce washed her hair. – No one went to S. S., but she put in most of the day looking her clothes over and deciding which to dispose of. – John Henry was quite indisposed until evening. Then he had a date. – Lee and Pie came in for a short time before going to see a picture. – Mr. Pierce came home from Sargent pleased with the condition he found the cattle in.

Monday, February 3
Dreary, rainy weather. – Today I received my rent from the Studemans and $1.50 from Central Power and Light Co. – On account of the weather, the washing was not done today. – Fine weather to stay indoors by a good fire. – Mrs. Pierce out driving over the county waiting on the workers in her territory.

Tuesday, February 4
Cold windy day. – This forenoon Lee drove to me to Bay City where I cashed the checks I had on hand. $23.80 – After lunch he drove me to Palacios where I paid $16.53 to Feather and Son for insurance on my house and furniture for 1936. – Stopped at the Beacon office and had the Beacon sent to the Bells for a year. – Then to the Love home where I visited while Lee went to break his date with Pie for tomorrow night. – Washing done today. – 1 yr since my last visit in the Farwell house.

Wednesday, February 5
Mr. Pierce to Sargent. – Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and Lee to Houston. They all made an early return. – Lee going  on to Palacios. – A letter from Alice telling me of Charles’ death the 25th of January. – Odeal ironed all day. – There was an hour or more sunshine in which she tried to dry the sheets, but had to take them down before dark as rain is sure to fall tonight. – Furnace consuming gas and fire in the fireplace.

Thursday, February 6
Think it must have rained slowly all night. There was much water on the ground this morning. – Mrs. Pierce drove first to Palacios and then to Bay City. – Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Smith drove to Bay City since lunch. They signed the long delayed oil lease this afternoon. – The sun shone for a short time this afternoon and tonight the wind has ceased blowing. The sky is clear and a full moon is shining. – Mrs. Pierce is attending a Library meeting tonight. – Odeal ironed this afternoon.

Friday, February 7
White frost last night, but the sun shone a good deal today. – Odeal could not come today, will finish the ironing tomorrow. – Mrs. Pierce away at work. – Gave the house a thorough sweeping and dusting including the third floor.- Then did mending. – Mrs. Pierce was not so late coming home tonight, tho we had finished dinner when she came. – Lee attending a basketball game in Bay City. – Mrs. Pierce’s car all out of fix. She left it at Billie’s.

Saturday, February 8
Beautiful sunshine this A. M. – Mrs. Pierce did not leave until about eleven o’clock this forenoon. Waiting for her car and communing with Mr. Black. – Mr. Pierce and Jack went to Sargent since lunch and will not be back until tomorrow. – Odeal finished the ironing this forenoon. – A wet norther arrived about noon. – Two white boys came to the door for food this afternoon. – John Henry and I fed them and gave one of them shoes. – Mrs. Smith came this P. M. anxious to see Mr. Pierce. – Sargent is to be sold the 3rd of March”?” – Mrs. Pierce went to see her tonight. – The boys at basketball game.

Sunday, February 9
Cold, cloudy morning. – Missed Jack to do the feeding yesterday evening and this morning. – Cloudy all day, but warmer. – This afternoon Mrs. Pierce, John Henry and I went to see “Magnificent Obsession” in Bay City. A fine picture. – Mrs. Pierce went to see Mr. Erickson, also. Mind much relieved as a consequence. – Tonight Rev. Engle came over, but only Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Pierce and I were at the church, so he did not preach. – Mr. Pierce and Jack came back about dark. Brought some timber trees to plant here.

Monday, February 10
A most beautiful day. All sunshine. – Mrs. Pierce and John Henry drove to Houston today to see about some work offered him. He has two places to choose from. So did not come back with his mother. – Mr. Pierce drove to Palacios this P. M. Found Mr. Barnett in bed with intestinal flu. – I cleaned house until 4:30 P. M. – Washing done today. – A board meeting here tonight. – Mrs. Pierce very tired. – Mr. Pierce seems to be developing another cold. – Lee at home tonight. – I miss John Henry.

Tuesday, February 11
Cloudy day. – Warmer. Wind more east. – Another long day without John Henry. – Lee driving Mrs. Smith’s wood truck. – Mrs. Pierce in Palacios and Bay City. – Did housework. Put the laundry away and did part of the mending. – Mrs. Pierce stayed in Bay City tonight to attend a meeting. Did  not “get in” until almost midnight. – Car trouble in Bay City.

Wednesday, February 12 – 127th Anniversary of Lincoln’s Birthday
Misty, cloudy morning and very little sunshine all day. – Mrs. Pierce spent the day in Bay City. Coming home in time for dinner tonight. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent since lunch. Coming home about nine o’clock. – Mrs. Pierce is typing her school board meeting minutes as I go to bed at 11:30. – A letter from John Henry. He is working and at his old boarding house.

Thursday, February 13
Perfect day. All sunshine and a south wind. – Jack cleaned the grease spot out of the living room rug this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce off to work early. – Since the Tharps have moved to Blessing, Madge rides to Bay City to her work with Mrs. Pierce often. – Lee had his last tooth filled this P. M. Three cavities. – Sent some things to John Henry today. – Mrs. Beard and her sister came to visit Mrs. Pierce tonight (but did not stay long). – She is typing as I go to bed at 11 o’clock. – The end of a perfect day. – Invitation to Mackay for Sunday P. M.

Friday, February 14 – Valentine Day
A norther arrived during the night, so the day has been cold, but dry. – Mrs. Pierce sent me a Valentine. She remembers so many of the small things to do for others. – Mrs. Smith came just before lunch and invited me to drive to Bay City with her this P. M. I truly enjoyed the afternoon. It drove the blues away.  – Mrs. Pierce came home from Bay City just before lunch as the auditor came to go over the books this afternoon. – He helped her make out a requisition for a grant. – Real cold tonight as I go to bed at 9:30.

Saturday, February 15
A grand day. – Big day for the Y. W. C. A. (?). Am not sure that is the name. At any rate, an all day session is being held at the Community House with dinner at the hotel. – Mrs. Pierce deserted her work today to attend the doings. – Lee painting the remodeled house Mrs. Smith is putting in order out on the Midfield highway. – Did some repair work on a dress for Mrs. Smith this P. M.  – When Mrs. Pierce came home from the meeting, we drove out to see the eleven little pigs at Live Oak Farm and the Hereford calves and the house being remodeled. – Mrs. Pierce at home tonight. – Lee in Palacios at the dance.

Sunday, February 16
Mostly a dreary day. A little sunshine this afternoon. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent early this morning and did not return until dark tonight. – Mrs. Smith in bed all day. Sick headache. – We, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn, were invited to eat turkey (Borden) dinner this afternoon, but as events developed there was no one left to go except Mrs. Pierce and myself. So she thought best to stay at home. (I, too.) We went to S. S. this forenoon and to see Mrs. Smith twice. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell were afternoon callers.

Monday, February 17
Mrs. Pierce off to work early. – Odeal came, but a slow rain was falling, so she did not wash. – The sun shone a few minutes this afternoon, but a norther soon arrived and it is cold and windy tonight. – Mr. Pierce and Lee attended a basketball game at the high school tonight. – I did some repair work on a couple of slips for Mrs. Smith today. – Mrs. Pierce was late coming home tonight as she stayed in Bay City to hear a missionary Dr. lecture. – Very cold as I go to bed at 11 o’clock.

Tuesday, February 18
Very cold this morning, but the sun was bright. – Put hot water in the car radiator for Mrs. Pierce and she was off for Bay City. – Water froze in the chicken’s drinking pans and the trough in the barn yard was frozen over thick. – Mrs. Pierce took some girls to Bay City to register, but the woman in charge of the office is sick, so Mrs. Pierce came home early to bring the girls. – Today I put a patch in Mrs. Pierce’s blue evening wrap. – A mouse had collected some of the velvet from a sleeve to use in making her nest. The job has given me a nightmare ever since. I knew it had to be done, but it was not so bad finally. – Cold and clear tonight. No wind tonight.

Wednesday, February 19 – Mr. Fraser’s Birthday
Raw and cloudy all day. – Mrs. Pierce off to Bay City early and Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent this forenoon and has not returned tonight. – Odeal washed, but the clothes did not dry. A drizzly rain fell on them. – Lee working for his Aunt Pearl on the cabin she is repairing. – Tonight Mrs. Pierce and I drove down to Mrs. Smith’s and I fitted a white ready made uniform on her. Also a silk slip.

Thursday, February 20
Mrs. Dunn in her car and Mrs. Smith in her’s drove to Houston today. – The Pierce household ate oyster supper at the Community House tonight. (Home Demonstration Club) – Them Mrs. Pierce and I rode to Palacios in Mrs. Side’s car to attend an old fashioned dance given to raise funds for child welfare operations.

Friday, February 21
A beautiful day.- Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City early.- Lee up and off to Victoria at 6 o’clock this morning. (basketball). – Mr. Pierce ate dinner (12 o’clock) out at the high school in the home economics room. Miss Coaley’s guest. – Tonight Miss Coaley, Miss Truitt, Miss Warrington and Mrs. Smith ate oyster stew and fish here. Mr. Pierce’s guests. – Lee will be home some time tonight. – A most gorgeous day.

Saturday, February 22 – Washington’s Birthday
Beautiful day, all sunshine. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent before noon. – Mrs. Borden, her brother and his wife, and Mr. Winston came by soon after noon and Mrs. Pierce went to Sargent with them. They were on an oyster eating expedition. – Soon after dark, they came back and called at the house for water. – Mr. Pierce and Jack did not come home tonight. – This afternoon I went to the hotel to collect for 51 pounds of hen which Mrs. Walker bought some time ago. She is sick. – Billy Linder is in a critical condition in the Loos hospital after an appendicitis operation.

Sunday, February 23
Windy. Beautiful day. – I went to S. S. this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce has a terrible cold, but came to preaching at 11 o’clock. – Mrs. Smith came up and ate dinner with us. Then she and Sime went some place to see about corn. – Mrs. Pierce worked at her desk all afternoon. - Tonight we were Mrs. Smith’s guests to see ____ in Bay City. – Mr. Pierce was at home when we came back. – Mrs. Van Bergen not so well.

Monday, February 24
Beautiful day. Windy. – Mrs. Pierce was at home until after 12 o’clock. Had a bad cold and bad foot. – I went to Palacios and Victoria with Mr. Pierce. – Mrs. Pierce could have gone, too, but Madge was sick, so did not go to work. – We stopped at Mr. Barnett’s home and while I waited in the car, Mrs. Elliott came over and chatted quite a while. – Then we parked the car in Victoria and I strolled around while Mr. Pierce attended to business. – Am so glad I had the opportunity to look up the old land marks. – We ate fish and oysters in Port Lavaca on the way home. – Mrs. Pierce at Historical Meeting in Bay City tonight.

Tuesday, February 25
Windy. Windy. Windy. – Am simply worn to a frazzle by the wind today. Have been out among the chickens a good deal. Took off 10 little chicks. The other five eggs had dead chicks in them. – Mrs. Pierce off to her work this morning. Took some people over with her. – Her toe is very painful. – Tonight Mr. Matthes is here discussing school matters as I take a bath and go to bed.

Wednesday, February 26
Phone call from Mackay reports Mrs. Borden ill, so she postponed their dinner visit in the Pierce home until tomorrow night. – Just a busy day. Cleaned the second floor thoroly. – Mrs. Pierce on the road early, but came home early, too. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent this afternoon taking Mr. Rickaway with him. They will not be home tonight. – Lee eating oysters at Hilda’s.

Thursday, February 27 – My 68th Birthday
House cleaned the lower floor. – Mrs. Pierce came home early and helped prepare a dinner for Mrs. Borden, Dr. Hough, Mrs. Hough, Mr. Winston, Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Farwell. – A cake appeared at the end of the dinner which was decorated with 21 candles and placed in front of me in honor of my birthday. – It was Mrs. Pierce’s surprise for her guests and myself. – Thank you many times Mrs. Pierce for your thoughtfulness.

Friday, February 28
Beautiful day. – Message from Mackay. Mrs. Borden sick. – We were to have eaten dinner with her and her guests tonight. – Mrs. Pierce spent a hectic day with her work. Their office has been moved into small quarters and more people crowded into it. – Am truly tired tonight. Spent the day cleaning up after the dinner last night. – I don’t think it pays. – Mrs. Smith came up a few minutes tonight – Lee in Port Lavaca. Basketball.

Saturday, February 29
Beautiful day. – Sold 20 hens to the women who are serving dinner to the men attending the Field Trials tomorrow. – Mrs. Pierce at work in Bay City. – Mr. Pierce and Jack went to Sargent this P. M. Mr. Pierce came home early. – Mrs. Smith ate back bone with us tonight. – John Henry came just as we finished dinner. – He went to the dance at Palacios with Lee and Pie tonight. – Board meeting in progress as I go to bed.


Sunday, March 1 – The Field Trials
Not a pretty day. Cloudy and raw. – The Field Trials began today. Many dogs. – Mrs. Pierce and I went to S. S. Many of the women were absent preparing dinner at the Community House for the dog fans. – We stopped to see Mrs. Smith who is in bed with a sick headache. – Lee did not get up until this P. M. “The Morning After.” – John Henry seemed glad to be here. He is a joy. – Tonight both boys are out on dates. – Mr. Pierce, also, so Mrs. Pierce and I went to see “The King of Comedy” in Bay City. – We are both tired and going to bed now.

Monday, March 2
Rain began falling early this forenoon and continued all day. – Odeal did the washing, but could not dry the clothes. – Willie Jones’ brother-in-law? picked and prepared 30 chickens for the Field Trials banquet tomorrow night. – Mrs. Pierce away at work. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent to bring Jack home as the heavy rain has stopped farming operations down there for two weeks. – Lee working on the school paper tonight. -  Going to bed early.

Tuesday, March 3
Still cloudy and misty this morning. – Mrs. Pierce at work. – Mr. Pierce busy with the banquet he and the sophisticated young women of Blessing are serving to the dog fans tonight. – Mr. and Mr. Gregory of the Houston Post are to sleep here tonight. – Mrs. Pierce and I addressed something over 100 letters to the patrons of the Blessing school district tonight. – Raining as I go to bed. – Sargent sold today. – The Harwells? bid it in???

Wednesday, March 4
Rainy forenoon. – Lee, Mrs. Pierce and I went to Houston today. Left the Gregorys in bed. – Mrs. Greg. Spent the day here, resting. Too rainy and muddy to follow the dogs. – They went home before dinner tonight. – Mrs. Smith and Helen Cates were callers this forenoon, Mr. Pierce said. – We had a fine day in Houston. I bought a pair of shoes and a box of face powder. – Mrs. Pierce talked with John Henry by phone. – Lee has gone to Palacios tonight. – Mr. Pierce almost sick with a cold.

Thursday, March 5 – Dog Finals Today
Beautiful day. All sunshine. Light norther. – Mrs. Pierce away all day. – Mr. Pierce away all day. Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent today. – Mr. Walker of El Maton came up with him this forenoon to “splice the main stay.” – Worked all forenoon putting the house in order. – Sewed and did a little washing for myself this afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce’s car was a wreck when she drove into Bay City this morning. Its insides were burned out. She drove a borrowed Ford home tonight.

Friday, March 6
Grand day. – Mrs. Pierce away early this morning. Drove to Palacios first. Tonight she drove an Oldsmobile car home and we were Mr. Pierce’s guests to see “Rose Marie.” Jeanette McDonald and Nelson Eddy. – A most beautiful picture.

Saturday, March 7 – Father 1899-35 years
Lovely day. – My Father died 35 years ago today of pneumonia. He had been gone a day before I arrived in Anniston. He was the best man I ever knew. He was 56 years old when he died. – Mrs. Pierce at work. She came home with Madge this evening. Had decided to have a new engine put in her old car. – Mr. Pierce and Jack in Sargent hoping to do some disking. – Gave the house a thoro cleaning today.

Sunday, March 8
Rain began falling before noon and a regular soaker fell. I think it has been general. – Mrs. Pierce and I went to S. S. then were Mrs. Smith’s dinner guests at the hotel and were then taken to Bay City with Mrs. Dunn to see Wife vs. Secretary in Mrs. Dunn’s car. – The rain fell in torrents. – Lee and his crowd went off on a picnic this morning. Albert and Hilda are with them. – My stomach has been cutting up this evening, so I could not go to hear Rev. Engle tonight.

Monday, March 9
Lovely day. – Mary Dean took dictation this A. M. – Mr. Pierce spent a coughing night and has been in waiting on him. – Madge took care of the work in Bay City.- She spent the night in Pie’s home. Stuck in the mud down there last night. – Mrs. Smith drove to Houston today – I have felt quite bum all day, but not sick as I was last night. – Put a hem in a new dress for Mrs. Pierce today. Darned stockings left over from last week. – Surprise board meeting tonight. – Mrs. Dunn administered the healing potion to Mr. Pierce tonight.

Tuesday, March 10
Pretty day. – Mr. Pierce has seemed better today. – Mrs. Pierce drove Lee’s car to Bay City since lunch. Her’s will be ready for her tomorrow. – Mrs. Dunn came up a couple of times today. Mrs. Smith came this morning. – Mary Dean took dictation this morning. – An insurance man visited Mr. Pierce this afternoon – Mrs. Beard came up tonight anxious to have a private conference with Mrs. Pierce who had gone to Bay City with Lee and Pie, hoping to drive the new Ford home from the picture show.

Wednesday, March 11
Cloudy forenoon and some rain this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce drove Lee’s car to Bay City and Sargent today. Her car will be ready for her tomorrow morning. – Mr. Pierce seems much better tonight. He was down stairs an hour this afternoon. – Mr. Smith and Mrs. Dunn came up tonight. Mrs. Smith is full of rheumatism. – I have been sewing some today on Mrs. Smith’s slips, mostly.

Thursday, March 12
Good day. – Mr. Pierce went to his office today. Still coughing some. – Lee drove him to Sargent this afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce began driving her old car again this morning. A new engine having been put in it. – This forenoon I cleaned the house. – This afternoon I sewed some and cut out a white slip for Mrs. Pierce. – A board meeting tonight. – Set four hens tonight.

Friday, March 13
A good day. – Just a day. – Sweeping, sewing, etc. – Mrs. Pierce working. – Mr. Pierce in town all day. Not well, yet. – Tonight we and Madge went to Bay City to see “Crusade.” Mr. Pierce’s guests  - Lee at Wharton. Ballgame. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn ate supper at Live Oak Farm. Mrs. Smith is moving back to the farm.

Saturday, March 14
A pretty day. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Midfield this forenoon to attend the meeting of Federated Clubs. – A good attendance in spite of much sickness everywhere. – I met Mrs. Tandy who came with Mrs. Elliott and enjoyed a visit with her. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Bay City after the meeting adjourned. She attended to some business and drank tea with Mrs. Scott at the BayTex. – I bought some material for summer vests. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent for the week end.

Sunday, March 15
Windy, cloudy day. – Mrs. Pierce working on her books. – I went to S. S. Small attendance. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn came up an hour this afternoon. They were in Mrs. Smith’s new truck. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell were visitors later in the afternoon. – I wrote to Marguerite today. – Lee and Pie stopped to put up lunch for a picnic. – Mr. Pierce came from Sargent tonight. He stopped at Live Oak Farm to see Mrs. Smith. She spent last night there alone.

Monday, March 16
Windy. Windy. Windy. Cloudy and a little misty this forenoon, but the wind finally changed to the north. The sun came out and we had a drying afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Palacios and Bay City today. Very tired tonight, but a board meeting is being held here tonight. – Lee working on the school paper.

Tuesday, March 17 - Houston
Pretty day. – Mr. Pierce and Jack drove to Sargent this morning. – Mrs. Pierce and I came to Houston today. Drove Lee’s car. Mrs. Pierce’s car has a new engine and has to be driven slowly yet. – We were in Mrs. Rheubotham’s office until 1:30 P. M. Then ate lunch. From lunch drove to the Christian Church to hear Rev. [Toyohiko] Kagawa speak to a capacity audience from 3:30 to 5 P.M. – Then we did shopping for 30 min. or more. – Drove to John Henry’s boarding house and ate supper. – Then with Mrs. Vernier (?) and John Henry drove to the city auditorium to her the Japanese again. – Seats all full, so Mrs. Pierce parked the guest. John Henry went to a picture show and we sat on the rostrum steps. Were not so well pleased with his talk tonight. – Going to bed tired.

Rev. Toyohiko Kagawa

Wednesday, March 18
Beautiful day. – Ate breakfast with John Henry. Then drove uptown. Mrs. Pierce went to see Mrs. Rheubotham again and I bought a pair of pants. Then we did our shopping. I invested in dress material. White goods for a coat and a pair of much needed gaytees [boots].  Mrs. Pierce made some purchases for herself, also. – Then we drove out to the school building where John Henry is inspector for the new addition they are building. Saw him a few minutes and began the homeward journey. Ate lunch just before we left south Houston. Came home over the Almeda highway as Mrs. Pierce had to stay in Bay City to attend a PWA called meeting. We left there about six o’clock. Stopped in Markham on the way home. – Mr. Pierce came home tonight. Paul Wheeler and Mrs. Pierce are checking tins/time tonight.

Thursday, March 19
Pretty day. Windy tho. – A busy day after two days absence from the house. – Mrs. Pierce went to work at the usual time. – I wrote to her parents this afternoon for her and took the letter to the P. O. – The material, etc. we bought in Houston came today. – When oh when will I ever get it made up. – Tonight we attended the “Tonsil” dance at the Community House. A good sized crowd danced which added to the Tonsil Fund. – Going to bed after midnight.

Friday, March 20
Pretty day, but windy. – Swept the house. Took me about all day. – Then was out in the chicken yards preparing new nests. – Mrs. Pierce at work. – Mr. Pierce at home (or in his office) today. – Mrs. Pierce and I went to Bay City tonight to see Lily Pons in “I Dream Too Much.” She is a dainty little actress with a wonderful voice. – Wrote to Mr. and Mrs. Hall for Mrs. Pierce today. – Mrs. Borden came for chickens.

Saturday, March 21
Pretty day. – Housework, bed changing, setting hens. Took a hen off with 14 baby chicks. Hope the others will do as well. Loaned a setting hen to a woman to mother incubated chicks. – Mrs. Pierce working late, coming home tonight. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent tonight. – Lee and a crowd went to Sargent on an all night picnic this afternoon, so Mrs. Pierce and I are alone tonight. – Mrs. Van Bergen is not so well. Has been taken to the hospital.

Sunday, March 22
Good day. – Went to church this forenoon, but the minister failed to appear. Mrs. Pierce could not leave her books. She is getting them in order, so she will be ready to go to her sister at any moment if called. – Mrs. Smith came up a few minutes this P. M. and asked us to eat ice cream at her home and then be her guests to see Rose of the Rancho. – She and Mrs. Dunn drove up to see Mrs. Borden, but Mrs. Pierce could not leave her books. – We all went to Bay City in Mrs. Dunn’s car. – Overtook Mr. Pierce on the way home so Mrs. Smith rode home with him.

Monday, March 23 – Mr. Webb 1918-61 Years – 18 yrs away
Misty forenoon, but a lovely afternoon. – Did the chickens, the setting hens and the housework this forenoon. – After lunch went to Mrs. Duller’s store and bought some material to try my pattern on before cutting the flannel. Cut and basted the sample. Found it reasonably good. May cut the white flowered goods tomorrow. – Mrs. Beard came up for an hour tonight. Think she wondered if she is to be re-elected for another year. – Lee went to bed early tonight. Tired perhaps from his picnic. – Mrs. Pierce is working on checks as I go to bed at 10:30.

Tuesday, March 24
Fine norther this forenoon. – This forenoon Mrs. Smith and Lee took John, one of Mary’s boys, to the hospital in Galveston. He is seriously sick with pneumonia. – They covered the road in a hurry in Lee’s car. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner here then Mrs. Pierce and I took her out home and waited there until Mr. Pierce came by. He drove Mrs. Pierce’s truck to Sargent today. – Have been sewing and looking after sitting hens all day. – The cow and pony were both out tonight.

Wednesday, March 25
Fine day. – Every one attending their own business as far as I know. – The hens and housework, sewing, mending, eating and sleeping constitute mine. – The sunshine and dew are such a blessing for gardens, fields and trees. – Lee at home tonight. – Mrs. Pierce working at her table as I go to bed at 10:30

Thursday, March 26
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce drove to Houston. Lee’s passengers. – Mrs. Pierce failed to see Mrs. Rheubotham. She being out of town. – Today I sewed some and cut out Mrs. Pierce’s blue flannel coat. – Mrs. Smith came in just after dinner. She took her three silk slips home. I gave her the gladiola bulbs the Haywoods sent me as we have no place for flowers.

Friday, March 27
Very windy. – Mrs. Pierce away early. – Lee and Paul Braden left Blessing about five o’clock this morning to get cotton seed. They were back before lunch. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent just before lunch. – The Clow? gas man came to see Mrs. Pierce this P. M. – I did the Friday cleaning today. – Tired.

Saturday, March 28
Pretty day. – Just a busy day. Did a long job watering plants and washing porches this forenoon and looked after setting hens that don’t know enough to go back to their own nests. – Mrs. Pierce on her job. – Mr. Pierce came from Sargent late. – John Henry came home for the weekend. – The boys are attending the dance in Palacios tonight. Am reading “The Fountain.”

Sunday, March 29
Lovely day. – Mrs. Pierce and I attended preaching service this forenoon. Were shamefully late. – The boys slept late. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner here. Then she drove to Palacios to see Miss Nannie. – Mrs. Dunn and Jr. came up for an hour then went to see a picture. – John Henry took his mother and myself out to the cemetery. It is very beautiful and in order. – We met Mrs. Smith and Miss Nannie out there. Then drove to Live Oak Farm. – Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and I went to see “Follow the Fleet.”

Monday, March 30
Beautiful day. – A busy day. Have been so sleepy all day I could not stay awake to sew, but there were plenty of interruptions in the way of the phone and setting hens. – Tom the cat caught two baby chicks today, so Willie shot him. Too bad, because we took him in off the highway, a starving kitten and made a handsome cat out of him. – Mr. Black published his resignation today as principal of the high school.

Tuesday, March 31
Grand day. – Cleaned the coops for the baby chicks which will be hatching soon. – Soon after lunch, Mr. Cheppo phoned  a message from Mr. Van Bergen. – Mrs. Van is not so well. He may send for Mrs. Pierce at once. – Will telegraph again tomorrow. – Mrs. Dunn was going to Bay City, so took the message to Mrs. Pierce. – Mrs. Smith came in to inquire for Mrs. Van B., so Mrs. Pierce and I drove out to Live Oak after dinner. – She is making preparations to go to St. Paul tomorrow if called.


Wednesday, April 1
Another fine day. – Mrs. Pierce was at home all forenoon putting things in order to leave if necessary, but a message came from Mr. Van Bergen about 2 o’clock saying the Dr’s verdict after consultation was “no immediate danger.” So Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City feeling much relieved and rejoiced. – Mrs. Dunn came this morning and took 6 hens, 2 roosters and 13 doz eggs to “Laura.” Hope the chickens will not starve to death in their new home.

Thursday, April 2
Norther blew down upon us at 5 o’clock this morning. Cold all day. Fire in the fireplace. – Mrs. Pierce at work. – Lee helping his Aunt Pearl clean the lawn at the old Vawter place. – Mr. Pierce in Blessing all day. – Mrs. Smith phoned from Richmond about 5 o’clock that little Willie had been operated on for sinus, but she was then leaving for Galveston with him. Has more confidence in the physicians there, perhaps. – Applicants for the post of Supt. in the high school are coming thick and fast.

Friday, April 3
Beautiful day. Windy. – Worked with hens and baby chicks all forenoon and this afternoon until about 2 o’clock when Mrs. Smith came for me to ride to El Campo with her. She was hauling feed and we made two trips. – Then Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and I drove to Bay City to take Dr. Loos a ham from one of Mrs. Smith’s pigs. – We stopped to see “The Bride Comes Home.” – Then drove back to Live Oak Farm and waited there while Mrs. Smith took a bath. – The 4-H girls were having a picnic out at the Duffy highway camp, so we went out. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent tonight.

Saturday, April 4
Grand day. Some cloudy and misty. – Have been busy today. Chickens and house work all day. – Mrs. Bruse came and bought 13 ½ dozen eggs. – Mrs. Dunn came up and paid $8.30 for the chicks and eggs she took to Laura. – Mrs. Walker bought two roosters for the Sunday dinner at the hotel. – School election today. Lee sat on the Board. – Mrs. Pierce at work. Madge at home with “Roseola.” – Mrs. Borden, Miss Hough and Mrs. Russell called this evening. Drove into the backyard where I was feeding the chickens. – Mrs. Smith came in and ate a spare rib from her own pig. She goes to Galveston tomorrow to see little Willie. – Board meeting tonight.

Sunday, April 5 – Palm Sunday
A cloudy, windy day. – Went to Sunday School today. – Mrs. Pierce too busy with the canning reports to go. Not a large attendance today. – Next Sunday being Easter, more may be present. – Mr. Pierce went back to Sargent this afternoon. – Mrs. Smith drove to Galveston today. Took Willie’s wife and Ira. She found Willie’s condition improved and John can be moved from the hospital to his mother’s house tomorrow. She, Mrs. Smith, came here when she returned from Gal. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell spent an hour here this P. M. – Mrs. Pierce and I ate ice cream with Mrs. Smith tonight.

Monday, April 6
Norther again. Cold wind has blown a gale all day. – Odeal did not come to do the washing. – I did some sewing this afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce at work. – The ousted school supt. from Rockport whose position, Blessing’s Mr. Black has acquired, came to see Mrs. Pierce tonight and applied for the Supt. here. – Lee working for Mr. Yeager today. – Robert Sharp has a lame back. – Mr. Pierce is Sargent. – The norther is whipping young vegetation to death.

Tuesday, April 7
Nother continues. Very windy and cold. - Hard on baby chicks. I have 50+ just taken off. Mrs. Hammond came for setting eggs this morning. – Mrs. Pierce away early to work. – Lee worked for Mr. Yeager until noon. – Mrs. Van Bergen better. – Tonight the 4-H Girls or Home Economics and their sponsor and teacher, Miss Coaly, gave a dinner to the Teachers and Board. Mrs. Pierce said it was very nice. – Mr. Pierce came from Sargent late. – Junior Phillips spent the day in Sargent at the roundup.

Wednesday, April 8
Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. – A good fire in the fireplace all day and I have just about froze. Am glad it is bedtime so I can get warm. – Finished Mrs. Pierce’s blue flannel coat tonight. – An applicant for Mr. Black’s position came tonight. He is from Austwell. – Mrs. Smith continues sick. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove out to the farm about nine o’clock, but the gate was locked. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent. – Lee in Palacios.

Thursday, April 9
Beautiful sunshine. South wind. – Mrs. Dunn came up for a hen for Brother’s birthday. – Mrs. Pierce let her have it. – I am tempted to wring the necks of every one of the baby chicks in the yard and sell all of the grown ones. But I won’t. – Just a busy day. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove up to Markham tonight to see the play Blue Bonnet given by mostly local talent. Very good. – Mrs. Sides ate dinner here tonight.

Friday, April 10 – Good Friday
A beautiful day, but a sad one. Mrs. Van Bergen died this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce left for Houston about 11:30 Lee driving. The first message said “come at once.” She left here expecting to go by plane, but when the second message came “she had gone.” So Mr. Pierce found her at the Depot by phone and she is going by train. – Poor little brave mother. – Mr. Pierce went back to Sargent this afternoon. – Mrs. Smith came and ate supper with me. Then she thought we had better go to see “Little Lord Fauntleroy” instead of sitting at home thinking. The picture was a sweet one. When we came back, we brought the little white dog, Lady, to stay with me while Mrs. Pierce is away. Am alone nights so often. – Lee was in bed when I came back.

Saturday, April 11
A beautiful day. – This forenoon I went to Bay City with Mrs. Smith. Bought a black straw hat. $5.00. – Mrs. Smith ordered flowers sent to the Hall family. I sent some, too. – After lunch we drove to Palacios where I found some things for Little Willie’s family. – Had a good visit with Mrs. Studeman, too. – Then we went to Stewart’s furniture store and Mrs. Smith used $5.00 Mr. Yeager gave her to buy chairs, etc. for Little Willie’s home. We brought it all up in the truck and placed it in the house. – Mr. Pierce came from Sargent in time for dinner tonight. – Then we drove out to see Mrs. Smith for an hour. – A telegram from Mrs. Pierce in St. Louis said she would be in St. Paul tomorrow morning at 7:55 A. M. A sad journey.

Sunday, April12 – Easter
Beautiful day. – A busy hard day. – Mrs. Smith was to go to Galveston today, but Robert came in early to say Mrs. Smith was sick and asked Lee to go. So he took Willie Jones and his sweety and Ira. The little Willie could not be brought home, yet. – Mr. Pierce and I ate dinner at the hotel. – Then I came up home and got into my barnyard clothes, took off 67 little chicks and spent the afternoon in the chicken yard. So thankful no callers came. – A message from Mrs. Pierce said Mother, Dad and Fred met her. Funeral tomorrow afternoon. Poor sorrowing group. – Mr. Pierce and I went to hear Rev. Engle preach tonight. – Am so tired.

Jeannette Hall Van Bergen

Monday, April 13
Mr. Pierce and Jack off early to Sargent, but he is at home tonight. – My day has been just the usual hectic one. Housework and chickens. – Mrs. Smith came in just as we were sitting down to dinner tonight. – She is worried about little Willie. He was not ready to leave the hospital yesterday. – Letter from Mrs. Pierce written in St. Louis. – They are hauling shell on the street in front of this place.

Tuesday, April 14
Beautiful day. – Just busy. – Wrote a long letter to Mrs. Pierce. – Worked in the chick yard. Did the housework. – Madge said this morning that Mrs. Pierce was not likely to get her work back when she returned. If she wants it, I hope she will not be disappointed. – Mrs. Smith came a moment to get the pillows for little Willie. – Have the shell all placed in the Pierce block. Going on east.

Wednesday, April 15 – Mrs. Dunn’s 53rd Birthday
Beautiful day. – Gave the house a real good cleaning today. – Everything was covered with dust from the shell hauling. – Mrs. Smith drove to Galveston today and brought Willie home. He was pleased with the new home Mrs. Smith had prepared for them. – Mrs. Smith came here just as Lee and I were eating dinner, so she ate, also, and then we drove to Palacios to see Miss Nannie and Mrs. Lothridge. – Mr. Pierce came home a few minutes tonight. Went back to Sargent. – Sent a note to John Henry.

Thursday, - April 16
My day to have company. – Mr. Farwell brought Mrs. Farwell and Mrs. Tandy up to spend the day with me. – We had a pleasant day and Willie gave us a nice 12 o’clock dinner. We stretched out on the beds an hour after dinner, then sewed and talked. Mr. Farwell came for them just before six o’clock, so we all ate supper. – Mrs. Smith came just as they were leaving and asked me to ride to Bay City with her. She was taking Marion to the Dr. – We went to see Mae West in “Klondike Annie.” – Were caught in a hard rain coming home, but no rain here. – Shut the chicks up about eleven o’clock. – Going to bed now. – Lee in Palacios at a dance. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent.

Friday, April 17 – My wedding day 48 years ago
Rained this forenoon some. – Had quite a time with the baby chicks to keep them in the coops while it was raining, but the sun came out before noon and the day was beautiful. – Shut up a coop full of setting hens tonight. Do not expect to hatch anymore chicks this spring. – Lee took a carload of ball players to Victoria today, but the other team failed to show up, so they go back tomorrow. – The Blessing players are meeting in Danevang tonight to arrange for a series of games. – Telegram for Lee today from his mother.

Saturday, April 18
Fine day all day. – A busy day. Just Saturday. – Lee and a crowd went to Sargent this afternoon to spend the night at the Braden camp. – No word came from Mrs. Pierce. – Mrs. Smith came in just as I was sitting down to supper, so she ate with me and then we drove down to see Mrs. Lothridge and Miss Nannie. – Mrs. Smith was very tired. So was I. – Mr. Pierce did not come home until almost eleven o’clock tonight.

Sunday, April 19
Beautiful day. – Went to S. S. today. Small attendance. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner with Mrs. Dunn, so Mr. Pierce and I were alone. – He received a letter from Mrs. Pierce today. – They are terribly broken up since Mrs. Van Bergen has gone. – Mr. Pierce went back to Sargent this evening. Was intending to stop at Live Oak Farm. – Lee came home long enough to take a bath. Then went to Palacios.

Monday, April 20
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Smith and I drove to Houston today. – Went in Mrs. Pierce’s car which Mrs. Smith is keeping out at Live Oak Farm. Putting in running condition for Mrs. Pierce and driving some herself. – I had a most enjoyable day. Was entirely Mrs. Smith’s guest. Went to lunch which was a fine slice of rare roast beef, a hot biscuit, a cup of coffee and a strawberry short cake. – I had my hair washed while Mrs. Smith was having work done, too. We arrived at home before dark. Mrs. Smith very tired. – Willie and Odeal took care of the baby chicks. – Lee in Houston on baseball business.

Tuesday, April 21
Rain. Much needed rain. – I received a letter from Mrs. Pierce today and wrote a long one to her this afternoon. – This forenoon was a rainy one. – Mrs. Smith sent for Lee to drive the truck for her to haul feed from El Campo this morning. He did not go to bed until 8 o’clock this morning, so was very sleepy. – They hauled one load, but the rain stopped any more hauling. – I spent the forenoon with the chickens. Trying to keep them dry. – Did not lose any. – The sun shone some this afternoon, so I let most of them out and cleaned their coops well. – Lee has gone to Palacios to see Elizabeth Stadig. – It is raining some as I go to bed at 9:30. – Willie is sleeping in his room tonight.

Wednesday, April 22
Rain last night and a norther this morning with some sunshine during the day. – Real cold tonight. A fire in the fireplace was most welcome. – Lee did some hauling for his Aunt Pearl today. – Mrs. Kuykendall came to spend a time with Mrs. Smith today. Mrs. Smith met her at LaGrange. – Mr. Pierce came home in time for supper. A heavy rain fell at Sargent. – Lee at home tonight. He has a cold. Very hoarse in his throat. Took a hot drink tonight. – All going to bed early.

Thursday, April 23
Fine day all day. – Just an ordinary day. – Hens hatching. Breaking up all that are trying to set now. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent since lunch. – Lee is in Palacios tonight. At the dance, perhaps. – Rec’d a letter from John Henry today. – Mr. Pierce had a letter from Mrs. Pierce yesterday and Lee one today. – Have not been doing much sewing since the chicks began hatching. Lady and I are going to bed early. – Both tired.

Friday, April 24
Pretty day.- Am completely exhausted tonight. Have been real busy all day. Chickens and some house cleaning. – Mrs. Smith came in a moment this morning. Mrs. Kuykendall is not well and Iris had a headache. – Mrs. Beard phoned Willie to make a birthday cake for John Warren, but Willie found he was too busy. – Lee at home tonight. – Glad not to be alone.

Saturday, April 25
Beautiful day. – Real busy all day. – Chickens and housework. – Today was county election. – Lee was on the election board. – I voted to please him. First time I had been to town for weeks. – Long letter from Mrs. Pierce which I was glad to receive. – Mr. Pierce came home early to vote. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kuykendall came a short while tonight. – Mr. Pierce entertains with a fish fry Wed. evening at Sargent. – Jack came home also with a cut foot. Barbed wire.

Sunday, April 26
Another beautiful day. – Went to S. S. this forenoon. No preaching service. The minister has been assigned to a full time church. – This afternoon I rested some. Should have written letters. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up for a short time. – Lee and Pie came after the ball game to eat sandwiches. – Mr. Pierce attended the Community picnic at Hawley this afternoon. Then went to Sargent. – Lee asked me to go to see Cantor in “Strike Me Pink,” so I went with him and Pie. The picture was quite funny.

Monday, April 27
Grand day. – Odeal had a perfect wash day and it was ideal for the chicks. I turned them all out and they had a good time until 4:30. Then I put the youngest ones in their coops. They were tired .- The mother dove pushed her two babies out of the nest today, but they are back under her wings tonight. – A note from Mr. Pierce saying he had forgotten his Angel Food Cake. Will save it for him until he comes up tomorrow night. – Lee working on the school paper tonight. – I packed quite a large box of clothing this afternoon to send to Mrs. Pierce. Thur. perhaps. – Have not felt very well today.

Tuesday, April 28
Early this morning a severe wind, hail and rainstorm came for a short time, but the sun came out by nine o’clock and the day has been lovely. – A strong south wind has been blowing and the water has almost disappeared. Did not lose any chicks from the rain. – Mrs. Bruse came for 10 doz. eggs for her incubator. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kuykendall came tonight. They had been to Houston. – Mr. Pierce came home, but went fishing and to Port Lavaca with the Phillips’ so he was late coming to the house. He is sleeping here tonight. – Mrs. Borden sent for her hen and 18 little chicks today.

Wednesday, April 29
Beautiful day. – Granville [Pea, Odeal’s husband] cleaned all of the chicken houses today. – Mr. Pierce and Jack took off early this morning. – I worked out of doors about all day helping destroy mites in the cow lot hen house. They were very bad where a hen was setting. We used kerosene and sulphur on the hen and the treatment just about killed her. She revived finally. – Mr. Pierce is entertaining the Cuties with a fish fry at Sargent tonight.

Thursday, April 30
Perfect day. – Granville cleaned the fish pond and cut weeds for me today while Willie is getting the hedge in fine condition. – The small chick yard is in fine condition now, so I can turn the hens out early in the morning. – Would like to keep Granville longer, but $3.00 is all I want to pay out of my own purse for work. – Have more than 200 small chickens. They require much care, hard work. Shall not be in the chicken business next year unless Mrs. Pierce is on the place to help with some of the general work. – Lee in Palacios at the dance. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kuykendall came a few minutes.


Friday, May 1
Lovely day. – Mr. Pierce shipped the box to Mrs. Pierce today. – This has been bed changing and general cleaning day. Together with chicken farming. – The dewberries are ripe, but I am not putting any up. – Mrs. Smith brought in six glasses of jelly for Mr. Pierce.

Saturday, May 2
Grand day. – Mr. Pierce went back to Sargent to pay off tonight. Returned to Blessing about midnight. – Busy with housework and chicks. – Paid John for the feed today out of egg money and a little extra. – Paid Granville $3.00 for hauling trash and work in the chicken yard and fish pond. – Went out to Mrs. Smith’s tonight to dinner. Mrs. Stoddard, Mrs. Kuykendall and Mrs. Dunn were the other guests.

Sunday, May 3
Went to S. S. today. Very small attendance. Some went to Bay city to hear Bishop Quinn.. – Mr. Pierce ate 12 o’clock dinner at the hotel. – Mrs. Kuykendall is leaving today. – After lunch I went out to see a ball game. Came home with Mr. Pierce before the game was over. – Took care of the chicks. – Lee and Pie came later. Ate a snack and were off again. – I wrote a short letter to Mrs. Pierce tonight. – Going to bed.

Monday, May 4
A most beautiful day. – The regular hum drum routine. Broken by Mrs. Smith running in for a moment for eggs. – Went to town this P. M. and spent .30 for a hat to wear in the chicken yard. – Mr. Pierce and other kinfolks ate dinner at Live Oak Farm tonight. The Phillips are leaving for Penn. tomorrow. – Lee at home tonight studying his part in the school play “My Son John.”

Tuesday, May 5
Beautiful day. – The Phillips are on their way home. No doubt Mrs. Dunn is relieved to have the responsibility of the boy, Jr., taken from her shoulders. – Did a good deal of house work today and am tired tonight. – The little chicks are doing very well. Occasionally one is trampled to death by the older ones. – Mr. Pierce ate an early supper and went to Sargent. – Lee away some place. – Lady and I are going to bed. – Miss Coaley and a couple of the teachers came to see the chickens as I was feeding.

Wednesday, May 6
Very windy day. – Mrs. Smith came this forenoon. She paid me $6.00 and took her material for two dresses. She hopes to get them made in Wharton. I could not do them. Am sorry as I need the money. – Mrs. Stoddard phoned this morning asking Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Dunn and I to go to have dinner with her tonight or tomorrow night. – We think we can go tomorrow night. – Since dinner I rode to Palacios with Mrs. Smith. She went to see Mr. Jackson. We stopped to see Miss Nannie and Mrs. Lothrige. Mr. L. is going to Georgia in the morning on business.

Thursday, May 7
Some cloudy. Windy. – Lee did a little mowing on the lawn since lunch. Lost a bolt or nut so had a legitimate excuse to stop work. – Rec’d a letter from Mrs. Pierce. Sent her a dress by parcel post. – Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Dunn and I were Mrs. Stoddard’s guests at dinner and to see “Red Salute.” Robert Young and Barbara Stanwyck. Had a lovely evening. – The Mother and Daughter’s banquet was held at the hotel, also, in the ballroom. – Mrs. Stoddard expects to go home Sunday. Her stay in Texas seems like a dream.

Friday, May 8 – 4 Weeks since Mrs. Pierce went to St. Paul
Terribly strong south wind all day and clouds this evening that indicated a Gulf storm. – Have my chicken coops all up off of the ground as much as possible so if the yard is a lake, they may not all drown. – Lee went to apply for a job this morning, but was in bed when we came from the picture show. – Mr. Pierce came from Sargent before dinner, so Mrs. Smith took us to see “The Unguarded Hour” tonight. – A rain is threatening as I go to bed and a Gulf storm is reported, but not severe.

Saturday, May 9
There was no storm here last night, but a tornado or cyclone passed through North Texas and Oklahoma yesterday. Today has been mostly cloudy as is tonight. – Lee away at work at Clemville. – Mrs. Smith drove to Houston today to have her feet treated. – Mr. Pierce in Blessing all day. – Lee in Palacios at the pavilion tonight. – Granville worked half a day. The lawn, etc. looks much better. – Mrs. Farwell phoned today. – Stitched Mrs. Smith’s white dress this P. M.

Sunday, May 10 – Mother’s Day
Rain. Rain. Rain. Hard rain all forenoon. – Slacked some about noon. – Was out with the chicks all morning. Lost four from the effects of the down pour. – Did not attend the Mother’s Day service at the church this forenoon and Rev. Engle did not come to preach tonight. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner with Mr. Pierce and I. Lee went to work, but he could not work on acct. of rain. – Mr. Pierce and Lee swapped cars for the day, so Mrs. Walker and I were his guests for a trip to Sargent this P. M. – Terrible rain. – We brought home some shrimp. Cleaned them and took them out to Mrs. Smith’s to eat. She had eaten her tea and toast, so would not taste them.

Monday, May 11
Cloudy mostly A. M. – A grand afternoon. – The water has about all disappeared from the yards and all vegetation. Looks so beautifully clean. – I wrote Mrs. Pierce this afternoon. – Lee went to Clemville. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent since supper. – Lady and I are going to bed.

Tuesday, May 12 – My father would have been 93 yrs.
A good day. The rain threatened several times. – Rec’d a Mother’s Day letter from Mrs. Massenburg. – Felt quite miserable all forenoon. So tired and weak. – Mrs. Smith came awhile. She is tired, too, and looks it. – Lee came home early this afternoon. Ran out of material. – Christine and Emma Bridges were here this P.M. – Jack made me a chick coop this afternoon. – Lee out at high school practicing for the school play. Going to bed. 9:30.

Wednesday, May 13
A good day, tho some cloudy. – Just the regular routine except finding clothes, etc. for some of the girls in the play and doing a little to Lee’s costume. – Mr. Pierce came home about 4 o’clock. – Mrs. Smith came for some eggs. – Letter from John Henry saying he expected to spend the weekend at home. – After supper, Mr. Pierce and I drove out to Mrs. Smith’s. Mrs. Dunn was there, too. – Lee is out practicing at the high school.

Thursday, May 14
Pretty day all day. – Lee worked today, but has been laid off again. – Had callers this morning. Mrs. Anderson’s little girl and little Matthes. They came to deliver the Post and decided to visit awhile. – Mrs. Smith came awhile this afternoon. We both received letters from Mrs. Pierce. – Mrs. Sides came while Mrs. Smith was here. – The small fry are having their school play tonight. – Lee off to Palacios, I suppose. – Wrote a note to John Henry today.

Friday, May 15
Pretty forenoon. – Just a day. – Mr. Pierce painted the north porch ceiling today a pale blue. – Miss Coaley came to borrow a floor lamp. – This afternoon about 4:30, a terrible rain fell. – I was out in all of it and saved most of the chickens, but was soaked through. My hair dripping. – Mrs. O’Bannon, her daughter and granddaughter were Mr. Pierces guests for an hour before they all went to see the school play. Lee being one of the performers. – I have put in the time since they left until now, 10:30, drying my hair. – Going to bed.

Saturday, May 16
Mr. Pierce reported this morning that Mrs. O’Bannon fell as they were wading from the car to the school building and damaged her clothing so badly they had to go home at once. Such a pity. – Real hard shower this afternoon, but I finally got the flocks under cover. – Mrs. Smith came for some eggs. – Wrote a note to Mrs. Pierce and one to Mrs. Richards in regard to selling the church property. – John Henry came home for the weekend. He looks well and happy. – The boys are off for the night. – Mr. Pierce downtown. – I am going to bed.

Sunday, May 17
Pretty day. Some clouds. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent this forenoon ready for his guests tonight. – I did not go to S. S. – John Henry did not leave the house until 11 A. M. to take his date out for the day. – Lee went to work, but came back before lunch. – I ate 12 o’clock dinner at the hotel. – Lee and five of his crowd ate lunch in the kitchen tonight. – Suppose the boys will be in sometime tonight. - I am going to bed after a lazy day. No rain today.

Monday, May 18
No rain to speak of in Blessing. – Was up early to get some breakfast for John Henry. – Went to the sleeping porch to call him, but he was not there. (Worried) About 6:30 he called me from Midfield. Had car trouble and wanted Lee to push him to a garage. So Lee brought him to Billie’s. There was a tank full of water in his car instead of gas. He ate his breakfast. Took a bath and then went to Houston. He slept in his car until morning and looked worn out. – Mrs. Smith came in this afternoon and took me to see the “Country Doctor.” – Dionne Quintuplets. Jean Hersholt, Slim Summerville, June Lang. A beautiful picture. I fell in love with the Doctor. – Mr. Pierce came home this P. M.

Tuesday, May 19
Mrs. Smith took some of Mary’s children to her in Galveston today. A relief to Odeal. She also took a woman to the hospital and a friend to be with her. Quite a load of them. – Mrs. Dunn went to Hays Co. this morning to be gone 10 days. Painting, etc. – Lee went to Clemville hoping to work, but something broke down, so he worked 3 hrs. only. – Mrs. Smith came in a few minutes this evening. She made the trip to and from Galveston in record time, but had some tire trouble. – No rain today, tho cloudy part of the day.

Wednesday, May 20
No rain here. – Mr. Pierce gave the porch ceiling a second coat of paint today and had Willie Jones dig out Lee’s dressing room. – Jack scrubbed the trees and whale oil soap. – I house cleaned all forenoon and did most of the mending this afternoon. – Tonight Mr. Pierce attempted to be host to Mrs. Walker and myself to see a tent show here in Blessing, but it was not to open until nine o’clock, so we drove out to see Mrs. Smith instead. – Lee worked 12 hrs. today. Was in bed when we came home.

Thursday, May 21
No rain. – I was up at 5 o’clock to get some breakfast for Lee who was to go to work at 6 o’clock this morning. So this has been a long day. – He came home tonight tired, but went to Palacios. – Rec’d a letter from Mrs. Pierce. – Picture show in town tonight.- Lady and I attempted to take a walk, but the dogs were barking everywhere, so she barked, too, and I could not stop her, so brought her home. – Mr. Pierce drove out to see Mrs. Smith awhile tonight.

Friday, May 22
Phone invitation from Mrs. Borden to drink tea in her home tomorrow evening. – Mrs. Taylor came to visit Mrs. Smith today. They stopped here on their way out to Live Oak Farm. – Mr. Pierce ate dinner out there tonight. – Lee came home almost sick with his feet tonight. – I bathed them with alcohol and liniment, but the trouble is in the bone. He went to bed very early. – No real rain today. – Willie Jones was taken in custody by the sheriff this evening just before dark.

Saturday, May 23
Showers. – Willie seems to have passed a hot check. – Jack and I got breakfast. – Lee went to work. – Mr. Rickaway worked here today. Repairing sash cords, etc. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent this P. M. Went thru Bay City to see about Willie who was not detained when he explained to the judge. He came home in time to cook supper. – I phoned Mrs. Borden that I could not attend her tea. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Taylor went. – Lee at Palacios

Sunday, May 24
Terrible rain here last night and today. Everything under water. Lost a few chickens. Am surprised they did not all perish. – Have spent the day in the yard. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent to see what damage had been done. Fields under water. – Lee slept until one o’clock, then drove to Palacios and Bay City. – Mrs. Dunn came home this P. M. Had to make detours on acct. of high water – Did not write a letter today. – Tired as a dog tonight.

Monday, May 25
Rained some this morning, but the sun came out before noon for awhile. – Lee did not work today. Too much water. – Rivers are out of their banks causing much damage to crops and live stock. – Rain. Rain. Am so tired of it. – Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Dunn ate fish dinner in Port Lavaca tonight. – Lee went to bed very early. – Note from Mrs. Farwell.

Tuesday, May 26
No rain. A lovely day. – Odeal did the washing. – I cleaned the house very well and did mending. – Get so awful tired. – Wrote a long letter to Mrs. Pierce explaining John Henry’s experience a week ago Sunday. – Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Smith, Dunn, Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Gifford ate Mexican supper at New Gulf tonight. Mrs. Dunn hostess. – Fields all under water at Danevang. A regular cloud burst yesterday. – Terrible floods everywhere.

Wednesday, May 27
Mrs. Farwell spent the day here today. Mr. F. brought her up and came for her in the evening. – We had a pleasant day together. Willie served a nice lunch. – Mr. Pierce was at home painting, etc. Lee was not at home for lunch. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Taylor ate 12 o’clock dinner at Pierce. Mrs. Runnells being here. – Then Mrs. Smith drove her guest part way home to Buda. – Mr. Pierce drove out to Live Oak tonight. – Rain fell just as Mrs. Farwell went home.

Thursday, May 28
No real rain today here. – A busy day. So much cleaning, trying to keep the house fit to be in. – Either mud or dust to wrestle with. – Went to Mrs. Duller’s store this afternoon and purchased some calico to make an every day dress. – Don’t know when I will do it. Would have bought a ready made one, but the sleeves are short. – Mrs. Smith drove me down to see Miss Nannie and her sister tonight. – Glad to get off the place for a short time even.

Friday, May 29 – 7 Weeks
Hard rain this P.M. – Mr. Rickaway has been working here all day. Too wet to paint, tho. – Lee worked all day. Swinging a pick digging off cement. Very tired tonight. Went to bed immediately after dinner. – I cut out my calico dress today and have it basted together. – Rec’d a letter from Mrs. Pierce today. – Mrs. Smith is heading the list in the Centennial Farm Beautification race.

Saturday, May 30 – Decoration Day
Beautiful day. North wind. Sunshine. – Gave the second floor a good sweeping this forenoon. – Mrs. Gill came just as I finished cleaning the stairs. She spent an hour with me. – Lee has gone to Sargent for a picnic. – Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Smith went to the cemetery this afternoon. She said they would have to go in the wagon. The roads are so bad from the rains. – Am sure my parents graves are decorated. A flag on my father’s, too, but no one will honor Mr. Webb’s grave and I have no way to go to it. No matter, tho.

Sunday, May 31
Grand day. – Sunshine and north wind. – Did not go to S. S. Was out in the sunshine all forenoon. – Lee came home to play ball. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent. Took Mr. Rickaway. – I was alone for lunch. - Willie and Jack slept all forenoon. – I wrote a letter to Mrs. Fraser and one to Mrs. Pierce. – Mr. Pierce came home and did some painting. – Mrs. Smith drove to Columbus this forenoon. – To the pictures since lunch. – Came for me later to go to see her new cow and the calves. – They are all fine.


Monday, June 1
Lovely day. South wind. – Mr. Pierce in Blessing all day. Did some painting. Finished the screens so they can be hung tomorrow. – Lee worked today, but will not tomorrow. Has gone to Danevang tonight to attend a baseball meeting. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn drove to Houston. Each in their own cars. Mrs. Smith took Cherri to be clipped. – I worked a little on my brown and white calico dress. Put away the laundry Odeal had ironed. – Mr. Pierce drove out to Live Oak Farm tonight to take some oatmeal cookies to Mrs. Smith. – The mosquitoes are so bad downstairs. I am going to bed at 9 o’clock. – South breeze.

Tuesday, June 2
A grand day. – Mending, housework, chickens. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent since lunch. Took Mr. Rickaway, who ate lunch here. – Mrs. Smith ran in a time or two. She has men mowing and raking grass on the vacant lots, around town. She is having much of it burned and hauling the balance in her truck to fill the hole near the waterworks tower. – Lee and his gang ate supper on the Palacios beach tonight. – Mr. and Mrs. Selkirk called for plat of Live Oak Farm to draw a map.

Wednesday, June 3
Mrs. Runnells was Mrs. Smith’s 12 o’clock dinner guest today. – A beautiful day, but the sun is very hot during the day. – Did some sewing and mending, housework, etc. Have been so sleepy all day. – Jack has been mowing and chopping grass all day. – Lee did not work, but slept most of the afternoon. – Set the little white hen on the stairway leading to Willie’s room yesterday. – Sent a note to Mrs. Pierce today.

Thursday, June 4
Temp. 96 ½ in shade this A. M. – Mr. Pierce came home last night. Had to attend to business of some kind. Reduction of Tax assessments for one thing. – Mrs. Smith continues to mow and haul grass. – Lee at home (or not working) today. – Worked some on my calico dress. – No word from Mrs. Pierce for anyone. – Jack has been cutting weeds all week. They grow very fast. The sun is hot.

Friday, June 5 – Mrs. Fraser’s Party? – 8 [weeks Mrs. Pierce in St. Paul]
Mr. Pierce and Jack went to Sargent early this morning. – A letter from Mrs. Pierce. – Rec’d house rent check from Mr. Studeman. – Has been a hot day, but good breeze from the south. – Lee not working today. – Sewed some more on my calico dress. Will finish it soon, I hope. – So thankful for the dry weather. Suppose farmers will be replanting part of their crops soon. – Lee gone rabbit hunting.

Saturday, June 6
Beautiful day. Hot sun. – The opening day of the Texas Centennial in Dallas. – Wrote to Mrs. Pierce. – Did housework. Went to town. Bought 2 pr. hose, some goods for underwear, lace to trim it, 2 sps. Thread. – Mr. Pierce came home early. – John Henry came, too. – He has gone out tonight to the picture show. – Lee to Palacios to the dance. – Mr. Pierce has gone to bed. Mrs. Smith called a few minutes at dinner time. – Dr. [Alfred Byron] Cairnes died today.

Sunday, June 7
John Henry and his date left for a day’s outing about 11 o’clock. John Henry looks well and seems happy. – Lee ate 12 o’clock sandwiches then left to play ball at Hilje. – Mr. Pierce ate 12 o’clock dinner at the hotel. – I ate sandwiches with Lee. – We all let Willie off today. He told Mr. Pierce yesterday he had been married three months. – I attended preaching services at the Presbyterian Church this forenoon. – Mr. Pierce and I drove out to see Mrs. Smith tonight. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell called this P. M. – Mrs. Smith dined at Pierce. Mrs. Runnell’s guest.

Monday, June 8
Hot sun. – Mr. Pierce and Jack went to Sargent. – John Henry went to Houston at 5 this morning. – Lee not working. – Wrote a card to Miss Coaley this A. M. – Did the general housework. Cut out and sewed some on the underwear I bought at the Duller store. – Mrs. Smith came and took me to Palacios. We called on Miss Nannie and Mrs. Lothridge. – Mr. Pierce came home soon after I did. – Lee is attending a party at the Boling school.

Tuesday, June 9
Hot sun. South breeze. – Just a day. – Lee went to bed early. Took his car to Bay City to have it painted where they had hammered the dents out of the door and fender. – Mrs. Smith came a moment on her way out to Mrs. Pickle’s for the curtains she had made to finish out the ones I made long ago. – Mrs. Dunn drove Mr. Pierce to Sargent after he had decorated the anniversary cake for Mary Dean. – Mosquitoes bad in the house.

Wednesday, - June 10 – Lee and Jedie-Port Lavaca
Did my regular stunt of washing, woodwork. Do some every day. Should clean house, but do not have the strength to attempt it. – Sewed some on my underwear this P. M. – Mrs. Smith came a few minutes. Wanted a setting of eggs. The Centennial judges told her today that they came to judge her farm “a year too soon.” Don’t know just what they meant by that. – Lee has gone to a Girl Reserves picnic. – Mr. Pierce came home about 10 o’clock. Glad of a hot bath. – The lights went out about 9:00 P. M.

Thursday, June 11
Hot sun this P. M. – Long letter from Mrs. Pierce. – Things to be sent and books to be looked up. – I found the garments, etc. and packed them in her hat box ready to ship tomorrow. – The President in Houston today.- This forenoon was some cloudy, so I gave the coops a good cleaning. – Hard work. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent after an early dinner. He will probably be back tonight. – Sewed some on my underwear this evening. – Lee slept all afternoon, but has gone to the dance tonight. – Card from Mrs. Bell. Norther as I go to bed, but no rain.

Friday, June 12 – 9 [Weeks Mrs. Pierce in St. Paul]
Mr. Pierce came home late. Said it rained some at Sargent yesterday evening. – Hilda came this morning for some school stuff. – Looked up the books Mrs. Pierce wants. Put in her strong box. Could not find the Pierce genealogy. – Sent a letter to Mrs. Pierce today. Lee not at work. – Busy in the house most of the day. Took all forenoon to find the books and hunt for the one I did not find. – Sewed a little on my underwear tonight. – East wind and hot sun.

Saturday, June 13
Hot , hot day. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent this morning. – Lee went to work and the young fry have gone to Sargent for the overnight picnic. – Mrs. Selkirk came for some eggs this afternoon to take on a picnic to Sargent today. Her sister, Jean, is visiting her. – The Selkirk’s gave a dinner at the hotel tonight honoring the sister perhaps. – Dreadful hot day, but I gave the house a thoro cleaning. So much dust appears when the wind is out of the north. Going to bed. So hot.

Sunday, June 14
Heat terrific. – Up rather early (5:30) to let the chickens out. Have to fasten them so securely against some kind of varmint that has killed some of them. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent this morning to take a birthday cake to Mrs. Jones. – Lee came home about 5 to get a clean shirt then he and Jedie Franke “Pie” were off again. – Rev. Engle came for me to go to church about 7:30. He and his son. – There were only 7 in the congregation. – He gave me tickets for two to attend the Centennial Celebration at Matagorda Tuesday.

Monday, June 15
A storm in the Gulf, but it came in near Miami. – This has been an exceedingly hot day. – Mrs. Duller came up this P. M. to say she would not go to Matagorda tomorrow as she is going to Kerrville Friday. A delegate to some kind of woman’s meeting, but Mrs. Dunn called later to say “Wouldn’t I like to go to Matagorda tomorrow!” So, think I can go anyway. – Mrs. Smith came this forenoon to ask me to see The King Steps Out tonight, so she and Mr. Pierce were my guests to see a beautiful, clean picture. Grace Moore and Franchot Tone.

Tuesday, June 16
A clear hot day. – Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Dunn and I went to Matagorda this forenoon on the Pilgrimage connected with the Texas Centennial. We heard the communion service, but did not stay for the barbecue. Too hot. Saw Mrs. Farwell, Mrs. Aubin, Miss Helen Sartwelle and several others I know. – We came back to Bay City where we were Mrs. Smith’s guests for dinner at the BayTex. Then came on to Blessing. All tired, but glad we had done something to please Rev. Engle.

Wednesday, June 17
South breeze. – Wrote a long letter to Mrs. Pierce this forenoon. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent. – This has been Lee’s day off from his Clemville work. - Card from Mrs. Fraser. – They will not leave home until the 29th of the month. – Did housecleaning and mending this afternoon. – Mr. Pierce came from Sargent early this afternoon. Brought a couple of cantaloupes. – Lee did not come home for supper. Said he went to Palacios to swim and play golf. – Reasonably cool tonight. – Mrs. Smith came a moment. She is getting a new trailer.

Thursday, June 18
Found 8 dead chickens in their coop this morning. At that rate, Mr. Pierce will not have to buy much feed soon. – Just a hot day. – The regular routine of doing things. – Lee working. Has gone to the Palacios dance tonight. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner here tonight. Her colored people have all gone. Beginning their 19th celebration. – Mr. Pierce went home with Mrs. Smith.

Friday, June 19 – Mr. Webb would have been 79 years old. – 10 [Weeks Mrs. Pierce in St. Paul
No dead chicks this morning, but I spent much time last night shutting them up. – Today is “Juneteenth.” Willie and Jack are away. Don’t look for Willie until he arrives. – Mr. Pierce ate lunch at the hotel. – We ate standing up supper in the kitchen. – Lee went to bed before dark. Very tired. – Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Smith have gone to Palacios. – I have the chicks all fastened up and hope they are safe from varmints.

Saturday, June 20
Gulf storm approaching. – Put in the entire forenoon cleaning the kitchen. – When John Murphy brought some cow feed at 11 o’clock, he milked the cow. – Lee at work. – Mr. Pierce came home early from Sargent. – I had just finished the housework and he said we will all eat supper at the hotel, so we did. – Met Lee in town. – Mrs. Smith came up to the house while I was putting the chickens to bed. Helped me and then took me for a cooling off away past Midfield. We saw the lights from the new oil wells.

Sunday, June 21
Hottest day, yet. – Norther blew down last night. Extremely hot morning. – Robert milked the cow this morning. – We and Mrs. Dunn ate lamb dinner at Live Oak Farm this noon. – Then Lee went to play ball. – We visited until 4 o’clock. Then Mrs. Dunn brought me home. – This has been an extremely hot day, but the storm we were fearing has gone back into the Gulf. All warnings have been ordered down.

Monday, June 22
Hot day. – Odeal and Jack came this morning. – Lee did not work today. – Mr. Pierce and Lee ate lunch at the hotel, but I looked after the workers’ lunch and ate here, too. – Mrs. Smith came in and helped me with the dishes and made some fine cup custards. Brought me some cold lamb for my lunch. – She and Mr. Pierce drove to Galveston this P. M. Mrs. Smith goes to the hospital. Mr. Pierce will go to Houston in the morning. They may come back tomorrow. – Ate supper at the hotel. – So tired tonight. – Wrote to Mrs. Pierce.

Tuesday, June 23
Terrific heat until 3 o’clock. – Lee went to Clemville this morning, but did not work. – My limbs absolutely refused to carry me from nine o’clock until 3 P. M. So weak and faint. – I fixed dinner for Odeal and Jack, then they cleaned up the kitchen after themselves. – After the breeze came up, I felt almost normal, but the sun if frightfully hot these days. – Took the little white hen off with 10 little chicks this morning. I suppose they will about burn up. – Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Smith came home early from Galveston and Houston. Mrs. Smith took the metabolism test and had a mole removed. – I ate supper at the hotel.

Wednesday, June 24
Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent this morning. – Quite a wind blew up from the north at 1 o’clock this morning, but no rain. – Have felt quite miserable all day. So hot. I could scarcely make my limbs carry me. – Mr. and Mrs. Selkirk, Mrs. Dunn, Mr. Pierce and myself were Mrs. Smith’s dinner guests at Live Oak tonight. – Lee was invited, but he preferred to go swimming at Palacios, so he drove me out and departed. Mrs. Smith was very tired. She had Fannie and her own cook helping her. A very lovely dinner.

Thursday, June 25
Plenty hot. – Up at 5 A.M. – Fed the chicks and turned them out. – Then prepared Lee’s breakfast and he went to work. – Soon Mr. Pierce came down and I ate with him. – Jack came early. – Went to the hotel for dinner tonight. Then Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent for a couple of days. – Mrs. Dunn expecting Houston and another man in tonight. Oil business, I guess. – Lee attending the dance at Palacios. – Wrote to Mrs. Pierce. – Mrs. Smith took me for a cooling off ride down to Palacios and back. – Mrs. Smith filled the barn with baled hay.

Friday, June 26 – 11 Weeks
Odeal came this morning and we cleaned house all day in the kitchen. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent. – Lee and I ate dinner at the hotel. – Mr. Phillips and his friend ate dinner with Mrs. Dunn. They had been driving all day. – Mrs. Smith took me for a cooling off to Palacios.

Saturday, June 27
Rain today. Cooler. – House cleaned today in the kitchen, etc. Odeal helped until noon. I have felt miserable for a couple of days. Too hot, I think. – Mrs. Smith ran in a moment since lunch. Left $1.50 for Odeal for her work here. – Mr. Pierce came home early this P. M. We all ate dinner at the hotel.  – Lee in Palacios. – I am going to bed at 9 o’clock. So tired.

Sunday, June 28
Lovely day. Not so hot. – Up at 5 A.M. as usual to get Lee’s breakfast as he worked today. – Went to S. S. and then to the hotel for dinner. – Jack took the day off, except to milk the cow. – After dinner, Mr. Pierce was host to Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Dunn and myself to see a picture. – Came home. Took care of my chicks. – Then Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Withers, Mr. Pierce and I ate a huge watermelon which had been in the ice box several days. – A derrick was put up today on the Pierce land north of town.

Monday, June 29
Some cooler. – Up at 5 to get Lee off to work. – Odeal washed this forenoon, then cleaned the cellar stairway and washed the woodwork in the pantry in the afternoon. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent this morning. – There is much excitement about the oil derrick. Mr. Phillips came back to Blessing on account of it. He was starting to west Texas on an oil scouting expedition. Mrs. Phillips is on her way to England. – Ate dinner at the hotel. So tired I could hardly walk that distance. – Going to bed early. – Letter from Mrs. Pierce. – Some Kodak pictures and a pair of stepins in the envelope.

Tuesday, June 30
Not so hot. – Real hard shower about 4 o’clock this morning. Up at 5 to get Lee off. – Odeal finished the ironing today. – The kitchen work after I had made the beds and done a little straightening up downstairs left me busy until 4 o’clock. – Then I washed my face and put on a clean dress. – Wrote a short letter to Mrs. Pierce. – Mrs. Smith came a few moments. Told me what was to happen to Sargent tomorrow. – Later came and took me to see the new oil well derrick on the Pierce land. – Mr. Pierce is in Sargent tonight. – Lee came home and went to bed right after dinner which we ate at the hotel. – Mr. Phillips and another man are here again.



Movie posters and photo of Rev. Toyohiko Kagawa courtesy of Wikipedia

Background courtesy of lorij576
Movie posters courtesy of Wikipedia

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All rights reserved

Jun. 24, 2015
Jun. 24, 2015