Nellie Tilson Webb

1932 Diary

January - June

Nellie's Biography

1929   1930   1931   1932   1933
1934   1935   1936   1937    1938

Courtesy of
Palacios Area Historical Association
City By the Sea Museum




A. B. PIERCE, Agent

Blessing, Texas


Friday, January 1 – Blessing
Beautiful day. – We had a neighborly dinner here today. Mr. and Mrs. Yeager, Mary Deane and Hollie, Mr. and Mrs. Duller, Dorothy, Mrs. Cornelius, Katharine [Kathryn], Mr. and Mrs. Farwell, Mr. Selkirk, Mrs. Ackerman, Paul Braden, Dorothy Murphy and five in the Pierce family. – Mr. Selkirk was called to his sister’s funeral today. – All except Mrs. Selkirk, Mrs. Ackerman and Mrs. Cornelius ate supper, also. – Mr. Walker of El Maton was a supper guest, too. – Mr. Pierce Withers was a caller this P. M. – Mr. Pierce seemed to enjoy the day in spite of his weakness and painful stomach. He could not eat any of the bountiful dinner, but seems to be improving some.

Saturday, January 2
Real cold all day, but partly sunshine. – We were tired this morning after yesterday’s activities. – Mr. Pierce went to the office today and to Sargent late this evening to spend the night. – Blanche Claybourn and three children came up this afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce took Clinton and me to Bay City tonight to see “The Squaw Man.” Home at midnight. – Mr. Anderson brought us six quail tonight.

Sunday, January 3 – Blessing
Very pretty forenoon.- Mr. Pierce came home about noon. Was sick in Sargent. – Buddy and Harry Sisson went to Austin this afternoon. Back to school. – Began raining about four o’clock. – Mr. Pierce went to bed soon after Buddy left, tired. – I have written five letters this afternoon and tonight. – Hard work for me. – Poochie is sleeping in the basement tonight. Was too rainy to put her in the barn.

Monday, January 4
Such a windy rainy day. – Bessie (the cook) came this morning to say that she was sick and could not stay. – Odeal could not come until tomorrow. So Mrs. Pierce did most of the washing. We put them on the line late this afternoon, but they did not dry much. So we took them down at dark and spread them on a clothes rack in the laundry. – Mr. Pierce not as well. Dr. Morton advised him to go to Houston for an xray, but he would not go today. – The sky and terrible wind indicate a gulf storm. – Rec’d gas bill and rent check from Mr. Newsom today.

Tuesday, January 5
Beautiful day. – Dr. Morton came over this afternoon. Made arrangements for Mr. Pierce to go to Bay City hospital tomorrow. – Odeal came to iron. We are the cook. – I made two trips to town today. Am becoming a good walker. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up this afternoon. – Mr. Pierce is not as well.

Wednesday, January 6
Colder today. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up this morning. – Mrs. Pierce and Mr. Farwell took Mr. Pierce to the hospital this forenoon. – Mr. Farwell and Mrs. Pierce came back for lunch, but Mr. Pierce remained. – Mrs. Pierce went back immediately after lunch. – Mrs. Farwell went home after lunch, but came back to spend the night. – Mrs. Pierce came home about dark. Several pictures of Mr. Pierce’s stomach. – An operation seem inevitable. – He was quite comfortable when Mrs. Pierce came home.

Thursday, January 7
Pretty forenoon, but a drizzly rain fell this afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City this forenoon. – Jim mowed the lawn today. – Went to P. O. this P.M. Rec’d check for $30.00 from Mrs. Smith. “North American Trust Shares” – Mrs. Pierce came home late. – Mr. Pierce had a good night last night. – Mrs. Pierce and five more took a blood test today. – Preparatory for a blood transfusion if it be needed when Mr. Pierce is operated on.

Friday, January 8
Real cool wind, but all sunshine. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City this forenoon. – Mr. Pierce was comfortable when she left him at 5 o’clock this evening. – Mrs. Pierce and Mr. Cobb are the ones whose blood can be used for transfusion for Mr. Pierce. – Went to town twice today. – Board meeting here tonight.

Saturday, January 9 – New Moon tonight
Pretty day, but cool east wind blowing. – Clinton went to Houston with Mrs. Beard today. – Mrs. Pierce to Bay City, so I was “master of all I surveyed” all day. – phoned Mrs. Farwell to see Willie Jones. – They stopped here this afternoon on their way to Bay City to see Mr. Pierce. Willie Jones will come to help us. – Read letter from Florence Sherfey. – Mr. Pierce is resting very comfortably.

Sunday, January 10
Pretty day. – As early as we could get off, Mrs. Pierce and I went to Bay City to see Mr. Pierce. Then went to the Rice Hotel to eat dinner, 12 o’clock, with Mrs. Stoddard. Visited her awhile, then went to the florist’s where Mrs. Stoddard got some carnations for Mr. Pierce. – We sat with him while, then Mrs. Pierce drove us to Mrs. Stoddard’s apartment. – At 4:30, Mrs. Pierce came for me and we went to see Frankenstein. – Reached home at dusk. – Mrs. Beard took Clinton over to the picture at night. – Went to hear Rev. Engle preach tonight. – Mrs. Pierce and Willie Jones met Mrs. Smith at the 12 o’clock train night.

Monday, January 11
Rainy forenoon. – Odeal did not come. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith went to Bay City this forenoon. Found Mr. Pierce quite comfortable. Has gained 4 lbs. since being in hospital. – We are glad to have Willie Jones on the job again. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up a few minutes this afternoon. – All tired and sleepy tonight.

Tuesday, January 12 - Blessing
Pretty day. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce went to the hospital this forenoon. – Odeal did the washing and ironing today. – Mr. Pierce continues to gain weight. – Mrs. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Houghton Phillips and son arrived in Blessing today. – Mr. and Mrs. Phillips came up to see Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce tonight. – Mrs. Farwell phoned tonight. – Mr. Farwell’s 77th birthday she said.

Wednesday, January 13
Mrs. Hockey died this morning. – Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and I went to Bay City this forenoon. – Sat with Mr. Pierce until he ate his 12:30 lunch. Then we met Mrs. Stoddard for lunch at Dooley’s. Mrs. Smith’s treat. – Then Mrs. Stoddard went to the beauty parlor for a shampoo while we went to the court house. – I paid my tax $25.79 (state and co.) and rendered my property. – Then Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce went back to the hospital while I spent the afternoon with Mrs. Stoddard. When they came for me, Mrs. Stoddard served us a cup of hot tea. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce ate dinner at the hotel tonight with the Pennsylvania guests. - Mr. Winters is calling here tonight.

Thursday, January 14
Warm sultry day. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith spent the day in Bay City. Mr. Pierce did not seem quite as well. Threw up some medicine. Has too much company, but it is hard to turn members of the family away. – Mrs. Smith is crocheting a sweater for Clinton. – William is a joy in the kitchen. – Winnie’s little boy is enjoying the Shetland pony.

Friday, January 15
Very warm. Partly cloudy. – Have been real busy most of the day. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith went to the hospital this forenoon. Found Mr. Pierce feeling better than he did last night. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove over to Bay City this afternoon. Stopped here on the way home. – Mrs. Smith went down to see her brother, John, tonight. – Allen and Ruby went with her. – Mrs. Pierce washed her hair tonight. – Mrs. Beard and Mrs. Selkirk called up. – The Beacon today recorded Mrs. Hockey’s death last Wednesday.

Saturday, January 16
A busy day. Cloudy this forenoon. – I did not go to Palacios as I had planned to pay my taxes, but sent a check to Mr. Gray instead. $40.00 – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith spent the day in Bay City. Mr. Pierce seemed much better today. – I did some housework, some ironing and some washing. Finished it all about 4 o’clock and had just dropped down to rest a moment when Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came. – Mrs. Smith went down to see Mrs. Pybus. – Clinton to Bay City to picture show. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Bay City, also.

Sunday, January 17
Dreary day. Raining when we awoke. East wind. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce went to the hospital earlier than usual. (Mary Dean and Otto) Clinton went to S. S.  – I put the house in order and ironed Mrs. Pierce’s pajamas. Mrs. Pierce hoped to be home for lunch, but could not make it. – Mrs. Smith came just for about 30 minutes. Mrs. Dunn brought her to get their clothes, etc. preparatory to staying in Bay City tonight. - Has been a dreary, rainy day. – Mrs. Beard and John Warren came up and spent the evening. – Mrs. Farwell phoned tonight. – We hope to go to the hospital tomorrow. – The operation to be at 8:30 in the morning. – Not raining tonight. – Clinton and I am alone tonight.

Monday, January 18
No rain today. East wind. – We awoke this morning o.k. – William gave us breakfast and put up lunch for Clinton. Then drove me down to the cement to meet Mrs. Farwell at 9 o’clock. – We drove in Mr. Pierce’s car to Bay City. Stopped at Mrs. Stoddard’s apt., but she had gone up town. – Then we drove to the hospital where Dr. Loos was operating on Mr. Pierce, assisted by Drs. Morton and Simons. He was on the table 2 hrs 45 min. – Mr. Cobb sat in the office ready to supply blood should it be necessary. Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Runnells, Mr. Withers and Richards Pierce were among the waiting ones in the hospital. Otto Frosch and Mr. Harter came, also. Otto drove me to town to get a ball of yarn for Mrs. Smith who is knitting a sweater. – Mrs. Farwell and I came home about 2:30. She is here tonight. – Mrs. Dunn phoned since dark, that Mr. Pierce came from under the anesthesia and recognized and talked to Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith. They are both at the hospital tonight.

Tuesday, January 19 – Robt. E. Lee’s Birthday
Most beautiful day. – We drove over to the hospital.  – Stopped to have the lights adjusted in Mr. Pierce’s car. Mrs. Farwell and I. – Found Mr. Pierce as well as could be expected. Mrs. Pierce slept in the hospital, but Mrs. Smith slept at the Rugeley home. – We came away about noon and drove to Palacios. – Drank a cup of coffee and ate a sandwich at Teague’s. – Then Mrs. Farwell went home and I went to the P.O. and to Mr. Gray’s office to render my property. – Then to see the Hockey girls and Mrs. Richards. – Stopped in my rooms a few minutes and talked with Mrs. Newsom. – She is working all of the time, now. – Then we came back to Blessing. – I washed three prs. of pajamas and got them dry to iron in the morning. – Read tired. – Rec’d my Palacios tax receipts today.

Sargent-Rugeley-Herreth Home 3224 Avenue K - Bay City - Across the street from the Loss Hospital

Wednesday, January 20
Beautiful day. – We drove to Bay City this forenoon. Found Mr. Pierce improving. Was being given a bath when we went into the hospital. He awoke from a nap as we were coming out and asked for Mrs. Smith. – Mrs. Dunn went over this afternoon and phoned tonight that Mr. Pierce had taken cream and milk nourishment since one o’clock this P.M. – Mrs. Beard sat with us tonight until nine o’clock. – Mrs. Farwell went to the Wednesday Club in Palacios this afternoon. – William washed and polished Mrs. Pierce’s car this afternoon.

Thursday, January 21 – Mother passed on 4 years ago today – 1928
Beautiful day. Much warmer and pleasanter than four years ago. – Dear little mother. – Mrs. Farwell and I drove over to Bay City in Mrs. Pierce’s car. Found Mr. Pierce resting quite comfortably. We did not stay long. Have not seen Mr. Pierce since he regained consciousness, but he is taking mild nourishment. – Mrs. Smith thought she might drive over this afternoon, but for some reason did not. – I did the necessary washing and ironing immediately after lunch. – Then rested this afternoon. – Quite tired tonight. – Mrs. Farwell is not feeling very well tonight. Thinks the weather too warm. – Poochie sick. – William has company tonight.

Friday, January 22
Rainy day. – Am glad I did not have to drive to Bay City today as it was a rainy day until afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce drove home on business and ate a hurried lunch with us. – Mrs. Farwell went home this afternoon. Mr. Farwell met her at the P.O. – The streets are under water again. – Clinton came from school with wet feet. – Mary Dean came tonight to bring some pajamas from Mrs. Pierce and to say that Mr. Pierce would not go to Houston tomorrow. – Clinton goes with Mrs. Beard.

Saturday, January 23
Rainy cold day. Norther. – Clinton went to Houston this morning with Mrs. Beard. – Willie drove him down in Mr. Pierce’s car. – Later Mrs. Smith and I drove to Bay City. – Found Mr. Pierce much improved. – We three ate dinner at the White House Cafι. – Rain poured down until after noon. – Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Phillips (Winnie) were over today, also. – Mr. Pierce sat up in bed awhile this afternoon. All of the stitches but four have been taken from the incision and he is to have an egg added to his milk diet tomorrow. – Rec’d a letter from Albert Haynes today wanting pajamas made. – We ate dinner at the Hotel tonight guests of Mrs. Dunn.

Sunday, January 24
Cold, rainy day. – At home all day. – Mrs. Smith spent the day at the hospital. – Clinton had boy company this P.M. – Winnie and her husband went to the Valley today, leaving Brother with Mrs. Dunn. – Mr. Pierce not quite so well today. Did not sleep last night. – We listened to a radio concert tonight. – Mr. Anderson came to see Poochie. She seems all right. Came to the house this evening. – No letters written today.

Monday, January 25
Another cold, rainy day. – Odeal did not come to wash. – Mrs. Smith and I are keeping the small things pretty well washed up. – She went to Bay City this forenoon. Found Mr. Pierce suffering from gas pains. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove over to see him this afternoon. This being their 50th wedding anniversary. – Mrs. Dunn and Brother came up a few minutes tonight. – Poor little Poochie has been very sick all day. Am afraid she will die tonight. – Sent a note in reply to Albert Haynes’ request today.

Tuesday, January 26
Grand day. All sunshine. – Mrs. Smith and I went to the hospital this forenoon. – Found Mr. Pierce much better. Stitches all out. – Mrs. Pierce and I ate lunch at Dooley’s and then drove to Sargent where we got 100 lbs of cotton which we brought to Bay City and left at the depot to be sent to Sealy to be made into a mattress for Mr. Pierce to sleep on when he comes home. – Then Mrs. Smith and I came home. She is not well. Bowels bad. – Much warmer today. No gas heat in the house needed. – Poor little Poochie had gone this morning.

Wednesday, January 27
Mostly sunshine. – Mrs. Smith was not well this morning. Sick headache. – So I drove over to Bay City. – Took the garden seeds for Mr. O’Bannon and the mail for Mrs. Pierce. – Mr. Pierce had a good night. Is getting well quite rapidly. The Dr. thinks he may come home next week. – Mrs. Smith is feeling better tonight. – Mrs. Pierce is spending the night at home. Glad to have her here. – Mrs. Beard and John Warren spent an hour with us tonight. – Sending Ins. Check to Feather’s tomorrow. – Mrs. Ruby brought some sausage.

Thursday, January 28
Pretty day. – Mr. Pierce continues to improve. Sat in a wheelchair today. – Mrs. Smith stopped at Mr. Allen Pierce’s tonight to eat backbone with them. – We are so glad to have Mrs. Pierce at home nights.

Friday, January 29
Rainy day and cold. – Mrs. Smith baked a rice pudding for Mr. Pierce before they went to Bay City this forenoon. – The roads are dreadful between here and the pavement. – I did a little ironing and some mending this afternoon. – Clinton carries his lunch every day. – Mr. Pierce is improving every day. – Mr. and Mrs. Duller came over this evening to play bridge. – Ear ache tonight.

Saturday, January 30
Bright, cool day. – Did the Sat. changing, etc. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce went to the hospital.  – Wm. sunned Mr. Pierce’s mattress and burned the grass on the lot south of the house – Sewed on the quilt some this afternoon. – They were late coming home tonight. – Buddy phones from El Campo that he and his roommate were on the way. – So they came a few minutes after Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith. – Made them some cocoa. – Am sleeping with Mrs. Pierce tonight.

Sunday, January 31
Bright, clear morning. – Buddy and his friend ate late breakfast. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith did not go to Bay City until after lunch. – The Robinson home burned about 5 o’clock this morning (Palacios). – Bud and friend went to Bay City this P.M. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up this afternoon. – Mrs. Beard and Mr. Withers were callers tonight. – Dad Hensel was buried today.

Palacios Beacon, February 4, 1932


Monday, February 1
Rainy day. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce drove to Bay City to bring Mr. Pierce home. Mr. Cobb brought him over in his big car. A crowd of men met them at the Bank corner and came up to the house. An “escort of honor.” – Mr. Pierce rested downstairs awhile and then walked upstairs. Has been down to the telephone a couple of times. – Odeal washed today and we have ironed many of the clothes this P.M.

Tuesday, February 2
Partly sunshine. – Ground hog day. – We helped iron to day. – Mr. Pierce dressed and spent the day downstairs where he received many callers. – Mrs. Smith drove to Palacios tonight with Ruby and Allen. – Hope to go to Palacios tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 3
Good day. Not all sunshine. – Went to Palacios this forenoon. – Rec’d check from Mrs. Newsom and from the Central Power and Light Co. – Saw Miss Ethel Hockey on street. – Settled my bank account. Put papers in safety deposit box. – Went to see Mr. and Mrs. Richards. – Paid Mr. Love $1.00 for mowing lawn, etc. – Blanche came while I was up in the attic hunting shoes for Odeal. – Went to Teague’s for a cup of coffee and then to see Mrs. Farwell a moment. – Mr. Farwell and Mr. Gray ate lunch with Mr. Pierce today. – Mrs. Smith is having the lot south of the house plowed up and the ruts in the street filled up. The streets are in a terrible condition.

Thursday, February 4
Cold windy day. Norther. – Mrs. Smith drove to Bay City early this forenoon. – Mr. Pierce not quite so well. This afternoon late the puncture where the drain tube had been opened and quite a little pus and blood came out. Dr. Loos had an OB case, so could not come over, but Dr. Morton came and said it was not serious. Something like a stitch abscess. – Mrs. Smith has been out of doors all day. Is having dirt and shell hauled into the street between the Bank and Hotel. – Mr. Pierce did not leave his room today. – Had a good many visitors, tho.

Friday, February 5
Grand sunshine. – We did quite a handful of washing this afternoon. – Ironed this afternoon. – Mrs. Smith is busy having ground put in order for planting. – Mr. Pierce has been quiet today. The place in his side is still draining out. – Mrs. Pierce, Clinton and I went to Bay City tonight to see the “The Fool” presented by the Palacios Little Theatre Co. for the benefit of the County Health Work, etc. – Were late getting home and are tired and sleepy.

Saturday, February 6
Pretty day – Was not feeling quite so peppy this forenoon. Stomach on the bum, but am O. K. tonight. – Wrote to Mr. Morgan about my not receiving my gas statement for last month. – Mrs. Smith’s plowing is going on in a fine way. – Mrs. Dunn came up this P.M. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City this afternoon to inspect the new jail building. – Mr. Pierce is not doing so well. Too much pus was coming from the tube incision so she asked Dr. Loos to come over. He came and found pus in the incision scar, also. – Mr. Pierce is sleeping in his room tonight. – We are very anxious. – Clinton went to Houston with Mrs. Beard today.

Sunday, February 7
Very good day. Partly sunshine. – Not much sleep in this home last night. Mr. Pierce was not so well. Quite a bit of temperature. – There was much business transacted here last night concerning the Bank consolidation (Blessing and Palacios) – The notice on the Bank entrance this morning caused consternation in town. – After dinner Mr. Cobb came over in his large car and moved Mr. Pierce back to the hospital. Dr. Loos probed the incision, and is hopeful of a speedy healing. – Mrs. Smith and I came home about 5:00. Stopped at Live Oak Farm a few minutes. – Mrs. Pierce is staying at the hospital tonight. – Mrs. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and son are calling here tonight.

Monday, February 8
Some cloudy and some sunshine. – Mrs. Smith drove over to Bay City this morning. - Then Mrs. Pierce came home until after lunch. Going back to the hospital this afternoon. – Odeal washed and ironed today. – I have been busy all day, too. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith both came home tonight. Mr. Pierce seemed better. – The surgeon is encouraged to believe he will soon have Mr. Pierce on the road to recovery again. – Blessing citizens are much distressed by the bank closing for a time.

Tuesday, February 9
Pretty day. – I drove down to Palacios this forenoon. Brought Mrs. Dunn’s sewing boxes to her. – Mrs. Smith drove down, also. – Then after lunch, she and Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City. Found Mr. Pierce better, tho the trouble might have been very serious and he may have to be in the hospital some time yet. – Mrs. Dunn and Winnie came up this morning. – Mrs. Smith made some candy since dinner tonight.

Wednesday, February 10
Good day. – Just busy all day. – Working on a couple of dresses for Mrs. Pierce and other sewing. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce drove to Bay City this afternoon. Mrs. Selkirk brought us some lettuce and greens. – Mr. Pierce seems to be improving slowly. Dr. Loos was in San Antonio today. – Mrs. Dunn and Winnie ate dinner here tonight. – Mr. Phillips and Brother went fishing today. Did not get home in time to eat dinner, at Mrs. Pierce’s table tonight. – No word from my gas bill, yet.

Thursday, February 11
Very pretty day. Windy. – At home alone all day. – Clinton takes a lunch to school every day. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith went to the hospital. Car balked. Had to send for Albert to get it going. Battery run down. – Mr. Pierce is better again. Was visiting one of the new babies when Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce arrived at the hospital this forenoon. – Mrs. Farwell is giving a party tonight.

Friday, February 12
Beautiful day. - Phone message from Mr. Morgan. Gas bill .75. – Went to town early for the mail. – Then Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce drove to the hospital. – Found Mr. Pierce doing well and anxious to come home soon. – This P. M. I went down to the P.O. – Mrs. Dunn and Brother brought me home. – Mrs. Smith stopped at Live Oak Farm for dinner tonight. – Mrs. Pierce, Clinton and I went to Palacios to see “Surrendered.” Saw Otto at the movie. – We all sat up and sewed, knit and read until it is now almost midnight.

Saturday, February 13
Cloudy forenoon. Sunshine P.M. – After doing her washing, Mrs. Smith went to Bay City. Mr. Pierce did not see quite so well today. Another silk stitch came out. Also more pus this morning. – I wrote to Miss Claire. Sent my gas check .75. Also one for .60 to her to clear up my bank deposit. – Mrs. Pierce has been at home all day. Planting garden seeds and corn. – She is tired tonight. – The field trials for dogs is being held here today and tomorrow. – The Woman’s Council is serving the visitors’ dinner at the Community House. – Mrs. Beard and John W. were up tonight.

Sunday, February 14 – St. Valentine’s Day
A beautiful day. – Mrs. Smith went over to the hospital before lunch. – Mrs. Pierce and I went immediately after. – Mr. Pierce is improving slowly. – Mr. and Mrs. Walker of El Maton visited him this afternoon. – Mr. Feather came to the hospital to ask if I would rent my home for a year to someone who is to move there soon. – Mrs. Smith and I came home early. – Called at Live Oak barn a moment. Then at Mr. Brown’s home where she bought a fine rooster for Mrs. Pierce. – We listened to a radio program tonight. – Field trials for dogs closed tonight.

Monday, February 15
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce and I did a small washing and ironing today. – I made two or three trips to town and she did some work in the garden. – Mrs. Smith spent the day with Mr. Pierce. He sat out in the sun this afternoon. – A little pus came from the wound today when it was dressed. He is not getting well very fast. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up a few minutes this afternoon. – Mrs. Smith made candy since dinner. – We are going to be tired tonight.

Tuesday, February 16
Warm, beautiful day. – Mrs. Smith went over to the hospital this forenoon. Mrs. Pierce worked in the garden until almost noon. Then went to Bay City. – Dr. Loos brought Mr. Pierce home about dark. He says he is “feeling fine,” but looks sick yet. – Mrs. Pierce and I went to hear Rev. Engle preach tonight. – Clinton went to Palacios with Mrs. Beard and John Warren. – Mrs. Walker of El Maton came to inquire for Mr. Pierce this afternoon. – This month is more than half gone. – Trust the weather may continue warm.

Wednesday, February 17
Rained some this forenoon. – Mr. Pierce seems to be feeling fairly well. After lunch he walked down to his office and spent a couple of hours. – Mrs. Smith went to Palacios and brought him some fish. – Mrs. Pierce cleaned cupboards this forenoon and set out tomato plants this afternoon. – I have been sewing all day. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce have gone to a meeting at the Community House tonight. The county agent is telling them how to raise corn and cucumbers. – Mr. Barnett and Otto Frosh came up to see Mr. Pierce. Mr. Barnett went to the meeting, but Otto stayed to visit Mr. Pierce. – Northeast wind blowing tonight.

Thursday, February 18
Mrs. Pierce took Mr. Pierce over to the hospital this forenoon to have the doctor dress his wound. He is to have it done every 2nd day for a time. And must do his car riding in a reclining position for a month. – Mrs. Smith awoke with a severe headache. She took aspirin. – Then we went out for a real drive. – Stopped at Live Oak Farm where she is having fencing, etc. done. – Took Ruby’s butter to Bay City for her.  – Then drove up to Midfield sightseeing. – Then home. - She has been out of doors all day. – Mrs. Pierce has been planting seeds, etc. all afternoon. - I have been sewing. – We are all tired tonight. – Mr. Pierce went to his office this afternoon.

Friday, February 19
Rainy day. – Mr. Pierce slept well last night. – Is ready for food most any time. – Went to his office this P.M. – Mrs. Smith drove to Live Oak Farm this forenoon. Came home in the rain. – Mrs. Pierce has worked at her desk all day. – I have been sewing on Clinton’s trousers all day. – Mr. Duller came over to attend a school board meeting, but none of the other members were present. Muddy roads being one cause. – Cooler tonight, but not raining.

Saturday, February 20
Rainy most of the day. – Mrs. Pierce drove Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Dunn to Bay City this forenoon. – Mrs. Dunn went to the dentist’s. – Mrs. Smith went out to Live Oak Farm. – Have been busy all day, but went down town with Mrs. Pierce after lunch. – Mrs. Beard is not well, but we did not stop to see her. – Went to visit Mrs. Cornelius a moment. She has been sick more than a week. Flu. – Picked out pecans for candy tonight. – Raining quite hard as we go to bed. – Plowing and planting have come to a stop for awhile.

Sunday, February 21
Rainy much of the day. – Hard rain fell last night delaying plowing and planting. – Mrs. Smith walked to the Post Office twice today. – Mr. Pierce was out calling since dinner. He seems to be feeling real well and enjoys his food. – No visitors today except John Warren and Mrs. Allen Pierce. – Have written two letters this afternoon and taken a nap. – Real cool tonight. Fire in the fireplace.

Monday, February 22 – George’s Birthday
Rainy morning, but cleared off later. – Mrs. Pierce took Mr. Pierce to the hospital. On the way home, he stopped at his office. Seems to be improving quite rapidly. – Mrs. Smith has been working at Live Oak Farm all day. – Burning underbrush, etc. – Very tired tonight. – Went downtown this P.M. with Mrs. Pierce. – The Masons are entertaining with a Washington affair tonight at the Community House. – But Mr. Pierce did not feel equal to attending, so Mrs. Pierce, Clinton, John Warren and I went to Bay City to see “Hell Divers.” A wonderful picture.

Tuesday, February 23
Cloudy forenoon. Sunshine P.M. – Mr. Pierce went to his office today. Is looking much better. – Clinton awoke with fever. So has been in bed all day. – Since lunch, I went to Palacios for Mrs. Pierce. – Called a moment at the Farwell home. Found them better from the flu. – The Episcopal ladies served dinner at their home honoring Miss ____, who is a lecturer on leadership for women. – Brought some chops and oysters from Palacios. – Working on the quilt tonight. – Bought some goods from Mrs. Sanford to try a dress pattern on for myself.

Wednesday, February 24
Pretty day all day. – Clinton continues sick. Fever and cough. – Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Lucas drove Mr. Pierce to the hospital today. Dr. Loos says he is doing well. – Mrs. Smith spent the day at Live Oak Farm. Is very tired tonight. – I cut out my dress, but it is not the style I can wear with a jacket. – Went to P.O. and did the marketing this morning. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove up this evening. He has quite a severe cough yet. – Mrs. Farwell seems quite weak. – Ruby’s aunt in Houston was stricken with paralysis today. She is going to Houston tomorrow.

Thursday, February 25
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Smith spent the day at the farm. Prepared supper for Allen before coming home tired almost to death. – Clinton has some temperature yet. Is still in bed. Mrs. Beard came up to see him this afternoon. – Mrs. Farwell spent the day here. Cut out two dresses for me and partly fitted them.  – I have felt better today than I did yesterday, but quite bum yet. – Such an irritating cough. – Mrs. Martyn was a forenoon visitor.

Friday, February 26
Beautiful day all day. Mrs. Smith spent the day at Live Oak Farm. Ruby came back before dark, - Clinton was up a short time this afternoon, but has temperature 102 tonight. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce spent the evening at the Yeager home. – Mrs. Smith is working hard at the Farm. Comes home at night exhausted and lame.

Saturday, February 27 – My 64th Birthday 1868-1932
Most lovely day. – Clinton is in bed. A little temperature. – Mrs. Smith spent the day at Live Oak Farm. Is so thankful tomorrow is Sunday. She is tired of bossing the wood choppers. – Mr. Pierce spends his day at the office. Seems glad when William rings the “Soup’s On” gong. – I made Mrs. Smith’s duck trousers smaller and took a few mending stitches. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce called on the Yeagers tonight. – Mrs. Faubion came this forenoon. – William made a birthday cake for me today.

Sunday, February 28
Beautiful day. – We slept rather late this morning. Mrs. Smith went out to make sand tarts for Ruby this forenoon. After lunch, Mrs. Smith and I drove to Sargent. Stopped at the Tidehaven Cemetery on the way home and found a dozen or more horses and mules pasturing in the enclosure. – Mrs. Smith stood guard while I came for Allen  and to have Mr. Pierce phone for the sheriff, who arrived in due time and gave the necessary advice for future punishment of the offenders. – Mrs. Smith and Mr. Withers are in Palacios now. – Mrs. Dunn drove Mr. Pierce down to Mrs. John Price’s for oyster stew. – Clinton is in bed yet. Some fever tonight. – The Mortons and Farwells were here this P.M. – Mrs. Beard came since lunch.


Tuesday, March 1
Splendid day. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn drove to Houston today. – Mrs. Farwell came up to help me sew on my dresses. – Mrs. Price has worked in the garden all day. Had a couple of men helping. I took the seed planter out to Ruby’s at noon. – Rev. Engle came over to see Clinton this evening. He ate dinner and visited Mr. Pierce. – Mrs. Beard came after school to see Clinton.

Wednesday, March 2
Rained this afternoon. – Mr. and Mrs. Borden, her sister Miss Huff, and Miss Winston came calling this forenoon. – Mrs. Smith spent the day at the farm and in Bay City having a broken tooth treated. – Mr. ___ is making a small entrance gate to the cemetery. – Mrs. Pierce went to Mrs. Duller’s a few minutes this P.M. A council meeting? – Mrs. Dunn ate lamb chops here for dinner. – Clinton in bed yet. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce attended a cucumber meeting at the Community House tonight.

Thursday, March 3
Pretty day. – The garden is so wet it can not be worked. So Mrs. Pierce worked at her desk most of the day. – I sewed on my dresses all afternoon. – Mrs. Yeager spent a couple of hours with us this afternoon. – Mr. Pierce at his office. – Mrs. Smith finished her income tax report. – Clinton in bed, but better.

Friday, March 4
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Lucas took Mr. Pierce over to Bay City this forenoon. Dr. Loos removed pus from the incision. He was feeling quite weak this morning, but seems better since lunch. – Spent the latter part of the afternoon in his office. – Mrs. Smith went to the dentist’s this forenoon. – Clinton dressed and spent most of the day downstairs. Mrs. Beard came to see him after school. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell visited us a few minutes this afternoon. – Finished my blue dress today.

Saturday, March 5
Cold, windy day. Rainy forenoon. – Mrs. Smith went to the dentist’s and took Mr. Pierce to the hospital this forenoon. – Some pus continues to some from the incision at times. – Mrs. Pierce and I did the Saturday cleaning and changing. – A norther blew up about 1:30 this morning. Some rain fell. Gardens and fields very wet. – Sewed this afternoon. Have the brown dress finished except the skirt. Have the challis house dress almost finished, too. – Mrs. Smith went to Palacios and brought home one of Miss Nannie’s orange layer cakes. – Very fine.

Sunday, March 6
Pretty day. – No one went to S. S. and no one from this house went to Rev. Gillespie tonight. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith made sand tarts this afternoon. – I picked out pecans. – Mr. Withers came and we all went to Live Oak Farm a few minutes. Beautiful place. – Found Mr. and Mrs. Farwell here when we came home. – Later ate oyster stew. – Then Mrs. Smith made kisses. – Gave Mr. Withers a box when he went home.

Monday, March 7
Not so pretty. Cloudy mostly. – Mrs. Smith and Mr. Pierce went to Bay City this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce has been busy all day preparing for guests tomorrow. – I sent a note to the Postmaster at Palacios asking for my gas bill. – Clinton did not go to school today. Coughing some yet.

Tuesday, March 8
Cold norther. Very cold tonight. – Mr. and Mrs. Borden of Mackay and their guests, Miss Winston, Miss Hough, Mr. Winston, also Mrs. Stoddard ate lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith. – Mrs. Pierce prepared a most excellent lunch and all seemed to enjoy eating, drinking and visiting together. – Clinton did not go to school on account of the cold stormy weather. – Mrs. Pierce attended a council meeting at the Community House tonight. – Letter from Marguerite. – Check from the Newsoms. – Gas bill.

Wednesday, March 9
Cold, windy, sunshine. – Sewed all forenoon. – Mrs. Smith spent most of the day at the farm. – Clinton continues to cough. – After lunch I went to Palacios. Did some errands for Mrs. Pierce. Paid my gas bill. Stopped at home a few minutes. Brought back my voile dress to finish and my white blouse. – Saw Mrs. Newsom a moment. – Called at Mrs. Farwell’s home. She is not well. – Have been working on Mrs. Pierce’s quilt tonight. – Wind has gone down. Suppose there will be ice again tonight. – Mailed $5.00 to Mr. Richards.

Thursday, March 10
Snowing about all day. – Snow has been falling all day. – Melting, but not as fast as it fell. – Mrs. Pierce took Mr. Pierce to the hospital today, but he does not have to go again if he continues to improve. – Clinton was not quite so well this morning so he did not get up until noon. Was much distressed when he saw the snow falling and could not be out enjoying it. – Worked on Mrs. Pierce’s quilt tonight. – Not so cold tonight, but continues snowing.

Friday, March 11
A blanket of snow this morning and still snowing at noon, but melting. – And by sundown the pretty white blanket had melted. – Mr. Pierce went to his office all day, but William brought the mail and did the marketing. – Clinton did not go to school today, but he and his mother studied about all day. – I have worked on the quilt all day. Have the little patches all ready to baste onto the blocks. 12 in all. – Much warmer tonight. Furnace turned off entirely.

Saturday, March 12
Sunshine most of the day. – A cold north wind blowing which is drying the mud. – Mrs. Smith is staying in bed yesterday and today. Not feeling so well. – Mrs. Pierce spent the day in Bay City—County Federation of Clubs. Not many in attendance. – Mr. Pierce went to Palacios this P.M. with the Yeager girls. Ate supper at the Farwell home. – Clinton better.

Sunday, March 13
Beautiful day, but cold. – Wind blowing from the north. – We were all at home until after lunch then Mrs. Smith and I drove to Palacios. She visited Mrs. Pybus and I went to the P.O. and to see Mrs. Farwell, who is not well. – They drove me back to the Pybus home and went for a short drive. – Mrs. Smith and I came home. – Clinton is better today. – Mr. and Mrs. Cash and Miss Gartrell spent an hour here this evening. Mrs. Beard came also.

Monday, March 14
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Smith and Mr. Pierce went to Bay City this forenoon—hospital and business. Mr. Pierce doing well. – Mrs. Pierce spent the forenoon at the high school.  Inspector and Mrs. Pollard. – Clinton went to school today. He was very tired tonight. – Mr. Pierce ate 6 o’clock dinner at the hotel with the Chamber of Commerce and two visiting boosters. – Otto phoned this forenoon about a couple of misplaced checks belonging to Miss Webb and me. – Sewing this afternoon. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came this afternoon. Also Mr. and Mrs. Glaze from El Maton. – LaNell Richards very sick.

Tuesday, March 15
Fine day. – Mrs. Smith went to the farm. – Mrs. Pierce arranged for a school board meeting tonight. – I went to the P.O. to post a letter to Mrs. Farwell. – LaNell Richards died this forenoon. Young woman nineteen years old. – Did some repair work this afternoon. – Went to Palacios to a picture show with Mrs. Beard tonight. – Board meeting busy when we came home.

Wednesday, March 16
Cloudy and sunshine. – Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn drove to Mackay to spend the day. Mrs. Smith was not well all day. – I went to Palacios and spent the day with Mrs. Farwell. We did some sewing. Ate lunch at her home. – LaNelle Richards was buried this afternoon. – Quite a shower fell soon after lunch, but the sun shone later in the afternoon. – We are all going to bed early and tired.

Thursday, March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day “Shamrocks”
Beautiful afternoon. Heavy fog earlier. – Busy most of the day preparing for guests tomorrow. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith went to the Community House tonight. Party. – Mrs. Dunn took the Lucas family to Houston today. – Ginger went to have a specialist examine her ears which seem to be in a serious condition. – Mr. and Mrs. Gallahar and Mr. Richards came up to see me this forenoon. Church business.

Friday, March 18
Beautiful day. – The guests, Mr. and Mrs. Rugeley and Mrs. Sargent came for luncheon and the afternoon. – After they went home, Mrs. Smith drove me out to Live Oak Farm to see the improvement made by clearing out the underbrush, etc. A real fairy land. – Mrs. Pierce had many letters to write tonight for the school board. – We expect to go to Houston tomorrow.

Saturday, March 19
Beautiful sunshiny day. – We, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Webb, Jackie Flannigan, Clinton and I, went to Houston today. – Did some shopping. – Went to see the “Last Edition” and had a happy day generally. Real tired tonight. Note from Mrs. Love $1.20 due for mowing lawn.

Sunday, March 20
Pretty, but windy day. – We slept late this morning. – Clinton went to S. School. – After dinner Mrs. Beard took Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Pierce, the two boys and me to Bay City to a picture show. – Mrs. Smith providing the tickets and something to drink. – Mrs. Withers met us in Bay City and took Mrs. Smith in his car from there. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up a moment. Late for them. – Mrs. Pierce and I went to hear Rev. Gillespie preach tonight. – Strong south wind blowing tonight.

Monday, March 21
Not a pretty day. Windy, cloudy. – Have been sewing all day. – Mrs. Smith took Mr. Pierce to the hospital this forenoon to have a small amount of pus removed. Then Mrs. Smith spent to afternoon at the Farm. – Mrs. Pierce was sewing some this afternoon, too.

Tuesday, March 22
Clear, windy day. Quite cool. – Mrs. Smith spent the day at Live Oak Farm. – Mrs. Pierce was busy at her typewriter and communion. – Our hats purchased in Houston Saturday came this morning. – Have been working on Mrs. Smith’s dress (altering it), my brown skirt and mending today. – Went to Palacios with Mrs. Pierce and William this P.M. – Paid my box rent and Mr. Love $1.20 for mowing the lawn. – We went to hear Rev. Engle preach tonight. Quite a handful were present to hear him.

Wednesday, March 23 – Mr. Webb [died] 1918
Windy, sunshiny day.  – Mrs. Pierce worked in the garden some today. Mrs. Smith spent the day at Live Oak Farm. – Mary Dean drove Mr. Pierce out in the Croncoway [Carancahua] neighborhood this forenoon. – Mrs. Selkirk, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce are playing contract Bridge tonight. – Mrs. Beard, John Warren, Clinton and I went to Palacios to see a 154 show tonight. – I finished my brown dress today and did some other sewing.

Thursday, March 24
Beautiful day. – We were guests of Mrs. Dunn’s at the Hotel today. – Mr. and Mrs. Borden of Mackay, Miss Hough, Miss Winston and Mrs. Stoddard were there also.

Friday, March 25
Pretty day all day. – Mr. Pierce went to Bay City this forenoon. Mary Dean drove for him. – Mrs. Smith spent the day at the farm. The men are cutting down dead trees and brush. Making a beautiful woodland. – Mrs. Pierce has worked in the garden most of the day. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up late this evening. – I drove the car for Mr. Pierce out to Live Oak Farm this evening. – Mrs. Smith, Allen and Ruby, Mrs. Pierce, Clinton, John Warren and I went to see Geo. Arlis in The Man Who Played God.

Saturday, March 26
Windy day. Cloudy tonight. – Saturday house cleaning this forenoon. – Mrs. Smith spent the day at the farm. – I sewed this afternoon until 5 o’clock. Then went to El Maton with Mrs. Pierce. – Clinton went to Houston with Mrs. Beard. – Mr. Withers spent the evening here. – Mr. and Mrs. Hall sent the Pierce household a box of candy. Easter gift. – Ruby brought a quart of cream tonight.

Sunday, March 27 – Easter
North wind. – Windy day, but sunshine. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Selkirk went to Bay City to Episcopal services this forenoon. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner with Mr. Pierce Withers. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent after lunch with Mr. O’Bannon. – Mrs. Smith and I went for him about 4:45 P.M. – Mrs. Beard spent the evening here.

Monday, March 28
Pretty day, but windy. – Mrs. Dunn came for me before 7 o’clock this morning and we went to Houston. Had a fine day shopping for Winnie’s little girls and some dimity dresses for Mrs. Dunn, also. – Came home by the Borden home where we drank tea, ate cake and homemade candy. – Reached home after dark. – Mrs. Dunn is not well. Upset stomach.

Tuesday, March 29
Windy day and cool. – Mrs. Smith spent the day at the Farm. – Mr. Pierce went to the hospital this forenoon. Mary Dean drove for him. – Mrs. Farwell spent the day with us and is here tonight. We are all sewing. – I cut out Ruby’s dress today. – Mrs. Farwell and I drove out to Live Oak Farm for Mrs. Smith this evening, but met her coming in with the Yeager girls. – Windy night and looks like rain.

Wednesday, March 30
More wind. – Sewing all day. – Mrs. Farwell sewed for Mrs. Pierce who was busy at her desk most of the day. – Ruby came and fitted her dress. – I cut out two slips for Mrs. Smith this P.M. – Mrs. Farwell went home this evening. – After dinner we all drove out to Live Oak and to the Brown’s hoping to get some eggs and hens. None to be had. – Rain threatened tonight.

Thursday, March 31
Rather cold north wind. – Have been sewing alone all day. – Mrs. Pierce at her desk and in the garden. – Mr. Pierce spent the day in Sargent. Mary Dean drove for him. He went to see how his oil well was progressing. It is down 300 feet. – Ruby came to fit her dress this afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove out to the farm for Mrs. Smith just before dinner. – I sent notes to Mr. and Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Borden. – Tired tonight. – Last day of March.


Friday, April 1
Real cold day. – Mrs. Farwell came up and sewed until 2:30 then she went to a party at Mrs. Cairnes. – I have been working on Ruby’s dress mostly. – After dinner Mrs. Smith and I went to Palacios. I had an errand at home. (Rec’d the rent check, also.) Mrs. Smith visited Mrs. Pybus. We had a blowout coming home. – Mrs. Pierce and Clinton went to the pictures show. – All home tired.

Saturday, April 2
Not so cold today. Sunshine. – Mrs. Smith did not work today – Mrs. Grace Scarborough spent the day at Allen’s. She came and took Mrs. Smith out for lunch. – Mr. Pierce and Mr. Rickaway spent the day in the car. – Mrs. Pierce was busy all day—housekeeping, sewing, receiving applicants for teaching work and voting. – Mrs. Farwell spent the day here. – Mr. Farwell paid my gas bill today. – Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Pierce, Clinton and I went to Bay City to see the Fighting Fool. – Finished Ruby’s dress today.

Sunday, April 3
Lovely day. Windy. – I put my room in order this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce was out interviewing the school board. – Mrs. Smith was out with Mrs. Scarborough. – After lunch Mrs. Dunn drove Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and me over to Mackay to see Mr. and Mrs. Borden. – Mr. Borden is real sick. Heart trouble. – We came back by the Mobley farm. Found Mr. and Mrs. Mobley there. They came home with us, ate lunch and visited a short time. – Mrs. Smith took a passenger to Bay City this P.M. so could not go to Mackay.

Monday, April 4
Beautiful day. Working. – This morning I went to the hotel to sew for Mrs. Dunn. Cut out and worked on a couple of dimity aprons for Jane. – Mrs. Dunn doing finger work. – The electric machine is too swift for me yet, tho I seemed to be keeping up with it better as the day advanced. – Not so tiresome to run as the old timey ones. – Mrs. Smith spent the day at Live Oak. – Clinton almost sick again with a cold.

Tuesday, April 5
Beautiful day. – Sewing all day for Mrs. Dunn. Finished the aprons and have two smocked dresses well underway for Jane. – Come home for lunch every day. – Mr. Pierce spent the day at Sargent. Some cotton up. – Mrs. Smith out at Live Oak all day. – Mrs. Pierce spent the forenoon in Bay City. Having a school board meeting here tonight. – Mrs. Farwell brought the doughnut dough up this forenoon.

Wednesday, April 6
Pretty day. Windy. – Sewed all day for Mrs. Dunn. – Mrs. Smith at the Farm. – Mrs. Pierce in the garden. – Mr. Pierce went to Francitas this P.M. with Mr. Matthes. – We all sewed tonight until almost eleven o’clock.

Thursday, April 7
Some cloudy and rain. – Sewed all day for Mrs. Dunn. – Mrs. Pierce went to Palacios after lunch. – Had my check from Mr. Newsom cashed. – Mrs. Smith spent the day at the Farm. Came home almost sick. Some fever. – Quite a splendid shower fell this afternoon late. It was needed.

Friday, April 8
A light norther followed the rain. – Sewed for Mrs. Dunn today. – Mrs. Price had an appointment with the dentist this forenoon and a health meeting this P.M. in Bay City. – Mrs. Smith was feeling better, but slipped on the rug, fell and hurt herself quite badly. – Mrs. Dunn has guests tomorrow, so we will not sew. – Mrs. Pierce, Clinton and I went to see “Tarzan” tonight in Bay City. – Mrs. Dunn $10.00

Saturday, April 9
Very good day. Light shower this P.M. – Mrs. Farwell came up and we sewed for Mrs. Pierce. – Mrs. Smith in bed all day, but feeling much better tonight. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce went to Palacios this afternoon to attend the funeral of one of the Blessing Bank directors. – Real tired tonight. – Rainbow party at the Community House this afternoon.

Sunday, April 10
Real cold windy day. – After lunch Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Selkirk and I went to Palacios to hear Bishop Quinn preach. – Then went to the Farwell home to be served plate lunch. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent, Mrs. Smith was not well so “kept the home fires burning.” – Letter from Mrs. Bell.

Monday, April 11
Cold windy day. – Sewed for Mrs. Dunn. She is not well. – Mrs. Smith feeling better. Up today. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up late this evening. – Mrs. Pierce and I went to hear Rev. Engle preach tonight. Then he, his wife, a friend (Dr. Clemment ) and Mrs. Selkirk came up and played Bridge for an hour. – I sewed on the quilt.

Tuesday, April 12
Pretty day, but cool. – Another day for Mrs. Dunn. She is almost sick yet from the cold. – Mrs. Pierce and Odeal have been cleaning on the third floor al day. – She has gone to a council meeting at the Community House tonight. Mrs. Smith spent most of the day at the Farm.

Wednesday, April 13
Pretty sunshiny day. – At six o’clock this morning, Dr. Morton phoned Mr. Pierce that Mr. Mobley died in New York. – At one o’clock, Mrs. Dunn drove Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith to Houston to see Mrs. Mobley. – They arrived back in Blessing about nine o’clock. – Mr. Mobley evidently walked out of a window in his sleep and fell to his death. – I sewed all day for Mrs. Dunn. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove up late in the afternoon. – Mr. Farwell had had an attack of some kind yesterday afternoon. – Falling on the cement floor.


Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light

April 15, 1932

Thursday, April 14
Beautiful day. – Sewed for Mrs. Dunn. – She is making preparation for a dinner and bridge party tomorrow night, so we will not sew tomorrow. – She ate dinner here tonight. – Mrs. and Mrs. Farwell drove up just before dinner. He is feeling better. – Mr. Pierce has taken all of the tape bandages off and is feeling excellent he says. Will be three months the 18th of this month since he was operated on. – No word from the Mobleys today.

Friday, April 15 – Mrs. Dunn’s birthday 49
At home today. – Mrs. Farwell came up and we sewed for Mrs. Pierce. – At 6:30 we went to the hotel and enjoyed a good dinner. – Mrs. Dunn’s birthday dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Price
Mr. and Mrs. Kimball
Dr. and Mrs. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce
Mrs. Smith
Mrs. Selkirk
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Sisson
Mrs. Webb
Mrs. Dunn
After dinner Mrs. Pierce and I came home leaving the others to play bridge.

Saturday, April 16
Beautiful day. – The family went to Houston to attend Mr. Mobley’s funeral this forenoon. – I put the house in order and after lunch went to Palacios. – Paid Mr. Love for mowing lawn, etc. – The Newsoms think they will have to have a larger house and a shop in the yard next year. Am sorry to lose such fine young people. – Went to see Mrs. Farwell. – We did some shopping, drank some hot cocoa, visited the Chev. Salesroom and she cast her vote. – Then I took her home and came home myself. – The family all came home before dark. All tired tonight.

Sunday, April 17 – My wedding day in 1888
Lovely day. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent today. – Mrs. Dunn ate dinner. Spent the afternoon and then drove us to Bay City to see “Emma,” a sweet clean movie picture. – Dr. Putnam came calling this afternoon. He is Mrs. Duller’s brother-in-law. – My wedding day, O’Neil Nebraska, 44 years ago. A beautiful day it was. 1932-1888 = 44

Monday, April 18
Pretty day. – Sewed for Mrs. Dunn all day. – Mr. Pierce spent the day in Sargent. Drove down himself. – Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Selkirk came up to play Bridge tonight. – Mrs. Smith spent most of the day at the Farm.

Tuesday, April 19
Beautiful day. – Sewed for Mrs. Dunn. – Mrs. Smith spent most of the day at the Farm. – Mr. Pierce did not come home from Sargent until this afternoon. Stood the trip quite well. – Mrs. Pierce worked in her garden today. Has gone to a party at Mrs. Duller’s tonight. – After dinner Mrs. Smith and I drove down to Palacios. She visited Aunt Jane Pybus and I went to see Mrs. Richards. She is sick. – Allen Pierce will go to Houston tomorrow to have his eye operated on.

Wednesday, April 20
Pretty day. – Sewed for Mrs. Dunn. - Tired tonight. – Cold in my throat and chest. – Taking cough medicine. – Allen Pierce went to Houston this afternoon to have operation tomorrow.

Thursday, April 21
Windy day. – Sewed for Mrs. Dunn. – Mrs. Smith and Ruby drove to Houston this morning in time for Allen’s operation at 8:30. – Mrs. Smith came home very tired, but drove back to Live Oak Farm after dinner to inquire for Ruby who was sick coming home from Houston. She is better.

Friday, April 22
Windy day. Some cloudy. A few rain drops. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith went to Austin this morning  to see Buddy. They expect to be gone until Sunday. – Mrs. Dunn and I sewed all day. – Seems very quiet in the house tonight. Have not heard from Allen today. – Clinton goes to Houston with Mrs. Beard tomorrow.

Saturday, April 23
Rain threatened, but only a shower fell. – Finished sewing for Mrs. Dunn, $20.00, until she returns from the East. – Clinton went to Houston. Was quite late getting home tonight. – Mr. Pierce sent to Sargent this (late) afternoon and Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up a few minutes about six o’clock. – Clinton and I are the house keepers tonight. – Wonder where Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith are tonight.

Sunday, April 24
Pretty day. – Clinton slept late. Was very tired from his all day trip. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith came home early this afternoon from their Austin trip. Were tired, but enjoyed the visit. – Mr. Pierce came home from Sargent before dark. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell brought some Easter lilies this afternoon. – Ruby is spending the night here preparatory for a trip to Houston tomorrow to bring Allen home.

Monday, April 25
Pretty day. – Ruby arose and left the house at 5 o’clock this morning. – She and Allen were at home at 12 o’clock. His eye seems to be doing well. – I have been sewing on the blue dress for Mrs. Pierce. Have it almost finished. – Mrs. Smith has been quite miserable all day. Tired out from her long trip. – Mrs. Selkirk and Mrs. Beard are playing bridge here tonight – Mrs. Dunn went to Houston today.

Tuesday, April 26
Beautiful day, but warm. – Sewed most of the day for Mrs. Smith making a white dress. – Mrs. Pierce worked in her garden. – Mr. Rickaway and Jim are scraping the paint off the house, etc. – Mrs. Smith has been house cleaning her room today preparing to leave for PA Sunday. – Mrs. Dunn came up this evening after a day spent in Victoria. – Going to bed early after a hot bath.

Wednesday, April 27
One small shower fell today. – Sewing for Mrs. Smith today. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. – Mrs. Pierce to Bay City. – Mrs. Smith to the Farm. – This evening we went down to the Farwell home to eat baked beans and brown bread. – Such a splendid dinner. We were late leaving home as we waited for Mr. Pierce, to come, but for some reason, he has not come yet as we go to bed at 10 o’clock. – Gave Mr. Farwell some money to have deposited for me.

Thursday, April 28
Rain threatened all day and about 3 o’clock it began falling. A gentle rain as good for everything. – Mrs. Smith went to Bay City this forenoon a trip to the dentist and this afternoon she went to Pierce station was caught in the rain storm and had Billie drive her up from the garage. Roads very muddy. – Mrs. Pierce and Willie worked in the garden after lunch. – Have been working on Mrs. Smith’s dimity dresses today.

Friday, April 29
Down pour last night and rained hard this morning. – Had to keep the lights on quite late this forenoon. So dark. – Mrs. Smith went out to the farm before lunch and packed her trunk this afternoon. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City tonight. Chamber of Commerce banquet. – Mrs. Smith, Clinton and me went to Palacios. Clinton to movie, Mrs. Smith to visit Mrs. Pybus and I went up home and to see Mrs. Houghton. – Water running away quite fast. – Sewing on the last dimity dress today.

Saturday, April 30
Lovely day. – Finished the dresses early and Fannie pressed them. $8.00. – Lucy and Fannie have been helping Mrs. Pierce clean house a little today. – I finished Mrs. Pierce’s blue dress and jacket today and did some other sewing and mending. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up late to say Bon Voyage to Mrs. Smith. They brought Easter lilies. – After dinner Mrs. Smith and I drove out to Live Oak Farm a few moments. – She and Mrs. Dunn will be leaving at 6:30 in the morning for Penn. – Auto route.


Sunday, May 1
Fog this morning, but pretty day. - Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn were off for Penn. At 6:30 this morning. – We have missed her today. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. – Mrs. Pierce and I have rested most of the day.- No visitors came and we napped this afternoon. – Went to hear Rev. Gillespie preach tonight.

Monday, May 2
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce and I have mended all day. – Reduced the stack considerably. – Wonder where Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn are tonight.

Tuesday, May 3
Grand day. – Card from Mrs. Smith. They are having a pleasant trip. – After breakfast we did the housework and at 10:00 started for Matagorda to attend a board meeting of the district officials of the Episcopal Church. We were early arriving in Matagorda, so drove around some before going to the Episcopal church. – Soon we were told that it was lunch time, so we went to the Methodist Church where we were served a fine lunch. – Then back to the Episcopal Church for convention. Started back home at 3 o’clock. Stopped in Bay City. Called on Mrs. Stoddard. Had a lovely day.

Wednesday, May 4
Lovely day. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up a few minutes this forenoon. – Mrs. Lewis of Bay City and Mrs. Dismukes of Palacios were here for lunch. They, with Mrs. Pierce, are a committee for program work. – I went to town a couple of times today for the mail. – Rec’d my Central Power and Light Co. check today. $6.00 – Also gas statement for $1.35. – Mrs. Beard came up a few minutes tonight. – Made a white organdy collar to send to Mrs. Smith today. – Also did mending.

Thursday, May 5
Pretty day. – Have been darning stockings most of the day. – Mrs. Pierce attended a Library meeting at the Community House this P.M. – Mr. and Mrs. Salsbury came up tonight. School business of some kind. – Tired tonight. – Clinton went to a S. S. picnic after school.

Friday, May 6
Pretty day. General house cleaning this forenoon as we hope to go to Houston tomorrow. – A school board meeting was called at Mr. Duller’s store this P.M. special business. – Mr. Black, who is to be Supt. here next year came over this afternoon. He ate dinner here tonight. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have gone to the Community House tonight. A Woman’s Council party is being given. – Clinton and I are going to bed early.

Saturday, May 7
Grand day. – We were up early this morning and soon after 7 o’clock on our way to Houston. – Mrs. Farwell came up this morning and went with us. – We did a little shopping. Mrs. Pierce went to see Mrs. Mobley, but she had gone to the Valley. – Then we drove out to Hermann Park. – Visited the Zoo as much as time would permit. – Had a happy day and are going to bed tired. – Mrs. Farwell is spending the night here.

Sunday, May 8 – Mother’s Day – Grand day.
We took the forenoon leisurely. – Mr. Farwell came up to eat lunch. – Then we all drove to Palacios and from there to Carancahua Club House, etc. on the Bay, far west of Palacios. – Quite a number of planes are on the field at the Army Camp for a 10 days training. – Mrs. Pierce and I went to hear Rev. Engle. He is spending the night here. – Mr. Pierce spent the day in Sargent.

Monday, May 9
Wonderful day. – Pretty day. – Was about all in today, so did not accomplish much. – Cut out some underwear for myself. Some of my purchase in Houston. – Mrs. Beard came up a few minutes tonight.

Tuesday, May 10
Fine day. – Housecleaning second floor and did some darning – Mr. Rickaway is doing much putty work on windows. – A cement road delegation attended a meeting in Bay City this forenoon then the Blessing Chamber of Commerce gave them lunch at the Hotel. – Mrs. Pierce is attending a council meeting at the Community House tonight. – Clinton in Palacios at the picture show.

Wednesday, May 11
Pretty day. – House cleaning today. – I almost remade the cover on the couch in Mrs. Pierce’s room and it took me the better part of the day. – A good many of the 100 baby chicks are dying. – Too cold perhaps. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent since lunch.

Thursday, May 12 – Fathers Birthday 1843-1932
My father would have been 89 yrs old had he lived until today. As it was he died in his 56th yr, 33 years ago. – Rec’d a good letter from Mrs. Massenburg today. – We have finished the 2nd floor. – Radio reports the finding of the Lindberg baby’s body this afternoon after more than two months frantic search.

Friday, May 13
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce has been busy with school work all day. – We all attended a school play tonight. – Very enjoyable and a packed house.

Saturday, May 14
Pretty day. – We did the general house work this forenoon. – Soon after lunch Mrs. Pierce took Clinton, Johnnie Junior and me to Palacios. – Then we picked up Mrs. Farwell (who had been sick) and drove out to the Army Camp to see the planes (which happened to be absent.) – The boys had a dip in the bay. – I went up home. – The Newsoms will be leaving my rooms the 1st of June. – We witnessed some of the Campfire Girls ceremonies at the BYPU grounds. – Ate lunch in Mrs. Farwell’s kitchen. – Went to picture show. – Came home. – Mrs. Pierce went to Sargent since lunch.

Sunday, May 15
Beautiful day. – Windy. – Clinton went to S. S. – We put up lunch and about 11:15 Mrs. Pierce, Clinton, Johnnie White and me drove to Sargent. Arrived there just as the O’Bannons and Mr. Pierce were ready to eat their dinner. So we drove down by the river and ate our lunch, too. Then all of us went to the beach. The tide was very high. Large breakers and white caps. A good many bathers came and went. – All seemed to enjoy themselves. –We arrived at home before dark. – Tired, but thankful for the pleasant day. – A severe electrical storm is passing over now at 10:00 as we go to bed.

Monday, May 16
Not so pleasant. North wind. – Odeal did not come. – The Buckeye picnic called off, but the Bay City guests ate dinner with Mrs. Stoddard at the Rice. – Mrs. Pierce and I cut out the big flowered dress and I basted it ready for fitting. – A truck growers meeting at the Community House tonight. Mrs. Pierce not attending. Streets quite muddy.

Tuesday, May 17
Good day. – Have been working on the dress today. – Tonight we attended a play given by the Palacios High School pupils. “The Valley of Ghosts” – Rec’d deposit slip from Miss Claire today. $15.00 – Sent note to Sisson. Also check for $5.00 to Central Church.

Wednesday, May 18
Fine day. – Sewing all day. – Cut out another dress for Mrs. Pierce. – Mr. Pierce spent the day in Sargent. – After dinner tonight Mrs. Pierce took Clinton and me to Bay City to attend the graduation exercises of the 7th grade. – Mary Anna  Morton being one of the graduates. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up a few moments just before dinner.

Thursday, May 19
Beautiful day. – Sewed most of the day. – Mrs. Pierce spent the afternoon at a Library business meeting. – After dinner they met in the Library to catalog books. – Dance at Community House. – Letter from Mrs. Smith concerning North American Trust Stock. – Dividend cut.

Friday, May 20
Lovely day. – Busy all day. – Finished the flowered dress. Worked on the batiste and slip. – The family went to the Community House tonight. Commencement exercises. – I did not go. Preparing for the trip to Houston tomorrow. – Dorothy Murphy came up after commencement exercises to talk with Mrs. Pierce about the new home she is to occupy in Victoria later on.

Saturday, May 12
Beautiful day. – Spent the day in Houston. – Bought a suitcase to replace the one Mrs. Farwell loaned me long ago. – Also invested in a bathing suit and shoes. – Found Mrs. Mobley, Mrs. Storey and Brooks Mobley here when we came home. They are spending the night here.

Sunday, May 22
Pretty all day, but shower at dark, - We enjoyed the Mobleys’ visit very much. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent this forenoon. – The Mobleys went home this afternoon. – Mrs. Beard and Mrs. Selkirk came up a few minutes before it rained this evening.

Monday, May 23
Wonderful day. – Mrs. Pierce has been hard at work on school business all day. – The two rooms taught by Mrs. Beard and Miss Helen Yeager picnicked out at the underpass at noon. – Worked in the house most of the forenoon. – Sewed and ironed since lunch. – Tired tonight.

Tuesday, May 24
Fine day. – Sewed this afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce worked out of doors all forenoon. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up late this evening. – Mrs. F. tells me that Mrs. Newsom is in the Bay City hospital quite sick. – I hope to go to see her soon. – Gave Mrs. Farwell the new suitcase to replace the one I have had of hers for such a long time. – Mr. Pierce spent the day in Sargent.

Wednesday, May 25
Fine day. – House cleaning downstairs. – Mr. Pierce and others drove to Austin this afternoon. Highway. – Mrs. Beard, John W., Mrs. Pierce, Clinton and I went to Palacios tonight to see “Scandal for Sale.” A newspaper story.

Thursday, May 26
Splendid day. – Finished the downstairs this afternoon. Then we drove to Bay City. – Mrs. Pierce to see Mrs. Pollard and I to visit Mrs. Newsom in the hospital. Found her some better. – She expects to go home tomorrow. They will move the middle of next week she thinks. – She is in quite serious condition I suspect. – Mr. Pierce not returned as we go to bed. – We took some shoes to the repair shop today. – The Yeagers are off on a vacation.

Friday, May 27
Mr. Pierce arrived at home about one o’clock this morning. Was quite tired this forenoon. – I did not sew any until after lunch. Then we went to Palacios about 4 o’clock. Permanent Date. – Mrs. Pierce on business. We stopped a moment to see Mrs. Farwell. Found her busy making dresses. – I found in my P.O. Box a fat envelope from the Haywoods. Mailed at Phoenix, Arizona.

Saturday, May 28
Fine day. – General mopping and dusting this forenoon. – Finished Mrs. Pierce’s dress. Pressed it and some things I had washed out for myself. – Mrs. Pierce kept the Library open this P.M. – After dinner tonight Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. – We spent 30 minutes with Mrs. Lucas tonight. She is quite weak yet. – Rec’d a check for $5.00 from Mrs. Smith. The difference between my old N. A. shares and the new. “No ken savvy.”

Sunday, May 29
Lovely day. – Mrs. Pierce and Clinton went to S. S. Mrs. Pierce taught the class, substituting for Miss Helen [Yeager} who is off on a trip. – After lunch, I  took some men and Mrs. Pierce took some men and Ginger out to locate the meets and bounds of the Blessing school district. – I washed my hair this forenoon. – Mr. Pierce is in Sargent. To be home tonight. – Mr. and Mrs. Glaze of E. Maton school spent the evening here.

Monday, May 30 – Memorial Day
A beautiful day. – A delegation from Blessing decorated graves at Hawley Cemetery this forenoon. – I repaired the curtains for the hall windows this P.M. – Sad day.

Tuesday, May 31
Beautiful day. – Went to Palacios early with Mrs. Pierce. She went to the beauty parlor. – I took the car and went up home. Visited with Mrs. Newsom, who is in bed most of the time. – Opened my rooms. – Then went to pay Mr. Love $1.25 for mowing the lawn. They had gone to Bay City, so left the check with Mrs. Huddleston. – Then out to the cemetery. It looks very well. Many soldiers are buried there as the flags indicated. – From there to Miss Nannie Pybus. Fitted the pattern to her. Then went to Miss Mitchell’s home, but she had gone up town. – Left the package of letters from Mrs. Haywood and visited a few minutes with Miss Sallie Smith. – Then to the bank and Brandon’s. – Then to Mrs. Farwell’s for lunch. – Then home and Mrs. Mrs. Pierce had to hurry on to Bay City. – A busy day.


Wednesday, June 1
Fine. – Mrs. Pierce took a car load of people to Houston this morning. Clinton’s dentist changed his day of torture from Sat. to Wed. – I worked on curtains most of the day repairing and hanging them. – Wrote a note to Mrs. Smith and mailed it. – The wind has blown a gale all day, but it has taken most of the mosquitoes away. – Mrs. Duller’s mother is very sick.

Thursday, June 2
Pretty day. – Mrs. Pierce cleaned kitchen cupboards, tables, etc. and I cleaned the sun porch. Both some jobs. – I also wrote a note to Mrs. Stoddard. – The oil well on the ranch is turning out to be a real thing. They are down 7832 feet. Have had much to delay them, but expect to bring the well in soon. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent this P.M. – We are at home tonight. I am making myself some underwear at night.

Friday, June 3
Fine day. – Cleaned the north porch this forenoon. – Sewed this afternoon. – Buddy will not be home until tomorrow noon. – All at home tonight except Clinton. Mrs. Cornelius took him to a picture show.

Saturday, June 4
Mrs. Pierce attended the Federated Clubs meeting at Palacios today. – Buddy came home about 3 o’clock badly sunburned from the long trip from Austin. – The wind has blown today, but the sun was frightfully hot. – All going to bed early. Tired.

Sunday, June 5
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce and Clinton went to S. S.  – Mr. Pierce to Sargent. – After lunch Buddy drove for us and we went to Sargent. Stopped in Bay City for Mrs. Stoddard. – We all went in bathing. – The water was quite rough and full of sea weed. – Mrs. Pierce had taken lunch along which we sat on the beach and enjoyed after our bath. – The stakes are set for the new had surfaced road from Sargent to the beach. – Arrived at home late, but all had a delightful day.

Monday, June 6
Another lovely day. - Prepared a bushel of snap beans for Hilda to can the first thing this morning. – Then did the housework. Odeal washed. – After lunch Mrs. Pierce went to Palacios for a permanent. – Had better success this time. – We went to the Church tonight to hear and see a Christian Endeavor Program. Rev. Haley gave a chalk song and picture. – Blessing won the cup for best attendance and visitors.

Tuesday, June 7
Pretty day. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce drove Jackie Flannigan and Sister Williams to Houston today. – Jackie to appear in a recital given by her dancing teacher tonight. – Buddy has gone to Palacios tonight, so Clinton and I are keeping house alone.

Wednesday, June 8 – Palacios
Pretty day. – Mrs. Pierce brought me down home this forenoon. – The Newsoms were just finishing moving out and cleaning when I arrived. – Have worked like a slave all day. – Went to prayer meeting tonight. – So tired, but have a good bed to sleep in.

Thursday, June 9 – Palacios
Wonderful day. – Have the lower floor pretty well cleaned and my three back rooms, also. – Mr. Love worked here all day putting new wire cloth on the front door, fixing locks on doors and windows, repairing garage door. – Supper at Teague’s. – Mrs. Farwell stopped a moment just as I was dressing to go to supper. – Mrs. Love came this forenoon a few minutes.

Friday, June 10 – Palacios
A fine rain fell this forenoon, but not as much as is needed. – Mr. Love offers to paint the house, two coats, and re-shingle the roof for $145.00. Am so sorry I cannot have it done. – Worked very hard until 2 o’clock, then had to rest a couple of hours. – Mrs. Love spent an hour with me. – Paid Mr. Love $2.00. – Went to a picnic at the Central Church tonight. – Dead tired.

Saturday, June 11
Pretty day. – Worked until 11 o’clock, then went to lumberyard. Paid bill $1.17. – Called a moment on the Newsoms. – Then went to Mrs. Richards for the sheets, pillow slips, etc. which Rev. Watson had used. – Ate dinner at Teagues. – Met the Farwells on the street. – Buddy came for me at 5 o’clock. Came home (?). – Went to Bay City to see Tom Mix with Mrs. Pierce and Clinton. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent.

Sunday, June 12
Fine day until P.M., then a good shower fell. – We worked all day putting up a bushel of plums. – No visitors came for which we were grateful. – Went to hear Rev. Engle preach tonight.

Monday, June 13
Pretty day. – We helped Odeal this forenoon. – After lunch Buddy went to Midfield to demonstrate his Wearever aluminum ware. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City to attend a shower given for Mary Dean by the Cobb girls. – Mrs. Stoddard came home with her and is spending the night with us. – Broke my watch crystal when I was setting the table tonight. Fell. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came for a moment.

Tuesday, June 14
Beautiful day. – We, Mrs. Price, Mrs. Stoddard, Clinton and myself escorted by Mr. Pierce, met Mr. and Mrs. Borden and Miss Winston in Bay City and drove to Sargent this forenoon. – Ate lunch down on the beach, then drove over the farming plot of the ranch. – A bridge gave way under the Borden car, but no damage was done to the car or occupants and a tractor pulled the car out. – Buddy joined us at lunch time. We separated at Sargent. The Bordens went home and we stopped in Bay City for Mrs. Stoddard to get things she would need to use going to Houston tomorrow. – Mr. Pierce is spending the night in Sargent . - Had a lovely day.

Wednesday, June 15
Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Stoddard, Clinton and the Rhodes boy went to Houston today. – I sewed this afternoon. – Mrs. Stoddard stopped in Bay City for the night, but will come back tomorrow. – We picked out quite a lot of pecans tonight.

Thursday, June 16
Lovely day. Windy. – We worked pretty hard this forenoon. Had to cook some plum jelly over this morning. – At one o’clock, Mrs. Pierce went to a party at Dorothy Murphy’s home. Given for Mary Dean Yeager. – One of the oil men brought Mrs. Stoddard over this afternoon. – Then we all went up to Mackay to eat dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Borden and Miss Winston, who is leaving in the morning for California. – We had a most delightful time. – Mrs. Stoddard is here tonight.

Friday, June 17
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Stoddard and I worked feverishly all day preparing for Mary Dean’s party tonight. – The guests arrived promptly at 7 o’clock. Dinner was served soon after. Small tables on the porch were used and the guests seemed to enjoy themselves playing bridge and hearts. Guests came from Palacios. Most all attending were in-laws of the contracting parties. The groom was absent, however, on account of illness. – Mr. Pierce spent the day in Houston, coming home by bus in time to enjoy the evening. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up a few moments, not staying for the party.

Saturday, June 18
Lovely day. – Mrs. Stoddard helps us clean up until after lunch. – I cut out her pongee slip this afternoon. – Who should drive up about 3 o’clock, but Mrs. Dunn and Lee. We were glad to see them. – The both boys took Mrs. Stoddard home. – Mrs. Pierce and the boys went over to see Mary Dean’s gifts since dinner. – The boys went to bed early. – Tired I suspect. – Mrs. Pierce practiced until almost midnight. She is to play for the wedding.

Sunday, June 19 – Mr. Webb’s Birthday – 1857
Most beautiful day. – Mr. Pierce and the three boys went to Sargent this forenoon. – William persuaded Mrs. Pierce to let him go to Palacios this forenoon, it being “Juneteenth.” – So I drove him down to Fannie’s. – Stopped at my house a moment. It is still clean. Wish I did not have to rent it again. – Mary Dean’s friends decorated the church this afternoon for her marriage tomorrow morning and they had a rehearsal late this evening. Mrs. Pierce at the piano. – We rested and slept this afternoon a couple of hours. I should write many letters. Am ashamed to be so negligent. – The boys are in Palacios tonight.

Monday, June 20 – Mary Dean’s Wedding Day
Lovely day. – May the bride’s life be as perfect as this day has been. We all went to the church at 8 o’clock (which was filled) and witnessed the pretty ceremony. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came home with us for a short visit. After they left we began to work. – William had not yet appeared. – Odeal, Mrs. Pierce and I put out a real washing. – Mrs. Pierce cooked lunch. Then she went to the laundry to iron. – I worked around the house until 3:30, then cut out Mrs. Stoddard’s blue dress top. – We are tired tonight.

Tuesday, June 21
Pretty day, tho rain threatened this P.M. – Sewed all day for Mrs. Dunn—Hotel. Making a dress smaller for Winnie. – Buddy and Lee went to Markham to prepare for a Wearever demonstration this P.M. – Mrs. Pierce went up this afternoon. – Rained in Markham. – Did a little sewing on Mrs. Stoddard’s waist and slip after I came home. – The family are all over at Yeagers calling tonight. – Mrs. Dunn is in Palacios at a Bridge party tonight. – William was in the kitchen to get breakfast this morning. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce sliced cucumbers since dinner tonight.

Wednesday, June 22
Good day. A sprinkle of rain. – Busy. Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City this forenoon expecting to bring Mrs. Stoddard home with her to fit the dress top, but church duties detain her until next week. – We cut out Mrs. Pierce’s blue dress (Mrs. Smith) since lunch and had the first fitting. – She is putting up cucumber pickles. Worked with them until almost eleven o’clock tonight. – Buddy sold some of his Wearever in Markham today.

Thursday, June 23
Pretty day, but hot. – Sewed on Mrs. Pierce’s dress and made Mrs. Stoddard’s slip today. – Rec’d a long letter from Mrs. Shaw. Children all married except Dorothy. – Mr. and Mrs. Ressler came to see Mrs. Pierce this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce canned pickles and did quite a washing today. – Mr. Pierce is in Sargent. – Mr. Runnells and Mr. Hutchins called this afternoon. – Lee and Mrs. Rickaway are painting. – Mrs. Pierce set hems? yesterday and tonight. – Going to bed early.

Friday, June 24
Shower this P.M. – Busy day. Worked some on Mrs. Pierce’s dress. Almost finished. – Pressed Mrs. Stoddard’s slip. Finished it last night. – We went to Palacios since lunch. I took my papers out of the deposit box in the bank today. – Paid the water rent. – Saw Mrs. Love a minute. – We went to see Mrs. Farwell an hour. – Buddy went to Danevang to get a demonstration date. – Mr. Pierce came from Sargent tonight. – Work is being done on the road to the beach.

Saturday, June 25
Good day. Light showers. – General house cleaning this forenoon. – John Henry came home on the midnight train last night. All boys at home now. – Finished Mrs. Pierce’s dress this afternoon. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have gone down to Collegeport tonight to see the Dullers, who are nursing Mrs. Corse in her last illness. – The big boys are out on dates. – Clinton and I are going to bed early.

Sunday, June 26
Beautiful day. – We all went to Sargent this afternoon. Ate supper on the beach after bathing in the rough surf. – The Yeager family and five guests, Mr. and Mrs. P. Braden, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Selkirk, Jean and boy, the Matthes family and Mr. Shuey, Junior King, the Pierce family and me. – Found Mrs. William DuPre’s card awaiting my return.

Paul Braden

Monday, June 27
Pretty day. – Was to sew for Mrs. Dunn today, but she had to go to Bay City. Wrote a note to Mrs. Stoddard about her work which I cannot do this week. – This afternoon we cut out a blue dress for Mrs. Pierce and I pinned it up for a first fitting. – Buddy went to Palacios to give a demonstration in Mrs. Farwell’s home. – Mrs. Pierce and I are tired tonight and going to bed early. – Mrs. Pierce has gone down to his office to write letters. – Mary Dean has been working today.

Tuesday, June 28
Pretty day. Good breeze. – Sewed for Mrs. Dunn all day. – Mrs. Stoddard phoned about her work this evening. – John Henry drove over to Bay City and secured a position for a few days at least, with Mr. Gustafson. – Wrote a note to Feather and son and Mrs. Smith.

Wednesday, June 29
Pretty day, tho rain threatened this P.M. – Sewed all day for Mrs. Dunn. Cut a paper pattern, then a white dimity dress by it. – The Catholics had an all day gathering here. – Dinner in the Community House at which Mr. Pierce was an honorary guest. – John Henry spent the day in Gustafson’s office. – Buddy went to Palacios to demonstrate, but it had rained and threatened more so they called it off. – I rec’d a letter from Mrs. Stoddard releasing me from her blue dress repairing. – Am tired tonight and my head aches.

Thursday, June 30
Another day for Mrs. Dunn. Cut out and worked on a white dimity dress. – Letter from M. K. Feather and Son concerning vacancy permit. – Am asking them for a six months full covered unoccupancy permit, $3.75. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have gone to Palacios tonight to visit the Farwells. – Dance at Community House tonight.



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Movie posters courtesy of Wikipedia

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All rights reserved

May 17, 2015
May 17, 2015