Nellie Tilson Webb

1936 Diary

July - December

Nellie's Biography

1929   1930   1931   1932   1933
1934   1935   1936   1937    1938

Courtesy of
Palacios Area Historical Association
City By the Sea Museum




A. B. Pierce & Co.
Blessing, Texas




Wednesday, July 1 – BYPU Opens in Palacios – Wet reception.
A real down pour was falling when Lee left the house, undecided as to whether they would work or not. They did not, so he came home, changed his clothes and went to Bay City to have his car repaired and get some information on Sargent. None. He slept all afternoon. – Housework of different kinds kept me busy all day and Jack cleaned silver. – The rain did not continue all day, but everything was mostly under water. – Mrs. Borden called to ask Mr. Pierce the condition of the Sargent road to the beach. – Ate dinner at the hotel and then Mrs. Dunn and I drove out to Live Oak. Took Mrs. Smith along and drove up to the new oil well and out on the Bay City road, also. Delightfully cool tonight.

Thursday, July 2
More rain. – Up at 5 A. M. – Phoned Mrs. Borden that Mr. Pierce had not returned and it was raining here. She said the picnic was called off as it looked very rainy at Mackay. – Lee went to work. – Mrs. Smith came at noon for some eggs. – Mrs. Dunn called to know what I thought about driving to Sargent after dinner unless Mr. Pierce came home in the meantime, but he came in time for dinner at the hotel. – The clouds threatened a down pour as we finished dinner, so I came home to look after the chicks. – Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Smith and Mr. Pierce went to see a picture which they said was fine.

Friday, July 3 – 12 Weeks
Showers. – Check for house rent from the Studemans. – Lee went to work this morning tho rain threatened. – Mr. Pierce spent the day at the office until about 4:30. Then he drove to Sargent for the weekend. – Mrs. Smith came this forenoon, brought me some gingerbread batter. She baked some of the gems for me. They are lovely. I am to keep the batter in the ice box and bake it at any time. – Odeal and I cleaned the third floor except the south room where the girls left the floor covered with magazines. – Ate dinner at the hotel. – Then Mrs. Dunn drove out to Live Oak and we took Mrs. Smith for a cooling off ride.

Saturday, July 4 – The Day We Celebrate
Quiet in Blessing today. – Lee worked all day. Went to Palacios to dance all night. – Was busy until 11 o’clock, then Mrs. Smith and I drove to Sargent to eat fish dinner. Mr. Pierce was host to the O’Bannons, the oil people, Mr. Jake Smith, Mrs. Smith and myself. – Most excellent fish and coffee. – Mrs. Smith and I came home about 3 o’clock. – Did not go to the hotel to eat as I was full up. – Mr. Pierce came before dark. – Mr. Clements came to fix the lights which went out upstairs. – Tired.

Sunday, July 5
No rain today. – Did not go to Sunday School today. Was so tired by 10:30 that I rested. Lee went to work so I was up at 5 A. M. – Ate dinner at the hotel. Expected Mrs. Smith, but she did not come. – Later Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Dunn and I drove to Bay City to see “Under Two Flags,” a clean picture. We did not stop at Live Oak because we saw Mr. Wither’s car there. – Did not write a letter today. – Lee away some place. Going to bed.

Monday, July 6
Pretty day. – Odeal washed. – Lee worked. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent and back this forenoon. – I churned today. Have a fine jar of butter. – Fried the chicken I had killed for John Henry. Did not cook it quite enough. – Mrs. Smith came since lunch. Distressed about the oil well, etc. – Letter from Mrs. Pierce and some Kodak pictures. Mrs. Van Bergen’s grave in a beautiful cemetery and Jane Lee on a horse. – Mary Dean came up to get a bottle of whiskey this P. M.

Tuesday, July 7
Pretty day. Hot. – Very busy in the kitchen until 2:30 P. M. – Cooked dinner and did all of the dishwashing. – The Harvester Celebration Meet (?) were entertained by Mr. Pierce yesterday afternoon behind drawn shades. – Ate dinner at the hotel. Then Mrs. Dunn, two oil men in Co. with Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pierce and I went to Bay City to see the Schmelling vs. Louis fight on the screen. I did not see anything in it to get excited about. – Mrs. Smith came this P. M. awhile. She is quite distressed over financial affairs.

Wednesday, July 8
Mr. Pierce took Mr. Rickaway to Sargent this morning and did not come back tonight. I have not worked so hard today. Could not make myself do things. The sun has been frightfully hot all day. – Terrible drouth conditions in the middle west. Gov. aid necessary. Floods all over the south. Very unusual weather conditions the past year. – Went to Palacios with Mrs. Smith tonight.

Thursday, July 9
Hot day. – Lee not working today. His time is made up for this week. He and other boys went to Houston this P. M. to see a ballgame. – Long letter from Mrs. Pierce. – Wrote her tonight. – Did some mending this afternoon. – Ate dinner at the hotel. – Going to bed at 10 o’clock. – Mr. Pierce not yet come from Sargent. – Hot night.

Friday, July 10 – 13 Weeks
Hot sun.  – This morning Mrs. Smith came for me to ride to Sargent with her. Business with Mr. Pierce. So I called Jack in to wash the dishes and I left my bed unmade. – Lee did not get in from Houston until 3 this A. M., so he was in bed. – We stopped at Mr. Freeman’s on the way back and got some figs. – Then I stayed at Live Oak for a nice lunch. Hot salmon, mashed potatoes, cream gravy, corn fritters and figs. – Then Mrs. Smith brought me home. – Mr. Pierce came early. Went to Palacios with Mrs. Borden to attend Vesper services. Enjoyed it greatly.

Saturday, July 11
Fine day, but hot. – A busy day. – So much time has to be spent in the kitchen. Sweeping, dusting and never can catch up. – Ate dinner at the hotel tonight. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn came up to eat watermelon tonight. – John Henry came just before dark. – Lee was here, too, in time for melon. – The boys are both on dates. – Going to bed tired.

Sunday, July 12
A hot day. – Busy all forenoon. – Breakfast early for Lee. – Then he did not work. Breakfast until 10 o’clock. – Fried John Henry’s chickens in the meantime and helped him get off on his date at 11:30. Went to the hotel for dinner. – After dinner was Mr. Pierce’s guest to see a picture. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn went, also. Mrs. Smith bought the tickets. – Then back home in time to feed the chicks and visit with Mr. and Mrs. Farwell. – Mr. Pierce came home, too. – Mrs. Smith came then and loaded some household goods onto her rick to take to Houston for John Henry’s apartment.

Monday, July 13
A few raindrops fell this P. M. – Up at 4:30 to get John Henry off to Houston early. – Mrs. Smith took his things in and put them in the apartment. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent and back today. Jack went too, but is to stay a few days. Robert is the milkman while he is away. – Mrs. Smith met us at the hotel at dinner and told us about the trip to Houston. – Then Mrs. Dunn drove us out to Live Oak for an hour. – A very dark cloud was coming up out of the north, but it passed over with a gentle shower at the Farm and none here. – Lee has gone to Houston to see a ball game.

Tuesday, July 14
Good day. – Slept until 5:30 this morning. – Then put things in order for my guests, Rev. and Mrs. Fraser of Guida?, Kans., who arrived about 10 o’clock. Mrs. Fraser was very tired and rested a few minutes before we went to lunch. Then we came back to the house and they both slept until after 4 P. M. Again we went to the hotel for supper. Came home and visited awhile. Then went to bed all tired.

Wednesday, July 15
Heavy shower about 2:30 A.M. – My guests left about 8 o’clock this morning going to Houston and points north and west. Their vacation is for a month. – Today I have been simply exhausted. Rested a couple of hours this afternoon. Think the sultry unsettled weather must have something to do with it. – Rained a good deal today. – Lee came for me to go to dinner. – Then Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Smith and myself went to Bay City to see a picture. – Came home in a real down pour of rain. – Mrs. Dunn stopped at the hotel and we brought her car up here.

Thursday, July 16
Letter from Mrs. Richards. – Just a busy day. – Rained a little this forenoon. – Odeal came and we cleaned the sleeping porch. – The sun came out and we put the bedding and mattresses all out. The sun was hot and a good breeze was blowing. – Jack did some ditching and the water has gone down greatly today. – A very heavy rain and wind came to us about midnight. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent and back today. – Lee not working. – Wrote to the Stricklands. Church.

Friday, July 17 – 14 Weeks
Lee working tomorrow. – Letter from Mrs. Pierce. – Wrote to Mrs. Richards on church matters. – Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Yeager and the 2 Lucas granddaughters went to Houston today. – I answered Mrs. Pierce’s letter this afternoon and did a little more mending. – Went to the hotel for dinner. – Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Dunn had not yet returned. – Mrs. Smith took me for a drive to Palacios. When I came back Mr. Pierce was here.  – Mr. Yeager has had one operation, but another must be done.

Saturday, July 18
Pretty day. – Up early to get Lee off to work. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent taking Mr. Rickaway. – Odeal cleaning. Did the nursery and bathroom – I scrubbed the side porch and furniture this forenoon. - Jack was hunting leaky water pipes down town. – After lunch did the necessary cleaning for over Sunday. – Went to dinner at 6 o’clock. From there out to Live Oak. From there to see “A Message to Garcia.” Mrs. Smith’s guests. – Mrs. Dunn in Palacios. – The Lewises have returned.

Sunday, July 19
Slept until 6 o’clock this A. M. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent, but came back in time to join Mrs. Dunn, Lee and myself in a dinner party at Live Oak Farm. A most excellent dinner. – Lee left immediately to play ball. – Mr. Pierce borrowed Mrs. Smith’s truck and took a load of poison to Sargent. – Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Dunn and I went to see “Mr. Deeds Goes to Town.” (Gary Cooper) A splendid picture. – Lee and Pie stopped to change clothes and they went to Bay City. – I am going to bed early. – No one has come home, yet.

Monday, July 20
Pretty day, but hot sun. – Busy forenoon. Prepared dinner for Odeal and Jack. Ate some myself and then drove to Houston with Mrs. Smith. – Mrs. Dunn came up for me and I met Mrs. Smith at the hotel. – We went to see Mr. Yeager at the hospital (Turner). Found him looking comfortable. He said he was in no pain. – From there to the foot Dr. where Mrs. Smith took a painful treatment. To see a lawyer. To buy some hose. To eat dinner 6 o’clock and to see Dancing Lady. A disappointment. Reached home near midnight after meeting innumerable cars of all kinds on the highway. – A pleasant day. Thanks Mrs. Smith.

Tuesday, July 21
Mrs. Richards and Mr. Prentiss came to talk church business. – Mr. Pierce spent last night at Sargent. – Lee went to Clemville. Not sure of work and he did not work. Came home and drove to Houston with Mary Dean to see Mr. Yeager, who was comfortable. Will have the 2nd operation Fri. – Christine and the Dodson girl came and finished typing up the magazines this afternoon. I worked with them. – Went to dinner. Mrs. Smith came during the meal and ate a slice of melon. – Then Mrs. Dunn took us for a drive to cool off. – We stopped at Live Oak a few minutes when we came back. – Mr. Pierce did not come home tonight. – Lee late coming.

Wednesday, July 22
A basket of peaches from Miss Artie Coley. DeLeon, Tex. – Just a day. Housework and putting two heaping baskets of laundry away. Doing some of the mending, etc. Sweeping, dusting, getting something for Jack to eat. – Lee not working. Thinks his job is ended for this time. – Pipeline workers have been brought from Houston (?) Some of them board at the hotel. – Rode out to the cemetery with Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Smith.

Thursday, July 23
Rain. Rain. Rain. – Quite a shower this morning. – Jack went to Sargent. Also Mrs. Smith and Robert, to bring a mule back in Mrs. Smith’s new trailer. One of her mules is very sick. – They made the trip in safety. – Lee drove me to Palacios this afternoon to meet with the trustees of the Central Church. We drove by and got Mrs. Richards and went to the Strickland home. Discussed things as far as we could and will meet again. – After dinner at the hotel, Mr. Pierce, Esther, Mary Dean, Paul and a man went to Port Lavaca for dinner. Lee has gone to Palacios to dance. – I have written a long letter to Mrs. Pierce. Am real tired.

Friday, July 24 – 15 Weeks
Good day. – Odeal cleaned the fruit cellar and some in Mrs. Pierce’s room today. – The Yeagers—Mrs. Dunn’s car took the Lucas grandchildren and Mr. L.  – Lee and his father went in his car. All to Houston. – Mrs. Smith took me for an airing tonight to Palacios. – Mr. Pierce reported that Mr. Yeager was operated on this morning. – Lee met a load of boys going to Houston to see a double header ballgame, so he went back with them and Mr. Pierce brought the car home.

Saturday, July 25
Beautiful day. Hot sun. – Odeal cleaning today. – We did Mrs. Pierce’s room and my room today. – Are not waxing the floors upstairs. – Lee did not come home until daylight this morning, so he slept until 3 this P. M. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent for the weekend. – Mrs. Smith came for a few minutes to pay Odeal and get some eggs. – Went to the hotel for dinner and with Mrs. Dunn to Palacios to see the Lewises, but they had not returned. – Then out to Live Oak. Mrs.Smith not at home. – Then home and to bed at 10 o’clock. Very tired.

Sunday, July 26
Lovely day. – Jack and Ira took Mary’s children to her last night (Galveston), so Granville milked the cow today. – Went to the hotel for 12 o’clock dinner. Stopped a minute to talk to Mrs. Dunn who had a headache. – Met Robert, who had come to take me out to Live Oak to go to see a picture with Mrs. Smith. – Before we left the house, Rev. and Mrs. Engle came and took us to Old Indianola. A very lovely trip. They stopped and took the Mother Engle along, too. – Later, Mrs. Smith and I went to see a picture in Bay City. – Mr. Pierce was at home when I returned. Lee home early, too.

Monday, July 27
Letter from the Frasers. – Lee up early and drove to Clemville, but did not work. – Odeal washed and ironed until 4 o’clock. She had a niece helping her. Extra laundry on acct. of housecleaning. – Jack attended a relative’s funeral this afternoon and hauled the tin cans away later. – A card from Mrs. Richards asking me to come to Palacios today. Could not go, but Lee said he would take me in the morning, so I phoned her that I would be there early. – Mrs. Dunn came up tonight to eat watermelon, but Mr. Pierce did not come home, so she said she was tired and would go to bed. – Lee has gone to the soldier camp at Palacios to swim and eat supper. I am going to bed tired. – Went for a cooling off drive with Mrs. Smith in my night gown.

Tuesday, July 28
Lovely day, but so hot. – Lee took me to Palacios this forenoon to meet with the Central Baptist Church trustees. A first payment has been made on the tabernacle. We met to dispose of the money. The next payment is due in January. – The Central Church is no more. Mrs. Richards will keep the books for awhile. We hope to sell the communion service. Mother gave the linen and it was returned to me. – Came home in time to get lunch for Odeal and Jack. – Did mending all afternoon and went to dinner. – Mr. Pierce drove to Victoria today. – Should have enjoyed the ride, too, but had to go to Palacios. After dinner, he took Mrs. Dunn and I up to Midfield to see the oil well. Mrs. Smith too tired to go.

Wednesday, July 29
Mr. Pierce attended a ginners’ convention in Richmond today. – Mrs. Smith is painting his car, so he is driving Mrs. Pierce’s. – Mr. Hallmark and Hilda came and took the school files away this P. M. – Putting them in the new school building, I think. – Put up a couple of jars of the peaches Miss Coaley sent. Have five pints now. – Just a busy day and a hot one. – Ate supper at the hotel. – Lee came up late and ate cheese sandwiches, then went to Palacios.

Thursday, July 30
Hot day. Shower. – Exceedingly hot day. – Odeal came and we finished cleaning the 2nd floor. – Mr. Pierce and Jack went to Sargent. – Jack stayed, but Mr. Pierce came back to get poison for tomorrow. – Lee slept late, then went to Bay City to try for work in an oil field. – Places all filled. – Robert milked the cow tonight. – Went to the hotel for dinner. – Later drove out to Live Oak with Mr. Pierce. – Mrs. Dunn came home with us and we cut the melon. It was fine. – They took a slice to Mrs. Smith. – I am going to bed. Tired.

Friday, July 31 – 16 Weeks
Mr. Pierce went to Sargent over the weekend. – Robert milked. – Just a day. – Did some washing and ironing for myself today. – Odeal had so much extra laundry on account of house cleaning. I did not put mine in this week. – Have finally caught up with the men’s mending, but have some repair work for myself. – After dinner, Mrs. Dunn came for me and we drove out to Live Oak. – Mrs. Smith joined us and we went to see a picture in Bay City.


Saturday, August 1 – TNG Went into Camp
Rec’d a card from Mrs. Dimmitt, but could not make out the address, so am asking again. – A busy day. Housework and did quite a sizeable pile of laundry work for myself. – After dinner Mrs. Dunn and I drove out to Live Oak, but Mrs. Smith had gone to Bay City, so she took me for a cooling off drive. – Mr. Peirce and Jack came home tonight. Ready to gin next week.

Sunday, August 2
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Dunn and I went to Palacios this forenoon and heard Bishop Quinn preach. Communion also. – Came home. Ate dinner. Mrs. Smith was Mr. Pierce’s guest. We had flounder. – Then we went to see San Francisco. A fine picture. Clark Gable. Jeanette McDonald at their best. – Stopped at Live Oak and ate lemon pie. Mr. Withers came. – Later Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Dunn and I drove to Palacios and the army camp. Had a busy pleasant day.

Monday, August 3
Rainy forenoon. Sunshine this P. M. Heavy rain began falling early this morning and continued until almost noon. – Mr. Pierce and Jack drove to Sargent. Mr. Pierce came back this afternoon. Not much rain down there. – I wrote to Mrs. Pierce this forenoon and took the letter to the P. M. when I went down to dinner. – Rec’d the rent from the Studemans today. – The cow got out this afternoon and Robert had a chase after her tonight to get her in.

Tuesday, August 4
Lovely day. Hot sun. – Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Dunn drove to Houston today. She took some workers in to find work for them. – Odeal washed. Had a fine day. – Mrs. Smith came this P. M. Her sick mule died last night. – Robert milks while Jack is at Sargent. – Rec’d check for $3.00 from Central Power and Light Co. An increase of half over what they have been paying for several months. – Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Dunn made a safe trip to and from Houston. Mr. P. visited with Mr. Yeager who is doing very well.

Wednesday, August 5
Lovely day. – Card from Mrs. Dimmitt giving me her correct address. – So after lunch, Lee drove me to Bay City and I sent her the amount designated for her by the trustees. Had my little checks cashed and put a few dollars on dep. – We went to see “Lady of Secrets.” – Took two fryers to Mrs. Engle. – Had my shoes repaired. – Bought a dustpan and some frozen malted milk. – After dinner Mrs. Dunn and I drove out to Live Oak. Found Mrs. Smith ready to go to the picture show. So I again saw “Lady of Secrets.” Mr. Pierce in Sargent.

Thursday, August 6
Very hot day. – General housework until 2 P.M. Then mending. – No one to cook lunch for the first time since Willie Jones went away. So I just ate some bread and butter and by dinner time had a headache which passed off when my stomach was full of food. – Mr. Pierce did not get home in time for dinner, so he ate cheese, bread and milk in his kitchen. – They ginned the first bale of cotton at Sargent today. – Lee in Palacios tonight.

Friday, August 7 – 17 Weeks
Clear, hot day. – Alone again today. – Lee did some hedge trimming today. Trying out an electric clipper. – This afternoon I dusted all but the last section of the book case. Getting ready for Odeal to help clean the living room tomorrow. – Ate dinner at the hotel. Then Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent. – Going to bed. – Lee in Palacios.  – Am alone almost every night until 12 or later. – House burned down today. [Not the Pierce’s.]

Saturday, August 8 – 14 Years Ago Mother and I started on a trip to Iowa, Neb. and Ala.
Hot. Hot. Hot. – Odeal came early and we cleaned the living room, but could not clean the rug or wax the floor. – No man on the place. – Dreadful hot weather to be house cleaning. – Ate dinner at the hotel. – Mrs. Smith came and sat in the dining room while we finished. Then we three, Mrs. Lucas and Ginger all went for a drive to Palacios. – A beautiful time of day to be out, but the twilight is so short. – Mr. Pierce brought some wild plums. I hope to make a little jelly. – Lee home early.

Sunday, August 9
Very hot day. – Up at 6 o’clock. – Fed the fowls. – In the kitchen and making beds and housework until 9:30. Went to S. S.  – After dinner at hotel, drove to Live Oak Farm with Mrs. Dunn and Mr. Pierce. Found Mrs. Smith sick. – Went to see a picture. – Came back to Live Oak Farm. Rev. Engle there. Mrs. Smith better. – Went to church at 7:30. Rev. Engle gave a good reading. – Went to for a cooling off ride after church. Intensely hot west wind.- Disturbance in the Gulf. – Letter from Mrs. Dimmitt.

Monday, August 10
Terrible hot day. – Odeal and Jack helped clean house today. – We polished the living room floor and the hall and den, tho the den will have to be worked on more. – I was very tired at six o’clock, but had to go to the hotel for dinner. Was too faint to cook a meal for myself. – I was mad at Mr. Pierce and Lee for letting me walk down when they each had a car. – Lee had been to Palacios swimming. Mr. Pierce’s car stood in front of the hotel.

Tuesday, August 11
Hot, but not so hot. – Odeal did the washing and some of the ironing today. – Irene helped her this P. M. – Jack had sick headache. – Lee was out until 2 this A. M., but his father invited him to eat breakfast with him and his Aunt Pearl asked him to help me wax the den floor, but he went to bed and stayed there until 5 P.M. – Mrs. Smith took me for an airing after dinner to Palacios.

Wednesday, August 12
A hot day. – Made a little plum jelly this forenoon. – Odeal finished the ironing this afternoon. – Jack ran the mower. – Lee did a little hedge clipping this afternoon. – Ate supper at the hotel. Then Mrs. Dunn drove me out to Live Oak where we found Mr. Pierce. – Rec’d a letter from John Henry and one from Mrs. Pierce today. – J. H. expects to come home over the weekend.

Thursday, August 13
Hot. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent. – Mrs. Dunn brought her evening dress up for me to cut the train off. She will hem it to wear tonight. – Have not worked as hard today. Am rundown. – The house looks real clean where we have finished. – Ate dinner at the hotel. Lee in Palacios. – Mr. Peirce late getting home. – Mr. Frauch detained him in his office tonight.

Friday, August 14 – 18 Weeks
Another hot day. – We cleaned the dining room today. That finishes the house cleaning for me. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent for the weekend. Took a fryer with him. Maybe he is giving a party tonight. – Mrs. Dunn and I started to Bay City to see a picture, but stopped at Live Oak Farm instead. – Drove out to the cemetery. A beautiful place.

Saturday, August 15
Summer day. – The usual Saturday routine. – Rested an hour this P. M. Was up at 5 to get Lee off to work at Clemville. – Made a little preparation for John Henry’s weekend visit. – Ate dinner at the hotel. – Then drove to Bay City with Mrs. Dunn. We stopped at Live Oak Farm, but Mrs. Smith was not at home. – So we went on and to see a picture. – John Henry came and went on a date while I was away. – Lee in Palacios. – Mr. Pierce not home yet as I go to bed at 10 o’clock.

Sunday, August 16
All sunshine. – Washing breakfast dishes at 10 o’clock this forenoon. – Lazy Sunday morning. – Did not go to S. S. – Ate dinner at the hotel. – Mrs. Dunn drove to Hays Co. today. – John Henry and his date at Sargent. – Lee and his date playing baseball. – Mr. Pierce and I went to Bay City soon after dinner to see “Show Boat.” Beautiful picture. Mrs. Smith and her guests, Mr. and Mrs. Brown were there, too. – We stopped at Live Oak and ate ice cream on the way home. – Did not write a letter today.

Monday, August 17
Odeal washed today, but a shower came up so the wash did not dry until this P. M. I brought it in. – Was up early. – John Henry went back to Houston and Lee to work at Clemville. – Mrs. Smith came for some eggs this forenoon and Mr. Harter came for four young roosters this afternoon. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent this forenoon. Took Jack and left here then. – Robert does the milking.

Tuesday, August 18
Lee was rained out this afternoon. Cannot work tomorrow. – Wrote to Mrs. Pierce this P. M., but did not get the letter mailed in time to go out today. – Ate dinner at the hotel. – Lee off some place and Mr. Pierce not returned from Sargent. – Mrs. Dunn had guests, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis from Palacios. – Mrs. Smith took me for a cooling off drive to Palacios tonight to see Mrs. Lothridge and Miss Nannie for a few minutes. – Odeal ironed all day, but did not finish. – Mr. Pierce brought a bushel of shrimp home and we dress them tonight.

Wednesday, August 19
Hot day. – A busy day putting away laundry, etc. – Went to the P. O. to mail my letter. Very hot sun. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up a few minutes this evening. A pop call. – Soon Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn came and Mr. Pierce and we put the shrimp salad together and ate it. – Lee did not come to eat his until later. – We had a good watermelon, too. – Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Dunn drove out home with Mrs. Smith so she would not have to go into her house alone in the dark. – Exchanged two roosters with Mr. Harter today.

Thursday, August 20
Another hot day. – A regular day. – Lee burned some of the paint off of the north porch floor and put away the furniture John Henry sent back home. – Mrs. Smith came in for a few minutes chat. – Did not have to cook lunch for anyone but myself. So made a lettuce and asparagus salad for lunch. – Ate dinner at the hotel and went to see “Dancing Pirate” with Mrs. Smith. – Mr. Pierce had a high brow date, so traded cars with Lee tonight. – They are both in bed early.

Friday, August 21 – 19 Weeks
Hot, but more breeze. – Gave the second floor a good cleaning with the vacuum on the rugs. – Had not finished when Lee and Pie came. – Lee worked on the north porch floor. Has it half burned off. – They are in Houston tonight to see the ballgame. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent for the night, so Lady and I will be keepers of the house until Lee gets home tomorrow evening. – Rode up to El Campo with Mrs. Smith to night. – Stopped to inquire for Mr. Brown’s infected hand. Shingles. – Word received today of the death of Mr. B. Winston.

Saturday, August 22
Just a hot day. Little shower.- Lee worked with the election board today. Then he and his crowd went to Sargent for an all night picnic. – After dinner Mrs. Dunn and I drove out to Live Oak Farm, but Mrs. Smith was not at home. We drove up to the cemetery. A most beautiful spot. – Mr. Pierce was eating his dinner at the hotel when we came back. – He called later to say he was in town. – I am going to bed some tired. – Mrs. Farwell phoned that there would be preaching in the Episcopal chapel today. Army chaplain.

Sunday, August 23
Pretty day, but very warm. – Did not go to S. S. – Mrs. Dunn and I decided it was too hot to drive to Palacios to hear the soldier preacher speak this forenoon, but after dinner at the hotel, Mr. Pierce and I took Lee’s car and drove to Sargent. – (Mrs. Smith and Robert drove to Columbus to see some heifers she has bought and she ate dinner at the hotel, too.) – At Sargent, we took Mrs. O’Bannon to the beach with us. – Then came back to Blessing. – Fed the chickens, cats and dog. – Left Lee’s car and went to the hotel for supper in Mr. Pierce’s car. – Then to Live Oak where Mrs. Smith was waiting with Mrs. Pierce’s car and we had just started to the gate when Withers drove in. Mrs. Smith left us and we drove to Bay City to see Florence Nightingale.

Monday, August 24
Fine wash day – Wrote a long letter to Mrs. Pierce. – A note to John Henry this afternoon. – Went to the hotel for lunch as they were afraid the fish would not keep longer. It was very fine. – Mr. Pierce and Jack went to Sargent since lunch. Are to be back tonight, but as I go to bed they have not come. – There is much war maneuvering going on around Blessing now. Night work by the 2nd encampment of soldiers at Palacios. – Odeal cleaned the laundry this afternoon.

Tuesday, August 25
Hot sun, but good breeze. – Lee painted the north porch floor today. – Jack mowed the lawn. – Odeal ironed. – I did a few things, but did not work so hard as I have to some days. – Put the laundry away and did a little mending. Cooked for Odeal and Jack. – Ate dinner at the hotel. – Mr. Pierce came home from Bay City in time for dinner. – Lee in Palacios.

Wednesday, August 26
Shower very early this morning. – Lee went to Houston with Mr. Matthes to drive a new truck out. – Have not worked so hard today. – Wrote a long letter to the Frasers and am tired from that. – Jack worked in the yard all day. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent and is spending the night there. – Did not see Lee when he came from Houston. He went away in his car immediately. – Ate dinner at the hotel. – Mrs. Dunn drove me up home.

Thursday, August 27 -  Mrs. Pierce’s 51st Birthday
Cloudy forenoon, and a few sprinkles of rain fell. – Washed the screened in porch furniture and floor and cleaned the refrigerator and gas stove today. So much easier to do things when the weather is cooler. – Mrs. Smith came for eggs this forenoon. – She is proud of the young heifers which were delivered to her yesterday. – Lee gone to Palacios to the dance. – Mr. Pierce at his office writing letters. – He telegraphed Mrs. Pierce roses today.

Friday, August 28 – 20 Weeks
General house cleaning. – Sat down to rest at 4:30 and went to sleep. Must be getting old. Never did such a trick before in my life. – Jack awoke me and I thought it was morning. – Ate dinner at the hotel. Mrs. Dunn and Mr. Pierce were dinner guests of Mrs. John Price’s tonight. – So Mrs. Smith and I went to see “Human Cargo” in Bay City. – Neither of the gentlemen are at home as I go to bed.

Saturday, August 29
Some cooler today. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent in Lee’s car today. His having a broken spring. Said he would be home at 4 P.M., but as I go to bed at 10:00, he has not yet come. – Lee took his father’s car to drive to Palacios tonight. – Mrs. Dunn and I drove out to Live Oak Farm tonight. Mrs. Smith was very tired when I saw her about 6 o’clock, but seemed all right tonight. – Robert milked. – Jack went to Rosharon to see about his father who is reported to have been shot.

Sunday, August 30
Mrs. Dunn drove to Sargent this morning to inquire why Mr. Pierce failed to come home last night. There were no lights in Lee’s car. – He came soon after she returned and brought a pint of shrimp which we dressed and made two cocktails about six o’clock. The shrimp were small and very fine. – Ate 12 o’clock dinner at the hotel and rested all afternoon. – The Lewises were Mrs. Dunn’s dinner guests. – The Browns took Mrs. Smith to see “The Princess Comes Across” this afternoon. – Mr. Pierce and I went tonight. Very good picture. – Lee and Pie were there, too.

Monday, August 31
Beautiful forenoon, but a rainy afternoon. – Odeal washed and the clothes dried, but she went home to get Ira ready to go to see a Dr. in the morning. He has a bad foot. – Wrote to Mrs. Pierce this afternoon. – Took the remaining shrimp to the hotel and made cocktail for me there. – Mr. Pierce did not eat his, so gave it to Mrs. Crawford, who, with Mrs. C. were Mrs. Dunn’s dinner guests. They have just returned from Chicago. – Mrs. Smith ran in a minutes this P. M. Busy as a bee.


Tuesday, September 1
A good day. Not so hot. – Lee working on front porch floor and put the second coat on the north porch floor. – Odeal ironed. – Jack running the lawn mower all day. The grass grows rapidly. – Made a lemon pie this afternoon. The first I have made in many years. – Lee ate his piece before dinner as he was going to play ball and would eat a late dinner. – Mr. Pierce ate a piece and I did, too. – Then we drove out to Live Oak to take a piece to Mrs. Smith. She and Rev. Engle had eaten supper. She was distressed because she rain over and killed a dog coming from the cemetery. – Nellie is with her now.

Wednesday, September 2
Fine day. – A day off for me. – Mrs. Smith came in this forenoon and took me out to spend the day with her. – The silo was being filled. A novel sight for me. – Nellie cooked a 12 o’clock dinner for 9 people and it was served to the men in fast time. – I brought some ensilage heads home for the chickens a treat. – After dinner Mr. Pierce and I drove out to have Mrs. Smith go to see “Case Against Mrs. Ames,” but she had gone alone just ahead of us. – We came home together. The cars not far apart. – Check from Studemans. House rent.

Thursday, September 3
Fine day. – Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Smith drove to Sargent this morning to get some pipe for a well she is having sunk in her west pasture. – Jack cut weeds in the chicken yard and found a hen setting on some eggs. – Letter from Mrs. Farwell saying she hoped to spend a day with me next week. – Busy all day. – Mr. Pierce ate dinner in Palacios tonight. – Lee attending the dance there. – Went to sleep in my chair reading, so am going to bed.

Friday, September 4
Fine day. Hot sun. – The general Friday house work.  Lee finished burning the paint off of the front porch. – Mr. Pierce and Jack went to Sargent for a couple of days. – Mrs. Marrick Kopecky called this evening to see if Mr. Pierce had returned. – Ate dinner at the hotel. – Mrs. Dunn is in San Antonio to meet Winnie who expects to winter there. – After dinner, Mrs. Smith took me for a cooling off drive to Palacios. – Miss Nannie told us of Mrs. Kneeberg’s death yesterday.

Saturday, September 5
Very hot day. – Drove to Bay City with Mrs. Smith this morning. Cashed my house rent check and put a few cents into the bank. – Came home and have done the Saturday work. – Rec’d a letter from Mrs. Pierce and answered it at once. Sent her window measurements of the dining room. – Went to the P. O. to mail the letter. Very hot sun. – Ate dinner at the hotel. – Miss Coley, Miss Truitt and the hillbilly are here. School opens Monday. – Mr. Pierce came home from Sargent rather early.

Sunday, Blessing 6
Fine day in Blessing. – Went to Sunday School this forenoon. 55 present. Some of the teachers were there. – Mr. Pierce, Lee and I ate 12 o’clock dinner with Mrs. Smith. A lovely dinner. – Nellie had hot rolls. Very fine. The ice cream was too. – Then Lee went to play ball and we were Mrs. Smith’s guests to see “To Mary - With Love.” Very pretty picture. Sad tho. – A heavy rain fell while we were in the snow and it rained on us about half way home. – No rain at all in Blessing or Live Oak. – We went back to Live Oak later to eat more ice cream. Mr. and Mrs. Selkirk came while we were there.  They had some water lilies.

Monday, Blessing 7 – Labor Day – School Opened
Jack did not appear today. He is helping funeralize a young woman who died from T. B. – Odeal did the washing and ironing today. Not so much to iron as usual. – Real hard rain fell here this P. M., but none at Live Oak Farm. – Mrs. Smith came a few minutes while Mr. Pierce was eating rye and limburger preparatory to going to Sargent for a couple of days. – Ate dinner at the hotel and brought a good bate of bones home for the dog. – Did not get the mail today. No one went to the P. O. – Lee away. Perhaps for the night.

Tuesday, September 8
Very hot sun. – Lee came home this morning. – Jack seems to have deserted us for the rice fields. – Robert milked the cow this morning and this afternoon. – Lee took her out to Live Oak Farm. Too much to expect Robert to come twice a day to do Jack’s work. – Have been darning all afternoon. – Mrs. Smith came in a few minutes this P. M. – The little Willie, who with his family she has been providing for for a year or so, has gone to the rice fields to work. – Ate dinner at the hotel. Then went to Palacios with Mrs. Smith for a cooling off. – Mrs. Dunn drove to Houston today.

Wednesday, September 9
Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Selkirk drove to Dallas this morning to spend a few days at the Fair, etc. – Gave the house a good cleaning today. Am dog tired now. Shall be glad indeed when Mrs. Pierce comes to take charge of her household. Five months is a long time for an old woman to mess around in somebody else’s business. – After dinner tonight Mrs. Smith, Mr. Pierce and I went to see Piccadilly Jim. A lot of laughs. – Lee worked at the lumber yard unloading a car of lumber.

Thursday, September 10 – The Pups
Hot day. – Mr. Pierce took 6 fryers to Sargent this morning. He is giving a Barbecue tonight. – Felt quite bum all forenoon. Too much hot weather, I think. – Lee went to Palacios to swim this afternoon and will not be home until after the dance tonight. – Mrs. Smith phoned this afternoon offering me a seat in her car going to Houston tomorrow. I hope to go. – Lady has a family tonight.

Friday, September 11
Hot sun. – A happy day for me. – Mrs. Smith came for me soon after 7 o’clock this morning and we drove to Houston. – Stopped at Pierce where Mrs. Smith transacted business with Mr. Hutchins. Mr. Withers not at home. From there to Houston. Mrs. Smith had her eyes tested at Dr. Hayden’s. I had a short conversation with Mary Lindermood. She is office girl. – We ate lunch at the Forum. I looked in vain for shoes. – Mrs. Smith bought a pair. Went to Mr. Sears for halters and I bought 2 pr hose. – Went to see “The General Died at Dawn.” Not much good. – We ate dinner at Mrs. Mayfield’s and came home after dark all the way. The traffic was heavy. Mrs. Smith tired and drowsy. – Robert drove me in from Live Oak Farm. – Mr. Pierce came home tonight. – Lee in Houston to see a ball game.

Saturday, September 12
Long letter from Mrs. Pierce. Her parents may not come to Texas this winter. – Card from Rodell Matteson. He has bought a piano, so will not need mine any more. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent this forenoon. Did not expect to come back tonight. – Have felt real bum most of the day, but find the best way to cure a case of lurb is to keep moving. – Mrs. Smith took me for a drive tonight. She came this afternoon to see the pups. There are seven squirming little things, but Lady is proud of them. – Going to bed early.

Sunday, September 13
Rain early this morning. – Ate breakfast alone. – Mr. Pierce did not come home until this afternoon. – Went to S. S.  – Then Lee and I drove to Live Oak Farm. Mrs. Smith’s guests to eat a leg of lamb and other splendidly cooked things. Grand hot rolls. Topped off with peach short cake. – Lee went to play ball. – Mrs. Smith and I to see “The Gorgeous Hussy.” A beautiful picture. – We came home in a rain storm, Gulf storm, after wading to our ankles to get into the car. Not so much rain here tho. – Robert brought me home and helped me move Lady and her family into the barn for fear the pups would drown. – Went to hear Rev. Engle tonight. – Mr. Pierce wet to see the picture.

Monday, September 14
Rainy morning. No washing. Rain off and on all night. The storm came in where the coast was thinly populated. Thank goodness. – Went to town this afternoon and bought meat for Lady and the cats. She has only four pups now. – Ate dinner at the hotel tonight. – Lee at home, but Mr. Pierce has a date. – Saw Mrs. Smith at dinner. – We hope to go to Houston tomorrow. – Something killed three young chickens last night.

Tuesday, September 15
Robert came for me soon after 6 o’clock this morning and I ate breakfast with Mrs. Smith. – Then we drove to Houston where she had her eyes treated again and Dr. Hayden gave a very assuring report as to their condition. At the first examination he feared blindness for her. – Then we went up town. Made some purchases of seeds, tomato and cabbage plants. Also bought some oil cloth covering for Iris’ car. Then to eat a bum lunch at the Forum and to look for shoes for my cranky feet. – A very hard rain falling for a time, so Mrs. Smith hailed a taxi and we went to the parking place and started home. Stopped for her eye prescription. – Rained most of the way home. Ate dinner at the hotel at Mrs. Dunn’s table. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. He and Lee ate breakfast at the hotel. – Odeal washed.

Wednesday, September 16
Mrs. Smith will not lose her eyesight. – Up early and ate 6 o’clock breakfast at Live Oak Farm. – Lee and I left Mr. Pierce in bed as we were away from the house before his getting up time. – Lee drove for his Aunt Pearl (in Mrs. Pierce’s car) and we arrived at Dr Hayden’s office before nine o’clock. – Left Mrs. Smith there and we went up town where Lee bought himself a pair of shoes (from his Aunt Pearl), and I found a pair for myself at Paul’s. I did a little more shopping and we went back to the Dr’s office. Mrs. Smith phoned John Henry and we all ate dinner at Mrs. Mayfield’s. – Came home through showers. Mrs. Smith came for me later and we ate supper at Live Oak and then went to see “Miss Nobody.” A full day.

Thursday, September 17
Showers. – Busy all day. – Odeal did the ironing. – Had much putting in order to do after two days running around away from home. – Mrs. Borden phoned to say she would be down about  four o’clock and wanted some fryers. – Mrs. Dunn suggested tea for her and her guests, so I made preparatios and Mrs. D. brought some wafers. Mrs. Borden, Miss Hough and Aunt Kate came.  – Mr. Pierce came too and drank tea. Mrs. Smith could not come, but she came later and with Mrs. Dunn and myself were Mr. Pierce’s guests to eat fish supper in Palacios on the new pavilion. – We came home before the dance.

Friday, September 18
General house cleaning all day. – Rain this afternoon. – Mr. Pierce came home this P. M. – Lee took a carload of Palacios ball fans to Rosenberg this evening after handling rice sacks all day. – Ate dinner at the hotel. – Then Mr. Pierce and I drove out to see Mrs. Smith. – The oil derrick on the Pierce estate looks cheerful at night. Drilling going on.

Saturday, September 19
Hard shower this forenoon. – Changing of beds, etc. – Lee came home about  4 o’clock this morning. His car had been wrecked on the highway between Midfield and El Campo. His shoulder was hurt some. The car turned over and was on its top when it finally stopped. The seven passengers crawled out thru a window unhurt. – Mr. Woosley took Lee to Bay City to see about the car today. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent this forenoon. – Mrs. Smith came for me and I ate supper with her and then we went to see a picture. – Mr. Pierce not at home. – Lee in bed early. Feels badly about his car being damaged.

Sunday, September 20
A hard shower about 1 o’clock. – Did not go to S. S. today. – Mr. Pierce did not come home until afternoon. – Cooked breakfast for Lee about nine o’clock and he went to town. – Ate dinner at the hotel with him. – The team was supposed to play ball, but were rained out. – Mrs. Smith took Mrs. Smith? her neighbor and myself to see the Great Ziegfeld this afternoon. A grand picture. – She had a violent headache when we came home. – Robert brought us in from Live Oak. – Then I fed and he took me back to the hotel where Mr. Pierce was waiting. – We ate supper and drove out to see Mrs. Smith and she was better when we left her at nine o’clock. – Mrs. Farwell left a card here this P.M.

Monday, September 21
Up early and off to Houston. Lee drove for Mrs. Smith. She did not feel equal to the long drive after her sick headache of yesterday afternoon and night. We left Mrs. Smith at Dr. Hayden’s and went up town to do some errands and leave the car for repairs at the Ford place. Took a taxi back to the Drs. Then we all went in a taxi uptown later. – Ate lunch at the “Ship Ahoy.” – Parked Lee in a picture show and shopped around until 4 o’clock when Mrs. Smith’s glasses were finished and we soon started home. – Took Nellie to Wharton as the river is on a big rise and she feared for her house. – She did not come back with us. – Stopped at Pierce on business with Mr. Withers. – Came home. Fed the cats and dogs and am going to bed.

Tuesday, September 22
Mr. and Mrs. Farwell called this forenoon and we planned for her to spend tomorrow with me, but when I went to the P. O. this afternoon to mail a long long letter, I wrote to Mrs. Pierce, I found an invitation from Mrs. Borden to luncheon tomorrow. I phoned her immediately and she insisted on Mrs. Farwell coming, too. She phoned Mrs. Farwell, then Mrs. Farwell phoned me. – We will decide about it in the morning when she comes up. – Have not seen Mrs. Smith today. She drove to Goliad to look at a male for her herd of Herefords. – Mr. Pierce and I went to see oil field again tonight. More beautiful than ever.

Wednesday, September 23
No rain today. – Mrs. Farwell came up this forenoon. We, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn, all ate luncheon in the Borden home. Guests of Mrs. Borden, Mrs. Hough and Miss Nellie Hough. Mrs. Dunn furnished the transportation. – Came home after 4 o’clock. Mr. Farwell came for her. – Robert took me out to Live Oak Farm when he brought the milk as Mrs. Smith thought. She wanted to see the picture tonight. We discovered that the one she wanted to see will be there tomorrow night. So we visited awhile and then Mrs. Dunn brought me home.

Thursday, September 24 – Live Oak Farm
Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Dunn drove to Houston this morning. – Was busy until afternoon. – Lee ate fried potatoes with me at noon. – Mrs. Smith came for me and I am spending the night with her after seeing Ramona in Bay City. We expect to get an early start to Houston in the morning.

Friday, September 25 – Mr. Farwell’s birthday
Mrs. Smith and I drove to Houston today. – She had to have her glasses changed and two new pair made. She must wear them with bows over her ears. We did a good deal of shopping. I bought a pretty coat suit, but it has to be altered a little. She looked at and bought wallpaper. We could not get the glasses until 5 o’clock. Ate dinner at Mrs. Mayfield’s and came home most of the way after dark. – Ate lunch at the Lamar cafeteria. – Mrs. Smith was almost exhausted when we reached Live Oak Farm. Robert brought me home. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent.

Saturday, September 26
General housework and wrote a letter to Mrs. Pierce for Lee. He promised to write, also, but did not do so. – Am sorry for Mrs. Pierce when she reads my letter. – Ate dinner at the hotel, then Mrs. Dunn and I drove out to see Mrs. Smith. – Lee and His crowd are spending the night on the Sargent beach. – When Mrs. Dunn brought me home, I saw Mr. Pierce’s car in the garage. Suppose he is down town.

Sunday, September 27
Sunshine and rain. – Spent the night on the place alone. – Mr. Pierce sent his car home by Mr. Rickaway who was to go back for him this afternoon. – Mrs. Smith came for me to spend the day with her as we were both alone, but Mrs. Dunn came about 10 o’clock and after bringing me home to change my dress, we drove to Wadsworth and then stopped at the BayTex Hotel in Bay City for 12 o’clock dinner. Then went to see Poor Little Rich Girl. A sweet picture. – As we were leaving Bay City, we very narrowly escaped a collision. Mrs. Dunn’s presence of mind was all that saved us. - A very hard rain fell just as I finished feeding the fowls. – Mr. Pierce came home early and Lee, also. – All going to bed at 9:30.

Monday, September 28
A norther today and real cold. Slept under blankets last night. – Odeal washed today, but the clothes did not dry until afternoon. – Mrs. Smith came in a few minutes this P. M. – Lee uncoupled most of the radiators today preparatory to heating with gas stoves this winter. – After dinner, Mrs. Dunn drove us out to Mrs. Smith’s. She has had a new chimney and fireplace built in her dining room and the partition taken out. Makes a fine large living room. – Robert and Madge came while we were there.

Tuesday, September 29
Cold norther. Sunshine and clouds. – A busy day. – Lee finished taking the radiators out today. Jack helped him until noon. – Then I cleaned up the 1st and 2nd floors. – Mrs. Duller came soliciting fryers for the supper Friday night given to buy new books for the Library. I promised 2. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent. – Ate dinner at the hotel and then drove out to Mrs. Smith’s with Mrs. Dunn. – We went to Bay City to see a picture, but it was Poor Little Rich Girl again and we had seen it, so came home. – Mrs. Dunn had a headache. – Lee in bed. – Mr. Pierce phoned that he was in town.

Wednesday, September 30
Cold raw day. – Lee finished clipping the hedge. Fast work with the electric clipper. – Cleaned the third floor today and the front porch. The paint is dry. Also gave the kitchen porch a hot soap suds scrubbing with a broom. Put the laundry away. Tried to find something to make a vest to wear with my new coat suit when it comes, but could not find anything that seemed suitable.


Thursday, October 1
Warmer. Sunshine. – Mrs. Farwell spent the day with me. We had a pleasant time Ate 12 o’clock dinner at the hotel. – Mr. Pierce was in Sargent. – Lee did a little mowing today and Mrs. Smith brought two loads of fine dry wood for us. – At 9:30, Lee had a phone call from Palacios to say they were coming for him to go to the dance. – So as I go to bed, he is starting for the dance. – Mr. Pierce just came in now, too.- Mr. Studeman was hurt in an automobile accident this P. M.

Friday, October 2
A most beautiful day. – Went to the P. O. early to post a letter to Mrs. Studeman. Went down again about eleven thirty to get some bones for Lady, but the shop was closed, so just ate 12 o’clock dinner at the hotel with Mr. Pierce and Lee. – No letter from Mrs. Pierce. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent soon after lunch. – Mrs. Smith came in a few minutes. – Mrs. Dunn drove to Houston today. – Mrs. Borden and Aunt Elizabeth came for some frying size chickens. They are 25
per lb. – Lee and I are going to bed early.

Saturday, October 3
Lee receiving rice at the warehouse. – Mrs. Dunn came up a few minutes this forenoon. – Busy with Sat. work until noon, then went to P. O. and received letters for myself and Lee from Mrs. Pierce. I answered mine and mailed it at once. – Mrs. Smith came up and I went out home with her. Drove to the cemetery which is being mowed and looks beautiful. – Then we ate pancakes and later took Mr. Jackson home. Passed by home which looks nice and the lawn mowed. – Mrs. Smith brought the milk and the colored help in and then we drove to Brown’s where she hired a Mexican to work for her. Then she brought me home. Lee was in bed. – Tired, I think.

Sunday, October 4 – Mother would be 92 today
Beautiful day. Wind changed to the south this afternoon. – Did not go to S. S. this forenoon. Up at the usual time. – Lee worked at the warehouse this forenoon. Played ball this afternoon. – Ate 12 o’clock dinner at the hotel. – Mrs. Smith could not go to the picture show this P. M. on account of her eye being so painful. – She should go to the Dr. with it at once, I think. – Have just rested all afternoon. Am tired. – Mr. Pierce and I drove out to Live Oak Farm and to the oil well tonight. – Lee spending the night in Palacios.

Monday, October 5
Mr. Pierce and Mr. Rickaway drove to Sargent early this morning. – Mr. Pierce came back in time to bring fish for 12 o’clock dinner at the hotel, which I happened to get in on. – Ate supper there tonight, also. Then Mrs. Smith, Mr. Pierce and I went to see “His Brother’s Wife.” – The Colorado River is very high. Out over the lowlands on the west side of the river. Wharton under water. – Lee handling rice at the warehouse. – Odeal washed today, but did not iron. Sickness called her home at noon. – Mr. Studeman in Bay City hospital. Plaster cast. Cancer? injured also.

Tuesday, October 6
Hot sun. – A beautiful day. – Odeal finished ironing at noon – Did much sweeping and cleaning today. – Lee at warehouse. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent since dinner tonight. Will be home tomorrow. – Mrs. Smith came a few minutes this forenoon. Her eye is better, but she is anxious about it. – Worked some this afternoon on a vest to wear with my coat suit when the weather grows cooler. – Put the laundry away. – Lee not at home as I go to bed soon after nine o’clock.

Wednesday, October 7
Awoke this morning to the sound of heavy rain falling. Rained off and on all day. – Mr. Pierce, Mr. Rickaway and Lee fixed the gas connections today, so the stoves can be attached as soon as Mrs. Pierce comes home to select them. – Ate 12 o’clock dinner at the hotel. Drank a cup of tea and ate a slice of toast for my supper. – Growing colder and raining as I go to bed at 9 o’clock. – Dread the winter with the northers and rains. – Mr. Pierce at home reading by the fireplace fire. – Lee not in yet.

Thursday, October 8 – Life Oak Farm
Beautiful Day. – Mr. Pierce, Mr. Rickaway and Lee attached the two radiators to the gas pipes today. – This afternoon, Mr. Pierce and Mr. Rickaway went to Sargent by way of Wharton. The Bay City bridge being closed on account of two sections having settled during the overflow. – Mrs. Smith came for me and we drove over to the bridge, but were stopped on this side so far from the damaged place that we did not walk to it. We stopped at Markham and brought a trailer home. Then came into Blessing and I fed the chicks, dogs and cats. Then went back with Mrs. Smith and am spending the night as Lee is to spend his night with his wife.

Friday, October 9
Gas turned on in radiator. – Up early. Mrs. Smith cooked breakfast for Sime and the Mexican and us. Sime drove to town to being Lucy and Marian out. Then Mrs. Smith, Sime and myself to town for the mail and some money. They drove to Goliad to bring a young male Hereford back and I came up home. - Arrived just as Lee did. His wife had failed to give him breakfast, so I fed him and he went to sleep for the forenoon. – Ate 12 o’clock dinner at the hotel. Came home and went to work mopping porches, etc. when Mrs. Smith came for me to go see her new Hereford. A beauty. Robert brought me home later – Lee phoning to John Henry for baseball ticket tonight. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent.

Saturday, October 10
A north wind, but warm. – Pups one month old today. – Lee and his wife have gone to Houston today to see a ball game tonight. He expected to get his car at noon. Wonder when the next wreck will occur and what the result will be. – Cleaned house until noon. Ate dinner at the hotel. Met Mrs. Smith and she brought me up home. Continued cleaning until 2:30. Then wrote a short letter to Mrs. Pierce. – Fed the chickens, cats and dog. Ate my supper and when Robert came with the milk, I rode out to Live Oak Farm with him. – Mrs. Dunn soon came and we three went to the picture show. – Mailed my letter to Mrs. Pierce in Bay City. – Mrs. Pierce was here when we returned.

Sunday, October 11
Norther. Cool, but sunshine. – Up at 6:30. – Fed the livestock, etc. and cooked breakfast. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up this forenoon for an hour. – Did not go to S. S. – Put the house in order and went to the hotel where I ate dinner with Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce. Lee did not put in his appearance until about six o’clock when he and his wife came while he took a bath and changed his clothes. – Mr. Pierce and I drove out to Live Oak Farm to take Mrs. Smith to see “Stage Struck,” but Mr. Withers had taken her to Port Lavaca. So we went alone. The picture was fine. We drank coffee and then stopped at Live Oak Farm a few minutes on the way home. – Mr. Withers was there.

Monday, October 12
A most beautiful day. – Lee spent last night with his wife. His car had to go back to Bay City this forenoon as it was not finished when he took it out Saturday. – Odeal did the small washing before 12 o’clock and I took the clothes down this P. M. Such a grand wash day. – Went to the hotel for lunch. Then came back and finished the house work. Took a few stitches in a front I am trying to make for my coat suit. – Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Rickaway have gone to Sargent. – Lee at home and in bed early. Too much “tom catting.”

Tuesday, October 13
Lovely day. – Odeal ironed this forenoon. – Lee got his car out of the shop today. Finished. He was one of the pallbearers for Mr. Shuey this afternoon and is spending the night in Palacios tonight. – Mrs. Gill called this forenoon offering me a seat in Mrs. Duller’s car to attend the funeral, but I could not accept. – Mrs. Dunn came up a few minutes this P. M. – Mrs. Smith, also, but she was going to Mackay for some kind of machinery, so hurried away. – Ate dinner at the hotel. Then Mr. Pierce and I drove up to the oil well. They hope to have something by morning. – Mr. and Mrs. Lewis were Mrs. Dunn’s dinner guests tonight.

Samuel Paul Shuey

Wednesday, October 14
Did general cleaning on the 2nd floor this forenoon. – Mrs. Ruby Bowers came and got a few pears. – Ate dinner at the hotel. – Lee brought me home. He worked in the warehouse. – Mrs. Smith came for me this afternoon and we hauled in a load of hay and while the men were stacking it, we drove to Kopeckys. I got some dog meat. Then I came home and did the feeding and went to Palacios with Mr. Pierce where we met Mrs. Smith and were his guests for a fish dinner. – He has gone to Sargent tonight.

Thursday, October 15
Beautiful day. – A house cleaning day and the mending. – Ate 12 o’clock dinner at the hotel and finished my house work. – After six o’clock Mrs. Smith came for me to go to see “Green Pastures.” She had given her colored folks a theatre party to see the picture. – We enjoyed it very much, but Mrs. Smith was so tired she could scarcely keep awake. It is a wonderful production. I would like to see it again. Mrs. Smith is going to Houston tomorrow. I also. So had to wake Mr. Pierce when I came home to tell him. – Lee not here tonight.

Friday, October 16
Lovely day. Hot sun. – Up early and went out with Robert when he brought the milk. – Lee spent the night with his wife, so Mr. Pierce ate his breakfast at the hotel. – I made myself a cup of coffee before I left. – Mrs. Smith and I drove to Houston, but Dr. Hayden was not in town, so she could not have her eye examined. – She had her glasses loosened some and a hair wash and manicure. Then we ate lunch at Mrs. Mayfield’s and went to see Romeo and Juliet. The most beautiful picture I have ever seen. Hope to see it again. We left Houston about 4 o’clock, so were at home early. – Mr. Pierce gone to see Green Pastures.

Saturday, October 17 – My parents’ wedding anniversaty 1866
Grand day. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent this morning and has not returned as I go to bed at 9:30. – John Henry came in about 4:30. He joined the crowd who are spending the weekend at the beach. – They left here about 6 o’clock. – Mrs. Dunn is having a dinner party at the hotel tonight. Guests from Houston mostly. Mr. Smith, it seems, is assisting her. – Ate 12 o’clock lunch at the hotel. – The Beacon says Mr. Studeman may be able to come home the first of next week. – Wonder if I am to be alone tonight.

Sunday, October 18
Grand day. Had a late breakfast. – Went to S. S. – Ate dinner at the hotel. – Rec’d a letter from Mrs. Pierce. – Mrs. Dunn and I drove to Wadsworth after dinner and stopped in Bay City to see “Rhythm on the Range.” Dark when we got home. I fed the dogs and cats. – John Henry came soon and picked out some magazines to take to Houston. – Mr. Pierce came, also, and they are both leaving early, so I had made preparations for breakfast. – Lee staying in Palacios tonight.

Monday, October 19
Box came from Mrs. Pierce. – Up at 4:45 this morning to get Mr. Pierce and John Henry off early. – John H. returning to Houston. Mr. Pierce driving to attend court in Bay City. – Ate dinner at the hotel. – Mrs. Dunn brought Mrs. Smith home at noon to get some medicine for a sick headache. They returned to court immediately. Some turn in the proceedings after they left the court in the afternoon caused Mr. Pierce to return to Bay City at night instead of going to Sargent. So he asked Mrs. Dunn to take Mr. Rickaway and his toolbox down. – She offered me a seat in the car and I enjoyed the ride. – Mr. Pierce came home before midnight. – Lee worked at the rice warehouse until 1 o’clock. Rice coming in.

Tuesday, October 20 – John Henry’s 27th Birthday
Up early to get Lee down town by 7 o’clock to help Mrs. Dunn move some trunks over to the bank. – Mr. Pierce went to court. Also Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Smith where they remained until 5 o’clock. – Then Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent and I supposed he would spend the night, but he came calling to get in to the house about 10:00 as Lee was spending the night with his wife, so I had the house well locked up. – Mrs. Dunn and I drove out to Live Oak Farm after dinner. Mrs. Smith was unpacking some boxes, etc . that had been sent her from Penn.

Wednesday, October 21
Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn in court. – Lee did not show up at the house this morning. – Mr. Cobb of Bay City was calling him last night and this morning. He went to see Mr. Cobb this P. M. and thinks he has a job as roughneck in an oil field. That has been his ambition for some time, so now he may have an opportunity of testing it out. – Ate 12 o’clock dinner at the hotel. – Mr. Pierce came home before 6 o’clock. – Lee at Mary Dean’s. Supper and  etc. – Pie not present, but invited. Another of Lee’s mistakes. – Working hard all day. Tired and going to bed – Call for Lee from Bay City, but I did not know where to locate him at that time. 9 o’clock.

Thursday, October 22
Norther. – Up early to give Lee his breakfast at 6 o’clock. He went to the oil field near Bay City – Cooked Mr. Pierce’s breakfast at 7 o’clock. – Shall be more then glad to surrender the kitchen to the first applicant. Am just played out. – Watered many things this afternoon. The north wind is very drying. Real cold wind tonight and the sky cloudy. – Lee spending the night in Palacios. – Mr. Dunn, Mr. Pierce and I drove out to Live Oak Farm tonight, but Mrs. Smith had gone back to Bay City to consult a lawyer. She and Mr. Pierce were in court all day.

Friday, October 23 – Mrs. Hall’s Birthday – 70 yrs.
Norther today. Real cold and mostly cloudy. – Odeal cleaned some silver and washed windows today. – Lee at work. Mr. Pierce in Sargent – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn in Bay City (court). – Ate 6 o’clock dinner at the hotel. Then went to Mrs. Dunn’s room. Mrs. Smith came, too. Talked of the lawsuit. A distressing time. – Lee gone to El Campo to see a basket ball game. – Mr. Pierce not at home as I go to bed at nine o’clock. – Very tired. A good fire I the fireplace all day.

Saturday, October 24
Cold raw day. – Mr. Pierce did not come home last night. – Lee went to El Campo to se a basketball game. – Up early to get him off to work this morning. – Doing housework all day. Some on the 3rd floor. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell and a friend from Chicago (?) who they knew many years go came up this P. M. – Wish the sun would shine. I feel quite miserable this kind of weather. Fire in the fireplace all day. – Ate dinner, then Mrs. Dunn and I drove out to Mrs. Smith’s. She had gone to Bay City, but we waited for her. The trial closed and the decision made. – Mr. Pierce came home. - Lee in Palacios.

Sunday, October 25
South wind this A. M. – Real hot sun today. Perhaps this is a weather breeder. – Did not get up until 6:30 this morning. Breakfast soon after 7:00. Went to church this forenoon. A traveling secretary for the Presbyterian Church. He preached a good sermon. – Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Dunn and I ate “leg o’ lamb” dinner with Mrs. Smith. Her room is beautiful since the partition has been taken out. Mrs. Dunn brought us in about 3 o’clock. She had to pack her grips as she will spend next week with Winnie in San Antonio. – Later Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Dunn and myself went to see “Swing Time.” Beautiful music and dancing. – Tired tonight, but must be up early in the morning.

Monday, October 26
Norther. Sand storm. – Odeal washed. – Mrs. Dunn drove to San Antonio. Mrs. Smith brought the milk this morning. Robert brought the pony in last night. – Lee up and away to work early this morning. – Mr. Pierce up early, too, going to Bay City. – Went to the hotel for my 12 o’clock meal. – Have been working hard all day. The north wind blows so much dust into the house. – Lee in Palacios tonight. - Mr. Pierce in bed early. – Mrs. Pierce expected home tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 27
Cold. Fire in fireplace and radiator in dining room – Mr. Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pierce left here about 5:30 A. M. going to Houston to meet Mrs. Pierce. The train arriving at 8:30 A. M. – They were in Blessing in time for 12 o’clock dinner at the hotel. Soon they came up to the house. Mrs. Pierce looks well and prettier than ever. We all visited during the afternoon. Then Lee and his wife went to Palacios to spend the night and help her people move tomorrow. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and I drove out to Live Oak Farm after supper and spent a couple of hours. – Going to bed tired and so glad to have Mrs. Pierce at home.

Wednesday, October 28
Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent this morning in Mrs. Pierce’s car. His being in the shop from a collision he had with a rice wagon. – We ate lunch at the house and dinner at the hotel. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up to see Mrs. Peirce this P. M. – Lee and his wife left the house before dinner to go hunting. – Mrs. Pierce has been trying to do some unpacking today, but it is slow work. So many interruptions. – Christine Guynes was married to a husband and six children this morning.

Thursday, October 29
Mrs. Pierce was breakfast cook assisted by Mr. Pierce and “Pie.” Lee was able to appear in his bathrobe in time to eat the food. I did the outside feeding. – Mr. Pierce spent the day in Blessing. – Lee and his wife spent the day in Palacios, but are at the parental home tonight. – We drove over to see the cottage to be occupied by the bride and groom this morning. A very neat house. – Mrs. Pierce’s piano was tuned today. – We ate soup for lunch, but Mrs. Pierce cooked a fine dinner for 6 o’clock. – Tonight we were Mr. Pierce’s guests to see a “G” Man’s Wife in Bay City. Mrs. Pierce hay fever is quite troublesome.

Friday October 30
Pretty day. – Mrs. Pierce, Lee and wife were up early to start Lee off early to work. We worked in the kitchen most of the forenoon. – Mrs. Smith came while we were at lunch and made quite a visit. – Jack working in the yard. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent. – We three women drove out to Live Oak Farm this afternoon and to the woods where Mrs. Smith was burning brush and having wood cut. – She went with us to the cemetery. A lovely spot. We stopped to see her cattle, etc.

Saturday, October 31
Cloudy. Some showers. – Lee away to his oil field work early. – Mrs. Pierce in the kitchen all day. – Baking, etc. – Pie helped her and I did the house work. Scrubbed the side and front porches. – Mr. Pierce came home from Sargent late, but ate a plate of soup. – John Henry came even later, but had had his supper. – Am exceedingly tired tonight. – Mrs. Dunn returned from San Antonio this evening. Winnie and family well. – Halloween tonight.


Sunday, November 1
Warm day. – Lee off to work early. – Did not go to S. S.  – Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Lee Pierce, John Henry and myself were Mr. Pierce’s guests to a fish dinner on the Palacios pavilion at 12:20 today. – Then Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and John Henry called on the Farwells a few minutes. – Then Mr. Pierce and I called on the Studemans a few minutes. – Then Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Lee Pierce and John Henry called on the Chiles a few minutes. – Then we came home. Cooked 6 o’clock chicken dinner and all went to see “Libeled Lady.” Lee took us all in his car. – Mr. Pierce’s guests again.

Monday, November 2
Windy day. Some cloudy. – Busy all forenoon. – Lee at work. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent. – Mrs. Dunn to her Peyton Ranch. – Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Lee Pierce, and I drove to Bay City this afternoon. They to price house furnishings. I  to do a little shopping for myself. – We arrived at home about 5:30 and soon had dinner on the table. – Mr. Pierce was late coming, so ate cold food. – Lee and Jedie have gone to the school carnival. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and myself drove out to the oil well and to Mrs. Smith’s, but her gate was locked, so Mr. Pierce stopped at the carnival, but we came home and went to bed.

Tuesday, November 3
Norther. Wet. Rainy. – Busy all forenoon. House work. – After lunch went over to the cottage and did some work preparatory to the new occupants moving in. We put papers on the shelves and placed some things. The stove was installed and water heated. – Mrs. Pierce put a floor finish on the front room floor. Very cold and rainy tonight. – Rec’d the rent from the Studeman’s. – Mr. Clements brought it up. – The Palacios Bank being defunct.

Wednesday, November 4
Norther, but sunshine. – Jedie has been moving about all day. Brownie’s truck and Jack to help her. Lee helping unload lumber for Yeager Yard. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent. Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Braden and I drove to Collegeport to attend funeral services for Mr. Hurd this afternoon. The cemetery at Collegeport is a neglected looking spot. – Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and I went to see a clean picture. – Real cold tonight. There was a little ice this morning. The air feels frosty tonight.

Burton David Hurd

Thursday, November 5
Not as cold. All sunshine. – Went to Palacios with Lee and Jedie. Found some things in my house they could use. – Drove past the cemetery on the way out to Ressler’s. Some work should be done on my lot. – Busy all afternoon. Had neuralgia in my eye. – Went to the P. O. to post some letters. – The Pierces were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Braden at the pavilion tonight. – Mrs. Pierce drove me out to Live Oak when I ate supper and spent the night. – Mrs. Smith had been sick in bed all day. – Drank a cup of hot tea and felt better. Sick headache.

Friday, November 6
Came in with Robert this morning. – Lee had gone to work. The others were eating breakfast. – Did the usual round of errands this forenoon and after lunch drove to Bay City with Mrs. Pierce and Jedie. They made some purchases for the new household. I made a few for myself. – Arrived at home about 5:30 and cooked supper. – Jack washed the dishes. – Lee and Jedie went over to their cottage to work tonight.

Saturday, November 7
Pretty day all day. – General house work all forenoon. – Lee away to his work early. – After lunch, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Lee Pierce and I drove to Bay City. They did some shopping. I went along for ballast (?) – This morning I fell in the dining room. Struck my temple on the side board and my broadside on the floor. Have been dreadful still and lame all day. – Mr. Pierce spent the day in Sargent. – We stopped at Live Oak as we came home. Mrs. Borden was there. – Lee and Jedie are working at their cottage tonight. – Mrs. Pierce and I were Mr. Pierce’s guests to see China Clipper tonight.

Sunday, November 8
Cold wind all day. – Did not go to S. S. Felt quite lame from my fall yesterday morning. – Mrs. Pierce went to see Mrs. Dunn who has a severe cold. She went back to her ranch today, tho. – Mrs. Smith brought us some rolls to bake for dinner. – Lee worked at the oil field. – Mrs. Smith came again this afternoon for a few minutes, but would not stay for tea. – Lee and Jedie went over to their cottage to do some work after tea. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have gone to hear Rev. Engle. – I have written four letters today. Am very tired, besides being lame all over – Going to bed.

Monday, November 9
Cold windy day. – Have not been off the place today. – Odeal did the washing and ironed some. – Lee worked. – Mrs. Smith came in a couple of times. She had Jack use her mules and rake up the hay that had been mowed on the lots around here – Miss Coley has moved from the hotel to the White home. Too noisy for her. – Have been working on a white blouse to wear with my coat suit. – Going to bed now. Tired.

Tuesday, November 10 – Jedie 16
Pups 2 months old. – Gloomy day. – Mrs. Smith brought vegetables this morning from her garden. Spinach, mustard and green beans. – Lee off today. – After lunch Mrs. Pierce, Jedie and I went to Bay City. Lee driving. The young people bought some furniture and Lee bought his wife a wedding ring. – Mrs. Pierce went to the BayTex Hotel to see the local art exhibit. – I paid my state and county tax. – Lee and Jedie are eating dinner in Palacios tonight. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have gone out to Live Oak Farm.

Wednesday, November 11 – Lee’s 23rd Birthday
Dreary day. – Mrs. Pierce put in the day in the kitchen baking for Lee’s birthday dinner tonight. He did not work today as they did some more preliminary planning to go to housekeeping. – A card from Mrs. Richards telling of Mr. Strickland’s death this morning. A good man gone to his reward. I wish I were as well prepared to meet my maker as I believe he was. – The passing of my old friends takes something out of my life, so it is never just the same again. Old people never make new friends.

Palacios Beacon, November 19, 1936

Thursday, November 12
Grand day. – Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Webb and Frances drove to Houston today in Mrs. Pierce’s car. Mrs. Smith took Frances to have her eyes examined and get glasses. Mrs. Smith had Dr. Hayden examine hers again. She is living on nerves. – Mrs. Pierce and I ate dinner at the Forum with John Henry. Then we did some shopping, but time passed too fast, so we did not get half through. – Left Houston around 4:00 P. M. Had a pleasant day.- Mr. Strickland was buried at 2:30 this P. M. – I hope to go to Palacios very soon, perhaps to spend a night with Mrs. Strickland. My best old friends are passing on rapidly.

Friday, November 13
Cloudy cold day. – Mr. Pierce had the kitchen sink drain pipes opened today and the slop sink reset. – Mrs. Pierce and Odeal did some cleaning. The laundry was quite noticeably gone through. – I did a little laundry work for myself. – Mrs. Smith brought the milk both times today. – Lee and Jedie are over at their cottage working tonight. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce called on Miss Coley and then went down town. – Am going to bed quite tired. Don’t know why.

Saturday, November 14
Cold wind, but hot sun. – Just a Saturday. – Mrs. Pierce in the kitchen most of the day. – I went to town for a spool of thread and then made Mrs. Smith’s riding breeches longer. Put in half a day on them and they are not much larger finally. – Mr. Pierce spent the day at Sargent. Ginned several bales of cotton. – Lee working. – Jack and Ira working on the place. – Going to bed at 11 o’clock. Sewed on my slip tonight.

Sunday, November 15
Pretty day. Beautiful day. – Did not attend S. S.  – Took a long walk with Lady and the old cat. Gathered a bouquet of wildflowers. – After lunch Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Dunn and I drove to the Dunn ranch at Lake Austin. Mrs. Dunn is having houses repaired and wells dug. – Enjoyed the trip very much. Stopped in Bay City on the way home and saw a pretty picture. – Mrs. Dunn came up to the house, then, and we ate supper. – Lee working today.

Monday, November 16
Pretty day. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce drove to Victoria today in Mrs. Smith’s truck. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent this P. M. – Jedie and I drove to Palacios since lunch. I paid my city and school tax. – Went to see Mrs. Strickland, but she had gone to Bay City for the day on business. – Then went to Mrs. Richards. She had gone to Waco for a visit, so went to Loves. Found them at home, but had only a few minutes to visit as we wanted to be back by 5 o’clock to start dinner – Mrs. Pierce was here when we arrived.

Tuesday, November 17
Dreary day. – House work, etc. – Mrs. Pierce cleaned the aluminum closet and brought the barrelful of utensils downstairs again. – Odeal helped her by washing and scouring things. – We three women drove to Bay City late this P. M. and Jedie selected a silver platter as Mrs. Dunn’s wedding gift to her and Lee. – Then Jedie and Lee drove to Shorty Williams’ place to hunt (?) or eat dinner. – Mrs. Pierce and I went out to the school house to hear a talk on China by a Y. W. C. A. worker who has recently returned home. – Visited Mrs. Stadig, who has recently moved to Blessing.

Wednesday, November 18
Very pretty day. – Mrs. Dunn sick. – Mr. Pierce took some material down to her ranch on Lake Austin for her, then went to Sargent. – Mrs. Pierce and Jedie drove to Bay City this forenoon to get an evening dress for her to wear to the shower Mrs. Braden is giving in her honor tonight. – Mrs. Smith came for me after lunch and I spent the afternoon in the woods with her. She has several men chopping wood and burning brush. – Enjoyed being out of doors. The day was lovely. – Winnie came this P. M. and is staying over on acct. of her mother not being well. – The Pierces have gone to call on them before the young ones go to the party – Think I shall go to bed. – Mrs. Pierce seems about all in.

Thursday, November 19 – Palacios
Busy forenoon. – After lunch Jedie and Jack Williams brought me to Palacios. – Stopped at Bowden’s to find out about the bus hours. Then went to Mrs. Strickland’s. Rested and visited awhile. Then went to the P. O. for Mrs. Strickland. Saw many people I knew and they seemed as glad to see me as I was to see them. – Met Mabel Haynes and she went up to Mrs. Strickland’s with me. – Helped (?) milk the cow. Then we ate supper. – Going to bed at 9 o’clock.

Friday, November 20 – Palacios
Pretty day. Went to the cemetery this forenoon and pulled up an armful of grass from around the wall and monument on Mr. Webb’s grave. – Then ate dinner at the City Cafι. – Went around to see my lot. It is a sight. – Mrs. Pierce has the front half planted to Souday [Sudan?] grass. I must have some work done on it. – Saw many people I knew.  – Spent an hour with Beatrice. – Mrs. Richards is in Waco, so did not see her. – Stopped a moment at Loves. – Spending the night with Mrs. Strickland.

Saturday, November 21 – Blessing
Spent the forenoon on the run. – Mr. Studeman is not doing well. They may have to move to Houston in order that he may be near the Dr. – Came up by bus. – Mr. Oaks of Bay City supplying for the bus which broke down in Bay City. – Mrs. Smith came in and asked Mrs. Pierce and I to go to see the picture in Bay City with her. – Mr. Pierce had not come home when we left, but was here when we returned. – Norther on as we go to bed.

Sunday, November 22
Pretty day, tho cool. – No one went to S. S. or church today. – Lee working and Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. – About 4 o’clock, Mrs. Pierce, Jedie and I drove to Bay City where we met Lee and all went to see “Anthony Adverse.” Mr. Pierce came later. A very fine picture, but not as good as the book all who have read it say. – I wrote to the Frasers and Mrs. Strickland today. – Forgot it was the Sabbath and did some sewing too that could have been left undone. Tired tonight.

Monday, November 23
Cold rainy day. – Odeal washed, but the clothes did not dry much. – Lee worked. – Mr. Pierce went to Lake Austin with Mrs. Dunn. They were caught in a hard rain. Stuck in the mud, etc. – Mrs. Pierce and I worked on her new chintz curtains for the dining room today. – Am real tired tonight. Don’t know why I need be. – Cold and rainy as I go to bed at 9:45 P. M.

Tuesday, November 24 – Buddy died 4 years ago today. 1932-1936
Cold day. Clouds and sunshine.  Not much rain last night. – I worked on hangings and curtains all day. – Mrs. Pierce and Jedie went to Bay City this forenoon to buy curtain material, etc. – Mrs. Smith sat with us awhile this P. M. as they were butchering a hog out at Live Oak Farm. – Lee and his wife went hunting late this afternoon up to Shorty Williams’ farm. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and I were Mrs. Smith’s guests to see “Pepper” at the Franklin tonight.

Wednesday, November 25
Cold cloudy day. – Mrs. Pierce and I worked most of the day on the dining room curtains. They look very pretty. – Mr. Pierce spent the day with Mrs. Dunn at the Lake Austin ranch. – We ate three ducks for dinner. Shot by Lee last night. – Mr. Pierce came home about 7 P. M. – Mrs. Pierce baked a cake, stuffed the turkeys, blanched the almonds, etc. I made a quart of Mrs. Dunn’s salad dressing since dinner. – Lee and his wife went to Palacios tonight.

Thursday, November 26 – Thanksgiving Day
A pretty day. Busy forenoon. – Nellie came in and helped Odeal and Jack finish and serve a most excellent 1 o’clock dinner. – Mrs. Smith furnished the ice cream, snap beans and a pumpkin pie, also hot rolls. – Mrs. Farwell brought a pumpkin pie, too. The turkeys were done to a turn as was the sweet potatoes. – It was all thoroughly enjoyed by all. – John Henry came about eleven o’clock. Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Smith later.  – Then John H., Lee and Jedie went hunting. – Mrs. Dunn was hostess to us all to see “Big Broadcast of 1937” tonight in Bay City. – All tired and thankful.

Friday, November 27
Dreary day. – We cleaned the sideboard and its contents this forenoon. – After lunch, Mrs. Pierce went out to the high school to confer with the electrician or gas man regarding the heating plant. – Jedie went visiting and I loafed. – Lee worked a little over time, so was real late for dinner.

Saturday, November 28
Gloomy day. – Did the general Saturday work. Then Mrs. Pierce Jedie and I drove to Bay City. – Did some shopping. I bought myself a “dinner” dress (ha ha), but I never have anything suitable to wear in polite society, hence the extravagance. – Jedie sat for a picture. We did not get home until after five, but Jack had the dinner under way. We ate lunch at Etie’s Cafι. – Stopped to see Mrs. Smith as we came home. She has some swollen joints. – Mr. Pierce was host to Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Dunn and myself to see the midnight showing of “Charge of the Light Brigade.” Fine.

Sunday, November 29
Dreary day. Light rain. – Slept late. – Lee went to work early. – Mr. Pierce brought some fish from Sargent which we ate for lunch. Mrs. Dunn came to eat with us. Mrs. Smith did not come until this afternoon. Then she came rejoicing over a letter she had received from Mr. Hutchings regarding the old church in the cemetery. – I broke my glasses frame at noon. Mrs. Dunn repaired them for me with adhesive tape. Broken teeth and glasses.

Monday, November 30
Sick in bed all day. Pain in my side. Took calomel and salts. Dr. Wagner’s prescription.


Tuesday, December 1
Sick in bed all day.

Wednesday, December 2
Sick in bed.

Thursday, December 3
Sick in bed. Mrs. Farwell spent the day here and is here tonight.

Friday, December 4 – Mr. Pierce’s Birthday – 62
Sick in bed. Mrs. Farwell here until this afternoon. – Mr. Pierce’s party going on tonight.

Saturday, December 5
In bed all day, but feeling much better tonight. – Note from Mrs. Dunn who has gone to San Antonio to spend some time with Winnie. – I think they have the wreckage from last night’s party cleared away and the house seems normal tonight. – Hope to be up tomorrow. Most of the day.

Sunday, December 6
Awoke to the sound of a hard rain falling this morning, but there has been much sunshine during the day. A strong north wind has been blowing all day. Real cold. – I dressed this morning and ate breakfast downstairs. Rested this forenoon. – Lee working and Mr. Pierce went to Sargent so we three women were alone. – Mrs. Pierce cleaned her chest and some boxes and drawers. – Jedie read. – I just moped around and went to bed for a couple of hours this P. M. – Mrs. Smith came this afternoon.

Monday, December 7
A cold, but pretty day. – Just moped around and read “Gone With the Wind.” – Feel pretty well, but am so week. – Jack Williams and Jedie cut out a waist for her this P. M. – Have not been so sleepy today.

Tuesday, December 8
Mrs. Farwell spent the day here. – Mrs. Pierce and Jedie made a flying trip to Bay City this P. M. – Mr. Andrews died this morning. A benefactor passed on. – Have been up all day, but quite mopy yet.

Wednesday, December 9
A rainy day. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce drove to Houston this morning to attend Mr. Andrews’ funeral. – They were rained on all day. Were too late for the funeral, but saw the family. – Have not rested much today and not slept at all. – Am feeling better tonight. Finished reading “Gone With the Wind,” a fascinating story of the Old South.

Thursday, December 10
Dreary day. – Up all day. Rested some. Did some darning and hemmed a kimono. – Jedie drove to Bay City this P. M. – Miss Truitt came to practice a song to sing tomorrow night. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce are guests of Mr. Booth for a fish dinner at Port Lavaca.

Friday, December 11
Mostly dreary today. – Did not feel so well. – Mrs. Lucas came this afternoon to consult about the report she is to read before the Federation meeting tomorrow. – Miss Truitt came to practice the songs she is to sing tonight at the high school play. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent. – Mrs. Pierce at the high school play. – Lee late coming home. – Going to bed.

Saturday, December 12
Note to Mrs. Studeman thanking her for the rent. – Mrs. Pierce off early to Wadsworth to Federation meeting. Reports a fine meeting and dinner. – Mr. Pierce came home early. – He and Mrs. Pierce have gone to see a picture in Bay City. – Lee and Jedie going to bed. – I am doing likewise. – Feel better tonight.

Sunday, December 13
Rainy day all day. – Lee went to work early. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce drove to Palacios to eat a seafood dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Farwell. – Jedie and I were alone for lunch. – All were here for dinner. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce went over to the church as it was Rev. Engle’s appointment, but no others came, so they all came back to the house and Mrs. Pierce made her report to Mr. Engle. Mrs. Engle told jokes, etc. – Wrote to the Bells and addressed Xmas cards today.

Monday, December 14
 A pretty, but real cold day. – Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith, Jedie and I drove to Bay City this P. M. – I had my tooth replaced in the plate and finished by Christmas purchases. – Am tired tonight.

Tuesday, December 15
Warner. Sunshiny day. – Jack went away about 9 o’clock this forenoon to be married. Supposed to return to work in the morning. – Mrs. Pierce baked her fruit cakes today. – Mrs. Smith made a couple of pop calls today. – Am feeling fine, except weak. – Wrapped my few Christmas gifts today.

Wednesday, December 16
Beautiful day. – Still dragging around. Sick stomach. Weak legs. – Mrs. Pierce doing cleaning in kitchen cupboards, etc. – Mrs. Dunn and Winnie drove down from San Antonio today. – They ate dinner here tonight. – Winnie seems the same carefree girl I knew years ago, but of course, she is not.

Thursday, December 17
Warmer. Windy. – Odeal did some house cleaning and dyed the rugs in Mrs. Pierce’s room. – Jack polished the floors downstairs this P. M. – Mrs. Dunn and Winnie returned to San Antonio today. – Mrs. Pierce and Jack were culling the chickens this forenoon, but did not finish. – Mr. Pierce away all day. – Wrote to Mrs. Fraser.

Friday, December 18
Pretty day. – Mrs. Pierce finished culling her chickens this forenoon. – I sewed some on a made over black slip. – Mrs. Pierce and Jedie tied up some Christmas gifts this P. M. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce drove out to Live Oak Farm tonight. – Rec’d a Christmas card

Saturday, December 19
Beautiful cold day. – Went to Bay City this afternoon with Mrs. Pierce and Jedie. – Was hostess to see a picture which was a disappointment. – Finished my Christmas shopping. Came home tired, tho sat in the car most of the time.

Sunday, December 20
All sunshine. – No one went to S. S. – This evening Mrs. Pierce and I drove out to Live Oak Farm. Then with Mrs. Smith, went to the cemetery with flowers. – Jedie spent the day with Jack Williams. Met Lee in Bay City later. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City tonight to see “Born to Dance.”  - Mrs. Smith came in to telephone to Mrs. Heffelfinger about the oil lease.

Monday, December 21
Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce drove to Houston today. – Jedie and Jack Williams went to Bay City to attend the bicycle drawing. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce took one of the pups to Mary Lindamood Tandy. – The poor little thing was sick and made them much grief on the way in. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell called this afternoon.

Tuesday, December 22
House cleaning all forenoon. – Mr. Pierce tore the plaster out of the den toilet last night and much lime dust was a result. – Then we there went to Bay City after lunch. – Jedie had a permanent and I a shampoo. Mrs. Pierce had a permanent in Houston yesterday. – Then we all went over to the high school tonight to see a school play. – Little Jack Sisson did a tap dance.

Wednesday, December 23
Beautiful day. – General house work and the regular meeting around of sending and receiving cards, etc. – This afternoon we put up the tree. – Jedie did the trimming with Lee’s help when he came from work. – We put up the greens tonight. They being limbs cut from the bushes around the house. Looks pretty. – Have received a good many cards.

Thursday, December 24
Beautiful day. – Busy getting ready for tomorrow. – Returning cards that came unexpected. Sending to some I had overlooked. – Went to town with Mrs. Pierce this P. M. – All packages have been tied and tonight we carried them down to the tree. A lot of them. – John Henry came home about 7:30. – Mr. Pierce spent the afternoon and until late at Sargent. – Came home about 10 o’clock just as we were all going to bed. – The house looks pretty.

Friday, December 25
Up early and ate breakfast. – Then Mr. Pierce gave out the many and beautiful gifts. – The egg nog was made and quite a few guests came to drink before 12 o’clock dinner. – Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Farwell and John Henry were the extra ones at the table. A splendid dinner was prepared by Mrs. Pierce, Jack and Odeal. – After dinner we visited awhile them all drove out to Live Oak Farm to see Mrs. Smith’s gifts. The Farwells went home from there and we drove to the cemetery. – At night we were Mr. Pierce’s guests to see a picture in Bay City. – Mrs. Smith had guests so could not go.

Saturday, December 26 – Mrs. Smith’s Birthday
Pretty day tho rain is promised soon. – General cleaning up after the Christmas festivities and putting the gifts away. – I have not written my thank you notes, yet. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove out to Live Oak Farm and took a custard set to Mrs. Smith this being her birthday. – John Henry put in the day reading a new book. – Jack took today off to celebrate his Christmas, so we did our own cooking.

Sunday, December 27
Awoke to the sound of rain on the roof and trees, but the sun came out during the forenoon. – No one went to Sunday School today. – Jack was away so we were busy in the kitchen most of the morning. – Mrs. Smith has rheumatism in her hand. Very painful. She did not come in to eat dinner with us today. – I wrote several letters this afternoon. – John Henry went back to Houston this P. M. – Mr. Pierce took all of us to see Mae West tonight. She is vulgar and suggestive, but that is the correct line in this age.

Monday, December 28
A pretty day. Warm and sunshiny. – This was Lee’s day off from his work. – They did some house cleaning preparatory to moving into the cottage some time. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove out to Live Oak Farm where we were joined by Mrs. Smith and took flowers to the cemetery. – All going to bed rather early. Am reading “Wake and Remember.”

Tuesday, December 29
Mostly cloudy, but no rain. – Wrote to Curtis Pub. Co. about changing the address of my magazines. – Finished reading “Wake and Remember.” Very interesting book. – Mrs. Smith ate lamb with us tonight. Then played Bridge with Mrs. Pierce. – Lee and Jedie for an hour. – She took Lady home with her for company tonight. – Mr. Pierce spending the night in Sargent. – Raining some as I go to bed at 10 o’clock.

Wednesday, December 30
Cloudy misty morning. A strong south wind blowing. Some showers during the day. – Since lunch, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith, Jedie and I drove to Bay City. – Did some shopping and went to see “Tarzan Escapes.” Quite thrilling. – I took the old cake stand over to have it straightened , but it will have to be sent away to be done. – Mr. Pierce has not come home as we go to bed at 10:30. – Lady is spending the nights with Mrs. Smith while Cherri is in the hospital in Houston.

Thursday, December 31
Rainy day. – Jedie moved into the cottage today. They are sleeping there tonight. – We went downtown this P. M. and Mrs. Pierce had a $12.00 bill of groceries charged to Mr. Pierce for Lee. A very good start for housekeeping. – Mr. Pierce came home from Sargent this afternoon. – Mrs. Smith came in this forenoon to have Mrs. Pierce help her fill out some kind of government paper. – All going to bed early. – Such dreary weather. – Wrote to the Bells today.

Took the tree and greens decorations down this forenoon. – This year has been one of deaths, marriages and financial losses in the Pierce family. – I pray that the new year may bring happiness and prosperity to them. – Good night old year. You have dealt kindly with me.




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Movie posters courtesy of Wikipedia


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Jun. 24, 2015
Jun. 24, 2015