Nellie Tilson Webb

1937 Diary

January - June

Nellie's Biography

1929   1930   1931   1932   1933
1934   1935   1936   1937    1938

Courtesy of
Palacios Area Historical Association
City By the Sea Museum






Blessing, Texas



Given to me by
Mr. Pierce



Friday, January 1
Rain and sunshine. – Missed the youngsters this morning tho Lee came over to get his mother’s car. His stood outside in the rain all night and would not start this morning. – Mr. Pierce sent it to Billy’s garage and had it fixed. – The usual New Year’s Day eggnog was dispensed by Mr. Pierce to a very few of his admirers. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Jedie and I, also Mr. Farwell were Mrs. Smith’s New Year’s dinner guests to eat a grand dinner. – Mrs. Farwelll was sick with a cold, so she could not come. – Tonight, Mr. Pierce took us to see “The Stowaway.” Shirley Temple, Robt. Young, Alice Fay.

Saturday, January 2
Cloudy forenoon. Pretty afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and I drove to Houston today. Went in Mrs. Pierce’s car. – We separated from Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Pierce and I ate lunch with John Henry at the Forum. – Mrs. Pierce had her hair washed and set before lunch. – Did a little shopping after lunch, and started home soon after 2 o’clock, going past the Hospital to get Cherri. She is not well. Mrs. Smith will have to give her treatment and take her back to the hospital Thur. – Mrs. Pierce is attending a board meeting tonight at the school house.

Sunday, January 3
Much cooler. Sunshine. – Worked all forenoon cleaning the house. Dirty yet. Needs more work. So much dust. – Mrs. Pierce has helped Jedie all day getting ready for the housewarming which took place tonight. A nice supper was served to quite a few guests, then the dice throwing began.  Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Matthes and myself washed the dishes. Then I came home.

Monday, January 4
Rainy day. – Odeal washed the clothes and hung them on the line, but they did not dry any. – Mrs. Dunn drove in yesterday afternoon. She and Mr. Pierce spent the day driving. Attending to her business. Mrs. Smith came about 4:30. Just back from Houston where she took Cherri to the hospital. Perhaps to be operated on tomorrow. Very bad off. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and myself were Mrs. Dunn’s guests for dinner at the BayTex tonight. – Then to see Gold Diggers of 1937. – Mrs. Smith had a headache, so could not go. She is sick about Cherri. – Ira went to Galveston. Mary in trouble.

Tuesday, January 5
Rainy day. – Rev. Engle’s mother died this morning. Mr. & Mrs. Pierce and the Selkirks and Mrs. Smith drove to Bay City tonight. – This afternoon, Mrs. Pierce, Jedie and I drove to Bay City. Jedie went to Dr. Loos. – Went to Tetts hoping my watch had been repaired. Had not been. – Lee and Jedie ate dinner here tonight. They went home early. Tired, I suppose. – Mrs. Borden phoned asking Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and I to eat dinner with her Sunday. – Miss Hough is with her. – Cherri was operated on today in Houston.

Wednesday, January 6
Dreary. A little sunshine. – Mrs. Smith phoned early to hear from Cherri. She is doing as well as could be expected. Took a little milk. – This forenoon, Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. – Mrs. Pierce and others drove to Bay City to attend Mrs. Sr. Engle’s funeral service. Rev. Engle was to leave at 3 o’clock to accompany the remains to Pa. to be placed beside her husband. – This afternoon, Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Palacios. She went to see Mrs. Farwell. She is much better. – I stopped to see Mrs. Strickland. She was not at home. Then to the P.O. for my magazines. Then to see the Studemans. They paid the rent. – Then to see Mrs. Richards. Met Mrs. Pierce at Nesters. – Miss Coley ate dinner here tonight.

Thursday, January 7
Dreary, drizzly all day. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. – Mrs. Pierce and I did some cleaning and sorting on the third floor today. – She had had a terrible headache all day. – She bought a new vacuum cleaning today. A “handy man” about the house. – Mrs. Smith’s message from Cherri this morning was not encouraging. – Jedie came over and took her laundry home. – Lee came tonight to put his car in the garage. – Norther promised by morning. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce both asleep when I came up to bed.

Friday, January 8
No norther when we awoke. – Mrs. Smith reports Cherri doing as well as could be expected. – The Starrs, from Philadelphia, are to come to Live Oak Farm for a vacation later. Mrs. Smith seems pleased. – Today, Mrs. Pierce and I have worked on the 3rd floor all day. – A norther blew down upon us about 4 o’clock, but is not very cold as I go to bed. – Lee and Jedie are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Paul Braden at dinner tonight. Why were Mr. and Mrs. Pierce not their first guests in the home they provided for them? Gratitude? – Some of the “cuties” are calling tonight.

Saturday, January 9
Cold. Rainy. – Subscribed for two magazines this forenoon from a half frozen Buckner’s Orphans Home boy. 18 year old who is working  for a scholarship given by Truiett. This boy’s father died from cancer. He aspires to be a cancer specialist. The American 2 yrs. The Delineator 1 yr. – Such a cold rainy day. Wind from the north. Chilled one through and through. – Mrs. Smith reports Cherri doing as well as can be expected. She telephones the hospital every morning. – Mrs. Pierce has been busy all day with school and other public affairs. - Jack is a fairly good cook. – I did general housework and mending today. Was too cold to get up much pep. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent. The last bale of cotton has been ginned, so the gin can be closed until next season.

Sunday, January 10
Ice this morning. Cold. – Lee could not get his car started this morning, so he took his mother’s. Fortunately, he did not have to work today, so came back early. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and I drove to Mackay about noon to eat dinner with Mrs. Borden and Miss Hough. – They served a most excellent dinner and we all did justice to it. – Mr. Yockey, the manager, and Mike met us at the station and Mr. Yockey took the wheel. Mike pushed when necessary as the roads were frightful. Came back the same way to the highway.

Monday, January 11
Rainy, cold day. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove downtown this forenoon, and were found by Mrs. Smith at Billie’s. She was greatly distressed by the report from Cherri this morning, so she and Mrs. Pierce drove to Houston at once, but found the dog better. Not out of danger, tho. – I have done some mending and making over today. – Lee worked today to make up for yesterday. – Mr. Pierce is burning paint off of the den toilet tonight. Preparatory to repainting it. – Seems warmer tonight, but is raining a little.

Tuesday, January 12 – Mr. Farwell’s 82nd Birthday
Much warmer today and a little sunshine. – Odeal washed. Billy brought a radio up for Mrs. Pierce to try. A very pretty tone. – Mrs. Pierce has been making preparations all day for the Woman’s Council party at the Community House tonight. They have all gone to attend. Mrs. Pierce took Lee and Jedie with her. No they did not go. – Today I made Mrs. Pierce’s heavy coat shorter and did a little mending for myself. – Have enjoyed the radio until 10 o’clock. – Am going to bed now. – Mrs. Pierce and I sent cards to Mr. Farwell today.

Wednesday, January 13
Rainy day, tho the wind changed into the south this forenoon and the sun shone a few minutes. Warmer tho. – Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Bay City this afternoon. – I brought the automobile clock-mirror combination home and gave it to Mrs. Pierce instead of waiting for their wedding anniversary as they expect to spend the weekend in San Antonio. – We all went to see Katharine Hepburn in “A Woman Rebels.” A teary picture. – Robert did not bring the milk, so about eight o’clock, Mrs. Pierce and I drove out to Live Oak. – Found that one of Mrs. Smith’s five heifers had fallen in the creek. – The men were getting her out and brought her to the barn. She is in bad shape.

Thursday, January 14
Rainy all forenoon. – Some sunshine this afternoon and clear tonight. – Mrs. Smith’s heifer had to be killed. Her leg and hip were injured. – Mrs. Pierce has been getting ready for their trip tomorrow all day. – Mr. Pierce went to Bay City. – Tonight, Mr. Pierce took us to see a picture “Three Men on a Horse.” Not much except a laugh. We drank coffee before we came home. – Miss Hill Billy set the wave in Mrs. Pierce’s hair late this afternoon

Friday, January 15
North east wind. More sunshine. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce left about eleven o’clock bound for San Antonio to visit Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Phillips Sr. during Mr. and Mrs. Phillips Jr’s absence in the East. – Someone broke into the high school building last night and stole 6 typewriters and the electric iron. – The sheriff was notified at once. – Mrs. Smith can bring Cherri home Monday if she continues to improve. – Lee came for the milk at supper time. – Have not seen Mrs. Lee for several days. – They went to the picture last night with some of the young people. – Going to bed at 10 o’clock. – Real cold outside.

Saturday, January 16
Rainy. Cold. – Warmer tonight. Rainy, tho. – Mrs. Smith brought some material yesterday for me to make 2 mattress covers for Cherri’s bed. – I made them today, as I did the general cleaning yesterday, so not much housework to do. – Ira sick today. – Chill and fever. – Jack brought some medicine for him from King’s. – Mrs. Smith came for Lady tonight. She expects to go to Houston tomorrow and bring Cherri home. – Going to bed at 10:30. Late to leave the good fireplace fire. – Hope it has not been raining in San Antonio.

Sunday, January 17
Not cold. South wind. – Cloudy all day. Misty, but an occasional burst of sunshine. – Mrs. Smith drove to Houston this forenoon and brought Cherri home. Then she came in for me and I ate a good dinner with her. Lamb, rice, fresh peas, marmalade and lemon pie. – Mr. and Mrs. Brown came by for her to go to see a picture, but she was tired and wanted to stay with Cherri who was frantically glad to be at home. – I came home with Robert when he brought the milk. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce came home about 7:30. Had a fine trip and visit.

Monday, January 18
Much finer day. Mostly sunshine. – Good wash day. Did housework this forenoon. – Have a real bad head cold. Came on last night. – Lee did not work in the oil field today as his father had him checking out rice at the warehouse. – Mrs. Sanford came this P.M. to inquire about Mrs. Hood in Palacios to do some quilting. – Mrs. Smith came to say a car had knocked Mrs. Pierce’s heifer down on the highway. – She went for Dr. Pickle and Mrs. Pierce and I drove out to Live Oak Farm. From there we went to the cemetery with greens for the boys’ graves. – The heifer seemed better when we came back on our way home. – Went to see “God’s Country and the Woman.” Mr. Pierce’s guests.

Tuesday, January 19 – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce’s 28th Wedding Anniversary
Cloudy, dreary morning. – Mrs. Martyn came for Mrs. Pierce this morning to help her with the children (in a medical way) at the grammar school. – Mrs. Martyn ate lunch here. Then they went back to work, but did not finish. – Tonight Mrs. Pierce and I drove out to Live Oak Farm. – The calf that was knocked down on the highway yesterday seem to be all right today. – Mrs. Pierce is very tired tonight. Perhaps it is the after effects of her trip to San Antonio. – A dreary day, but not cold.

Wednesday, January 20
Cloudy, misty, sunshine. South wind. Damp and sultry. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Martyn finished the grammar grades this forenoon and went to El Maton school after lunch, which they finished early this afternoon. – The President today took the oath for his second term of rule(?) over the United States of America. – Sat up rather late listening to the radio. – Have sewed some on a couple of white skirts for myself today and night.

Thursday, January 21 – Mother 9 years ago
Cloudy morning. South wind. – Mrs. Pierce attended a meeting in El Campo today. Coming home abut 4:30. – We drove out to Live Oak Farm with Mrs. Smith’s mail. – She had been to Houston. Took Cherri to the hospital and had to leave her for a few days. – Lady is spending the night at the Farm. – Mrs. Pierce is writing letters as I go to bed at 10:30. – Made four aprons for Jack today. – Had nose bleed tonight at dinner table.

Friday, January 22
Cold, rainy, norther. – Awoke to the tune of a wet norther. – Odeal came, tho, and did general house cleaning. – After lunch, Mrs. Pierce was to take a couple of small school girls to Bay City to see a Dr., but the weather was too bad for them to go, so Jedie and I went with her. – We did a little shopping and Jedie wanted to see Dr. Loos, but he was not in all afternoon. So we went to see “General Spanky.” A pretty picture. – Mrs. Smith was there. Lee, also. – We were late getting home, so Lee and Jedie ate dinner here. Jack had it ready and we were hungry. – A good radio program was on tonight. Cold. Freezing promised tonight.

Saturday, January 23
Some sleet this morning and a cold day, tho the sleet melted. – Mrs. Smith came for a short visit this afternoon. Cherri is better, but cannot come home before Tuesday. – Mrs. Pierce has been going through drawers in her den tables, but does not find much to eliminate. – I put the house in order this afternoon. Maybe it will get through tomorrow without cleaning again.

Sunday, January 24
Cold raw day. No sunshine. – Mrs. Smith ate 12 o’clock dinner here. – Mrs. Borden and Miss Hough were to have been here, but the roads to Mackay are impassable on account of so much rain. – Tonight we four went to see “The Dionne Quintuplets in Reunion.” Mr. Pierce’s guests. – The picture was fine. The babies have grown into smart, active little girls. The old doctor seemed very proud of them. (Jean Hersholt)

Monday, January 25 – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell’s 55th Wedding Anniversary
Not so cold, but mostly cloudy. – A son weighing 4 ½ lbs was born to Lee and Jedie this forenoon at 8 o’clock in the Loos Hospital in Bay City. – Mrs. Pierce went over with them about six o’clock this morning. – Mrs. Pierce and Lee came home before lunch and Mrs. Pierce went to Palacios as soon as she could get ready after lunch. – This being the Farwell anniversary, they entertained a few friends with cards and a Yankee 7 o’clock dinner. – Mrs. Pierce came home tired. – Lee is sleeping at his house tonight. – I have been sewing on diapers etc. this P.M.

Tuesday, January 26
Lots of sunshine today. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith drove to Houston today to shop and bring Cherri home. – Lee took me over to sit with Jedie and her son today while he and Paul Wheeler went to Houston on a car trading expedition. They were to come to the hospital for me about 5 o’clock P.M., but failed to appear. – Mrs. Pierce came for me after she had returned. As I go to bed at 10 o’clock, Lee has not appeared at his father’s house. – The baby is very small and up to date, looks like his grandfather Pierce. – Much sunshine today.

Wednesday, January 27
Cloudy, misty, rainy all day. – Went to Palacios with Mrs. Pierce this forenoon. – Rendered my property for taxes. Surrendered my Central Power and Light deposit receipt which I had for ten years. $5.00. It will have to be sent to Corpus Christi for payment.  – Called for 2 Sat. Evening Posts at the P. O. Then spent a few minutes at Mrs. Studeman’s waiting for Mrs. Pierce. Came home in a drizzling rain. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City immediately after lunch taking two school girls and Mrs. Williams. – When she came home, she stopped by Lee’s house and did some housework. She is out at Mrs. Smith’s for the evening. – Lee stopped at the hospital until bed time.

Thursday, January 28
Lots of sunshine today. – Sweeping and dusting this forenoon. – Went to Bay City this afternoon. Sat in the hospital and sewed on outing flannel blankets while Mrs. Pierce did shopping etc. – Mrs. Howard Campbell has been there for several days taking the rest cure. – Jack failed to appear all day. – John did dishwashing. – Mrs. Pierce and I put supper on the table, Lee came to eat. Then he went to the high school to see a basketball game. – Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and I went to see “Banjo on My Knee.” – Benefit of flood sufferers. Good Picture. – Mr. Pierce spent the day in Sargent. Was in his office when we came home.

Friday, January 29
Dreary most of the day. – Mrs. Pierce wrote to her mother and painted some on the bassinet this afternoon. – After lunch went to Bay City and the hospital. – Mrs. Smith came this afternoon and took the infant’s scales and stand out to her house to have Marion paint them. – I hemmed some clothes and darned myself a pair of stockings.- Mrs. Pierce is out at the school building at a school board meeting. – The loss of life and property caused by an overflow of the Ohio and Miss. Rivers is quite beyond anything in history before.

Saturday, January 30 – President Roosevelt’s 55th Birthday
Cloudy forenoon, but the sun shone about all afternoon. – I was almost sick this forenoon. So nervous and weak. Don’t know why I did not scream. – Mrs. Pierce and Odeal cleaned the north bedroom today and this afternoon we went over after the baby. – I ate lunch and finally threw it up and felt better. – Have a dull headache tonight. – Lee carried Jedie down to the car at the hospital and up to her room when we arrived here. – They are in bed, but the baby seems restless.

Sunday, January 31
Rainy morning. Not cold. – Jack came after 8 o’clock with a badly damaged hand and arm as a result of a fight last night in Palacios, so he could not work. – John washed dishes. – Mrs. Pierce put in the day with the baby and his mother until 6:15 when Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and I went to see “Camille.” A very beautiful picture. – Lee and Jedie took care of the baby. – I have written several letters today. – It is raining tonight. Not a hard rain. Trust it may not freeze.


Monday, February 1
Mostly cloudy. North wind. – A norther has been with us today and tonight is colder. – Odeal washed. – Have a real bad cold in my throat. Cough some. – Did not go into the baby’s room yesterday nor today on acct. of cold. – Wrote several letters today and finished the pad cover for Lee Hall’s bassinet.  – There is a great deal of sickness, flu and bad colds. Have my chest and throat covered with mustard tonight. – Turning colder all of the time. – I pity the refugees from the flood.

Tuesday, February 2
Cold, rainy all day. – My cold seems better part of the time. – Lee drove to Houston today to have his new car serviced. – Mrs. Chiles came back with him to spend the night. – This has been a most miserable day. Cold and rainy. – Tried to write to the Haywards, but did not finish the letter. – Feel bum as I go to bed.

Wednesday, Februry 3
Dreary. Misty. – Mrs. Chiles went home by bus this morning. – Mr. Pierce took her to the station. (Woosley’s) – Mrs. Pierce did nursing all forenoon. – Odeal finished the ironing. – I put the 1st floor in order and my room. – Finished my letter to the Haywoods. Sent a note to Mrs. Studeman. – Mrs. Pierce sent a money order to Feather’s for my insurance. $16.50 – 1937. – Did not feel so well this P.M. – Better tonight. Bad cough.

Thursday, February 4
Lots of sunshine today. – Felt pretty well this forenoon.  – Cleaned the lower floor and my room. Felt too bum to eat much lunch and have felt worse this P.M. – Mrs. Cornelius came to see Lee Hall this forenoon just as he was taking his bath. – Mrs. Pierce put in the entire day until 3:30 nursing, washing and ironing. Then she rested a few minutes and then began typing. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent since lunch. Came home to late dinner. – Lee was late also and has gone to Palacios with the Rhodes boys. – 2 yrs since I visited in the Farwell home.

Friday, February 5
Sunshine. South wind. – Did not fell so good this forenoon. Coughed so much after midnight. – John did the sweeping today. I dusted and worked on Mrs. Pierce’s napkins. – Have been so weak all day. – Mrs. Pierce took Mrs. Williams, Jack and his sick wife to Bay City this P.M. – Mr. Pierce brought home a fine pair of riding boots this evening. A gift from Mrs. Dunn. -  Mrs. Borden and Miss Hough called this P.M.

Saturday, - February 6
Gloomy most of the day. – Basketball meet at the high school. Lunch served. – Jedie and son had many callers this P.M. – Mrs. Pierce gathered food and nursed this forenoon, washed, ironed, cooked and went out to the high school this afternoon. – I took medicine prescribed by Dr. Loos last night and this morning for my cold. I think this morning’s dose about laid me out. Almost paralyzed all over and finally sleepy. Slept about all day. It is the kill or cure kind. Must be all right, tho.

Sunday, February 7
Some sunshine. Some clouds. – The paralyzing medicine is all right. My cold seems better tonight and I am taking another capsule tonight. – Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Dunn ate 12 o’clock dinner at Live Oak Farm today. Then went to see “After the Thin Man.” Mrs. Dunn did not go. Not well enough. – Lucille and Jack, also Paul Wheeler took care of Jedie and boy. – She had many other callers also. The Yeager girls, etc. Palacios crowd. – Mr. and Mrs. Selkirk spent the evening here. – Much warmer. A good south wind.

Monday, February 8
Lots of sunshine. – Odeal had a fine wash day. – Lee at home today. – Jedie and son came downstairs this forenoon. Spent the day down. Lee took her for a drive this afternoon. – I rode down town with Mrs. Pierce this P.M. – Mrs. Lucas and Ginger called on Mrs. Pierce this afternoon. – I took a nap this forenoon. Think the medicine I took last night caused me to do it. – Am taking another capsule tonight. – Hope to be rid of this cough tomorrow. – Tired tonight. – Wrote to the magazine publishers today.

Tuesday, February 9
A beautiful day. – Did housework this forenoon. – Drove to Bay City this afternoon with Mrs. Pierce. – Gave in my property for taxation. – Had a shampoo. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce called on Mrs. Smith tonight. – Renewed the bill subscription to the Beacon by letter to Mrs. Dismukes. – Worked on napkins today. – Cannot do nice work any more. Have no pep about it, either. – A capsule tonight.

Wednesday, February 10
Real cold north wind. Sunshine. – Did the downstairs work this forenoon. – Have felt bum all day. Finished making the napkins I hemmed and stamped months ago. – Walker to town this afternoon to mail a check to the Beacon and pay a phone call to the Central Power and Light Co. asking when my refund or deposit of 10 years standing had not come back to me. – Was painfully tired when I came home and dropped to sleep. – Don’t know why I feel so miserable. Suppose it is my cough.

Thursday, February 11
Beautiful day. – My cold seems better tonight. – Mrs. Pierce and Jedie each have colds. – Mrs. Cobb and two daughters called this P.M. Brought presents. – Mrs. Ruby Bowers called. Also Jedie’s aunt and uncle from Wharton. – Today I received the $5.00 refund from Central Power and Light Co.

Friday, February 12 – 128th Anniversary of Lincoln’s Birthday
Very good. Not all sun shine. – Mr. Pierce drove Lee to Bay City this morning. He and another man were to go to Conroe to work for some days. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Bay City where she joined the Engles and they drove to Houston to a workers’ meeting of some kind. Federal, I guess. – She was later getting home. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent and was late getting home, too. – Am going to bed tired. 9:30

Saturday, February 13
Pretty day. – The regular Saturday work. – Mrs. Pierce and Jack went to Bay City since lunch. – He is to have his broken thumb dressed again and Mrs. Pierce to meet Mrs. Liggett on business. – John Henry came home this evening. We are glad indeed to see him. He and his father have gone to see the Pierce No. 1 oil well. – Lee not at home. May be gone several days. – Letter from Rev. Haywood.

Sunday, February 14 – St. Valentines Day
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce gave each of us a valentine with our breakfasts. – Mrs. Pierce and John Henry drove to Palacios on a sketching trip this P.M. and missed Mr. and Mrs. Farwell, who made an hour’s call here this P.M. – Lee called from Bay City late this evening. His father drove over for him. – The cuties called before church time. – Rev. Engle came, but my cold is too bad to take out at night.

Monday, February 15
Pretty forenoon. – A norther blew down upon us about 4:30 bringing dust and smoke. – John Henry went back to Houston early this morning. His mother got breakfast for him. – Lee not working today. Seems to enjoy a day off. – Odeal washed. – Mrs. Pierce’s cow brought a heifer calf this morning. She is out at Live Oak Farm. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and I went to hear Lily Pons tonight in The Girl From Paris. – A very good picture.

Tuesday, February 16
Beautiful day. – Rev. Engle gave Communion to Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Beard this morning. – I had a real nose bleed this morning when I first got up. My head has been feeling better since. Cough not so severe, maybe. – Went to town to post a letter to the Haywoods this A. M. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent since lunch, but came home in time for dinner. Then Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and I went to see Laughton in “Rembrandt.” A fine picture, but not what I expected to see.

Wednesday, February 17
Sent $1.00 to Ladies Home Journal. Renewal for 1937. – Sent birthday cards to the Frasers. His 81st birthday being Friday. – This has been rather a dreary day. – Have felt quite bum all day. Too much going out at night perhaps. My cold is better, tho. I still cough hard at times. – Went to the P.O. since lunch to post my letters. – Saw Mrs. Stadig in P. O. He has the flu. – Mrs. Pierce went to bed after lunch with 101 temperature. Flu maybe. – Mrs. Smith came in a while tonight. She has rheumatism quite badly – Mrs. Pierce set some hens tonight and put up 2 doz. for Mrs. Smith.

Thursday, February 18
Dreary about all day. – Mr. Pierce in bed all day. A little temperature yet, but says he is feeling better. He has had several callers. – Mrs. Smith has been in several times. – Today she took 3 doz. hens and will take some roosters later. – Have felt real miserable all day. – The dreary day is depressing.

Friday, February 19 – Mr. Fraser’s 81st Birthday
Another day. Partly cloudy. – Had neuralgia in my eye all forenoon. Felt exceedingly bum, but much better after lunch. – Mr. Pierce has a little temperature yet, but is better. – Mrs. Pierce went to bed this afternoon with temperature. Feels some better tonight. – Robert said Mrs. Smith had been sick all day, so Lee and I drove out there after supper. – Mrs. Dunn was doing for her and she was feeling better, too. – Much sickness. – Mrs. Smith gave Lee and I our North American checks. Mine is $13.40. Almost three times as much as I had been getting since the depression.

Saturday, February 20
More sunshine today. – Mr. Pierce has been up all day. – Drove out to see Mrs. Smith since lunch. She is not so well. – Mrs. Pierce in bed all day. – Mrs. Allen came to see me about buying my lot this afternoon. – Hope I may be able to sell it. – Dr. Loos came out to see Mrs. Smith today. She is real sick. – Mrs. Dunn is staying with her all of the time. – Mr. Pierce and I started out to see her tonight, but it took him so long to buy a cigar that I came back home.

Sunday, February 21
A good deal of sunshine, but north wind. – We were late getting up this morning. – John came finally and got breakfast. – Mrs. Pierce in bed all day. Better I think, tho. – Went down to Murphys store this forenoon and John cashed my check, so I gave Lee his $4.12 dividend. – He and Jedie went to see a picture in Palacios this P.M. – Mr. Pierce spent some time with Mrs. Smith, who is feeling better. – Rec’d a letter from Mrs. Tandy today.

Monday, February 22 – Washington’s Birthday
A pretty day. All sunshine. – Odeal did the washing. – Lee painted some letters on one of the school buses. – Jedie and John made a garden at her house. – Mrs. Pierce was up all day, but felt quite bum. – Mrs. Allen called here this forenoon before it was time for me to go to Palacios asking me to wait until Wed. as today is a holiday and we might not be able to do business. – Word came this P.M. that the Palacios oil well had come in. – Hope I shall be doing the right thing if I sell my lot to the Allens. – Letter from the Williams in Chicago.

Tuesday, February 23
Beautiful day. – Have been sick today. – Took purgative last night and I was up most of the night with it. – Lee went to work early. – Mr. Pierce to Sargent. – Mrs. Pierce up , but weak yet. – The women who are serving food to the Dog [Trial] men took 5 hens today. Women’s Council. – Going to bed early feeling very weak.

Wednesday, February 24
Could not get up this morning. Mrs. Pierce sent for Dr. Wagner

Thursday, February 25
In bed. Mrs. Pierce phoned the Dr.

Friday, February 26
In bed. Sick. Cold. Cough

Saturday, February 27 – My 69th Birthday
Celebrated my birthday in bed. Cough.

Sunday, February 28
In bed. The Farwells came.


Monday, March 1
In bed.

Tuesday, March 2
In bed. Dr. came up to see Miss Coley, so came to see me. Continue to cough.

Wednesday, March 3
Sick in bed.

Thursday, March 4
Still in bed. – Mr. and Mrs. Studeman came up to pay the rent and to ask to build an extension to the garage. They are buying a new Buick. A long car.

Friday, March 5
Water everywhere. Terrible rains. Creek into Mrs. Smith’s garden. – Still in bed. – Cough and am so weak.

Saturday, March 6
Still in bed. – Water soaking away. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Bay City this P.M. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have gone to the midnite picture in Bay City.

Sunday, March 7 – Father 1899 – 38 yrs.
Still in bed, tho I sat in the chair some today. – Hope to dress tomorrow.

Monday, March 8
Still in bed, but put my clothes on and sat up some. – Still cough.

Tuesday, March 9
Put my clothes on and sat up some. So weak. – Mrs. Pierce gave a silver tea this afternoon. Benefit of the Library. – A good many came, so they received quite an offering. – Several up from Palacios.

Wednesday, March 10
Beautiful spring weather now. – Up again today. Sat up longer. – Mrs. Pierce took off her first little chickens this forenoon. – Jedie and Odeal cleaned her house today. The rats seem to have taken possession while they have been away. – Mrs. Smith came in a while tonight. She has been having sick headaches lately. – Am feeling better tonight than I have for a long time. Weak, tho. Cough about gone.

Thursday, March 11
Beautiful day. – Up all day. Rested some. – Mrs. Pierce went to a tea at the parish house (with Mrs. Selkirk) in Bay City. Then they drove to Glen Flora. – Wrote to Mrs. Foster asking her to send me abstract. – Tried to compose a new will, but find obstacles I don’t understand. – Ate lunch and dinner downstairs.

Friday, March 12
Beautiful day. – Up all day. Rested some. – Lee did not work today, so they moved back to their home. – Will spend the night there. They have gone to a picnic out at the “Y” tonight. Mrs. Pierce keeping the baby. – Mrs. Smith offered me a ride out to the cemetery this P.M., but I felt too weak to make the trip yet. – Thankful to be getting stronger. Have been an extra care for Mrs. Pierce.

Saturday, March 13
All sunshine, but windy. – Mrs. Pierce spent the day in Matagorda attending the Federation of Clubs meeting. – I kept rather quiet all day. Walked a good deal, tho. Am stronger and do not cough much. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce went over to see the baby tonight and then out to Live Oak Farm, but Mrs. Smith was not at home. – Phone Mrs. Studeman tonight. She paid for having the garage enlarged.

Sunday, March 14
Awoke to the sound of a norther. Before noon, a misty rain was falling and it continues to grow colder. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent. – Mrs. Pierce went over to Lee’s and helped Jedie do up her work this forenoon. – Mrs. Selkirk phoned that she thought best for Rev. Engle to omit coming over tonight on acct. of the disagreeable night. – Mrs. Pierce phoned him and he agreed with them. – Mr. Pierce drove out to Live Oak just before dark. – The Engles were supposed to eat dinner with Mrs. Smith. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have gone to see “Wings of the Morning” in Bay City tonight.

Monday, March 15
Cold windy day, but the sun shone this afternoon and the wind has gone down tonight. – Odeal cleaned house and aired the contents of the cedar chests. Too cold and windy to wash. – Mrs. Smith hauled shell for the Pierce driveway today. The drive inside the yard is covered. – Jedie drove to Palacios this P. M. to have her hair set. – Mrs. Pierce kept the baby, who slept most of the time. – Lee had today off. – I wrote a note to Mrs. Hall thanking her for the card she sent me while I was sick. – School board meeting tonight. – Mrs. Pierce is very tired. – Have been up all day. – Mrs. Smith brought me a tonic.

Tuesday, March 16
Wrote to the coin shop today. Springfield, Mass. – A beautiful day. Odeal washed. – Mrs. Pierce helped Mrs. Martyn with the school children this forenoon. Vaccination. – This afternoon she worked in Lee’s yard. Planting trees, etc. – She and Mr. Pierce have gone down town tonight. - Mr. Pierce went to Sargent with cotton seed this afternoon. – Worked some today. Better appetite. – Tired tonight.

Wednesday, March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day
Mostly cloudy, but not cold. – Darned stockings and did a little mending today. – Odeal finished the ironing. – Mrs. Smith came in this forenoon and invited us to eat dinner with her Sunday. Mr. Heffelfinger is to be there. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell stopped a few minutes on their way home from Bay City. – Jedie went down to Schulte’s to sew today. – Mrs. Pierce to keep the baby, but her two sisters came to spend a few days with her, so they have guests. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce are eating supper at the Community House. Sweater benefit. – Tootsie is sleeping here tonight.

Thursday, March 18
Some sunshine. Some clouds. – Invitation to dine at Live Oak Farm postponed until Monday. To be a family business session. – Mrs. Pierce worked on the review she is to give tomorrow afternoon in Bay City of the “Divine Commission.” – Has it scaled to 2 hours. – Mr. Pierce ate lunch at the hotel. Had a guest. – I have had a headache all day. – Eating too much perhaps and hungry most of the time. – Elizabeth Chiles is spending the night here again.

Friday, March19
Mostly cloudy and misty. – Have been sewing on Mrs. Pierce’s dresses today. Repairing, etc. – She went to Bay City this afternoon and gave the review of the 2 chapters of the book. – Jedie’s sister, Mrs. Watterman, went home this forenoon. Elizabeth will stay longer. – Mrs. Dunn’s guests are here. Winnie and her friends. – Odeal did some house cleaning today. My room for one. – Tired tonight.

Saturday, March 20
Spring begins. – Pretty day, but quite cold. North wind. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith drove to Houston. – John Henry came home over the weekend. – They have gone to Bay City tonight to see a couple of pictures. Will be home after the midnight show. – Did house work this forenoon and served on Mrs. Pierce’s dresses this P.M. – Feeling stronger. Not so jittery all of the time.

Sunday, March 21
Beautiful day. Cool. – Slept late. Breakfast late. – The family went calling on Lee’s family and Mrs. Smith this forenoon. – Seems good to see John Henry. – This afternoon, everyone rested. – John Henry went back to Houston about 5 o’clock. – Mr. and Mrs. Heffelfinger and Mrs. Smith spent an hour here tonight. – They drove down from Minneapolis. – Mrs. Pierce is keeping the baby tonight.

Monday, March 22
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce took a Minich girl to Bay City this forenoon to the dentist. – Mrs. Lucas phones that Mrs. Gill was seriously ill. – Mrs. Pierce drove out to see her when she returned from Bay City and I went with her to carry Mrs. Williams out to stay with the Gills for a few days. – This is the first time I have been out of the house since Feb. 22. Do not feel like much yet. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce are Mrs. Smith’s dinner guests at Live Oak Farm tonight. – Mr. Heffelfinger ate lunch here today. – Jedie and her sister took the baby to the Dr. today.

Tuesday, March 23 – Mr. Webb 1918 – 19 yrs
Windy day. – Did some general housework today and made a wash coat shorter for Odeal’s nephew. – Mrs. Pierce busy in many ways. – Mr. and Mrs. Heffelfinger and Mrs. Smith ate dinner here tonight. The table was attractive with damask cloth and napkins. – Rev. Engle called a few minutes this afternoon. – Mr. Webb died 19 years ago tonight. – A long time ago in some ways. A short time in other ways. He would be living in his 80th year now.

Wednesday, March 24
Beautiful day. – A busy day. – So glad I am feeling better. Still weak and get tired. – Did some repair work on dresses for Mrs. Pierce today. She is trying to have something ready to wear to Houston next Tuesday for a three days meeting of some kind. – This afternoon she kept the baby while Jedie and Elizabeth went to Palacios to the beauty parlor. – Tonight I am keeping him while the family attend a theatre party in Bay City given by the Tharps. – Rec’d card (Easter) from Mrs. Hall today. – Rode down town this P.M. and got my bill from the King Drug Store. $4.45

Thursday, March 25
Pretty day, but cold wind. – Mrs. Pierce took the Minich child to the dentist this forenoon. – I got up with a dizzy head and upset stomach. Sick all day feeling some better tonight. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Lucas drove out to see Mrs. Gill this P.M. She seems some better. – Mr. Pierce is entertaining Mr. Heffelfinger and an oil man at Sargent tonite. A barbecue. – Lee attending a banquet given by the Skelly Co.

Friday, March 26
Cold day. Norther. – Feeling much better today. – Finished a “dickey” for Mrs. Smith today. Made of net and lace. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City this afternoon to attend an Episcopal service. – Mrs. Farwell phoned that she had a cap for Lee Hall, but the weather was too cold for her to bring it up. – Mrs. Smith and Mr. Heffelfinger came a few minutes this forenoon while they were waiting for the mail. – Real cold tonight.

Saturday, March 27
Cold and windy. – We did the housework and bed changing. – Then I put a deeper hem in a dress for Mrs. Pierce and started repair work on a white blouse. – Jack and John were excused after lunch. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce drove out to Live Oak Farm for 6 o’clock dinner of boiled backbone. – Too windy and cold for me. – John Henry came just as Mrs. Pierce was leaving the house, so he went to Live Oak, too. – He is at Lee’s tonight. They are having a poker-craps game there, I guess.

Sunday, March 28 – Easter
A cold windy day. – No one from this house went to church. – Jack had the day off, so we got breakfast. – Mr. and Mrs. Heffelfinger and Mrs. Smith drove to Corpus Christi for Easter dinner. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and John Henry ate dinner in Palacios. – I am still staying in out of the wind. My throat fills up when I get cold. – Rev. Engle preached here tonight to make up for the time he missed. – John Henry went back to Houston this afternoon. – The oil well at Palacios came in Saturday.

Monday, March 29
Cold, rainy day. – Mrs. Gill very low tonight. – Mrs. Pierce has been out twice today. – Mrs. Smith sick in bed today. Sore throat and severe cold. – Did altering on a white satin blouse for Mrs. Pierce today. – Odeal washed, but the clothes are not dry. – Mr. Pierce drove to Bay City and Sargent today. – Mrs. Pierce is packing her suitcase to go to Houston tomorrow to attend a Federated Clubs 3 day session.

Tuesday, March 30
Cold, windy, cloudy day. – Mrs. Gill died last night. – Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Hurd and Mrs. Liggett drove to Houston this morning. – Mr. Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. Heffelfinger are supposed to be guests of an oil man for dinner tonight in Houston. Mrs. Smith, also, but she is sick. – Did not do much today, but try to keep warm. – Wrote to the Frasers and Haywoods. Also Mrs. Hall thanking her for the Easter card. – Am keeping Lee Hall tonight while his family go to Palacios to a dance. – Mrs. Gill’s funeral to be tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 31
A most beautiful day. – This forenoon I opened all doors and windows. The air was grand. The north wind had stopped blowing and the sun was warm. – Did some general house cleaning. – Rested this afternoon as I was up until 2:30 caring for Lee Hall while his parents attended a dance in Palacios. – Mrs. Gill’s funeral was held today and her remains were shipped East. – Mr. Pierce came home on the noon train today. – He is out at Live Oak Farm tonight. I am going to be early. – Tired.


Thursday, April 1
Not so much sunshine. – Did the housework. – Mrs. Martyn called. Also an appointing agent for Cal. Perfume Co. – Mr. Heffelfinger brought a bushel basket of garden greens from Live Oak Farm. They and Mrs. Smith drove to Houston since lunch to see a physician about Mrs. Smith’s nose and face. – Mrs. Pierce came home just as we had finished eating dinner. – She drove home along. Had a fine time.

Friday, April 2
Pretty day. – Went down town with Mrs. Pierce this forenoon and paid my drug bill at King’s $4.30. – This afternoon Jedie and Elizabeth drove to Bay City. Mrs. Pierce kept Lee Hall. – Then I rode to town with Mrs. Pierce while she tried to find clothes for a little girl who is to go out west to a hospital for tubercular patients. – Then we drove out to Live Oak Farm after dinner. – Mr. Gill, of Houston, ate dinner here. – Mrs. Smith’s nose and throat are in bad condition. – Jedie borrowed the sewing machine today.

Saturday, April 3
Sunshine, but very windy. – Election of school trustees today. – Mrs. Smith was enough better this forenoon to drive to El Campo for a load of feed. – She and the Heffelfingers came in for an hour tonight. – Mrs. Smith’s throat is very sore. – I have not done much work today, but am very tired tonight. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent and back this afternoon.

Sunday, April 4
A pretty afternoon. – Rec’d the rent from the Studemans today. $5.75. The garage addition cost $9.25. – This afternoon we, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Jedie, Lee Hall and myself drove to Bay City where we met Lee and Elizabeth Chiles at the Episcopal Church. Jedie was baptized. The baby was baptized and christened, also. Elizabeth being godmother and John Henry (by proxy) godfather. – Then we came home and soon Mr. and Mrs. Heffelfinger and Mrs. Smith came and we all ate Salad and Welsh Rarebit. – Mrs. Smith is not at all well. Her guests are leaving for Minneapolis tomorrow morning.

Monday, April 5
Cold north wind. – The Heffelfingers started home this morning. Mrs. Smith going as far as Houston to see a Dr. about her throat and face. – Mrs. Pierce drove in also to bring Mrs. Smith home. They left Houston at 1 o’clock, reaching home about 3. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Elizabeth Chiles and I went to see “Seventh Heaven” tonight. My first night out since some time in February. – Mrs. Pierce stopped at Live Oak to spend the night with Mrs. Smith. – We ran out of gas between Kopeckys and Live Oak Farm.

Tuesday, April 6
Pretty day. – Put the house in order this afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce came home with Roland when he brought the milk this morning. – Mrs. Smith is quite miserable. – Mrs. Pierce took the little Minich girl to the dentist this A. M. I went along and had my hair washed. – We stopped at Mrs. Smith’s. – Then went back to Live Oak Farm this P.M. and to the cemetery this afternoon. – Mr. Lucas rode to Bay City, also. – Tonight Mrs. Pierce is at Live Oak. She and Mrs. Smith are driving to Houston in the morning. – Mrs. Smith to the Dr. maybe the hospital. She is in bad condition.

Wednesday, April 7
Windy. But not cold. – Mrs. Pierce left Mrs. Smith in the eye, ear, nose and throat hospital in care of Dr. Turner. – She may be there several days. – Mrs. Pierce drove Lee’s car. – She and John Henry ate lunch together. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent since lunch. – Received a letter from Rev. and Mrs. Fraser today. He has had a slight stroke followed by “flu.” – Mrs. Pierce is attending a board meeting tonight.

Thursday, April 8
Very windy day. Cold, too. – Odeal cleaned house on the second floor today. – Mrs. Pierce attended a silver tea at Mrs. Braden’s this P.M. – Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Corbett called this P.M. Went over to see Lee Hall and then to Mrs. Braden’s to see Mrs. Pierce. – Two of the cuties, Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Beard ate fish dinner at the Pierce table tonight. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce joined them and two more cuties down town and all went to Bay City to see pictures. – I listened to a good radio program and am on my way to bed.

Friday, April 9
Pretty day. Sunshine, North wind. – Mrs. Pierce, Odeal, Jack and John have been working in the old bank building today. The front of the building had to be cleaned before Mr. Pierce’s office was, in an effort to keep his office clean longer. – I have been trying to do something to some old dresses so I can wear them this summer. Hard work to do alone on yourself. – Card from the Haywoods. – Tired tonight. – So is Mrs. Pierce.

Saturday, April 10
Windy day, but sunshine. – Mrs. Pierce and her helpers worked in Mr. Pierce’s office all day and did not finish. – Plenty of dirt evidently. – I did the housework and a little sewing for myself. – Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and Lee’s family went to the picture show. Took in two pictures. – Lee Hall and I kept house until 2 o’clock tomorrow morning. – Going to bed now. – Mrs. Smith will be home Monday or Tuesday.

Sunday, April 11
Ate breakfast at 8:30. Result of the wake last night. – Mrs. Pierce worked at her typewriter most of the day. – Mr. Pierce at his office. - I put in the day reading instead of writing letters as I should have done. – Rev. and Mrs. Engle came over tonight. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Lee and Jedie went to church. I dressed to go, but gave it up. – The Engles and Mrs. Selkirk came to the house an hour after services. – A windy day, but not so cold.

Monday, April 12
Windy, but sunshine. – Mrs. Pierce away from the house all forenoon. – Lee and Jedie took Elizabeth to Wharton today. They took Lee Hall along. A long trip for him. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Palacios tonight expecting Mrs. Farwell to come home with her, but Mr. Farwell had returned from a trip to La., so she did not come. – Mrs. Smith does not know when she can leave the hospital. Her face is painful. – Have been working on my dresses today. Slow work. – Letter to Mrs. Pierce from her mother mentions my going to St. Paul this summer with her.

Tuesday, April 13
Sunshine. South wind. – McCoy men putting up new drain pipes and troughs all over the house. – Mrs. Pierce, Jack and John working at the bank building house cleaning. – Mrs. Smith still in the hospital in Houston. – Working on my old dresses. – Tonight Mrs. Pierce met with the Library (?) ladies at Mrs. Braden’s. – Work is being done on the Community House so they cannot use it now. – Mrs. Pierce and John finished planting Jedie’s garden today. Very dry.

Wednesday, April 14
Mr. Pierce spent the day at Sargent. – Mrs. Pierce and the boys worked at the bank building this forenoon. – Odeal worked on the 3rd floor here. – Mrs. Pierce sorted and put away many things in the east room this afternoon. – I worked on my dresses. – This afternoon I went over to Lee’s and brought the sewing machine home. Have been stitching as I had gone as far as I could with my fingers. – This has been a pretty day mostly, but the wind chills me. - The Blessing oil well seems to be a "pain in the neck." Not as good as the one in Palacios.

Thursday, April 15 – Mrs. Dunn’s 54th Birthday
Pretty day. – Odeal did house cleaning all day. Mrs. Pierce worked on the 3rd floor. – A Mr. Tod Harris, who attended St. James School when Lee did, ate lunch here today. He was on his way to Corpus. – Have been working on my dresses this afternoon. – Lady has a family. They arrived today. – Am tired tonight. Mrs. Smith may not come home for several days yet.

Friday, April 16
A letter from Mrs. Hall saying Dick and a friend were coming down in June has changed Mrs. Pierce’s plans about the time of her going north. She will wait until the boys have come and gone. – I helped her about placing the furniture in the living room today. Changed it around entirely. – Odeal worked all day, but the house is pretty well cleaned. Mrs. Pierce has a good deal to do on the 3rd floor. – Sent a letter to the Frasers today. – Tired tonight.

Saturday, April 17 – My wedding day 1888 – 49 yrs
This forenoon I was sewing in my room when a car stopped in front of the house and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tatum, Mrs. Loftin, Mrs. Sanders and Vera came to the door. They would not come in because they had only one day to spend in Palacios. – I cried for joy to see them. They were mother’s friends, too. – Drove to Bay City with Mrs. Pierce about eleven o’clock. Bought a pattern and had my heels repaired. – Phone call from Mrs. Smith’s nurse. She is real sick. Wanted some things sent to her. – Mr. Pierce has gone to the picture show with Jedie. – Mrs. P. is staying with Lee and keeping the baby. – Rec’d request for affidavit for Mabel Perry today. Vans bonus.

Sunday, April 18
Beautiful day. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce drove to Houston today in Lee’s car. – They found Mrs. Smith feeling better, tho her face is still bad. – Lee and Jedie ate lunch here. Fortunately a ham had been baked, so we set the table and ate a picked up lunch. Jack being off for the day. – Then I kept Lee Hall while they drove to Palacios to see a picture. – Am re-reading “Gone with the Wind.”

Monday, April 19
A beautiful day. – Lee and Jedie drove to Houston today. – Mrs. Pierce kept Lee Hall. – They found Mrs. Smith feeling better than she did yesterday. – Mrs. Phillips, Sr. is visiting Mrs. Dunn. – I received letters from Mrs. Kufus? and from Mrs. Massenburg today. – Finished my rose sprigged dimity today. – I seem to detest sewing. Guess I am sewed out.

Tuesday, April 20
Very windy day. – Mrs. Pierce busy in the car all forenoon. – Phone message from Mrs. Smith saying she was feeling better and wanted some garments sent to her. – Mrs. Pierce attended to it and no doubt she received them before bed time. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove out to the cemetery since dinner. We watered some of the plants. The man is mowing the grounds. A beautiful place. – Mr. Pierce spent the day at Sargent and has not yet come home as I retire at 10 o’clock. Mrs. Pierce housecleaning her desk.

Wednesday, April 21 – San Jacinto Day
Beautiful day. – House cleaning the dining room today. – Jack finished mowing the lawn. – I finished the Mrs. Farwell dress today. Repaired. – Mrs. Pierce did much house cleaning in her den. – Mr. Pierce spent the night in Sargent, coming home in time for dinner. – Then he took us and Miss Coley to see “Maytime,” a beautiful picture. Nelson Eddy and Jeanette McDonald. – We drank coffee in Bay City which has my eyes popped wide open. 12 o’clock going to bed.

Thursday, April 22
Beautiful day. – Odeal has been house cleaning all day. – Mrs. Pierce has been on the road most of the day. – Out to the cemetery this forenoon. – After lunch, she and Jedie to Bay City to buy a dress for confirmation Sunday. – I kept the baby. – She met Lee in Bay City and they were my guests to see “Maytime.” – Am going to bed tired. Am no good any more.

Friday, April 23
Mostly cloudy all day. – House cleaning goes on. – Mrs. Pierce working on the third floor. – I sewed on my old white dress this afternoon. Think it will look very well when it is finished. – Mrs. Smith may come home Sunday. – Letter from the Haywoods. – My letters are accumulating. Must answer some of them soon. – So tired most of the time.

Saturday, April 24
Sent Mabel the affidavit today. – Busy day. – Housework. - Sewing. Helping Mrs. Pierce remake and put on new furniture covers. – Tonight Mr. Pierce took us to see “Interns Can Not Take Money.” Real good pictures. – Tired tonight.

Sunday, April 25
Beautiful day all day. – Mrs. Pierce took Jedie over to Bay City to be confirmed this forenoon. – John Henry brought Mrs. Smith out to Live Oak Farm this forenoon. – I kept Lee Hall. – This afternoon we all went out to Live Oak. Mrs. Smith looks very miserable. So pale and weak. – We took Jedie to Bay City to meet Lee and go to see a picture. – John Henry drove to Palacios to see Joe Beth Robinson, but she had gone. – Everyone tired and going to bed early.

Monday, April 26
Windy, but all sunshine. – Really need rain. – Just a busy day. – Mrs. Smith came in a few minutes to have a measurement taken to order slacks. – She went back to Houston since lunch with an oil man. May come back home tomorrow if, after her face treatment, the Dr. thinks it wise. – Lee and Jedie had dinner guests tonight, so Mr. Pierce took Mrs. Pierce and I to see “Waikiki Wedding.” – Rec’d a letter from Mrs. Massenburg this P.M. – She has received the Beacon. – Phoned Dr. Wagner for my bill. He promised it tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 27
Pretty day. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Houston today to bring Mrs. Smith home until Thursday. Then she has to go back for a treatment, but not to stay. – I worked on chair covers today. Remaking some. – Received Dr. Wagner’s statement today. $12.50. He certainly treated me gently in charging. – Tonight, we all drove out to Live Oak Farm. Took Lee Hall and he slept all of the time. – Mrs. Smith had gone to bed. Only because she was tired. – I called Mrs. Farwell tonight to lend her my single bed.

Wednesday, April 28
Windy all day. Cloudy some. – Have been working on a chair cover all day. Making it out of scraps. – Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Smith spent the forenoon in Bay City. Ate lunch at Bay Tex. – Mrs. Pierce house cleaned some of the 3rd floor. – Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and I ate hamburgers etc. out at Woosley’s/. – Jack was late getting home. – Then we drove out to Mrs. Smith’s. She looks very miserable. – Is going to Houston to have her sinus drained tomorrow.

Thursday, April 29
Cloudy forenoon, but no rain. – Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and Cherri went to Houston in the truck this morning. – They got back about 5 P.M. Mrs. Smith has to go back Sat. She is certainly having a time with her face, etc. – Jedie went to Palacios for a manicure and hair manipulation. I kept the heir. She went about 1 o’clock and returned after six. – Lee stopped in Bay City to see a picture. They both ate dinner here tonight.

Friday, April 30
Some cloudy. No rain. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Palacios this forenoon. She had a shampoo and attended to some business. – I paid Dr. Wagner and went to my house where I got the single bed out for Mrs. Farwell. Mr. Farwell came up to see about it, but had to get Mr. Paulk to haul it for him. Mrs. Farwell is renting rooms to the oil men and needed a bed for a maid to sleep on. – I was exceedingly tired before we came home, tho did not do any work. My throat stopped up. – Made a foot stool cover this afternoon. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have gone to the school play tonight.


Saturday, May 1
Pretty day. – Mrs. Smith went to Houston today. Mrs. Beard took her. – Cherri stayed here and Mrs. Smith came for her as soon as she returned. – Mrs. Pollard, Mrs. Liggett, Mrs. Hurd and Mrs. Luther ate lunch here and revised the Matagorda Woman’s Clubs Constitution this afternoon. – Tonight Mr. Pierce was host to Mrs. Pierce, Miss Coley and I to see “Dr. Bull” and “Personal Property,” the midnight picture. I liked both of them, tho seeing Will Rogers was depressing since he is dead.

Sunday, May 2
Pretty day all day. – Mrs. Pierce and Jedie went to Bay City for communion service this forenoon. – Lee Hall stayed with me. When they came home, we ate cold lunch and then all drove out to Live Oak Farm to witness a Negro baptism service. They baptized in the creek near Mrs. Smith’s home. – Pierce Withers was at Live Oak Farm, so he and Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and I were dinner guests of Lee and Jedie tonight. A very nice dinner and we all enjoyed it. – Jack was off all day, as he was one of the two men baptized.

Monday, May 3
Pretty day. – Busy all forenoon. – After lunch Mrs. Pierce, Miss Ruby and I drove to Bay City. I tried to get a hat, but they were too small. – Mrs. Smith and Lee went to Houston. Lee to see a Dr. about his feet. – Mrs. Smith had her nose drained again. It is about well. She goes back Thursday. – Lee should lay off work for 8 weeks and have his feet operated on. – Mr. Pierce spent the day in Sargent. Brought home some flounders.

Tuesday, May 4
Fine day. – I have been sewing some today. – Mrs. Pierce cut out the skirt for her blue dress this P.M. We are to have it ready for her to wear to the school banquet Thur. night. – Tonight she and Mr. Pierce have gone out to Live Oak Farm. Will come back in time to talk to Lee about what he is to do about his feet. – I am going to bed early. Tired.

Wednesday, May 5
Pretty day. – Sewing on Mrs. Pierce’s dress. – Tonight Mrs. Pierce and I were starting out to Live Oak Farm when a boy came running to the garage asking that Dr. Wagner be phoned for as Mr. Duller had fallen in the yard. – Mrs. Pierce phoned and we drove to the Duller home. He was gone when we arrived. Soon many of the neighbors came. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Palacios for the health office and Mr. Pierce did phoning for Mrs. Duller. I came back to the house as my throat filled up. Went over and told Lee and Jedie.  

Daily Tribune, May 6, 1937

Thursday, May 6
Pretty day. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith drove to Houston today. The Dr. (Turner) dismissed Mrs. Smith as about cured. – I sewed all day. Finished Mrs. Pierce’s blue dress, faced her coat sleeves, mended the afghan and worked on my old white dress. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner here tonight. – Mrs. Yeager and Madge called tonight. – Lee is to have his feet operated on one week from next Monday.

Friday, May 7
Pretty day. – Mr. Duller was buried this afternoon from his home. A long funeral procession. – His son and wife went home tonight as the baby was left behind. The other will go tomorrow and Sunday. – I kept Lee Hall so Jedie could attend the funeral. – She was Dorothy’s friend. – Have been mending and sewing all day. – Have not felt very well all day. – Should write many letters, but have no pep for anything.

Saturday, May 8
Pretty day. – Jedie went to Play Day in Palacios. The Girl Reserves. Mrs. Pierce kept the baby. – Mrs. Smith brought a couple of new everyday dresses for me to do a little altering on. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have gone to the midnight picture in Bay City. – Rec’d a mother’s Day card from John Henry. Also an invitation to the graduating exercises in Bay City. – Mary Wilson Engle.

Sunday, May 9 – Mother’s Day
Beautiful day. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce gave me a box of candy and a card. – Mrs. Masenburg has a letter written to me today I am sure. She wrote to mother each Mother’s Day. Since she has gone, she writes to me. Such dear letters. – About 11 o’clock, Mrs. Pierce, Jedie, Lee Hall and I drove to Sargent where we joined the Selkirks, her sister and little girl, Mrs. Beard, her son and Mrs. Walker in a fish dinner given by Mr. Pierce honoring Mrs. Pierce. – Lee came as soon as he finished work. He and Jedie stopped in Bay City to see a picture. – Mrs. Pierce is attending preaching services tonight. Rev. Engle.

Monday, May 10
Beautiful day. Need rain. – Finished Mrs. Smith’s altering this forenoon and went down town with Mrs. Pierce to have my house rent money order cashed, but Mrs. Selkirk was low on cash. – Went to Francitas this afternoon with Mrs. Smith. She went to see about selling moss. – Mrs. Duller and her father, Mr. Corse, ate dinner here tonight. – Lee and Jedie have gone on a picnic tonight. – Mrs. Pierce is keeping Lee Hall.

Tuesday, May 11
Grand day. – Mrs. Selkirk’s sister and little girl went home today. – Have been sewing all day. Am very tired. – Mrs. Smith came in a few minutes at noon. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce are attending the Banquet (Miss Coley) tonight. – My cough is a little troublesome again. May have taken a little cold. – Sent a thank you note to John Henry this P.M.

Wednesday, May 12
Fine day. – Have felt very miserable all day. – Cold in my head. Eyes ache. – Sewed a little. Mrs. Pierce working on the dining room floor. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up this afternoon to talk to Mrs. Pierce about paint. – Lee and Jedie have gone to the picture show. – Mrs. Pierce keeping Lee Hall.

Thursday, May 13
Some cloudy and a shower this afternoon, but not enough to do much good. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Bay City this forenoon. – Went to see Dr. Loos. He looked me over and said my heart was my wearing out part. Gave me some cough medicine. – Mrs. Smith spent a few minutes here this P.M. – Mrs. Pierce rehearsed the march with pupils at high school this P.M. – She and Jedie are attending a social meeting of the Aux. at Mrs. Yeager’s tonight. – Lee keeping Lee Hall.

Friday, May 14
Pretty day. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith drove to Houston today in Lee’s car. – I did some work on Mrs. Pierce’s clothes today. – Tonight Mrs. Pierce and I were Mr. Pierce’s guests to see a picture in Bay City and a cup of coffee with doughnuts. – We drove past his house before leaving Blessing.  – Mrs. Smith came while we were there.

Saturday, May 15
Fine day. – Did housework and sewing this forenoon. Hemmed and shortened a dress for Mrs. Pierce to wear to Sargent. – This afternoon shortened one for Mrs. Smith to wear to dinner tomorrow at the BayTex with Mr. Heffelfinger who came at noon and ate lunch here. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce entertained the teachers and others with a fish fry at Sargent tonight. Lee and Jedie went and I kept Lee Hall. They came home at nine o’clock report a fine time.

Sunday, May 16
A fine day. – A busy day. – Mrs. Pierce and Jedie put her house in order to leave today. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up to get the paint Mrs. Pierce brought them from Houston. Soon after lunch, Lee drove to Houston to enter the Hermann hospital at 4 o’clock. – Jedie took me out to Live Oak Farm at 4:30 to open the door for Robert to put the milk inside. – Mrs. Smith and Mr. Heffelfinger were in Bay City. They and Mr. Pierce came back about 6 o’clock. I came home them. – Mrs. Pierce is playing for the Baccalaureate sermon tonight. – Mrs. Smith came up to the house an hour while Mr. H. and Mr. P. made final talks.

Monday, May 17
Fine day. – Mrs. Pierce and Jedie left at 5 o’clock for Houston. – Lee Hall and I kept house until they returned at 6 o’clock. – Mrs. Smith and Mr. Heffelfinger drove in, also. He was on his way home. – Lee’s feet were operated on this forenoon. – He was doing OK when they left him, but had been given an opiate to keep him from kicking his feet around. – Mrs. Smith came in for an hour tonight. She was tired. This family are, too.

Tuesday, May 18
Beautiful day. – Sewed all day. – Mrs. Pierce phoned John Henry about 6:30 P.M. to inquire for Lee. He had gone to the hospital at 5 o’clock, but was not admitted because it was too late for visitors. – We are sorry not to hear from Lee. – Mrs. Pierce and Mr. Pierce have gone to the picture show tonight. – Jedie did some sewing since dinner. I was too tired to sew.

Wednesday, May 19
Beautiful day. Are really needing rain. – Have been sewing all day. – Mrs. Pierce and Jedie, also. – No work from Lee, so suppose he is doing all right. – Mrs. Smith ate lunch here today. Finished hemming two white dresses for her. Made them shorter. – Mrs. Pierce is presenting diplomas tonight at the high school. – Mr. Pierce at his office.  – Jedie and Lee Hall and I are going to bed early. – I wrote three short letters this forenoon.

Thursday, May 20
Grand day. – Jedie went to Houston today with the Yeagers. She found Lee doing well. – Mrs. Pierce was luncheon guest in the Corbett home today. – Mr. Pierce spent the day in Bay City, so Lee Hall and I had things pretty much our own way today. – Did not accomplish much in the sewing line. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and Jedie attended commencement exercises tonight. Mrs. Pierce being one of the performers.

Friday, May 21
Summer begins. - Lovely day. – Have not felt so well today, but have done considerable sewing. – Mrs. Pierce worked on her dining room chairs and the floor today. – Mrs. Smith ate lunch with us. – School closed today. – Mrs. Pierce is out calling tonight.

Saturday, May 22
Pretty day. – Jedie went to Houston this morning with the Woosleys. Was late getting home. – Mrs. Smith ate lunch with us. – I did considerable sewing. – Mrs. Pierce busy nursing, washing, etc. – My cough is better. Nearly well. Wish I did not get so tired. Suppose it must be spring fever and the summer winds.

Sunday, May 23
Lovely day. – Slept rather late this morning. – Mrs. Smith ate 12 o’clock dinner with us. She prepared food yesterday expecting guests today, but they could not come, so she brought her food here. Fried chicken, corn and ice cream. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce drove to Houston immediately after lunch to see Lee. – Mrs. Smith drove to Palacios to see Miss Nannie. – Jedie drove down later to see Pauline. – Lee Hall and I kept house.

Monday, May 24
Pretty day. – Did a little sewing today. – Jack’s family affairs had come to such a painful pass that he decided to leave town, and before noon, Mrs. Pierce took him down to dark town. – We, Jedie and Mrs. Pierce prepared lunch for her guests. Mr. and Mrs. Chiles and son arrived at noon unexpectedly. – Mrs. Smith came, but did not stay as she was in a hurry. – Jedie drove to Wharton this P.M. to spend the night. Then she and her sister will drive to Houston to see Lee tomorrow. – Lee Hall is left behind. – The Farwells called.

Tuesday, May 25
Lovely day. Getting hot. – Missed Jedie this morning. – Mrs. Pierce and Lee Hall got along all right last night. – Mrs. Pierce put up young berries this afternoon. Made jelly. – We miss Jack, but hope he will come back soon. – Jedie and her sister drove to Houston to see Lee today. He is doing well. – May come home Sunday or Monday. – Jedie came home before dark. – Mrs. Pierce has gone out to Live Oak Farm tonight. Mrs. Smith is busy every hour.

Wednesday, May 26
A beautiful hot day. – We all felt quite miserable today. – Mr. Pierce had a couple of guests, but fed them at the hotel. – Dr. Scott died suddenly. Stroke of paralysis. – Mr. Pierce was selected as an honorary pallbearer. The funeral was at 5 o’clock this P.M. He and Mrs. Pierce went over to Bay City. Mrs. Smith with them. After the funeral stayed to see “Romeo and Juliet.” – Found a paper today which I thought I did not have in my possession. So glad.

Thursday, May 27
Pretty day. – Housework and sewing. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City this afternoon to attend a Council (?) meeting or some thing. – Jack came back today to work. We are glad. – Tonight Jedie and I were Mrs. Pierce’s guests to see “Romeo and Juliet.” We went alone, but she furnished the tickets. I enjoyed it quite as well as I did the first time I saw it.

Friday, May 28
Some cloudy, but no rain. – Odeal did washing today. Blankets, etc. – Mrs. Pierce and the men cleaned the porch and painted some of the furniture. Getting it ready for Lee to occupy when he comes home until he can go upstairs. – I did sewing today. Mrs. Smith ate lunch here. Was all prepared to go to Palacios this P.M., but saw in the Beacon that Mrs. Richards was out of town. So, again, I postponed going. – Mrs. Pierce is attending a board meeting.

Saturday, May 29
Good day. Some cloudy. – Tonight a little shower fell about dark. Rain needed. – Mrs. Pierce put in the day getting the porch ready for Lee. John Henry brought him out about five o’clock. He and Jack carried him from the car to the porch. He looks better than when he went to the hospital. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and John Henry have gone to see a picture in Bay City. Are all staying to the midnight show. – I hope it will rain tonight.

Sunday, May 30 – Decoration Day
No rain yet, tho it is badly needed. – This has been decoration day. I placed no flowers on any grave. Am sure my father’s grave was honored in Anniston by the GAR Post of which he was Commander.  – Mrs. Smith and John Henry ate 12 o’clock dinner here. Mrs. Smith provided a leg of lamb. – Lee has his bed on the porch just outside the dining room windows. – The bandages were taken off his feet today and they were soaked in warm water. Then the bandages replaced. The cuts are not pleasant to look at. – Wrote letters this P.M. – Tired.

Monday, May 31
Beautiful day. – Housework and sewing this forenoon. – After lunch Jedie and I drove to the Shelley Oil Field for Lee’s check, but hit had been sent to the hospital. Will be returned to him eventually. – We did some shopping and went to see “The Prince and the Pauper.” A pretty picture. – We arrived at home in time for dinner. A pleasant day.


Tuesday, June 1
A pretty day. No rain. – Mrs. Pierce and John worked in the chicken house and yard all day. Mites. – I have sewed and cut out my white pique coat and skirt. – Washed and ironed my blue and white silk dress. – Am exceedingly tired tonight. – Going to bed with the chickens.

Wednesday, June 2
Another dry day. – Housework this forenoon. – Sewing this afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce house cleaning her highboy. – Jedie went to the beauty shop in Palacios this afternoon. – Rev. and Mrs. Engle ate dinner here tonight. – Mrs. Pierce, Mr. Williams and Mr. ___ ate fish in Palacios tonight. – The Engles came to play bridge, but Braden’s and Madge came so they were detained some time.

Thursday, June 3
Windy summer day. – Sewing most of the day. – Mrs. Pierce house cleaning her highboy, etc. – Mrs. Smith ate lunch here. – Tonight Mrs. Pierce is down at the office helping Mr. Pierce with his maps. – Some of Lee’s gang are here playing cards. – I am going to bed tired. Did not lay down today. Finished my white pique suit tonight.

Friday, June 4
A fine rain here this P.M. and a gentle one. Came up from the north, but stopped raining from the east. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City this forenoon to have her car put in order, get a shampoo and manicure. – Did not get home until 6 o’clock. – Rained hard in Bay City and at Sargent Mr. Pierce reported. – Sewed today. Mostly repairing, etc. – The women’s council or Library society is meeting here tonight. 3 women being present.

Saturday, June 5
No rain today. The rain of yesterday was a blessing indeed. – Sewed most of the day. – Mrs. Pierce continues to house clean preparatory to starting on her trip the 15th. – Lee crawled up stairs to the bathroom this P.M. and took a bath in the tub. – Tonight Mr. Pierce was host to Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and myself to see a picture in Bay City. – Rec’d the rent money today.

Sunday, June 6
Some cloudy. Showers this A. M. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up for an hour this forenoon. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner here. – Jedie and I went to see “I Met Him in Paris” this afternoon. – Since we came home, I finished writing my will. Lee and Jedie signed it as witnesses. I hope it is all right. – Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have gone to see the picture. – Wrote Mrs. Richards today.

Monday, June 7
Rain today – Mrs. Pierce still doing cleaning. – I have done sewing most of the day. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Maggie Kuykendall ate lunch here today. Mrs. K is here for a visit with Mrs. Smith. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have gone out to Live Oak Farm tonight.

Tuesday, June 8
Total eclipse. Galveston. – Cloudy so we did not notice the eclipse. – Mrs. Pierce and I went to Bay City this forenoon. She to the dentist and I to the bank and beauty parlor for a shampoo. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kuykendall ate lunch here. – Mrs. Pierce arranging the linen closet and chest this P.M. – I did some packing. – Jedie went to Palacios. – Madge and Robert spent a couple of hrs here tonight.

Wednesday, June 9
Some cloudy. No rain. – This forenoon, I went to Palacios by bus. – Did several errands in town. – Mr. Gray was not in his office. – The Studemans were away. – Mr. Feather would like to sell my property. – Stopped to see the Loves. – Ate lunch at the City Cafι. Bought some colored glasses at Nester’s. – Spent until 3:30 at Mrs. Strickland’s. Jedie came for me and we drove out to the cemetery. – Very tired tonight. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce at picture show. – The Engles came to play bridge.

Thursday, June 10 – Lee and Jedie’s 1st Anniversary
A very pretty day. – Lee began using crutches today. His feet are painful, tho, when he bears his weight on them. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kuykendall ate lunch here. – Mrs. Pierce spent some time in the dentist’s chair today. – Tonight a dinner party is being given by Mrs. Pierce in honor of the anniversary. A goose dinner.

Friday, June 11
Pretty day. – Mrs. Pierce spent the day in Collegeport. Federation of Clubs met with Mrs. Hurd. – I sewed and packed. – Mrs. Borden, Miss Hough and Mrs. _____ called about 10:30. Did not get out of the car. – Mrs. Borden not well. – Mrs. Smith did not eat lunch with us today. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce are out at Live Oak Farm as I go to bed.

Saturday, June 12
A summer day. – This forenoon, Mr. Feather came up to say he thought he had a buyer for my house. – Perhaps it is true. I have been in a daze all day. – If it is sold, what disposition can I make of my furniture, but I am glad to sell (if I do). – We went to see a picture tonight. – John Henry came home.

Sunday, June 13
Beautiful day. – All slept late this morning. – Enjoyed John Henry being here. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kuykendall did not eat lunch here today, but came this evening for 30 minutes. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell called this forenoon. – Mrs. Ruby Bowers this P.M. – Talked to Mrs. Studeman this P.M. – Lee, Jedie and John H. all went swimming in the Skelly field pool this evening.  – J. H. went to Houston from there. – Rev. Engle preaching tonight.

Monday, June 14
Pretty summer day. – Mrs. Pierce and I spent the day in Palacios where papers were signed selling my house ($2,000) and getting my things in order to take out of the house. We worked very hard and have them about ready. – I gave away some things and sold some more to have a truck load brought to Mr. Pierce’s home. – Very tired tonight.

Tuesday, June 15
Pretty day. Some cloudy. – Mrs. Pierce and I expected to be far on our way to St. Paul tonight, but circumstances caused changes. – Lee and Jedie drove to Houston today. The Dr. said his feet were doing well. To come back in another month. – Elizabeth Chiles came up and took care of the baby. – Mrs. Pierce and I went to Palacios about 10 o’clock. Finished packing. She went to see Mrs. Farwell a few minutes and I went to see the Loves. Then we stopped at Dr. Wagner’s and had ourselves given the “once over.” Both are a little off “perfect specimens.” – Then we ate fish at the Green Lantern. By that time, Mr. Paulk had his truck backed up to the door of what used to be my home and soon had my possessions loaded and soon in Blessing and in storage. Mostly in the studio. – I am glad to make the sale. – Waiting for the abstract to be made and approved.

Wednesday, June16
Pretty day. – Mrs. Farwell spent the day. – Darned stockings. – Odeal helped house clean Lee’s house. – Mrs. Pierce and Jedie worked over there all day, also. – Jedie going for a swim before dinner. – I kept the baby most of the day. – Lee and his family are sleeping at home tonight and will eat breakfast there tomorrow. – Mrs. Studeman brought me the $10.00 owed by the 2nd hand man this P.M. – Not so tired tonight.

Thursday, June 17
Good day. – Odeal washed and ironed all day. – Mrs. Farwell spent the day here. Put fresh papers in drawers and on shelves. Did darning. – I put the 3rd floor in order. Hope it will do so Mrs. Pierce will not work it all over again. – Lee and family ate lunch and dinner here today. – We may not get off before Sunday or Monday. – So many last minute jobs to do.

Friday, June 18
Pretty day. – Busy forenoon. Cleaned the room Jedie occupied and other housework. – Odeal finished the ironing and then did cleaning. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kuykendall ate fried chicken with us at noon. – Kind of farewell meal. – Lee and Jedie are to eat at home now. – This P. M. Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Bay City. Had a shampoo. – Went out to see Mrs. Smith since dinner and to Ira’s for ice cream. – Going to bed tired.

Saturday, June 19 – Mr. Webb – 80 yrs – Juneteenth
Juneteenth and all help off celebrating. – We got along OK, tho Mr. Pierce being in Sargent all day. – Packing, cleaning, etc. – Just about run down, but must not fail at the last minute. – Mrs. Pierce received a letter from Mrs. Mobley today. She is in Houston now. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove over to Lee’s and out to Live Oak Farm tonight. – Mrs. Kuykendall goes home in the morning.

Sunday, June 20 – Father’s Day
A good day. – Busy this forenoon. Got breakfast, cleaned up the kitchen. Missed Jack, but suppose he was tired after Juneteenth. – Mrs. Smith was hostess to Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pierce and myself at the BayTex at noon. – The dinner was most excellent. – A real hard rain fell while we were eating, but none came to Blessing.  – Mrs. Smith’s maid kept Lee Hall while we went to Bay City. – Lee and Jedie stayed to see a picture, but we came home and have been packing all afternoon. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have driven out to Live Oak Farm tonight.

Monday, June 21 – Dallas, Tex.
Pretty day. - We left Blessing about 8 o’clock. Stopped in Houston to see John Henry and drink coffee. – Mrs. Pierce phoned Mrs. Mobley. We wrote some postal cards. – Then drove to Dallas where we ate a good dinner at the Cottage Inn and are located for the night at Ross Court. Should be “Bon Air Court.” We made a mistake in the location. The courts are about 1/2 block apart. – We arrived here before dark. Stopped to read all of the roadside markers as we came along and ate our lunch (put up my Mrs. Smith) at a shady roadside park. – Mrs. Pierce is quite tired and we are both wet from head to foot with perspiration. No hot water in tub.

Tuesday, June 22 – Vinita, Oklahoma
Hot. Hot. Hot. – Ate breakfast at Cottage Inn after a good night’s rest under a fan. – Left Dallas at 7 A.M. – Had a punctured tire half way between Dallas and McAlester. Picked up a nail near Stringtown, I think. The tire was a complete wreck. Had no jack and no key to the spare tire, so we sat in the car while a boy took word to the next town and sent a man and tire to us. We almost melted. – Then we went on to McAlester where we ate lunch and had a key made for the spare. – The heat has been intense. We are spending the night in Vinita. Ate supper at an old fashioned home where they serve a meal for 25’. Am spending the night in a clean tourist’s camp. – Fan running all night. (We were comfortable.)

Wednesday, June 23 – Des Moines, Iowa
Up and away at 6 o’clock. – Hard driving brought us to Des Moines before dark and we are spending the night in a tourist’s camp after driving through the city. – This camp is in a pretty location. Trees everywhere. Is very quiet. Owned and operated by a woman. Our cottage is brick. Plenty of hot shower water. – Do not need a fan as a fine breeze comes in at a window beside the bed.

Thursday, June 24 – White Bear Lake
Up and away at 5:00. Ate breakfast at Ames. A good one. Then on to Owatoma where we stopped for a glass of milk. – Fairbault for dinner at 11:00. The poorest meal we ate on the trip. – From there to White Bear Lake and the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Hall. They were both at home. He having come home at noon to be here to welcome his daughter and help unpack the heavily loaded Lizzie. Arrive here at 2:30. Going to bed rather early. Quite tired.

Friday, June 25 White Bear Lake
Some rain today and much cooler. – Mr. and Mrs. Hall seem well, but Mr. Hall has been doing and having done much work in her home. It is very beautiful and in perfect order. – We have rested all day. – Quite a shower fell today and all vegetation is fresh and green. – Frederick and Dick brought Jane Lee out this evening. – They all ate dinner here and changed a flat tire on Mrs. Pierce’s car. Jane Lee is staying for a visit.

Saturday, June 26
Cloudy, cool. Little rain. – Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce, Jane Lee and I drove over to White Bear Village this forenoon for groceries. Beautiful drive. Pretty village. – Mr. Hall spends Sat. at home looking after the cottages and lawns. – The many birds, the beautiful trees, the lake and the squirrels are a constant joy. – Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce, Jane Lee and I played mahjong this afternoon. I had never played before, but it is quite interesting. – Going to bed. Not so tired. – The long twilight is a beautiful time of the day.

Sunday, June 27
Slept late. – Mr. Van Bergen and the two boys came out for 12 o’clock dinner. – Mr. Van B. looks a good deal older than when I last saw him. – The boys are just the same. Dick handsomer. – The family played bridge Jane Lee, Dick and I played mahjong. – After the guests went home, we sat in the twilight until bedtime (early) after a pleasant day in this beautiful home.

Monday, June 28
Pretty day. Cooler. Sleep under a single blanket every night. – This afternoon Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Sunset Cemetery. A most beautiful place. Flowers, trees and grass. – A wonderful mausoleum and chapel front an artificial pool and farther to the front, stands a tower out of which the chimes from the organ in the chapel are sounded Sunday afternoons.

[Jeannette Hall Van Bergen, sister of “Mrs. Pierce,” Adelaide Hall Pierce, died April 10, 1936, which is why her family is mentioned in the 1937 diary and she is not. She was buried at Sunset Cemetery. Adelaide and Jeannette were the only children of Lee and Alice St. Germaine Hall.]

Tuesday, June 29 - BYPU
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Harper came and did the washing and most of the ironing today. – Mrs. Pierce finished pressing her clothes. – I did a little sewing and some ripping. – Wrote a letter to Mrs. Studeman. – The twilight is very long here. Daylight until after 8 o’clock.

Wednesday, June 30
A most beautiful day. – Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and I drove to St. Paul this forenoon. – Spent a happy day. We women had each a shampoo and permanent or finger wave. – Then did some shopping. I gave myself a pair of shoes a hat, a pair of gloves and a purse. We are lunch in Manheimers Tea Room. Picked up Mr. Hall about 4:00 and drove home. Tired after a shopping day.




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May 31, 2015
May 31, 2015