Nellie Tilson Webb

1934 Diary

January - June

Nellie's Biography

1929   1930   1931   1932   1933
1934   1935   1936   1937    1938

Courtesy of
Palacios Area Historical Association
City By the Sea Museum





Blessing, Texas






The poem at the right was pinned in
the front of the diary.




Monday, January 1
Mrs. Smith, Walter Heffelfinger, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, John Henry, Clinton and I were New Year dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Borden at Mackay, today. – Lee being time keeper for the Federal workers, could not leave his post of duty. So missed an excellent dinner and for me a pleasant day. Miss Hough, Miss Winston and two Winston brothers are guests in the Borden home. – I fastened a fur collar on Mrs. Smith’s coat this forenoon. – The big boys are in Palacios tonight. – This is the beginning of the fourth year I am spending in the Piece home.

Tuesday, January 2
Partly cloudy. – John Henry had to go back to work today, so he drove to El Campo this morning and I brought the car back. – The household are all busy getting ready for Helen’s party.

Wednesday, January 3
Most terrible rain this forenoon. – Mrs. Smith and I drove to Bay City this forenoon to do some shopping for Mrs. Smith. – A dreadful rain began to fall just as we left the hotel and drowned the engine twice before we reached Live Oak Farm where we stopped a few minutes to let it dry out. – When we arrived at the Markham station, we had the engine dried and let it run all of the time in Bay City. – The sky cleared soon after we reached home at noon. – And a clear sky smiled on Helen’s party tonight. Bridge and Hearts amused the more than 50 guests and the affair seemed to be a perfect success.

Thursday, January 4
Mostly sunshine today – Today has been occupied with clearing up after the fun. – Mrs. Pierce had a date with one of the chick sales this afternoon and since lunch attended a study meeting at the Library. – Streets some muddy yet. - I did some of the mending this afternoon. - Walter is entertaining his aunt tonight as she is making out contracts for bus drivers. - Am going to bed and read a while. - Lee in Palacios. Stag party at Paul Braden's tonight. William the waiter for Mr. Thompson.

Friday, January 5
Cloudy, rainy. North wind. - Mrs. Smith sick. Headache. - Mrs. Pierce took her Federal report into Bay City this afternoon. - Finished taking down the Christmas greens this forenoon. - Did some mending. Went to the schoolhouse since lunch and helped Mrs. Pierce print postal cards. At 8 o'clock, Mrs. Pierce went to the church for rehearsal. Lee drove over to bring Kathryn to the dinner. Mr. Pierce I went to the Yeager home where we joined a group who were waiting for the bridal party to return from the rehearsal before we were served the most palatable buffet dinner. We also admired the many beautiful gifts given the bride. Came home reasonably early and Mrs. Pierce is addressing 100 postal cards tonight.

Saturday, January 6
Hard rain falling at six o'clock this A.M. North wind. The sun came out bright and clear this afternoon. “Happy is the bride the sun shines on.” We attended Helen's wedding ceremony this P.M. at 4 o'clock in the Presbyterian Church. Rev. Gillespie officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thompson immediately began their honeymoon journey to Monterey. The church was quite simply and tastefully decorated. Mrs. Pierce at the piano. Ms. Thompson sang “Because.” Mrs. Paul Braden - matron. Miss Kitty Cobb bridesmaid. Mr. Braden. Mr. ___ groomsman. Mr. ___ lit the tapers. Mr. ____ , Mr. ____ ushers. - Mrs. Smith and Walter ate backbone with us at noon.

Sunday, January 7
Cold. North wind. Clear. - Mrs. Pierce put the party dishes on the shelves this forenoon. - Clinton and I went to S. School. The church was cold and some remnants of the wedding decorations had not been removed. Election of officers was held. - The family and Walter were Mrs. Smith’s dinner guests at the hotel. A fine 12 o'clock dinner. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up a while this P.M. Mrs. Young is expected back this afternoon. - Mr. Pierce and Mr. Matthes drove to Sargent since dinner. - The family, Ruby and Allen were Mrs. Smith’s guests to see Will Rogers in The County Fair “Blue Boy” at the Bay City Theatre tonight. Also “Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf.” We all enjoyed it very much.

Monday, January 8
Cold windy day. - A cold day. Mrs. Pierce out with Federal work this forenoon. - I worked on Mrs. Sides’ pillow cushions, etc. some today. - Mrs. Pierce and I drove down to Palacios since lunch. I went to see Mrs. Farwell a few minutes. Mrs. Aubin and her daughter were there. Mrs. Young returned yesterday.

Tuesday, January 9
All sunshine, but cool wind. - Paid my Bay City tax today. $10.17 - White frost this morning. - Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Bay City this forenoon. Did not get back until after lunch. - Cutout and worked on Mrs. Sides’ cushions, etc. this forenoon. - Mrs. Smith took Mr. John Pierce to the hospital in Galveston today. She returned tonight. - Mrs. Dunn surprised Blessing by driving in tonight. She came from Penn. in four days. Weather moderating very much.

Wednesday, January 10
Sunshine all day. - Mrs. Pierce out all day in the interest of the bond or not meeting at the Community House tonight. Mrs. Pollard, Mr. Payne, Mr. ____ ate dinner here tonight and all spoke for the Bond. Very pointed talks were made and many questions were asked and answered. Mr. Erickson was the Legal light for the issue. A petition was circulated and signed by many more than were needed to empower the school board to call an election and again vote on the bond. Mr. Payne will spend the night here. - Drizzly rain falling.

Thursday, January 11
Cold north rain. Ditches and streets full of water. - Put the house in order this forenoon. - After lunch, worked on Mrs. Sides’ pillows etc. - Mrs. Pierce out on her work all afternoon. She and Mrs. Cornelius drove to Bay City. - The sun came out this afternoon and dried the mud and water very much. - Mr. Pierce attending a Cotton meeting in EL Maton tonight. - Lee in Palacios. - There is a five-year-old child in the hospital in Bay City afflicted with a bone disease in her wrist. Perhaps like Buddy was.

Friday, January 12
Very good day. - I have worked hard all day on Mrs. Sides’ pillows etc. - Mrs. Pierce busy with her work. - Tonight Mrs. Pierce took all of us to see Alice in Wonderland. A pleasing picture for young and old alike. - Going to bed tired. - Mr. Farwell's 79th birthday. Mrs. Opal Prices (?) birthday.

Saturday, January 13
Fine day. Warmer. - Mrs. Smith and Walter drove to Galveston today to bring Mr. John Pierce home. - Mrs. Pierce and Miss Webb spent part of the day in Bay City. - Tonight I finished Mrs. Sides’ pillows etc. Have worked very hard on them an entire tonight. - Mrs. Pierce went to the hotel tonight to see Mrs. Smith. - Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thompson returned from the bridal tour to Monterey this evening.

Sunday, January 14
Beautiful sunshine. – Went to S. S. - Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Dunn and Walter ate 12 o'clock dinner, quails, with us today. - Been Mrs. Smith drove down to see her brother John. - Mrs. Dunn drove Mr. and Mrs. Pierce up to Mackay, but they missed the Bordens who called here an hour after they had gone. - They all met at the hotel later. – Mrs. Sides came for her sewing this P.M. - Mrs. Pierce, Clinton and all I listened to Rev. Engle preach tonight.

Monday, January 15
Beautiful day. - Mrs. Pierce and Lee out at work all forenoon. - I wrote to my magazine publishers and asked to have the books sent to Blessing. - Went to the P.O. to mail my letters. Stopped to see Mrs. Smith, who gave me a loan to pay my school and city taxes with. - Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Palacios this afternoon and I paid the 1933 taxes--$36.00. We stopped a short time to visit Mrs. Farwell. Mrs. Young sick. - On our way home Mrs. Pierce did some Federal work. One home we visited was the Resslers. - Mrs. Dunn has worked for me to do tomorrow. Susanna’s dresses to lengthen.

Tuesday, January 16
Mostly sunshine. - Communion this morning. - Made a small pillow pad for Mrs. Sides this afternoon. - Did not sew for Mrs. Dunn until this afternoon. Lengthening dresses for Susanna. - Mr. Pierce had the hotel trees topped since lunch. – Mrs. Pierce was out on her work this afternoon. The school board met tonight at Hilda's home. She is not well. - Lee in Palacios tonight.

Wednesday, January 17
Sewed all day for Mrs. Dunn. - Mrs. Pierce busy at school and Federal work. - Mr. Pierce and some others drove to San Antonio since lunch. - Mrs. Smith made sand tarts and kisses this afternoon. – Rec’d notice from Palacios Cemetery Association this afternoon-$2.00.

Thursday, January 18
Cloudy, misty day. - Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Dunn and myself together with a group of Federal workers worked in the cemetery today. - Soon after the noon hour William came out for Mrs. Pierce said Clinton had been taken home sick. (He had been suddenly called from this world while he was playing with the other boys on the school campus.) Many friends came with words of sympathy. - Mr. Pierce and the other man reached home about 9:30 P.M. the shock to the family, town and all friends was severe. Mrs. Pierce talked to her parents and sister tonight.

Palacios Beacon, January 25, 1934

Friday, January 19
Cloudy all day. - Mrs. Pierce did not dress today. - The house has been full of friends all day. Many beautiful flowers have come for Clinton. – Mrs. Mobley came this P.M. - Mrs. Farwell is spending the night here. Clinton looks very handsome in his last resting place. - We are also thankful that Mrs. Smith is here. This has been a sad wedding anniversary day for Mr. and Mrs. Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce’s 25th wedding anniversary.

Saturday, January 20
Cloudy forenoon, but the sun shone this afternoon. - Message from Mrs. Van Bergen. She will be here Monday. - Many beautiful flowers came this forenoon for Clinton. The corner and mantle were beautiful. At 2:30 P.M. Right Rev. Quinn (Bishop) and Rev. Engle read the burial service for him. Several voices sang. Then a long, long line of cars followed all that was left of Clinton to peaceful Tidehaven and we left him there with Buddy under a blanket of flowers. – Mrs. Mobley will stay here again tonight, but Mrs. Farwell went home. – Mrs. Yeager and Mr. and Mrs. Thompson came over this evening.

Sunday, January 21
Beautiful day. Sunshine. - Mrs. Beard came out a few minutes this forenoon, also Mr. Mrs. Farwell. - We are enjoying Mrs. Mobley very much. - This afternoon we drove out to the cemetery. The flowers are very beautiful yet and are covered with honeybees who evidently thought the flowers were put there for them to enjoy. - Mrs. Dunn came out this evening. Also Mrs. Smith and she made candy. - We're all going to bed early rather tired.

Monday, January 22
Cloudy part of the day. - Mrs. Mobley, Mrs. Pierce, Mr. Pierce, a man from Bay City and John Henry drove to Houston this forenoon. They met Mrs. Van Bergen at 11:45. Then she and Mrs. Pierce came home by way of Bay City where they picked Mr. Pierce up. - Mrs. Smith and Walter came up tonight. She has been working in the cemetery all day. - Lee is playing basketball and Palacios tonight. - The travel tired ones are all going to bed early tonight. Mrs. Van Bergen is such a handsome woman.

Tuesday, January 23
Dense fog. Northeast wind. - Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Van B. drove out to Tidehaven this forenoon. The rain and fog had kept flowers fresh. - Later this afternoon Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Van Bergen and I drove to Palacios. Mrs. Pierce stopped at the shampoo shop. Mrs. Van B. drove me up home and then went for Mrs. Farwell and brought her to Lorraine’s where they visited until Mrs. Pierce was ready to leave the chair. - I got my key from Mrs. Bennett and spent an hour at home. - Then went to the Pasal Coffee Shop where I found Mr. and Mrs. Love. Visited a few minutes. Then we took Mrs. Farwell home and finally ourselves. Mrs. Beard and Mr. Black called tonight. Cloudy all day. Mrs. Van B. not real well tonight.

Palacios Beacon, January 25, 1934

Wednesday, January 24
Beautiful day. - Busy with housework all forenoon. - Mrs. Van B. has been up all day but was weak from her ill stomach last night. - Mrs. Pierce spent the forenoon downtown. After lunch I went to the P. O. to mail three letters which I had written last night. Found a letter of inquiry from Mr. Williams about my lot. - Mrs. Pierce sent me down to see about it in her car. - Could not set any price and we found out more particulars from other people. - Stopped to see Mrs. Farwell a moment. - Mr. Pierce down to Sargent today. - Lee attending basketball in LaWard tonight.

Thursday, January 25
Rain, rain. Ground covered with water. - We have just sat at home all day. Mrs. Van Bergen sewed on her gown I mended all forenoon and this afternoon Mrs. Pierce and I cut out a white dress for her. - Mrs. Smith came up for a few minutes this forenoon. - Mrs. Sides came this afternoon. - Lee drove to Sargent since lunch and went to Bay City with his payroll and to a picture show since dinner. - Mrs. Pierce talked to Mrs. Farwell tonight. - Mrs. Borden called about 6 o'clock. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell's 51st wedding anniversary.

Friday, January 26
A much better day. Warm. Not so much sunshine as we wished for but no rain. - Mrs. Smith came up this forenoon. - Lee filled out a table of bridge. – Rec’d a sweet letter from Mrs. Fraser. - Have been sewing on Mrs. Pierce's white dress. Had a fitting this afternoon. - Mrs. Van B. finished her “nighty.” - Lee away on a basketball meet tonight. – “Thank you” card from Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thompson of El Campo. - Mrs. Beard's car and Mrs. Van Bergen's money provided a pleasant evening in Bay City.

Saturday, January 27
A day without rain. Some sunshine. - Mr. and Mrs. Pierce drove to Bay City this forenoon. – I sewed a little on Mrs. Pierce's dress. - Since lunch I sewed a little more and took advantage of an hour's sunshine to wash my hair. - It was almost dry when we three, Mrs. Smith and Walter drove over to the suburbs of Bay City to look at a new house not yet finished. - Lee is spending the day in Palacios attending an all-day basketball tournament.

Sunday, January 28
Dreary, rainy day. - At home all forenoon. - Soon after lunch we went to Bay City to see a picture. From there to Port Lavaca to enjoy a seafood dinner-- Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Van Bergen, Lee, Mrs. Dunn, Walter, and me. Guests of Mrs. Smith. - After dinner Mrs. Pierces carload stopped to see Miss Fulerod who is doing Federal work in Port Lavaca. - The afternoon was a pleasure for me. - We had to buy a new fan belt on the way home.

Monday, January 29
Beautiful day. - Wrote notes to Maude and Mrs. Latson. Took them to the P. O. and stopped to see Mrs. Smith who gave me some repair work to do. - Worked on her dresses all afternoon. - Mrs. Pierce was out on her work most of the afternoon. - Mrs. Van Bergen rested some this afternoon. - Mrs. Pierce very tired tonight.

Tuesday, January 30
Cold rainy day. - Let the hem down on a dress for Mrs. Pierce. Almost finished lengthening one for Mrs. Smith. - Mrs. Pierce worked some this forenoon. Mrs. Matthes drove her car (Mrs. Pierce’s) to Palacios this afternoon. Took friends to attend Mrs. Parkin's funeral. - Mrs. Smith came up a few minutes this afternoon. Took her skirt and blouse home. - Mrs. Pierce attended a cheese making demonstration at the Community House this afternoon. - Raining some tonight and cold. - Letter from Feather’s Insurance. OK


Palacios Beacon
February 1, 1934

Wednesday, January 31
Rainy day, but not so cold. Some sunshine. - Mrs. Van Bergen worked on her pongee dress. - I did some mending. Put the collar and vest in Mrs. Pierce's dress. - Mrs. Smith came out this afternoon. Took her lengthened dress home with her. - Mrs. Dunn drove to Houston.  - Sent a note to Feathers. - Mrs. Pierce has been typing all day. - Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Van B., Walter and I attended a picture show in Bay City tonight. The House on 56th Street. - Last day of the 1st month.


Thursday, February 1
Much better day. Sunshine and warmer. – Sewing this forenoon. - The Library Social meeting was held here this afternoon. Twelve women and Ginger were present. Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Duller were hostesses. Serve tea and cookies. Mrs. Lucas had the instruction end of the program. Told us “what the Commissioners could do to us” legally. - Mr. and Mrs. Selkirk spent the early part of the night with us. - Walter made a call also. - Joe very sick. - Mrs. Smith took her brother John to his daughter's home.

Friday, February 2
Beautiful sunshine. – Sewed this forenoon. - Fitted Mrs. Pierces white coat dress and some to be altered. - After lunch we started to Bay City, but changed our plans. Stopped at the hotel to call on Mrs. Beard's mother and two sisters. - Mrs. Van Bergen and I walked home and arrived here just as Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove up. - Then we drove over to see the finish of the basketball game. Bay City and Blessing. Honors to Blessing. - We called on Mrs. Dunn tonight and went over to the Community House a while. - Mrs. Dunn is driving a new Ford. - Card for Mrs. Shaw. She is in the John Sealy Hospital.

Saturday, February 3
Beautiful day. - Mrs. Pierce and Lee drove to Bay City this forenoon. - Mrs. Van B. and I put 200 stamps on newspapers. – Mrs. Fulerod came this afternoon. - Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Van B., Mrs. Fulerod and Lee drove to Bay City this P. M. Lee had a boil on his thigh lanced by Dr. Loos. - He went to bed when he came home and hot applications are being kept on it. - I basted some on a dress for myself this afternoon.

Dr Henry Hoffman Loos

Sunday, February 4
Beautiful day. - Mrs. Pierce and Lee drove to Bay City this forenoon. – The Dr. discharged Lee’s boil. Thought it might be a spider bite. Immediately after lunch, Mrs. Pierce and Miss Fulerod took a little girl to Dr. Loos to have her arm treated. - Mrs. Borden, Miss Winston, Mr. Winston and Mrs. Dunn spent an hour here this afternoon. – Miss Fulerod had returned to Port Lavaca early this afternoon. - She and Mrs. Pierce stopped to see Mrs. Smith when they returned from Bay City. - Did not go to S. S. - Lee in Palacios tonight.

Monday, February 5
Fine day. Norther late. - Mrs. Pierce put in the day doing Federal work. - I collected her column news after lunch. - Mrs. Smith came up at noon and took a bunch of gladiolas out to the cemetery where she and Walter worked this P. M. - Mrs. Farwell came this afternoon to spend the night. - I have been working on my made over dress today. - Mr. Pierce and others drove to Victoria today. - Work going on at the Y beautifying it. - Lee timekeeper for the other gang.

Tuesday, February 6
Beautiful day. - Finished and had my dress pressed. Ready for the fray tomorrow. - Mrs. Pierce on the road all day. - Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Smith drove to Pierce to attend a funeral. - Mrs. Pierce drove Mr. Pierce's truck this afternoon while Mrs. Farwell and I drove her car to Bay City. - Mrs. Farwell bought a hat. - Lee attending football game at El Campo tonight. - Meeting held here tonight in the interest of the school bond election.

Wednesday, February 7
Beautiful day. - Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Van Bergen and myself drove to Houston this morning. Did a little shopping. Then met five of Mrs. Dunn's friends at Mrs. Mayfield's kitchen where we were Mrs. Dunn's guests at a most delightful luncheon. - On the way home we stopped at the Borden home for supper. Met Mr. Pierce there. Another pleasant entertainment. - Mr. Farwell came up for Mrs. Farwell this forenoon after we had gone. - Joe gone when we returned. Good old friend.

Thursday, February 8
Cloudy day. Norther at night. - Sent a note to Mrs. Farwell this forenoon about the Galveston trip.  Mrs. Pierce out all forenoon. At Community House all afternoon. - I sewed and mended this afternoon. - This forenoon I went to P.O. and stopped to see Mrs. Smith for a moment. She is in bed yet but some better. - Cold and rainy tonight. - Long letter from Marguerite.- Rec’d receipt for insurance paid from M. K. Feather today. Paid by Mrs. Farwell.

Friday, February 9
Sunshine. Warm. Lovely. - A busy day. - Mrs. Pierce out all forenoon. - I worked a little on her white dress. - After lunch Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce drove to Bay City. - Mr. Pierce to Sargent. - Mrs. Van Bergen and  I went to Palacios. She to get a shampoo and I to get a few things at home. We stopped to see Mrs. Farwell a few minutes. - After dinner tonight we drove to Bay City to meet John Henry who came home by bus. - Mrs. Pierce not feeling well tonight.

Saturday, February 10
Dreary, cloudy day. - A hot time in the old town today. Bond or not. For 151 – Against 84. - There was much coming and going in Blessing today. - Mrs. Pierce spent the day near the polls and when the votes were counted we were all glad for her sake that the Fors won out. - Mr. and Mrs. Pierce attended Mr. Gartrell’s marriage ceremony tonight in Bay City. They represented the “Chamber of Commerce” of Blessing also. – North wind and growing colder. - A girl calf came to the barnyard today.

Sunday, February 11
Cold. Cloudy. North wind. - Dr. Elliott died yesterday quite suddenly. - Mr. Pierce wrote down to Palacios this forenoon with Mrs. Cornelius and Miss Esther. - The Borden family were dinner guests at the Hotel Blessing this noon. - Mrs. Pierce spent an hour with them this P.M. - Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce drove to Palacios this P.M. to call at the Elliott home. - Mrs. Farwell came up since dinner. - We listened to Rev. Engle at the Presbyterian Church tonight. - Cold wind blowing.

Monday, February 12
Sun came up shining. Grand day. - Mrs. Farwell, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Van Bergen and myself drove to Galveston today in Mrs. Beard’s car. We left Blessing at 8:30 and arrived in Galveston about 12 o'clock. Mrs. Van B. had a blood test made. Ate oysters at Tremont Café. Registered at Jean LaFitte Hotel. Drove along the seawall and around the city some. At 4 o'clock we went aboard the Battleship Wyoming guests of Capt. Coman, who pointed out to us the most important parts of the big ship (except the engines). Then served us tea. A very pleasant host to a quartet of women. Then back to the hotel where we rested a while and watch the night parade of the Mardi Gras fun makers. After which we went to the Tremont Sandwich Shop for dinner. Then back to bed. A happy day.

USS Wyoming

Tuesday, February 13
Grand day. All day. - Slept late this morning and the Jean LaFitte Hotel. Ate breakfast in the café. Wandered down the street and got a little shopping at the Nippon Art Shoppe, etc. finally started homeward by way of Houston where we arrived soon after 12 o'clock. - Mrs. Pierce stopped to see John Henry, but he was out dining with Mrs. Smith. So we went to Mrs. Mayfield's Kitchen and ordered crabs for lunch. While they were being prepared we drove to an apartment where Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Van B. called on Mrs. Sanders. - We arrived in Blessing at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Beard stepped into her car and went to Wharton immediately. - We all had a grand trip.

Galveston Daily News, December 19, 1933


At left
Galveston Daily News
March 28, 1934

Wednesday, February 14
Another grand day. - Did some housework this forenoon. Mrs. Pierce and Hilda were out until after 1 o'clock doing Federal work. - After lunch we sewed a while and then we three went out with Mrs. Pierce. Sat in the car while she talked to Mr. Gallatin. - Tonight the school board is meeting in the dining room. - Lee is attending a Valentine party at the Community House.

Thursday, February 15
Pretty day, but windy.- Did a little repair work for Mrs. Dunn this forenoon and brought home a dress for Ruby which I cut out and have ready to fit tonight. - Mrs. Pierce was out on her work this forenoon and at the Community House this afternoon.- Mr. Farwell came up for Mrs. Farwell this afternoon. She seemed to have stood the journey to Galveston, etc. splendidly. - All going to bed early.

Friday, February 16
Fine day. Like spring. - Ruby and Mrs. Smith came to fit the dress this forenoon. - Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. B. drove to Bay City this forenoon. - Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Corbett called this afternoon. - We three women drove to Bay City tonight to see “Dinner at Eight.” Mrs. Van Bergen guests.

Saturday, February 17
Grand day all day. - Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Van Bergen and I drove to Port Lavaca and were Miss Fulerod’s guests at the Sea Food Café. Being served a fish and crab dinner. - Then we four drove down to Indianola and as far along the beautiful beaches the road extended. Picked up a few shells. - Then drove out to the old and neglected cemetery. We persuaded Miss Fulerod to come back home with us. So I rode in her car. We reached home about dark. A splendid day.

Sunday, February 18
Very rainy, cloudy forenoon. - We intended driving to Sargent this afternoon. Miss Folerod being the guest of honor. But the rain prevented. - Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn came out to 12 o'clock dinner. - Willie was sick all morning. So Mrs. Pierce took the helm in the kitchen and cooked the Borden turkey most excellently. – Then Mrs. Smith was hostess to a theater party in Bay City to see “Little Women.” A sweet play.

Monday, February 19
Cold wind, but the sun shone. – Miss Fulerod left early about 8 this morning. - Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Palacios this forenoon. I went to see Mr. Richards who is very low. - We ate some raw oysters at Mrs. Farwell's before coming home. - Mr. Walker of El Maton ate lunch here today. - Mrs. Smith drove to Victoria today.

Tuesday, February 20
Sunshine. Odeal washed. – Mrs. Martyn called this forenoon. - Finished Ruby’s dress. - After lunch Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Van Bergen, Walter and I went to Tidehaven and planted 200 pansies on the boy's graves. - Mr. and Mrs. Pierce drove down to see Mrs. Smith tonight. She has been sick in bed all day. - Mrs. Dunn drove her new car (Ford) home from Houston today.

Wednesday, February 21
Pretty day. - Spent today with the Farwell family. Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Van Bergen and me sat on the pier in the sun. After dinner stopped to see Mabel Haynes a few minutes. - Learned to do Italian hemstitching from Mrs. Young. - Tired tonight.

Thursday, February 22
Pretty day. - Busy forenoon. Housework and putting laundry away. - Ruby came after lunch and we cut out her dark dress. - Mrs. Smith came up a few minutes. - Mrs. Sides ate lunch here. Then she and Mrs. Pierce spent the afternoon at the Community House. - A card from Palacios saying Mr. Richards had passed away yesterday afternoon.

Friday, February 23
Cold wind. - Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Van Bergen, and Mrs. Matthes drove to Houston today to join a party from Bay City and inspect, admire and criticize a group of pictures on exhibition in Houston. - Ruby came this P.M. to bring some thread. - Mrs. Smith came a few minutes. - I drove Buddy’s car to Palacios this forenoon to see Mrs. Richards, but found the house closed. - Called a moment at the Farwell home. - Sewed on Ruby’s dress and mended, darned stockings tonight.

Saturday, February 24
South wind. Sunshine. - The regular Saturday forenoon work. - Ruby came and fitted her blue crepe dress this afternoon. - Mrs. Smith brought her brother John home from the Loos Hospital this afternoon. - We three women, Mr. Pierce and Lee sat with Mrs. Smith and hour tonight. They played bridge.

Sunday, February 25
Sunshine and cloudy. - Drove Walter out to Live Oak Farm this morning. - Mrs. Smith took Lucy to the Prison Farm to see her husband this forenoon. Sugarland.  - After lunch Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Van Bergen and I drove to Sargent. - A strong north wind was blowing, but a fierce tide was coming in. The waves were dashing high and the entire appearance of the beach was changed by the recent storm which carried huge drift logs far inland.- Cold tonight.

Monday, February 26
Brisk norther. - Just a cold day. - Worked on Ruby's and Mrs. Pierce's dresses this afternoon. - Too cold for Odeal to wash and she is sick. - Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Matthes spent the afternoon in Bay City. - Mrs. Beard came up a couple of hours tonight.

Tuesday, February 27
Not as cold and windy.  - Getting ready for the luncheon tomorrow. - Went down to Mrs. Smith's room this afternoon to fit Ruby’s dress. - Mrs. Smith is sick. - Mrs. Dunn came home from Houston this evening. - My 66th birthday today. - Just nine more years then I shall be 75.

Wednesday, February 28
Rainy all day. - In spite of the rainy day, Mrs. Pierce's guest came for luncheon. Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Robbins of Bay City, Mrs. Borden, Miss Winston, Miss Hough and their two guests from Kansas City, Mrs. Russell and her daughter, Mrs. O’Neal. There were 12 seated at Mrs. Pierce’s pretty table and all enjoyed the delicious luncheon. - Mr. Pierce and Lee were at home and Mr. Pierce seemed to be at his best as an entertainer.


Thursday, March 1
Rainy all day. Hail. Hail. - We were awakened this morning after daybreak by a hail storm. The stock, chickens and birds were quite bewildered as the hailstones came pelting down on them. - The Library meeting was held in Mrs. Pierce's living room this afternoon. - Preparations are underway by the boys for feeding the Field Trials men beginning tomorrow. - Mrs. Smith moved to Live Oak Farm today.

Friday, March 2
Rain. - Finished Ruby’s dress at last and did some work on Mrs. Pierce's white one. Just dragging along. - The Field Trials began today. - The ball team fed 30 men at noon. - Such a rainy time. Water everywhere, but not raining as we go to bed. - Note from Mrs. Farwell. Capt. Coman’s address. Mrs. Pierce wrote him a thank you note.

Saturday, March 3
Much better day. - The Field Trials continue. - Lee is busy. - After lunch Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Van Bergen and I drove out in the sunshine a couple of hours. - There was the usual Sat. men loafers on the streets. Also several girls clad in shirts and trousers wavering about, added to the many cars belonging to the dog fanciers. The Village presented an actually alive appearance. - A dinner was served at the Community House tonight.

Sunday, March 4
Beautiful sunshine. - At home all day. - Mrs. Smith and Walter ate 12 o'clock dinner here today. - Then Allen came and drove Mrs. Smith down to her brother John’s home. - I have been very lazy today. Did not write a letter. Did not take a walk even. The sun shone bright all day. - Mr. Walker of El Maton ate dinner here also then he and Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent.

Monday, March 5
Mostly sunshine. - Last day to feed the Dog visitors. - The baseball (?) boys and many of the women have been working hard (?) Since Friday when the Field Trials began. - Mrs. Pierce has been on the wing all day. Went to the schoolhouse this forenoon. Took a bunch of kids up to El Campo after school.  - Mr. Pierce and Sargent. - Writing column etc. since dinner. - Mrs. Smith called a moment this morning. - Mrs. Van B. cut out her red flowered dress.

Tuesday, March 6
Mrs. Van Bergen and I spent the forenoon hunting some papers for Mrs. Pierce, who spent the afternoon in Bay City at the bank. - Since lunch, I worked some on her white dress. – It is nearing completion finally. – Tonight I put away the first basket of ironed clothes from a two weeks washing. – Mr. Pierce came home from Sargent since lunch. -  Mrs. Smith came up a moment. – Mrs. Pierce is working very late nights on the school books.

Wednesday, March 7 – Father 1899
Very warm day. - Mrs. Van Bergen cut out her red dress today and sewed a little on it. - Mrs. Pierce spent the day in Bay City. - County demonstration work. - I put a voile dress on today. The weather was so warm. - Mrs. Beard came up a couple of hours tonight. Finished putting the laundry away tonight. Two weeks washing.

Thursday, March 8
Norther blew up at five this morning. - Finally have finished Mrs. Pierce's white dress. - She took a little school boy to Palacios this forenoon to have five stitches taken in his cut lip. A school ground accident. - The wind continues to blow from the north as I go to bed at 10:30, but no rain is falling. - For some reason I am tired tonight. The wind I suppose.

Friday, March 9
Much sunshine. Cool. - Mrs. Pierce was on the wing all day. - Mrs. Van B. and I worked on her red dress. - Letter from Mrs. Shaw. - Tonight we three women were Mr. Pierce's guests to see “Counsellor at Law” in Bay City. A good movie. - Lee and his gang are going to the midnight show. - Do not see Mrs. Smith often since she is living out at Live Oak Farm.

Saturday, March 10
Cold, sunshiny day. Windy. - Busy day. - Spent it in Bay City attending the Federated Clubs Powwow. - Mrs. Pierce carried in her car Mrs. Van Bergen, Miss Webb, Miss Grace Walker and me. The Mexican P.T.A. of Bay City served a Mexican dinner. - Mrs. Van Bergen and I spent the forenoon shopping (?). (I bought an 8 cent spool of basting thread.) - After lunch we sat through the afternoon session and then all were served tea and sandwiches at Mrs. Lewis's home where entertainment was furnished. Pleasant day. Thank you Mrs. Pierce.

Sunday, March 11
Sunshine, but cold wind. - This forenoon I went to S. S. 26 members present. - After dinner we drove to Collegeport. Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Van Bergen went in to see Mr. Hurd who is sick. I sat in the car and read. - Paul, Mary Dean, Robert and Madge ate rarebit in the kitchen tonight. - Then we all went to church to hear Rev. Engle preached to a good-sized audience.

Monday,  March 12
Cold south. Sunshine. – Sewed some on Mrs. Van Bergen’s dress. – Cut one out. – Made a sample cushion cover for Mrs. Sides. - Mrs. Pierce busy with school work all day. - Mrs. Smith took Cherri to the Dr. in Houston today.

Tuesday, March 13
Beautiful day. - Mrs. Pierce was on the road until 7:30 tonight. - Mrs. Van B. cut out another dress. We have been sewing. - Tonight we attended the Council meeting at the Community House. Some of the husbands were present as guests. - Mr. Petersen of Danevang was the speaker of the occasion.

Wednesday, March 14
Good day. Norther. - Mrs. Farwell came up this forenoon to spend a few days with us. - Mrs. Van Bergen and I cut out the blue dress today. - Have finished the pink one and Mrs. Van B. has another basted ready to fit. - A school board meeting tonight. - I went to the church to hear Rev. DeGyer of El Campo preached tonight. Communion.

Thursday, March 15
Grand day.  – Sewing this forenoon. - After lunch Mrs. Yeager invited us to drive to El Campo in her new car to see Helen in her new home. - They have a comfortable and modern house.  - Tonight we listen to a radio concert. Mr. Pierce said Mrs. Van B. playing cribbage. Mrs. Pierce sleeping in her chair. Mrs. Farwell and I are pulling threads in plate doilies. Going to bed 9:30.

Friday, March 16
Beautiful day.  – Sewing all forenoon. - After lunch Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Van Bergen, Mrs. Farwell and me drove to Mackay to eat strawberries, cream and cupcakes with Mrs. Borden and a number of her guests. Today has been ideal.

Saturday, March 17  - Shamrocks –
 Very beautiful day, but windy.  - We three women drove Mrs. Farwell home this forenoon and Mrs. Pierce brought home many small palms etc. from Mr. Farwell’s yard.  - This afternoon John Henry and Miss Mary Louise Sanders drove out from Houston.  - We all went to El Campo tonight to see the pictures and drink root beer.  - Mr. Pierce is in Sargent tonight.

Sunday, March 18
Cold wet norther arrived in the night.  - The day was cold and rainy until late afternoon, then the sun came out. - The trip to the Gulf was abandoned.  - John Henry and Mary Louise drove back to El Campo in the afternoon where they met her parents and all returned to Houston.  - Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn came up after lunch.  - The wind has gone down and indications point to frost tonight.

Monday, March 19
Beautiful cold day.  - A white frost and some ice did untold damage to truck gardens and fruit last night. The wind change to the south this afternoon.  - Sewing all day.  - Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Van B. drove out west of town this afternoon to post notices.  - Mrs. Yeager, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Braden and Miss Kittie Cobb called tonight. – Young Matteson came to see me about my piano of this forenoon.

Tuesday, March 20
 Warmer. All sunshine. - Sewing. - Postal card from Mrs. Richards. - The Bordens came a few minutes this afternoon. - Mrs. Lucas came also. - Mrs. Van Bergen and Mrs. Pierce drove out to Live Oak Farm to see Mrs. Smith and they all drove to Tidehaven. - Mr. Pierce spent the day in Victoria.

Wednesday, March 21
Windy. All sunshine. - Mrs. Van Bergen began packing her trunk today. She expects to start for her home Friday. We have made four dresses for her. - She and Mrs. Pierce drove to Bay City since lunch. - Mrs. Duller and Mrs. Braden came this P. M. and I help them dress a small doll. - Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Van B. and I were 6 o'clock dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Farwell tonight. Oysters, guinea fowl, hot rolls and strawberry shortcake.

Thursday, March 22
 Beautiful day. - Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Lee, Mrs. Van Bergen, Mrs. Smith, Allen and Ruby, Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Farwell, Miss Hough, Miss Winston and I were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Borden at a picnic dinner out at beautiful Live Oak Farm today. After lunch had been enjoyed, the three old men drove to Buckeye to see the oil field. Some of the women and Walter played backgammon. - Mrs. Smith ate supper with us tonight. Mrs. Beard and Mr. and Mrs. Selkirk came to bid Mrs. Van B. goodbye tonight.

Friday, March 23 – Mr. Webb 1918 – 16 years
Good day. - Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Van Bergen and Lee drove to Houston this forenoon. Mrs. Van B. leaving for St. Paul this afternoon. - I drove to Palacios this forenoon. Went to the cemetery which is poorly kept. - Called on Mrs. Richards. She is giving up Mrs. Brown's house the 1st of April. - Worked at home until 5:15, then went down to Mrs. Farwell's. Mr. Farwell had been sick Thur. night. Too much banquet and picnic, but he is feeling better tonight. I parked Lee’s car in the Ford garage. Hope it will be safe.

Saturday, March 24
Rain threatened all day. Hot sun. - After a good breakfast, following a restful sleep last night, I again wrestled with the problems in my house until 3:30. Then came to Blessing. - This afternoon Mr. Matteson brought the truck and several men to move my piano to Midfield for Rodell and the girls to practice on. I hope I have done right in trying to help them. - Lee came home from Houston with Mrs. Smith last night. - A telephone message from Mrs. Pierce tonight said she would not be home before Monday. Then we'll bring John Henry if he is able after having his jaw lance today.

Sunday, March 25
Rainy cold day. - I did not go outside the door today. The sun came out a few times this afternoon, but the day has been dreary. - Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent and back this afternoon. - Mrs. Smith has moved back to her rooms in the hotel. - Wrote a note to Margaret today. - Wonder how John Henry is getting along with his lanced jaw. - Lee in Bay City tonight.

Monday, March 26
Beautiful bright cold morning. - Sunshine all day, but a cold north wind. Roaring fire in the fireplace all day. - Phone message from Mrs. Pierce saying she will drive out tomorrow, but John Henry will be under the Dr’s care a few more days. - A card came from Mrs. Van B. mailed at St. Louis. - Have been mending all day. - Wrote a note to Mrs. Van B. this forenoon, also to Mrs. Farwell. - Mr. Pierce calling on Mrs. Smith tonight.

Tuesday, March 27
Beautiful day. Cold wind. - Mr. Pierce went to Sargent today. - William started the furnace this forenoon, but it is warmer tonight. The wind has gone down. - Have been mending today. - Mrs. Smith came up since lunch and I rode out to Live Oak Farm with her. - We stopped at the hotel and I brought up a dress to fix for her to wear to the Barber – Poole marriage ceremony Monday night. - Mrs. Pierce and John Henry came home about 6 o'clock. His neck is better. Was lanced twice. - We went to the hotel to see Mrs. Smith since dinner. - Mr. Pierce came home tonight.

Wednesday, March 28
Wonderful day. South wind. - John Henry's throat is much better. Is healing where it was lance. - Mrs. Pierce out for census all day. - Mrs. Smith came up a moment this P. M. Then she and Ruby came tonight to see about dresses to wear to the wedding. Allen is to be one of the ushers. - Mrs. Pierce is working tonight. Probably an all night job of school census.  - Easter card for Mr. and Mrs. Hall.

Thursday, March 29
Grand day. - Mrs. Smith and John Henry drove to Houston today. His throat is doing well. - After lunch I went with Mrs. Pierce to the south end of the school district. Kane passed the Ressler home as we drove back. – Mrs. Minich phoned that Mrs. Farwell is sick. She is caring for her. - Mrs. Pierce is to get the baby chicks from Mrs. Ressler in three weeks. – Lee is on a picnic out west of town tonight.

Friday, March 30
Grand day. Good Friday. No school. - John Henry and I went with Mrs. Pierce on her school census survey this afternoon. First we drove to Bay City where Mrs. Pierce bought two Easter lilies for the boys in Tidehaven. - There were three beautiful lilies on each stalk and we buried the pots in the ground at the head of the graves. - The pansies are beautiful but need rain. - We all enjoyed the beautiful afternoon. - Lee is spending the day in Houston. Went with the Rhodes boys.

Saturday, March 31
Grand day. - I drove to Palacios this forenoon to see Mrs. Farwell. She is real sick. Mrs. Minich is caring for her. - Mrs. Pierce out on her school work. - This afternoon I planted some petunias and ____ which Mrs. Pierce bought in Bay City. Also potted two begonias from Bay City. - Tonight John Henry and I drove over to the old Tidehaven bridge location with Mrs. Pierce to finish her census taking. - She was out this afternoon. - Mr. Pierce in Sargent. - Lee out rabbit hunting. - Mrs. Van B. sent me a nice pair of gloves, and Easter gift.

Old Tidehaven Bridge


Sunday, April 1 - EASTER
Beautiful day. - Mrs. Pierce and her two boys attended Easter services in Bay City this forenoon. - I washed my hair. Then we were all Mrs. Smith’s 12 o'clock dinner guests at the hotel. - Mr. Pierce in Sargent. - After dinner Mrs. Pierce and I drove down to see Mrs. Farwell who seems better. - At night Mrs. Pierce, John Henry, Walter and I drove over to see “Flying Down to Rio.” Had car trouble coming home.

Monday, April 2
Dreadful wind all day. - Mr. Pierce and John Henry drove to Sargent today. - Mrs. Pierce drove to finish her school census. - John Henry and I went down south of town with her late this afternoon. - I have felt very bum all day. So weak. Guess it is the dreadful wind blowing. - Shortened a pair of trousers for William this P.M. – Rec’d several Easter cards today.

Tuesday, April 3
Windy and cloudy. No rain - Rev. Engle failed to come to Communion. - Mrs. Pierce, John H., Lee, Mrs. Smith and three Negroes worked in the cemetery this afternoon.   - After lunch Mrs. Pierce and Lee did not go out. Mrs. Pierce worked and Lee played. - Ruby came out with Mrs. Smith after lunch. - The cemetery looks very much better and we are all tired tonight. - Mr. Payne ate dinner here tonight, but had to hurry on to a conference.

Wednesday, April 4
Windy all day. - Put the house in order this forenoon. - Mrs. Pierce and John Henry drove to Bay City this forenoon to get shrubbery for the school grounds. It was set out today. - Mrs. Smith drove to Galveston today in Mrs. Pierce's car. - This afternoon I did most of the mending and put laundry away. – Am very no account when the wind blows so hard. Am so tired and weak. - School board meeting tonight.

Thursday, April 5
Fine day. Windy tho. - Mending this forenoon.  - Also wrote a letter to Mrs. Van Bergen. – Lee mowed some of the lawn this afternoon. - Mrs. Pierce busy with school books. - Margaret and Webb's wife came this afternoon and I rode down to Palacios with them. They loaded the things I had for them (Their grandmother Webb) into their car and brought me back to Blessing. - Mr. Love has mowed my lawn. - Mrs. Smith came back from Galveston this evening. Mrs. Pierce took notes from my diary tonight.

Friday, April 6
Ground almost covered by water this morning. Very hard wind and rainstorm came up about midnight. - Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Smith, Mary Dean and Mr. Harter drove to Bay City this morning. Mr. King also. - This afternoon Mrs. Smith came up and I marked the hem in her white dress. - Tonight she was hostess to Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Dunn, Walter, Lee and me to see Greta Garbo in “Christiana.” A most beautiful picture show. John Henry had seen it in Houston so he did not go. - Sky cloudy tonight, but we hope no more rain falls for some time.

Saturday, April 7
 Sunshine this forenoon. Hot. Hard rain this afternoon. - Finished Mrs. Smith’s dress hem and took it to her this P. M. - Mrs. Pierce spent the afternoon in Bay City. A meeting of some kind. She accepted some kind of work connected with the Matagorda Tribune and dishes. - I cut out a pongee dress for myself (by a new pattern) this afternoon. Have it basted up tonight. - More rain tonight and more indicated. - Poor little Ginger's mother died this afternoon. - Mrs. Beard drove Mr. and Mrs. Lucas to Houston. - Mrs. Pierce was reelected as a school trustee today. “Hot time in the old town.”

Sunday, April 8
No rain. - At home all day. - Mrs. Pierce at typewriter all day. - Mr. Pierce in Sargent. - Lee on picnic at Sargent. - John Henry exercising (?) in sunshine. - Mrs. Beard a caller. - Tonight Mrs. Pierce, John H. and I went to hear Rev. Engle preach. - Mrs. Engle came over with him. - Note to Mrs. Stoddard.

Monday, April 9
 Good day. - Worked on my pongee dress and had almost finished tonight. - Mrs. Pierce still working on school work. Board meeting tonight. - The Borden carload came this afternoon bringing Mrs. Borden's brother and wife as their guests. They made a street call only. - Mrs. Smith and Mr. Pierce spent part of the day in Bay City. She came up a few minutes this afternoon. - Mrs. Lucas and Ginger came home from Houston this late morning. - I went down to Mrs. Smith’s to get some work to do for her. A blanket cover for Miss Jane. Walter brought me home.

Tuesday, April 10
Sunshine and clouds. - Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Smith spent the day in Bay City. Case postponed until October. - Mrs. Pierce busy with schoolwork and Christine. - After the general housework was finished I cut out my pongee coat and have it almost finished tonight. - The family and myself were Mrs. Smith guests to see “The Private Life of Henry the VIII” in Bay City. Wonderful picture.

Wednesday, April 11
 Phone call from the Farwell home early this morning by Mrs. Minich. Mrs. Farwell is improving. - Mrs. Pierce of the boys, with Willie's assistance, began work on the duck pond and a shelter for the chicks coming about the 20th. - After the house was in order I darned etc. until after lunch. Didn't finish my pongee coat. - Mrs. Smith came up for a moment and Christine spent the afternoon working on her cushion. - Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent and back this evening.

Thursday, April 12
Strong norther and small amounts of rain came last night early. The norther has continued all day. Quite cold and damp in the house. A fire in the fireplace. - Mrs. Smith and Walter drove to Houston and Galveston today. - Mrs. Smith bought a horse lawn mower in Houston. - Mr. Pierce drove the Sargent. - Mrs. Pierce still agonizing over her census. - Wrote a card to Mrs. Van B. – Cut out and almost made a green cheesecloth dress for myself today.

Friday, April 13
Beautiful day. – Lee took two car loads of Champions to Victoria today. - John Henry, the good scout, worked on chicken groups. - Mrs. Smith brought me material for two slips and a white crepe dress to make for her. - Mrs. Pierce finishing her census. - Tonight she went to the Counsel Oyster Supper at the Community House at about 10 o'clock a phone message came from Mr. Van Bergen. Very poor service but she gathered that Mrs. Van B. is sick. She may be called to St. Paul. Fire in the fireplace tonight.

Frederick Van Bergen

Saturday, April 14
Busy day. Rainy day. - Mrs. Pierce finished the school census and this afternoon she and Mrs. Matthes rode to Bay City to attend a Library meeting. - Tonight a message from Mr. Van Bergen said they all thought she (Mrs. Pierce) had better come. So tonight we were up until midnight getting ready for her to leave tomorrow.

Sunday, April 15 - Mrs. Dunn’s Birthday – 51
Beautiful day. - Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Beard and Mrs. Walker, her sister, drove to Houston this forenoon. Mrs. Pierce starting on her trip to St. Paul by the 2:30 train this afternoon. - Lee went to Sargent on a picnic since lunch. - After I had finished putting the house in order this afternoon I rested. - Mr. Pierce came home early. We three ate dinner in the kitchen. Then Mr. Pierce and John Henry went down to see Mrs. Smith who has been to Galveston and back today. - Mrs. Matthes phoned me that Mrs. Farwell is real sick.

Monday, April 16
Sunshine. Rain. Sunshine. - Missing the mother. - Put the house in order. Wrote to Mrs. Pierce so she will receive a letter the next day after she reaches St. Paul. - Went to town and did a number of errands for Mrs. Pierce. - After lunch John Henry and I drove to Palacios. Jo Beth was not at home so John Henry sketched and painted some of the fish houses.  - Mrs. Farwell is some better today. I sat with her a couple of hours. - Mrs. Young came back Sun., so Mrs. Minich went home. - Mr. Pierce spent the day at Sargent. Wet, wet, wet.

Tuesday, April 17 – My wedding day 46 years ago
Pretty day. - Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent and back since lunch. - Message came from Mr. Hall saying Mrs. Pierce arrived safely. Mrs. Van B. better, but not out of danger. - I spent a couple of hours with Mrs. Smith since lunch. She was in bed. - Phoned to Mrs. Farwell since dinner. - Cut out two slips for Mrs. Smith this afternoon. - John Henry working on chicken coops and mowing lawn. - Lee off with Brownie part of the day. - Medicine show in town. - Mrs. Runnels called (phone) this afternoon.

Wednesday, April 18
Most beautiful day. – House work all forenoon. - A letter from Mrs. Pierce from St. Louis. No wire there for her so we hope Mrs. Van Bergen is better. - Worked on the two slips for Mrs. Smith this afternoon and did some mending. - Tonight I darned stockings. - Mr. Pierce and John Henry visited downtown a while since dinner. - Lee at medicine show etc. - John H. wrote to his mother tonight.

Thursday, April 19
 Grand day all day. - A brisk north wind came up about five o'clock this morning, but soon passed over leaving a beautiful bright morning. - Went to hotel to see Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Dunn brought me home as she was starting up to the Borden house. - Mrs. Smith could not go. She had guests. Mr. and Mrs. Runnells. - After they went home, Mrs. Smith, John Henry and I went to Bay City to get the baby chicks Mrs. Smith is giving us – 120. – Odeal had the four hens ready to receive them and they seemed to be four contented families. – Odeal has another coop full out in the barn. - No letter from Mrs. Pierce.

Friday, April 20
Beautiful day. - So busy with chicks all forenoon. Two dead. Chilled to death. - After lunch Lee and I went to Palacios. Saw Mrs. Farwell a moment. She is not doing well. - Stopped at my house for a trunk to put chick feed in. Then went out to Mrs. Ressler’s for 25 beautiful chicks. - John H. has the coops all in splendid condition. - No news from Mrs. Pierce. - Very tired tonight

Saturday, April 21 - San Jacinto Day
Beautiful day. - Visited the chicks most of the forenoon. They all seem lively.. - After lunch I took some work and sat with Mrs. Smith a couple of hours. She is feeling better. – We rec’d. letters from Mr. Hall and Mrs. Pierce. - Mrs. Van Bergen's trouble is leukemia. The physician is very grave, but the family hopes she may be spared even yet. - John Henry spent the P. M. and evening in Palacios.  - Lee every place. Tho home early tonight

Sunday, April 22
Grand today. - Mr. Pierce went to Lolita and Sargent. - I spent an hour with Mrs. Smith before she and Walter went to Pierce to eat luncheon in the Withers home. - John Henry drove out to the country to sketch. - Lee down at ballpark. – About 4 o'clock Mr. Payne came. He wants John H. to go to work Tuesday. - Confirmation services in Bay City. - Walter came up a few minutes tonight. - Did not do any writing today. - No word from Mrs. Pierce today.

Monday, April 23
Beautiful day. - John Henry was busy all forenoon getting his things together to go to Houston in the morning. - After lunch he went down to visit Joe Beth and spend the evening. - Walter came home from Houston and announced that he had signed up for a trip to the Far East. A six-month voyage. Leaving port the 1st of May. - I sat a few minutes with Mrs. Smith. She is tired after her trip yesterday. - Letter to the boys from their mother. No improvement. - Lee at home tonight.

Tuesday, April 24
Grand day. – Cut out Mrs. Smith's white dress this P.M. Went to see her twice today. - Looked after the chicks. - Mrs. Young phoned. - John Henry and Walter drove to Houston this morning. - Tonight I attended the Amalgamated Meeting at the Community House. Visitors from Palacios in Bay City. Mrs. Brewington of Houston speaker. Miss Carter and her mother. - Mr. Pierce read letter from Mrs. P. No change.

Wednesday, April 25
 A beautiful day. - Just busy. Housework and chickens. - Worked on Mrs. Smith’s dress this P.M. went to see her late this evening. She seems better. - Lee at home tonight. - Mr. Pierce went to visit Mrs. Smith since dinner. - Letter from Mrs. Pierce. Mrs. Van B. some better.

Thursday, April 26
 Grand day. - Five little chicks dead and a couple a ailing. - Mrs. Smith better. - Mrs. Van B. better, too. - Wrote to Mrs. Pierce and John Henry. Think he gave us the wrong street, so he may not receive my letter. - Mr. Pierce spent the day and Sargent. - Lee on a picnic in Palacios tonight. - I saw Mrs. Smith twice today. - Willie and I brought nine little ducks home just about sundown. - Worked on Mrs. Smith’s dress this P.M.

Friday, April 27
 A beautiful day. - Walter left Blessing for Houston this morning. Mrs. Walker drove him over. He soon sets sail on the briny deep. - Mrs. Smith seems better, but her heart is very bad. Her appetite is better, tho. - A norther blew down upon us tonight and this afternoon a gentle shower fell. Good for the gardens but not for the wet farms. - No letter from Mrs. Pierce. I did not write today, either. The chickens take up so much time. - And I am trying to finish the slips and fot the dress before Mrs. Smith goes to the hospital. She had callers from Mackay and Bay City today.

Saturday, April 28
Grand day. – Housework. This forenoon I went to see Mrs. Smith. Fitted her white dress and am to make others smaller. – Three Kuykendalls came to see her this P.M. They will spend the night and perhaps longer. - Mrs. Smith sent Ruby and I over to Bay City this P.M. for twist and buttons which we could not get. - Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent and back. - The election was hot. - Mrs. Smith and I voted this forenoon.

Sunday, April 29
Real cool today. – Allen drove his mother to Galveston today. Saw Walter. They load cotton tomorrow and leave port. - Busy all forenoon. - Rested some this afternoon. - Mr. Pierce ate lunch with Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Dunn and the guests. Then he and the guests drove to Sargent. - Lee went to Matagorda with the baseball team this afternoon and to Palacios tonight. - Letter from Mrs. Pierce this P. M.  - Have lost a dozen or more little chicks. - Went to see Mrs. Smith late this evening. She seems some better. - Wrote to Mrs. Pierce tonight. - Invitation from Mrs. Beard to go to a picture show.

Monday, April 30
Good day. - Sent a long letter to Mrs. Pierce today. - Fixed two dresses for Mrs. Smith and have the white one ready to fit again. - Lee mowed this afternoon. – Odeal washed and did part of the ironing. - Chicks not dying so fast. Lost about 14 I think. – Wm. worked in the garden this P.M. - Tonight a telephone message came to Mr. Pierce that Mr. Ben Cash had been seriously hurt in an auto crash. The man driving the other car was killed. He and Mrs. Dunn have gone to Bay City. - Bank robbery up the road. - Lee on a picnic. Mrs. Braden and Mrs. Matthes.


Tuesday, May 1
Mrs. Dunn left early this morning. Driving to Butler, Penn. - Mr. Cash not badly hurt.  - Letter from John Henry. - Mr. Pierce in Sargent. - Lee with Brownie. Dipping for tick fever. - I spent most of the day in Mrs. Smith’s rooms working on her white dress. Have fitted it the last time now. She is painfully weak. Heart running away. Nauseated when she sits or stands up. She went out to Ruby’s to eat waffles—sick - No letter from Mrs. Pierce to me. - Mrs. Van B. better.

Wednesday, May 2
Windy day. - Rev. Engle called on Mrs. Smith this P.M. - Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Smith drove to Victoria this P.M. Mrs. Smith feeling that she must go. She stood it very well. They stopped in Port Lavaca for dinner coming home. - Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Margaret drove down this P.M. - Mrs. Taylor is to drive to Galveston with Mrs. Smith. Margaret to return home in the morning. - Mrs. Van Bergen has been taken home from the hospital.

Thursday, May 3
Beautiful day. - Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Taylor tookoffl for Galveston this forenoon. Mrs. Smith seemed to be holding up very well. Perhaps it was the excitement of going and on such a dangerous mission. Then she had to leave Cherri behind. – I rec’d a long letter from Mrs. Pierce which I answered this P.M. - after dinner Mr. Pierce and I drove down to see Mr. and Mrs. Farwell. She seems a little better. Is sitting up, but very shaky on her feet.

Friday, May 4
Nice day. - Felt very bum all day. Not off the place. - No letter from Mrs. Pierce. - Worked on the satin spread. - Lee worked at the Y. - Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent. - Going to bed early. – Carnival at Community House. Lee present.

Saturday, May 5
Pretty day. - Need rain for garden. - Just a day. - Worked on the satin bedspread. - Mr. Pierce did not go to Sargent. - Mr. Farwell brought him an Easter lily spray to take to Mrs. Smith tomorrow. - Felt rather bum again today. Not hungry. - Put the lilies in a florists box and a rose or two. - Willie sent her a piece of his angel food cake. - All wrapped ready to go in the morning.

Sunday, May 6
A good rain missed us and we are badly in need of it. - After lunch I attempted to go to Palacios in Mrs. Pierce's car. About halfway down the highway the engine stopped twice. So a man turned the car around for me and I came back. Guess the gas line must be stopped up. - Lee drove his father to Bay City at 4 o'clock. From there he went by train to Galveston. Mrs. Smith is not eating any more, but her heart is being treated. - One of the ducks hung himself while I was away.

Monday, May 7
 Beautiful day. – My sewing was on the satin cover. - Did not write today. - Did not hear from Mrs. Pierce. - Telephone out of order so wrote a note to Mrs. Farwell.

Tuesday, May 8
 Fine day. - Working on bedspreads. - Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent. - Went to Wachta’s and brought home 10 little ducks and their mother tonight.

Wednesday, May 9
 A gentle, but too small rain fell this afternoon. - Just the usual round of doing today. - Drove to the store before lunch. - Walked to P. O. since. - A letter from Mrs. Farwell. Mrs. Young gone to Thomaston to bury an uncle. - Letter from Mrs. Pierce. - Wrote and mailed one this P.M. did another since dinner to mail tomorrow. - Called meeting at Presbyterian Church tonight.

Thursday, May 10
Cloudy. Showery. - Just a busy day. - Wrote to Mrs. Pierce and John Henry. - Tonight Mr. Pierce was host to a theater party-- Mr. and Mrs. Selkirk, Paul, Mary Dean, and myself, to see Norma Shearer in Riptide, When a Woman Loves. A grand performance. - Real hard rain fell in Bay City. - Mr. King to move this drugstore from Blessing.

Friday, May 11
Cloudy. Showers. Sunshine. - Mr. Pierce drove to Galveston today. - Lee working on highway west of town. - Willie and garden all day. – Odeal housework etc. – Ira mowing the lawn etc. - Worked on the bedspreads. - Letter from Mrs. Pierce. Mrs. Van B. spent a while downstairs today she wrote. - Mrs. Pierce taking treatment. - Peas from the garden.

Saturday, May 12 – Father’s Birthday – 1843
Some showers today. - Lee on road work. - Mr. Pierce did not go to Sargent today. - Helped Grace Walker cut out a pattern for a day suit since lunch. - Note from Mrs. Smith. - Mrs. Marion passed thru Blessing on our way to Victoria today. - After dinner Mr. Pierce and I drove down to see Mrs. Farwell. She had a bad attack Thursday. Chills. - Is some better again, but is in a very serious condition. They gave us some Easter lilies.

Sunday, May 13 – Mother’s Day – Four weeks since Mrs. Pierce left.
Pretty day. - At home all day—lazy. - Rev. Ingle preached tonight. Very small congregation. - Did not write a word to anyone today. - Card from Mrs. Massenburg. - Are enjoying the Easter lilies. - This has been a very beautiful Mother's Day. - Mr. Pierce did not go to Sargent.

Monday, May 14
Good wash day. - Busy all forenoon. - Wrote to Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and a note to Mrs. Farwell. - After lunch sewed a little. - Mrs. Beard came for an hour. - Then I drove to Palacios to see Mrs. Farwell who is some better. - Had a private conversation with the nurse who is very uneasy about her patient.

Tuesday, May 15
 North wind. Strong. Very strong north wind until the sun went down. - Finished the other bed cover this afternoon. So thankful they are ready in time. - After dinner Mr. Pierce and I drove down to see Mrs. Farwell and take Buddy's wheelchair to her. She looks much better tonight and was so pleased to have the chair. - We came home early. – Lee rec’d a letter from his mother today.

Wednesday, May 16
Norther continues. – Mr. King moved to Vanderbilt today. – Wm. worked in the garden about all day. Odeal washed blankets and aired the clothes from Mrs. Pierce's closet. - No letter from St. Paul today. They must be improving. - Worked on Mrs. Smith’s skirt a little. - Put the washing away and mending. - Went to P. O. - Mr. Pierce drove to Vanderbilt this P. M. - Exciting day.

Thursday, May 17
Chicks four weeks old today. - Pretty day. - A telegram from Mrs. Taylor saying Mrs. Smith would be operated on in the morning caused Mr. Pierce to rush to Sargent and back and then pack his grip and catch the 5:30 train out of here. Going to Galveston to be there when Mrs. Smith went to the operating room.

Friday, May 18
Pretty day. North wind all forenoon. - Mrs. Smith’s goiter was operated on at 9 o'clock this A. M. A telegram came from Mr. Pierce. The condition of the patient was satisfactory at that time. - After lunch I drove down to tell Mrs. Farwell. She was sitting in the wheelchair and had been out on the porch. - The school exercises were held tonight.

Saturday, May 19
North wind all forenoon. - General housework all forenoon. - Mr. Pierce came home by train this afternoon. Mrs. Smith as comfortable as could be expected. Full of opiates. Heart strong. - Letter from Mrs. Pierce. She may come home by the 1st of June.

Sunday, May 20
Beautiful day, but it's so dry. - Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. - Lee to New Gulf since lunch. Ballgame. - I wrote to Mrs. Pierce. - Mr. Pierce and I drove to Palacios tonight. Mrs. Farwell was in the chair. Seems much better, but weak. - Mrs.Young out joy riding with Guy Perry.

Monday, May 21
Fine wash day. - Wrote to Sunset home. - Mr. Pierce received a telegram from Mrs. Taylor saying, “Better, can talk Wednesday.” He went to Galveston by train at 5:30 this P.M. Will no doubt stay over until Wed. - Call from Mrs. Borden. She is sick. I wrote her this P.M. - Lee and five others have gone to Houston to see at night ballgame. - Alone in my glory.

Tuesday, May 22
 A hot day. North wind. - Mr. Pierce came home from Galveston this afternoon. Found Mrs. Smith improving rapidly. - Did darning and mending. – Stamped a pink baby dress to smock for Mrs. Selkirk. - No letter from Mrs. Pierce today.

Wednesday, May 23
 Mr. Pierce drove to Houston today and then to Sargent. He was very tired when he finally drove into his garage. - Have been working on the pink dress for the Selkirk baby. It is quite pretty. - This has been a terribly hot day. No wind and a scorching sun. - Letter from Mrs. Pierce.

Thursday, May 24
Surprised by a gentle shower late this afternoon. Not enough tho. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell and Mrs. Young drove up to the house on their way home from Bay City this forenoon. - Quite a trip for the sick lady. - Finished the pink dress and took it to Mrs. Selkirk this evening. She seemed pleased with the work. – Brownie Rhodes was bitten by a rattlesnake like this evening. They took him to Wagner. Resting comfortably Lee said. - Mrs. Y. started the pickles this forenoon.

Friday, May 25
Cooler this morning after the rain. - Not quite so hot all day, but no more rain. - Sent  Mrs. Pierce’s hatbox to Mr. Pierce’s office by Lee, but he took it to the P.O. so it will not leave town today. - Wrote a letter and sent her the hatbox key. - John Henry came tonight. Went to Palacios at once. - Lee at home tonight. - Mrs. Beard came up a few minutes tonight. - Sent a note to Mrs. Farwell expressing my fear to have her stay here while Mr. Young is a way.

Saturday, May 26
Pretty day. - Just Saturday with John Henry at home. He thinks the ducks and chicks fine. Made a watercolor sketch of some of them. - Note from Mrs. Farwell. Don't think she will spend Ethel’s vacation with us. - Mr. Pierce went to Galveston by train at 5:30 this P.M. - No letter from Mrs. Pierce. - Lee had a date tonight, so John Henry kindly treated me to the picture in Bay City. A comedy. I was glad to have a good laugh. Thank you J. H.

Sunday, May 27
Beautiful day. - The boys slept late. Then Lee went to Ganado with the ball team before dinner. Willie served John Henry and I an excellent dinner. Then John H. went to Palacios on a date. Came home early tho as his gal had another date for tonight. - Mr. Pierce came home on the 3 o'clock train. Found Mrs. Smith improving, tho in bed most of the time. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove up for an hour after four o'clock. She is very weak. - Literature from Sunset Home today.

Monday, May 28
A pretty day. Hot. - John Henry went back to Houston by bus this morning. - Lee and Paul Wheeler grubbing senna weeds for Mr. Pierce. - Worked on Mrs. Smith’s  faggotting some this P.M. - Mr. Mayfield ate lunch with Mr. Pierce today. - Then Mr. Pierce drove to Bay City. He received a letter from Mrs. Pierce. Mrs. Van B. not so well all the time.

Tuesday, May 29
Hot and windy. - Mrs. Smith telegraphed me about 11:30 this forenoon to send her pink wrapper immediately. So Mrs. Walker helped me find it and Mr. Pierce mailed it on the 5:30 P.M. train. - Have been working on the faggotting in her white dress today.

Wednesday, May 30
Hot. South wind. - Just another day. - Letter from Mrs. Pierce. All reasonably well. She and her sister are out at the Lake. - Mrs. Sides called a moment this P.M. she has been sick.

Thursday, May 31
Hot day. - Pressed the satin bedspreads and Mr. Pierce mailed them to Mrs. Heffelfinger this afternoon. - Mrs. Smith’s dress is almost finished for which I am so glad. She will be, too. The faggoting has been slow. - Mr. Pierce drove to Palacios this forenoon. Called at the Farwell home. Mrs. Minich is in charge.


Friday, June 1
Plenty hot. - School closed today and the teachers hurried home or to summer school. - Mr. Pierce received a letter from Mrs. Smith saying she was coming home soon. Perhaps next week. – Miss Webb called this P. M.. to phone and to return some books. - Helen came this forenoon on an errand. - Lee attending a lawn dinner at Shorty Williams. A class of affair.

Saturday, June 2
Not as hot. Fine south breeze. - Just a Saturday. - Some clouds hovered in the sky, but no rain came from them. - Pressed Mrs. Smith’s dress this forenoon and packet ready to mail. - Mr. Pierce went to Galveston on the 5:30 train this P.M. - Took an angel food cake to Mrs. Smith. - Washed my hair this P. M. – Recd a letter from Mrs. Pierce. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove up late this evening. - Mary Dean borrowed the chairs and table (Bridge).

Sunday, June 3
Very hot, but a good breeze. - Busy all forenoon. - Rested all afternoon. - Heard a radio sermon by M. M. Wolf in the afternoon. - Lee with the ball team playing on the diamond here. - Mr. Pierce came from Galveston on the 3 o'clock train. Reports Mrs. Smith much better. Expects to come home Wed. - We drove down to see the Farwells after we ate some lunch tonight. They seemed OK. Mrs. Minich also.

Monday, June 4
Grand rain, but not enough. - A fine shower felt this forenoon, but plenty of sunshine to dry the washing. – Stamped the other Selkirk baby dress this afternoon and did mending. - No letter from Mrs. Pierce. I wrote to her and to Sunset Home. - Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent and back this P.M. – He and Mr. Walker are in El Campo to see the Barrow pictures tonight. - Lee is making ice cream at Gracie's house. – Set two hens tonight.

Tuesday, June 5
Hot. - Mrs. Selkirk called to tell me that the baby dress gave satisfaction. - Have been working on the green one today. - Sent Mrs. Smith’s white dress to her room today. She may come home tomorrow. - Mr. Pierce went to Sargent this afternoon to a barbecue. - Lee out. - Going to bed 10 o'clock. - This old Joe. - No letter from the mother today.

Wednesday, June 6
Hot sun, but good south breeze. - A telegram from Mrs. Smith says she will not be here until later in the week. - Finished the green baby dress this afternoon. - So glad all of my particular sewing for other people is finished.

Thursday, June 7
Beautiful, hot day. - Sent the little smocked dress to Mrs. Selkirk by Willie this forenoon. - Sorting stockings today. – Odeal thoroughly cleaned the sleeping porch today. - Sunned the mattresses etc. - Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Taylor drove in this afternoon. I went down to see them. Mrs. Smith looks better than when she went away. She is very tired tho. - Letter from John Henry says he will be home Sat. for an indefinite time. - Wrote to Mrs. Pierce.

Friday, June 8
 A hot day. - A busy day. - Went down to see Mrs. Smith this forenoon. She is doing anything but resting mentally. Fretting over her brother's family. - Ruby drove Mrs. Taylor almost home today and Mrs. Smith’s car. - Mr. Pierce received a letter from Mrs. Pierce. Guess they are all about the same. No mention of anyone. - After dinner Lee was off with his gang. - Mr. Pierce and I walked down to see Mrs. Smith, but she had retired so we went to Yeagers. - Wrote to Mrs. Pierce.

Saturday, June 9
 A hot day. - Just Saturday. - A busy forenoon. - After lunch I went down to Mrs. Smith’s rooms. She seems much better. More rested. I spent the afternoon with her. Helped her change the pad on her throat which is entirely healed and soaled some of the sticking plaster off of her neck. - After dinner she and Mr. Pierce drove to Palacios for an outing. - John Henry came home on the bus about eight o'clock. After he had eaten his dinner, we walked down to see Mrs. Smith, but she'd gone to bed. – J. H. not real well.

Sunday, June 10
 Very warm. - Mrs. Smith ate 12 o'clock dinner with us today. - She seems to be feeling reasonably well. - Mr. and Mrs. Borden came over this afternoon. They are both real lame. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove up for a while this P. M. - Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and John Henry drove out to Tidehaven about sundown. - Went to hear Rev. Engle tonight. - A letter from Mrs. Pierce today is not very encouraging as to Mrs. Van B's condition.

Mrs. Mary Borden in her later years

Monday, June 11
 Just a hot day. - Mr. Pierce drove down to Sargent. - Lee cuts seeny bushes. - John Henry was ready to drive his Aunt Pearl to Bay City, but Billy had an errand over there, so she rode with him. – The Dr. took the gauze off of her throat - Did darning and mending today. - Wrote to Mrs. Pierce this P. M. - Good school bond and news. - Storm in the Gulf. Awful sultry.

Tuesday, June 12
Plenty hot and dry. - Sent for pattern. - Mrs. Farwell spent the day with us. She was quiet all day and seemed all right when Mr. Farwell took her home. - Tonight Mr. Pierce and I took the tickets giving a chance on the Plymouth car to Bay City. Could not gain entrance at either theater, so we left the tickets at the door for Rev. Engle who we saw there and came home. - Mr. and Mrs. Selkirk called on Mrs. Smith last night. Also came up here about 10 o'clock. Mr. Pierce had retired. - John Henry visited Joe Beth this P.M. - They are all moving away.

Wednesday, June 13
A snake ate one of the goldfish last night. - Such a hot day. - The boys spent the afternoon with the Robinson girls. The family are all leaving for Alvarado tomorrow. - Did mending all afternoon. - No letter from Mrs. Pierce. - Tonight Mr. Pierce, John H. and I went down to see Mrs. Smith. She seems much better and is enjoying her food.

Thursday, June 14
The very hottest, I think. North wind all forenoon. - Today we moved the furniture from the north to the south room, so I will sleep in the south room. Too hot. - Mr. Pierce is having a shower bath built in the laundry for Odeal and Willie. - Also has a gas water heater in the laundry. - Lee and his crowd went to Houston today to see a ballgame. - John Henry went to Bay City this morning and got some medicine for diarrhea. Bowels out of fix from “hotdogs.” - Mrs. Smith drove up (her first driving since her operation) late this evening to see the chicks and ducks.

Friday, June 15
North wind this morning. Such a hot day. - I went down to Mrs. Smith’s this forenoon. Brought home dimity material and a pattern. Cut the dress out this P.M. – Rec’d goods from Mrs. Pierce for gowns. - Sent money to her for them this P.M. $2.20. - John Henry and I drove out to the new bridge west of town about 5 o'clock. Fine bridge. - Mrs. Smith came up as we were eating dinner. John H. drove her home.

Saturday, June 16
Strong North wind this A. M. Perhaps the Gulf storm may have something to do with it. - The day has been intensely hot. – Basted Mrs. Smith’s dress this afternoon. Have it almost ready to fit. - She and I went to Palacios since dinner. I drove her beautiful Ford. - Don't suppose it ever traveled so slowly before. - We went to see Miss Nannie Pybus. She was at her sister's home, Mrs. Lothridge, who is badly crippled from arthritis. - Mr. Pierce went to Sargent.

Sunday, June 17
A very hot day. – The Gulf storm came in on the La. coast. - Loss of life and property damage. - After lunch Mrs. Smith was hostess to Allen, Ruby and I to see “The House of Rothschilds”  at Bay City. A very beautiful picture. - Mr. Pierce, John Henry, Miss Esther,, Paul and Mary Dean drove to Port Lavaca at five o'clock for a fish etc. dinner. Mr. Pierce host. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up a few minutes just before sundown. I rode down to the hotel with them to see how Mrs. Smith had stood the trip. - Did not write a letter today.

Monday, June 18
Hot, but more breeze. - Went down to the hotel to see about Mrs. Smith’s sewing this forenoon. - Ripped and made ready for fitting several white dresses. The dimity I cut out fits well. - Sewed very hard all afternoon. - Mrs. Smith came up about dinnertime. John Henry drove her home. - Mr. Pierce was host to Mrs. Yeager, Paul, Mary Dean and Lee to see “The House of Rothschilds” in Bay City tonight.

Tuesday, June 19 – Mr. Webb’s Birthday – 1857
Juneteenth. - Mrs. Smith spent an hour or more with me this forenoon. - Letter from Mrs. Pierce. - Put a little lunch on the table at noon and at night. Willie and Odeal being off. - Sewed after 3 o'clock on Mrs. Smith’s dresses. Did not accomplish much.- After supper, she and I went for a drive down the Palacios Road. Coming back, I finished the last few miles. Ran off the bridge at Billie’s Corner. Bruised Mrs. Smith and hurt my neck? Thankful no worse.

Wednesday, June 20
Good breeze all day. - After the chickens and ducks were cared for, sewing began. - Mrs. Smith came up this forenoon. Does not seem so much bruised from the accident as I feared. Am so thankful. She tried on some dresses and went back home. I sewed quite faithfully all afternoon. - Mr. Pierce went to Sargent for the day and night. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove up a few minutes late this evening. She has a colored maid part of the day. The breeze has been so refreshing today. No rain

Thursday, June 21
Good breeze all day. - John H. and Willie took the cows and calf to be dipped this forenoon. - Have been sewing all day. - Mrs. Smith and Ruby came out this evening. Mrs. Smith did some fitting. She is feeling some better, but has plenty of sore spots from the car accident. Me, too. -  Mr. Pierce's spending the evening with her.

Blessing Dipping Vat

Friday, June 22
Good breeze all day. - Selling hard all day after 10 o'clock. - Mrs. Smith’s dresses are gradually being finished. - After dinner, she drove up and took John Henry and I to Palacios for an airing. – Billie put her car in order again. Repaired the damage I did to it (never again). - As we were getting into the car Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove up. She was tired. - A letter from Mrs. Pierce today. Plans unsettled.

Saturday, June 23
Good breeze all day. - Mrs. Smith and Mr. Pierce drove to Houston today. Both were tired when they reached home about six o'clock tonight. - I went down to Mrs. Smith’s room since dinner to look at material and garments from Mrs. Gould’s. Very beautiful things. Mrs. S. is keeping a Pullman robe. - Sewed steadily all afternoon. - So tired. - Glad for the fine breeze to sleep in tonight.

Sunday, June 24
South breeze. - A lazy day for me. - Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. - The boys and myself ate Willie's good 12 o'clock dinner. - Lee had a ballgame after dinner. - I wrote five letters. - Mrs. Smith came up and took John Henry and me for a long drive late in the evening. - Have not been to S. D. Since Mrs. Pierce went away 10 weeks ago today. - Tired from letter writing.

Monday, June 25
2 hens due to hatch. - Good South breeze. – Sewing all day. - Mrs. Smith came up and did ripping and putting in hems. - After dinner she took John Henry and me for a drive. - Letters from Mrs. Pierce today. Condition unchanged. - Mr. Pierce and Lee drove to Victoria this afternoon. – Hens hatching.

Tuesday, June 26
Good breeze. – Sewing. - Mrs. Smith took John H. and I for a drive after dinner. We get real tired before the hot day is over. - Ruby sat with us this forenoon a while. - They went to the Bordens. - Did not take us driving.

Wednesday, June 27
Good breeze. - Just sewing. - Mr. Withers sat with us for an hour. He took lunch with Mrs. Smith.  - We sewed all day. - Mrs. Smith drove to her brother John's this P.M. - Then after dinner took J. H. and me to Palacios. - Peaches from Mrs. Love.

Thursday, June 28
Sent $1.25 to Mrs. Love. - See by the paper that the Central Power and Light Co. will pay a small dividend in August.  - Sewing very hard. - Mrs. Smith came up this forenoon. - Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent today. - Extremely hot weather.

Friday, June 29
Grand gentle rain, but not enough. - $46.75 - Went down to take Mrs. Smith’s white chiffon dinner dress to her. She was almost packed to leave. Mr. Pierce expected to go to Galveston with her, but business detained him, so she drove alone. Going about 10 o'clock. - Mr. Pierce talked to her, so she made the trip all right. - Ruby and Allen will drive down tomorrow and take Cherri. - Tomorrow she and the doctor will do the first lap of the journey. - I have been working on some drawers we did not finish. - Mrs. Farwell called about 2 o'clock. - Mr. Pierce and J. H. drove to Bay City since dinner.

Saturday, June 30
Fine day. Not so hot. - Just Saturday. – Granville cleaned the porch today. The rain this forenoon drove him in from the yard mowing. - Mr. Pierce went to Victoria this P.M. - No letter from Mrs. Pierce. - Waiting for buttons from Mrs. Smith’s panties. - Glad there is no pressing sewing on hand now.- Two young goldfish in the pool. A dead chick in the yard. - Dust settled for a few hours by the showers.



Movie posters and USS Wyoming photo courtesy of Wikipedia

Background courtesy of lorij576
Movie posters courtesy of Wikipedia

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All rights reserved

May 25, 2015
May 25, 2015