Nellie Tilson Webb

1929 Diary

January - June

Nellie's Biography

1929   1930   1931   1932   1933
1934   1935   1936   1937    1938

Courtesy of
Palacios Area Historical Association
City By the Sea Museum



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United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company

A. B. Pierce & Co.

Blessing, Texas



Tuesday, January 1 – Palacios
The Christmas Season has come to an end. I spent from Friday before the 25th until Friday after the 25th in the Pierce home. Abel Jr. brought me home in the P.M. Friends remembered me kindly by cards and gifts. My heart is full of gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Pierce for their friendly interest in me (helping me over my first Christmas since I am entirely alone). - Good Deacon Brown passed away Monday morning and was laid to rest Tues. in the Palacios Cemetery. Rev. Edgar, Rev. Gillespie and Rev. Clark conducted the service in the Tabernacle Tuesday 10:30. – Mrs. Foster came in and went to the service with me. Then took me to her home. When Mr. Foster came she served a nice turkey dinner. Later they brought me home. They are truly kind friends to me – Today has been quite cold and a strong wind has blown from the north all day. - Mrs. Houghton is quite sick. – The Shaws moved to Galveston the week before Christmas.

Mr. Pierce
Abel Brown Pierce, Sr.

Mrs. Pierce
Adelaide Hall Pierce

Wednesday, January 2
Real cool this morning. Thin ice formed on shallow water in the shade. Sunshine all day and warmer tonight. – Have been sewing for Mrs. Barton today.  – Mrs. Foster brought me some turkey dinner this forenoon. – Beatrice spent the afternoon with me. – Am not attending Prayer Meeting tonight. Very tired.

Thursday, January 3
Am at the Farwell home tonight. Came down to see about sewing and found Mrs. F. sick. (Flu) – Rainy weather. Thunder and lightning. – Telephone message this P.M. from Mr. Pierce. Mrs. Pierce sick with Flu and Mrs. Smith going to Houston to start the boys on their way back to school.

Pearl Pierce Smith

Owner of Live Oak Farm

Sister of Abel Brown Pierce, Jr.

Friday, January 4
At the Farwell home. A rainy day. Storm signals up for storm and cooler weather. – Tonight a terrible storm came up from the south. Wind and rain. Almost a cyclone. Hail, thunder and lightning. The rain was driven into the house and for a short time it seemed as tho the side of the house might be blown in. – A telegram from Mr. Neil Farwell this morning announced the arrival of Mrs. Neil and Sara in Palacios Sunday P.M. – Mrs. Farwell some better but in bed yet. - I went up home about 2 o’clock. The children had cut the water off as freezing weather was predicted. A cold rain was falling then but the wind was in the South.

Mrs. Estelle Farwell

Mr. Herbert B. Farwell
Mr. Farwell's family and Adelaide Hall Pierce's family were neighbors in St. Paul, Minnesota before moving to Matagorda County.

Saturday, January 5
Mr. F. and I did some house cleaning today preparatory for the guests. Mrs. F. is better. – The storm was very severe. Blew some windows in, some chimneys down, and some telephone poles. – Caused several deaths in or around Bay City.

Palacios Beacon, January 10, 1929

Sunday, January 6
The guests arrived by train. Mr. Burke brought them up in his car. Mrs. Farwell is up. – Smoky Nellie came and cooked for them today. Mrs. Helander is coming tomorrow. – This has been a beautiful day but real cool. The wind having changed to the north immediately following the storm. – Will stay here tonight.

Monday, January 7
Came home this forenoon. Mrs. Helander is looking after the Farwells. Sara is sick. – Beatrice, Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Barton were here this P.M. – I did some good house cleaning this forenoon. The storm brought much sand and shell dust into the house. Mrs. B. brought me some groceries, dish pan, percolator, etc. – Am glad to be home. “Be it ever so humble there’s no place like home.” – I have some true and tried friends. Mrs. Foster came back tonight and sat awhile waiting for the Local which was late. Came soon after she started home. – Mrs. Houghton continues sick. Very weak.

Tuesday, January 8
Have been sewing for Mrs. Barton today. – Much flu in town. Beatrice in bed today. - Mrs. Foster came a couple of times today. Mrs. Barton fitted her blue dress this P.M. – Did not hear from Sara F. today. – A letter from Mrs. Pierce. S.O.S. call for help. Her parents are due in Blessing Sat. night.- Letter from Mrs. Stoddard. – Call from Miss Mitchell this P.M. – Mrs. Houghton still very sick and weak. – The weather moderately cold. Much cloudy day.

Wednesday, January 9
Still sewing for Mrs. Barton. – Very pretty day. Streets muddy. – Mrs. Foster came by this P.M. and drove me to the P.O. – Beatrice sick yet. Paid all of my Taxes this forenoon. – Many cases of Flu. Some light, others severe. – Tabernacle not lighted for Prayer Meeting tonight. Maybe on account of so much sickness.

Thursday, January 10
Tired tonight. – Finished Mrs. Barton’s dress. – Washed some. -  Visited the sick. – The Fosters came, helped wash, ate dinner, etc. – Mrs. Farwell in bed again. – Beatrice in bed. – Mrs. H. better. – Cool today – Will go to Blessing in the morning nothing preventing. – Going to bed tired. – So thankful for my good bed. – Many, many sick with Flu.

Friday, January 11
Came up to Blessing on the Local this morning. – Seven o’clock comes pretty early in the morning now. – Mrs. Pierce went to Houston this P. M. to meet her Parents. – My errand here is to cover comforts. Worked real hard today. – Listened to a radio Concert tonight. – Am sleeping in the nursery. – Real cool tonight. Air feels frosty.

Abel Brown Pierce, Sr. home - Blessing

Saturday, January 12
Busy day. – Finished three comforts. – Mrs. Smith busy in the kitchen all day. – Mr. Pierce went to Houston this P. M. also to meet Mr. and Mrs. Hall. – Mrs. Smith and I ate dinner at the Hotel tonight. – Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Baird came home with us and we enjoyed the Radio until train time 11:45 when Willie took them home and brought the Family from the train. – Mr. and Mrs. Hall look well, but are tired from travel.

Sunday, January 13
A lovely day. – Ate a bountiful dinner. Then we all came to Palacios. Glad to be home. Beatrice is up. Mrs. Houghton real sick. – Mr. and Mrs. Foster called this P. M. – Mrs. Farwell up but not well. No light at Tabernacle tonight. – Much sickness yet. – I have written several letters tonight.

Monday, January 14
Tired tonight. Too tired to write letters. Spent the day at the Farwell home sewing for Mrs. Neal [Farwell]. My work went along fine—altering dresses for her to wear in Panama. – Mrs. Helander is with them. – This has been such a lovely day, but I have fire in the heating stove tonight. – The roses are blooming beautifully.

Neal Farwell

Tuesday, January 15
Heavy fog all forenoon.  Rain began falling this afternoon and continues tonight. – Sara was indisposed this morning so did not go to school. – Am getting along very well with Mrs. Neal’s sewing. – This is a dreary night. – Bea and Wiley are not at home, perhaps they feared a storm and are spending the night with the parents. – I am missing the Post Dispatch. – The weather moderated so much today that I did not have fire tonight tho the wind was from the northeast when I came home.

Wednesday, January 16
Such a dreary day. A ray of sunshine once in a while this forenoon, but a misty rain all afternoon and tonight. Read through the mail tonight as I came from work. - $75.00 which pays in full the $300.00 loan made by mother. – Dec 6th 1927 – To Rev. Herbert Haywood. – Mrs. Harwell was buried this P. M. Poor little Ellanor?

Thursday, January 17
A busy day. Went to the Farwell home this morning and finished the sewing for Mrs. Neal. She started on her trip to Panama by the 1:10 train. Sara went as far as Blessing with her. – After lunch I came home and did quite a washing. – Mrs. Foster came this P.M. She was almost sick with neuralgia in her head and face. – This was a pretty afternoon. Some sunshine and some fog. Tonight the sky is clear. – Still much flu in town.

Friday, January 18
A better day than yesterday. – Finally succeeded in getting the washing all day and did the ironing tonight. Mr. Houghton repaired the wire cloth on the cottage back porch (which the hail ruined). – Mrs. Foster brought me some “Flu” medicine which I am taking under protest particularly the castor oil.

Saturday, January 19
Well, the oil etc is all right. – This has been my busy day. Went to see Mr. Bentler at noon to have him estimate the cost of making the back porch into a kitchen. - Mr. Green replaced the two palms $5.00 which winter killed a year ago (in front of house). – This afternoon I did some mending (a lot of it) for myself.  – Mrs. Foster came a few minutes. – Went to town this evening. Called a moment at the Farwell home. She is improving slowly. Sara came back this P.M. Then I went to see Mr. Bruse about the plumbing I shall need done if I make the changes for renting part of the house. – I came home too tired to see straight. Prepared some supper, ate it, then sewed a few minutes. – Mrs. Houghton is not gaining much strength.

John Bentler

Sunday, January 20
This has been the day for rest and worship, but I have not used it as I should have done. Slept late this morning. Then wasted my time until too late to attend church. – This afternoon I wrote to Mr. Bell and Mrs. Box concerning the laying of the slab on Mother’s grave. A year ago she was here, but I was distressed about her the last night she was here. – She thought I was resting, but I watched her all night. She slept so peacefully, but I know now it was from weakness and perhaps her heart. I shall never know all I would like to, but that she did not suffer much I am so thankful. – I went to BYPU tonight and from there to Methodist services. – Mr. Houghton is no better.

Monday, January 21 – Mother 1929 – 1928 = 1 yr
Some sunshine and some fog today, but not so cold and rainy as it was a year ago tonight. Mother left me a year ago this afternoon. A good mother who hoped to live two more years, her desire was to reach her 85th birthday. Her frail little body was full of energy to the last and her mind clear until a few hours before she passed on. She knew Mrs. Farwell shortly before the end came. Dear Mother, she would have given her life for me, but I have so much to regret, so many things I left undone for her comfort and pleasure as I look backward. I pray for forgiveness from God and I am sure Mother forgave me because mothers do. – I sewed for Mrs. Farwell all day. – Mrs. Helander went home sick before lunch. – Mrs. Houghton is so weak and frail. – I am tired tonight and miss mother. – The new street lights were turned on to this street tonight.

Tuesday, January 22
Another sad anniversary. – Sewed at the Farwell home this P.M.  - This forenoon I sent the money to Mr. Bell to place the slab on mother’s grave. – Mr. Bentler and Mr. Bruse came to see about the work which I must have done in order to rent the lower floor. – Beatrice said Mrs. Foster was here. – Mrs. Dunn brought some work. Dresses to be made smaller. – She came to Mrs. Farwell’s, also Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Hall. Mrs. Smith brought them down in her car. – Am tired tonight. – When I came home I found that Wiley had mowed the front lawn. A good neighbor. – Rec’d a good letter from Mrs. Shaw (from Galveston).

Wednesday, January 23
Sewed at the Farwell home today. Mrs. F. is about well now. – Mrs. Helander is with them yet. – Went to prayer meeting tonight. Very small congregation. – Mrs. Houghton seems a little better. – This has been a warm day. Sunshine and Fog. The days are lengthening tho. I should write many letters, but am from home all day and tired at night.

Thursday, January 24
Another day for Mrs. Farwell. – Very warm and sultry. A norther predicted. – All vegetation is beautiful—so green and fresh. The peach trees are in bloom. – Sewed a little tonight on the Lucas baby’s suits.

Friday, January 25
A norther blew up last night before 12 o’clock. Was real cold all day, but not freezing. Some sunshine. - Sewed at the Farwell home. – Read a letter from the Anniston Marble works accepting the order, but can not finish it before March as the marble has to be ordered. – Sewed a little tonight on the Lucas baby’s suit. – Ate supper at the Farwell home. Mrs. Helander made some Velvet Rolls. Very excellent. – Am so thankful for my wood.

Saturday, January 26
The norther has not been severe. – The wind turned into the northeast early today and a light rain began falling this P.M. Cloudy but not raining tonight. – I sewed for Mrs. Farwell until noon.  – Mr. Bentler came this P. M. and made the bathroom upstairs some longer. – Mrs. Foster and Beatrice were here this P.M. – I rec’d a beautiful book (“The Life Beautiful”) through the mail this P.M. – A token from Rev. and Mrs. Haywood. – Sewed some this P.M. for Mrs. Lucas.

Sunday, January 27
Slept late this morning. Rested. – Went to church at 11 o’clock. Rev. Edgar preached. Ate dinner with Wiley and Beatice—oyster, etc. A good dinner. – Wrote a number of letters this P.M. - Miss Mitchell called on her way to see Mrs. Burton (Aunt Emily) who is very ill. – Posted my letters. – Went for milk then to M. E. Church and listened to a good sermon on “Habits” or putting the post behind us and pressing forward. – Real cool air, and northeast wind. – Rec’d letters from Mr. Bell and Mrs. Fraser.

Monday, January 28
Such a beautiful day. – Mr. Bentler worked upstairs all day. I pounded out and straightened nails for him. – Mrs. Foster came a while this forenoon. – I am very tired tonight.

Tuesday, January 29
A most beautiful day. All sunshine. Mr. Bentler and Mr. Chris Johnson (who is here improving his property) worked on the little kitchen all day. Raising the sagging corner and otherwise remodeling it. – Mrs. Foster came a little while this forenoon. Beatrice cooked dinner for me. – Mrs. Houghton is real sick yet.

Wednesday, January 30
An unusually beautiful day. – The carpenters worked all day. - Mrs. Foster came this forenoon. We ate a good dinner prepared by Beatrice. She has cooked dinner for me since the house is so torn up. – After dinner Mrs. F. took me for a ride. Saw where they are grading, etc. for our new highway. – John Black Hudson of Victoria passed away yesterday following an operation. – This is prayer meeting night, but I seemed too tired to attend.

Thursday, January 31
The close of the first month in the new year. Falling weather threatened all day, but at last  a norther blew down upon us and it is quite cold tonight and cloudy. – The work is still going on in the house, but it will be better arranged I think when it is finished. The next problem will be who will occupy the lower floor? And how will I stand it to live upstairs all of the time. – A letter from Alice today. Mrs. Burton was buried this forenoon. – Mrs. Foster came a few minutes this forenoon. – Beatrice cooked dinner for me again today. Good little neighbors—The Milams Jr. – Mrs. Hunt is expected to come soon. – Mrs. Houghton is real sick yet.


Friday, February 1
The first day of my birth month (2-27-1868). – A cold blustery day – Work still going on in the house. – Dinner with Wiley and Bea. – Mrs. Foster came a few minutes. She is sick with neuralgia in her face and eye. – I am not trying to sew while this work is going on. Too much dust and confusion. Mr. Bruse has not gone very far with the plumbing. I hoped it might all be finished this week so I could be at work again. – Am so thankful for my wood. – Wrote to Mrs. Shaw and Amy Clark today.

Saturday, February 2
“Ground Hog” day and he did not see his shadow in Palacios. – The carpenter work is almost finished. So am I. So tired. – Mrs. Barton came a few minutes this P.M.  – Mrs. Foster did not come today. I am afraid she is sick. – Letter from Mrs. Stoddard. She is coming to Buckeye before long. – Mr. Farwell brought me an invitation to eat turkey dinner with them tomorrow. My expectation now is to stay in bed tomorrow. – Poor Bee sprained her ankle last night. It is quite badly swollen. – Mrs. Hunt came today.

Sunday, February 3
This has truly been a day of rest. – Did not get up until the one o’clock train was coming in. Then I ate breakfast. – Mrs. Helander came just as I finished my breakfast bringing some turkey dinner. – I went over to inquire for Bee’s ankle. It is better. – Came home and made myself comfortable on the couch until time to get my milk. Then some more couch until bedtime. – Am some rested and hope for a good night’s sleep.

Monday, February 4
A cloudy day. – Mr. Bentler has finished the carpenter work and will paper the bathroom tomorrow. – Mrs. Barton and Mrs. Foster both came today. – Have worked real hard and am tired tonight. - $50.00 Mrs. Foster

Tuesday, February 5
Am too tired to think tonight. – The day has been pretty. – The bathroom is papered. The two front rooms and the stairway are to be done next. – Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Barton were here today this P.M. Mrs. F. helped me paste some paper on bare places in my dining room and kitchen to be. I put papers on the shelves of my cupboard and carried a few things upstairs. This getting ready to rent part of the house has been such a trying ordeal. Am almost sorry I tried to do it. – Mrs. Crawford came this P.M. to get signers and checks to induce the Gas Co. to put a line into Palacios.

Wednesday, February 6
Prayer meeting night, but this tired woman is praying at home. – The house is beginning to look as tho someone could live in it now.  – I cooked my supper in the little new kitchen. Such a nice little place. I regret to give it up. – Mrs. Foster came a few minutes this P.M. Brought me some eggs. – Mrs. Barnett came in the interest of the of the Gas line. – Paid the bills today. Also $10.00 on my Insurance policy which is $17.25. – Cool tonight. North wind. Has been mostly cloudy today. – Mr. Houghton mowed the lawn this A.M. – Wrote to Mrs. Lucas, Dunn and Stoddard.

Thursday, February 7
Still cold and partly cloudy. – Am just putting in the time getting things in order as I can. – The front or north room upstairs was papered today. – Mrs. Foster came. – Moved the bed downstairs after the paper hangers left.  – A leak sprung in the bathroom upstairs so had to cut the water off tonight. – Tired. Going to bed and will sleep just where the little mother died. – Dear one how I miss you.

Friday, February 8
This was a foggy misty morning and by noon a real hard rain fell. – The paper hangers worked all day and finished the papering, but such a norther blew up that they had to keep the little oil heater burning to dry the paper. – Mr. Bruse has the plumbing all finished except the lavatories. They had to be ordered later. Some trouble about the plumbing upstairs. A leaky joint perhaps. – No one came today except Beatrice. – Very cold tonight. Afraid of freeze if it clears off or the wind goes down. – So thankful for my wood. – Cut the water off.

Saturday, February 9
My, so cold all day, freezing, cloudy. House cold all over except at the stove. Was not off the place today. – Beatrice ordered oil for me and brought the mail. A long letter from Mrs. Haywood. “The Brother” is already in the new field Texico-Farwell. The home being in Texico, N. M. Farwell being in Texas. – Have recently received two good books from the Haywoods, “The Life Beautiful” and “Reminiscences and Gospel Hymn Stories.” – Sorry I have so little time to devote to good books, etc. – Another invitation to eat dinner in the Farwell home. – Think best to stay at home and keep the house as warm as I can. Mrs. F. not well yet. – Such a cold night. There was some sleet this morning. Fear for the fruit which is in bloom.

Sunday, February 10
Cold today tho the sun shone. I was at home all forenoon. – We turned the water on about eleven o’clock as it was not freezing then, but cut it off again tonight. – Went down to see Mrs. Farwell this P.M. – She is not strong yet. Pain in her side. Sara and her company were making candy. – Finished the book “Reminiscences and Gospel Hymn Stories” by Stebbins tonight. – Mrs. Richards came this P.M. – The weather is moderating, but will surely freeze again tonight. Did not write one letter today. – Mrs. Barton brought a pitcher of hot soup at noon.

Monday, February 11
Such a pretty day. Wind still in the north. Some freeze last night. – I did quite a washing today. – Mr. Bentler finished a little work left over this morning and I paid him for the papering work. $48.50. Mr. Bruse has not yet finished the plumbing. – Am slowly moving upstairs. Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Barton, Mrs. Richards, Mrs. Rupe and Mrs. Dunn have been here since noon. – Am pretty tired tonight, but so glad the washing is dry and ready to iron tomorrow. – Bee brought me a hot waffle for supper. – The fruit trees look wilted from the freeze.

Tuesday, February 12
Am glad I did my washing yesterday. This has been a cloudy chilly day. Did the ironing, some cleaning and some moving upstairs. – Mr. Bruse found the leaky pipe and hopes to finish his work here tomorrow. – Mrs. Foster came a few minutes this forenoon. Wiley and Bee helped me carry the safe and dining table top upstairs. We are planning to enlarge the garden plot. More room for garden and chickens. – I went to the Lumber yard this P.M. Mrs. Mimms came a short time this afternoon. – Much warmer tonight. Did not turn the water off. – No mail of any kind today. – Lincoln’s Natal Day – Bank Closed – A called meeting at Hotel Palacios tonight. – Reason-New Hotel building to be discussed.

Wednesday, February 13
A busy day. – Mr. Bruse failed to come and finish his work today . – Am so sorry he is delaying so long. – I ordered the fencing for Wiley’s garden fence today. – Have been working very hard all day. Have the rooms upstairs ready for the china closet and couch. That will about finish the furniture changes. – No company today. – 9 o’clock bedtime for a tired woman.

Thursday, February 14
Dreary cloudy day. – Went to see Mr. Bruse. He promised to finish my work tomorrow. – Stopped to tell Mrs. Farwell. – Went to see Mr. Bentler. He will try to send some one to build the fence. – Have worked all day. Cleaned the back yard this forenoon and worked upstairs this P.M. – No mail today and no company. – Read some in “The Life Beautiful” tonight. – No fire in the stove tonight. Foggy and warm.

Friday, February 15
Mr. Bruse finished the plumbing , etc. this afternoon. I have done about all that I can to put the house in order to rent. – Mr. Johnston came to see about building the fence. Suppose he will do it. Wiley and his father carried the couch and china cupboard upstairs at noon.  – Mrs. Foster came a couple of times today. (Boy is sick.) A norther blew down upon us this P.M. Real strong wind, but not much cold yet. – Have fire. – Am to sew for Mrs. Farwell tomorrow. – Tired, tired, tired. – Will I ever feel rested again.

Saturday, February 16
A pretty bright day. Wind from the south since noon. – Sewed for Mrs. Farwell today. (Sara’s velvet coat) – Mr. Johnson and Mr. Bentler almost built the fence for Wiley today. Looks very well. – Paid Mr. Bruse for plumbing today. $138.50. That makes a total of $267.40 which I have paid out to put the house in shape for renting the lower floor and making myself fairly comfortable upstairs. Will it pay? – Mr. and Mrs. Foster came a while tonight. Wiley and Bee went to Victoria this P.M. – Am glad tomorrow is Sunday.

Sunday, February 17
Have observed this day in a more becoming manner than I did the two previous Sabbaths. Arose earlier this morning. – Mrs. Barton came but I went to preaching at the Tabernacle. Then on coming home found  a lovely tray dinner setting on the chair in front of the door from Mrs. Milam I am sure, but I had promised to eat turkey with Mrs. Farwell. So went there and enjoyed a well cooked dinner (Mrs. Helander is with them yet). – Came home and washed my hair. Dried it by the heating stove. – Then rested an hour. Mrs. Richards came a few minutes. – Mrs. Hunt went to services at the Tabernacle tonight. A real good crowd was in attendance. – Many visitors. – Did not write a letter today.

Monday, February 18
Sewed for Mrs. Farwell all day. – The garden fence is finished and looks real well. $7.00 to Mr. Johnson. Letters from the Haywoods and Mrs. Stoddard. – Tired tonight. – A pretty day tho not all sunshine.

Tuesday, February 19
Winter again. Cold rain falling when I came home tonight. Wind from the North. – Sewed some tonight on Mrs. Farwell’s slip covers.

Wednesday, February 20
Winter continues. Cold, misty rain most of the day. – Sewed at the Farwell’s home today.  – Mrs. Foster brought me some butter and eggs this evening. She came just as I reached home. – “Boy” did not get well. Am so sorry for them. – Did not go to prayer meeting tonight. Sewed instead. – So thankful for my wood. – Letter from Aunt Mira. Severe winter in the north. – Sewed late for Mrs. Farwell and ate supper there. – Mrs. Helander is with them yet.

Thursday, February 21
Sewed at home today for Mrs. Dunn. She came down this P.M. to do fitting. – This was a gorgeous day. Sunshine. Too pretty to stay indoors. – Mr. and Mrs. Foster brought the stove tonight while I was away (to the P.O. and Mrs. Farwells). Kind children to me.

Friday, February 22
Finished Mrs. Dunn’s dresses this PM and she came for them. – Mrs. Foster ate dinner with me today. – Mrs. Pierce came a few minutes this afternoon, late. – Mrs. Smith sent a SOS call for help to make slip covers, curtains, etc. for the house she is building. – Went to the P.O. tonight and to deliver a message to the Farwell home for Mrs. Foster. – Paid the bal. due on my Ins. Policy this forenoon. – This being “George’s” birthday. The Bank and P.O. celebrated.

Saturday, February 23
A busy, lovely day. Washed, sewed, etc. – Mrs. Foster slipped in just as I sat down to eat my dinner so she shared it with me. – Ironed tonight. – Mrs. Lucas came a few minutes to see about the little dresses. (an applicant for the apartment came. The fireman on the Local. Am not quite ready yet.) – Mr. and Mrs. Foster came tonight saying they want to buy the cottage. I am glad to sell to them. The Milams will not have to move out, as the Fosters are taking it as an investment. – I realized that I should sell it, but was much worried as to who might be my neighbor. – Growing old is not as dreadful when young people are kind to you. – Read, tired and nervous tonight, but thankful. Am sure mother would understand.

Sunday, February 24
A pretty morning, but dreary since noon. – Went to tell Mr. Farwell about the sale this forenoon then went to church. – Told Wiley and Bee at noon. They were a little shocked at first, but it is all right since they understand it. So glad they do not have to move. – Went to Tabernacle to church tonight. – Rested this afternoon. – Cold in my head. – No visitors except Beatrice today. – Much measles and mumps in town.

Monday, February 25
Such a busy day. Moving upstairs yet. Getting drawers, wardrobe, etc. downstairs empty. - Mrs. Foster came this forenoon. – Mrs. Barton came this evening and brought me a dress ready made and some curtain goods for upstairs. Such a kind-hearted woman. – I am so thankful for kind friends, and I do hope they all realize that I appreciate their unlimited kindness and interest in me and for me. – Am so tired tonight.

Tuesday, February 26
Sewed at the Farwell home today. – A beautiful forenoon, but a cool northeast wind. – Mrs. Farwell is not very strong. Perhaps she will improve faster now since the new car has come and she can get out more. – Mrs. Helander is with her yet. – A letter to Beatrice from her mother states that Dr. DeTar is very sick. Has been taken to the hospital in San Antonio for treatment. – Tomorrow is my birthday. 61 years old. Do not feel that old unless I look in the mirror and observe my wrinkles and grey head. – This has been a sad year. I think I have shed more tears during the past year than in all of my life before. Foolish tears. So childish. I am sorry. Dear ones gone--all gone, but kind friends left.

Wednesday, February 27
My birthday. A sad day, but no one knew it. Dear little Mother who gave me birth, how unworthy, has been my life. But all mothers forgive. – Sewed another day for Mrs. Farwell. – Tired – Real cool all day.

Thursday, February 28
Another day in the Farwell home. Sewing on black goods. Finished there until next week. – Mrs. Barton brought a baby pillow for me to prepare for a gift to a new arrival in Houston. – A new dress material came for me from Houston today. Tan and blue. Just to be piled up with my order unsewed. Sewing. No matter. – Tired tonight, but sewed until 11 o’clock. Going to my good bed tho now. – So thankful for health.


Friday, March 1
Such a lovely day, but real cool. – Finished a dress for the Lucas baby. – Wrote a note to Mrs. Pierce. – Call from Mrs. Foster. – Invested in some orchid batiste at the Gass economy sale. Stung perhaps. – Many children sick with measles. – Cut out my orchid material. Also a couple of gowns tonight. – No letters. Friends forgotten me possibly. – Fixed the pillow for Mrs. Barton this forenoon. – Bruse: Lumber bill for Wiley’s garden fence $9.75. – 11 o’clock going to bed.

Saturday, March 2
Another real day. A busy day, too. Mrs. Foster came this forenoon to see something about the cottage deal, but the Bank was closed. “Texas Independence Day.” So we visited. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came. He had an investment to offer. A lot located between Mr. Williams home and the Cates home. It seemed advisable for me to take it at $450.00 as an investment. – Mrs. Foster ate lunch with me and then we went to report our decision to Mr. Farwell. He went with us to see Mrs. Bailey, the owner and Mr. Williams, the agent. – If the papers are approved by Mr. Grey, I am to buy the lot. – Sorry to have to trouble my friends so much. Am hoping to develop some brains of my own later on. – To bed, so tired. – Gave check $25.00 for Gass today.

Sunday, March 3
Slept very late this morning. – Did not attend services this forenoon. – Mrs. Barton came (two way plugs). – Mr. and Mrs. Chaddock spent the day with Wiley and Beatrice. – The Fosters came a few minutes late this morning. – Went to church tonight. – Wrote to Mrs. Haywood at Texico, New Mexico. There new field.

Monday, March 4
Such a cold blustery day. – New President – Went down to Mrs. Farwell’s to sew this morning, but found her real sick. Asked her to keep quiet until after lunch. Then I went back and sewed in the P.M. – Paid my bills this forenoon. – Found a remembrance from Mrs. Barton when I came home tonight. Was a little late as I helped Sara shampoo her hair, and then ate supper with her. – Sewed until real late. Bed time going to bed tired. – So thankful for health and a good bed.

Tuesday, March 5
Lovely day.  – Mrs. Farwell quite miserable. – Letter from Mrs. Stoddard-S.O.S. – Wrote letters to Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Stoddard tonight. – Wish there were several of me that I might do more for my friends. – Mr. and Mrs. Foster came tonight. The papers for the sale of the cottage have come and Mrs. Foster will come for me tomorrow to sign them. – Am so glad they will own the place. Have no regrets at disposing of it this way. – Rather a feeling of gratitude to my Heavenly Father who I am sure must have directed it all.

Wednesday, March 6 – Palacios
Sewed for Mrs. Farwell today.  – Mrs. Foster came for me to sign the deed. Miss Claire being the Executioner. Having to wait a little for the abstract as Court is in session in Bay City. – Ran out of work for Mrs. Farwell, so cut out my new dress this P.M. – Mrs. Lemon ate supper with me tonight. She is leaving next week.

Thursday, March 7 – Father died 1899
Sewing for Mrs. Farwell. – Almost sick I guess. Will be at home tomorrow. – Sew some for myself. – Letter from Mrs. Pierce. She is sick. Rheumatism – A note to Mrs. Stoddard. – Too tired to think.

Friday, March 8
At home today. Sewed on my dress. – The abstract came. – Mrs. Foster ate lunch with me. Lovely day, too pretty to be indoors. Almost wish for a car when the weather is so pretty. – Thankful for a pair of capable feet tho. – Almost midnight. Time to retire.

Saturday, March 9
Sewed at the Farwell home until 3 o’clock. – Just came inside when Mrs. Barton came in at the front door. Her mother (Mrs. Lemmon) is going home (Bryan) next Thurs. Mrs. B. to take her in the car. – Have done a little house cleaning since I ate my supper. – Mrs. Barton did my washing and ironing today. – Letter from Mrs. Shaw.

Sunday, March 10
Attended two services today. – Mrs. Barton and her mother spent some time with me this afternoon. – Wrote to Mrs. Lucas and Mr. and Mrs. Bell. – Hoping to go home this Fall in early September. Homesick for the Rivers, rocks and hills. – Go to Blessing in the morning.

Monday, March 11
Mrs. Barton brought me up here (Blessing) this morning. Mrs. Smith took me out to the enchanting cottage in the woods and we measured for curtains. Have been sewing them all day. – Went to see Mrs. Lucas tonight about the three unfinished baby suits. She will try to have someone else finish them.

Tuesday, March 12
Curtains again today. – A severe looking storm came up out of the west this forenoon, but it was not so dreadful as the clouds indicated. Am so thankful. The sun shone all afternoon.  - Getting along very well with the curtains. – 11 long windows, 2 short ones and four doors of thin material besides the side draperies. – A little tired tonight. – An electrician from Bay City is wiring the Pierce home.

Wednesday, March 13
A real pretty day. – Sewing for Mrs. Smith. – A message came this PM telling of Buddy’s serious illness (Pneumonia). Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith left at once for the East. Going by car (Lindel) 6:10 AM to Houston, hoping to catch the 9 o’clock train out of there. – New moon tonight. – Letter from Mrs. Stoddard which I answered. – Mrs. Pierce went to Palacios this afternoon and brought Mrs. Lucas’ box of unfinished sewing to me. – I took it down to Mrs. Lucas tonight. – Am sorry I could not finish it for her.

Thursday, March 14
A message from the School reports Buddy some better. Temperature lower. So thankful for his parents sake. – Mrs. Dunn spent part of the afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Hall. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came a few minutes this afternoon also. – Finished Mrs. Smith’s curtains until more material comes. – Sewed on Mrs. Pierce’s dress part of this afternoon. – Real windy to night. Howling as the rain might be coming tho. Mrs. Hall says the new moon is dry. – The party went out o the 9 o’clock train from Houston last night. Billy making the drive in 2 hours and 18 minutes having a puncture at Markham also.

Friday, March 15
A beautiful day. – Mrs. Dunn came today to sit Mrs. Hall. – Buddy was holding his own last night. A consultation of Drs. was to be held this morning. Think the parents and Mrs. Smith will reach the School tonight. Hoped for a message tonight, but none has come at 10 o’clock. – Have been sewing on Mrs. Pierce’s dress today. – Listened to a good concert from Cincinnati tonight. – Mrs. Hall is not feeling real well tonight. Nervousness she says. – Call from Mrs. Stoddard. She is to send for my machine for me to use in Buckeye next week and the next. – Some tired tonight. Go home tomorrow.

Saturday, March 16
Sewed until 4 o’clock, then Mrs. Dunn (and Mr. Gibb) brought me home. – Buddy very sick yet. Wire from Mrs. Smith. – Found a letter from Mrs. Stoddard saying she will get a machine up there. – So thankful not to have mine moved. – Went to tell Mrs. Farwell about Buddy. – Mr. and Mrs. Foster came a while tonight. – Glad to be home. To eat dinner with Wiley and Beatrice tomorrow. – Mrs. Mimms very low. – To bed. Late bed time.

Sunday, March 17
At home. Went to church twice today. Ate dinner with Wiley and Bee. – Sara brought the key to the front door which Mrs. Pierce used and carried away with her. – No news from Buddy today. Hoping no news is good news. – Mr. and Mrs. Foster came this P.M.

Monday, March 18
Came up to Buckeye this morning on the freight train. Mr. Oats forgot to meet me, so I went to the Rice by taxi. Drank a cup of coffee and ate a piece of pie. Soon Mr. Oats came with Mrs. Stoddard and a car loaded with groceries. We soon arrived in Buckeye and had a roaring fire in the fireplace. The stove is out of commission, but we are working on it. Cooking on the fireplace, which is slow, but hot. – A machine is here from Bay City. Will be sewing tomorrow. – Both of us tired tonight. Lamps, candles and flashlights.

Stoddard Buckeye Ranch Headquarters

Tuesday, March 19
Rained some today. – Cut out two slips and made one of them. – Such a quiet place. I would be glad to stay a month and be lazy. – Wrote to Mrs. Pierce and the Fosters tonight. – Sky clear tonight. – Mrs. Stoddard has hay fever.

Wednesday, March 20
Real disagreeable day. East wind, cloudy and a little rain. – Mrs. S. phoned to the Pierce home today. No news from Buddy since Sat. so they hope he must be better. – Cut out a dress for Mrs. Stoddard and have it all ready to fit tomorrow. She did not go to the office today, but is feeling better tonight than she did last night. – I hemmed a teddy for myself tonight and Mrs. S. wrote letters. – Hot bath and to bed. Have had a roaring fire in the fire place every day.

Thursday, March 21
A dreary day. Cloudy and some rain which the farmers need. – Mrs. Stoddard spent most of the day at the office. – Fitted her dress this morning. Sewing all day. – Finished my Ted tonight. Getting my hope chest ready to go to Anniston in September. – Weather warmer, but fire all of the time. – Mrs. S. was real tired tonight. Read a story aloud.

Friday, March 22
Messy fountain pen is responsible for these blots. – A real spring day. Warm showers are bringing the leaves and flowers out. Bluebonnets and Indian Blankets. – Mrs. S. spent most of the day at the office. Finished the dress, all except pecoting. She will take it to Bay City tomorrow and have that done. Will cut another tomorrow perhaps. – Sewed for myself tonight for my hope chest. Trip to Ala. I hope. – Am feeling so well. Am sleeping well and eating marvelously of Mrs. S. good food. Cream. – Buddy out of danger.

Saturday, March 23 – Mr. Webb 1929 – 1918 = 11 yrs
[Charles Berry Webb, Nellie’s husband, died 11 years ago in 1918.]
A pretty day. – Mrs. S. sent to Bay City. – I cut out a chiffon dress, a slip and gown. Worked on slip of georgette, etc. – Mrs. S. brought me an Easter gift. Pink material and lace for gown and Ted’s also a brassier. – All go into Hope Chest. – September hopes.

Sunday, March 24
A mild day. Chicken dinner, waffles. Mr. and Mrs. Matchett ate with us. Mrs. Muir was to come, but she was too tired. – After dinner Claude took us and Mrs. Muir out car riding to the lake in the woods and to see the mammoth live oak trees. – Then to Wilson Creek and the Black mott. – Such a pleasant afternoon. – Wrote letters tonight: Beatrice, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Barton, Mrs. Farwell and Mrs. Dunn. – Mrs. Stoddard very tired.

Monday, March 25
Just a day. – Sewed for Mrs. S. all day. – Cut out my pink goods tonight—a gown, 3 teds. How fine I will be all dolled up in Ala.

Tuesday, March 26
A pretty day. Mr. Williams and Mrs. Bailey came up this afternoon. Brought the deed to the lot. Received the money and departed. I hope I have not made a mistake. – Sewing all day. – Mr. Ford, the incoming manager for the Ranch, arrived at noon. – Letter from Mrs. Hall.

Wednesday, March 27
A real windy day. – The manager and helpers rounded up one herd of cattle today to count. – Mrs. Stoddard went out to watch them. – Rec’d letters from Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Barton today. – Sewed. – Went to church tonight at the school house. A Baptist evangelist who is holding a revival in Buckeye spoke. – This place grows more beautiful each day. Birds and flowers in profusion.

Buckeye School

Thursday, March 28
Such a day! Just wind enough to be fine. Went with Mrs. S. in the forenoon to count cattle. They decided to move them up to the branding pen and count them there. After lunch we went over there and later the Farwells came [and] Mr. and Mrs. Neil [Farwell]. – This has been the first day of real abandonment to pleasure I have known for years. – Am tired tonight, but such a restful tired. – Much mail from Palacios thanks to the Farwells.

Friday, March 29
Beautiful day. Good Friday. Went to the schoolhouse to Meeting . – Just sewing.

Saturday, March 30
Came home. Mrs. Barton and Mrs. Foster came up for me (us). We came home by way of Bay City. – Mrs. B. wanted a curl. – I invested in a dress and hat. We arrived here after dark. – I ate supper with the Farwell family

Sunday, March 31 – Easter – Buckeye
A pretty day. I did not attend church service. – Washed my hair and spent much of the day drying it. – Ate dinner with Wiley and Beatrice (and Rosa). – Such a good dinner. – Mr. Farwell brought us up to Blessing this afternoon and we came home (to Buckeye) by train. – Had a pleasant trip, but ready for bed. – Am reading “Scarlet Sister Mary.”


Monday, April 1
The Millers are packing their goods preparatory to moving from the ranch. – Have been sewing all day. Let out a smock and slip.

Tuesday, April 2
Mrs. Farwell Sr., Mrs. Farwell Jr. and Sara came up to dinner (12 o’clock) today. A beautiful day.  Paula was such a joy for Mrs. Stoddard today. - The Millers goods went out today and they went by auto to Bay City this evening. – Mrs. S. and I am alone tonight in this rambling big house. – We are real tired, too. – This is such a beautiful place.

Wednesday, April 3 – Buckeye
Real busy today. Trying to finish all of Mrs. Stoddard’s sewing before leaving tomorrow. – Mr. Ford moved into the Miller rooms today so we will not be alone tonight. – The Chevrolet agent from Bay City made a visit here this evening.

Thursday, April 4
Such a beautiful day. Came home by train. Mrs. Stoddard will stay in Bay City now. Had a wonderful three weeks in Buckeye. – Went to deliver a message to Mrs. Charlotte tonight. Everything except the clover and weeds seem to be in need of rain. Watered all I could this evening. – Mrs. Barton came and drove me out to the Camp grounds. – Easter card from Mrs. Lemon, Mrs. Pierce, Minnie, Aunt Carril. – Glad to be in my own dirty home.

Friday, April 5
Real windy today. I paid the delinquent taxes on the lot today. Also Mr. Gray. – Cleaned the house some and cut and fitted a couple of gingham blouses for Mrs. Barton. – Mrs. Newsom came and engaged the lower floor to take possession the 1st of September. (Nothing preventing.)

Saturday April 6
Real busy about the house all forenoon. – Mrs. Barton came for her waist. – Beatrice and Wiley went to Victoria this forenoon. - This afternoon I sewed at the Farwell home for Mrs. Neil. She and Sara are leaving soon for the East. – Mr. Ed Traylor stopped a moment to speak, as he was passing. He is looking well. Miss Maude did not come with him this trip. – Finished the Book Black April (by Julia Peterkin) at 12:12. Now to bed. Glad tomorrow is Sunday. Can sleep late. Wrote a note to Mrs. Stoddard.- Letter from Mrs. Stoddard this P.M.

Sunday, April 7
Such a windy day. Did not go to church this forenoon. Ate dinner out at the Barton home. Such a nice dinner. – Mrs. Dunn came also. She brought me home. – Went to BYPU. No services on account or Revival at M. E. – Did not write any letters today.

Monday, April 8
Sewed at the Farwell home today for Mrs. Neil. – Windy dry weather. Am trying to keep my palms alive by carrying water to them.  – Cloudy tonight and a few drops fell since dark. – These two days are mixed. The electrical storm was this night (Monday).

Tuesday, April 9
A cloudy day. Gulf clouds covered the sky all day. – Soon after I came home a few drops fell and by the time I went to bed a severe electrical storm was on. Continual lightning, but very little thunder. A heavy rain fell. I was prepared to go into the attic if the wind seems to be driving the rain in. – Sewed quite hard today. – The rain of last night did much good. – Paid my water and light rent today. Just escaped the 10th penalty. – Letter from Rosa this P.M. – Tues. was a lovely day after the rain.

Wednesday, April 10
A beautiful day. Mrs. Neil and Sara started on their journey to Dayton today. Will meet the husband and father there.  – This is prayer meeting night, but I forgot it. Am sorry. Reading “The Cradle of the Deep.” Some book. – Sewing for Sara yet.

Thursday, April 11
Sewed at the Farwell home until 3 o’clock. Mrs. Farwell went to a Circle meeting and I came home. – Later went with them to see Mrs. Foster. Found her sick.

Friday, April 12
Sewed for Sara until noon. – Finished a dress to be sent to her at Dayton. – Came home and Beatrice took me out to see Mrs. Foster. She seems some better, but is miserable. – The water line was layed to the cottage today. – Mr. Dugal did $2.70 worth of cleaning on my lawn and ditch today. – Beatrice brought me home from Mrs. Foster’s this P.M.

Saturday, April 13
A day at home – Much company and some house cleaning, etc. – Went to Bay City this afternoon with Mrs. Barton (Permanent) – Arrived home 10 o’clock. Lovely afternoon. – Stuck in the mud going over, not permanently. – Tired (but from pleasure)

Sunday. April 14
Such a lovely day. Slept late this morning and just played around all forenoon. – Mr. Foster came this afternoon and said Mrs. F. is better. – Wrote seven letters this afternoon and went to church tonight. – Did not go to P. O. today. – 10 o’clock Bed time. – Telephone call from Mrs. Dunn saying she will be down tomorrow.

Monday, April 15
Beautiful day. – Sewing – Mrs. Dunn came. Proved herself a good provider and a good cook. – Went to Picture Show tonight. – Mrs. D. spent the night with me.

Tuesday, April 16 – Mrs. Dunn’s birthday – 46 years
Another lovely day, but quite cool. – Sewed, fitted and cut out. – Mrs. D. went to Bridge Luncheon at Mrs. Nestors’s this P.M. then went home with Mrs. Pierce. – Real tired tonight. – Callers today: Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Barton, Mrs. Price, Mrs. Farwell, Mrs. Milam. – Card from Mrs. Williams.

Wednesday, April 17 – My wedding anniversary – 1929-1888 = 41 years
Sewing all day. – Mrs. Dunn went to Houston to bring her car home. – Went car riding this evening with Mr. and Mrs. Farwell. – Mrs. Barton called. - Arranged a collar on a dress for Mrs. Pybus today. – Letter from Etta Bell etc. tonight (apple sauce). – Went to prayer meeting tonight. Rec’d tax receipt (redemption stub) from Bay City. Lot 5 Block 53. – My wedding anniversary (1888 – 1929 O’Neill, Nebraska)

Thursday, April 18
Sewed for Mrs. Dunn. She drove down in the morning and back in the evening. – Mrs. Brown made me a little visit this evening just as I sat down to my supper. She brought me a head of cabbage and an onion. Also some dewberries. – Mrs. Foster came a few minutes this forenoon. She is some better.

Friday, April 19
Mrs. Dunn came down this morning. Will stay all night. We are getting along well with her dresses. – Mrs. Barton came to day. I helped her with a skirt tonight.  – Mrs. Dunn very tired. – Very windy days now. Some cloudy weather, but no rain.

Saturday, April 20
Lovely day, not so windy. We finished the third dress this evening. Worked fast and furious. Mrs. Dunn has made a record for herself as a seamstress, purchasing agent and cook. – Mrs. Barton came to see us—shoes, groceries, ice cream, dishes, etc. – Am exceedingly tired tonight.

Sunday, April 21
Another Sabbath day. I was almost sick when I woke this morning. Been doing too much night sewing I think. Did not go to church this forenoon. Ate dinner with Wiley and Bee. – Wrote letters this P.M. Mrs. Farwell called on her way home from dinner. – Went to see Mr. Bruse (bath tub faucet leaking), but he was not at home. – Mr. and Mrs. Hill brought me home. – Went for a little ride with Mrs. Barton. – Ate rhubarb at Mrs. Elder’s. Went to B.Y.P.U. and preaching tonight. – Real tired.

Elder Home - South Bay Boulevard - Palacios

Monday, April 22
Sewing only. Cut out dresses for Susana. – Mrs. Barton came after supper and I helped her on her blue gingham coat. – Mrs. Dunn almost sick. Too strenuous sewing perhaps. – Mr. Dugal mowed the lawn. – Easter lilies from the Farwell garden.

Tuesday, April 23
Sewing again today. – Finished a couple of dresses for Susana. – Went to the Tabernacle tonight. Mr. Duran preached . - Mr. and Mrs. Foster came this afternoon. He made me a new cut off box and brought a can of fertilizer. – Watered a good deal this evening. Needing some rain. – Tired – Ate supper at 9:30 o’clock. – Going to bed – 11 o’clock.

Wednesday, April 24
A real windy day. – We sewed. – Mrs. Foster took me for such a good long ride this morning early. – Then Mrs. Dunn took me this evening. She is spending the night here.

Thursday, April 25
Sewing, sewing. – Getting along well. – Mrs. Richards and Mrs. Helander came this P. M. – Conference tonight at Tabernacle. Called Bro. Durant for half time. – Mrs. Dunn went home. – Mr. Houghton moved the back gate from under the pomegranate tree.

Friday, April 26
Mrs. Dunn came early this morning and we sewed very hard.  – Mrs. Barton came this P.M. We ate supper at the Do Drop Inn. Mrs. Dunn’s compliments. – Sewed some tonight. Mrs. Dunn spending the night. – Mrs. Foster came a few minutes this morning.

Palacios Beacon, December 13, 1928

Saturday, April 27
A cloudy day, but no rain. – Finished Mrs. Dunn’s work at 5:30 this evening. – Went up to the Tabernacle to hear Bro. Durant. – Tired. – Mrs. Barton came today. – Several callers. – Sewed for Mrs. Dunn from Monday April 15th to Sat. P.M. April 27th. Did four weeks sewing in two.

Sunday, April 28
A pretty day. Slept very late. Ate dinner at “Do Drop Inn.” – Beatrice brought me ice cream. Mrs. Barton short cake. Such kind good neighbors. – Rested all afternoon. Went to Tabernacle tonight. – So thankful for rest and so thankful for work and strength and health.

Monday, April 29
Sewing for Mrs. Barton. She is going to Oklahoma to see her boy. – Mrs. Foster came, Mrs. Farwell and several other callers. – My work went on well today. Sewed for myself since supper. – Real sick after I stopped sewing. – Upset stomach, I guess. Feel better now.

Tuesday, April 30
Still sewing for Mrs. Barton. – Mrs. Foster came this morning. – Mrs. Barton spent the forenoon. She went to a Bridge Party this P.M. Getting along well with her work. – Such dry dusty weather. – Sewed for myself since supper. – The last day of the month and the work in Anniston not yet finished.


Wednesday, May 1
May day. Finished Mrs. Barton’s dress so she can go to Norman to the house party. – Went to prayer meeting tonight. – Very tired. – Sewed for myself since coming from meeting. – To bed 11 o’clock.

Wednesday, May 2
Have been sewing for myself and working on Sara’s white dress. – Very cold today. Wish I had the stove up. – Mrs. Barton left the Reservation 4 o’clock this morning—driving.  – Went to tell Mrs. Farwell that my house was too cold for her to sit in tomorrow to sew, but they were absent. – 10 o’clock going to bed to get warm. – Letter from Mrs. Bell. The work is finished and she sent the receipt for the money paid. I am so glad it is at last finished.

Friday, May 3
A cold windy day. – Mrs. Farwell came in spite of the cold. She brought her work and I sewed on mine.

Saturday, May 4
A pretty day. Mrs. Foster spent the forenoon with me and I finished Sara’s white dress. – Mrs. Farwell came after lunch and we sewed. – Went to P. O. after supper. - Rec’d letter from Mrs. Barton. – Wiley and Bee have gone to Victoria. Left her about 11 P.M. – I am tired. Going to bed at 11:10.

Sunday, May 5 – Blessing
Such a busy day. After I got up late, went to church, then to dinner—Inn. – With Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove out to the Reservation to see the new Club House in process of erection. – Later the Fosters came to take me to Blessing, but did not go with them, either. Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith came later and brought me up. – Am real tired. – Such a pretty day, but rain is needed. – Mrs. Smith is sleeping here tonight. She has moved out to her cottage in the woods.

Monday May 6
Sewing today. Making dresses longer for Mrs. Pierce. – Not so tired tonight. – Wrote a note to Mrs. Farwell. – Mrs. Pierce has a Board meeting tonight.

Tuesday, May 7
Another sewing day. – Mrs. Pierce went to Palacios to a party this afternoon. – A beautiful day, but rain needed.

Wednesday, May 8
Sewing. Mrs. Pierce went to Sargent this morning. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City, so I was alone for lunch. – Mrs. Pierce and I are alone tonight. We watered the flowers and inspected the orchard. Then sat in the swing until dark. – Mosquitoes are biting some.

Thursday, May 9
A pretty day. Mrs. Pierce went to the Bridge Luncheon at Mrs. Farwells this forenoon, to a dance at the Community House tonight. – Sewing all day. – Wrote a note to Mrs. Foster tonight. – 11 o’clock going to bed. – Real well. Not much tired. – Needing rain. – Lunched alone today.

Friday, May 10
Another dry windy day – Sewed on slip covers, etc. – Went to a 42 party at Community House tonight. – Mr. Pierce in Houston.

Saturday, May 11
More wind today. – Sewed on dresses. – Mrs. Foster came for me this afternoon. – Took me out to her home and gave me bread, butter, eggs, cream and potato chips. Then brought me home. Found letters from Mrs. Haywood and Mrs. Stoddard. – Hayes had my dress pressed. – Mr. Foster had fixed my back gate. So nice. – Mrs. Foster seems reasonably well. – Glad to be at home tho it is so dusty.

Sunday, May 12 – Mother’s Day – Father’s Birthday
Spent part of the today at home. – Went out for a long car ride west of town with Mrs. Foster. – Found a Mother’s Day package at the back door this morning. A pair of bath towels and wash cloths from Wiley and Beatrice. Bless their hearts. – Did not attend any of the Mother’s Day services. Too sad. – Rec’d letters from Mrs. Stoddard (N. Mexico) and from Mrs. Haywood. A badge in her letter. Went to dinner at the Do Drop Inn. – Wrote seven letters after dinner. – Mr. Foster had to work today. After he had finished work they came by for me. Went home with them and ate fried chicken supper. Then they brought me up here—Blessing. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce were not at home, but came at once. They had been to Sargent. – A busy day. No time to be sorry for myself.

Monday, May 13 – Blessing
Mrs. Smith came for me this morning. So I have been working on slip covers today. – Mr. Pierce is in Sargent tonight so Mrs. Smith brought me back to spend the night with Mrs. Pierce. – She has a Board Meeting tonight. – Had a little rain today. More is badly needed.

Tuesday, May 14
More rain today. – Sewed out at Live Oak Farm today. One of the men brought me back to the Pierce home this evening. – Roads muddy. – Mrs. Pierce gave a Bridge Luncheon today. (Mrs. Crawford.)

Wednesday, May 15
Went out to the farm this morning. – Lost a chain on the way out. Roads very slippery. – More rain today. Zella? Washed at the farm. – Mr. Pierce has not yet returned. – Am making slip covers.

Thursday, May 16
Another hard rain today. – Roads full of water. – Did not go to Live Oak Farm, but sewed on slip covers here in Mrs. Pierce’s home. – Sent letter to Mrs. Foster. – Mr. Pierce is to come home by train tonight. – Lovely afternoon. Hope the rain is over for this time.

Friday, May 17
Mrs. Smith came to town this morning. Roads very wet. – Sewed out at Live Oak Farm. No rain at the Farm today. Such early mornings. – Came back to Blessing this evening. – Mrs. Smith almost sick. Too much work.

Saturday, May 18
Sewed for Mrs. Smith here today. So much machine work. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent by Bay City. - A regular down pour early this morning. – Mrs. Pierce tearing paper from walls of north room all day. - Most tired to death tonight. – Worked late tonight, but not so tired as many Sat. nights before.

Sunday, May 19
A pretty day.  – Mrs. Pierce and me ate dinner alone. In the afternoon we called on Mrs. Lucas and Mrs. Dunn. – Later Mrs. Selkirk and Mrs. Dunn came up and we ate supper in the kitchen. Then went to the Presbyterian Church to hear Bro. Clark of Palacios preach the Baccalaureate Sermon to the Blessing graduates. – Did not write a letter today.

Monday, May 20
A lovely day. – Mrs. Smith came in this P.M. She has an infected hand and went to Palacios to have Dr. Elliott prescribe. – Sewed on her curtains, etc. today. – Mr. Pierce not at home yet. – Mrs. Farwell phoned about her ticket. Going to Maine.

Dr. John Rupert Elliott

Tuesday, May 21
Another beautiful day. – Letter from Mrs. Foster. – Sewing for Mrs. Smith yet. – Went to hear an entertainment by the Grammar and lower grades at the Community House tonight. A capacity house and good programs. – Alone again tonight.

Wednesday, May 22
Grand day. – Finished Mrs. Smith’s sewing at noon until some more material comes. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City this morning. To Mrs. Dunn’s Bridge Party this P.M. Plate came to me. – Mrs. Barton came up to see me. – Alone yet. Mr. Pierce still at Sargent.

Thursday, May 23
More lovely weather.  – Did not sew on dresses today, but helped Mrs. Pierce clean the living room and change the slip covers, etc. Preparatory to entertaining the Beards, Miss Sutton, Gen. and Mrs. Barton and Mrs. Farwell at six o’clock dinner. Gen. Barton delivered the graduating address tonight. – Mrs. Farwell is this far on her way to Maine. We were tired so did not go out tonight. – Mr. Pierce came home this P.M. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Farwell leave here at 4 o’clock in the morning for Houston. Mrs. Pierce to shop and Mrs. Farwell to continue her journey. – We are a tired bunch tonight.

Friday, May 24
Did not sleep much last night. – The address by Gus Barton was good according to Mr. Pierce’s judgment. – Sewed on Mrs. Smith’s curtains until I came home this P.M. – Came home this afternoon “by freight.” Afraid it might rain so Mrs. Foster could not come for me tomorrow. – Have been cleaning the house up to 10 o’clock trying to get some of the dust out. – Mrs. Foster came in a few minutes  while waiting for him to finish switching. – Glad to be at home. -  Mr. McDugal has mowed the lawn. There has been a great amount of rain here the past two weeks. – Ate supper at Do Drop Inn. – Tired. To bed 11 o’clock. Mrs. Houghton very sick again.

Saturday, May 25
Rain, rain. A regular downpour early this morning (3 o’clock). – Have been busy working, ironing, cleaning, etc. – The sun came out about noon and the day was grand. – Mrs. Barton came this P. M. to visit Wiley and Bee the week end.  – Went over to see Mrs. Newsom this P. M. They expect to take the rooms in Sept. – Mrs. Sanders and Vera came a few minutes this P.M. – Supper at the Inn. – Went to see Mrs. Houghton. – Made over my grey dress today and wore it this P.M. – Cut out a slip tonight and did some other repair work. – Much work being done on the new highway through town. – 11 o’clock to bed.

Sunday, May 26
A day at home. Did not go to church this A. M. Out to the Foster home for a good chicken dinner – Rested after I came home. – Went to the M. E. Church tonight. – Mosquitoes fierce. – No company this P.M. except Beatrice. – Mrs. Sherman poorly.- Sad accident in Rev. Clark’s family. – No letters written today. – Highway work going on quite merrily. Streets torn up. – Nester Building nearing end - Picture show under way.

Palacios Beacon, May 23, 1929

Monday, May 27
Beautiful day. Came up to Blessing by freight this morning. Mrs. Pierce met me. Mr. Pierce not well. – Finished Mrs. Smith’s curtains at noon. – Sewing for Mrs. Pierce this P. M. – Thankful no rain fell today.

Tuesday, May 28
Windy day and some cloudy. – Sewed for Mrs. Pierce today. Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. – Mrs. Smith came this P.M. for a few minutes. – Mrs. Pierce and I went for a walk after supper. – Painting the north bedroom walls and ceiling. – Raining some since dark. A light norther.

Wednesday, May 29
Rain. A dreadful rain. – Cut out a blue voile dress today. - Everything under water. Many acres of crops must be ruined by this continual rain. – Mrs. Pierce is painting the north room.

Thursday, May 30
More rain today. – Mrs. Smith came in this forenoon. – Water from the creek is within 10 feet of her fence.  Check from her today. $33.50. – Sewing for Mrs. Pierce all day. Mr. Pierce is at home wondering how things are at Sargent, if it is raining so much there. – I wonder how it is in Palacios. – No indication of going home Sat. unless by air. – Memorial Day.

Friday, May 31
Cloudy and rainy today. – Just sewing, eating and sleeping. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and me called on the Duller family this evening. – Much disturbance among the Blessing residents due to the unrestrained roaming of the fifty or more horses and cattle owned in and around the city.


Saturday, June 1
A lovely day. No rain. – Much painting and sewing going on. Went to town this P.M. Transferred 700.00 to the Blessing Bank. – Mrs. Pierce went to Sargent and back today by train to Bay City. – Much rain has made the roads so bad that I could not go home today. – Terrible floods in this section of Texas.

Blessing State Bank

Sunday, June 2
A most gorgeous day. Sunshine and south wind. – Mr. Powell ate dinner at the Pierce table, then he and Mr. Pierce drove to Palacios. – The water left by the dreadful rains has about all disappeared and the streets and roads are drying rapidly. – Mrs. Pierce went out to Mrs. Smith’s this P.M. – The roads to Palacios are passable.

Monday, June 3
Lovely day, but a heavy rain passed north of us. The rivers are dangerously high going to Bay City. – Mrs. Smith came in this forenoon. Gave her a check for $700.00 investment.  She is not well. – Mrs. Pierce still painting room and furniture. – Very close and sultry tonight. Too much static for radio concerts. – Tired tonight. Must go home next Sat.

Tuesday, June 4
No rain today and a small cyclone east of here. We saw the squirming cloud and were frightened. – A heavy rain came up from the west, but was not of long duration. – Mrs. Bears came up this evening.  We pulled weeds and walked. – Letter from Mrs. Barton.

Wednesday, June 5
Lovely day. Sewing for Mrs. Smith. Slip covers.

Thursday, June 6
Wonderful day. South wind and sunshine. – The two west bedrooms are cleaned and the furniture painted and put in place. – I went down to the Hotel to put hems in Mrs. Dunn’s blouses. She finally decided to face them. – Mrs. Pierce is going to the train tonight, thinking John Henry may come home from Rice. – Sewed ½ day for Mrs. Smith and this PM for Mrs. Pierce.

Sons of Abel Brown Sr. & Adelaide Hall Pierce
Hall Edwards "Buddy," Lee Mudge, Abel Brown Jr. "John Henry"

Friday, June 7
Another fine day. – House cleaning in earnest today. Made covers for lounge and chair. The cleaning is finished up to third floor. – Went down to Hotel and put in the hems for Mrs. Dunn tonight. Came back and helped Mrs. Pierce do some baking. (I washed the dishes.) She went to the train to meet John Henry at 11:10. -> Came. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent today. Did not come home tonight. – 12 o’clock bed time.

Saturday, June 8
Very hot sun today. – Mrs. Barton came for me about 6 o’clock. Took me out to the Camp, then back to town. Ate a sandwich at the Cafι. Then home. – Saw Mr. Foster a moment just as I reached home. – Am tired tonight. – Washed several pieces of underwear. The house is dirty, but Beatrice had opened it and put ice in the ice box and a bottle of milk.

Sunday, June 9
Another hot day. Felt quite bum all forenoon. Pills last night. – Mrs. Foster had a tooth pulled this forenoon. She is a sick girl. – Mrs. Barton took me down to the Inn for dinner, but she did not stop. Brought me home after dinner.  – Mrs. Smith and Walter H[effelfinger]. ate dinner at the Inn and then brought me up to Blessing about 4:30. – Had a busy day. – Tired tonight. – Would love to hear from Mrs. Foster.

Monday, June 10
Hot again. - $52.50 to Mrs. Smith out of money I had earned, but had not been in the bank. Transfer of $50.00 from Palacios to the Blessing bank. – Sewing for Mrs. Smith all day. Cup towels, roller towels, dust cloths. – Mr. Pierce and John H. went to Sargent this A. M. – Mrs. Smith and Allan started to the valley this morning. (cows)

Tuesday, June 11
Lovely day. More breeze. – Sewed until noon for Mrs. Smith. – After supper Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and I went to El Maton to see the Walkers.

Wednesday, June 12
Beautiful day. South breeze. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City and back by train today. – Finished green slip covers for chair and stool. – Mr. Foster said (to Mrs. Pierce) that Mrs. Foster was no better since having the tooth drawn. Poor girl and boy. I am so sorry for them both.

Thursday, June 13
Just sewing and a lovely day. – Letter from Mrs. Stoddard wanting me to spend a few days in Buckeye next week. – Went out to see Live Oak Farm. Lighted electrically last night. A wonderful sight.

Outing at Live Oak Farm

Friday, June 14
Pretty day. Sewing all day. – Mrs. Pierce went to Houston by the 4 a.m. train to meet Lee. They came back at 11 P.M. – Terrible rain at Markham and Midfield. Mrs. Smith came over the road by car from Bay City. Much mud. – Mr. Pierce came home from Sargent by train from Bay City. – Met Mrs. Pierce and Lee there.

Saturday, June 15
Another fine day. – Sewing and helping to get John Henry’s suitcase packed and started to Galveston by the 4 o’clock train. Preparatory to his overseas trip. – Mrs. Barton and Allan came up for me this evening. – Am glad to be at home. – Beatrice went to Victoria today. – Mrs. Foster and the little girl came in tonight. – Am to eat chicken with the Foster children tomorrow.

Sunday, June 16
Pretty day. Ate dinner with the Fosters. She is feeling some better. (Pneumonia?) – Mrs. F. brought me home. – Mrs. B. and Albert called a moment this evening. – Went to the Tabernacle tonight. Rev. Edgar preached. – Bee came home tonight.

Monday, June 17
A lovely day. I washed some and took the box of rug rags down and expressed them to Mrs. Stoddard. – Came home and ironed. – Went to the Barton home for supper. Such a nice supper. They drove around over the Reservation before bringing me home. Such a pretty place. – Real tired tonight. – Telephone message from Mrs. Stoddard calls me to Buckeye tomorrow. – Bee will drive me up to Blessing to catch the 4 o’clock train.

Tuesday, June 18
A busy day. – Beatrice brought me up to Blessing. – Ran into a hard rain coming up. – Mrs. Stoddard met me here at Buckeye. – Mr. Ford’s sister-in-law died. Don’t know when he will return. – (Mrs. Foster came this forenoon. Took me to town. She is some better. Letter from Mrs. Bell.)

Wednesday, June 19 – Chas. birthday
Such a beautiful day. – Mrs. S. is not real well. On a fast diet today. – Working on rug all day. The ranch is beautiful. – Am glad to be here. So restful and quiet. Paula and Leonitis are on the job yet.

Thursday, June 20
Sewing on rug. – Oil prospectors came to see Mrs. S.

Friday, June 21
Beautiful day. Sewing on rug. – Mrs. S. had a caller to rent the Island for pasture. – The Prunty boy drove us up to see Mrs. Muir this evening.  – Wrote a note to Bee this forenoon.

Saturday, June 22
A lovely day. While this has been a hot week, there has been a breeze in this home all of the time. Much north wind which has caused Mrs. Stoddard’s hay fever to remind her that it had not deserted her entirely. – The telephone has been a trial. Sometimes usable and more times not. – The highway man came to see Mrs. Stoddard today. The road grade is approaching her land. – We walked down to the village tonight. Stopped at Mrs. Matchett’s on the way home. – A good bath and into bed.

Sunday, June 23
A lovely day. We slept until 20 minutes of nine this morning and Sunday School was announced for nine. So we had to go without breakfast and hurry some also. – There was a goodly number in attendance. – Mrs. Stoddard supplied as Supt. In Mr. Ford’s absence and she did it commendably. – We ate breakfast and dinner connectedly about 12 o’clock. – I read all afternoon and Mrs. S. wrote letters.

Monday, June 24 - Blessing
Worked on rug until 10:30 then got ready to come to Blessing on 11:00 train. – Had such a pleasant week with Mrs. S. in the big cool home. – Mr. Ford got off the train that I came away on. – Mrs. Stoddard going to Bay City at 4 o’clock. – Lee forgot to meet me so I came up with Linder? – Mrs. Pierce’s help sick and in the cotton patch. – Took up the sewing where I left off when I went away last week.

Tuesday, June 25
Pretty day. A very severe wind came up from the north last night, but no rain fell. – Mr. Pierce went to Houston this early morning. – Sewing on dresses. Getting along well. – Lee went to Palacios to picture show. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove out to the Cronkaway [Carancahua] after supper. Lovely drive and good roads. – Radio concert tonight.

Wednesday, June 26
A very hot day. The wind shifted from one direction to another all day. – Sewing on kimonos today. Mr. Pierce took us for a drive since dinner. – Bohemian dance at Community House tonight.

Thursday, June 27
A terrible wind and rain storm swept this part of the Gulf coast today. – Mr. Pierce came home from Sargent tonight. Roads very slippery.

Friday, June 28
Cloudy and some rain again today. The after part of yesterday and last night’s storm. – A letter from Mrs. Barton says part of my umbrella tree blew down. – Am thankful the house is standing.

Saturday, June 29
Came home by train today. – The rain caused the roads to be soft. – Mrs. Barton was at the depot and brought me up home. – Cleaned the lower floor so I could stay over night in it. – Glad to be at home. – Letter from Mr. Haywood. - Mrs. H___ Denvers? sister has a broken leg.

Sunday, June 30
Beautiful day. Slept rather late, but went to church this forenoon. – Dinner at Inn. – Mrs. Foster came this afternoon. – Went to church tonight.


Background courtesy of lorij576


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All rights reserved

May 4, 2015
May 4, 2015